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Pennsylvania. The 26yearold suspect, andre gordon, considered armed and danger, now on the run after reportedly abandoning a stolen honda crv car in trenton, new jersey. Welcome to fox news live, im give general since. Jacqui im jacqui heinrich. Lauren green is joining us with the latest as this story moves from pennsylvania across to new jersey. Whats the latest, lauren . Reporter absolutely. It is an active situation. The residents in the area of Falls Township, pennsylvania, are toll to shelter in place although the shooter could now be in new jersey. 26yearold andre gordon was last seen driving a stolen vehicle. Our fox affiliate is reporting that police have found abandoned the 2016 dark gray honda Cr Willinger V Gordon had reportedly carjacked. It all a started at 8 352 this morning eastern time, gordon shot and killed two people as a residence in the block of viewpoint lane, left visittown. Less than 15 minutes later, gordon shot and killed another person at another location before fleeing the scene. A few minutes later, gordon hijacked a vehicle, a honda crv, at a gunpoint in the parking lot of a Dollar General store in bristol pike. The owner of the vehicle was not injured. Police say gordon is 61 with a thin build wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt. They believe him to be homeless with tries to trenton, new jersey. We have word that police have reportedly surrounded a house in trenton, and police there have not offered any more deal tails on their activity there. A lot of cameras out there these days, and we all leave a digital footprint, and heres some information from Police Inspector paul mauro. A lot of cameras out there these days, we all leave a digital foot print, and theyre going to be crashing on that very quickly to try to apprehend him as quickly as possible. The real risk, of course, is he end encounters Somebody Else while hes armed. So getting the word out, getting him identified, letting people know if you seeing . , Say Something even if youre not sure is one of the things theyre going to depend upon as this thing moves forward. Reporter police say gordon knew all the a shooting victims. He did not know the victim of the carjacking. He is believed to be in possession of an Assault Rifle that was used in the shooting and may possess if additional weapons. Anyone with information is being asked to call 911. Jacqui lauren green nurse, thank you so much. Here to help us break down the situation, retired fdi special eight, thank you so much for being here, john. I want to bring in an update from the Langhorn Police department saying Falls Township has lifted the shelter in place order, and trenton pd s. W. A. T. Is on the scene in trenton, his hometown. What does it tell you that police have focused their efforts to a single home . What does that mean for next steps to the public in that area . Well, first of all, its great work by the police. Its typical in these types of cases, criminals on the run wont think about whos looking for them, they will want to hide in places they know. Looking at his home address, last known address was a logical place to look, so kudos to the cops. It means now theyve got him secured in one location. The general public in other areas like the carjack victim doesnt have to be fearful of what this person might do. But the question still is, is anyone else in the residence, are neighbors in the area in danger from flying bullets, etc. This is long from over. Griff youre looking live there, a shot at trenton. There are reports out that he may be in this one location and that report said his honda crv was abandoned in trenton. But for our viewers not familiar with this part of the country, from falls town, pennsylvania, to trenton, new jersey, is only about 1015 miles, not very far. So is it possible that authorities are really trying to get a best and its reported that hes homeless as a well, but a best Case Scenario of really the entire grid of where he may want to go or have been . If. Theyre going to be setting up a perimeter which is going to be fairly large. If they dont know hes in that house for certain, anywhere within a certain amount of miles of where that vehicle was ditched is where theyre going to be watching and checking. The area he fled from is probably secure at this point, but did he have help, is there somebody who picked him up and transported him elsewhere. Thats why its the very important to look at what are the Surveillance Cameras in the area where the car was dumped, what do they show. And does this guy have a phone. If he does, theyre tracking him by Electronic Signal right now. Jacqui the other ebb shoe here is issue is if the suspect is, in fact, inside of that home, theres obviously a danger to Law Enforcement as they try to apprehend him. This is a densely populated area. How careful do police need to be in their approach here . No ones going in that home at any point until all the neighbor ifs from the area are removed neighbors are removed. Remember, bullets travel through walls, and they dont care who they strike. They have to get everybody to safety first, then theyre going to try to negotiate, make contact with this person. Time is on Law Enforcements side if, in fact, hes in that building. Griff john, if we could take for our viewers that shot again of the trunkton, new jersey, home, you can see from our philadelphia fox affiliate giving us this scene, as you look and jacqui was just pointing out, its a dense area, a lot of homes there. We now know roughly since 9 a. M. This morning this individual allegedly has killed three people in at least two locations, carjacked someone and is on the run possibly in this area. What do you say is, john, to anyone currently right now at this moment in trenton, new jersey, possibly seeing on our screen an area where they may live or nearby . What do you say to the people . This is a typical active shooter situation. Finish we have somebody whos dangerous and desperate. If youre in the area and get away from there, thats what you should do. If you cant, youre in a nearby house, hunker down. Go to your base. Ment, go behind appliances, anything where you can shelter in place to protect yourself, your loved ones from bullets that may pass. Jacqui john, how difficult is it given the fact that theres some is reporting that he may be a homeless individual to figure out who his connections are and how you might be able to trace him . How complicated is the job for police given that variable . If. Its likely this person has a criminal history. You dont start off committing crimes like this. As a result, therell be known associates. Theyll talk to family including Family Members very quickly who will want him to come in safely as a well. So theyll probably be cooperative in letting them know likely places. The dutys on this person though. Hes already committed these acts, now he needs to stop and not hurt anyone else if he has any hope of this resolving more favorably. Griff as our viewers or look live, this is a trenton, new jersey, shot of a home where authorities are believed to have converged looking for the individual on the left side of your screen, 26yearold andre gordon, allegedly killed three individuals today. Armed and dangerous. I just us want to ask you one last question, john, and that is none of the authorities seem to have converged on this home. How soon will they move, or will they hold and wait, and how long might this play out . There is no reason to rush n. Not only do we want the Law Enforcement officers to stay safe, they want to take this person into custody. And they can do that by trying to negotiate with him, get him to cooperate and and come out voluntarily. Law enforcement is going to make a move only if Somebody Elses life is threatened. They need to determine is fin else in the resident anyone else in the residence, and if not, theyve got time. Griff all right. Former fbi agent, john, thank you very much. Please get back to us if you get any more information. Will do. Jacqui we will continue to watch developments as they come in. Meantime, President Biden we maines at the white house this weekend amid criticism of the remains at the white house amid criticism over Chuck Schumers calls for the israeli Prime Minister to leave his post for new elections to happen in israel. Lucas tom runssons at the white house following the story for us. Lucas, whats the latest over there . Reporter Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumers floor speech sent shock waves through israel and around the world. Heres what he said. I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decisionmaking process about the future of israel. We should not treat fellow democracies this way at all. Things that upset leftwing activists are not the Prime Ministers policies. Reporter some claim schumers comments was an example of Election Interference. President biden was later asked about those comments, he appeared to endorse the speech and said he was given a heads up. He made a good speech, and i think he expressed a serious concern shared not only by him, but by Many Americans. Reporter some think this is another example of the growing rift between President Biden and Prime Minister netanyahu. White house spokesweman john kirby offered the Spokesman John Kirby offered the following explanation into the president s thinking. Thats up for the israeli people to decide. But the president spoke about the passion with which leader schumer made that speech, and those remarks rz nate with Many Americans out there. Reporter President Biden has ordered a thousand the american soldiers off the coast of gaza to build a temporary pier, soldiers that sail from the United States a few days ago, theyre now crossing the atlantic. President biden also says he does not favor the israelis carrying out an operation to Southern Gaza saw into the city of rafah. Israels Prime Minister, benjamin netanyahu, says thats where hamas four battalions are, and he wants to finish what hamas started on octoberth and kill its leaders. 7th and kill its leaders. Jeff e jeff Lucas Tomlinson at the white house, thank you. Griff lets bring in member of the House Homeland Security agree. Congressman, i want to just ping. Where lucas left off there pick up where lucas left off there about this sort of ripple, if you will, at the white house over whether or not the president is supporting schumer s a calls for new elections and whether or not they believe that netanyahu has become an obstacle to peace as it were. Your reaction. I think its a disgrace, what Chuck Schumer said, and even more of a disgrace that a President Biden said it was a good speech. This is our strongest ally in the world. Definitely the middle east, if not the world. We have supported them for a very long time, and for us for Chuck Schumer to call for new elections and new leadership in the middle of a war . Were supposed to have their back. This does not Show Confidence coming from the American People, and it should. I mean, we should be supporting israel until they can completely are eliminate hamas, the atrocities of october 7th speak for themselves. The fact that hamas leaders have still said they want to troy, they want to destroy the state of israel, i cant believe in my opinion, Chuck Schumer, my colleague from new york who represents the largest population of jews outside of israel, im shocked that the he said this. But i guess in an Election Year hes got to do what he can to placate the progressives in his party. Give give congressman, to steal a little bit of minority leader mitch mccom, the way he put it u see, in your opinion, the democrats have an antinetanyahu problem or or an antiisrael problem . I think theres, the democrats have an antinetanyahu problem, but were seeing a lot more democrats openly question israel and its decisions. By the way, its a democracy on it own. And youre also seeing a growth in antisemitism, not just antiisrael, but antisemitism in the Democratic Party amongst several of my colleagues. So its a complete different of difference of what the democrats used to do. They used to be very supportive of israel. Youre starting to see that a get questioned more i think because the progressive wing of the party is starting to take over more and more of the Democratic Party. Griff i want to shift gears just a little bit if i and talk about the aid packages, ukraine, on the border. Youre on the House Homeland Security, you are intimately familiar with the threats, the growing risks we have at our southern border. And it doesnt seem like any progress is being made. Youve now got Discharge Positions petitions being put out by some of your members. Of your party p. Are you going to sign on to any of these Discharge Petitions, or do you see a path forward where aid is going to ukraine and to the border . Well, as you said, there are two competing Discharge Petitions right now in the house, one that is bipartisan. Brian fitzpatrick and others are leading it. It includes defense aid for israel, defense aid for ukraine, defense aid for taiwan as well as remain in mexico and some other Border Provisions to help secure our border. The other bill is the senatepassed foreign aid bill which doesnt have newing if on border. Im not currently, im not currently signed on to either bill right now because im waiting to see what the speaker does. He has said this week, he has said it before that he intends to do ukraine aid, he intends to do israel aid, he intends to do taiwan aid, but we have to also address our border. Were trying to finish Government Funding this week. The biggest hiccup right now is whether or not were going to be able to get ap an appropriations bill done for Homeland Security which pays for our Border Agents and makes sure that we can do what we can down there. That right now, theres a big pushback from democrats to get that done, so that might not happen. I dont anticipate this happening on ukraine aid until we do our border. Griff congressman, in just the 20 seconds ive got left, you say youre not going to sign on to either Discharge Petition plan, but what do you say to the American People that say guys like you are just not getting anything done particularly on the border. Well, im not signing on yet because the speaker asked for some time to get the Appropriations Bills done and then move on ukraine with. He said it at our retreat this week, he intends the put ukraine and israel aid on the floor, so is i want to give him a little extra time. The Discharge Petition just became live this week, it needs 218 vote signatures before it can be moved to the floor. Theres a Long Way To Go for that, so i think i want to i have a little faith in the speaker, everything he has said since hes become speaker he has done, so i have faith in him. Give a lot of pressure on speaker johnson. Congressman p thank you for take time today. Have a great if saturday. Thank you. You too. Jacqui and from the other side of the aisle, we are joined by democratic congressman from california and member of the House Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Committees ami bera. Thank you for being here, appreciate your time. Thanks for having me on. Jacqui you just heard from your colleague on the republican side. The congressman has not signed on to either Discharge Petition to fund there are three foreign aid purr if suits plus the border is included op one of them. As a i understand it, you did sign on to the mcgovern Discharge Petition that would advance the foreign aid a only. But that came after you voted against with the israel bill. Speaker johnson put up an israel standalone bill, and your argument at the time for voting against that was that you didnt feel that you could move forward with israel alone when you had outstanding challenges to resolve for ukraine and for the border. If so what has changed for you . I mean, why not sign on to both, i guess. So, correct, i have signed on to the bipartisan bill that passed out of the senate with a pretty large vote, and that bill that i signed on to the has both funding for ukraine which is the most urgent need right now, funding for israel and also funding for the indopacific, taiwan. It also has humanitarian aid. The reason why i voted against the priorities reelonly bill prior israelonly bill is right now the most pressing need so get to the [inaudible] theyre fighting valiantly. We had our worldwide threat assessment, so we heard from the intelligence community, and this is a rate call young critical juncture in that war. We also have to continue supporting israel, and youve seen the Biden Administration do that there through executive means, but weve also a got to get humanitarian aid to gaza. We dont want children starving, we dont want the elderly not getting their medication. Those are innocent civilians, and weve got to support them. Jacqui your colleague, don bacon, republican, said that the mcgovern Discharge Petition which is foreign aid only, does not have the border, it has only democratic signatures, its dead on arrival. Its not going anywhere. Youre on the Intelligence Committee and the Foreign Affairs committee. How much time does ukraine have to wait for republicans, i guess, to come around when theres another option, potentially multiple other options that theyre considering . If. I mean, i would also if we want to add border to that, that thats great. There was a border bill that senator lankford, a republican, negotiated with chris murphy, a democrat. I thought it was a pretty good bill. Its t not everything that we need, but we do need to do something on the border. So i would take that up and vote on that as a well. We have to get ukraine the aid that it needs right now. This is a critical juncture, and now is not the time to not support the ukrainian people. Theyre the ones fighting this fight. Weve got to get them that aid as soon as possible, and i hope it is next week. Speaker johnsons sincere, you know, ive gotten to know him a little bit, and i take him at his word. Its not easy with a narrow e majority, but i think weve got to do the right thing. Jacqui and, congressman, one final question. The white house did not walk back senator schumers remark calling for new elections in israel. A lot of republicans criticized that as an example of Election Interference. But, you know, President Biden when he said, for instance, that putin cannot remain in power when he was this was right after the ukraine invasion, made that remark in poland, and the white house bent over backwards to clean up that, said were not calling for regime change, and were talking about putin there. But with he didnt clean up that statement that Chuck Schumer made, you know, the Senate Majority leader and top deny democrat in the party. Does the white house need to clarify what exactly they want to happen . Because they tried to argue that theyre not walking it back, but not endorsing i felt if so whats your not endorsing it. Whats your take . I think you saw john kirby israels a democracy, its up to the people of israel to choose their. Pat forward. I have my issues with how Prime Minister netanyahu is prosecuting this war. I would not is have chosen to speak publicly on the house [no audio] jacqui it looks like we lost oh, youre back. And id love to get your last thought. You froze for a second, congressman. You said you wouldnt have gone down to the house floor. Could you just complete that thought for me in. Yeah, that wouldnt be my style. Ive voiced my concerns directly to the Israeli Government and folk ifs. I have my issue with how Prime Minister netanyahus prosecuting this war, but at the end of the day, or its up to the people of israel. Swrea jeff thank you so much for joining us on a saturday is, really appreciation your time. Thank you, bewith. Be well. Griff coming up, where Donald Trumps Georgia Elections case stands following prosecutor nathan wades resignation. More on that after the break. On medicare . Have diabetes . When enjoying lifes special moments, are you left guessing which foods are right for you . With the freestyle libre 3 system, youll know your glucose and where its headed. No fingersticks needed. Freestyle libre 3. Manage your diabetes with more confidence. And lower your a1c. So you can focus on those special moments. Now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. Talk to your provider or visit freestylelibre. Us medicare. vo dan made progress with his Mental Health. But his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. So his doctor prescribed austedo xr a oncedaily td treatment for adults. 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Willis praises wades involvement over the last 865 days saying in a letter in response to his resignation, You Are The One who had the courage to accept the role even though you did not seek it. And trumps team cant submit if a certificate of immediate review and take this case all the way to the Georgia Court of appeal. I think the decision not to remove her, while legally wrong, is really a coup for trump because it opens up the possibility of an aa peel of this appeal of this which is delay, and thats what his main if strategy the here is, is delay. Reporter trumps hush money payments trial in new york city which at one point appeared to be the only one of his criminal cases moving as planned is now delayed for about a month. It was supposed the start on march 25th, but his team says it needs more time to review more than 100,000 pages of records from federal prosecutors or dismiss the case entirely. Some those documents involve former Trump Attorney and fixer michael cohen. The former president is accused of hiding the true nature of a reimbursement he made to cohen in the 2016 president ial campaign to allegedly suppress adult film star Stormy Daniels claims of an affair with trump. Trump had denied the allegations. A hearing will take place the week of march 25th to talk about the new materials and whether to push this trial out even further. Griff request. Griff drink and we will be watching. Madeleine rivera live in washington, thank you. Jacqui all right. Coming up, how violent unrest in haiti is threatening to lead e to the migrant surge at our u. S. Borders. More on that next. Help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. Without the stuff you dont. So, heres to now. Boost. Were talking about cashbackin. Not a game. Not a game were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. Were not talking about practice . No. Were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. 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However, in following our philadelphia affiliate there, you can see they have got a lot of attention on this one house. When the helicopterrer shot were to widen a little bit, you would see a lot of authorities that have really converged in this trenton, new jersey, area. A former fbi agent earlier on this broadcast telling people if you live in this area, you should try and and get away from this area or shelterer yourself in place. This individual, andre gordon, believed to be Armed And Dangerous and on the run maybe in this house. Were watching it. We will keep you posted on my new developments here. Thats the latest. Finish. Jacqui we will be monitoring that situation especially for any news of a Press Conference if its announced. Meantime, growing instability and unrest in haiti as gangs have reportedly occupied around 80 of the capital city of portauprince if. Bryan llenas is live in the Dominican Republic9 with the latest on the situation. Bryan. Reporter hey, well, we are on the border between the Dominican Republic and haiti on the dr side here, but u. S. Just across the way you can see that is haiti, you can see some haitians there by the border gate. This also serves as one of the main ways to cross into the Dominican Republic for anybody, including immigrants and perhaps if even americans who are trying the flee. The u. S. State Department Says there are several hundred americans who are trapped in haiti, and after saying earlier this week that they had no Evacuation Plans for them, this morning the state department tweeted that they have secured a charter night for a limited number of u. S flight for a limited number of u. S. Citizens. The problem is theyll have to drive five and a half hours through gangcontrolled haiti to get there from the capital portauprince. The state department saying, quote, the overland is dangerous. We recommend you consider the cap haitian flight only if you believe you can reach the airport safely. Haiti and its airports are now under the control of gangs who in the last couple of weeks have attacked and looted hundreds of homes, businesses and police stations. Hundreds have been killed, many shot in the streets. Nine americans for the Organization Mission of grace are trapped in the southwest part of the country where they fled with some 300 haitian orphans. Miriam from jacksonville is, florida, said they have been in contact with Congress People and Florida Governor Ron Desantis Office but have not heard anything about a solidified plan to get them out. Im really saddened, and im mad and frustrated that we live in a country as free and as powerful as the United States, and we can help others secure the borders, we can help others do different things, but when it comes to americans being trapped in another country, were the last to get back home. Reporter last night we spoke to the mayor, santiago, and he says, frankly, the Dominican Republic is doing all it can to help, but99 that the International Community needs to step i. Step up. We cannot allow what happened, for instance, in rwanda to repeat itself where there was a massacre, a general side, and that could happen in haiti at any moment. Only the sr. International community can prevent that tragedy. There are real concerns here in the dr as well as in the u. S. That this crisis could cause a new wave of haitian migrants making hair way to the southern border and perhaps even here in dr causing big problem here. Jacqui bryan llenas for us, thanks so much. Griff, over to you. Griff all right. For more. About the conditions on the ground in haiti, pastor yve e s prophet joins us now. We should tell our viewers you are currently at the moment safe in florida. Finish but having spent your life in haiti9 and the work you do in haiti, try and paint the picture for our viewers, if you will, of what the situation is on the ground now in haiti, how dangerous it is and the challenges people are facing. Well, first, i want to thank you for having me and for the opportunity i have to share with the view ors, fox viewers about the situation on the ground in haiti. Its been, its been miserable, a struggle beyond what i could explain. Its been a nightmare. I dont know, the best way to put it is its like hell on earth. If you imagine more than11 Million People living a life that has been going from bad to worse, and hope is fading. Love is soon to be the only thing thats left as we continue the thank the lord for the gift of life that we are enjoying til now. But it is miserable, and i dont know how long this is going to remain as such. So our hope is that our friends from the u. S. , our friends from the rest of the world will take a good look into this and determine that that people cannot be decimated because, frankly, if nothing is done right now, this is what were looking at into the future, the decimation of the whole nation. I will yes. Griff i just wanted to ask you, you talk about hope is dwindling, time is running out and, clearly, or from the if images weve been showing and the report from from bryan llenas it is a critically devastating situation. But in your opinion, what can be done . What needs to happen . I think the apostle paul said love endures all. A friend in need is a friend, indeed. Haiti has been a friendly country to powerful countries. I myself, im a part of the lord that the American People have shown, given us the privilege to educate children. We had our orphanage, building churches, doing training for pass pastors so that we can their people for a better collective life system. And the world is not that big after all. It is a system that includes every human being. So i hope that as the u. S. Has been trying to take the lead, that we can convince the rest to have world the rest of the world to send the troops that are needed to save the haitians from destruction or other means that have been deployed to discourage life in haiti. So i dont think this is something that can be done just by haitians. I think it will take a collective effort on the part of the International Community to help save, to help us save lives in haiti. Griff well,ing its a very difficult and dangerous situation on the ground. Pastor yves prophet, hang for taking time to share. Thank you for taking time the share. We will keep you and all the folks in your congregation in our prayers as we watch this continue. And i think you really hit a high note there, and that is hope, you know . If keep on to that hope. Pastor prophet, or thank you for taking time today. Thank you very much. God bless you. Gary give all right. Jacqui well, griff, we are continuing to monitor the search for that Shooting Suspect in pennsylvania who moved across from pennsylvania apparently to new jersey where police have focusedded their efforts. More on that this Search Effort coming up next. 0 gr ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. Jorge has always put the ones he loves first. But when it comes to caring for his teeth hes let his own maintenance take a back seat. Well maybe its time to shift gears on that. Because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. With a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. Plus free exams and xrays for new patients without insurance and 20 off treatment plans. Making it easier to get started with quality care. Its one more way aspen dental is in your corner. Song In French book in the hotels. Com app to find your perfect somewhere. Jacqui we are tracking a developing situation in trenton, new jersey if, after at least three people were shot and killed if bucks county, pennsylvania, pretty close to there. The suspect is now reportedly barricaded inside the house you can see on your screen. There is a s. W. A. T. Vehicle out front, looks like a s. W. A. T. Bearcat. Various reports of whether police if were able to get people out of neighboring units or if anyone might be close by inside, but large Police Effort concentrated on this area in trenton, new jersey, after three people were shot and killed by suspect 26yearold andre gordon, allegedly, this morning in bucks county, pennsylvania. Two separate shooting incidents, three victims. Give griff, we are awaiting potentially News Conference at the temperature of the hour. Drink griff we are, and as you point out, that s. W. A. T. Vehicle clearly converging on one specific home. You can see the topright of your screen the Large Police Presence up there. Anyone in this area should certainly take care and possibly shelter or get out of this area or because this 26 Yielder Andre Gordon Is yearold Andre Gore Son is considered Armed And Dangerous. A story that a began just before 9 a. M. This morning in Falls Township, pennsylvania, with the two separate if incidences, three victims and a carjacking. What led them to this location is that the suspect, gordon, traveled allegedly in a car, a honda crv that was found abandoned in this area in trenton. For our viewers unfamiliar, you are talking about only about a 101mile distance 10mile distance, Falls Township, pennsylvania, just 10 miles south of trenton, new jersey. This is a full response right now. We want to go to our phone and talk, bring back with us former fbi agent john iannerelli. We see what appears to be a s. W. A. T. Vehicle and a lot of Law Enforcement converging on this one area where we are reportedly told gordon may have barricaded here. Absolutely, griff. They obviously have tons of information that the subject is in the residence. Undoubtedly, theres witnesses, theres Surveillance Cameras where the car was dropped and following him, and if theyre going to secure that area to make sure that nobody comes out until Law Enforcement brings them out. Jacqui and just to circle back to how this all began, police in pennsylvania told us this shooter, andre gordon, reportedly went to one residence in Falls Township where he allegedly shot and killed two people before fleeing the scene is. Twelve minutes later, Car Jack Ising a victim at a Dollar General in bristol pike. That Carjacking Victim didnt suffer any injuries, but then went on to another location. Its believed that gordon knew all of the victims except for the victim of the carjacking, and he is believed to be armed and very dangerous. John, what is the paramount mornsright now importance if right now for how this sort of transpires . Obviously, getting people out of the immediate area, but also making sure that the shooter doesnt have a conflict with police or potentially even take his own life. How do you handle that as Law Enforcement . Well, first of all, the Car A Jacking Subject is very, very lucky because this is the a desperate person whos already committed violence and probably is willing to commit violence again. What that they want to do is, number one, make sure anybody in the area is safe, that theyre not going to be in the danger of this subject who is, in fact, arm ad and desperate. Arm ad and desperate. Once they do that, they Start Talking to him, trying to reason, trying to find him to peacefully end this. Theyd like him to come out and lets have the Justice System take over and take it from there. Griff john, we want to just quickly play some video that weve turned that happened here within the last few minutes, and that was you can see the Law Enforcement helping people out of windows, getting them out of a house here. It doesnt look like and we dont know for sure that that would be the suspect because it appears that that officers helping this individual to get out of the house, to get down the ladder. It doesnt appear to be a show of force, only, more of a rescuelooking situation. What do you make of it . Exactly that, griff. When you have other persons in the property or even flesh nearby houses, you dont want to is have them going past the shooter or anywhere that gunfire can pass. Weve seen this in a lot of different active shooting situations. The police are putting their lives at risk to make sure they can protect these innocent persons. Jacqui weve confirmed the is shooter is barricaded inside of this home, but what does it tell you to see police on the roof bringing people out of that top unit apartment through a ladder or . What a does it tell you about where in the home the suspect might be . They obviously have secured the person and know that hes barricaded in a different part of the house. It doesnt mean there isnt danger of bullets passing through walls or the roof, but its probably the area where its safe is toast bring the person down, and theyll be monitoring the entire building but especially any other areas where he has been barricaded. Griff john, is it possible that he could have hostages . Its still possible. Theyre probably getting people out that they were able to extricate at this time, but he may have people in there, and thats another reason they want to start the Negotiation Process and work with this guy. The longer they talk, the percent the like ally hood the better the likelihood that this will end peacefully. So, again, time is on Law Enforcements side. They have all the time in the world. Now that they know where he is, they can talk to him, try to talk him down, negotiate with him and, hopefully, bring this all to an end. Griff john, thank you for your insight ises. Were going to take a quick insights. Were going to take a quick break and bring you back with the latest on this storyt al. Bud they think it must be complicated. It isnt. Not with Rosland Capital. With rosland. The entire process from start to finish is built on one concept. One. Keep. It. Simple. Rosland capital a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. Gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. Call Rosland Capital at 8006308900 to receive your free Rosland Guide to gold, Gold Precious Metals ira, and silver brochures. 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And, ja acqui, we are going to be waiting for possible Press Conferences all day on fox. Jacqui yeah. Were hearing in pennsylvania, the township where those three people were killed, police locally are going to be holding a Press Conference at the top of the hour about the incidents that happened in their community, but theyre waiting on the latest information from trenton, new jersey, where the suspect is barricaded inside a home. About an hour ago there were reports there were hostages inside, and since then we have seen police bring people out of that unit through a window on the roof. So still awaiting the latest details on the latest in the situation, griff. Well continue to watch it. Griff thats all for us. Fox news live will continue with this story with eric and arthel. It was good to be with you. Jacqui im jacqui heinrich,ease thanks for watching. Orta ey e or ted, which may need a different doctor. Find a ted Eye Specialist at isitted. Com. 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