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This is americas elite news, fox news at night. And President Biden might as well be in the basement as there are new accusation that bidens team is preventing him from talking to the White House Press corps. While campaigning in michigan it appeared the president was ready to answer a few questions until Campaign Staffers gave him the look literally. We can all see the president we just cannot hear from him. Are Senior National correspondent is looking into the details on this, kevin, good evening. Reporter it was surreal to be honest with you and having covered for administrations yes there are occasions where you want to get in questions to the president but they get the hook because of timing and other factors. This was infuriating for the assembled press. I want you to watch as the white house and its apparent effort to shield the president from scrutiny, blocks the press from listening as he fields questions in mystic michigan. Can you take a few questions . Thank you so much, back to the car, thank you. Thank you. The words wait, what to and if that wasnt bad enough a similar scene played out a little bit later a golf course. Watch. Mr president do you agree with Chuck Schumer that Benjamin Netanyahu should go . Just doesnt look like theyre getting any opportunity it comes as the latest pulling commission shows them trailing former President Trump in a headtohead. The gap is near the margin of error and those for the snubs in michigan the Biting Campaign claims the president didnt ignore reporters they were just unable to hear his remarks because of a logistical issue. So they lied. Trace always about logistics its a logistical thing. Ive got a bridge to cell you in brooklyn. Kevin, thank you we are bringing in Steve Hilton Fox news contributor its 1 of those things where its logistical or Something Else i want to play it again this is biden repeatedly him asking permission to speak to somebody, watch. With your permission i like to stay. Can you take a few questions . Thank you guys so much. Reporter it somewhat sad when the most powerful man in the world is on a very short leash. Reporter it comes a week after the State Of The Union where the democrats supporters were so excited that President Biden could really perform and had his energy back all the rumors about him not being able to do the job what happened in the runup to the State Of The Union 6 days off resting and then pumped full of vitamins or drugs or whatever they gave him before but now we see day by day as he tries to do the job hes not really capable of it and the staff understand that. Any time this happens we can laugh and roll her eyes and say its ridiculous theres a serious point underlines all this. What you have no because if thats what he is like in public imagine what is like in private when he supposed to be running these important meetings making decisions a president has to make it is a staffer in administration and these are the people who constantly lecture us about our democracy. The people you elect are supposed to make the decision and in the case of joe biden thats clearly not the case. Trace democrats was have to have a plan b entering the tables near remember when democrats called for Defunding Police and so a couple years later it was republicans well now the act is no its former President Trump running a basement campaign. Listen nobody is believing any of this because they are trained to save joe bidens out there out and about nobodys buying it though. Exactly because what they mean by him going out and about is going to a nice cream shop and even then its just ridiculous. The problem with President Trump if anything is he talks too much. s advisors would probably like them to not talk so much you cant stop him from answering questions and this is a serious matter that you have a person supposed to be running the country clearly incapable of being held accountable in the normal manner we expect. Trace they quoted that Many Democrats up and stunned by republicans and wrote says trump is an leased incendiary rhetoric about immigrants as it suggests what you know voters dont see themselves as the target of mr trumps comments instead often saying they welcome his talk about a Border Crackdown in cms helping Business Owners and the economy. Hispanic voters are margaret heading towards the former president and thats bad news for democrats. About 15 seconds. Its a massive political shift you look at 2012, romney against obama 1720 the latino vote. 40 latino support for donald trump currently 40 for biden hes ahead among latinos they want a secure border just like everybody else. Trace great have you on as always. And we are following Breaking News in the hayti which is a nation on the brink of collapse in for an unknown number of americans trapped in the caribbean nation much like afghanistan there is no plan from the State Department to get them out. We are live with that part of the story, good evening. Reporter the haitian Prime Minister agreed to resign after gangs wreaked havoc on the caribbean nation with ongoing violence and anarchy the Biden Administration does not have an active Evacuation Plan for any americans stuck in haiti and its unclear how many are there. The state Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller had this to say. I would remind you and others that hayti has been a level 4 country Perspective Travel advisories since 2020 what that means is for 4 years we told americans do not go to haiti do not travel there its not safe to do so. Some republicans say that this is just an example of the Biden Administration abandoning americans abroad and being and prepared for the follow from an ongoing political instability in hayti. The problem is the Biden Administration is done nothing in hayti 3 years ago when the hayti president was assassinated we could see this a mile away that it would devolve into a nonstate into chaos and that it would cause mass migration. The Biden Administration chose to do nothing in our own hemisphere. And Rhonda Santos is taking action as a portal was launched to collect information from floridians and other americans might be trapped in haiti to help get them out of there. Sound like the story is just beginning. We bring in our Search And Rescue expert i mean this is already in your wheelhouse with tensioning to me as you heard the state Department Spokesperson saying we told him not to go for 3 or 4 years not to go not a great solution when you have may be 300 stuck in haiti and the question is how do you get them out . Since 1915 40 of its history haiti has had an occupied force of peacekeepers this is the same path they leave and things deteriorate. Folks at understand any go to a country like this level for i have to see the folks there probably missionaries like firefighters running into a burning though they the understand the danger but at the same time to make it so hard to pull you out of its that dangerous because its not worth it. You sign up with the State Department and say im here. And now we are in a situation where we might have to get them out in a hurry. Trace and how do you do that if they have to go in the pentagon is said they have resources they think they can do this but the question is when do you go in. You cant wait until these people get killed its a very fine line to walk right. You figure therell be americans in the Capital Region so you send the marines, send in some votes boats and ships dont necessarily for see games leaves americans as hostages that would be bad for them then because thats not really what they are there for but folks say in the boonies and sparsely populated parts thats a real logistical challenge. Reporter what ever they say it they will hit send marines its moot boots on the ground it freaks people out these are gangs uncontrolled several of them nobody knows whos friendly and who isnt in it seems like you are putting people in a bad position especially u. S. Military members. Main thousand of them being peacekeepers i mean theyre doing it because theyre going to get 200 million from the federal government. Other caribbean nations going in in there at the same time so perhaps they wouldnt necessarily need to send marines because of the president standpoint i wouldnt want to send in troops to haiti at this point it might be necessary have a small force just to get the marines out. Is bringing a California Attorney and a republican committeeman welcome both of you continuing this conversation on haiti because shandas could be a big albatross around the administrations neck here. The problem is americans are there regardless of if you told them dont go there you have americans there and the debt at this point in time he doesnt need another afghanistan rate. Every time theres a World Problem somewhere on this planet biden blows it up. Yes, it made a good policy decision and his entire political career its right next to us weve known about it a long time. Their orphanages and missionary string help their 7 organized gangs working together greeting use problems and its like a failed state and its been 1 for about a hundred years every time The Americans come they are not welcome when they leave people are unhappy no other people are demanding The Americans come back we have 1 duty to protect The Americans there get them out as quickly as possible then folks out to figure it out themselves. And people demanding things there is the far left aggressive saying when they leave we have to accept them the problem is they emptied the prisons for thousands at least theyve emptied the prisons in haiti they are fleeing the island because they dont want to mess with the gangs and guess where they are coming Rhonda Santos things they are coming to florida and the problem is the fire left to sing you have to open the gates and except them because those people are in danger if you send them back but were in danger if we accept them. Some foreignpolicy advice mr biden if you are listening why dont we take the resources we are planning to use to accept haitian refugees and use them to rescue the American People stuck in haiti . Its great point you talk to the State Department about that in the meantime willis was given a choice today either she or her Special Prosecutor exboyfriend would have to step aside if you havent heard nathan waved to cite it to from the case but the allegations of improper relationship between them are not going away in the case against former President Trump might be in deep trouble. Andy mccarthy said this today watch. I think this is a huge win for trump may be more than he realizes because she is tainted, shes lost the confidence of the court. Lawyer to lawyer they say its archie a break for trumps twotier justice that willis is on the case regardless what you think agree. Reporter is she staying in the case which i think after this really came out at 23 Page Ethics Complaint was filed against her with the Georgia State bar and shes under congressional investigations we havent seen the end of the prosecution of her but if she stays on the case she brings the stain of corruption with her the judge said that in his ruling. The odor of it. So exactly could be damaging here is the media reaction earlier. They survived but not without substantial damage. Theres some stark language in this ruling. Just absolutely stunning. Not very good. Scarbrough saying is not good just reeks of corruption. Reporter another disaster from the White House Council the Department Of Justice orchestrated this but 30 million to the da office at it carefully choreographed to destroy trump and created trump to gave him a new life is probably going to win the presidency and every time they go after trump it boomerangs the wrong way its a Spectacular Failure Biden fails domestically and internationally. Thank you all for coming we appreciate it. The fox news at night Common Sense Department is learning the mayor of Sacramento California is calling for a ceasefire in gaza. So it should only be minutes may be a few hours before his really Prime Minister netanyahu informs his people the mayor of such sacramento is spoken and idf soldiers should immediately wait at lay down their weapons. Turns out it comes on the heels of the Los Angeles Mayor signing a Court Historic climate agreement with finland 5000 miles away. Common sense has a question why her local mayors dealing with International Matters when City Conditions sock . How about working for those who elected you. Remember when he vowed to gain control of homelessness and crime and unsustainable Cost Of Living . The goal was to rein in the budgets not save the world so instead of using local resources to protect the Amazon Hire A Police Officer instead of attaining middle east middle east peace how about arresting a shoplifter like every politician on the planet these mayors are out of their lanes wasting time on International Deals and declarations which are worthless , feckless and nonbinding. Common sense things its commendable to stop the rise of the oceans but can we start by fixing 1 pothole, saving 1 tire. And an update on the migrant crisis as a haitian man is been charged with raping a disabled teenage girl at a Migrant Hotel in massachusetts. The illegal immigrant was 1 of 130,000 haitians allowed into the country since biden took office. Heres more on those details. Good evening. Weve learned more information about Jewish Indus Crimes committed by a nonus citizens in 1 case a 26yearold was charged with raping a 15yearold disabled girl at a Migrant Hotel in massachusetts. Officials say that our verse came into the country last summer under the Biden Administrations humanitarian Parole Programs for haitians. Having this up into a child is unacceptable something has to be done it is sick we are all getting sick of it. Reporter And A Illegal Migrant from el salvador has been accused of sexual he assaulting minors while working at a church. According to a local report victim said the abuse often happened when they were praying with their eyes closed. He was reportedly deported twice since 2015 arrested in august and charged with rape and other Sexual Offences and according to ice he was issued but not honored by the Montgomery County Detention Centre releasing them days later. And Trace Alfaro Lopez was taken into custody again monday we reached out to the Montgomery Department of corrections and rehabilitation of why they refused to honor it back in august but we have not heard back yet. Next we bring in executive producer karina, great heavy on the show just goes on and on right i mean to your boy being shot in girl killed, a 15 Year Old Girl is disabled, a 15yearold raped by illegal for immigrant conservatives are saying enough is enough what you think . Absolutely thank you for having me tonight i just want to say is a hispanic woman of course concerns for most americans are the same as hispanics right now, crime is 1 of them, illegal immigration is is impacting hispanics just as much as anybody else but absolutely its an issue. Hispanics in the United States love this country are at least the majority of them do pretty sure we love Law And Order for people coming here like myself i was born in mexico and i came here 19 years ago legally. And i was a u. S. Citizen unconcerned of whats happening to the country. None of us want to see crime rising none of us want to see people entering the country we dont know who they are. Youve done well and its great heavy on the show want to read you this. Migrant charged america maryland illegal migrant charged with assaulting girls at a Maryland Church was deported twice thats part and parcel of a bigger problem doesnt matter if you deport these people as the gate is so wide open they just walked back in. Its crazy and i have to tell you at el paso until 2013 the kind of migration we used to see there was very different compared to the migration we are seeing nowadays. Under this administration the policies of changed radically making it easier for illegals to cross the border. Reporter and want to put this quickly and the screen as of this the New York Times poll hispanic voters and look at this. Donald trump 46 , joe biden 44 they are moving towards donald trump. Are these pulling errors or do you think this is actually happening with this Hispanic Population . I think its accurate and i have to tell you we hispanics love god in our families and our hard workers we share the values of the American People a problem we had in the past was the rhetoric used by Hispanic Media outlets which is why we created post news to bring the conservative perspective to hispanics because we embrace the same values we love this country is much as you guys do and we are concerned about whats happening. Trace great heavy on the show thank you we appreciate you. Coming up moms for liberty labeled an antigovernment and Extremist Group again only this time they are also considered anti parents strange considering its group of moms defending parental rights and fight for their kids. And later fox news at night is wondering if you would volunteer because her friend alex who is been on the show many times is attempting to break the world record for the highest tandem skydive 41,000 feet. Along for the ride is a 75yearold passenger jim, a multi Guinness World record holder in his own real right freefalling from most 3 minutes. If given the chance would you go with alex . Why, or why not let us know had to her instagram and we will read the best responses in the nightcap cant wait to see these 8 21 on the west coast first at 5 a first look here as they say or gun is for lovers because it was founded on valentines day 1859. No walkie, wisconsin translated to the good land in several Native American Languages and finally an Earth Cam Look at new London Connecticut its famous namesake also sits on a river with the same name. If you cant join us live set be right back after this. Inner Monologue another Destination Wedding . . We just got back from her sisters in napa. Who gets married in napa . My daughter. Who gets married someplace more expensive . My other daughter. Cancun jamaica why cant they use my backyard with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. So we dont have to worry. Can we get out of here . I thought youd never ask. Join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. Empower. Whats next. The south Poverty Law Centre which many consider a Heat Organization got a briefing about moms for liberty they characterized as an Extremist Group both anti student and antigovernment. Of course her Senior National correspondent back live with more of this story. Its known for dont Calling Mainstream conservative groups as hate groups orchids extremists and comparing to like the alliance for defending freedom the Search Council comparing them to group like neonazis and and now they are targeting moms for liberty. Emails from the Heritage Foundation republic record request Show Department of justice officials were briefed by the group and they claim organizations like moms for liberty are working to burnish connections to far right politicians and norm Raven Assault on inclusive education. They say the government must fiercely oppose efforts gag orders of teaching painful truth about our nations racialized history. The Oversight Project or Executive Director by the name of mike howell told the Washington Examiner it was a perverted weapons nays station a government serving no legitimate end besides satiating the Bloodthirsty Ladder radical left. Trace thank you was bring in moms for liberty cofounder Tiffany Justice and a delegate for california roxanne. The headline here Justice Department leadership accepted leftwing Briefing Calling moms for liberty extremist. First they target parents and School Board Meetings and then they take a briefing from a radical leftist group. Tiffany justice does this surprise you widow . It should be shocking to every single american if the government can decide you are a threat because they dont agree with you, today is Public School parents tomorrow its you. And exactly because thats the whole thing here we see it with facebook and all these Social Media Platforms with the government didnt like your narrative they shut it down theres no more debate in california they dont like moms for liberty they dont like parents they shut them down so no they get the pick who the extremists are and who isnt they always have to a certain point when they start going after parental groups you think somebody has to go to them and sing what do you think about it. I think its a softening of language actually now we are just extremist. 3 or 4 years ago we were Grandma Killers Flaunting School to be open and then we segued into being domestic terrorists out of that letter for going to School Board Meetings so extremists feel like they are backing off but all jokes aside this criminalizing of any dissent is ridiculous. Heres the deal going back to the 60 minutes piece because i think its fascinating there hasnt been enough coverage on what they did you believe 60 minutes deceptively edited the Peace On You Censoring Moms for liberty putting a clip on a websites and that was taken down i want to play this because it has the words you are trying to convey and you can explain this for us. We will pick it up from there. What is your fear . Parents fears are realized they are looking at these books which are sexual and discussions are happening with children younger and younger you read this stuff because clearly this is in the books and this is what parents are so outraged about and 60 minutes cut it in the other just takes away the sound. It has to be frustrating to be censored on both sides. Absolutely frustrating. The fact of the matter is we read a number of books so there is text in our Public School libraries that 60 minutes cannot show on their show and the amino cannot put online yet its acceptable for Public Schools and parents are the enemy youve had enough of this nonsense of our children being exposed to graphic sexual content. And the thing is 60 minutes appears to be getting away with this which is 1 of those things that is sad. Moving on next what are they hiding. School library and admits they had card car auto log while pushing black lace matter and lgbt issues and they admitted we hit it because we didnt want parents to know the kind of books we have in the library. The American Library association is been a hotbed of leftism and marxism for a while now and its a shame because books should open the world to anybody i dont know a single teenager that needed a instructional book on Sex Everybody figures it out at 1 point or another. And not just instructional, graphic instructional. Thank you both coming on have a great weekend and coming up young people could play a pillow will a pivotal role in the 2024 president ial election and the person they plan to vote for it might surprise you. And bottoms up a new kind of Beer Dispenser could be at your local bar a Special Report just before st. Patricks day but first a live look to mississippi where a local legend says it is haunted we will be right back with our Young Persons panel to find out whos voting and what does tiktok have to do with all of this. Dewy skin thats full of life. Neutrogena. Hydro boost. Planning to move . Join the 6 million families who discovered a smarter, more flexible way to move, with pods. And now save up to 20 off until march 18th. Whether youre moving across town or across the country. Save up to 20 at pods dot com today. Music. A look at the polling of what is being told to us was bring in some of our favorite from generation z, emily austin and the federalist staff can tribute or alina duffy welcome to you all. First and want to put up this poll which says the if the election for president was held today and candidates were joe biden democrat and Donald Trump Republican for whom would you vote ages 1834 you can see with the margin of error its almost dead heat 47 for biden, 45 for trump what do you think of that pole, what are you hearing from young people. Do you buy that its really diskless . Im not sure its quite that close. What we are going to see is a lot of young people disillusioned with Joe Biden Stay home from the polls which could help donald trump with things playing into this Student Loan Forgiveness but the conflict there in israel and hamas and that being a huge issue for young voters. The economy doing very poorly, bidens economics arent working for them you have a tiktok ban on top of this a lot of things are making them turn away from joe biden. Trace we will talk a wave talk about the tiktok ban a minute but the economy is really the only 1 they are passionate about you go down the list and the numbers keep going down there passionate about the economy which said them doesnt appear to be good. What do you think about the top issues for young voters and what are you hearing . Previously and other elections when the economy was good its convenient to care about the social issues that energize young voters but as we see the economy is now the top priority of all of us because everybody is feeling it. Student loan forgiveness didnt go through, we cant buy homes we see inflation going Grocery Shopping so social issues that whats kept us tattered to the Democratic Party are not so much. Trace you at this headline from emily that dont leave the narrative that they will boat joe biden my generation is up for grabs you think thats true is it up for grabs emily what are you hearing . I generally of trust issues with polls because in the clinton trump election i remember waking up in the morning fully being ready to see Hillary Clinton was president and seeing trump because the polls were all wrong you can think of generations he has a swing state when it comes to people because the reporting is in showing biden in the lead it might not be true because again there are a lot of issues the Student Loan Payment never 1 for his biden promised a now the economy is getting worse. Generations he is going to have to think about putting a roof over their heads its harder for us to fill the gaps because the economy is there. Trace you talked on this reasoning about the young boat and you think about the Israeli Hamas were in gaza and you look at whats happening in michigan and the uncommitted bow around the world. How big of an issue is that going into the election for joe biden . Sadly its a huge issue. I think its a huge issue in its all over tiktok you have generation see people saying i wont commit to but voting for joe biden until there is a ceasefire and now you have a potential been in a lot of young people are saying we think democrats in the house and joe biden and the branch are pushing for a tiktok been because they want to silence our voices they look at what joe biden has done and are the deep state is spying on americans and people arent stupid they know our own government doesnt care about our privacy they dont care about china because youve a Spy Balloon Flying over the country and military aged people crossing the border and they are awake. In tiktoks been all the news this week and im wondering how young people perceive this . Its more fuel adding to the fire of young peoples distaste with american politics. The gop doesnt necessarily need young voters to switch over to them in majorities they just need them to feel disenfranchised because if the young voter base isnt excited to show up to the bout box that could spell trouble for democrats and they think the tiktok banisters can add more field to that fire. Trace around us out if you could emily tiktok all people are saying were the world are they canceling it its our favorite platform with your final thought on this . Her Conspiracy Theories they are banning tiktok because its the only prominent palestinian voice for the wildest Conspiracy Theories the reality is i been saying it for months and years its poisoning generation z leading false narratives owned by a country that preys on americas demise its a nobrainer why the government should ban the only reason they are opposed to it because to be remained renamed to generation to you because its dominating her generation spreading misinformation we are falling into the trap it has to be stopped before its too late. Trace we will note that. Thank you all for coming on we appreciate it. As americans get to spend an estimated 7. 2 billion for st. Patricks day some bars are turning to a tap system to serve drinks faster heres more with firefox business correspondent. Reporter st. Patricks day is sunday tomorrow the river will be dyed green in chicago and bars are prepping for the madness that will be this weekend. They need to be efficient and they know that well it bottoms up here in illinois. They use the Bottoms Up Draft Beer System which is a coincidence they have the same name it so important for them to be able to turn out beers by the thousands because its such a big Holiday Weekend let me show you how it works. Theres a magnet on the bottom of this Class Special for the system we pop it out lets take a look all you have to do is take a personalized magnet and put it in the bottom of the glass and it sticks on. That is what you do you get your beer tap at all and 6 seconds later you have a perfect for but the beauty of it is you will be handsfree you can talk to customers and other orders you can just be human to human at this point heres what the ceo told me earlier. Every place you go as a tendency to be on fun when its too busy and you cant get what you want. We exist and this exists to eliminate that. Reporter another benefit is saving money because bartenders arent perfect when the use of traditional tap the lose about a quarter of the keg in the process because nobodys perfect but bottoms up can give you the perfect for wellbeing handsfree the tap appear is just here for you to choose what kind of beer you want i heard you like modell they have that here so late fill 1 up for you hopefully we made the gallaghers back in ireland proud and look out quickly that poor went. Bottoms up thank you for st. Patricks day. And coming up. Would you join alex on his journey for a World Record Skydive 41,000 feet what they are saying is you freefall for almost 3 minutes come on you have to think that would be a lifechanging event let us know online we will read the best responses and talk to the Nightcap Group in 3 minutes coming up. [ ] theres a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50 . Try Dawn Powerwash dish spray. It removes 99 of grease and grime in half the time. It cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. Try Dawn Powerwash. vo sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. Unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. Because when you experience europe on a viking longship, youll spend less time getting there and more time being there. Viking. Exploring the world in comfort. Trace were back with the Nightcap Group and tonights topic a long way down. Friend of the show alex is attempting to break the skydiving world record and he is looking for somebody to go with a well actually hes had some he has somebody but would you go . Jumping from 41,000 feet in freefall for your 3 minutes. Along the right is a multi Guinness World record holder jim who is 75 years old. So would you jump on and go with alex for 41 k . I am scared of heights so no. I would not. Trace shortest answer in nightcap history. Im out from 4 k and definitely 41 k. Trace would you go . No. Im just now okay with getting on an airplane theres no way no chance. There you go umass the polo coming up there i will give a go around here saving get a take on the thing would you go roxanne . Were not scared of heights we are serious scared of falling and so now. Being up there is fine succumbing down, hey,. All right very good heres my first taker i know shes willing to go 41 k in freefall for 3 minutes. No im not. I think i would probably pass out on the way down and fall to my death it would be a terrible idea. Trace let Goodness Gracious you might pass out but hes going to be fine he will take care of you and you will land that just fine. And the poll would you go with them yes 22 , no 78 instagram 29 and 71. We would go julie . Ive done 10,000 the freefall is the fund for part. The scary part is when you pull your shoe and you fly pretty fast thats the scary part thats gonna happen regardless of how high up you are. For a guy flies for lemieux think it would be scared of fights but, yeah, i give her to down from the balcony so i would love to jump from an airplane with the fold and kill me my wife probably would so. I learned how to fly a long time ago with people why you would jump out of the plane but i would go with you on that. It would be a fill of a lifetime seeing what would be like there in a be so much fun if only i knew i wouldnt pass out they see no reason to jump from a perfectly good airplane cant be more dangerous than writing a motorcycle thats right. Deep down inside want to not so deep down inside i did. Thank you for watching have a great weekend and happyt will see you back here later. Zeroturn mowers and utility vehicles, including the 1 selling compact tractor in the usa. Plus, the years best deals, like 0 apr for 84 months, or up to 3,300 off select compact tractors. Orange goes all day; sales ending soon. Visit your local dealer today. 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