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Sean welcome to hannity tonight a new chapter in vines illegal Immigration Crisis people from haiti, they are appearing off the coast of florida including one group on a boat stocked with firearms and drugs at governor Rhonda Sanders joins us to respond we begin with our top story, Fulton County georgia tonight where the disgraced anti trump District Attorney fani willis has now turn to the Atlantic Port System into nothing but a joke, tonight the judge in this case all but Accused Willis of lying and corruption and frankly gross misconduct slamming and saying this financial cloud of impropriety surrounding her illicit affair and co mingling of finances with the outside counsel which she hired with Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars in Taxpayer Funds to help prosecute of course donald trump calling her bizarre outburst during testimony unprofessional accusing both willis and her lover nathan wade of potential untruthfulness the judge even stated an older of mendacity remains in other words her actions and motives stink to high heaven also Rebuking Fani Willis for playing the race card during a recent speech designed to smear donald trump and others revealing their exercise of legal rights despite all of the Misconduct Draw judge mcafee ruled that fani willis free and clear to continue her quest against all drop as long as she cans her former or current 654,000dollar lover nathan wade does that make sense right on cue earlier today wade officially resigned it appears that willis through wade right under the bus naturally the taxpayers of georgia will not be receiving a refund and fani willis will not face any Legal Counsel princes pointing out George Mcafee ruled that only one potential lawyer can prosecute the case but not both potential lawyers, does that make any sense. Of course not, but she is a democrat trying to prosecute all trump so i guess that apparently she is probably above the law still the media mob but this as a devastating blow fani willis is now embarrassing them and making their case against all trump look petty and stupid which it was from the beginning and now watch this. This is such a huge body blow almost a fatal blow to fani willis i think that the way forward is that she has to voluntarily recuse herself i dont know that she has it in her but she should work consider recusing herself as well as the case moves forward to allow it to do so cleanly. All of this, this language from the judge were just going to get the opinion right now so im sure theres more but its really a gift to former President Trump and codefendants because they are not only going to fight is based on the merits they will fight it in the court of Public Opinion optics here matters. Anyone of these statements by a judge would be a career in there for an normal prosecutor to have it on the record that there are reasonable questions about whether you lied under oath that would be devastating and we will see what the political offence will be the bottom line the da survives but not without serious bruising to use your analogy. Sean even the Washington Post is calling the ruling a significant setback for fani willis the New York Times also openly worried about the case and the new series of inquiries from the Georgia Legislature and of course the Judiciary Committee led by konnor smith jim jordan chairman jordan recently threatened to hold fani willis in contempt if she fails to recuse so that buy march 28th make no mistake judge mcafees ruling today there are still many questions lots of doubts looming over the desperate attempt to get donald trump ultimately why would Anyone Trust A Da Credibly accused of lying and corruption a personal rebuke by a judges unprofessional a potential lawyer tainted by a cloud of financial misconduct and racial by a prosecutor who has above all else a giant hypocrite you may remember this. Because you are sitting with someone today that actually wants to make a difference because they deserve a da that wont have sex with employees because they deserve a da that wont put money in their own pocket. I will not be choosing people today people that work under me let me just say that. Sean the rules apply for you but not for fani willis at the end of the day she brought a massive case with dozens of charges against trump and several other republicans she then directed over 650,000 in georgia Taxpayer Funds again to her onagain offagain lover nathan wade to help prosecute the case wade did not have much relevant experience which is amazing but was reportedly paid more than other outside counsels and during their personal and professional relationship and Partnership Fani Willis went on those lavish trips and vacations with nathan wade with the money that she was paying him for the taxpayers were apparently she benefited financially from that relationship and again she believes she has done absolutely nothing wrong she truly believes she is above the law and that the Justice System in blue cities in blue states is corrupt and biased beyond belief as it stands now no republican or conservative will ever get a fair trial in these jurisdictions especially not anyone with the last name trump this Kangaroo Court political motives writing on just the system from within a response she is the cohost of the hit show the five Jeanine Pirro lets get your overall take here and you cant make this up. You cant. Sean now youre making me you cant make this up you do have one other concept legal concept we have to look at that is the fruit of the poisonous tree what does this mean all of the evidence gathered by nathan wade dont they have to throw that out . Well, you know, he could certainly make that argument but remember who the judge is this is a judge you will recall that i told you did not have the spine to hold fani willis in contempt when she started running the court room pointing her finger at him and telling everyone that she was not on trial so this judge, who is two weeks away from the next election and doesnt want to upset any of his constituents makes a decision that is absurd if wade is innocent, he was so dishonest he lied about the relationship that they have to cut him from the case why is willis not cut from the case . That is an absolute bottom line question this is a case that is mired in scandal and mired in, as the judge said an order of mendacity and dishonesty and lies and for the judge to come out and say i dont know if this is an actual Conflict Of Interest and we have this Investigative Commission judge you were the one who said at the hearing you were the one it was to make the decision about what is or isnt lying and what witnesses are telling the truth and for you to decide that wade, the boyfriend, he has to go because he is not capable of telling the truth, he lied about the same things that she lied about and she confirmed his lies but he goes and she doesnt its enough its race baiting as a da i would not stand for making a speech like that basically saying that a defendant that i am prosecuting is a racist that is enough to get her off but this judge does not have the kids but to get her off the case and leaving it up to her and for anyone who has any doubt she is not going to leave this case she could care less if wade is gone shes on five vacations or six vacations in five months and the judge said well we cant be sure how much money but not enough evidence and judge i know that your job is to decide the facts decide the evidence who lied what the money amount was and you cant then turn around and say it is hard to tell and also this guy Terrence Bradley who is the boyfriends lawyer he said in an affidavit that they absolutely started the affair before the job he start takes the stand and the word he says its inconsistent demeanour on usual unresponsive saying i cant make a Conclusion Judge you can make a Conclusion Buy Drawing in the fact that there is inconsistency there is this demeanour there is this lack of responsiveness to something that is an absolute statement but this judge doesnt have the spine in the end of the people trying this case are going to be trying a case that they know is a mass the two of them lied they are trying to try donald trump for lying and offering false statements and i have to tell you you know who wins in this case . The prosecutor with the boyfriend off the case that is a win for her this guide does not always know his way around the courtroom hes never even tried a real case. Let me ask you because friends of mine in georgia told me this guy, because of the reelection he will be facing soon they predicted he would split the baby which is what he put much did but he also poisoned the well against her in an appeal its hard to imagine one party created an appearance of conflict but not willis so the logic of the judge and the willingness to go the full step i think you has set her up now to be out of this case as well time will tell if i am proven right but i see it that we were to think . We will see whether or not when the appeal takes place weather certainly the case is now delayed the Appellate Division or whatever the next level is called in the state of georgia has a lot of decisions to make i think in the end this fact finding, what little there is is enough to get her off, no one, no one can explain why he has to go but she does not when she is the one who benefited from the money and the money that he made 650,000 i was a dea for 30 years i was Elected Da Three Times you dont pay anybody 350,000 who has never tried a felony case this is corrupt from the getgo. Sean you can catch her every day course on the five, why are you making me laugh . This is actually its humourous when you look at the ruling, because you cant you cant make this stuff up you really cant its like out of a spy novel or a judicial novel you couldnt even make up okay joining us now with more reactions Fox News Contributor and harvard la presse around dershowitz restart with you tonight and older of mendacity lets get your take over all on the case and the lack of logic or application to both fani willis and nathan wade that should have at least been consistent because they were both involved in it. There is perjury on the witness stand without a doubt there are people in Prison People on death row on lower levels of evidence than this with the judge tried to do was be solomon and split the baby and the baby died this is a terrible thing on the one hand he says on a reasonable basis wondering if the testimony is true then he proceeds to credit it and believe it when it comes to weather she paid the money back whether they had the affair that kind of thing this case belongs in front of a Justice Department or an Attorney General or a District Attorney or a criminal prosecution it was perjury and Obstruction Of Justice witness tampering and conspiracy to commit perjury this is not a close case there was of course a real Conflict Of Interest maybe the prosecution in order to enrich either of these two people but along the way decisions were made which enriched them and which may very well have impacted the rights of the defendants this judge should have dismissed her dismissed the whole office and seriously considered dismissing the entire case and i think the lawyers for trump if they can should try to take a appeal or some kind of immediate appeal for the next level court if they dont they will still have a good issue on appeal if they are convicted this case is a disaster and this judge just did not have the courage of convictions he knew that they lied but just did not have the guts to say it. Sean hes running for Reelection Professor and in georgia the governor wants the state with the power to remove incompetent prosecutors like her, which i imagine wood happen here lets get your take. The decision makes no sense quite obviously because the judge found that both willis and wade engaged in Improper Conduct which merits removal from the appearance of impropriety thats the standard but also found that together they committed the exact same wrongful behaviour so both of them are guilty of disqualifying conduct under the law and yet he orders that only one of them must leave the case how is that remotely logical well it is not which suggests that this is a purely political ruling for the bench i think it is a craven and gutless decision to throw fani willis a lifeline to keep the case against trump going because if she goes under the Georgia Rules and procedures the entire indictment from the das Office Willis gets to stay but i dont know how in the world she survives this politically i dont know how she survives the myriad of other investigations into her alleged wrongdoing or in fact her upcoming election this judge condemned willis for playing the race card in her speech judge jeanine is a writer that is just qualification by itself openly admitting that the case is as you pointed out the odour of mendacity which means that it is dishonest and yet he refuses to fix it is only remedy is partial that is no remedy at all and lets be clear. Lets be clear what happened here the judge started out with a conclusion that he was not going to get rid of her and then he had to whittle his way around to find a basis for being able to condemn her because he saw with his own eyes but in a way that did not result in her leaving it was a very result oriented and he felt bad about it so he had to condemn her hand say some things about her but the bottom line is he made up his mind right from the beginning he was not going to disqualify her Everything Else was variable but that was a constant. Sean let me ask you about this question the judge did poisoned the well against her for appeals its hard to imagine one party creating the conflict and benefiting from this and not the other on the issue of alleged perjury i would agree with your Analysis Professor then you have the whole issue of the fruit of the poisoned tree what about all the evidence that was looking little by nathan wade doesnt have to now be dismissed . Well the fruit of the poisonous tree is generally evidence obtained illegally which cannot be used here it is more of Corrupt Behaviour that creates the appearance of impropriety and actual impropriety itself although the judge refused to find that mcafee said that Fani Willis Testimony was unprofessional and he actually said it may have been on truthful but then he goes on to say and i am quoting here not so incredible as to be inherently unbelievable what does that mean . That his word salad it is charitable at best no sensible person was buying these vacuous excuses that willis and wade both the judges or apologist now saying well she made bad choices and i am quoting here again a tremendous lap and judgement. Sean exit last question. Unethical and disqualifying. Sean will this case move forward or does this case die on the vine . I hope it dies in the vines because thats where it belongs it was never a good case which will delay everyone says trump is trying to delay it is the opposite it is the prosecutors who are trying to rush this case to try to get a conviction if they can in jurisdictions like Fulton County and new york city and Washington Dc before the election knowing that they may be overturned on appeal so it is a Rush To Judgement by the prosecutors and of course Defence Attorneys want ace to slow it down i think this may prove fatal ultimately to the case. Sean last word. I think the jurors are going to know this case is absolutely riven with scandal in impropriety and Conflict Of Interest and its bloc quebecois motivated and i think this is going to make it a lot harder for the District Attorney to obtain a conviction against donald trump. Sean i lived in georgia Fulton County georgia not friendly territory for anyone that is republican or conservative or with last name trump we will watch closely thank you both and have a great week and we come back for governor Rhonda Santos announces that authorities in his state just apprehended a boat with 25 Illegal Immigrants try to flee haiti by the with drugs and guns Governor Desantis will join us what is he doing to prepare florida from what we expect to be a major influx of Illegal Immigrants from haiti straight ahead. [ ] this is a fox news update In Washington and new york city judge agrees to delay the beginning of poor President Trumps Hush Money Trial lawyers requesting the delay to give them more time to review thousands of just turned over records Money Centres on allegations that mr trump had records to hide the true nature of records to a lawyer the lawyer played stomach starring Daniel Hundred and 30,000 to keep an alleged affair with trump quiet. The u. S. And g7 allies issuing a warning for iran to back off a deal to provide russia with hope did Ballistic Missiles western nations now promising to pile on new economic nations if iran goes ahead with that deal russia seeking more close range Ballistic Missiles as moscow struggles to replenish its dwindling supplies caused by the war in ukraine now back to hannity. Sean tied with the situation rapidly deteriorating in hayti concerns over a new influx of Illegal Immigrants are mounting earlier today before the governor Rhonda Santos announced that florida White Wildlife and Conservation Officers stopped a boat carrying 25 Illegal Immigrants from haiti and by the way they had to guns and drugs take a look at this. Just recently within the past couple of weeks, will be made public later today our florida fish and wildlife officers interdicted a vessel that had 25 Illegal Immigrants, potentially Illegal Immigrants from haiti in their boat in their vessel they had firearms they had drugs they had Night Vision Gear and were voting very recklessly which could potentially endanger other folks that vessel was interdicted near the Sebastian Inlet and those illegal aliens were turned over to the coast guard for deportation. Sean this is just days after the governor announced he would be sending soldiers and aircraft and boats to protect florida from Haitian Emigrants Florida Governor Rhonda Santos joins us now with more first of all before we get to this specific case and the drugs and guns and the nightvision equipment which should scare everybody let me first take note of the fact that you are not even counting on joe biden to help you do just acted with the situation rapidly deteriorating in hayti knowing the likely outcome of that would be an influx into this country you didnt go to joe biden because you knew that he would not be willing to uphold the laws of our country you watch what has been happening in texas and arizona and california and you said no, its not going to happen here what is that say about joe biden. Well look sean we take matters we step up we do what we need to do in florida i dont expect necessarily to get the help that i think that we are entitled to and what we have found over the past several years is the coast guard does a good job they are just way under resourced biden will not provide the number of vessels that they needed to interdict all of the ships that come so i did i have been supplement in their efforts for years now i did an Executive Order in January Of 2023 saw about 15 months ago where we declared a State Of Emergency and we searched a lot of vessels so since January Of 2023 our state assets have stopped 660 vessels not all from haiti from other islands in the caribbean and we have interdicted 13,000 580 illegal aliens so that just leads to this point our Executive Order we did this week supplement in those efforts so we have the strongest protection that our shorelines have ever had and yes, we did interdicted the one boat that had 25 haitians that were trying to come illegally with guns and drugs we have not although seen yet a massive influx of boats into our region and i think that is because people know if you take that journey you will get stopped and you will end up back where you started so its not worth that one of the things i think that may be different from this situation from when this happened in years past is haitians know that the easiest way to get into this country is not to take a boat and to land illegally in florida anymore it is to fly to mexico and then just walk across the border there have been tens of thousands of haitians who have done that illegally so i think that the dynamics are unique about the bottom line for us is we want to be prepared i was asked today at our Press Conference why are you doing this when there has not actually yet been a massive influx and i said what are you supposed to do wait for it to happen . We are putting our assets in place to be out to defend the state. Sean if you had waited the drugs and guns and the guys with nightvision the 25 you apprehended they would have made it to your shores that would have been acting too late this is a predicable outcome that we will expect out of haiti has split a clean have deteriorated very badly there and i hate to give you, im showing you probably you are you know this bad news but you can payment be assured that joe biden and his Department Of Justice will be suing you like they have been suing greg habit and any other state that tries to enforce the laws that joe wont in force and aids in abets in the breaking of. Youre exactly right we have the vessels which are important for one of thanks biden has been doing is abusing this concept of parole where he is actually coming in flying in illegal aliens and dumping them into parts of United States all for example there was the news today of an illegal immigrant from haiti who is now arrested or accused of sexually assaulting a 15yearold with disabilities in massachusetts and that was someone that biden flew into this country didnt even cross illegally biden flew them over the border so thats the unique circumstances dont think that we have any president who has flown in this many illegal aliens into our country there are a lot of facets to this but we are doing what we have every right to do and that is to defend the people of florida. Sean Florida Governor if you do that or i do that i can put a much assure you that we would be arrested and fingerprinted and handcuffed and we would be sitting in a Jail Cell Somewhere thats called Human Trafficking and its amazing but its also sad more importantly its extraordinarily dangerous for our country especially if you look at the countries that we know people are coming from iran and syria and egypt and afghanistan, china, russia not a good situation but as gangs now take over haiti and that situation worsens i would assume this will get far worse and i have to assume that you are on top of this and ready for perhaps even a much larger influx which would mean a lot more interdiction for efforts on the part of your staff the people you have out there on the waterways. Yes, and another facet to it is we have florida citizens who are in haiti and trying to get out so i have authorized Rescue Flights as we did in israel after october 7th because we have a lot of folks who are part of Christian Missionary groups or doing things to try to actually help a very troubled country and they really are doing good work and they need to get out so we are working on that we dont want to say anything to public the about what exactly we are doing because its a very dicey situation but we do feel an obligation to go in and help florida citizens who were caught in the crossfire of a very difficult situation but i think you are right i think you will see it get worse and what i would say is the u. S. Role in other countries should be to offer support and for haiti to stabilize that they are not to have a Million People end up showing up in the United States or neighbouring countries i dont go to mentor. Sean we will watch closely this can get very bad thank you we appreciate the update only come back another update in the alec baldwin case will he go to prison . Really get off . Also Scott Pearson back in court nearly two decades after being convicted of killing his pregnant wife we will have the latest straight ahead. Sean the legal summary of the week just a week after the armour for the film rust convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter thats where alec baldwins fatal Onset Shooting of a coworker now baldwin himself moving to dismiss his own Involuntary Manslaughter case his lawyers arguing that the state of new mexico is engaging in an abuse of the system and abuse of an innocent person whose rights have been trampled to the extreme here with Reaction Criminal defence attorney and former Florida Attorney general pam bondi why do i think that is quite a bit of hyperbole on the part of our bald ones attorneys in this case . They are getting pretty desperate because as you said the armour are recently convicted and i think you was treated more than fairly in that Interrogation Room there are two female detectives who did an excellent job of treating him fairly and he just ran his mouth and was arrogant and did an interview with George Stephanopoulos he is it really ruining this for himself and now he is desperate and i believe the jury is probably going to convict him when he goes to trial. Sean they convicted this armour in three hours it didnt take them long to come to that conclusion but alec baldwin not only did he claim and that interview with abc that the gun fired itself and he didnt pull the trigger but didnt he have authority or responsibility over the set altogether wasnt he supposed to supervise this. That has always worried me about his defence of this case because if he were just the actor i think its a cleaner case for him i think if, in fact, he was supervising and he was in the mix, so to speak, doing everything and basically the apex of this that makes it a much tougher case for him interestingly today on the day that nathan wade resigns and the judge in explicitly doesnt find that fani willis has to this case also had its recusal issues in new mexico a Special Prosecutor and points out sean that many decades ago you and i used to fight like cats and dogs over special council and independent prosecutors i dont think that the criminal Justice System was designed to have independent councils and special councils i think you are either a prosecutor or you are not and when you stray from that you run into all kinds of problems and i think that this case is a perfect example of that. Sean you may be right because there are too much politics that often tainted the appointment of such person and especially in a time when we have a Department Of Justice that i believe his weapon eyes and has been politicized you may very well be the right one on that side lets move to the state of california Scott Peterson appeal continues the judge in that case has now set three new dates to discuss motions to seal documents conduct new dna testing and deal with Postconviction Discovery apparently peterson is betting a lot on the new dna tests it is the core of his appeal being supported by the los angeles Innocence Project it has been nearly 20 years since Scott Peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife lacey a lot of people online have been commenting on his different appearance what is interesting is i think at the time and are not overstating this i am correct me you may have been one of the most hated people in america because he represented the sky. I will tell you that i have never, and ive been practising now for over 40 years i have never experienced to the kind of hate and victory all for representing someone, it was part of what attracted me to the case because i will never forget him being led into the county jail and the surroundings of it people calling for his death and i remember picking the jury and there were billboards with man or monster vote on that for the radio show there were even the trial judge who has now passed onset at the time that he had never seen the prejudgement rigged of conviction oriented people and i think, and i will say this believing that i dont think anybody knew the evidence better 20 years ago in realtime then when i tried this case i never saw anything that led me to believe that he was guilty let alone yonder reasonable doubt and i am all for him getting a fresh look at this thing 20 years later. Sean well i think that heat may continue by a lot of people based on what you just said someone who has never been hated is pan bondi was your take on this . Thank you sean well you and i have commentated on this trial 20 years ago and he had one of the best if not one of the the best Defence Attorneys in the country but lets lose site of the evidence he was out fishing the day after it happened, she had gone missing and he showed no remorse her family said of course the in infamous affair with amber frey who said you was a widower for months and months and that he didnt want children the forensic evidence there wasnt a lot a forensic evidence but there was blood on the Mattress Blood on the door of his truck and strands of laceys hair found in his brandnew boat also if you recall the experts said that when laceys body and her unborn child, their bodies floated up four months later it would have been aware he was fishing on Christmas Morning and i think the most damning evidence that no one can get around was the fact that he was caught fleeing to mexico with 15,000 cash and a disguise in the thing is as a prosecutor the victims family you feel so bad or laceys family 20 years later they are not going to have any peace yet until this is settled i have tingled with the innocent project for years on these murder cases thats what they do there has to be some finality at some point for this family. Sean i agree with that part also. I would love to have a segment where i could rebut. I bet she would be to i can hear all of that i still thank you might end up hated again and pam will be loved again so youre going to lose either way but anyway thank you both and have a great weekend when we come back coming for the easter bunny why you may see snakes on the menu. Sean this week the Animal Rights group People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals in the letter to the white house urging jill biden to change the annual Easter Egg Role to a potato roll the letter claims a potato roll would be truly inclusive whatever that means anyway here with reaction is the host of fox news Saturday Night i dont know how you convinced me to do this you wont even tell me what the topics are but i am booked, im giving up an entire Saturday Night i dont get a lot of time off to be on your show which means i cant drink until very late on Saturday Night unless you want a drinking handy on your show. Well if you are drunk youd fit in just fine with the host so dont worry about that, believe me, i am more concerned with you i want to know you who you upset in management that theyre making you do my show you need to clean it up i dont know what to tell you. Sean i did it out of pure love and friendship and support you had a Hit Show Out Of The Box which i knew wood happen potatoes really . Potatoes. I dont like it but i would rather these kids find potatoes then all the cocaine that slain around on the white house its its its i prefer egg. Sean i didnt think of it that way good point i wish i thought of that. Here is my concern though if they do away with easter eggs they may have to do away with the bunny and if there is no easter bunny who is going to interrupt biden if reporters start asking him questions have they thought about that . Now is going to start talking. Sean another good point that i wish i had thought of we now go to canada toronto a massive spike in Home Invasions for auto thieves that has now led police they came up with a great solution just keep your car keys handy so the robbers will know where to find it one Toronto Police officer advising a group of residents just leave your keys near the front door to prevent intentional burglars from breaking in and attacking homeowners to get the keys the Police Department then later tried to walk back the officers remarks and said there are other ways to prevent auto theft and Home Invasions okay that is why dont we just leave the key in the ignition and say this car is available for free. This is Like Fighting arson by leaving out a book of matches and some gasoline on the stoop it makes no sense i have seen Better Police work from the cop in the Village People who the heck are these canadian cops sean come on. Sean you just cant make this Up Scientists have a new type of protein that they want to start Eating Pythons a new study finds that pythons could be one of the most sustainable sources of meat in the world and they claim it tastes just like chicken why do i know that i will never eat a python, are you . You know who else will never eat a python . The people pushing this junk i am convinced the climate people are plunking their followers they told us to eat blogs they werent eating bugs now theyre telling us deep snakes theyre not going to eat snakes you know these guys are doing theyre going to be palm tonight and there laughing there but off like, hey, vinnie i told them to eat snake and they did it im telling you the climate people are funnier than any prank we could come up with on my show. Sean the Vice President harris hosted a very important event of the white house today this on the heels of going to the Abortion Clinic yesterday a Cannabis Reform Roundtable Special Guest rapper fat joe i didnt know we could use that word anymore but the Kentucky Governor as well people who have received pardons for marijuana related defences and convictions the event comes, by the way, after biden discussed the topic at the State Of The Union and tuning his efforts to ease restrictions on weed, reaction . Listen as much as we think this is ridiculous you also have to factor in the reality that the only way that anyone will vote for these people again as if they are on drugs so it wouldnt be surprised if they push other types of drugs this is totally absurd and yes, i do believe that the gentlemans name is now plus size joe i dont know if we can call him fat joe we may get cancelled right here on live tv where to go. Sean it could happen these things can happen you eat weed do you have perfect solution go eat a python i cant think of anything sat. [ simultaneous talking ] sean im doing your show tomorrow but you wont even tell you with the topics are no hint at all i just have to come on and prepare for nothing. Thats not how it works out the metre you do a section called off the metre i ask you any question i want you agree to answer it there is no safe word and you will crush it. All right i guess im there tomorrow Night Saturday night my date will be jimmy and i will be home alone thank you jimmy we will be watching all be on tomorrow coming up growing concerns over Measles Outbreaks in chicago we have the latest strata had sean the cdc have sent a Response Team to the city of chicago as a Measles Outbreak continues to spread at a a shelter for Illegal Immigrants in the city we had the very latest what is going on. In the year 2000 the thinking was that measles had been eradicated, a thing of the past now uncontrolled border people busted all around the nation the city of chicago alone now has a dozen cases ten of those cases are in a Warehouse Turned Migrant Shelter in the neighbourhood of chicago known as the Pilsen Neighbourhood two cases involve Migrant Students who attend Chicago Public schools no one would disagree that the handling has been chaotic chicago mayor johnson blaming the biden administration. This is a very jacked up situation the border end of itself because of the failures of the federal government has placed a terminus on a burden financially and emotionally on the people of chicago. Of the People Living in the shelter most have had vaccines or previous shelter teams from the Cdc State County Health Partners all doctors and universities and hospitals are assisting with vaccinating about 900 migrants now need to quarantine measles is more contagious than covid but experts say that the vaccine is very effective and most of us have been vaccinated however, the vaccine is risky for pregnant women and babies so you have about 100 people who have been moved to a hotel at an undisclosed location where they must quarantine the last numbers that we got out of the Cdc Come From March 7th and say that about 45 people nationwide have measles that is before new cases popped up in chicago, sean. Sean thank you for good report how about a Background Check and health check and means test before anyone comes into the country just about thats all the time we have left this evening as always thank you for being with us thank you for making the show possible please set your dvr and never miss an episode let not your heart have a great weeken

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