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This is the Ingraham Angle and thanks as always for being with us tonight. Forcing fanis hand. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Today fani willis lost her special prosecutor, her credibility and any hope for a political future. And Democrats Dream Of Drowning Donald Trump in a flood of legal cases is not working out like they had hoped. And now they are the ones caught in the undertow. The technical win for Fulton County District Attorney fani willis massive indictment on her behavior. It is a slap to the head to the prosecutor but not a fatal knockdown punch. Its highly unlikely this will start before the election. This really did help the trump team not only in terms of delaying it but also in undermining the credibility of the overall Justice System and the prosecutions against trump. Laura judge scott mcafee didnt take the entire load off fani. He didnt flat out disqualify her from the Election Interference case but the ruling handed down today was filled with bad news for the Fulton County d. A. And it was good news for trump and his codefendants. Let me count the ways on this friday night. First, citing willis romantic relationship with her special prosecutor, nathan wade, the judge found a significant appearance of impropriety that infects the current structure of the prosecution team. So whatever happens Going Forward, right; the entire d. A. s Office Proceeds with a major black eye. Second, because willis dug her heels in and filed step aside from the case when her and wades relationship came public, the judge had to force her hand. She was ordered to either fire nathan wade or she and her entire Prosecutorial Team had to resign from the case. Now, late today, wade announced his resignation. Third, the judge gave a striking rebuke to willis overall conduct. Although the judge gave her of the option of staying on if she dumped wade, he made clear this finding is by no means an indication that the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgment or the unprofessional manner of the District Attorneys testimony during the evidentiary hearing. Now, willis did not do herself any favors and we talked about this at the time, when she marched to the stand on februar. You think im on trial. These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. Im not on trialing no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. Im not going to emasculate a black man but im just telling you, what . Im not going to emasculate a black man. Did you understand that. I dont think we should discuss it further. Next question . Trying to, your honor. Judge may have been overly patient with willis during the hearing. He has it had it with her grandstanding. Fourth, judge mcafee thought Willis Church speech was way out of bounds. I appointed three Special Counsel as is my right to do. Paid them all the same hourly rate. They only attacked one. I hired one black man, another superstar, a great friend and a great lawyer. Oh, lord, they are going to be mad when i call them out on this nonsense. First thing they say oh, she is going to play the race card now. But no, god, isnt it them who is playing the race card when they only question one. Laura on those remarks judge mcafee wrote the effect of this speech was to cast racial aspersions at an indicted defendants decision to file this pretrial motion. And although the judge didnt conclude that the speech actually denied defendants right to a fair trial, he described it as legally improper. A d. A. With basic common sense and respect for ethics would never have given that speech fifth, the judge opened the door to granting a gag order against willis in this case. This is my favorite. He warned the d. A. Not to weigh further into the dangerous waters that she created. The time may well have arrived for an order preventing the state from mentioning the case in any public forum to prevent prejudicial pretrial publicity. Holy moly gagging fani. Now, i would have loved to have been a Fly On The Wall when she read that section of the opinion. I dont know, she is probably crying racism or maybe she made i dont know, nathan take her to lunch. I hope she paid since he is out of a job now faces of get donald trump media types told the tale today. Lawfare strategy failing and they are worried. He is used it to advantage as you know. His polling has gone up with every court appearance. We saw him in florida didnt need to be just yesterday. So, now, this is more, you know, more help for him in this political campaign. Laura even as they see these cases back firing, they are still banking on a jury saving them from a second trump term. Even after the election. This case if it goes to trial will be on television every day. Only case that will. It is one should he become president he cannot do anything about because its a state case. If there is any sort of a conviction. If a jury actually convicts him in one of these cases ongoing here, if that could somehow shift Public Opinion in some way, but the longer these trials get delayed, the less likely it seems that there would be an end in one of these cases before the election takes place. Laura i mean, they are so desperate. All this goes to show that the democrats still have no real agenda to run on. They certainly have no track record of successful to post bot about. All they can do is hope to be saved by trump conviction, even if he becomes president. Unbelievable. Otherwise agenda summed up by the acronym wart. Wart. Weed, abortion, race, and transgenderism. How inspiring. And thats the angle. All right. Joining me now jonathan turley, George Washington all right law professor. Great to see you tonight. One of my favorite lines from judge mcafees ruling. Neither side was able to exclusively establish by a preponderance of the evidence when the relationship between willis and wade evolved into a romantic one. However an odor of mendacity remains. Okay . That pretty much sums it up, professor, taint. How can an impartial jury actually be selected now . Thats a very good question you need a Tennessee Williams to give it the right southern goted thick flair. Stunning opinion and disconnect because he clearly did not believe nathan wade and many people believe nathan wade committed perjury. But these two essentially testified in tandem she adopted his testimony so if he lied she pretty much lied the same way. They both maintained relationship after hired. Held a unified front. I think that what the judge was trying to do in giving these two options to wade was to gently give a third option to willis. And that option is to remove yourself, take the ethical course. And i think thats very clear in his opinion. Nobody reading this opinion with these damning findings could possibly believe that willis can continue to be part of this case she is prosecuting people for the underlining conduct accused committing. False statements given to a court. False filings that have been submitted. How could she possibly continue that without damaging her case . But the problem is that she has had this opportunity to take the high road. Repeatedly. And she clearly had never wanted to do that and this will be probably her last chance to do the right thing and to remove herself. Well, just as a matter of her own selfinterest at this point, you would think she would. But she is quite defiant, as you saw in her testimony in that evidentiary hearing and she is quite indignant about the whole thing. You almost get the sense, professor, that she would think that was handing the Trump Team Just a huge victory even if the case obviously would go on to another, you know, another Prosecutorial Team. And she doesnt want to do that in the end she does step aside . Best thing for trump, maybe continued. She is damaged goods. Etch Time Associated with this case reminds people of a rather dubious were most importantly personal interest ahead of the office. Ahead of the interest of the case certainly ahead the interest of the people of Fulton County. This is going to get a lot more sporty Going Forward for her and wade. You know, is he accused of lying on the stand. She could you seed of professional misconduct. There is going to be proceedings unfolding, they are going to be witnesses for the accused in some of those proceedings if they do go forward, to be able to do that and maintain this case is rather ludicrous. When she said conduct was legally improper, jonathan then is he says he was inviting the defendant, trump and his codefendants, to file a motion for a gag order against the state. I dont think i have ever seen a judge ever do that ever. That, to me warnings was striking. Am i misreading that . No, you are not. The only thing more strike something to see some of these networks that just previously praised her for her performance on the stand. People said well, this is what you get for putting a good lawyer on the stand. A lot of us were just flummoxed. What we saw was not good lawyering. And the judge clearly agreed with most of us and said that was an incredibly unprofessional effort on the stand as a witness. And so suddenly today, you have all these same people saying you know, she is dacaed goods, she has got to go. The point is that for people that want to s see this as a Tae Down For Trump major liability. She has few friends left they are pushing as you heard in some of that Media Commentary the possibility that if trump is elected president , then the trial can continue maybe in late november or christmas time. January. And then they are going to get trump. What are the prospects of that . Well, you have to keep in mind that were not even in the weeds yet of the trial. We havent even gotten into the fact that this is one of the weakest and most bizarre racketeering cases i have seen. I mean. Laura ever. There was very little connection, right, between these 18 or 10 defendants. Equities september political views and loose alliances. Put this together. This thing is so thin and it got a lot thinner with the dropping of these recent counts. But they still have to somehow prove this Racketeering Theory which is going to face serious appellate review even if they can get jurors to sign off on it. Yeah, they should just cut their losses. Biden should just come out and say, you know, lets end this lawfare. Lets have a real campaign. If his people were a lot smarter at this point, thats what he would do. But they are not going to do it. Jonathan, so great to see you tonight. Thanks so much. All right. If campaigning at Abortion Clinic wasnt mccob enough. Now kamala is pushing pot. We will hash out all the details bad pun, next. my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. Im franklin graham. Im in jerusalem, israel, and im standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. 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It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Ego exclusively at lowes, ace and ego authorized dealers. Because they are not so high in the polls they are trying to get high the other way. Trying to be cool, especially with cannabis. Have you ever smoked . I have. And i inhaled. I did inhale. [laughter] [laughter] it was a long time ago. It was joint. Hey. Laura wow, shes cool. She did such a good job as the Border Czarena now she is the administrations weed warrior as well. Desperate to smoke out the youth vote which may be drifting toward trump. Harris convened a propot round table at the white house. Kentucky governor andy beshear and prominent rapper fat joe they were there to hash out all the details of what the white house is calling marijuana reform. We have directed the department of health and Human Services and the Department Of Justice reassess how marijuana is classified under the federal drug schedule. And i cannot emphasize enough that they need to get to it as quickly as possible. I can see the Bumper Sticker now. Bidenharris, numb and dumber. Joining me now is sean duffy cohost of fbn The Bottom Line and dr. Marc siegel. That laugh of hers, kamala always sounds high to me. But, seriously, will this really blunt trumps momentum . Bad pun. I think people care more about the economy and their prospects and jobs. But you should aspire as a leader i want people to have a job and have a family and be selfreliant as opposed to i want them depressed, i want them high and i want to be able to control them through policies that get people hooked on drugs. We should aspire for greater than drug use. And im sure dr. Siegel is going to talk about this. But the psychosis that goes along with cannabis use with young adults and the mental impediments that come to kids who use drugs is very real my concern, laura, we used to be a christian nation. We used to have morality. And the fact we are sliding into this payingism we are pushing abortion and drug use so people are to your point numb and dumb is outrageous. More people have to stand up and push back against these ridiculous policies. Laura dr. Siegel i think you and i and a few others have been on this issue for a long, long time. We are not very cool sometimes when we are on this issue. But im thinking of the good people of kentucky when with andy beshear there. And im thinking how can they think this is a good thing as sean just alluded to. This study that Recreational Cannabis used by linked to expression and suicides and suicidal id situation. Why is this in any way something we should be encouraging right now with all the other problems we have in society or is that the point . Well, i think thats the point on their side and by the way, you only left out one thing with sean was focusing on when he was in congress in 2018. Which is marijuana is a gateway drug and at a time when we have a huge Fentanyl Problem going across the border. By the way, pot is sometimes laced with fentanyl. And, yes, teens have issues with anxiety due to pot. Its been proven there are developmental delays in infants when pregnant women smoke pot. Theres a new study as you know that pot is toxic to the heart to the lungs it definitely Cannabis Induced Psychosis which sean was pointed out legal, even more elicit use. The idea of relaxing and by the way give you a nod, laura, to something you did. You made a medical diagnosis. I thought the same thing when i saw that gig beginning going on there maybe last week when we were on. You had someone on you said did you get high right before you come on . I want to know what the Vice President was giggling about there. Laura yeah. It was a couple years back. Not everybody in washington, guys is, on board with bidens pot push. The Wall Street Journal report describes how many federal officials in the dea think that more research is needed about marijuanas Long Term Health effects, sean. We now know the link to strokes and heart damage, Heart Attacks with regular weed use and when its more you know, destill that advertised among adults, what happens is that kids think its cool, too . And they do it. More than they did the in past. Its a different level of thc obviously as well. Right. Way stronger than the marijuana of the 70s and the 60s, no doubt. But, you make a really good point organic and natural smoke it as opposed to i was a prosecutor, laura, if someone had a wrapping this around criminal justice. If i was a criminal prosecutor somebody had a dime bag i cited them city citation. If you had a pound of marijuana and selling that, yeah that, was a different story. To say think that we are criminalizing marijuana by someone who has personal use amounts in their possession is absolutely false. And they are trying to change our perceptions of marijuana through aggressive prosecution. When thats not the case. Good prosecutors dont do that this is way to get, again, its about keeping people high and on drugs so they cant recognize that the country is falling apart. There is no jobs, no opportunity and prices keep going up and if youre numb and dumb and you are stoned out, you are going to be okay with that as opposed to someone who is cognizant and looking at what joe biden has done to their family and economy. Hell no, i want someone else. Laura,. Laura welcome to zombie land. A quick point about thc. You made a great Ohio News Network about thc. Up to 30 now and effecting the heart. Stimulates the heart. Blood pressure goes up. Heart rate goes up. Risk of heart attack and stroke. By the way, it may be possible if they actually were serious about medical marijuana to do it without the thc whatsoever. Thats not the part that we use to decrease pain. Thats the part that makes you psychotic and thats the part that ruins our teens. But this is political. Its not medical at all. Laura its political and its big money. Too. Big money on the line and big lobbying dollars. Sean, dr. Siegel, thank you. Now a note about a graphic we showed at the top of the show. It was supposed to be fani willis and nathan wade but accidentally we broadcast terrence bradley. That was obviously not intentional. We made a mistake and we are sorry for that. Coming up. Biden said the Border Program would make things better. Maybe he should tell that to the teen who was just raped by someone who came in through it. The disturbing details, next. [ ] did you know turbotax now provides you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish . Try turbotax live full service. Your full service expert, will do your taxes for you, as soon as today. Plus, theyll only sign and file when they know its 100 correct, and youre getting the best outcome possible. 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Call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and 200 Discount Certificate. life is better under a sunsetter act now and save laura democrats plan to overwhelm our system with illegals is paying off in horrific ways. Beyond the millions of indigents, roving criminal gangs, Random Hoodlums and potential spies and terrorists. You are releasing Hundreds Of Thousands of millions of folks into American Communities and you dont they are not properly vetted. You dont know who they are. Whether they are Public Safety threats like we saw obviously with laken riley or they are National Security threats, you have an issue here. Laura now, one specific visa program that biden is very proud of admits into the country up to 30,000 migrants from cuba, nicaragua, venezuela and haiti every month. Theyre even flown into the country. The entire process is shrouded though in secrecy. We dont know where they are actually be flown. To say dhs secretary mayorkas tried to defend this as a key element of our efforts to address the unprecedented level of migration. What . And now biden is fast tracking of illegals into the country has resulted into another in another crime against a child. This man, corey alvarez, a haitian national, was charged this week with raping a 15yearold disabled girl at a comfort inn in massachusetts. The comfort inn is used as a migrant shelter. Both the victim and alvarez reside there. Now, this crime is just one crime. Its just the beginning. Given the current chaos in haiti, Governor Desantis of florida has called up state Maritime Forces to stop boot loads of haitians from landing on state beaches. Joining is nunez lt. Governor of florida. This is so serious and you get the sends that Biden Administration is planning to bring more people here this is not an accident. Blinging more in month after month claiming its helping with the flow of migrants at the border. Thats exactly right, laura. What you see is continuation of this Biden Border Policy that doesnt work that puts us at risk and makes our children less safe and that is able to just one of many which is why under the leadership of our great Governor Ron Desantis we have had to step up and fill the gap. We have had to do their job for them. As such, the governor has deployed. Land outfits. We are going to continue to make sure that theyre not going to reach our shores, which is something that we have been very intentional about. And, again, really something thats been disastrous since day one. Border policies, referral programs like you mentioned and just. This should give everyone a sense, everyone across america watching tonight of whats coming, watch. Within the last couple of weeks, our florida Wildlife Officers interdict add vessel that had 25 Illegal Immigrants, potential Illegal Immigrants from haiti this their boat and their vessel, they had firearms, they had drugs. They had night vision gear. And were are boating very recklessly which potentially could endanger other folks. Those people were turned over to coast guard for being turned back for deportation. Do you have any idea what happened to after that, lt. Governor . So, typically, when they are interdicted at sea and not allowed to reach our shores, they are deported back to their country of origin. And, since we started this program back in january of 2023, because at that time South Florida and the florida keys was being overwhelmed by haitian migrants, what we have seen is we have interdicted over 15,000 individuals, more than 670 670 vessels. And so all of these individuals that have been trying and taken to the Florida Straits to get to our state is something that the governor, like i said, back in january of 2023, he had the presence of mind to send those resources and assets there and now we are surging because we expect that with this haitian situation, the political instability, were going to be facing some difficult times. Yeah, well, you cant rely on the administration to do its job. The states have to, you know, take actions into their own hands and lawfully so. Lt. Governor, thank you for your perspective tonight. Now its time for our political palate cleanser. Laura now, ufc hall of Famer Mark Coleman was battling for his life this week after he sustained injuries while saving both of his parents from a house fire. His daughter said that he ran into their Burning House multiple times to rescue them. He was hospitalized and unable to breathe on his own until yesterday. Happiest man in the world. Im so lucky. I cant believe my parents are alive. I had to make the decision went to the door. I couldnt breathe. Laura lucky man, brave man, lucky family. God is good. Now, coming up. Why does the most powerful man in the world Need Permission to talk. Plus, some news out of key swing states that will leave the biden team, well, on a friday terrified. Thats next. I knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. Part of my journey is responding to looks. We have to look out for each other. We have to take care of each other. Dance is my safe space. I am autistic and i am a performer. And im really good at it. Once were in our own space and we get to create that space, its really fun. I am here because i have seen women do it. If you can see her, you can be her. Planning to move . Join the 6 million families who discovered a smarter, more flexible way to move, with pods. And now save up to 20 off until march 18th. Whether youre moving across town or across the country. 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They are more pet tried if a biden may take a question than they are about a terrorist cell crossing the southern border. This begs the question who is the person or persons keeping the leader of the free world from speaking. America deserves to know. Whoever is Holding Biden on a choke chain is almost making other Big Decisions whoever is doing that accountable. Now, while bidens handlers have to give him permission to speak, it looks like america wont give him permission for a second term. The Real Clear Politics electoral map Shows Trump Dominating State By state by state by state. And if those numbers hold up, trump is on track to eclipse his 2016 electoral count by 8 votes and enter his second term with an undeniable mandate to govern. Joining me now ned ryun, founder and ceo of american majority. Ned, its 234 days out from the election. We have seen how far the handlers of biden going to go to keep him in power. They are relying on lawfare isnt quite working how they thought it would. What should trump and the g. O. P. Be doing between now and november to ensure that he not only gets to 270 electoral votes but gets way over 270 electoral votes to where this Real Clear Politics map shows him about 360. 320 the poll is great. He never led in 2016 or 2020. You know the left is going to close the gap with ballot election machine. There are over seven months from now. I think that we as republicans and trump need to run like we are behind. The biggest thing that the right needs to understand is that elections today are not necessarily about votes, about persuading voters but about ballots. How big is your Ballot Universe and are you going to create more ballots especially in the Battle Ground states. If i were trump and the rnc i would be doing more to generate Absentee Ballots low propensity voters. Putting infrastructure in place to collect those ballots. Lets face it, laura, trump is not catching anybody by surprise this fall. For him to win for us to save america, there has to be an absolute tsunami of g. O. P. Ballots in those battleground states and while there is work being done there is more that needs to be done to make a reality well, earlier today, Martha Mccallum interviewed mike pence about who he is not endorsing watch this. Donald trump is pursuing and articulating an agenda that is at odds with the conservative agenda that we governed on during our four years. And thats why i cannot in good conscience endorse donald trump in this campaign. Ned . So you want another second term ever biden . Laura, that was loathesome for mike pence to say that honestly, mike pence, nikki haley, every last republican should be endorsing trump. If you care about this country, if you care about the constitution, our country cannot survive another four years of this administration. Were already on the brink and the only man who is going to be the g. O. P. Nominee that can beat joe biden is donald j. Trump. So get behind trump, save the country. I dont know what is he talking about trumps not pushing for the policies that they governed on. What is he talking about . I think makes my pence should just go down to the border and start welcoming people. In he might as well do that and start working directly for biden. Ned, thank you. Now to ohio where tuesdays g. O. P. Senate primary is shaping up to be a nail biter and with just days left, more than 30 of voters there are still undecided. Now, in the race, our state senator matt dolan, Secretary Of State matt larose and a candidate endorsed by donald trump. Businessman fair to say morina is the most maga of all the candidates and tomorrow trump is holding a big rally just outside of dayton for him. Bernie morano joins me now. Good to see you tonight. This is important race the senate wants to pick up by knocking on sherrod brown. Why are you running away with it then citizens you are the most maga funded by a family that has billions of dollars that can put endless money into this race. I have not been on a ballot before. Im not somebody who has held public office. I have been a business guy my whole life. Im a legal immigrant from south america. I started a business. I never thought for a million years i would be running for office. But these republicans, these rinos these Swamp Creatures that are reliable democrat votes have motivated me to run. Thats why im doing it. Thats why were going to win. Because the base understands we cant have a repeat of 2017 in which President Trump is in the white house but that he has got a bunch of republicans in name only that vote with democrats. Bernie, an old story conveniently resurfaced stunk to high heaven today. 2008 profile adult website. The late hit, no doubt, but how can you reassure voters this is all nonsense . Well, complete nonsense, unfortunately, somebody did it as a prank back 16 years ago. Admitted to it really good person that did it. The a. P. Knew it was fake. News media so disgusting that for them to publish the story that even the national infirer would not have run, shows you the depth of depravity that our Mainstream Media is all about so desperate to have america last proukraine basically Squishy Spineless Republican in the United States senate blunt President Trumps agenda thats the desperate Smear Attacks doing. I have been married for 35 years. I hit the lottery with the great wife and four kids. Its despicable what those guys are doing. Laura everybody has got to get out and vote. The big primary in ohio. Bernie morano endorsed by President Trump. Beerng moreno, we wish you the best of luck. Nick saban calling out the state of College Football next. From the 1 rated brand in cordless Outdoor Power, the ego power blower. Reaching an incredible 765 cfm, it runs up to 90 minutes on a single charge. Exclusively at lowes, ace and ego authorized dealers. Would you eat a snake if it meant saving the planet . If you said yes, we have some great news for you. Kevin cork is here with all the details. As Indiana Jones famously said, snakes, why did it have to be snakes . That said, before we get too much credence to this report, keep in mind this is the very same outfit that published a piece back in 2018 that said if you spend your neck and you start your cell phone too long you could grow horn in the back of your head up your its that very same outfit. Reports says let them eat snake. According to a study published, pythons produce large slabs of white meat similar to Chicken Fillet and may offer a more sustainable alternative because they can reproduce faster than other foods that have to be farmed like pigs. Twentyseven piglets in a year, but a python up to 100 eggs in that same time frame. Thats good eating. Now snakes are generally eaten in Southeast Asian countries. Places like malaysia and indonesia. Here in the west, not so much. If this report tips the scales for you, bon appetit. Kevin, first of all i dont know if my staff is trying to pull some joke on me because last night we did a snake snakes came up on the show. They werent even supposed to. Now they are showing them again. I said not to put them up. This is a joke. Im leaving the set. Please take them down. Not can even speak. They keep doing it. Im terrified of snakes. I thought you were doing a different report and then All Of A Sudden its a snake report. I cant. I like you, but im afraid of snakes and they are not sustainable for me. Great to see you kevin is always. All the things that i believed in for all these years, 50 years of coaching, no longer exist in College Athletics. Weve created an environment that really does not promote personal development or that is going to create success for the future. Its a Brave New World in College Athletics as Name Image Likeness deals are allowing players to cash in just like the pros. Some of the top athletes are now making up to almost 5 million off of some of these deals. Crimson tide coaching Legend Nick Sabin joined yesterday where he elaborated on the impact of the and il. A Revenue Sharing with the image and likeness would be a lot better system not just a pay for play system like we have now where whoever raises the most money in their collective can pay the most for the players which is not a level playing field. Former College Basket ballplayer and head coach and host of dont at me on out. First of all im really mad that i didnt get to hang with sabin when he was in dc. Does he have a point here . He does. Maybe a head coach that made millions is not the right guy to talk about who should be paying and who shouldnt. Absolutely does. Myself included, guys get into coaching so that they can build a program, help young men, get guys to graduate, develop people. Thats the guys that i know. Absolutely does because quite frankly that is gone. Now they come into the office and they say how much are you going to pay me to stay. Recruits come in with an agent and say how much are you going to pay meet to come. Thats the reality of it. What he said right there is absolutely the truth. What coaches were brought up on the no longer matters. Academics no longer matter. I always thought when i was coaching you have to graduate players, you have to have them do right, now coaches arent even in charge of that in a lot of places. He is absolutely right laura. In the introduction year, athletes collectively made about 917 million in payments for the licensing of their name, image or likeness. Cant the case for sponsorships be made on the players side . These universities make so much money on them. Most of them dont go onto the pros most go on many going to have severe arthritis and sometimes concussion issues long into life. They are thinking whats fair is fair. Why dont we get to benefit . I dont think anybody, and coach didnt say this, nobody is disputing that players should make money. He said i had bryce young as a Heisman Trophy winner. He had deals that were national deals. I dont think coaches are saying that players should make money. I dont know a coach that really cares how much a player makes. Heres the problem. The and ils name image and likeness. She plays well and All Of A Sudden she gets a pepsi deal, she gets her car deal or whatever. Thats how it was intended to. Coaches say thats great. Everybody says thats great. There wasnt anybody that denied including sabin. Heres the problem, coaches are sneaky and the ncaa has no jurisdiction anymore. Whats happening now is i want you to complete here and i will give you 200,000 up front. Instead of name image and likeness, you are a highschooler. Is a totally different world. Always great to talk to you, sports is a great respite from politics at least for me. Thank you so much. You are welcome. Thank you. At that brought tonight. Everyone have a wonderful st. Patricks day on sunday. Have a great weekend with your friends and family. Remember it is america now and forever. Thanks for watching all week long. Jesse watters takes it from here jesse welcome to Jesse Watters primetime

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