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A Wounded Willis to continue on in the case. Keep in mind, there are State Efforts now to fully investigate this, including possible bar issues. The problem you have Going Forward for fani willis, shes got to make a real decision here. Is it worth Going Forward with her at the helm with all of this that has been tainted. We have not ruled out Bar Complaints and also the Senate Investigation here in the state of georgia. John a judge in georgia ruling that fani willis can stay on the Trump Election Interference case but one caveat, must remove her former lover, lead prosecutor nathan wade, but willis may not be Out Of The Woods yet as a Senate Investigation could jeopardize her standing. Hello, john roberts in washington. Where does all of this go from here . Sandra quite a week. Happy friday, everybody. Sandra smith in new york. America reports. Decision follows a Misconduct Hearing to have her disqualified from the trump case over here previously undisclosed relationship with nathan wade. John we have Fox Team Coverage to kick us off this friday afternoon. Shannon bream joins us where willis goes from here. Sandra Jonathan Serrie in atlanta, so, tell us. What happens next . Jonathan yeah, well, in the unlikely event that fani willis decided to keep nathan wade on the case, she and her entire staff would then have to stand down to it. So, while judge scott mcafee has given her an unpleasant choice, legal experts say its an easy one. Take a listen. My best guess is fani williss next move will be to throw nathan wade overboard. The judge basically gave her a binary choice. Either you go or she goes. If she stays, the whole office stays. So i think it will be a pretty easy call, my guess, for fani willis to basically say to mr. Wade, thanks a lot, nathan, see you later. Jonathan the ruling fell short of Disqualifying Fani Willis from the case, an attorney said the judge agreed with the defense the actions of willis are a result of her poor judgment and there is a risk to the future of this case if she doesnt quickly work to cure her conflict. In this ruling the judge also had harsh words about williss Mlk Sunday Speech In January at Big Bethel Church in downtown atlanta, without naming anyone, willis suggested the defense was attacking nathan wade because he was the only black Special Prosecutor she assigned to the case. Appointed three special counsel, my right to do, paid them all the same hourly rate, they only attack one. Jonathan the judge determined the speech did not deprive the defendants of a fair trial, but it was still legally improper, mcafee writes in his ruling today, providing this type of Public Comment creates Dangerous Waters for the District Attorney to wade further into, and this statement obviously could potentially set the stage for the defense to ask for a gag order moving forward to prevent the d. A. From making more public statements like the one you just heard. Back to you. Sandra a lot to dig into. Thank you. John shannon bream, anchor of Fox News Sunday and chief legal correspondent. So, judge mcafee let fani willis off the hook, but he was blistering in his critique, saying the finding is no means indication the court condones this tremendous lapse in judgment or unprofessional manner of the District Attorneys testimony during the hearing where she said no, no, no, i object, yall think im on trial, no, somebody else is on trial. Jonathan turley called her Wounded Willis. Is she . Shannon you have to think about moving forward. He did go on to say, too, the judge, reasonable questions whether she and wade told the truth on the witness stand. That doesnt look good. And Jury Selection coming, a state Senate Investigation, you have jim jordan involved demanding answers from her. Theres a lot going on here. She put together a giant trial with, you know, loads of defendants, codefendants here, an rico case very complex and difficult and it has been wounded to this point. How do you put it together and across the finish like. Can you do that. John the judge said he put absolutely no stock in terrence bradleys testimony. Shannon he said too much to rely on. John and said there was not enough to determine when the relationship began. Mcafee indicated this may not be the end for willis. He wrote other forums or sources of authority such as the general assembly, Georgia State ethics commission, the state bar of georgia, Fulton County board of commissioners or the voters of Fulton County may offer feedback on any Unanswered Questions that linger from his order. Georgia state senate has an investigation going, the governor, the Attorney General could appoint a Special Prosecutor, i mean, this could still be a career ender for her. Shannon it could be and there are a lot of questions about her abilities here about her truthfulness here, about whether she could face potentially a perjury case at some point. So, theres a lot that would wound you as a prosecutor who is going after people for those very things. Now the state Senate Investigation, we heard a little bit of that testimony within the last week or two. Very interesting. They could not, my understanding, actually remove her but they are looking to put together legislation to apply to future cases. The governor there has just signed a bill, though, that was modified, came through the statehouse, that provides a way to get rid of prosecutors but has to be based on them not accurately fulfilling their duties as prosecutors. Some people worry it could be applied to willis but the folks who put it together say its not about that. John take off your legal robes, put the political hat on, this happened, President Biden was asked about that speech that Chuck Schumer gave on the floor of the senate yesterday where he said that israel should call elections and that netanyahu should get voted out. Here is what the president said in response to schumer. President biden Senator Schumer contacted my staff, my senior staff he was going to make that speech and im not going to elaborate on the speech, he made a good speech and i think he expressed a serious concern, shared not only by him but by Many Americans. John he did not go yeah, high five, way to go, but also didnt go no no no, dont give the speech, jeopardize relations with the closest ally in the middle east. Shannon and the language from the president , we heard the white house knew in advance he was going to give the speech but had not given any kind of formal endorsement, it matches up with a lot of what we hear in public and private from this president that he, too, is growing increasingly frustrated with Prime Minister netanyahu and so you wonder in some ways if Czech Schumer was speaking for the president , stopped short of endorsing it, did not seem to have a problem with it. A good speech. John frustrated with netanyahu or freaked out about michigan or other states with at large arab american or muslim population, hes throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks. Shannon we have congressman Michael Mccaul and also john kirby. Sandra good to see shannon. We are awaiting a briefing from the white house as Hundreds Of Americans remain trapped in haiti amid chaos led in part by a war lord nicknamed barbecue. Gillian turner is live at the State Department. What are you learning now at this hour on all of it. Gillian good afternoon to you, sandra. I have learned the Biden Administration is about to announce additional 25 million in aid money for haiti as it teeters on the brink of collapse, in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars that have already been allocated to the country during this crisis. This comes, of course, as potentially Hundreds Of Americans are trapped on the ground and the state Department Says they have no plans to evacuate them. For four years we have said do not go to haiti, its not safe to do that. State officials have told us multiple times they dont know exactly how Many Americans are there. Its impossible for us to know for sure. There are several hundred americans who have registered to receive more information. Gillian u. S. Marines from an antiterrorist unit are in portauprince but not there to help americans escape either. We have installed additional Security Personnel there, but thats all they are doing is just securing the embassy. Gillian haitis most notorious gang leaders, Jimmy Barbecue Leading are in control of the capital. Shuttered government buildings, roads, even the airport. Here in d. C. , the senate has confirmed a new ambassador to haiti. Republicans on the hill say the move is not likely to prevent this crisis from spilling over into the u. S. Theres no way to be able to vet these people so we shouldnt be doing this right now. Gillian there is this widespread, or fairly widespread reporting at this point that the Biden Administration is considering Guantanamo Bay as a location, sandra, to process migrants fleeing haiti. We have reached out to the State Department. They are referring us to the white house. Neither the white house nor the pentagon, though, are confirming that reporting. Nobody in the administration as far as we know is commenting on it one way or the other to confirm at this point. But we will keep digging, sandra. Sandra we await the white house briefing, we are watching it. Thank you. John Florida Governor ron desantis not taking any chances with the situation of haiti. Announced deployment of Law Enforcement resources to prevent an influx of illegal haitian migrants. This to say for those who try to enter florida illegally. Significant augmentation and i think the message is the last thing you should want to do is get on some boat and think you are going to come through from many of these islands to get to the state of florida. John florida has the largest haitian population in the united states, more than 276,000 people. Multiple dhs and i. C. E. Sources saying the haitian migrant seen here charged with raping a 15yearold disabled girl at a Massachusetts Hotel that was housing migrants and they say he was able to enter the u. S. Via that controversial parole program. Our National Correspondent Griff Jenkins joins us live. This is the thing the Biden Administration was touting as the solution to the problems on the southern border. Looks like it was not a solution of much. Thats right, thats right, john. And the last part is really important and the story, but here it is for those just learning, 26yearold cory alvarez, his picture again, brought into the u. S. Last summer, legally, via the chnv parole program, allows up to 30,000 a month, from haiti, venezuela, nicaragua, fly in, two years of parole, vetted and have a u. S. Sponsor, able to work as well. Now in this case, alvarez flew from haiti to jfk airport in new york in june of 2023, john. He listed a sponsor in new jersey and now charged with raping this 15yearold girl at this Migrant Hotel in massachusetts where he was believed to be living. Now, hes pleaded not guilty, and hes awaiting A Dangerousness Hearing next week. I. C. E. Placed a detainer on him. Local residents are outraged over this. Rape of a child is horrendous in any situation but allowing people in the country illegally and happening to a child is unacceptable. We are all sick of it. Time for a change. The Biden Administration considers this program a Lawful Pathway and last week dhs Secretary Mayorkas Praising A Ruling Upholding the program saying this. We are pleased that todays Court Ruling Means the Parole Processes for individuals from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela will continue the processes, a safe and orderly, significant reduction in the number of individuals encountered at the southern border. And perspective, the administration, according to data, over 138,000 haitians into the u. S. Via this Program Since january of last year. We have reached out to dhs and cbp for a statement. Have not heard back yet. John griff, thank you so much. You know, sandra, we keep hearing more and more about this every day, and i dont know if its because it has increased or because its just become more aware we have become more aware of it. But every day we seem to hear of another horror story. Sandra and coming up, joining us on the story is brian stern, really looking forward to having him on. He is the dynamo founder, they are evacuating americans in haiti. They have 17 people on their list waiting to be evacuated. He is there, they have not begun their operation yet but an update from him when he joins us on this program shortly, john. John maybe the State Department will move at some point, well see. Sandra all right. Now this. A shooting on a New York Subway Train leaving a man fighting for his life and passengers terrified. Will it force the demled city to get harder on crime . Plus this. It seems like democrats want businesses to be taxed more, pay their thats not my assumption. Pay workers more, lower prices and now pay people not to work. You know what i would like to see. How are businesses going to survive . John Bernie Sanders going oneonone with Hillary Vaughan and hes not too happy about questions on his proposal to shorten the American Work week. Is it a good idea or a bad one for business . Charlie and dagen on that just ahead. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. This is our future, ma. Godaddy airo. Creates a logo, website, even social posts. In minutes how . A. I. impressed ay i like it who wants to come see the future . get your Business Online in minutes with godaddy airo it seems like democrats want businesses to be taxed more. Really, is that what you think . Excuse me. I didnt get to ask a question. Many of our people are exhausted, we work the longest hours of any people in the industrialized world. I think its time for a shortened work week. Seems like democrats want businesses to be taxed more. Not my assumption. How are businesses going to survive that, how can businesses survival all of those proposals . When mr. Bezos pays an effective tax rate lower than the average worker, i think we have a real problem in the tax system. Sandra like some personal space. This was an intense exchange, between Hillary Vaughan and Bernie Sanders, and questioning him about a cut in the work week without a cut in pay. Dagen mcdowell, im tripping over my words, im thinking how does he make this case to businesses . Who have been struggling hes not going to make this case to business, hes going to jam it down their throat. Sandra its popular, right, to say you can work less, take home more pay. Half of me is like a dog bites man story, Bernie Sanders is a comi, border line communist, and something fell out as i said that, and you know, hes been touting this socialist garbage for years and years. But remind everybody that Bernie Sanders controls Economic Policy in the biden white house. Biden has essentially put in place in his entire regulatory apparatus, all Bernie Sanders apparatus, and i use that as its meant to be. Hes a crap communist. Let me explain. Bernie sanders always talks about the gimmes of europe but never talks about the actual taxes and how europe pays for their socialist system. So lets talk about this idea that he cooked up, where does it work, and thats nowhere. He actually mentioned france because france has a 35 hour work week and is debating lowering it to 32. How is frances economy doing . France has a 7. 5 Unemployment Rate and economy is barely growing. Barely growing at 1 . One thing in terms of he likes the gimmes but not how they pay for it. In france, they have a fast value added tax, Consumption Tax that hits every Single Person living in the country. Everyone pays in these socialist nations, not the rich. Sandra everything about this is the cost of the business, though, and we just had on the screen, lower the work hours to 32 hours, lower the maximum hours required for overtime compensation, at the same time, overtime pay at time and a half for workdays more than eight hours, and over 12 hours, double the regular pay. That exchange was in my view hillary did a good job, it was creepy with the hands in the face. Let me make before i forget, im old and forget things. How many jobs has creepy commi Bernie Sanders created and how many jobs im no jeff bezos fan, but look at how many jobs he has created which allows a company like amazon to flourish and hire people and stop poverty. Bernie sanders makes it like jeff bezos is making poverty. Ease pulling people out of poverty. Men and women who create people are the commi apparacist who make it difficult for entrepreneurs. They dont find value, these people, including Bernie Sanders, dont find value indignity and honor in work. Entrepreneur. Neither charlie nor i would have reacted in the very calm way that Hillary Vaughan did if somebody got in our face that way. I come from a Working Class family, my old man worked two jobs, construction worker. If Bernie Sanders was in his face talking about a fourDay Work Week, he would before smacking him, he would throw up in his face probably. And my parents ran as a wholesale Grocery Business worked seven days a week. We never took a vacation more than two days my entire live. Sandra the success of the pilot program. Our Goal Achievement Rate soared from 62 to 95 . Employee retention increased from 82 to 98 . All 35 north American Companies that piloted the four Day Work Week with us in 2022 have kept it. If it didnt work, for Profit Companies would abandon it. Sandra i mean, could we be sold on this if you can people are having a hard time retaining employees these days. Many of these Big Companies now are so deiesg driven, stakeholder of course they are they become proxies of the democratic party. By the way, ive written a book on it, go woke, go broke, youd be surprised how left wing companies have come. By the way, if you notice, he wants a four Day Work Week, horrible suit. I think they are connected. Four days and 40 hours a week. I know people who do that. Its perfectly fine. But leave it up to the business to make that decision and not somebody who has never actually worked in the private sector. Sandra ultimately you have to ask who pays for it, and if its hard on businesses, pass it to the consumers. Or cutting jobs. I miss you guys. How many times have you heard the word commi in a fiveminute span. Sandra good to see you. John apparachic, its like plummet. A Measles Outbreak at a migrant shelter. One big city is on alert. Cases on the rise nationwide. Sandra john, im sure you have heard about this. Musicians pulling out of the South By Southwest Festival. Well tell you why and the message Texas Governor greg abbott has for them. Every day, vete hit the road, jack dont you come back no more hit the road, jack many were shocked to learn theyve been paying 22 on their credit card balances. And if payments were late, as much as 30 . Thats over three times the Interest Rate on a newday 100 va home loan. Pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. Save hundreds a month, thousands a year. When migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating . Ubrelvy is another option. It works fast to eliminate migraine pain. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. Most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. Ask about ubrelvy. Cordless outdoor power, the ego power blower. 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Side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. man i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. vo ask your doctor about onceweekly mounjaro. John the South By Southwest Festival in austin, texas, a huge gathering annually of music and film, networking and new technology. This year dozens of bands, artists and speakers are baling on the festival in protest of the u. S. Army sponsorship, they say the u. S. Military support of israel is the reason why they have decided to forego the nineday event. Kennedy, our deep background in music, kennedy, makes this a ripe topic for you and i to discuss. So, here is what Governor Greg Abbott said when some 80 bands pulled out of the festival. Bands pull out of south by southwest over u. S. Army sponsorship, bye, dont come back. Austin remains the h. Q. For the futures command, san antonio is military city u. S. A. We are proud of the u. S. Military in texas, if you dont like it, dont come here. South by southwest posted, south by southwest does not agree with governor abbott. Your thoughts . South by southwest doesnt agree with governor abbott, bye and dont come back, or that texas is a military state. It is, austin is very much in texas. I know there is a big movement there, i dont think its going to pass and the bands have to be very consistent once you start with a political boycott. And the u. S. Army is not actually in gaza, and it has been long held u. S. Policy to sell weapons to israel. This is nothing new. But a lot of these people are propalestinian protestors and they have very emotional arguments with very little rational basis. And i just implore them. Its fine to be antiwar, absolutely. Its fine to want peace, but if you are going to boycott a festival where your fans have paid money and paid for their travel and their hotel to come see you, its kind of a jerk move because this is something that they have known for a while. The army is one of the marquee sponsors and if you do that, you should protest everything from the u. S. Military, including gps, the internet, Aviator Sunglasses and cargo pants. All the people protesting can no longer wear or engage the internet ever again. John or military style boots either. A few of the bands that have decided to boycott are from ireland. Some from the u. S. , but some from outside the country. Kneecap from ireland is one of the bands saying it is done in solidarity with the people of palestine and highlight the deep links the festival has to Weapons Companies and the u. S. Military who are enabling a genocide and famine against a trapped population. It would appear that kneecap missed the part where the u. S. Military is building a port along the gaza shore to get food aid in. And fighting like hell to fight the refugees, the people displaced, offering aid and comfort to the families who are surviving who have been affected. But its very interesting. In these things, they dont say anything about the atrocity that took place on october 7th. And its fine to be passionate, just least be honest and you know, some of these protestors are throwing around words like genocide while they are calling for the extermination of the state of israel and jewish people. So like they are calling for genocide to counter what they term as genocide. John you know, i just did take a moment to look up a lot of musicians who do support the u. S. Military, one first and foremost, john from five for fighting, katy perry, blink 182, metalica, keith urban, tim mcgraw, luke bryant, many, many more. A lot of american artists, predominantly country, but others as well. And they do have military families and understand the sacrifice of the Family Members and grateful for those in wartime, when the u. S. Is at war, the u. S. Is not at war in gaza. But when they are, they are incredibly proud of their families and constantly worried about them and you know, our hearts break for those gold star families whose loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice. And you know, if we are going to have that conversation, thats fine. Of course we all want to live in a Peaceful World that is peaceful for our children and those abroad. I dont think this is the best way to go about it. And for an irish band to boycott a Music Festival st. Patricks week is an abomination. John kennedy, great to catch up with you. Sandra john, is the Biden Administration heading for another disastrous exit, this time in haiti, with no plans in place to rescue americans trapped there. We are going to talk to the head of a veteranled organization that is planning to get those americans out. Plus this. President biden year before i took Office Murder rates went up 30 , 30 they went up. [indiscernible] the biggest increase in history. John you might remember that moment from the state of the union, a griefstricken gold star father whose son was killed in that Suicide Bombing in abbey gate now facing charges. We will ask an afghanistan veteran why a family that paid the ultimate sacrifice would be treated that way. Stay with us. This looks like an actual farm. It looked cute on the app. meanwhile, at a vrbo. When other Vacation Rentals arent what theyre cracked up to be, try one where youll know what you get. What makes a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, like an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare . Its smart for you to have now. Im 65. And later on, for the future you. Im 70ish. Its really smart. Hey, looking good. You made a great choice for us. 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Because shingles could wake up in you. If youre over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. We are not actively planning for an evacuation. For four years we have been telling americans do not go to haiti, do not travel there. Its not safe to do so, and for those who are there, leave as soon as you can feasibly do so without putting yourself at risk. Sandra thats the State Department there, it was a briefing that was happening about this time yesterday saying there are no plans yet to evacuate americans who are trapped in haiti, even as the countrys government could collapse at any moment amid this escalating gang violence. Meanwhile, a veteranled Nonprofit Group is preparing to help get out at least 30 americans who are trapped. Brian stern is the founder and ceo of Project Dynamo. We have been here a couple days. We are tracking over three dozen right now, spread out throughout the country, the majority are in portauprince, the capital, where its really terrible and lots of groups just like us, but its very dangerous and scary, extremely Dynamite Situation for sure. Sandra we have some of your video up on the screen. How do you plan to go, the statehouse, we have no plan, you do, how do you do this . You know, we are a donorfunded International Rescue organization so this is these kinds of environments are this is our office space. We started in afghanistan, of course went into ukraine and occupied ukraine, then sudan, israel, gaza, hurricane ian, maui, and now in haiti. So, you know, this is what we do. This is sadly normal for us which is kind of strange and its very complicated. None of these things are the same. The way we do things in haiti is not what we do in sudan, but bottom line, americans are stuck, we dont really care about the why or the how or all that stuff, we are just about getting americans home and safe to where they belong. Sandra thats the phone call you take. Thats the phone call Project Dynamo takes, we have the Donation Link on the screen for anybody who wants to help out. Bryan, you answer the phone and you run into the chaos, you run into the danger. We know that because we have talked to you and we have seen your efforts over the years. This is bestselling author mitch album on getting no help from the u. S. Embassy in haiti. We tried to go through the regular channels, called the embassy, they kept telling us stay where you are, we dont have anything four, dont have Anything For You and read they evacuated. So it was pretty obvious we were not going to get any help that way. Sandra why do you fathom this has been such a mess . You know, thats above my pay grade, you know. Im not a decision maker, im not a politician, im not i dont work for the government. So decisions get made at all kinds of levels for all kinds of reasons and some of those are reasons that make sense, some are hard to understand. What i know, though, is that americans are in trouble and being surrounded by this is the wrong answer. I know that much. Sandra when you say this, bryan, we have video that you sent us taken tuesday in portauprince, haiti. I mean theres obviously just chaos in the streets there. Tell us a little bit more about what youve seen since youve been on the ground there. Yeah, its i mean this is a haiti is a failed state, essentially. In all the ways that matter, at least. The gangs are decentralized, meaning theres lots and lots and lots of very heavily armed angry people who are Shooting Everything they can find with impunity. Even the gang leaders are not in control. If they say go kill everything, the people will listen. If they say dont kill things, they wont listen. So it even illicit Law And Order is not really present at the moment and that really is the problem. So, its very, very, very dangerous, its very scary. If you are an american and you are in haiti, its time to get you home, bottom line. Sandra so youve got 30 on your list, correct . At least. The people are coming in people are registering on our website, Project Dynamo. Org, and ask for help and also donate, but people are registering quickly, rapidly. Sandra when are you launching your operation . As soon as possible. We have been Setting Conditions since we got here, and the Name Of The Game is to be able to do these things safe and secure, you know, safety is paramount, we wont execute an operation unless we know we can do it. We have done 609 missions globally, turns into about 7,000 people we rescued all over the world. And thats why we have the track record that we have is we make sure that we can do it. We dont try, we make sure we win. Sandra you do incredible work and again, we have that link up on the screen. Project dynamo for anyone in position to donate. Bryan, well be thinking of you. Please do come back with an update. Thanks so much. John any hope of lower Interest Rates for homeowners put on hold because the Federal Reserve says its holding off on plans to cut Interest Rates until inflation comes down to near 2 . But why are liberals pushing for the Inflation Rate to be higher . Larry kudlow will tell us what that could mean with americans struggling with high prices as President Biden tries to change their minds on the economy. Sandra deadly outbreak of weather from texas to the ohio valley. Is more on the way. E loves firs. But when it comes to caring for his teeth hes let his own maintenance take a back seat. Well maybe its time to shift gears on that. 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Its just real food. Its an idea whose time has come. I suffer with Psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis. I was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. Cosentyx works for me. Cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis or psoriasis. Serious allergic reactions, severe Skin Reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. I move so much better because of cosentyx. Ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Oh, my god. Hope its not my house. John wow, powerful nature there. At least three People Killed by a tornado in ohio yesterday. One of several twisters that caused heavy damage as a line of Severe Weather blasted multiple states. Our Chief Meteorologist in the Fox Weather Center with more. Rick, it was pretty bad. Really bad day yesterday and bad farther north than you would normally see this time of year. We are getting into the meaty part of Severe Weather season and yesterday certainly showed us all of this. Four real complexes here of tornado storms yesterday, and caused fatalities and damages. Overall, 90 Tornado Warnings were issued by local National Weather service offices. Also a really Big Hail Impact yesterday hit oklahoma, five and a quarter inch hail, really large and can do a lot of damage. Today, more Severe Weather towards the south and maybe not as tornadic, we have a severe thunderstorm watch across parts of The Deep South to 7 00 tonight, likely looking at strong winds and probably some hail. Another one over here across parts, not popping up here, over towards areas of the big bend. This is that complex of storms. You see all the rain here. Its going to kind of sit here for much of the weekend and because of that, we are going to see rounds of severe storms and rounds of really heavy rain. This is where the Severe Weather threat is today. Notice the darker color there in parts of west texas, southwest texas. That is one of the spots we could see a tornado or two. Could see as well across parts of the southeast. Not as big of a Tornado Threat today and the tornadoes we would likely see today would be a little bit smaller, probably, than what we saw yesterday. But a bigger threat for hail potentially looking at some really significant hail throughout the day today and evening and across parts of southwest texas. Today, tomorrow the storm does not move much at all and because of that, we have a flood threat. This is with us all weekend long. Watch the rain through sunday, a lot of spots 2 to 3 inches and especially The Deep South, the ground is saturated, so much rain this winter. John hopefully things will settle down soon. Sandra. Sandra it is friday and anything could happen. A live look at the Fulton County courthouse, we await a response from d. A. Fani willis after a judges ultimatum in the Trump Election Interference case. Andy mccarthy is coming up where it all goes from here. Heres to Getting Better with age. Heres to beating these two every thursday. Help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. Without the stuff you dont. So, heres to now. Boost. Im jonathan lawson, here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85 and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. A price you can afford, a price that cant increase, and a price that fits your budget. Im 54. Whats my price . You can get coverage for 9. 95 a month. Im 65 and take medications. Whats my price . Also 9. 95 a month. I just turned 80. Whats my price . 9. 95 a month for you too. If youre age 50 to 85, call now about the 1 most popular whole life Insurance Plan available through the Colonial Penn program. Options start at 9. 95 a month. No medical exam, no health questions. Your acceptance is guaranteed. And this plan has a guaranteed lifetime ratelock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. So call now for free information, and youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. I lost some weight. Ozempic® isnt for people with Type 1 Diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. Stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Gallbladder problems may occur. Tell your provider about Vision Problems or changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Living with Type 2 Diabetes . Ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. I love your dress. Oh thanks i splurged a little because Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. I know, right . Ive been telling everyone. Baby liberty. Did you hear that . Ty just said her first word. Can you say mama . Baby liberty. Can you say auntie . Baby liberty. How many people did you tell . Only pay for what you need. Jingle liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Baby liberty. Sandra a live look at the white house as we eight wait the first press Briefing Since the major ruling came down in atlanta. Judge scott mcafee deciding fani willis can prosecute the Trump Election case but only if her exboyfriend, nathan wade, is removed. John we are still waiting to see how the two of them will respond and if the former president will weigh in. How will all of this impact trumps Courtroom Campaign . Well put that question to Andy Mccarthy just ahead. Sandra chaos underground as subway crime spirals out of control. A shooting on board left dozens of new yorkers running for their lives. Welcome. John john roberts in washington, this is america reports. Look at this, gunfire on a packed rush hour train after two men got into a fight. A warning, some viewers may find this disturbing. Let me out let me out let me out [gunshots] john documenting riders scrambling for safety as shots were fired. A victim who police say was shot in the head with his own gun, dodging the subway fare to guest on to the platform before this all happened. Its important that we enforce service and people not paying the fare. Often time we see people enter to the Subway Station looking to cause harm and they never pay the fare. Sandra Fox Team Coverage for you. Luca

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