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Haiti, Trapped Americans begging to get out as we await an update from the State Department. So begins a thursday afternoon. Sandra a developing situation at this hour. Im sandra smith in new york. This is america reports. We are following it for you. Violent gangs are attempting to seize control of haiti led by A Brutal War Lord known as barbecue. John barbecue, a former Police Officer, got the nickname from his penchant to eliminate his opponents by burning them to death. Believed to be responsible for a massacre in 2018 that killed at least 71 people and burned some 400 homes. He is now calling for a bloody revolution. Sandra haitis top political leaders are rejecting the latest regional plan for a transitional government. Gillian turner has an update live at the State Department for us. Gillian we do know there are americans stuck inside haiti who want to escape as the country is teetering on the brink of collapse. Officials here at the State Department do not appear to know how Many Americans we are talking about. Take a listen. How Many American citizens are you aware of who are in haiti who are wanting to leave. I dont have i dont have a number. Gillian as Gang Violence spirals further out of control, the administration is deploying a marine unit to evacuate americans who are working at the embassy. Officials acknowledge concerns that the crisis could soon also prompt a mass exodus of haitians with many seeking asylum here in the u. S. What often happens when you have an unstable security situation is an increase in people attempting to flee the country and leave to other places. Gillian haitis most notorious gang leader leading the charge, now in control of the capital city, portauprince. Shuttered government buildings and roads and airports. Border officials in florida are alerted to the possibility of mass migration, prompting Governor Desantis to deploy extra assets to the coast. Lawmakers on capitol hill this afternoon with this warning. Theres no way to be able to vet these people. So we shouldnt be doing this right now. Clearly haiti is in turmoil, but to exacerbate our issue at our southern border or the illegal Immigration Crisis we have, there are 9 Million People here, we have no idea who many of these people are right now. We just saw a young lady murdered in georgia, laken riley, because of a person paroled. They need to go through the proper vetting process, whatever it takes. Gillian Military Experts are warning us they are concerned about the afghanistan 2. 0 in Which Americans In Haiti for a variety of reasons are left behind. Theres going to be a briefing as soon as i get off air with you guys. Im headed into it and we are going to ask the state Department Spokesperson on camera about all of this. John and sandra. Sandra and we will certainly be listening for that. Thank you. John joining us by phone is florida senator rick scott. Appreciate it. Whats going on in haiti raises two very significant issues. First of all, there are a number of americans who are trapped there and begging to get out, dont know the exact number. What should the Biden Administration do on that front and expect as we have seen in the past before, boat loads of haitians trying to escape the country, and sometimes the small boats designed to hold maybe 80 people have 2 or 300 people on them. Making their way to the shores of florida. So, what should the Biden Administration do to prepare for that . Well, first off, its really heartbreaking. We have a lot of haitians that live in my state, and so you you know, im talking to them about whats happening there and they are scared to death for their families that are still there. So look, this is this is the political unrest thats been caused by a Biden Administration that doesnt know what its doing. To appease cuba, venezuela and nicaragua, and now unprepared for whats going on here. Ive been getting briefings, they appear to be completely unprepared for what to do now, and we cant just this is we are creating instability. So, one, we have to make sure we protect americans, we have to do everything we can to protect americans but we have an administration that does not think that way. We have hostages in gaza, more focused on giving the money to the gazans than taking care of the hostages held by hamas. We need to make sure the coast guard and the Department Of Defense has every resource necessary to make sure we dont have, you know, thousands and thousands and thousands of people trying to flee to our shores as a result of the unrest there. And biden cant do what hes doing. He let 8 Million People pour across the border totally unveted. We cannot let people into the country unveted from around the world. Think about afghanistan, brought in on planes, 90,000 people. You cant keep doing this and expect we are not going to have issues in our country. So, we have to we got to do better. Here is how you should sum thing up. Magnet for illegal immigration, appease evil regimes and force the American People to pay for all the unrest for humanitarian crisis, mass border crossings, for all this. This is this is all increasing every month under the Biden Administration. This is just chaos, its not good for the people of haiti, its not good for americans. Sandra you say you were just briefed, senator. Sandra here, and your understanding is we are wholly unprepared for what is coming. Im looking at a Press Release minutes ago, released from the royal caribbean, they are now suspending cruise visits to haiti for seven days, only. Based on whats happening, you would think seven months. What can you tell us as we await the State Department, they dont know how Many Americans are there, hopefully they know more, but what have you learned in the briefings to indicate we are not prepared for that. We have a great military. Coast guard great, Department Of Defense these are hardworking people, but, right, but this you know, we are not ready, we dont have you will a the resources there, think about, we have we are hearing from a lot of americans that are stuck there and they cant get out, i mean, this is you can see what was going on and why, you know, why we have americans stuck there and why we are just now getting people out. We did the same thing in afghanistan where, you know, we ended upbringing a whole bunch of unveted people because the airport and looked so bad and horrible for everybody. We are worried we are going to get the americans out and people with special visas, and as a result, we brought in people. I know the military wants to do the right thing but we have to get the administration they cant keep appeasing everybody, appease, appease, appease, Create A Magnet and think its going to get better for us. Its not going to get better for us. And more dangerous for americans to be anywhere around the world. If you are an american and taken hostage, you think this president will give a damn about you . He doesnt hes never talked about the hostages that hamas has but he wants to go and give a whole bunch of humanitarian money to gaza, and directly to hamas to build more tunnels. We have a president that is not focused on american citizens, number one thing, the safety of american citizens, he is not doing it. I cant imagine he will get better in haiti. John History In Haiti has a habit of repeating itself again and again and again, i was there in 1984 when a Military Dictator refused to step down. 82nd Airborne was on its way to haiti to remove him when jimmy carter and colin powell convinced him to go into exile when another returned. What you hope is that theres a peaceful transition to a new government that brings stability, thats what you would hope. But we are behind. If if you would not be behind if american citizens are saying hey, i cant get out, right. So, we are clearly behind. So, i would hope that, you know, this idea that we have a 7person council that can pick a new Prime Minister that people will accept and free and fair elections, stability here, but look right now, if Everything Everything has gotten worse under this president. Cuba is worse, nicaragua is worse, maduro is worse, colombia, everything is getting worse because this president doesnt care about these things. Appease, appease, appease. Sandra senator rick scott, appreciate you joining us on the breaking news. Well continue to brief our audience as we await the state Department Briefing moments from now. Thank you. John keep our eye on haiti. In the meantime, legal challenges facing former president donald trump, he is in a florida courtroom this hour where his team is trying to get a classified documents case against him dismissed. Meanwhile, in atlanta, another major ruling is expected any moment now that could derail a second trump case. Steve is live outside the florida courthouse with the latest from there. Steve. Steve john, this allday hearing is just about to get started from lunch, the control of trumps attorneys to get the documents case dismissed. Color from inside the federal courtroom, heather lacy says trump has been active inside the courtroom in his traditional blue suit and red tie, huddled up with his lawyers, exchanging conversations and notes back and forth. Jack smith Special Counsel inside the Special Counsel, not even if the two have looked at each other. Trumps attorneys are trying to make the case what donald trump in maralago was no different than predecessors and he is selectively prosecuted, thats the argument we have heard this morning. Prosecution saying in fact these were a number of highly classified documents, and the trump resisted a number of requests to return those documents in a timely manner. So, what they are going for, what trumps attorneys are going for is a complete dismissal, it could be a legal long shot. What they might get instead is a delay, a delay perhaps until august. Back to you. John steve with the latest from fort pierce. Thank you, steve. Sandra watching a lot right now. In georgia any moment now, a judge could rule on the fate of d. A. Fani willis. Jonathan serrie is live outside the Fulton County courthouse. When do we expect a decision . Jonathan judge scott mcafee set a friday deadline and said last week in a Radio Interview he does intend to meet that deadline. He did that interview with wsb radio after learning he would be facing a challenger for his seat on the court but assured listeners that would not factor into the decision on District Attorney fani willis. Rough draft and outline before i ever heard a rumor that someone wanted to run for this position. The result is not going to change because of politics. Jonathan several Defense Attorneys are calling on the judge to disqualify the d. A. From prosecuting the case, claiming that the romantic relationship with nathan wade provided conflicts of interest. Willis and wade said the relationship was not romantic until after wade was hired and no bearing on the case. Sandra jonathan, well see. Any moment now that could happen. We just dont know. Thank you. John. John sandra, President Biden getting ready to leave for michigan as he continues to crisscross the country to shore up support in key Battleground States. His first visit since more than 100,000 people cast uncommitted votes in the primary. Kellyanne conway and patrick murphy. I want to get to michigan in just a second, but first of all i want to ask you about something that Chuck Schumer said in the senate just a little while ago about netanyahu needing to go and that israel needs to hold elections now. Listen to what he said. I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decisionmaking process about the future of israel. Of course the United States cannot dictate the outcome of an election nor should we try. That is for the israeli public to decide. Kellyanne, i mean, its kind of interesting that schumer would be on the floor saying that at the same time the president is going to michigan. Thats right, its a 45minute speech that the highest ranking Jewish American in u. S. History, gentlemen, delivered, calling for israelis to overthrow its current leader. I think that schumer is really stuck between his own sympathies and the tremendous pressure hes encountering among the radical left wing of the party, the party that left the Patrick Murphys of the world, God Bless Hem for service, behind. You have sanders and others saying we are not going to give aid to israel until you meet our conditions. They dont dare say aid to the southern border, but aid for israel is another communist and socialist in the senate are pressuring schumer and look, i think republicans hit back on this very quickly, and rightfully so. John patrick, to you, a recent poll in israel found 62 of israelis support netanyahus plan for gaza. Now a poll by the Israel Democracy Institute showed only 15 of israelis want netanyahu to continue as Prime Minister after the Military Operation is over. And another poll showed beni gantz, the chief of the opposition but a member of the unity council, would garner more seats than netanyahu if an election were to be held soon. But should schumer be up there saying nows the time to do it, you got to do it announcement israelis are not saying that, why is he . I dont know, and i dont want to speak for the majority leader, john. John go ahead, patrick. No, no, no, this year, 60 elections across democratic countries including here in america and we dont want russia and china to interfere in our elections, careful, whats good for the goose is good for the gander, and kelly anne is right. We have to make sure israel has the support, the absolute right to defend itself, destroy hamas. But you have to couple that with the fact that theres been 30,000 civilians that have been killed, twothirds of which are women, and when you do that as kelly mentioned, 82nd Airborne division. When i was in iraq with them, every time you kill a civilian it generates another five people who are radicalized. So we have to be smart about this. Its a tough balance. And im praying and hoping that we come to a bilateral ceasefire and i think we are at the one yard line line to make that happen. John the situation you mentioned there about create one new terrorist for each one you kill, that is something we will kill with dan hoffman later in the program. Five more. John five more, yes. And in michigan, trump with a lead over biden and the results of the democratic primary, biden 625,000 votes, 140,000 votes for people who werent biden, either uncommitted or Marianne Williamson or dean phillips. The risk for biden here, kellyanne, would seem to be a lot of the arab and Muslim Americans may stay home on november 5th. Absolutely, or perhaps President Trump can reach out to a number of would be democratic voters disenchanted with joe biden. In 2016 when i was Trumps Campaign manager, made a big push in michigan. I put them at the top of the list. Maybe fortunately for joe biden 83 white, since hes bleeding support among African Americans and hispanic americans, as well as young people. According to of all places the New York Times poll. We know the democratic mayor of dearborn, michigan is against biden. He had a no confidence vote. Listen, gentlemen, this is not hillary versus bernie in the primaries in 2016 where bernie is beating her in contests. This is people saying i dont have confidence in the sitting president of my own party. That is a significant indictment against him and thats why i think trump is beating him. And the auto workers, and the rank and time and forgotten Men And Women Want Trump back. John and its pouring as they are heading to michigan. Wiping off the camera there. Final word to you. Hopefully the sixers beat the bucks tonight. In michigan, kellyanne, 13 were uncommitted. But 30 on the other side, republican side, voted for nikki haley. So, you know, joe biden won, beat donald trump four years ago by 154,000 votes. He is taking nothing for granted, hes been in four Battleground States the past week and two next week. So, in the army, in the pentagon, we say amateurs talk strategy, experts talk logistics, thats why joe biden needs the Battleground States for victory november 5th. Speaking of the army, the fact that west point got rid of duty, country and honor, i hope you stand up, sir, as a democrat and someone who served his country and push back against that, its a complete disgrace. Thanks for mentioning the army. John and the number of people who voted against biden in the primaries is just about 10,000 shy of his margin of victory in 2020. So, things could be close. Thanks yall for joining us. Appreciate it. Good to see you again. Sandra fox news cameras rolling as National Guard troops add more fencing along the rio grande. How texas is ramping up efforts to secure the southern border. Plus this. I want to know how did we get here. How did we get to a place where our kids disregard their fellow students and resort to violence. John parents calling for more Safety Measures at their Kids High School after a graphic video shows a student brutally attacked in a bathroom. Well speak to a mom who helped organize the Rally Calling for change just ahead. Ready for your lobster lovers dream to come true . Theyre two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. Plus, cheddar bays for days. But lobsterfest wont last, so hurry in. The future is not just going to happen. You have to make it. And if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. A future where you grew a dream into a reality. Its waiting for you. Mere minutes away. The future is nothing but power and its all yours. The all new godaddy airo. Get your Business Online in minutes with the power of ai. You know that thing your family does . Yeah, that thing. 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John we knew they were on their way, word they just arrived, a marine fast team Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team to help secure with a lot of fire power the u. S. Embassy in portauprince, haiti. That as the situation in haiti is beyond chaos and is complete anarchy on the streets. You see the fellow on the upper righthand of the screen, a former Police Officer with the nickname barbecue, hes the leader of the biggest, baddest, toughest gang in haiti, he is said to be in control of the city. Where haiti goes from here is anyones guess. Monitoring the State Department for a briefing coming up. Latest from there. If the superintendent will not act then we ask you, our elected school board, to put the safety of our kids as your number one priority. [applause] everyone in the school is told if the rules are not respected you will be given the appropriate consequences. However, as seen with the most recent fight, these consequences are not enough and not doled out. Sandra parents and students speaking at a rally in west suburban, chicago, ahead of a School Board Meeting last night. They are demanding change after a brutal bathroom fight left a student seriously injured. We will warn you, the next video is graphic. It does show two teens at the school attacking a third teen and apparently this is not an isolated incident. There has been a string of them. Amy is a parent who helped organize the rally at that school in full disclosure, i did graduate from that school, amy. I know it well and things like this just did not happen there. So, do that to this parents point who later in the School Board Meeting asks how did we get here, amy, what is happening that these students are not suffering consequences to stem this type of violence . Yeah, its its really unfortunate, sandra. What is happening exactly, i cant necessarily speak to, but from a Parent Perspective it seems like you know, the district is working on sort of a behavioral approach to these disciplinary issues and i would argue thats not necessarily the best choice. I would like to see things go back to consistent discipline from a Parent Perspective, you know. Getting back to the basics. Kids thrive on firm boundaries, high expectations, you know, and strong discipline. So that they know how to function in this world, right. Sandra you feel for that High School Junior there, that young man who was clearly emotional when he was speaking out. In front of a room full of adults which obviously is not easy, saying that we were told theres rules and if those rules are not respected, youll be given the approved consequences. However, he says with this most recent fight these consequences are not enough. He says that they are being ignored, and that is leading to more of these incidents happening. I was quoting this parent from last night asking how did we get here with Youth Violence . Listen. Whoa ill others may ask about the specific disciplinary actions taken or want more transparency from administration on what occurred during recent events, i want to know how did we get here. How did we get to a place where our kids disregard their fellow students and resort to violence. Sandra this is such an important story and hits home for so many, this is happening in areas they, too, say this does not happen here. But it is, and to that parents point, how did we get here . I think its specifically in our district, i know this is a national issue, i think specifically in wheatonwarrenville, i think we got here because we are not giving appropriate consequences starting in the earlier grades. Kids get away all the time with name calling, with bullying. This particular family featured on the video right now, their children are subject to bullying and physical harassment by adults in the building. And so i think when situations go, you know, when they are not treated appropriately, when the consequences are not severe enough, whether for students, whether for adults, it perpetuates this culture of, you know, not caring, and allowing these things to happen. You know, and you can see that parents are speaking out. Im so grateful for that. But our district, our school board has really created this culture where people dont necessarily feel comfortable doing that, in fact, there was a hot mic moment that one of our School Board Members had last night at the meeting he said theyre playing victim, and so you know, this is its the same story over and over again. Its people with valid concerns, with valid stories, you know, being made out to be hysterical or you know, after some kind of agenda, or you know, they are not believed. Children are not being believed. Sandra interesting. And i think thats probably across the nation as well. And adults are not being held accountable. Sandra its a fair point. I think its one that a lot of people are looking at in their own local areas as this continues. One more, this was a parent Last Night Thresholds for discipline in that particular district. Listen. We found out that one of the attackers attacked another child at the district a couple weeks prior to that. Why that student was still allowed in school is something that im hearing a lot of parents question. What is our threshold of when things are going to be bad enough that we are finally going to have to say we need to stop what we are doing and we need to start over and reevaluate this. Sandra so now you think how do you protect the kids at that school, the consequences are not severe enough to stem this kind of event. I know they have offered some changes, amy, like having atte attendants in the bathroom, hall passes, will any of this work . I dont think it will work and i think honestly its very reactionary. We need to think proactive here and what that does it puts the onus on the students and takes away some of their rights. I think i dont see that as being a solution. I see that as being a preventative measure of safety, security and having adult eyes on the situations which should have been happening anyway, in my opinion. Sandra there are so many good, hardworking families that live in that town to have access to the Great Schools there, and so you hope things get better. Sounds like you are leading that discussion and that charge and well keep following it, amy. Thanks for joining us. Thank you so much. John sandra, we are awaying remarks from the State Department as a gangfueled crisis in haiti runs rampant. How it could prompt a surge of haitians at our border. Sandra plus the battle to protect womens sports, a new phase in new york. Caitlyn jenner on the fight to stop biological men from competing against women. Thats next. We are a very welcoming county but we need to protect women. Its odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. the stock market is now down 23 . This is happening people. Where there are so few certainties. laughing look around you. You deserve to know. As we navigate a future unknown. Im glad i found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Every day, more dog people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. bobby my store and my Design Business . Were exploding. But my old internet, was not letting me run the show. So, we switched to Verizon Business internet. They have business grade internet, nationwide. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. Woman whats my safelite story . I see inspiration right through my glass. So when my windshield cracked, i chose safelite. They replaced the glass and recalibrated my safety system. Thats service i can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. John breaking moments ago, more than a dozen current and former colleague athletes including riley gaines have filed a lawsuit against the ncaa, the University System of georgia, and others for their transgender policies. Joining us with reaction is caitlyn jenner, Olympic Gold Decathalon Winner and fox news contributor. To my knowledge, i mean, there is megan Fields Cortez is a pretty successful swimmer. To my knowledge, no transgender swimmers right now in the ncaa at the level of lia thomas. What do you think of the lawsuit filed against the ncaa and the University Of Georgia system for their policies . Well, it seems like on this subject everybody right now is lawyering up, and its unfortunate. Our society has come to that. The moment you open the door to anyone who is biologically female and to be honest with you, its nothing about discrimination against gender identity. Its rather its so simple. Its just about anybody who developed biologically male has an unfair advantage in competition. And they really do have that. Its called, you know, just its unfair to do Something Like this. Well, the far left and especially right now in this lawsuit we are talking about whats happening in Nassau County, i mean, everybody is getting involved. Letitia james is involved. Its just honestly, its getting out of hand. John so this is over a law that was passed in the county which does not allow biological males as transgender women to compete on womens teams. It was put into law by the Nassau County executive Bruce Blakeman, Letitia James as you mentioned has threatened to file suit over it. I believe Nassau County is counter suing because of it. Here is what the supervisor Bruce Blakeman said about the idea of biological men competing with women. Biological males are traditionally bigger, stronger, and faster. Thats why theres a wnba, why theres an nba. We need to protect women. Make sure that the competition is fair on a level Playing Field and safe. John you know, we talk about the inherent advantages biological males have, particularly in teenagehood after adolescents. Republicans say they want to preserve the ability of women to compete in womens sports, make sure there is a fair Playing Field. The same time, people on the level of demonizing republicans, transphobic and discriminatory james used about the ordinance in Nassau County. First of all, Letitia James, shes proven time after time that she is an attention seeker, shes a radical far left ideologue, and its a shame that there are so many problems in new york, new york city, the state of new york, you have an Attorney General that constantly wants to be in front of the camera and put her point out there. In all these lawsuits, they never talk about how many people are actually being affected by these trans people. Even in Nassau County, we dont even know how many trans people are out there, you know, competing. Is it 1, 2 in the whole county, we dont notch its such a small number of people. And so its just its unfortunate. What we have to do is we have to keep fighting this and we have to fight for the integrity of womens sports and we have to stop it now because to be honest with you, john, you know, its gonna be legal in court, we are going to be fighting this for a long time, and but it has to stop because we have to protect the integrity of sports. I mean, bottom line. And if we dont stop it now, whats gonna happen five years, ten years down the line . Its only going to get harder and harder to stop. So, lets work hard, lets have women fight with us like The Riley Gaines of the world, fight this fight and the only way we are going to win it. Because the lawyers are going to be lawyering up on this one. John well, no question. People are going to make a lot of money at this are the lawyers. Caitlyn jenner, great to see you, appreciate it. Good seeing you, john. Sandra actress olivia munn revealing she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer despite Testing Negative for dozens of cancer genes. Its baffling. Dr. Nicole saphier up next on what women need to know. John watching the Fulton County courthouse for a potential ruling on d. A. Fani willis fate. Will she be removed for the Election Interference against former President Trump. Ir repair that doesnt cost 50 . Pantenes provitamin formula repairs hair. As well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. For softness and resilience, without the price tag. If you know. You know its pantene. Theres Nothing Better than a subway series footlong. Except when you add a new footlong sidekick. Like the ultimate bmt with the new footlong pretzel. Nothing like a sidekick that steps up in crunch time. [laughing] not cool man. Every Epic Footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. I bought the team kevin. . I bought the team i put it on my Chase Freedom Unlimited card. And im gonna cashback on a few other things too. Starting with the sound system curry from deep. Thats caaaaaaaaash. 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Stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Gallbladder problems may occur. Tell your provider about Vision Problems or changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Living with Type 2 Diabetes . Ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. Sandra 43yearold actress olivia munn bravely sharing her Breast Cancer diagnosis of 2023, reminds women of early detection. Gerry willis, and dr. Nicole saphier, wrote a book coming out next month, and i was honored to be a part of the book. The revelation on olivia munn, it was reported yesterday, finally got to a place in her journey she was willing to share her story, dr. Saphier. What was really interesting to this is the testing for the brca gene. Is it possible to test negative for the genetic change that usually indicates cancer and then get cancer . I know so many women who are talking about this. Well, absolutely, sandra. And so first of all, testing for brca 1 and brca 2 gene does not mean you never get Breast Cancer. Most women will teach negative for the genetic mutation. Less than a third of Breast Cancers are due to genetic mutations. Being a woman and getting older are big factors, one in eight women will get it. One of the messages, she talked about how she had a negative mammogram, a normal mammogram and a couple months later had a conversation with her doctor, her obgyn about her individualized risk. She tested negative for the genes but does not mean she is low risk for Breast Cancer. Based on how she answered certain questions, calculated the Risk Assessment score to be 37 . Thats considered high risk and when people are that high risk for Breast Cancer we recommend supplemental imaging, such as mri, she had. She had bilateral biopsies, the radiologist in this scenario, found the lesions, decided they wanted to biopsy them, and that is rare, less than 5 of women will have it in the contralateral breast. Unfortunately, the type she has is a little more agr he is sieve, its not the most common, she was aggressive in the approach, she had bilateral mastectomy and making sure she can watch her little boy grow up. Sandra such good information, and part of what she revealed in her story, i would not have found my cancer at my next scheduled mammogram, if she waited for the next scheduled mammogram. The obgyn decided to calculate her Breast Cancer Risk Assessment score. By the way, you can do it online, do it with your doctor. The fact she did save my life. Went from feeling completely fine one day to waking up in a hospital bed after a tenhour surgery the next. Apparent shy she said she has had four surgeries in ten months after her cancer diagnosis. Gerry, something you know all too well. As you continue to hear stories like this, what is your message to women of all ages . Well, get tested, if you feel you need to get tested, go do it. I know there are rules out there about age the, but we know that younger and younger women are being diagnosed, and i see them. You are seeing pictures of me in the hospital. Thats chemo. I went from nothing, a Mammogram Showing no cancer to stage 3 Breast Cancer in six months. So it can happen quickly, it can be aggressive, you want to take care of yourself. Step up, take the test, pay for the test, do it if you feel like you need it and especially if your mom, say, has cancer, but many, many, many, most folks do not have that genetic predisposition. You cant rely on that as a guide to whether you are going to have it or not, sandra. Sandra youve been amazing telling your story. Quick final question on the brca gene, i feel its such a popular conversation with so many women, especially younger women who are trying to decide, should they be tested for it, and someone i spoke to a week ago said her mother had cancer, she got tested, she has the gene, her mom didnt have the gene, she has it. I mean, that can happen, i guess. Well, listen. You need to talk to your doctor. Not everybody should have Genetic Testing but it can save your life. Sandra dr. Saphier, appreciate your time on that. The book love mom. I loved your chapter. Sandra thank you so much. Seems like democrats want businesses to be taxed more, pay their not my assumption. Pay their workers more, lower prices, and pay people not to work. You know what i would like to see how are businesses going to survive . John how about that . Senator Bernie Sanders facing questions about a 32 hour work week, americans should work less but get paid the same. So how does that work . Sandra go hillary, go. 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What that means, for four years we have been telling americans do not go to haiti, do not travel there, its not safe to do so and for those there, leave as soon as you can feasibly do so without putting yourself at with risk. You dont anticipate put it this way. So no plans to evacuate as of now. Do you anticipate there may be some support for evacuation for those few hundred or however many there are . We will provide information to american citizens when we can do so, information about the operations at the airport that becomes available, well make that known Fo Americans Who Reach Out to us. We are not actively planning for evacuation, no. John translation, we told you not to go there, you went there anyway, now you are stuck, and we are not going to get you out. That could probably change very quickly as the pressure mounts on the government to do something to get those folks out. Remembering what happened other places around the world. Sandra. 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