Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

live at the federal courthouse in fort pierce, florida, former president donald trump and his lawyers are fighting to get his documents classified documents case tossed out. and if trump speaks when he leaves, of course we'll bring you that live. on the right of your screen, a georgia courthouse at any moment we could get the judge's decision on fani willis. will she be disqualified? she is the infamous district attorney in trump's georgia election case. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." we begin in florida. the judge there considering two motions to dismiss, one on what trump's team says is special counsel jack smith's vagus of the espionage act and the other how he used the presidential record acts. smith claims the motions are trump thinking he is above the law. the hearing comes after special counsel robert hur defended bringing 0 charges against president biden live the this week. biden, of course, illegally retained classified documents. former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy says biden could get rid of the entire issue of a double standard if he pardoned trump. >> if they are saying the difference between the two cases is that trump obstructed and biden didn't, then forgive all of the classified information stuff across the board, treat trump and biden the same way and try trump on obstruction. >> harris: a packed legal calendar for the former president smack dab in the middle of campaign season. his new york hush money trial begins later this month. u.s. supreme court argument on his immunity fight the month after. the date for the classified documents trial scheduled for may as of now could change pending today's outcome. it is what we're watching. let's go to straight to steve harrigan at the courthouse in fort pierce, florida. steve. >> former president trump is in that federal court behind me. motorcade arrived just over one hour ago. led by an escort of police on motorcycles. they closed down a fair amount of i-95 to get him here as well. many of his supporters arrived at dawn hoping to get a glimpse of the former president. no cameras inside the federal court. this is a hearing today to dismiss the case entirely. former president trump and two of his aides have been charged with mishandling classified documents. those documents were recovered from his residence at mar-a-lago after his presidency in 2022. one of the key argument attorneys are expected to make is based on the presidential records act. it will be an argument these documents were personal. many legal analysts defeat a dismissal to be a long shot but a delay is possible. this trial is now scheduled to begin in may. trump's attorneys are expected to push it to august or september if possible. harris, back to you. >> harris: thank you for setting it up. a former federal prosecutor is with me on the mezz in person. great to see you. let's just start in fort pierce, florida. are we anticipating that the may trial date will move? >> i'm most interested about the motion itself. that's the challenge of the constitutionality of the application of the espionage act to donald trump regarding these alleged classified documents. the law cannot be ambiguous in how it applies to certain people and under what conditions. so donald trump is making the argument now through his counsel that these charges were never clear as to when the classified records act or the espionage act would have been violated. it is about this negotiation with the d.o.j. or with the archive department. that's what is most interesting. i think in terms of the trial date, certainly i think there is a good chance it will be august but there are ways the defense can still move that back even if it gets set before the election now. >> harris: is six charges dropped yesterday referred non-specificity. is this a trend? >> it certainly is the exposure of what donald trump and his legal team have been saying all along. there are critical flaws in the ability and ways in which these prosecutors have come after the former president. what we see in georgia is essentially the judge said that fani willis circularly defined his violation of the law. she didn't give specificity as to the acts which clearly were in violation of the law. they would have to recharge that now, which would cause a superseding indictment and later trial date there as well even if fani willis remains on the case. >> harris: i'm not you but i'm hearing similarity between what's going on with those dropped charges in happened yesterday in georgia and what's going on with the espionage charges here. again, i'm not you. i would think law school year one you learn how to write these things out so the people can understand it and know what they are being accused of. >> we're prosecuting a former president. that has never been done in history. he is still a person and retains many of the rights and privileges granted to him under the constitution as the executive and we see it in the d.c. case now where they are fighting immunity. that's an important issue. we have to have presidents who can operate independent on the risk of being prosecuted the day they're out of office. >> harris: what is your opinion whether the supreme court will jump in? >> they say the immunity issue as a prime issue and it will be a very important decision. the opinions on this are all over the place. nobody has a good read on what the supreme court will do. i believe there is a very strong argument that we have to have an executive who has the ability to make decisions and not face the risk of prosecution the day they are out of office. >> harris: what does that do to -- it is not just these two cases, to other cases if that happens? >> the immunity case would kill anything that's out there right now except for the new york criminal case. there could be arguments that it wouldn't apply to the classified records case but the charge time frame in that case starts on the day he left office. he was still the president at one point in there. that could even affect those charges. >> harris: i haven't heard that talked about very much. certainly not from the prosecutorial side and why they want to get a date on the calendar in a hurry. >> it's desperate for it to go. it's all political. they are doing what that would look like. >> harris: have you ever seen anything like this? >> you see prosecutors push all the time advocates for their client and the government and it's an important role. but when you have prosecutors engaging in political prosecutions or ones that look very much like that, that's when the concern comes in. i have seen that. >> harris: at any moment we could get the judge's decision whether to disqualify fani willis and her prosecutorial lover, nathan wade. they are facing a host of misconduct accusations and the judge so far has not tipped his hand. take a look. >> i gave myself a deadline because i knew everyone wanted an answer and i'll tell you an order like this takes time to write. there is a lot that needs -- that i have to go through. i'm calling it as best i can and the law as i understand it. >> harris: the deadline that the judge gave himself is tomorrow. the case reverberating around and throughout that state. yesterday governor kemp signed a bill to rein in rogue prosecutors. that's interesting. >> what's going on in georgia are politics. local politics at play becoming the d.a., becoming local judges is all very political. we have this little community in georgia affecting the nation's politics. when you look at what will happen from the judge this week, we have to see the only way he can essentially find to allow fani willis to stay on the case is to say it doesn't matter what her credibility was in the courtroom or nathan wade's and doesn't matter if they had that relationship. none of that matters and doesn't affect the outcome of the trial. she is on the path to disqualification, i think. >> harris: does nathan wade go, too? >> does he have nathan wade disqualified and not her? it matters if it matters. the only way he could do this is if it doesn't matter. >> harris: i made the most money out of all the prosecutors in the office. part of the conflict of interest journey that we've all been following. that being the case, look at the mess those six charges showed us that got dropped yesterday. if he is the type of guy who is in charge, do you look at the entire case differently then? if he gets left behind. she goes and he gets left. >> that's the exposure of the problem all along. trump has criticized the credibility of these prosecutions and it is coming to fruition. >> harris: i keep hearing you say it and i want to ask this. how dangerous is it to the profession that you love and that americans need? we need a solid legal system in this country that treats everyone the same. how dangerous is letting politics get in like this with a political opponent going after another person? and you know that they are because look at -- at least this d.a. you have leticia james in new york using it as part of their political campaign. >> using the law and using jail as a threat to pursue your politics is a real problem. it has been a problem through the history of the world and new in what is going in politics now. it is unfortunate and dangerous to the executive. if the presidency is torn apart, we have a problem. >> harris: president trump is not the only one spending time in court this summer. coming up the president's son hunter biden's gun charge trial tentatively set for the week of june 3rd. the judge who tore up the plea deal last year says that date could slide because his tax charge trial is also later that month. when your trials collide. the judge's announcement came right after hunter biden declined an invitation from congress to testify at a public hearing next week with former business associates devin archer and tony bobulinski. part of the house republican's impeachment look into president biden. oversight chairman james comer with this. >> all i heard from hunter biden was he wanted to come and have a public hearing. now we have a venue for a public hearing and he is declining to come. the media attacked me for weeks because we wouldn't allow him to testify in public. now we are and now the media, what will the media do now? i this i the american people have a lot of questions. when you investigate a family for this level of public corruption the american people deserve the truth. >> harris: i thought it was pretty rich. hunter biden's attorney called him showing up for a public hearing an invitation to this carnival show. they would know. they showed up unannounced to a hearing in the house and turned it into cirque du soleil. >> who is the ringleader? hunter biden demanding this public appearance before congress. he doesn't get it initially and now offered it and he turns it down. his attorneys are afraid to take the fifth. i think that it has to be his attorneys think it's a problem. >> harris: you didn't buy it when democrats and his attorneys came out of the hearing room most recently after being behind closed doors with hunter biden, everybody has a little bit of chat, wait for the transcript. that sort of thing. initially what democrats were saying is every question has been asked. he said everything. he said everything. why didn't they just say that here? why is it a conflict of schedule if you feel like you've said it all but no, what you are saying is they are afraid he might say something else. >> yes. when you listen to democrats and talking points that there is no evidence regarding the impeachment proceedings and allegations regarding hunter biden and his father, they are repeating some sort of -- it's a line. there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to build a case here that hunter biden was directly connected to his dad and congress has important questions to ask on that very point. now he is obviously doing this because he is scared about what might happen to him or to his father. there is no other reason than to not show up after asking to have this proceeding in the first place. >> harris: circumstantial gets such a bad rap. i imagine in all of that you are talking about the hard evidence of phone calls and text messages and all of that. >> it is kind of a fool's game to try to define what circumstantial versus direct evidence is when it converges on itself. i prosecuted many cases and defended hundreds of cases built on circumstantial evidence. it doesn't always go the way the defendant wants it to go. >> harris: i want to talk robert hur and whether or not you would have charged joe biden. that's a tease. i'll see you soon. social media and ever present cell phones pose life or death dangers for young americans. shocking examples, horrifying statistics. how do we protect our young children? plus the bill which could possibly ban tiktok sailed through the house with bipartisan support. 352 votes. that's a lot. the senate will be a tougher test, we're told. here is senator josh hawley of missouri. >> we don't want any american to be dependent on a chinese-based app on a chinese platform on the chinese complete and why we need american innovation and put americans back in control of their own media. >> harris: users and content creators are pushing back hard on the bill. they need their tiktok. free speech and national security are at stake here. steve hilton digs in in "focus" next. ow in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. 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somebody in beijing deciding what you see. now they implement their decisions not through a phone call but through algorithms. an editorial control in beijing. you see the outcomes right now in our society. look at the way tiktok has exploded with anti-israel content just in the last few months. that is a decision that has been made about what people see. we would never allow for a second the chinese regime to buy fox news or cnn or "new york times" or "wall street journal." it is not allowed. illegal. why on earth should we sit back and say it's fine for this hostile foreign power to control, as mike gallagher said, the main news source for young people in america? >> harris: your point. senator ted cruz was saying some things about the harmful content as well. >> the propaganda that the chinese government pushes on tiktok and pushes in particular at kids. i think it is deeply harmful. we see tiktok in particular pushing pro-hamas propaganda. i think it is deliberate and it is designed by the chinese government and so i'm glad the house is acting to address what i think are very serious risks. >> harris: they acted and got 352 votes which is huge bipartisan support. i want you to look at this with me. a quick search on tiktok comes up with thousands of videos of content creators pushing anti-israel messaging. this is just a tiny sample. >> do not look away. do not look away from gaza, from palestine. it makes you uncomfortable. >> we're trying to convince people that they are animals less than human, deserving all these things. free palestine land back. that's it. >> whenever you start losing hope just remember that this #, the ones they stand with israel got millions of views. the palestine ones got multi-millions. people stand with palestine. >> harris: it's clicks and likes and you know who controls the algorithms to do that to make something blow up like that? china. >> exactly. it is so important we understand the dynamic here. speaking to someone who wrote a fantastic book called collective illusions how the way that our opinions are shaped by social media leads to real world outcomes that are very different from what people want. most people in america actually have pretty solid center right views. but because of the way the perception of what people think is shaped by the extremes, that can lead to extreme outcomes in politics. social media is a huge part of that. this is an incredibly important part of our social activity, our political activity, everything that goes on. let's just say that to pick a demon, the democrats in the senate chuck schumer and all the rest constantly go on about vladimir putin. imagine if this was vladimir putin controlling what americans see? they went mad when it was a bit of election interference on facebook that they talked about in 2016. the scale of what's going on with china and tiktok is vast compared to that. yet we hear the senate may not be interested in passing this bill is inexplicable. >> harris: this would be foreign policy interference. think about it for a moment. who is in trouble right now with the side that pushes against supporting israel? biden. >> exactly. >> harris: that's fascinating. let's move to this. the debate over tiktok highlighted serious online threats facing our children. a new "washington post" piece is highlighting an extremely disturbing example. online chat user coerced a 14-year-old child to send a nude photo of herself. the predator used that as leverage to get the girl to livestream degrading and violent acts including cutting herself and killing her own beloved pet hamster. the pressure escalated until he told that child to kill herself on camera. her mother was able to step in and save her daughter before she could act. sobering. cdc statistic show a huge spike in teenage suicide beginning with cell phones and social media became pervasive. the uptick high for children ages ten to 14. those development ages we know as parents. psychology professor has a warn. watch. >> a lot of people describe ending up down these black holes with these algorithms. they'll look for certain types of videos or they'll start watching certain things and then it will turn dark and they can't get out of it. the app keeps showing them these things that may pertain to self-harm or to suicide. >> harris: the government can't save us from better parenting. >> look, harris, this is a very serious issue that affects every family. i've made this argument for many years now. i wrote a book in 2015 and i argued because of these kind of stories. the daily cases are very disturbing and the way the addiction that screens provide is taking over people's lives. i argued that yes, parents, it is their responsibility. when you have something that's so pervasive in society it is difficult for parents to resist the social pressure. if you say i don't want my kid to have a smartphone but everyone else in the class has one, that's really difficult. actually here is an example where we can help parents by setting age limits, which we have for many other things in our society. drinking, sex, smoking. why not smartphones? >> harris: i don't let a 10-year-old push me around. we're the parent, steve. ten to 14 is the primary age group we're looking at here. asme owe not blaming them. we have to step up and do it better and differently now. when you take a phone away from a kid, it is meltdown. i mean, all the tears and everything. immunity, i'm immune to that. it takes that along with some of the limits you are talking about. we have to throw everything at this now. >> exactly right. >> harris: good to see you. we're continuing to monitor the latest from a courtroom in florida as former president trump attends a hearing in his classified document case. trying to get that tossed. see what his attorneys accomplish today and whether we hear him when he walks out. we'll carry it live in it happens. out of georgia we're waiting to hear if the judge will dismiss d.a. fani willis. and the trump election case. she is infamous now, you know, side show, private life that became public because it mixed with her personal and professional. we'll bring you updates as we get them on both those situations. plus the battle for biological women. >> this country gives you a free opportunity to believe in what you want to believe in. that's what the constitution says. we need to go by the signs about determining men and women and sports. >> harris: the fight to protect female athletes is gaining steam as you saw on capitol hill. that was alabama senator tommy tuberville hosting a round table on the topic with former espn host sage steele. they join me next, both, they'll be here. a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> harris: alabama republican senator tommy tuberville is taking a stand for women's sport. the chargesed issue has been making headlines in the nation for months now. this week the senator hosted a round table discussion with some of the leading voices of women's sports and people with firsthand experience. >> so upset and so nervous and so ill, so anxious. i knew how bad it got for her. she told me i don't want to be there anymore. >> i begin to have nightmares and had to live my own attack. the -- [inaudible] how you were treated and speaking about it. >> harris: he introduced a pair of bills insuring fair and safe competition and prohibit biological men and boys from competing in female school sports in the united states. olympic team is also part of that. the senator joins me now. give me a gist of how this addresses the fight, the moment that we're in. >> well, first of all we have to get people together on the same page. we have to get people to understand really what the democrats and joe biden's administration is trying to do. this will be a huge topic in the election this year. one or 2% of the people are very concerned about this. this is an attack on nuclear family and gender. an attack on women and then it's an attack on sports. title ix. we brought people together to try to bring up and highlight the topics of coaches, how they are handling it. lawyers, how moms are handling the situation with their kids and, of course, riley gaines and other athletes. it is a huge topic. where are the activists? the women activist that got title ix implemented 52 years ago? nobody is talking about this. we'll bring it to the forefront as you saw in the round table and continue to do it and bring bills to the floor like protection of women and girls in sports act. we have to do something or we will lose title ix and women's sports that is really catapulted in the last 50 years because of title ix. >> harris: hard to imagine in happening to men's sports. we would lose the nba, the nfl. we would never put up with that. apparently we're willing to lose girls and women's sports. you mentioned those women who fought for this 52 years ago. what about their young daughters who now have grown up and athletes along the way and benefited from title ix? where where all of those voices? women are getting hurt. i listened to a part of your round table. they were talking about the injuries that they suffered competing against biological men. >> injuries, unfairness, and you are telling a young woman that you are going to get to compete, fine. you won't get to compete for first place. you will compete for third, fourth, fifth depending how many men athletes are involved in women's sports. it is just something you can't put your hands around. why are they doing this? they are doing it again attacking the nuclear family. they don't want any part, the democratic family doesn't want any part of the nuclear family. women's sports will survive. it has gotten to the point now we have a multitude of new sports, softball is skyrocketing, volleyball, gymnastics. especially in college is really skyrocketed. so they will have a tough time breaking this down. if they put men into it, what will happen the young girls won't get involved because the parents aren't going to let them dress in the same dressing rooms and shower in the same showers. it is a travesty when you look at the safety that the democrats are pushing on the american people. >> harris: the audience saw my face light up when you said girls gymnastic. i have a 14-year-old that competes at a high level. i'm proud of her. that's enough of mom. stay with us on screen. we will both join former espn host sage steele who was part of your senator's round table this week and joins us now for this. sage, i want to ask you. you have professional athletes in your family formerly and you have had a chance to look at this not just as someone who covers it but also with your family members. what do you make of this? >> i think we're all kind of still in shock and most importantly the men in my family who are saying what's going on and why? the why behind it is something that's debatable. i remember talking to a coach and saying to me there is no other explanation except something insidious and evil that is lurking. i don't know because it does not make sense. at the end of the day, there is something specifically intentionally being done to affect women's sports, to allow this to happen. i think the key for me now is to ask what are we going to do about it? it is obvious now that if we stay silent and unfortunately the majority of people have, i hate to be dramatic here, harris, there will be blood on our hands. this is happening quickly. another thing i hear from a lot of people in the broadcast industry and sports broadcasting side yeah, but there is not that. why are we making such a big deal of this? it is an ignorant comment in my opinion. we have an attorney on capitol hill with us and coaches and senators and saying when you combine all the sports there have been 500 men who have taken trophies away from women. that's just the one-on-one. it doesn't include the domino effect every time. >> harris: that's a big number. i will dig into more on that. i didn't realize the number was that high. this has been cooking quietly for a while then. it didn't just happen last week, 500 trophies taken from women. great to see you both. senator, we'll follow both your bills. keep us posted if something pops and it was great to see you both sage and senator, god bless. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: the white house is facing serious problems and they are about human resources. multiple claims of bullying and a toxic work environment. now the president is on his re-election bid. you know that and it is casting doubt over what is happening inside the white house. and that re-election bid has president biden going all over the battleground states. new fox polling shows he is now behind former president trump in key swing states plus a new national survey throwing cold water on team biden's host for a post state of the union bump. oh oh. usually they get a little bit more popular after that big address. what happened to him? 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with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. on the spot. no if, ands, or buts. >> harris: the big question how allegedly is this happening on his watch? >> the two staffers responsible for more logistics during the president's last campaign and during his first three years here are now gone. that poses a potentially huge problem for the re-election effort because according to the white house's own description of the office of scheduling and advance they say insuring a successful presidential meeting or event requires close coordination across white house offices and across entities. outside entities. that effort moving forward is now going to be led by less experienced staffers following a month's long white house counsel investigation into accusations of verbal harassment by the now former associate director of advance and following complaints by the press about the now former director of advance. >> so the president is deeply proud of his advance team. he is grateful to everyone who has served and is serving on an unmatched team that represents the diversity of the country as they have fought to help him bring his message to the american people and to the entire world. >> the former associate director of advance who resigned last week told fox digital in a statement the following. that is simply not true about these accusations. i love all of my colleagues. they are committed, skilled and brilliant public servants. to anyone who felt otherwise i'm sorry. it has been the honor of a lifetime working for the team and proud of everything we've done together after over three amazing years in the white house. i wanted to start a new chapter. it is very close to the upcoming presidential election, though, to be trying to get a new team up to speed staging important events in battleground states across the country. that is what this president and his staff now have to deal with. harris. >> harris: peter doocy, thank you very much. bring in the power panel. t.w. shannon former speaker of the oklahoma house of representatives. richard fowler fox news contributor. great to see you both. t.w., from what we've been learning what was going on allegedly inside the white house for many years was a man by the name of mr. bernal who works closely with jill biden. what is your take on people talking. when they leave, they talk. >> it appears that the palace intrigue is at an all-time high because the lack of leadership in the white house is at an all-time high. no surprise the country is more divided than ever. the reason because we have a president who we're not sure if he knows where the secretary of defense is as we're on the brink of world war iii when the secretary is supposed to be reporting to the president every day. it is no surprise that we have these issues. we have seen joe biden even his cognitive ability has come into question as we see him more agitated than ever before. he said it before, the buck stops with joe biden. the fact that this is a white house in turmoil is no surprise because you have a president where it appears the lights are on but nobody is home. >> harris: look, richard, from the people who have things to say about mr. bernal who reportedly is very close to the first lady, that sort of behavior affects everybody in that office and if those things are true there are lawsuits all over the place and cases all over the place because it would mean that not only was the sexual harassment going on, but it creates a toxic work environment. as a society we have agreed no on this issue. >> we have. i can tell you i have had a terrible boss. i think everybody on the screen at one point in time in their career had a terrible boss and never accepted. i'm glad to see this person is no longer working for our country and getting american taxpayer dollars. if you key into what peter doocy's report say there speaks to that. a president is willing to put the jeopardy of his campaign and the jeopardy of his advance team at risk because there was a terrible employee there. instead of keeping this person on staff he is saying this person can go. even if it will make my job -- make the campaign's job even harder. this person still should going because they are a terrible employee and no longer should work for the american people. it is admirable at minimum. >> that's a really nice spin but the reality is >> it's the truth. >> there seems to be a culture here within this, a president who is agitated all the time. not only will he not -- >> harris: richard, he let you finish. >> it has to do with the president. the buck stops with joe biden. he said that. >> it does. he fired that person. >> harris: so part of what's being report evidence just so we're clear on this, is that for years this went on and first lady jill biden was working in concert with other staff members around this individual and she did not do anything about it. maybe she doesn't have hiring and firing power. i don't know. but she can't have skipped telling her husband about it. the question then becomes why did they wait so long to immediately take care of what you say needed immediate attention, richard? we don't know yet. this case hasn't fully worked itself out. last quick thought. richard and then t.w. >> it's a fair point, harris. it is worth waiting to see what the white house counsel investigation points out. when was the president made aware and first lady made aware and chose to act upon it. we can't speculate. >> harris: she was privy to knowing them contemporaneously. >> i won't give the president a pass on this one. the buck stops with the president. a hostile work environment within the white house. the president of the united states is responsible. joe biden is responsible even as his cognitive ability is declining rapidly. >> harris: we'll see what the investigation brings. cocaine was at the white house and a dog that bit secret service employees 24 times. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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live at the federal courthouse in fort pierce, florida, former president donald trump and his lawyers are fighting to get his documents classified documents case tossed out. and if trump speaks when he leaves, of course we'll bring you that live. on the right of your screen, a georgia courthouse at any moment we could get the judge's decision on fani willis. will she be disqualified? she is the infamous district attorney in trump's georgia election case. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." we begin in florida. the judge there considering two motions to dismiss, one on what trump's team says is special counsel jack smith's vagus of the espionage act and the other how he used the presidential record acts. smith claims the motions are trump thinking he is above the law. the hearing comes after special counsel robert hur defended bringing 0 charges against president biden live the this week. biden, of course, illegally retained classified documents. former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy says biden could get rid of the entire issue of a double standard if he pardoned trump. >> if they are saying the difference between the two cases is that trump obstructed and biden didn't, then forgive all of the classified information stuff across the board, treat trump and biden the same way and try trump on obstruction. >> harris: a packed legal calendar for the former president smack dab in the middle of campaign season. his new york hush money trial begins later this month. u.s. supreme court argument on his immunity fight the month after. the date for the classified documents trial scheduled for may as of now could change pending today's outcome. it is what we're watching. let's go to straight to steve harrigan at the courthouse in fort pierce, florida. steve. >> former president trump is in that federal court behind me. motorcade arrived just over one hour ago. led by an escort of police on motorcycles. they closed down a fair amount of i-95 to get him here as well. many of his supporters arrived at dawn hoping to get a glimpse of the former president. no cameras inside the federal court. this is a hearing today to dismiss the case entirely. former president trump and two of his aides have been charged with mishandling classified documents. those documents were recovered from his residence at mar-a-lago after his presidency in 2022. one of the key argument attorneys are expected to make is based on the presidential records act. it will be an argument these documents were personal. many legal analysts defeat a dismissal to be a long shot but a delay is possible. this trial is now scheduled to begin in may. trump's attorneys are expected to push it to august or september if possible. harris, back to you. >> harris: thank you for setting it up. a former federal prosecutor is with me on the mezz in person. great to see you. let's just start in fort pierce, florida. are we anticipating that the may trial date will move? >> i'm most interested about the motion itself. that's the challenge of the constitutionality of the application of the espionage act to donald trump regarding these alleged classified documents. the law cannot be ambiguous in how it applies to certain people and under what conditions. so donald trump is making the argument now through his counsel that these charges were never clear as to when the classified records act or the espionage act would have been violated. it is about this negotiation with the d.o.j. or with the archive department. that's what is most interesting. i think in terms of the trial date, certainly i think there is a good chance it will be august but there are ways the defense can still move that back even if it gets set before the election now. >> harris: is six charges dropped yesterday referred non-specificity. is this a trend? >> it certainly is the exposure of what donald trump and his legal team have been saying all along. there are critical flaws in the ability and ways in which these prosecutors have come after the former president. what we see in georgia is essentially the judge said that fani willis circularly defined his violation of the law. she didn't give specificity as to the acts which clearly were in violation of the law. they would have to recharge that now, which would cause a superseding indictment and later trial date there as well even if fani willis remains on the case. >> harris: i'm not you but i'm hearing similarity between what's going on with those dropped charges in happened yesterday in georgia and what's going on with the espionage charges here. again, i'm not you. i would think law school year one you learn how to write these things out so the people can understand it and know what they are being accused of. >> we're prosecuting a former president. that has never been done in history. he is still a person and retains many of the rights and privileges granted to him under the constitution as the executive and we see it in the d.c. case now where they are fighting immunity. that's an important issue. we have to have presidents who can operate independent on the risk of being prosecuted the day they're out of office. >> harris: what is your opinion whether the supreme court will jump in? >> they say the immunity issue as a prime issue and it will be a very important decision. the opinions on this are all over the place. nobody has a good read on what the supreme court will do. i believe there is a very strong argument that we have to have an executive who has the ability to make decisions and not face the risk of prosecution the day they are out of office. >> harris: what does that do to -- it is not just these two cases, to other cases if that happens? >> the immunity case would kill anything that's out there right now except for the new york criminal case. there could be arguments that it wouldn't apply to the classified records case but the charge time frame in that case starts on the day he left office. he was still the president at one point in there. that could even affect those charges. >> harris: i haven't heard that talked about very much. certainly not from the prosecutorial side and why they want to get a date on the calendar in a hurry. >> it's desperate for it to go. it's all political. they are doing what that would look like. >> harris: have you ever seen anything like this? >> you see prosecutors push all the time advocates for their client and the government and it's an important role. but when you have prosecutors engaging in political prosecutions or ones that look very much like that, that's when the concern comes in. i have seen that. >> harris: at any moment we could get the judge's decision whether to disqualify fani willis and her prosecutorial lover, nathan wade. they are facing a host of misconduct accusations and the judge so far has not tipped his hand. take a look. >> i gave myself a deadline because i knew everyone wanted an answer and i'll tell you an order like this takes time to write. there is a lot that needs -- that i have to go through. i'm calling it as best i can and the law as i understand it. >> harris: the deadline that the judge gave himself is tomorrow. the case reverberating around and throughout that state. yesterday governor kemp signed a bill to rein in rogue prosecutors. that's interesting. >> what's going on in georgia are politics. local politics at play becoming the d.a., becoming local judges is all very political. we have this little community in georgia affecting the nation's politics. when you look at what will happen from the judge this week, we have to see the only way he can essentially find to allow fani willis to stay on the case is to say it doesn't matter what her credibility was in the courtroom or nathan wade's and doesn't matter if they had that relationship. none of that matters and doesn't affect the outcome of the trial. she is on the path to disqualification, i think. >> harris: does nathan wade go, too? >> does he have nathan wade disqualified and not her? it matters if it matters. the only way he could do this is if it doesn't matter. >> harris: i made the most money out of all the prosecutors in the office. part of the conflict of interest journey that we've all been following. that being the case, look at the mess those six charges showed us that got dropped yesterday. if he is the type of guy who is in charge, do you look at the entire case differently then? if he gets left behind. she goes and he gets left. >> that's the exposure of the problem all along. trump has criticized the credibility of these prosecutions and it is coming to fruition. >> harris: i keep hearing you say it and i want to ask this. how dangerous is it to the profession that you love and that americans need? we need a solid legal system in this country that treats everyone the same. how dangerous is letting politics get in like this with a political opponent going after another person? and you know that they are because look at -- at least this d.a. you have leticia james in new york using it as part of their political campaign. >> using the law and using jail as a threat to pursue your politics is a real problem. it has been a problem through the history of the world and new in what is going in politics now. it is unfortunate and dangerous to the executive. if the presidency is torn apart, we have a problem. >> harris: president trump is not the only one spending time in court this summer. coming up the president's son hunter biden's gun charge trial tentatively set for the week of june 3rd. the judge who tore up the plea deal last year says that date could slide because his tax charge trial is also later that month. when your trials collide. the judge's announcement came right after hunter biden declined an invitation from congress to testify at a public hearing next week with former business associates devin archer and tony bobulinski. part of the house republican's impeachment look into president biden. oversight chairman james comer with this. >> all i heard from hunter biden was he wanted to come and have a public hearing. now we have a venue for a public hearing and he is declining to come. the media attacked me for weeks because we wouldn't allow him to testify in public. now we are and now the media, what will the media do now? i this i the american people have a lot of questions. when you investigate a family for this level of public corruption the american people deserve the truth. >> harris: i thought it was pretty rich. hunter biden's attorney called him showing up for a public hearing an invitation to this carnival show. they would know. they showed up unannounced to a hearing in the house and turned it into cirque du soleil. >> who is the ringleader? hunter biden demanding this public appearance before congress. he doesn't get it initially and now offered it and he turns it down. his attorneys are afraid to take the fifth. i think that it has to be his attorneys think it's a problem. >> harris: you didn't buy it when democrats and his attorneys came out of the hearing room most recently after being behind closed doors with hunter biden, everybody has a little bit of chat, wait for the transcript. that sort of thing. initially what democrats were saying is every question has been asked. he said everything. he said everything. why didn't they just say that here? why is it a conflict of schedule if you feel like you've said it all but no, what you are saying is they are afraid he might say something else. >> yes. when you listen to democrats and talking points that there is no evidence regarding the impeachment proceedings and allegations regarding hunter biden and his father, they are repeating some sort of -- it's a line. there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to build a case here that hunter biden was directly connected to his dad and congress has important questions to ask on that very point. now he is obviously doing this because he is scared about what might happen to him or to his father. there is no other reason than to not show up after asking to have this proceeding in the first place. >> harris: circumstantial gets such a bad rap. i imagine in all of that you are talking about the hard evidence of phone calls and text messages and all of that. >> it is kind of a fool's game to try to define what circumstantial versus direct evidence is when it converges on itself. i prosecuted many cases and defended hundreds of cases built on circumstantial evidence. it doesn't always go the way the defendant wants it to go. >> harris: i want to talk robert hur and whether or not you would have charged joe biden. that's a tease. i'll see you soon. social media and ever present cell phones pose life or death dangers for young americans. shocking examples, horrifying statistics. how do we protect our young children? plus the bill which could possibly ban tiktok sailed through the house with bipartisan support. 352 votes. that's a lot. the senate will be a tougher test, we're told. here is senator josh hawley of missouri. >> we don't want any american to be dependent on a chinese-based app on a chinese platform on the chinese complete and why we need american innovation and put americans back in control of their own media. >> harris: users and content creators are pushing back hard on the bill. they need their tiktok. free speech and national security are at stake here. steve hilton digs in in "focus" next. ow in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. 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somebody in beijing deciding what you see. now they implement their decisions not through a phone call but through algorithms. an editorial control in beijing. you see the outcomes right now in our society. look at the way tiktok has exploded with anti-israel content just in the last few months. that is a decision that has been made about what people see. we would never allow for a second the chinese regime to buy fox news or cnn or "new york times" or "wall street journal." it is not allowed. illegal. why on earth should we sit back and say it's fine for this hostile foreign power to control, as mike gallagher said, the main news source for young people in america? >> harris: your point. senator ted cruz was saying some things about the harmful content as well. >> the propaganda that the chinese government pushes on tiktok and pushes in particular at kids. i think it is deeply harmful. we see tiktok in particular pushing pro-hamas propaganda. i think it is deliberate and it is designed by the chinese government and so i'm glad the house is acting to address what i think are very serious risks. >> harris: they acted and got 352 votes which is huge bipartisan support. i want you to look at this with me. a quick search on tiktok comes up with thousands of videos of content creators pushing anti-israel messaging. this is just a tiny sample. >> do not look away. do not look away from gaza, from palestine. it makes you uncomfortable. >> we're trying to convince people that they are animals less than human, deserving all these things. free palestine land back. that's it. >> whenever you start losing hope just remember that this #, the ones they stand with israel got millions of views. the palestine ones got multi-millions. people stand with palestine. >> harris: it's clicks and likes and you know who controls the algorithms to do that to make something blow up like that? china. >> exactly. it is so important we understand the dynamic here. speaking to someone who wrote a fantastic book called collective illusions how the way that our opinions are shaped by social media leads to real world outcomes that are very different from what people want. most people in america actually have pretty solid center right views. but because of the way the perception of what people think is shaped by the extremes, that can lead to extreme outcomes in politics. social media is a huge part of that. this is an incredibly important part of our social activity, our political activity, everything that goes on. let's just say that to pick a demon, the democrats in the senate chuck schumer and all the rest constantly go on about vladimir putin. imagine if this was vladimir putin controlling what americans see? they went mad when it was a bit of election interference on facebook that they talked about in 2016. the scale of what's going on with china and tiktok is vast compared to that. yet we hear the senate may not be interested in passing this bill is inexplicable. >> harris: this would be foreign policy interference. think about it for a moment. who is in trouble right now with the side that pushes against supporting israel? biden. >> exactly. >> harris: that's fascinating. let's move to this. the debate over tiktok highlighted serious online threats facing our children. a new "washington post" piece is highlighting an extremely disturbing example. online chat user coerced a 14-year-old child to send a nude photo of herself. the predator used that as leverage to get the girl to livestream degrading and violent acts including cutting herself and killing her own beloved pet hamster. the pressure escalated until he told that child to kill herself on camera. her mother was able to step in and save her daughter before she could act. sobering. cdc statistic show a huge spike in teenage suicide beginning with cell phones and social media became pervasive. the uptick high for children ages ten to 14. those development ages we know as parents. psychology professor has a warn. watch. >> a lot of people describe ending up down these black holes with these algorithms. they'll look for certain types of videos or they'll start watching certain things and then it will turn dark and they can't get out of it. the app keeps showing them these things that may pertain to self-harm or to suicide. >> harris: the government can't save us from better parenting. >> look, harris, this is a very serious issue that affects every family. i've made this argument for many years now. i wrote a book in 2015 and i argued because of these kind of stories. the daily cases are very disturbing and the way the addiction that screens provide is taking over people's lives. i argued that yes, parents, it is their responsibility. when you have something that's so pervasive in society it is difficult for parents to resist the social pressure. if you say i don't want my kid to have a smartphone but everyone else in the class has one, that's really difficult. actually here is an example where we can help parents by setting age limits, which we have for many other things in our society. drinking, sex, smoking. why not smartphones? >> harris: i don't let a 10-year-old push me around. we're the parent, steve. ten to 14 is the primary age group we're looking at here. asme owe not blaming them. we have to step up and do it better and differently now. when you take a phone away from a kid, it is meltdown. i mean, all the tears and everything. immunity, i'm immune to that. it takes that along with some of the limits you are talking about. we have to throw everything at this now. >> exactly right. >> harris: good to see you. we're continuing to monitor the latest from a courtroom in florida as former president trump attends a hearing in his classified document case. trying to get that tossed. see what his attorneys accomplish today and whether we hear him when he walks out. we'll carry it live in it happens. out of georgia we're waiting to hear if the judge will dismiss d.a. fani willis. and the trump election case. she is infamous now, you know, side show, private life that became public because it mixed with her personal and professional. we'll bring you updates as we get them on both those situations. plus the battle for biological women. >> this country gives you a free opportunity to believe in what you want to believe in. that's what the constitution says. we need to go by the signs about determining men and women and sports. >> harris: the fight to protect female athletes is gaining steam as you saw on capitol hill. that was alabama senator tommy tuberville hosting a round table on the topic with former espn host sage steele. they join me next, both, they'll be here. a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> harris: alabama republican senator tommy tuberville is taking a stand for women's sport. the chargesed issue has been making headlines in the nation for months now. this week the senator hosted a round table discussion with some of the leading voices of women's sports and people with firsthand experience. >> so upset and so nervous and so ill, so anxious. i knew how bad it got for her. she told me i don't want to be there anymore. >> i begin to have nightmares and had to live my own attack. the -- [inaudible] how you were treated and speaking about it. >> harris: he introduced a pair of bills insuring fair and safe competition and prohibit biological men and boys from competing in female school sports in the united states. olympic team is also part of that. the senator joins me now. give me a gist of how this addresses the fight, the moment that we're in. >> well, first of all we have to get people together on the same page. we have to get people to understand really what the democrats and joe biden's administration is trying to do. this will be a huge topic in the election this year. one or 2% of the people are very concerned about this. this is an attack on nuclear family and gender. an attack on women and then it's an attack on sports. title ix. we brought people together to try to bring up and highlight the topics of coaches, how they are handling it. lawyers, how moms are handling the situation with their kids and, of course, riley gaines and other athletes. it is a huge topic. where are the activists? the women activist that got title ix implemented 52 years ago? nobody is talking about this. we'll bring it to the forefront as you saw in the round table and continue to do it and bring bills to the floor like protection of women and girls in sports act. we have to do something or we will lose title ix and women's sports that is really catapulted in the last 50 years because of title ix. >> harris: hard to imagine in happening to men's sports. we would lose the nba, the nfl. we would never put up with that. apparently we're willing to lose girls and women's sports. you mentioned those women who fought for this 52 years ago. what about their young daughters who now have grown up and athletes along the way and benefited from title ix? where where all of those voices? women are getting hurt. i listened to a part of your round table. they were talking about the injuries that they suffered competing against biological men. >> injuries, unfairness, and you are telling a young woman that you are going to get to compete, fine. you won't get to compete for first place. you will compete for third, fourth, fifth depending how many men athletes are involved in women's sports. it is just something you can't put your hands around. why are they doing this? they are doing it again attacking the nuclear family. they don't want any part, the democratic family doesn't want any part of the nuclear family. women's sports will survive. it has gotten to the point now we have a multitude of new sports, softball is skyrocketing, volleyball, gymnastics. especially in college is really skyrocketed. so they will have a tough time breaking this down. if they put men into it, what will happen the young girls won't get involved because the parents aren't going to let them dress in the same dressing rooms and shower in the same showers. it is a travesty when you look at the safety that the democrats are pushing on the american people. >> harris: the audience saw my face light up when you said girls gymnastic. i have a 14-year-old that competes at a high level. i'm proud of her. that's enough of mom. stay with us on screen. we will both join former espn host sage steele who was part of your senator's round table this week and joins us now for this. sage, i want to ask you. you have professional athletes in your family formerly and you have had a chance to look at this not just as someone who covers it but also with your family members. what do you make of this? >> i think we're all kind of still in shock and most importantly the men in my family who are saying what's going on and why? the why behind it is something that's debatable. i remember talking to a coach and saying to me there is no other explanation except something insidious and evil that is lurking. i don't know because it does not make sense. at the end of the day, there is something specifically intentionally being done to affect women's sports, to allow this to happen. i think the key for me now is to ask what are we going to do about it? it is obvious now that if we stay silent and unfortunately the majority of people have, i hate to be dramatic here, harris, there will be blood on our hands. this is happening quickly. another thing i hear from a lot of people in the broadcast industry and sports broadcasting side yeah, but there is not that. why are we making such a big deal of this? it is an ignorant comment in my opinion. we have an attorney on capitol hill with us and coaches and senators and saying when you combine all the sports there have been 500 men who have taken trophies away from women. that's just the one-on-one. it doesn't include the domino effect every time. >> harris: that's a big number. i will dig into more on that. i didn't realize the number was that high. this has been cooking quietly for a while then. it didn't just happen last week, 500 trophies taken from women. great to see you both. senator, we'll follow both your bills. keep us posted if something pops and it was great to see you both sage and senator, god bless. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: the white house is facing serious problems and they are about human resources. multiple claims of bullying and a toxic work environment. now the president is on his re-election bid. you know that and it is casting doubt over what is happening inside the white house. and that re-election bid has president biden going all over the battleground states. new fox polling shows he is now behind former president trump in key swing states plus a new national survey throwing cold water on team biden's host for a post state of the union bump. oh oh. usually they get a little bit more popular after that big address. what happened to him? 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with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. on the spot. no if, ands, or buts. >> harris: the big question how allegedly is this happening on his watch? >> the two staffers responsible for more logistics during the president's last campaign and during his first three years here are now gone. that poses a potentially huge problem for the re-election effort because according to the white house's own description of the office of scheduling and advance they say insuring a successful presidential meeting or event requires close coordination across white house offices and across entities. outside entities. that effort moving forward is now going to be led by less experienced staffers following a month's long white house counsel investigation into accusations of verbal harassment by the now former associate director of advance and following complaints by the press about the now former director of advance. >> so the president is deeply proud of his advance team. he is grateful to everyone who has served and is serving on an unmatched team that represents the diversity of the country as they have fought to help him bring his message to the american people and to the entire world. >> the former associate director of advance who resigned last week told fox digital in a statement the following. that is simply not true about these accusations. i love all of my colleagues. they are committed, skilled and brilliant public servants. to anyone who felt otherwise i'm sorry. it has been the honor of a lifetime working for the team and proud of everything we've done together after over three amazing years in the white house. i wanted to start a new chapter. it is very close to the upcoming presidential election, though, to be trying to get a new team up to speed staging important events in battleground states across the country. that is what this president and his staff now have to deal with. harris. >> harris: peter doocy, thank you very much. bring in the power panel. t.w. shannon former speaker of the oklahoma house of representatives. richard fowler fox news contributor. great to see you both. t.w., from what we've been learning what was going on allegedly inside the white house for many years was a man by the name of mr. bernal who works closely with jill biden. what is your take on people talking. when they leave, they talk. >> it appears that the palace intrigue is at an all-time high because the lack of leadership in the white house is at an all-time high. no surprise the country is more divided than ever. the reason because we have a president who we're not sure if he knows where the secretary of defense is as we're on the brink of world war iii when the secretary is supposed to be reporting to the president every day. it is no surprise that we have these issues. we have seen joe biden even his cognitive ability has come into question as we see him more agitated than ever before. he said it before, the buck stops with joe biden. the fact that this is a white house in turmoil is no surprise because you have a president where it appears the lights are on but nobody is home. >> harris: look, richard, from the people who have things to say about mr. bernal who reportedly is very close to the first lady, that sort of behavior affects everybody in that office and if those things are true there are lawsuits all over the place and cases all over the place because it would mean that not only was the sexual harassment going on, but it creates a toxic work environment. as a society we have agreed no on this issue. >> we have. i can tell you i have had a terrible boss. i think everybody on the screen at one point in time in their career had a terrible boss and never accepted. i'm glad to see this person is no longer working for our country and getting american taxpayer dollars. if you key into what peter doocy's report say there speaks to that. a president is willing to put the jeopardy of his campaign and the jeopardy of his advance team at risk because there was a terrible employee there. instead of keeping this person on staff he is saying this person can go. even if it will make my job -- make the campaign's job even harder. this person still should going because they are a terrible employee and no longer should work for the american people. it is admirable at minimum. >> that's a really nice spin but the reality is >> it's the truth. >> there seems to be a culture here within this, a president who is agitated all the time. not only will he not -- >> harris: richard, he let you finish. >> it has to do with the president. the buck stops with joe biden. he said that. >> it does. he fired that person. >> harris: so part of what's being report evidence just so we're clear on this, is that for years this went on and first lady jill biden was working in concert with other staff members around this individual and she did not do anything about it. maybe she doesn't have hiring and firing power. i don't know. but she can't have skipped telling her husband about it. the question then becomes why did they wait so long to immediately take care of what you say needed immediate attention, richard? we don't know yet. this case hasn't fully worked itself out. last quick thought. richard and then t.w. >> it's a fair point, harris. it is worth waiting to see what the white house counsel investigation points out. when was the president made aware and first lady made aware and chose to act upon it. we can't speculate. >> harris: she was privy to knowing them contemporaneously. >> i won't give the president a pass on this one. the buck stops with the president. a hostile work environment within the white house. the president of the united states is responsible. joe biden is responsible even as his cognitive ability is declining rapidly. >> harris: we'll see what the investigation brings. cocaine was at the white house and a dog that bit secret service employees 24 times. 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Balance , Certainties , 23 , Stability , Unknown , Gold , Thinking , Brain Health , Memory , Brain Health Indicators , Frank , Fred , Janet , Mary , Eddie , No Frasier , Neuriva Brain Health Challenge , 7 , Vo , Heart , Landmarks , Sail , Scenery , Cities , Treasures , Viking , Unpack Once , Comfort , Europe , Viking Longship , Power , Power Outages , Lights , Safety , Air Conditioning , Heating , Refrigeration , Winds , Inconvenient , Generac , Power Outage , Home , Generac Home Standby Generator , Standby Generator , Safe , Propane , Popular Home Standby Generator , Natural Gas , Life Goes On Without Disruption , 00 , 500 , Utility Company , Anxiety , Generators , Hurricane , Home Generators , Storm , 10 , 8 , Quote , Times , Thousands , Don T , Customers , Call , Warranty , Dealers , Payment Options , Financing , 5 , Obligation , Parent Company , Ban , Bill To Force Tiktok , Senators , Chuck Schumer , National Security Threat , Vote , China , Reception , Pressure , Ceo , House Speaker , Mike Johnson , Advocating , Baby , Chairman Gallagher , Parties , Corner , Lawmakers , Who , Propaganda , Adversary , News , Social Media Platforms , News Platform , Potential , Fox News , Abuse , Legislation , Hold , Buyers , Assets , Tiktok Bytedance , Five , Sense , Others , Media Platform , Algorithm , Program , Someone , Somebody , Media Outlet , Cnn , Editor , New York Times , Pick , Algorithms , Editorial Control , Phone Call , Beijing , Outcomes , Society , Regime , Wall Street Journal , Earth , Ted Cruz , News Source , Kids , Videos , Support , Search , Risks , Palestine , Sample , Messaging , Gaza , Hope , Human , Animals , Land Back , Views , Multi Millions , Clicks , Israel , Millions , Something , Book , Dynamic , Illusions , Perception , Activity , Extremes , Goes On , Demon , Rest , Vladimir Putin , Election Interference , Scale , Facebook , 2016 , Foreign Policy Interference , Trouble , Threats , Move , Debate , Piece , Let , Washington Post , Girl , Example , Child , User , Leverage , Photo , Predator , 14 , Camera , Daughter , Livestream Degrading , Beloved Pet Hamster , Suicide , Spike , Uptick , Statistic Show , Sobering , Cdc , Parents , Watch , Psychology Professor , Warn , Black Holes , Ten , Types , Self Harm , Better Parenting , Stories , 2015 , Lives , Screens , Responsibility , Addiction , Kid , Social Pressure , Smartphone , Class , Parent , Age Group , Smartphones , Smoking , Drinking , Sex , Asme , Some , Phone , Meltdown , Limits , Tears , Document , Latest , Women , Battle , Situations , Side Show , Signs , Men And Women Sports , Opportunity , Tommy Tuberville , Topic , Fight , Athletes , Round Table , Espn , Steam , Alabama , Capitol Hill , Sage Steele , Both , Medication , Any , Donations , Thanks , Strength , Nutrients , Health , Mission , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrition , Yay Woo Hoo , 27 , Protein , 30 , Voices , Chargesed , Women S Sports , A Stand For Women S Sport , Round Table Discussion , Headlines , Experience , Attack , Inaudible , Nightmares , Men , Bills , Competition , Pair , School Sports In The United States , Boys , Olympic Team , Page , Gist , Administration , Gender , 2 , Sports , Title Ix , Coaches , Topics , Situation , Moms , Women Activist , Activists , Riley Gaines , 52 , Girls In Sports Act , Table , Protection , Floor , Forefront , Nba , Nfl , 50 , Girls , Daughters , Woman , Injuries , Unfairness , Hands , Fine , Third , Fourth , Multitude , Skyrocketing , College , Gymnastics , Volleyball , Softball , Travesty , Shower , Showers , Dressing Rooms , Down , Face , Girls Gymnastic , Audience Saw , Mom , Stay , On Screen , Sage , Family Members , Shock , Explanation , Coach , Evil , Key , Majority , There Will Be Blood On Our Hands , Deal , Industry , Side Yeah , Sports Broadcasting , Comment , Number , Trophies , Domino Effect , Cooking , It Didn T , Pops , God Bless , Bullying , Claims , Re Election Bid , Problems , Human Resources , Toxic Work Environment , Battleground States , President Trump , Doubt , Casting , Polling , Power Panel , Team Biden , Bump , Swing , Survey , Address , Cold Water , State Of The Union , Actly , Tech Vo , Service , Singers , Safelite Com , Safelite Repair , Let S Go , Veteran , Eligibility , Veterans , Benefits , Four , Thirty Two , Value , Newday Usa , Va Loan , 80 , 100 , Mounjaro , Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes , Isn , Food , Stop Mounjaro , You , Blood Sugar , Body , A1c , Mounjaro Lost , 25 , 4 , Doctor , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Taking Mounjaro , Insulin , Vision Changes , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Reaction , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Narrator , Wounded Warrior Project , Shell , Peace , Voice , Inspirational Music , Cidp , Inspiration , Patient Stories , Cidp Doesn T Have To , Shiningthroughcidp Com , Cidp Disrupts , Cidp Derails , More , Helpful Tips , Finding Hope , Little , Staffers , Advance Travel Team , Work Environment , Turmoil , Story , Jill Biden , Sexual Harassment , Investigation , Behavior , Politico , Aide , Colleague , Disrespect , Flashback , Promise , Spot , If , Buts , The Big Question , Ands , Effort , Re Election , Logistics , Description , Three , Entities , Event , Offices , Scheduling , Meeting , Coordination , Associate Director , Accusations , Press , Month , Complaints , Harassment , Advance , Director , Statement , Message , Diversity , Fox Digital , Anyone , Colleagues , Servants , Honor , Events , Chapter , Staff , Speaker Of The Oklahoma House Representatives , T W , Peter Doocy , Shannon , Bernal , Mr , Richard Fowler , Learning , Man , Name , High , Intrigue , Leadership , Black , Palace , Surprise , Secretary , Reporting , Brink , World War Iii , Issues , Fact , Lawsuits , Boss , Career , Taxpayer Dollars , Report , Job , Jeopardy , Employee , Reality , Spin , Buck , Culture , Report Evidence , Members , Concert , Firing Power , Care , I Don T Know , Husband , Thought , Attention , Investigation Points Out , First Lady , Them Contemporaneously , Dog , Employees , Break , Cocaine , Kayak , 24 , Searching , It Isn T Efficient , Aaaaaaaahhhh , Search One , Enamel , Tooth , Acid , Pronamel Repair , Pronamel , Repair Mouthwash , Repair , Brushing , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Retirement , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Income , Worth , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , 00000 , 100000 , Insurance , Puppy , Kibble , Brand New , Coventry , Magic , Dog Bark , Farmer , Vegetables , Fresh Meat , Dogs , Packs , Dried Pellets , Developments , Tracking Two , Kayleigh ,

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