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Laura hello, everyone i am Laura Ingraham and this is the Ingraham Angle fro m watching to him. Thank you for joining usank. E this could be the night thatarty both joe biden and donald trump clicks their partys nominationt here at the polls in georgiae no closed moments ago. Mississippi closed at the bottom of the hour. Waii we will not hear about Washington State or hawaii until later tonight, but we will bring you all those results as they trickle in. Up but first, the collapse of the here thatn cover up is the focus of tonights angle Special Counsel robertfe hurs special report painted a portrait of mentally confused and forgetful joe biden are democrats cried foul at the. Time. S flatly wrong. It is inappropriate. It is gratuitous appearance because of gratuitous, inaccurate, and inappropriate. Gratuitous inaccuracy of the president. I talked to President Biden regularly and it has been as good as it has for years. Laura we urge the doj toterv release the entire transcript of bidens five h interfere withly Special Counsels office. Lets see if the character man e and age of biden with elderly. Man with a poor memory is accurate. Today before mr. Hur on capitol hill began, the transcript was finally released. Now, it doesnt just confirmocum what we already knew about bidens just wanted to and be at his debilitating mental state. Hl it is worse than we thought. Now recall how the democrats went nuts, they were slamming mr. Hur for asking President Biden about his son s death, how dare you . Noting in the report he didntel remember when his own son both died. Ow ibiden himself responded with manufactured outrage. How the hell did he ask that . I thought to myself, it is none of your business. Laura very Dramatiransc Butr looking at the transcript, we find, in fact, mr. Hur did not raise his death at all. President biden did. Mr. Hur asked President Biden about where he kephet workrelas papers after he left the vice presidency. Biden asked if it was in 2017 or 2018 and then said, remember ine this time frame, my son is either deployed or dying. Then he rambled on about how thp party decided hillary would be better in 2016, but he hadd ou rolled out down the road. He said what was happening though, what month did my son die . May 30th . Two of his aides added the year saying 2015 and then biden was asked, was it 2015 he died . Again, his aide jumped in and said it was may 2015. Now reading this, my first thought is dr. Jill biden should be ashamed of herself. Putting her husband and the country through this, ashamed. Second thought, it democrats in the media attacking the messenger from a Special Counsel hur thinking, oh, everybody will believe biden, mr. Hur is a problem . They shoulheird also be ashamedf themselves for the role inette s cover. He is better than he has ever been intellectually, analytically because hes beenyr around for 50 years. This version of biden intellectually, analytically, is the best biden ever. Laura really even fed generally probiden axios noted bidens repeated mental lapses during the Special Counsel interviews. When did i announce foras president in 2019 . If it was 2013, window by stopping Vice President . Aske in 2009, am i still Vice President . And trump gets elected in 2017 . 1 of course, it wa6. S november 20. An axial sent notes on twice on the same day, biden struggled to find the words for the fax machine. Now, ignore the Democrats Famed Bravado and their desperate attempt to reflect from what we know to be the facts aboutnish bidens conduct and his diminishing mental state. Here is the truth. In holding classified documents and unsecure locations across decades, joe biden was in violation of 18 u. S. Code section 1924. But as we know, mr. Hur exercised his Prosecutorial Discretion and chose not to prosecute biden because he thought it unlikely that a jury of his peers would vote unanimously to convict him. Now, you can debate that or dispute that, but there it is. But the key factor here is, biden, himself, was never exonerated in this report despite the democrats. Attempts to claim otherwise. Ly, President Biden actedcrim responsibly, cooperatedto completely in the decision tohag decline criminal justice, tont decline criminal charges was relatively straightforward if you are very important represents the complete and total exoneration of President Biden. Onerat speak withes a Special Counsel exonerates President Biden. Su so this lengthy, expensive independent investigation resulted in complete exoneration of President Biden. And i will continue you exonerated him. Mr. Hur, it is my time. Laura it the is my time. I love how they talk over him when he is the guy that did the examination. He is the guy who sat down with biden. He did not exonerate him. Oh, yes you did. Darrell issa picked up on all of this and reemphasized. Did you reach a conclusion that this man was out rightin m innocent . A that conclusion is not reflected in our report, sir. Hi i want to maknke sure the record is complete becauseex i think it is extremely important. You did not reach an idea he had committed no wrong. Ri you reached a Conclusion Thatal you would not prevail in a triae and therefore, did not take it forward, is that correct . Jo correct, councilman. Laura he did not exonerateat joe biden. Thebut democrats all day long pretended that they didnt heara what the man actually said. Now, for its part, the white house responded by stating in part, the transcript offers a more nuanced i love that word nuanced view of biden during the five hours of the interview. Nuanced will, they are getting really creative at least. Let me boil this all down for you. The first question, did Biden Classifiedetain documents . The answer is an unequivocal yes, he did. His conduct goes back 40 yearsfh to his senate days. On now, one part of the original report references a discussion between biden and hits ghostwriter, mark. O be he recalled biden said to him hr needed to be careful because he was worried that some of hisassi Notebook Entries could be classified. Okay. Remember, a lot of the interviee tapes just disappear. H but There Is A Mountain of evidence that said that biden had classified material and new generally where restored in his garage and elsewhere. Nampa truth is, democrats, not a single democrat cares. All the lectures about National Security secrets jeopardize with trump and maralago. They dontth believe all of that commit is eya farce. They never cared. Just like they didnt care about hillarys private email server be invulnerable or destroyed emails. They didnt care about tha either. They are simply not worried about what happens to america ot preserving norms, even democracy laws, forget about it r this is all the way to hold onto power with an iron fist. Theythat is what they care abou. The Second Question raised by hurs initial report, is biden fit to be president . As a lot of you were asking. Efin that was also answered in the transcript and the answer most c definitely is no. Again, the democrats claimed initially it was all false. Bi biden is so smart, so sharp,er better than ever. They implied that mr. Hur himself was just another partisan hack. The real truth is, all of the main players in washington know what is real and what is not. They know what biden is like behind closed doors, and it aint pretty. They struggled to get him tomino stay focused, to make even minor decisions, and i dont think tht rest of us should know anything about this. The only way, and i mean the only way we can get the unvarnished truth is when biden. Is allowed by his handlers to go off script. And then he flounders. And then he stumbles. Uth and we also get truth when we actually have a real transcript of just biden and the lawyer asking Him Questionser T for fie hours over two days. Everything else that you see, Everything Else that you watch involving biden and cameras is staged. Spend time and a Memory Carewi unit or rest home as i have witd my ailing parents and relativese and then you walk around and ask residents detailed questions about thei itr lives, god bless them allbert, and you will knowt its like to be Robert Hur Last week speaking with biden. All too often, the answers are confused and muddled. Yi but you give him credit for trying. Suppthe powers that lead to not support biden because of his brainpower because he has it all together. They support joe biden because they have decided that biden is their best chance to state and power in order to boss the rest of us around for another four years. And that is the angle. Joining me now congressman andy biggs. Y it is good to see you tonight. They spent a lot of time on thii you exonerated President Biden line. Hur kept pushing back on that saying, no i did not. Th they refused to hear him. But they do know the truth, do m they not . Yes, they do. What mr. Hur did is what we call a Charging Decision. And you know that, but he he made a Charging Decision and said, we dont think prosecution s is likely and so,ff therefore, we will noter proceed to. Io n. That is very different than exoneration. But is also different in my client was found innocent. No client is ever found innocent but they may be found no fout g but never innocent. And the democrats knew that, but they were crafting a narrative. That is the old today was, donald trump and the word exoneration. Neither one was applicable ors applicable ttoo mr. Hurs testimony. Laura i was think about l authis all day long. Their argument for biden as if you go biden 2024, on ath bumper sticker, he was not indicted. That is kind of its peer that h is all they have. Orit there w was a moment involving your favorite Congressman Schiff and had his chest poked out, what shows. Where they are notes of the president of the United States that dated back to when he was a senator that had information . Among the documents recovered during the investigation were marked classified documents thah dated back to when mr. Biden was a senator. What you are suggesting is that i shape, sanitize, omit portions of My Reasoning Andot explanation of Attorney General for political reasons. Suggest you not shape for political reasons. Congressman did not have a response and that did not happen. Laura well lau, we played there but adam schiff was berating him. That was light. He was on him and hur come i have to say he was unbelievably poised today and i think they we frustrated in the end, the democrats. I think you read them both, o counsel. He was unflappable, i thought it was professional and drove the democrats up a wall. Quite frankly, i want to say tof him, is there ever any occasion and can you think of any time that it is okay for a senator, u. S. Senator, to have classified documents at home . And the answer is no unequivocally no. But the democrats were going to be going out this all day, all night if they could because it is not about getting at theg truth, never has been. It is always about defending ths brand, the same brand his own family has been selling forwhat years and that is the biden brand. Laura we know what they f want to do, boss us around for the next four years, congressman. That io mus what they enjoy. Thanks, great to see you. The ap protectant that joe biden, shocking has won Georgia Democratic president ial primary. S pa moving closer to securing his partys nomination. Someone should wake him upm up. Trump also was just called as the winner in the georgiagoin contest. That just crossed as well. Num we will be counting the delegates and we will bring you the Delegate Numbers as they con come in. We will have an incredible legal conversation about this because robert hur testified as well about bidens memory. Joining medepu now as sol wisen, independent Deputy Counsel and Fox News Contributor mike davis, former law clerk for justice. O at the present article 3 project, mike we need a shorter intro toca you because cant read all of that. S how about mike davis, share. So, lets go to you. Ng joe bidens mental acuity, as yothisu can sense it from readig this transcript, what do you take away from his answers,on t specifically his lack of memory on the documents themselves and perhaps how they got there and who put them there, et cetera . R well, they are very embarrassing answers, and they also show the release of thatt. Transcript shows that biden has been lying about that as yout th point out. But here is a key point that i dont think anybody has made when you discuss how biden reacted to the investigation. Hu this is actually in the hur report to peer at the hur report said that President Bidens answers are explanations for his conduct in handling classified documents were not credible. There is a concept in federal criminal law, particularlyti federal whitecollar law which i have been practicing a long time, is that when a person under investigation gives aamag false exculpatory statement, that is very damaging. That is akin to obstruction, and you can present that to a jury. I you can even get a Jury Instruction in some circuits. So, i think what is really important here is the reaction,n of the biden team, not only inyt the public and his obvious lies about it come i hate to say aboh more dramatic he gets, the more you can tell he is lying. But also come in terms of the investigation, his answers were foltz. Laura mike, when you really watch this testimony today and the democrats werehur. Like gnats flying around hur. It he was asked about bidens. Credibility under oath. R listen. Aant any point during your investigation, do you have any reason to believe President Biden lied to you . I do address in my report one response that the president gave to a question that we opposed te that we deem to be not credible. Laura again, very dramatic. My, what are Theemem Implicatio that . Well, remember while biden te was investigating trump for president ial records, trump is allowed to have in the office of president ial records act, bideni had seven stashes of Stolen Pre Classified Records from his time as Vice President , even his time at senator, which is hard tode explain. They remove several timess unguarded for years, accessible by bidens chinese employee almost certainly used by hunters to secure millions of burisma funding for the biden family. Then we found out that bidenok share of these Classified Records with his ghost writer for a book that biden got an 8 million advance on. So the bidens are using classified mak information laura to make money. Terv exactly. Lauraw th sol, the tape recordings of the interview that he did with the ghost writer, those are gone. Dont know what happened to those. Those arn ine gone. Id and thne repeated answers from biden and fat transcript how he didnt know who put things wheru this is foldr decades. Hing im not saying everyone should remember everything about q everything. But willful Attention Ofe Documents appear the statute is quite clear. How is it is not willful when he tells the ghostwriter be carefuf with my notebooks because there might be classified information in thereut . Darrell issa kept going on and on about that and he is right. It is very clear. He the definition is you know that you are violating the law. It is not that you know you are doing something wrong. On you know you are violating the law. And i have to say one thing i do take issue with with robert hura is he tries to distinguishhowe President Bidens behavior fromn trumps alleged destructive far behavior. However, biden, you are only talking about as far as we know the unlawful retention of documents. If you are comparing that issue and if you are talking about that issue come unlawful retention of documents, bidens conduct is much worse than trumps. He did it over a 40 year period and never had a right as a senator, never to take documents out of a skiff. He didnt have rig the right to declassify, and he didnt have the right to declassify as the Vice President. Soap, actually, his conduct onrs that issue come on the issue of unlawful retention is far worse than what is alleged against President Trump. Laura and adam schiff, this is what i wanted to get to before, he laid into hur. This made me scream laughing from what he deemed to bewrit election interference. Watch. What you did right was deeply prejudicial in the interest of the president and you say it waa not political, yet you must have understood the impact of Yourpa Decision Trto Go beyond the specifics of a particular document to your own personal prejudicial objective opinion oy the president. One yo hu knew would be amplifid by his political opponent, one that would influence a political campaign. Laura mike, this a shameless considering what the Justice Department has beens. Saying on trumps various legaln cases. Remember, they waitedn trume 2022. Bidens personal lawyersrigh secretly colluded with the Biden Justice november 2nd, 2022 before the midelection stolen Classified Records. So what was garlands response november 18, 2022 . Arlen deployed a Special Counsel, but guess what quest market was jack smith and trumpn that had not robbed Hur Andco Bidelln until got caught secretly colluding for months. Laura jim jordan gotten to o the question of these files that b17 ghostwriter had possession of regarding the ongoings of prs of writing this book. And so jordan gets into the conversation and i would like to go to the sound bite if we can pull it up. Lets watch. Okay come i will read it. Ma this is what it says, chairman if you are referring to Audioti Recordings that graded ing conversations with biden, jordan set him exactly referring to that. E he said, if i remember he slid those files into his recycle been on his computer. And he tried to destroy thee evidence, didntev he . Es and hur said yes. Fo and that is where we are. Fox news alert, fox news projects President Joe Biden has secure the delegates required to become the Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee. He has now at least 1968 delegates or the majority ofroun those available. They will cast a ballot during the first round of voting at the dnc in chicago this august. So, a sitting president , biden never faced any wellknown challengers in this race, but he has so far lost 20 delegates to the uncommitted option that f progressives used as a vehicleoh to protest bidens support for israel. Lost another three delegates to littleknown Entrepreneur Jasonyou on palmeri sol, lets go back to you. Again, biden has the nomination clenched officially, but we have this back and forth on the fact that the guy the Special Counsel refers to as, well, no willful retention of documents. His ghostwriter Convenientlyn On slid all of the files into the recycle bin on his computer. Mail this all reminds me of hillary and emails are gone. T it only seems to happen. It always seems to be forgiven. Just remember, you cant have your cake and eat it too. Sa idor as the statler brothers say you cant have your cake andke h apif too. You cant be happy President Biden has been Exoneratedt Th and forget the ky reason he was exonerated, which importantly reiterated in a much stronger fashion than in rep the report. The mental decline is the kee ky reason, the key reason that he did not of course, you cant indict him a sitting president. The key reason why hur said heoc should not have been indicted i he wasnt president. That is the reason. You cant say gratuitous. By definition, hes got to give his reasons in this report. Laura mike, the New York Times said today essentially, well, although Memory Lapses were documented in the report, for good chunks of that interview, h Alejandro Mayorkas was essentially on it. In fact, a few occasions he corrected Special Counsel hur on something he was pointing out. So they were trying to do a big assist and xes was pretty brutal. Gnd what they were recoverin was pretty brutal. For most of it, they are still covering for biden despite thetn fact he cant say fax machine and i know tha fewt its a touge but a few tequila shots for they free of us to say fax machine. Ct i would say to, th President Biden and these democrats who are angry at hur, they should actually give hur ag big hug because they were a Smoking Gun Evidence that joe biden violated the espionagn act. Robert hur got him out of that by saying what 85 of americans already believe, that President Biden is not mentally fit. Laura sol, he clinches the nomination tonight, however. So the democrats have decided Mental Debilitation notwithstanding, Boarding Documents in various locations for 40 years notwithstanding. T thn fohe has the best guy that theys have to run for their partys nomination against donald trump, period, full stop yeah, yeah. Im not going to make a d political comment about that,i but i accept that i would be worried about rfk jr. If i were them. Laura might come are you r. F. Worried about rfk jr. . Does any of the information that came out today for preemphasize today . We knew most of this spirit doee this change the political analysis Going Forward . Y pu will there be some Magic Rabbith they pull out of their hat at the convention . I have said repeatedly that is. Penance game in d. C. And will never happen. Your thoughts tonight as he loo clinched his partys nomination. Look between the democrats. Lost fair and biden driving the country over the cliff, i feel very confident that President Trump is going to gett reelected on november 5th, 2024. Laura sol, and donald trump, meanwhile on the verge of his partys nominationc and clenching that. Ob a few years ago, his obituary from a political obituary had been written by all the smart sets in d. C. People said he would never make a comeback, january 6 was at an. He made so many mistakes, said too many things, people were top angry, and it was the post trump error of the republican party. Meanwhile, i dont know what that says about all of thesedon investigations, but it looks like the public does not put any faith or credibility and what our Justice Department and these d. A. S are digging around in. What does that say about where we are right now . Well, couple of things. I think there are two things that biden absolutely needed to do to ensure reelection. One, govern confidently. Two, controlled and that he woke element your party. And he has done neither. But the other point is important too an antidotal but i have many, many friends who are conservative including former fbi agents, who did not vote for trump on the second term, ford the second term, because of concerns about his personality and some of the things he did. To a person, they are outraged by what doj has done to him and by the indictments and the raids. Im just sating, it is antidotal. I find it everywhere. And i would be very worried about that if i was part ofth President Bidens team. Laura sol and mike, thank you very much. An we appreciate it tonight. We we will restore roe v. Wad. Restore it. In terms of cutting. He has no idea what hesow . Talking about. Game or commercials . Game. We game or halftime show . Game. Scri laura harley race, leader of the free world giving a thumbs up to spy the ccp contros as tiktok. And biden post on the platform despite warnings from hior is on senior until officials. Do you think it is a nationa Security Threat to have a federal Campaign Account on tiktok . Well, ive been verury cleair about my views on tiktok as to what campaigns choose to do with their platforms. I believk tie that to them. I think tiktok represents all sorts of National Security threats. Laura they are juster National Security threats, no biggie. The same way they treat the border, it doesnt matter. Our Commander In Chief and whoy gives him his peppy pills in the morning, they dont care. If they think tiktok can get biden a win at the polls, the hill with National Security but what about election security. T director haynes, you cannot roll out the ccp could Useinfl Tiktok as a platform to influence 2024 elections, right . It cannot rule out the ccp could use it, correct. Gat laura joining me now chang, senior fellow and author of china is going to waro gordon, you have gone as far to say the tiktok is a weapon of war in theof w way It Influencei American Spirit to give us w specific examples. China wages what it calls unrestricted warfare. Tiktok is cal a critical part of. Hat in august 2021 radio freeagent reporter and Intelligence Unit of the peoples Operation Army base themselves in consulate. From there they use big data toe identify americans likely to participate in black lives matter and antifa protest. And radio freeagent report the pla, Peoples Liberation armyido sent tailormade videos on how to riot. We know from related videos those were tiktoks and laura, fomenting violence on another countrys oil is an act of war. An act of war p laura gordon, i think a lot of young people and i dont blame them, they think tiktok is fun, pet videos and fashion tips. It is fun, gardening, you know, make up tips. I get it. I understand that. Ayin but they dont really see what you are saying. They see it as fun and a way to make money on the side. And they actually unleashed offiyoung people and therted congressmans office is emailing and calling, even some reportedly sank they would commit suicide if congress Movee Divestiture of tiktok to bytedance. Suicide omotin tiktok, they were up videos promoting suicide, selfharm, illegal drug use. This is an addition to all the tiktok videos that Support Hamas and support the russian war in ukraine, that support the w chinese attacks on the United States. So yes, china has Weaponize Tiktok and send it off to war. We have to realize what is occurring here. This is an attack on the United States of america. Laura gordon, what about ounow,r friends some of them wog to get people to calm down about tiktok . They say it is a First Amendment issue and we need to start banning tiktok and conservative sites. O o sa what do you say about that . As marco rubio said on the show yesterday, this is not about banning content. This is going after conduct. This is conduct which is notef only weaponized videos, but alse the theft of u. S. Own intellectual property. In other words, data of users. E this is as someone said, 170 million spy balloons over the u. S. That is tiktok on devices of l almost half of the american i hope our when friends are listening. Gordon, thank you. Trump once the primary sewing up the nomination tonight. How soon will it come . A report next. Ive got a choice, more than one answer. I sat down with my doc. We had a talk. Knew just what to say. I asked for cologuard and did it my way. Cologuard is a oneofa kind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and its ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation tv and get 2 months free force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. Thats why Friends And Family recommend total beets. Now you can find total beets Blood Pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support Blood Pressure and improve heart health. Rush to walmart and find total beets. Laura this is a fox news alert. Laura this is a fox newsd alert, though trump biden rematch that most of the experts in the Pond Entry Class said would never happen couldhi actually be official tonight. President biden clenched hiso hi partys nomination but how close is trump to his . Kevin corke with alld ev the details, kevin. Four States Holding president ial nomination contest today and delegates on the line, both the president and former president could Bothearn Crossee Threshold needed to earn respect a partys presumptive nomination. Already tonight, we knows cl President Biden is over the threshold. So, he has clinched the democratic president ial nomination for the second time. S take a look at the states georgia, hawaii, mississippi and the great state of washington o the line. Str if you are wondering about President Trump, he is within striking distance as well. You need 1,215 delegates to earn the g. O. P. Gnawed and he started the day needing, you know, likeo 137. So, he will get that donw,e at w some point tonight. For those of you at home mighth, be wondering, all right, kevin, so we have a rematch. , we what is on the schedule tonighto we hear from either man, we l dont know. Nothing is scheduled t whio appc at the white house called In A Little While ago, nothing on the schedule so far for President Trump. But my good friend will be monitoring social media and iffo anything is posted, i promise to pass it along. For now, we have ourselves a good old fashion rematch, lauram third time, by the way for President Trump wrapping up the g. O. P. Nomination between tonight. Laura amazing. Jeopardy is on in some areas so they dont want to interrupt him watching jeopardy. Ow e joining me now is eric schmitt, at the missouri senator. Biden just clinch they nomination. It is funny to look back on Thed Encommentary about lets go to President Trump. Or biden, a lot of people thought biden wouldnt run for a second term. Thought biden would be a little magnanimous and give it to the next generation. But this is all they have is joe biden. That is it e died a sad state of affairt for the democrats in many waer ways. Rei was an early endorser. T, laura a you were one of the first, as i recall. A President Trump. I am excitedad. I was with him this weekend and he is ready. E the Tale Of The Tape as you compare the two records. That is what it will come down Inflation Numbers this week tells a story. Eete laura you tweeted the sow and a great reminder for tworemi people across the country and reminder on x, we want to remind people what its like to live in Bidens America since he crossed his partys threshold. Appearance because this talk about 30 Fifth Avenue has been robbed o four times since november. This the owners of the franchise decided enough is enough. T of they pull up out of nowhere and its not like they are just robbing the store but he the owner of the franchise close the dining rooms all for taco bells in oakland. It laura okay, that is crime w and you see it innout burger, dennys which had been in business 54 years, that shut its doors. That is in oakland but people are feeling safe across the country and in their wallets, what are they finding . Y 20 that is right everything at c the Grocery Store 20 more expensive. Because inflation takes place over time. People feel it every time at the Grocery Store and energy cost 30 higher. Laura it is going upmp and up at the gas pump, much higher at the last three or four weeks. Which is down for 5 and up 10 . What does that mean . About 1,000 a month taken out of peoples pockets. Joe biden solution to spend more money we dont have to declare war on Domestic Energy supply and also 9 Million People here illegally, which is of course Driving Downhe wages for americn workers. His answer to the problem he created will make things worse, which people will be nostalgic for the trump era, which will come back. Laura just Puttingid Gas Inl your car as i did yesterday and biden was saying, gas prices are coming down. Inflation will come down. The big news today, inflation edged up 3. 2 in the market isea still doing well. Us joe biden said to trump, thet th stock market doesnt say anything peer that is just the rich people. Is of course we want to market to be high but the cost for regular people, people dont gete this joy of bidenomics. Watch this. Ba look, people have been banging around for a while now. I we knew it would take a little. Bit of time for people to began to seeobs, the benefits. 50 million new jobs, that is good, and it doesnt really connect yet to people. Tha laura he is the best hes ever been. That is pretty bad. Laura that is what they are saying msnbc, he is the best hes ever been. Last week he was a greate. Grandpa yelling at everyone, totally bizarre, weird and disconnect peer that is as disconnect. The republicans of the party. Re they are totally disconnected from the realityomic. They can talk about bidenomics and shipped this as much as they want to but the truth is the Sticker Shock every time at thes gas pump, every time apet the Grocery Store. Laura put the graphic up, that is up 20 . S 20 . Laura the cost of basic cos goods they have to pay for every day, the cost of insurance is going up. In i dont know what your cariver insurances, but mine is through the roof. I do have a teenage driver. Lau im ready to have a 16yearold. Laura good luck on that. I should not have hit that gas e there. But that is the shock most people feel in a daily basis. When they keep thinking, it is a p. R. Problem, it is a messaging problem, people are going to see help is on the way. How many times have we heardernm help is on the way from biden . Buy we are the government anl here to help. Laura donald j. Trump, that is up on the way. Great to see you by the way, thank you for the reminder on inflation. America, are you ready for the rematch . Joe biden has clinched the democrat nomination. Trump is one step closer, charlie hurt is with reaction and breaking news tonight. Stay there. What is cirkul . Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul. Com. When i was your age, we never had anything like this. What . Wifi . Wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. The basement. So i can finally throw that party. And invite shannon barnes. Dream do come true. Xfinity gives you reliable wifi with walltowall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. Maybe well even get married one day. I wonder what i will be doing . Probably still living here with mom and dad. Fast reliable speeds right where you need them. Thats walltowall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. Laura this is a fox news alert. En joe biden has clinched thecy democrat nomination for the presidency. And donald trump is likely to n wrap up his nomination tonight as well. Joininashig me now charlie hurt, washington opinion editor. Charlie, on the same day testimony reveals that bidends couldnt say the words fax machine and went into great detail about lapses memory and dates in his life both personal and political. Is the best rea theyve got. Ctioyour reaction. I think you are exactly righs about it. One of the things that we have sort of concealed in the 2020d Electionon because so much effoh was focused on the donald trump side of the ledger is the fact that democrats are the deeply divided. Y whthe reason they settled on ancient, Old White Guy who has been around washington 50 years back then is because he was thei sionly guy to kind of paper over all of the divisions. Obviously, this will be a rematch of 2020. In a lot of ways come a rematch of 2016 where you have donald trump talking about theog issues. Le again the issuesga like 2016 wil be illegal immigration and foreign wars and all of these things that really matter to bluecollar voters versushi joe biden around that case, Hillary Clinton, trying to defend this mo tm youreha the differences joe biden has been a part of the swamps entire adult life where Hillary Clinton came from somewhere else. She wasnt the creature that joe biden is. So this will be a rematch. The best they can come up with is joe biden. U but i think, i really do like the chances for donald trump heading into this because on every single issue, mai get itkt here or they will try to make it about donald trump. I dont think itof will work. When you take donald trump out of it just on the issues, democrats are the party of bankruptcy. They are a Party Without any ideas. Laura corruption. And you talk aboutptio corruption. Laura the drifters are everywhere i n washington but the drifter 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue really take the cake. We know it. We have seen it and it doesnt matter if The Checks Wereme Written To Joe Bidennt himself. But we know what happened. Charlie, we just got a statemene and from joe biden four years ago i ran for president because i believe weause were in the bae for the soul o wonf the nation. Because at the american people, we wonliti that battle and im honored to be the Broad Coalition of voters with rich diversity of the Democratic Party across the country that put their faith in me once again to lead our party anhed our country in a moment wn trump poses are greater than ever. Charlie, he doesnt believe trump poses a threat but that i. All they say and all they have. R none of them believe trump will ever have an election again. So they have to say thats as they try to put him in jail. Exactly. Ha no, they have nothint. G else to run on so they have to run onto that. Dont forget, theyps put out all the stops to put trump out in 2020. T think they will be able to redo all that Know Thoses Al Efforts will work. Ar the lies alone the media told ie order to smear donald trump andw prop up joe biden, those are not going to work. The question i hope donald trump asks every day, ask voters, isur who does joe biden work for . Going back to your point the drifter 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, who does joe biden work for . He does not work for theknow american people. He does not work you want tol know why rent is up 20 . When you allow 10 million t Illegal Aliens in Thhee Country and the federal government pays to house them and feed them . Your rant is going to go up and it will even go up more. Laura charlie cometr americans feel like secondclass citizens in their own country,e foreigners in a strange land an yet they are in america. That is not a good feeling. Charlie, thank you so much. We need some fun, laughs and jimmy feel it is up next. Stay there. 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Wow, who knew Joe Biden Woule be in the next season of golden girls gone wild. My goodness, everybody in this family and all their risk a clothing. Hunters laptop . Laura unfortunately, i do. Is also much mabel i t thought i was on a womens swim team. It was rough, laura, it was rough. The car thing, i dont know. When i read the biden transcripts, i am thankful he lived through the state of the unit with all the they checked him up on. The thing with the car ise ironically, hes making car sounds but nobody would get behind the wheel with this man. The photos you are showing with Electric Hummer or at a factoryt whenever he is like hey, anybody want to get in . No, actually, there is no chance. Laura my little kids, my boys used to go room room. They would put a car and go room for them. But we have a president. They weret not president and no one in future there checked the carfaxe would sign up for another for your purchase, bottom line. Dont forge,t to catch jimmy on the road, montana and Washington State later. That is it for us and Staythis H Fox and follow me on x

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