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Time. Tonight. You say it wasnt political and you must have understood, you must have understood the impact of your words. Special Council Robert hur on the hot seat. The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the Steering Wheel. Jesse the January 6th Committee, star witness collapses. This is in fact the worldwide hub of prostitution and it is a complement here to call another girl a jesse they get it together series begins tonight. Plus, spring break part two. A couple eggs for breakfast or something and i just blocked the [ bleep ] out. [ ] [ ] jesse fox news alert, 8 00 d the polls disclosed in mississippi. Fox news has projected that President Joe Biden has secured the delegates required to become the Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee. Biden did not have any challengers but hes lost a handful of delegates to the uncommitted option. He also lost another three delegates to jason palmer, an entrepreneur from maryland who won american samoa. On the republican side, donald trump projected the easily schwindt georgia, also expected to quench his partys nomination later tonight so stay with box for the latest results. The president State Of Mind was the Center Of Attention in washington today. The Justice Department finally releasing the highly anticipated transcripts of bidens interview with a special Council Robert hur who testified this morning, and we will get to that in a minute. But first, five hours of biden unscripted. Our producers spent all day reading this and now we understand what robert hur meant when he called biden painfully slow. The transcript confirmed that biden did not remember when his son died, when he was vise president or when trump was elected. Biden had to be reminded multiple times throughout his interview what a Facts Machine was. And whenever he was right redirected to focus on the question at hand, he would launch into waukee stories weirder than corn pop. For instance, when the special council asked why he moved classified documents from the naval observatory, biden claimed hed won and international towards competition in law school and then sherrod a story of a 23yearold who was wearing the wrong pants, wrong genes when a spark caught fire and he lost one of his testicles. Biden called himself a frustrated architect who went to mongolia where he shot bowen arrows with sumo wrestlers. Biden said he had great aim and put everyone in mongolia to shame. At one point, biden asked Special Council Hur if he saw Risk A Pictures of my wife in a bathing suit, which you probably did, shes beautiful. When asked about his classified documents in the garage, biden bragged he went on line out with his corvette and started making car noises. All you do is you take your foot off the break and vroom vroom. Joe biden complained the Secret Service was driving him crazy because they would not let him drive so biden would drive back and forth in his own driveway. I would get it to the bottom of the driveway, tack it up to about four grand and vroom vroom. Yes, the president making more car noises. If you were a prosecutor conducting a deposition, you are asking about highly sensitive but Sensitive National security secrets and the subject starts rubbing his engine and pretending to hit the clutch you know hes not fit to stand trial. This is why the white house wont release the audiotapes. The president is going vroom vroom and asking when was i vise president again. Robert hur had to assess the president s mental state because his mental state would determine whether or not he willfully retained classified documents. What was going on through the president s mind or what wasnt going on through the president s mind was important and hur defended it. My assessment in the report about the relevance of the president s memory was necessary and accurate and fare. Most importantly, what i wrote is what i believe the evidence shows and what i expect jurors would perceive and believe. I did not sanitize my explanation nor did i disparage the president unfairly. Reporter but democrats did not want to here about the president s hazy memory. Jamie raskin used his time to question your memory. My friends, this is a memory test but its not a memory test for President Biden, its a memory test for all of america. Do we remember fascism . Do we remember nazi ism . Do we remember communism and totalitarianism . They won more reason to celebrate donald trump and his followers who have completely lost their way. They are looking for high crimes and misdemeanors, now they appoint themselves amateur Memory Specialists and thats what they pounce on the president of the United States about. America faces a choice between democracy and tyranny. Jesse so for democrats today it was about fascists pouncing on corvette lovers. They tried to rewrite the whole report but failed. Did you have any reason to believe that President Biden lied to you . I do address in my report one response that the president gave to a question we had posed to him that we deemed to be not credible. Was it clear he did not like we. Im sorry . The report is clear he did not lie or that he caused staff to lie to you and that he did not cause his staff to lie to you, your report is clear on that. Jesse democrats even claiming hur exonerated biden when he did not. So this lengthy, expensive and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden. I need to go back and make sure that i take note of the word that you used, exoneration. Mr hur im going to continue with my question. I know that the term i know that the term. [ simultaneous talking ] you exonerated him. I know the term will full retention mr hur, its my time. Jesse todays Testimony Proof that biden spread classified documents across three states in six unsecured locations after being warned repeatedly. Mr hur, classified documents were found at the biden center . In President Bidens raj . And in his basement then . Yes. And in his Main Floor Office . And his third floor den . Correct. At the University Of Delaware . And at the Biden Institute . Correct. Is it accurate to quote your report that classified documents were found in badly damaged boxes in his garage, near a collapsed dog crate, a dog bed, an empty bucket, is that correct . Those words to appear in the report. Jesse biden even told hur his garage was such a messy moved boxes around himself so his corvette had more room. The president admitted there was a kid who used to help me take care of my corvette but did not work for me. So besides hunter and his chinese Assistant Zipping in and out of bidens garage, there were kids working on bidens cars. And prime time can conclude said it does conclusively report tonight the mysterious mechanics and spies did not, i repeat did not, have full access to trumps documents and maralago for decades. Special council hur testified that biden admitted he knew he had classified documents and that he wanted to keep them for posteritys sake. To burnish his image as a world leader. Hur also testified Biden Hoarded classified documents to write a book, a lucrative deal worth 8 million. Joe biden had 8 million reasons to break the rules. Took classified information with and shared it with the guy who was writing the book. He knew the rules but he broke them for 8 million in a book advance. It was also his ego. Pride and money is why he knowingly violated the rules. The oldest motives in the book, pride and money. Jesse pride and profit, youve got motive, the misconduct as plain as day and there was an attempt to cover it up. The same month biden opens an investigation into trumps handling of classified documents , he dispatches his team to gather all of the classified documents that he had been stashing. Then bidens team weights a year and a half to announce they had found classified documents at the biden center. An 18 month mop up job at your house while you raid your opponents house. Thats not cooperating with investigators. In fact the second they heard a special council had been appointed, bidens ghostwriter deleted evidence. The ghost writer has recordings of biden making admissions of crimes. He then learns that youve been appointed, he then deletes the information that is the evidence and you dont charge him. That is reflected in the report. One of the things that was not deleted was transcripts of the recordings that included evidence related to mr biden. So if he destroys some evidence but not other evidence that somehow up solves you of the evidence you destroy . Heres what i see, he should have been charged, wasnt. Biden and trump should have been treated equally, they werent, and that is the double standard that i think a lot of americans are concerned about. Jesse in the last three elections, three candidates have been accused of mishandling documents. Hillary, biden and trump. Only one has been charged. The only one who was president. The other two at risk National Security for pride and profit, caught, destroyed evidence and then lost their memories. But is biden playing dumb or just dumb . I would not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that that intent element right but the reason you have that doubt is the senile cooperator theory, the fact that joe biden is so inapt in responding that you cant prove the intent which again, i dont quibble with that conclusion but its frustrating to be like will this guys not getting treated the same way as trump because the elevator is not going to the top floor so we can prove intent while at the same time biden goes out to the white house and says while you know he just blatantly lies. What im trying to figure out is whether or not biden is lying because he is still so senile he hasnt read your report or whether its a little craftier and a little more devious and perhaps a little more intentional than we might otherwise think. Jesse so prosecutors are claiming biden is too forgetful to be prosecuted but trump a sharp enough to stand trial. That is not how the law works. We have a former vise president who will not suffer any consequences for all of these actions, all because we say well hes a wellmeaning, Forgetful Old Man. If you were kind of a wellmeaning Forgetful Old Man that was driving a car and you forgot what you were doing a little bit and you hit somebody and killed them, i believe you would be responsible. The law must apply. Jesse the real reason hur did not charge biden is because he did not think he would get a conviction. But its not why, its where. Hur did not think he could get Biden Convicted In Dc and that is where the jury would be. Outside of dc, fare jury, sure but bidens poor mental state let him escape justice which is forcing the media to argue that bidens competent enough to be president but not competent enough to stand trial. You have this image of this poor guy Sitting On A Park Bench, you know, feeding the birds. Thats not who joe biden is. I think he was showing the work that the old man sitting on the bench feeding the pigeons. It comes after joe biden just had a very successful, effective state of the Union Address so nobody who saw him on that night is going to think of him as a kindly old man Sitting On A Park Bench feeding the pigeons. Jesse the president Sitting On A Park Bench feeding the pigeons is what saved democrats from nominating Kamala Harris. The white house releasing a statement after the hearing today saying, vroom vroom. House Speaker Mike Johnson joins me now. Do you think the president is mentally fit . Jesse, i spent a little bit of time with him and im sad to tell you that i dont think he is and the reason im sad is because we are projecting weakness on the world stage. All of our adversaries around the world can see and follow exactly what you and i and the American People are. We have a week president and thats why our enemies are acting so productive provocatively right now. This is not a game or laughing matter. Its a dangerous situation and this election in november cant get here soon enough. When you say youve spent time with the president and youve determined in your opinion that hes not mentally fit to be president , what do you mean . What did you see . I dont mean to be uncharitable, we respect the office and people cant change how they age, everybody ages differently. Im just telling you that President Biden is not on his a game. And i say it that way . I mean in person hes rather slow and obviously his staff handles him very carefully. For more than six weeks i requested a meeting with the president one on one. The speaker of the house on the president of the United States should be able to have a meeting. I needed to talk to him about very serious classified Matters Regarding National Security and the borders. They would not arrange that meeting. When he finally relented, he invited five others to join us. There was no Vice President that was there, chuck schumer, mitch mcconnell, jeff reese i think these two officers offices need to be able to communicate more regularly and thats been difficult with this president and frankly i think its because they dont want to put me in a room with him alone, they may be afraid of what he might say if he goes off script. Im not trying to be disrespectful, these are just the fact that everybody can see. Jesse we saw you at the State Of The Union trying to hold back some emotion. It looks like you are very emotional. Whats it like to be up there sitting next to Kamala Harris and listening to joe biden say what joe biden says . Listen it was a heavily partisan Vitriolic Campaign speech. Thats not what a state of the Union Address is supposed to be. Over history, you know, president s have been conciliatory, theyve had at least segments in the speech that were bipartisan, where everyone can stand together and give an ovation for america and american values. There was not enough that in that speech and it was so frustrating to have to sit behind him and just take that, you know, and i had emphasized decorum for our side, emphasizing that as the republicans, we are for order and not chaos, we are the rule of law team and we need to show it. Largely everybody complied but it was very difficult not to show on my face my disdain for what he was saying. It was full of untruths and it was hyper partisan and that was not the place for it. Jesse whats it like to sit next to Kamala Harris . Did you guys exchange pleasantries throughout the evening . We did, you know, its an awkward setting for new members sitting there and i always try to make nice and make a conversation and look, again, i dont have anything personally against the president or the Vice President but our policies are worlds apart and what im concerned about is he did not say a single word in that speech really about what he would do to fix the border crisis, this catastrophe he has created, a humanitarian catastrophe. Nothing. It took him 41 minutes to mention the border in that speech. He talked about the size of sticker bars is a higher priority. I mean it was not anything we could applaud her go along with. Jesse i did not have snickers coming up in the State Of The Union but stick with us because we have a fox news alert. The Associated Press projecting that President Donald Trump will win the republican primary in mississippi, bringing him one step closer to clinching the republican nomination which we expect to happen later tonight as the delegates continued to roll in. Your reaction to former President Donald Trump moving very quickly to securing this nomination . We are delighted to have him officially as the nominee. I think this is a classic matchup. I think that President Trump is going to mop the floor with joe biden and i cannot wait until the debate. Are they going to allow joe biden to debate donald trump . It will be a beautiful thing to behold but count me as a skeptic that the democrats will allow that. I dont think they would put him on the stage with him. Jesse we were going through a couple weeks of this stuff that is jammed into these bills that just passed last friday. We have a half a Million Dollars for antiracist oyster reefs, 15 million to put Ankle Monitors on cows and 850 grant fuhr Bus Stop Equity in california. When are we gonna get the spending under control . Welcome to the Senate Democrat majority. This is the problem when you have divided government. Right now we have control of only one third of one half of the federal government and we have the smallest margin in u. S. History. In a week we will have a onevote margin for error House Republican majority. When you have a situation like that, you are not going to get Appropriation Bills that you like and we have fought toothandnail. The reason the fiscal year 24 bills were so late is because weve been fighting them toothandnail to take this nonsense out of federal spending but its like turning an aircraft carrier. We are going to get there jesse, we need a larger majority. Gro the majority. Com. Jesse when i see antiracist or stir reefs i start rolling my eyes like mike johnson at the end of a speech. Thank you for joining Jesse Watters primetime. Spring break part two. Whats the craziest thing youve seen so far . I saw some guy to working in some guys face. [ ] [ ] oh, its cold outside. Time to protect your vehicle from winters wrath. Of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. You need weathertech. Laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. For your interior, theres Seat Protector and sunshade. Plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. While the new impactliner, with Shock Absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. Order American Made products at wt. Com surfs up [ ] [ ] jesse we know from the beginning that the january 6 committee was designed just a forthright Justice Department to charge trump. A new report shows key elements were based on lies. Lies that could seriously injure jack smiths case against trump. Do you remember democrat star witness Cassidy Hutchinson . She testified under oath that trump longed to the front seat of the beast and it attempt to wrestle the Steering Wheel away from Secret Service and drive himself to the capital right . The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the Steering Wheel. He grabbed his arm and said sir you need to take your hand off the Steering Wheel. We are going back to the west wing, we are not going to the capital. Jesse the media ate it up. President trump according to the secret Service Agents who relate this to Cassidy Hutchinson, lunged at the wheel and then lunged at the throat and clavicle. He apparently became furious when he was told he could not join the mob. He physically got into an altercation with his Secret Service because he wanted to go to the capital. Cassidy hutchinson having the courage to come forward and do what so few inside the Trump White House have been willing to do, come out publicly, freely and to tell the truth. Jesse but it wasnt the truth. Trump never tried to hijack his motorcade to joint generate sixth, trumps own driver testified that it never happened. But his testimony was covered up until now. Trump never grabbed the Steering Wheel, never longed, never attacked the Secret Service. He told the crowd them they marched peacefully and he drove peacefully home. The other big lie was that trump actively blocked the National Guard from responding to january 6th. We know trump was the one who initially resisted mobilizing the National Guard. You need federal authorization to authorize it and the Trump Administration is a wall. Theres no indication that President Trump ever made a call to have the guard deployed beanmac it was so slow in getting the National Guard to the capital. I think thats another chapter of the story that involves high levels in the administration. Jesse new transcripts that have been buried show Trumps White House offering 10,000 National Guardsmen to the dc mayor ahead of january sixth. Mayor bowser declined the request. Interviews also show that on generate sixth the white house was burning up the phones to the pentagon demanding they deploy Quick Reaction forces to the capital, but the pentagon was slow to react. If trump, as jack smith alleges, was trying to incite a riot to obstruct the certification, why would he ask 10,000 National Guards to protect the capital days before . And why did to generate sixth committee hide this from the public . I wonder what else they covered up, tommy. Theres a reason the people dont trust our government, our institutions and its because we are betting a thousand on Conspiracy Theories at this point but also the taxpayers wasted about 4 million on that January 6th Committee and im not sure exactly what for. But beyond that, the media. Still to this day, three and a half years later, clutching their pearls, january 6 was pearl harbor, january 6th was worse than 9 11, no, january 6 was their christmas and its becoming more and more apparent with each passing day and beyond that what we are finding out from this new information, these new transcripts, im wondering what the heck lives chaney, adam were doing because the actual evidence reeds more like their collective burn books from mean girls and it does actual evidence sew at this point, wasted 4 million to go after trump yet again but too bad so sad it looks like he will be our nominee. Biggest comeback in American History and thats donald trump. Jesse in nancy pelosi whos in charge of security for the capital was not allowed to be interviewed for the generate sixth committee. What does that tell you . Well, lets keep in mind that there was that lovely documentary i believe made by her daughter where she said she wanted to punch trump out. So that theatrical moment was of course captured to make her look like, you know, shes some defender of democracy and patriotism but i would like to here from nancy, id like to here from adam schiff who wants to be of course the senator from california. I would like to here from lives chaney. I would like to here from adam. All should issue corrections and i expect that the rest of the media, cnn, msnbc, i imagine that as we speak they are apologizing to their audience and the American People. Actually im not going to hold my breath for that one. Jesse you would be holding our breath until you are dead. Thank you as always. Thank you jesse. Jesse your car, spying on you and colluding with your Insurance Company. [ ] [ ] okay yall we got ten orders coming in. Big orders starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant. Thats a different story. I couldnt slow down. We were starting a business from the ground up. People were showing up left and right. And so did our Business Needs the chase ink card made it easy. When you go for Something Big like this, your kids see that. And they believe they can do the same. Earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. Make more of whats yours. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are looking up, ive got Symptom Relief. Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer bowel movements. Skyrizi is the first il23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. And the majority of people experienced longlasting remission at one year. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Nows the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohns with skyrizi. Control is everything to me. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Im franklin graham. Im in jerusalem, israel, and im standing in front of what they call the garden tomb. An empty tomb, and many people believe thats where the body of jesus christ lay after he was crucified for our sins. But on the third day, god raised his son to life. Thats our hope in this troubled world in which we live. Our hope is in christ, a risen savior. Have you ever trusted him as your savior . Have you ever invited him into your heart . Have you ever surrendered your life to him . If you havent done it, do that right now. Just pray this prayer. Say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry. Forgive me. I believe jesus, your son. I want to invite him into my heart, and trust him as my savior, and follow him as my lord from this day forward. Amen. If you prayed that prayer weve got some people that would like to talk to you, pray with you. So, call that number thats on the screen. Do that right now. God bless you thank you tide is busting laundrys biggest myth. That cold water cant clean. Cold water, on those stains . Cold water cant clean tough stains . Id say that myth is busted. Turn to cold, with tide. [ ] [ ] jesse Boeing Whistleblower John Barnett was found dead with an apparent selfinflicted Gunshot Wound just days after testifying against his former employer. National correspondent with more reporter john barnett was a former boeing Quality Control engineer who became a boeing whistleblower. He was scheduled to be deposed in a Defamation Lawsuit against boeing over the weekend but he was found dead. He had been in charleston, South Carolina to offer legal evidence in his case in which he claimed boeing hurt his career and reputation however his body was discovered in his truck outside of his hotel with an apparent selfinflicted Gunshot Wound. He spent more than 30 years working with boeing and just gave a rather explosive interview earlier this year to tmz in which he claims boeing started cutting corners in Quality Control beginning more than one decade ago which he says led to that horrifying event in january in which a door blew out of an Alaska Airlines flight on a boeing 737 max nine that had to make an Emergency Landing in portland. What we are seeing with the door blowout is what ive seen with the rest of the airplane as far as jobs not being completed properly, inspection steps removed, issues being ignored. Reporter this evening we asked boeing about the allegations. Boeing did not directly dispute them. They did tell us that since 2019 its expanded quality employees by more than 25 percent. Barnetts attorneys right to us we are all devastated, we need more information about what happened to john. The Charleston Police need to investigate this fully and accurately and tell the public what they find out. No detail can be left unturned. A Charleston Police spokesman released a statement that no foul play is suspected at this time in barnetts shooting death. Jesse thank you. Have you noticed Car Insurance rates spiking . Pull your paperwork. We are paying 25 more than just last year. Some peoples rates are higher than their lease payments. My Car Insurance and did this month so it automatically renewed and when i went to look at the built tell me it why it was 100 more than last month. I am this close to taking my car back to the dealership and getting a bike. When i first got my car and i got insurance and my insurance was like 200, now its almost 400. Im getting hot. Im about to get me an electric scooter. I went from a hundred 46 when i started with progressive and now 241. That is outrageous every renewal you are raising my insurance for what . I have not filed one claim jesse theres a big reason Car Insurance rates are rising. Your car is a narc. Are you speeding . Do you break too quickly . Tailgate during your commute . Just what, your car is spying on you. And could be ratting you out to your Insurance Company because according to the new york times, new cars made by gm are spying on your driving and then sharing your driving habits with brokers who sell the data to insurance companies. Who then go my god this guy is mario andretti, we are raising his monthly payment. So all the attack in your car, internet, onstar, navigation, the apps, they harvest your data and it to the Insurance Company. Our cars know us better than kit lets go, body. [ cheering ] jesse hasselhoffs rights were probably 1000 month. Base politics cofounder joins me now. I dont know, hannah, is there something we can do about this . Well i think there is something we can do about it. One, people can vote with their dollar in the market and avoid companies that are doing these kinds of things behind their back. Its not just gm, the report covered a number of Car Companies and they are not doing it with their full chest, people are doing it in the fine print, people really have to read their contracts to find out this is going on. Many of the people who have had this happen had no clue their car was spying on them and giving their data to third parties until it was too late. I think you can expect to see lawsuits over this and i think that people need to be concerned because this is part of a growing trend we see where technology is increasingly being used to spy on us and it really should not surprise us given the way things have gone in this country over the past two decades. We saw a recently the government tried to slip something into the Infrastructure Bill Giving companies the ability to put a kill switch on all new cars built after 2026 that also will be monitoring your driving and deciding if you seem impaired. Its not checking your blood alcohol level. If you seem impaired. If you swerved when you hit ice or your break too suddenly, all of this data is going to be gathered on you and we can assume at this point it will be given to third parties and it could be used to ultimately take away your rights, to tell you when you can drive, where you can drive and what you can do. Jesse so you are saying my wife may seem impaired although she is sober and in a couple of years they are going to hit a kill switch when shes driving seemingly impaired even though sober . Thats right. Jesse what if shes on the way back to the house with something that i really need desperately . Yeah, like your kids. [ laughter ] this made point was made in congress, they said what if you were out driving on an icy road with your kids in the backseat, you swear. Cars, is that Technology Going to decide you seem impaired and shut off and strand you in the middle of nowhere . It seems likely you could see that happen. The government keeps acting like we wont be doing this ourselves, its not the police or government monitoring, is that technology will be there but you and i know how that kind of technology is used. Jesse the only kill switch i need is on the five. Thank you so much. [ ] johnny still at spring break. Tell me your thoughts on electric vehicles. It seems like a [ bleep ] to charge. [ ] [ ] jesse fox news alert, the polls are closed in mississippi and we can project that President Donald Trump will win republican primary. This put them on top to clinch the gop nomination, likely later tonight, want the results from Washington State roll in. Earlier tonight President Biden secured his partys nomination for president after a victory in georgia. Keep Watching Foxes as results roll in. The next polls close in Washington State at 11 00 oclock eastern. [ ] [ ] johnny had so much fun at spring break. We cannot really show you Everything Last Night so heres part two. [ ] [ ] everybody is loving spring break. Whats the game plan . I hope to not remember it. Me too. Go crazy. Need a couple eggs for breakfast or something and then just black out. Got about six numbers, a few callbacks you know what im saying. Im not 21 so i would never drink. Im just saying, im not a drinker. I can honestly say i never had a beer in my life. Whats the craziest thing youve seen. I saw some guy twerking and some guys face. A camel got hit by a police car on the road. I like your furry thing. This is my microphone. Its really cute. Ive got to talk to johnny about that. [ ] what issue facing america is most important to you . The fact that i will probably not be able to buy a house. Free kanye, let the man breathe. Tell me your thoughts on electric vehicles. It seems like a [ bleep ] to charge. They help with pollution, no . A lot of child labor to my nose batteries. Oh, thats not good. Some of the wipes out on electric grid, nobodys going anywhere. Horse and buggy, hook it up. You folks need a ride . House joe biden doing . Joe biden sucks. Dude the day he can get more than three words out, you know. How old is he . Like 65 . Eightytwo. I guess i just gave them a compliment then. President joe biden look, im not a young guy. What has joe biden accomplished . Millions of illegals. If thats an accomplishment, then hes accomplished a lot. Its so awesome hes here just abiding us. Thinkmac i dont know. Cant think of any. House donald trump doing . Hes so goofy and so weird. Makes me giggle. Got the little dance,. [ ] [ ] whos going to win the big election in november . Trump. I think trump is going to win. Did you vote for biden . I did. Will you do it again . Probably not. We can only hope to get jb out of there. It will be trump. Trump that he takes it all the way. Jesse they get it together Series Debuts after the break. Who i thought was my opponent, which would be anything inhuman, i apologize profusely. [ ] [ ] 3, 4 hey are you ready for me are you ready are you ready can neuriva support your brain health . Mary, janet, hey thinking eddie, no frasier, frank. Frank . fred how are you . fred. Fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. Join the Neuriva Brain Health challenge. [ ] [ ] jesse independent president ial candidate rfk junior has just revealed his vp shortlist and its spicy. Hes approached jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and former professional wrestler jesse ventura. No relation. According to the new york times, both of welcome to the overtures. You are not sure if either have been formally offered the job but a celebrity take it would certainly attract a ton of attention and make this election even more unpredictable. Rfk junior is expected to name his number 2 in the next few weeks ahead of the deadlines for ballot access. Today starts a new series we are doing called to get it together where some of the people that i interviewed for the book come back and talk to us on prime time. Today we will skip ahead to Chapter Seven to talk to a radical feminist and a former sex worker. Legalized prostitution she said. Sky alexandra comes from a white upperclass family, collegeeducated, respected in their community, so how can somebody whos raised in upscale Lifestyle Drop out of college to run a pyramid scheme, it arrested for Drug Trafficking and become a Prostitution Activist . I spoke to her earlier today. Watch. Its great to see you again, remind me why you hate men. The answer to that is right under this tray. What this is is as you can see this is dog poop. [ laughter ] you brought dog poop for the interview. Yeah. Why are men dog poop . I blamed everything that went wrong on men. And i think that that is why i had these visions like of The Great Divide and things that werent supposed to happen. I feel controlled. My brain is seduced so much by the devil in fact but i think we need to understand that if it werent for the devil, sir, god would not exist in fact. So who i thought was my opponent, which would be anything male and human, i apologize profusely. You seem to have come to some realizations. Im not sure whether that had anything to do with your conversation with me are the fact that you are going on tv to talk about this. Youve come a long way and do you still believe that prostitution should be legalized . It is a complement here to call another girl a ho. We have turned it, we have learned to appreciate what we hate. I understand that you dont affiliate this term in a positive light but it means more to me after being manipulated into stripping under age at 17 years old at the mens club, which is an absolutely wonderful place, that i had no issues or problems with than i did not understand why my mother was so broken when she found out my secret. So i only stripped really five nights or so but i never had a problem feeling like i was almost in a world filled from have been where these men dressed immaculately were all looking out for me and they werent allowed to even touch me and then they would say things to me like whats a girl like you doing in a place like this . And i was so puzzled. Because i did not understand yet what that meant. I proceeded to keep this theory that it is my purpose to take as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time from any male that i was introduced to or felt close to or, you know, this is a i think this is a power trip, overcompensation for lack of, i dont want to say respect, i want to say lack of validation growing up. Jesse and we appreciate her vulnerability. Had a lot of conversations just like that with her and others in get it together and i will bring more to you guys about this week after this. Tomorrow we will be having the statute topple or on Jesse Watters primetime, order your copy of get it together right now. [ ] [ ] jesse chamomile tea. People are always freaking out, how do you get to bed at night . They come home from the show, you are all wired. Chamomile tea, no screen time, half an hour before you hit the sack. No tv, no phones. Chamomile tea, a little milk, maybe some honey, its all you need. Fifteen minutes, you are snoring like joe biden. Lets do some texts. Marcia from ohio, maybe you can invite biden over to play cards with jesse junior, vroom vroom. Hes a child. Ken from new york, did you hear that, drivers are voters are driving to the polls to vote for trump mike from ohio, hur may not have been interested but i know a second gentlemen who would be very interested in seeing jills face. One kiss, hell never live it down. Paul from new jersey, maybe biden drives a classic corvette so his insurance cant spy on him. The chinese . Thats another story. I want to know who the Mystery Minor Mechanic is. That i need to know. From arizona, im letting my car know im italian. Snitches get stitches. Bill from cambridge massachusetts, isnt johnny too old for spring break . I said the same thing to myself. But yet i went anyway. Paul from connecticut, how are you going to compete with the pope . We are hearing the pope is dropping his book march 19th, the same day get it together comes out. Im not saying we have to beat the pope but we have to beat the pope. Im waters mache

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