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Im bret baier. Breaking tonight, the issue of President Bidens memory and Mental Fitness on full display in front of a House Committee today. The now former Special Counsel who wrote controversial remarks concerning the subject was grilled today in a hearing about his decision not to charge the president over his retention of classified documents. Correspondent david spunt has all the highlights tonight from a contentious hearing. Good evening, david. David good evening. Robert hur took questions for almost five hours and it became clear right out of the gate that this was a proxy fight over who could possibly win the white house in november. I did not sanitize my explanation, nor did i disparage the president unfairly. Former Special Counsel robert hur defending his report and his credibility. The report critical of President Bidens handling of classified documents found piled up in tattered boxes in his Delaware Garage and personal offices. We identified evidence that the president willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency. We did, now, identify evidence that rose to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Republicans expressed frustration the president was not criminally charged but showed support for hurs overall probe. Joe biden failed to properly secure Classified Information and joe biden shared Classified Information with people he wasnt supposed to. Democrats pointing to the first sentence of the 345 page report. We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. Turning attention from todays hearing to the november election. Donald trump not the subject of the hur investigation, though he was mentioned by name today multiple times. You are doing everything you can do to get President Trump reelected. Partisan politics had no place whatsoever in my work. Republicans also calling out what they perceive as a dual system of justice. Now we get to this glaring Double Standard. The fact that the only person being prosecuted for this offense happens to be the president s political opponent makes this an unprecedented assault on our democracy. Democrats say hur was wrong to include portions in the report about the president s memory. You understood when you made that decision, didnt you, mr. Hur, that you would ignite a political firestorm with that language . I could have written my report, theoretically in a way that omitted references to the president s memory, but that would have been incomplete and improper report. Robert hurs conclusions ultimately had the bidens Justice Department blessing officials writing just weeks ago that his report was not out of bounds, bret. Bret david, thank you. The biden team is fighting back against the Special Counsels comments and conclusions. White house correspondent Jacqui Heinrich has that part of the story live tonight from the north lawn. Good evening, jacqui. Jacqui good evening, bret. The white houses decision to not prosecute amounts to a declaration of the president s innocence. Thats not exactly how the Special Counsel told his story. There is no case here the president is innocent. That was the conclusion of this case. The white house is arguing against Special Counsel robert hurs testimony that he never exonerated the president. Did you reach conclusion that this man was outright innocent . That conclusion is not reflected in my report, sir. You exonerated him. Did i not exonerate him. Mr. Hur, its my time. The White House Counsels Office posted on x alongside a screenshot defining the word exonerated in america you are innocent until proven guilty. The ultimate conclusion is that charges are not warranted and the case is closed. In other words, the president was cleared. Lawmakers in the hearing had their own takeaways. The sitting president is essentially getting a pass for having broken the law knowingly. He cannot have his cake and eat it, too. Im going to hold mr. Hur to his words. And his words were that there were no criminal charges. The white house wanted hurs testimony to reaffirm his conclusion that conversely, to President Trump, bidens mishandling of classified materials did not warrant charges. And moreover, hurs commentary on bidens age was overwrought. Im wellmeaning and im an elderly man and know what the hell im doing. Postmortem debate over the decision not to prosecute means. Was it that was no evidence against the president . Explain what you mean by that . The conclusion is that there is no case here. Conclusion was that the charges were not warranted. The bottom line is the case is closed. The transcript of bidens october 8th interview did illuminate some detail that we hadnt previously seen. At one point the president deviated into a long antidote about cars, hur tried to get him back on track, and the president was at that point imitating a car sound. Biden also gave some version of i dont know in his answers about 100 times. But the final take here at the white house is that no charges were warranted. That was the conclusion of the Special Counsel and now it is time for republicans to move on. Bret . Bret Jacqui Heinrich live on the north lawn, jacqui, thanks. One House Republican is not waiting until the end of his term to leave the house chamber. Colorado Congressman Ken Buck is getting out in just a matter days and that surprised house leadership. Senior Congressional Correspondent chad pergram tells us what that means now for the g. O. P. Good evening, chad. Bret, the house g. O. P. Majority dwindling. Buck was already retiring but decided to quit at the end of next week. He was one of three republicans who opposed impeaching Homeland Security secretary alejandro mayorkas. Take impeachment social media issue as opposed to an do constitutional concept. [inaudible] and i dont need to spend my time here. When buck is gone, the House Breakdown will be 218 republicans to 213 democrats. The g. O. P. Can only lose two votes. The House Majority shrinks again next month if democrats win a Special Election in western new york. Buck underscored his exasperation with congress. At todays hearing with Special Counsel robert hur. One side thinks you are trying to get President Trump elected and the other side thinks you are trying to get President Biden elected but when both sides attack you, my admonition is welcome to congress. Now, buck faced Death Threats for declining to back jim jordan for speaker last fall. Republican Lauren Boebert is already running for his seat. Bret . Bret chad, really quickly. As thee numbers dwindle, is it possible that there could be switches here and that you could see a speaker Hakeem Jeffries even before we get to november . Probably doubtful because the delta would be about 4 votes there. Its a twovote margin. Votes on the floor right now. But you would have to switch about four or five members to have a speaker jeffries. Bret okay. Chad pergram live on the hill. Chad, thanks. Consumer prices were up four tenths of a percentage point from january to february. 3. 2 over the last year; however, investors continue to be optimistic about a Federal Reserve Interest Rate cut. That is why the dow surged 236 today. The s p 500 was up 57 to another new record close. And the nasdaq jumped 246. All topics of discussion for Edward Lawrence for fox business tomorrow when he has an exclusive interview with treasury secretary janet yellen. We will bring you some of that. February 8th the white house questioned mr. President why did you share Classified Information with your ghost writer . The president i did not share Classified Information. Did i not share it. I guarantee i did not. Thats not true, is it, mr. Hur . That is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report. Its a lie is just what regular people would say, right . Yeah. All right. Bret former Special Counsel hur up on capitol hill. Lets get some analysis on top story from trey gowdy former congressman from South Carolina and George Washington University Law School Professor jonathan turley. Trey, let me start with you, youve been around the block in hearings that are contentious at times. Both sides trying to do different things. What was your take on this hearing . I thought he handled the very well. You know, bret, i woke up this morning not sure what robert hurs incompetent canned stand trial. Cant assist in his defense. Cant testify, is he legally incompetent. Number two, that there was some evidence missing on an element of the offense. So you have different elements and there was an evidentiary shortcoming. Number three is there is evidence on all elements, we just dont think a jury would convict him and that seemed to be where he settled and what i dont get, bret, is the facts on biden are actually better than the facts on trump, obstruction aside, leave that aside, on defense Material Handling and classified documents, the biden facts from a former prosecutor are better than the trump facts. Bret and so then you have this back and forth, play some democrats and jim jordan, the contrast evident. Here we go. Cannot tell me you are so naive as to think your words would not have created a political firestorm. He didnt recall how he got the documents. And you knew that that would play into the republicans narrative that the president is unfit for office because he is senile. You exonerated him. Did i not exonerate him. He knew the rules but he broke them before 8 million in a book advance. But do you know what . It wasnt just the money. It was also his ego. Such a record would buttress his legacy as a world leader. We did identify evidence supporting those assessments. Bret jonathan, whats your take and the ultimate decision not to move forward by this Special Counsel . Well, there was a bizarre disconnect. After you listened to hur, he laid out evidence that was remarkably compelling. It was like playing the game of clue and having all the murder weapon, location, the suspect but colonel mustard just couldnt remember how he got there. You know, and he basically said i cant prosecute on this basis. He talked about how biden told someone that he found classified documents in his basement, read from some of those documents to a third party; how evidence was destroyed by this ghost writer in terms of an audiotape. How the white house intervened to try to get facts removed to frame the report in a series of contradictions of not just what joe biden has said in the past but what he said after the interview. And so you e are left here thinking wow this was as good of a case i could imagine and hur said look, i just dont think given his diminished mental faculty that we could guarantee or have a certainty or likelihood of conviction. Now, one can accept that because i have got to tell you, hur came off as incredibly credible. And professional. The problem is the other disconnect with the trump case. I cant see how you could could decline these charges and, yet, go forward on the classified documents charges against trump. And, of course, you have two different Special Counsels. But, that contrast is more glaring today than it has ever been. Bret yeah. And, trey, the other contrast politically is that you have democrats and supporters of President Biden in the wake of the state of the Union Address touting how well he did, how fiery he was. How on his game he was. And it was some called it a Tour De Force on policy and politics overcoming the bar that he had to get over. But, if you do that, then you look at this Special Counsel report and that five hour interview and theres a real disconnect there. Look, he had a good night, the night of the State Of The Union is what in law we call a lucid interval. I mean, congratulations. He read a teleprompter for slightly over an hour. But that is very, very different. I mean, the guy cannot participate in his own defense. How you can handle Nuclear Codes and run the worlds most powerful country but, yet, you cant stand trial is a disconnect that most of us have a hard time reconciling, so, look, congratulations, you made it through a State Of The Union, which is more than many of us watch were able to do but i dont think eliminates peoples concerns about his acuity. Bret jonathan, quickly, you cant stand trial. Isnt the onus on the Special Counsel there and to use that in the wake of everything we have seen . It seems like it may be has been a stretch. Well, i think thats the strange thing about the hearing is that the democrats kept on saying look how good he came across in the State Of The Union and in this report. But you had a guy kept on saying he couldnt remember a thing while making car noises and forgetting key dates. Thats not exactly a roaring endorsement for reelection. But, at the end of the day, we are still left with one of the most damning records you could find and no indictment. Bret trey, jonathan, thank you. We appreciate it. This could be the night both major Party Frontrunners secure their nominations for president. We will look at the numbers. But, first. Weeks after chaos in the streets, haitis Prime Minister makes a major decision as that nation contends with what some are calling a low scale civil war. [gunshots] we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country. Help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. Amen. Join us in prayer this lent. On hallow. 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Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including Botulinum Toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. See for yourself at botoxcosmetic. Com. Bret Englands National Health Service is banning the use of pursuant blockers for children seeking children for gender disfor i cant. Citing limited research. The pursuant pur hu puberty. Only be available to children in limited ways such as clinical trials. The white house has announced a new 300 million Weapons Package for ukraine. The first since december. This money comes from what is called a transfer fund. Its money found in several Army Accounts left over from Army Contracts to buy weapons. Today, leaders of u. S. Intelligence agencies urgently pressed members of the house to approve additional Military Assistance for u. K. Aid ship 200 tons of food on the way to gaza. Part of the Pilot Program for the opening of a sea corridor to the territory. The food was gathered by World Central Kitchen the charity founded by celebrity chief jose andreas. Being transported by the spanish aid group open arms. Bret Breaking Tonight haitis Prime Minister says he will leave office once a council is created. The caribbean nation is being overwhelmed by violent gangs now in what some are calling a low scale civil war. And some saying its not that low scale. Correspondent Gillian Turner has the latest tonight from the State Department. State officials do not know how Many Americans may be trapped inside the country. I dont have a number. With the capital portauprince teetering on the knifes edge the Prime Minister is stepping down to make room for interim council to seize control. Government i am running will remove itself immediately after the establishment of said council. Secretary of state Antony Blinken is back in washington after an Emergency Trip to confer with allies on 11th hour plan to prop up the failing country. A political crisis, escalating violence. Unrest. This has created an untenable situation. Urgent action is needed on both political and security tracks. Biden administration has backed Prime Minister Arroyo Enreiss since the sanctification of his predecessor in 2021. But internal Opposition Led by the countrys leading gangs, g 9 boiled over last week. The State Department acknowledging today this crisis is likely to prompt weaves of Home Invasions to flee and seek asylum in the u. S. What often happens when you have unstable Security Situation in increase in people attempting to flee the country and leave to other places. Republican rep cory mills evacuate ago group of americans from Haitian Orphanage Monday Night now accusing the State Department of leaving the youth behind. The State Department has issued a do not travel advisory for americans. It cites kidnapping and crime and civil unrest inside haiti. And the Biden Administration is dolling out now 430 million to try and help restore peace and stability on the ground inside haiti. Two goals that look very far away tonight. Bret. Also a moment ago, we got word that Border Patrol agents in florida have been put on high alert in preparation for the potential possibility of mass Scale Migration out of haiti into the United States. This per the new york post, bret. Gillian turner at the State Department. We will watch all that closely. Gillian, thank you. What seems inevitable may be a step closer after tonights president ial primary results. We will bring you that first, beyond our borders tonight. China, iran, and russia begin a joint naval drill in the gulf of oman. Chinese State Television and the russian navy have released video of the exercise in the crucial waterway near the mouth of the persian gulf. More than 20 ships support vessels and combat boats have those three countries as well as naval helicopters are involved. Online Influencer Andrew tate detained in romania and handed an Arrest Warrant issued by british authorities. His Spokesman Says tate and his brother were taken into custody on allegations of sexual aggression in a case dating back more than a decade. Many stage a 24hour strike in the latest installment of a long running bitter dispute with the countrys main railway operator. Pass jr. Train operators are demanding work hours be reduced from 38 to 35 without a pay cut. Just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. Well be right back. Dangerous ladders. Gutter muck. Yuck. No wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. Good thing theres leaffilter. Our patented Filter Technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. Guaranteed. Call 833 Leaffilter to get started. And get the permanent Gutter Solution that ends clogs for good. They took the time to answer all of our questions. They really put us at ease. End clogged gutters for good. Call 833. Leaf. 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Bret the heads of the countrys major Intelligence Agencies are sounding the alarm over the tiktok social media app. This comes as the house prepares a vote to try to free the app. From chinese control. Congressional correspondent Aishah Hasnie is on capitol hill tonight with the latest on this. Good evening, aishah. Good evening to you, bret. Thats right, the house is expected to take a vote on this bill as early as tomorrow morning and despite a few holdouts still tonight, this is expected to get widespread bipartisan support to pass through the house. Now, this bill gives tiktok six months to divorce its chinese Owner Bytedance or it faces a nationwide ban. Many House Republicans like the bill despite former President Trumps opposition over concerns that a ban could increase facebooks influence. Today members got that classified briefing with officials from the fbi, the doj, odni, to ask those lastminute questions. The members approached it very seriously. There were hard questions asked. It was very substantive give and take. Aishah the bill clears the house. It could still stall in the senate. Fox is told meeting with Senate Offices this week in a last ditch effort to kill the bill. Senator chris coons poured cold water on the urgency of passing the legislation today. There was a lot of talk in the house about the urgency of passing, i think it was tiktok ban in order to secure the United States against the prc. I think the most pressing challenge we face in terms of the world viewing the United States as a reliable Security Partner is whether or not we keep our commitment to ukraine. Aishah bret, the market is already buzzing around a potential sale of tiktok. Rumble is offering to work with other companies out there to takeover tiktoks operations. Breath . Bret iron shah has any live on the hill, thanks. The results of todays primary elections could put both President Biden and former President Trump over the required number of delegates in each party to officially clinch their respective party nominations. Correspondent bill melugin takes a look tonight from west palm beach, florida. President biden and former President Trump are both hoping to officially lock up their partys respective nominations as soon as tonight. Voters in a handful of states hitting the polls today could push both candidates across the finish line. Georgia, mississippi, and washington all holding primaries today while hawaii will hold a g. O. P. Caucus. 235 delegate also be up for grabs for the democrats and 161 delegates for republicans. Neither trump nor biden have any serious challengers remaining. And if each of them wins a majority of the delegates in these states, they can lock in their nominations. Heres where they stand in the delegate count heading into the night. President biden has 1872 delegates. He needs 1968 to secure the democrats nomination. Former President Trump has 1 o078 delegates. He needs 1215 to secure the republican nomination. But trumps new leadership at the rnc is already cleaning house, slashing about 60 staffers monday afternoon, a Decision Trump adviser jason miller says was necessary. If donors are concerned there is a bureaucracy too bloated and some of the folks in the building have lost their way we need to right size that and make sure out resources are deployed to people in the field and not here in washington. As the pivot to the general election moves full steam ahead, a new abc ipsos poll reveals voters arent confident about which candidate they would trust more to lead the country. 36 trust trump. 33 trust biden while 30 trust neither. And, bret, even though donald trump is expected to officially clinch the republican nomination later tonight, he does not have any Campaign Events scheduled as for President Biden is he continuing his Campaign Blitz after the State Of The Union speech. He is going to be in michigan and wisconsin later this week. Weave will send it back to you. Bret bill melugin in west palm beach, florida. Bill, thanks. It has been 20 years since Scott Peterson was convicted of murdering his wife and their unborn son. Today his legal team ask s. Asking a judge to give them access to evidence they say can support their contention that peterson is innocent. Senior correspondent Claudia Cowan reports from redwood city, california. Thowrn. Out of appeals and locked up for life, Scott Peterson appeared virtually in the same courthouse where he was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife 20 years ago, hoping lawyers with the l. A. Innocence project can access evidence that they believe could exonerate him. Mr. Peterson has been waiting 20 years to find some of these Police Reports and Audio Recordings and Video Recordings that should have been provided. Peterson claims he was fishing in the San Francisco bay when his 8 months pregnant wife disappeared on Christmas Eve 2002. Revelations of an affair sparked is a media frenzy and in 2004 he was convicted on two counts of murder. The l. A. Innocence project, a nonprofit that focuses on overturning what they say are wrongful convictions argues the jury never heard from witnesses who believed they saw lacy alive after scott says he went fishing or about a burned out van that contained traces of blood found near the petersons home near modesto. Petersons lawyers want to test the blood and prove whether or not it was lacys. If they can show it was lacys d. N. A. In that van, that may be enough not only to get him a new trial but to set him free. So its important that society gets these cases right. The Defense Pleadings in this particular case, specifically for the d. N. A. Motion is 142 pages. Prosecutors are scoffing at this legal maneuver saying they did provide petersons defense team with a mountain of evidence be the nonprofit is petitioning the court to review. More hearings to come as the two sides wrangle over motions and discovery. But heres the bottom line. If the judge rules in favor of the l. A. Innocence project, we could have a redo of one of the most sensational murder trials in recent history and a stunning twist in this high profile case. Bret . Bret claudia, thank you. Up next, the panel on Special Counsels testimony about the president s mental state and the decision not to go forward with charges in that case. First, heres what some of our Fox Affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 29 in san antonio, as the police chief in uvalde, texas resigns just days after the city released a Report Clearing Officers of wrongdoing in the School Massacre that left 21 people, including 19 children dead. Almost two years ago. A local newspaper is reporting neither outgoing chief Daniel Rodriguez nor City Officials specified a reason for that resignation. Fox 29 in philadelphia as two 18yearolds are arrested in connection with a Mass Shooting at a bus stop. Eight students were injured in that incident last week. Surveillance footage shows three masked shooters dressed in dark clothes exiting a car before police say they brazenly fired about 30 shots toward those teenagers. This is a live look at pensacola, florida. One of the big stories there tonight from fox 10, our affiliate, a Spacex Dragon capsule carrying four astronauts returns from the International Space station. Splashing down in the Gulf Of Mexico near pensacola the spacecraft brought nasas crew seven Mission Astronauts back home and provided Sky Watch Everywheres across central and southern u. S. Quite a show. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. Im a Rocket Man Keoct man im patriotic kenny. And, hi, im amanda on tiktok. My scooter broke down. I went into a depression. How do you feel about that . Pretty sad. And i posted it to show that kennys not always happy. Within 24 hours people had donated over 5,000. No, youre kidding. We set up the Patriotic Kenny Foundation to give Mobility Scooters to veterans. It has changed my life tremendously. None of this wouldve happened without tiktok. 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Its not an exoneration, is it. The word exoneration does not appear anywhere in my report. Evidence does not back up bringing any charges, even a republican prosecutor found that. So this case is closed. Bret well, long hearing today, sometimes fiery with former Special Counsel robert hur looking into the classified documents case about President Biden, vice President Biden. Senator biden before that. Politico writes it this way no ones with hur. Special counsel robert hurs report about joe bidens handling of classified documents managed infuriate both democrats and republicans. Democrats made sure to highlight the fundamental conclusion that hur recommended no charges for biden over the classified materials and that hur said bidens conduct wasnt on the same level as donald trumps, which earned the former president criminal prosecution. Republicans led by chair jim jordan were outraged by the disparity and grilled hur on his decision to let biden off. Also spent a lot of time on the mental acuity part of the report. Lets bring in our Panel Syndicated radio host hugh houthi. Meridith mcgraw Politico National Political Correspondent and byron york, chief Political Correspondent of the washington examiner. Okay, hugh, whats your overall take of this hearing . Mr. Hur did a very good job in representing what was miss had report and what wasnt in it. The beth was Congresswoman Jayapal who tried to put words in his mouth and led to the quote which i think will dominate the news did i not exonerate him. I repeat about the Special Counsel said about President Biden did i not exonerate him. Seems there are more rooms in the Delaware Mansion where there werent special classified documents than when there were but they were all over the place. And i close by saying the Double Standard between donald trump and joe biden is becoming very, very glaring. Never going to prosecute a sitting president. Its a pretty damning 45 page report and hur acquitted himself very well today. Bret meredith the latest poll from reuters, up ipsos bee President Biden did get some kind of Special Treatment in the classified documents probe. Politically democrats did spend a lot of time comparing and it contrasting the trumps documents case. Was that to their success was that to their success nobody on capitol hill seemed satisfied with what Special Counsel hur said. Democrats wanted him to come out and say that President Biden was exonerated republicans him wanted to him splatoexplain why he wasnt prosecuted. Nobody felt he gave the answers they wanted. He stood why his report. He said there was no partisan leaning here and he was talking about President Bidens mental awareness. His memory in terms that he thought was fair and accurate and necessary to make his case in the report. Speaking of the report, Byron Excerpt from october 8th that interview with President Biden from the Special Counsels report the transcript. President biden i hadnt walked away from the idea that i may run for office again. But, if i ran again, i would be running for president , and and so what was happening though, what month did bo die . And he says oh god, may may 30th. Republicans pointed to that and other moments. Democrats byron, played President Trump in gaffes and verbal gaffes. I mean, this seems to go keep going around the horn here. One thing that republicans did point out after the report came out you remember President Biden went to the pressroom at night, kind of arch unusual thing to do and really denounced hur for bringing up the issue of his son boths death. Bret let me interrupt you. Let me play that soundbite from that evenings press conference. I know there is some attention paid to some language in the report about my recollection of events. There is even reference that i dont remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that. Frankly, when i was asked the question, i thought to myself it wasnt any of their damn business. Bret okay, byron. You can finish your thought there. The release of the transcript, which was just today of that whole interview showed that robert hur didnt bring it up. And, as a matter of fact, when biden began talking about hur suggested they might want to take a break. What the president said there is simply was not true. Also, i thought it was a pretty bad day for democrats because, you know, it was just a few days ago, after the State Of The Union that democrats were absolutely joyous and they felt that President Bidens performance had kind of put to bed the age issue from now on. Everything was going to be okay and now here it comes back. I think today hurs presence tended to underscore some of the things he had reported. In particular the three times that the president seemed confused about when he had served as Vice President from january 209, 2009 to january 20th, 2017 he had to ask people was this when i was Vice President . It looked really bad. Hugh, really quickly, does this decision by the Special Counsel not to go forward and his explanation of it, somehow hurt the case of Special Counsel jack smith about the documents case for former President Trump . It ought to but it wont because it depends upon the judge. It depends upon the jury. Again, we dont prosecute sitting president s, we do prosecute former president s and people running for office. But it will remain the two tiered Justice System one for donald trump and one for Everybody Else who is a democrat is going to remain a key issue throughout the fall campaign. Bret all right, panel. Stand by. Up next, tonights primary election results, what they potentially mean. And, later, tuesday xtras. 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His Approval Rating is in the toilet, right . Donald trump is an embarrassment to the United States of america. Both of them would actually win the prize for the least popular candidate in the history of a Major Political party. Bret well, its getting ready, possibly tonight to be set with the two nominees, if you look at the delicate tracker, President Biden stands at 1872 delegates. He needs 1968 to win and there you see trump with 1078, he needs 1215, 137 needed. Tonight, youve got 161 up for g. O. P. , dems 235. Georgia, mississippi, washington, hawaii, might be tonight. But it is going to be set in stone. We are back with the panel. Meredith, this is the longest general election we will have ever seen and all i understand quations are its going to be ugly. Long, ugly and a matchup between two men that most americans are not exactly enthusiastic about at the moment. But, still, its something that the Biden Campaign and the Trump Campaign they have been alreadyg off against each other as bill alluded to earlier in your program. The Trump Campaign and rnc are already working together and patching a Team Together to press forward in the general election like he said going to drag on and be particularly ugly. Bret we dont if folks come forward with official ticket or how much of an impact thats going to have for no labels. You did see Robert Kennedy jr. On neil cavutos show. Heres another piece of that. Now its a 3man race. As of today i think both candidates will clinch their partys nomination in the three primaries that are being held today and it will be and will be entering the general election and i would hope that both of these candidates will debate. I feel like i am representing the values of the Democratic Party and maybe the party has slipped away from me its traditional values. Bret hugh, in a race thats lining up to be this Displit Split in the country, does somebody like r. F. K. Jr. Upset the apple cart . He does. I think cornel west is ay of more concern to President Biden, bret. Tonight i will be looking at the uncommitted line in the democratic primaries as joe biden continues to pressure netanyahu. Senior israeli official announced today they are not protectorate of the United States and going into rafah no matter what joe biden says owe do think a alignment radical left for all intents and purposes for hamas. Want hamas going by uncommitted and end up in the cornel west column. Some of the trump people antivaxxers might end up with Robert Kennedy jr. Going to be a wild, wild year. Bret yeah. A wild year to say the least. Meantime, byron, we shouldnt discount these house and senate races, both majorities are super thin and getting thinner. Here is colorado Congressman Ken Buck. I just feel there is important work to be done, concerning the election and how we choose candidates. I want to get involved in this Election Cycle and make sure we choose the best candidates we can. Can he talk you out of your decision . About as well as he talked me into. So votes. Bret so the colorado republican stepping down at the end of next week. So then the majority gets slimmer. Its going to be interesting, byron. You asked chad pergram the really craziest person of all if this happens another couple of times could you actually see speaker Hakeem Jeffries . Could the Republican Party lose control of the house by attrition rather than election . Its not impossible, probably wont happen but its not impossible. And it shows you how just bizarre this situation is. And it should point out, i think, ken buck voted to get rid of Kevin Mccarthy so he contributed greatly to a lot of the chaos that he now says is driving him out of the house. Bret meredith, quickly, they have got a lot of stuff. To do. They dont have a lot of majority votes, but they have a lot to get done. They have a lot to get done and, you know, if youre working with a slim majority like that, you really have to really cooperate and reach across the aisle and make some compromises and thats something that has been tricky for this congress for a while. Bret to say the least. Panel, thanks. My two oldest children have been interested in the political. What advice do you have explaining the current Political Climate to them. Advice i would have read history. Many times darker than we are now. Even though its very divided and we have managed to get through. I think thats a look at our future, maybe. Up next, Liberty Lens Wonders if President Biden refuses to debate, would you or fox pursue alternate alternative options, separate town halls, perhaps, the American People deserve hear candidates answer tough substantive questions. Short answer is yes. But we still have a lot of hope that the debates or a debate will continue. Finally, Marcia Ottoman asks spring ahead or fall back which do you prefer standard time or daylight savings time i say leave it standard time all year around. I like my hour of sleep. Im a spring ahead guy. I like that extra hour of sunshine. Tomorrow on special report, new fox polls from arizona and pennsylvania on the 2024 president ial election. Remember, if you cant catch us live, set your dvr, 6 00 p. M. In the east 3 00 p. M. In the west coast. Thanks for invital us into your home tonight. That is it for this special report, fair, balanced and still unafraid. The Ingraham Angle starts real soon

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