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Dangerous threats that emanate from the border. Theres a particular network that has where some of the overseas facilitators have isis ties that were very concerned about and weve been spending a lot of effort with our partners investigating. Neil scary stuff from the fbi director today. Not only worrying about the numbers, the sheer masses that are now penetrating our border, but just who they are. Dangerous types and working with cartels to slickly get in to this country and then, well, god knows what. Welcome. Im neil cavuto. This is your world on top of these fast moving developments concerning not only who is getting through, as i said but how many are dangerous and already here. Lets get the latest and how the white house is responding to this. Jacqui heinrich has more. Hi, jacqui. Good afternoon, neil. President biden, his 2024 budget is still being worked on by congress. The white house has released today the 2025 budget proposal. There are several pieces in there that would increase Border Security amid all of these threats that were facing. 2025 calls for a 4. 7 billion Emergency Management fund to address migrant surges. Plus 1,300 more Border Patrol agents to secure the border that is up, by the way, from last years request for 350 agents. It proposes a 1,000 Agent Addition for Fentanyl Detection and 1,600 asylum officers, 849 million in Fentanyl Detection and ups the call for 375 new Immigration Judge teams. The white house has been railing against republicans for standing in the way of the border bill that would have addressed these concerns and using the gridlock to reject criticism over bidens about face on whether its illegal or undocumented. The president did not apologize. There was no apology anywhere in that conversation. He did not apologize. He used a different word. What is what we should be really clear about is the facts. The white house wants it both ways. Now forcefully saying that regret does not amount to an apology even though that interview aimed to clean up the president s initial response. Do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night, sir . Well, probably i dont technically not supposed to be here. Undocumented. I shouldnt have used illegal. Its undocumented. When i spoke about the different between trump and me so you regret using word . Yes. The president has not expressed regret or apologized for policies that allowed laken rileys killer to roam the country even after tangling with the law on two separate occasions. The administration blames republicans for saying theyre playing politics with laken rileys death while blocking this border bill. Neil thanks, jacqui. Lets go to bill melugin in west palm beach. Former President Trump has been making this a singular issue and its resonating all over the country. Bill . Yeah, neal, it is. Laken rileys murder has put a huge spotlight on the controversy Of Mass Catch And Release of illegals taking place at our southern border. President biden very under water in all of the polls regarding his handling of immigration. Former President Trump is promising if hes elected for a second term, he says hes going to clean it all up. On day one of my new administration,ly terminate every open border policy of the Biden Administration and we will use every tool at our disposal to rid our country of the monsters that joe biden set loose to threaten and kill innocent americans. Now before a Campaign Rally in georgia over the weekend, former President Trump make with laken rileys family back stage. This is after rileys mom called Biden Pathetic for botching her daughters name during his state of the union address. Some democrats are saying that trump and republicans are just playing politics with her death trying to capitalize off of it. They dont want solutions at the border. Take a listen. If i were talking to donald trump right now, id say sir, why did you tell the members of the house of your own party to not vote for the most comprehensive Security Bill on immigration in decades . It makes absolutely no sense. Now former President Trump and current President Joe Biden no longer have any real serious competition in their respective president ial races anymore. Both of them can potentially net enough delegates in the next round of Voting Contests tomorrow in order to clinch their partys nomination. But this General Election haas been underway and theyre competing with their eyes set for november. Back out here live in florida, no official Campaign Events for donald trump either today or tomorrow. Well keep an eye on that. Now back to you. Neil thanks, bill. Bill melugin in florida. Lets go to michael mccaul, the texas republican, house homeland chair. Busy guy. Good to have you. The president has gone back and forth on, you know, illegal or, you know, undocumented or you shouldnt be here. I think he got the cusp of it when he said that. You shouldnt be here and you are. Does it matter how its described . Its semantics. The idea that he has to apologize for calling it what it is, you know, this killer of laken riley was in the country illegally. Thats the whole point. This is not one isolated event. When you have 200,000 people dying of Fentanyl Overdeathses to the Terror Threat coming in the United States and also the Eight Million encounters, youll see more and more killings, more and more deaths to fentanyl and more Terror Threats as this policy is out of control. Neil meantime, the president s latest budget, hes committed 4. 7 billion as part of an Emergency Fund to address these surges. What do you think of that . You know, i think the democrats response is always to throw more money at the problem. But the problem is he stopped the policies that were working. The president already has executive powers and congressional authorities that we have passed in the congress to go back to the policies that were working. Primarily remain in mexico. I marked it up out of my bill, even though, its a 30yearold statute. Ending catch and release. You know, finishing, completing the border wall. All of these things can be done immediately by the president , maybe putting a moratorium on new people coming in until we get this under control. He refuses to take any action rather, i think, he wants cover from the congress because the last thing he wants to do is admit that the prior administration, President Trump, was right. Neil when he talks about this bipartisan measure that he blames on former President Trump for torpedoing, a a lot of your colleagues were afraid to challenge trump on this, so they folded, thats the way hes presenting it. How do you see it . You know, i dont think anybody folded. We passed hr2, by the way, neil, which the senate refuses to take up. Neil no democrat supported that in the house, if i remember. So true. I was told by schumer all Border Related Stuff is dead. I chaired homeland for three terms a federal prosecutor at the border. The authorities are there. The president can take action today. He refuses to do so. We can continue to pass these bills. We can throw more money at the problem. The real problem are these asylum the policies of political asylum and reforming those so the magnet at the pool factor for the cartels is shut off. In that prior report, it was alarming to think there could be a nexus with is superior and the smugglers. Is this financial terror operations or operational . Getting in the country to conduct terror plots to the United States. That always concerns me given my background. Neil im wonders as you step back and look at this and now that nefarious efforts that have gotten through, might already be here, the way the fbi director outlined it, they could be well along to being here and planning something. And i tried to be very careful when i talk about this threat. I dont want to exaggerate. I dont want to overplay it. When the fbi director that i know well is stating that all the red alarms are going off right now, thats a probability serious message from our fbi director. I personally believe hes telling the truth. I think hamas has gotten in to this country. I think isis and alquaidarelated groups are a threat at the border. You have 300 on the Terror Watch List that we apprehended. We dont know how many got in to this country. That number when i chaired homeland back in the day with isis and the caliphate, would have been an Alarming Number to Pay Attention to. Neil absolutely. Chairman, thanks for taking the time even under these circumstances. Chairman mccaul on all of that. Meantime, well talk to robert f. Kennedy jr. About this. People are wondering what is no labels going to do, are they going to be involved, submit a candidate, republican and democrat to take on a Repeat Election of what was the last election . Robert f. Kennedy jr. To say i am here. I am that independent alternative. My special guest today on your world. Meantime, the growing threat that were seeing in israel. To hear Benjamin Netanyahu tell it, he has to go further. To hear the president of the United States tell it, youre over doing it. These two have come to logger heads after this. A guy who lost. And my dignity. As if watching my team lose wasnt punishment enough. Hahaha. And if you have cut rate Car Insurance, odds are youll be paying for that yourself. So, get allstate. Diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like. What is your glucose, and can you have more carbs . Before you decide. With the freestyle libre 3 system. 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Fox news has confirmed that Israeli Security forces just intercepted a man that was traveling from the west bank toward tel aviv. He had with him a suicide bomb and a weapon likely planning to carry out an attack tonight. Israeli Security Forces say he was eliminated. All of this comes as the war rages on inside gaza. Theres growing tension between President Biden and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over what the next steps in the war should be. We do know there are continued humanitarian concerns for the palestinian people. This specific issue causing a rift between the two leaders with biden saying in an interview over the weekend, that netanyahu is hurting israel more than helping. Netanyahu responded saying this. Look, we have our agreements on the basic goals but we also have disagreements on how to achieve them. Ultimately its israel that has to decide. Our neck is on the line. Our people were murdered and our women were raped and beheaded. I can tell you, were not getting off the gas. We have to take care of israels security and our future. Inside gaza, israel troops are conducting daily raids supported by the air force and artillery units. The number 3 in hamas was targeted over the weekend in a strike in central gaza. Its unclear if he was killed. In rafah, palestinians gathered supplies for ramadan. The first day of fasting was today. The region is looking to friday. Theres been clashes taking place at the mosque compound in jerusalem. The third holiest site in islam and theres concerns that if any clashes happen this year, it could spark a broader conflict in the region. Neil . Neil thanks, trey, for all of that. Be safe. Now with us, neftali ben, the former Prime Minister of israel. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. And this person was planning a Terror Attack is just the latest. Weve seen it again and again. Yeah. Were surrounded by thousands and millions of people that want to annihilate israel. This is our neighborhood. I wish we had a different neighborhood. I wish we were our neighbors were in new jersey and perhaps connecticut. But in fact, our neighbors are syria, hezbollah, islamic jihad, isis. This is the neighborhood were in and we have to be strong and tough and we have to beat them. Neil but its bigger than that neighborhood. Its the world p. R. That we talked about, the impression that israel is going too far in its response. Youre a busy guy. I dont know if you saw the oscars last night. Jonathan glazer, Oscar Winning director went out of his way to talk about your government. This is from last night. Right now we stand here as men that refute their jewishness and the holocaust. Theres a conflict for so many innocent people. Were the victims of [applause] whether the victims of october 7th in israel were the ongoing attack on gaza. Neil you a big applause for that. Shame on them. What a coward and how easy it is to sit somewhere and allay and tell israel that were on the bag. What occupation is he talking about . Who is occupying gaza . Gaza was occupied by the palestinians. They govern gaza. Theyve been governing gaza for 17 years since we came out of there. What is he talking about in. Neil i think hes talking about is your response is disproportionate. Youve heard that again. Thats how it all started . It wasnt disproportionate. Neil how do you answer that . Take world war ii. Japan bombed pearl harbor. 2,000 people died. And then america killed Three Million japanese including one million civilians, because they were eradicated and evil regime. There was no choice. Three million. Were talking about five months . Weve killed 13,000 terrorists. The lowest Collateral Damage ratio in history . We could have gotten this war done in a couple days if we didnt bend over backwards neil you think President Biden is holding you back . Look, President Biden has been a great friend to israel. He flew over after october 7th and showed his compassion and care for israel. No doubt hes a big friend to israel. Now is the real time because we knew this was going to take time. Now is the time to stand behind israel. Neil did you know he would start reigning it in . He already said there should be no invasion of the city of rafah. Thats the southern border, the gaza strip. But now, of course, netanyahu comes on to say wait a minute. This is our war. We have to fight it. You have the president of the United States, the United States providing you a lot of aid saying no, no, no, dont do that. How does israel deal with that . Look, we have to get the job done. If we keep a quarter of hamas alive, theyre going to reconstitute themselves. Were going to face this very same massacre a year from now, two years down the road. Neil theres some elements somewhere all the time. I beg to differ. You can eradicate terror. You can eradicate enemies. The world eradicated the nazis. Theres still sympathizers, but theres no nazi germany. Still some people that support all kinds of Terror Organizations that dont exist anymore. Terror can be beaten. We beat it in 2000 through in judah. Were going to win this time also. Neil what defines winning, Prime Minister . You talk about eradicating hamas. I can understand that goal. Thats virtually impossible. Its not impossible. Its highly possible. Were on track to getting it done. Neil every last hamas entity alive will be dead . You dont have to kill every hamas. Like we didnt have to call every nazi. But once we topple the regime, at the end of the day and destroyed the regime neil what does that mean . Ill tell you what it means. They come out with white flags or we either kill them or they come out with white flags surrendering, the leadership and the organization of hamas. We bring in a new regime, a new group that will be built in from within, coupled with moderate neil hamas wants a say in it. Theres hamas representatives there saying it. The very people that started this on you on october 7th. Neil thats how can you negotiate with someone you want to eradicate . Right now we set a clear goal of total defeat of hamas. I really dont see any option we have. Would you co anything differently if you had a Zombie Terror State next to you . Neil does that bother you . Your p. R. Honeymoon was one of the most short lived weve seen in recept history after that horrific butchery. It seemed a little more than a couple weeks later, the world said goo slow, cool it, cool it. Its very tough. Its very tough or the israels. I have four children in israel. You know, we now the whole world saw what happened to israel if we didnt defend ourselves. We have no choice. I think no other country would be held to a standard of stopping the counter attack on these Terror Villains after what they did to us if this was done to america. Imagine the equivalent would be about 36,000 americans murdered, burned, raped. What would america do . Neil how do you explain that to jewish groups and this fellow that won the oscar last night . Will all jewish players say that israel has gone too far . They also saw october 7th. Theyre saying, you know, we reach out to the victims of october 7th and all who have been killed since. Do you reckoncile that . The only way we recognize that people in gaza are suffering. Its true. Those who unfortunately many in gaza were involved and hamas enjoys Popular Support in gaza. This is a very unfortunate fact that neil even still. Yeah, it does. 2 3s of the palestinian support the massacre, support hamas. This is a very unsympathetic situation. Neil thats what i mean. You can get rid of all of hamas. You still have those that support them. Once you defeat hamas, the public there will see a new option, a new vision like post world war ii germany. When it will take a few years, i would say five to seven years to denazify gaza, take out that horrible ideology neil meantime, who is in control . What we would have a technocratic leadership that is not elected in the medium tern and later on they would be able to govern themselves. Neil got it. All right. Its an amazing ongoing endless saga. Neftali bennett, thank you. Thank you. Neil more after this. We can get it today. No waiting for a sale. Wait, we could have got this yesterday at 5 off . Or the day before that . Or the day that it broke . He broke it. Well take it. The mylowes rewards credit card helps you save 5 every day. Apply today. Personalized Financial Advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. I can make this work. It can help you reach them with confidence. 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Ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. Neil theyre all in charge of keeping us safe and theyre all in washington at in very hour talking about the threat at the border. Its how they outlined it and who theyre most worried about not coming, already here. Our Financial Planning tools and advice can help you prepare for todays longer retirement. Hi mom. Thats the value of ownership. If your moderate to severe Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks. Choose stelara® from the start. And move toward relief after the first dose. With injections every two months. Stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, flulike symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. Pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. Some serious allergic reactions and Lung Inflammation can occur. Feel unstoppable. Ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. The National Security ramifications are better reflected in some ways more by what we dont know about the people who snuck in, provided fake documents or in some other way got in when there wasnt sufficient Information Available at the time that they came in to connect the dots. Almost more significant in our view than the actual number of socalled ksts. Those people for the most part are stopped, detained and processed. Neil what the fbi director is saying, beware of those already here that we dont know their background. We dont know where they came from. We dont know what theyre up to. That is a little unsettling to put it mildly. Another Big Development were following. Another boeing plane with some questionable issues. Scary issues. Something that i had taken up with Pete Buttigieg before this latest incident. Take a look. Are you disappointed in boeing . Definitely concerned about what weve seen. Ive communicated that directly to the ceo of boeing. I think really the proof is going to be in how they respond. They need to demonstrate better results and really need to demonstrate that they have achieved a culture that puts safety first. Neil that was before this latest incident that got a lot of attention during a flight to new zealand. The latest from alex hogan who jones us out of london. Alex . Hi, neil. After this terrifying day for passengers on this plane, the Chilean Airline released a statement saying they regret any inconvenience and discomfort caused to passengers on board. Despite those words, 50 people on board were wounded. It was about halfway through this flight, as you mentioned, that left from sydney to auckland, flight l. A. 800 that there was a technical issue on the boeing 7879 dreamliner. It suddenly lost altitude causing people to slam in to the ceiling of the plane when it plummeted. The airline has not said what exactly caused the drop. 13 people were taken to the hospital, one person is in serious condition. Others suffered mild and moderate issues. This comes after technical problems on another flight today departing from the same airport. Ual 830 left sydney headed to for san francisco. But because of a mechanical issue, the boeing 777 turned back to australia and landed two hours later. This add more pressure against monk growing safety concerns. Theres investigations by the Justice Department and National Transportation safety board that will look into a blowout of a Fuselage Section of an Alaska Airlines 737 max 9 in january. Pete buttigieg says he expects bowing to cooperate with those investigations. Neil thanks, alex. Meantime, keeping track of the latest developments here with fani willis and whether she will survive the week. The judge is expected to make a decision by the end of the week and her fate if and where she goes. Okay yall we got ten orders coming in. Big orders starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant. Thats a different story. I couldnt slow down. We were starting a business from the ground up. People were showing up left and right. And so did our Business Needs the chase ink card made it easy. When you go for Something Big like this, your kids see that. And they believe they can do the same. Earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card. Make more of whats yours. vo if you have graves disease. And blurry vision, you need clear answers. People with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different doctor. Find a ted Eye Specialist at isitted. Com. Why would i use kayak to compare Hundreds Of Travel Sites at once . I like to do things myself. I cant trust anything else to do the job right. 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Well, he had said that he was anticipating having his ruling by this week, a lot of testimony for him to consider. Hes not on a required timeline, but that is what the he telegraphed. Neil so katie, if she were to be thrown off the case, wouldnt all the other prosecutors, you know, in her office be thrown off the case essentially . This might have to be, you know, sent to another court . Could you explain that process . Realistically, in this case, i believe that because fani Willis Office was so involved in defending her on this case that they would by extension be disqualified. Its not necessarily the case that any other attorneys in a das office would be implicated in something that disqualifies the d. A. Under all circumstances, but just this case theres so much intermingling that the judge would find the office to be disqualified from proceeding with this action. Neil what about the whole case against donald trump here . Done . Were not doing it anymore . If fani willis and her office are disqualified, the case is gone for the time being. Its possible another District Attorneys Office could pick it up. The question would be where they would need to begin the case from, whether they would need to seek a new indictment altogether. There would be significant litigation. I would anticipate motions to dismiss it if shes disqualified. The road ahead is not entirely clear. But it wont be going to trial any time soon that much is clear. Neil im wondering if any of these various cases, the seven of them, whatever, get to go to trial before the election . What do you think . Its getting closer and closer to that point. Today with the new york case coming up in the next few weeks here, the trump team has attempted to get that pushed. That was looking like the most likely to go to trial scheduled and was ready to proceed from all accounts. But the question still remains whether even that will be able to proceed. Neil i noticed in the case of e. Jean carroll, she and her lawyers are raising hackles that President Trump has been mentioning here and that they might just say that 90 plus million that you set aside, we may go back for more. Where do you think that stands now . I think that trump stands the risk of being sued again for additional defamatory remarks that hes made against e jean carroll. So i think hes going to have to contend with continued legal action in that case if he continues to make any sort of commentary about her. Neil that makes you wonder, obviously between the money that he has to put up there, the money on the separate finance case, youre talking when all is said and done, over 500 million. Im wondering whether forget about whether its unfair or pileon. If he were to succeed on appeal, does he get those monies back in both cases . How does that work . Well, the question would be exactly on what ground he would succeed on appeal. So if the cases were overturned altogether for some legal reason or some sort, then its a potential that he would get everything back. If the cases were overturned on some grounds, theres a question whether theres some amount of damages that he would be liable for. The one of the issues is the eighth amendment argue that excessive fines should be imposed. Neil one way or the other, since theyre civil matters, getting elected president , being back in the white house isnt going to buy him any free pass here, right . Not for cases that have already been adjudicated. Obviously if he is elected and theyre still pending federal matters, those cases would go away. Neil thanks very much, katie. Getting a refresher and an update on these caseses and how they pan outs. In britain, some are calling it photo gate. It involves Kate Middleton and the princess and growing concerns that there was a picture that was manipulated. She was the one manipulating it. 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It looks like just a beautiful family photo until folks started taking a closer look at that royal family photo. Greg palkot has more from london. Greg . Hey, neil. Yeah, it is the royal photo feed talked about around the world. For for what it wasnt and what it was. The picture shows a beaming princess kate with her three kids said to be taken by Prince William. Shortly after it was posted on social media, it was taken down by several news agencies. It was described as being manipulated or as we also know it, photo shopped. Today, kate issued a statement admitting she was experimenting with Editing Apologizing for any confusion that the photograph might have caused. She was seen leaving Windsor Castle with william. The concern that shes recuperating from abdominal surgery. While the Recovery Time was anticipated, her absence from The Public Eye was beginning to spark rumors. And this comes as king charles is undergoing treatment for cancer. Hes profile has been higher. Addressed in my video, a Service Honoring commonwealth country which the royal family members attended in person. Neil, one thing palace sources are saying is that they wont be releasing the under doctored version of the family snap. Maybe a good idea for the royals according to some to stick to their day job. Back to you. Neil a lot of people were making a fact that there was no ring on her finger, you know, the hand did not look like it was connected to the body and all this. Who noticed it first before they made such a big todo out of it . The news agencies, neil. They spotted as many as 1 for 14 or 15 items that werent right. Thats why its a discussed about matter. Neil Prince William took the picture of his wife and the kids, right . Prince william took the picture. As we said, it was out today and out tonight. He was unruffled by this. Its Keep Calm And Carry On at buckingham palace. Theyre so add doing that, neil. Neil they have bigger worries than this dustup. Whatever. Always good seeing you. Thanks, greg. Well give you more of that royal rumble and who to make it of. Its all anyone is talking about in london. All were talking about right now is politics that tends to be front and center. We apply it when the president releases his budget and starts raising taxes on the rich who he says are not paying their fair share. Got us asking again, what is fair share . After this. Folks, look, im a capitalist. If you make a billion bucks, pay your fair share, man. Offers of the year on select models. At the invitation to lexus sales event. Theres Nothing Better than a subway series footlong. Except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. Were talking a 2 footlong churro. 3 Footlong Pretzel and a five Dollar Footlong cookie. Every Epic Footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. Order one with your favorite subway series sub today. 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If you pay 25 , we would have 500 billion more over the next ten years to cut the deficit, to provide child care, do all the things we need to do. Neil all right. The president making clear in his latest budget here that the rich have to start paying their fair share. That is a moving target. The 8 figure raises eyebrows. Not everyone is sure who he is applying that to. He does want them to pay more. He wants more corporations to pay more. Thats really what is debated here. Used to be a time when we looked at what was a fair share back in the 1950s. It was 90 as a top income tax rate. Got down to 70 . Got as low as 38 under ronald reagan. Now its hovering around 37 to 38 . Again, what is fair share in ro khanna joins us right now, the California Democratic congressman. Congressman, might be a linguistic game with you. What do you think again, we can apply different math to billionaires. What is a fair share someone should fork over to the government . Look, i represent silicon valley. We create 10 trillion of wealth in my district. Im proud of the entrepreneurs. Someone that is a billion mare should pay at least as much percent of their income in tax as a Teacher A Firefighter or a police officers. I think thats what the president is saying. Neil all right. So when when youre talking about a top rate, around the top of barack obama, in and out of the 39. 6 , you know, donald trump brought it down to less than that, is that enough . I dont think thats the real issue. Weve been hovering around 35, 39 over the last three decades. Democrats take it up to 39, republicans bring it down to 37. Obama had it around 39. The issue is people are not paying that. Whether you cite the president s number at 8 or 10 or 15 , theyre not paying anywhere near the 39 . Theyre paying less than people who are on w2 employees or salaried as janitors or truck drivers. Thats what drives the anger. Neil i see creativity in finding ways to get more money. I dont see an impetus to save money. To address the save resolve to spending; that we do for paying the spending. I share that, too, neal. 55 of federal discretionary budget. We dont we have a better Procurement Process and not have the jacked up prices . 60 minutes did a report on it. Im for making government more efficient. Neil im for being clear. When i heard the president talking about we take three trillion off of deficits the next ten years, im thinking to myself that is phenomenal. I look at the details. Hes talking about saving that off of the growth in deficits anyway. Theyll still average 1. 7 trillion the next ten years. So were actually adding 15 trillion in debt to our country, and hes talking about it could be 18 trillion. So i saved you that. Its just weird. Well, look, you know that its been a bipartisan issue. Neil absolutely on that. Youre quite right. And we need to first figure out where we raise revenue and thats not popular in washington. We need to figure out where we cut spending. Neil we need to speak english. We need the president to say im not really saving you anything. It would be like if i was committing to a diet and i end up gaining 30 pounds over the course of the decade. I might have gained 40 pounds and i say i lost ten points. You and i both know even though the cameras, you know, we met it doesnt add weight. Its me being fat. You know what im saying. We make it a twisted argument to justify more spending by saying well, i could have spent more. We could have had debt that was a lot higher than it will be. But it will still be over 15 trillion of added red ink. Hes presenting it as i saved you 3 trillion. No, you havent. You just lied. The first for the record, you look great on camera. I want that out of the way. Its the suit. Go ahead. But look, i wouldnt say hes lying. I would say neil thats a lie, congressman. Thats a lie. I see it on all sides. But to say youre saving that kind of money when youre bragging about pairing the deeper hole by not making it as deep a hole, that is lying to people. That is bragging about something you shouldnt be bragging about. Maybe more accurate is were going to try to reduce the growth of the debt or deficit. Neil do you find that encouraging to reduce the growth of something you hear three trillion. Thats a lot of money. Wait a minute. Its going up by more than 15 trillion. If thats reducing growth, you know, i would be momma cass on steroids. Doesnt make sense. We have to figure out how to increase revenue. That means what the president is talking about, be willing to have billionaires pay more tax. Scratch the cap on social security. Have it higher after 400,000. Those are concrete proposals neil none of them are in this. And have reduction of some of the defense spending. Now, people may disagree. But what my challenge would be, you propose your own way of increasing revenue and neil how about being more creative of finding ways to save money on what were spending . Then address what were pouring in to it. Why cant we do that . At least give a particle of the same time we do to raising money to saving money . You think we can do it . Heres the thing. When the democrats talk about it, we talk about the 55 , which is the Military Budget and saying lets do it there. The republicans talk about the social spending. Neil you talk fast. Both places for efficient government. Im all for efficient government. Neil we dont solve anything. Dana hello everyone im dana

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