Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

martha maccallum. today on "the story," neil sean on the big fall out over princess kate's photo shop fail and caitlyn jenner makes a special appearance. and first, president biden getting backlash from his own party after he said he regrets using the word "illegal." >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. when i spoke about one of the things with trump and me, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. that's not what i'm not going to do or won't do. i won't treat any of these people with disrespect. they built the country. >> so you regret using word? >> yes. >> former president trump blasting the reversal at a rally in georgia where laken riley was killed. >> i say he was an illegal alien. he was an illegal immigrant. he was an illegal migrant. and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. >> john: the former president met with laken riley's loved ones. her mother said it's pathetic that president biden incorrectly called her daughter lincoln riley at the state of the union last week. bill melugin is live in west palm beach florida with more on this. good afternoon, bill. >> trace, good afternoon to you as well. the white house really pushing back on this idea that president biden apologized for calling laken riley's murderer an illegal. remember, he said he regrets calling him that and said he should have used the word undocumented. then he said he doesn't want to disrespect immigrant us because they built the country. well, the white house said today, that was not an apology. >> first of all, i want to be clear about something. the president did not apologize. there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. he used a different word. >> over the weekend, former president trump actually met with laken riley's parents, her family back states before a campaign rally in georgia. as you mentioned, riley's mom called biden pathetic for botching her daughter's name during the state of the union and donald trump is promising justice for her family. take a listen. >> laken riley would be alive today if joe biden had not willfully and maliciously eviscerated the borders of the united states. set loose thousands and thousands of dangerous criminals in to our country. to her family tonight, i promise you, i will demand justice for laken. >> neither donald trump for president biden have any campaign events today or tomorrow. both getting close to locking up if delegates for their name nation. this general election is already underway and has been for quite some time as they keep sparring with each other. back to you. >> let's brings in caroline levitt. great to have you on. i want to back the clock up very quickly. the day after the state of the union, here's the way president biden was talking about while using the word "illegal" inat the timed of "undocumented." watch. >> do you regret using the word "illegal" to describe immigrantses? >> technically not supposed to be here. >> so he didn't regret it. the next day he did regret it. the white house is all hands on deck saying look, he did not apologize. when you regret something, this is an apology. i don't care how you try to back this up and spin it. he apologized to the person who allegedly killed laken riley but he messed up laken riley's name and never apologized to her family. >> this weekend, america witnessed the care that president trump has for the american people versus the callousness and rhetoric of joe biden's administration. while president trump was comforting the grieving family of laken riley, joe biden was in georgia as well apologizing not to laken riley's family, not apologizing for disrespectfully using her name wrongly at the state of the union, no. he apologized to her murderer for calling him an illegal. guess what? he's an illegal. joe biden's policies allowed him in this country. joe biden's policies allowed him to be released in our american communities and then he was able to take laken riley's life. we're at a crossroads. if we want to continue on with the bled shed and the wide open border invasion, he's your guy. if you want to secure our b border, there's one option. that is president trump. >> you talked about the former president meeting with laken riley's family. how was there perception of the former president? i know he went to comfort them. how was their perception of him and reception of him? >> well, laken riley's mother says she believes it's pathetic that joe biden doesn't know the name of her daughter, who was brutally murdered at the hands of an illegal immigrant. laken riley's parents, they're so strong. president trump took to the stage to not only express his deepest condolences but to make a promise to laken riley's family and all family as cross this country that he will secure our southern border to prevent these tragedies from happening ever again. when president trump said that laken riley's family were on their feet clapping with the rest of the crowd of thousands of georgians that have been rattled by this tragedy as well. >> what is your campaign, the trump campaign think about the president, you know, kind of really siding with the left more and more every day? we see it with israel. we see it with this whole layen riley thing. continues to push further left. is this about votes? >> absolutely. joe biden has governed as the most far left president in american history. we see this namely with the wide open border policy. there's never been an immigration crisis in american history like the one we have on our hands right now. nearly 10 million illegal people in this country. more than the total population of 40 states. you can see democrats, in democrat-run cities saying that we cannot take this invasion anymore. not only are these illegal criminals taking the lives of american citizens, they're crumbling our infrastructure, they're threatening our great paying jobs across this country. joe biden is beholden to the far left democrats that want these open borders because it's about power and control. they need more votes and boost their power of the electoral college and they're implementing a new voting demographic to do that and putting the american citizen last. >> it's amazing one day, yeah, he shouldn't be in the country. no, he shouldn't be in the country. no, he shouldn't be. the next day it's a total different outlook on this saying no, no, he regrets saying what he said. caroline leavitt, thanks to have you on. >> thanks, trace. >> also here, joey jones, fox news contributor. and felipe, the former depp assistant sec of state for hillary clinton. joey, to you first. here's what the former border patrol chief at the yuma sector says about biden apologizing. now the white house says it wasn't an apology but biden saying that he regrets laken riley's alleged killer, the whole statement saying illegal versus undocumented. watch. >> this was not the time to sit there and start apologizing. he's yet to apologize to the border patrol agents on the horse patrol in del rio when he lied to the american people. so for him to apologize to the murder suspect, that is just ridiculous. >> it's a very good points, joey. he has never apologized to those border patrol agents that mistakenly whipped the aliens. let's be clear, the legal term is illegal, the definition of the people crossing the border. >> yeah. i want to be careful here. i have spoken to laken riley's family. i talked to her dad today. i feel it's my responsibility. i had a chance to get to know them. they live close to me. just to remind people to honor laken riley is different than to talk the politics and the broader reach. her family obviously went to the trump rally because they were invited and felt like that's the candidate that attacks this issue from the angle that they feel like would have protected their daughter. i do want to say, their focus is to wreck laken riley as the human, the georgian, the person raised 45 minutes from me. understand that human being even though i never met her. how amazing of a person she was and how that we can't always make it the political talking point. now, from that let me say, i grew up in dalton, georgia. the town is 70% hispanic. illegal immigration is nothing new to for governor where laken riley is from or for governor. the people that immigrated here in the 80s and 90s and 2000s mostly mexicans, came here to become americans and assimilate. we had an illegal immigration problem but not a violence problem until the last few years and the waves of people coming from all over the world. now there's a true violence probleming. and laken riley has become the face of that, but it happens all over our cities in for governor and all over this country. >> felipe, you saw president biden come out initially and say well, he shouldn't be in the country. speaking about laken riley's alleged killer. and then the exact reversal happen as day later. what do you make of that backtrack? >> well, look, i'm going to start by agreeing with staff sergeant jones when he says it's horrible to conflate what happened to miss riley and what happened in the politics of this. in terms of what the president said, look, i was okay when he said illegal in the state of the union. i'm more than happy if he said illegal all the time. they are illegal. i can't be the token dem that argues that. what staff sergeant said about going back to the 80s. let's stay in this century. we've had 24 years here with four presidents. it's gotten worse and worse. it's not just the last few years that has gotten -- president trump didn't leave office with a wall. he didn't leave with no problem. yes, not going to pretend it's not gotten worse. it's been getting worse. frankly, if i were talking to donald trump right now, i'd say sir, why did you tell the members of the house of your own party to not vote for the most comprehensive security bill on immigration in decades? it makes absolutely no sense. we want to make sure there's no laken riley down the future. i hate to say it about her name. but marley -- marjorie taylor green mispronounced her name -- >> come on. you said -- >> go ahead. >> you said president trump didn't leave, but president biden is now selling and giving away steal. the current administration is literally giving away the steel to finish the wall. so you say funding is a problem -- you see this administration not using the resources it has or the administrative authority it has to protect us, both parties are playing politics with an issue that has today killed americans needlessly. and i don't see why that is a reason to point the artillery of words to president trump or president biden. we see who they are -- >> i have 30 seconds for felipe. joey. he's right. the president has the authority, executive authority. he could stop this tomorrow. he didn't need that bill to stop this. he's now banking on that bill to do other things. he didn't need that bill to stop what is happening at the southern border. we cover it every day. i started my career in the southern border. it's the same issue today as it was 35 years ago. your final thoughts. >> look, every president deserves blame and every president should be shamed on this. goes way, way back. i don't know why the house wouldn't have voted for it. that doesn't have anything to do with either or. every president should be throwing the kitchen sink at this problem. there's no excuse why they voted against the bill. it's as simple as that. i don't think if you were in congress that you would voted against it. doesn't make sense. without have put thousands of more officers and redine the asylum criteria and moved it forward. it was all for the better except it was better for the republican party and donald trump said, you know what? i like this issue. i have to go to georgia and a hundred places and i'm going to keep using this as an issue. he wants the issue. he doesn't want a solution. >> felipe reines and joey jones. senator mitch mcconnell speaking on the senate floor. let's listen in. >> parliament voted to lunch their nato access bids. russia's escalation in ukraine has unified swedish and finish leaders and a willingness to share the burden of collective defense literally transcends party lines. today americans newest treaties allieses are poised to make their commitment to nato. it's a vote of confidence and the enduring importance of collective defense. with sweden and finland in our ranks, the west stands even more united against autocrats with imperial designs. with two new front-line allies, america's interests are more secure. on another matter this week the senate will get yet another chance to put the emergency brakes on a particular harmful piece of biden administration federal regulatory state. the federal highway administration finalized a rule last year that would focus -- would force states and local planning agencies -- >> there you have mitch mcconnell there. he's speaking about pushing for some funding for ukraine, et cetera. we'll keep our ears on this. if he makes news, we'll go back. more on the white house flip-flop with karl rove next. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? 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(vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> trace: former president trump's lawyers is asking a judge to delate his criminal trial. the trial is set to start two weeks from today in new york city. the supreme court hearing arguments on the immunity claim a month later. he pleaded not guilty and denies any wrong doing there. president biden campaigning in battleground new hampshire a state he won by seven points in 2020. a new poll shows that he's trailing former president trump nationwide on a lot of big issues. the president getting lower approval ratings on the economy, crime, inflation, immigration and gun violence only topping the former president on climate change and abortion. let's bring in karl rove, former white house deputy chief of staff for george w. bush. he's also a fox news contributor. karl, great to see you. i want to play this sound if i can. this just happened this afternoon when president biden was campaigning in new hampshire. a struggle at the teleprompter. watch this. >> when asked if he changes position, he said there's a lot you can to in terms of cutting. a lot of things you can cut. tremendous amount of things you can do, not cut. he said -- the bottom line is, he's still at it. >> trace: we had this same thing happen saturday. it happens a lot. yet you have donna brazile saying the han has never been better. he's miles ahead of everybody else. what are your thoughts? >> it's painful to watch. it's bravado saying he's in great shape and better than anybody else. the democrats are making a mistake. you can't look at this man and say he's better than everybody else, he's at the top of his game. he's not. the more they repeat it, the more their credibility suffers and the more he suffers. it's painful to watch. >> trace: it's interesting to me because i want to put up this abc poll. i just find it fascinating and kind of ininstructing. it says donald trump 36%, right? who do you trust to do a better job of leading the u.s.? trump 36%, joe biden 33%. it's the bottom category, neither karl. that's a big number for neither. >> yeah, let's go back to the abc poll. this is biden's numbers on these major issues, immigration, 29 approve, 68 don't. inflation, 31-66. crime, 35 approve. 61 don't. economy, 36-60. russia ukraine, 31-54. climate, 45-54. so he's upside-down on every issue and some by big numbers. donald trump is in better shape. but look at this. on the economy, same poll. 49-46 on the economy. it's the only issue on which he's right side up. immigration, 45-50. inflation, 45-50. criminal. gun violence, 37, 59. abortion, 35-60. my point is, both of these men are largely upside-down. trump is in better position because he's better than biden on these issues. these aren't the greatest numbers in the world. on one of them, economy, is he right side up. >> i want to play this sound bite. you talk about alternatives and both men being upside-down. here's what bill maher said about nikki haley's future. >> nikki haley, the super tuesday, she cut out of the race. i don't think there's a future for her in the republican party now. it's crazy to think that she could run with biden, but that's my dream. a unity ticket. then he would win. >> trace: you think nikki haley's future is that damaged and what about a unity ticket? >> bill maher has an innovative mind. but the democrats are never going to get rid of kamala harris. they're never going to put nikki haley on the ticket. so bill, nice thinking, this ain't ever going to happen. nikki haley would be the first to say i'm not going to do it. >> trace: karl rove, thanks. breaking news. let's go to the senate floor and the worldwide threats hearing. here's chuck schumer. >> president trump's tax scam proved everything but fair. it rewarded the wealthy -- >> its beholden to the ccp. >> the reason why i raised that, if byte dance in china owns the driver that makes tik tok effective, isn't it true that the chinese party says that that data that you're gaining, we want a copy of it. if they said that to byte dance in the future, they would have to give it to them. >> that's my understanding. >> so if they changed the algorithm to hurt this candidate or help that candidate, byte dance would have to do that under chinese law? >> that's my understanding. >> if they want you to put out videos to make americans fight or spread conspiracy theories, byte dance can't fight the chinese communist party. they would have to do it. >> that's my understanding. i would just add that that kind of influence operation or the different kinds of influence operations you're describing are extraordinarily difficult to detect, which is part of what makes the national security concerns represented by tik tok so significant. >> thank you. >> thanks very much, mr. chairman. my thanks to all of you and of course the people you work with every day. i'm going to start with this issue of government purchases of americans data. >> trace: there's news to be brought, we'll bring it to you. they're talking about china, the threat of tik tok and we talked about this a lot the past couple weeks, which is the president, president biden, has joined tik tok and in the state of the union went after tik tok. so this is fascinating to find out how big of a threat china poses as well as tik tokked being owned by a company based in china posed to the united states. we'll keep you up to speed on that. meantime, a record number of americans say biden's border crisis is a vital concern for the country. national border patrol council president brandon judd joins us live next. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system... you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. 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good. brandon judd is here. but first to garrett tenney. good afternoon. >> when you look at the numbers since october, border patrol has apprehended 6,400 migrants with criminal records. the real number of bad appled is likely more than that. yesterday alone, more than nearly 1,200 known got-aways at the southern border. these are the people that don't want to be caught and who we know nothing about. a recent example of those got-aways is in rhode island where ice arrested this 23-year-old man from honduras who is wanted for murder in his home country. he crossed the border illegally in 2021 and the last year he's twice been charged with assault with a weapon and with domestic violence. last month, a judge ignored an immigration detainer request and released him in to the public again. cases like that are popping up across the country. sheriffs along the border say they are being particularly overwhelmed. >> we've had 44% of all the people in my jail are border related crimes. these are state crimes up to murder. we're seeing tragedy after tragedy. i keep saying this. every day that congress and the white house, president biden, diverge their responsibility to protect this country a life is changing in a negative way. >> we also want to update you on the crash of the military helicopter friday which claimed the lives of two national guard. they were on patrol in the rio grande valley, an area with a lot of cartel activity. they were tracking a group of people that crossed illegally when their chopper had some kind of mechanical issue and went down. a fourth guardsman was on board as well. he's been in critical condition all weekend. we learned that he has improved. he's still in serious condition, but is stable and his family is with him here in texas. trace? >> thanks, garrett. let's bring in brandon judd, president of the national border patrol counsel. great to have you on. you see tragedy all the time down there. you have the guard helicopter going down, killing three and injuring a fourth. the report is that the cartels were laughing. sounds like they're at war with us down there. >> yeah, this is sociopathic behavior. when you see people laugh at death, it's unheard of, this is what we deal with the cartels. they don't care about human life. they won't to see suffering. they cause suffering. they don't care what happens to other people. they want a profit. that's all they care about. when a crash like this happens and they know people are injured or killed, they laugh about it because they know their product will be able to get away. that is disgusting to every single -- should be disgusting to every human being. this is what we face every day when we're dealing with the criminalality on the border. >> trace: it's horrific. meantime, here's the president touting how the border patrol union supported the border bill. i'll get your thoughts on the back side. look. >> this bill would save lives. bring order to the border. border patrol union endorsed it. federal chamber -- national chamber of commerce endorsed it. >> brandon, you say he left out the context of that endorsement. >> yeah, he absolutely -- this is what he always does. he does not tell the full story. he doesn't tell the full truth. if you look at the reason why we endorsed it, we wanted to see it go to the floor. we wanted the debate to take place. if you don't support a bill, if you kill it before it goes to the floor, you're never going to get anything done. there was a lot of good in the bill. it raised the standard for credible father. it removed the judiciary out of everything. it allowed ice to hold single adults, which is 60 to 70% of the people that we deal with. there was a lot of good. we wanted the bill to go forward to go through the amendment process. it was killed. that's the reason that we supported it. we did not support the entire thing. we didn't support the way joe biden puts it. what is really disappointing to every one of us, the way that he uses this to weaponize politics to go after other individuals. he can use the executive authority that he has. we've discussed this many, many times. he has the authority to shut down the border. we want a bill because it lives beyond administrations and ties bad administrations hands. this administration weaponizes everything that they do. >> trace: he does have authority. we've gone over that time and time again. i want to talk about how far we have come in 15 years. here's former president obama talking about the border in relatively tough terms. watch. >> you have to say to the undocumented workers, you have to say -- you have broken the law. you didn't come here the way you supposed to. so this is not going to be a free ride. it's not some instant amnesty. what will happen is, you're going to pay a significant fine. you are going to learn english. you're going to go to the back of the line so that you don't get ahead of somebody that is applying legally in mexico city. >> trace: in 15 years, we've gone from you're going to the back of the line and learning english to apologizing to illegals that allegedly kill americans. >> yeah, the first four years, president obama was very good on border security. by any metrics, got aways, apprehensions, the amount of drugs, he was very good. it was his second four years when he was lake duck. that's when you saw his administration -- with biden, it's funny. he staffed his west wing with activists that wants open borders, that want this chaos. that's why we've seen this even before he became a lake dumb president. this administration does not care about the american people. they have shown that time and time again. whether that's in border security, crime, domestic policy, foreign policy. they don't care about the american people. they care about their base, energizing that base to ensure that they vote. >> trace: and they keep debating that and keep defending themselves. the evidence just keeps mounting and mounting. brandon judd, great to have you on. >> good to be with you. >> trace: we circle back to the hearing we're monitoring this hour. the nation's intel chiefs testifying about threats to the united states. the director of cia cessnalish somewhats in iraq and syria are using the war to pursue their own agendas. gillian turner reporting live from the state department. good afternoon. >> in this hearing, we're getting a rare glimpse right now in to the intelligence community's thinking about exactly what america is up against in 2024. they're also taking a look back at the past year to lay out the biggest threats that they feel they have thwarted. the two sides, democrats and republicans, have very different priorities for this hearing. so far the democratic chairman, mark warner, asked about russian attempts to interfere in the upcoming u.s. 2024 presidential election. he talked about china cyber espionage inside the united states. in a very heated exchange, that just passed between the ranking member republican senator marco rubio and the fbi director, christopher wray, he drilled him on the southern border. as you know, a lot of republicans on capitol hill believe that illegal immigration at the southern boreder is the number 1 national security threat america faces. he asked christopher wray to acknowledge the uptick in violence he says is being committed by illegal immigrants coming across the border. he also asked him if he's worried about terrorist ties to mexican border gangs. christopher wray said he indeed is. they are tracking specifically potential intelligence that shows they should be concerned about isis ties in particular to human trafficking gangs. take a listen to christopher wray on this. >> certainly we have had dangerous individuals enter the united states in a variety of sorts. >> are we seeing crimes from people that entered the country over the last three years, some of them with ties to gangs or -- other criminal organizations? >> i guess what i would say is this. from an fbi perspective, we're seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border. that includes everything from the drug trafficking, the fbi seized enough fentanyl to kill 270 million people. that's just on the fentanyl side. a lot of the violent crime in the united states is at the hands of gangs who are themselves involved in the distribution of that fentanyl. >> we'll still hear from other intelligence leaders, senior official from here at the state department testifying in this hearing. a lot of expectation here that we're going to be hearing a lot more from republicans, anyhow, about the crisis on the southern border. >> trace: that's as blatant as i've heard so far. thanks. the bizarre photo shopped fail for kate middleton. princess of wales. neal sean joins us live on the story that everybody is buzzing about. he's next. veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked 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(♪) >> trace: the princess of whales apologizing for editing photos. they told newsrooms to delete the photo was it had been manipulated. she said i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. i hope everyone celebrating had a happy mother's day. yesterday was mother's day in england. let's bring in neal sean covering the royal family more than 20 years. the picture was supposed to quiet the rumors about kate. turned the volume up to 11. how is kate, what is the status of the story? >> i'm surprised, trace, she's not been sent to the tower of london already. it's like a 42-year-old woman with three children does a photo shop and we have to go -- first of all, i feel agencies are bullying this woman in to sort of we need to know more about you. the bottom line, what has she done wrong? for these agencies to say slight manipulation. it's not like she changed her face. what is she really done? you know, got a few bits wrong. i think a lot of people over here are thinking it was something more sinister behind it. now the big thing is it's wiped the oscars off, has it? >> trace: there were 16 things that all of the investigative types pulled out. i mean, charlotte's hands, empty space where the sleeve should be, charlotte's skirt corner straight. you look at it. if the palace released this photo, there's got to be some belief that it was at least semi legit, right? unless they were trying to cover something up. >> you know, you hit the nail on the head there. it's like conspiracy theorists. the bottom line is, this picture was taken as we know by his royal highness -- >> trace: i have to go back to the senate hearing. here's tom cotton. >> accused of starving the palestinian children. is israel starving children in palestine or gaza? >> i think the reality is there are children that are starving -- >> is israel doing that? >> they're starving as a result of the fact that humanitarian assistance can't get to that. it's very difficult to distribute humanitarian assistance effectively unless you have a cease fire, which is exactly why i think there's great value in what is on the table now, a return of hostages and a significant cease fire enabling people to get that humanitarian assistance. >> okay. for the record, i do not believe that israel for any of you remember or the united states government is exterminating the palestinian children. director haynes, there's been several news reports, you might say leaks that iran doesn't have full control of its proxy groups. that's a headline from politco last month. a quote. why iran is supporting the groups financially and equipment, intelligence officials don't believe they're commanding the attacks. lack of control over the houthis and the malitias in iraq and syria has muddied the deliberations about how to respond to repeated attacks on the u.s. in the region, including attack in jordan that killed three american troops. on page 18. the intelligence community writes tehran was able to flex its muscles orchestrating anti-israel and anti-u.s. attacks on lebanon to the strait while shielding iranian leaders from significant consequences. orchestrating is stronger than anything i've heard. it's not providing support or training or funding. so it's your assessment that the intelligence community assessments that tehran has orchestrated attacks on israel and against u.s. personnel and positions in the middle east since october 7th? >> yes. i don't think that means that the proxy group or that others are always listening to everything that they have to say or under their direct control. orchestrating is an appropriate characterization of what they look to do. >> they have have directed a situation to get a desired effect. is that correct? okay. director burns, on page 34 of the assessment, the i.c. notes that the fbi and department of energy have concluded that the most likely origins for the coronavirus pandemic was a laboratory in wuhan. but the cia cannot agree with that conclusively. why can't the cia reach the same conclusion of the cia and the department of energy have reached? >> our analysts continue to look at this carefully. they have not yet concluded there's definitive evidence on either side. we continue to pursue more intelligence, more information that might help them to reach a definive conclusion, but right now there's -- they haven't been able to reach that. >> director wray, why are your analysts more confident. >> our analysts did rigorous work involving a slew of experts of different sorts. we reached the assessments with moderate confidence and stand by it. >> senator kaine . thanks to all of you. as others have said, thanks to the people that operate under difficult circumstances to supply with us this important information. director burns, your state to senator heinrich about the and long-term consequences of our abandoning ukraine is important and should be required reading around here. the implications are it's a 50-year mistake that would haunt this country both in europe, but also as you have suggested in the indopacific, including kim jong-un would obsess that we didn't have the staying power. he's already making noises about the peninsula. director wray, you talkeded with senator rubio about tik tok. just to reiterate, it's dangerous because it allows the chinese communist party to have access to an enormous trove of data about americans. that's number 1. is that correct? >> that's one of the pieces of it. there's several. >> the second piece is the power that the misinformation and sort of policy direction that it enables the chinese communist party to exercise, correct? >> i think the second piece is the algorithm. the first is the data. the second as the algorithm. the third is the software. >> if tik tok were divested and owned by an american company or british company, we wouldn't have this level of problems, correct? >> correct. >> thank you. who controls mexico? are the -- is the government of mexico in control or are the cartels in control? how do we get at the problem of the drugs, the fentanyl? by the way, i did a little calculation. about 15 people have died since this hearing started 1 hour and 20 minutes ago. that's how serious this problem is. one a day in my state of maine. how do we get control of this problem? >> there's a lot of us that are working to help support those that were on the front lines of this, which includes the fbi, obviously and dea and dhs and others that are really focused on this question. on the first point, senator king, with respect to mexico, i think there's no question that it is a challenge for the government of mexico to deal with the cartels and there are parts of the country that are effectively under the control of the cartels in certain respects. yet at the same time, we'd say our cooperation with them has improved over time. director burns, director ray may have more to say on this. but this is an area where we've been able to work with them to try to help to -- >> obviously we have been able to work and it's improving, this is a drastic problem that should be treated as such in terms of the impact on americans. how -- >> trace: we're going to continue to monitor this. a couple of good points being brought up. you had tom cotton saying why is it you have the fbi and the cia with different assessments about iran's control over these proxy groups and the answer was, well, we've done more research. we've done more work in doing that. we'll continue to follow this because we're getting some fascinating information coming out of it. meantime, a transgender athlete will not be competing in a women's pro golf tour after a change of policy to only allow players that were biological female at birth. haley davidson is trying to become the first transgender to qualify for the lpga. kaitlyn gender is here with me. a fox news contributor. candidate for california governor. great to have you on. this is from the wxxcteo and we'll get your thoughts on the other side. >> sports has always had categories from, you know, age, in some categories of weight and some based on sex. so this is really about protecting a category. in addition, we listened to the players on the tour. over all, the feedback came back that they wanted to us change our agendaer policy. >> kaitlyn, you applaud this. >> yeah, it's been a year when haley davidson was coming on to qualify or the the lpga tour. at first, i didn't think she had a good chance. but as time went on, she started playing better. she won a tournament and it looked good that maybe she's going to get enough points to get on the look tour. i don't think that is good for women's sports. 1950, the look started. they were protecting women. they wanted their own tour. that went well for 60 years. then in 2010, they decided to drop that. okay? they got woke on us. you know, the dei people got in there and said we have to be more inclusive. it's been 14 years. there's not a lot of transgender golfers and a lot of transgender people. finally haley davidson comes in. i did a piece for this for the daily mail on this, this open it piece. you wonder when you're doing this is anybody listening? somebody was. stuart changed this. he said as we navigate through the evolving landscape of sports -- is that so true -- it's critical to uphold the competitive integrity that is the cornerstone of women's sports. that's what i've been saying from the beginning and good for him. >> trace: haley davidson wrote this on instagram. people think i win by showing up, this is a slap in the face to all female athletes being told that any male with transition and beat them regardless of the life of hard work those women put in. you think you're attacking me but you're attacking and putting down all other female athletes. >> i don't agree. she also wrote this. you can scream at me, threaten me, throw insults at me, even ban me, but i will always get right back up and keep on fighting until the very end. hate and bigotry will never win. to me that's a little harsh. i have no problem with haley davidson. i wish her nothing but the best transitioning. it's the most difficult thing you can do. so she played by the rules. but for the integrity as stuart said, the integrity of women's sports, we can't go down this direction. >> she was playing with men, it was a different game. she was nowhere near the top. >> no, she was on scholarship in college. when she was on the men's team. i have no problem with haley davidson. i wish her the best. there's no hate or bigotry in my soul. i want to see her do the best but when it comes to the integrity of women's sports, we have to stand behind that. it's not so much for right now. but what aboutfive years, ten years, 20 years down the line when it gets really big and then you try to stop it? it's almost impossible to stop. it's easier to stop it now. the lpga and nxt series was right and tried to stop it now and just say let's go back to the original female at birth dna. it's the end of it. >> it's a very good point. caitlyn jenner, great to have you on. >> good to be here. >> we appreciate it. that is "the story" for monday, march 11, 2024 i'll see you back here for fox news at night. 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 on the west coast. we're going to take a look at the houthis and what happens if they sink an american ship, does it lead to war? that's coming up tonight. "your world" with neil cavuto starts in about three seconds. have a good day. >> from an fbi perspective, we are seeing a wid

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Tour , Athlete , Answer , Research , Women S , Finally Haley Davidson , Players , Female , Change , Transgender , Birth , Kaitlyn Gender , Lpga , Women S Sports , Categories , Wxxcteo , Age , California , Weight , Sex , Addition , Tour , Feedback , Change Our Agendaer Policy , Tournament , Women , Women S Sports 1950 , Look Tour , 1950 , 2010 , It Piece , Golfers , Mail , 14 , Stuart , Landscape , Integrity , Athletes , Cornerstone , Slap , Instagram , Transition , Male , Hate , Bigotry , Insults , Fighting , Harsh , Transitioning , Rules , Direction , Best , College , Scholarship , Team , Soul , Ten , Series , Nxt , End , Birth Dna , Monday , Monday March 11 2024 , West Coast , 8 , 00 , It Lead , Ship , Neil Cavuto , Wid ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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martha maccallum. today on "the story," neil sean on the big fall out over princess kate's photo shop fail and caitlyn jenner makes a special appearance. and first, president biden getting backlash from his own party after he said he regrets using the word "illegal." >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. when i spoke about one of the things with trump and me, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. that's not what i'm not going to do or won't do. i won't treat any of these people with disrespect. they built the country. >> so you regret using word? >> yes. >> former president trump blasting the reversal at a rally in georgia where laken riley was killed. >> i say he was an illegal alien. he was an illegal immigrant. he was an illegal migrant. and he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the trump policy. >> john: the former president met with laken riley's loved ones. her mother said it's pathetic that president biden incorrectly called her daughter lincoln riley at the state of the union last week. bill melugin is live in west palm beach florida with more on this. good afternoon, bill. >> trace, good afternoon to you as well. the white house really pushing back on this idea that president biden apologized for calling laken riley's murderer an illegal. remember, he said he regrets calling him that and said he should have used the word undocumented. then he said he doesn't want to disrespect immigrant us because they built the country. well, the white house said today, that was not an apology. >> first of all, i want to be clear about something. the president did not apologize. there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not apologize. he used a different word. >> over the weekend, former president trump actually met with laken riley's parents, her family back states before a campaign rally in georgia. as you mentioned, riley's mom called biden pathetic for botching her daughter's name during the state of the union and donald trump is promising justice for her family. take a listen. >> laken riley would be alive today if joe biden had not willfully and maliciously eviscerated the borders of the united states. set loose thousands and thousands of dangerous criminals in to our country. to her family tonight, i promise you, i will demand justice for laken. >> neither donald trump for president biden have any campaign events today or tomorrow. both getting close to locking up if delegates for their name nation. this general election is already underway and has been for quite some time as they keep sparring with each other. back to you. >> let's brings in caroline levitt. great to have you on. i want to back the clock up very quickly. the day after the state of the union, here's the way president biden was talking about while using the word "illegal" inat the timed of "undocumented." watch. >> do you regret using the word "illegal" to describe immigrantses? >> technically not supposed to be here. >> so he didn't regret it. the next day he did regret it. the white house is all hands on deck saying look, he did not apologize. when you regret something, this is an apology. i don't care how you try to back this up and spin it. he apologized to the person who allegedly killed laken riley but he messed up laken riley's name and never apologized to her family. >> this weekend, america witnessed the care that president trump has for the american people versus the callousness and rhetoric of joe biden's administration. while president trump was comforting the grieving family of laken riley, joe biden was in georgia as well apologizing not to laken riley's family, not apologizing for disrespectfully using her name wrongly at the state of the union, no. he apologized to her murderer for calling him an illegal. guess what? he's an illegal. joe biden's policies allowed him in this country. joe biden's policies allowed him to be released in our american communities and then he was able to take laken riley's life. we're at a crossroads. if we want to continue on with the bled shed and the wide open border invasion, he's your guy. if you want to secure our b border, there's one option. that is president trump. >> you talked about the former president meeting with laken riley's family. how was there perception of the former president? i know he went to comfort them. how was their perception of him and reception of him? >> well, laken riley's mother says she believes it's pathetic that joe biden doesn't know the name of her daughter, who was brutally murdered at the hands of an illegal immigrant. laken riley's parents, they're so strong. president trump took to the stage to not only express his deepest condolences but to make a promise to laken riley's family and all family as cross this country that he will secure our southern border to prevent these tragedies from happening ever again. when president trump said that laken riley's family were on their feet clapping with the rest of the crowd of thousands of georgians that have been rattled by this tragedy as well. >> what is your campaign, the trump campaign think about the president, you know, kind of really siding with the left more and more every day? we see it with israel. we see it with this whole layen riley thing. continues to push further left. is this about votes? >> absolutely. joe biden has governed as the most far left president in american history. we see this namely with the wide open border policy. there's never been an immigration crisis in american history like the one we have on our hands right now. nearly 10 million illegal people in this country. more than the total population of 40 states. you can see democrats, in democrat-run cities saying that we cannot take this invasion anymore. not only are these illegal criminals taking the lives of american citizens, they're crumbling our infrastructure, they're threatening our great paying jobs across this country. joe biden is beholden to the far left democrats that want these open borders because it's about power and control. they need more votes and boost their power of the electoral college and they're implementing a new voting demographic to do that and putting the american citizen last. >> it's amazing one day, yeah, he shouldn't be in the country. no, he shouldn't be in the country. no, he shouldn't be. the next day it's a total different outlook on this saying no, no, he regrets saying what he said. caroline leavitt, thanks to have you on. >> thanks, trace. >> also here, joey jones, fox news contributor. and felipe, the former depp assistant sec of state for hillary clinton. joey, to you first. here's what the former border patrol chief at the yuma sector says about biden apologizing. now the white house says it wasn't an apology but biden saying that he regrets laken riley's alleged killer, the whole statement saying illegal versus undocumented. watch. >> this was not the time to sit there and start apologizing. he's yet to apologize to the border patrol agents on the horse patrol in del rio when he lied to the american people. so for him to apologize to the murder suspect, that is just ridiculous. >> it's a very good points, joey. he has never apologized to those border patrol agents that mistakenly whipped the aliens. let's be clear, the legal term is illegal, the definition of the people crossing the border. >> yeah. i want to be careful here. i have spoken to laken riley's family. i talked to her dad today. i feel it's my responsibility. i had a chance to get to know them. they live close to me. just to remind people to honor laken riley is different than to talk the politics and the broader reach. her family obviously went to the trump rally because they were invited and felt like that's the candidate that attacks this issue from the angle that they feel like would have protected their daughter. i do want to say, their focus is to wreck laken riley as the human, the georgian, the person raised 45 minutes from me. understand that human being even though i never met her. how amazing of a person she was and how that we can't always make it the political talking point. now, from that let me say, i grew up in dalton, georgia. the town is 70% hispanic. illegal immigration is nothing new to for governor where laken riley is from or for governor. the people that immigrated here in the 80s and 90s and 2000s mostly mexicans, came here to become americans and assimilate. we had an illegal immigration problem but not a violence problem until the last few years and the waves of people coming from all over the world. now there's a true violence probleming. and laken riley has become the face of that, but it happens all over our cities in for governor and all over this country. >> felipe, you saw president biden come out initially and say well, he shouldn't be in the country. speaking about laken riley's alleged killer. and then the exact reversal happen as day later. what do you make of that backtrack? >> well, look, i'm going to start by agreeing with staff sergeant jones when he says it's horrible to conflate what happened to miss riley and what happened in the politics of this. in terms of what the president said, look, i was okay when he said illegal in the state of the union. i'm more than happy if he said illegal all the time. they are illegal. i can't be the token dem that argues that. what staff sergeant said about going back to the 80s. let's stay in this century. we've had 24 years here with four presidents. it's gotten worse and worse. it's not just the last few years that has gotten -- president trump didn't leave office with a wall. he didn't leave with no problem. yes, not going to pretend it's not gotten worse. it's been getting worse. frankly, if i were talking to donald trump right now, i'd say sir, why did you tell the members of the house of your own party to not vote for the most comprehensive security bill on immigration in decades? it makes absolutely no sense. we want to make sure there's no laken riley down the future. i hate to say it about her name. but marley -- marjorie taylor green mispronounced her name -- >> come on. you said -- >> go ahead. >> you said president trump didn't leave, but president biden is now selling and giving away steal. the current administration is literally giving away the steel to finish the wall. so you say funding is a problem -- you see this administration not using the resources it has or the administrative authority it has to protect us, both parties are playing politics with an issue that has today killed americans needlessly. and i don't see why that is a reason to point the artillery of words to president trump or president biden. we see who they are -- >> i have 30 seconds for felipe. joey. he's right. the president has the authority, executive authority. he could stop this tomorrow. he didn't need that bill to stop this. he's now banking on that bill to do other things. he didn't need that bill to stop what is happening at the southern border. we cover it every day. i started my career in the southern border. it's the same issue today as it was 35 years ago. your final thoughts. >> look, every president deserves blame and every president should be shamed on this. goes way, way back. i don't know why the house wouldn't have voted for it. that doesn't have anything to do with either or. every president should be throwing the kitchen sink at this problem. there's no excuse why they voted against the bill. it's as simple as that. i don't think if you were in congress that you would voted against it. doesn't make sense. without have put thousands of more officers and redine the asylum criteria and moved it forward. it was all for the better except it was better for the republican party and donald trump said, you know what? i like this issue. i have to go to georgia and a hundred places and i'm going to keep using this as an issue. he wants the issue. he doesn't want a solution. >> felipe reines and joey jones. senator mitch mcconnell speaking on the senate floor. let's listen in. >> parliament voted to lunch their nato access bids. russia's escalation in ukraine has unified swedish and finish leaders and a willingness to share the burden of collective defense literally transcends party lines. today americans newest treaties allieses are poised to make their commitment to nato. it's a vote of confidence and the enduring importance of collective defense. with sweden and finland in our ranks, the west stands even more united against autocrats with imperial designs. with two new front-line allies, america's interests are more secure. on another matter this week the senate will get yet another chance to put the emergency brakes on a particular harmful piece of biden administration federal regulatory state. the federal highway administration finalized a rule last year that would focus -- would force states and local planning agencies -- >> there you have mitch mcconnell there. he's speaking about pushing for some funding for ukraine, et cetera. we'll keep our ears on this. if he makes news, we'll go back. more on the white house flip-flop with karl rove next. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? 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(vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. >> trace: former president trump's lawyers is asking a judge to delate his criminal trial. the trial is set to start two weeks from today in new york city. the supreme court hearing arguments on the immunity claim a month later. he pleaded not guilty and denies any wrong doing there. president biden campaigning in battleground new hampshire a state he won by seven points in 2020. a new poll shows that he's trailing former president trump nationwide on a lot of big issues. the president getting lower approval ratings on the economy, crime, inflation, immigration and gun violence only topping the former president on climate change and abortion. let's bring in karl rove, former white house deputy chief of staff for george w. bush. he's also a fox news contributor. karl, great to see you. i want to play this sound if i can. this just happened this afternoon when president biden was campaigning in new hampshire. a struggle at the teleprompter. watch this. >> when asked if he changes position, he said there's a lot you can to in terms of cutting. a lot of things you can cut. tremendous amount of things you can do, not cut. he said -- the bottom line is, he's still at it. >> trace: we had this same thing happen saturday. it happens a lot. yet you have donna brazile saying the han has never been better. he's miles ahead of everybody else. what are your thoughts? >> it's painful to watch. it's bravado saying he's in great shape and better than anybody else. the democrats are making a mistake. you can't look at this man and say he's better than everybody else, he's at the top of his game. he's not. the more they repeat it, the more their credibility suffers and the more he suffers. it's painful to watch. >> trace: it's interesting to me because i want to put up this abc poll. i just find it fascinating and kind of ininstructing. it says donald trump 36%, right? who do you trust to do a better job of leading the u.s.? trump 36%, joe biden 33%. it's the bottom category, neither karl. that's a big number for neither. >> yeah, let's go back to the abc poll. this is biden's numbers on these major issues, immigration, 29 approve, 68 don't. inflation, 31-66. crime, 35 approve. 61 don't. economy, 36-60. russia ukraine, 31-54. climate, 45-54. so he's upside-down on every issue and some by big numbers. donald trump is in better shape. but look at this. on the economy, same poll. 49-46 on the economy. it's the only issue on which he's right side up. immigration, 45-50. inflation, 45-50. criminal. gun violence, 37, 59. abortion, 35-60. my point is, both of these men are largely upside-down. trump is in better position because he's better than biden on these issues. these aren't the greatest numbers in the world. on one of them, economy, is he right side up. >> i want to play this sound bite. you talk about alternatives and both men being upside-down. here's what bill maher said about nikki haley's future. >> nikki haley, the super tuesday, she cut out of the race. i don't think there's a future for her in the republican party now. it's crazy to think that she could run with biden, but that's my dream. a unity ticket. then he would win. >> trace: you think nikki haley's future is that damaged and what about a unity ticket? >> bill maher has an innovative mind. but the democrats are never going to get rid of kamala harris. they're never going to put nikki haley on the ticket. so bill, nice thinking, this ain't ever going to happen. nikki haley would be the first to say i'm not going to do it. >> trace: karl rove, thanks. breaking news. let's go to the senate floor and the worldwide threats hearing. here's chuck schumer. >> president trump's tax scam proved everything but fair. it rewarded the wealthy -- >> its beholden to the ccp. >> the reason why i raised that, if byte dance in china owns the driver that makes tik tok effective, isn't it true that the chinese party says that that data that you're gaining, we want a copy of it. if they said that to byte dance in the future, they would have to give it to them. >> that's my understanding. >> so if they changed the algorithm to hurt this candidate or help that candidate, byte dance would have to do that under chinese law? >> that's my understanding. >> if they want you to put out videos to make americans fight or spread conspiracy theories, byte dance can't fight the chinese communist party. they would have to do it. >> that's my understanding. i would just add that that kind of influence operation or the different kinds of influence operations you're describing are extraordinarily difficult to detect, which is part of what makes the national security concerns represented by tik tok so significant. >> thank you. >> thanks very much, mr. chairman. my thanks to all of you and of course the people you work with every day. i'm going to start with this issue of government purchases of americans data. >> trace: there's news to be brought, we'll bring it to you. they're talking about china, the threat of tik tok and we talked about this a lot the past couple weeks, which is the president, president biden, has joined tik tok and in the state of the union went after tik tok. so this is fascinating to find out how big of a threat china poses as well as tik tokked being owned by a company based in china posed to the united states. we'll keep you up to speed on that. meantime, a record number of americans say biden's border crisis is a vital concern for the country. national border patrol council president brandon judd joins us live next. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. on medicare? have diabetes? with the freestyle libre 3 system... you'll know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. 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good. brandon judd is here. but first to garrett tenney. good afternoon. >> when you look at the numbers since october, border patrol has apprehended 6,400 migrants with criminal records. the real number of bad appled is likely more than that. yesterday alone, more than nearly 1,200 known got-aways at the southern border. these are the people that don't want to be caught and who we know nothing about. a recent example of those got-aways is in rhode island where ice arrested this 23-year-old man from honduras who is wanted for murder in his home country. he crossed the border illegally in 2021 and the last year he's twice been charged with assault with a weapon and with domestic violence. last month, a judge ignored an immigration detainer request and released him in to the public again. cases like that are popping up across the country. sheriffs along the border say they are being particularly overwhelmed. >> we've had 44% of all the people in my jail are border related crimes. these are state crimes up to murder. we're seeing tragedy after tragedy. i keep saying this. every day that congress and the white house, president biden, diverge their responsibility to protect this country a life is changing in a negative way. >> we also want to update you on the crash of the military helicopter friday which claimed the lives of two national guard. they were on patrol in the rio grande valley, an area with a lot of cartel activity. they were tracking a group of people that crossed illegally when their chopper had some kind of mechanical issue and went down. a fourth guardsman was on board as well. he's been in critical condition all weekend. we learned that he has improved. he's still in serious condition, but is stable and his family is with him here in texas. trace? >> thanks, garrett. let's bring in brandon judd, president of the national border patrol counsel. great to have you on. you see tragedy all the time down there. you have the guard helicopter going down, killing three and injuring a fourth. the report is that the cartels were laughing. sounds like they're at war with us down there. >> yeah, this is sociopathic behavior. when you see people laugh at death, it's unheard of, this is what we deal with the cartels. they don't care about human life. they won't to see suffering. they cause suffering. they don't care what happens to other people. they want a profit. that's all they care about. when a crash like this happens and they know people are injured or killed, they laugh about it because they know their product will be able to get away. that is disgusting to every single -- should be disgusting to every human being. this is what we face every day when we're dealing with the criminalality on the border. >> trace: it's horrific. meantime, here's the president touting how the border patrol union supported the border bill. i'll get your thoughts on the back side. look. >> this bill would save lives. bring order to the border. border patrol union endorsed it. federal chamber -- national chamber of commerce endorsed it. >> brandon, you say he left out the context of that endorsement. >> yeah, he absolutely -- this is what he always does. he does not tell the full story. he doesn't tell the full truth. if you look at the reason why we endorsed it, we wanted to see it go to the floor. we wanted the debate to take place. if you don't support a bill, if you kill it before it goes to the floor, you're never going to get anything done. there was a lot of good in the bill. it raised the standard for credible father. it removed the judiciary out of everything. it allowed ice to hold single adults, which is 60 to 70% of the people that we deal with. there was a lot of good. we wanted the bill to go forward to go through the amendment process. it was killed. that's the reason that we supported it. we did not support the entire thing. we didn't support the way joe biden puts it. what is really disappointing to every one of us, the way that he uses this to weaponize politics to go after other individuals. he can use the executive authority that he has. we've discussed this many, many times. he has the authority to shut down the border. we want a bill because it lives beyond administrations and ties bad administrations hands. this administration weaponizes everything that they do. >> trace: he does have authority. we've gone over that time and time again. i want to talk about how far we have come in 15 years. here's former president obama talking about the border in relatively tough terms. watch. >> you have to say to the undocumented workers, you have to say -- you have broken the law. you didn't come here the way you supposed to. so this is not going to be a free ride. it's not some instant amnesty. what will happen is, you're going to pay a significant fine. you are going to learn english. you're going to go to the back of the line so that you don't get ahead of somebody that is applying legally in mexico city. >> trace: in 15 years, we've gone from you're going to the back of the line and learning english to apologizing to illegals that allegedly kill americans. >> yeah, the first four years, president obama was very good on border security. by any metrics, got aways, apprehensions, the amount of drugs, he was very good. it was his second four years when he was lake duck. that's when you saw his administration -- with biden, it's funny. he staffed his west wing with activists that wants open borders, that want this chaos. that's why we've seen this even before he became a lake dumb president. this administration does not care about the american people. they have shown that time and time again. whether that's in border security, crime, domestic policy, foreign policy. they don't care about the american people. they care about their base, energizing that base to ensure that they vote. >> trace: and they keep debating that and keep defending themselves. the evidence just keeps mounting and mounting. brandon judd, great to have you on. >> good to be with you. >> trace: we circle back to the hearing we're monitoring this hour. the nation's intel chiefs testifying about threats to the united states. the director of cia cessnalish somewhats in iraq and syria are using the war to pursue their own agendas. gillian turner reporting live from the state department. good afternoon. >> in this hearing, we're getting a rare glimpse right now in to the intelligence community's thinking about exactly what america is up against in 2024. they're also taking a look back at the past year to lay out the biggest threats that they feel they have thwarted. the two sides, democrats and republicans, have very different priorities for this hearing. so far the democratic chairman, mark warner, asked about russian attempts to interfere in the upcoming u.s. 2024 presidential election. he talked about china cyber espionage inside the united states. in a very heated exchange, that just passed between the ranking member republican senator marco rubio and the fbi director, christopher wray, he drilled him on the southern border. as you know, a lot of republicans on capitol hill believe that illegal immigration at the southern boreder is the number 1 national security threat america faces. he asked christopher wray to acknowledge the uptick in violence he says is being committed by illegal immigrants coming across the border. he also asked him if he's worried about terrorist ties to mexican border gangs. christopher wray said he indeed is. they are tracking specifically potential intelligence that shows they should be concerned about isis ties in particular to human trafficking gangs. take a listen to christopher wray on this. >> certainly we have had dangerous individuals enter the united states in a variety of sorts. >> are we seeing crimes from people that entered the country over the last three years, some of them with ties to gangs or -- other criminal organizations? >> i guess what i would say is this. from an fbi perspective, we're seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border. that includes everything from the drug trafficking, the fbi seized enough fentanyl to kill 270 million people. that's just on the fentanyl side. a lot of the violent crime in the united states is at the hands of gangs who are themselves involved in the distribution of that fentanyl. >> we'll still hear from other intelligence leaders, senior official from here at the state department testifying in this hearing. a lot of expectation here that we're going to be hearing a lot more from republicans, anyhow, about the crisis on the southern border. >> trace: that's as blatant as i've heard so far. thanks. the bizarre photo shopped fail for kate middleton. princess of wales. neal sean joins us live on the story that everybody is buzzing about. he's next. veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked 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(♪) >> trace: the princess of whales apologizing for editing photos. they told newsrooms to delete the photo was it had been manipulated. she said i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. i hope everyone celebrating had a happy mother's day. yesterday was mother's day in england. let's bring in neal sean covering the royal family more than 20 years. the picture was supposed to quiet the rumors about kate. turned the volume up to 11. how is kate, what is the status of the story? >> i'm surprised, trace, she's not been sent to the tower of london already. it's like a 42-year-old woman with three children does a photo shop and we have to go -- first of all, i feel agencies are bullying this woman in to sort of we need to know more about you. the bottom line, what has she done wrong? for these agencies to say slight manipulation. it's not like she changed her face. what is she really done? you know, got a few bits wrong. i think a lot of people over here are thinking it was something more sinister behind it. now the big thing is it's wiped the oscars off, has it? >> trace: there were 16 things that all of the investigative types pulled out. i mean, charlotte's hands, empty space where the sleeve should be, charlotte's skirt corner straight. you look at it. if the palace released this photo, there's got to be some belief that it was at least semi legit, right? unless they were trying to cover something up. >> you know, you hit the nail on the head there. it's like conspiracy theorists. the bottom line is, this picture was taken as we know by his royal highness -- >> trace: i have to go back to the senate hearing. here's tom cotton. >> accused of starving the palestinian children. is israel starving children in palestine or gaza? >> i think the reality is there are children that are starving -- >> is israel doing that? >> they're starving as a result of the fact that humanitarian assistance can't get to that. it's very difficult to distribute humanitarian assistance effectively unless you have a cease fire, which is exactly why i think there's great value in what is on the table now, a return of hostages and a significant cease fire enabling people to get that humanitarian assistance. >> okay. for the record, i do not believe that israel for any of you remember or the united states government is exterminating the palestinian children. director haynes, there's been several news reports, you might say leaks that iran doesn't have full control of its proxy groups. that's a headline from politco last month. a quote. why iran is supporting the groups financially and equipment, intelligence officials don't believe they're commanding the attacks. lack of control over the houthis and the malitias in iraq and syria has muddied the deliberations about how to respond to repeated attacks on the u.s. in the region, including attack in jordan that killed three american troops. on page 18. the intelligence community writes tehran was able to flex its muscles orchestrating anti-israel and anti-u.s. attacks on lebanon to the strait while shielding iranian leaders from significant consequences. orchestrating is stronger than anything i've heard. it's not providing support or training or funding. so it's your assessment that the intelligence community assessments that tehran has orchestrated attacks on israel and against u.s. personnel and positions in the middle east since october 7th? >> yes. i don't think that means that the proxy group or that others are always listening to everything that they have to say or under their direct control. orchestrating is an appropriate characterization of what they look to do. >> they have have directed a situation to get a desired effect. is that correct? okay. director burns, on page 34 of the assessment, the i.c. notes that the fbi and department of energy have concluded that the most likely origins for the coronavirus pandemic was a laboratory in wuhan. but the cia cannot agree with that conclusively. why can't the cia reach the same conclusion of the cia and the department of energy have reached? >> our analysts continue to look at this carefully. they have not yet concluded there's definitive evidence on either side. we continue to pursue more intelligence, more information that might help them to reach a definive conclusion, but right now there's -- they haven't been able to reach that. >> director wray, why are your analysts more confident. >> our analysts did rigorous work involving a slew of experts of different sorts. we reached the assessments with moderate confidence and stand by it. >> senator kaine . thanks to all of you. as others have said, thanks to the people that operate under difficult circumstances to supply with us this important information. director burns, your state to senator heinrich about the and long-term consequences of our abandoning ukraine is important and should be required reading around here. the implications are it's a 50-year mistake that would haunt this country both in europe, but also as you have suggested in the indopacific, including kim jong-un would obsess that we didn't have the staying power. he's already making noises about the peninsula. director wray, you talkeded with senator rubio about tik tok. just to reiterate, it's dangerous because it allows the chinese communist party to have access to an enormous trove of data about americans. that's number 1. is that correct? >> that's one of the pieces of it. there's several. >> the second piece is the power that the misinformation and sort of policy direction that it enables the chinese communist party to exercise, correct? >> i think the second piece is the algorithm. the first is the data. the second as the algorithm. the third is the software. >> if tik tok were divested and owned by an american company or british company, we wouldn't have this level of problems, correct? >> correct. >> thank you. who controls mexico? are the -- is the government of mexico in control or are the cartels in control? how do we get at the problem of the drugs, the fentanyl? by the way, i did a little calculation. about 15 people have died since this hearing started 1 hour and 20 minutes ago. that's how serious this problem is. one a day in my state of maine. how do we get control of this problem? >> there's a lot of us that are working to help support those that were on the front lines of this, which includes the fbi, obviously and dea and dhs and others that are really focused on this question. on the first point, senator king, with respect to mexico, i think there's no question that it is a challenge for the government of mexico to deal with the cartels and there are parts of the country that are effectively under the control of the cartels in certain respects. yet at the same time, we'd say our cooperation with them has improved over time. director burns, director ray may have more to say on this. but this is an area where we've been able to work with them to try to help to -- >> obviously we have been able to work and it's improving, this is a drastic problem that should be treated as such in terms of the impact on americans. how -- >> trace: we're going to continue to monitor this. a couple of good points being brought up. you had tom cotton saying why is it you have the fbi and the cia with different assessments about iran's control over these proxy groups and the answer was, well, we've done more research. we've done more work in doing that. we'll continue to follow this because we're getting some fascinating information coming out of it. meantime, a transgender athlete will not be competing in a women's pro golf tour after a change of policy to only allow players that were biological female at birth. haley davidson is trying to become the first transgender to qualify for the lpga. kaitlyn gender is here with me. a fox news contributor. candidate for california governor. great to have you on. this is from the wxxcteo and we'll get your thoughts on the other side. >> sports has always had categories from, you know, age, in some categories of weight and some based on sex. so this is really about protecting a category. in addition, we listened to the players on the tour. over all, the feedback came back that they wanted to us change our agendaer policy. >> kaitlyn, you applaud this. >> yeah, it's been a year when haley davidson was coming on to qualify or the the lpga tour. at first, i didn't think she had a good chance. but as time went on, she started playing better. she won a tournament and it looked good that maybe she's going to get enough points to get on the look tour. i don't think that is good for women's sports. 1950, the look started. they were protecting women. they wanted their own tour. that went well for 60 years. then in 2010, they decided to drop that. okay? they got woke on us. you know, the dei people got in there and said we have to be more inclusive. it's been 14 years. there's not a lot of transgender golfers and a lot of transgender people. finally haley davidson comes in. i did a piece for this for the daily mail on this, this open it piece. you wonder when you're doing this is anybody listening? somebody was. stuart changed this. he said as we navigate through the evolving landscape of sports -- is that so true -- it's critical to uphold the competitive integrity that is the cornerstone of women's sports. that's what i've been saying from the beginning and good for him. >> trace: haley davidson wrote this on instagram. people think i win by showing up, this is a slap in the face to all female athletes being told that any male with transition and beat them regardless of the life of hard work those women put in. you think you're attacking me but you're attacking and putting down all other female athletes. >> i don't agree. she also wrote this. you can scream at me, threaten me, throw insults at me, even ban me, but i will always get right back up and keep on fighting until the very end. hate and bigotry will never win. to me that's a little harsh. i have no problem with haley davidson. i wish her nothing but the best transitioning. it's the most difficult thing you can do. so she played by the rules. but for the integrity as stuart said, the integrity of women's sports, we can't go down this direction. >> she was playing with men, it was a different game. she was nowhere near the top. >> no, she was on scholarship in college. when she was on the men's team. i have no problem with haley davidson. i wish her the best. there's no hate or bigotry in my soul. i want to see her do the best but when it comes to the integrity of women's sports, we have to stand behind that. it's not so much for right now. but what aboutfive years, ten years, 20 years down the line when it gets really big and then you try to stop it? it's almost impossible to stop. it's easier to stop it now. the lpga and nxt series was right and tried to stop it now and just say let's go back to the original female at birth dna. it's the end of it. >> it's a very good point. caitlyn jenner, great to have you on. >> good to be here. >> we appreciate it. that is "the story" for monday, march 11, 2024 i'll see you back here for fox news at night. 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 on the west coast. we're going to take a look at the houthis and what happens if they sink an american ship, does it lead to war? that's coming up tonight. "your world" with neil cavuto starts in about three seconds. have a good day. >> from an fbi perspective, we are seeing a wid

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