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8 00 pm out west, 11 here on the east coast in washington and this is americas favourite late news, fox news at night. Breaking tonight, President Trump Justice Jones throw away from getting enough delegates to clinch the nomination with nikki haley no out of the race next weeks president ial primaries are expected to make it official pier President Biden will also become his partys nominee in the coming weeks. Live in los angeles with how itll all work out. President trumps Super Tuesday performance put them within reach of clenching his Third Republican Party nomination for president with voters and a handful of states set to put trump over the top 161 republican delegates. The four states set to hold primaries this tuesday with 125 days left until the Republican National convention in milwaukee. With just five and a half months left before the democratic convention, President Biden was in philadelphia today fresh off his state of the Union Address last night. Mentioned trump several times today and said the former president as a threat to democracy. Listen. Folks are freedoms really are in the balance this november. Donald trump are trying to take aware freedoms. Thats not an exaggeration. Reporter President Trump using bidens address to the nation to counter his Talking Points with playbyplay posts during the speech and heres what he had to say after it concluded. Joe biden is on the run from his record and lying like crazy to try and escape accountability for the horrific devastation he and his party have created all the while they continue the very policies that are causing this horror show to go. With Nikki Haley Out of the race it should be smooth sailing for trump to become the presumptive nominee. Biden is expected to clinch renomination on march 19th. Thank you, see again in just a few. Meantime lets bring in our political panel. James let meat to you up first on this. We obviously all watched the speech. It was interesting on a number of different levels, ill get you both to weigh in on that. I want to begin by asking you about this hot mic moments. Listen carefully to how the president is just coming in and out of a conversation, not realizing or remembering that we can all hear. Listen. [ inaudible ] i didnt say that in a speech you guys eavesdropped on things. Youre reaction to the nonanswer to the question about a meeting. I cant thank of a more boring conversation the net between mike bennett and joe biden. For those at home who dont know who mike bennett is, hes as effective in a senate as i am in the gym. I think whats really tragic from what we heard last night, i think the American People need to understand, is that the Democrat Party is the party of hamas. They are radically anti israel, radically antisemitic and you see the rhetoric now coming from joe biden. We heard last night and what weve heard recently, thats a result of him having to pander to his base because thats the direction that party is going. Its a shame, joe biden has historically been proisrael but his base is no longer. Thats a real challenge for him moving forward to. Saw the protests just outside here making their way over to the capital. Its going to be a big problem for them especially in places like michigan and minnesota. Let me ask you about what the wall street Journal Editorial Board had to say about the speech overall. It said there was nothing here for nikki haley voters or republicans who dont want a second trump term and might consider voting for mr biden. In its divisiveness, it could have had the effect of encouraging that no labels movement to go ahead with a thirdparty candidacy. Every bit as much as donald trump, joe biden and the well, the house on thursday promised four more years of dispiriting rancour. Youre reaction to what they had to say. I think the reality is that joe biden has run so far behind, the focus of the speech was to shore up his own base, Focus On Changing the conversation among democrats who have previously been pretty focused on talking about a replacement. You saw a lot of liberal outlets talking about another candidate of course. The result of the speeches youre going to see less conversation about that. I think hes galvanized his base. I think that is what hes focused on. I think he is running that far behind. I thank independents and republicans are looking at President Trump. I think the nikki haley voters, a lot of them are democrats and you saw that in the polls. They wont vote, they will go to. Many thank well go to donald trump due to his policies. A lot of the areas where she had victories are very strong performances. These were open primaries and a lot of democrats were actually backing her and i think it underscores what alex is saying here james, if you are going to reach out to those voters, the president had the pulpit, did he take advantage or missus sean . He absolute missed a shot. He was pandering to a specific demographic of people that will never vote anybody other than the democratic nominee and last night was a Campaign Speech at best. Not a good one, but still nonetheless. It was in the State Of The Union. I dont think it helped him bridge the gap and tried to pull these Traditional Network trump voters who might be more moderate republicans, but joe biden is not going to get that. Im curious if you felt like there is any room here to modulate. If youre the president , can you shift now and begin to broaden the tent or are they content with the strategy they have . I think the issue for joe biden is his policies speak for themselves. Voters understand that joe biden is responsible for the crisis that our country is in whether it be on economic side of things, crime, illegal immigration. I think hes going to have to take a broad reset. We didnt see it in the speech. I think hes going to continue to do very poorly in the polls. Thank you both very much. I would be a winner. Lincoln riley, and ends in young women who was killed by an illegal. From our reaction to the contentious date of the Union Address lets bring an republican senator from the great state of tennessee marsha blackburn. Great to see you always as always. This Summative Directions we can go in looking back at it i think i want a it was something that really struck a lot of people on the democratic side of the aisle as sort of know bueno if youll pardon my expression. Its win the president reacted to being prodded by Marjorie Taylor green to talk about Lincoln Riley lake and riley. Technically not supposed to be here. He said illegal, i dont think its a big deal. His focus was on the sympathy for the family. He probably should have used a different word. He should have use the word undocumented. I dont believe that the president s heart is with the word illegal. A lot of unrest over the use of the expression, the word illegal. Youre reaction to their reaction . The term is illegal alien. Thats a statutory altering. Yes indeed the person is illegal, he is not undocumented. Because this accused killer got parole from the Biden Administration which means that they decided to grant him that special status of parole leave which gifts and benefits and a work permit. And what you can say is he is an illegal alien who is illegally in this country. Undocumented, they cant apply that to him. Im so gotta get a chance to chat with you about this because you have been at the forefront of this fight to secure our border, to make sure that the people who are here are here lawfully. Theirs been a lot of giveandtake with respect to who is actually seeking asylum and those who are simply just rushing across the border. Before we move on, i will share this response from laken rileys mother. Biden does not even know my childs name. Its pathetic if youre going to say her name, at least say the right name. You can feel the pain in the statement, goes on, she said this. Kevin painful to read and i can only imagine how much more painful it was for the family. It had to be devastating for the family and for all of our angel families. Each and every one of them that are in this country who have lost a child because an illegal alien in this country murdered, raped, dui, car accident, burglary, the list goes on and on kevin. And the fact is they are not supposed to be here. There is a way to come to this country, we are a nation of laws, and we expect people that come here. Joe biden has done and stay one 94 executive actions in the first 100 days to weaken the border, a week in immigration. Thousands of people who were from countries of interest. Hundreds of terrorists that have come to this country. And open border is his Border Policy and that is more important to him than the safety and security of the people of the united states. Kevin this is a storyline that is playing out not just in places along the border, per se, california, arizona and texas. Were talking talking about all across the country. I know that you continue to fight for the American People on behalf of their interests and theres always a real pleasure. Great to see you. President biden heading right to the Campaign Trail today after that hugely political state of the Union Address. This as former President Trump is likely about to face some significant legal headwinds. Live with all those details for us tonight. The 2024 president ial race is now down to two major candidates the State Of The Union is in the Rearview Mirror and President Biden and former President Trump are now focused on the road ahead. Our freedoms really are on the ballot this november. Donald trump and the republic are trained to take away our freedoms. Guess what . We will not let him. Reporter biden and trump are both facing unfamiliar territory biden has to convince the electorate that at 81 years old, he is still capable of running the country, something he tried to do during a visit to pennsylvania today. I know youre thinking that i couldnt have been around very long. When you get to be my age, and certain things become clearer. That was just one of at least 20 stops biden and cabinet members are making an opposed State Of The Union blitz to promote his economic agenda and try to turn around and upside down Approval Rating which is far worse than any of his president predecessors at the start of every election year. The pathway to the presidency for trump also has many roadblocks. This includes four criminal indictments and an increasing number of lawsuits to contend with peer just today a u. S. Appeals court in washington dc gave the green light to three civil lawsuits having to deal with january 6th. Trump says biden is to blame for his legal blows. Listen. Fight your fight yourself. Dont use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. Our country is much bigger than that. And obviously all eyes will be on what the Supreme Court decides regarding president ial immunity. Arguments on that take place on april 25th. Back to you. Kevin thank you. Now for more on the legal and financial stakes former President Trump is facing, were bringing in alex. Let me ask you about this thing. The fact is there was already one judgement and now they are jumping on a bigger one, why isnt this Double Jeopardy not to go too deep into the political and legal woods . A lot of legal experts ive talked to. He could appeal, thats the plan. What the damages change . Its an Uphill Battle for him at this point. You have to really have a Specialized Deformation lawyer. We will see what they are able to do. Potentially getting this case into Federal Court would be the goal. This judge has not been favourable to trump. He needs to do what he can to get into Federal Court. Potentially a due process challenge saying that this judgement is too high, its violating the constitutional rights, that sort of thing. That might get them hit there but its a longshot. Kevin that would be the strategy i would try to get to. And with the new york civil fraud case to. Kevin unfortunately if youre the president s legal team, you probably already feel like you are not really getting much of a fair shake in the empire state. Politico said this about the case. Its as former President Donald Trump has obtained a bond that will prevent e. G. Carol from immediately enforcing and 83. Defamation verdict. Trump said in papers friday that he had secured the 91. 6 million bond which is higher than the verdict itself because it covers entry interest. Coming after one day after judge lewis kaplan denied the motion to put off a monday deadline for him to post the bond. What would be the thinking behind if you are the judge denying him a chance to postpone it . Is there some reason to rush . It would seem there that this would need to be approved. The whole reason to have a bond is to get him the fair shake to this appeal. One other aspect of this is the process is so long and drawn out, parties try to settle the damages between themselves. How about we go down next amount here we are dealing with them. I dont know if thats a possibility but that might be a more speedy goal. Kevin let me ask you about this poll i think you will give us good perspective on this. It says best describes your view of trump legal charges, 54 per se 54 percent say legitimate. 45 percent say political them motivated. Does not surprise you at all . A little bit one its dont documents case they say what about others that have had documents . They pointed biden, pentz, hillarys use of her private email. They think that one looks a little unfair. Most of all its the sheer volume of cases. We talk about the empire state, the two cases there that he is looking at. The two from the special Prosecutor Jack Smith and then georgia. The list goes on. Kevin the fact that they were back and floated, they waited until this right moment right before the ramp up to the election to put them all out there at the same time. I think there is obviously a sizable number of people in the country who feel like this is politically motivated. Always a pleasure, great to see you, have a great weekend. Kevin federalized National Guard helicopter working a Border Support Mission has crashed near Rio Grande City texas. That crashed killing to coat National Guard soldiers and one Border Patrol agent. Another soldier was aboard and was injured in that crash. Bp sources, thats Border Patrol, they tell fox news that the chopper was from the new york National Guard. As we get more updates on the story, we promised to pass them along as we get that. Yet another case to tell you about tonight of an illegal immigrant being arrested for Violent Crimes here in the u. S. The latest example involves a migrant from mexico detained in virginia in connection with the abduction and Sexual Assault of a teenage girl. We have no idea where these people are, what they are doing and then they disappear and its destroying us. Reporter roughly 1500 miles from the usmexico border, Butler County ohio sheriff Richard Jones was hellbent on tracking down a Mexican National pick a tip came in the 43yearold. Was allegedly sexually assaulting a 15yearold girl the. Hunt was on and thats what we do with the police. Reporter that led to Forrester Virginia where the two were found this week. They were charged with abduction and various sex Crimes Involving a minor. Investigators are also looking to possible Human Trafficking because like crews, the victim entered the u. S. Illegally. Authorities say she had been placed in the care of a sponsor who happened to be cruises undocumented girlfriend with the health and Human Services department. Ohio immigration Attorney Says he is baffled by this case. They are not boots on the ground, so to speak, in this area of Child Protection last year hhs relieved released. Reporter more than 113,000 unaccompanied minors to sponsors. They state sponsors are adults who are suitable to provide for the childs physical and Mental Wellbeing and have not engaged in an eight in any activity that would indicate potential risk. Sheriff jones questions how Accurate Background checks are when sponsors and their housemates are also undocumented. Hes working to get crews back to ohio. He is gone to taste our Prison System and knocking to like it. We reached out to find out if sponsors are required to be lawful u. S. Residents and if not, how many are undocumented so far. We have not heard back. Kevin thank you so much. Appreciate that. Coming up, a High School Basketball story we brought you earlier this week about a call from the refs that cost a team trip to the state championship. Now, you guested, theres a lawsuit. Later on in the night, they say they want a true break to rest and recharge during the time off their donothing vacations have no schedule, no trips here and there. No beach trips, no surfing and kayaking, note tours, what you think about all of that . We want to know what you think and what your vacations might look like. Let us know, go to x. And instagram. We want you to weigh in and we will show you the best responses later on in the broadcast. Meantime, it is 11 20 here on the east coast and heres a trip across america. First alive look at carlisle pennsylvania, home to a former nba player billy owens. Now to omaha nebraska. Thats where the Reuben Sandwich was invented back in 1925. Finally alive look at the emerald city, Seattle Washington were apparently at one point they had more cats and dogs than children. They may still have that. Dont forget if you can to join us live, dont forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. Dry skin is sensitive skin, too. And its natural. Treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. Formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. Its clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. Aveeno® tony hawk skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol . It has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. vo sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. Unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. Because when you experience europe on a viking longship, youll spend less time getting there and more time being there. Viking. Exploring the world in comfort. Kevin welcome back everybody. Twentysix minutes after the hour, we have an update tonight to the story that trace brought you back on wednesday about that while the controversial finish to a new Jersey High School Boys Basketball playoff game. Back with the latest on a lawsuit on behalf of the boys who were undone by a blown call. Unbelievable. We debated whether or not the refs made the right call in our second the other night. There were a lot of mixed reaction to the crew and also from our viewers with many saying the ball was clearly in the air when the buzzer went off as the fans went wild after the shot, the teams Playoff Dreams were shattered when aref said it was no good. Now that School District is suing over the blown call which cost the Jersey Shore School a shot at the playoffs. In a statement, the School District says it will exercise its discretion to remedy a situation that was so obvious. The new jersey state. Has apologized for the error said the call would not be overturned. So the Schools Lawsuit is asking for injunctive relief and for the championship game that they wouldve played in on saturday to be put on hold. Kevin we will have to follow that one p. Thank you, we will see you in the night. We want to bring in the parents defending education vp caroline moore. Great to have you both with us. Listen, i have to say as a former High School Athlete and coming from a big family full of athletes, i have seen how things have changed in the field of play. People talk about a big game like we just saw their to the fact that now there are Transgender Athletes competing with girls and some people feel like theyre really being disenfranchised each and every day. And b. Begin with you caroline. And want to from the lawsuit. It is undeniable that men have received more recognition in sports and have been afforded vastly greater opportunities to participate in sports, especially in the world of professional sports. Biological girls and women worked tirelessly to differentiate themselves and gain recognition as female athletes. It goes on, a biological men are allowed to compete with biological females, it erases all the harder in progress and more importantly, creates an unsafe and dangerous environment for those biological females to plan. Historically women and girls received fewer athletic opportunities, scholarships and funds. Read on the money or misguided . And. Absolutely on the money i think thats what still thats what the whole discussion is about, protecting womens sports on womens faces because of Scholarship Opportunities by having biological men participate with biological females in sport, not only is it unfair and unsafe for the females who are playing, takes away Scholarship Opportunities for them and it takes away placements whether its first, second or third place in a sport that theyve been achieving every single year. Once a biological man comes in, all of a sudden less females standing on the pedestal. She has talked about that. Its not just college athletics. Ran out talking about possibly olympic athletics being impacted by this. Let me share this from campus reform. Pretty interesting. Male swimmer. Has been breaking womens swimming records after starting to compete in womens events at the college of new jersey. Achieving a School Record time of. They swam for the mens team for three years, transitioning to womens swimming last november and quickly setting multiple records for the college. It has got to be, you are a mom, you have boys who im sure would love to be able to compete fairly. If you had daughters they would want the same thing. That does not seem like that is a fair level of competition. Thats the case. I wonder i have sons who play lacrosse and i was on the fields and they were parents talking about the prospect of their sons getting lacrosse scholarships. And other scholarships for that matter. The one thing that they said and they were kind of making fun of this idea, especially in swimming you have these people who are competing versus males as men and then they are competing against the women. They said maybe if our sons competed against women they could get scholarships. They were just kidding but they were making a mockery of this. So i wonder what these men are thinking. Are they subpar swimmers and they are just dissatisfied with the time for the place meant they are getting so they switch and they think that they can have an unfair advantage against women. Not really sure. Kevin i think thats a legitimate point. If i could to dovetail office to something stephanie said, were talking about opportunities here, real dollars. Scholarships. If your daughter or son are competing and working hard and than suddenly they have to compete against someone who is biologically male, they may miss out on a Scholarship Opportunity because they didnt play place on the top three on the podium. Its so true. I think when title ix came into effect, at allowed a lot more females to go to school. Wouldnt have otherwise been able to go to college because it afforded them opportunities they wouldnt have had otherwise. By taking these rights away from women, you are taking their rights to have a protected sport , i think its very scary and i really do think its the subpar male athletes that are trying to get a spot on the womens team. Kevin this is something thats not just a major conversation and a topic of discussion in sport, i thank politics are also sort of broadening this conversation. More and more people want to keep having it because the truth is, you have a daughter or you are a female and an athlete, you are at a disadvantage regardless of what other people are saying. Ladies thank you very much we appreciate her time here tonight. Coming up, officials are cracking down on Spring Breakers and surprise surprise, not everybody is happy about. Well tell you about that. These polar bears are happy with their swim break. And this Baseball Team gives a noteworthy performance. Its the days best of viral coming up next. First, alive look at earth cam as we take a peek at lakewood ohio, founded back in 1889. Looking good. Or push through the pain and symptoms . With ubrelvy, theres another option. One dose works fast to eliminate Migraine Pain treat it anytime, anywhere. Without worrying where you are or if its too late. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. Most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. Migraine pain relief starts with u. Ask about ubrelvy. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Ava i was just feeling sick. And it was the worst day. Mom was crying. I was sad. Colton i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. Brett once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just dont want to get up out of bed. Joe theres always that saying, well, youve got to look on the bright side of things. 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We welcome people to come and have a good time. What we dont welcome his criminal activity. Reporter visitors can expect curfews, bag checks, restricted beach access, Dui Checkpoints and 100dollar parking fees. With Strong Police activity to stop the violence and lawlessness they saw last year. Not everyone is on board. A manmade County Commissioner called the citys message tone deaf, implying miami beach was targeting like visitors and trying to make it difficult for them to visit. Miami beach is to me making this to be a place that is unwelcoming to a complete group of people during a certain time without regard to individuals. Reporter officials in miami say this crackdown is against crime, not visitors. We policed conduct not colour. If you decide to come to our city, we expect you to act accordingly. Reporter some visitors say they arent going to sit this year out. I think its pretty lame but Fort Lauderdale is still really lit. This time last year it would have been packed on a friday night. Now its relatively quiet. The beaches were seeing the same thing, is mostly families. Some say that if it remains this car they are heading up north to Fort Lauderdale. Kevin meantime on this International Womens day we want to discuss some of the biggest womens issues of the day with. So great to have you with us my friend. I appreciate you spending time. Before i dive into Womens Health as it relates to the Healthcare Profession which i think you probably have some really strong thoughts on, i want to run this anti spring break psa out of miami and get your reaction because as someone who used to live there, i can tell you it can be overwhelming. Let me play this clip i would get your reaction on the other side. Our idea of a good time is relaxing on the beach, heading up the spot. Or check out a new restaurant you want to get drunk in public and ignore laws. Dont try to come calling crawling back. We are done. A blunt message from the folks down in the 305. Youre thoughts on what miami is saying to Spring Breakers. A little aggressive message but if you look at The Big Picture here, i think every single state is dealing with its own uptick in crime and they are doing what they think is right for them to try to combat this problem. New york is coming up with its own set of laws and rules and it might be a Trial And Error process, but i think this is they are doing what they think is best for their state and we will see how this plays out. I know theres a lot of anger right now but it could overall lead to decrease in crime. We dont know. Im just saying its good to keep an open mind. Kevin speaking of trying to keep an eye on whats happening, let me ask you about new york. The crime circumstance up there, i dont have to tell you, its beyond outofcontrol to the point now where the governor there is decided to enlist the services of the National Guard to protect the subways for new yorkers. I have a clip here i will get your reaction on the backside of that one, keeping this in mind, eric out im has been complaining about we are under siege, we have no more room at the end when it comes to Illegal Migrants and yet the crime situation, which may or may not be directly impacted by that migration, is overwhelming the city. Listen to this. Im redeploying nearly 1000 members of the new york state police, mta police and mta National Guard to conduct bag checks in the citys busiest transit stations. It is random and we needed. If you dont have a problem, what the problem . Open your bag. We have to do it at the movies anyway because when you go to a movie you have to open up your bank to make sure you dont have a firearm so you dont shoot of the movie theatre. Kevin thats for thats tough to hear. It just boggles the mind. Ive heard of airports, notes Movie Theatres now it subways. Youre thoughts on what the governor has decided to do . Youre absolutely right. I live in new york city right now and i read ride the subway every day. Im in constant fear of being attacked on the subway. We know theirs been an uptick in crime in the Subway System and the reasons for that are really complex. I think new york is also just doing what it thinks is right to combat the uptick in violence. The citizens of new york have been complaining over and over again that the governor is not doing enough to protect the citizens. Theyre not combating crime enough. This is an aggressive measure deploying the National Guard and doing back checks on everybody in the subway, but they are starting somewhere. Kevin they are starting somewhere and its about taking care of all of us, in particular our women and our country, International Womens day. Want ask you more about your thoughts about why this is such an important ap run short of time but i promise i will have you back my friend. Always a pleasure to see you doctor and whatever you do, be safe out there in new york city. Kevin we want folks to prepare for springing forward. Thats right, Daylight Saving time kicking off this weekend. As you probably know theirs been an effort in congress to abolish this practice of switching the clocks two times each year. That time marches on, heres our congressional correspondent. Time doesnt change, its finite. The Sands Of Time for ever flowing yet congress can change the time, which is why we change the clocks twice a year. Article one section eight of the Constitution Grants Congress the authority to fix the standard of weights and measures. Thats why the Senate Passed a bill two years ago to permanently park the country on Daylight Saving time yearround. They voted to abandon standard time but it wasnt a sign of the times with wars raging, illegal immigration surging pack time expired on the bill in the house i think its the least of our worries. Time is not one of the things that people would bring up as being something on top of their minds. We do have a few other things that im concerned about like saving democracy. Reporter everyone complains about losing an hour when we spring forward. I dont like it. Almost afraid im going to miss Church On Sunday Morning when i make the switch. Ill be catching a flight in the morning so i want to make sure my clocks are right so i dont miss my flight. Reporter thats why some say halting it is an idea whose time has come a bipartisan bill by Massachusetts Democrat and Florida Republican marco rubio would do just that. Its hard on businesspeople and workers when you are shifting the time. Theres a loss in efficiency and productivity. Lets pick one. Reporter the clocks keep taking. Father time remains undefeated. Reporter except when it comes to capitol hill. Only congress can turn back time , which is why 2 00 becomes 1 00 in the fall. Kevin. Kevin thank you sir. 46 after the hour, first up into nights viral videos, a pair of sisters having a very good time. To polar bears showing off their strength in a tugofwar at an oregon zoo. The animals splashing around using their jaws to wrestle over the. Finally check this out. A talented teen called the savannah bananas, its an exhibition Baseball Team and florida. They are going well for the remake of a Dirty Dancing scene. Players going Above And Beyond dancing to ive had the time of my life. You see how theyre going around the field, pretty cool actually. Lexical fivestar performance if you ask me. If you have a viral video, be sure to share with us On Social Media at fox news night. Up next, relax and relaxation is merit what is your main goal when you go on vacation . The crew has that and more next. Erica and because of tiktok, were able to show people from All Over The World where their food and fiber come from. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Kevin we are back with the nightcap crew. Tonights topic, scheduled free getaway. A recent survey revealed that rest and relaxation has become the number 1 reason for vacations, overtaking having fun and spending time with family. We want to know what is your number 1 reason for going on vacation. Ashley, you go. Relaxing is fun for me. If i could just go off to a Beach Someplace and sit in a chair or in the sand the whole time, i think id be okay. I will my family there with me. Its all fun for me. Kevin thats so sweet. I will say my husband will say that i dont need a vacation because all i do is relax. But if i could just go somewhere and have nothing to do, no one talking to me, i think i would love of her couple of days. But i would miss my family. I do not want to have to burn a single calorie when im on vacation. I want to melt into a sunbed and just read for a week straight. Kevin sounds good to me. Alex what you say . I want to have fun on vacation but if i was propped up on whatever they gave Joe Biden Last Night i would not be relaxing after whatever he was doing. Throw me on a crews ship, its a great time, its relaxing, its all i need. Kevin let me show you what they said. We asked viewers, are vacations about relaxing or fun. They said rest and relaxation 6. 60 percent. Even writes is on his day off. Its the one chance i have uninterrupted time to spend with my family, no work no, school, no parties, thats sacred time for us. Sherry braedens has brought in my view of the cultural differences in the world and photograph them which fascinates me. Im older so rest and relaxation is about the most fun i can handle. Michael says to break the monotony and also to be unstructured and not plan too much, we wing it more than plan. That is relaxing. I couldnt agree more. Thanks anybody for the nightcap and we thank you for watching americas favourite late news. Rh we will see you monday. Doctors have been Prescribing Otezla for nearly a decade. Otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. With clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. vo explore the world the viking way from the quiet comfort of elegant small ships with no children and no casinos. We actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing allinclusive experiences for the thinking person. Viking voted worlds best by both Travel Leisure and conde nast traveler. Learn more at viking. Com. I get words whispered, too. They are not repeatable. John, thank you. [ ]

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