Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

new yorked. jilgillian turner. we have kevin o'leary and jim jordan. first up, president biden addressing the backlash from within his own party for using the word "illegal" last night in referring to migrants. take a listen. >> do you regret using the word "illegal" last night, sir? >> probably -- technically not supposed to be here. >> we'll have more on that with democratic senator chris coons. he co chair's president biden's re-election committee and we got more from the head of the border patrol union. he's responding to the president's state of the union address. last night saying the union endorsed the bipartisan bill but claimed the bill was derailed by politics. here's brandon judd telling martha why the union supporting the bill. >> president biden has put us in this situation. he's put us in the situation that we have never thought that we would ever be in. we're apprehending seven times more people than what we normally apprehend. we have more than ten times the got-aways. we have more fentanyl coming in than we have ever seen before and more dangerous criminals coming in an terrorists coming in to the country. he didn't address any of that. so he's put us in a position that we'll accept anything that is better than the status quo. that bill is better than the status quo. >> myra flores is running to get her old seat back. she's standing by. first to jeff paul. he joins us live at the border in eagle pass. hi, jeff. >> gillian, president biden telling congress to get him a border bill and get it to him now. felt like president biden had a little bit more urgency to address the immigration crisis. that's in part because it is one of the most if not the most important issues for voters this coming election cycle. also, this problem isn't going away any time soon. our cameras captured that earlier today. this is new video from shelby park right here in eagle pass. another group of migrants taken in custody by texas dps after crossing the rio grande. right after that, this was the scene at a nearby hydro plant. border patrol responding to a group of under 100 migrants made up of families some, very young children within the group. while we aren't seeing as many as those big groups as we used to in the past, law enforcement is still dealing with human smuggling. this was in eagle pass just yesterday. you can see police were pursuing a truck they suspected of human smuggling. the occupants bailed out. they were apprehended. that is another day here in the eagle pass area. gillian? >> thanks, jeff paul. in eagle pass. thanks. let's bring in former texas republican congresswoman myra flores. she's running to reclaim her old seat and incidentally married to a border patrol agent. she has a lot of experience working these issues on the ground. first off, i want to ask you the weigh-in and responding to the controversy surrounding president biden's use of the term illegal last night when referring to folks in the country without the appropriate paperwork. take a listen to some leaders in his own party responding to that, the use of that word. >> he should have used the word undocumented. i don't believe the president's heart is with the word illegal. i think he shouldn't have responded to very disrespectful republican member that was shouting at him, the president of the united states. that is not appropriate. >> important to flag, the president used the term illegal when referring to the alleged murderer of laken riley in georgia. he wasn't referring to everybody. what do you think? >> i think that that's the way we should refer to anybody that is illegally in the country. it's a fact. he wasn't legally in the country. what is worse is that he had committed a crime in new york five months ago and was released. he should have been deported immediately. anybody that is in the country illegally is committing crimes. it's a no-brainer. they should immediately be deported. so i don't understand why the democrats continue to defend criminals that are illegally in the country. it's insane to me. for 3 1/2 years, listen, joe biden has allowed millions of illegals to come in our country and has done absolutely nothing to secure the border. all of a sudden he's screaming and yelling and blaming republicans when in fact it's policy that created this chaos. the truth is that he can end this chaos right now with an executive order. he reveesed all -- reversed all the trump policies that were working. >> we have eight or so months in this election cycle in policy making, it's not easy to get things done all the time. you think it's too late for the president to turn around the situation at the border in a meaningful way or you think there's still room? >> i mean, 3 1/2 years later, yeah. it's very late. i'd rather him do something now than rather never. i don't think we should be waiting till november and continue allowing millions of people to come in to our country. i mean, it's putting the american people at risk every single day. so no, absolutely. it's never -- he needs to do it now immediately. he continues to blame republicans when in fact he can change that with an executive order. >> real quick, what did you make of the president misstating laken riley's name during the state of the union last night? >> i mean, it doesn't surprise me. everybody should expect things like this. he can never -- he doesn't speak right, doesn't -- he's not able to have a full conversation with anyone. so doesn't surprise me. it's a huge disrespect to the family, of course. it's heart breaking. it doesn't surprise me. that's the reason why we need new leadership in congress, new leadership in the white house and that's exactly what the american people are going to do in november. last night all i heard was a man that was screaming, that was angry towards the american people when the american people are the victims here. we have been working hard every single day. we have to get a second job to be able to provide for our children, for our families. we're not able to spend that time with our families that we were three years ago. why? we have to get the second job, the third job. >> mayra, thanks for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> god bless you. >> coming up, a "the story" exclusive with house judicialry chairman jim jordan. he's fired up about the new report that exposes big brother type surveillance of american's personal bank accounts. stick with us. >> these are the same folks that just a couple years ago told us if you're a parent showing up at a school board meeting, you're terrorist. if you oppose screens, mandates, don't want gun registration, you're in that category as well. s called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? 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is it that conservatives are being infringed upon or is it that all americans are being infringed upon? >> after looking through the report and looking through the evidence that the committee provided, i'd say it's more targeted to conservatives. the thing that is not getting attention, the treasury department working with the banks in america circulated a third party report of hate groups. saying here's the list. be on this look out when looking for terrorists and violent extremists. on the list included a number of christian organizations including one that i used to work for, alliance defending freedom, the world's largest conserve tiff legal organization. a supreme court power house. the fact that that would be included as a hate group and coming from the federal government to the banks is not only a first amendment issue, it's ridiculous on its face. >> gillian: what the do you make of the fact that the fbi and the treasury department working together here -- these are two of the largest most well-funded executive branch departments and agencies that exist. >> i want to know who thought it was a good idea to do such sweeping surveillance of american bank accounts. the only criteria with respect to the days around january 6 was somebody that used the bank of america debit or credit card. the fbi testified that they weren't comfortable with the amount of information that they received. they looked at this info and thought we're not supposed to have this. what is the predicate for us receiving this private information on americans and they didn't want it. >> gillian: is there some kind of a policy or legal fix here that you can see going forward? at least to prevent this from continuing. >> yeah, i think the laws on the books right now don't provide enough protections for americans. look at the patriot act back, there's really protections for americans and private information. i think it would be helpful if congress took a look at this. this is not the first time we see something like this happen again. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. thanks for joining us, kerri. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> gillian: let's bring in republican congressman from ohio, jim jordan. he's chair of the committee that found this information. i want to ask you if you know whether these terms are still being used by banks to search americans financial data and report back to the government. >> we think that's there's a strong likelihood that it is happening. again, remember, this is the fbi. the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world asking banks to give us information. we want their name that used their credit card at a certain time and location. what they also asked for and let us know if there's any purchases of a firearm or weapon at any time ever. that is what the original e-mail from the fbi to the bank of america asked for. since then, it's broader where they asked for reports about certain terms and groups putting out a list of names of freedom groups. it's chilling and frightening when you look at it in the broad sense what they were doing and the information, again, the fbi, the pressurery department were getting on american citizens. >> gillian: certainly echos of the fisa scandal embedded in this story as i'm sure you can attest to. kerri just said that she's concerned after looking at the evidence put forward in the report that the slant here bends against conservatives. a lot of the stories do. take a look to dr. jordan pederson yesterday in this hearing. i want your response. >> the danger posed by this increasing ability of governments and large corporations to collude threatening everyone's freedom equally. could be at the moment and this is the case the republicans here are trying to make is that the people in the sights of that solution tend to have more conservative leanings. but that will shift in a moment. whenever the political tides shift. >> gillian: what is more dangerous in your estimation? a situation where this remains slanted against conservatives' financial data or a scenario where it brokenens against all americans? >> it will inevitably broaden. the cancel culture mob and the surveillance mob, they're never satisfied. that appetite is never satisfied. they will go from conservatives that are predominantly the ones being targeted now -- we know that from the court case, missouri v. biden. it was overwhelmingly conservatives that were being censored with big government colluding with big tech. it's the same thing here with government government working with big banks. it will go to everybody else inevitably. our concern is the fourth amendment. our concern is the constitution, the first amendment, the second amendment and the fourth amendment, you're right to privacy. we're just as concerned about folks that may be on the left, the political spectrum. their rights being abused as well. in fact, i've invited more democrats in to testify in this subcommittee than probably any chairman ever because we've had them in because they believe in protecting the bill of rights and our fundamental liberties. it would be nice in the democrats understood where this was headed. a couple years ago, for example, in san francisco, there was an elementary school, the dianne feinstein elementary school. some liberals out there said wait a minute. dianne feinstein said something like 40 years ago that we disagreed with her today. they took her name off of that school. even a liberal democratic senator is not safe with the mob and how they want to come after folks. i think that's what we need to remember. that's what dr. peterson was referring to yesterday when we had him testify. >> gillian: so where does this go? can this get referred to the doj? what is the fix? >> sometimes just highlighting the information changes behavior. give you a great example. remember 1 1/2 years ago when the department of homeland security was setting up the disinformation governance board as if some bureaucrats could allow you what to say and not say? we made a big issue of that. another great example is the irs. they used to make visits to americans home. now they will no longer do that. the commissioner said we're doing this for the safety of our agents. baloney. we caught them spying on matt tiabi. sometimes all you need to do is point it out. >> gillian: sunlight is often the best disinfectant. thanks for the report. we appreciate your time. >> you bet. thank you. >> gillian: there's the push to offer american voter as third party alternative to a trump-biden rematch. that is now gaining some steam. a majority of voters say that neither candidate, biden for trump should actually seek re-election. we have chris coons. he co chair's the president's re-election campaign. he joins us next. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ this is your invitation... experience the elevation of electrification. ...and some of the best offers of the year on select models... the invitation to lexus sales event. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah >> gillian: a short time ago, the republican national committee electing lara trump, former president trump's daughter in law as the new co chair. listen. >> we have one goal. the goal on november 5 is to win. as my father-in-law said bigly. we're going to win on november 5, right? >> gillian: lara trump and the new rnc chair, michael whatley will be replacing ronna mcdaniel. they were hand picked by the former president himself. the dnc blasting the announcement of the new leadership. she said her new title ensures that the rnc will put up disastrous fund-raising efforts and continue to underperform in election after election. >> 72% of voters say they're dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country. 60% view both president biden and trump unfavorably. almost 20% said they would support a named third-party candidate. no labels just now seizing on the grim numbers as an opportunity to launch a third party bid. they just made a big announcement. biden 2024 campaign co chair, senator chris coons is standing by to join us. first, we check in with bryan llenas. hi, bryan. >> hi, gillian. no labels says they are moving forward with a unity bipartisan presidential ticket. as for who will be on that ticket? that is still tbd. no labels said 800 delegates voted unanimously to move forward with the november election. they will announce the process how can did will be selected thursday. independent arizona senator kyrsten sinema and nikki haley will not be candidates. according to no labels co chair, joe lieberman, who said this to neil cavuto earlier today about haley. >> i think if she had expressed interest in the know labels nomination, there would have been a lot of support in our group. but she's chosen otherwise. we've talked to exceptional candidates that will carry forward the no labels common sense majority. >> meanwhile, candidate rfk jr. delivered his own state of the union address last night. >> i can tell you that in every state of this union, people are rejecting fear mongering. 80% of americans say they don't want to be forced to choose in this election between the lesser of two evils. they're tired of voting against somebody or someone. >> normer president trump characterized president biden's state of the union on social media as polarizing and angry and hate-filled. he's meeting with victor orban who the biden campaign has called a dictator. >> gillian: thanks, bryan llenas. let's bring in senator chris coons now, a democrat from delaware. he is the co chair of president biden's re-election campaign. senator, thanks for taking time with us today. there is this widespread and growing feeling now that this could be the most significant election for a third-party candidate since the days of ross perot in the 90s. r.f.k. jr. is polling competitively for young people. what is the campaign's strategy for doing this? >> what you saw last night in the capitol was president biden delivering a forceful revision, a broad review of all of the accomplishments of his first term. the ways in which he has delivered on meeting the needs of working families across our country and a clear and compelling forward-looking vision for what a second biden term would be like. on super tuesday, a striking number of states voted 20 or 30% in republican primaries for nikki haley. if there's a campaign that ought to be asking questions about trying to woo back voters from within their party, it would be the trump campaign. i do think president biden has a very strong record to run on. i recently campaigned in michigan for president biden. i was in three different counties. i was struck when you go through what has been accomplished in infrastructure, in manufacturing, in new job creation, in reducing prescription drug costs, in standing up for our veterans and helping deal with veteran's healthcare, these are very popular issues. the challenge for the biden campaign, many americans don't connect those big positive forward steps with things president biden has done. that's the point of a campaign. we're fanning out across the country to convey that. president biden is in pennsylvania today, in atlanta tomorrow. he will be following up on what was a very forceful state of the union. >> gillian: that's a lot of action. but when it comes to output, if the president is indeed delivering, why is it the case that the latest fox news polling we have for you shows that biden -- the president is down 14 points among democrats, 22 among independents, 15 among his own voting pool back in 2020? >> gillian, we have a long way until the election in november. part of the point of running a campaign is to remind people what things were like four years ago when the former president was in office. what sort of chaos and difficulty our nation went through with the pandemic. what sort of internal division there was at the time. to give them an apples to apples comparison. we had terrific job numbers announced this morning. when i was out in michigan last weekend, i was in a county at one point where there were several new manufacturing plants announced, thousands of new jobs open and folks competing for them. yet record low unemployment. double digit wage increases. these are great realities. these are great facts on the ground. i'm convinced the longer that that is out there and people are experiencing that the more positive the numbers will get for our incumbent president, joe biden and the more likely they will be to re-elect him. >> gillian: if everything you said is the ground truth here, how does the president then feel about the reality that his primary political opponent, who hes is incited an insurrection january 6, is a threat to democracy, facing 90 some criminal indictments is leading him in a lot of national polls now? >> there's been several national polls where biden is leading. several polls where trump is leading. as you know, at the end of the day, gillian, what matters isn't polls. what matters is votes. in recent special elections like the one in long island, the mid-term elections in 2022 and several other special elections in 203 and early 24, democrats are outperforming consistently. so i'm encouraged by what we're seeing at the polls. i'll remind you in the run up to the mid-terms in 2022, widespread predictions of a red wave. in fact, we added one seat in the senate. we did not lose control of the senate. the red wave ultimately was a trickle. so i'm not that worried about the polling. what i'm worried about is making sure we can deliver for the american people. president biden made a forceful case for border security last night for the conservative compromised bill that republicans senator james lankford of oklahoma crafted with democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut. we were on the verge of passing it. it would have hired thousands more border patrol agents, put 20 billion in to securing our border and combatting fentanyl. only because former president trump called his allies here in the senate and said, wait, wait president don't fix the border. i want an issue for the election that we didn't pass it. president biden challenged the congress to pass that bipartisan bill. i hope we will. this is an ongoing challenge for our country that we need to address. >> gillian: sir, with all due respect, the president while talking about the border and immigration last night also stepped in it quite a bit with a couple of remarks he made in one breath. misstaking the name of a victim of a venezuelan man that is hear illegally and murdered in georgia and also -- take a look. we have the president responding to a question about this a moment ago. i'll get your thoughts. >> mr. president, do you regret using the word "illegal" to describe immigrants last night, sir? >> probably -- technically not supposed to be here. >> back in april 2021, sir, the white house put out a memo instructing executive branch departments and agencies not to use the word illegal anymore and to switch to the word undocumented. does the president think that he's exempt from his own white house's policy or does he disagree with it? >> i'm interested in how you just changed the subject completely to a three-year-old memo and whether or not the president used the precise word for people who are not hear illegally. the central point i was making -- >> gillian: this is a national conversation that americans have been having since last night. it's trending on twitter. >> president biden challenged congress to pass a border security bill. what matters more? whether or not he pronounced laken riley's -- >> gillian: they're not going to pass that border security bill. i'm asking you to look forward. >> gillian, what matters is whether we fix the problem. president biden has challenged us to pass the bipartisan bill that will fix border security. that was a significant part of the speech last night. >> gillian: do you have a response to the fact that he referred to a venezuelan man here who is now charged with murder as an illegal? he's receiving a lot of flak from the left flank from your own party, sir. >> sure. what matters here is are we going to fix this problem or not. what i think the american people heard last night is former president trump wants an issue for the election, not a solution. president biden challenged the former president to join him to lock hands and deal with the crisis at the border. that's what i think matters rather than who call whose what or uses what. the american people are sick of this bickering. >> thanks for taking time with us. >> thank you, gillian. >> gillian: coming up next, shark tank's kevin o'leary when "the story" continueses right here from new york city. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal , and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making my own way forward. talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. >> gillian: welcome back. the former president of honduras convicted of helping drug traffickers send tons of cocaine in to the united states. juan orlando hernandez found guilty by a jury here in new york. he could get life in prison. he used the military and the police to let the cocaine cross the border freely in to the us. he said witnesses that testified against him were lying to cut better deals for themselves. some accused of protecting powerful drug lords including el chapo who escaped twice. he himself is now serving prison in the u.s. also a bill that could potentially end up down the road banning tik tok nationwide. it's heading for a vote in the house next week. the committee approved it with support from both parties. this even after tik tok launched a p.r. campaign pushing its users to overwhelm congressional representatives with calls. turns out a lot of tik tokers heeded that. they have been flooding capitol hill and their offerses with complaints forcing some offices to even shut down their phone lines. so let's bring in matt gorman, forker senior adviser for tim scott's presidential campaign. matt, i guess judging by what members offices are reporting, we're now letting teenagers dictate policy because most of the folks that called these offices were under the age of 21. those are the people that use tik tok and rely on it. >> exactly. couldn't maneuver the app reportedly until they placed a call. so some would just hang up. i saw reports on twitter yesterday that people were threatening suicide if this app were banned. it was wild. look, i recently ought to at the university of chicago. so many students there, so many people under 30 get their news, get their regular information from tik tok. it is very, very scary. the thought that so much of our youth is relying on chinese communist party spyware to get their information. >> gillian: take a look at this from the california congressman. he said this is not a ban. we want tik tok under new ownership. he wants to protect u.s. consumers and small businesses. perfectly reasonable, right? since when does congress get to decide who owns large companies abroad? >> when that owner is essentially a foreign a adversary, the chinese communist party, it does have a say. it will tell a lot. if tik tok chooses to not divest, then it will be banned. they will have chosen -- they 2 rather be beholden to the communist party an run an app and a business that they should be doing. they should have to make a ban. but if they have a choice -- president biden says he would sign it. >> thanks, matt. this story will be front and center moving forward at least through the vote next week. we'll see how it turns out. thanks so much. coming up next, for real this time, kevin o'leary. we'll go back in time for a check of prices at the grocery store when president biden first took office. stick with us. ling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. 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the sense of the lived economy is a pain point for a lot of folks right now. >> yeah, the shrinkflation potato bags, dorito story, that doesn't solve the problem. the real issue is the $62,000 average salary in america. basic costs, prepandemic, in other words, whether it's energy, gas, housing or food, you're up between 25 and 35%. now, what would have been great for the incumbent -- by the way, inflation is always a really big problem for the incumbent if it exists going in to an election cycle. it's a huge problem. it's all around these three issues. the trouble is, i don't think the fed will reduce rates in june. their mandate is 2%. inflation is three. it's never been anything else. so that relief won't come in time. so this issue will remain for the next nine months. being a really big problem. so i think trump will hammer on it. biden will try to talk about -- it's hard to call the stock market safe as a measure because the average person -- the stock market is high. the average person is dealing with 35% increases across everything. so yes, it is a huge election issue. border security number 1. it's not going to change. get ready to rock and roll. >> gillian: we talked about this earlier. nine months is an eternity on the political calendar. when it comes to fixing problems with policies, not much time at all. goes by in the blink of an eye. i want to ask you about tik tok. the other big story of the hour. some folks are saying i depend on tik tok to run marketing for my small business. i even run tik tok as a platform to sell and close transactions. if it's banned eventually, what does that mean for the small business economy? >> not going to get banned. i'm going to buy it. somebody will buy it. it won't be meta and google. a regulator will stop that. a syndicate will be formed. i'd like to be involved obviously. what i would do is form a bipartisan committee, an advisory committee for 18 months. go to them and say to them, how much will you let me keep of the chinese? in other words, can we offer them 20% of nuco and everything else, hear an american ceo, move the servers here to the united states, rewrite the code so we can shutout the chinese back doors. that's what everybody wants. leave a taste for the chinese and put a mandate in place. they can keep 20%. that way you run a process, this is worth billions. one of the most successful advertising platforms in social media today. all of my companies use it. i'll buy it. can put a syndicate together. as long as i can get the blessing of the house. nobody wants to fund this thing if they think it will buck politically. if we make it all american including servers, i can get this deal done. i want to buy it. >> gillian: well, i'm glad you made some news with us. i hope you have time to get dragged up to capitol hill to testify for days on end in front of committees that will be like 50% of the job if you do in fact own tik tok. kevin, we have to leave it there. thanks for taking time with us. >> take care. bye-bye. >> gillian: bye. other cities about to follow new york's lead in deploying national guards troops to make subways safer? 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"the story" goes on. we'll be back here monday at 3:00 p.m. "your world" starts right now. >> neil: all right. the campgn

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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new yorked. jilgillian turner. we have kevin o'leary and jim jordan. first up, president biden addressing the backlash from within his own party for using the word "illegal" last night in referring to migrants. take a listen. >> do you regret using the word "illegal" last night, sir? >> probably -- technically not supposed to be here. >> we'll have more on that with democratic senator chris coons. he co chair's president biden's re-election committee and we got more from the head of the border patrol union. he's responding to the president's state of the union address. last night saying the union endorsed the bipartisan bill but claimed the bill was derailed by politics. here's brandon judd telling martha why the union supporting the bill. >> president biden has put us in this situation. he's put us in the situation that we have never thought that we would ever be in. we're apprehending seven times more people than what we normally apprehend. we have more than ten times the got-aways. we have more fentanyl coming in than we have ever seen before and more dangerous criminals coming in an terrorists coming in to the country. he didn't address any of that. so he's put us in a position that we'll accept anything that is better than the status quo. that bill is better than the status quo. >> myra flores is running to get her old seat back. she's standing by. first to jeff paul. he joins us live at the border in eagle pass. hi, jeff. >> gillian, president biden telling congress to get him a border bill and get it to him now. felt like president biden had a little bit more urgency to address the immigration crisis. that's in part because it is one of the most if not the most important issues for voters this coming election cycle. also, this problem isn't going away any time soon. our cameras captured that earlier today. this is new video from shelby park right here in eagle pass. another group of migrants taken in custody by texas dps after crossing the rio grande. right after that, this was the scene at a nearby hydro plant. border patrol responding to a group of under 100 migrants made up of families some, very young children within the group. while we aren't seeing as many as those big groups as we used to in the past, law enforcement is still dealing with human smuggling. this was in eagle pass just yesterday. you can see police were pursuing a truck they suspected of human smuggling. the occupants bailed out. they were apprehended. that is another day here in the eagle pass area. gillian? >> thanks, jeff paul. in eagle pass. thanks. let's bring in former texas republican congresswoman myra flores. she's running to reclaim her old seat and incidentally married to a border patrol agent. she has a lot of experience working these issues on the ground. first off, i want to ask you the weigh-in and responding to the controversy surrounding president biden's use of the term illegal last night when referring to folks in the country without the appropriate paperwork. take a listen to some leaders in his own party responding to that, the use of that word. >> he should have used the word undocumented. i don't believe the president's heart is with the word illegal. i think he shouldn't have responded to very disrespectful republican member that was shouting at him, the president of the united states. that is not appropriate. >> important to flag, the president used the term illegal when referring to the alleged murderer of laken riley in georgia. he wasn't referring to everybody. what do you think? >> i think that that's the way we should refer to anybody that is illegally in the country. it's a fact. he wasn't legally in the country. what is worse is that he had committed a crime in new york five months ago and was released. he should have been deported immediately. anybody that is in the country illegally is committing crimes. it's a no-brainer. they should immediately be deported. so i don't understand why the democrats continue to defend criminals that are illegally in the country. it's insane to me. for 3 1/2 years, listen, joe biden has allowed millions of illegals to come in our country and has done absolutely nothing to secure the border. all of a sudden he's screaming and yelling and blaming republicans when in fact it's policy that created this chaos. the truth is that he can end this chaos right now with an executive order. he reveesed all -- reversed all the trump policies that were working. >> we have eight or so months in this election cycle in policy making, it's not easy to get things done all the time. you think it's too late for the president to turn around the situation at the border in a meaningful way or you think there's still room? >> i mean, 3 1/2 years later, yeah. it's very late. i'd rather him do something now than rather never. i don't think we should be waiting till november and continue allowing millions of people to come in to our country. i mean, it's putting the american people at risk every single day. so no, absolutely. it's never -- he needs to do it now immediately. he continues to blame republicans when in fact he can change that with an executive order. >> real quick, what did you make of the president misstating laken riley's name during the state of the union last night? >> i mean, it doesn't surprise me. everybody should expect things like this. he can never -- he doesn't speak right, doesn't -- he's not able to have a full conversation with anyone. so doesn't surprise me. it's a huge disrespect to the family, of course. it's heart breaking. it doesn't surprise me. that's the reason why we need new leadership in congress, new leadership in the white house and that's exactly what the american people are going to do in november. last night all i heard was a man that was screaming, that was angry towards the american people when the american people are the victims here. we have been working hard every single day. we have to get a second job to be able to provide for our children, for our families. we're not able to spend that time with our families that we were three years ago. why? we have to get the second job, the third job. >> mayra, thanks for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> god bless you. >> coming up, a "the story" exclusive with house judicialry chairman jim jordan. he's fired up about the new report that exposes big brother type surveillance of american's personal bank accounts. stick with us. >> these are the same folks that just a couple years ago told us if you're a parent showing up at a school board meeting, you're terrorist. if you oppose screens, mandates, don't want gun registration, you're in that category as well. s called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? 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(♪) a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. >> gillian: welcome back. the federal government is allegedly conducting broad and alarming surveillance of americans through their banks. that's a finding put forth in a new report outs the house judicialry lead by jim jordan. the quote says the fbi colluded with big banks to spy on americans who were in the d.c. area around january 6 asking banks to filter transactions by using search terms like maga and trump. take a listen. >> the federal government is building profiles on the american people. the profilism based on criminal conduct, based on political beliefs. if you have the wrong political beliefs, you're a domestic violence extremist. >> gillian: the top democrat is blasting republicans and defending the fbi. >> the end of the day, the purpose of this hearing is to minimize what happened on january 6. and the lawful prosecution of individuals who were engaged in that practice. the chairman wants us to believe that people are being persecuted for their political conduct rather than their criminal behavior. >> congressman jordan is standing by to tell us what went down. first we go to fox news legal editor, kerri urbahn. we know from this report that the fbi and the treasury department asked four banks to search for terms like maga and trump and extremist. on the other side of the coin, they also asked for searches, according to i think it was biden, kamala and pelosi. what is the heart of the concern here? is it that conservatives are being infringed upon or is it that all americans are being infringed upon? >> after looking through the report and looking through the evidence that the committee provided, i'd say it's more targeted to conservatives. the thing that is not getting attention, the treasury department working with the banks in america circulated a third party report of hate groups. saying here's the list. be on this look out when looking for terrorists and violent extremists. on the list included a number of christian organizations including one that i used to work for, alliance defending freedom, the world's largest conserve tiff legal organization. a supreme court power house. the fact that that would be included as a hate group and coming from the federal government to the banks is not only a first amendment issue, it's ridiculous on its face. >> gillian: what the do you make of the fact that the fbi and the treasury department working together here -- these are two of the largest most well-funded executive branch departments and agencies that exist. >> i want to know who thought it was a good idea to do such sweeping surveillance of american bank accounts. the only criteria with respect to the days around january 6 was somebody that used the bank of america debit or credit card. the fbi testified that they weren't comfortable with the amount of information that they received. they looked at this info and thought we're not supposed to have this. what is the predicate for us receiving this private information on americans and they didn't want it. >> gillian: is there some kind of a policy or legal fix here that you can see going forward? at least to prevent this from continuing. >> yeah, i think the laws on the books right now don't provide enough protections for americans. look at the patriot act back, there's really protections for americans and private information. i think it would be helpful if congress took a look at this. this is not the first time we see something like this happen again. >> gillian: we have to leave it there. thanks for joining us, kerri. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> gillian: let's bring in republican congressman from ohio, jim jordan. he's chair of the committee that found this information. i want to ask you if you know whether these terms are still being used by banks to search americans financial data and report back to the government. >> we think that's there's a strong likelihood that it is happening. again, remember, this is the fbi. the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world asking banks to give us information. we want their name that used their credit card at a certain time and location. what they also asked for and let us know if there's any purchases of a firearm or weapon at any time ever. that is what the original e-mail from the fbi to the bank of america asked for. since then, it's broader where they asked for reports about certain terms and groups putting out a list of names of freedom groups. it's chilling and frightening when you look at it in the broad sense what they were doing and the information, again, the fbi, the pressurery department were getting on american citizens. >> gillian: certainly echos of the fisa scandal embedded in this story as i'm sure you can attest to. kerri just said that she's concerned after looking at the evidence put forward in the report that the slant here bends against conservatives. a lot of the stories do. take a look to dr. jordan pederson yesterday in this hearing. i want your response. >> the danger posed by this increasing ability of governments and large corporations to collude threatening everyone's freedom equally. could be at the moment and this is the case the republicans here are trying to make is that the people in the sights of that solution tend to have more conservative leanings. but that will shift in a moment. whenever the political tides shift. >> gillian: what is more dangerous in your estimation? a situation where this remains slanted against conservatives' financial data or a scenario where it brokenens against all americans? >> it will inevitably broaden. the cancel culture mob and the surveillance mob, they're never satisfied. that appetite is never satisfied. they will go from conservatives that are predominantly the ones being targeted now -- we know that from the court case, missouri v. biden. it was overwhelmingly conservatives that were being censored with big government colluding with big tech. it's the same thing here with government government working with big banks. it will go to everybody else inevitably. our concern is the fourth amendment. our concern is the constitution, the first amendment, the second amendment and the fourth amendment, you're right to privacy. we're just as concerned about folks that may be on the left, the political spectrum. their rights being abused as well. in fact, i've invited more democrats in to testify in this subcommittee than probably any chairman ever because we've had them in because they believe in protecting the bill of rights and our fundamental liberties. it would be nice in the democrats understood where this was headed. a couple years ago, for example, in san francisco, there was an elementary school, the dianne feinstein elementary school. some liberals out there said wait a minute. dianne feinstein said something like 40 years ago that we disagreed with her today. they took her name off of that school. even a liberal democratic senator is not safe with the mob and how they want to come after folks. i think that's what we need to remember. that's what dr. peterson was referring to yesterday when we had him testify. >> gillian: so where does this go? can this get referred to the doj? what is the fix? >> sometimes just highlighting the information changes behavior. give you a great example. remember 1 1/2 years ago when the department of homeland security was setting up the disinformation governance board as if some bureaucrats could allow you what to say and not say? we made a big issue of that. another great example is the irs. they used to make visits to americans home. now they will no longer do that. the commissioner said we're doing this for the safety of our agents. baloney. we caught them spying on matt tiabi. sometimes all you need to do is point it out. >> gillian: sunlight is often the best disinfectant. thanks for the report. we appreciate your time. >> you bet. thank you. >> gillian: there's the push to offer american voter as third party alternative to a trump-biden rematch. that is now gaining some steam. a majority of voters say that neither candidate, biden for trump should actually seek re-election. we have chris coons. he co chair's the president's re-election campaign. he joins us next. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ this is your invitation... experience the elevation of electrification. ...and some of the best offers of the year on select models... the invitation to lexus sales event. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah >> gillian: a short time ago, the republican national committee electing lara trump, former president trump's daughter in law as the new co chair. listen. >> we have one goal. the goal on november 5 is to win. as my father-in-law said bigly. we're going to win on november 5, right? >> gillian: lara trump and the new rnc chair, michael whatley will be replacing ronna mcdaniel. they were hand picked by the former president himself. the dnc blasting the announcement of the new leadership. she said her new title ensures that the rnc will put up disastrous fund-raising efforts and continue to underperform in election after election. >> 72% of voters say they're dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country. 60% view both president biden and trump unfavorably. almost 20% said they would support a named third-party candidate. no labels just now seizing on the grim numbers as an opportunity to launch a third party bid. they just made a big announcement. biden 2024 campaign co chair, senator chris coons is standing by to join us. first, we check in with bryan llenas. hi, bryan. >> hi, gillian. no labels says they are moving forward with a unity bipartisan presidential ticket. as for who will be on that ticket? that is still tbd. no labels said 800 delegates voted unanimously to move forward with the november election. they will announce the process how can did will be selected thursday. independent arizona senator kyrsten sinema and nikki haley will not be candidates. according to no labels co chair, joe lieberman, who said this to neil cavuto earlier today about haley. >> i think if she had expressed interest in the know labels nomination, there would have been a lot of support in our group. but she's chosen otherwise. we've talked to exceptional candidates that will carry forward the no labels common sense majority. >> meanwhile, candidate rfk jr. delivered his own state of the union address last night. >> i can tell you that in every state of this union, people are rejecting fear mongering. 80% of americans say they don't want to be forced to choose in this election between the lesser of two evils. they're tired of voting against somebody or someone. >> normer president trump characterized president biden's state of the union on social media as polarizing and angry and hate-filled. he's meeting with victor orban who the biden campaign has called a dictator. >> gillian: thanks, bryan llenas. let's bring in senator chris coons now, a democrat from delaware. he is the co chair of president biden's re-election campaign. senator, thanks for taking time with us today. there is this widespread and growing feeling now that this could be the most significant election for a third-party candidate since the days of ross perot in the 90s. r.f.k. jr. is polling competitively for young people. what is the campaign's strategy for doing this? >> what you saw last night in the capitol was president biden delivering a forceful revision, a broad review of all of the accomplishments of his first term. the ways in which he has delivered on meeting the needs of working families across our country and a clear and compelling forward-looking vision for what a second biden term would be like. on super tuesday, a striking number of states voted 20 or 30% in republican primaries for nikki haley. if there's a campaign that ought to be asking questions about trying to woo back voters from within their party, it would be the trump campaign. i do think president biden has a very strong record to run on. i recently campaigned in michigan for president biden. i was in three different counties. i was struck when you go through what has been accomplished in infrastructure, in manufacturing, in new job creation, in reducing prescription drug costs, in standing up for our veterans and helping deal with veteran's healthcare, these are very popular issues. the challenge for the biden campaign, many americans don't connect those big positive forward steps with things president biden has done. that's the point of a campaign. we're fanning out across the country to convey that. president biden is in pennsylvania today, in atlanta tomorrow. he will be following up on what was a very forceful state of the union. >> gillian: that's a lot of action. but when it comes to output, if the president is indeed delivering, why is it the case that the latest fox news polling we have for you shows that biden -- the president is down 14 points among democrats, 22 among independents, 15 among his own voting pool back in 2020? >> gillian, we have a long way until the election in november. part of the point of running a campaign is to remind people what things were like four years ago when the former president was in office. what sort of chaos and difficulty our nation went through with the pandemic. what sort of internal division there was at the time. to give them an apples to apples comparison. we had terrific job numbers announced this morning. when i was out in michigan last weekend, i was in a county at one point where there were several new manufacturing plants announced, thousands of new jobs open and folks competing for them. yet record low unemployment. double digit wage increases. these are great realities. these are great facts on the ground. i'm convinced the longer that that is out there and people are experiencing that the more positive the numbers will get for our incumbent president, joe biden and the more likely they will be to re-elect him. >> gillian: if everything you said is the ground truth here, how does the president then feel about the reality that his primary political opponent, who hes is incited an insurrection january 6, is a threat to democracy, facing 90 some criminal indictments is leading him in a lot of national polls now? >> there's been several national polls where biden is leading. several polls where trump is leading. as you know, at the end of the day, gillian, what matters isn't polls. what matters is votes. in recent special elections like the one in long island, the mid-term elections in 2022 and several other special elections in 203 and early 24, democrats are outperforming consistently. so i'm encouraged by what we're seeing at the polls. i'll remind you in the run up to the mid-terms in 2022, widespread predictions of a red wave. in fact, we added one seat in the senate. we did not lose control of the senate. the red wave ultimately was a trickle. so i'm not that worried about the polling. what i'm worried about is making sure we can deliver for the american people. president biden made a forceful case for border security last night for the conservative compromised bill that republicans senator james lankford of oklahoma crafted with democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut. we were on the verge of passing it. it would have hired thousands more border patrol agents, put 20 billion in to securing our border and combatting fentanyl. only because former president trump called his allies here in the senate and said, wait, wait president don't fix the border. i want an issue for the election that we didn't pass it. president biden challenged the congress to pass that bipartisan bill. i hope we will. this is an ongoing challenge for our country that we need to address. >> gillian: sir, with all due respect, the president while talking about the border and immigration last night also stepped in it quite a bit with a couple of remarks he made in one breath. misstaking the name of a victim of a venezuelan man that is hear illegally and murdered in georgia and also -- take a look. we have the president responding to a question about this a moment ago. i'll get your thoughts. >> mr. president, do you regret using the word "illegal" to describe immigrants last night, sir? >> probably -- technically not supposed to be here. >> back in april 2021, sir, the white house put out a memo instructing executive branch departments and agencies not to use the word illegal anymore and to switch to the word undocumented. does the president think that he's exempt from his own white house's policy or does he disagree with it? >> i'm interested in how you just changed the subject completely to a three-year-old memo and whether or not the president used the precise word for people who are not hear illegally. the central point i was making -- >> gillian: this is a national conversation that americans have been having since last night. it's trending on twitter. >> president biden challenged congress to pass a border security bill. what matters more? whether or not he pronounced laken riley's -- >> gillian: they're not going to pass that border security bill. i'm asking you to look forward. >> gillian, what matters is whether we fix the problem. president biden has challenged us to pass the bipartisan bill that will fix border security. that was a significant part of the speech last night. >> gillian: do you have a response to the fact that he referred to a venezuelan man here who is now charged with murder as an illegal? he's receiving a lot of flak from the left flank from your own party, sir. >> sure. what matters here is are we going to fix this problem or not. what i think the american people heard last night is former president trump wants an issue for the election, not a solution. president biden challenged the former president to join him to lock hands and deal with the crisis at the border. that's what i think matters rather than who call whose what or uses what. the american people are sick of this bickering. >> thanks for taking time with us. >> thank you, gillian. >> gillian: coming up next, shark tank's kevin o'leary when "the story" continueses right here from new york city. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal , and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making my own way forward. talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. >> gillian: welcome back. the former president of honduras convicted of helping drug traffickers send tons of cocaine in to the united states. juan orlando hernandez found guilty by a jury here in new york. he could get life in prison. he used the military and the police to let the cocaine cross the border freely in to the us. he said witnesses that testified against him were lying to cut better deals for themselves. some accused of protecting powerful drug lords including el chapo who escaped twice. he himself is now serving prison in the u.s. also a bill that could potentially end up down the road banning tik tok nationwide. it's heading for a vote in the house next week. the committee approved it with support from both parties. this even after tik tok launched a p.r. campaign pushing its users to overwhelm congressional representatives with calls. turns out a lot of tik tokers heeded that. they have been flooding capitol hill and their offerses with complaints forcing some offices to even shut down their phone lines. so let's bring in matt gorman, forker senior adviser for tim scott's presidential campaign. matt, i guess judging by what members offices are reporting, we're now letting teenagers dictate policy because most of the folks that called these offices were under the age of 21. those are the people that use tik tok and rely on it. >> exactly. couldn't maneuver the app reportedly until they placed a call. so some would just hang up. i saw reports on twitter yesterday that people were threatening suicide if this app were banned. it was wild. look, i recently ought to at the university of chicago. so many students there, so many people under 30 get their news, get their regular information from tik tok. it is very, very scary. the thought that so much of our youth is relying on chinese communist party spyware to get their information. >> gillian: take a look at this from the california congressman. he said this is not a ban. we want tik tok under new ownership. he wants to protect u.s. consumers and small businesses. perfectly reasonable, right? since when does congress get to decide who owns large companies abroad? >> when that owner is essentially a foreign a adversary, the chinese communist party, it does have a say. it will tell a lot. if tik tok chooses to not divest, then it will be banned. they will have chosen -- they 2 rather be beholden to the communist party an run an app and a business that they should be doing. they should have to make a ban. but if they have a choice -- president biden says he would sign it. >> thanks, matt. this story will be front and center moving forward at least through the vote next week. we'll see how it turns out. thanks so much. coming up next, for real this time, kevin o'leary. we'll go back in time for a check of prices at the grocery store when president biden first took office. stick with us. ling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. 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the sense of the lived economy is a pain point for a lot of folks right now. >> yeah, the shrinkflation potato bags, dorito story, that doesn't solve the problem. the real issue is the $62,000 average salary in america. basic costs, prepandemic, in other words, whether it's energy, gas, housing or food, you're up between 25 and 35%. now, what would have been great for the incumbent -- by the way, inflation is always a really big problem for the incumbent if it exists going in to an election cycle. it's a huge problem. it's all around these three issues. the trouble is, i don't think the fed will reduce rates in june. their mandate is 2%. inflation is three. it's never been anything else. so that relief won't come in time. so this issue will remain for the next nine months. being a really big problem. so i think trump will hammer on it. biden will try to talk about -- it's hard to call the stock market safe as a measure because the average person -- the stock market is high. the average person is dealing with 35% increases across everything. so yes, it is a huge election issue. border security number 1. it's not going to change. get ready to rock and roll. >> gillian: we talked about this earlier. nine months is an eternity on the political calendar. when it comes to fixing problems with policies, not much time at all. goes by in the blink of an eye. i want to ask you about tik tok. the other big story of the hour. some folks are saying i depend on tik tok to run marketing for my small business. i even run tik tok as a platform to sell and close transactions. if it's banned eventually, what does that mean for the small business economy? >> not going to get banned. i'm going to buy it. somebody will buy it. it won't be meta and google. a regulator will stop that. a syndicate will be formed. i'd like to be involved obviously. what i would do is form a bipartisan committee, an advisory committee for 18 months. go to them and say to them, how much will you let me keep of the chinese? in other words, can we offer them 20% of nuco and everything else, hear an american ceo, move the servers here to the united states, rewrite the code so we can shutout the chinese back doors. that's what everybody wants. leave a taste for the chinese and put a mandate in place. they can keep 20%. that way you run a process, this is worth billions. one of the most successful advertising platforms in social media today. all of my companies use it. i'll buy it. can put a syndicate together. as long as i can get the blessing of the house. nobody wants to fund this thing if they think it will buck politically. if we make it all american including servers, i can get this deal done. i want to buy it. >> gillian: well, i'm glad you made some news with us. i hope you have time to get dragged up to capitol hill to testify for days on end in front of committees that will be like 50% of the job if you do in fact own tik tok. kevin, we have to leave it there. thanks for taking time with us. >> take care. bye-bye. >> gillian: bye. other cities about to follow new york's lead in deploying national guards troops to make subways safer? 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"the story" goes on. we'll be back here monday at 3:00 p.m. "your world" starts right now. >> neil: all right. the campgn

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