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Jesse fox news alert, we are less than an hour away from the president state of the Union Address. Any moment joe biden will be leaving 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the present in the president ial limo making his way to the Capitol Building where we are told hes planning a feisty economic reset. Reset necessary as the president struggles to convince the country that its working. In an Election Year where he stuck with historically low Approval Ratings and losing to former president donald trump. The oldest president in American History joe biden also wears another belt spare could probably the worst order occupying the modern white house in modern times. Hes been unable to effectively use the bully pulpit to persuade voters or even thrust himself into a better political position. Most of the country including large swaths of Democrats Fear Biden is not physically or mentally key physically or much elite capable of serving other term. Which is why nights like tonight , with tens of a million tens of millions of americans watching, every misstep and misstatement will be severely scrutinized. s own Justice Department labelled him a painfully slow elderly man with a poor memory and diminished faculties. The media flirted with the notion of replacing him but that effort failed. Democrats unless he faced plants into the lap of a senator are stuck with biden as their standard. Democrats are saying we are all nervous over the president s ability to speak without blowing things tonight. And what democrats want is a motion. Can the 80yearold president deliver a clear and powerful defence of his administration . Layout a bold vision for the next 4 years . And pulverize Trumps Republican Party with stinging and memorable rhetoric. The New York Times says they want to let Dark Brandon Off The Chain for the night. Others say they want Main Character Energy from a man who needs permission to answer questions and it disappears to delaware for days unseen. Biden has never been the main character of washington. He played rises from the main character. He spent 8 years as the number 2 and 30 years as 1 of 100 senators. He has never been able to motivate the masses. A golden tongue he does not possess. They say that joe biden cares about regular folks but even that reputation soured. As the union hasnt been strong and the president hasnt lifted a finger, America Today is more expensive and dangerous than it was 4 years ago. Weve been invaded by millions of migrants and some of them have committed the most heinous crimes. Child rape, assault and murder. Illegal immigration is now the top issue in the nation and the president who has the power to address it, casts blame and dodges expecting the media to cover for him. With wars in europe and the middle east, the american taxpayers are financing, we feel uneasy and my confidence in the commanderinchief. Who seems distracted while we beg for his attention. So tonight will be a Campaign Speech instead of an honest assessment. The president has created problems and blamed others for not solving them, so expect to hear hoaxes, smears and. We will hear how he is saving democracy here and around the world, how he neutralized the pandemic and he will restore row view weighed. The American People have heard it before and nothing joe biden can say tonight will make us forget his failure. Hes losing every swing state, losing independence and his Coalition Of Black Hispanic and young voters. The countries waking up. Peace and prosperity remain vivid in our rear rearview mirror. We have that self respect to the hashmak to demand the quality of life that we deserve. A quality of life that has been mismanaged and squandered by listless and conniving politicians. We are a hardworking people, a noble nation, we understand justice and the difference between right and wrong. You have the power to choose our leaders and when they dont lead , you take their power away. Lets bring in brett behr, Martha Mccallum and white house correspondent. What is the vibe at the white house this evening . I can tell you from standing here there are a lot more people here at the white house at 8 00 pm then we usually see and it seems like the vibe is 1 of curiosity. They know exactly what President Biden in is going to say. Anyone who is with him for camp david has heard him read the script. Probably 100 times. The unknown is it something they have been preparing him for. Protests in the chamber. They talk a lot about how President Biden may be doesnt need to debate donald trump because he displayed last year at the State Of The Union that he could put down hecklers from the republican party. Thats what they say happened last year at the speech. Tonight they have to prepare for emotional outbursts from people in his own party. They say them know that wants he gets to talking about how they are going to have the u. S. Military build a new port in gaza so that they can more easily get aid in their, people get upset because unless he stands there and sighs i want israel to lay down their arms, i want a full ceasefire, there are people that are going to be in the chamber who last week organized an effort to get 100,000 michiganders devote uncommitted. She could stand up and say anything and that is a problem coming from his left. They are going to try this unity agenda. They are going to try to identify some things that they think have broad appeal Like Fighting fentanyl and trying to cure cancer because who doesnt want to do that. There is a great curiosity and folks that we talk to and hear from here at the white house but also in the biden world generally about what is going to happen there. Jesse it seems like people are a little nervous brett. I dont know why they would be because the president spoke to all of these famous former president s in hollywood the other day. Lets listen to this. I never spoke to so many president s all at 1 time. Any advice you have for me in delivering my speech . Just keep telling us how you are working for us and building hope. When i was president , it seemed like every week there was some new crisis that i had to face. Theirs nothing that we cant do when we do it together. I believe that. Come see me in the white house. Jesse do you think tonight will be as highly produced as that was . I will say, that Independence Day speech by that president was very strong. If biden brings that, look out. Jesse thats part of this whole deal is how he is going to deliver the speech. State of the Union Addresses on the Shopping List of whats to come, what they want to get done. This is about how he does it. You see these articles saying democrats privately and publicly have hopes and fears. Hopes that he gets through it and fears that he doesnt and what that means. Thats a big part of the speech. The other 1 is the immigration issue, we talk about all the time. How he deals with that and how he puts it back on republicans and the political moment there. 1 thing quickly is that expelled gop congressman George Santos is in the crowd. It is a former Member Privilege and we have that added star wars bar element as well. Jesse tonight he is supposed to say what he wants to do in the next 4 years. We have still not heard his vision for a biden second term, even his favourite Cable News Station has no idea what its supposed to be. Listen to this i. Could tell you the biden 2025 platform. It was to get covid under control it was to then begin bringing the economy out of the depths through investment in the middle class and Infrastructure Investments and to rejoin paris and invest in clean energy and to restore our relationships. Thats what they did. They said they were going to do it and they did it. I cant really tell you right now what the second term biden vision looks like yet. Jesse you got excerpts of these addresses early on in the evening, is there anything youve seen that he is going to say about what hes going to do for 4 more years . I spoke today to 1 of his senior advisers who is a long time economist and has served in the obama and clinton administrations as well as the Biden Administration. They wrote a piece which basically checked off. Trillions of dollars to him for structure climate projects, schools, welfare, pandemic support, student debt. It will be 1 thing if people set this hasnt helped much but the plurality says it actually hurt them. I dont know how you walk out there and basically say more of the same. What i got from them today was that they want to find ways to give people money back whether its student debt or lowering prices for drug costs which everybody likes to see. In terms of how you are going to create prosperity, stimulate business, he said they are going to raise taxes on big corporations. Thats 1 of the announcements tonight. Where is the growth plan from the Biden Administration for the next 4 years. It seems as though they are still in a covid mindset in a lot of ways. They do things in a very slimmeddown sort of calm way. Then you have folks saying they want tenacity, they want to see enthusiasm, excitement tonight. Thats going to be a pretty hard combination to pull off. I also want to say that i think the bar is so low because of all this anticipation for what could happen. If he gets through the speech and he says good night everybody i think you are going to hear a lot of folks saying what an incredibly exhilarating speech we just heard. Thats another thing that i will be watching. Jesse dont we all fit dont we all wish we faced low expectations . We will see you guys later in the hour, thank you so much. Thanks jesse. Jesse today the house passed the Lincoln Riley act after the 22yearold georgia woman murdered by Venezuelan Illegal who biden led into the country. The bill says if an illegal alien is Caught Stealing, ice would immediately deport. It sounds reasonable. 170 House Democrats voted against it. Even though it would have saved the life. Now goes to the senate. Americans are furious with the administration for not stopping the migrant invasion. Not only have they not stopped it, theyve encouraged it. The president halted Border Wall Construction on day 1 and scrapped every effective trump border policy. Tonight, you will see a fence has been constructed to protect the president. A 12foot barrier erected around the capital. Completely unnecessary but a stunt to stigmatize stated stigmatize citizens as dangerous. They believe theyve deserve protection from the likes of you , but you dont deserve protection from a dangerous world. Nancy mace joins me now. What is the button you are wearing here . This is a lake in riley button. If donald trump were still president , she would be a nurse. This is a tragedy, this is happening all across the country and its not just a tragic story of her. Her killer was deported by donald trump. Joe binds administration and let that killer back in and she was murdered. This is the kind of a story we are we heard over and over again. Joe biden is yet to say laken rileys name. 170 democrats could not compel themselves to vote for the Laken Riley Act today. Jesse why didnt they vote for that . It doesnt seem that complicated. You get Caught Stealing from this country, you dont belong in this country, you should be deported. Did they say why they voted against a . Of course not. They all support joe bidens border policy which is an open border policy, wide open border. Hes allowed over 8 million illegals into this country and we know why. They want to change the base of our country with all these illegals. They want mass amnesty, they want them to vote in our elections, they want them to transform congress because congressional districts are drawn by the senses based on the population. They want to completely change the face of this country through illegal immigration. Jesse they certainly like that fence that has been thrown up around that capital, unbelievable. Congresswoman, good luck tonight, thank you and we are proud youre wearing that pin. Thank you. Jesse biden we are told making a huge announcement tonight. He will be sending American Military forces to the gaza coast, Enable Assets along with hundreds, Maybe Thousands Of American Servicemembers will be building a floating to install as a Makeshift Port used to deliver humanitarian aid to the palestinians. This means the American Military will be operating on a coastline controlled by hamas. Americans are still being held hostage by hamas as President Biden faces a political revolt in heavily muslim michigan, even on formerly Friendly College campuses. Former Secretary Of State mike pompeo joins me now. Do you think this is a wise idea . No jesse. I think this is a political stunt. This 1 is actually dangerous. You will have american servicemembers in a really dangerous place. Remember thats really a run through a proxy and they will be very close and theres a lot of risk there. The second thing is its foolish to think that you want impacting Israeli Security by putting americans in a place where we are going to try to deliver aid to the people who need it, but this will go to the Hamas Terrorists in the same way that all the concrete and cement, all the food has done for years. This is almost support to the terrorist organization. Against israel. I think this is directed in dearborn michigan, not american nationality. Jesse just having them go out it. Do you think this is going to be enough to quell this uprising on his left wing flank . Or does it have to be ceasefire or bust . The pro hamas wing of the Democratic Party, these people who have moral equivalence between is really defending their own sovereignty and hamas using Human Shields to protect their own safety. They are not going to be satisfied by something that might be delivered in 6 days. They want a ceasefire because 1 israel to fail and hamas to succeed. The horrific conditions that they have delivered for the people who live in gaza, they are okay with that. They somehow think its israel thats the problem. They have a completely backwards and its not good to satisfy them. Jesse the border is a National Security issue. We have waves of chinese nationals likely many of them spies coming in, the cartels are controlling our border. Weve seen people on Terror Watchlist stopped. We dont know how many of them have gone through. This is a mess. You think hes even going to address this . I think he will address it in the sense he will blame President Trump for this and what we did during our 4 years in the Administration Period he will somehow say this is because the brute the republicans wont do what they need to do. Help everyone tonight will remember tonight that for 4 years we turned off the magnet. We slowed to a trickle of illegal immigration. The risk of these chinese nationals coming in, this is very real and it will come back to haunt not only citizens who are minding their own business like we saw in georgia, but a real Terror Incident in our country is much more likely as a result of these dangerous policies. Jesse thanks for joining us. Thank you jesse. Bless you. Jesse more coveted coverage of the State Of The Union ahead. [ ] woman what if my Type 2 Diabetes takes over . What if all i do isnt enough . Or what if i can do diabetes differently . vo now you can with onceweekly mounjaro. Mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7 . Plus people taking Mounjaro Lost up to 25 pounds. Mounjaro is not for people with Type 1 Diabetes or children. Dont take mounjaro if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. 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When he was was in it was no crime. Crime is down. Are you proud of our commanderinchief . Do you see the fate of the economy right now . Absolutely not. You see my face . No. He is the worst president that we ever had 1 everybody elected him so thats your fault. Jesse its not just black americans, all americans are looking for deliverables from washington. We put them in office, pay their salaries, pay our taxes and what we have to show for it . Charles barkley tells the story. The reason i think the Democratic Party and President Biden is losing black votes is they only care about black people every 4 years. They come into our neighbourhoods and say we are going to make stuff better. And then finally we are like. All my neighbours hoods are still the same, my schools are still the same. Thats why think black people are leaving disappointed in the Democratic Party. Jesse jason riley joins me now. You wrote about this in the journal just the other day. What does this signify . I think its as obvious as it seems in your segments jesse. This is about economics. You are talking about it. It really does transcend race. When youre talking about is what happened under donald trump prior to the pandemic where policies that lifted the Working Class, that lifted the lower middle class. Those groups are just overrepresented among blacks and hispanics alike. They saw their wages rising at faster rates than their bosses, they saw record unemployment peerclo under plumbing rates. They sought lower poverty rates. People remember that and they are looking at comparing that to what was going on under obama and comparing that to whats going on under joe biden. They find this administrations policies lacking. I think that is what you see reflected and the comments we are hearing and in the polling. This is a big, big problem for democrats as you mentioned. These nonwhite voters, the democrats usually cleanup with them. Usually democrats winning 85 to 90 percent of the black vote in this latest New York Times poll Something Like 1 out of 4 black voters is voting for trump. Thats not something they normally have to worry about. They worry about blacks voting for blacks voting for democrats or staying home. That is a new foray for them. The other whether they have is that this isnt just a National Problem on average nationwide, but in many of these swing states, in michigan, arizona, you see significant black population in places like detroit and flint and arizona. You see significant hispanic populations and these folks dont turn out the weight joe biden his hoping that, he could be in real trouble. We are 8 months away, things could change in voter sentiment. You have to thank the white house is very worried about the way thanks are going it. Jesse may change in sentiment on the margins but not the results. You are over 3 and, you cant All Of A Sudden just make up for all of these lost wages. They dont even look like they recognize this problem if you hear some of the pundits on other networks. They say if you want a strong border, you are racist. If you look at some of these images weve seen from chicago or here in new york, many africanamericans are just as fed up with White Americans or hissed or Hispanic Americans with the open border than anybody. You think that this Identity Card that theyve been playing for a long time does isnt working. It isnt having the same effect that he is to have. These are really economic concerns that you are seeing across racial and class divides. Its just not working the way it used to. These black voters, they have different priorities than the left seems to think that they should have. That is something that the press seems to not have learned back from 2016. Why would nonwhite voters so potent support donald trump . The reason is they are voting on different priorities than the Mainstream Media is voting on. I dont think the media is ever truly grasped that aspect. Thats what we see happening again in 2024 jesse. Jesse maybe 1 of the reasons is because they are installing 20 million Electric Bike charging stations in the projects. I dont think anybody really wants that. Maybe in the vineyard they could use it. Nobody really wants that kind of investment in their neighbourhood when there is a lot else going on. Jason riley, thank you so much, great reporting in the journal. Thank you. Right now we are seeing some protests that are outside capitol hill, some pro hamas demonstrators calling for a ceasefire. Lets bring in former president ial candidate. Dennis, i dont think they expected the kind of level of animosity that we are seeing right now on the streets on campus in michigan. Do you think that they have a way to control this at all . Who has a way to control it . Jesse they dont seem to have a grip on whats happening. Let me speak to the ceasefire. I happened to be 1 of those who thinks that its an in israels interest to have a ceasefire as well as the palestinians. We need to be moving out of this the worlds war weary, people want to start taking start taking care of things here at home. Jesse what are these interests that many of the democrats have that you speak to . Weve heard from black americans, largely economic, Hispanic Americans again largely economic. On campus perhaps it has something to do with the war in the middle east, but wheres the urgency in your party . I would say, im not speaking as a democrat because im speaking from the centre of americas heart and as we get a look at the economy right now, people are drowning in debt. Auto and credit debt right now is about 6500 or more for a family of 4. Mortgage debt is about 6700 for a family of 4. Credit Interest Rates have gone up in the last 2 years from 15 percent to 21 and a half percent. Americans are seeing their real wages go down, they are seeing the rent go up. Housing cost goes up, food energy childcare. This is the concern that people have. They are concerned about the economy and instead of that we are seeing america putting 8 what a. 1 trillion on the National Credit card for war since 911. We see that right now the debt is 34 trillion. That equal to about 95 Thousand Dollars for an American Family of 4. Notes the president s responsibility to provide for the economic and physical security of our country. With these endless wars, we are blowing up our own future. Finally, when our brother arent our brothers and sisters are killing each other, it isnt for us to take the side of 1 against the other. Its to find a path so they both survive. Jesse let me speak from the centre of the heart as well if you will allow me. The American People have been lied to about their economic position by the president of the United States for 3 years. Who has told them thanks like they are fine, inflation is going away, i solve the problem. Its everyone elses fault. He needs to do more than just spend. Does he have any sort of policy that hes going to announce tonight thats going to say this is going to make your life better economically . What i would hope to hear is 200 hour increase per month for Social Security beneficiaries. That would be positive but that would take a commitment moving money away from these forever wars. I would hope to hear they are going to do something about the cost of childcare which it said it should cost 7 percent of a Family Budget right now its like 24 percent. Youre show, i heard some of it before, i was listening to the show. This is really about the economy. You cant make things up about its. People cannot be fooled about the economy. They know their experience when they go to the supermarket or the gas pump, when they are trying to rent or buying a home. These are the issues. I think this election is going to come down to the economy but also we have to realize i think americans are saying lets take care of our people here at home. We cant be the policeman of the world. Take care of things here at home and when weve done that, then we are the shining city on the hill. Then we are at the for the rest of the world that Everyone Wants to be. Jesse i love it. Well said. We have 24dollar Bacon Cheeseburgers and an open border at all of our money is going overseas. No good. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Jesse we are currently awaiting the president. Hes about to depart from the white house to make his way over to the capital and deliver the state of the Union Address. We were just talking about these 24 Bacon Cheeseburgers. Youve probably never eaten 1. What are these nights like as a member of the president s enters circle circle . Hes about 30 minutes away. These speeches are the most choreographed, the most written speeches that you will ever going to give. Its not like there was an event that happened and you were going to give a speech. If you think about the speech bush gave after the 911 attacks at the national cathedral. Or what Ronald Reagan gave after the challenger exploded. Those are different and they tend to be remembered more. States of the union arent necessarily that way. Theyve become kind of kitchen sink speeches, meaning that everybody in the cabinet wants to get a mention tonights. Also something thats kind of interesting i think is that the state of the Union Process tracks the bug budgeting process. Back in july, the white house says to all of the cabinet agencies, send us your requests. What do you think your budget should be for the next year. They get something called a pass back. They send it back and say you can have this, you cant have that. Then its the race to make sure you are in the State Of The Union speech. Thats 1 of the reasons why president s, i dont think they love to give them. Its obviously a great opportunity to talk to a lot of people. They can kind of be 1 of these things where everyone is trying to get there project mentioned when you want to do something. Which is to have a theme and the narrative. This 1 is very important for President Biden. Its the third of his term, hes done this before, he knows what to expect and it is the night that he begins the general election against former President Trump. Jesse maybe thats why he is so light so late. Because it is a Campaign Speech more or less, do you think he is doing any lastminute edits . The president i worked for, george w. Bush, really did not want any edits even i would say the day before at 5 00 pm, it was locked down. Something pretty dramatic and need to happen if it was going to be changed. Bill clinton would change his up until the last minute like in the car, handwritten edits. There are just different styles. Not sure about President Biden. The only thing we hear about him from his staff is that hes a whirlwind behindthescenes and that hes often cursing out other leaders. Other than that we dont really get a look because they dont provide 1. We dont know what to believe. We were told Hillary Clinton had a wonderful personality behindthescenes. That could also just be spend. Im concerned about the tardiness as someone who is always on time because i have to be because thats when our shows starts. You say how choreographed these events are. Why is he running so late . I dont want to speculate. I dont know if they have a problem with the protesters. I dont know what that looks like it may be they are trying to figure out a way to make sure that that is not going to disrupt things, make sure that no 1s going to try to do something that would prevent a smooth ride from a to b. Or maybe they are having ice cream. It could be any of those things. Jesse it could be anything we would never speculate on primetime. These nights, how many millions and millions of people are watching, the Intensity Level is through the roof right now. She is shaking hands, everybody wants a photo. There she is right there. Greeted very lovingly by a looks like a lot of the democratic females wearing white. I cant even be more accentuated than it already is, migrant crime. What goes into events like this from the perspective of the viewer and the people in that chamber . There are fewer viewers than there used to be. If you think about the opportunity President Biden passed on which was the state of the super bowl interview, that might have been about 100 when he Million People. In 2023, 27. 3 Million People watched the speech. That is still a lot. We used to have events where everybody would watch at the same time. Now everybody has lots of options and you can catch the clips later. Hes looking at the biggest audience that he will have in this year and this Election Cycle until if and when there are debates. His staff has really raised expectations for how well he needs to perform tonight. To me this is the most choreographed speech, he said three days to practice it. Its tailormade for a president to just hit it out of the park. Its probably going to be too long and hes already running late. Its really not that hard to have a decent state of the Union Address. We just saw the Vice President and the House Speaker sit there, making idle chitchat. God only knows what theyre talking about. Im sure its incredibly from the heart. Absolutely. Last time i think he spoke for about an hour and 15 minutes. Tonight we are already running about 20 minutes behind schedule that would be a missed opportunity because people go to bed earlier after the pandemic. And on a clock is already a late start for a lot of people, especially on the east coast. I knew you would need your beauty rest as do i. I feel like we are now into a zone where people are getting a little concerned. One of the things thats interesting is on the screen before we saw senator Mitch Mcconnell. One interesting thing about him is this is his last State Of The Union as the republican majority leader. He has been the republican leader in the senate for 17 years. Two weeks ago he decided that he would not run for reelection. That Leadership Race not run for the Leadership Position again. I dont know about his senate race period he is up in 2026 but has plenty of time to decide that. Is drama behindthescenes. Thing that happened this week is that President Trump started to lock down a lot of the republicans and somebody like Mitch Mcconnell who is a Party Loyalist said all right, im with you mr trump and mr trump wrote a very nice note back to him. There was some unity on that front. Interesting to see how that is addressed because im sure joe biden is going to make a mention of Mitch Mcconnell and their long relationship. Jesse sure. There we have the speaker and the Vice President still not talking to each other. Dana thank you so much. See you tomorrow. Jesse lets now join you, you are there right now. Our Congressional Correspondent in the hall up your tell us what you are seeing. I am right in the middle of statutory hall. Im looking at where we are going to see the procession. We just saw the senators walked through. We are running behind your right jesse. And about ten minutes they are supposed to announce the Supreme Court justices and we havent even seen them walk and yet. We are way behind schedule. A couple of things to look out for inside the chamber. Tensions are very high on capitol hill between House Democrats and republicans. Speaker johnson ahead of this has called for decorum. He does not want any sort of inappropriate behaviour during the speech. We were talking with congresswoman Marjorie Taylor green earlier today. You remember she yelled outlier at President Biden in the middle of his remarks last State Of The Union and she said she might do that again if there is cause for it. If he lies about something, she might call him out on it again. Is a lot of tension about the border as well. The way that they are protesting is the guest that they are bringing have a lot to do with illegal immigration. Watch for that as well on the floor. Jesse we also heard. We will keep an eye on both sides of the chamber. Now lets bring in caleigh. Outnumbered cohost and former White House Press secretary period you are around for President Trump. I dont remember him running this late. Was he a last minute speech correct her . He was. He could edit up until the last moment. It was not a speech that needed to be teleprompters and practised over and over like i imagine tonight has been done with current President Biden. At camp david for days. These are big moments. I remember when President Trump was repairing for his Convention Speech, a huge moment in 2020. The speech was so. It was kept under lock and key. It was on a piece of paper. You had to go down and physically read it. I imagine tonight will look a little bit more like a Convention Speech than a state of of the union. And might be more subtle. I dont think he will necessarily call out trump by name. I could be wrong. It will have Campaign Undertones as he tries to draw the contrast between a former president who is ahead of him in almost every poll. Jesse they are saying its going to be a feisty economic reset. I dont know if the American People are prepared for feisty joe but we would definitely like an economic reset. Is it too late . It is too late. Its a mistake jesse. The poles show the American People have a dire assessment of this economy. They dont feel it if he comes out and spends this tall fairytale of how great and positive the economy is, its going to stand in very stark contrast to another senators speech. She is giving the response to the State Of The Union and she draws a picture of the economy that is realistic, that is sad and will i think strike the cords of the American People in a way that is a lot more realistic than the excerpts ive seen from President Bidens State Of The Union. Jesse we were given a rundown of when things were supposed to shake out. At the president of the United States is supposed to begin speaking at 9 10. It takes about ten minutes for him to get over it from the white house to the capital. Looks like every other person is already there waiting for him. You see senator ted cruz. Earlier we saw senator joe mention whose bodyguard had to rough up one of the climate protesters. Everybody is there waiting for him. It looks like the beast might have to hit the pedal to the medal. It might. Who knows the reason. This could certainly be because of the protests. If it is not, if this is just typical President Biden running late as he often does. There are times on our show where we say hes 45 minutes behind, hes 60 or 90 minutes. We keep the minutes there. Tonight tonight where you should be on time. Tonight is the biggest audience you will have this year to make your case to the American People. If hes a few minutes late, gives a great speech, thats another story. What is he doing right now . Unless theirs some sort of operational reason, im not sure where he is. Jesse they were concerned about the protesters. We hope the president is okay. Maybe he is just taking his time and digesting. You could be making lastminute changes but he has been away at camp david for about five days. Going over this again and again. I cant imagine it has anything to do with the speech. It should have been written a long time ago. Lets go back to our chief white house correspondent. What do you think is going on, what are you hearing . I dont want to say this with any certainty yet but i think as we look at this shot on the left, of a door on the south side, i think its possible that President Biden actually just left out of the north side on the north lawn. As i was coming up here, there was a motorcade at least moving. It would look like maybe this is going to be the president. What happens here because we are always standing right next to distort ready to scream something as loud as we can over the helicopter. Somebody will come out and hold the door open for him to then come through. That could be. That looks like somebody with some Shopping Bags or some leftovers as a snack. This is not the kind of movement here comes some grandkids. That would be a promising sign. Jesse at least we know hes on the move. As an american i was getting a little concerned about the timing of this as you know. The guy on the screen, only hold the door like that if the president is going to get in speed suit no one holds the door like that for you . Sometimes the tubers in dc they will get out and do it like that. There goes the senior staff. That would be the crew that was with him at camp david the last couple of days helping him practice the speech. There goes his chief of staff, the first lady and the president jesse there we go. See you all later. Jesse there you have the First Lady Jill Biden and the president cracking a joke right there, what did he just say . It sounded like he had some family or stop watching him leave from one of the balconies and he said that they should not jump. Jesse ive heard that line a couple of times by the president. It might be running out of steam but if youve got it, youve got it. Im finally glad that he has arrived in the beast and he will depart to the capital right now. Were hearing its about eight or ten minutes. When you are the president , you dont really have to worry about traffic. You really dont. They dont usually have to stop at the stoplights. Hes probably got a binder with the speech sitting on his lap. It doesnt seem like hes too worried about going over it one last time. They are just going to go and make sure that the flash drive is plugged into the teleprompter and get started here in about 15 minutes. Jesse thank you so much for joining us. Nothing can happen to that teleprompter. Lets bring in ned ryan and. Who are going to discuss what the president should be saying tonight. Ned ryan founder of America Majority and opinion editor. Lets start with you ned to. The president a little late but we are on biden time. What you think he needs to say in order to convince the American People that his policies have worked . I dont think were going to see much of that jesse. I think we will see a lot of lies, a lot of attempts to deceive. A lot of attempts to whitewash what i think has been a disastrous three years for the American People on every front. I think biden and the elites and the propagandists that propped him up hold the American People and great disdain. I dont think they feel like they have to tell them much of anything thats honest or truthful. I would argue as ive been listening to some of the commentary, hes going to talk about his economic reset. We are assuming that the economic policy, the Immigration Policy are honest mistakes. We tried and it just didnt work out. I dont think they are mistakes. I think these are concerted attempts to wage war economic war on the American People, especially the Working Class and the middleclass. The dual threats of these policies. I truly believe that biden and the elites really do believe you will own nothing, no country, no home, no future, note citizenship and you will be happy. I think you will see that distain on display. The lies and disdain on display tonight. Thats why you have donald trump thats why Donald Trumps back and thats why feel pretty optimistic that donald trump is good to be extremely successful this year. Jesse do think theirs good to be any humility tonight . Know and thats exactly the right question to ask. There is something joe biden could say tonight that would possibly win him back some of the Working Class that he has lost and it is i was wrong about immigration and donald trump was right. I was wrong about climate and donald trump was right. I was wrong about. This was all exactly like you said, Class Warfare against the Working Class. You can track the democrats abandonment of the Working Class by their shifting opinion on immigration. Back in the nineties, the democrats were the ones who believed in securing the border to protect labour and they did i 180 when they abandoned the Working Class to over cater to the elites who are the consumers of illegal labour. Jesse were watching nancy below sea talk to Chuck Schumer and we expect Chuck Schumer to go call his broker after the speeches over. Thank you so much for joining us. Fox news contributor Charlie Hurt Jones is now. We heard a lot about the distain for this president this president has for the American People. Donald trump releasing a video to this. Do we have any of that . There was mitt romney who is not running for reelection. The president they say is going to come out swinging, possibly go dark brand and style. Is that what the country deserves . The feisty economic argument is kind of terrifying because when you take a look at what he does with his policy, adding feistiness would be a disaster. I expect that what we are going to hear a lot about because of. We will hear a lot about ukraine tonight. He is going to ignore the issues that people actually care about and those issues are their own Kitchen Table issues such as grocery prices, gas prices. The cost of housing today. He is going to ignore the biggest Elephant In The Room right now which is illegal immigration. Hes going to try to make this argument. Wall street is doing great. You know how you make it do great . You make it do great by bringing in millions of illegals unskilled labour. All the benefits is wall street. Who is a punished . Punishes middleclass people. Punishes any american who is who works for a living and trying to feed his family. It really is interesting to think about it. The two areas that got donald trump elected the first time or the three areas. One was strength abroad, secondly was stopping illegal immigration. The third was reaching out to workingclass americans. All three of these, joe biden has managed to completely screw up in setting himself up. It almost doesnt really matter he says tonight. If you want to ignore those issues, all he does. Being a very dangerous president jesse theirs nothing he can say tonight its going to change that. The poles are brutally honest about what this country feels and we feel taken advantage of. We feel ripped off and what we had just a few years ago is now gone. The speech cant come soon enough, its an Election Year address and we are all looking forward to an election and make your voices heard. We pick up our live coverage from dc right now. Youre looking live at the house floor at the United States capitol. We are minutes away from President Bidens third state of the Union Address as you see House Speaker. Taking those familiar roles. Its possibly one of the most important speeches of President Bidens political career as he seeks reelection. Comes as the president faces historic low poll numbers as voters question what is happened at the southern border on his watch. They question his support for israel some of them in this group tonight. Also Big Questions about his mental and physical ability to serve another term. Youre looking at protests outside as the president makes his way to the capital. Protesters having to do. And thats what they are protesting. The president will look to lay out his vision for a second term. His Campaign Hopes it can prompt a reversal of his recent dismal poll numbers. And the address will be followed by the republican response tonight from alabama senator katie brett. She is the youngest republican woman ever elected to the u. S. Senate. Lets bring in our correspondent who is there watching it all unfold as everybody takes their places. Good evening to you guys. Whether the president likes it or not, republicans are going to bring this battle to the State Of The Union and things could get very heated at times. Marjorie taylor green of georgia indicated to fox news earlier today that there might be a repeat moment where she calls out at the president and calls him a liar just like she did at the last State Of The Union. Republicans do not anticipate that the president will spend very much time on the border. If he doesnt then its hes really ignoring 37 democrats who voted alongside the republican colleagues today to pass the Laken Riley Act. Watch for mentioned of gaza and how democrats react to that. There could be some divisiveness on that side. The motorcade make its way to the capital. You see those gates and that fence. That is put up specifically for this address. Harkens back to the last time in the capital back to january 6th. Jeff paul joins us from eagle pass texas. Its arguably one of the top issues were voters all across the country. When you speak with folks here. Many of them agree and credit axis Governor Greg Abbott with actually doing something that is now pushing migrants away from areas like here in eagle pass to other parts of the usmexico border. Yall wonder when it will be the federal governments turn to finally do something about the border. Governor abbott also said on Special Report that there isnt a single word that president bided could say during the State Of The Union that was somehow undo all the chaos that his At Ministration has caused year at the border. Jeff thanks. We are watching the action as the president s motorcade pulls up to the capital this evening, just about a minute and a half away from this Getting Started inside the building. Always a lot of excitement upon around the speech. Its a very big moment for President Biden as we have said. Also for mike johnson, the new speaker of the house. First time that hes up there. Former justice kennedy. I think that you have got some issues here with how everybody is going to handle themselves. That will be part of the story as well as well as what is said. There you see the Supreme Court justices waiting as they just finished,. It was mentioned earlier that speaker johnson had asked people to have to quorum. We will see. Lets take a pause right now [ ]

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