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East coast, 8 00 in los angeles and this is americas late news, fox news night. Breaking tonight, then there were two. Biden and trump appear to be in, nikki haley is out refusing for now to endorse andy is a bigtime question for both sides because trump has more republican support then biden has democratic support but the president has a Big Stage Tomorrow Night and the nation will be watching as the 81yearold delivers the State Of The Union speech. Lets begin with Senior National correspondent kevin corke live in dc with a rundown on where we stand. Reporter good evening trace. Saying the time had come to suspend her campaign and that she had no regret, former South Carolina governor nikki haley as you pointed out stepped aside last night, shelving her attempt to secure the 24 gop nomination but she did so without endorsing the parties overwhelming favorite, former President Trump , whom she lost to buy an astronomical margin in the Super Tuesday primaries. When i began, i said the campaign was grounded in my love for our country. Just last week, my mother, a firstgeneration immigrant, got to vote for her daughter for president. Only in america. I said i wanted americans to have their voices heard. I have done that. I have no regrets. Reporter no regrets and no chance to catch the former president whos already amassed more than 1000 delegates, well on his way to capturing his third consecutive gop nomination. Meanwhile fresh off his big night, former president also picked up endorsements from virginias governor and the gop Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell. All of this of course ahead of tomorrow nights state of the Union Address by mr biden, a man the former president relishes the chance to face off against again, both on the ballot box and on the debate stage. In 2020, once we got down to oneonone, joe biden said i can hardly wait to debate him. How about now . Im going to sound like a broken record, reach out to the campaign. Reporter still no word on a possible debate match up although could learn an awful lot, trace, by watching the State Of The Union performance tomorrow night. Trace we will be watching and talking about it tomorrow night. Kevin corke, thank you. Lets bring in the founder of Polaris National security, former state Department Spokesperson along with our nc national spokesperson. Thank you for coming on. The Wall Street Journal wrote the following here, morgan, and i will get your take on this. Talking about nikki haley, miss haley did not endorse mr trump on wednesday, though she seemed open to doing so if mr trump makes an attempt to appeal to her voters. Was she wrong not to endorse and should he appeal to her voters . Well of course he should appeal to all voters, whether you are republican, democrat, independent, whatever, thats how you win a general election. I think thats what hes going to strive to do. He knows that this is the whole ball game. Listen, it was strange that she did not endorse today. I think especially whenever you see Mitch Mcconnell endorsing. Mitch mcconnell has had beefs with President Trump so if mcconnell is willing to do it. Listen, primaries are tough, they are nasty. It takes a while and president ial elections are even worse but even Hillary Clinton in 2016 came out the next day and conceded to President Trump, as hard as that was for her. So we have a Binary Choice in november. The country has a Binary Choice. You have biden or trump leading the next four years and if you are as concerned about i am as a National Security implications of another four years of President Biden, then its time to get behind trump. Trace it really is. I want to move on because you talked about the general election, Power Rankings came out today, fascinating. I want to put this out, the electoral vote forecast. Biden 241, trump 251. In the middle is the tossup, 46. Lets move on to the tossup states because pennsylvania with 19, wisconsin ten, arizona 11 and nevada six. I mean you look at that and in the way we have it, it President Trump, former President Trump wins pennsylvania, its over. If biden loses pennsylvania, its over. He has to win a couple of states, maybe three. What are your thoughts on where it stands right now . I think President Trump has the opportunity to win so many swing states in november as a result of the past three years of horrible failures by the Biden A Ministration. When you look across the country, 86 percent of people dont think biden has the mental sharpness to lead the nation and 73 percent of people think that hes just an absolutely terrible president and think the country is on the wrong track. You look at every issue whether it be immigration, foreignpolicy, the economy, thats another good one, they keep talking about the economy being good but you talk to any american whos gone to the Grocery Store or gas pump and they can recognize the difference between a good economy they had four years ago and an economy today. Americans are not stupid and i think they are going to see so many people that are independence and even democrats that are disenfranchised with the Democratic Party come over and vote republican in november as a result of the past three years. Trace we might. Now for the enthusiasm part of this, lets put this up on the screen because you have enthusiasm leaning toward the former president there. If you look at all the numbers, big numbers on the right, smaller numbers on the left. I mean what do you make of the Enthusiasm Factor in all of this morgan . Well i think people are enthusiastic because they feel like this is a chance. Covid during 2020 was sort of a very strange way for a president ial election. It was kind of not the best match up in the sense that biden was campaigning from the basement there he completely got a pass. Now you get to put both of these men on the field and see, you know, whos actually going to be able to keep up with each other. We will have debates again hopefully. I think what this all boils down to in many ways is what people are wondering is will the moderates and Republican Party, will the suburban moms where a lot of these people who were going for nikki haley, will they be able to come over to President Trump and that is certainly a question but i think the bigger question i do think they will move over but the bigger question for me as President Biden going to be able to get his liberal base on board with him and i think that does not get written about as much is whether trump can unify the Republican Party or not. The liberal base is a much bigger problem for biden. Trace and its a very fair question, medicine, because will they be able to get the liberal base on board . Its significant. I think biden has a huge Enthusiasm Problem right now. You see people from cnn, msnbc starting to doubt him in a way they havent before. People who have continued to prop them up for the past three years and im sitting in My Home State Of Ohio and ive gone to pennsylvania, many of the states that are going to be critical this november and i dont see one biden sign. I didnt meet one person who is enthusiastic or excited about joe biden. Thats what he will have to face in november and i think his party will have a difficult time rallying enthusiasm around this guy who sometimes can get more than 30 people in a room to see him. Trace tomorrow night will be very interesting and very telling for the democrats. Madison, morgan, great to have you both on, thank you. Much of the Mainstream Media has already pivoted its political coverage to the likely november rematch between President Biden and former President Trump. Fox news media analyst and host of foxs media buzz takes a closer look. Reporter it was a huge Super Tuesday night for donald trump, enough to knock Nikki Haley Out of the race and Msnbcs Rachel Maddow was so annoyed by his Victory Speech that she cut away. I read an article yesterday where it said this is one of the finest run campaigns that anybody has ever seen. Yeah, okay. Its a decision we revisit constantly in terms of the balance between allowing somebody to knowingly lie on your air about things theyve lied about before and you can predict they are going to lie about. Reporter in fact trump was citing an nbc news article. The popular maddow doesnt agree with the policy of hearings beaches and she anchored in all liberal panel that cast the former president supporters as motivated by racial animus and pokes fun at the border crisis. They are voting on race, on this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border. I live in virginia. Immigration was the number 1 issue. Virginia does have a border with West Virginia. Reporter the liberal huff post acknowledged the triumph. Trump locks it up. Other critics hate trump for likening america to a third world country. He kept trashing america. His messages america sucks. Reporter Cable Networks anchored by journalists tried to be balanced. You have two very strong front runners who both have very significant weaknesses. Reporter but trump was not convinced. We need a fare and free press the press has not been fair. Reporter there are many legitimate media questions. Will donald trump with four indictments have a tougher time in november . Can heat win over nikki haley voters . And will President Biden beheld to to the same standard . Trace how we, thank you. [ ] [ ] trace fox news in the Common Sense Department think the women on msnbc make the women on the view seem almost rational. The msnbc crew led by Rachel Matter than hell maddow. They thought it was appropriate to mock and laugh at Republican Voters in virginia who said during exit polling that the border crisis was a top priority joy right on cue went after white voters for making the decision based on race and the invasion of brown people. When Rachel Maddow joked that virginia does share a border with West Virginia, well the laughter on the panel was robust who knew maddow was so funny . Common sense was not used. The families of those who did not live near the border but were allegedly killed by those who illegally crossed the border , not amused. The family of a 14yearold Virginia Girl who lives near that hilarious border in West Virginia and who police say was raped by an illegal immigrant, not amused. You know who is amused . Maddow and their viewers because to them the millions who illegally cross causing crime and chaos are nothing more than figments of fox. Common sense knows if gop voters think its deadly serious that msnbc things its laugh out loud funny. With that, with spring and the editor of Restoring America at the washington examiner. Its great to have you on. Even the democrats on social media were asking why is msnbc mocking and laughing at conservatives in virginia who think that the border is a top issue . You know, someone ought to remind the folks at msnbc that the Biden Campaign is not the one cutting their paychecks, at least that we know of, but that almost makes this so much worse because it shows they actually believe these things, they actually think these things about the American People and their mistake is constantly voicing their disdain out loud. Every single time one of the msnbc pundits opens his mouth, a new trump supporter is born because there are a lot of voters who might not like donald trump, who might have been willing to vote for the other guy. He said he wasnt going to be brash but the one thing that voters dislike even more than that is being condescended to buy a media that dismisses their concerns and thinks that they are stupid for having those concerns in the first place. Trace yeah, it really is. Its amazing and stunning to see. The democrats of course are freaking out. We show these polls every night and you talk about, you know, black and hispanic vote leaning more toward the former president this was said on cnn. If you believe that 23 percent of black voters will vote for donald trump, i want to go ahead and sell you that bridge in brooklyn. Trace kind of knocking this thing down. We will see if it helps. What do you think . Will this comes after Charles Barkley on msnbc also threatened to punch any black trump supporter in the face if they were wearing trumps Mug Shot March so again it shows a lot what they think of people who would vote for donald trump. Again, i keep making this point, what the media fears is yes, they fear a return of the donald trump presidency, but more than that they fear you, the American Voter who wants to vote for donald trump and put him back in office. Every single thing that they say about donald trump is a reflection of what they think about his supporters. Trace and its amazing to me maybe you disagree with this but you see this new strategy and the new strategy is simple he that listen, heres what we are going to do, we are not going to run on our record, the Biden Campaign, we will go for the former president s jugular, try to knock him down. You think it works . I mean at some point you kind of have to run on your own record, do you not . Its not going to work but its all that they have. They cant run on bidens record because its been a disaster. They cant run on joe biden personally because hes 81 and has to have his wife go on a media tour for him to remind everyone that he is still alive. They cant run on anything but attacking donald trump on a daily basis and if the past few months prove anything, its that its going to backfire. Trace great to see you as always, thank you. Meantime the sexual relationship between Fulton County District Attorney and the prosecutor she hired to go after donald trump is back in the spotlight in a big and maybe embarrassing way. We have highlights from todays Georgia Senate Panel Hearing into the alleged misconduct. Good evening. Reporter good evening trace. Somewhat embarrassing testimony i would say throughout this whole thing. The question here is when did their relationship start exactly . That is the key question. This afternoon the state panel heard from attorney who gave more detail about this highly unusual relationship. They represent michael rowman, a codefendant in the Election Interference Case against donald trump. Its pinging from his house down to the condo at midnight, 1 00 am. He calls her when he gets there and then it goes silent for four or five hours and then early in the morning hours, he starts pinging again driving back and then he texts her when he gets home. And this is before he gets hired in november of 21 . Yes. Those are troubling allegations. Our job is to try to get to the bottom of this, prove whether or not it happened and see if its in violation of georgia law. Reporter so this particular state panel wants to know if, in fact, there was a Conflict Of Interest here and possibly amend some state laws as a result. But of course the ultimate ruling of whether to remove fani willis from the Trump Interference Case will be decided by the judge in Fulton County. We are expecting a decision fairly soon and then the big question is, if shes removed from this case, what happens to the trump case . Trace doesnt go forward and they put someone else in and the that somebody else decide to move forward . We will find out maybe next week. Thank you. Lets bring in Law Professor and former Deputy Attorney general. Great to have you on the show. We were just seeing that testimony to the lawmakers in georgia. Foxnews. Com writes the following nathan wades phone data shows he made midnight trips to fani willis condo before he was hired. He was there for four or five hours and it started pinging again. He was there at 1 00 in the morning and there goes the ping. Its hard to say that Cell Phone Data is not reliable when you look back 15, 16 years and Scott Peterson was put away, mainly because of that Cell Phone Evidence they had. If you are going to go after an american president for the first time with a criminal indictment, then you, yourself, as a prosecutor should have the highest ethical standards, you must be impartial because part of our Justice System requires that the public have faith that there be trust in our prosecutors and legal system and these prosecutors in Fulton County have dragged the reputation of their office and their great public trust that theyve got into the mud. I cant see how a judge can look at all of this and say theres no Conflict Of Interest. I think they are in a lot of trouble too because they look like theyve been lying to the court now with this new evidence. They might have been misusing federal and state funds because of this new evidence. They are the ones who might be going to jail, not President Trump in georgia. Trace they are accusing the president of Falsifying Documents and they might be doing the same thing. But my question to you is, what happens if this judge allows fani willis to remain on the case . You talk about undermining public faith in the Justice System, what happens then . It would be incredible but say she is allowed to stay on the case, then you might look and say should the governor of georgia, should the Attorney General Of Georgia intervene and try to remove her or try to get the case moved to some kind of independent prosecutor in georgia the cows as you say, how are the people in georgia and the United States opposed to have any faith in a verdict that comes out of his office when it looked like this da was favoring this guy back 600,000 when he never tried a criminal case before. They were pumping up the bills and transferring income to him. Is that going to make us have any faith in the indictment that was brought and to the sprawling nature . It looks like they are just try to make more work for themselves and not focusing on whether President Trump committed a crime. Trace good point. Supreme court has said april 25th for trumps criminal immunity decision. Maybe the decision comes out in june. Im not sure how quickly but maybe late june it comes out. Any chance that this thing goes to trial before the election . You are right, if you go by the way the Supreme Court usually works, the opinions, the big opinions all come out the last week of june. That means i think that the trial could still start before the election but that would have to brush aside some very important constitutional claims. Trump will still have even if he doesnt get immunity from the Supreme Court. And i think he could have legitimate concerns about being treated fairly by the federal courts and by the federal judge if they try to rush this thing into a verdict before november. Trace theyve got a lot of cards left to play. Great to have you on as always, thank you. Coming up, the board or crisis remains a top issue for voters so why with the Biden Administration secretly fly Tens Of Thousands of migrants into the u. S. Under a controversial Parole Program . And later in the night, the gamewinning shot. Or not. Watch the final moments of a High School Basketball game and decide if the referees made the right call. We have looped the video for you because you may need to watch it a couple of times. Here. [ cheering ] trace you have to kind of listen to when the buzzer have been. In new jersey High School Basketball team scored what they thought was the Buzzer Beater in their playoff game. The crowd goes wild but the referees likely without Evidence Rule the shot came after the buzzer. Back call . Right call . Too close to call . Let us know, x and instagram tracegallagher. Meantime, 8 20 on the west coast, fox news night. First Alive Look In Vegas where it would take 288 years to spend one night in every hotel room there. Next, Hometown Of The Green Goblin Actor willem dafoe and finally a live look at georgia, known as the Cherry Blossom capital of the world. If you cannot join us live, do not forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. We are worth it, we promise. 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Have you seen it, by the way . Happy birthday, grandma really . Look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. Hey hey brought my plusone. Jamie . Generalized Myasthenia Gravis made my life a lot harder. But the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. Vyvgart is for adults with generalized Myasthenia Gravis who are antiachr antibody positive. In a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. Most participants taking vyvgart also had less Muscle Weakness. And your Vyvgart Treatment Schedule is designed just for you. In a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. Vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. Available as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as Vyvgart Hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. [ ] trace another questionable Biden A Ministration policy sparking outrage over his handling of the southern border crisis. This time a controversial Parole Program that legally flies Tens Of Thousands of migrants into the u. S. Each and every month. We are live to expand how the program works. Reporter good evening trace. Thousands of migrants continued to pour over the border illegally. Abided a ministration is handing out some free Plane Tickets though to points all over the u. S. The program lets 30,000 enter the u. S. Legally every month from cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela are the end of january more than 350,000 migrants from those countries have taken the flights under the socalled humanitarian Parole Program. Former President Trump commented on the program last night. I said that must be a mistake. They flew 325,000 migrants, flew them in over the borders and into our country. Reporter the program lets migrants work in the u. S. Temporarily and then when it expires they should renew it or leave. They must also have a supporter in the u. S. And undergo Security Checks and abetting. National Border Control president says the program is just about skewing the actual numbers of illegal crossings. They know these are the main countries that are coming to the ports of entry so now they are just moving them to try to hide the numbers. Thats what the administration does over and over again. Reporter just a week before President Trumps visit to texas, a Columbia National on the fbis Terror Watchlist was apprehended near there and in Washington State, a 33yearold Mexican National is being held for vehicular homicide, accused of hitting and killing a state trooper. Both stark reminders of the dangerous criminal crossings at our southern border. Trace and They Go On And on. Thank you. Lets bring in the host of Once Upon A Crime podcast and former Los Angeles County sheriff. Thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. Speaking of migrant crime, to you first, kelly, illegal immigrant in Washington State admitted he was drinking, smoking pot, he hit and killed a state trooper. I mean he had had runins with the law before, clearly should not have been in this country and here we go again, kelly, on and on this goes. This is a horrible story. Here we have an officer, an obligation to protect, to serve, and he dies in such a horrific manner. But its important to remember, in a court of law hes been charged with a crime but you are innocent until you are Proven Guilty by a jury. So ultimately, the jury based on the facts in evidence is going to make a determination on whether hes guilty of these crimes. Trace thats exactly true. I want to look at the Terror Watchlist because i just looked at these and you think, is that right . Is that number right . Put these on the screen. Encounters under President Trump there were 11, under President Biden so far there have been 341. We dont know who these people are when they come in by the millions and if you look at that number, you have to think in your heart of hearts something is going to happen at some point. I mean thats just a massive influx, unparalleled in u. S. History i think. And thats what we know and what they are claiming. What do we not know . The unknown unknowns. That should keep you awake at night. Trace it really is. You go now to the governor of new york because she is Just Announced they will be using 750 national guard, they will use them in the Transit Stations to go through peoples bags to make sure you are not bringing anything nefarious onto the train. Heres the governor. Watch. Anyone looking to do harm or spread fear on our subways, you will be caught, plain and simple. There will be consequences. This has to end. Trace if there were consequences, there would be people in jail who commit these crimes. Instead they are not in jail. They are not in jail and they are committing these crimes and so now if you ride to the train like i did in new york for years and years, you have to give up some of your freedoms because you have to stop and get your bag checked every time you go on there. Its just not the way that the system should be set up. Will people need to be accountable for their actions and so no one should be above the law, no matter who you are or what you are. I think its important to remember that but also think about the fact that when we go on airplanes as well, we do have our bags checked as well for the safety and security of other people as well and so people want to make sure when they are going on a train that they are safe and also to have cameras for the conductors so that they dont get harmed as well. Its important to have safety for the people. Trace its also important to have freedoms and when you have to go through safety checks just because, because there are so many criminals on board these subways and busses and trains in new york city and you cant handle the mass of criminals, it tends to be a problem when you are talking about public Freedoms Versus public safety, the people should just be in jail. Finally a georgetown safeway, look at these videos, this was taken by a husband of our producer who went to the store and everywhere you go, these things are behind gates. Locked up in cabinets. This is a Grocery Store and they have to walk people through and get them the items that they want. Its unbelievable. Its like watching a mad max movie in realtime. It is. If you compare that with the thing about the subways, its all about the consequences of no consequences. Now with retail theft going through the roof, corporate america, how much money are they spending on all of this instead of going back to the oldfashioned arresting a shoplifter and having them face consequences in the criminal Justice System. Theyve eliminated that because apparently they are going to harm people or they are offended by it. Trace is just not right. Put people in prison. Thank you so much. How did this iconic photo marking The End Of World War Ii, a kiss in times square, remember the kiss heard Around The World . Almost get banned by the woke officials. Still ahead, a world war ii veteran celebrating his 104th birthday. I wonder what he would think about the woke patrol. And doityourself security screening, the days best viral videos are next but first a live look now, fort lauderdale, originally called little river settlement. Doesnt quite have the same ring we are coming right back. [ ] [ ] my names eric. I am 39 years old. Ive started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic for the last couple of years. I just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. Im still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. Im seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. Botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crows feet, and Forehead Lines look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness may be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. 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[ ] trace The Famous Times Square kiss photo marking The End Of World War Ii will remain on display at the va healthcare facilities. The Administration Secretary reversing plans to remove the iconic photo in a move criticized as Political Correctness run amok. Lets get back to the Senior National correspondent kevin corke live in dc. Reporter that certainly one way to look at it my friend. The va secretary has been around town a long time and he plans to reverse the ban on the Iconic Time Square photo marking the end of the world war ii battles from agency buildings. That move by the way critics say was frankly more Political Correctness run amok than anything else. Heres what happened. There was a memo sent from the undersecretary at the va, a woman who stated that the photo depicted a Nonconsensual Act that can is inconsistent with the departments Sexual Harassment policy. However, ava official confirms to fox tonight that while the memo was sent out, it should not have been. This is from x. Va is not banning the photo from facilities as the secretary said. Let me be clear, this image is not banned from Va Facilities and we will keep it in Va Facilities. So you maybe wondering, okay, so whos getting fired for this . Whos Gonna Walk The Plank so to speak . Well apparently no one will in this instance. Has dedicated her career to serving veterans. We are fortunate to have her at va and she will remain at va. So there. Nelsons name sound familiar to some out there, she headed the department st. Louis hospital for more than three years. During which time that facility was rated worst in the country. Trace still gets to stay. Live in dc, thank you. Lets bring in the president and founder of parents defending education along with the president of sentinel action fund. Thank you for coming on. The question becomes, instead of coming back and tearing down statues like we did three or four years ago, now we are just going to go back in the History Books and banned every picture that has anything to do with me too or any kind of nuance of me too. It seems like its such a silly act. And thats why i filed a Public Records request yesterday. I want all correspondence up nelson going back to january 1st with terms like va, times square, world war ii, because i want to know who was involved in this decision and why heads have not rolled because they should. Trace but they are not rolling and thats the whole point. The woman in the picture right there, her granddaughter told the following to us, it was really something, they were just very happy about it. Shes talking about the picture. My grandma signed images of the photo up until she died. The grandma was fine with it, jessica, but now apparently everybody is up in arms. Trace, honestly, every single american should be proud and frankly emotional about this picture. So im with nicole here, i want to better understand why it is that the va is spending time trying to cancel history, something that we as men and women are so proud of, instead of focusing today on what our soldiers coming home from war actually need, mental health, healthcare services, wraparound care, assimilation with family. Thats the va we need. To abide in a ministration needs to get them focused on their mission and not trying to cancel our american history. Trace its interesting. I want to move on to the 60 minutes thing because this has gotten a lot of play. Sixty minutes going after moms for Liberty Last Sunday Night and theres a lot of people still upset, a lot of social media traffic. Watch a bit of the 60 minutes piece and then we will place a more air quach. What ideology are they being indoctrinated into . Lets just say children in America Cannot read. They often dodged questions with talking points. You are being evasive. Twentyone of hispanic students what ed ideology are the children being indoctrinated into . What is your fear . I think parents fears are realized. They are looking at these books where sexual discussions are happening with their children at younger and younger ages. Trace so moms for Liberty Liberty is outraged about this and im going to play this sound bite because this is Tiffany Justice Talking To Fox about the very topic. It was heavily edited and cut to try to make us seem like we, you know, werent sure about the real issues that are plaguing American Families and children but to be clear we are very sure of the issues that are plaguing American Families. Trace and we know they are very sure because weve had them on the show and theyve said those issues again and again and again to us and its kind of weird the 60 minutes things go back and forth but they really are adamant about the fact that this was deceptively edited. Well 60 minutes did a hack job, lets be honest. I used to work at a pr firm and we did crisis issues. The framing is victim, villain, vindicator. When 60 minutes approaches you about book bands, thats a fake topic. Thats a red herring in and of itself. You know you are being set up to be the villain in the situation. Unfortunately i mean, you know, you could see how this was going but these women did not deserve that because they are good americans. Trace and they put up a good fight and if you are going to go in front of 60 minutes, you at least neared a fare shake and you should be able to look at the stuff before they put it out there to make sure that you were presented properly. Meantime i want to put this up because north face, the jacket maker, they make the tents in the outdoor gear, north face offers a discount for customers taking Equity Course that says black people cant enjoy the outdoors. So jessica, only the uk but you get 20 off if you take one of these dei classes at north face will give you. They give you 20 often you think whats going on here . What another example of eei taken completely amuck in these industries. I think this just happened with target, this just happened with bud light. Bud light is said to have lost over 1 billion in revenue. When you go down this route of allowing dei to overcome your core purpose as a company, you are left with customers, like me, that have shopped at north face before, scratching our heads saying why would we support a company like this that doesnt actually support us as americans and our right for freedoms and not wanting to be characterized the way dei does into these marxist categories like we are seeing with north face today. Trace cant you just sell jackets and outdoor gear and not try to pick people against each other . Nicole, jessica, thank you, we appreciate your time. [ ] [ ] trace first up into nights viral videos, do it yourself security, thats with the Las Vegas Airport is trying out. They are testing a new Technology System that greets passengers with virtual agents including automated conveyors for luggage. Where are the tsa agents you asked . They are apparently available support if you need them but not physically at the actual checkpoints. There you go. I was born on a farm. My dad had a store i worked in and then i worked for the army for a while. And then i went into education. Trace this world war ii veteran, Arthur Larson from california, celebrating his 104th birthday. He served in the u. S. Army as a Second Lieutenant and also earned his doctorate from uc berkeley. Fans at this Major League Soccer game between Real Salt Lake and Los Angeles Football club braved utahs Winter Weather to cheer on their team. The match went on despite falling snow but the field had to be shoveled so the players could see the lines. And if you have a viral video to share, share it with us tracegallagher or foxnewsnight. Coming up, a new Jersey High School Boys Basketball playoff game and said controversy over a Buzzer Beater. We will play the video in the nightcap and let you make the call. Our own Referee Nightcap Crew is on board next. [ cheering ] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, neds plaque psoriasis. Ned, ned, who are you wearing . He thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the 1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. Ned . Otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. With no routine blood tests required. Doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. Otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. With clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. Like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. Which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. Downy. Breathe life into your laundry. tony hawk skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol . It has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Trace we are back with the nightcap group. Tonights topic, Buzzer Beater. New jersey High School Basketball team believed they were robbed of a championship victory when referees made the call that their final shot, a Buzzer Beater, did not beat the buzzer. Watch this. [ cheering ] [ crowd noise ] trace did they make the final shot before the buzzer . Lets see if the sheriff has an answer on this, what you think . The sound i heard, it was made ark and the buzzer went off trace just for clarity, the referees could not use video, they dont have instant replay, it was two referees against one. He said no, after the buzzer and so they took away the game. Your thoughts . Too close to call for me. I heard the screaming and the yelling so i would take a pass on that one. I dont know. Trace i agree with the sheriff but it was really hard to here so i could see where the referees would be fighting over it. Trace they slowed this down, kevin corke. The truth is they beat the buzzer. The thing was, out of his hand it was a ways out of his hand when the buzzer went off and so who knows. The buzzer is kind of, you know, maybe the clock was, but this thing beat the buzzer. Beat the buzzer. Look, ive been a referee so i get it. Bang bang play at the end, a lot of emotion but i think you have to trust the senior on the floor. If theres someone who has more experience, if you feel like i think im right, you should ask them and then go with that. If you dont have the evidence to overturn it, you really i mean it so close, just let it go and leave it the way it was. I did not hear the buzzer. I did not hear it and so i would give them the point. Trace give them the point, give them the game. The final shot was made, yes, 97 on x, 82 on instagram. It was homecourt so thats an excellent example of home cooking. Valerie, i heard the buzzer before the ball went in. Yes, you did. Bail, shot left his hand before the buzzer. It counts. Indeed it does. Keith says the ball was in the air. James, clearly made the shop before the buzzer. Lee says it looked like a blatant missed call. Two against one. And says clearly their shot was good. There you go. Thank you all and things for watching fox news night. Rias im Trace Gallagher in los here after the state of union tomorrow. Now theres skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin. And show it off. Nothing is everything with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90 clearer skin. And if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Thanks to skyrizi, theres nothing like clearer skin and less joint pain, and that means everything. Nothing is everything ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Torstein Hagen in my simple world, there are only three things that matter in human beings. First, they have to be kind. Kind. Second, they have to be honest. And third, they have to be hardworking. Its very simple. Wherever you are in the world, when you come to a different culture, you meet people of very different backgrounds, but you find out that they have the same ambitions and the same fears just like yourself. Im so sure that travel is good for the world. Its really the best to engage with the locals and the destination. And i think travel helps broaden the human mind and makes us kinder. And thats fantastically valuable. [cough] honey. Honey. Nyquil severe honey. Powerful cold and flu relief with a Dreamy Honey Taste Nyquil honey, thank you very much vehicle that will do it here. The five right now. [ ]an hello everyone, im

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