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Waters prime time. Tonight. We are going to win this election because we have no choice. If we lose the election we wont have a country left. Donald trump wins votes. The time has come to suspend my campaign. Jesse the super tuesday scramble, rfk junior is here. You are just going to pretend it wasnt over and over again . Jesse whats going on with the left . The man who Beat Biden Last Night is here to tell us. Prime time reading the new Spending Bill, even dead senators have your marks. Plus. How good they be so dumb. [ ] [ ] jesse it hasnt happened in over a century, a president running against a president. In 1912, telescope Teddy Roosevelt whod already been president came out of political retirement and ran under the Bull Moose Party against republican incumbent william taft and democrat challenger woodrow wilson. Taft and teddy split the base and handed wilson the white house. Over 100 years later, voters will get to choose between two president s again. After donald trump swept 14 out of the 15 states on super tuesday, putting him a whisker away from clinching. Now these two men artificially on a collision course. They call it super tuesday for a reason. This is a big one. November 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. We are going to take it and we are going to make it like it should be, respected. Jesse Last Night Nikki Haley won vermont and dropped out and today came just shy of endorsing donald. The time has now come to suspend my campaign. In all likelihood, donald trump will be the republican nominee when our Party Convention meets in july. I congratulate him and wish him well. Jesse nikki will make a pilgrimage to maralago and negotiate an endorsement. Shes got a little leverage so we will see where she lands but no one took super tuesday harder than the media. Im wearing funeral chic today because im so devastated over what we saw yesterday. If we let things play out along these lines, our democracy will fall and we will become a country without elections. Whats wrong with you people . Why do you hate america . Why do you vote for a guy who says america is terrible . Jesse bitter about the democracy they say they are saving because they cannot control it. You have the power and that kills them because they dont understand you are the issues. If you look at some of these exit polls, i live in virginia, immigration was the number 1 issue. These could change. Virginia does have a border with west virginia. [ laughter ] very contested area. Build a wall. But when i was in New Hampshire people were talking about the northern border as a threat. Because trunk has indoctrinated people with his fear of people who do not look like them being a threat to them. Jesse two weeks ago a vendor what venezuelan illegal was arrested for raping a little girl in virginia. Ms 13 controls large swaths of the commonwealth. Migrant kids who dont speak english are packing into virginia schools, Housing Costs are up. Virginia is allowed to care about more than just virginia. Virginians are americans too. They dont want to see the country invaded, they dont want to see Georgia Girls murdered by bidens migrants either. Why is that hard to understand . Virginia is watching new york and chicago get overwhelmed, they dont want to be next. Not all of us live on an island like the vineyard where liberals deport migrants to military bases 24 hours after they touched down. Immigration is the top issue in the country. The media is mocking it, they are mocking you and calling you racist for caring. Republican voters dont vote that way, they dont vote based on economics or based on the benefits they are getting economically from the president. They are increasingly, from the tee party on, voting on race, voting on this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border, the idea that they cant get whatever job they want , a black person got it, therefore drive black people out of the colleges. Thats what they are voting on,s specifically on racial animus he. Jesse chicago must be clan country them because black americans have been screaming at politicians to sweep the migrants out. She does not know that . Eric adams the new york mayor who appears to be black says migrants are destroying the city thats not racism, thats reality. But now that every republican has been declared racist, the media demands democrats stormed the beaches of normandy and tsleil trump like hitler. We were americans and we were there to save europe from hitler and now all of these years later , we have to get together as a country and save the country from the threat that donald trump proposes. Jesse what . You are racist, trumps hitler and immigration is a joke . Thats how the media is covering the election and they still wont cover trump. And we have no choice. Yeah, okay. You know, its its it is okay, i will say that its a decision that we revisit constantly in terms of the balance between allowing somebody to knowingly lie on air about things theyve lied about before and you can predict they are going to lie about and so therefore its irresponsible to allow them to do that. Jesse its responsible to censor, thats the argument. This is a preview of the next eight months. Stupid racists cant see their nominee talk about the nations number 1 issue. Last night, as graceful as he always is, trump appealed to the medias better angels. We need a fare and free press. The press has not been fair nor has it been free but maybe someday they will be. Theyve been beaten up pretty badly. People arent trusting them, not believing them and really its a very important factor. The press used to be the policeman, it used to police our country. Now nobody has confidence in them and we have to get that confidence back. Its so important for the success of our country. Jesse but the media does not want a successful country, they want themselves to be successful but they dont care if the country goes down the drain because of it. The media chooses the politicians for you. If you dont go along with that, the next day you wake up and have a cup of coffee, scramble some eggs, turn on the tube and they scream at you like they are a drill sergeant. Donald trump insults our Men And Women In Uniform every day. These young Men And Women In Uniform go through basic training, they kill themselves, they sacrificed their lives committed to one thing, protecting and defending you, protecting and defending your rights, protecting and defending the United States of america and you trash them and you vote for a man who trashes them . That is just shameful. Jesse thats a morning show. [ laughter ] jesse he doesnt even say how trump insults the military, its just a hoax, just like they say migrant crime is a hoax. They are in a hoax the whole election. Their new hoax, you ready . Biden is brilliant. Start your tape right now because im about to tell you the truth. And f you if you cant handle the truth. This version of biden intellectually, analytically is the best biden ever. Jesse thank mack not really sure this is the best biden will ever be is a good pitch. This version of biden is biden at his best . Biden needs note cards to say good morning. It doesnt get any better than that. Why does the president rely so heavily on cards . You are upset because the president has notecards . Im asking why. A president who has had probably one of the most successful first three years of an administration than any modern day president , hes done more in the first three years than most president s who had two terms, you are asking me about notecards . Jesse socrates with notecards. Fdr without the wheelchair, his garages fort knox. Indistinguishable from David Hasselhoff on the beach. A midnight hour will, workaholic that no one can keep up with. How can it be that no one else feels this . Look at california. 14 percent of the people who voted today feel their family is getting ahead. 14 percent. Thats abysmal. Can you tell people that the democracy issue, while existential, is more important than that actual experiential issue that people are facing, which is they dont feel like they are moving ahead. Jesse only 14 percent of californians. Biden space. Are better off under him and hes rambling on about snacks. In fact, some of the small snack companies, you wont and i think you wont even notice what they are doing, when they charge you just as much for the same size bag of potato chips even though theres a hell of a lot fewer chips in it. I will tell you what i will tell you who did notice, the Cookie Monster. He pointed out cookies his cookies are getting smaller, paying the same price. I was stunned when i found that out. Jesse hes talking about missing chips . The Cookie Monster . Even democrats most loyal voters , ride or die, have had it with this cornball. I think President Biden, his famous quote was for africanamericans that you arent black if you didnt vote for biden. Jesse federal bureaucrats, deep state, androids, big tech, The Media Tribe whose greatest fear is social banishment, are going to run this election like a military campaign. Right now, as we speak, washington is erecting a fence around the capital. In anticipation of bidens State Of The Union tomorrow. Not a fence around the border, a fence around biden who think she needs protection from you while he does not provide protection from them. Now this fence is a sinister symbol to stigmatize half the countrys dangerous to justify his crackdown. Even though we outnumber them, they are powerful and will overwhelm you with shame from now until november. They will call you names, treat you like ogres, threaten you, threaten your job, your family, your status. This will be on allout war by bidens alliance against the American People, in the name of saving democracy, which is the most cynical part of this. They will try to separate you from your senses, your instincts from your conscience. You know whats right and wrong but they will get in between you and your heart and they will make you doubt it. This election will not be about policy. Thats the last thing they wanted to be. It will be a blood sport, the Ugliest Campaign in american history. Usually its the politician who gets destroyed, but now they are targeting you. So prepare yourself and stay strong. President ial candidate Robert F Kennedy junior joins me now. So the president of the United States has opened to the, theres over 10 million, he calls them newcomers, in this country, raping children. One of them just murdered an American Girl in georgia. Is the president a National Security threat . Well, you know, those on msnbc, ridiculing middleclass americans who are concerned about whats happening at the border, whats happening at the border would be unsustainable and unacceptable in any country in the world. We are watching and its not racist to say that the Mexican Drug Cartel should not be controlling u. S. Border policy. Ive been down there twice and it is absolutely horrendous. Theres 7 Million People who have walked across the border and got in free plane tickets. Many of them. Any destination they want. As you pointed out, mayor adams in new york city has said this is an existential threat to new york city. He was not exaggerating. New york city had to cut its Police Budget by 5 percent. Its sanitation by 5 percent, its education and healthcare budgets by 5 percent. In order to pay for this influx of immigrants that have come into the city. There are now encampments on the Playing Field for in new yorks public schools. Two and a half years during covid, these kids, many of them on scholarship trajectory, could not play their sports and it ruined many of their hopes for a certain kind of life. Today they cant play again because there is a legal immigrants encamped. Immigrants are being preyed upon. Its a humanitarian crisis for them as well. I sought out the border. Theyve been exploited, extorted, many raped, robbed, brutalized by the cartels before they come across. They come here and they cant legally work so they are preyed upon by unscrupulous employers who pay them eight, nine, ten, 12 an hour. Theres contractors in new york that are hiring them for those and then they are bidding against union shops for jobs. So its hurting everybody. Jesse its crushing everybody. Its crushing the safety of the streets, bank accounts, its kind of crushing just the overall fabric of society when you overwhelm cities to this magnitude. People are panicking, rfk junior, that you will steal votes from them. I dont know what the game plan is, what states you are going to be on. If you are going to be on every battleground state, what does that look like to you . Jesse, i will be on the ballot in every state and the district of columbia. Jesse thats a huge amount of voters who will be able to vote for you. Well im already beating both President Trump and President Biden among independents which is the largest cohort. Now 52 percent of the american voting public. This is the first election in the history where independents independence have outnumbered republicans and democrats. I am beating both President Biden and President Trump in young people, people under 35, in the Battleground States among all people under 45. Im tying President Biden with hispanic voters and beating President Trump by ten points. The only cohort where i am losing our baby boomers and when we start reaching them with advertising, we will bring them around too. Jesse all right. Im sure you will mention the website because that would help with the advertising. [ laughter ] thank you jesse. Jesse oh, god, ive been down this road before. Thank you and good luck. I appreciate it, thank you. Jesse whats going on with aoc and her husband . [ ] [ ] , super white teeth. They want that Hollywood White smile. New sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitivity protection. I think its a great product. Its going to help a lot of patients. 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It will arrive on march 19th to your beautiful mailbox. Then you will take said book and you will devour it, lovingly, and cherish it and drive to a book signing where i will john hancock it, hug you and tell you what dana perino is really like. The Democratic Coalition is in shambles after 100,000 liberals in michigan voted against biden last week. Thousandth and thousands continue to vote uncommitted. Nearly 30 of democrats in minnesota voted for someone besides joe. Twenty of democrats in massachusetts voted against biden. Almost 100,000 democrats in north carolina, key swing state, did not pick the president. Hillary wondered, are democrats worried . I think the entire country is deeply concerned about what is taking place in gaza. The American People have to come together and say to the president , the republicans in congress, we are not going to let that happen. To think President Biden should be worried about november . Look, if you are talking about michigan, we are a purple state. We have to roll up our sleeves and do our jobs and get the votes. I think theres a very stark choice in november. Jesse adam could not even enjoy his Victory Party last night, he was shouted down by never Biden Democrats [ chanting ] i i want to thank you all. Jesse aoc always on the side of the protesters. She wrote to the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable. How uncomfortable was she when pro muslim protesters heckled her and her fiance after a Sunday Matinee . I need you to understand. Its not okay. Do you have any comments . You are going to cut this and clip this so that its completely out of context. I already said that it was and you are just going to pretend it wasnt over and over again. Its [ bleep ] man. Jesse let this be a lesson to the left, not every protest is righteous. Youve given your Side A License to rage, respect and decorum aside, so when the tables are turned, consider how we got here. A lunatic with a gun flew across the country and was arrested just a block from justice cavanaughs house so be careful what you wish for picault before a ghost too far. Primetime doesnt get involved in peoples private lives but in this case we will make an exception. Consider this advice, not just to aocs fiance, but to all men in a relationship with a woman, you dont need to knock the protester out, but you need to do more than what we just saw. What does this say about the relationship . Im not going to speculate, but this is strike two. Aoc, my favorite big booty latina, i love you, you are my favorite. Jesse its official, biden lost his first primary last night. He walked into super tuesday expecting a clean sweep but lost American Samoa to a candidate who bret did not even know. We just got a call that American Samoa, President Biden will lose to jason palmer, a selfdescribed entrepreneur and investor. Jesse He Beat Biden by 11 votes, making joe the first incumbent to lose a primary since carter lost 12 states to ted kennedy in 1980. Even though biden only lost by 11, he maybe filing for a recount because the energy coming out of the Palmer Campaign appears unstoppable. You can tell biden is smarting from the loss. He did not even call palmer to congratulate him. Has President Biden called to congratulate jason palmer . [ laughter ] we congratulate jason palmer on his swing. Jesse in a primetime exclusive, democratic president ial candidate and somewhat dark course jason palmer joins me now. Have you ever been to samoa . Ive never been to america samoa but i think its a beautiful country and i look forward to going in the future. Jesse well its a part of america so i guess its not really a country. How did you campaign there . So we campaigned there in the simplest of ways, we hired three local people who had worked on previous campaigns and miracle and dorian did a fantastic job and it just was virtual town halls, beach cleanup, really talking to people about what their key issues were and those key issues lined up with things on my platform already so more resources for education, more focus on healthcare, they only have one hospital in American Samoa and it hasnt been upgraded in a long time. A lot of people want to go into healthcare as a career but their college is only a community college. Jesse am i saying this wrong, is it samoa . Its sahmoa. Jesse where do you live . I live in baltimore maryland but ive lived in grown up in Upstate New York and went to the University Of Virginia. Jesse do you expect to win texas next . No, i do not expect a win texas but we will compete vigourously in arizona, partly because of what you were showing earlier on your show, immigration is the number 1 concern for americans and im about ready to come out with a 12 page plan for how we can solve immigration which i would be happy to go into. It involves surging border judges. Jesse a judge surge. Everybody needs a judge surge. Who is going to be your vp . Will it be an American Samoan . There are going to. Delegates that go to the convention from American Samoa but im not using my vp today although i did say see Rfk Junior On My your show a bit ago and i would love to challenge him to a debate. Now ive beaten joe biden its time for rfk junior and i to get on the stage together. Jesse i will relay the message. We will see if he accepts the debate challenge. I think you should be up there debating joe biden because that would definitely be a sight to see. I would take a debate with joe biden as well. I actually cohosted a debate last week of two libertarian candidates and two green candidates. Jesse so you are cohosting and earning delegates and we are proud of you. Very proud. Thank you. Tell everybody in baltimore i said hello. Thank you, appreciate it. Jesse primetime has read the new Spending Bill. Even dead senators have earmarks [ ] [ ] if youre living with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. Now theres skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin. And show it off. Nothing is everything with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90 clearer skin. And if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. 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Order American Made products at wt. Com surfs up [ ] jesse bidens border is covered in crime tape and bringing us to our knees. Meet 33yearold raul benitez. Country of origin, mexico. How long hes been in america . Nobody nose. But we do know certainly popular in the jails. Hes built up quite the rap sheet. Suspended licenses, marijuana possession, domestic violence, assault. But hes game to the system just like other dreamers and its resulted in tragedy. Over the weekend he smoked a bowl, Knockback Survey says, Court Document says he prefers coors light and got Behind The Wheel going at least 100 miles an hour, no headlights on. He used the shoulder of the road like it was a nascar track and his joyride ended in murder. Smashing his suv into a 27yearold Washington State troopers control car. He was only on the job for two and a half years and leaves behind his wife and 2yearold daughter. But according to bidens policies, drunk illegals like raul are welcome to stay. What exact changes would you bring to icemac is an agency . I would hold them accountable if they stepped over my executive order. You only arrest for the purpose of dealing with a felony thats committed, and i dont count Drunk Driving is a felony. Jesse believe it or not under current law, duis arent included in the list of crimes that trigger deportation. And we are hoping to change that. Cohost of the five joins me now. Will of these things are preventable. First arrest, goodbye. Yep, well he had four arrests, one for domestic violence, one for driving over the suspended license, one for possession of marijuana and the other for failure to appear. This guy has been in this country for a long time, we dont know how he came in, when he came in, but we do know hes been arrested four times and twice in those four times, once he got a sentence of 90 days, 85 days suspended which means he only served five. Second arrestee got 90 days, 87 days suspended which means he only stayed in jail for three. Illegals are the criminals who are privileged in this country unfortunately. When joe biden says i will fire an i. C. E. Agent if you take or deport someone who hasnt convicted been convicted of a felony, then hes indicated he does not care and also he does not understand the law. Because you can be convicted of Drunk Driving as a felony if you kill someone, if your Blood Alcohol Level is a certain level, if theres various kinds of injuries or maybe its your second or third. Joe biden does not know the law, he does not understand this and hes put americans at risk because of it. Jesse and he gets out of ever having to answer for any of the crimes that are committed by these migrants, thats why donald trump has already challenged him to debate. The binder was asked about this earlier. Now that the field is down to two,s President Biden going to commit to a debate with donald trump . Thats something for the campaign to speak to. Well we know when the debates are going to be, we know where they are going to be, is he going to go . You should speak to the campaign. In 2020, once it got down to one on one, joe biden said i can hardly wait to debate him. How about now . Im good to sound like a broken record, you should reach out to the campaign. Jesse do you believe he can hardly wait to debate trump . Joe biden is frightened of donald trump, theres no way biden will debate him because hes incapable of debating him and the American People agree. They understand the guy is in cognitive decline every day hes worse than the day before so this guy is afraid they will wrap them in saran wrap and say we are going to allow him to debate donald trump because donald trump is longing. We dont know what hes lying about, we dont know if its true or not but it wont happen. Jesse i bet you a dinner that he debates and if you lose accu have to buy me much more than a dinner. Thats the wager. Thats the wager. We will write it up afterwards and you have a special. Cocaine godmother. She is individually accountable for the increase in miamis economy in the late seventies and early eighties. The first female cocaine drug lord, she was vicious, she was a sociopath, she killed at The Drop Of A Hat and she started as a madam. Shed bring girls up from columbia and then she would make undergarments and put cocaine in the undergarments and then she would lure the big guys. Real sociopath but you have to watch it. Jesse we will watch it, fox nation, thats where the sociopaths are. [ laughter ] jesse and a stuffed bras. Happy dei thursday on a wednesday. [ ]ecret . [ ] everywhere were all human, its okay to smell like one. sniffs i smell very human right now. Which is totally normal. Girl preach. But if it bothers you, 4 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant. Which gives you 72 hour odor protection. From your pits to your bits. So you can use it on your. spraying secret whole body deodorant. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Jesse the house passed a half a trillion dollars Spending Bill today. Thousands of pages, no one had time to read it, we did not even know about it and we just opened it up and heres what we found. 850,000 for Bus Stop Equity in california. We dont know what that means. We dont know if they are going to put a bus stop in a rich neighborhood or poor neighborhood but a bus stop is just a small thing that keeps you dry in the rain and a sign that says bus stop. 850 grand . What . A Million Dollars for a solar panel jail on an island in the south pacific. A jail that only holds 180 people and the solar panel will probably cost more than the entire jail itself. One hundred grand for an internet cafe in oregon. And internet cafe. What is this, germany in the nineties . And internet cafe . Are they just giving money to starbucks . How about this, 15 million to strap Ankle Monitors on cows. How hard is it to keep track of a cow . They are 1000 pounds and slow. And fenced in. The naacp in baltimore getting half a Million Dollars for their headquarters. They helped democrats so why not send them half a Million Dollars . Fire marshal bowman, the guy who pulled the alarm on capitol hill, wants a million and a half dollars to teach kindergartners about climate change. Fedderman wants 1 million for a Gay Community center that hosts kink, fetish and bdsm parties. I think thats torture . When he got caught about it his office put out a Statement Saying he retracts the earmark but now he comes out and says he actually does support the gay fetish party museum and he doesnt know why his staff denied it. Dianne feinstein who passed away in october, sadly, even has in earmark herself. We dont know how or when or why she has in earmark in the latest bill as she has been dead for a while, but theres 5 million for a Shooting Range with her name on it in california. Didnt congress throw a mutiny because the last speaker was spending too much . Whats going on here . None of these people do what they are told. We are trying to bring down inflation. This is what is causing inflation. We dont need solar panels on jails or Ankle Monitors for cows. Give us a border wall, Strong Military and fix the potholes. The ceo Of Open The Books joins us. Adam, explained to me why a bus stop costs 1 million when all the bus does is stop there. Will it shouldnt. Look, this bill is a bipartisan congressional spending or g. We took a look at the five states getting the most earmarks out of the bill. Number 1 is california, no surprise there but states two and three are republican states, florida and texas, each of them getting north of 700 million of earmarks out of the bill. Number 4 is new york, the democratic state, no surprise, but number 5 is main. Main is ranked 47th on population but number 5 on the receipt of earmarks because of republican u. S. Senator Susan Collins who partnered with her democratic colleague to bring nearly a half billion dollars worth of earmarks into main and jesse, i can tell you tonight that the lumberjacks in maine, they are celebrating. They are getting a new lumbermans museum in maine. Jesse listen, id rather have a Lumber Jack Museum than a gay fetish museum and that doesnt have anything to do with me not enjoying whatever it is they do, okay . They can do whatever they want, but heres the thing, we are trillions of dollars in debt, we dont need a gay fetish museum or a Lumber Jack Museum any more museums, we have enough. We need to get out of debt. We have to go. We will be doing this on a weekly basis. It is something we must have. Jesse happy dei thursday on a wednesday. Bidens State Of The Union not going to stop prime time from celebrating its favorite day of the week so an honor we will bring you the best stories of diversity, equity and inclusion. First up, march 2nd was National Reading day and thats a good thing because reading is fundamental but instead of preordering get it together on amazon, troubling tales from the liberal fringe, which you will just absolutely have a fetish about, kansas city democrats ready kids book called introducing teddy, a gentle story about gender and friendship. Its about two teddy bears, one of them is trans. Whats wrong, thomas . Talk to me. If i tell you, said thomas, you might not be my friend anymore. I will always be your friend, thomas. Thomas the teddy took a deep breath. I need to be myself. In my heart, ive always known that im a girl teddy, not a boy teddy. I wish my name was tillie. Not thomas. Jesse if you hadnt realized right now that dei is a graph, let me take it to school. Specifically the University Of Virginia which spends nearly 20 million a year on dei. Open the books, college and some of the Staff Members make more than the president. The global Chief Diversity Officer is raking in 450,000 a year. Thats nearly 600,000 when you factor in his benefits. Kevin mcdonald, the vp for dei makes over 400 grand and then theres chief diversity and Community Engagement officer, 400 grand. Good work if you can get it. And no dei thursday or wednesday is complete without a victory. Doritos fired spanish trans activist Samantha Hudson two days after hiring him or her or whatever. Samantha has quite the online history from describing in Graphic Detail what he would like to do to kids sexually, to making fun of victims of sexual abuse. Samanthas entire public agenda is about eradicating western values. I advocate abolishing, destroying and annihilating the traditional monogamous nuclear family. Its not like im going to beat up my parents. Jesse okay doritos, good job. And then doritos deleted all of the videos of this guy or girl and the Parent Company released a Statement Saying, we recently created a content series with Samantha Hudson, a local influencer. We have ended the relationship and stopped all related campaign activity. So doritos, canceled samantha or sam and they are still just ripping you off through shrinkflation and dont give you 40 chips when they should be selling you 50. Pickles and ahead. [ ] [ ] [ ] theres a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50 . Try Dawn Powerwash dish spray. It removes 99 of grease and grime in half the time. It cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. Try Dawn Powerwash. cheery music they get it. They know how it works. And more importantly. It works for them. I dont have any anxiety about money anymore. I dont have to worry about a Mortgage Payment every month. It allowed me to live in my home. And not have to pay payments. [narrator] if youre 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity to improve your lifestyle. A reverse Mortgage Loan eliminates your monthly Mortgage Payments and puts taxfree cash in your pocket. Call the number on your screen. It was the best thing ive ever done, and really . Yes, without a doubt just like these folks, aag can show you how a reverse Mortgage Loan uses your builtup home equity to give you taxfree cash. Its a good thing. Why dont you get the facts . Like these folks did. [narrator] call right now to receive your free, noobligation info kit. Call the number on your screen. Jesse lets bring in fox news host julie. Is this what you guys do on the five . Practicing my name. You and greg. You both have it wrong but its fine. Jesse talk about getting stuck in a pickle. Theres a manhunt going on in jersey after a prankster Went Bobbing For Pickles at a Convenience Store. Watch. A pickle poacher. Peeking police interest. A man is wanted for recording an apparent social media stunt that simply went to sour. It may not have been a big deal but police say what happened at this Convenience Store two weeks ago was, in fact, a crime. The briny band it wanted to go viral, while hes going to relish this. A video given to us shows him in action with a head dunked to the pickle barrel. But now that mr pickle has gone public, maybe he bit off a little bit more than he can chew. Jesse have you ever gone bobbing for pickles . I have not. I keep my face away from Pickles Jesse thats smart. Very sour. What was going on with this gentleman . Reporter hes a perfect example of how our youth is so stupid. He did this because he wanted to get social media hits, he wanted to go viral. I hope he ends up in jail. Thats vandalism. Disgusting is what it is. Jesse local official at the department of Veterans Affairs tried to put that cabal shone the famous times square kiss photo, you know that one way banning up from buildings. She claims it depicts a nonconsensual act. The va secretary got wind of it and said no, thats days. Does that Look Nonconsensual to you . She doesnt seem to be fighting it. Yeah, no, its fine. Jesse she looks into it. Is absolutely into it, look at her hands. Shes like take me. Jesse and she was there when the soldiers were returning from war. What did she expect . Hes an American Hero and shes just paying him back. Jesse its the least she could do. I bet you thats not the only way she paid him back. Just saying. Jesse thank you julie. Weve got gary from nebraska, joe biden seems to think the Cookie Monster is a registered voter. [ laughter ] jesse john from new york, we put Ankle Monitors on cows but not criminals . That sounds about right. Bill from chesapeake, virginia, for some reason i like this jason palmer guy. Palmer is exploding all over the scene. Ralph from ohio, was craig one of jason palmers three hires in samoa . It was a miracle and its sahmoa, we think. You cannot do dei thursday on a wednesday, this is against the rules. We make the rules here and bidens state of of the Union Address has Preempted Dei thursday so we will have special coverage of that tomorrow, so check it out. Always remember, this is my world

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