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America. I think its a very big day for liberty. Just a great day for this country. The Supreme Court putsurt puts trump back on the ballot. This socalled Migrant Crime Wave is just not happening. Its a lie. The media says migrants havent broken any laws he is devouring. Why are kids toes in school . Plu. Plus why did the Chicken Cross N the road . Okay. Another body blow to joe bidens reelection, which was ca already having Trouble Breathing in a unanimous decision. Nine nothing. The Supreme Court ruled today states cannot strip donald trump off the ballot. Donaldonal trump will remain on the ballot in colorado, illinois and maine. And in everllot in coloy sta the ruling states, quote, poates have no power under the constitution to disqualify a candidate from federal office ,especially the presidency. Amy Coney Barrett particularly in this circumstance. Writingy columns on the courd turn the National Temperature down, nont up. Own donald trump called the Decision Unifying and inspirationaup. L and challenged joe biden to stop his Prosecutorchalles Fi Interfering in the election. Watch. President biden. Number one, stop weaponization. Figh t your fight yourself. Dont use prosecutors oppon and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you canenryandn election. Our country is much bigger than that. R Countranthe Media has been diy selling this case as a sla m dunk, raising the hopes of liberals that biden can win agaisn from the Basement Becaus Trump would have been off the ballot in every blue stateof. Yesterdays decision by the Colorado Supreme was masterful. It was brilliant and it is an unassailable interpretation of the 14th amendment. The constitution says what it says. The colorado Supreme Court decided that the Constitution Stilat I Ourtl matters and it applies to donald trump. The expresident engaged tsays hrrection againsp. The united states. The constitution says he is not qualified for off as a result. T qualofficethat is the plain te matter and a straightforward reading of the law . The great legal minds of cable tv did not see a nine nothing ruling coming down the pipeline and gave their audience what they ing do to hear false hope and eventually disappointment. Y cnn reported that it was d unfortunate that the supremeowee followed the constitution. Unfortunately for america, the court in this isnt necessarily wrong that this way is the way the framers wanted it to be. On for america. The framers wanted freedom cnn. He press and have cnn and the press today collectively realized americans would have to vote to save democracy. The democrats will haveo to persuade voters instead of nine judges, and they jus a heavy heart. It will be up to the American Voters to savee our democracy in november, as it means we got to beat them mo the Ballot Bomocrac it x ay motivate our base. You cant save a people from themselves the. N if theyre determined to reelect him afte r he organized that insurrection. Arguablynsurrect, our first cour de time, then theres nothingm to stop the people from doing that. Larrys mad that nothing can stop jesse they americans from. Theyre admitting they dont t theyy tlike the democrac that they say they need saving. Now, some tv lawyer S Pretenddecisi it was the right Decisionon Ialong and they knew it was going to be nine nothing. And i actually think it was the right Decisiont T Make Beca it would have, you know, if had rado had been allowed to d o that, wed have this chaotic sort of process where you have 50 states and some are choosing to put them on the ballot and some are choosing not to putth and s them on the balls no, this wasnt what sunny hostin said months ago about the colorado case. Point is the constitution and there is a constitution and theres precedent. And we need conion an be tak. I understand other liberals threw a tantrum worse than jesse jr. Keith olbermann says, quoteprem the Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members, Including Jackson ,kagan and sotomayor, have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension. And collectively, the court has shown itself to be corrupt mus and illegitimate. It must be dissolvet bed. The women on the court c cant read. So dissolve. It, says keithourt olbermann,tob unaware that it happens to be womens history month. Someand someone told olbermann h to cry more. And he wrote back, quote, those, arent tears fascist. Theyre. Fahey are you enjoy being bathd in it. Olbermann claimed hes his ownw face. And we hope that he gets the help that he needst he, i regardless of What Olbermann is doing in the privacy of his own home. Docya has officiallyemocrats declared the democrats now the time to start freaking out. If its an existential threat, let. S start likeits its an existential threat. So stop bedwetting. Tht maybnistentiae a little bitk out wouldnt be the worst thing in the world. Politico says Behind The Scenes has the feel of a slow motion car crash. The level of freakout out remains high, as democrats are tellin g each other. Wette if youre not a bedwetter now, youre not paying attention. They were passing out quaaludes on the Upper West Side after the sundaydes On T York Times Edition landed on the stoops. The latest time poll trumps ahead by five points. A gaping advantage by a republican nationally in a Mainstream Media polblican nl. The most finding 10 of americans who voted for biden in 2020. Nodew theyre switching their votes to trump. Vo 8 millions over biden voters have become trump voters, which would give trump the popular vote. The first time republicans doner vote that in 20 years. Joe bidens Approval Rating sinking even lower, just 36 . Ntd and around three quarters of the country agreeing b hes too old to be an effective leader. Half of democratsan dont evt want biden to be their nominee. And President Trumps takinha advantage, picking upam large amounts of support from women, hispanicsounts rt, blackg americans, basically everyone amerdes College Professors and ladies with purple hair. The left cant processh purple how horrible of a President Joe Biden is and the toll hes taking on theirent biden i importantly, the country. So theyre lashing outhing out and uncoordinated fashion, Justifying And Excusingand Gi his performance and giving a variety of wild advicevi var. Do i need to remind you thatonef one of the greatest president s in the history of Americt Pra Ws in a wheelchair and he did owe a we went from bidens fdr b because he accomplished a lotcas to hes fdr because neither could walk. Heres another strategy. Instead of trying to refute all the too old to be president slams, joe must embracresidente them. Stop with the im sharper than ever. Nobodys buyine ig that. Dont try to deny the age thing. Lean into it. Lean in. Lean in like youre eatingn, sop. Just admit it. Say yes. Im bad with names im and. I walk like a toddler with a full diaper. Be yourselwith fulf. And joe yourself is old. Thats who you are all you once fell down the stairs of the underground railroad. Youre so of e old. Youre a bad kid with a drug problem. Its 54. While democrats over bidens fdr, a baby with a dirty diaper, othersy suggest callinl the military and there needs to be a general campaign where these generals who wor bk t with him need to turn to theubli American Public and turn to camera and say, you dontcary understand how scary this can be, really can go overs can clif here, get people scared out of people. So instead of 51 cia guys, l were going to go 51 generalses. Beating the medals off their chest. How does the Biden Campaign plan on closing the will be overwhelming on democracy. I think the biggest images in peoples minds are going to be of januarys minds t sixts so bidens not going to run on policy. Gonna run january 6th. And he thinks in november voters are goinganuary 6 to goi walking to their polling place, thinking about the guy who put gup on nancys deskdesk and the shaman obama world, not convinced. David axelrod says, quote, im pretty certain in scranton. A theyre not sitting around their dinner table talking about democracy every nightdemo this is what theyre talking about around their general table. Dont h i dont have the moneyy to to buy fast food anymore. Who made these prices bam overnight . Like, hey, guess what . S what your arbys is 53 bucks. Im never paying 53 bucks for fast food. Right one trip at mcdonalds right now. One single trip to mcdonalds. 30 bucks. Trip 30. 30. Thats. Thats pizza money. Youre not pizzaoney. Youre fast food. Attorney for President Trump, Ballina Harbor joins me now. Elina, are you going to send arn some of thosekers . New trump sneakers . I guess i am. Em and im going to put themcase in the case so he can look yor and lookve at ebay and how theyre selling for 450,000 going on with these people. Its just a crazy reactionmen to something everybody knew was going to happeknew wn. You know what it reminds me of . Jesse, do you remember in 2016 and 2020 and you had thesend these their moms now themme crying when donald trump won . , just the outbreak. I remember waking upi at 2 a. M. And watching liberals just shed liberal tears. That Iwatchingals Justs Happeni why . Because america won today. Imagine cryinghappenin because the constitution is standing strong and were not going becae to turn into cuba. Thats trump derangement syndrome. Ent101 right there. Ndrome were so upset 1 Becausee The Constitution was upheld today because the Supreme Courot showed us that we are not cuba,l we are not a thirdy, world country. We are not a banana republic. And that werea bana the thingsu over the past four months in new york are not going to becom in nee america. And what does msnbc, the view and cnn, they have tantrums. Hav its literally epic to. But we did say this is a cleanwd cut Supreme Court decision, re constitutional. They were trying to do something that would have been hurtful, democratsthat i and republicans. And thats what people need to remember. Its abouts what peopl america b its not about trump. Its about us. I heard the congressman,d democrat, today saying hes gott some plan to go back to congress and determinejo in the trumps an insurrectionist show, even if he does win in november, donalsd trump, congress could bar him from taking office. Whatscoould bar going on here . Hey, why dont wale also spy2024 on his election for 2024 and then act like it didnt happen . Ackei mean, its whatow theyre always doing. They double down, they triple down, and they becomanled downem. Im not sure where their pr people are, but they shoul tdt h take a look at the polls. What theyre doing is not working. And what President Trump were doiwhat said today was so articulate and so on point,oday he calm, he was measured, and he said it very clearly. President biden. Do your job. Stop attacking me. , i fight fair and square. I dont want to win this way. I want to wi tisn fair and squa. Youve got to take your henchmen off of me. R witc your witch hunts, your election interference cases. And if you can wal k walk your way to the ballot in 2024 and vote. Ballbut he is not able to do soh and thats the truth. So the desperation, as were seeing with what they said today, going to congress, it just you know, they doubleey doo they tripled down. Tomorrow well hear more of it. But theyre not realizin weored the American People see straight through it, jesse, and theyre sick of it. All right. We just want to se thek of. Je a fair fight. Is that too much to ask . I dont thinchk and i never asks for anything. Elena, you know that. D you knowthank you. Nothing. So what happened to comedy . Johnny finds out. Why is everyone so offended . It was. Walk around. In there. Y if you and you know what im saying . If you try vaping the quit smoking, it might feel like progress. Progress. More nicotine than a pack of cigarettes vapes, increased cravineyreg trapping you and it and this craving Loop Nicorette reduces cravings until theyre gone for good and over 13 million americans were affected by Identity Theft in 2022. And the threats are more than you realize. If youre a victim of Identity Theft, lifelock works to fix it on your behalf by the Million Dollar protection package. Enroll now this mango hint what . It tastes just like mango. How can want to taste just like fruit . For a limited time, new customers get over 45 off their drink income. Thats 36 bottles for just 36 point only 1 per bottle. Hint. How does it feel to win a big game . Thank you. 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Ca is it the Policy Of Theit the Biden Administration to allowtit as many migrants to come across the bordero y in order to change the political dynamics, the electoral dynamicspolitica of america . A 20 twoyearold nursing student, i know youve been following thisf am Sing Stu Lake and Riley O In The State Of Georgia was murdered. Should thia was have been depore now without the media on his side . Biden cant survivedi. Theyre covering the border instead of covering it up. The chief of bordeovering. R, wd for biden for two years, sayswo the president never even called them. Ive never hade one conversation with the president or the vice wit president , for that matter. And so i was the chief of the Border Patrol. Thei commanded 21,000 people. Thats a problem. Joe biden spoken to dillon more than his own Border Chiefbe ,and he still hasnt called Lincoln Rileys family either. Biden had George Floyds fam on speed dial when it wase Jussie Smolletfloynt faked a hae crime. Joe was there for him. But 11 days afte himr was murded by a migrant, he let in. He still hasnt said her name. Migran because they dont want you to know. Migrant crimes real. Ay. They want you to think trumps making it up. Migrant crime the. I mean, like hes unveiling a new product, by the way. Thats how hes pitching i kee his socalled Migrant Crime Wave is just not happening. Its lie. Analysis an nbc News Analysis released just this week foundd just thate has actually dropped in the cities that receive the most migrants from the southern w border. Now, the only place crimes going down is venezuela, because theyre sendine only ontgcrim all their criminals here. Migrant crime isnt down in sanctuary cities. Not be its just not being reported. Thats why theyre Sanctuary Citiesiney are. They dont deport or report. And any city canor make crime pe go down if they stop prosecuting it on locacung it. L night after nightct in americas sanctuary cities, we hear about murderuarys ,as. Migrant crimes real, and its preventabl e. This guy, caribbean illegal, has been arrested 65 times. He just slugged nurses at the hospital and now hes on the lam. These three illegal portuguese arrested in Rhodeisld Island after a baby was killed. A brazilian illegal convicted of child in brazil wad ofs, just arrested in bosto. Some, we assume, are good people. But this was a bet on bray and border. Er patro arrested three gangsters from ecuador in the dominican gang. Ic, thei their rap sheets include agg assault, trafficking, endangerin includeg child. De now, biden had called his Border Patrol chie hisf. He would have told them, just end catch and release. We need to make sure that central america, south america, mexico, that those regions understand ame that youy a smuggler and you crossing between the ports of entry and yonu do not have a legitimate claim to some sort of asylum benefit, youre going to be sent back. Hosthris hansen is the host and takedown with chris hansen on true blue itakedowns crime ai it is not a hoax. A i just spent a week, jesse, with the polk county, florida sheriffs office, grady judd, the sheriff there. In the course of a week, we didi a predator investigation. Predators looking for childrenon online and a Human Trafficking investigation. The humang Fo Onlin Trafficks two hundred and 28 people arrested in a week, 10 Illegal Immigrants, citizens from, other countries. Are they being trafficked or are they traffickers . Its both. So in one case and wee th have this on video and youll see this coming up on true com blue, we have Two Women Comingnt in to a hotel room all on hiddente camera being recorded. B they cut a deal. Eithey c with the undercover two women, 1300 dollars. And later, after the arrest, they told investigators they had to earn had 3,000 a w to pay the people who smuggled them int to country. So theyre indebted to the id cartels who have trafficked them, and then they pay offf that debt through a life of crime in thte united states. E thats the only way they can make this money and theyre forced into it. Andso three venezuelans arrest. One man who was zuelans these out and the two victims of Human Trafficking. Theyre saying crimd then tws where all of these migrants are heading. Maybeed. Crime has gone down. But you have cases of horrific crimes. The case herf horrife and in ge, the guy, you know, a few months ago was taking selfies. Jose guevara fenthsa, times w and now hes accused of killing 22yearold lincoln riley. And you have to remembe22yer that in the last year, the stats will show 79,000 Illegal Immigrants came into this country with criminal histories. Countrybut one of those, on Avh Crimcommitted at leastos four crimes, according to the statistics. And these are all verified. O thso suddenly 79,000 turns inb you three. You even believe these statistics. I mean, you dont know whos comingvestats . You dont know the god of ways. Half of these things way, they could just be making up. Well, they could be. But, you know, the Border Patrol butder, Homeland Security i. N. S. , they want to put theset stats togetherth. They want to arrest these people. They dont want to see this happen. They dont want to see happen somebodyt to on whom they have an Immigration Hold allowed to go free in a Sanctuary City because they dont recognize the Immigration Holdse t there. V the criminal Justice System has another crack at some of these bad guys, and theyrk in e doing it. E and one other thing i talked to recently, a sheriffing, i Ata Border In Arizona told me that he gets as manye as 250 kids, children a day coming over the border and theyre ov. Disappear, disappear. What happens to those kids . Well, i think we know thats it tragic. Take down with chris hansen, true blue tv. U, jes check it out. Thank you, jesse. Ank you. Se jwhy are kids toes at school . Jwhy are kids toes at school . Can the river support your brain health . Mary janet. Hey, eddie. Noto 7 brath indicw razor. Frank. Frank. Brad, how are you . Brad buell. Up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new river brain Health Challenge at ashley. We believe everythings better in leather, which is why we offer new, refined leather that are designed to impress and built to last. Tv has a big new boys. Buckle up with the newest season of the voice with the double first ever coaching duo. My first stop was swamp thing. You get two for the price of one, then its dealer no deal island more adventure and were afraid of heights. More risk. Guy. Same question. Deal or no deal . Check your local listings. Griselda blanco, flamboyant woman nicknamed by the colombian newspapers la marina or godmother a story you didnt know. Griselda was an enigma about. Miamis narcotics queens. 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We aim to capture your black excellence at all times. Were not going to crack on because were from around the corner. Places like these. How do you know whats Ghetto Success is extra. Is this the start a diet as a Nascar Cup Series champion or redemption to go to work . This the face of a ruthless competitor or your favorite . Is it time for a break to get back to the break . It . Was this the makings of the wildest crime . And witness its all. And its about to go down. Any questions . Who are you . You wanted me to find out about her. Shes got six kids. Dead husband. And then hes being attacked in the philippines, desperate. Im just proclaiming. Really. Shes clearly much more than that. Im never going to let anything happen to you. The Cleaning Lady season premiere this on fox. There is something seriously this and twisted occurring in this country now. We thought wed seen it all. Kindergarten, drag Queen Story Hour changes for kids. We dont get shocked by much. But then this happened at deer cree much. K schooloo in oklahoma. This video shows High Schoolersin othis on each o toes at a school fundraisel r. He is devouring. Those were High School Students licking Peanut Butter off their classmates looki feet. The school made a pointt to to say no adults feet were licked for charity. Okay. Whose idea was this . Who okayed . Hat . Usually need a permissionneed slip to go to the bathroom. You cant tell me. People werent surprised. This video went crazy. Almost 50 Million People saw it. And now its led to a formal investigation by the Oklahoma State department of education. The School District had to come out and say this, quote, through thisout specific game,h failed to uphold the dignity of our students and the proud image of our community. We fell short. And for that, we greatlygreatl apologize. Meanwhile, liberals are defendiny apg child dolls in the Kentucky State Senate ste last week. State lawmakers were debating a billatat that would criminalie the possession and trafficking of a childaliz doll. Child how many child toys are there anyway . Wee dont know. One probably feels like too many, but not everybody agrees with us. A democrat state senator from kentucky, karen burg, there she is, did e shg and thinksx doll the child dolls are aod i thing thing. I was completely unfamiliar with child dolls, so i had, of course, to google it last night. Minor. Attracted persons and the men acted. Amount of research thats done on these dolls guyt iss suggests that they actually for people who are Attractedthat T to minors that these dolls actually decrease their proclivity to go out and attack children, that it actually gives. A release o gives them a release. That settles it. Child dolls for everybody. Seems like berg came to her senses and then released a statement saying release, as a mom and a physician, i am, of course, deeply concerne ad with the harm of. And i regret in my questiondn the committee didnt convey that i voted in favor to outlaw child dolls, thank god. T but why does the left keep l trying to normalizefe . An and why do they call them minort attracted persons . G in lets bring in clinical psychologist dr. Carmichael. Before we get to the child dolls, can we talk about the the toes . What purpose would that serve . D i know well, jesse, thats a verye o good question. And i know that the school trieol t sd to say, well, no ads but were, but nevertheless they monetized the experience ar High Schoolers doing to each other. And when we are in an environment where people are using ridiculousenn an envir ted minor attracted persons and we have an epidemicperson child, Bd Children Being featured in and consuming and im sure in their comprehensive sex education, they probably cover and Everything Else now. And so there they then decideddr to have these high school was doing this to each other at an evenr att that was for fundg. Raising. On some level, this experience was monetize it. And that is disgusting. The school should be completely ashamed. D of. Fundra foot fetish fundraiser. You have adultve adult, you havh teachers and administrators sitting there in the bleacherss watching kids each others e for money for. Every adult in that room shouldo be ashamed of themselves. A when that School Put Outem A statement saying we failed to uphold the Dignitent Sa Faiy moreover, they actively degraded the dignity by encouraging or even permitting. As you said, children need eveno a Permission Slip to go to the bathroom, much less to engage in this typebathro of activity. These children who have been isolated through covid, again exposed to this epidemic. And now were going to encourage them to lie on the floor and each othersha toes in a monetized environment. I honestly think that Ther Environmese be a lot of firings that occur in a very should be arrests. B. Thats what there should be. E these child dolls, is there ans thy research that shows chil child dolls would reduce child sexual abuse . O well, first of all, jesse, even if there were suchre suc research, i would be extremely skeptical of it. But i did do a brief review of thit as supposed literature. And no, theres not even suchodf a convincing body of literature. But as a clinical psychologist ishat i would say is that that being with a child dol tl would be tantamount to what we call Cognitive Rehearsale , whei you are actively doing just like we know a Basketball Player can visua, l ize himselfa making the basket and then hell do it. Thats what these dolll do props would be. They also encourage what we th, where maybe you have a curiosity or a fantasy, and then with this prop, you go ahead and you g start elaborating on it. Even even worse is the insinuation that this is in some way therapeutie c, because whatser next . Our taxpayer is going to be dollng for somebodys therapgony doll. Yeah, the migrants get a free doll and a phone when they cross bidens border. I can see it happening. And are we going to give domestice happe abusers a doll of their wife that they cane smack that doll around . T is and were going to tell them that thats therapeutic goods. One of those boxing dummies justenin give every domestic ab. Or one of those problems. And this is happening kentucky and the total looking oklahomaai states. Id never thought id see experience of that kind of depravity Nev Experiethat ki chloe, we have to go. Or i should say dr s. Carmichae. Excuse me. You can call me whatever you want. M youjesse, good to see you. Thanks. You too. So, daisy, remember her . She talked to prime timeck right back. Start your day with nature. Start your day with nature. Meetet the number one pharmacist recommended by vitamin and supplement brand. Tide is busting laundry. Biggest myth that cold water cant clean cold water on thos stainssa. Cold water cant clean tough stains. 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Is it time for a Breakthrough Podcast to get back to the breaking stuff . It was this makings of a wild ride for everyone with any question when you can watch. Listen. Get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. Fox radio on sirius xm america is listening. Will cain live from texas as Super Tuesday gets underway. As Super Tuesday gets underway. Hear from voters im katie porter and i approve this message. Hes the hundredpercent protrump candidate for u. S. Senate republican eric early. Always supports trump and the maga agenda. Republican eric early. Endorsed by the california prolife council. Opposed to all abortion. And eric early loves the second amendment. Eric early. Way more dangerous than steve garvey. He dodges trump. Garvey even said he might vote for biden. Republican eric early for u. S. Senate. Too maga. Too trump. Too dangerous. Democrats agree. Too maga. Too trump. Conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. Our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. Mr. Garvey, you voted for him twice. As your own man, what is your decision . Garvey is wrong for california. But garveys surging in the polls. Fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. Stop garvey. Adam schiff for senate. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message. On the same habitat. Learn how you can make a difference. Jesse ask any husband or wife. We hate admitting when weren we wrong. If you think thats difficult, take politicians. Their permissive policies triggered a crime wave and instead owning itd inst and fixing the problem. Theyre normalizing the problem. Shoplifting. Ing . The Washington Post says dont sweat it because, quote, america is a sticky fingered nation built on stolen. And. Since covid, the New York City Subway racked up more subway murders than in the previous 15 years combined, even introducing a level of artistic sophistication into the subwayntroduci gets you blu in the heayod. That woman had seven priors,a seven priors because of bail reform. And that judge let reform her walk again. Now, democrats claim that only 1 of thats claie Peot Out On Bail would reoffend lie according to a new study from john jay college. 66 of people with Rap Sheet Wit who are Let Go Under Bail Reform now are arrested again. And if you had felony priorsstea and got bailed out, you likely had another felony. So r felony people all over the co know they can get away with murder. In georgia, a group of teenws up a six flags on opening day. Its a symptom of a greater problem. Thi the left has established this permissive attitude towards crime and now people feelattack entitled to attack and shoot innocents. And ssome do drugs. Some live on the streets. Look at california. Loothe epicenter of the countre soft on crime, social experiment, open use is encouraged and vagrancy rarely address liberal lawmakers in days of time, the cops and sod decent when they try tob their jobs, theyre treated like the criminals. On friday, we introduce you to daisy, the village healee r. Bu shes a homeless woman whos built a makeshift she shed on the Venice Beach Boardwalk Whe where she lives and offers spiritual healings those in need. She calls it a tiny home. But there are laws a against living on the strip. I mean, you cant just live on the sidewalk. t tidewalk. But when the cops co daisy to move along, she flippe sd on. I dont feel like my body was gg here because people tell meou you dont want me to. You that. But now, after about an hour of verbal abuse, daisy moved the shisha down the road. But prime time tracked down. And daisy. Daisys back on the beach. I spoke to heri spoker earli ea, and this is how it went. It is not right. Yellin the time. Because im angry. Im angry because i have unprocessed emotions. That became stagnant. E and it was not true. The trauma. D an okay, so i tried to relearn and it worked for few seconds. So, daisy, why were you living out on the street . Whats your goal . Goal . Im not telling you or anr other man i havent met where i sleep. Muchnt even know if i likout ee you that much. Next question. What kind of healingxt quest o . Good question. Are we all in the Healing Gy Of Learning and growth . Working on ourselves . So im daisy dove in thise healer because im healing myself. So but theim Steeling Mysn i me of trying to give her some advice, you know, to help her get it togethet itr. Available for preorder right now. Avaie for prbut she wasnt havi. Good luck. Next time, maybe. Listen to what the police have to say. And thanvek you for your healing properties. Oh, thank you for the unsolicited advice you catch. Its unsolicited advice is just splattered all over you. All right, now thin jessek about it. There are bouquets of daisies everywhere. There e bopolice do their best,t dont have the support to deal with caseswi like this. Attorney and retired nypdspe Inspector Paul Morrow joins me now. How does Law Enforcement grapple with the disease of the world with a lot of hope that its just not going to goso bad . Look, you know, new york city has no shortage of people that are s in daisy zone here. E but ask Yourself Thisurself T what is the prognosis for w her long term . Do we see daisy coming outse of whatever it is shesiety in becoming a productive member of society . And thats the piece thats never considered . Because heren ne in new york, generally, they end up going to the hospital. They give them some fluids td ud they dose them a little bit, and they put them right back out. There really isnt no matter the bay say, what they say. There really isnt a place forre the disease in our Societythat W these days. That whole system went away years ago. Howhat happens when 20 years frm now, assuming shes alive and everythings okay . O right. Shes living on the street with people like daisye in cold weather zones like new york, denver, which has a big homeless problem. Thas you know what happens . Im just going to be very frank. You end up working as a cop, scrapingd up off the sidewalkes in subzero degrees the next morning. And i hate to be graphic next. Thats where it goes. O he but nobody wants to hear that when you try to enforcear t and try to figure out a way that you can maybe force would be like, for instance, giuliani put in somethingce i called a cd weather alert. They had to go into the shelters. The Homelesso Go Lobby and induy because its a business here for it like crazy. And they got rid of it. Or so, daisy is mentally illy on drugs and a little bit of a performance artist. So if shes not committing a crime, sleepingbeside on the sidewalk and you try to have her move her tiny homeom and she resists, you cant really put her in, you say,t and you cant really institutionalize her because instk back a fewda pills and be out the next day. So you jus t pray and have hope for daisy . Kind of. I realistically, what are you you going to do . You know, if she fights with you, then she goes to jail. But it wontto jail bu be anythg seriously, you know, hopefully that she does. Seripefully shes going to get right back out and really jail for somebody like that isnt really the answer. Or sso shes blocking the sidewk in new york. It would be blocking pedestrian traffidewalkd c. You can take her. T new york doesnt allow for homeless encampments. Thats something thatallow homp relatively recent. We were putting up with that for a while, but there was too much pushback. Fotbut as i said, there reallya isnt a great mechanism and its something that we jusat dont want to confront. All right. So from daisy to some more flower power, W Te Have Onw of these Fossil Fuel Protesters gotten mentions, face an eventt the other day and got like a statue. Watch books, some of our readers. And you got rich doing it. You thin] k you dohosk . I shouldnt laugh, but how was that security handled . Irly looks fairly appropriate to me. Im not sure. Doneon wouldve been quit as delicate. You look pretty angry. Mentions a big guy. Yes. So, anyway, look, you know,t obviously hes getting in his space. Hes being threatening bee becau you can articulate the fact that you had to take action because you didnt know what he was going to d ake acti youo. He moved into he was moving forward, etc. Thoks fairly appropriate to me. And you have to expect thisgo reaction if youre going to cursein a guy out like after that and come after his family. Yeah, of course. Do you think if you had takenmi a swing, he would have connected . He mightght ha have, but then,d you know, theyd already be in court. And im sure this guy is a herosure thi to all of his budd. And, you know, nonetheless, i think that this was the appropriats e. Told m thats what her mother told me when i was first going out on the street. He sai wngd jesse, if anybody ts a swing at you, lean into it. Yeah. Guys and then sue him, im sure. And i bet you this guys already talking to lawyers. Im sure he is. S. All right, paul, thankk you you so much. Thank you. And thanh. K you. Lov we love you, johnny. Hi s. Im seet im sure a lot of funny things happen to you, but whats the funniestur thing to have everlmost happened to you . Ever think to myself . When i got drunken, one time . Thats what. Dont drink alcohol no more. Looking for a Leak Padght Oi that keeps you dry. All of the things that youre looking for in a pad that is always discreet. 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This Frget A Custom Built Awnig without the custom built price center story, youll get this free awning ideawi center story, youll get this a 200 Discount Certificate. N with sun center, youll create the ultimate Outdoor Living space. Perfec dealer 200 dist certiftr friends. Call now for your free awning idea. A su and 200 Discount Certificate. Life is better under a Sun Setter Act now and save save at home. It is a big continuing surge as we head into spring. The white house says that President Biden has some big plans for the State Of The Union speech and around the world, there are a lot of moving parts in these conversations that are taking place only on fox news channel. Week we told you about a group of comediansfa that were canceled from an event in seattle in order not it to make the neighborhood upset . Well, this had us thinking, is comedy dead or is it just seattle . Johnny hit the streets with the streets comedy edition. Watch. Are you a funny guy . N by what do you mean by funny . What do you mean by funny . I dont know what youre fug about here. The future. Yeah. Im a very silly, silly girl. E your silliest joke. Why did the chicken crossjoke. The road . Okay, it wasnt a chicken. Cross the road to get to the other side. I have nothingget to for your favorite comedian, dave chappelle. The straight to the point. The bush. Nd the b Andrew Dice Clay is jimmy fallon count. Yeah, but hes not funny the ji kevin hart. Why is he funny . Because hes short. Thats why eporter people. Gutfeld dont we all the little vanya thats a what is it okay to make fun of everything, you know, becaus everyuse, youe at ever, theres a blessing. If anybody cant take a joke nowadays, certain topics be very touchy. Rep some people are so touchy. Hu it okay to make jokesor about women as one of the girls talking is like that . T dont do that. Y sensit women. Oh, very sensitive. It is okay to jokeele. Whiteighw people if it does right now when it comes to race and religionhen it c i dont bothere fu with that. Is it okay to joke about black people . Everybody is one of us. Make one of them and its all jokes laughing for the big white people black people. Arent people purple people, Ninja Turtlelittle W people, ton so youre a little woke, too. I was asleep in 5 minutes ago. Come on, wake upeup. Why is everyone so offended . People just take things too personally. Peoples walk around, they gotn in their and its so confusing. Life is sor ass. Right now. What am i doing here . A bit what offends you . People calling me a . Od language. People who are disrespectful. Im having a great day and someone says, if youre ugly. And im like, no, not so serious. Whoopi goldberg. Eyebrows had disappeared for all thesi goldbee years. Where do they go . Just saying, im sure a lotying of funny things happenedgs hav to you, but whats the funniest thing to have ever happened to you . Almoshas t. So when i got drunk one time, thats not dont drink alcohol no dno more. More. Stal i was in the spelling bee and i spoke to crystal with the k because i thought of the kardashian kids. Like who Saysi Thoughhe that is donald trump . Funny he makes me giggle. Hes a funny dude, man. Absolutely. Hes amazingunny. He keeps it real. They want the truth and i give it to him. Theyre like, trump, cant ha you believe what he said. Thats funny. You are going to tal thak about what were going to do to make this country better. Yeah. All rightothis countryt. Youre on the nuclear codes. You as well. What about joe e on the . A little is he funny . Oh, its a little bit of amess. Hot mess now. He theory is to get things done. H. What . Like for is giving, like, given. Wht. What people wan what did he give you that you wanted . I mean, give me holy god, i wouldnt have called on if id known that. Well, know kamala,alah who . That little girl was me. What about jesse waters . I dont know who is. Ich is which is really embarrassing. Well, youre going to be on his show. Oh, yeahng . E on yeah. I feel so bad that i dont kno w. This guy here has the best time for that. But this color, because cculloch, hot, like all of pop at one time, ima say, you know what . This guy thumbs up. R how about another titillating excerpt from get it togetherating ex . Lets begin. Sleeor later tells me his mom am to have trouble sleeping. She saw a shaman. His moshe saw s momm threw up w now she sleeps like a baby. How about some texts . E fiel jim from plainfield, illinoid,s what do you mean . You never ask for anything you keep asking fo r to buyando your book. Im not asking. Im tellint askingg. Stanley from west virginia, democrats finally got democracy t. The ballo america won nine zip wilma from texas. Purple dont lump all those purple hairs together. Some o hf us loyal trump supporters. I cannot believe a Purpleit Haired Trump supporter. I need to see it to believe it. Karicarry from illin, illinois. N if 10 of biden voters are voting for trump, wanda has lot of work to do. Dont forget about craig. Craig stays busy about c. James from rhode island. Im completely innocent. But if c chris hansen shows up at my door, im going to think to s done something really . Hes the last persont you want to see knocking at your doory. Or johnny . Leeann from dallas, carolina, we need chris hansen to host to catch a migrant. Ve a were going to have some Chris Migrant Footage in a couple of weeks, so keep it here. Nicole from cincinnati, ohion dahmer started out sleepingt with male mannequins that didn out vt turn out veryl indeed. Tommy from south dakota, wero went from putting our kids in masks to having them mouth on toes. Outbreak of athletes mouth is on the way. I should have had a Viewer Hv Brrning before that segment, and i apologize, brian from, ar phoenix, arizona, to licking to y thhe healer, joe manchin throw downs. Thats why wetwo tunin. E i. Cecil from pineland, texas do not insult Jesse Juniorntly E by comparing him to Keith Olbermann. Yeaveh, apparently every tima Keith Olbermann cries, he needs to be in a. S weird. Weird. Day two, Tuesday Cover Super Tue tomorrow, 7 00 eastern. Also, trump on ] fox and friends. Im waters. Anis is welcome to hannity and is a fox news alert. It i

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