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News mac. Breaking tonight, 15 states, a mountain of delegates on the line. Super tuesday minutes away in some parts of the country, where voters will essentially choose the president ial ticket, former President Trump is hoping to buy the nomination out of reach for nikki haley and president of biden hoping the uncommitted vote wont Stop Chipping Away at his already anemic numbers. Which edson is alive in texas with a super tuesday preview, and more on the brandnew poll numbers. Bridge, good evening. Reporter good evening, that map represents more than third of the delegates available and the president ial nominated contest for both democrats and republicans. [ boos ] texas has the second most delegates awarded next to california, former South Carolina governor nikki haley has been campaigning across several of the 15 super tuesday states, ended up here in texas this evening, had stopped over the past few days in north carolina, massachusetts, North Marmont and mena. Highlighting just how far her campaign has come. Probably just over a year ago, we had 14 people in the race, i defeated at doesnt of those fellows. I just have one more fella have to catch up to reporter former President Donald Trump has a significant lead into the delegate count and a substantial Study Advantage in pulling among republican primary voters. After winning in iowa, New Hampshire and even nikki haleys home state of South Carolina, donald trump made the argument it is time for the Republican Party to coalesce around him as a no money even he faces criminal charges. Mr. Trump i want to win this, i want to win this based on my policy, we will cut taxes, you will get Interest Rates down, you can buy homes again. You can get home today, the Interest Rates are so high. Reporter voters here in the democratic primary will also decide who will go up against senator ted cruz, the republican incumbent here, democrats are trying to hold onto the senate they have that narrow majority. The democrats are the 34 seeds of for grabs, they are defending 23 of them. Trace . Trace good number, rich edson life rise. [ boos ] lets bring in former political director of priority usa, democratic strategist and her public and nationalist circuit, thank you both were coming on, we really much appreciated. I want to run through these polls really quickly because this is kind of a very telling for the biden campaign. The first is, the hispanic vote. 2024 versus 2020, look at the red box. [ boos ] you can see donald trump at 36, 2025 percent, biden at a 44 percent. He was at 63 percent. Now you move onto the blog will and you look at biden now, 23 or 63 percent, he had 91 percent of the black vote in 2020. Then you move on to the fox news polling, the biden a demonstration on their success year and you go all the way down from climate change, help in humanitarian efforts all the way down to making usa saver and Border Security. The number on the righthand side it just keeps on getting bigger, the bottom line is, you cannot win and every pollster will tell you that with these numbers. Reporter you cannot, biden is the most anti american president any u. S. Him a strait history, he is hemorrhaging voters you can tell by the polls, no matter your race, gender, donald trump is of the leader and you should continue to wind this gop primary and beach joe biden. The Vice President in our lifetime up where we can compare biden voters raises trump voters and there is a stark difference, under biden, under his radical policy he lost black and hispanic voters because he continued to see democrat and devote was against it biden because he continues to give significant handouts to illegals. He continues to be solved on a crime and unamerican, and donald trump has a stronger hold on economy, Border Security and frankly the economy. We have to go Back To Basics. Trace chris, over to you now. Hanson wrote this today, according here, gearing up for biden versus donald trump, not when but if and how to replace biden going on to say that none of bidens policies are popular, foreign policy, all below 50 percent. In this trifecta of bidens mental deterioration, Family Corruption and failed to president ial record will only go worse. Do you think crystal that the president goes the distance in this rates . Absolutely, the president should go the distance because he has been doing this. He is juggling multiple things, gaza, student aid, money to ukraine, whereas trump is going cows and court cases. These are the things that the president has been able to do, hes making moves right now, hes dropping eight in gaza, he is trying to figure out the political fallout there. And we have to give the president time, these numbers are not the best buy to their they are still month away from the general election so he has time to improve and i fully expect them to recover. Trace the numbers are not the best and in fact they are getting near the worst we have seen historically. That is nikki haley on the story said this today, and i will get your response. Eging you should ask him if he will support the nominee if it was me, nobody has asked him that and i think that is the case. Look at the convention is not until july. Theres a lot of time. Trace a lot of time, a lot of people would argue with that. He has she has not decided they shall go past tomorrow, or is tomorrow aid for nikki haley . If i was advising nikki haley i was he tomorrow is it, stop wasting money. It is time for unity. At the end of the day that trump obeys his strong and we know what we get when we work for hiring President Trump. We have a stronger economy and he has been battle tested. Nikki haley at this point has continued to stumble, continued to divide the party. We need unity more than ever. At that point is, we have to take out cricket joe biden. It is not nikki haley, it is not her time. Shes continuing to make enemies which is unfortunate, they establish what is the only place for her right now. Trace talking about dividing the party, all of these uncommitted votes for biden, there tends to be a push for that. Its starting to resume. That could kind of chip away is numbers down the road to. I dont think so, the uncommitted voters really had one issue and it is gaza versus israel. So what are they are showing is they are active, they are engaged in what is happening in this country and as the president continues to create a policy, likely call for a ceasefire at the state of the Union Address this week, we should see those uncommitted voters come back into the boat to the democratic party. So them being uncommitted it hurts us, but ultimately as a president continues to call for a ceasefire, we heard Vice President harris do what, we expected those voters will come back in drones towards the democratic party. Trace we will see, thank you we appreciate it. Lets bring in a republican eight candidate, major league allstar, steve garvey. Its always great to have you on the show. I want to put this up because this is important, this is the California Senate primary pole right now in california. You see all the way from the top to the left, steve garvey 27 percent, adam schiff 27 25 Los Angeles Times brings into the other part of the story, steve garvey quoting his campaign presented in california, he is surging anyway. Political experts say steve garvey was thrown by total fo from playing with the dodgers, including the dodgers 1981 work world series victory and the multi milliondollar adds by his opponent, adam schiff and his allies that boosted garvey posted among gop voters. A lot of people would say everys every vote for steve garvey is a bow down the road for adam schiff, what is irresponsible one the reality is, i started this campaign with the purpose, and that was to talk to californians about a vision for their future. Talk about of the quality of life, talk about other families, talk about lets get inflation down. Lets go to the board and secure the border. Lets get the homeless off the streets so they can be vivid again, part of the society. But it told them, im common sense, im compassion, on consensus. Were going to do this again. Because at one time, california was the heartbeat of america. It is not thats now. But have good common sense people, of my voice gets them to stand up and say, the old network movie, while they are mad, they are standing for the first time because one party says that it was supposed for there. Voice and im the party temple by them. The restaurants out of the west side, we need you. Trace the California Globe Rights is on saturday, California Republicans are gaining traction in voter registration, goat goes on to say the percentage shared of registered Republican Voters increased in every single one of californias counties. And there is a 50 something. I simply states, senate and congressional districts. The question is, it is a step in the right direction for steve garvey, what is that enough come november . It will be. I will be the next elected u. S. Senator because people feel they have somebody they can trust and believe in. The last 50 years we developed a currency of friendship, and people know that i will be honest with them, i will be straightforward, i will go to washington from the first day on, go to bat for them. All 99 senators and look at them in the eye is theyll want to work with you for the best interests of this country. Trace e. Said that you will be honest, did you do they not know that adam schiff has not been honest with them . Adam schiff is a proven liar. And a lot of people that i have talked to his dont know that. They dont realize that because a purely the information is not seeping in. Just as republicans suppress that was, anyone can really put their heart and soul, and im putting my heart and sole into them. Im not concerned about my opponent, im just concerned about being the best possible saturday for the people. Trace best of luck, steve garvey, great having on the show. Donald trump now leaning President Biden for the legal challenges hes facing in this Election Year following the cream courting adams decision that the former President Shall remain on the primary ballot in colorado. The Senior National correspondent kevin corke his own live without story, at evening. Some critics called it around, others called it a muchdeserved response to the ongoing law fare against him, by any definition, the former president calling indication. His response today to the Supreme Court ruling rejecting the argument at that and states can remove him from a federal ballads. Although in a typical trumpet fashion, he played up the victory suggesting it is more than just a win today, it is a harbinger of things to come. Mr. Trump i want to start by thanking the Supreme Court for its unanimous decision today, it was a very important decision, very wellcrafted. I think it will go a long way towards bringing our country together, which our country needs. Reporter indeed our country does me that. Me to mr. Trump also blamed a President Biden for his many legal challenges, claiming that biden is using the judges and prosecutors to influence of the 2024 election. Mr. Trump you cannot take somebody out of a race, the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly. By a court should not be doing that, Supreme Courts know that very well. Indeed, let the people decide. Is a former president as you probably are very well aware by now, is facing five a criminal charge at tries including the accusation he helped to formant the ride out of the capital back on genuine a six. And all, voters and at least 16 states including colorado teamed up with organizations to try to remove donald trump from their ballots under Section Three of the 14th Amendment which prohibits those who have taken part in an insurrection from running for office, or rather from taking office. It is interesting, remember we heard the term insurrection quite a bit. That term it was used may specifically, if you look at how they are trying to conduct a little law fair. Trace and he was never charged with that, so thats an interesting part. Kevin corke, life. Reporter thank you. Lets bring into the director of the woman centre, great to have you on the show. Lets play one was sound about it from the, regarding todays decision. We will hear from you. Mr. Trump you cannot take somebody out of the race, the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly, but a court should not be doing that, the Supreme Court should know that very well. Trace i know you are a supporter of the former president but did you expect this to be the slamdunk that it was in the Supreme Court . Reporter i thought nona zero or 81 was the only justice federal document that may be was in play to support of the colorado Supreme Court Supreme Court decision, end and study habitus 13 page ruling, very fast, very easy to read that just says states cannot take federal officials off the election. That is a federal question, and anybody who thought about it the 14th Amendment at all, is in line with what you know. The 14th Amendment was meant to take away power from the states because the states have acted very badly and give that power to the federal government. So if courts are not going to give the power back to the states to decide who is going to be president. So this was a very commonsense decision, i think it was right and i am glad it was nigel and that potentially1. Trace it is interesting when you look across the media landscape to kind of hear the reaction from this, he had people over at the far left do you saying a lot of them were not surprised. Then you had others in the media, they were just just watch. I mean, it is countless americans out there who believe the Supreme Court just bailed out donald trump here. Not since bush have we seen a court have this many opportunities to interfere in the election. Of the court today is not saying that donald trump is free of the charges of being an insurrectionist. I think what we saw was a court were just as is, behaved in an partisan manner. Trace every honest attorney knew this was not going to fly with the Supreme Courts and yet he have all of this, just absolute outrage and surprise in the media. Reporter yes, it is unforgivable, that legal experts can go and parade and lied to the American People like those, because it produces a lot of anxiety, there is no rule of law, because i was told by my legal experts that actually, donald trump should be like kicked off the ballads that when people see the Supreme Court do something they are not expecting, they dont trust the Supreme Court and if we cannot trust the rule of law, then we do not have a simple we do not have a democracy. So i invited them to dinner parties, but it is not doing our nation any favours. Trace i dont know if democrats ever planned this, 15 seconds left but when you talked about them hoping that one of these legal cases was going to tie them up or put him behind bars, it is looking less and less like that. Is there a plan c or do you think this will be a one on one contest come november . Reporter i think plan c is replaced joe biden with Michelle Obama and deceive that will work. Because i do not think that anything all of their hail marys is over have not landed, so far as i can tell, that is the last one they have remaining. Trace may mailman, gratis he is always, thank you. Miedemas voters had to the polls and just hours, one of the top issues possibly the top issue is that the border disaster and the flood of Illegal Immigrants . Jackie bontis Live In New York City with mann that, at evening. Reporter a look at good evening. Migrant Relocation Program a new york, started last july, costing tax player taxpayers a whopping 25 million. But has had limited results so far. Migrant families that participate in the program have their rents paid for an entire year as long as they move out of the city and apply for asylum. Eight mens into the program, only 173 migrant families out of a possible 1250 have been relocated. One of the big reasons being get other counties just dont want them. County executive ed today said this is the citys problem. Because he asks for it, the back of the matter is we do not have the ability to do it. Reporter meantime, the Supreme Court has blocked attacks is all that would allow police to arrest migrants who they suspect entered the country illegally until at least march 13th. The law will take effect on saturday. The Biden Administration argued in there appear that the authority to admit and remove noncitizens as a core responsibility of the national government. As we know, texas is not of the only state contending with illegal border crossings. According to new internal numbers provided to fox news by sources, 70 percent of Border Patrol apprehensions in february took place in arizona, california and new mexico. Texas only saw under 30 percent of apprehensions, despite being home to five of the northern Border Patrol sectors across the southern border. That is all likely due to the tougher policies and rhetoric coming out of the lone star state. Trace indeed it is. Life for us in new york, thank you. [ ] Fox News Commonsense Department wonders how it is possible that during the worst of Border Crisis and eat and in u. S. History, millions of Illegal Immigrants crossing in two cities, committing crimes and draining local budgets, that the president of the United States, the man who used exec of authority to open the border, never one time had a conversation with a chief of the u. S. Border control. Keep in mind, the chief was that the man in charge of the 21,000 people in charge of securing the border. During the chiefs two your stand, he and the president shared only the sound of silence. Eight in ten American Voters think the board a situation is an emergency and yet the american and the oval office does not share that urgency. Commonsense but also noted that Vice President harris also never had a conversation with chief raul l. Ortiz. The border chief never meant, never spoke, never texted, ever. Even when administration falsely accused board asians of whipping haitian migrants, nobody ran to the phony accusations by the chief of the border control. Commonsense does not have to look out polls to know the border is now the number 1 issue for voters. Commonsense simply look at the president last week, having a longoverdue conversation with a Border Patrol chief, only the new chief. Coming up, the viral video of students in oklahoma licking toes. For a fundraiser. The State Superintendent now launching an investigation into this incident, the video that has shocked the country is live with us next, and later gained the night, Electronic Traffic Sign got hacked in spokane, washington, angry raccoons ah ahead, which caused a bit of confusion among the drivers. Authorities are still unclear how the sign was hacked, which made us wonder, if you can hack a traffic sign, would you . And wide would your message be, three words or less . Led to as snow at. tracegallagher we will read the best responses, it is 8 20 pm at the west coast, for is saliva look at lax that were traffic is always a total mess. But there copy program has they be dogs in every terminal. Come on, it is la. On st. Paul minnesota, kings i, minnesota. How about that. And finally he live look at it Providence Rhode island, the most doughnuts and coffee troops per capita in the United States. And if you cannot join is like i dont forget to set your dvr and watches any time. We are coming to back with the superintendent of schools in oklahoma on at the Tow Licking Scandal that has jolted america. Next. [ ] zi. Things are looking up, ive got Symptom Relief. Control of my crohns means everything to me. Control is everything to me. Feel significant Symptom Relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer bowel movements. 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Trace just a warning we have a disturbing story out of oklahoma, the State Superintendent lodging an investigation into High School Fundraiser that went viral for showing students sucking and licking each others toes, live with it new information on this, it evening. Reporter good evening, this is one of those moments you really have to ask where are the adults and of the room . The shocking Toe Sucking Competition was part of a weeklong fundraiser for a local coffee shop that employs people with special needs. The video from Deer Creek High School in edmonton, oklahoma shows that students licking other students toes with Peanut Butter on them. The disturbing video sparking outrage online and among parents into the district, the Deer Creek School district writes in a statement, we want to stress to our community that much of the information accompanying this video is inaccurate. However through the specific game, we failed to uphold the dignity of our students and the proud image of our community. The Oklahoma State superintendent was also not happy with the Toe Curling Video Showing on x. , this is disgusting. We are cleaning up this filth and oklahoma schools, our agency is investigating. The oklahoma schools that despite of the scandal, they did end up raising 152,000 for that not your average joe coffee shop that raises awareness for students and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. Sadly after this video went viral, that copy shell reports and received threatening calls with hateful messages calling the coffee shop pedophiles and a saying that they are going down. Trace thank you, as he mentioned, lets bring into the eventual watch the investigation, Oklahoma State superintendent ryan walters and the coauthor of stolen you, montgomery Bethany Mandel, thank you both were coming on. Mr. Superintendent do you phrase, the School District says this only involves a students but of the people we talked to in and around this story they there were adults involved in those. What do you think about one, the story, and number 2, the fact that some are saying it was only students and others are saying there were adults involved in this . Is so the story i mean, is disgusting. Its outrageous. This is a Breach Of Trust for parents, with the School District. First of all, this should never have happened. In oklahoma, the us is not our values and we will not stand right. We immediately launched an investigation into your pointy, that is at the district is saying, by the district allowed this to happen. We have admitted status half involved, who okay to those, and this is why parents rights are so important, finding it against transparency and kind ability, he herded President Trump camping burning parents rights back to schools, this is why we should be investigating districts, not of the way that joe biden has. We will get to the bottom of this in oklahoma, this is unacceptable and we will not allow this in the state of oklahoma. Trace nobody has fought hard if her appearance in Bethany Mandel than thats what we bought young. The Deer Creek School does did release a statement in two parts, in regards to the specific activity, we fell short and for that we generally are great elites apologize. Later they go on to say their efforts led to the fundraising of 152,830 for a Meaningful Organization that serves communities harbour yonder the boundaries of deer creek and i was reading this thinking, yes, everybody agrees is disgusting but look at the money . Its just, its an inappropriate you cannot redo the room statement its as if they drop their hands up and said it well, we can do a Dance Marathon or wash cars, there for the only option was to suck toes subpoena butter on them. It is absurd, it was so hard to get a look of disgust off my face before the camera panned to me. I dont know if it was successful because this is a horrifying. The adults in the room are obviously in need of adult in classes because this is a horrifying, i still cant believe it and i saw the video unfortunately. Trace superintendent over to you, im wondering, youre talking with the investigation. Are there consequences if you find out the School District is not being forthright, are the consequences that you foresee going into this investigation . Yes. First of all, we want clarity from the district about what action happened here, who said okay . What adult said this was okay . Secondly, when did you tell parents . We were told by multiple parents we did not know anything about it this beforehand and we were not told media be afterwards either. So where is the accountability from the district . There will be accountability from a both wet process was in place, what were appearance told when, and what can a process and procedure do you have . Youre supposed to be the adults, these are children. The adults should have been looked at, with the children and their care, not breaking the trust of parents. Those are all things you will get to the bottom of this very quickly here. Trace bethany while i have you, want to put this up because this is the cofounder and cofounder on 60 minutes austin, i want to play this back and forth and get 15 seconds from you, watch. At what ideology they being indoctrinated into . Lets just say children in America Cannot read. Of the often dodged questions with talking points. Your being evasive. 21 percent of students you are being a base of what Ideology Arjuna being indoctrinated into . What is your fear . I think parents fears are realized, they are looking at of these books were sexual discussions are happening with their children and younger and younger ages. Trace spot on when you talk about the books are bethany, but i would agree that some of the questions that should have been answered in a more forthright fashion. Yeah, 15 seconds on this. They were answered in a forthright manner, i spoke to tiffany just as early tonight and she told me she sent me the full transcript. Sixty minutes gave the editors a raise because that was a real whack editing job. Theyre trying to deny the fact that all of this is happening. We just watched 30 seconds ago, there is pacing on our boots and telling us its not raining. We know that is something going on in our schools. What do you want is to call it . The fact is, there is something deeply disturbing happening, even in oklahoma schools. This is everywhere. Its why i what my book stolen youth. It is happening and we cannot denied any longer. Trace bethany, ryan walters, thank you both were coming on. Yulia putintseva seconds, do you want to add to that . Yes, this is a left wing attack from a media that continues to attack parents, moms of her liberty has botched transparency to districts, they fought for parents rights and the liberal media hates them for it. They are exposing the leftwing indoctrination in our schools, and i appreciated the fight for parents and the leftwing media should be ashamed of themselves. Trace superintendent, bethany,s we think both. Coming up, brandnew images it just in, the light of a safe way groceries right, the story known as Ford Safeway On Social Media because of all the barbed wire around the groceries. We will have more on that end minutes. Place as in if it can increase in chinese when a Legal Marijuana operations. We will take you on a raid in Los Angeles County Shave Deputies as they go after several over those facilities, would first, a lively, are, honolulu, hawaii. Home to the only royal palace and in the United States. We are coming right back, chinese pot growers, great story. That can change the world too. Right . Trace first night tonight, the reform doesnt seem to be working so. Any studies so if montrose is due 6 percent of the comment is called without bail will commit another crime within two years, that is up 6 percent from 2019. Check out a ford safeway, in the georgetown neighbourhood complete with indoor fees fencing and gates around the groceries, all products are in there was to get area where customers have to actually be admitted so they can go shop. And if you want to use a self check out a have to scan your receipts and have them opened the gates they can leave the building. Its all part of an effort to reduce shoplifting. And customers. The police in austin, texas, to tipping appointed parts of the city now go completely on patrol over hours because of staffing issues. And those who are working are putting in double duty. In 2020, democrat celebrated a 100 milliondollar budget cuts for police, four years later response times . Way down. Crime . Way up . Surprise surprise . Fox news exclusive, closer look at of the dramatic increase in illegal chinese one marijuana growing operations that hang california. This Year National correspondence takes is on a raid with the alley deputies, targeting several chinese backed facilities. Reporter it from maine, to california, Law Enforcement says chinese nationalists in many areas are taking over the illegal pot business. We have seen a tremendous explosion of chinese folks coming in and buying land and then growing ilLegal Marijuana. Reporter in california, near the northern border, update a thousand a plastic covered grow houses got the landscape. The money . Please trace back to china. The labour . To grow the pot. Illegal chinese immigrants who crossed the mexican border. 75 percent or more are undocumented individuals we are running into, so the last few years, the numbers have increased dramatically. Reporter majored pot cases, multilayered and timeconsuming have little appeal to prosecutors especially when profits go overseas. When arrests are made, it is often lowlevel farmworkers at living in shacks and they are tivoli out the next day. Of the primary problem in california is the laws are just so lax, is not a lot of repercussion. Reporter the same is true in maine and Washington State where Police Identified 749 euros that sites associated with chinese interests. And in oklahoma where police say 2000 pot farms are chinese owned or operated, including one rated last week. That were saying part of the increase in the amount of chinese asian, owned, asian Operator Marijuana Sites in la county. Reporter friday, deputy hit three chinese operated warehouses and la. Is this that had just over 4000 marijuana plants, at todays yield, 2 3 million. Reporter 50 congressman, was her bublik and end democrat have as a Justice Department on a briefing on how the Chinese Government and Companies Party are involved. Trace william, thank you. Lets bring in it that californias state, u. S. Senate candidate in california, thank you for coming on. You look at this piece here, one thing is for certain, you know these Chinese People coming in here to grow this pot realized of the prophets . Really high. Consequences . Really low. Lets go to california the Perfect Place to come for all this bad behaviour is california. We have an open border, 20,000 chinese nationals crossing as reported on fox news. And on top of that we dont really enforce the law, particularly drug law. This is the Perfect Place to run an illegal drug operation but any other business . You are screwed trace you are screwed kids all over california, a want to show this video, i know youre kind running on this bike has a, this is the new port serena. This is where the clippers will play. 2 billion, two and half billion dollars. Kids break in there, they just destroy the place. Heres the thing, we had to we had to take their fees at a focused to blur their face because they did not, the poster to themselves on social media. That is a society that we are growing, they are growing up that it activities like these are rewarded, they are doing it for likes and clicks. This is why think different activities on social media need to be regulated. We need to pay closer attention or not reward this behaviour. It is crazy to see and to watch. And think more needs to be done on that front for sure. Trace we get this video in all the time. You see these kids, they have no fear that social media and their friends are like oh you are so cool, you broken he destroyed that thing is an believable. Trace speaking of unbelievable, california globe writes the following, californias of her estate opened the first transgender Voting Centre and the United States and, of course, its in los angeles. Of course its in los angeles but it could be anywhere. This is offensive because democrats that its easy to vote in california just mail in a valid, and wondering why these socalled transgender individuals living in fear of a voting, use a male in ballots. Most partly, California Democrats have reduced pulling centres by 80 percent statewide. It has created long lines for conservative voters want to vote on election day but they are falling all over the place to get this a special transgender polling centre. I will look into this. I think this is against the law. What are they going to do, turn people away or not transgender from a voting . That is against californias state election law. We have to look into this and hold them accountable for their selective enforcement of. Trace is everything i said, can you imagine them turning a transgender person away from a voting booth . Democrats have some returns in that, is called the jim crow laws. Trace its amazing, its clearly against the law. You cant just say you can vote here you cannot. That are know if you want to weigh in on is kristina, but i havent listening for you coming up because we have a new york, illinois, california spinning billions trying to relocate illegal migrants. California was talking about 20,000 chinese Illegal Immigrants coming across the border, and they just dont have the resourced back they dont have the money, they dont have they just dont have what it takes. As a gift or huge effort put forward by your condo hundred something, loan number, a thousand. They are missing the mic there. Its coming Back To Basics and common sense, which is what my campaign is, is that we should be addressing Immigration Way before we get to this point. We need to secure the border, make sure we have judges for asylumseekers, dont let people in until they go through the asylum seeking process. Do that through the beginning of the migration process. All of these steps you have to take, and then we see the results of our failed processes. Including what you see with rake and riley which is awful. Trace if that was the president at would take a call to the Border Patrol Border Patrol achieve every once in a while and say how is it going . He only did it once in three years, is astounding you has not even spoke to his own Border Patrol chief. By guess what, new york is playing one year of rent for people and still not working, but just introduced a bill to give Illegal Immigrants when he presented down to buy their foes their first house. Americans cant afford their own house but we are falling all over ourselves to get 20 percent down over Illegal Immigrants. Trace we are do that story tomorrow. Coming up, if you were able to hack into a highway traffic sign, not say you waited but if you do, what message would you send your fellow drivers can back three or less. Night court crew, next achieve clearer skin at 4 months. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Nothing on my skin means everything nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Learn how abbvie could help you save. 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Im katie porter and i approve this message. Hes the hundredpercent protrump candidate for u. S. Senate republican eric early. Always supports trump and the maga agenda. Republican eric early. Endorsed by the california prolife council. Opposed to all abortion. And eric early loves the second amendment. Eric early. Way more dangerous than steve garvey. He dodges trump. Garvey even said he might vote for biden. Republican eric early for u. S. Senate. Too maga. Too trump. Too dangerous. Trace we are back with the nightcap crew, Bethany Mandel, and mehek. Our boat work ahead, a sign in washington was hacked to say angry raccoons are ahead. It kind of confused drivers who snapped pictures it wondering if angry raccoons infiltrated the town what local officials have no idea if there is of a handle or white. If you can display your own three word message, number 1, would you . And number 2, what was the message be . Mehek . At would put up there, free ice cream and then sit there as im eating ice cream and watch people go by. [ laughter ] trace nice christina . Tomorrow is super tuesday so christina trace of course she would definitely do it. Kevin koe de have a three word message . Stop turnaround. Because i want to create chaos. [ laughter ] trace carlo dimaio . Albert say part was, blame democrats because theyre using our road funds for highspeed rail and transit. Trace every town we mention potholes, honesttogoodness of the mayor of los angeles will contact us and stay where is potholed because i will go fix it because you have to say, you have to like that jackie . I will say aliens have landed and see what happens. Trace oh my gosh wow. Okay. Bethany . Mine would be bring them home, these early hostages have been in gaza for 150 days, bring them home. Trace match vain . Albert say make the turn. You know there is an intersection and people wont turn . Trace can be added went into say make the dammit lefthanded . Have you signals on xcode make that turn jackie . Yes, i said aliens have landed. Trace 78 percent said yes, yeah, said no. Dont forget eggs. Aliens have landed larry creek, gators out of control, Debbie Miller stolen log is known, construction never ends, saving countries sold, no speed limits and i have to go. Thank you offer watching, thank you for watching americas last americas latest news, we will see you tomorrow night. [ ] to treat plaque psoriasis. Ned . Otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. With no routine blood tests required. Doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. Otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. 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