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Trey good evening and thank you for joining usning. S i am m trey gowdy and Lakenkins Riley wanted to be a nurse. You can tell a lot about Howch Oosomeone wants to spend this gt called life. He she wanted trso spend hers takn care of the sick and the injurep and thosere who needed kind kindness on the doorstep of death. That takes a special kind of person. As a nurse, she would have faced down disease, iris, infection and whatever is to her health,k life to take care of the sick. E she would no doubt persevere through ebbs and danger and could not survivlde a simple joe around a lake in athens, georgia. She was murdered by an illegalgd alien with no regard for her life or for your laws. Right on cue, Democrats Rejectdt calls for her death to mean anything. Democrat katie porter wants to be a u. S. Senator. She just doesnt want the murdef of Laken Riley To Changenk T anything. Tant they think the importanta thing to focus on is anyone that should shape our overallpoli immigration policy, which has so many different facets including economic choices about what workers to allow in and how Toin Create Prosperity in america. Bea trey and liberalism isnt confined to just california. Erst i understand in the wake of a great tragedy like this, we are all deeply hurt. Everybody expresses their hurt differently. To make athens Clarke County a Sanctuary City, who . What is her name . Trey what they are tellingn you is dont let this murder changeis a thing. God forbid we learn or make improvements after a murder andd juster politicians. Cnn writer warne td us not to Lt Laken Riley be exploited, in his words. Hey, cnn, shes dead. Exploitation is thre least of hr concerns right now. What this cnn writer really doesnt want is fo br you to be motivated. What katie porter really i doest want is for you to do exactly what she and the left have been doing for decades. The Death Penalty was not enough for the murder james in 1988. The left wanted a Hate Crime Laws enacted. Simply putting to death would not suffice. On Life In Prison was not enough of in wyoming but wanted to use his murder to change the law appeared a Murder Charge was not enough to kill george floyd in 2020, the left had months ofe arson, writing and some called for defining the police. The left has no troubles, politicizing some murders with social causes but god forbid yoo do so god forbid the death of at in Nursing Student in georgia be more than just a murder. God forbid her death leads to real change. Kat katie porter says one instant should not shape one policy exct when it suits her. So how many murdered nursinggh students would be enough . How how many dead americans at theel hands of those here illegally would be enough to take action . E so whether you are a black man in texas or man in wyoming andn weather rested in minnesotaa, y or chocking in athens, georgia, you should be free and livesafe and alive. So do not lecture us on using al single crime, single t murder to change the system because the left has been doing it for decades. We are headed into the season of change where we get to weigh inc on, we get to vote, we get to ask the questions. If one dead Nursing Studentver killed by an illegal alien who should have never been released into this country and should anbeenhave been deported long as not enough to fix the Border Ana End sanctuary cities, then you v tell us what is you give us a number how many caskets would be enough for you to change . Joining us now is former director of National Intelligence and former federal prosecutor john ratcliffe. Director katie porter says lets not overreacgalt to an illegalmp alien killing a Nursing Student orout for a run. I have a feeling most americans definitely think we should react to this. What do you think . I think most americans are right. I think the polls show that it not just the economy anymore as they consider an upcoming election. It shows that most Americans Care about what is happening at the borderut. They care about immigration, and they care about crime in this country. That does underscore whitetouc congressman katie porters comments are out of touch and tonedeaf. Trey we have come to expectase hypocrisy from the left. T i look at Katie Porterng social media post and tweets during that and i stopped after the first dozen that showed her hypocrisy and she was saying exactly the opposite them as toe what she is saying now. Nk then she was saying that one instance should actually must dictate our Law Enforcement policies regarding funding and standards. And so, beyond her hypocrisy, trey, she is wrong on the facts. Lincoln riley is not oneie instance. Late laken riley is the latest here the week before we sell new York Police Officers being savagely beaten by illegal aliens in this country and before that, we saw gains of illegal aliens on motorbikes dragging innocent americans through subways as they committed Crime S Againstu them. They i think we are all troubled when we see Something Like katie porter, someone morally bankrups values serving in congress. S i guess the good news is she Isr Toato Out Of Touch for liberals democrats in california because it appears she will lose they in primary into codays and hopefully be out of elected Office Altogether this year. But at the end we are left with era very tragic and undeniable conclusion that katie porter Ani Democrats and joe biden and his Administrationr Th for the last three years shown they care more about open borders than they care about murdered americans. Trey you mentioned joe biden. Lets listen and i will ask you u a question on the other side. It is time to act, long pasto time to act. We need more offices, more judges, and orders to secure the border. Here is what i would say to mr. Trump. Zen instead of telling members Oftin Congress to block this legislation, join me. Or i will join you in tellingsss the congress to pass this bipartisan Border Security bill. Trey hes had three yearss and it is congress fault or Donald Trumps fault, but he says it aint my fault. What do you say . Well, it is hard to listen td that because its so dishonest and disingenuous but im past being angry at joe biden. A it is almost like Elder Abuseo Go after him. Ec his own Justice Department excepted every word of a special counsel report. Me hes not mentally competent to t be held legally responsible for his criminal actions. So i dont even know if he knows what his policies have been fore the last three years, but i know his handlers do, i know his Cabinet Handlers do and his dhs secretary aly Alejandro Mayorkas knows that nine months into theo Biden Administration he went on tv and bragged about the fact that without congress, joe biden by signing the mic signing 90 e orders rescinded almost all of Donald Trumps policies at the border and on immigration. So, you know, that reflects jusi how poorly this administration has addressed and trey his dni, during administration i shared with the Biden Administration how intelligence remained in mexico and the mexicant government that Donald Trumps requesint had secured our border and taken illegal documentation 1,000 a day for the entire year of 2020. As you know, we have a 900 ow increase on that. We have 10,000 illegals ons average coming through on certain days in this country. As a result, the entire country is suffering because of that and unfortunately, Great Americans like laken riley are being killed aakens a direct result of those policies. Icie we didnt need congress tove change all that. We dont need congress to fixo i this problem. A s we need a Strong American H president that we dont have right now. Trey that is the great thing about democracy. Elec there was always another election. We have another one coming up io a few months. John ratcliffe from the greatat state of texas, former directort of National Intelligence, former fellow prosecutor, thank you so much for joining us on a sunday night. Great te yoo see you. Bec trey the border has become a bipartisan outrage. Even democrats liknatue new york citys mayor adams are changing their tunes on immigration and Sanctuary City status. Joining us now is former nypd inspector, attorney, and Fox News Contributor, welcome back, paul. Ve sometimes the case impacts the h conscious of a country in the murder of a young woman simply out for a jog might well do it. D but laken riley is not the first person killed while someone here unlawfully and it doesnt seem to motivate change. No, it doesnt although i would argue this point ise something where we are hitting a stage where its just soblem undeniable that we have a real problem. Obviously, we are in an election year. But what you put your finger on here is duplicitous response that we are getting from many ol our leaders here in new york, for instance, eric adams. Now at the same time we need to take a look at the sanctuaryago, status. Not two weeks ago he tal was tag about the fact he wants to use migrants to fill jobs as lifeguards at the citys pools t and beaches. That by definition will put potential gang members from venezuela that we have heard so much about in Contact Withbu teenagers on a daily basis. What could go wrong . Governor kathy hochul is talking about filling 10,000 positions with migrants about whom we know nothing. She has even talked aboutn th putting them on the suny campuses and working in Kitchens Domain kitchens. Remember in the lake and riley l case, the brother was here committing crimes and working on a campus kitchen. So, really glaring and i think we get to a point where undeniable. Trey you know, paul, Sanctuary City is another way of saying a crime free zone. If you couple that with george soros prosecutors and couple that with prosecutor to target people but not crime, we have the makings of a broken criminale sy justice system. Maybe that will motivate people come november. I think it very well could. S the polling shows immigration has become the issue in the election and today the president has not been able to bring himself to say laken rileys name. You put your finger on the perfect storm that we are hitting here and many of the blue cities where the soros prosecutors and elected enforcement coming together with the Migrant Influx and we seees all of the crimes and some on f thvideo have gone viral. To go beyond simply the most apparent facts come i feel like what we should be looking at is some sort of federal mechanism to prohibit the sanctuary o status, whether declared or not. Because that wiggle room, well, we want a Sanctuary City but at the same time, the federal government. If you show a Pattersittn Andfe practice of not notifying thede federal government and someone who is de facto and legal has been picked up on a crime and probable cause, they are heretii illegally, that should require notification to i. C. E. Then youre not getting federalpera money. S and they fund Atof The Local Anh state level in this country. That is a mechanism shown to work. S se with the federal government is serious here in either administration, there are fixes that can work at the lev groundd level. That needs to be looked ate ju because locally the progressives hold sway you many of thne citis and they dont want to hear it. Trey you know, paul, iho recently heard you on another show because i always watch you and i always enjoy hearing frome you. Zuel you have a unique perspective. You were talking about venezuela and gangs. That should alarm everyone. Har it alarmed me and im hard toar alarm, but it alarmed me. Ke take us to the break warning us of this venezuelan issue. The it is very organized and as you when i know if anyone stoode in an oc case or rico case, organization is a great Force Multiplier o. They punched me beyond Thestro Borders of venezuela now and in Ecuador Anshd other places that migrate here. We see them emerge as a real w force. There is a reason why bluebird moves. Not exactly the conspiracy isin reporting. A venezuelas homicided rate 22 year low in bloomberg puts the influx into this country, just as cuba did in 1980, maduro seems to be emptying out his gangsters into our country. The fact that it is a prison gang is no accident. I think these crimes will be c with us for a while until we come up with some sort oflear solution. W but very clearly maduro does nod want them back and he suspended the flights. Y to trey paul morrow, we are lucky to have someone with your unique background who advise us on matters involving our justice system. W thank you foilr joining us on an sunday night and we will see you soon. Thank you congressman. Trey coming up, fani willis will soon learn here fate. Two weeks, the georgia judge says within two weeks, we will know whether fani willis is off of the case. Reme meanwhile the u. S. Supreme courl takes a president ial immunity. And an attorney for donald trump and a candidate for ag and he is next. Trey welcome back to Sunday Night In America. S we a final arguments were made and l. A. Georgia judge will decide whether the conduct of fani willis and nathan waded warrants disqualification. But it may be more than simply who prosecutes the trump case in georgia. Re l where lawyers who appeared before the grand jury legally w power toil do so . Will this case be dismissed,nwhi tried, or something in between . D meanwhile the Supreme Court wil support trump immunity claim and the excess case. O it seems moral argument, trump will be back on the ballot in colorado, but the Immunity Case is seemingly much more challenging for him. Joining us now is Trump Attorner in missouri, ag canada, will schwarf appeared thank you for being here. If this counsel sounded to meisd like did a good job of showing relationship between willis andt y,wade in impeaching their t credibility but is it enough to get them booted from the case . I think the misconduct that we have seen from fani willis and her lover prosecutor nathan wade really shows how corrupt that case has been from the start. We are certainly hopeful that case will be dismissed. At the a very least might think judge mcafee was strongly considerinsingg both dismissing fani willis and nathan wade from the case based on the Appearance Ofe of impropriety or at least appearance of impropriety. Cou it was a good day in court for President Trumps team led by steve sayed out. Trey all right, you you are a highly skilled lawyer and i was a mediocre one but a lotf of our listeners are not lawyers. Ive heard to go different things. Ive heard involuntary recusal of the prosecutors but also a potential dismissal of the thdictment. So i will give you three options. This is a trial timing issue and i got tot go get rented prosecutors or, or the T Itindictment itself is in dan. Third option nothing happens r although i dont think that is a realistic one. Yeah, look i think if wade and willis are disqualified bringing in new prosecutors could result in any number ofs possibilities. Mi the new prosecutors might lookhl at the case, decided should havt never been brought in the first place, which is what we believe and just move for dismissal. The judge could also find that their actions have so deeplye ca corrupted the case that itom should be dismissed from the bench. One way or the other, it is highly, highly unlikely that georgia case moves to trial before the November 2024 election. So i n terms of its relevance to this campaign of Election Interference being waged against t hasdent trump, i think i certainly been a good day, afo good week, a good series of events for our team. Trey all right, lets movece to another case. Tough x makes for challenging arguments. We have all been there before. We have the facts and you do the best youan can with them. T i want to understand the president s argument periods argument that a president who 10 aspires to kill the president co Opponent Invs convicted by theho senate before he or she can be indicted and tried in Criminal Court . Or what exactly is the argument . That is not really theey g argument, trey. The president Just Killeusd Hist political opponent, that would be a private act. We would not say he would be immune from prosecution beforeea he leaves office. What we are talking about his official acts, acts and the T Outer Perimeter of a president r responsibility as president. For those acts, we believe aould president should have criminal immunity the same way the court Have Consistentlcoy held that he has simple immunity. On in this case, the d. C. Prosecution, what President Trump is being prosecuted for the is asked to l within the core off ju article 2 duty things like asking the Department Of Justice raud to investigate Election Fraud t and communicate with members ofc congress about the same and communicate with State Officials about Electionecti Fraud In The0 election. These are all president ial acts. For x like that, we believe a president would first have to be impeached and convicted by the t could then be prosecuted. That is the constitutional design. That is how our system is set up. We think jack smith, the special counsel on this team are runnine roughshod over Core Principles in their haste to get trump. Trey i have to ask you onei quiccak legal question. I cant afford you for more than one block. I cant afford your rate so one more. What happens legally if he is tried and convicted after he selected but before he is sworn in . We dont think that is going to happen, trey. If that were to be the case, he would still be able to take office as president. The president is a constitutional officer. There is amplet case in the idee of their branches cannot interfere with the president s ability to exercise his responsibilities under article 2. But again, we think that isanyt highly, highly unlikely. President trump hasnt donell anything wrong here. That case is falling apart as we speak. It is likely the Supreme Courtlm rules for president ial immunity. We think thet Supreme Court is likely to throw at that indictment after Hearing Fishern come a case on january 6 related case later this spring. Secu so all in all, that prosecution doesnt hold any water at all. The event you just described are highly unlikely to come to pass. Trey will schwarf lining his Legal Expertise and thank you for joining us on a sunday night. Y niin we look forward to having youhik back. Thank you so much, trey, thank you. Trey what makes people stay in races they seemingly cant win. Erma the editorial board, and thehe Washington Examiner and theyhe will try to help us understand nikki haleys decision to stay in this race. Why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart . Force factor uses the highest Quality Ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. Thats why Friends And Family Recommend Force factor. Rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. Welcome to fox news live, Ashley Strohmier new york. It is shaping up to be a weekend world politics. The u. S. Supreme court will issue a major ruling. It is not clear which case it is for but speculation is growing that it could be over whether to kick donald trump off of the primary ballot. The former president will appear on a dozen primary ballots during the Super Tuesday Contest and in colorado. And inching closer to avoid a partial government shutdown. Bipartisan group of lawmakers and fold six bills to fund the government for most of 2024. Congress has to pass the bill before fridays deadline. Six other Funding Pills sub drafted has to pass by march 22nd. Im Ashley Strohmier and back to life, liberty levin. Trey welcome back too Sunday Night In America. S there is a difference between losing and failing. But there is also a time and aal season for all things, including knowing when to withdraw. Nikki haley lost iowa andneva new hampshire, south carolina, nevada, michigan and the list keeps growing. And a path to victory but she is young. She has a promising future. So when is the right time to say this is not my time. Bill mcgurn a speechwriter fore george w. Bush and Wall Street Journal for the editorial board, Kaylee Mcghee white writes for the examiner. Ry people buy lottery tickets. T somebody had to ask how to go th prom which took chances of that one were not great either. People take One In A Million chances all the time. Llio but nikki is spending millions, may be jeopardizing her political future, isnt she . I dont know. Look at bernie sanders. Ng he is where he is today because he hung in. G as people can hang in as long as they want. There is no rule went to get out. An a lot of it is dictated bye whether they are backers will continue to fund the drive that looks hopeless. I thin prek it is pretty clear t if donald trump and i think the same is true with biden, will not be on the ticket. It will not come to the normal political process by another rival. No it didnt come in the debates. Its not coming in the primaries. R but there are so many mind fields with the legao thl issuee something that could happen that may be sheep banks on at the convention where she is not guaranteed to, but she could say i stayed in the race. Trey lets listen to Governor Haley together and then yoi will ask you a question on. If republicans really want to get this back on track, wevee got to acknowledge that maybe it is him. We cmay be donald trump is a ren we keep losing. We cannot be a country in disarray on fire and go through another four years in chaos. If donald trump is the nominee, we will lose, it isey that simple. R trey many of haileys supporters said they will Notor Suppordet donald trump in novemw just as his supporters say they will not support her. So then what . Are there enough g. O. P. Voters Toh Spare A Bunch and still wi . Well, quite frankly, i dontn think nikki haleys voters not supporting donald trump will have an effect on hin him becaue most of her supporters are democrats and independents whot lead democrat in the first place. The problem with nikki haleys campaign right now is sh shee is candidate that doesnt know what it is she is running for. Ow she knows at this point she cant win the g. O. P. Nominationd the correct way. Y si she is losing every single state including Super Tuesday Amongey the states i have semiopen or open contests. , she cant win the white house. It sounds to me as if she is sort of transitioning into an independent thirdparty bid. I would recognize that she isngt trying to appeal to a specific kind of voter who are dissatisfied with options of f trump and biden. F th the fact is those voters to cut up a small part of the electorate and certainly not enough to gete hgh ttot the whif she were to stage an independent bid. Trey bill, im not a Political Science but im anam expert on College Sports more than politics. But anecdotally, i do know k people who are lifelong republicans. They are not independents. They are not democrats who switched over to vote. Ul right now, they would not support donald trump if you were the nominee. Part of itth, i think, is not te message but the manner in which he messages things. Winners tell jokes, winners say deal. Why is President Trump continuing to use the phrase a birdbrain and talk about clothing . Why not just ignore her . You are going to win. t just ignore her. Dont know. I think a lot of Trump Supporters wish he wouldnt indulge in that language. Look, nikki haley also has aff Policy Disagreements with donald trump on important issues, ukraine, trade, and so forth. Americas membership and multilateral organizations. In a normal year, republicans have hardfought nominations before. Ey in a normal year, nikki haley would lose, endorse donald trumi and might even pick her for Vice President. I dont think that is going to happen. The animosity has been so big with a personal attack so strong i think that is unlikely. That they would bring differentr strengths. Chec trump is very popular within a set of large republican party. Nikki haley, obviously, hasde pulled with independents and democrats and will need some of them for trump to win in november. So the normal thing would be for them to come together much likeh george h. W. Bush and ronald reagan, but i dont thin this is the normal time. And i also dont get the sense that nikki haley is going to go the route of liz cheney. I do think she is going to try to stay republican. She said that all along. So it will be interesting to see. Trey kaylee, let me ask you, Bill Mentionedi Vice President. You i dont think it will be w nikki haley. Who do you d think it is going o be . And doesma it matter . I think it does matter. Uall usually you tell the Vice President based on certainy demographics you are trying to tap into, certain issues you o want to capitalize on or certais state you want to make the most out of. Trump has floated around a few names already. My opinion is he would i be best served by choosing a woman as his Vice President. We know that trump really struggles among suburbans demographic. That will be key in swing states like my home state of michigann which he lost to biden last time in pennsylvania and other states. So if he were to choose someonea come ile actually agree,c ch nikki haley might be pragmatic choice for that reason or s someone like sarahve t Huckabee Sanders to bring this coalition together. That can be a winning ticket. Trey welcome i guess the bad news is, that would rule out my friend, tim scott. I think he does not pass either of those hes not suburbann v and hes not a woman. But we shall see. Thank you both for joining us in sunday night. I have a Feeling Wanye will have this conversation many times. Between now and november. Thanks, trey. Think you. Nt h trey up next, the government is avoided a shutdown for the moment, but is there more drought from capitol hill . Congressman frank chill tells us next on Sunday Night In America is it possible to count on my internet like my Customers Count on me . It is with comcast business. Keeping you up and running with our 99. 9 network reliability. And security that helps outsmart threats to your data. Moaire dida twoo . 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Trey k su joining us now is House Financial Services andongr vice chair, Congressman Frenchhp Hill from the great state ofi arkansas. You know, congressman, i thought everything was to be better ande thfixed including those we heard from got together with democrats and ran off with. Vin mccarthy hey, trey, great to be withpf you. E is you would think it would be perfect because those people complaining last week, many of them were the ones that prohibited us fromersp getting l of her spending worked on last fall when we had the fiscal, Th Responsibility Act that improved federal policy for conservatives and cut spending ovethr the next ten years. But that is not the case. Ves so here we find ourselves at the beginning of the year stillng t trying to solve this puzzle ofll fy24. It is really ridiculous. T but hopefully now, we are on the right track. Everybody is on the same page to Fiscal Responsibility Act levels, spending cuts come i might add and get that doneey before march 22nd. Trey you know, congressmantc youve been good enough to come on before weve had this conversation, but it bears repeating. Nour nation has a staggering dt which is unsustainable, that much is true. Most republicans have nost interest in addressing whathi drives the deficit and the Debt Whicchendih is mandatory spendi, including the three we heard from with prominent republican president ial candidates. If they will neverr go talk about what drives the death and all they talk about his discretionary spending, how will this ever get fixed . Well, it is really misleading to our voters on botrs oh sidesf the aisle. I desperately want both Political Parties to get back to competing on having the lowestbu deficit, in fact, trying to e the budget. B we will not do that by beating each other up over how Mucher Mone Hy is spent on nationalo public radio. We have got to address the longterm fiscal reforms necessary to make Social Security and the other Benefit Programs that are tiedh to demographics, make those sustainable for the nexta generation. And by putting them on that sustainable path for the future, we will have a much better fiscal outlook for the u. S. , and we can still fight every year about spending levels. We need to get back to where most democrats and all the and republicans believe the smallest deficits and going to balanced budgets. Cthat is the right course. W trey all right, we we are in a n election year. F my question for you, congressman, what now . Tric some are in District Shutdown and will not hurt the metal. About spending ranks like a list of things on the minds of voters headinheadg to november. Shu so how politically does a shutdown, the threat of a partial down, partial shutdownlt help the g. O. P. Keep a majority come november . A shutdown is of zero help t the republicans running for Public Office this year. Absolutely zero. We have seen that in the past. Its because the democrats control the senate and the democrats control the white house. There is n o leverage in our tiny majority of House Republicans and the peoples house to achieve anything by shutting the government down. Our best objective is to do what we promised last year, which is to cut spending, cut regulations, rollback joe bidens priorities andes, improve the regulatory system by implementing, taking a win on the Fiscal Responsibility Acta h that was negotiated by Kevin Mccarthy with President Biden next year, implementing that is the Besta T Strategy we have meant the Political Year of 2024. Lets win the house, win the senate, win the presidency and demonstrate we can do even moreu on cutting spending and reforming those huge, demographically tied mandatory spending programs. Trey congressman, french hill from the great state of arkansas reminding us to set reasonable expectations and reminding us against the cost oa losing those two Georgia Senate races that were Eminentlyy Wi winnable years ago. D thank you, congressman, see you soon. Great to be with you, trey. Stone coming up American Technology winding up with russian weapons and if so, how . X cia and Fox News Contributor dan hoffman explains Afterains The K only on Sunday Night In America. I still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. So, i take Qunol Magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. Qunols extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. Qunol, the brand i trust. Trey welcome back to t Sunday Night In America. Vladimir putin is warning th ame u. S. And nato of possiblethat Nuclear Conflict if troops arese sent to fight for ukraine. Putins comments came during thl annual address before the president ial election. Putin added he will be stationing additional soldiers near the borders with finland and sweden in two nato members. The Biden Administration has been clear about keeping u. S. Troops out of this conflict. We will let president macron speak for his military and whatn he is or is not willing to doidn with his troops. The president has been clear, hp does not support the u. S. Troops involved in this conflict in ukraine. Trey but biden has been far less clear on what exactly the mission is in eastern europe. This is a growing within the g. O. P. , and its not just antiwar but antiukraine and seemingly prorussia. So what is the u. S. Mission, ano how far will the u. S. Go to stop russia . Will ukraine have to see territory as part of the negotiation and settlement . Age dan hoffman a former cia agent, welcome back. Nmany do not believe biden has made the case for helpingt ukraine, but they believe the case cancaan be made. So, im going to let you do it you believe it here it is defeating Vladimir Putin in americas best interest and why . Yeah, it is in americas best interest. It is important to frame this war. This administration has doneelyt very ineffectively. They have said we will continue to support ukraine as long as it takes. T that sounds to a lot of folks, especially on the republican reside, the Biden Administration is pursuing another forever war. That is nongint really whats gg on. Ukraine is winning. For everyday Vladimir Putin fails to take kiev, that is a win for ukraine. Over finland, sweden, nato members come over 300,000 casualties for the russian army, which has beee cut down to size, a win for ukraine, nato. We are talking less than 5 of the dod budget with huge Return Onod R investment and stoppingin Vladimir Putin to the point of attack, th e United States enjoys 1 trillion of trade with europe. That would be at risk if we didnt stand up what is right ga and support ukraine. My grandparents generation fought in the Second World War and if you do not fight fory fo danzig, you will we need tot stand up for what is right. I wish the president would get behind his Bowl Bully Pulpitffec make the keys to the american people. A majority of the people we have seen from polls as well as to congress support continuing to provide ukraine with assistance. The money going to ukraine is to replenish u. S. Stocks and mosthm military, most of the military equipment produced in red states. We need this for our Defense Industrial base. Re whatagy imagine President Reagan would say right now. When i was in college, President Reagan was talkingpran about peace through strength. Tht i think we can use a little bit of that rhetoric right now. Trey dan, i want to ask about President Reagan because d to be a strong military, you support your allies, even ii they are not part of nato. So where is this not just its not just an antiwar or analyst for. There is a prorussia wing within the g. O. P. A Theynd Belittle president zelenskyy, and yet, give a platform to someone like Vladimir Putin who kills hiscal political enemies and imprisons americans. Where did that come from . Well, listen, Vladimir Putinl it is at war with democracy. He likes to frame the conflict like he di cred with his speeche friday, which i listen to it ine its entirety in russia as ifth threatening russian materially. That couldnt be further than the truth. What scares putins freedom ande democracy, Everythinarg We Holdn near and dear and in strained and the bill of rights. Im not so sure the g. O. P. Has a proputin wing, god forbid that they do,o but it does over to e democrats to make the right case. It is good for republicans who dont believe that and believebe we should support ukraine. Let them make the case as well and make ipot forcibly. Trey, we are split in this country 50 550 into sin and a house and across our land. Neither party can govern with maximus agenda, theres got to be a lot of compromise and not let the perfect be the enemy of the good when it comes to shoring up our own Border Andana supporting ukraine and taiwan in their time of need and israel au well. If we pursue maximal ballistic agenda, our security suffers greatly. Trey you want to run for congress and they could certainly use your wisdom and perspective. In the meantime, thank you for your service to our country. Wer look forward to have your back on. I dont think this war is endino anytime soon. We will see you soon, dan, thank you for your service. All right, sir. A trey thank you for spending part of your sunday i night with us. Your i hope you have a great week ahead. D is until next week, you can find ut online at Gaudi America Orhe the trey gowdy podcast. Night from south carolina. Todd a fox news alert vice pr

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