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Off on the framework of a Ceasefire Deal and hostage release in gaza, and now its up to hamas to agree to the deal. This comes after the United States air dropped thousands of meals into gaza a this weekend. Welcome to fox news live, im mike emmanuel. The deal is reportedly for a 6week pause in fighting and the release of more israeli hostages and palestinian prisoners. Trey yingst is live in tel aviv with more on the fragile state of those talks for a potential ceasefire. Hello, trey. Reporter mike, good afternoon. Overnight if israel says their Military Hit Dozens of different targets inside gaza in a matter of minutes looking to put new pressure on hamas amid these ongoing cease fire conversations. The civilian population in gaza continues to pay the highest price amid the war. Mohamed calls out for survivors under the wreckage of his family home. Overnight israel launched a new round of airstrikes against central and southern gaza, killing both militants and civilians. [speaking in native tongue] reporter there are the more than 10 people under the rubble, mohamed explains. People in the southernty of rafah are bracing for the possibility of an Israeli Ground maneuver into the place where more than one million if gauze zahns are shelters. Palestinians rushed toward an aid truck over the weekend desperate to grab if signifies. They also looked to the skies where saturday or the United States dropped 66 pal relates og of 38,000 meals. The air drops are expected to come in the coming days, but for many in gaza, their Aprayer Wart America is supplying the bombs used to target their homes and the aid used to feed them. [speaking in native tongue] reporter we wan the United States to get away from us, one woman says. We dont want anything from them. While the framework of a Ceasefire Deal was reportedly agreed upon to pause the fighting and release more hostages, there are concerns that it could fall apart at the last minute. Today a delegation of Hamas Representatives arrived in cairo to continue conversations. It israel did not send their team. Mike. Mike trey yingst in tel aviv is, many thanks. Mike we are just days away from Super Tuesday and president ial candidate nikki haleys traveling across the country to gain some last minute support. This as as brand new Fox Polling Shows Haley and former President Trump hold leads over President Biden in potential matchups. Bill melugin is live with more. Hello, bill. Reporter Mike Good Afternoon to you. These polls continue to go in the wrong direction for President Biden, and as you mentioned, brand new fox news polling just out this morning shows both donald trump and nikki haley would beat him in a head to head matchup. Lets get into those polls. Fox news asking register registered voters who do they the prefer for prosecute if the election held today, haley up 8 points over joe biden. Then take a look at the numbers for donald trump, trump up 2 points, biden 47 , trump at 49 . However, that is within the margin of error of 2. 5 points. We take a look where the delegate count stands, right now trump has 244 delegates, nikki haley has just 24. You need just over 1200 to secure to secure the nomination. The d. C. Primary is ongoing as we speak, that is widely considered to be haleys best chance of wrack racking up some delegates. In burlington, vermont, nikki haley hosting an event there as she continues to hit the new england area. Polls show she is the gops best chance to beat joe biden this november. She points out shes been endorsed by alaska senator and maines senator in recent days and reacted to a report from politico that the Trump Campaign is threatening gop lobbyists in d. C. That if they dont vote in the primary, theyre going to cut off access to trump if hes reelected. Take a listen. We have a massive crowd in d. C. , and All Of A Sudden after that he tweets and he says anybody that supports her, anybody that helps her in d. C. Will not have access to me. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] you cant threaten people. Reporter meanwhile, former e President Trump if richmond p virginia, last night if at one of his rallies. Look, he is sweeping every single state in this primary if so far racking up the delegates, and he considers Super Tuesday to be a potential Knockout Blow for the Haley Campaign which would allow him to pivot to joe biden and the general election. Take a listen. With your help, we will win big on Super Tuesday, and this november virginia is going to tell [cheers and applause] crooked joe biden, youre fired youre fired get outta here. Get outta here, get out of the white house. Should have never been in the white house. Reporter donald trump has no events scheduled on his listed schedule today. As for nikki haley, she is going to be here in portland, maine, tonight for a campaign event. Keep in mind we are now just two days away from Super Tuesday where 874 delegate will be up for grabs. Back to you, mike. Mike bill melugin live in charming portland, maine, thanks very much. Brand new fox news polls show that President Bidens a facing many challenges already this Election Year from his handling of immigration to low approval ratings. Lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with the latest. Hello, lucas. Reporter mike, President Bidens favorability rating has dropped 18 points over the past 4 years according to this new fox news poll. Many if republicans point to the southern border as the reason why. This crisis begins by joe biden reversing the Executive Orders that he made. Every single one of them was designed to reverse a trump policy. All those Executive Orders are basically for the first time in American History we have a president who will not detain the people who entered this country illegally. Reporter a point echoed by elon musk posting to x, quote the massive flood of illegal immigration is due to 94 Executive Actions by the Biden Administration. Until those Executive Actions are revoked, claims by biden that he wants to address illegal Immigration Are a boldfaced lie. According to a new fox news poll, a majority of those polled say biden has made america weaker. Only 36 say stronger. Numbers that trail former President Donald Trump in 2020. And according to a new New York Times poll, nearly a majority of americans think biden is too old to be president , signs of the president s age appeared again friday while meeting with italys Prime Minister when he refuse ukraine for gaza not once, but twice. Biden did not correct himself. Were going to join with our friends in jordan and others in providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues in ukraine including the possibility of a ma marine corridor, large amounts of hue humanitarian assistance. In addition to expanding deliveries by land reporter President Biden is spending the weekend in camp david where jimmy carter spent a quarter of his presidency. President biden, no doubt, working on potential and mulling over Executive Actions he might reveal thursday night. Mike . Mike Lucas Tomlinson is, thanks a lot. More for more, lets bring in our political panel. With me today is Cassie Smedley and third way cofounder matt bennett. Welcome to both of you. Lets dig into these fox news poll numbers out today. On President Bidens job performance, 42 approval, 58 disapprove. Is that a sign of trouble in an Election Year, matt . It didnt great. We would love to see better polling right now, but we are eight months out. I remember i was on a call with frank luntz, great pundit and pollster, at 6 30 on Election Night in 2016, and he was predicting Hillary Clinton would easily win the election. Were eight months out, so a lot can happen between now. Mike i was traveling with the clinton campaign, and they definitely thought they were going to win. All right, we have President Bidens approval compared to his predecessors at the start of the Election Year, biden, 42 , trump 45 in 2020. Obama, 45 in 2012. George w. Bush at 53 in 2004. Delaware senator chris coons, a close ally of the white house, talked about some of the poll numbers today. What matters is how people vote, and we have consistently as democrats overperformed polls not just in the special election that just happened in long island and the midterms in 22, but in election after election. And ill remind you former President Trump is underperforming. Mike cassie, whats your assessment . Well, we might be eight months out, but where President Biden is now, historically low for an incumbent. And thats never where you want to be as any candidate. Thats a problem. Hes been underwater since the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. People havent forgotten that. And, by the waxer way, things arent Getting Better despite this administrations best efforts to make it appear so. I was just talking to my mom in gladstone, missouri, paid over 3 a gallon for gas. Thats still a couple bucks higher than it was during the trump the administration. These are real metrics that people are seeing every single day, and thats a real problem for the Biden Administration and something that donald trump, nikki haley or whoever runs against him can take out with them on the campaign trail every single day. Mike all right. Good shoutout to mom. Top issue in deciding for president , the economy is tops among democrats, republicans and independents. Many have Immigration A close second among republicans, not as significant, democrats and independents. Does that surprise you, matt . No. The economys always been the top issue. And all due respect to your mom, i think thats just wrong. What were seeing, and the Wall Street Journal has data on this today or yesterday, were seeing confidence in the economy beginning to go up. The data is very, very solid. We are looking at incredibly low unemployment, incredibly low flakes moving into this year. People are still hurting from the if big inflation that followed the pandemic, but we believe that by the time we get to june which is when people start to assess is how theyre really feeling going into november, theyre going to be feeling a lot better, and i thinks going to really help biden. Mike also from todays fox poll, direction of the country. 27 , satisfied. 72 , dissatisfied. How alarming is that for this white house and the biden campaign, cassie . Yeah, its a case of who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes, right . Was, you point to, okay because, the editorial boards say this, but people are saying that still doesnt match up. Im paying way more for gas and groceries than i was four years ago. My mortgage rate, forget trying to get a new house because now ive been priced out of that house that i need to grow into. These are issues that everybodys talking about every day, and theres a direct link between where the Biden Administrations taken this country and where they picked it up from donald trump. And thats a real problem. The consummate question, are you better off now than you were four years ago, and this poll is showing a majority of americans are saying, no, i am not. Mike all right. 15 seconds each on expectations for state of the Union Thursday night. Matt . The expectations are very is low are. Biden screw ises things up, and people think hes going to become a fumbling guy. What we saw last year was he really owned the House Republican republicans who were shouting at him, and we might see that again this year. Mike cassie. Ill grant it that State Of The Union typically is a good night for the sitting president , whoever that may be. Its the 24 hours after, what happens will there be gaffes, what will the response be. And, again, when its back to reality and back to what the American People are feeling, facing every day, will the lights and the shimmer of the State Of The Union fade quickly. Mike cassie medley, mike bennett, thanks very much. Mike just this morning fox news obtained new Migrant Numbers at the southern border as new polling shows the level of concern the americans have for the crisis. Griff jenkins is live in laredo, texas, with with more. Griff, whats the latest . Reporter thats right. Good afternoon, mike. And fox just obtaining brand new Border Numbers from our cbp sources across the entire border, more than 7,000 apprehensions. Its the second straight day of more than 7,000, and were only three days into march. Traditionally, we see a surge this time of year when spring hits, and that is exactly whats happening. But its not as busy in the texas areas like brownsville and eagle pass, but it does happen. Take a look at this video shot just a little while ago over in eagle pass. Two actual groups of migrants crossing. Didnt happen in that shelby park area where the texas razor wire is, but its a little west to it in a little more open area. You see these migrants here, most of them from traditional areas like central america. Its all in tune with our latest fox polling which shows that imgraduation is among the top issues immigration is among the top issues. Specifically this poll, you can see here 41 is of americans consider the situation at the border to be a, quote, emergency. And that is perhaps if why former President Donald Trump continues to hammer President Joe Biden on the issue as he did at a rally in virginia yesterday. Listen here. Hes letting armies of people come in, military age. They smuggle them across our border, they walk into our border. They dont even have to smuggle anymore if. We are not going to allow them to stay in our country. Reporter this on the heels of the dueling president ial visits of trump and biden to the border. Today on The Fox Sunday shows we had dhs secretary Alejandro Mayorkas addressing the question of whether or not the administration is considering Executive Action. Listen. We consider options at all times. Thats the responsibility of good government. But an administrative action is no substitute for an enduring solution. Reporter but its unclear exactly what might be you should consideration. Recall under consideration. Recall that in the earliest days of bidens presidency he carried out 94 Executive Orders, mike, most of which undid those that trump had put in place. Mike . Mike Griff Jenkins live in laredo, thanks very much. Georgia lawmakers are ramping up efforts to identify unidentified migrants after laken rileys death. The Nursing Student was killed while she was running on ugas campus last week. Madison Scar Scarpino if joins us with more on this. Reporter hi, mike. Laken rileys e death is fueling a new wave of outrage, and its also pushing state lawmakers. The Georgia House passed a bill that requires police and Sheriff Deputies to help identify undocumented immigrants, arrest and detain them for deportation. That bill now heads to the state senate for more debate. And more than a week after rileys death, many people across the country are really upset. Rileys case is bringing up concerns about illegal immigration policies. Former or President Donald Trump was at the border thursday and promised to never forget laken riley. Trump talked about riley for the second time at his North Carolina rally yesterday. Listen. Last week a beautiful 22yearold Nursing Student in georgia, laken riley, i spoke to her parents, the most magnificent people. Devastated. The monster charged in her death is an illegal Alien Migrant who was let into the country and released into our communities by crook canned joe biden. We had him locked out. It was very hard to get into our country three years ago. Now its real easy. Reporter hundreds of friends, family and classmates gathered for rileys funeral yesterday in her hometown of woodstock, georgia. The Accused Killer, jose ibarra, is facing several charges for rileys murder. One of them . Hindering a 911 call. Athens Police Confirm riley tried calling 911 during the alleged attack. She had the time dial 911, it appears, and tried to bring help as quickly as she could and was obviously interrupted. We know that the result was a brutal, one of the most brutal murders weve heard about in a long time. Reporter ibarras older brother was arrested for having a fake green card, and hell be in federal Court Tomorrow for that. Its unclear when rileys Accused Killer will be in court next. Mike . Mike Madison Scarpino live in atlanta, thanks a lot. For more on the flow of Illegal Migrants over the southern border, im joined by former acting deputy Homeland Security secretary and Senior Fellow at the center for renewing america ken cucinelli. Ken, welcome. Good afternoon. Mike Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made the rounds on a Couple Of Sunday shows today asked why President Biden doesnt just use Executive Action to tighten up the border. Lets play us play it. An administrative actions no substitute for an enduring solution. When we take administrative actions, as we have done a number of times, we are challenged in court. Legislation is the enduring solution. Mike how do you respond, sir . [laughter] well, legislation certainly is an enduring solution, but the implication can of his comments is that theyre doing something to try to preserve the border. All of their actions were to open the door farther, wider, easier. Frankly,ing they have funded the importation and invasion by illegal aliens. So his comments ring quite hollow and, frankly, from a purely political standpoint Alejandro Mayorkas is not the guy they should be rolling out on sunday morning shows. He has no credibility with the notion of preserving the border and protecting americans. Mike from the new fox poll, how much do you blame the following for the situation at the border Congress Lack of action, 81 . Bidens lack of enforcement, 72 . That pub troubling to the republican must be troubling to the Republican Campaign committees. Does Congress Need to do something between now and november . So the house passed h. R. 2 which is a very solid piece of legislation. So in the congressional races, the republicans can point to, look, this is what we did. The Democrat Senate has held it up, and this president has opposed it. So an individual in individual races i dont consider those numbers a concern. As you well know, thats a bit of a generic question mike right. And its one of those that the numbers bad or appears bad on paper, but if youre a republican Congressman Running for reelection, that is an easy win. You want that fastball pitched over the plate while youre standing there, because you can knock that one out of the park. And joe biden has, sadly, given you with everything you need with his destruction of the border and the consequent destruction of American Communities to do just that. Mike also from the fox poll out today, President Bidens performance on the border, 31 approve. 6 disapprove 66 disapprove. Do you expect swift action to try to adjust that in an Election Year . Yeah. First of all, who the hell are those 31 . [laughter] but, yes. I mean, were seeing sort of the talking tour. If you remember it was maybe a year or two ago a when they were, when the border sort of burst even further into the public realm, you may recall that the white house said that their concern was the optics. You remember the use of that word, it was the optics. It was no substance, no other concerns. And thats what were seeing repeated here as we roll into campaign season. And this is an awfully hard one to undo. Theyve not succeeded in trying to convince people that their economy is good. They sure as heck arent going to succeed in convincing them that the border policies are actually a positive. Theyve been underwater with democrat voters on these policies for three years. Mike ken cucinelli, thanks so much for your time and analysis today. Good to be with you. Mike police in New York City were investigating a suspicious device left in an uber when propalestinian protesters blocked their path. Well have the details next. crowd cheers sore throat got your tongue . Mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. Uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. Thats my babyyy ow get mucinex instasoothe. Its comeback season. When i was your age, we never had anything like this. What . Wifi . Wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. The basement. So i can finally throw that party. And invite shannon barnes. Dream do come true. Xfinity gives you reliable wifi with walltowall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. Maybe well even get married one day. I wonder what i will be doing . Probably still living here with mom and dad. Fast reliable speeds right where you need them. Thats walltowall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. Mike Protesters Marching In Support of the palestinian cause were blocking the path of police who were responding to the suspicious case in times square device in times square yesterday. Officers were attempting to investigate a Novelty Grenade Leavitt left in the backseat of an uber. C. B. Cotton is live in New York City with the latest. Hello, c. B. Reporter hi, mike. Yeah, after protesters police, rather, pushed through those protesters, they made their way to the bomb threat, and investigator determined the item in the backseat of the uber, as you said, was actually an inactive, novelty grenade. But nypds chief of patrol says next time it may be a real one. He had this to say on, and about the crowd of people blocking First Responders. He wrote, quote this is dangerous. One day when the call is real and people get hurt, then what . I will tell you what, silence and and cowardice. From all the people who advocate for protesters to be allowed to disrupt the street. Hen the First Responders or then the first sponsored will arrive to do the best they can. And while officers found that device was actually, again, an inactive novelty item, you can imagine how scary this was for the uber driver. Heres the 911 call. Reporter the bomb threat followed a propalestinian protest which began at a New York City park yesterday. The crowd grew to about 3500 people who marched while calling for a ceasefire and accusing the u. S. And israel of committing genocide against palestinians. There was no measure bl crowd of proisrael demonstrators in response to this. And Oscar Winning actress susan sarandon, shes become a regular at these demonstrations. You may remember sarandon was dropped from Uta Last Fall after she said during a protest that jewish people in the states are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a muslim in america. She later apologized for those remarks. And yesterday she told the crowd this speaking inconvenient truths can lose you with your livelihood, it can lose you friends. It may lose you family. But i want you to look out now at this sea of umbrellas and people here, because we are your family. [cheers and applause] you are not alone. Reporter the nypd tells us nearly a dozen people were taken into with custody yesterday with. Of those, six people are facing chargeses of resisting arrest, and two people are facing assault charges. Mike. C. B. Cotton live in New York City, thanks very much. A Republican Former baseball star challenging democrat adam schiff for his senate seat in deep blue california. That storys next. Help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. Without the stuff you dont. So, heres to now. Boost. Limu emu doug bell ringing customize and save with libberty bibberty. Liberty bushumal. Libtreally blubatoo. Mark that one. That was nice i think youre supposed to stand over there. Oh am i . 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Your gift of 45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. Our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. Theyre delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. This would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the International Fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. Let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but were also praying and acting in their interest because we believe its what god would have us do. I simply cant stress enough the urgency of this situation. Its more dire than ever before. This is your moment. This is your opportunity to make a lifesaving difference. Its your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. Call, scan, or visit our website now to make your lifesaving donation. 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Dodger and political newcomer, republican steve garvey in a statistical tie with democratic congressman adam schiff. Schiffs house colleague, katie porter, is trailing at third out of the 27 candidates on the ballot. Even though a republican is in the lead heading into Super Tuesday, political experts predict this feat will ultimately seat will ultimately stay blue in november. Keep in mind no republican has been elected to a state the wide office in california since Arnold Schwarzenegger won governor back in 2006. The same berkeley poll also shows schiff beating garvey by 15 points in a a head to head matchup in the general, but the race between schiff and porter would be a tossup with both democrats polling at 30 points. Schiffs campaign spent millions on statewide ads that elevate republican candidate steve garvey in the race, and even though porter uses a similar tactic with another republican contender, porter has criticize ised schiffs a strategy as a it has effectively downplayed her chances at making the november if ballot. Its about taking the best qualified woman whos competitive in the race, who can win in november off the ballot, and i dont think thats what someone whos a selftitled defender of democracy like Representative Schiff should be doing at this point. Or. Reporter now, garvey who has not spent money on tv ads tells fox news in that schiffs Campaign Strategy by running ads has worked to his advantage. Over the last four months, i gained tremendous momentum. You know, chosen to do that. He seems to think that i would be the easier opponent. Be careful what you ask for. Reporter now, this tight senate race is also the most Expen Pensive in state history with campaigns spending more than 65 million, nearly triple what was spent in the last three California Senate races combined. A lot of money, mike. Mike big money. Christina coleman, thanks so much. Mike another transcript in the Impeachment Investigation of President Biden is released this one of an interview with the president s brother jim biden. Senior Congressional Correspondent chad pergram has more. [inaudible conversations] reporter Hunter Bidens testimony commanded the most flash, but james bidens testimony may be even more intriguing. Of all the people that weve interviewed, jim biden was the most unbelievable of them all. Reporter james biden said he received 40,000 in loans from the president in 2017 when joe biden was a private citizen. He also testified he paid his brother with back with money which appeared to come from a Chinese Energy firm, cefc, though he didnt think the firm was tied to the chinese government. He has all these loans, hundreds of thousands of dollars of loans from shady characters, many who have been in prison. Reporter the First Brother testified that hunter biden called his Chinese Business partners proteges of president , and i. This is why republicans wonder if biden Family Dealings compromise the president. Weve got to Start Talking about the real crimes here, Foreign Agent registration act, tax evasion and obstruction the of justice. Those are the crimes. I believe thats enough to go to impeachment. Reporter republicans lack the votes to impeach so far. I do think its over at this point, and it might be time for us to fold up the circus tent. Reporter like hunter biden, james biden repeatedly told lawmakers the president wasnt involved in family business, but republicans say inconsistencies are glaring when comparing the testimony of james biden, hunter biden and Hunter Business associate tony bobulinski. James biden denies President Biden met with bobulinski and hunter at the Beverly Hilton hotel in 2017. But hunter says, quote, my dad went and shook hands with tony. And bobulinski says, quote, joe biden came across the lobby. Republicans hope to wrap the investigation soon. We need to put this thing to rest. Its dragging on. Reporter investigators or want a final report by spring, especially if the house wants to consider an Impeachment Vote before the election. On capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. Mike for more on the state of the biden impeachment inquiry and the timeline for former President Trumps legal cases, former Chief Counsel Julian Epstein joins me now. Welcome. Thanks for having me. Mike so as someone who was former Chief Counsel of house judiciary, or where are you on the biden impeachment inquiry in the house . Mike, ive been critical of both parties. I think the republicans have a good point that there is plenty of reason to investigate whether hunter biden was monetizing the office of the vice president. I think thats the key period of time when joe biden was vice president. And whether joe biden was honest about it and whether joe biden helped or enabled the monetization of the name of the vice presidency. I think thats completely will legitimate, so i think the democratic position which has been theres nothing here to see has been wrong. At the same time, i was very involved, as you know, in the Clinton Impeachment as a Chief Counsel in the junioritily Judiciary Committee for the democrats, and the lesson that we learned is if youre going to start throwing the word impeachment around, you better have the goods, and i dont think republicans have the goods here. I think theyve gotten out in front of their skis. So while i think that that there is plenty of reason and justification for investigation, i think the appropriateness of putting this in an impeachment context has been wrong, and i think the republicans may shoot themselves in the foot with this. Mike okay. Former President Trump and his legal issue, the ap if wire saying right now the Supreme Court could rule as soon is as tomorrow on the issue of kicking him off the ballot in places colorado. What do you make of that case . I have been very critical of the left on this, and i think this is an example where leftist legal elites are completely out of touch with the rest of the country. Theyve been arguing kicking biden off the ballot under the 4th Amendment is essential already question preferring democracy 14th. I think that is wrong on the law. I think there are no standards of what insurrection is, and i think for a party thats talking about the preservation of democracy to be trying to kick the major opposing candidate off the ballot on something that is completely untested legal arely, i think it just makes the party and the left look very hypocritical and look silly and look like all of the stuff that they are doing in terms of pursuing trump right now is politically motivated and not really about some higher purpose of preserving our democratic system. Mike okay. To the former president s case in georgia, prosecutor manny willis has gotten a whole lot of attention fani willis about her conduct. What do you think is the impact on the case there . Yeah. Look, if fani willis believed what she said about the importance of the case proceeding, then she would step aside. Because i think her presence is doing enormous damage to the case. There is clearly the appearance of a Conflict Of Interest in the sense that she had a financial in the case continuing. The story that she has told about when the relationship started and about the reimbursements of the expenses that mr. Wade paid for vacations and what have you, you know, when i go off camera and i talk to democrat, republicans, black, white, doesnt matter, i cant find a Single Person that actually believes this story. Its just not credible. I mean, one of the things you know if you are accepting gifts that are covered by Gift Requirements under the ethics laws is you make Documentary Evidence of that. The notion that he was paying her back in cash and theres no documentary, i just think that dog doesnt hunt. And i think she is going to have additional problems with the state legislate eture or and potentially the state bar because of some of the testimony that was given that i find hard to believe. I think she would do herself a lot of favors by with just stepping aside right now. Mike Julian Epstein, its great to have your time and analysis. Thank you so much. Mike, good to be with you. Mike nasa and spacex hoping tonight is the night for their falcon 9 rocket launch. A live report from the Kennedy Space center coming up next. Finish. T in weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. Hey ump you need your eyes checked yeah, things are getting fuzzy then go to americas best why . For a comprehensive, quality eye exam sounds good it is ill go good call americas best. Because eye care is healthcare and you deserve the best. At typical insurance, youre just another senior. 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The day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day. A lets dig in day. Mm. A chow down day. A take a big bite day. A perfectly delicious day. Mm. [ chuckles ]. A love my new teeth day. Because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. A clearchoice day changes every day. Schedule a free consultation. Scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. Mike a new launch time now set for the four crew members in the space, and falcon 99 rocket after high winds postponed last nights liftoff. The rocket is set to take 3 nasa astronauts and a russian cosmonaut to the International Space station. Senior correspondent Jonathan Serrie is live from the Kennedy Space center with the latest. Hello, jonathan. Reporter hi there, mike if p. I was a little nervous if driving out to Kennedy Space center this morning, a powerful storm system came through here. But as you can see, the skies have cleared ahead of tonights attempted launch. Last night the astronauts put on their pressure ifized launch and industry suits, but with just short of walking out to the fleet of Teslas Waiting the drive them to Launch Complex 39a, controllers called off the launch because of unfavorable conditions along the flight path. Spacexs falcon 9 rocket has proven itself to be highly reliable, but Company Officials and nasa officials like to make sure they have calm skies and seas underneath the spacecraft all the way from launch to Orbital Insertion in case the astronauts need to abort the mission in an emergency and make a splashdown in the atlantic. Theyve had this enviable record. But every time we launch, its whiteknuckle time. And especially if humans are on top. Reporter so, mike, tonights launch attempt scheduled for 10 53 eastern time. If all goes well, the astronauts will dock with the International Space station early tuesday morning. Back to you. Mike lets hope for a successful launch and a safe trip. Jonathan serrie, enjoy the show. Thanks so much. We will catch up with some of our favorite Small Business owners and how theyre doing in the face of persistent inflation after the break. If when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. But you can repair it with Pronamel Repair. It penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. I recommend Pronamel Repair. With new Pronamel Repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. Sometimes Jonah Wrestles with falling asleep. So he takes zzzquil. The worlds 1 sleep aid brand. And wakes up feeling like himself. Get the rest to be your best with nonhabit forming zzzquil. Democrats agree. Conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. Our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. Mr. Garvey, you voted for him twice. As your own man, what is your decision . Garvey is wrong for california. But garveys surging in the polls. Fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. Stop garvey. Adam schiff for senate. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message. Im katie porter and i approve this message. Hes the hundredpercent protrump candidate for u. S. Senate republican eric early. Always supports trump and the maga agenda. Republican eric early. Endorsed by the california prolife council. Opposed to all abortion. And eric early loves the second amendment. Eric early. Way more dangerous than steve garvey. He dodges trump. Garvey even said he might vote for biden. Republican eric early for u. S. Senate. Too maga. Too trump. Too dangerous. Mike americans say theyre feeling a strain on their Pocket Ifbooks and wallets with 57 of registered voters saying they have less money now than they did a year ago. For more on how the economys affecting restaurants, the owner of santorini, and joe diehl, other than of burger bar in virginia join me now. Gentlemen, welcome. [speaking in native tongue] [laughter] until you become our president. Mike hes already breaking plates. Giorgio, whats the impact on your wallet . The impact is 20 down, we are, end of 23 and beginning the season of 24. We feel that 20 below the last year. People spending less money mike joe, what about that . Are people spending less at your place toosome. Yes, sir. Im probably a little more off a mark than george joe. What ive also seen is my regulars. I have some people that eat with me every day. The ones that are eating once or twice a month, i dont see them as often. They definitely dont have as much money to spend, and theyre frugal by looking at their receipt. We have a very high food tax where im at. The city and state adds about 15 . I get questioned on that a lot. I dont get to keep that money. That goes right through me. Mike right. On condition of the economy, only 26 in the fox poll say excellent or good. 73 percent say fair or poor. Does that mean fewer people are visiting miami beach, George George owe . George owe . We have resort taxes were down, less people. We see less canadians, less people from up north. And also the people that we see or that are regulars that used to stay six weeks, they only come for two weeks or less stays than usually. Mike joe, whats your assessment of the state of the economy . Oh, its definitely hitting everyone. And being a Small Business owner, i really feel it. Its definitely a Trickle Down Effect though because when people dont have money, theyre not spending it. I thought it might help me with finding labor, people wanting a parttime job, but im really struggling just getting labor also. And, you know, the economy, i feel it hard. Mike just march 3rd of this year, what was your assessment of 2023 as a wholer year for your restaurant . It was like we didnt feel the regular season or we are a are little bit confused. Besides the Better Weather that we had, we are really feeling that the private events and customers and even business owners, they are watching their budgets. And we be getting, like, 20, 30 less if somebody will do a private event, the money is half of the good years. People really are watching what they are spending. Also they do only mandatory or events, not like all we have now that Business Meeting we can do, so banks and businesses, theyre really watching how often they do an event and how much money they spend. Even the Pharmaceutical Industry cut their budget when we are catering to 3040 down. Mike wow. Joe, we hear inflation is coming down from the politicians but have food costs come down for you. I vent seen it. My costs havent seen it. My costs are skyrocketing. Last time i spoke with you about menu pricing, i really dont feel like i can add anything to it. But the price of goods keep going up. Im also having a hard time getting things, tet plus, tomato. Tomatoes right now are just outrageous for me. Some of the stuff is just, it doesnt make a lot of sense, the way prices are spiking. Its not due to weather or shortages. Its almost like im getting price gouged sometimes. Mike thank you so much, gentlemen. Restaurants, backbone of the economy. Grateful for your time today. Thank you, mike. Thank you thank you for having us. Mike massive amounts of snow blanketing the Sierra A Nevada Mountains during the biggest storm season, storm of the season, excuse me. The weathers disrupted travel and caused dangerous conditions on the road. The areas expected to get multiple billion feet of snow in the coming days and experience winds as high as a 190 miles per hour. There was some extra horsepower on the highway e in cleveland yesterday, a pair of horses seen running down Interstate 90 after they escaped from clevelands police stables. They were eventually caught. Ohio department of transportation responding to a question of any injuries simply said nay. [laughter] that is all for this hour of fox news live. Fox news sunday is next. Im mike if e pan well. Thanks for watching. Have a worn awesome day. Ook at these guys. They are playing great. Meanwhile, im on the green and all i can think about is all the green im spending on 3 kids in college. Not to mention the kitchen remodel, and wed just remodel the bathrooms last month. With empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. So i dont have to worry. So youre like a guru now . 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