Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

and what was. hannity now, the transcript of hunter biden's deposition has been released late last nighpositiont and we have been n extensively combing through it. now, according to the transcriptely combg thro addresu the infamous i'm sitting here with mnt y father whatsapp message telling lawmakers he can't even rememberhat's ap sending it bece he was either so drunk or high,o saying, quote, i was out of my mind. but the only thing that can saye for sure that he can remember t is that his was not wow.t th how selective caern one be outtm of my mind. i don't remember even sendingit text. s i'm not even sure if it's my text, but i know for sure my dad wasn't there. okay. now, just days after days g that g message was sent, accordingmess to a 2020 senate report, well,2t accounts linked to hunter biden, guess what?gu they received over $5 million h from the cfc. that's why he sent the whatsaps message to from being out of his mind. you got to admit, i'd sabeisy p a pretty amazing achievement. hunter also confirmed to that he did in fact receive money from chinese companies. now, this is in stark contrast from his comments during that disastrous "gma" interview whenhig that he said he didn't e $0.01 from china. take a look. centm chinthe president has repy said that you received $1.5 billion from china despite no and for no apparent reason. obviously, fact checkers have that. that is not true. this is little has no basis in fact in any way. have you received any money from a business dealing? no. at all. not once. that not $0.01 really. according to the. hunter also told lawmakers that his business with cfc,busie that's the chinese oil conglomerate, was, quote, completelyss wit legitimate. completely 100% in line with my experience and my abilities. abtitted go back to tha "gma" interview. hunter admitted he had no experience at alhe nl energy. when asked about his role with burisma. takeh a look.e di >> you didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gay extenses. ukraine itself, though. >> nk that i hadon as much knowledge as anybody else who was on the board, if no t t more.e me o in the list. you gave me the reasons why you're on that board. you did noasons yot. he the fact that you were the son of the person. yeah. no. you think that way?ssif i think that it is impossible for me to be be on any of the boards that i just mentioned without saying that i'm the son of the vice president,e so united states. >> oh, wait a minute. probably not. with no experience in energy, oil, gas, ukraine. exper no experience in china. addicted to hard drugsie and at times, quote, out of his mind. how was his business, as hene said, quote, completelssy hundrh percent in line with his experience, because that's what hise said.ile al meanwhile, also during the deposition, hunter was asked about devisotion hunn clan that joe was on speaker phone with his business. hunter did tell lawmakers, quote, oh, certainlyhu my dad called me. hunter also admitted that he introduced his father to one par of his business partners, jonathan lee, while in chinatna and he told lawmakers there were, in fact, two dinnerss at at cafe milano. that's in d.c. where joe met his business partners, in one in, russiakazakhstan and ukraine, confirming that russian oligarch alina barter arena, who reportedly transferred $3.5 million to a hunter link compan millionyd and invested, according to devin archer, another 120,000,001 of their real estate adventures was in attendance. wow, how convenient. now, hunter repeatedly said that his father never received any benefits, nor was business he ever involved with his business. he said he never once, even. that joe said okay, never talked to hunter, my brother,fo or anybody for that matter. okay. was joe out of hisr th mind, to? so really, then why did hunter once complain about giving halfi his salary to pops? having to givesalary his salary to pops? why didn't devin archer's testimonpops popdid devoy corroy bobulinski. who? hunter's. they're all except for him. why did they say that? the brand being sold was j that of joe biden? certainly wouldn't be the guy addictedden? to crack. now, also breaking today, the transcript of james biden's testimony was released this afternoon and it spells more trouble for joe biden. according to his testimony, james biden admitted that joe receivedt jo $40,000 in china$40 funds. corroborating james commerce00 i investigation revealing that sarah and jamess biden sent joe a $40,000 check for a, quote, loan repayment. do they have the paperwork? haver money from honor who had received millions from the chines re energy conglomerat cfc just days prior. all right. e here was reaction. house oversight committee chairman james comer befor committe e lit you today, i want to settle a little bit of business here becaustlsiness bece i don't thio some people know how committees work. they usually worw k together in terms of who's going to ask the questions, etc.. u and it was brought up that you u didn't specifically yourselfthet questions. he and then the question of why q did you allouestw the concessiom to hunter in terms of not videotaping its of and allow foe the second subpoena to be sent that was not afforded those opportunities not afforded th? eople like or bannon >> well, with respect to not asking questions, jim jordan ask questions either. we work with our staff wee was a topn disposer in the department of justice. he's better at asking questions that i have. so i want the best people asking question tt s. my staffer asked the questions that i approved for the first hour, and jim jordan staffer askeked the questions fornd hou the second hour. so that answers that question with respectr.estion to the vid, that was what the biden team was demandins whatg. they didn't want a video. they didn't want a video, which i think is funny and ironi c because they were saying they wanted a public hearing. a public hearing. public what we're going to havee a public hearing and the american people are going to get to see hunter biden inte person. su and with respect to ther bidr second subpoena, when he defied the first subpoena, thenbp, when that subpoena was was wa ts. so we wanted to get him in forr the deposition. i think the evidence we got is very valuable as we move forward to try to hold this familye move. what w so i think what we did was right. a lot of people have criticizedt we should have taken the deal for this or this deal for that. he came in on our terms.they the only thing that that they got that they wanted was no t it. we've got the transcript. the transcript shows that hunter, was it truthful? he accused his former businesshe associates acc of lying.itte he admitted that joe biden did in fact get $40,000 that came from china. sot , so many things that we've been talking about in our investigation were have be proven in the deposition. >> i think the deposition was a huge success. no hugw it seems like they want to renege on a public hearing. >> let's go toblic hea the of hm saying that he was either high or drunk when he said sent a whatsapp message, he was, quote, out of his mind.he so he doesn't even know if i the text was sent, doesn't remember sending the text. does it even know if the tex tke to is real, which i'd like to seese the evidence that it was tampered with. but he can rememberber with certainty that hiwiths outo father wasn't there, but he was out of his mind. but he did remember that pars mt that that that text, that sound credible to you doesn't soundede very credible to me. no, no . the am i think that the american people can read the tran and make a common decision and determinationpresin on whether or not the president's son was being truthful. >> look, when he had to playbeig the drug card he played the drug card when he had to plathe drugy the russiann disinformation card. he played that card with respecttion car to the texe all seen the text and their texts are all over the board where he says, i had to give my father half my income. there are other texts where he admitted to being involved with the child. the spy chief for for the whole country of china. so he knew he was committing in the text. but when we pressed hi wmessed on the textshi, his lawyer would say, well, we don't we don't believe that these textselieve are legitimate. we believe that the laptop was compd. ise tha and then when there was no doubt that he sent the text, he would say, well, i was was w high. i was high, or i sent that text to the wrong person. you don't understandon. the meaning of that text. well, i will explain it to us. well, i was high. bui was high, but i know my dad wasn't sitting beside me when i said that whatsapp message, but i was so so he played the drug card a lot. they played thd d russia card ac but i think the american people see in this transcript that the biden family have lying about their involvement and the amount of money they've taken in from china from day one. so we've proven that the famil day one.y was influence peddling. we've proven that joe biden was lyin g. ne the american people from day one when he said he wasn't involved and his't invol familyt get any money from china. now, what we're going to go to the nexo t phase, have the public hearings, bring all the associates in and let everyone see everyone's side of the story and make a determination. but at the end of the day, we're going to try to hold this accolytry to accountable. we're going to try to have referrals. we're going to try to identify othe we will ople in r people in thee that were part of the cover up. because, remember,art of t in ae to the biden financial crimes, we also have the cover uupp by the deep state actors. so we're trying to hold everyone accountable, trying ble and to wrap this up. and i think that the deposition with hunter biden, t the transcribed interview with joe biden, were huge successesra . thank chairman colmer, thank you for sharing that with us. now, today y , just the founder, editor in chief, investigative reporterinvest john solomon delivered another bombshell reportig about. hunter and his ties to russia. we reached out to hunter biden for comment. shockingly, we have yet to hear back johhen choice joins us now with more. you found out a lot here. >> it's a long piece. why don't i let you explain ithu ? >> thank you. yeah. so listen, we knew that hunter biden had some dealings with yellen about arena through his business partners. we we did is we went through more than a thousand pages of documents, emails, court transcripts, bank records and congressional transcripts. and what it show bs is between 2010 and 2014, hunter biden and1 his business partners made partn a concerted effort to squeeze oligarchrted effs in vladimir pb russia for big money. they were lookinigg upwards of $1,000,000,000. they were on the cusp of scoring one of those big deals. in fact, they were in moscow in fac at the moment. vladimir putin decided to invade crimea, ukrainute. the first time and they were a little bit arbitrary. they had done all this work to get all this money from russia and it was falling apart. falling ap that day in moscow, and that is what landed them. the more that i controversial deal that became burisma holdings in neighboring ukrainae on the path to hunter biden's ukrainian millions was paidvladm in vladimir putin's russia. and for four years hunter biden was so excitedutin's r about tapping russia and vladimir putin's oligarchs for money,the oligfo he thinkinp about opening up a permanent moscow office. gd russtalking about creatiner a ukraine russian business council. he had targeted specificias ukrainians. so from this data today, plus what we now know from china, t. know what you just talked to the chairman about china. we know for most of a decade, hunter biden, his business partner, spent their time trying to get money from americas two largestamerica' geopolitical adversaries, communist china and vladimirrusa putin's russia. that's what we now know for certain, unequivocally. . >> john solomon, just the, we appreciate you being with us. some breakinmon, wteg news. we thank you.> toni also tonight, a huge day in thg trump legal saga. earlier today, president trump appeared in a florida courtrooat for a hearing over the trial date as classified documents caseri. now, yesterday, the special prosecutor, jack smith, proposed day the the start date of july the eighth, by the way, the same month of th e convention. today, judge canon in florida castnventiony ju doubt on this t saying it would compress a lotin of pretrial argumentss and deliberations into a very short windows in. earl and earlier today, lawyers delivered closing arguments in the hearingies deli over fans and her alleged misconduct and whether or not she will bee removed from this case at the conclusion, the argumentsthat today, the judge announced that he would issue his decision he woul within the nextre two weeks. here with reaction to all of this is fox news contributor jonathan turley. not sure where you want to startjona where. you know, you did write a great column, one wire, meaning the fbi's, as christopher said, one of the longest most trusted informants, paid informants. they'vtruse ever just likejust christopher steele turns out not to b le the case. that does not negate everything we just discussed with james comer and with john solomon, does it? >> no, it doesn't. comer hn solt?and what hunter be confirmed the essential elements of what has been alleged by these committeehas bs that they received a great deal of money from russia, from china, fro m ukraine, and at least $40,000 of chinese money0f made it into the account of president biden. now, this is the same personis who said i that his son didn't. make any money in china. it turns out he not only madurne money, but president biden received some of that moneyre som. he also confirms other aspects of this. but he aspects keeps on saying . mantra is that all of this was perfectly he adds that it's perfectly ethical, which is reallyy something that really yoft many of us dumbfounded. you know, you can sayu that influence peddling ca n be done legally, but no one argues it's done ethically. it is corrupt, though. you know, the u.s. government has pushed treaty obligations to ban influence peddlingng. because it views it as one of the great forms of corruption. viewe >> it has always been viewedd co as corruption. now, what we nowrruption know it the president was involved and was confirmed by hunte r, mber is involved in a great number of these these meals, these dinners, these meetings. he was clearly aware of hisdealn son's dealings with foreign governments. >> he liedgs during the campaig, but more importantly, he had to btantly, e aware that his sos influence peddling. >> it was being covered in some of the media. he we have a tap on the recordig on the laptop from president biden dealing with a "new york times" article that deals with his foreign dealings reign de. nt >> so, you know, the are the the statement of the president is manifestly false. and a lot of this confirmea d that so the question is what do we do about that. >> yeah let me ask you i very hopeful i think it's very important that the supreme er take up the immunityglad t issue and i'm glad that they did. it's to mehe to me , it's of great consequence in terms of the court and presidential obviously immunity in this case. i think that's an important issue for the countr case an imy. then you have fani willis and wrapping up, closing today, i want to get your take on both of them. do you think any these cases, maybe except for the brag case, that i'm not sure what they're charging donald trump with in new york even at this late datonald tre, do you thinky of these cases see the light day?y before election >> well, today, the trump campaign argued that the itorida trial should start after the election, but agreed that august would be a doabl abe ae date for themo that trial. >> as for the d.c. trial with smith, that's becoming less and less likely due to the need to review the immunity question t. g that the court is expediting that question, but the court didn't creat e this conflict. the court didn't put this close to an election. you know , trump is being tried on conduct that occurred almost four years ago . >> he didn't set that schedule. so the court is going to trytheo to get it right as opposed to just getting it rapidly done . but it is expediting that schedule whenbuhat comes to arguments. >> ones guess what? this? yeahis, it. e hear yeah.d but arguments wouldn't be heard till late april. probablyuntil . won you know, we won't hear their decision until june or maybe even late june. and then what? they're going to have a trial the week of th ee republican national convention, either the florida trialwe oral d.c. triald.. . judge >> i think that the d.c. judge should give up the ghost here and just say, loogivek, sto trying to shoehorn this in before the election. >> it's just too close to thee o election and the publi tcs ow will have to render its own verdict. >> yeah, and what about fani willis?rd ict.fa lastni wor wild? well, they did a terrible job in her day in defense of her office today. this judge has grounds, in my view, to disqualify one or both of them. but it's a tough question for hiough quem and i think the jude being fair today to both sidesiw . yeah. all right. it's going to get interesting, that's for sure. thy, thank you.l we appreciate it. when we come back, sarah carter. welle come back,, joe biden fins down to the border, coincidentally the day that donald trump was going down there. well, sarah spokg doe with brownsville residents to get their reaction to biden's visit. a little too little too late. kind of like east palestine. i'll show you what they said. and my exclusive border tour with former president trumpr and texas governor greg abbott right along the rio grandetourw straight ahead as we continue tonight, homeowners pay attention. stairs at home are big problem introducing stilts, home elevators and affordable solution that will upgrade your home and make it safe, elegant and extremely functional. stilts home elevators have an a-plus rating from the better business, and they're designed to be extremely safe and make your life easier. call or go to now to schedule your free no obligation in home assessment and get a free brochure. call one 803 143317 or go to stilts. 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biden says mass killings of 112 palestinian refugees at an aid convoy in northern gaza a potential agreement. but the president says he remains hopeful. u.s. officials say nothing indicates that the talks have been significantly derailed, but a potential deal hinges on a response from hamas. and in colorado, a paramedic will spend five years in prison for his role in the death of elijah mcclain. mcclain, a 23 year old massage therapist, was given a powerful sedative called ketamine after being forcibly restrained by police. the paramedic, a coworker, were convicted last year of injecting mcclain with the powerful sedative ultimately blamed for killing him. i'm ashley strohmier back to healing. >> from your headlines, log on to >> all right. it was a day of dueling borders visits in texas yesterday. former president donaldum trump joined us in eagle pass and we'll hav us in ee morn there in just a moment. while joe biden, he visited brownsvill ae. what what did the residents think of biden finally findingo some time to visit the border that he's been lecturing us as and secure for three years. we sent our very own yea sara carter to find out. >> take a look. how do you feeke a lool about po biden coming to brownsville now? it's crazy that disgrace.ul he should be ashamed of himself. afte ashamr all the things thats community have gone through, we're here to show that we tired of joe biden. we want trump's policies back. get your hands off of our country. he sold us out. we know. we knos y. w what he's done. sol he sold us out to china, sold ot us out to other countries. we're informed. we're not asleep here in the rio grande valle noty. e for if you had a message for president biden, if you could talk to him todaesident hiy, whd your message be? be undo every one of those executivvee orders you signedt y on your first day in office. that would be startersffice.. t. it's a photo op. it's what it is. and he must have done it lastt e minute. trump was visiting the border. he's not welcome herng thee thal the people have woken upe and we've seen his policies. the disaster here on the borderr . and just so you know, as you know, we don't support him here. e.wet took hhr tooeek it three t here. >> joe biden and now what are you going to do with this mess? >> and while joe was offmess? mm mumbling, bumbling, stumbling around out there, former president donaldbumbling trump d texas governor greg abbott, they join me for an exclusive border tour right on the rio grande in eagle pass. look. >> take a look. this is the razor wire. ll now we go back. all the country was watching the mass migration right in this sector right hereh . and you did the job that the federal government should do, and that is you put all this up there. if you go all the way down that line,y down t you canhene t how extensive it is. and you put the containers is. in and 99% reduction. exactly. so so right where. we're looking that used to be 3 to 5000 people crossing here. a a day. now, you see there's no way anybody can cross hereca right from this to the containers. and now we have about an averagw wee of seven people crossing a day. and if they make it across, it acrod by the texas department of public safety. you knew then that this could be fixed. you put all these policies in place. joe biden, we're sendingl thesee by the stroke of a pen in the first hundred days and then told us for three years the border is secure and the borders closed. that anger you because. that anger is not only to be lied to. well, i really don't think he knowst liketo what he's eveng about, to be honest with you. but i did put it we built 571 miles of wall. we worked very closely with the governor, always had a great relationship. we worked together after the election happened is themovg governor kept moving and he di d some of the whole thing with the wire. wiref, t's pretty tough stuf i would say is pretty tough stuff. and he really, really made stuff. every you should it's not his responsibility. it should be the government. we were moving down into this area. we did such a job. 571 miles. now, you got to remember, wember were talking we about this. i said, what's more effective, the wall is always going to be the most effectivewallet. and because this you can cut and they find ways to get through it, believnd find e it or not hard to believe, but they get through it even triple layers of. yeah >> eve, but we work very closela with texas and it was a great relationship and a great and itp. not d arizona's not doing their job with their governor anoiobd governor. your friend is not doing his job. all of this was so preventable the first hundred days and every policy you had was thd and what we want open borders, i guess, actually has to go with it because it's so, you know, you always like i to understand the other side's opinion. if you're on the other side of somethingf you of , the one thing nobody can tell me other than they want to cheat with the vote nted vots because, you know, they're trying to sign people up. but why do they want this? o ine why do they want to infect our country like this? why are they sending these people from prisonlike thi and p are they sending people from mental institutioneols and how is that a good thing? and even from a political standpoint, how ca from a ln yoo election when you're doing this, what they're doing and texags, the right stanceariz and arizona is going to have to step it up becausone to stee the whole country is going to be very upset with the governor of arizona. ariz you that we saw the police officers in times square, times square at night is lit up like broad daylight. that's as bright as it could be. it's just kind of like vegas. and here i'm watching two police officers getting kie beat out of a guy, running a horse and kicking this guy in the heackd. i'm like, wow, how is this w happening in our country? you've never seen that before? no, we've seen worse. we've seen the never sehappenm shot. we've seen them, but you've never seen police officers. in a fistfight with guys. and they're openly fierce fighting. ecause i and the odds weren'tabou good because there were2. about 10 to 2. but it's something i've never seen befor ng i e. again, there's more violence in that because you see shots and you see other things, but it's something you've never seen. it's a total disrespec somethirr the law. americans have unifiedlaw. agait illegal immigration right now, and more than any other issue.aa and so i think that's going to change what's going on in these citiesg on i, these state. but look at the citizens in chicago. they're fighting back againsago t council members. same thing that's going on in new york against city council te members or the mayor, whatever the case may be. they're angry. but look at the backlashha that the mayor of athens, georgia, got when he was trying to talk about how safe he was making the city americans are outrag, know, like i've never seen. i know both of you have been very busy, but there was a georgia university of georgia. they had a service, a rally for this young nursing student that lost her life. and thousands and thousands of people up. have the people of this country have had it right thatha we we have borders, we have laws, and we should have sovereignty.r . now, i don't think either of you disagree with legal immigratio n. t shouldn't that include vetting people to make sure they don't have radical ties and maybe a health check? and also they have to showhehec? they're not going to be a burden financially on the american people. sofinanciaon this is another isi share as governor, as people who are either here or want to come here and the n there are so many people who want to come here legally. they're gettiney are gg pushed e back of the line because of the 9 million people who come here illegallpeopley. has so what biden has done is destroyed legal immigration from all these facilitated illegal immigration. this is an invasioitated i n of military age men. and i pray to god that i'm wrong. but i have no doubt the people in iran, syria, egyp.t, afghanistan, china and russia among them are not china peoplea our best intentions at heart and they are here in this countrand they ay plotting, plag and scheming. and that's scary. .i sadly, i think i'm right, w too. i wish i was wrong. great to see yourong., governor. thank you so much. appreciate you, greg, out here. thank you, mr. president. >> action. always great to see you. thank you very much. and up nexe you. next, lincoln s funeral was held today in georgia. governor ron desanti riley's s in on the impact of biden's border crisis. plus impact of the florida govet made a huge move that might hug unseale documents related to jeffrey epstein. he will join us straight ahead . cops is back on fox nation, the only place to watch new to watch is defenders of justice. now take down criminal masterminds. i come from a long family of 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unfortunately, will likely not be the last unless we take dramatic action. anyway, joining us now with more, the governor of the great stat is th e of florida, governor ron desantis. you know, governor, i tr yu to myself in the position and you're you're a dad. you have young childred with n. try to put yourself in the position of this young woman's parentpositions and grandparentr and siblings and loved ones. ents ai do. how do you recover from something like that? and what's so infuriatromey about this? it was not only once coming into the country illegally . legally. they had another opportunity th deport this individual in a case in new york. that didn't happen. i meant , at some point, when do we when do we hold accountable people whose policies are allowing this to happen, allowing allowin people to stay >> well, sean, unfortunately, these angel parents and they're not alone. this happens all oveare notr the country nowadays where you you lose a childhere you ate hands of somebody in this country illegally here. to jo >> thanks to joe biden and thanks to these sanctuary policies. look to, we work very hard as as a governor. i do. i knowovernor a lot of people ae the country of keeping people safe. when you havpi pee a crime likea murd this, a murder by an illegaly alien, by definitionan i would t have happened had joe biden simply enforce the law.forced they are greenlighting thi ts and the way for this to happen. >> and you're right, shonda d new york because. new york city is a sanctuary jurisdiction. y is aso you have a criminal. alien there brought up on charges who is in the country illegally right then and there. the appropriate thing is t and a get them into deportation proceedings and make sure that they get senttie they to td home country. that's not what they do in new york. they don't cooperateo york. . they release back on to the street. and so this guy ends uonto tp dn in georgia and he kills lake and riley. and i would also say this athens mayor has liberal policies in athens as well. we ban sanctuary cities in, florida. >> my first year as governor. i mean, if you have somebody here illegally, especially if they're involved in the justice systemecially e invo, you don't. you've got to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. so this whole thing was avoidable and unfortunat thinge she is not the only victim. this is happening all over this country. when we did the debate with gavin newsom that you i identified a case in california where lots angela's released somebody who had been deported multiple timesomebos illegally in the co, brought up on chargesy, they refused to turn broug him r to ice and he murdered the mother of a three-year-old. mr this is what joe biden's's america has come to. >>u know, let me let me shift gears here. jeffrey epstein's mysteriouse sf death, that was, what, nearlyiv five years ago, obviously did nothine yearg to, put to rest the many, many questions about many misdeed mans and a special plea deal that took place before your time as governor in florida. we could be a bit closer to some because you're supporting legislation and. you've signed legislation that will allow for the release of theatll allow currently secry grand jury testimony from his original case in the state . boy, from all the detail.s that i have read about this. wow, that had to be the plea deal of. >> all plea deals. e what unbelievable what happened. and, you know, this was involved h in jurisdiction at te time and the feds worked to engineer this plea deal withn the prosecutor in palm beach county. and this happened, you know, or 15, 20 years ago when i became governor. we launched a criminal investigation. and exactly what happened? how did he geted a cri this swet deal? tht what we ran into was grand jury secrecy laws. and that is true in florida. if you testifys true in front oa grand jury, it's secret. it's got to be kept secret. and so to and then people tried to petition to get it released under some of the exemptions and aleased unl this court casee failed. so the florida legislature passed legislation that whichlel authorizes the release of all thosate grand jury files. and so i signed it into law this week. that law become effective on july 1st. finally, the public is going on to able to get answers. >> but we had a few of the30s. of they're now women. they're in their thirties, but they were teenagers. me lot of them, i think, wereis 14 at the time. and this has been something that stayed with them for decades and they never got any justic decad nevere. and so now we're going to get more facts. and how is it, sean when you have so many people involved, you have one person now, ghislaine maxwell, who's in who's in federal prison. nobody else has been heldn deatuntablfe.e since epstein's death. and i think everybody knowh.sis that that is not right. and there's no way that nobody else was involved in this criminal activity. >> let me i agree with that completely>> i agr. let me ask you about a bill that you vetoed that bans socialyou veto media for kids u. well, you're very clear that you would support some measures, but not this stricter measure. >> you know, dr. phil actually pointed out something in his new book, the total number of hours that kids are spending online. i mean, it's numbs the mind to think about it. and then they're subjected to things by the things that are sent by peoplen that are targeting children specifically with material that is not age appropriate, say the least. t yeah. so we're going to end up getting a product. part it is right now in federal law under 13, you're barreddia from having a social media account. and yet there's a whole bunch of peoplac e under 13 that have it. so we're going to have enforcement on that. .orcementwe're also going to hae say for these teenagers, the 14 to 15 year olds. there should be a parent15ear- involvemenoldst. so we're going to include parent involvement and then we're going to make surel includ lian that in our valiant, valiant efforts to protect children, we'refforts toe not infringing s rights to use social media anonymously. i believe. i don' anonymous speech. i don't want to have to force t everybody to give their namesey like nikki haley wanted to. so i think we're going to have the appropriatwee balance.up and i think you'll end upa prod seeing a product that i think ucpeoplepeople can behind. >> i saw that sylvester i s stalloneaw is making floridas ho the free state of florida his home. t taking tooate. much heat that i move down to your state. i've had property here for overr 20 plus years. and i will tell you probably the smartest decision in my life. it's great to be here. and finallreat ty actually have a governor i like. it's amazing. so thank you for that. r that.i hope you not taken too. heat. god bless. john, thanks for coming down. all right. appreciate it. when we come back, the climate alarmists religiou>>s cult nowgo going to new extremes. you're not going to believe the what biden called the americans who aren't supporting his agenda. america wren'explain. we'll get reaction. tammy bruce, mark morano, straight ahead. as we continue this friday night. >> how does klein and specter get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country? because klein inspector is an award winning team with five doctor lawyers, the most of any firm in the united. and that's why the new york times calls klein inspector a powerhouse law firm. so if a defective product, motor vehicle accident or medical malpractice caused a catastrophic injury, call klein, inspector. >> this job is physical climbing ladders, fighting fires, vehicle accidents and. it was all i needed to help keep me in shape when i was younger. but as i got older, i started to pack on the pounds and i just could not keep up like i used to. i knew was starting to lose the weight, but i never had any luck doing it on my own. i needed a little 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amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. think you will too. i can feel. >> the winds of change. >> all right. the biden climate alarmists religious cultists are now rolling out new restrictions. gious cungthey to tell you how e your life. now, new york attorney general, everybody knows her name now. letitia james, she is now suing the world's largest beef producer, jbs usa, foromissi their emissions and allegedly misleading the publioncronmen about environmental impact. now, in a statement, james said, quottapact.e, as fas continue to face the daily impact contis of the climate che climate crisis, they are willing to spendre more their hard earned money on brands that are better for tht. nvironmen let her speak for herself. i'm not so sure. millions of american s can't afford groceries. actually, they can't afforesd, especially now. agree with that. meanwhile, the biden administration, they have finalize while thd their new regulations targeting washers and dryers. w legithey claim regulations wit carbon emissions while savingino americans. but that doesn't take into account the very high price of buying new machines. and while joe was at the border yesterday, while he was busy insulting republicansn th that don't agree with him on the issue of the climate agendae issue th and, calling tm neanderthals. take a look. i can't believe he got the word ou lieve het properly. >> the idea there's no such thing as climate change. i love that man. i love some of my neanderthal friends who still think there's no climate change for my administration. they keep building on the progress we've made fighting climate crisithe progsi >> by joining us with reaction, fox news contributor tammy bruce alons g with the publisher of the climate depot. that's mark morano with us. tammy, let me start with you. all right. so you have. >> okay. first now it's now it's washes and dryers. we got stoves, we've got refrigerators. we'vstovese got air conditioners and now beef. and here's. happening.t to and here's what i want to ask you about. so in california, they're suin g oil, big gas companies, big energy companies. now they're thinking of doinesg on a federal level. now they're going after the meat industry. arei very keto friendly the wa. i happen to eat a lot of meat. okay. what is the net result ga lawsuits against big oil? big gas companies. and now the biggest meat company? doesn't that mean they're going to spend hundreds of millions sp on?lars big attorneys? and who's going to pay that bill ultimately? wethat bil right people, the ame consumer, right?>> w well, we already are.e i mean, we have inflation. it continues the energy and food prices, of course, mber are kept out of that conflation number. and this is what americans feel ever. mericansy day. so we're looking she essentially blamed climatey on prices for food. and this is what is sothis i remarkable. while there's now a new discussion about how people are having cereal for dinnerabavingd right. i don't mind breakfast for dinner. that can be kind of fun, but that requirer that can be fun.s eggs. and bacon and people can't afford that either. so as americans are moving to eating cereal for dinnerti tonighng cert, get the correct proteins or the proteins or any proteins they'd prefer for any o their on the kitchen table. they're now doing somethinn theg that is going to make prices go up even more to the world's large us beef producer, not just here in the united states, but around the worlded . so this just shows you the fact that climate change is the pretext to interfering in certainly our persona lr pe but in businesses that the government hasrsin busin, we'res to it now. the government has no business t is issuing rules on how a business is going to going to operate on some theory. you know, we can have rules and regulations, safety and all of that. of course, we've all agreed. but thisal is different. uits a and of course, it's lawsuits. it's the way they want to get thy. p these companies then adjust and they pass the cost on to consumerass. and it reinforces to the american people that maybe this is what they wans is t. they do want us to eat bugs,s a right? maybe this is a conditioningcong about what you should be doing. they want not to be what you're not. and it's delicious, right? it's absolutely fabulous . yeah. they want us to stinky high on pot and eating crickets, and then they can feel betterfe about themselvesel. per. a little salt and pepper. i don't know. i'm not sure i'm willing to geit there. and for the record, i happen to be a big fan. i call them frosty. i love frosty flakes. i love rice krispies. i lovelove rice kris corn flake. eaten them for dinner. i don't eat it often becauseet i can't it's not part of my diet. but when i do, it's like a great dinner. i would love to have like a half a box of frosted flakes. love, captain. >> go. okay, mom, mom, whatever. i'm open here on this program. if want to choose a cereal that i don't like, that's fine . mark morano, this is insanity here. this really? and here's the thing. it is insidious that they are taking companies hard and they're goingto to have to force them to spend it on an expensive law firms.e co and those costs rise quickly, hundreds of millions of dollarss then they have to raise the price of their products. you know what? that'seprice of produ unfair. ci >> everyng lawsuit is costing us money. money. >> it absolutely is. and they're using taxpayer monelutely iy to. go after these companies. they're suing them. and then the companies. are s ho defend themselves. now, there was a historian who describe d totalitarian regimes of mao and in russia and germany as using bureaucracy to enforcey as magil beliefs. and that's what we're witnessing in america todath wy when you hear joe biden call anyone who disagrees a neanderthal and he say s that fighting climate change, what does that even mean? all we've done is outsourced emissions to china, to india, to brazil, to the middle east, to venezuela, all these other countries. we're not fighting squatd ese, y by their own climate standards. but this is make no mistakwn clt like tami said, this is the idea to make meat more expensive to, ration it,to mak to make food more expensive, to ration it. they're coming after nitrogen based fertilizer, high yield agriculture. they're coming after methanelizr which is meat. agriculture has been around thousands of years on suddenlyun 2024, the earth can't handle it. and this is what bureaucracy cat shutt is doing now, is just shutting it down and we're miserable for it. we are mthe people.have a thank you both. have a good weekend. when we come nd back, the police f body cam footage has now been released for the shootinootageg remember joel osteen's church? we got a report straight ahead . welcome 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downright horrifying. police horrifyi and security immediatey kick into action as the deafening soun d of gunfire starts ringing through. >> the church's lobby faces it c . those who houston police say a lakewood church volunteer notified off duty police officer who was working as security at osteen's church that genesee marino had a gun. she's the woman on your screentf right now. that officer exchanged gunfire with marino. woclaimed the woman claimed to s a bomb in her bag and shouted at officers to sto p shooting. i >> she also had her seven year old son with her. he was shot in the head and is fighting for his life. police ordered marino to stop shooting the, but she did not. listen and they shot and killed her son. >> you know,>> sean: the the onn that stands out, matt, you notice the people running in one direction and law enforcement that often get trashe eople ind by people in the media, they're running towards the troublvee. att, t brave heroes, all of them, and security as well. all right,ha you matt thank you. horrifying. all right. that's all the time we al thank y. is evening always. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. please setsible.ce set yr dv dv ever, ever, ever mess it up. a soda handymiss. let let your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld is. hope you have a great weekena

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240704

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and what was. hannity now, the transcript of hunter biden's deposition has been released late last nighpositiont and we have been n extensively combing through it. now, according to the transcriptely combg thro addresu the infamous i'm sitting here with mnt y father whatsapp message telling lawmakers he can't even rememberhat's ap sending it bece he was either so drunk or high,o saying, quote, i was out of my mind. but the only thing that can saye for sure that he can remember t is that his was not wow.t th how selective caern one be outtm of my mind. i don't remember even sendingit text. s i'm not even sure if it's my text, but i know for sure my dad wasn't there. okay. now, just days after days g that g message was sent, accordingmess to a 2020 senate report, well,2t accounts linked to hunter biden, guess what?gu they received over $5 million h from the cfc. that's why he sent the whatsaps message to from being out of his mind. you got to admit, i'd sabeisy p a pretty amazing achievement. hunter also confirmed to that he did in fact receive money from chinese companies. now, this is in stark contrast from his comments during that disastrous "gma" interview whenhig that he said he didn't e $0.01 from china. take a look. centm chinthe president has repy said that you received $1.5 billion from china despite no and for no apparent reason. obviously, fact checkers have that. that is not true. this is little has no basis in fact in any way. have you received any money from a business dealing? no. at all. not once. that not $0.01 really. according to the. hunter also told lawmakers that his business with cfc,busie that's the chinese oil conglomerate, was, quote, completelyss wit legitimate. completely 100% in line with my experience and my abilities. abtitted go back to tha "gma" interview. hunter admitted he had no experience at alhe nl energy. when asked about his role with burisma. takeh a look.e di >> you didn't have any extensive knowledge about natural gay extenses. ukraine itself, though. >> nk that i hadon as much knowledge as anybody else who was on the board, if no t t more.e me o in the list. you gave me the reasons why you're on that board. you did noasons yot. he the fact that you were the son of the person. yeah. no. you think that way?ssif i think that it is impossible for me to be be on any of the boards that i just mentioned without saying that i'm the son of the vice president,e so united states. >> oh, wait a minute. probably not. with no experience in energy, oil, gas, ukraine. exper no experience in china. addicted to hard drugsie and at times, quote, out of his mind. how was his business, as hene said, quote, completelssy hundrh percent in line with his experience, because that's what hise said.ile al meanwhile, also during the deposition, hunter was asked about devisotion hunn clan that joe was on speaker phone with his business. hunter did tell lawmakers, quote, oh, certainlyhu my dad called me. hunter also admitted that he introduced his father to one par of his business partners, jonathan lee, while in chinatna and he told lawmakers there were, in fact, two dinnerss at at cafe milano. that's in d.c. where joe met his business partners, in one in, russiakazakhstan and ukraine, confirming that russian oligarch alina barter arena, who reportedly transferred $3.5 million to a hunter link compan millionyd and invested, according to devin archer, another 120,000,001 of their real estate adventures was in attendance. wow, how convenient. now, hunter repeatedly said that his father never received any benefits, nor was business he ever involved with his business. he said he never once, even. that joe said okay, never talked to hunter, my brother,fo or anybody for that matter. okay. was joe out of hisr th mind, to? so really, then why did hunter once complain about giving halfi his salary to pops? having to givesalary his salary to pops? why didn't devin archer's testimonpops popdid devoy corroy bobulinski. who? hunter's. they're all except for him. why did they say that? the brand being sold was j that of joe biden? certainly wouldn't be the guy addictedden? to crack. now, also breaking today, the transcript of james biden's testimony was released this afternoon and it spells more trouble for joe biden. according to his testimony, james biden admitted that joe receivedt jo $40,000 in china$40 funds. corroborating james commerce00 i investigation revealing that sarah and jamess biden sent joe a $40,000 check for a, quote, loan repayment. do they have the paperwork? haver money from honor who had received millions from the chines re energy conglomerat cfc just days prior. all right. e here was reaction. house oversight committee chairman james comer befor committe e lit you today, i want to settle a little bit of business here becaustlsiness bece i don't thio some people know how committees work. they usually worw k together in terms of who's going to ask the questions, etc.. u and it was brought up that you u didn't specifically yourselfthet questions. he and then the question of why q did you allouestw the concessiom to hunter in terms of not videotaping its of and allow foe the second subpoena to be sent that was not afforded those opportunities not afforded th? eople like or bannon >> well, with respect to not asking questions, jim jordan ask questions either. we work with our staff wee was a topn disposer in the department of justice. he's better at asking questions that i have. so i want the best people asking question tt s. my staffer asked the questions that i approved for the first hour, and jim jordan staffer askeked the questions fornd hou the second hour. so that answers that question with respectr.estion to the vid, that was what the biden team was demandins whatg. they didn't want a video. they didn't want a video, which i think is funny and ironi c because they were saying they wanted a public hearing. a public hearing. public what we're going to havee a public hearing and the american people are going to get to see hunter biden inte person. su and with respect to ther bidr second subpoena, when he defied the first subpoena, thenbp, when that subpoena was was wa ts. so we wanted to get him in forr the deposition. i think the evidence we got is very valuable as we move forward to try to hold this familye move. what w so i think what we did was right. a lot of people have criticizedt we should have taken the deal for this or this deal for that. he came in on our terms.they the only thing that that they got that they wanted was no t it. we've got the transcript. the transcript shows that hunter, was it truthful? he accused his former businesshe associates acc of lying.itte he admitted that joe biden did in fact get $40,000 that came from china. sot , so many things that we've been talking about in our investigation were have be proven in the deposition. >> i think the deposition was a huge success. no hugw it seems like they want to renege on a public hearing. >> let's go toblic hea the of hm saying that he was either high or drunk when he said sent a whatsapp message, he was, quote, out of his mind.he so he doesn't even know if i the text was sent, doesn't remember sending the text. does it even know if the tex tke to is real, which i'd like to seese the evidence that it was tampered with. but he can rememberber with certainty that hiwiths outo father wasn't there, but he was out of his mind. but he did remember that pars mt that that that text, that sound credible to you doesn't soundede very credible to me. no, no . the am i think that the american people can read the tran and make a common decision and determinationpresin on whether or not the president's son was being truthful. >> look, when he had to playbeig the drug card he played the drug card when he had to plathe drugy the russiann disinformation card. he played that card with respecttion car to the texe all seen the text and their texts are all over the board where he says, i had to give my father half my income. there are other texts where he admitted to being involved with the child. the spy chief for for the whole country of china. so he knew he was committing in the text. but when we pressed hi wmessed on the textshi, his lawyer would say, well, we don't we don't believe that these textselieve are legitimate. we believe that the laptop was compd. ise tha and then when there was no doubt that he sent the text, he would say, well, i was was w high. i was high, or i sent that text to the wrong person. you don't understandon. the meaning of that text. well, i will explain it to us. well, i was high. bui was high, but i know my dad wasn't sitting beside me when i said that whatsapp message, but i was so so he played the drug card a lot. they played thd d russia card ac but i think the american people see in this transcript that the biden family have lying about their involvement and the amount of money they've taken in from china from day one. so we've proven that the famil day one.y was influence peddling. we've proven that joe biden was lyin g. ne the american people from day one when he said he wasn't involved and his't invol familyt get any money from china. now, what we're going to go to the nexo t phase, have the public hearings, bring all the associates in and let everyone see everyone's side of the story and make a determination. but at the end of the day, we're going to try to hold this accolytry to accountable. we're going to try to have referrals. we're going to try to identify othe we will ople in r people in thee that were part of the cover up. because, remember,art of t in ae to the biden financial crimes, we also have the cover uupp by the deep state actors. so we're trying to hold everyone accountable, trying ble and to wrap this up. and i think that the deposition with hunter biden, t the transcribed interview with joe biden, were huge successesra . thank chairman colmer, thank you for sharing that with us. now, today y , just the founder, editor in chief, investigative reporterinvest john solomon delivered another bombshell reportig about. hunter and his ties to russia. we reached out to hunter biden for comment. shockingly, we have yet to hear back johhen choice joins us now with more. you found out a lot here. >> it's a long piece. why don't i let you explain ithu ? >> thank you. yeah. so listen, we knew that hunter biden had some dealings with yellen about arena through his business partners. we we did is we went through more than a thousand pages of documents, emails, court transcripts, bank records and congressional transcripts. and what it show bs is between 2010 and 2014, hunter biden and1 his business partners made partn a concerted effort to squeeze oligarchrted effs in vladimir pb russia for big money. they were lookinigg upwards of $1,000,000,000. they were on the cusp of scoring one of those big deals. in fact, they were in moscow in fac at the moment. vladimir putin decided to invade crimea, ukrainute. the first time and they were a little bit arbitrary. they had done all this work to get all this money from russia and it was falling apart. falling ap that day in moscow, and that is what landed them. the more that i controversial deal that became burisma holdings in neighboring ukrainae on the path to hunter biden's ukrainian millions was paidvladm in vladimir putin's russia. and for four years hunter biden was so excitedutin's r about tapping russia and vladimir putin's oligarchs for money,the oligfo he thinkinp about opening up a permanent moscow office. gd russtalking about creatiner a ukraine russian business council. he had targeted specificias ukrainians. so from this data today, plus what we now know from china, t. know what you just talked to the chairman about china. we know for most of a decade, hunter biden, his business partner, spent their time trying to get money from americas two largestamerica' geopolitical adversaries, communist china and vladimirrusa putin's russia. that's what we now know for certain, unequivocally. . >> john solomon, just the, we appreciate you being with us. some breakinmon, wteg news. we thank you.> toni also tonight, a huge day in thg trump legal saga. earlier today, president trump appeared in a florida courtrooat for a hearing over the trial date as classified documents caseri. now, yesterday, the special prosecutor, jack smith, proposed day the the start date of july the eighth, by the way, the same month of th e convention. today, judge canon in florida castnventiony ju doubt on this t saying it would compress a lotin of pretrial argumentss and deliberations into a very short windows in. earl and earlier today, lawyers delivered closing arguments in the hearingies deli over fans and her alleged misconduct and whether or not she will bee removed from this case at the conclusion, the argumentsthat today, the judge announced that he would issue his decision he woul within the nextre two weeks. here with reaction to all of this is fox news contributor jonathan turley. not sure where you want to startjona where. you know, you did write a great column, one wire, meaning the fbi's, as christopher said, one of the longest most trusted informants, paid informants. they'vtruse ever just likejust christopher steele turns out not to b le the case. that does not negate everything we just discussed with james comer and with john solomon, does it? >> no, it doesn't. comer hn solt?and what hunter be confirmed the essential elements of what has been alleged by these committeehas bs that they received a great deal of money from russia, from china, fro m ukraine, and at least $40,000 of chinese money0f made it into the account of president biden. now, this is the same personis who said i that his son didn't. make any money in china. it turns out he not only madurne money, but president biden received some of that moneyre som. he also confirms other aspects of this. but he aspects keeps on saying . mantra is that all of this was perfectly he adds that it's perfectly ethical, which is reallyy something that really yoft many of us dumbfounded. you know, you can sayu that influence peddling ca n be done legally, but no one argues it's done ethically. it is corrupt, though. you know, the u.s. government has pushed treaty obligations to ban influence peddlingng. because it views it as one of the great forms of corruption. viewe >> it has always been viewedd co as corruption. now, what we nowrruption know it the president was involved and was confirmed by hunte r, mber is involved in a great number of these these meals, these dinners, these meetings. he was clearly aware of hisdealn son's dealings with foreign governments. >> he liedgs during the campaig, but more importantly, he had to btantly, e aware that his sos influence peddling. >> it was being covered in some of the media. he we have a tap on the recordig on the laptop from president biden dealing with a "new york times" article that deals with his foreign dealings reign de. nt >> so, you know, the are the the statement of the president is manifestly false. and a lot of this confirmea d that so the question is what do we do about that. >> yeah let me ask you i very hopeful i think it's very important that the supreme er take up the immunityglad t issue and i'm glad that they did. it's to mehe to me , it's of great consequence in terms of the court and presidential obviously immunity in this case. i think that's an important issue for the countr case an imy. then you have fani willis and wrapping up, closing today, i want to get your take on both of them. do you think any these cases, maybe except for the brag case, that i'm not sure what they're charging donald trump with in new york even at this late datonald tre, do you thinky of these cases see the light day?y before election >> well, today, the trump campaign argued that the itorida trial should start after the election, but agreed that august would be a doabl abe ae date for themo that trial. >> as for the d.c. trial with smith, that's becoming less and less likely due to the need to review the immunity question t. g that the court is expediting that question, but the court didn't creat e this conflict. the court didn't put this close to an election. you know , trump is being tried on conduct that occurred almost four years ago . >> he didn't set that schedule. so the court is going to trytheo to get it right as opposed to just getting it rapidly done . but it is expediting that schedule whenbuhat comes to arguments. >> ones guess what? this? yeahis, it. e hear yeah.d but arguments wouldn't be heard till late april. probablyuntil . won you know, we won't hear their decision until june or maybe even late june. and then what? they're going to have a trial the week of th ee republican national convention, either the florida trialwe oral d.c. triald.. . judge >> i think that the d.c. judge should give up the ghost here and just say, loogivek, sto trying to shoehorn this in before the election. >> it's just too close to thee o election and the publi tcs ow will have to render its own verdict. >> yeah, and what about fani willis?rd ict.fa lastni wor wild? well, they did a terrible job in her day in defense of her office today. this judge has grounds, in my view, to disqualify one or both of them. but it's a tough question for hiough quem and i think the jude being fair today to both sidesiw . yeah. all right. it's going to get interesting, that's for sure. thy, thank you.l we appreciate it. when we come back, sarah carter. welle come back,, joe biden fins down to the border, coincidentally the day that donald trump was going down there. well, sarah spokg doe with brownsville residents to get their reaction to biden's visit. a little too little too late. kind of like east palestine. i'll show you what they said. and my exclusive border tour with former president trumpr and texas governor greg abbott right along the rio grandetourw straight ahead as we continue tonight, homeowners pay attention. stairs at home are big problem introducing stilts, home elevators and affordable solution that will upgrade your home and make it safe, elegant and extremely functional. stilts home elevators have an a-plus rating from the better business, and they're designed to be extremely safe and make your life easier. call or go to now to schedule your free no obligation in home assessment and get a free brochure. call one 803 143317 or go to stilts. 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biden says mass killings of 112 palestinian refugees at an aid convoy in northern gaza a potential agreement. but the president says he remains hopeful. u.s. officials say nothing indicates that the talks have been significantly derailed, but a potential deal hinges on a response from hamas. and in colorado, a paramedic will spend five years in prison for his role in the death of elijah mcclain. mcclain, a 23 year old massage therapist, was given a powerful sedative called ketamine after being forcibly restrained by police. the paramedic, a coworker, were convicted last year of injecting mcclain with the powerful sedative ultimately blamed for killing him. i'm ashley strohmier back to healing. >> from your headlines, log on to >> all right. it was a day of dueling borders visits in texas yesterday. former president donaldum trump joined us in eagle pass and we'll hav us in ee morn there in just a moment. while joe biden, he visited brownsvill ae. what what did the residents think of biden finally findingo some time to visit the border that he's been lecturing us as and secure for three years. we sent our very own yea sara carter to find out. >> take a look. how do you feeke a lool about po biden coming to brownsville now? it's crazy that disgrace.ul he should be ashamed of himself. afte ashamr all the things thats community have gone through, we're here to show that we tired of joe biden. we want trump's policies back. get your hands off of our country. he sold us out. we know. we knos y. w what he's done. sol he sold us out to china, sold ot us out to other countries. we're informed. we're not asleep here in the rio grande valle noty. e for if you had a message for president biden, if you could talk to him todaesident hiy, whd your message be? be undo every one of those executivvee orders you signedt y on your first day in office. that would be startersffice.. t. it's a photo op. it's what it is. and he must have done it lastt e minute. trump was visiting the border. he's not welcome herng thee thal the people have woken upe and we've seen his policies. the disaster here on the borderr . and just so you know, as you know, we don't support him here. e.wet took hhr tooeek it three t here. >> joe biden and now what are you going to do with this mess? >> and while joe was offmess? mm mumbling, bumbling, stumbling around out there, former president donaldbumbling trump d texas governor greg abbott, they join me for an exclusive border tour right on the rio grande in eagle pass. look. >> take a look. this is the razor wire. ll now we go back. all the country was watching the mass migration right in this sector right hereh . and you did the job that the federal government should do, and that is you put all this up there. if you go all the way down that line,y down t you canhene t how extensive it is. and you put the containers is. in and 99% reduction. exactly. so so right where. we're looking that used to be 3 to 5000 people crossing here. a a day. now, you see there's no way anybody can cross hereca right from this to the containers. and now we have about an averagw wee of seven people crossing a day. and if they make it across, it acrod by the texas department of public safety. you knew then that this could be fixed. you put all these policies in place. joe biden, we're sendingl thesee by the stroke of a pen in the first hundred days and then told us for three years the border is secure and the borders closed. that anger you because. that anger is not only to be lied to. well, i really don't think he knowst liketo what he's eveng about, to be honest with you. but i did put it we built 571 miles of wall. we worked very closely with the governor, always had a great relationship. we worked together after the election happened is themovg governor kept moving and he di d some of the whole thing with the wire. wiref, t's pretty tough stuf i would say is pretty tough stuff. and he really, really made stuff. every you should it's not his responsibility. it should be the government. we were moving down into this area. we did such a job. 571 miles. now, you got to remember, wember were talking we about this. i said, what's more effective, the wall is always going to be the most effectivewallet. and because this you can cut and they find ways to get through it, believnd find e it or not hard to believe, but they get through it even triple layers of. yeah >> eve, but we work very closela with texas and it was a great relationship and a great and itp. not d arizona's not doing their job with their governor anoiobd governor. your friend is not doing his job. all of this was so preventable the first hundred days and every policy you had was thd and what we want open borders, i guess, actually has to go with it because it's so, you know, you always like i to understand the other side's opinion. if you're on the other side of somethingf you of , the one thing nobody can tell me other than they want to cheat with the vote nted vots because, you know, they're trying to sign people up. but why do they want this? o ine why do they want to infect our country like this? why are they sending these people from prisonlike thi and p are they sending people from mental institutioneols and how is that a good thing? and even from a political standpoint, how ca from a ln yoo election when you're doing this, what they're doing and texags, the right stanceariz and arizona is going to have to step it up becausone to stee the whole country is going to be very upset with the governor of arizona. ariz you that we saw the police officers in times square, times square at night is lit up like broad daylight. that's as bright as it could be. it's just kind of like vegas. and here i'm watching two police officers getting kie beat out of a guy, running a horse and kicking this guy in the heackd. i'm like, wow, how is this w happening in our country? you've never seen that before? no, we've seen worse. we've seen the never sehappenm shot. we've seen them, but you've never seen police officers. in a fistfight with guys. and they're openly fierce fighting. ecause i and the odds weren'tabou good because there were2. about 10 to 2. but it's something i've never seen befor ng i e. again, there's more violence in that because you see shots and you see other things, but it's something you've never seen. it's a total disrespec somethirr the law. americans have unifiedlaw. agait illegal immigration right now, and more than any other issue.aa and so i think that's going to change what's going on in these citiesg on i, these state. but look at the citizens in chicago. they're fighting back againsago t council members. same thing that's going on in new york against city council te members or the mayor, whatever the case may be. they're angry. but look at the backlashha that the mayor of athens, georgia, got when he was trying to talk about how safe he was making the city americans are outrag, know, like i've never seen. i know both of you have been very busy, but there was a georgia university of georgia. they had a service, a rally for this young nursing student that lost her life. and thousands and thousands of people up. have the people of this country have had it right thatha we we have borders, we have laws, and we should have sovereignty.r . now, i don't think either of you disagree with legal immigratio n. t shouldn't that include vetting people to make sure they don't have radical ties and maybe a health check? and also they have to showhehec? they're not going to be a burden financially on the american people. sofinanciaon this is another isi share as governor, as people who are either here or want to come here and the n there are so many people who want to come here legally. they're gettiney are gg pushed e back of the line because of the 9 million people who come here illegallpeopley. has so what biden has done is destroyed legal immigration from all these facilitated illegal immigration. this is an invasioitated i n of military age men. and i pray to god that i'm wrong. but i have no doubt the people in iran, syria, egyp.t, afghanistan, china and russia among them are not china peoplea our best intentions at heart and they are here in this countrand they ay plotting, plag and scheming. and that's scary. .i sadly, i think i'm right, w too. i wish i was wrong. great to see yourong., governor. thank you so much. appreciate you, greg, out here. thank you, mr. president. >> action. always great to see you. thank you very much. and up nexe you. next, lincoln s funeral was held today in georgia. governor ron desanti riley's s in on the impact of biden's border crisis. plus impact of the florida govet made a huge move that might hug unseale documents related to jeffrey epstein. he will join us straight ahead . cops is back on fox nation, the only place to watch new to watch is defenders of justice. now take down criminal masterminds. i come from a long family of 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unfortunately, will likely not be the last unless we take dramatic action. anyway, joining us now with more, the governor of the great stat is th e of florida, governor ron desantis. you know, governor, i tr yu to myself in the position and you're you're a dad. you have young childred with n. try to put yourself in the position of this young woman's parentpositions and grandparentr and siblings and loved ones. ents ai do. how do you recover from something like that? and what's so infuriatromey about this? it was not only once coming into the country illegally . legally. they had another opportunity th deport this individual in a case in new york. that didn't happen. i meant , at some point, when do we when do we hold accountable people whose policies are allowing this to happen, allowing allowin people to stay >> well, sean, unfortunately, these angel parents and they're not alone. this happens all oveare notr the country nowadays where you you lose a childhere you ate hands of somebody in this country illegally here. to jo >> thanks to joe biden and thanks to these sanctuary policies. look to, we work very hard as as a governor. i do. i knowovernor a lot of people ae the country of keeping people safe. when you havpi pee a crime likea murd this, a murder by an illegaly alien, by definitionan i would t have happened had joe biden simply enforce the law.forced they are greenlighting thi ts and the way for this to happen. >> and you're right, shonda d new york because. new york city is a sanctuary jurisdiction. y is aso you have a criminal. alien there brought up on charges who is in the country illegally right then and there. the appropriate thing is t and a get them into deportation proceedings and make sure that they get senttie they to td home country. that's not what they do in new york. they don't cooperateo york. . they release back on to the street. and so this guy ends uonto tp dn in georgia and he kills lake and riley. and i would also say this athens mayor has liberal policies in athens as well. we ban sanctuary cities in, florida. >> my first year as governor. i mean, if you have somebody here illegally, especially if they're involved in the justice systemecially e invo, you don't. you've got to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. so this whole thing was avoidable and unfortunat thinge she is not the only victim. this is happening all over this country. when we did the debate with gavin newsom that you i identified a case in california where lots angela's released somebody who had been deported multiple timesomebos illegally in the co, brought up on chargesy, they refused to turn broug him r to ice and he murdered the mother of a three-year-old. mr this is what joe biden's's america has come to. >>u know, let me let me shift gears here. jeffrey epstein's mysteriouse sf death, that was, what, nearlyiv five years ago, obviously did nothine yearg to, put to rest the many, many questions about many misdeed mans and a special plea deal that took place before your time as governor in florida. we could be a bit closer to some because you're supporting legislation and. you've signed legislation that will allow for the release of theatll allow currently secry grand jury testimony from his original case in the state . boy, from all the detail.s that i have read about this. wow, that had to be the plea deal of. >> all plea deals. e what unbelievable what happened. and, you know, this was involved h in jurisdiction at te time and the feds worked to engineer this plea deal withn the prosecutor in palm beach county. and this happened, you know, or 15, 20 years ago when i became governor. we launched a criminal investigation. and exactly what happened? how did he geted a cri this swet deal? tht what we ran into was grand jury secrecy laws. and that is true in florida. if you testifys true in front oa grand jury, it's secret. it's got to be kept secret. and so to and then people tried to petition to get it released under some of the exemptions and aleased unl this court casee failed. so the florida legislature passed legislation that whichlel authorizes the release of all thosate grand jury files. and so i signed it into law this week. that law become effective on july 1st. finally, the public is going on to able to get answers. >> but we had a few of the30s. of they're now women. they're in their thirties, but they were teenagers. me lot of them, i think, wereis 14 at the time. and this has been something that stayed with them for decades and they never got any justic decad nevere. and so now we're going to get more facts. and how is it, sean when you have so many people involved, you have one person now, ghislaine maxwell, who's in who's in federal prison. nobody else has been heldn deatuntablfe.e since epstein's death. and i think everybody knowh.sis that that is not right. and there's no way that nobody else was involved in this criminal activity. >> let me i agree with that completely>> i agr. let me ask you about a bill that you vetoed that bans socialyou veto media for kids u. well, you're very clear that you would support some measures, but not this stricter measure. >> you know, dr. phil actually pointed out something in his new book, the total number of hours that kids are spending online. i mean, it's numbs the mind to think about it. and then they're subjected to things by the things that are sent by peoplen that are targeting children specifically with material that is not age appropriate, say the least. t yeah. so we're going to end up getting a product. part it is right now in federal law under 13, you're barreddia from having a social media account. and yet there's a whole bunch of peoplac e under 13 that have it. so we're going to have enforcement on that. .orcementwe're also going to hae say for these teenagers, the 14 to 15 year olds. there should be a parent15ear- involvemenoldst. so we're going to include parent involvement and then we're going to make surel includ lian that in our valiant, valiant efforts to protect children, we'refforts toe not infringing s rights to use social media anonymously. i believe. i don' anonymous speech. i don't want to have to force t everybody to give their namesey like nikki haley wanted to. so i think we're going to have the appropriatwee balance.up and i think you'll end upa prod seeing a product that i think ucpeoplepeople can behind. >> i saw that sylvester i s stalloneaw is making floridas ho the free state of florida his home. t taking tooate. much heat that i move down to your state. i've had property here for overr 20 plus years. and i will tell you probably the smartest decision in my life. it's great to be here. and finallreat ty actually have a governor i like. it's amazing. so thank you for that. r that.i hope you not taken too. heat. god bless. john, thanks for coming down. all right. appreciate it. when we come back, the climate alarmists religiou>>s cult nowgo going to new extremes. you're not going to believe the what biden called the americans who aren't supporting his agenda. america wren'explain. we'll get reaction. tammy bruce, mark morano, straight ahead. as we continue this friday night. >> how does klein and specter get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country? because klein inspector is an award winning team with five doctor lawyers, the most of any firm in the united. and that's why the new york times calls klein inspector a powerhouse law firm. so if a defective product, motor vehicle accident or medical malpractice caused a catastrophic injury, call klein, inspector. >> this job is physical climbing ladders, fighting fires, vehicle accidents and. it was all i needed to help keep me in shape when i was younger. but as i got older, i started to pack on the pounds and i just could not keep up like i used to. i knew was starting to lose the weight, but i never had any luck doing it on my own. i needed a little 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amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. think you will too. i can feel. >> the winds of change. >> all right. the biden climate alarmists religious cultists are now rolling out new restrictions. gious cungthey to tell you how e your life. now, new york attorney general, everybody knows her name now. letitia james, she is now suing the world's largest beef producer, jbs usa, foromissi their emissions and allegedly misleading the publioncronmen about environmental impact. now, in a statement, james said, quottapact.e, as fas continue to face the daily impact contis of the climate che climate crisis, they are willing to spendre more their hard earned money on brands that are better for tht. nvironmen let her speak for herself. i'm not so sure. millions of american s can't afford groceries. actually, they can't afforesd, especially now. agree with that. meanwhile, the biden administration, they have finalize while thd their new regulations targeting washers and dryers. w legithey claim regulations wit carbon emissions while savingino americans. but that doesn't take into account the very high price of buying new machines. and while joe was at the border yesterday, while he was busy insulting republicansn th that don't agree with him on the issue of the climate agendae issue th and, calling tm neanderthals. take a look. i can't believe he got the word ou lieve het properly. >> the idea there's no such thing as climate change. i love that man. i love some of my neanderthal friends who still think there's no climate change for my administration. they keep building on the progress we've made fighting climate crisithe progsi >> by joining us with reaction, fox news contributor tammy bruce alons g with the publisher of the climate depot. that's mark morano with us. tammy, let me start with you. all right. so you have. >> okay. first now it's now it's washes and dryers. we got stoves, we've got refrigerators. we'vstovese got air conditioners and now beef. and here's. happening.t to and here's what i want to ask you about. so in california, they're suin g oil, big gas companies, big energy companies. now they're thinking of doinesg on a federal level. now they're going after the meat industry. arei very keto friendly the wa. i happen to eat a lot of meat. okay. what is the net result ga lawsuits against big oil? big gas companies. and now the biggest meat company? doesn't that mean they're going to spend hundreds of millions sp on?lars big attorneys? and who's going to pay that bill ultimately? wethat bil right people, the ame consumer, right?>> w well, we already are.e i mean, we have inflation. it continues the energy and food prices, of course, mber are kept out of that conflation number. and this is what americans feel ever. mericansy day. so we're looking she essentially blamed climatey on prices for food. and this is what is sothis i remarkable. while there's now a new discussion about how people are having cereal for dinnerabavingd right. i don't mind breakfast for dinner. that can be kind of fun, but that requirer that can be fun.s eggs. and bacon and people can't afford that either. so as americans are moving to eating cereal for dinnerti tonighng cert, get the correct proteins or the proteins or any proteins they'd prefer for any o their on the kitchen table. they're now doing somethinn theg that is going to make prices go up even more to the world's large us beef producer, not just here in the united states, but around the worlded . so this just shows you the fact that climate change is the pretext to interfering in certainly our persona lr pe but in businesses that the government hasrsin busin, we'res to it now. the government has no business t is issuing rules on how a business is going to going to operate on some theory. you know, we can have rules and regulations, safety and all of that. of course, we've all agreed. but thisal is different. uits a and of course, it's lawsuits. it's the way they want to get thy. p these companies then adjust and they pass the cost on to consumerass. and it reinforces to the american people that maybe this is what they wans is t. they do want us to eat bugs,s a right? maybe this is a conditioningcong about what you should be doing. they want not to be what you're not. and it's delicious, right? it's absolutely fabulous . yeah. they want us to stinky high on pot and eating crickets, and then they can feel betterfe about themselvesel. per. a little salt and pepper. i don't know. i'm not sure i'm willing to geit there. and for the record, i happen to be a big fan. i call them frosty. i love frosty flakes. i love rice krispies. i lovelove rice kris corn flake. eaten them for dinner. i don't eat it often becauseet i can't it's not part of my diet. but when i do, it's like a great dinner. i would love to have like a half a box of frosted flakes. love, captain. >> go. okay, mom, mom, whatever. i'm open here on this program. if want to choose a cereal that i don't like, that's fine . mark morano, this is insanity here. this really? and here's the thing. it is insidious that they are taking companies hard and they're goingto to have to force them to spend it on an expensive law firms.e co and those costs rise quickly, hundreds of millions of dollarss then they have to raise the price of their products. you know what? that'seprice of produ unfair. ci >> everyng lawsuit is costing us money. money. >> it absolutely is. and they're using taxpayer monelutely iy to. go after these companies. they're suing them. and then the companies. are s ho defend themselves. now, there was a historian who describe d totalitarian regimes of mao and in russia and germany as using bureaucracy to enforcey as magil beliefs. and that's what we're witnessing in america todath wy when you hear joe biden call anyone who disagrees a neanderthal and he say s that fighting climate change, what does that even mean? all we've done is outsourced emissions to china, to india, to brazil, to the middle east, to venezuela, all these other countries. we're not fighting squatd ese, y by their own climate standards. but this is make no mistakwn clt like tami said, this is the idea to make meat more expensive to, ration it,to mak to make food more expensive, to ration it. they're coming after nitrogen based fertilizer, high yield agriculture. they're coming after methanelizr which is meat. agriculture has been around thousands of years on suddenlyun 2024, the earth can't handle it. and this is what bureaucracy cat shutt is doing now, is just shutting it down and we're miserable for it. we are mthe people.have a thank you both. have a good weekend. when we come nd back, the police f body cam footage has now been released for the shootinootageg remember joel osteen's church? we got a report straight ahead . welcome to fox nation, where history is sacred. in one night, they showed the world that free people could rise up against unchecked power. and heroes can shine. pilots are laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. a place where we look to the future. i was determined to be out there and toast our past. a history of the world in six classes. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told. >> sign up and start streaming today. topanga's is tough to kill and it can spread. >> it's time to start using funky nails. maximum strength. bungee nail is so powerful it cures and prevents fungal infections. plus, it has aloe and tea tree oil to restoregot a te health.r? >> say goodbye to tell fungus with fungi. with fungi. no hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? >> sure. he's the sudden. 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? right? sadly, not anymore. ab we're not about to have thoue life insurance conversation again, are we know 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downright horrifying. police horrifyi and security immediatey kick into action as the deafening soun d of gunfire starts ringing through. >> the church's lobby faces it c . those who houston police say a lakewood church volunteer notified off duty police officer who was working as security at osteen's church that genesee marino had a gun. she's the woman on your screentf right now. that officer exchanged gunfire with marino. woclaimed the woman claimed to s a bomb in her bag and shouted at officers to sto p shooting. i >> she also had her seven year old son with her. he was shot in the head and is fighting for his life. police ordered marino to stop shooting the, but she did not. listen and they shot and killed her son. >> you know,>> sean: the the onn that stands out, matt, you notice the people running in one direction and law enforcement that often get trashe eople ind by people in the media, they're running towards the troublvee. att, t brave heroes, all of them, and security as well. all right,ha you matt thank you. horrifying. all right. that's all the time we al thank y. is evening always. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. please setsible.ce set yr dv dv ever, ever, ever mess it up. a soda handymiss. let let your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld is. hope you have a great weekena

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Energy Companies , Refrigerators , Suin G Oil , Air Conditioners , We Vstovese , Doinesg On A Federal Level , Stoves , Meat , Meat Company , Ga Lawsuits , Meat Industry , Result , Friendly The Wa , Arei , Consumer , Inflation , Sp On , Lars Big Attorneys , Wethat Bil , Course , Prices , Food , Food Prices , Conflation Number , Sothis , Mericansy Day , Climatey Changeday Sh , Dinner , Cereal , Requirer , Discussion , Eating Cereal , Fun , Fun S Eggs , Dinnerabavingd , Bacon , Dinnerti Tonighng Cert , Proteins , Producer , O , Beef , Kitchen Table , Somethinn Theg , Business T , Businesses , Persona , Pretext , Hasrsin Busin , Worlded , Lr Pe , Uits A , Lawsuits , Thisal , Safety , Rules , Theory , Cost , Conditioningcong , Bugs , To Consumerass , Delicious , Eating , Crickets , Betterfe , Per , Pepper , Salt , Themselvesel , I Don T Know , Fan , Frosty Flakes , Corn Flake , Rice Krispies , Mom , Program , Half , Box , Love , Okay , Captain , Insanity , Products , Produ , Ci Everyng Lawsuit , Firms E Co , That Seprice , Dollarss , Historian , Regimes , Taxpayer Monelutely , Bureaucracy , Enforcey , Magil Beliefs , Germany , Anyone , India , America Todath Wy , Ration It , Middle East , Clt , Squatd Ese , Climate Standards , Venezuela , Brazil , Mistakwn , Tami , Agriculture , Methanelizr , Earth , Fertilizer , 2024 , Church S , Weekend , Mthe People , Body Cam Footage , Nd Back , Cat Shutt , Shootinootageg , Joel Osteen , History , Heroes , Laser , Pilots , Classes , Excuses , History Of The World , Six , Topanga S , Bungee Nail , Tea Tree Oil , It Cures , Nails , Strength , Infections , Aloe , Restoregot A Te , Fungi , Rick , Sister , Marathons , Fungus , 76 , Conversation , Thoue , G Abo5 , Wow Vi Ab , Life Insurance Company , We Todaery , Plan Fromg95 , Colonial Penn , Reminderin , Ted , Health Questi , Insuranceso , Y T , Numbere , Health Reasoons Stn , Life Plan , Oxygen , Alo , Up W , 0 35 , 35 , Formation , 908606 , 90860604 , 0860601 , 809 , Backs , Experts , Back Pain Relief , Hobbies , Chores , Quarterbacks , Joan , Dog Food , Store , Fridge , Veggies , Freshpet Real Meat , Real Weird , Taking , Directions , Come On , Sick , Care , Don T Go , Sample , Testosterone , Testosterone Booster , Shape , Gen X , Leaner , Testosterone Levels , Test Effect , Passion , Gnc , Wal Mart , Texting , Incinerator , Thermo X , L I V E 2321321 , 3213216 , Cease Fire Deal , Fire , Profile , Spots , Mode , 2321321 , Footag F , Shooting , Lakewood Church In Houston , Houston Police Department , Trl Osteen , Tragedy , Synagogues , Matt Finn , Frighteningargeted Ound , Police Horrifyi , Security Immediatey Kick , Gunfire , Lobby , Deafening Soun D , Police Officer , Volunteer , Who Houston Police , It C , Genesee Marino , Gun , Duty , Screentf , Lakewood Church , Security At Osteen , Officer , Officers , Bomb , Bag , Sto P Shooting , Woclaimed , Law Enforcement , Troublvee , Onn , Trashe Eople , One Direction , Ind , Att , Setsible Ce Set Yr Dv , Security , Thank Y , Horrifying , Great Weekena , Soda Handymiss ,

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