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Laura good evening, everyone, im laura ingraham. This is the ingraham angle. Thanks for joining us. The fears of women across the country are heightened this week after 22yearold laken riley was murdered while she was on a morning run. Tonight two of the worlds leading selfdefense experts from the legendary Brazilian Gentleman Fujitsu family will be here to teach you how to defend yourself. Plus famed l. A. Dodgers first baseman steve garvey wants to help lead california turn around. He want to take down adam schiff. Boy, he would really get in the hall of fame for that. Thats, of course, right before tuesdays primary in california and he will be right here on the angle. But, first. Jack gets smacked. Thats the focus of tonights angle its been a wild week in lawfare land. The will express may be headed for derailment. It was taking the trump appeal on president ial immunity in april. You wouldnt know this but, guess what . Those who claim that these cases will protect the legitimacy of elections, legitimacy of institutions are now attacking the legitimacy of the high court for its decision. Its salute partisan. This is garbage. This is absolute disgusting abuse of power. Theyre putting nine weeks of days and they are burning them for donald trump in Donald Trumps dr. So as to protect donald trump from the possibility of being held to account. Everyone needs to understand that is what they are doing. [boos] this is b. S. You are doing this as a tactic to help your political friend, your partisan patron. Thats disturbing about the future legitimacy of the court. Laura rachels rule when the court doesnt go our way, meaning her way, its illegitimate. They are flailing. Once again, donald trump trying to run out the clock. We have to hope and pray that voters reject him when they have a chance to vote this november so that if the Justice Department and justice has not been served, that it will be served after the election. Laura adam is still mad that that Mueller Report didnt go his way and news keeps getting worse for the democracy defenders. Morning here classified docs case against donald trump. Cannon signaled that jack smiths suggested july 8th trial date would be a nogo because the trial time frame for all the motion work that has to be done would be far too c compressed tt totally makes sense. Of course trumps lawyers want this travesty to be postponed until after the election. I have an idea, how about holding off until and unless joe biden is brought up on charges for his own concealment of government records . All right, meanwhile, not a good idea to keep digging when you are already sinking but thats what smiths office did when his associate intimated that the judge wasnt moving quickly enough to which he tersely replied i can assure you that in this building there is a good deal of judicial work going on. Oh. Now, our reporters david spunt and jake gibb son are reporting that if they had to choose a date for the federal appeal, trumps legal team said they could do august 12th to avoid running right up until the election. Of course, if a trial takes, lets say, six weeks, which is what theyre projecting, keeping trump in a courtroom, now, thats the ultimate in Election Interference, isnt it . But, clearly this guy just doesnt care. He is willing to dispense with the doj manual that highly discourages bringing cases against candidates that would impact the election because of the timing. Its a socalled 60day rule even though it doesnt mention 60 days. Of course, smiths office says that they are in compliance. But, really, think are willing to skirt the recommendations because, after all, theres always a trump exemption. Now, regardless of when the trial starts, trumps legal team has played this smartly so far. And judge cannons concern about the unfairness of a rushed schedule. When you look at that calendar, i mean, can you really see what the judge was referring to which is if jack smith tries to find a path for the federal cases, its a very narrow path. Everything has to go exactly right. There cant be any wind to blow him off course. Laura now, keep this in mind. Smith brought the indictments last year. But judge cannon and chutkan control their own calendars. The doj manual doesnt govern their scheduling final decisions at all. Merrick garland will become, i think, pressured to push these trials off until after the election in it turns out they are rolling over into the campaign. But how twisted this all is. They wage a multifront campaign of lawfare against a leading president ial candidate interfering with the election because, again, they allege he interfered in the 2020 election. Now, americans are seeing this for what it is, which is why trumps numbers remain strong through this multi layered legal charade. He is still up over biden by 6 points. And thats the angle. Now, its not just the timing of the federal trials thats up in the air. They may be taking a load off fani, permanently. As in removing fani willis from the case she brought in Fulton County against trump for Election Interference. Closing arguments took place today and lawyers for the trump codefendants, well, i think they trounced. Ms. Willis is telling everyone in that church, and everyone thats going to hear that in the media afterwards that these defendants are guilty. The uncontroverted evidence shows that mr. Wade lavishly spent on ms. Willis the uncontroverted evidence shows that the money that he was spending on ms. Willis came from this contract. There is a direct financial benefit that ms. Willis received from. This i believe we have shown an actual conflict. That conflict is not just financial. It can be any conflict that impairs your independent, professional judgment. Thats really embedded in the prosecutors oath to act impartially. That he was the original sin from which all of the other problems flow. Theres no Boyfriend Exception. Think the message that would be sent if they were not disqualified. If this is tolerated, we will get more of it. This office is a global laughingstock because of their conduct. Laura thats an understatement. I love theres no Boyfriend Exception line. That could have been my favorite. All right, of course the State Of Georgia rejected the idea that fani willis conduct with mr. Wade or her Church Tirade amended to any ethical breach. They even dismissed the idea that 12,000 i saw this, 12,000, who has that much to say, of texts and calls between her and mr. Wade was in any way significant in indicating the depth of their relationship . The judge said that he would try to have a decision about the disqualification issue within two weeks. Joining me now sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel, fox news contributor, and mike davis, founder and president of the article iii project and former law clerk for justice gorsuch. Sol, lets start with this get the load off fanny saga. Is fani falling . The puns are so bad tonight. Im sorry. Its friday. This is what you get. Are you going to apologize to Robbie Robertson and the other members of the band . Thats pretty good. Thats a pretty good one. Laura yeah. I think its been a very bad week for the Trump Bashers to get trump crowd. And it was a very bad day for them, the parts that i saw in the courtroom there in georgia. And i thought the argument by harry macdougall there that you had at the end was just very, very good, very strong so i dont see how she even assuming that she isnt kicked off the case, which i think she should be kicked off the case. Mike, why do you think the judge is taking so long to decide whether ms. Willis should be disqualified . Isnt a delay just more good news for trump in any event . Thats a very good question. He said he would rule in two weeks. There is a deadline over the next two weeks on filing to run for the Fulton County superior Court Judgeship for the election in 2024. I dont know if that has anything to do with it. Look, i would say to the democrats you should probably pick better democrat operatives to run your lawfare next time instead of people like alvin bragg and jack smith and fani willis and tish james. This whole House Of Cards is collapsing on the democrats. I just wanted the Closing Arguments to include these people are trying to take down a guy who has is 74 Million People voting for him in the last these people . This is insane that these people are anywhere near a courtroom. By the way, one of the defense attorneys, sol, laid out in part i watched devastating argument for the conflicts that do exist. Watch there are six different conflicts of interest. First the financial conflict already covered. Second, the personal ambition, political ambition. Third, theres a dovetailed or complementary pattern of deceit and concealment of the relationship and the money. Fourth, the speech at the church. Fifth, the motion for protective order that the d. A. Filed. Sixth, the way the state has conducted the defense. Laura sol, six different ways you could see this conflict and six different ways that fani willis acted and conducted herself, what do you think should happen here. Well, i think the entire office should be taken off of the case. And this was one of the Points Harry Macdougall was making there that how many of the members of the d. A. s office there signed off on statements and on pleadings that they had to know were not accurate. I think he was devastating there. You know, laura, i know no offense to my many friends who have done really good work in state prosecution offices. But i expect this kind of stuff from elected partisan d. A. S like fani willis and like alvin bragg. Whats really shocking to me is what jack smith is getting away with because he is doing things i mean, is he making filings that say you have got to we must have this case decided before the election. Just appalling that somebody from the department of justice would be doing this and that nobody is rei raini rain reigni. Laura nonbinding but usually followed, quote, 60day rule in the doj manual, smith just waves that off and the left has been pushing this rule to not apply to trump for two or three years at this point. But just waves it off and says oh, no, no, no; this does not apply to us. Whats your response . Again, its not a binding law. Its not a hard, fast rule. But what of that . So, the biden Justice Department, including jack smith and these democrat prosecutors waited 30 months to bring these bogus Criminal Charges. Four different Criminal Charges against President Trump and they timed these trials backtobacktoback to interfere in the president ial election. This is about Election Interference and lawfare because these democrat prosecutors dont trust american voters. They see the polls. Sol and i were talking about this the other night. If the polls werent looking like they are looking, i mean, i dont i dont think this would be such a you know, four alarm fire for them. But they are really, really worried. Even though the betting odds still has biden winning. Sol and mike, great to see you both. Thank you. Up next, im going to expose all freebies for the newcomers. Who are the newcomers . Ill tell you, next. Laura joe biden want you to enjoy the fantastic economy his policies have created. Well, a Majority Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Consumers are doing so well they cut their spending in february, joe. And americans dont even have the savings to cover a thousand Dollar Emergency or unexpected expense. But its not just anxiety about their finances. More people are living in fear for their personal safety. With criminals running free to commit horrific crimes and while many of americans are struggling, our leaders are handing out freebies for the newcomers. Well, newcomers is how the Biden Administration prefers to refer to illegal aliens. They dont even call them Illegal Immigrants but newcomers as if they have a right to be here, should be welcomed with you know, cake or something. And the several million probably close to 15 million are getting quite the warm welcome. Free healthcare in cashstrapped california by the way it includes sex changes. Free hotel rooms and meals in cities across the united states, free rent in others. And as illegals get catered to, americans get shafted. The New York City where 53 million is being spent on prepaid debit cards for illegals, 23 ever residents are reportedly living in poverty in chicago one democrat leader says schools were closed due to lack of funding now illegals are living in those schools. In denver city officials are cutting some workers hours down to zero in order to get more funding to support illegals. Sorry, newcomers. But the Biden Campaign wants you to know this is all a netplus. It is impossible to deport every undocumented person in this country. There simply are not the resources nor is it advantageous to us. It has been immigrant labor, the Immigrant Workforce that has actually propped up our economy. Laura its all good. Joining me now jessica jackson, Chicago Community organizer. Jessica, you heard that and also Governor Pritzker in your state announced 250 million in Taxpayer Funding is coming to chicago to house, feed, and provide other services to illegals living in your city. But now they are just calling them newcomers. Your reaction to all of this . Well, they have been using that term newcomers for a while now. The phrase goes from migrants to Asylum Seekers to refugees to newcomers. And reality is its a group of people that are coming to the country illegally for whatever this Bigger Picture is and there are different theories on what that may be, to just spend a lot of money and to take away from the americans that are already here working hard like you said, living from paycheck to paycheck and in a lot of instances, holding on by a thread. The only thing that we hear from one day to another, is the millions of dollars that are just pouring down to go for Illegal Immigrants. Laura well, jessica, a member of bidens campaign had a comment about the newcomers. Watch. This Immigrant Crime Narrative is racist. Its not true. Donald trump is out here saying that we are poisoning the blood of this country and the facts actually dont bear that out. Immigrant by and large are committing less crime. So whenever this narrative comes forward, you know, it just is an untrue narrative. Laura so now they are just immigrants. Theyre not illegal they are not even Illegal Immigrants, jessica. They are always jumping to the defense of people who came here violated asylum for which 98 of them arent entitled. Well, thats absolutely true the only reason they can say the numbers are down because there is not as many Illegal Immigrants in the country as it is the overall population. If you look at it that way of course they would say that the numbers are down. But the reality is its not. They are bringing their fair share of crime. Just last week home depot 87 very popular home depot where you have a lot of Illegal Immigrants that hang there to pick up work. It was a quiet story but somehow it got out that about 100 Illegal Immigrants beat up a Security Guard that works over there. Laura what . You know, a lot of things are going on that dont make the news. Laura jessica, you brought me news i thought i Read Everything about this type of crime. You brought me something that i havent seen. I hope we can find video of that jessica, thank you so much for speaking out. There are good people in chicago working very hard. They cant even save money for an emergency and this is what Whitaker Wantspritzker wants toy on. Devin corc is here with all the details. Kevin, we are not in the same study know tonight. But what are the details. I miss you my friend quite a scene. I want to say this, laura, for the folks at home. If you have not seen this video today, take a moment and come look at the television and take a look talking when a crash totaling four vehicles total. Sending a semi tractortrailer careening over the bridge with a person stuck inside the cab. This all happened in louisville, kentucky this afternoon. The truck was left dangling from the side of the clark memorial Second Street bridge after a crash involving several vehicles. Officials tonight say at least one person has lifethreatening injuries. Now, rescuers were able to get the driver, a woman, out of the truck after about 40 minutes and heres how they did it. They repelled a rescuer down and then the two of them were pulled up by rope and pully. The woman, a military veteran, was grateful, relieved to be back on solid ground. And, while shaken, seemed to be okay shea held it together. Oobvious she was scared. Cardin remained calm. She held it together. I dont book the show. I want to get that guy on your show, laura. He did an amazing job. There is a bit of bad news i have to share with you tonight. Yes, we have the dramatic and great rescue; however, this bridge carries about 24,000 vehicles each and every day which means quite the traffic might mayor. But, listen, all things considered, it could have been a lot worse and alls well tonight for most involved for that we can all be very thankful. Laura. Laura kevin, do such great reports. And number two dont ever leave me hanging. Such a bad joke. You got it. Laura no dangling parties cybils. Conservative, great to see you have. Great weekend. Oh, arent we terrible tonight . The liberal push to get america hooked on pot could have deadly consequences. Dr. Marc siegel takes on a psychedelic educator. Oh, boy, i cant wait for that one, next. Weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. Are you sure . Bring it on but with weathertechs heavy duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed while throwing almost anything at it. The underside features an innovative solution. Shock absorbing rings disperse the impact of hauling, dropping, or dragging your cargo. Wow, no damage protect your truck from costly dents and scrapes with the Rugged Impactliner from weathertech. For even more Protection Add these premium American Made products. Order today at wt. Com lawyer you heard of weed backers, these are weed wackos. I grow cannabis because i like to consume it. I like to be around it. It is something that provides my being and consciousness with tremendous love and support. Be proud of cannabis use. Being part of this community definitely has that layer of be proud of your cannabis consumption. There are severe deaths attributed to natural cannabis use. Some would argue getting high every day is potentially safer than getting drunk every Day Rain Shower lawyer heard that before. Thats false unless you want everyone to be as numb and dumb as you are because if Misery Loves Company so does stupidity. The evidence is mounting not only is violent psychosis and schizophrenia more likely among regular pot users, especially the young, so is your likelihood of early death. A new study published in the journal of the American Heart Association shows that Marijuana Use increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. It doesnt matter if you smoke it or eat it or do it as infrequently as once a month, it could kill you. Joining me now is dr. Marc siegel, professor of medicine at nyu and a fox news contributor. Also with me is ashley troxell, a psychedelic educator and a spiritual guide. Joining us from denver. Ashley, now, you still maintain after all this evidence is coming out that cannabis is a healthplus for your fellow americans . Thank you so much for having me on tonight, laura. I also read that study and was very alarmed as a Cannabis Consumer but reading this study i saw that it is based on selfreported user data, which does not prove causation only correlation. Those Cannabis Users might engage in other risky behaviors like eating an entire bag of doritos in one sitting. External factors must be considered like the fact that during this period of the study americans increased their overweight increased overweight is by 5 . Laura just a quick question, ashley, did you use before you came on tonight . I did not, no, laura. Laura you didnt . Okay. Well, i was thinking you want to relax, live tuition hit. At that point, dr. Siegel, 25 higher likelihood. Higher risk of strokes. But ashleys point, not bad one, right . Its correlation not causation. But there are a lot of other psychological disorders that have been documented, harvard researchers, international researchers. But the reflexive defenses its not as bad as alcohol, dr. Siegel. First of all, im not going to let her off the hook on the heart. There has been multiple studies in the past that have shown toxicity of marijuana on the heart. We are talking about tar, we are talking about Carbon Monoxide, we are talking about thc itself, which increases heart rate and she knows this. And it increases stress on the heart. This study looked at 430,000 people, laura, and you could say its observational but it follows several studies in 21 out of baltimore that was not observational. This drug is toxic to the heart, period. Even if you took out the thc part. We know tar is toxic to the heart and Carbon Monoxide side is. We know its toxic to the lungs and causes lung cancer and correlated with emphysema what ashley is doing what is already happening in the society is oh, its becoming legal, its good for you. Its fine. So the awareness of what im talking about now developmental delays in children, effects on pregnant women, early term birth. Psychological damage all of that is being obscured. Oh, its legal it must be good for you. The idea what you just said while other things are bad for you, so why not this one be legal since alcohol is legal . Well, laura, alcohol is legal because i cant stop it. But thats like saying lets make fentanyl legal . Why dont we make fentanyl legal while we are Making Marijuana Snreel why dont we make no speed limit at all . Lets all go 100 Miles Per Hour while smoking weed. Well, ashley, i have to say one of the more concerning things when im in a place like denver or washington, d. C. Or miami, i mean, wherever you are almost today, you are driving down the highway, and you literally can smell marijuana in your car. So the person somewhere in front of you is driving, oftentimes you see it pretty high rates of speed while smoking marijuana. Do you also endorse that . Oh, absolutely not. We have laws against Driving Under The Influence of cannabis or alcohol and this conversation is dismissing are the many potential benefits of cannabis. Like relieving pain to help people. Laura zero. Avoid opiates. Laura okay. Where is the study . Maybe im wrong about this. Is there any real study that shows any documented benefit of regular Marijuana Use . Ashley . So im not promoting regular Marijuana Use. I am promoting the use of an intoxicant as opposed to alcohol. I much prefer to smoke a joint at the end of a very stressful day and data shows that thats a healthier decision. A 2010 lancet study that showed that cannabis is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. And i am grateful for the freedom to make that choice. Laura well, i think that Emergency Rooms across the country of young people flooding them for psychosis and other violent destructive behavior speaks volumes. But, ashley, we really appreciate you coming on. Dr. Siegel, thank you. We looked into that story mentioned by our previous guests about 100 illegals attacking Security Guards near chicago. We havent been able to confirm it, if we do, we will bring it to you. Now, coming up shifty shift in a statistical tie with a republican . Steve garvey, the man who can disrupt that dopey dem senate run is next. Stay there. No. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. my back got injured very bad. I was off work for about a year. I heard about Relief Factor from my wife. I took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. Look at her and i said, the pain is gone. And she said, im glad it helped. I said, no, you dont understand. Its gone. You, too, can feel better every day with Relief Factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. Call or go online now for our 3week quickstart, just 19. 95. Im katie porter and i approve this message. Hes the hundredpercent protrump candidate for u. S. Senate republican eric early. Always supports trump and the maga agenda. Republican eric early. Endorsed by the california prolife council. Opposed to all abortion. And eric early loves the second amendment. Eric early. Way more dangerous than steve garvey. He dodges trump. Garvey even said he might vote for biden. Republican eric early for u. S. Senate. Too maga. Too trump. Too dangerous. When i first saw california, Southern California in the first time in the mid 1908s. It looked like what The Beach Boys road about, surfing u. S. A. The people were happy, the streets were clean. The stores were bustling. But that was then. And after many years of progressive procriminal policies, this is now. Break n san fernando smashing through the window, smashing the display stand. Four suspects one even packing congressing a handgun. Came in with trash bags, masks, gloves, everything, and they completely like destroyed the store. They hit the store, drive off and come back minutes later to steal even more. Something like definitely going to change. Laura and change it might. A new poll ahead of tuesdays primary to facility late Dianne Feinsteins senate seat is in a statistical tie. Steve garvey is leading democrat congressman adam schiff by 2 . But, that doesnt mean if garvey wins on tuesday that he is in. California has a nonpartisan primary system. So, whichever, you know, two candidates get the most votes tuesday move ahead to a runoff in november, and joining me now steve garvey, former Dodgers First baseman, businessman, republican candidate for the u. S. Astronaut in california. Steve, have we reached a Tipping Point . Because im still looking at 19 for that horrible katy porter. 8 for the anarchist barbara lee. And then you are at 27 and shift is at 25. We are finding a pataskala. This isnt california. This isnt this country. You are right. I came here 50 years ago. Put on a dodgers uniform. My dream came true. I got to the starting line. Spent 20 years of entertaining the people. Not only california but this Country Heart Beat of america. Its not now but it can be. We have to look into the eyes and talk to the people directly not talk down to them like our Career Politicians are doing. Telling them california is fine. You should be honored to be you pay more taxes, you should accept crime in the streets. High inflation oh just look at the homeless they will be fine. They will be gone again. We are not providing a Common Sense Campaign with compassion, building consensus. But its also founded on grace and civility. We have to get back to that. We got to get back to we, the people, telling washington what to do and now theyre listening to me the polls 5 to 27. 6 points in the partial term. And people are saying to me, steve, thank you for running, god bless you. Im going to stand up. Going to give you the wind beneath our wings. Laura i was thinking about you, you know, you are, you know, a little bit older than 70. You could just be kind of hanging out. You could have moved out of california like a lot of people have, gone to florida or tennessee or somewhere no taxes. But, man, you decided i have a huge amount of respect for you. You decided to stay and fight for the state you love. And i love california. I told trump he should campaign up and down the coast of california, if not in the courtroom. Because we got to save that state. Well, thats my voice. For all those that feel that this once great state can bring back the vibrancy, it can make a difference. Not only in the west but back east in washington. And thats what i intend to do. Laura, you are right. Wonderful wife, great family, love of my life who, by the way, when i woke up five months ago and looked at the tv and it was a dysfunctional washington the is that correctory and i said to myself you know, im better than this and i tapped her on the shoulder and i said honey, lets run for the senate and like a good wife she said. Laura said bye. No, im joking. She looked back at me dont you think you are a little young. It bree minded me of Ronald Reagan i think i can overcome my youth and inexperience. Thats what im doing now. Of the people are speaking. Great momentum. Laura steve, we are watching. This we are watching this closely. The media are desperate to try to tear you down. But we are going to be watching this closely and we look forward to covering this all the way through to november. Thank you so much. All right. Up next. Women living in fear after the brutal murder of laken reilly, how do you protect yourself . Two of the worlds leading selfdefense experts from the famed jew jits would you have family join us. Stay there. From the 1 rated brand in cordless outdoor power, the ego zeroturn riding mower with esteer technology. Drives like a car, turns on a dime. And it cuts up to 2. 5 acres on a single charge. Exclusively lowes, ace, and ego authorized dealers. Nursing student Lincoln Riley was laid to rest today eight days after her horrific murder. An illegal alien in the country courtesy abide in Bossy Open Border Policies is in jail charged with our homicide. Fox news correspondent is live from atlanta with all the details. Dana marie . It was a somber day in woodstock, georgia, the homestown of Lincoln Riley. We saw hundreds of people gather to celebrate a life of that passionate 22yearold nursing student. Lincoln rileys obituary says her smile was infectious and she spread joy everywhere she went to. This tragedy deeply affected the community of athens. She did everything right. Its a tragic situation. I hope that we make some effective change that Something Like this doesnt occur again in the future. Today the lead pastor at Woodstock City Church said she was a gift to anyone who knew her, smart, kind, compassionate and thoughtful. Doesnt even begin to scratch the surface. There was a gofundme created for Lincoln Riley that has raised 178,000 and growing. That is five times the amount of the original goal. The page says that is all going to help start a Foundation Lincoln hope Riley Foundation to drive homicide awareness and safety for women. Laura . Something good out of something horribly tragic. Thank you. In jill Bidens America more of you are afraid and for good reason. Sum commit crimes and are released. And add to that millions of illegals that biden let in mostly unvented witch means more crime. Imagine the terror that Lincoln Riley felt. She had that the visual was coming after her. If he was lying in wait for her, something gave him away she had and awareness that she was about to be attacked and more importantly she was in fear at that moment in time. When Lincoln Riley was murdered she was enjoying her usual morning run. At some point she said she was in danger. She tried to call for help but it was too late. The animal was on her. Any of us due to stay safe . Especially young women and other people who are vulnerable. How do you protect yourself . Joining me now are Self Defense Experts from the famed Gracie Family of per jillion jujitsu. It is great to see you tonight. Thank you for coming on tonight. Whats the most common way that women are attacked and how can they fight back . First of all thanks for having us on. When it comes to selfdefense, a problem well understood truly is a problem half solved. For that reason every woman must start by understanding the four phases of an assault. Phase one is to identify an unsuspecting target. Phase two is to subdue and isolate the target. Phase three is to control and exhaust the target. These 4 is to carry out the assault. When we talk about phase one identifying unsuspecting target the goal is to catch you offguard. What that means is we have to be vigilant and aware of surroundings and most importantly we have to trust our intuition. What the attacker wants is to creep up, get as close as possible undetected and go handson undefended so he can carry out the assault at the lowest level of resistance. We want to avoid that. Stop right there. I said back up. We are good to go. We did preemptive boundary setting. The first boundary was clear. Stop right there. The Second Boundary was confident. She double down. The third was crazy. At that moment i knew she was willing to go to war and for me the potential attacker, i realize she is not that easy target i anticipated she would be. At this point i either retreat or i ambush an attack further. At this point if i attack and she doesnt know what to do she will be struck at the end of my punches. She is at the full range of my punches where they have the most power. She could be knocked out. Instead when she was backing up with her hands up if i ambush her she will step in and close the distance to be counterintuitive. Now she is wrapping my waist and her head is buried in my chest. From here even if i can reach her i have no power in these punches. She will stay here until she feels the Exit Opportunity and then pushes off. The best part is that exit is on her timing. I cant control that. It will catch me off guard. There is also the possibility that during the scuffle we fall to the ground which is worst case scenario. This is called the mount. The reason why this is so bad if she cant reach me but i can reach her. I can strike her and strangle her. If she is bumping and pushing me off she is Burning Energy in the process and exhausting her resources without any effective escape. Check this out. Instead as soon as i step over watch what she does. One, two, beautiful. Now she strikes and she is out. That was too fast. This is called the mount. The technique is the trap and roll. As soon as i mount she hugs my body as soon as i mount. Check this out. It looks kind of familiar. Hits the same as we did standing up but from the ground. In a fight, whoever manages the distance manages the damage that can be done. She pulls me down, traps my arm and trapped my foot. Now she bridges and roles in that direction so that i cannot stop from falling. She strikes and gets up and shes able to disengage and get back to her knees. All of this is derived from the women in Power Program that is based on brazilian jujitsu that my family has been working on now for 100 years. It is perfect for women and for smaller and weaker individuals against larger up. That has to be said. In a situation like this when a woman is attacked its never her fault. Women should be able to wear whatever they want, drink whatever they want, jog wherever they want. And the only person to blame is the criminal who perpetrated the crime against her. In this sense, and a perfect world. Can you do other moves for us. Im sorry to interrupt. One other technique. Check this out. If someone is inside the legs check this out and strangling you you may not know what to do. All she does is changes her angle and shes able to break my arm. Full hyperextension. If i am strangling even if its worstcase scenario during a potential Sexual Assault with my hands on her neck she pivots 90 degrees and puts her legs over my head. She can bite, scrape and break the persons elbow from here. This is what is possible in jujitsu. Even though it looks like a bad situation, the reality is if you know how to use your legs and the rest of your body you are good to go. Anyone who wants to learn more selfdefense, Women Empowered is taught all over the world. For anyone who wants to learn at home it is Available Online at greasy university. Com. What we have done for the next 48 hours to unlock the program for anyone who wants to take the next step with us. When we have you back, we want to see the come from behind move. Thats one of my favorites. I learned that in krav maga which uses a lot of jujitsu. We will do that next time you come on. Thank you for these tips. Women across the country can defend yourself and protect yourself. Dont be afraid. Be strong. Have a great weekend. Jesse is next. Welcome

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