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Greg hi, im greg gutfeld with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr. , Jesse Watters, and sandra smith, the five. He went On Libra Late Night to prove his brain works right. Joe biden leaving his cpap machine on Air Force One with an Afternoon Taping of late night with seth meyers, trying to show america how hippie can be without breaking one. As an astounding number of americans say hes blown a short circuit, his latest poll has 64 of registered voters saying they dont think biden is mentally fit for another term. And boy, did he reassure them. Hes about as old as i am but he cant remember his wifes name. Its about how old your ideas are. This is a guy who wants to take us back. Everything weve gotten done, he wants to do away with if he gets elected. And i really think his views on where to take america are older than anyway. Greg he ran out. Well, it was a race to see who fell asleep faster, the president or seths dwindling audience. Even obamas old crew aint optimistic about fixing up the old busted geezer. If you watch joe biden speak, oftentimes he sounds frail, and he sounds more frail than he is to. Even in 2019 and 2020. That may, and i think it doesnt have anything to do with how sharp he is mentally, but the voice sounds frail, and he shuffles more because of the arthritis in his back. For most people in the country who are just watching him be president , what do they see when they turn on the television . Greg not much. Later on that day, joes caretakers allowing him a little treat, and the president using the moment as an Ice Cream Olive Branch to the muslim community, who are upset with his handling of the war in israel and vowed to withhold their support in the Michigan Democratic primary. I hope by the beginning of the weekend. I mean, the end of the weekend. My National Security advisor tells me we are close, not done yet. My hope is by next monday we will have a ceasefire. Greg thats interesting, jesse. He skips the super bowl, which had 125 million viewers, to do a show with 12 people watching. Was it because the questions where softballs . Jesse ive never done one of those latenight shows live youve done mine. Jesse not including yours. Ive been there behind the scenes with a guess on these shows, and these are very highly scripted events. Even days before you will appear, you have to do preinterview after preinterview. Bb 34 preinterviews with the producer to make sure everything is perfect. But theyre going to say, what they will ask you, exactly the order its going to go in, and when you get out there i believe they are having a guy hold up a sign that says applause, because the president puts his sunglasses on and everyone starts clapping. Now, ive seen people put their sunglasses on, ive never clapped. Ive never laughed. What is so funny about a man putting his sunglasses on . And hes asked what the difference between him and donald trump is, and he started talking about all hes accomplished and he cant name one single thing hes accomplished, and then hes basically just lost his train of thought. So these are teed up for him, and he cant even deliver those lines. The ice cream you know my rule about men eating soup in public. I dont think its manly to go like that with the soup, blowing on it. Its not a good look. I think the same thing for ice cream. You should save that for vacation. A grown man, especially the president , should not be licking ice cream in public, especially while hes talking about life and death. When a woman is dead in georgia, when theres a ceasefire underway possibly in the gaza strip. It sends the wrong message, greg. I dont think anybody is scared of him, and its almost like, if you are running this operation behind the scenes, i would make and lick ice cream like that in public to make him look weak and stupid and old. Greg he only has ice cream in public. Theres no sense having a half gallon at home. Its like having a green banana for joe. Jesse do you the green bananas . Greg im just saying, it is too risky. Jesse you mean bowelly . Greg having a green banana. He wont be there when it ripens. Jesse and aged joke. Greg by the way, harold i dont know, who is more deserving of sympathy, joe or seth . Harold good to be back with you. [laughter] you have to think the white house was trying to figure out an audience hes not reaching. I would agree, nobody has the numbers you have. Greg that is true, harold. Harold hell get some reps, some social media footage to send out, too. Looks like we will nominate both older guys, and one thing you are not surprised by is if you hear tomorrow and this is my father and my best friend in the world, but if you hear a 75yearold guy or older passes tomorrow, you are not totally shocked. These guys are older. Im not saying thats going happen to them. If two guys who are pretty old who are likely nominated to run for president. The obama speech writers, i listen to them, and last thing they said, the advice for a biden they were critical of some of the things, and we played it. For the handlers in the white house, their advice was to let President Biden be himself. They say he has a temper, that he quips about things that make that may be kind of offbrand, offcolor. They say that one of those things go viral and let people see he does have a lot of things going on in his mind and a lot of ways he may say things that people may not think. In the situation in michigan is real. Itll be interesting tonight to see what those numbers are. Not for tonight, but what it means in the fall. Theres a long time between now and november, obviously. But i know the white house is looking at this not just from the michigan vote, but i think the notion and the push, whatever momentum we have in trying to achieve some sort of different path on the israelis and palestinians and gazans in that region of the world, the conditioned release of hostages and make sure hamas is as weak as they can be, looking at what nationality did not do before october 7th, thats what they have to be aiming towards. Not just for michigan come up over the country. You look at the effort in ukraine, which i support, and in israel, and i support israelis and our efforts to support the israelis. President trump is reflective of this, as well. The American People do not think americans should be embroiled in wars, a proxy war or an actual war. We would rather be proxy than actual. The American People by and large, and president Trumps Campaign reflected this before and even now, we need to have less war and more peace. Greg so you are actually coming out in support of trump . I cut that last part. Harold that was your take away . Greg i kind of drifted for a while. Judge, lets be honest, and jesse hit on it, this was a heavily orchestrated moment. They took seth meyers show because they know nobody watches it, and if it does okay itll be clips, and they can control every movement from the applies to getting him carted in and unpacked for the set. Judge jeanine no question it was carefully curated, pretape so they can edit it, but in between the slopes of his icecream cone, forrest gump is starting to exhaust me with all of this. Im personally sick and tired of hearing about how much he loves ice cream and how much fun it is, and its almost like he is a weak child who has got ice cream as a prize in order for him to go out and talk to the American People. As the world is burning, joe biden is licking his ice cream, and its pathetic. So many dems want to replace him with someone else. One of the stances we found out about is 20 of the likely dems want michelle. And 50 of dems likely to vote want kamala. I think its time for her to be the person to run for president on the democrat side. Harold is that an endorsement to . Judge jeanine absolutely. I think its her time to shine and run for president. Picking anyone else would be unfair to this woman, an insult to a woman who climbed the ladder the hard way. It is really Kamala Harris time to run for president. But thats another issue. Im sick and tired of them saying donald trump doesnt know Melania Trump from Mercedes Schlapp. He was talking to Mercedes Schlapp at cpac and they said he was talking about melania and called her mercedes. Its ridiculous. In the end, they want the best result from a guy they wont even let out of the white house. Its not going to work. The American People are not stupid. Biden did 86 interviews, and during the same time, speech at 300. Theres a reason hes only doing 86. Hes not capable of doing more. The man cant get up for two hours without a note and go on and ad lib in front of an audience of thousands of people. He is incapable of doing it. So stop telling us how great he is and how much energy he has, or is it that he only has energy in private but not in public . Greg joe has given you an ice cream headache. So, princess pepto, what say you . Sandra thank you, greg. Always a pleasure to join you. I will wrap this up succinctly. Those are moments of important honesty coming from the left, that obama aid sounding the alarm over a Frail Mumbling and stumbling joe biden, calling that a very real issue. While not a unique thoughts when many at home are having, as they watch, the current president , something being said by the l left. And ro khanna, on the move in michigan, and the call for a ceasefire while holding an icecream cone. Democrat ro khanna busting the president s chops saying he only cares about politics and that hes avoiding a basement in michigan. I will finish with a thought. Think of that moment where there are americans all of the country skipping their ice cream because they cant afford it right now. The president s own u. S. Department of agriculture just came out with spending prices. The American People right now are spending more of their Disposable Income on food, whether its the groceries are at the restaurant, then they have in 30 years. Greg that is our cblack. Dont jump ahead. Sandra i digress go ahead, greg. Greg go ahead. Sandra i think it is a really real thought you are hearing from democrat start to say it loud. Thank you, greg. Greg you are quite welcome. You look great, by the way. Sandra you look great, too. Greg coming up, the media is upset for republicans seizing on a Border Crisis that is Gettg Americans killed. Jorge has always put the ones he loves first. 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I went from a size 20 to a size 6. Before golo, nothing seemed to work. I was exercising for over an hour every day. It was really discouraging. But golos so easy, the weight just falls off. Scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. Sandra gutwrenching you details in the murder of georgir Nursing Student laken riley as a media blast to republicans for daring to bring up the borderde crisis over it. Police reports revealing how tha 22yearold was beaten so badly, she suffered a disfigured skull. Her body was then reportedly a dragged to a secluded area. The illegal immigrant suspects who cops they committed the heinous murder is a Venezuelan National who crossed the unsecured southern border back in 2022. Brok as the nation debates the broken border, the liberal press would rather accuse republicans of using rileys death fog rl political reasons. Republicans obviously seizing on this horrific tragedy at the university of georgia, seizing on this as an example of bidenr failure to protect the americanr people and to se secure the bor. Rileys death igniting a political firestorm. E sp see House Speaker john burns indicating thehe Georgia Health this week will take steps on illegal immigration. As if the initial facts were not horrifying enough for th o rrsense of loss is not deep enoh by now, and all of it has been compounded by the revelation that the suspect was in this country unlawfully and how quickly that fact became politicized. Sandra thecize democrats are no better. California congresswoman katiewa porter says it is important we dont make too much out of this one innocent girls murder. Nc one instance shouldnt shape our overall Immigration Policy, which has so many different facets including economic choices about whatudin workers o allow in, how to create prosperity in america. The situation is tragic and it is a loss and it is important trato acknowledge that, but alo recognize all the other parts of Immigration Policy that fit together. Sandra but lets not look too far into it, dont change anything based on this poor innocent girls murder. Jesse i want to be careful. I dont want to seize on the story or politicize the story. Id hate to talk politics. This is what they do. They turn a policy disaster, a fatal disaster, into a Process Crime by republicans. This is what they do. They dont want to talk about the century policy, it ought to talk aboutsa the broken border. They want to talk about republicans reacting, and then it becomes somethingpubl they aw not onhe defense anymore. Now they are on offense. Now its republicans politicizing a death, and this is how they get away with not solving any problems. One woman in the sound bite was aghast that Georgia Republicanrs may take steps on illegal immigration. Goo oh, my goodness, you mean they might take steps to stop illegal immigration . They callegal that a political thatfirestorm. Everybody else in the country solving problems. And then porter, we are notuntr trying to trade Economic Growth for death. That is not the calculation. We still want immigration. Thats fine. We just want illegal immigration and we definitely dont want to keep illegal alien felons in the country so they can continue to commit crimes. To sandra well, judge, thatant lawmaker might want to make this out to be just one instance, but there are many instances, the latest and regina were a minorba was assaulted by another venezuelan illegal immigrant. Kati judge jeanine katie porter should know better because,t although he congresswoman in california, is originally fromly iowa. What happened in iowa . Molly tibbetts was killed in has iowa. So she has the gall to go ono television and say one instance shouldnt shape overall policy. Are you kidding me . The overall policy of this country isis to protect its citizens. S the number one obligation of any nation to protecthe n its citizens, and shes on their complaining that people arear e demanding problems like this e solved . First of all, you had mollyol tibbets, katiely hamilton, elizabeth medina, and its only in the past couple years i can think of without researching it, not to mention the angel moms during the trump administration, all the mothers whose kids were killed by illegals and President Trump tried to get the numbers of those to collecto them, and there were certain states that wouldnt go along with collecting that infor information. So the liberals, as soon as m a gun, theyfro call for gunfo control, but asas soon as someone is murdered by an illegal, they never call for Border Control for. They are not into that at all. But once alvin bragg with the venezuelans loose in the city, and they end up going to i think arizona, and then Randalls Island they start attacking the cops, and then you g Got A Venezuelan In Virginia who just sexually assaulted a cop,th emvenezuelans in chicago, four f them who choked a guy and robbed them. This is only the last couple of days. Its time that we stop theto process. You can do it under the law. Section 212f of title 8 of the, immigration law. To he could stop it. Its time we recognize number one, we have to take fingerprint ofvery every illegal, fingerpri. I will do you one better. If we dont take dna from these illegals who are all claiming asylum, so at least at some point we will know that they ary who they say they are, because they can make up any name coming into this country. Plus, if we have a database with illegals in a database, We Cancu Match Up Crimes that are unsolved Going Forward in the criminal justicemina system. The bottom line is, until we know who they are, until he can identify them, they should not be allowed in this country. There are too many crimes thatur have been committed, too manyny live ls that have been taken, an too many families have been destroyed. N to let people in about whom we know nothing, and we have 7. 2 million, and how many known gotaways and unknown gotaways . Why are they gotawayst aw . Im sorry. They got away because they dont want to be identified, because they are criminals. There are criminals in the next. I want to know who the pedophile is, who the batterer is, whos gets drunk and drives, they are in this group. Sandra end at the real. Problem is republicans . Y ou greg dont you understand itoper . Only Anderson Cooper can talk about this issue. Only jake tapper can talk about this issue. No one else can. If you want the simplest way to identify truth, when the media yo seizing ore pouncing, that means you have struck a reality gold. If you say illegal aliens have killed an innocent young woman, that is a pounds. It is truends,. If a man claims to be a woman c and beats real women in sports, that is a pounds, because its true. If youthnds say there are highr rates of crime, violent crime, that is a pounds, but it is true. When an anchor uses the phrase pounds or ease, they are telling you to shut up, stop telling the truth, Stop Doing Tt reveals they are not doing there is, that they are lying. Cnn accused fox and this show of pouncing on the crime wave. The crime wave didnt go away, but chris cuomo and don lemondi dead, because we pushed the pounds. He called them accountable on this. Right now there is good news. Everyone is pouncing on thethe news. We are seizing on the people who distort the information that they themselves controlled. That is the beauty, Becausele Ggoogle gemini, for example, is imploding, because every Single Person can now pounce,w because everyone is an expert on themselves. So you can putn your nameex in. There and see what they say, and then you learn what everybody in the media has already known for years, that they are lying to you, that they make up crap. Od anybody can do it. Jesse cant put your name into google gemini, you will find a smear. Jesse uhoh. Greg pouncing and seizing is what will save this country. Sees and pounce on every story. Hell, it save bud light. If people didnt pounce on that, bud light would be done and now they are back. It might save harvard if theych change their ways. It will save this harold xcus theres no excuse for anyone in the media making the case that g the point that our broken border is a part of what needs to be fixed to ensure that we dont have Illegal Migrants killingngp people. President biden should reinstate some of the smartest and the best and most effective of the policies, Executive Orders, that he rescinded when he was elected president. He should also probably shut the border down for ut ta week or t. I would remind everyone around this table, two things can bef h right. If the president of the United States and an Executive Order can reform the asylum process, President Trump would have done itould. Ow you know w why he didnt do it . You cant. Nt. You have to have legislation to do that. Ited the president of thel gu United States, regardless of y become i cant usee an Executive Order to spend more money and get people to stop catch and release, so we have p more people there, more Law Enforcement there. The president should reinstate the policies, the Executive Orders that were working under President Trump, and instate new lens to help us out, and republicans and democrats, shame on you and shame on President Trump for telling republicans not to support anything that would help President Biden get reelected. Democrats, i listened to congresswoman porter, whom i like. They often say when theres all gun shooting, that all mor republicans do is say we need more mentalhealth money. Thats what we sound like now when we say the border should not be fixed. Two things can be read at the same time. Judge jeanine one is a constitutional right. Harold my only point judge jeanine they dont have a th constitutional righto come here. S harold its the political argument people have paid you are making my point by making a political argument now. We have to fix the problem, and theres no other reason x jesse i dont want to fi it, i want to stop it. I dont want to reform it. I want to stop it. Judge jeanine they dont have the right to come here. Harold i dont think you end the asylum process. Judge jeanine We In Thed Process Where Everybody Runsbu A at the same time wherever they want. Harold we need more money to process them judge jeanine i dont want more money, we need to stop it. Harold is easy for you to say this judge jeanine look, greg abbott. Look at what greg abbott did. Sandra harold come at the end of the day, everybodys happe y democrats are at least acknowledging the problem. The administration downplayed i anadd ignored it for years while the criminalearss are coming ovr the border. Three but ask your own Portern Anstomach Party to come to the table, as well. Jesse dont you dare seize fon this issue oo [laughter] sandra wendys causing a fast food freak out, a surge charge on your baconator everywhere but the seat. The seat is leather. Alan, we get it. You love your bike. We do, too. Thats why were americas numberone motorcycle insurer. But do you have to wedge it into everything . What . I dont do that. This reminds me of my bike. The wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. Have you seen it, by the way . Happy birthday, grandma really . Look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. Hey hey brought my plusone. Jamie . [laughter] judge jeanine its hard noyo t to sing it that its hardim times for bidenomics. Companies arese trying to pinch every penny out of customers as americans spend the most money on food in nearly 30 years. Wendys is freaking out fast food lovers nationwide over a plan to use uberstyle Surge Pricing where the cost of Aicin Burger Fluctuates based on demand, which means the price op your baconator could update in the menu as you wait in line. And if you think thats bad, how about having cereal for dinner . Kellogg ceo is catching heat after suggesting cashstrappedpd families Eat Frosted Flakes over filet mignon. Speak with the serial category has always been quite affordable, and it tends to be a Great Destinationds N when conss are under pressure. So they are about cereal for dinner. Versus what they might otherwise do, thats goingth to be mucerhe affordable. Sandra yeah, thats going to go over well judge jeanine ill start with you, sandra. Il ldo you think Surge Pricing will help or hurt wendys . Ug sandra and really dug into this because i think its fascinating. Worth a shot. Publicly traded companies, ceos are looking for ways toim improve business. Thpre stock is down on the year, underperforming the broader stock market. Its a major investment. They are putting 20 million into the new boards that are tha going to tally with the price of the burger is in tha t moment. They are doing this Becausefl Atinflation has been a huge problem for them. This is the most expensive Fast Food Chain right now. Their costs rose 35 because Ofl Atinflation and just a oneyear period. So theyve got to do something. This isnt going to work for a fast food customer, though. You go to a Fast Food Chain, you st. Know exactly how much things cost. You see it fluctuate, its goine to have a big impact whether or not you return there. So i think its interesting, but in an era where youre already9, paying 9 in times square for a wendys burger, its going to get interesting. Judge jeanine eating cereal for dinner, jesse. Want to give up salmon and gopher froot loops . Jesse cereal is probably the worst thing for you, probably worse than drinking gasoline forga dinner. If you ever go back and look aty outhe box, its all sugar and fe things, and no one should beor eating cereal for breakfast or for dinner. D now, wendys is ifa different animal. The burger at wendys is thicker, higherquality beef, flame broiled. Trust me, ive done research in this department, judge. They will always have elevated prices. And bacon is more expensive, and the bacon is juicier and fattier and crispier. Im getting Hungry Talkingispi t iten y. Try to book a hotel and a flight around christmas. Its the same kind of idea. Actionybody wants the where the action is at that time, you can raise prices a little bit. And that is not an artificial stance. I stand by it. Judge jeanine all right, harold, Under Bidenomics harold what did you call me . [laughter] judge jeanine Under Bidenomics people are paying more for food than they havei se 30 years. How is anyone going to be able toto afford a house Underun Bidenomics . Harold well, ide think one thing, Housing Will Stabilizeon sooner rather than later. Er im not im a fool nor am i nai. There is no doubt we face inflation but its coming down year over year and month overod month, and hop ie it continues. O. But i agree with jesse. On this wendys thing. I think Market Forces dictate whats going happen. If people cant pay, they wonts pay. We talked about how a single with chees, one favoe is one ofr favorite hamburgers, and if we could have gotten when here, we would eat it on the air. Mcdonalds has raise prices, and the customers balked, but revenue went up as a result. There are a number of factors. Xander touchedctor on one of the we have high food prices at these companies that are having to ship in, prices including higher prices and higher costs for labor. But economies sort these things out. If it doesnt work, guess what . People wont go to mcdonalds, or wont go to wendys. The marketplace works. You will get new Hamburger Place is springing up. But if it getsger to a point we i cant afford a baconator, and i really cant afford itally bee of this, i wont go anymore. You but i agree with you on this. Judge jeanine i do j feel bad for some families were at the close question. , what about your spare ribs, gregeg . Whats going to happen . Greg they are always cheap i get them at a chinese restaurant. Heres the deal, do you think that ceo is having cocoa puffs for dinnerr . Do ni dont think so. Cereal for dinner is fine if yo are a man. This is a mans solution. Well eat froste. D flakes for dinner and have cold pizza for breakfast. But if you are married, thats grounds for divorce. If your wife looks at you and e goes, we are having cereal for dinner . R. Its over. Ing, if you are dating, nobodys going to be eating froot loops under candlelight. This is not going to happen. I he stepped in it in a big way. But this is why the Biden White House is seizing the youth vote. If you told them that food prices are the highest theyve been in 30ve years, how would y . Now why would they care . 25 is the new 15. They dont see the grocery bill until they are like 30. Once again, the biden voter haso to b be lowinformation, immuner from the economic pain felt by everybody else. If felse you ask a 25yearold t inflation, you might as well ask m about the hydrogen collider, which is a wrestling move, jesse. Theyll understand why things come from. Thats why theth comy are the bo marks for protesters and panhandlers. Ve jesse what is the move, how do you do it . Li de greg its kind of aar nuclear move. Jessese is it a Finishing Move . Greg no. In ill finisish you. [laughter] jesse ill finish his face. Greg at least you didnt say on. [laughter] r] judge jeanine and coming up. See you and you are so sick th judge jeanineat shamed over wicha chickfila sandwich . You wont believe what triggers the woke New York Times. Greg disgusting. At Ameriprise Financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. All that planning has paid off. Looks like you can make this work. We can make this work. And the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice. I can make this work. That seems to be universal. I can make this work. I can make this work. No wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. Because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. Ameriprise financial. Greg a t former Opinion Editor for the New York Times revealing how the place is run like a woke adult day care. Where what you have for lunch can trigger people. He wrote about attending an orientation where they tried tot break the ice. I blurted out the Spicy Chicken Sandwich from chickfila, and considered the ice broken. Ic the hr representative leading the orientation chided me, we dont do that here. They, hate gay people. People started snapping their fingers in acclamation. Is this a thing, greg . Greg if thats the thing, you have to leave the company immediately. Its part of the woke culture. Ur when i see it,e. I get up and leave. But this is a good lesson in how localism works. You can be an absolute terriblee person, but if you amped up the virtue signaling, you can be aae selfish, greedy, egotistical lout, but just say Climate Change in daily conversation, youre good. Youco converselynv, if you are a decet person who mentions chickfila, that is s a vice signal, you are worse than hitler. Google ai was asked who was worse, adolf hitler, or chris truffaut. It g said you might have more lasting damage. Because Hitler Itaris A Vegetarn and an artist and hes a conservative. It shows you this is everywhere. Jesse if he was going to answer truthfully, hed like some 90 fancy sandwich, but he went with chickfila and he go burned, sandra. Sandra just lookin sandrg ai the New York Times i was talking to larry kudlow about ma piece they did today. En athat trump has got no plan on inflation. Every day we look atev erthe New York Times and we wonder the bias from which thata particular writer is coming from. Therer iss a quote in front ofe that automatically says this person is not being a journalist. G they started from the place of Party Politics assessing how a particular story could affect the electionffec. Thats not journalism. Immediately that removes you s nfrom the equation of being a journalist. I will defer my time. Jesse i definitely donttter do that on Jesse Watters primetime. Harold . [lauerold there are peopl with whom i disagree with whom e liked, and w people whom i agree with, some of them i dont like. I dont think i could work with an organization that doesntat allow me to eat chickfila, and i certainly couldnt work with an organization that denounced popeyes. Yesterday with the comedians , if you dont like someone who makes you laugh or makes you uncomfortable or makes you disagree, dont watch him, dont go there, the dont punishse people who do. Jesse judge jeanine . Judge jeanine the scary part of the whole thing, its not about journalism anymore. I remember a time whenurna journalism involves, like, deep investigations, sources, Juststg Making sure that they were Werbreaking A Story after montf intensive research. It doesnt happen anymore. Thisanym is just nonsense, woke nonsense. The people who claimwoke to be e most inclusive are the peoplemo who dont want to accept anything other than what they think is important. To hell with em. Jesse he should have said the baconator, would have been fine. Coming up, Got Rage Issues Likel harold ford jr. Can act sweat it. Well share tips on how to keep your cool. Ck. Now with skyrizi, im all in with clearer skin. Things are getting clearer. i feel free. To bear my skin, yeah thats all me. 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Dg judge, when i think of fury,the youre the last person i thinkei of. And what are your thoughts about this . Judge jeanine it i s a Mob Mentality that is supported by anonymity. You go online and you see what other people are saying and you say, yeah, i joinesad them in that. Things you might not say to someone directly, but the moremo people who sayre it, the more yu believe it. It is a Mob Mentality. Everyone takes on the feelings offeel other people. It its dangerous. Harold do people say things that really shouldnt get gre greg shut up im pissed off fe fans oldf gutfeld no, i was onto this almost 15 years ago. Im going to read the opening paragraph,grap harold. You know it really pisses me off connect people who are alwayspr pissed off or pretend to bete pissed off. Thfe phone a grievance, the manufactured outrage. If you make fun of something or Say Something truthful, someone somewhere will btre unhappy or y theyre unhappy even when theyre not. Arwhen theyre bored, when theyn lonely, when they need attention, they come for you, whining, crying, screaming, and theying, are coming for you, the Children Of The Corn with a platform. That book is Still Available on amazon, by the way. Az my firston New York Times best seller. Im outraged that people are acting like this is new. Judge jeanine thats right. Harold sandra and jesse, i agree with greg here. This has been happening forever. Its like when some people say thats a problem because of Mental Health or becausef people people have had the child is forever. P lathe Social Media Platforms Noo give people an opportunity to vent and share with voters or people trying to attract people who are likeminded. Pe do youop sense that . Jesse if youtr are going to go on amazon and get greggs book, get mine, get it together, while youre there. Harold whats it called again . Judge jeanine get itim together. Jesseinal m get it togethe tales from the liberal fringe. Subliminal messaging. I just thought o, f that. You cant let people control you. You have tlo control yourself. If someone does something thatdo upsets you, dont give them the power. When you get get upset, youre giving them the pallor to make it emotional. You Stay Grounded and you stay in control, harold. Stay at inner peace. That id ins enlightened thinkin. The only thing i would add to that excellent advice is to stop and Take A Deep Breath and take a minute. I thi think with social media we not doing that. T we cant take it back. So just take a minute. Jesse breathe. Sandra think about it, and maybe you will change your mind anindd calm down. Thin harold again, when i think of fury, i do not think of judge jeanine. One more thing is up next. One more thing is up next. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. Hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. 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A dedicated Restoration Agent will help fix it, backed by our Million Dollar protection package. Lifelock Identity Theft protection starts here. Oh, empty hair on anprofes historic donation by a retired professosor at the Albert Einstein college of medicine will provide free tuition to all students. To dr. Ruth, god is going to get that one. Get this 1 billion. A so the bronx medical school, which has a yearly tuition teles of 59,000 a student, some is believed to be the largest financial to the kids whenn they heard she was doing a financial donation to any new cal school in the country, it will have an Immediate Impact on these kids and communities all acrossy parc new york city, particularly the bronx. Her husband was one of the early investorvestorsy. In berkshire hathaway, her husband, and he will not. But sht ite taught at the schoo, the family that she taught at the school for all of these many. , many years. Te shes on the board of thega school. I just love the fact that she took the money. They investeve Io Thdsd Togethee it back to those kids making a difference in communities who need and need medical care. So thank you, dr. Gottesman. Old the the grandkids d screaming, right . They still have 2 billion. They still have 2 billion. Jesse, would you likeer to hear a book excerpt froptm n, you dont get to choose. That wal s a rhetoricalquesti question. Here it is. Get it together. I will be doing a dramatic reading. Suddenlyt togeth theres drama. U a hostile homeless woman is making a scene. Shes loudg and big and nakedth to preorder dinner together. N or chuckling tales from the liberal fringe. You go to amazon or hold your camera, part of your phone shoved against a screen with double dip. My mom texted me and trump wants money. Patrick met david. Peter schweitzer, tommy, larry, jim, florence. It was amazing. Tonight, weve got a great baker show. Mike baker. Katie mcfarland. Grds 10 00 p. M. The time is 10 s do this. Sleep greg sleepy slop news. U yeah, you got to be sleepye o when you doze off while t youre eating. I know that jesse does that. Check out thishat. K ou little f he was. This is at the cincinnati zozooa that juno fell asleep while eating kale. Noblhing, it was probably watching the seth meyers show. Its like, oh, my god,e here. Youre killing me. Here. Turn it over to gutfeld music. Weve been there. Its a redtfeld. Jesse o. Is it magic . M music . Us i know, but sometimes they wont let sometim me do it. Well, what you do at the zoo. The judge. Okay, its not. Well, its time for a little. Yeah, okay. Its not 1,000,000,000, but with a new jersey by the bridal boutique went Outated Of Business in 2017, hundreds of Wedding Dresses were donated to camden county. Hence the program. Salute the dress created a providing veterans and First Responders with Wedding Dress of their dreams. Thes t its saving these Vets Thousands of dollars to enjoy the happiest day ly lives is the leastlove they could do to give back. I love it. L an sorry. Real quick. Seventh grade girl steals the ball things the three pointer during a tie game fromp the half court. Yes you when that love itudge j i wantea altogether one, two,rl. Three. You go girl. Ate fe oh that makes me feel o good. All right, thats it forlaura e have a great night. You know, i really lik in placee welcome to Jesse Watters. Primetime tonighveon socia

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