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one of the places where massive amounts of migrants are streaming into the country and record numbers hello everyone welcome to fox news live i am arthel neville hi eric. >> hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. arizona governor visiting the border town of lukeville arizona today. pass the port of entry that had to close this week because the migrant surge maxed out its resources. the governor's calling out washington's quote failure and an action she says demanding more than half a billion dollars to try to deal with the crisis to reimburse the state what it has spent so far in the migrant crisis print agents in tucson, arizona say they have had nearly 19000 new arrivals. 19000 in just one week. that is the highest seven-day total ever. customs and border protection sources t tell fox news there he been more than 535,000 illegal crossings since the first of october with the more than 12000 on tuesday, one day alone. >> it's not a party issue it is an american issue. the governors impacted by this and all across the country need to really focus their energy on the administration for changing the policies and avoiding this kind of chaos. we have to secure the border. we have to fill those gaps that were left (we have to free our agents up single after the bad actors breaching the wall and writing people through there. arthel: griffith jenkins is a vy live in the very busy area of eagle pass what you know from there? >> arthel, at this hour we are getting breaking new for my colleague he and i have covered the border it pretty much the entirety of the year. he says cbp officials briefed arizona's delegation learned among other things roughly 5000 migrants are being released to ngos across the country every single day the border patrol patrol has arrested at least 30 individuals who ar were on the i terror watch list since october 1. and last year or more than 673,000 known got a ways. meaning they were brought in apprehended and released they got away and are somewhere in this country that number to put in perspective us roughly the size of the population of el paso meanwhile here in eagle pass it has been a busy day week show you the images we are joined now exclusively by congressmen tony gonzalez represents us area. congressman, you hear governor katy is an arizona upset about what's happening there. she sent 512 million-dollar $51n reimbursement bill to the administration to get money and innew york, millions of dollars. how much is eagle pass getting for their efforts here? >> first off as a retired master chief, go navy beat army's a member of congress that represents this district the city of eagle pass has received zero federal dollars, nothing. a lot of these border communities i represent nearly half of the overall southern border, a lot of the border committees feel abandoned and forgotten and we are frustrated we are going what about us question but what about our citizens what about the people who live here? it is tragic in the wrong approach. >> we heard from bill melugin reporting in tucson in that sector is roughly erasure of one of border patrol agent to roughly 200 immigrants here you had 3003 days in a row tuesday, wednesday, thursday yet there's no more than 40 or 50 agents a day on any shift. >> quickset is exactly right. at any given point all border patrol agents are processing people it is led into a chaotic environment i just met with some of the first responders. what ends up happening is people drowned in this river you have covered it time and time again. audie's out of the water i just met with half a dozen of these firefighters and ems folks. the people who w retr were treae body's a member if that's you. imagine if you're pulling babies out of the river for two years it's a draining on all of us and everyone has had enough. eagle pass is a very warm city it is not fair we have the bridge and being close to legal traffic when hip illegal traffic being encouraged for. >> tony have you ever seen it this bad? everyone says it is unsustainable. what happens if it continues? >> we are going on the wrong route. i had a call with the mayor of eagle pass i've had the skull 15 times with him where he said tony, i've never seen this bad was the call this week i worry if we continue down this what is a year from now going to look like? god forbid joe biden gets reelected what is three years from now look like? we have to stop it we had to start enforcing the laws that are on the books and deport people who do not qualify for silence. >> you have been saying for the better part of two years you will work with anybody republicans, democrats, katy calling out situation arizona she's a democrat are you seeing a seat shift in democrats members of the other side of the aisle wanting to get this under control and what can you tell us? or censor sensors see a shift ir focus. i think if we can focus on national security we talk about the number people in the terrorist watch list coming over it's only a matter of time of what happened october 7 in israel something similar happens here we have to put the politics aside and we got to put our communities we got to put americans above everything else there is a deal to be had if we focus on national security and we protect this country. >> lastly, you and i were talking off camera i was here in september, october and backed out in december. a lot of these agents i've gotten to know. they look at nam. they look like they have been broken what insight can you give us? >> when i was talking to some of the folks earlier today and throughout the week the common theme was this. it translates we are exhausted. the people that live along the border are completely exhausted. we want this to end. we want to find a solution there is a solution there we focus on national security and be able to bring the country together for. >> if i can squeeze when maureen, mexico? how much are they responsible and are they doing enough? >> mexico controls the levers they control where people go when they go how much people go. they are a big part of it. until the unite states puts msan mexico this is going to go away saw that with the trump administration he wielded that power you saw how mexico acted the bite administration is only encouraging mexico to allow it more chaotic environment to occur. >> cumbersome tony gonzalez thank you for your time. arthel th busters the insight fm a lawmaker who was spent at the tip of the spirit of this crisis since it began some two years ago. arthel we will send it back to you. >> a graph, before you go the congressman is still there can you grab him he did mention there is a deal to be had and could he tell us what that might look like? >> congressman one more question for arthel back in new york asking you mentioned a deal ready to go she wants to know can you tell us what does the deal look like? what is in it? >> i don't think the plane has landed yet but in principle you are going to see meaningful -- there's a possibility to have meaningful things in their part of that is increasing the incredible standards you talk to the administration, senate democrats, senate republicans, house democrats house republicans everyone agrees nine out of 10 people will not qualify for asylum that's fundamental the other part is we have to have more repatriation plans we have to deport people that do not qualify for asylum. we have got to surge immigration judgejudges so cases can be hea. we cannot just throw money at the problem and expected to go away here and think the deal was almost there we need more leadership from the white house the white house needs to be more bold and saying we have to put national security first request to put you on the spot here i know lawmakers are roughly going to have one more week before the christmas break any chance we get that deal before christmas? >> i don't think so i think lawmakers are checked out into the national defense authorization act come up next week that it's going to consume the bulk of the oxygen there's a possibility early next year in january. but in the meantime it's commute is like this. communities in arizona that will continue to be hammered for concert congressman there you go arthel. hopeful a deal might be on the horizon but not immediately will send back to you. we five fingers crossed for january, thank you griff. 's before your look at compelling new video of the war on israel that video you can see shows the dangers of israeli forces face as they battled the hamas terrorists in close quarters that happening in northern gaza. the idf releasing this video today it is stepping up its efforts to finally try to completely destroy the terrorist group nate foy on the ground in northern israel with the very latest that gives you an example of exactly the dangers and perils the israeli forces face every single moment they are taking on the terrorist killers. >> your absolute right about that. you are going to see more video from the northern gaza strip with that close combat in a second but first a quick update from the northern front. for israel and hezbollah continued exchanging fire as they have throughout the entire day. the focus does remain in gaza just one day after the united states a vetoed un resolution tt would have called for an immediate cease-fire would take a look at this video. i mention the close combat and the danger that israeli troops are facing. they are also continuing to find weapons and fighters and in civn areas including in a school in a mosque today you see them exchanging heavy fire with hamas terrorists here. they also found sniper rifles and ammunition inside of a stuffed teddy bear today. take a look at this next video. this is a southern gaza city of rafah a lot of palestinians have retreated to as the worst fighting has been happening north of here. you can seat rafah has been hit hard with airstrikes. the hamas run health ministry on the palestinians have been killed since this war started. israel says that is hamas vote take a look at this next video. i mention they're finding weapons in schools, that's exactly what happened here today in this video this is not rare. the idf found the tunnel from a classroom into a local mosque prime minister benjamin netanyahu had this message for any country calling for a cease-fire. >> other countries should also understand that it is impossible on the one hand to support the elimination of hamas and on the other hand to call for an end to the war. >> and meanwhile tonight take a look at this in tel aviv. thousands of people gathering calling for the over 130 israeli hostages that remain in captivity to be brought home immediately today the death of an 18th hostage was announced. as 18 are included in the count of over 130 is the estimate we have right now. back out here live the idf chief of staff is reporting progress in gaza today saying there are signs hamas is falling apart. he believes this is proof that israel needs to continue applying even more military pressure in gaza we will send it back to you. eric: it could end at the terrorists of hamas to give up. nay and israel thank you. arthel: thank you. president biden is spending the weekend in los angeles raising money for his reelection campaign while a new wall street journal poll shows his approval rating has hit another new low. meantime the president has yet to comment on his son's second indictment which comes as republicans get set to move forward with a vote to formalize their impeachment inquiry into the president. lucas tomlinson joins us live from the white house with the very latest, lucas. >> arthel, hunter biden speaking before this indictment was announced says this is all in an effort to take his father down. >> they are trying to kill me knowing it will be a pain greater then my father could be able to handle. in silver therefore destroying the presidency in that way. >> andy mccarthy speaking earlier on fox wants to remind our viewers were hunter made his money. >> the important thing is how the money was generated. and the big thing continues to be agents of corrupt and anti-american regimes but it was in their interest to pay the bidens millions of dollars would not no asset seems to be crossig the other way other than joe biden's political influence. >> arthel you mention the polls a new poll from our colleagues at the wall street journal shows biden approval number at the lowest in his presidency a 5% drop from august to print recall his approval rating has been underwater since a hasty withdrawal from afghanistan over two years ago. even more concerning for the white house is as many issues as donald trump is beating the president macron from the economy, inflation, crime, the southern border, russia's war on ukraine the israeli hamas warping the only issue fighting is beating trump on is abortion. as you mentioned at the top the president spending the week in los angeles hoping donors are in the holiday spirit and passing the hat around hoping to raise money for his 2024 reelection campaign and also republicans when they return next week hope to have a vote on impeachment inquiry against the president they also want to hear hunter biden on wednesday. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you lucas. eric: the rebels say they will target any ship from any nation heading to israel. they are continuing their firing of commercial vessels in the red sea. officials say their missiles hit three ships there last sunday. they also fired and multiple mus the u.s. navy uss carney warship was able to shoot down those three drones during the hours long attack meanwhile some former u.s. military leaders and critics at the pentagon is not adequately responded. to release what is now 85 attacks by iranian backed proxies in the middle east against our forces in syria, iraq so far. ben joins us he's a senior fellow with the foundation for defense of democracy and author of iran's ever-expanding ring of fire. ben, good to see you. talk about the ever-expanding ring of fire they are part of that they have now declared basically war on any ship on the high seas going to israel, are they doing that in your view with tehran's backing? what's it's a pleasure to be with you. their capabilities and intentions are entirely underwritten by tijuana. the houthis are the only proxies in the access of resistance ballistic missiles that can go over 1000 kilometers that's absolutely no joke. fortunately israel has been able to intercept all of those missiles which is why the houthis are looking to project power at sea going after u.s. military vessels as well as of course interest in antiship cruise, antiship ballistic missiles as well as drones. the houthis are certainly stepping up the war here absolutely on tehran's behalf. >> what does that mean with them stepping up the work? are we doing an adequate job continuing these attacks? >> we are not doing an adequate job we do have of course a robust naval force presence both in the persian gulf, indian ocean, red sea. we need to stop these up and make sure they are much more integrated we need to have a policy against them themselves. we need to make sure this entity and the terror list foolishly and politically the biden administration remove the terror designation and fabric 2021. every single day pass that deep designation the decision looks more and more foolish. the u.s. and/or israel need to respond against the launch sites of the houthis attacks on international shipping as well as against t houthis infrastructure projects in 2021 the administration remove the houthis from the terror list. to get humanitarian aid into yemen. that could be understandable perhaps. but look at what they are doing. why aren't they on the watchlist what can we do to send a blunt and stinging message. >> absolutely would disconnect the docks as long as we continue to pull punches and only focus on the proxy and not the patron which is the government of the islamic government of iran. all of these acts of resistant or goare going to live to fight another day. you will have more in less attacks you expect more attacks with the grotesque ones we all saw on october 7. >> tells a little bit about the capabilities of the houthis how did they get the ballistic missiles this is pretty complicated stuff. who makes them? or did they get them? how are they funded by tehran? what is the backing? how indirectly are they connected exactly who have vowed death to america because of several different an analysis here first always worth remembering yemen during the cold war's cut into the country is awash in chinese, russian, soviet, i iranian and procured weaponry. to the houthis overtook the arsenal former president of yemen which already had scud missiles which came from north korea. they provide a variance of their own short range ballistic medium ballistic, land attack cruise missiles, suicide drones and provided foreign assistance with local tech create some of the hybrids we've seen on september 2 22 and september 203 the orion's are masters of proliferation they're making there making sureevery single an the region whether it's in iraq, syria, yemen or lebanon or gaza has the capability to be used against the u.s. department whether it's the israelis or the arabs. >> and finally what do you fear if this continues let ships continues if they sink a cargo ship or an oil tanker. robert present reagan did back and 1980s and the oil tank war they flagged ships with u.s. naval ships and navy flags at our navy but her own flags what can the administration do and what do you worry about if something isn't done about this continuing iranian backed attacks? >> is certainly fear these attacks are grow both in scale, scope, size and target. ultimately there is a successful strategy than when you talk about in the persian gulf but tt iran is exported to the red sea and where the houthis are implementing that now. an anti- cruise missiles as well as a whole array of other weapons could try to replicate that strategy as well. as a two or three front is not coming on. i consider an escalation totals in the realm of possibility and very frightening. eric: they are armed and hate israel hate us. thank you ben from the ftp the foundation for defense of democracy. >> pleasure, thank you sir. arthel: legal problems piling up for hunter biden. butts, could the latest indictment actually protect him from the house impeachment inquiry? legal analysis coming up next. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes 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lifestyle instead of paying what he owed. let's bring in doug of burns a former federal prosecutor criminal defense attorney so doug, who has a stronger case? prosecution or defense? >> is a bunch of interesting nuances to it. you have the lost sight in the political side. you have three felony counts six misdemeanor counts that money was paid back that's important to note. people are too quick to say the money is paid back therefore they don't bring the case that is not so true. but you made it a point earlier that i caught which is this is going to provide cover in terms of congressional oversight hearings. the point is he was scheduled to give a deposition this coming wednesday. that's probably not going to happen if it does he's going to assert his privilege under the fifth amendment to the constitution not to answer. some people now to the political one side said that was done on purpose to protect him the other side said it has nothing to do with the timing the truth is somewhere in the middle and i do not take a strong stance either way on that. but to repeat myself quickly there is no question this will protect him in terms of congressional oversight. >> let's take it listen right now to george washington university law professor jonathan turley on that very issue of hunter biden invoking his fifth write in the house impeachment inquiry let's listen. >> the second issue that is going to become more of a problem next week is whether hunter biden uses the indictment to invoke the fifth amendment to refuse to testify. to say now i am charged with tax charges. i do not want to go into particularly close session you asked me these questions. arthel: so doug, if a closed door inquiry does not produce new or satisfactory information, while the house committee members their shift to a public hearing? >> it's a very good question, arthel. there is a lot of back-a back-and-forth. abby was saying will only do this publicly and they congressional committee said no, we control that. norm of the first deposition is behind closed doors and then we will offer you a chance to do publicly. but to answer your question, which i'm not dodging, i think on many levels broken record allowed the congressional oversight activity now is going to be paused in my view because of this indictment. arthel: if it is pause, what does that leave the public to think? there is always going to be the court of public opinion in people are trying to play on that. >> that is the key to everything the point is how you break right into the faultlines. so 50% of the public is going to have one of you he is terrible, horrible, a criminal if the person will say no, no, no this is totally unfair he had drug problems and again we are in such a toxic divide on these types of things that should answer your question you're going to have 50% in one direction 50% and the other my opinion. >> that said toxic for sure divide for sure the law is the law i like to think that still counts. the indictment does not mention hunters father president biden but again if you could look to your political telescope based on what we are talking about here, will hunter biden's indictments or former president trump's indictment alter the 2024 presidential race? and is there a discernible difference? >> first about identical arguments which is one side says d.o.j. intentionally tailored and crafted this document this indictment so joe biden was not mentioned during that to protect them. the other side turns around and i'm smiling, with equal vigor. >> wait one second period. >> but some to get the other side. arthel: and going to give you that class former federal prosecutor defense attorney what do you make of people trying to twist the law to fortify their own narrative it's bizarre. >> i am really glad you asked me that seriously thank you. it is becoming more and more and more frustrating and it's been frustrating for quite some time now through all of the political. i've said a million times politics and law and the polpolitics incriminal law morey do not mix. so to answer your question is very frustrating to see people twist. but remember, and law, you do have two sides of an argument i spent 30 plus years going into court one site argues one white one site argues the other way. it is a shame one side that's the end of it case close us out the way it works there are two sides. if i buy do not wanted to work like that i do not want to be one of those people who only let's one side get across so go ahead and finish wrap it up with your other side doug, go ahead. >> the other side is joe biden is not in the indictment because he does not belong in the indictment he did not do anything wrong. and again the beauty of the adversarial process is one side would say they are protecting them and that's why he is not in there the other side is going to say he is not in there because he doesn't belong. but the truth is in the middle there are always three versions one side, the other side, and the truth. >> there is always aspirin for the headaches it all causes. doug burns a thank you very much for joining us. [laughter] >> my pleasure arthel. >> thanks to doug and arthel there to do push in washington and to wrap up the punishments for fentanyl dealers including potential murder charges. straight straightahead you willm california congressman darrell i say he is congressman behind alexander's law. we will tell you what it is, with honors and how it can help. anext on fox news live. telling everyone! ...hey! use your vision benefits before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. you feel like it's good? how do you know when it's time to check in on your heart? how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. that is a medical-grade ekg. want to see how it works? yeah. put both thumbs on there. that is your heart coming from the kardiamobile card. wow! with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think that costs? 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what is your message what you hope this will finally prevent? >> alexander's law is common sense it's a very modest initiative because it does not punish anyone on the first time they commit this terrible crime of selling poison. but if you are arrested for selling this poison you get a warning, an explanation in the second time could lead to a murder charge for this activity. and if you do it again you can be charged with it. it is that simple. the reason matt has spent four years is that right now historically there is no penalty for people who again and again sell fentanyl and often sell it the way alexandria bought it which is disguised as a perfectly legal drug that someone would take for depression, or take for anxiety or any number of reasons these drugs were sold. that is what is so terrible about fentanyl. it is a highly addictive drug. very inexpensive and it is being fashioned to look like other legal drugs and being sold that way it has killed 100,000 people a year. it is more deadly than all car accidents combined the only way to begin stemming it is to have some real teeth if you couldn't bear with me, for it four yearse thought the compelling case will be taken up in sacramento. more than half of the state senators, republicans and democrats cosponsored it. but the crazy left and sacramento actually blocked it. that's one of the reasons i've said enough is enough were going to pass it federally we will give it some teeth to it we will give u.s. attorneys the ability to step in and do these kind of prosecution so we can begin the unnecessary death of these innocent people. before we hear about it so often so many unsuspecting the pill is laced with fentanyl, they do not know that. let me bring you back to what you just said some of the democrats and sacramento have failed to committees. they say there is no connection but what he may no connection? if they have a gun they shoot the gun a second time and it kills someone aren't you charged with murder? >> exactly. the first time they get the ability to say they didn't know. but americans understand after you have been read at your miranda if you choose to talk we can use against you. in this case if you sold this deadly poison once you are worn in the second time you can be charged with something that's going to put you away from 20 years or more, and guess what we then do it. if we do it were going to stem on the sale of these products. it is tough because one of the reasons they are selling these deceptive products is not just to kill their patients of course. it is highly addictive. they sell it to you as adderall they sell to something else next thing you know you need all the time. so there two parts of this deception we are done with the most heinous part death by fentanyl. i would like to tilt the deception and a broader way. but one step at a time let's at least remember not just alexandra but more than 25 pictures where they are at our launch just at riverside county 3000 in new york last year this is killing over 100,000 of our young people a year we've got to do something about it. >> it is a just -- it is so cruel it is so heartless so senseless so inhumane this goes on. let me play a soundbite from that news conference talking about his daughter the alleged dealer pled guilty to nine years his name is brandon he got nine years he faced 20 got less than half that he said at least there's some just is not complete justice here he is talking about that. >> i don't feel in my heart complete and total justice has been done today i will say some justice has been done we have made significant progress in this fight. lex, i know you can hear me and know you're smiling because you were proud of the work we have done to reach this day if you could you would think each and every one of these people right along side of me for availing the beautiful life that was stolen from you from our family and everyone who knew you. >> family congressman your message to people watching it right now who may have lost loved ones to fentanyl. >> we cannot bring your loved ones back but we can begin to stem the loss of the next life and the next life and never again should anyone sell again and again and end up with a net of six or seven years that it's not enough for murdering someone or deceiving somebody to get them hooked often leading to their death. >> she is alexandria look at her photo remember her name, alexander's lot now in front of congress thanks to congressman darrell issa thank you we will keep up with your fights. fox news live continues. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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(vo) whichever. get your competitve offer at honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. arthel: take me out to the ballgame. baseball's first two-way superstar since babe ruth just set a jaw-dropping record. the los angeles angels agreeing to a 10 year $700 million deal with the l.a. dodgers for it is the largest contract in american sports history. christina coleman is live in los angeles with all of the juicy details, christina? >> i wish you could just have a party and invite all of us. just all of us give me 10 bucks i'll be happy the biggest star baseball has agreed to the richest contract in north american sports history pre-two-time american mvp announced on instagram is going to sign eighth reagent contract with the los angeles dodgers reports say the deal will be for 10 years and a whopping $700 million shattering the record for the largest contract ever in major league baseball on instagram he apologize for taking so long to reach a decision on what team to sign with and also thanked his supporters he wrote like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved that the angels organization and the fans who have supported me over the past six years as well as everyone involved with each team that has been part of this negotiation process. especially to the angels fan who supported me through the ups and downs your guys meant the world to me six years i spent with the angels will remain etched in my heart forever. at tommy's play for the l.a. angels for the last six seasons as both a starting pitcher and designated hitter become one of the best in the game in the areas he was named american league mvp this past season with the angels and now will head to the crosstown rival the l.a. dodgers. although elbow injury will likely keep him off the mountain next season the 29-year-old will likely still be a dominant hitter and pitcher for years to come. arthel: well, listen that is a lot of money. >> a lot progress good luck. >> i wish them well. >> when that be wonderful? >> i think we should be invited let's arrange it let's do it. >> absolutely. margaritas for everybody. watch the baseball game with a margarita i have to go it's nice to talk to you. [laughter] >> are right when we come back we'll talk about this in iraq war veteran dying of >> cancer asks for one final wish to feel the thunder and his wish was granted preach stick around for the heartwarming story, that is coming uthp next. together can u make smarter decisions. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body... ...regulate blood sugar... ...and mounjaro... ...can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro... ...lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not... ...for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,... or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,... ...or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro... ...and call your doctor right away... ...if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain,... changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro... ...with sulfonylurea or insulin... ...raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant,... ...or plan to be. side effects include nausea,... ...vomiting, and diarrhea,... ...which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. before starting breakages on college campuses reports and in pennsylvania say the president of the university of pennsylvania has resigned from her post at the elite ivy league school this comes after that intense a backlash to her testifying that of others on capitol hill this past week. after she said calling for the genocide of jews is harassment depending upon the context. we are told you penn board of trustees reportedly held an emergency meeting about all of this and mcgill we are told will reportedly stay on as interim president until an interim president is appointed. she will continue her work as a faculty member at the faculty of that elite ivy league school. her resignation could be the first of several others that hearing sparked a fury of controversy as the president of harvard had to walk back and apologize for her not condemning calls for genocide against jews said been heard on the elite ivy league campuses the past few weeks. mcgill the you can present did should not criticize language during that hearing it is seen as widespread condemnation of the failures of higher education in this country and the value some of our students are being taught when these universities cannot even condemn the genocide of jews. arthel. arthel: iraq war veteran who was diagnosed with >> cancer and a dying wish to become a soldier yet again with the help of the service members his wish came true. stayed t at marie's life in miai with more on this heartwarming story. >> arthel, with only six months to live j tennis and a father of 2:30 nine years old said i want a bucket list with shooting a tank at the very top of the last time he is behind the tank was in 2005 so this last mission was for himself. he posted his dying wish on reddit's the army community responded with an outpouring of support. >> i was not prepared for the first >>. trucks fire, fire. that was nice for. >> i remember from before. and just as awesome. it. >> he hit every target every single target on the first shot which is pretty incredible. >> think the thunder of doom one more time to work i do not know how else we could encapsulate what it means to be a soldier for life other than what we saw today progress honorable george to recommend the very best tankers j tennyson's meal and receive your knighthood. [cheering] >> were going to make a video diary for my daughters i can explain to them this was a huge thing. >> i feel like i owe a cute debt of gratitude to everybody. this was definitely worth it i feel very special box arthel? >> so heartwarming we wish the best to the family. danamarie thank you. eric and i will be back tomorrow at noon eastern right here on fox news. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i'm judge jeanine pirro along wi

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Controversy , Faculty Member , Resignation , Faculty , Fury , Harvard , Language , Calls , Campuses , Students , Universities , Failures , Education , Value , Condemnation , Soldier , True , Service , Dying Wish , Stayed T At Marie S Life In Miai , Tank , Bucket List , Tennis , Mission , Support , Army Community , Outpouring , Dying Wish On Reddit , 2005 , Trucks Fire , One More Time , Shot , George , Daughters , Tankers , Knighthood , Video Diary , Tennyson , Cheering , Debt , Box Arthel , Danamarie , Noon Eastern , Jeanine Pirro , Hello , Wi ,

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