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continue to work with our israeli counterparts to be as deliberate as we possibly can as they now go on renewed offensive operations. finally if i could, switch into mexico, the u.s. department of treasury today section 17 targets. that is 15 individuals and two companies that are linked through the boat around a labor organization and were known as bilo to the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world and heavily involved in the transportation and distribution of deadly illicit drugs including fentanyl to here in the united states. it has also been ordered to largest suppliers of cocaine to the u.s. market of the last two decades, could lead to department unsealed indictments against 60 defendants on various international drug trafficking offenses, related through the import of illicit drugs like meth, cocaine, marijuana, and of course fentanyl. actions are part of a whole of government effort correlated with the government of mexico to help counter the global threat posed by the trafficking of these illicit drugs and of course the secretary of the treasury janet yellen is down in mexico right now even as we speak engaging our partners on this very, very issue and we take it seriously. too many people are dying as a result of these drugs and we're not going. with that -- >> reporter: thank you. israel, netanyahu said yesterday that israel would need to retain a security control over gaza and gaza would have to remain demilitarized. and the only person who operates there will be the israeli military and ruling out any sort of international peacekeeping, of course. is that acceptable to the president? >> the president made -- vice president made her position clear. we do not support israeli military operation in gaza. don't support any shrinking in the territorial boundaries of gaza. we don't support the permanent displacement of the people of gaza outside of gaza and we have said many, many times, we believe that there needs to be critical questions asked all of us including our regional partners about what governments in gaza looks like. we don't have the answers to all of that. all those questions, but what we know is it has to be responsive to the aspirations of the palestinian people. >> reporter: what a buffer zone be something that is rolled out? >> i'm not going to get specific back-and-forth on ideas. i just to -- and just tell you that we do not support a reoccupation of gaza. plain, simple, clear, right from the president on down. >> reporter: the president said he is willing to do more with republicans but that -- than he walked away from talks. he said that there were some real progress. what is the president willing to agree to it when it comes to border security? >> he the question a bit ago and i won't negotiate from the podium. we put forth some serious proposals here on border security. and importantly, the republicans were not willing to negotiate in good faith. so also said we are going to be keeping the conversation going and we are willing to have good faith negotiations over border security. i would add it probably does not need to be added that in the supplement request that we are asking congress to take, there's some $6 billion devoted to dhs and other border needs including support to hhs. it is not like the person was just whistling past the graveyard when it came to border security. it was part of his urgent national security request in the first place. >> reporter: you talked about the specific sticking points and what key. proposals the white house was against. >> no, i'm not going to get into negotiating from the podium. the person talk about how [indistinct] stop and could even lead to western fighting russian troops. if this aid does not get past, how likely is that scenario? >> there should be by everybody and if you are up on kepler and you believe in national sec security, there should be a genuine concern about what happens if you just let putin go. if you just let him have ukraine. because make no mistake, he has not given up his strategic goals subjugating the entire country. he does not believe it exists as a sovereign state and so we can support ukraine. their cheap advisory said they are likely to lose this war if they lose u.s. support. important it's all that ukraine -- than where does he go? that he is up against ethen frank and nato. and everything, the cost of supporting ukraine is high now, just imagine how much higher it is going to be not just in national treasure but in american blood. if he starts going after one of our nato allies because as the president also said, we take article five commitment very seriously. and what we have had over the last two years is ukraine -- ukrainian military actually calling back territory and pushing back russian aggression without any form of boots on the ground, including no american boots. american boots very much have to be involved if mr. putin is led to have this strategic victory in ukraine and then perhaps because of their own of our nato allies. >> reporter: can you say anything more about the tone of the conversation with the g7 leaders on the aid to ukraine? any expressed frustration or concern to any of them say that they may follow through and cut aid to ukraine and the u.s.? >> that join statements, i encourage you to read it. it is fairly lengthy statement. that is why i did not go into too much detail in the opening statement but clearly, ukraine was discussed. all the g7 leaders agreed in principle that support has got to keep flowing to ukraine. we have got to keep helping them defend themselves against russian aggression. are not going to speak for each leader and what they did or did not say. >> reporter: and there was a new deal that was rejected evan gershkovich, can you say anything more about what the deal look like? any of the details? >> no. >> reporter: john, you are talking about the border. but at issue is immigration, a broken immigration. the border is not from advocates for migrants. the border is not the only issue. is there a focused still on those who overstay their visas that have been for years the largest violators of the immigration system? >> say that again. those who overstay their visas, is there more on the focus now as well, not just on the border but on that issue as well. >> so let me take a step back here. with the president supports is immigration reform and he is the first to recognize that the system right now is broken. he does not believe walls are the answer. what he does believe increase border security, it is required. in fact, as part of what his supplemental request was going to at 1360 border patrol agents down there and some additional asylum officers. he also believes that we have got to continue to reform and improve the way earned pathway to citizenship is done. and that certainly includes people that are here legally and those who are here illegally. at making sure that those who are here illegally face repercussions for that and are held responsible for that but that we open up additional ways for people to come in legally. >> reporter: right, but here's the park that i'm asking. the focus is on legals here. and most people now are leaving it is just the border. how do you marry the fact that there are illegals who are overstaying their visas who are not crossing the border? is that it's still an issue for this white house. >> of course. if you are in this country illegally, that is obviously not okay. and you should be held to account for being here illegally and we are working with state and local authorities on trying to hold the proper accountability for people here illegally and that is part of the problem. i did not understand what you were asking. are those who overstay their visas the largest violator group who stay in the immigration system? but i don't have the data on that. i will have to get back to you. that is probably a question for my colleagues at the hs? >> reporter: if israel continues with its plans to reoccupy gaza, with the president move forward with his consideration to withhold aid to israel? >> i'm not going to get into the hypothetical. i won't spike lee. we made clear our position on any potential reoccupation of gaza. >> reporter: one more question, the restoration is set to conference some humor and related agreements for the league inisherin martial -- can you explain what is at stake here if congress passes a finding in terms of u.s. national security interest in the indo-pacific? >> i will -- take that question. >> there's a part of supporting a fight that speaker johnson also said that he doesn't want to move forward on ukraine funding because the administration has not provided a clear enough roadmap for how ukraine wins this conflict using all of this u.s. assistance. what more can the white house do to lay out that roadmap for congress? >> i lost count of the number of briefings that we have provided members of congress, about whatt we are going to support ukraine. and what ukraine's ultimate goals and strategy are. it is their war. they get to decide what victory looks like. they get to decide what plans they execute. they get to decide what targets they hit. to get to decide where they put their troops on the battlefront. but let me put it clearly. we want ukraine to be whole and free. we want to put internationally recognized borders to be respected by everyone including especially russia and mr. putin. there should not be a single russian boot on ukrainian soil. we have been clear about that. number two, s ukraine continues to fight for that outcome, we are going to do everything weekend to make sure they have got the tools and the capabilities to do that. and that assistance has been evolving over time. i can't -- i have been talking about this myself from two different the podiums now. it has been evolving over the last two years as the war has evolved. and we have been nothing but transparent with congress about each and every security system's package that has been delivered to ukraine. every single one of them including the one i just talked about is done in full consultation with members of congress. number three, the issue of credibility. we share the concerns over the. we have been share concerns over accountability of those systems and those weapons since we started giving them to ukraine and i will tell you something else. the ukrainians are also concerned about that. answered that they also want to accountability in their own system for the work of this -- these munitions and the systems are going. and we have added personnel to our embassy, military personnel into our embassy staff for that purpose alone, to where the ukrainians on accountability. lasting i will say and this is it is a war. and if you think you can count where every single artillery shell is going and every single bullet that is fired, then you are dreaming. it is a war. it is combat. now, we are doing the best weekend to account for the eight we are giving them and how they are using it and give them training. and we are doing retraining on how to do it including some pretty sophisticated systems like tanks and f-16s. so we all take that seriously. but it is a war and it is a war that we are committed to seeing ukraine win. >> reporter: is it possible to be more specific with congress not just about ukraine's desire to win, its drive to win, but also specifically how it is going to get past the stalemate that it finds itself in now. is back again, nancy, we have -- art or know how many briefings that we have done on capitol hill, again, and classified settings and we will keep doing that. we certainly can be held responsible and answer questions about what we're doing to help you create. our communications with the wite ukrainian armed forces and what they need and what we are giving them what we're giving them a shot at what scale and more timeframe. but it is in ukraine's war. they have to be the ones speaking to their plans and their operations, their tactics, their targets, in, you know, the congress has also heard multiple times from president zelenskyy and i have absolutely no doubt that the president, przybylski will be more than happy to continue to inform members of congress going forward. >> reporter: you talked in their opening remarks about eight coming into gaza. does anything more need to be done in terms of getting people out considering how cramped that the southern gaza is right now. >> i assume you mean foreign nationals and americans. >> reporter: also just people who live there. >> we don't support the relocations of gazans outside of gaza and frankly they don't support it either. they obviously don't want to be caught in the crossfire. but it is their home. and many of whom would be afraid to leave less they would not be allowed in. were not in favor of setting up places for them outside gaza. we are in favor of making sure that there are safe places for them to be particularly in the south now that hundreds of thousands more people are in the south because they were pushed out of the north were encouraged to leave the north. and so we are working with the israelis on that and they have taken that seriously, too, trevor. they have publicized maps in places where people can go, it should go. they have dropped leaflets to that effect. army, they are making an effort to make it clear to the people in southern gaza where to go and where not to be. >> reporter: do you have any reaction to putin paul -- his trip to speak with the u.s. partners in saudi arabia and about ukraine and oil, any reaction. >> reporter: [indistinct] travel habits. one thing i will add is we are continuing to watch this burgeoning defense relationship between iran and russia. that is worrisome because iran continues to provide drones to mr. putin. and uses those drones to attack energy infrastructure and kill innocent ukrainians and what the iranians are expecting a return. it is a measure of the defense industrial support as well. and then in iran that has more events those advanced capabilities and availability to get their hand on the web -- russian weapons, that is not an islamic that is healthy. >> reporter: and they should be concerned. >> i'm not going to tell the saudis what to be concerned about and what not to be. i think they are concerned about their behavior and the growing military capabilities, absolutely. this is a country that, you know, outside of the truce in yemen, not too long ago came under direct attack from iranian missiles and systems fired from -- into the southern part of the country. >> reporter: is your current assessment that the ukraine war as -- is at a stalemate? >> martha: okay, a lot of there. we will continue to monitor john kirby and if we get a question from our reporter in our room, we will dip out and listen to that as well. a lot of thinks that john kirby is addressing there from the white house, including yet another drone that has been fired by iran backed who cheese in the direction of the uss mason destroyer, the mason shut it down. general jack keane says the u.s. as grades now in order to shut them down. he is standing by. joining me now are first on the set, former secretary of state and fox news contributor mike pompeo. secretary pompeo, thank you for being here. let's start there. with this continued activity of missiles that are found in our direction, drones, excuse me, filed in the direction of our ships in the red sea. i also heard that saudi arabia does not want us to respond too forcefully to that. what you say to that. >> the responsibility of the american leadership is to make sure that our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are doing the missions safely. i don't think that is the case at all today with the weapons and systems that we have in the region coming under attack. every station has failed to do the simple task of the declaring to who these are actually terrorists. >> martha: which they work. >> and within hours they took them off the terror list. i don't know what you would call them but clearly the button every station thinks it is something different. what we los and the reason is art both what happened on october 7th and the continued attack on american assets is we lost the fundamental returns. the perception of our adversaries that united states would respond in a way that would be cost imposing on them evaporating. we saw in afghanistan when we had 13 americans killed. putin decided he could invade europe. maduro in venezuela is talking about taking two-thirds of guyana. this is america that is -- and our friends don't trust us and our allies insufficiently here as. >> martha: i'm talking about the minor incursions or phrase about russia and you look at the entire discussion that we heard. president biden said, you know, alluded to the minor incursions would be different than a big invasion of ukraine. and look at where we are now. we are talking about continued military support. the cost of all of that which there's a lot of backlash against in this country. and you heard some of that back and forth. you heard john kirby saying this is the last weapons cache that we can send over there because we don't have any money that is allocated to send more until there's a defense deal done in washington. what did he say about that? >> when your enemies don't fear you, it gets expensive really fast. the correct process i heard john kirby talk today, saying, we have done all this. we have provided these tools but we have not given them the tools they need to win. we are coming on two years on in this conflict of vladimir putin's invasion and all we've done is put restrictions on thae ukrainians use of those tools we feared escalation. i see the same thing in the middle east today where we are already telling the israelis, hey, there are things we don't want you to do. is heard them talk about, can the israelis reoccupy? that is the language of progressive list. there is not is really in gaza since 2006. when he started to talk about reoccupation and telling the israelis be careful, you are encouraging o our adversaries to continue to protect not only on israelis but on the americans as well. >> one last one you were in congress as well. what would you say should happen in terms of linking the border because it was a big showdown behind closed doors with some senators and the new commander-in-chief over this issue because some of them started to say, why should we fund ukraine when we don't even have a safe quarter and we need all of these things together or no money for ukraine. what you think about that? >> i don't take that linkage is as strict as some of these congressmen think that it is. if we cut off funding to ukraine tomorrow, the president is not going to secure our southern border. make no mistake. he heard director wray yest yesterday, the lights are blinking. he has never seen the terrorists in the night of terror risk as great as it is today. that is a direct result of president biden's philipp leucht john kirby can talk about all he wants. but there were 12,000 encounters on that southern border. that is crazy number. and who knows coming, chinese, hamas terrorists, who knows. >> martha: we have bill melugin on the border and people just walking through, broken parts of the wall and going, sorry, i'm walking in. see you. waving like this. bye-bye, see you. secretary, thank you so much. always good to have you with here. we have jack keane, former vice chief of staff of the army and chairman of the institute for the study. thank you for being here today. what is your take away from what you heard john kirby focusing on in there and some of the questions that he was pressed on with regard to planning for ukraine and how far we should go with israel. >> first of all with ukraine, it would be outrageous if we did not fund ukraine. that what happens there is we are turning into ran over to putin. is he going to be encouraged by that? i think so. and we have of the countries that are considerably more vulnerable even though they are a part of nato. the baltic states, small countries, or of the border. i have played were great with russia going into the baltic states, 4872 hours tops. they are in the capital cities and then we have to do something about that. man, this is a threat to national security of the american people. we got to understand that. if russia wins in ukraine, for president she, look at the activity that he has stepped up in the last two years. his aggression is on the march in the end of pacific region. something like that happen and ukraine falls to russia. is he incentivized to do something about taiwan because now the united states and european nations have literally taken a knee much like after afghanistan. i think so. you don't have to be a national security expert to figure this out. in terms of our adversaries receiving weakness and vulnerability and then taking advantage of it. this is a very dangerous thing that we are facing here of the congress does not fund ukraine despite the problems the administration is causing for the ukraine military. i don't want to get into all of that. this is the funding issue and they needed and they need it now. >> martha: general, thank you very much. general jack keane, we have some breaking news we have to go to in las vegas. thank you very much. this is unfolding as we speak. police report of a shooting at the university of nevada las vegas. and they are reporting at this point that they believe there are multiple victims in this situation. this is a live image of the area where they are coordinating it off and trying to attempt to figure out what is going on here and to apprehend this individual. let's find out what is going on. chief correspondent joins in hunt reporting live from our los angeles newsroom. what can you tell us about what is going on here so far? >> reporter: we got the first tweet from this, from the las vegas metro police department. just about 17 minutes ago in which they said and this is a quote. we are responding to preliminary reports of an active shooter on the campus of unlv. there appears to be multiple victims at this time. that was directly from las vegas police. we have also heard from the university which advised students to "evacuate to a safe area, run, hide, fight." that terrible advice we hear so often in these situations, run if you can, hide if you can. fight if you have to. so it is an unfolding situation and this we understand is on the campus of the university of nevada, las vegas. now, for anybody who is familiar with that campus. it is about 350 acres. it is a pretty large campus. it is right in the heart of vegas. most people obviously know the strip. if you picture the mgm grand, it is right behind that area of vegas. so very much in the heart of the city. they are something like 30,000 enrolled students there so it is a very busy, very active campus. we would obviously be coming toward the end of the semester, but as far as we understand it, it was packed with students at the time and again, las vegas police are saying multiple victims. it appears to be an ongoing situation. we will keep you up-to-date as those up-to-date as we learn more, marcia -- martha about the breaking news, active shooter situation as we understand it on the campus of the university of the university of nevada, las vegas in the heart of the city of vegas, multiple victims being reported by police at this point for martha. robin jonathan, thank you very much. we are looking at a live shot. you c can see that karen -- cama on the ground. a huge law enforcement presence is gathering in this area and you can see them moving with quite a bit of determination around this area as they try to figure out what is going on. we have no idea if this shooter has any connection to the campus because as jonathan hunt just described to us, we know that unlv, the university of las vegas nevada is right near the strip. as jonathan described and we will work on some maps for you so that we can see you show you where this area is is just near the mgm grand which is one of the largest structures on the strip. this looks like it is in a more leafy campus environment. the shot that -- this shot that we have up right now, we want to bring jonathan] we have a running conversation and we are starting to see. can be listened into these students? >> that is where we were. we just got out. >> we just got back. >> reporter: just so i have it here. >> don't have to. >> thanks. >> reporter: all right. >> yeah. >> reporter: what is your -- >> jessica. >> reporter: you are a student here? >> i'm a student at unlv. we were in the student union on the second floor and we heard at the business building, on the second floor, there was an active shooter. we found out cops were on the site and we just sheltered in place. and so we were evacuated and he took maybe 30 minutes to evacuated. >> lots of cops on campus. >> yeah. >> we walked out of the building, and up. [indistinct] >> we could -- [audio bad] >> we made it out on time. >> we have a live e-mails, life announcements telling us where the shooter was. i will command the school for giving us updates. that was great. >> reporter: thank you. >> martha: that is a very in the moment account from a few of these students and you can see they just were kind of pushed back from that area by one of the law enforcement officials from the scene there. but what they said, these young women, were in this building, it sounds like, beam hall, which is the home to the university's business school from what i gathered and jonathan hunt is with us as well. it sounded like the shooter was in that building or they were concerned that the shooter was in that building and they told them to shelter and then they got them out. they commended the young woman who was speaking for the group, committed the university on the way that they handled this so far in terms of giving people information and helping them understand where to go to get to safety and thank goodness those individuals are safe. as we heard from jonathan hunt, the early reports was that there appears this coming from the las vegas police department, there appeared to be multiple victims. it is midday, beautiful, sunny, afternoon, about 12:30 in the afternoon in las vegas right now where it is all hands on deck. we see multiple fire trucks, ambulances, police, a law enforcement, all rushing to the scene of this. in las vegas, nevada. which you can see on your screen here. i believe we have ted williams on the phone with us, former dc homicide detector. thank you for being with us. it sounds like here we go again. what do you glean from the early stages of what we are hearing here, these bits and pieces so far at this point? >> it seems as though quite naturally we don't know what they have at this immediate time. but it seems as though they are acting accordingly to their own plans that have been put in place at the university of las vegas. and that is the -- to notify students right away and also told them to run, hide, and fight. those are the words that we use now in these mass shootings. and we certainly don't know at this state much about whether it is a mass shooting. there is word that an unconfirmed bite me by the way, that there are multiple victims and that first responders meaning law enforcement is responding here to seam and a scene that appears to be beam hall in the business school area there. so that is all that we really actually have at this immediate time. >> we are working on getting a map up. this is as you see in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, this is moments ago, to live shot went down. we heard a lot of choppers in this area. so what we are seeing is fairly fresh in that it is what has unfolded since the shooting. but this is a few minutes ago. so we're going to work to get that live shot back up. obviously las vegas is no stranger to terrible shooting incident and we hope that this is nothing like what we saw in the strip. but of course, jonathan hunt, let me bring you back in here. october 1st of 2017, a horrific shooting into a concert from an upper window of medlin bay hotel. that is a fresh memory they now wait to hear information about what is going on at unlv. >> reporter: it is absolutely a fresh memory and vegas, obviously, martha and one that nobody wants to revisit or have jogged in them -- their memories. what we know at the moment is that shots were fired according to police. those were the reports that got in and/or around the area of beam hall. that is the home of the lead business school on the university of nevada, las vegas campus which as i mentioned is in the heart of the city, just behind the strip and the mgm grand hotel for those who are visited there. within god's word as well that there were reports of shots fired in the student union. we believe that is nearby beam hall. those students who you just heard interviewed are from a local affiliate, there had been in the student union themselves. that would tend to indicate that the shots were not fired in there because they said they heard about them and that they were then evacuated from the student union. but again, this is as we understand it, at this point, from the police in las vegas an active shooter situation. we have not heard any indication at this point that they have anybody in custody and as you look at the pictures, you are looking at here, on screen, there is obviously a massive police presence there, swat vehicles heading into the area as well so all the indications are that this is an ongoing situation and the worst news that we have from the police there so far is that there are and this is a quote from the las vegas metropolitan police department, there are multiple victims as they understand it. so all hands on deck certainly at the moment in trying to sort out what is going on here. we have to always caution in these -- in the initial going into situations, martha, of course, that the eyewitness reports sometimes are confusing, shots fired in or around beam hall, the business school, shots fired in or around the student union. we will get those details from police at some point. we will get the exact tiktok of how and when this happened. at the moment, we are going for what we're hearing from the police themselves which is that there are multiple victims and that the shooting happened near beam hall, which is the home of the business school. that is all we have from the police at the moment and then those witnesses we just heard from, the local affiliate saying they were in the student union. they guard the warnings and they were evacuated from the student union. they were full of praise, by the way, for the university itself which put out its warnings within minutes of the first one we got at 12:04 local time here in the pacific time zone. so 3:04 your time, martha is one of the initial report came from the police and within minutes, the university was sending out their own messages via social media and their own internal alert system telling students that -- to run, hide, and fight. that terrible advice we hear so often in these tragic mass shootings situations and in which again, police are saying there are multiple victims on this occasion at the university of las vegas, martha. >> martha: okay, jonathan, thank you. stay with us. as you say, i'm just looking at some of these early alerts from the university please. it is chilling to see, you know, shots fired and the student union effect with the area in all capitals, run, hide, fight. those are chilling words for any student than it went on to say that they believe an active shooter in the bh, the beam hall, all of this we have to be very cognizant of the fact that this is unfolding as we are watching all this but now, we are hearing some indications that the shooter is contained. jonathan, let's have you come back in here. are you hearing that as well? >> reporter: yes, from the las vegas police now, the suspect is contained. this is an active investigation. police continued to avoid the area and water for responding emergency units. but the headline there martha, those first four words of the latest comment from the las vegas metro police department, "the suspect is contained." that at least is some good news in this. it does not say he is in custody. they say contained. could mean that they have him -- him or her of course, quartered alone or could mean that the suspect is actually in custody. that we are waiting for some clarity on. but the good news in this situation after the police reported multiple victims. again, the suspect is contained, according to las vegas police, martha. >> martha: yeah. thank you very much, jonathan. stay with us. are we hearing some first-hand accounts here? let's listen in. alright, we are about to hear from some of these people who are close in the vicinity and good news obviously, that they are -- that they believe the shooter is contained. let's listen to these people on the scene here, see what they have to say. >> kassidy bartin. >> i'm second year. >> third year. >> reporter: tell me about what you heard, what you saw. >> we were presenting in the board rooms, student union and i did not hear much but we got an alert, all text messages at the same time. they said they put the building and locked down. they shut all the curtains. everyone moved to one side of the room. after that, it was a a lot of waiting for 20 minutes and we got told to move to a corner. and we heard a lot of yelling. that is where stuff started to get more hectic, not too hectic. but the yelling was officers and they came in and we all put our hands up and they escorted us all the way out here, where we are now. i honestly did not hear anything. i did see one glass shattered. it looks like by two gunshots. >> reporter: any worry, any concern from you? >> i was a little -- there was a little nervousness but for some reason, i did feel safe. i did not hear anything when she helped me. they said he was in the building next door. i did not hear anything. i heard helicopters. >> i felt the same exact way. i definitely heard screaming from next door. i thought it was something. i think it was just the cops coming into the student union. we were located at the student union, which is where it all went down. but it was just super scary hearing that. we all as a class, as, you know, in the ballroom, we were just so scared. i feel like we should have shut the lights off or something. but we definitely went in the corner, evacuated, and, you know, we wanted more because we got these alerts and we were kind of scared. but communicate all happened so quick and then we see the windos really big and scary. it was really scary. spoke so during all the time, what is going through your mind as this is happening? >> in my mind, i was just, i need to get out of here. i feel like it when she just, i do not want to stay in this classroom. i just wanted to, you know, run from it all and i was just so scared. something about it was just, you know, my heart was just pounding, everything. but when i saw the window, i was like, wow, this is actually happening. you know. i was really scared. but yeah. 's probe now that you have had a moments to process some of the things, what are your thoughts on the situation? >> came out of nowhere. i thought we were in the worst situation possible because it was a ballroom surrounded by grass. that is what i was worried about. like i said, hearing things, a little better but waiting for updates. >> reporter: i did not get your name. >> i'm kassidy. kassidy bartin. >> reporter: excellent. anything else you want to add? >> everyone, stay safe, where you guys are at. still in campus. and that is all i have to say, yeah. [sirens] nice to meet you. >> martha: okay, some witnesses who were nearby thankfully, these individuals are okay. they reported that there was a good direction terms of what they were being told in order to try to stay safe. the fbi is now assisting and on the scene according to what we're learning about this. we do understand that the shooter is contained. and we are waiting to learn and now according to police, we are learning that the suspect is deceased. let me bring in nicole parker, former fbi special agent. nicole, thank you for calling in. thank you for joining us. your thoughts on this as we learn that this shooter according to police is deceased. >> i think that is a huge accomplishment by law enforcement because we are trained in law enforcement. i have spoken about this many times in active shooting incidents. you go towards the shooter and your job as an fbi agent, any law enforcement officer is to eliminate the threat. you are highly trained in something of alert, advanced law enforcement, rapid response training and [indistinct] no matter what weapon you have, you go towards the gunfire and you go up against that threat until that threat is eliminated. protect and save lives. that is the true information is that this individual is now deceased, then i can tell you it is -- there were heroic efforts by law enforcement to go up against the government. we don't know what kind of weapon that active shooter had. i want to say thank you to law enforcement. we owe, you know, a respect to or enforcement. they put their lives on the line every single day. >> martha: so to. nicole -- >> there's one other thing. >> martha: you are breaking up. but you sound clear so go ahead. >> your last -- i witnesses i think it is important to take note of what they said. you hear the fear in their voices, it is terrifying. >> we will fix nicole parker's audio. nicole, thank you. let's get a handle on that and let's listen to this other witness that is speaking on the scene. let's watch. >> and so i left and stayed at the einsteins on the other side and i received a text message from unlv's emergency services that after i evacuated there were the shots fired at the student union and the student union obviously i could see it with my eyes. and i sought more people leaving that building and that is when i decided that i need to get farther away just in case. >> reporter: was there a lot of panic? >> honestly, more confusion than panic. i think in situations like this, it is better to try to stay calm because if you know, the more people that start to panic, the more panic kind of spreads. even in situations like this. you know? it is scary, but we got to make sure to look to make sure to look out for each other and, you know, stay calm and just make sure we leave. >> reporter: have you been able to be in contact with all of your friends and family? >> trying to, trying to. i have got one friend that his children place at the library. i have another friend at the ham hall who was also shelter in place. i was volunteering at the gallery and the professor there jerry and his assistant, they had the lock down inside the art gallery there so i'm getting more messages as time goes on and there seems to be a lot more people here as usual than i imagined. >> reporter: the last question is now that you have had a little bit of time to process what is happening, he stepped away from it, what are your thoughts on what you have seen and what you have been through? >> i may, in any situation like this, it is absolutely terrifying. this is a study. we got finals next week. there's a lot going to everyone's mind all the time and now there's even more than people need to worry about. i do know and one that was affected by this. but i'm sure this is a horrible situation for anyone involved. it is terrifying. you know, i have a job at the library at 5:00. you know, i don't know if i'm going to go. but, you know, if i am, how can i be expected to come back onto campus after something like this happen? you know. >> reporter: i was going to ask, how does this make you feel about going to school now? >> i mean, it is terrifying, just when i was thinking, you know, i know know, you know, i don't love online classes. but i don't know anymore. you know? [laughs] it is a lot safer than going to campus, i guess. >> reporter: thank you so much. i appreciate it. glad you are safe. thank you. >> martha: okay, well, people responding in all different ways who are on the ground there. this is the heartbeat of las vegas and we are getting reports of how many people may have been involved in this. we are waiting to confirm what happened here on this campus. we do know that the shooter has been located and is deceased. we don't know if that was a self-inflicted gunshot or whether or not he was taken out by law enforcement on the seam. but in any event as nicole parker former fbi special agent just told us, that is the first goal of all of this law enforcement presence that you see and that is to eliminate the threat, which it appears has happened at this point. let's go to jonathan hunt, who is in las vegas covering this and going through everything that we have all seen coming in here. jonathan, what are you learning? anything new here? >> reporter: well, the headline here as you just mentioned, martha, the tweet from the las vegas metro police department and the quote is the suspect has been located and is deceased. that clearly does not tell us whether the suspect was shot by responding police officers, was killed by perhaps by security security. the own armed security or whether the suspect killed himself. we will get those answers shortly. we would expect a las vegas police department press conference fairly soon now that they have the suspect, the suspect is, as they put it, located and disease. you would expect them to talk fairly soon now, as soon as they get a handle on the unfolding chaos around the campus. of course, just to speak to those witnesses that we have heard from martha, unfort unfortunately, we have all covered so many of these kind of shooting incidents and you talked to young people on campus is like this all coming out of school, great age schools and you often hear that sort of nervous laughter in them and it can be a little jarring in that moment because you think they have just been through something like this, but they are sort of laughing or giggling about it in a way. that is a real effect of the adrenaline that these students and kids are go through in these situations. we have seen it many times before. nobody should judge them for the way they react in these situations. they have been through something extremely traumatic and their responses can range obviously and laughter and relief from getting out of there is an often natural response in those situations. so you listen to these kids. they have got an emergency alert just 42 minutes or so ago, i would say now saying run, hide, fight, there is an active shooter. we believe it was in beam hall. the home of the lead business school that there were reports of shots being fired in or around the student union as well, those two buildings are pretty much next to each other. so it will be -- it is unclear at the moment exactly which building this shooter was in. but they have been told to run, hide, and fight and those who have got to the cameras were obviously able to run and they are relieved at getting out of there, clearly palpable in that situation, martha. >> martha: that is a good point back to jonathan. they have been, in a, 42 minutes ago, they were going about their day and getting coffee as that young man was talking about, headed to his post at the library at 5:00 tonight. and suddenly, everything stops and there is fear and there is, you know, the other thing is there is an enormous amount exactly based on how much of this we see, there is a lot of training and these kids are prepared for these things from the time they are in grade school and unfortunately, that is the world we live in. let's listen to one of their eyewitness accounts. >> after a, are like, two minutes, boom, boom, boom, more shots so i ran into the basement and i heard shots outside and hearing police and then the police just evacuated me out. i had my hands over my head and yeah, i was hearing a lot of shots. i did not know how many shooters there were. i did not really know anything. >> reporter: where were you when it was happening? >> there was a field and i was sitting on the steps out in the open and there was an event going on. there was a lego party and everyone was concerned and looking around. everyone is running. i did not know this was happening. >> reporter: we are at harmon and marilyn. how far away from that scene are we right now. approximately? >> like a block and then you go into campus and it is directly across from the student union. so i guess a block away, super close. >> reporter: and did you see anybody running at that point or what did you see besides that? >> i was one of the first people running. i saw people running. and then for a second, people were going outside. i was like, stop, stop, stop, and people did not believe me and they saw people running and everyone was just going. it was clearing out in a second. where i had windows on the outside and everything was just gone. i saw them -- they put a guy on the floor and i was hearing more shots and that is when i ran to the basement. >> reporter: i'm sorry, what did you say about the person on the floor? >> at first, i heard shots and i was waiting inside a building before i went in the basement and i saw them grabbed a guy can take him with a gun. and i saw them put the guy in a car. i thought, it is over. and i was like, okay, it is going to be clear soon. i hear more rounds after that. that is when i went running because i did not know where that was coming from. >> reporter: i wonder if that was the shooter. explain that seatrac explained from the moment that you saw this person until they were put in the car. >> so i was looking outside. i was seeing police cars around the other building and then i see a guy put him on the floor and the other police officer holding a big gun which i'm assuming was the shooter and then i saw them throw a guy in a car whom i am assuming is the shooter and i did not know what was happening and then boom, i hear rounds of shots and it was coming police or another person. i was running. and then i did not know what was happening. i was just hearing gunfire. >> reporter: and we know that we were hearing from metro that the suspect is deceased at this point. so unclear if that person was the shooter, but he certainly saw some activity right there. i will take a look. what do you think of this happening over at unlv? >> it is just weird to have in real life because you see all these school shootings stuffed always and i'm like, a kind of knew it was going to happen to be one day but it is weird to have it real. it is scary, and it is real. you need to take it seriously. this is my actual life. you know? it is crazy. >> reporter: and when you heard the shots, did it sound like -- i'm sorry, guys, i'm looking over here it looks like there's people who are slowly walking across the street. >> evacuating. that is what i was wondering, too. i'm assuming -- >> martha: we will bring you more. paul mauro joining us now. paul, we are just watching more people evacuate and sadly, the news that we are waiting for now is news of injuries or worse. at the situation. and we don't have any handle on that yet but we know that the shooter was contained and that the shooter is deceased. that is the latest from law enforcement on the scene and we have been hearing these eyewitness accounts. what are your thoughts watching this live unfold this afternoon? >> like so many others, you know, aren't we tired of doing this story? so obviously, the containment aspect of this, very crucial. it sounds like it was a very quick police or campus security reaction. and unfortunately, this is just a fact of life today. colleges have changed since, you know, many of us were in school and it comes with this added factor of choosing your courses, deciding where you are going to live and also keeping in mind what the protocols are when an active shooter occurs. there are approximately 18 to 20 million college students in this country. and you have to acknowledge that every year, it becomes more of a concern not only for the students but their parents as they go off to college in what has become an institutional part of american life. part of that now is you can -- a concern about something like this and fortunately, i would say, it is also marveled into a law enforcement because this looks to be a very quick response and you know, as you guys were mentioning, the first duty of law enforcement first of all, the first duty is to make sure victims can be reached and to isolate the person. it looks like this was done quite quickly. >> martha: that's part of this map which we have of downtown las vegas and the location. let's pull this of the university of nevada, las vegas. this is a very highly concentrated area. and as he points out, unfortunately, you know, it kind of breaks my heart. i heard this one person who was speaking to us, oh we know, i was just thinking about how it is good to be back in class. but maybe remote is better. and you look at these different environments, paul, just further and further isolate people, students, people who are wor working, that is a bad place to be. >> it is. and you know, as i was saying, college has become an aspect of socializing of young people into american life and you have to wonder what the effects are of not only more folks who have gone through this but even just the fact that it is got to be a nagging concern for anybody who is living on campus, trying to concentrate on class and et cetera but you have to have it in the back of their minds. it is unavoidable. a loud bang or, you know, a message that comes over on the texts or something they see on social media, it has got to nag at them and i think back to my own college days and that was the furthest thing from your mind and you know, this is now an aspect undeniably of college students' lives and parents. i hear from a lot of parents regarding this. >> martha: we did not grow up with run, hide, fight inground into our daily sense of consciousness. paul, thank you very much, paul mauro, retired nypd inspector. always good to have your thoughts and have you with us. we are covering the breaking news. we will bring you the number two senate republican, john thune of south dakota who was originally here to talk about another problem in the country which is the border and the fight that has been going on over that in capitol hill and we will touch on that for a moment with him and we thank him very much for being here as we cover this breaking news out of las vegas. senator thune, welcome. thank you for being here. your reaction as a person in leadership in this country as you watch yet another what looks to be another shooting on another campus in america. >> right. another senseless tragedy. another deranged sounds like shooter, hopefully we will get more details, more information about it, martha. but the one thing i think that -- has to say thank you to law enforcement for responding quickly. it sounds like taking the shooter down, will -- we will know more information at some point. but i guess what i would simply say is that this is why it is so important that we have the facts of our law enforcement community. we have our job, under circumstances where we have people in this country who in a deranged way act in a way where it leads to mass casualties. let's hope for the best with this. but just know that we got to keep security front and center in our country and obviously that is the conversation that we are having here in washington on a different subject, the southern border, which has become a very unsecure border and opportunity for a lot of people criminal elements, people are the terrorist watch list to get into this country and i think we have got to do our job to make sure that we're keeping our country safe and secure and certainly securing our southern border is part of that. >> absolutely. we live in such unsettled times and you talk about the border, which there's a battle over right now in the senate and you know, who is coming across the border, who is here illegally, who is here illegally, and we heard reports that the classified briefing today with the commander-in-chief cq brown devolved into a shouting match that involved senator lindsey graham and others. were you in there? what can you tell us about that? >> i think it is an example of the sort of the blind eye a and the deaf hear that a lot of the administration and leadership are turning towards in the southern border. 12,000 yesterday, 12,000 people that we know of were apprehended and another thousand gotaways. who knows how many people in that number are on the, you know, terrorist watch list or, you know, a lot of criminality and cartels and drug trafficking and human trafficking and weapons trafficking across the southern border. this has got to stop, martha. the security is an issue. the american people have had it. and they are going to expect their elected leaders to step up and do their jobs and that means keeping the country safe and secure starting with our southern border. >> martha: so what can you tell us about that and whether or not that will happen as part of this financing package for ukraine, for israel, because i do think that -- and i hear it first and from people all across the country. they can understand what united states government cannot have a safe southern border. just a fairly brief answer if you can before we run out of time today. >> sure. we have proposed that we put forward that will stop that flow and ensure that our border officials, customs and border patrol are able to do their jobs and have the resources and the manpower and the authority to enforce the southern border. it has to start there, martha. all of the conversations you have, if you can't defend the country, it becomes secondary. >> martha: do you support holding of this defense bill unless there is significant border action in it? >> absolutely. we will have it does a hearing. >> martha: we will be watching. thanks for hanging with us. we are waiting for more information. we will get it soon from las vegas. that is the story for right now. >> neil: there is has been another shooting, this time in

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