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>> harris: we begin with a question. what about bob? the house gave republican george santos the boot. now many people are asking why is accused felon bob menendez still in the senate? he is the democrat senator with gold bars and cash stashed inside his home. some dirty details now are coming out and for one exactly where the gold bars came from. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." congress established a new precedent last week by expelling george santos even though he is not convicted of a crime. the case hasn't happened yet. taking the power right out of the hands of the courts and the voters to decide on him. bob menendez has a rather unique legal predicament. he has been indicted before more than once. this time on corruption-related charges. the democrats are in no apparent rush to give bob on the left from jersey the santos treatment except for one liberal senator john fetterman of pennsylvania. fetterman has been the one outspoken dem since the story of bob from new jersey broke. >> how can you eject santos and not really have any kind of actions for a real sleaze ball like menendez? >> harris: he hit social media i thought my ethically challenged colleague. i have a seasoned expert, george santos, now doing on line cameo messages. fetterman shelled out $343 for this sick burn. >> bobby, look, i don't think i need to tell you, but these people that want to make you get in trouble and want to kick you out and make you run away, you make them put up or shut up. you stand your ground, sir, and don't get bogged down by all the haters out there. stay strong. >> harris: now to the facts of the alleged contraband federal agents found in senator menendez's home. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live from capitol hill with more. chad, great to see you. >> good morning. a confederate or convict? that was the standard for decades to be expelled from congress. no more after the expulsion of george santos. so why should the senate allow menendez to stay after the house kicked out santos? >> he believed he was empowered or he could get away with it and just continued to get even doubling down on being sleaze. i guess you must try really try, trying really hard to get expelled in the senate. >> the morning menendez denied that the bars of gold seized in the f.b.i. raid of his home were tied to other alleged crimes. >> the report is factually inaccurate and we look forward to proving it at trial. >> your colleagues say you should resign. >> colleagues got questions about the fitness of menendez to serve. >> there is one thing jersey hasn't done is send me to the senate. i don't know their rules. >> he is your senator. >> if i go to the senate and you want to talk about the senate. >> this is your own senator. >> i got it. but i have -- i got it. i'm not in the senate. i don't any of their rules. >> menendez can still receive classified briefings on issues like ukraine and there is no investigation by the ethics committee. >> the senate has standards as to proper behavior and senator menendez's behavior has fallen way below that. >> mitch mcconnell called the menendez issue an internal democratic problem. the son of the senator, representative rob menendez could endorse new jersey tammy murphy for senate instead of his dad. harris. >> harris: great reporting. thank you very much. a new opinion piece on the menendez controversy is titled the ethics mirage in washington. it reads in part expel menendez from the senate? demand his resignation? not on your life. chuck schumer made the irrelevant observation that menendez has the right to due process and fair trial. the evidence is damning and overwhelming schumer said. he has had serious discussions with menendez. what could he have to say other than get a good lawyer? but call for his resignation? never. power panel now charlie hurt, fox news contributor and washington times opinion editor and mark penn former pollster for president and hillary clinton. good to see you both. what about bob, charlie? >> well, it is kind of interesting. sort of funny that america is turning to congress suddenly for ethics lessons and this is what you get. i think the whole effort to get rid of george santos was among all the problems facing our country today it was kind of the least of them. but the real thing here and the real reason -- i don't think bob menendez is going anywhere, has more to do with the fact that we just passed an interesting milestone this week where vice president kamala harris has broken the record for the number of tie votes that she has broken as vice president, as president of the senate. that factor and that factor alone is why democrats in the senate are not going to go anywhere near touching bob menendez. they will hide behind -- i kind of agree with them -- that we should just let -- it's an election year, let his voters throw him out of office. i like that a lot better. i think it's a far more democratic way of doing it. they won't go anywhere near it. when democrats are faced with the idea of losing one vote in a chamber where they have to bring in the vice president more than any other time in history in order to break votes, they aren't going to do that. >> harris: mark, we saw the majority shrink on the side of the right with george santos' departure. i asked one of those who voted against him, what happens if the court finds him innocent of the charges? you took the hands -- the power out of the hands of the voters to decide what would happen with george santos. what is your thought on it? >> kicking santos out was a bold move. republicans will likely lose that seat. i think it will flip back to democrats. they made a sacrifice. maybe he could get acquitted but his stuff was so egregious in terms of misleading the voters that it convinced 2/three or more of the members he should be out. on the senate side, menendez is protesting vigorous innocence. >> harris: he has been through this before. he has a rich history being in legal trouble. i don't think you can compare the situation with the two men. having gold bars? we'll learn more about what he had from a former crime. there is so much going on with that case and then the ties to egypt and all of that. are you saying that even without a conviction you think bob menendez should stay in the senate? is charlie right, you want to do that because your vote is so slim. >> look, i don't think the voters of new jersey will let him stay there past next year. i think democrats do not have to pay a political price here. they would recover democratic seat. would appoint a democrat. would win -- a safely democratic seat. i wouldn't say that necessarily this is decided yet. as more comes out in the case menendez might get thrown out. >> harris: he gets due process and george santos didn't. let's move forward. countdown to the iowa caucuses 40 days from now and former president donald trump continues to lead his republican opponents by a large margin. last night he went after those challengers during a town hall with sean hannity. >> from the enthusiasm in the polls we'll win by a lot. we have crowds that are incredible in iowa. we were here last week and we had overflow crowds. other candidates have like seven people standing on a farm and they are talking. >> harris: and trump also took aim at president biden. >> do you think in 11 months he will be their candidate? >> i personally don't think he makes it. i think he is in bad shape physically. we have a man that can't put two sentences together and doesn't know he is alive and he is backed up by the media. i see biden talking about maga, maga. maga means make america great again. that's what it means. [cheers and applause] that's what people want. >> harris: if biden was hoping that the maganomics was going to backfire, it worked for him. it did backfire. if he was going to try to keep it from happening i don't know what his plan was, mark. >> look, trump has to make it through new hampshire and got a good position in iowa. but this primary is not over yet and for the first time now he is showing up with voters and real televised events. nikki haley is showing a lot of momentum. you never know. >> harris: i want to ask my team to pop that up with nikki haley. and the former president also was responding to his challengers as i said. look at the potential match-up versus president biden. she is outside the margin of error in every single one of these except for very close in georgia obviously beating biden. she beats biden by more percentage points projected than donald trump in almost all of them except for nevada and georgia. so charlie, what is your take on this? >> well, the problem for her is she still has to get through the republican primary. i think when you look at those numbers and if ron desantis flames out in iowa, which he very well could and banked everything on iowa, a lot of those desantis voters are going to end up going back to trump. i think that percentage of votes that nikki haley has, that is the true hard core anti-trumpers within the republican party. i don't think it gets much higher than that. that dooms her. >> harris: quickly, the president was asked, trump was asked last night about would you be a dictator. he said only on day one he wants to deal with the border. after that i'll move on. your quick thought, charlie. >> i thought that he was being funny about that because of course it's sealing our border is not a dictatorship. i thought it was amusing. >> harris: republican lawmakers are still -- congresswoman stefanik making waves and headlines going hard at the presidents of those elite expensive universities. >> do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to harvard's code of conduct or is it allowed at harvard? >> it is at odds with the values of harvard. we embrace a commitment to free expression. >> harris: a lot of questions about the apparently unchecked anti-semitism raging on the campuses, not so much when it comes to answers, though. congresswoman stefanik in "focus" later this hour. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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"fox & friends" co-host brian kilmeade is standing by. senators fired up yesterday. they went after f.b.i. director christopher wray with the memo targeting catholics as domestic terrorist. he said they were looking into an individual talking about violence, not as a group. josh hawley bringing the heat. >> how many other parishes have you gone to to talk to choir directors for heaven sake? answer the question. >> no, i don't know the answer to that question. as soon as i saw it, i was aghast, i had it withdrawn. >> you were aghast. what have you done about it? did you fire the people who wrote it? have you fired anybody involved in it? >> if you would give me a chance to answer. >> it is not hard. you haven't done a darn thing or fired anybody. you admonished them. they were admonished and their respective supervisor were told to engage with the human resources division. oh, i feel much better. they've been sent to bed without food. >> that was senator hawley from missouri showing something to the f.b.i. director. brian kilmeade, your take on how it played out on capitol hill and where this goes next with wray. >> thanks for having me on. it would be so much better if christopher wray said there have been regrettable incidents but not systemic. the catholic issue. when i found out a choir director and priest and i was aghast and then talk about punishment. instead you wait for a senator to bring it up and act defensive. you should be. it is indefensible to think a choir director and priest are shaken down to get information on a parishioner unless he was a serial killer, which in this case was not the case. instead christopher wray plays defense. he couldn't answer the question why did you say the biden laptop was real? i don't want to be part of the news. by not getting ahead of this you are the news. i watched that sound bite not that to the extent but i watched versions all day yesterday. it doesn't help his case to make them think the f.b.i. is straightening out his act. it makes others, haley, desantis and ramaswamy say when i get in there he is gone. >> harris: the head of dhs, asked about 87,000 missing migrant children, it is that sort of shock and awe and i'll look into it answer. it is called impotence when it comes to one's job. that's what it looks like. >> i'm glad you brought up the kids. if there were a handful of kids missing during the trump years it was too many. i have agree kids are in trouble. but we have tens of thousands off the grid. we know there is human trafficking happening in this country and people making money off it. how is that not making an emergency situation for any lawmaker on capitol hill? i think the messaging from republicans should be better right off the bat. also impeaching mayorkas is a waste of time. he is not the problem. he is the one doing the policy. >> harris: the emergency is next november is what they are all focused on. bombshell new information if house republicans they say record show then vice president joe biden used aliases to communicate with hunter biden and his business partners. biden reportedly used the alias accounts 327 times. he had that much time? they found that 54 of those emails were between him and eric -- shocking new information as well. he says hunter biden got 4.9 million from hollywood lawyer kevin morris. no clarity on the big cash and what all of it was for. here is ziegler yesterday. >> i will say this again and again that this is much bigger than the hunter biden investigation. this was not a personal attack on hunter biden but a call for change. what we are presenting in our whistleblower complaint should scare and give concern to every american regardless of your political affiliation. providing evidence that our justice system is broken and not treating everyone the same. >> harris: republican leaders say the house will likely vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry into president biden next week. imagine all this will go into that. >> what's so interesting, james comer could have said the same thing. they are out to get biden. but when you have two i.r.s. whistleblowers with impeccable records apolitical who continue to come out with this thing called drum roll please fact and say this is what a forensic investigation is for boring most of us who aren't good accountants have a hard time accruing our taxes, these guys are. this is suspicious. i want to ask you something. how many times is joe biden going the lie to us before we say he is a liar? he looked at the camera during the debates and 51 intel experts wasn't the laptop. now he says he has nothing to do with his son's business dealing and dealing with his son's accountant who decides who gets paid what. joe, you will need money to give to hunter here. the traffic cop who has turned on the family. interesting behind closed doors. after a while no reason to call hunter, there was emails to go directly at him as well as text messages. he was using air force two as a corporate jet flying around executing deals. he lied to us multiple times. what else is he lying about? this isn't gray area or twisting words. i will have nothing to do with my son's business dealings or my brother's. harris, this is over the top. >> harris: i haven't asked anybody quick. how much time do you think republicans have to make the case before you are really into the season next year of a presidential run? >> i think after the conventions. this is still coming up in august and june, september. i think it's good to impeach him is ridiculous. look into it, yes, expose it, yes, i am peachment, waste of time. >> harris: we've simulcast on so many platforms now. happy to be with you. let me brag about your book. his new book is out now for just in time for the holidays called "teddy and booker t.." how they blazed a path for racial equality. >> two great americans in the south who knew our country was divided after the civil war. they knew it was wrong, jim crow, lynching, how do we fix it? booker t. washington needed power to work with. he found it in teddy roosevelt and j.p. morgan and he is born a slave. he still loved the country and made it better. i was inspired to talk about it and study it. >> harris: are you going to preach to the people who say there is so much systemic racism that we have to dumb down math for people of color who look like me? i hope you get booked for some of those speeches on those college campuses. >> i will be talking about that on the 15th on 16th on fox nation and streaming it. brian get tickets and get a book. i want to talk about how far we've come, harris. you know it and i think we should just be familiar with it. >> harris: got to know where you have been to go to a better place. good to see you, thank you. house republicans bill to condemn anti-semitism passing the house but further fracturing the democratic party. more fallout for one of their far-left squad members' comments on hamas terrorist rapes of israeli women. she tried to clean it up. >> morally i think we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. that's not what international humanitarian law says. >> with respect i was just asking about the women and you turned it back to israel. >> harris: gosh, a cleanup when it turns into a double down. the white house again punting on condemning her initial comments. jason rantz in "focus" next. nefe to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. my most important kitchen tool? 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well, yesterday white house press secretary karine jean-pierre refused to condemn the congresswoman's comments, original ones. >> i'm going to let the representative speak for herself. i can't speak for her. i speak for the president of the united states. i'm the without press secretary. when it comes to rape it's reprehensible. using rape as a weapon of war it's reprehensible. we're very clear about denouncing hamas's actions and that's what the president has been clear about. >> do you think because of her perch as a progressive leader she should clarify her remarks? >> i speak for the president. she has to speak for herself. >> harris: she can't speak for herself as a woman? just a few moments ago attorney general merrick garland announced d.o.j. is investing war crimes against hamas terrorists. jason, first of all, your response to that just this new development now with this investigation and looking at the situation. >> i'm just wondering why it took so long. it feels like all of a sudden folks are now starting to call out the rape that we knew occurred two months ago. we knew occurred on october 8th. we probably knew occurred on october 7th. why are we waiting so long and why is it so hard for people to step forward and say comments that dismiss the abuse, the sexual violence against jews is wrong? this is not controversial. and yet what i think it is, jayapal is my congresswoman, unfortunately and i have looked into her background for the last couple years as it relates to anti-semitism. she goes on cnn and says i called it out before. no, she hasn't. i looked at every one of her tweets and press statements, went back and looked at interviews and she has never called it out. she is not pointing to any statements. her office isn't pointing to any statements she previously made. the reason why she isn't calling it out and so many progressives are refusing to do it is because it would engender sympathy for jews. that would make their fight more righteous. but they are siding with hamas because they believe hamas is a resistance group. that palestinians are the victims of israeli settler colonialism. israel is on stolen land. based on a tremendous misunderstanding of history, willful misunderstanding of history but explains why sthe and so many others are taking these horrific positions. if you want, you can believe that israel is on stolen land while also condemning the rape. it is not mutually exclusive. >> harris: i want follow ups with her. like the comment that was just sort of quickly went by about whether or not it even happened. like when are they going to believe women? on the left when do they? is it only when it benefits them or do they believe all women? we'll move to this. new op-ed is calling out anti-israel college students asking from which river to which sea? when college students who sympathize with palestinians chant from the river to the sea, do they even know what they are talking about? i hired a firm to poll 250 students from a variety of backgrounds across the united states. this again an opinion piece a person is saying. he hired this group. most said they supported the chant but only 47% of the students who embraced the slogan were able to name which river, which sea. some of the alternative answers were the nile and the yu and the atlantic. jason. >> you've got two primary groups of people here who are participating on college campus. you have anti-seamites, no doubt about it. but you also have these social media generation of kids who lack face-to-face interactions or any meaningful relationships or even they feel maybe a purpose in life and so they join what they think is this cool new social justice movement because it gives them that interaction. it gives them that feeling of belonging and it gives them something to fight for. it is not shocking they don't know what that phrase means because they don't know precisely what they are talking about. they are going to a movement that is exciting and earns social credit amongst their peers. that is so dangerous. i think that's what happened blm. they joined the movement not understanding what the organization stood for and yet what happened as a result of them jumping onto that movement, blm as a movement was very successful and passed policy. i'm terrified what this actually means for policies around israel, around just a basic understanding of what a war crime actually is, and if this movement continues to grow and not enough people are calling it out, it will get more powerful and soon they will start wielding that power in ways that i think will be very abusive. >> harris: this is a ramp up to something that we know can happen. that a group of people can be the focus of so much hate that there is a thirst to annihilate them. it is already happening with hamas and others in the middle eastern region. we can't let that happen here. free speech is one thing. annihilating an entire group of people is not free, that's crime. that's hate. jason rantz, thank you very much. a fiery hearing on the rampant anti-semitism on elite college campuses. we'll go from a discussion to capitol hill. >> calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct? >> again, it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes. >> harris: she went from president of elite university to the next president to the next. by the way, stefanik is an alumna of harvard university. and the university president of harvard, the others over their failings and double standards. representative stefanik is in "focus" next. r sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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(puppies barking) (puppies sniffing) - hi there! - what should we name him? - buster! (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> we've seen bomb threats to synagogues. threats to attack the jewish communities on campuses and multiple arrests. it is a real problem. the jewish community in this country is like 2 1/2% of the american public and yet they represent something close to 60% of all religiously-based hate crimes. we're acutely focused on threats to the jewish community that very much needs our help. >> harris: campuses across america, many highly elite and now hot beds for jewish hate. some of those leaders of those campuses had to answer for failing to right the rise in anti-semitism which is dangerous to the students on campus. lawmakers held their feet to the fire at a hearing. you saw part of it live here. >> it demands leaders of moral clarity. >> this intimidation, humiliation and exclusion of jewish students is simply unacceptable. it would not be tolerated against any other minority group. >> you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth. you defend it. you allow the professor to teach at your college and create a safe hafb en for this type of behavior. >> the harvard student calling for the mass murder of african-americans is not free speech at harvard, correct? a yes or no curbings is that correct? >> the use of term intifada is indeed a call for violent armed resistance against the state of israel including violence against civilians and the genocide of jews. are you aware of that? >> that type of hateful speech is personally abhorrent to me. >> dana: you heard her there. elise stefanik is in "focus" right now. first of all, just tell us and take us into the moment when you started to ask the questions of these presidents and your first reaction hearing the answers that have gone viral. >> well, harris, i've been in a number of very high-profile congressional hearings over the years and the pathetic moral depravity on display by the witnesses, the three universities presidents from harvard, mitt and penn i have witnessed anything like that. i asked the question in such a way it was an easy yes, that calling for the genocide of jews in fact does violate their policies and code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment. their answers were pathetic. i was so shaken, harris, and what was probably the most tragic aspect of the hearing to me was there were a number of jewish students from those schools in the audience sitting behind them and to watch just the fear as they are listening to the presidents of these universities fail to answer a basic question of moral clarity was abyss mall. they need to be fired. >> harris: we have a jewish senior at u penn with us earlier. let's watch together. >> it was a petri dish of the bacteria of anti-semitism and hate. it is no longer just words. it is actions being taken on our campus. and i really hope reflecting upon her testimony yesterday liz mcgill will send out a statement and retract what she said yesterday. >> harris: outside of yesterday's hearing a group of students held anti-israel events demanding that the universities hear their voices, too. watch this. >> students are not safe until palestinian, arabs, black and muslim students are also safe. >> harris: that sounds like a threat. jewish students are not safe until everybody else feels safe. what happens to jewish students in the meantime? >> it is a threat, harris. i have heard not only from jewish alumni but jewish students who feel unsafe when they go to their classes, who are threatened with physical assaults. who have been physically assaulted. who fear wearing stars of david. it is absurd that this is happening in the 21st century on so-called elite college campuses. i'm a graduate of harvard university. this should never happen at harvard or anywhere. the reality is if you put three middle schoolers across america and ask them the same question, they would correctly answer the question and say that it is wrong. the fact that these presidents of universities could not answer it, it has rotted out our ivory towers and the intellectual institutions who do not understand moral clarity. >> harris: the moment that stood out to me you were interviewing elizabeth mcgill, the president at the university of pennsylvania, u-penn. one of the eight elite colleges, some of the most expensive, high-profile learning in this country. when you asked her does the genocide of jews constitute harassment, her back and forth with you lit up on social media like fire. she could not answer that with a simple yes and you seem to get emotional when you ask her whether or not it would take actual acting of genocide to get her to say yes those words are wrong. >> in her testimony, harris, she said it will take conduct or action. so of course i followed up and said what do you mean it will take action? the act of committing genocide? she couldn't even answer that yes. it was absurd to have that back and forth. that's why they are not fit to be in those positions. and this is not just an issue in the united states, harris. this is a global scourge that we're seeing in the rise of anti-semitism. >> harris: this nation is supposed to be the best. we may not be able to fix the world but we are supposed to fix what is inside our own borders. my question is are those universities getting money from the federal government? are they getting our tax dollars? >> they currently are and need to be defunded. >> harris: what do you do to stop it? >> i'm one of the strongest voices when it comes to defunding universities that allow anti-semitism on their campuses and we'll continue taking that strong stance. i think we need to continue holding these specific institutions hold accountability and make sure they are fired. >> bill: congresswoman stefanik you had the mic and you dropped it yesterday. thank you. good to have you in "focus." 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