Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20240702 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity July 2, 2024

welcome to "hannity". tonight we are less than 24 hours away from our exclusive town hall with former president donald j. trump and davenport, iowa. if you would like to attend you can sign up on it is for free. tickets are free. in poll after poll as of now president trump is beating joe biden in a hypothetical rematch by a pretty significant margin at this point. many polls showing it. one key reason for the numbers, all trump is willing and able to participate in a real town hall and passionately answer important questions of our time. biden meanwhile can barely answer two or three preselected questions without imploding. sadly, the president positive mental condition is likely to get worse, not better. as it stands now, joe is not doing well. over the weekend he looked really, really bad yet again despite a very light work load. the president still managed to struggle mightily. take a look. >> the brothers bound made it all seem effortless and almost magical. they described it as, quote, "we are walking down the street together and simultaneously begin to sing the same song in the same key. god love you. that's incredible. before i travel from the bronx to change the culture forever, before they do. and by the way, with other movies and movies she has earned a golden globe and a primetime enemy. enemy. that is me. primetime enemy. >> after his marks joe had trouble again attempting tstep away from a podium. he looked dazed and confused, shuffled his feet until his wife was able to coax him in the right direction yet again. somebody needs to help them just like the tomb of the unknown soldier. here we go again. biden will only get worse from here. unfortunately attends to get worse and worse when you have cognitive decline. it is degenerative. his reelection bid defies all logic. i cannot think of a public appearance that your president has made now in months where he is not mumbling, stumbling, bumbling in his speech and/or dazed and confused about where to go and what to do next. tonight whether biden realizes it or not, he has a huge problem on the horizon. matter of fact, many problems. fox news has referred to republican leaders will likely push forward with a vote to initiate an impeachment inquiry next week. this after biden has once again been caught in a lie. you might recall. take a look. >> mr. vice president, how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> i've never spoken to my son about overseas business dealings. i have never discussed with my son or brother or anyone else anything to do with their businesses, period. what i will do is the same thing we did in our administration. an absolute wall between personal and private in the government. >> do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your sons overseas business dealings? 2 yes, i stand by that statement. >> according to bank statements from james comer not only did joe biden discuss his son's business venture but also received direct payments from one of hunter's corporations. hunter biden's attorneys claim while the attorney was merely paying his father back for a truck that hunter financed but keep in mind that these 2018 payments were not made from hunter policy personal account. instead one of hunter's many llcs deposited the money into joe's account an account used to conduct business in china. why did hunter pay his father from a business account? why did joe lie about ever discussing business, foreign business deals with his son, brother or anybody for that matter? last month, revealed two unusual checks to joe biden from his brother also purporting to be lone repayments. we have long reported tax and e-mails from hunter complaining about having to fork over half his income to pops. another e-mail from hunter's business partner discussing setting aside 10% for the big guy. tony bobulinski told us who the big guy was. another document revealing that joe biden used his son's wells fargo account to pay bills. and of course there are and e-mails and eyewitnessges accounts detailing when vice president biden had his meetings, phone calls, letters and even dinners at café milano with hunter's foreign partners. these are not business leaders or wall street executives. instead, hunter and other biden family members were raking in massive amounts of money. tens of millions of dollars from sketchy oligarchs, well-connected foreign nationals and some of our country's biggest geopolitical foes like russia, china, ukraine, romania, because extend, you name it, and other countries. hunter biden was struggling with addiction and had no relevant experience at all with finance or in the gas, coal and energy industry. getting paid millions for what? that is the 20 plus $000,000 question isn't it? as hunter's former business partner devon archer said they were buying access to the biden brand and possible influence over u.s. policy that could some maybe think about calling that potentially maybe needs to and be investigated as bribery? let's look at article two, section four of the constitution. the president, vice president and all civil officers of the united states shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. here is just one example of what we are talking about. according to a u.s. senate committee on homeland security and governmental affairs report in 2014 when joe biden was vice president, hunter biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a woman, former first lady of moscow. she is also a russian oligarch. her husband was the mayor of moscow. she was known as the first lady of moscow. she wasn't sanctioned with many other russian oligarchs after the invasion of ukraine. i'm sure just a coincidence. she was one of the wealthiest people in russia with deep ties to vladimir putin himself and yet following rush of's invasion of ukraine the first lady of moscow was one of the few oligarchs not targeted by joe biden's sanctions. this reeks of corruption. remember, congress has a sworn duty to uphold the u.s. constitution and checked the executive branch. and now there is more than enough evidence for a trial. for wants in his life joe biden has got to be held accountable. if democrats truly believe that foreign interference is a theory is threat like they have been lecturing us over and over again that russian collusion is a clear and present danger, then they will join with republicans and hold biden's feet to the fire. otherwise all the righteous indignation has been nothing but frankly show. here now with mo more house oversight committee chairman james comer himself. let's explain this. the media is going after you hard. that doesn't prove anything. that's only a loan repayment from joe. there is an awful lot of lone repayments that they talk about. i would imagine, correct me if i am wrong, if it's a loan repayment wouldn't we have a record of the loan being repaid? have you been able to get that information? >> absolutely not. if you made a loan to someone you would have a check going out to that person in addition to the check coming back for the so-called lone repayment. that's what the e-mail was we talked about on your show last week, sean burke win the bank questioned hunter biden about what was the reason for the $5 million wire from china he apparently told the loan officer it was a loan. the loan officer said we will need documentation to prove to the bank examiners it was a loan. do have lone documentation? he said no. we are supposed to believe that china gave hunter biden a loan for $5 million? if you look at the last four payments we found with ties directly to joe biden, they amount to a half a million dollars. in every instance, they have said it was a loan repayment. that is just hard to believe, sean, unless you have got documentation to prove that it was a loan which obviously according to the e-mail from the bank, they do not. whether it was a loan or not, it doesn't matter. the way the money was paid to joe biden was directly through input. this is the second payment or series of payments to joe biden that came directly from china. there is no disputing that. even the white house isn't disputing the money to repay joe biden if, in fact, it was a loan came from china. >> you say you and your committee have identified all of the shell corporations. a corporation and llc if they are legitimately doing business you would see business activity of some kind, would you not? have you found any associated with any of these shell corporations that you are describing them as. have you seen any real business activity, legitimate business activity? >> no legitimate activity. most of the shell companies don't have a single asset. that was mentioned in the bank e-mail that we talked about on your show last week. the bank examiner said he is supposedly running this shell company an investment firm but they have no investments. the other shell companies don't have any assets. but we do see wires. we see lots of wires from bad people and bad countries around the world. one reason we wanted to suppose hunter biden is to ask what did you do to receive this income? if it was in fact lobbying, if he was a lobbyist for china, that is called a foreign agent. he is an unregistered foreign agent. that's a penalty of up to five years imprisonment and $250,000 fine. joe biden was receiving direct benefit from his son being an unregistered foreign agent. you can make a strong argument that joe biden violated the foreign laws as well. >> let me ask you about the subpoena. our friends in the media mob don't quite understand what a subpoena means. certainly i would argue steve bannon understands it and peter navarro understands it. a subpoena compelled somebody to come into congress to be deposed to. that usually takes place behind closed doors. that's the normal procedure, correct? >> that is correct 100% of the time. >> they are saying they are willing to do it publicly but not behind closed doors. i would assume their request that you can ask in a private deposition that you would not be able to ask publicly. is that true? >> that is true. both quality and quantity of questions. in a public hearing where you have 25 members they each have five minutes. that includes the time to ask the question. you might get 35 or 40 questions in if everything works out perfectly. in a deposition we can ask 600, 700 or 800 questions. we have over 20 shell companies. we have 20 plus 000 pages of blank documents. we expect to get 82,000 e-mails. we have lots of specific questions that we need to ask the president's son and brother. you just don't have enough time in a public hearing. we will have a public hearing and these depositions will essentially be public because there will be transcripts. >> to be clear, you are willing to have both? >> yes. >> let me go to the issue of energy and oil. they seem to come into play big-time in terms of this business enterprise. we know joe bragged that he leveraged a billion dollars in spite of what the obama administration policy was in october 2015. we know that joe talked to burisma executives with his son while in dubai five days before he leveraged a billion dollars to get the prosecutor fired. we know burisma executives needed washington, d.c. help or the biden brand is devon archer referred to it. we know that joe got the guy fired in six hours. that meant his son continued to get paid. he had no experience. apparently was addicted, admittedly addicted to drugs at the time. in the case of cefcu the oil and gas giant out of china, directly related to the communist chinese, that is the whatsapp message that said i am sitting here with my father, why have you not fulfilled what we asked you to do and a threat is made. we expect a call. what happened five days later when $5 million was sent to one of those account. >> 100% correct. >> why would you make millions of dollars? can someone explain that to me? >> that is what we want to hear from hunter biden. what exactly did you do? what services did you provide. not just with burisma, but also with the chinese. we know according to tony bobulinski who was supposed to be in on that cefc. they wanted to start buying interest in american countries. energy companies in particular. there are laws that prevent that. they hired the bidens to help them navigate the bureaucracy and open doors that were shut to anyone related to china. the bidens were essentially going to work for china. that's what the company was that joe biden was going to get 10% of. we have proven that joe biden, the $40,000 check, came through that entity where joe biden was supposed to be 10% owner. just like tony bobulinski said. >> chairman comer, thank you. we appreciate it. breaking news out of the weaponize and politicized fbi of joe biden. a new report revealing that the bureau's targeting of catholics was far worse than the fbi director would have you believe as part of its federal fishing expedition into so-called traditional catholics. the fbi apparently interrogated at least one priest and a choir director. here with the latest is the chairman of the very important house judiciary committee. jim jordan is with us. choir director? really? how bad did this get? >> first they told us it was just one field ops. the richmond field office. then we learned that it was bigger than that. it was multiple field offices involved in this attack on pro-life catholics. now we learn as you have pointed out that the fbi was talking to a priest and a choir director. remember the larger context. this is the same fbi that spied on president trump's campaign. they censored americans. this is the same fbi on this particular issue that went to mark helps home a pro-life catholic, arrested him in front of his wife and seven children. when that case goes to court mark wins. that is how ridiculous this all is. that's what the report spells out. they weren't being square with us. >> you subpoenaed subpoena documents that you have and they show there was no legitimate basis for the memorandum to insert federal law enforcement into catholic houses of worship. why did they do that? >> a member when joe biden stood in front of town hall and said one half of the country is fascist? it's the whole mindset. if you are pro-life or a traditional catholic, somehow you are radical. this is part of the justice department that said if you are a mom and dad going to a school board meeting you are an extremist as well. this is the mindset. this is scary. this is why we don't want to give them more money for a new headquarters and why we form this committee to look at all the things they have done in this area and the censorship area. >> in light of what happened in the summer of 2020, 574 riots, dozens of dead americans, thousands and injured cops hit with bricks, rocks, molotov cocktails. there was no committee set up for those riots, congressmen. and yet we are using limited resources of the fbi for this? that's what they are investigating? why didn't they use the videotape of all those people involved in the riots of the summer of 2020 and have a committee like the january 6 committee? >> because we have been consistent. you have been consistent. we have condemned violence. it was wrong in the summer of 2020 and those that committed violence on january 6, we said that was wrong. i use the example of mark help praying in front of an abortion clinic. they decide to go into his home. he was willing to turn himself in. his counsel said so. they go into his home, arrest him in front of his wife and children. that is not how you are supposed to operate in this great country. it is why we are doing the work we are doing and to get the facts out there and to change this behavior. >> can you tell me why and how this is happening? when you think of the fbi's involvement in terms of the lead up to the election in 2020. the fbi was meeting once before with all the big tech corporations, warning them they maybe victims of a disinformation campaign about joe and hunter biden. lo and behold, by the way, they knew rudy giuliani had a copy of hunter's laptop. they knew that story would break. when facebook and twitter asked for confirmation, is this real or not, they would not answer. in fact, they knew it t was absolutely real. why do you think they did that? is anybody being held accountable? why is the fbi now for two presidential cycles in a row in the james of james comer and protecting hillary. why is the fbi getting involved in our elections? >> the reason they did that in this particular case is because it involved joe bidens son. that's why we have a five year investigation into hunter biden. they had to go to a special counsel. i think that whole case they would have gotten away with it. it would have been cleared except for two brave whistleblowers who will get more information to the ways and means committee tomorrow. i think they get away. and for the judge in delaware, the reason they did it was because it was about the bidens. that's the whole point. that is why i think they did it. the u.s. attorney in pittsburgh who was supposed to be the clearinghouse for all information in 2020 relative to hunter biden and ukraine. when we deposed mr. brady, i asked him when he found out about the laptop? that is pretty important information. the u.s. attorney was supposed to filter that information and clears it. i asked him what did you learn about the laptop. he said when the story went public. >> did the fbi in 2016 protect hillary clinton? are they applying a different standard in terms of classified information to donald trump? in 2020, when they were talking to big tech companies, did they censor information they knew was true? did they actively work to do that? >> they kept it from scott brady. i think they did. in 2020 it was worse than what you describe because they spied on president trump's campaign for goodness sake. >> unbelievable. this has to be fixed if we are ever going to have equal justice under the law. jim jordan, thank you. coming up, more disturbing examples of anti-semitism across the country including members of congress. first a quick programming note. tomorrow davenport, iowa. sign up. iowa thanh health darkof tickets are free findi. she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. and cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or (vo) in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. 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