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hello, i'm charlie hurt along with kennedy, mollie and david webb, come to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight, big concerns over one of the virus in china. republican governors calling for president biden to restrict travel in the communist nation. mainstream media saying trust science, we shouldn't be worried but remember if china spent years lying to us about covid and they are after all, a communist country. fox news correspondent dany dana marie mcnichol has an update among those demanding actions. >> an immediate travel ban between united states and china until more information is gathered on the dangers of what they call mysterious illness. a list of republican senators include senator marco rubio and rick scott in florida, senator j.d. vance from ohio, senator tomi to prevail from alabama and mike braun from indiana. the letter to the president reads in part, we should immediately restrict travel between the united states and china until we know more about the dangers posed by this new illness. ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, mandates and further outbreaks later. the director of the cdc believes this mysterious illness is not new or novel. rather related to existing pathogens like covid, flu, rsv. doctors say they are seeing a surgeon bacteria that could affect the lungs; china we see a lot of resistant strains of the bug from acute can treated with antibiotics. in children but they over treated it in china and is led to hospitalization. >> the white house has not commented on this. the cdc continues to say covid remains the biggest threat this winter season. >> thank you. mollie, obviously we want to put caution here, who want to make more of this than it is but when you look back at the last five years, we would be forgiven for being alarmed but listen to scott godley, former fda commissioner, what you have to say? >> we have more information about what is spreading and china and it does appear to be usual strains of illness so no reason to believe there's something novel writer. >> how can the usb, if you say china is not sharing info? >> a novel strain of flu spreading, i think we would detect it. >> when it comes to china assurances, do you put a lot of faith in that? >> there seems to be some effort on the part of doctors to say we are watching this, this is something to be concerned about but not overly concerned because we do have our eye on it but there's the bipartisan angle of this, we don't trust china and that's democrats and republican's, five republican's : for this travel ban but democrats have also over the years and recently spoken out against china and explicitly noted china can't be trusted pointing back to what we experience globally in the wake of covid-19. the who last month requested information, they held a teleconference with chinese authorities and it was caused by common bacteria, a micro plasma plus a variety of seasonal viruses including the flu but we are definitely seeking more information. can we trust information from china? >> i was interested in the last hour doctor marty makary warned this really could be more of a result of an uptick because in china so many people were quarantined, it didn't lived until earlier this year and suddenly -- i've seen this in my own family, if you've been walked down a long time and then you come out, suddenly your immune system is shot but listen to what congressman carlos had to say about this travel ban. >> my mom once taught me, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. it was this time four years ago we heard of this illness attacking the respiratory system and the elderly and now we hear an illness that attacks respiratory system of our children so i think there should be a travel ban with china if we disrupt travel plans, i think too high a price to pay to assure our children's safety so i hope the biden administration will do that. do i think he's going to do that? i don't think you will. >> you can see how for a politician this is low hanging fruit to act on. >> it is low hanging fruit for any congressman to say it goes back to the executive but also what former commissioner said there is a novel strain of the flu spreading, i think we would detect it. remember in february at the beginning of covid, china wouldn't give us the genome. they would not give us the information, how do you detect a novel strain if you don't have the information which the who and others cannot get from them, the un asked china so i don't trust, don't trust the chinese. it is not trust but verify, it's verify and then decide if you should trust the communist. >> verify and never stop terrified. obviously china, they are not the only ones who lost credibility. perhaps the greatest damage to anybody over the past five years has been u.s. government and the alphabet soup of all these administrators who believe in public health and want to do something, they completely lost credibility. >> the harm they did out of abundance of caution, wear a mask, wherever you are. i didn't say wear a mask. what i said was wear a mask. no one trust the government, anthony fauci was the embodiment of that, self-anointed emperor of medicine and society and i hate to use self-dealing which but he really screwed the pooch and created a level of skepticism i think our government will have a really hard time overwriting because when you downplay it, people think you're hiding something. when you vote overboard and shut businesses and shut schools, people don't forget about that. that's why school choice and keeping parent out of the classroom is such a big issue, it is because of covid and the government response to this but i have more faith in doctor spiegel. he sent a straight shooter throughout the entire thing, he's been right about covid all along and the key is to take the advice he gave us at the beginning of covid. if you are immunocompromised, older than wear a mask, stay inside, look out for yourself. i know this is an upper respiratory illness affecting young children and it's terrifying for parents but the most important conversations to have is between you and your pediatrician. that is the first primary conversation you should be having and doctor siegel was right, it will treat doesn't china is go through what we went through last year which was an immune pause were we want bombarded with anything because we are locked down, most of and once we took masks off, everyone remembers they got so sick from things like the flu and the common cold which was devastating so that's what china is going through, i think alarmism can be done a little bit. >> that's the least salty salty language i've heard from you. but the government and china are not the only ones who lost credibility, the media has, too. this is from the new york times yesterday or today, u.s. health officials pushed back on the idea of a new virus in china and don't fret what's happening in china says doctor -- this afternoon get yourself vaccinated so they are pushing this as they get everything wrong. >> i interviewed doctor jeanette ashlock who often appears here often, triple we are expensive, covid, flu and rsv, rsv hitting little kids and she gives the sense of advice, if you are immune economize, take the precautions, maybe you are someone who gets vaccinated and otherwise don't panic, wash your hands, keep your kids home, all the sensible things. >> the other big picture thing, listen to this and then i will ask you on the other side. >> i think it is something they need to be evaluating. when you look at the viruses have a history overseas impacting the united states, we need to remember china controls 80% of the supply of drug ingredients is also not only today outsource viruses to the united states, they control ingredients and drugs need to take care of americans here today when they do get sick. >> she is exactly right and perhaps even the bigger problem we have not corrected and i don't think anyone has the guts, things like vitamin c let alone zithromax into the other stuff we have to get. >> this is a biological pharmaceutical cocktail, china gives you the virus and then give you the cure. the big pharma has a role to play, you see the ads about asking up taking football players john legend and all these stars, this is part of the money game involved here which is something else we should watch out for. i live in florida, we want lockdown, we were out there, some of these states lockdown, people not interacting with nature, life, other things you build your immunity system off, these are the things we need to do and i'm with you one 100%, you and your doctor know your health and your kids, speak to your doctor. i talked to my doctor more often than i do my producers. >> you still right now have local and city governments pushing public service announcements paid for by taxpayers to keep getting the shots. >> to make money for pharmaceuticals. >> they do not want to give up the state of emergency because there's extra money and power if they somehow underway to keep the pandemic going so they are going to keep hysteria going and who pays the price? we do. we pay the price and higher taxes to fund ongoing state of emergency and compromised freedom. >> kennedy for president. next, fox news alert. questions about the target of iranian backed fighters after worship shoots down drones during an attack in the middle east and obama's defense secretary, former defense secretary it's his own shot at biden's response on the attacks on u.s. forces, that's next. ♪ the "big weekend show" a second we have fox news alert. u.s. navy destroyer to come drones belonging to iranian backed fighters in the middle east and are questions about the attendant target of the drones is the attacks from around proxies unfolded the red sea. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson live at the white house. any word from the president tonight on the attacks on u.s. forces? >> none tonight, he's at the kennedy center hosting the kennedy center honors, the u.s. central command says the uss cornyn, guided missile destroyer shotgun three drunk today and the red sea, launched from iranian backed proxy forces in yemen and this was a complex attack officials say lasted over seven hours and for other attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea, three different missiles hit three different commercial ships in the red sea. his how they describe one of the drones they shot down. it said quote from of drunk was headed toward corneal, the specific target is not clear. we cannot assess the time whether it was the target of the drones. if you are watching information center, uss officer on board, you see a drone or an unknown object heading toward you, he will shoot it down and that's what they did. last night before attacks in the red sea defense secretary lloyd often speaking up ronald reagan institute spoke about the attacks and this is what he pledged to do, the attacks before this one in the red sea, this is what he said. >> will not tolerate attacks on american personnel so these attacks must stop and until they do, we will do what we need to do to protect our troops and impose costs on those. >> spokesman from a retired u.s. army colonel joe petito, this is how he described was going on with the u.s. needs to do. >> in order to introduce deterrence, deterrence is in the mind so to introduce deterrence over ran for anybody, you need two things. demonstrate you have capability to inflict harm. second thing, your adversary has to understand you have the will to the term, inflict pain and right now iran does not think this administration has the will to do so. >> there have been at least 75 attacks in u.s. forces middle east since the middle of last month. the pentagon does not count attacks on u.s. warships at sea in the summer. the u.s. military says tonight and killed iranian backed proxy fighters in iraq. via drone strike since it was done of self-defense, you are about to launch a rocket or drones and u.s. forces. >> have there been any reports or changes in movements? to strike groups, crowded bodies of water. >> there's not but it's notable uss arnie has been busy. last week she shutdown a drone fired from iranian backed proxies and last month shutdown dozens of cruise missiles launched from yemen into u.s. has not carried out any strikes an roxy forces despite shooting down the $32 million drone if you remember that last week so attacks out of yemen so far no counterattacks from u.s. forces. >> all right, thank you so much for all of that information. i want to go to where you are leading us which is what the u.s. should do next. this is the former secretary of defense. >> i would be much more aggressive about going after those that attack u.s. forces. >> you think our response has been too soft? >> i think it's been a little too selective. we hit some dumps, other tar targets. i want to go after those firing missiles at our troops and make sure they understand when they fire a missile, they are going to die. >> the u.s. lost 32,000,003 bertram just last month of the coast, what are the military options the u.s. has to respond? >> you have a uss eisenhower on the persian gulf and dozens of super hornets on board, you have cruise missiles that can be launched from different want, you also have f-15s, f-16s and the united arab emirates the carried out airstrikes and now so far in iraq and syria. many options available to president biden should he choose one. >> lucas, i have a question. fortunately for some of these private commercial vessels, the uss carney was able to aid them and shoot down incoming drones, what kind of security duties commercial ships tend to have themselves? >> i'm sure insurance rates have gone up passing through the red sea. some do employ security forces, we heard last week one of the commercial vessels was supp supported, the gulf of aden and you go through, dangerous watters. small enough to the top, given to the south. what happened is the crew went into a sacrum like we hear safe rooms, save room aboard the s ship. uss carney was able to assist them and drove away the pirates, detained and arrested them. >> i am the captain now. [laughter] >> a basic question, can you give a sense of how big the drones are and what the navy is using to shoot them down with? >> a good question there. of course there using the missiles those go for about 2 million pop so expensive missiles using to destroy what are relatively accrued drones. yesterday syncom published a photo, it looked like a small cessna and viewers were wondering why that wasn't shutdown. >> there you have it. next, the new york times defines a logic in his latest push for child gender transitions. the reason? it's baffling. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the the "big weekend show", new york times op-ed argues kids should be able to transition genders because they quote the freedom to make mistakes and the op-ed title born this way, born that way? the corners right the panic over transgender children driven by the fear that they will regret transitioning but freedom to make mistakes his court to being human. david, your thoughts on very long, thousands of words op-ed but i'm sure you can make this brief. >> to give you credit, 4000 words or whatever thousands of words, first of all, if you can't make a simple argument, write a complex story and this is a justification but ignores him of the basic things, if you have a child that has some form or gender dysphoria, the first thing should be a form of counseling from a parental involvement, not medical castration or puberty blockers or the other things or go in for top or bottom surgery, this is mutilation of our kids and an attempt to muddy the watters to see the conversation that this is a freedom of choice issue. as a young developing children, your frontal lobe doesn't develop until our 20s. you are at a stage one you are a sponge soaking up whatever is fed to you, they ignore all of that. this article is flat out dangerous garbage literally thrown at society to make a justification not dealing with actual issues but making a societal problem. >> we are going to read from this, this is by lydia and the course of this long opinion piece, draws parallels between race and gender identity but here is a portion, we allow children to make irreversible decisions about their lives all the time, the stakes are real so what are we saying when we regret this particular decision, the decision to transition and how is it different from the decision i made to quit competitive swimming? he notes too many people guessing most the question is absurd. >> that is one of the dumbest questions i've ever read in the new york times which used to be a revered publication. here is the difference between quitting competitive swimming in sixth grade which she did, you can pick up competitive coming again when you are in 11th grade but when you go through a chemical or surgical castration or double mastectomy, that is a bell you cannot unring and parents yes, absolutely have to understand anti- supportive of their children questioning who want to live as a different gender who feel they been born in the wrong body but there are so many steps between the initial longing and feeling like you don't fit and surgical mutilation and what we have to do as a society is investigate those steps and do it with kindness and support and curiosity but going to the most extreme step, it flies in the face of logic and that's why the surgeries are disallowed in most of western europe and most people no matter how supportive they are of the family members and people they know in the lgbtq community, there is a lot of people and gay people who think maybe this is a decision a child should make on their own, there are ways of supporting them through out a transition that don't involve this final terminus. >> there are various state exploring bands on this issue and age of course is a question here. one of the voices sometimes marginalized as the discussion goes on, people have transitioned and the church assumed the have regrets. this is chloe cole. >> it was presented both to me and my parents is this is your option to fix things. >> some of the more underlining issues in depth would definitely happen a better place to start. >> once i started to seek surgery, nobody pushed back. my parents thought if i weren't allowed to go through with the procedures, i would be -- i would commit suicide. >> waiting to let myself heal. i want to use the word indoctrinate that i was young and sad and impressionable and i thought this would fix everything. >> i want to take this to you, charlie. one thing the author notes, she says it's mistaken belief medical transition routinely causes permanent sterility and she argues in fact later on some people are able to have a chance at parenthood your thoughts on the emotions of these young people, what they shared. >> when i first started to read this, i thought she was going to defend boys playing with girls toys and vice a versa, that's not what she's talking about. she talked about surgery and compares it to getting a nose job for grown adult and the kid says they are irreversible. it is true the.of parenting, to let your kids make mistakes but the whole. >> is to make mistakes they don't have to live with the rest of their lives. you don't take a baby in a baby carriage and strolled them out to the middle of an interstate and say we will see what major happens, you protect them so they learn wonderful lessons and benefit from them and don't do lasting damage to themselves in the process. by the way, i get it, we don't have a choice to talk about this because we don't have a lot of respect for the new york times but the new york times still has enormous respect among a lot of people in business and they are taking this seriously and spreading his poison. my only hope, i pray this writer does not have a child because -- if she does, if she was reading this, i would send child protective services to her door. >> she makes this note the actors jennifer gray had a career employee model plasty, talking about the things young people do to make themselves more comfortable with their bodies generally but there are some differences between something cosmetic and something that takes thing further that could potentially be irreversible. >> i go to what kennedy said, the story of the rhinoplasty gone wrong, at least it has potential for other surgeries to fix it but doesn't change who she is as a woman and that's what it is. >> i still wouldn't advocate for children getting plastic sur surgery. i would encourage him to wait until they are at least 18. >> sensitive issue for a lot of folks. time to deck the halls, economics on christmas cheer this year. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". orders christmas shopping in new york city, taking a stinky turn when anti- israel protesters became the grinch who stole christmas. cb cotton has the update on the weekend protest. >> sometimes rallies can be spontaneous leading to seems like this, a security guard was absolutely outnumbered at this upscale shopping mall in manhattan. pro- palestinian groups : people to protest at retail stores in recent weeks in an effort to disrupt the holiday shopping. organizers will as long as there is conflict in gaza, there should be no sense of normalcy in the states and this also happened. protesters heading inside this times square mcdonald's sounding shaman customers and employees, several pro- palestinian groups continue to call on people to boycott protest, several companies to include mcdonald's and starbucks is mcdonald's temporarily shutting down after protesters booted out and pepper sprayed by security. before all of this, we watched this crowd of demonstrators standing outside the american museum of natural history, organizers taking to social media to speak against beforehand accusing it of being complicit with the ongoing genocide in gaza. nypd kelly fox there drones have become acute key tool to monitor rallies as they continue. >> thank you very much. when in doubt, pull the pepper spray out. [laughter] millennium. christmas shopping may not be so merry this year, a lot of americans think they will skip buying gifts because of the rising cost of everything. people are paying up to deck the halls like the all-american christmas tree. the going rate for christmas tree is between 80 to $100. that's a 10% increase from 2022. i hear you are not scaling back, you're getting all of us if we are lucky. >> they got great deals on sixth avenue, really good price. i guess we are always cheap with christmas. the best way to go cheap is to cut down the christmas tree and highway medians, great place you got all over america or you can get one in your backyard and that saves you $100 this year. >> well said. i am a big fan of making things for people whether it is -- no one wants me to do that. >> i make sweet potato pie, do you know what i did last night? a triple batch of eggnog with rum and brandy and. i'm not a calculator, is it still fermenting somewhere? directly eggnog is for you but what you do your trying to save a few bucks, still be generous? >> i spare people a homemade pumpkin pie, no one needs to fear or risk that but i think one thing we are seeing across america is salvation army reporting this need for angel takes. this is happening in denver where 10000 gives they are trying to work on getting out to kids in my home city in massachusetts they had over 500 tags they were trying to fill and get out and in texas they are talking about this as well, across north texas, salvation army with tags for tens of thousands of angels in need so if you are someone a little more fortunate, there are opportunities to help those this year who aren't affected by utilities being higher, inflation in the cost of food, by making your own eggnog and the things you got to buy. >> still expensive. eggs. you are lucky if you can get a dozen eggs for 5.99. >> inflation is real. >> it's needed and the nog. and then you not. [laughter] one thing you can do is make memories with your family members and friends, i love the idea of giving. when you give coming who doesn't need it, it's a great feeling, it's charitable, one of the great things about our culture and society. one of the most giving nations on the planet but make memories with their families. we decide to look for trips for next year, things to do the gift becomes is not just about christmas, it what you do is says we are going to look back years from now and say we did it make my daughter asked for august but i think i will give her memory instead. >> with eggnog and she will know the difference. >> she is a minor child. >> start the early. [laughter] one of the best things you can give kids, there's a book called the gift of nothing and you can call them on that for years. >> is that why your children still aren't speaking to you? [laughter] >> perhaps. >> what a memory. plenty of cold to go around, coming up next, living on mars is one step closer to reality thanks to our friend ai. is this a giant leap for mankind or are we all doomed? the "big weekend show" debate next. ♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", good life on mars be one step closer to reality thanks to ai? scientists finding robots have the ability to produce oxygen on the red planet. this is so fascinating, the whole thing is if you took a robot with you to mars they could look at the available content on mars and figure out how to make oxygen faster than stupid humans could but my question is, if ai could do that on mars, why couldn't they fix problems like homelessness on sixth avenue? >> molecules and atoms instead of homelessness, scientifically tough. i like ai is a tool and i see we are experiencing some of mars and water, a lot of frozen area and elements we found. the question is can they make it tolerable, the right mix for us? is there enough? i'll admit i am a space junkie, i love the stuff, i would like to see it go forward and who knows, maybe some day david bowie will be more than just the song. >> if you ask it like a rocket scientist about going to mars, the first question, you may want to come back. >> that's what they tell people thinking about the so torn, if you like people and want to come home, don't do it but if you like being a loner and want to go away forever then go to mars which is a select group, i don't know if that fun to party with but i sure david's field, i am optimistic about what ai is going to do for us. we seen exponential leaves and capabilities in the last year end a half so imagine where we will be in three years and problems it will solve and i think if you trust ai, i'd rather hear from ai than greta tune burger or aoc or john kerry, he needs to close his claptrap about client change. >> it sounds like you are throwing shade on explorers h here. you don't want to party with them? shutting who doesn't want to be around people? >> i'm thinking one who's going to go to mars. >> that doesn't mean i want to have you over. >> she's not making the time commitment for mars. >> would you go to mars? >> i would not go to mars. i have kids and that sounds like it would take too long. >> i don't trust ai. we are crawling into ai's plot. we been warned about ai, ai could destroy us and now will give us oxygen and moved to mars. it potentially could be part of this brilliant plan ai is ahead of us on. >> obviously the other thing is you have to figure out how to ponder and i think the red planet is closer to the sun. >> we figure out hydroponics for pawnshops so i think we could work on space and mars. we've come a long way for for the record, i do a lot of these commanders and astronauts are great party animals but in defense of the guys like charlie or tom hendricks. >> he knows how to party. >> but definitely knows how to party so there you go. >> you were knocking him. >> but not knock buzz. >> nobody not bus domestic around, the big four is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", it is time for the big four, picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. we'll go first. postseason snow promote the college football playoffs, michigan versus ava, washington versus texas but many people are shocked georgia and undefeated florida state left out of the mix. college football fans are up in arms, this is not the playoff scenario we anticipated and some big names and programs left out of the mix. alabama. david. [laughter] >> undefeated. it's wrong. house speaker johnson says a vote on impeachment inquiry for president but could come this week. here he is on "fox & friends" weekend. >> we are being stonewalled because they are preventing at least two to three d.o.j. witnesses coming north, formal vote on the floor will allow us to take it to the next necessary step to think of something we have to do. >> do you have the votes to formally start and impeachment? >> i believe we will. >> you couldn't impeach alexander mayorkas, i just had to go about it but could you please start? there's enough evidence it wasn't fake, it wasn't collusion, post story was real. i think all of america knows this but i have nothing else to say. >> i think of a lot to say. [laughter] >> squad member pramila jayapal once president biden saying pro-israel stance against hamas will cost him votes in 2024. >> the way the handling of the war started was unfortunately such that it has alienated huge communities but the united states has his reputation globally and if we alienate our allies in the middle east, it's awkward to help us ensure president biden wins domestically at home. >> she's not wrong about the fact that democrats have a problem on the hands but they created this monster. >> u.s. department of education's office for civil rights opening and investigation into harvard joining a long list of elite schools and one is imploring education to expand its probe on raging anti-semitism they believe is happening at their alma mater. a letter of the civil rights highlighting anti-semitic israel protests saying both are in disguise calls for the murder of jews and israelis to date, no indication harvard has taken action in response to these threats against jews and israelis speaking specifically about called maybe a bullhorn to globalize and of course the mantra we are hearing from the river to the sea, the mantra denounced by the president. >> absolutely right but not if you listen to pramila jayapal. we have a big and exciting announcement for the "big weekend show" family. meet guys nonsense bundle of joy. look at that sweetheart. conrad james, 8 pounds, 12 ounces. big, beautiful baby boy. a lot of with her dog, roy. guy fenton and his wonderful husband welcomed their baby boy into the world last week. they are an incredible family and by all reports, i do have sources embedded deeply in my sources are telling me exclusively conrad is a phenomenal baby already and already doing a great job starting his life as a wonderful sleeper, congratulations all. that doesn't for us, see you next, life, liberty and levin starts right now. ♪

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Issue , School Choice , Schools , Parent , Businesses , Classroom , Thing , Response , Shooter , Key , Doctor Spiegel , Parents , Advice , Conversations , Terrifying , Stay Inside , Conversation , Pediatrician , Doctor Siegel , Things , Everyone , Cold , Most , Masks , Anything , Pause , Alarmism , Bit , Language , New York Times , Health Officials , Idea , Has , Don T Fret What S Happening , Everything , Jeanette Ashlock , Kids , Someone , Sense , Precautions , Immune Economize , Don T Panic , Home , Hands , Picture Thing , Supply , History , Drug , Side , 80 , Ingredients , Care , Drugs , Problem , Stuff , Anyone , Vitamin C , Guts , Football Players , Play , Pharmaceutical Cocktail , Ads , Role , Big Pharma , Cure , John Legend , Money , Some , Lockdown , Stars , Game , Doctor , Immunity System , Nature , 100 , City , Producers , Public Service , Governments , Announcements , Pharmaceuticals , Shots , Taxpayers , Hysteria , Power , Pandemic , State Of Emergency , Questions , Freedom , Target , Taxes , Next , Attacks , Drones , Forces , Defense Secretary , Fighters , Attack , Iranian , Middle East , Worship Shoots , Shot , Obama , U S Navy , Word , Red Sea , Proxies , Correspondent Lucas Tomlinson , U S Central Command , None , Kennedy Center Honors , Uss Cornyn , Kennedy Center , Guided Missile Destroyer , Officials , Vessels , Proxy , Backed , Seven , Three , Missiles , In The Red Sea , Corneal , Drunk , Quote , Drone , Uss Officer , On Board , Object , Information Center , Institute , Ronald Reagan , Lloyd , Troops , Personnel , Joe Petito , Costs , Spokesman , U S Army , Deterrence , Needs , Adversary , Order , Capability , Mind , Two , Will , Term , Spain , 75 , Sea , Drone Strike , Middle , Summer , Warships , Pentagon , Iraq , U S Military , Reports , Self Defense , Changes , Rocket , Movements , Bodies Of Water , She Shutdown , Shutdown Dozens , Backed Proxies , Uss Arnie , Cruise Missiles , Roxy , 2 Million , 32 Million , Wall , Right , Counterattacks , Yemen , Secretary Of Defense , Firing Missiles , Tar Targets , Little , Dumps , Missile , Military Options , Coast , Bertram , 32000003 , Dozens , Want , Persian Gulf , Super Hornets , Uss Eisenhower , Options , Airstrikes , Syria , F 16s , United Arab Emirates , F 15s , 15 , 16 , Question , Uss Carney , Security Forces , Kind , Rates , Security Duties , Insurance , Supp , South , Top , Enough , Dangerous Watters , Gulf Of Aden , Pirates , Crew , Ship , Save Room , Rooms , Sacrum , Laughter , Navy , Captain , Course , Pop , Yesterday Syncom , Viewers , Photo , Wasn T Shutdown , Small Cessna , Logic , Child Gender Transitions , Push , Latest , Way , Mistakes , Born This Way , Genders , Op Ed , Words , Thoughts , Thousands , Transitioning , Corners , Panic , Court , Fear , Being Human , Whatever , Story , Brief , Argument , 4000 , Child , Justification , Castration , Form , Gender Dysphoria , Counseling , Puberty Blockers , Involvement , Surgery , Mutilation , Attempt , Freedom Of Choice , Garbage , Article , Stage One , Sponge Soaking Up , Frontal Lobe , 20 , Issues , Opinion Piece , Lydia , Lives , Portion , Decisions , Gender Identity , Parallels , Race , Stakes , Decision , Swimming , Difference , Publication , Sixth Grade , Mastectomy , 11th Grade , 11 , Gender , Body , Bell You Cannot Unring , Steps , Feeling , Longing , Step , Family Members , Surgeries , Kindness , Curiosity , Matter , Face , Western Europe , Transition , Community , Ways , Don T , Discussion , Terminus , Age , Voices , Church , State Exploring Bands , Both , Option , Regrets , Depth , Chloe Cole , Nobody , Place , Procedures , Suicide , Impressionable , Charlie , Author , Fact , Chance , Notes , Belief , Emotions , Sterility , Vice A Versa , Boys , Toys , Girls , The , Parenting , Nose Job , Adult , Kid , Baby , Whole , Rest , Baby Carriage , Process , Benefit , Lessons , Writer , Respect , Choice , Business , Poison , Hope , Jennifer Gray , Child Protective Services , Door , Note , Career Employee Model Plasty , Bodies , Differences , Doesn T Change , Potential , Wrong , Rhinoplasty , Woman , Wouldn T Advocate For Children Getting Plastic Sur Surgery , 18 , Economics , Folks , Deck The Halls , Protesters , Israel , Weekend Protest , Cb Cotton , New York City , Grinch Who Stole Christmas , Groups , Leading , Security Guard , Shopping Mall , Manhattan , Organizers , Normalcy , States , Stores , Holiday Shopping , Conflict , Gaza , Protest , Employees , Customers , Companies , Mcdonald S , Sounding Shaman , Times Square , Palestinian , Social Media , Security , Demonstrators , Crowd , Starbucks Is Mcdonald S , Pepper Sprayed , American Museum Of Natural History , Tool , Genocide , Rallies , Kelly Fox , Nypd , Doubt , Pepper Spray Out , Christmas Tree , Cost , Gifts , Rate , Halls , All American Christmas Tree , 00 , Sixth Avenue , Back , Increase , Deals , 2022 , 10 , Fan , Backyard , Highway Medians , Eggnog , Calculator , Triple Batch , Brandy , Rum , Sweet Potato Pie , Somewhere , Bucks , Salvation Army , Pumpkin Pie , Need , Angel , Risk , Tags , Denver , Well , North Texas , Massachusetts , 500 , 10000 , Aren T , Tens Of Thousands , Angels , Opportunities , Inflation , Eggs , Food , 5 99 , Nog , It S A Great Feeling , Memories , Friends , Giving , Culture , Gift , Families , Planet , Nations , Trips , Memory , Daughter , Nothing , Book , Friend Ai , Living On Mars , Giant Leap , Reality , Mankind , Debate Next , Life On Mars , Reality Thanks , One Step Closer , Ai , Mars , Oxygen , Robots , Robot , Scientists , Content , Ability , Red Planet , Homelessness , Why Couldn T , Humans , Atoms , Molecules , Elements , Area , Space Junkie , David Bowie , Rocket Scientist , Song , Group , Loner , Field , Problems , Capabilities , Half , Leaves , Tune Burger , Client Change , Claptrap , Aoc , John Kerry , Shade , Doesn T Want , Shutting , Explorers H , Commitment , I Don T Trust Ai , Plot , Plan Ai , Son , Space , Pawnshops , Hydroponics , The Sun , Commanders , Tom Hendricks , Defense , Guys , Astronauts , Record , Party Animals , Bus , Buzz , Big Four , College Football , Stories , Playoffs , Michigan , Versus Ava , Postseason Snow , Mix , Florida State , Undefeated , Fans , Versus Texas , Georgia , Playoff Scenario , Arms , Programs , Names , Vote , Impeachment Inquiry , Fox Friends , Stonewalled , Johnson , House Speaker , Votes , Floor , Witnesses , Couldn T Impeach Alexander Mayorkas , Impeachment , Evidence , Wasn T Collusion , Wasn T Fake , Pramila Jayapal , Squad , Stance , Hamas , Handling , War , 2024 , Communities , Reputation , Allies , U S Department Of Education , Monster , Investigation , Office For Civil Rights , Probe , Anti Semitism , Rights , Education , Alma Mater , Harvard , Action , Indication , Threats , Murder , Disguise Calls , Israelis , Jews , Bullhorn To Globalize , Mantra , River , Bundle Of Joy , Announcement , Sweetheart , Conrad James , 12 , 8 , Beautiful Baby Boy , Guy Fenton , Baby Boy , Dog , Husband , World , Roy , Sources , Job , Congratulations , Sleeper , Liberty ,

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