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everybody. thanks so much for joining us this morning. welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. communist china and america's national security, new worries this morning over another virus in china and a potential cover-up to come. china is masking up once again as gop senators call for travel restriction from the communist country. coming up, south dakota governor kristi noem on the china threat. then, the new virus just in time for america's next presidential election. is the ccp trying to keep joe biden in the white house and interfere in the u.s. election? as former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe told me last month. >> dissented from the intelligence community's majority and said how china was trying to influence the outof the 2020 election, and that has been corroborated. the fbi has walked back intention and said, no, china did try and interfere, continues to try and interfere in elections. and that's going to continue to be the case. maria: coming up, joe biden's response to china's aggression. is the commander in chief compromised as house republicans charge at a critical time for america? if house oversight committee chairman james comer with what he calls damning new ed of bank records -- evidence of bank records and e-mails suggesting bribery. plus, china is also at the wide open border as dangerous drug cartels are running america's southern border. new efforts to stop texas from protecting citizens and the worst night of illegals yet flooding into arizona. texas governor greg abbott is here responding to the a federal appeals court demanding he remove those buoys in the rio grande with exclusive new numbers of illegals crossing into america as the drug cartels push drugs and human trafficking into the country. then, millions of gotaways stopping first in arizona, and the biggest night yet in terms of apprehensions there. arizona senate candidate kari lake on the impact of joe biden's open border. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with new fears gripping the country over a new and unknown respiratory virus spreading throughout china right now. it is sparking calls this weekend to restrict travel from the communist nation. in a letter to president biden, republican senators led by florida senator marco rubio asked the president to restrict travel to the united states from china, accusing the communist party of potentially hiding information again about another a unknown illness, this one respiratory-related affecting children. the senators, including ohio's j.d. sanction, florida's rick scott write this: the chinese communist party has a long history of lying about public health crises is. during the covid-19 pandemic, the ccf's on to fuss case of the truth and lack of transparency robbed the united states of vital knowledge about the disease and its origins. they continue: a ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, mandates and further outbreaks later. cdc director mandy cohen told congress on thursday there is, quote, no new or novel pathogen behind the wave of pediatric respiratory illness spreading throughout china right now. >> what we know as of right now, today, what's happening in china, they are having an increase in some of their respiratory illness. they're seeing it in the northern part of their country, an uptick in their pediatric population. what we do know, again as of today, we do not believe this is a new or novel pathogen. we believe this is all existing meaning covid, flu, rsv, but they are seeing an upsurgeons. maria: back in america, at least two states -- ohio and massachusetts -- have so far reported a spike in pneumonia-red lighted outbreaks in children. -- pneumonia-related outbreaks. but the national security threat from china has gone beyond the covid cover-up, the surveillance of american, intellectual property theft and china's propaganda war to also now include a potential threat to america's food supply through china's ownership of american farmland. according to the u.s. department of agriculture, china owns nearly 400,000 acres of land in the united states new the end of 2021. that's nearly double the size of new york city. joining me right now on the national security threat of communist china controlling u.s. farmland is south dakota governor kristi noem. governor, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> oh, good morning, maria. thank you for inviting me to talk about such an important topic. maria: exactly. i know that you're backing this bill which would ban china from owning u.s. land. but let me ask you right here, do you think right now is the time to restrict travel from china as well? >> you know, it's interesting, i think that it is something that they need to be evaluating. when you look at the viruses that we obviously have a history in coming overseas and impacting the united states, we need to remember as a well that china controls 80% of the supply of our prescription drug ingredients as well. so not only do they outsource their viruses to the united states, then they also control the ingredients and the drugs that we need many to take care -- need to take care of americans when they do get sick. we're extremely vulnerable during our winter months. we need our prescriptions, our antibiotics, our babies need amoxicillin to get through difficult times such as facing these viruses, and the fact that china controls that supply chain as well should be very concerning. maria: well, you're right. and during the covid-19 pandemic, we learned they will use it against us. they had their, quote-unquote, media which is, of course, state-run propaganda say in a tweet, well, maybe we end won't send those prescription drugs that america so badly needs to america right now. during the pandemic when we were most in need of them. talk to us about this bill that you're backing preventing the ccp and others, adversaries, from owning u.s. farmland in america. what is the threat? >> you know, it's incredible, maria, in just a 10-year period, we saw china increase their purchases of american ag land, increased by 5300%. they aggressively changed their tactics to start buying up our land, and they're buying it near our strategic air force bases, our national defense resources, and they're doing it in a way to continue to build this agenda to destroy the united states of america. they want to become the world dominating power. the only way that they do that is by eliminating the united states of america. so for 25 years, i've worked on food point i've watched them buy up our fertilizer and chemical companies, they own our processing systems, now they're purchasing up our land, and america needs to wake up and recognize that aggressive action needs to happen. we've been working to address it in our state, but congress can needs to take action. that's why i'm supporting chairman gallagher's bill. i'm asking him to put it in the national defense authorization act. it would make sure any kind of land purchase would be value waited and that safe -- cfius would have the authority to make sure that it stops and does not happen if it impacts here in the united states. maria: of course 789 governor, this could not be more important, and yet joe biden has all of these meetings with xi jinping, and none of these issues ever come up. >> no. and it's interesting to me, maria with, when -- [laughter] the first headline i saw after that meeting that he had with xi jinping was that we may get pandas back. that's how unfocused this administration is on what our true threats are. and, you know, china has a long been stealing our ip, manipulating our currency against us. when i was in congress, i worked on trade agreements with them, and they were incredibly unfair and manipulating their regulatory practices against us. but this move the last several years that china has made by purchasing and owning our mineral supplies, our prescription supplies and now our land and our food supply, make no mistake, we could in a couple of years here recognize that we are under the control of the ccp, that communist china has more authority in the united states of america. and that's why i get out of bed every day, the make sure that my kids and grandkids have the opportunity to live in an america that the i had the chance to grow up in and be free. maria: so what can we do about this, governor? in terms of the farmland that the ccp already owns, can america just seize it? can we transfer it to american owners? what are the options here? >> yeah, i think, absolutely. if we understand that the ccp owns this farmland, first of all, we can't allow the sale to go forward. there's an evaluation step that can happen before the purchase ever happens. then we can go forward and force them to sell or penalize them and encourage them to divest. aye also been asking van guard and other investment companies to create an emerging markets fund that does not include china, you know? so many of our statements have investments that we have for our pensions and individuals as well that want to invest their money into funds that do not support china, and we've been asking those to do so is as well, the change those funds and allow us to do it. and it hasn't happened yet, so that's another area where congress could take action. they've so is infiltrated our society that so many of our retirement funds, our pension funds are supporting communist china as well, and we need congress to step up and force vanguard, force these other retirement companies the not call china an emerging market anymore. it's not an emerging market. it's a dominating power, and they need to be in a different fund so that we can divest from them. we did it years before from sudan and iran. it happened. we can do this again. it's not remaking the wheel. and i'd ask them to do that as well. i've got congressman dusty johnson who has brought a bill that i've asked him to, and i'm proud of him for doing that, that will do exactly that, and i'm hopeful that will gain support in congress as well. maria: this is ap issue that i have talked about as a well. i don't know why we don't use that economic lever to push back on this aggression from communist china. ours are the most deepest and the most liquid markets in the world, and we've got all of these chinese companies that are in our indexes and enabling investors, american investors, to actually fund the expansion of our number one adversary. the thrift fund has been an issue for sure, and we did get one victory on the thrift fund that they're going to allow, you know, people to talk that option out -- take that option out in terms of buying china. why not more? if why are -- why is the treasury so afraid of pulling that economic lever? shutting off our capital markets? >> yeah. this treasury or, obviously, is influenced by lobbying efforts that have their own self-interests in mind, not america first policies. we need a change in the white house, and we need a white house that's determined to protect america. and instead, stop funding these communist countries that want to destroy us. that's the reality of it, and that's what we need to be talking about to allow us to continue to be safe and secure. maria: governor, thanks very much for all your efforts on this. great to talk with you this morning. thank you. >> you too, maria. have a wonderful day. maria: and to you. south dakota governor kristi noem. quick break, and then chinese nationals are also taking advantage of america's wide open border with apprehensions of military-aged men from china in the nos just -- thousands just in the last few months. who's directing them to come here, and why is president biden allowing illegals to flood america's to border? >> -- evidence for the last three years, there is a complete dereliction of duty when you see all these different concerns and threats to public safety and national security not only with those that have ties to terrorism, chinese national, the gotaways, criminals from other countries that have violent backgrounds, cartel members and threats to the american people. fentanyl is coming across our border borders. maria: texas governor greg abbott is here on how the dangerous drug cartels are controlling entree into america and why he's endorsing president lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. harry and david is small batch, gourmet, and delicious. so of course, they run out fast. whether you want to say thank you, i love you, or just happy holidays. send something special, beautiful, and delicious. order your harry and david favorites now before they're gone. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. something unexpected has arrived from experian. the new experian smart money™ debit card and digital checking account. it finds payments that could raise your credit scores without the debt. get your new experian smart money™ account through the experian app. maria: welcome back. new efforts this morning to stop texas from defending itself from the impact of a flood of illegal migrants, drugs and would-be terrorists at the southern border in texas. a federal appeals court on friday ordering the state to remove a 1,000-foot floating barrier installed back in july and intended to block illegal migrants from swimming across from mexico into texas, crossing the border illegally. texas has borne much of the brunt of biden's open border policy which has seen a record 8 million illegal border crossings under the biden administration. border sources telling griff jenkins for the fiscal year nearly 475,000 migrants have been encountered. this is just since the end of october. in addition to the floating barrier and in an effort to alleviate drain on financial and social resources in texas, the governor has also sent nearly 70,000 migrants on buses to sanctuary cities across the country. joining me now with the state's response is texas governor greg abbott. governor, thanks very much for joining us this morning. >> always a pleasure. thank you, maria. maria: how will you respond to this federal appeals court demanding you remove those buyy -- buoys? >> >> listen, with all due respect, the appeals court got it wrong, and the reason is because they relied upon a law more than 1000 years old saying we could not -- 100 saying we could not deploy these buoys because the waterway is categorized as a navigable waterway, which is absurd because it is not navigable by definition. when you have literally thousands of people able to walk across it every single day. it's not used for transportation of boats up and down that riverway, and so it's completely not navigable. we had a majority democrats who were on that panel making that decision. what texas is going to be doing, and we will be seeking what's called an unbuffed ruling by the entire district court of appeals, and if we lose there, we will take it to the united states supreme court because we know that texas has the right to legally deploy those buoys in the water to prevent people from entering our country and state illegally. maria: so you're not backing down, and you're prepared to take this all the way up to the supreme court then. >> absolutely. maria: okay. let me get your take on the assessment today of the southern border. we know that we've seen new numbers of would-be terrorists coming through. what can you tell us about the ap a rementions told? is it the worst it's been, or has it been alleviated a bit? >> well, i'll tell you a couple things very interesting. for one, the problem is extraordinarily bad. the numbers are high, and it's because with joe biden continues to lay out the welcome mat, welcoming illegal immigrants into the united states of america. that said, what we've seen in our numbers in the state of texas is because of the wall that we have built, because of these razor wire barriers that we have built, texas is now no longer the number one illegal entry point. it is the tucson sector, the san diego sector in other states. and texas is causing the cartels to have to alter e their routes. their routes where people are coming across the border illegal legal -- illegally. that said, texas is having to step up and do even more to make sure we deny illegal entry into the state of texas. and and as a result, maria, in two weeks i'll be signing a new law in the state of texas that will make it illegal for people to enter the is state of texas from another country illegally and authorizing every peace officer in the state of texas to aa rest those people -- i arrest those people having our country illegally. maria: well, what you just said is so critical, telling us that this crisis e has gone beyond texas. it's not just texas now. you're talking about arizona being a critical issue. we're going to talk with kari lake about that coming up. but i want to get your take on what you're going to do as a this court process plays out. in other words, you going to leave those buoys in place until the court process plays out when you take it, when you go back to the federal appeals court and then possibly the supreme court. >> so, maria, not only are we intending to try to keep the buoys remain in place, but we continue to be adding more barriers. maria with, we either have already built or have under construction more border wall than what the trump administration was able to put up. we are building these razor wire barriers with national guard standing behind them preventing illegal industry, and we will be passing -- entry, and we will be passing this law to arrest illegal immigrants coming into the state of texas. so we as a state continue to deploy more action fighting back against the biden administration's open border policies, doing everything ec -- we can to prevent illegal entry into our country. maria: governor, what can you tell us about these chinese nationals that are crossing into the country? this china threat is getting worse and worse. governor kristi noem is worried about the food supply, but we are all wondering why so many chinese nationals who are military-aged men if are using the southern border to enter into america right now. what can you tell us about that? >> listen -- welsh first, it is extraordinarily dangerous because, first of all, as you point out, we have people from china coming here. we also have people on the moan terrorist watch list -- known terrorist watch list who are coming across the border. there's extraordinary dangers caused to our country by biden's open border policies and, obviously, biden is doing nothing about it. that's why texas is having the step up and apprehend as many of these people as possible to make sure that they're not posing a threat to our country. but this is a very serious existential there threat to our country caused by joe biden, and that's exactly why texas is taking extraordinary steps to try to crack down on it. maria: and, you know, we just showed these new migrant numbers as of the end of november. i mean, this is just such a short period of time, and we're seeing the numbers spike in the new fiscal year. i know last week you were with president trump, you endorsed president trump. tell me about that meeting, why you had the 45th president in texas to talk about what was going on. we were in a much different situation under the trump administration. >> well, you're exactly right. and so president trump ginned me thanksgiving to thank the troops that texas has on the border, serving them thanksgiving meals, and i endorsed president trump at the time for the simple will be that americans need disturb simple reason that americans need to remember it was just four years ago under president trump that we had the lowest illegal border crossings in 40 years. and we had that low number because president trump put into place four very simple policies, the remain in mexico policy, the title 422 policy, the end of catch and release and the building of the border wall. and maybe you can add to that the fact that president trump said, listen, if you want to come to america legally, you can do so legally. if you're trying to come here illegally, you're not welcome here. what i do know is president trump, if he is reelected as president of the united states, because he has proven the ability to stop people from coming here illegally, he will be able to achieve that and restore normalcy and safety at our border ask and push back and deny the illegal entry of terrorists, of the chinese and people who pose a danger to our country. maria: it's just extraordinary. we were at a 40-year low under trump and now we're at a 20-year high under biden. were you praised that marjorie taylor greene's bill to impeach alejandro mayorkas actually failed? he's told us umpteen times that the border is secure. [laughter] >> for one, i am surprised that it failed because if ever this was anybody impeachable, it would be mayorkas for two reasons. one, he's failed to do his job in the, delaware branch, he's failed to execute the branch of the united states of america. that unto itself is an impeachment offense -- impeachable offense. but also because of his repeated lie about the safety and security of the border. he deserves to be immediately removed from office. maria: governor, thanks very much for your leadership on this. we are watching this closely and, of course, we recognize the national security threat that exists. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: texas governor greg abbott joining us this morn, in texas. coming up, the arizona impact. border sources tell me the gotaways typically go to tucson first. arizona republican senate candidate kari lake is here with the impact on her state. but first, china's aggression and america's lack of a response. joe biden fails to hold xi jinping accountable for just about anything, in matter a covid cover-up, a surveillance program on america, supporting u.s. adversaries iran and russia. biden is accepts it all. is it because he's compromised after accepting millions of dollars in an influence-peddling scheme? oversight committee chairman james comer is here. he released another smoking gun this week, and he is here with the impact of a potential compromised commander in chief as america gets tested once again on the world stage "i'll be seeing you" by the five satins ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the mercedes-benz holiday love celebration is here. now, through january 2nd. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. maria: welcome back. new and reportedly damning new evidence against the biden family over allegations of influence peddling, potential bribery and money laundering. house speaker mike johnson is preparing the announce a formal impeachment inquiry vote into president biden in the coming weeks before the house leaves for the holidays on december 15th after what he said has been weeks of stonewalling by the department of justice. as the house oversight committee chairman says his committee will be releasing a new report on their investigation into alleged biden family influence peddling. this week the committee released an e-mail sent by a bank money laundering manager who raised concerns over what he called unusual and erratic wires throughout several hunter biden-controlled bank accounts including the initial transfer of more than $5 million by a chinese company in 2017 that was described as a loan despite no documentation the of any loan agreement with 16 separate wires to follow to and from different biden-controlled accounts. the bank official went on in this e-mail the warn that recent news indicated china was targeting the children of politicians with sweetheart deals to purchase political influence, and hunter's spending on drugs and prostitutes was likely putting his family in a financial hole. adding specifically hunter biden's $1.5 billion deal with the chinese state to establish a private equity firm in which they managed the funds over time and make huge fees, but there are no services being rendered. the management company's purpose is to invest in companies that benefit chinese government. thus, the activity on the account appears unusual with no current business purpose. meanwhile, house democrats on the oversight committee circulated a memo on friday defending president biden saying in part this investigation has uncovered significant evidence showing that sow biden was not involved and did not profit from his family's business deals. joining me now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is congressman james comer i. mr. chairman, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> good morning. maria: what can you tell us about this e-mail from a bank investigator? he's trained for looking for money laundering, and he's flag all this suspicious activity in hunter biden's joint accounts. what is most damning here from your standpoint? >> well, this is a great snapshot for everyone in america to see what takes place in a bank making the decision to file if a suspicious activity report against a prominent person, against a politically-exposed person. remember, banks don't want to file these, maria, because when you do, it invites the bank examiners in, and that's the last people banks want to see or, are bank examiners. when you file a suspicious activity report against the son of the vice president of the united states with, the bank examiners are going to fly from wherever they are into that bank the next day and look into this. so they wanted to make sure they weren't making any mistakes, but they understood the potential criminality, the potential vulnerability the our national security. and, you know, when they saw the $5 million wire go to an investment fund is with no investments and they knew that the bidens had all these shell accounts, these accounts where they weren't real businesses, they were just, like, dormant accounts, you get a huge $5 million wire in, so they obviously reach out to the president's son and say, mr. biden, what is this $5 million wire? we need to know or we're going to have to notify the treasury cabinet of the suspicious if activity report. he said, oh, that's a loan. and they're like, oh, a loan? from china? okay, we need the loan documentation so that welcome, we can have that in the records for the bank examiners. and they said there were no loan documents. so the bank knew right away china didn't send someone in the united states, especially the son of a vice president of the united states, $5 million as a loan without any loan documentation or without any terms of the loan. and what we see here, maria, is this fits a pattern that we've been talking about on your show for months where the bidens were taking in, you know, millions of dollars from our pennys -- enemies around the world, and they were calling them loans because when you say a loan or you don't have to report that on your taxes. you don't have to notify the irs. this was the way the bidens were trying to sneak money in, and at the end of the day, they weren't paying taxes on it. but the bank examiner realized this was a bad deal. not only is this money laundering and tax evasion, but this is how china comes in and buys politicians off. they give huge sums of money the suggest -- vulnerable family member. and they mentioned in the e-mail hunter biden was susceptible because with he was on drugs, he was in financial trouble, and they knew this because his ex-wife said that in an interview. maria: yeah. and they're talking about politically-exposed person, pep, which is hunter biden. i don't understand why you have had to take so long to actually get a vote to inpeach -- impeach, get this impeachment inquiry going. do you feel you have the votes within the house to get a formal impeachment inquiry? >> i do. and i had a reporter ask, well, what's changed, you know, because the press has been writing we didn't have the votes forever. i'll tell you one thing cha -- that changed, we were in washington, d.c. for about 10 weeks, and there's about 10-15 moderates that worry about what cnn says, and they were getting in their head, maria. a great thing happened during thanksgiving, the members went home, many of them for the fist time and circulated for the first time in over 10 weeks, and they met people in walmart and on main street, and they're, like, what in the world have the bidens done to receive millions and millions of dollars from our enemies around the world, and did they not pay taxes on it? so they heard from their constituents. yes, we want you the move forward. we want the know the truth, and we expect the bidens to be held accountable for public corruption. so we are unifieded at a time i think our conference is broken in a lot of ways. the members have heard from their constituents back home. they have confidence in the credibility of our investigation and the mountains of evidence that we've accumulated, is i'm confident we're going to have the votes to move forward with this impeachment inquiry. maria: and you've got to have a near majority. the majority is so slim, even less now with george santos being expelled this week, or right? >> yeah, it's tough. i think we can lose one or two members. ken buck, he votes no on everything, he's certainly doing everything he can the try out to be the next anchor for msnbc. but at the end of the day, i think our members realize that this is of the utmost pomps. and we've done this right away -- utmost importance. it's been painful for many people in america that have kept up with this because they've seen the evidence for months and months that would warrant the impeachment inkauai writer -- inquiry formal vote, but now i think this last e-mail and helpfully some more stuff that may come out next week, people see there's just too much evidence here just to say, okay, well, that's that and move on to the next investigation. i mean, we're in the deposition phase, and one of the reasons we have to do this impeachment inquiry vote, maria, is hunter biden's legal team has already sent a letter implying that this wasn't a legitimate investigation because the impeachment inquiry hadn't been voted on. that was one of the things they were going to try to use in court to keep hunter biden from coming to be deposed. and, remember, we have to depose him because we have 5 or 600 specific questions about specific transaction a -- transactions that we need to know what they did to receive the millions and millions of dollars from to our enemies around the world and what level of involvement did joe biden have. maria: right. and, of course, last week we heard from if hunter biden's attorney who said, no, no, he wants to do it in a public forum. but in a public forum, that's very different than a closed door forum, right? closed door you can have hours to do follow-ups. in an open forum, you've got five minutes for each lawmaker. >> and we've already seen the democrats don't have the disposition to be able to conduct themselves appropriately. they scream and yell. the last impeachment inquiry hearing we had they filed two motions to adjourn. they entered the same thing in the record six times. i mean, they did everything they could to disrupt the committee hearing. we will have a public hearing with hunter biden. i'm very excited about a public hearing with hunter biden, and abby lowell can have both his clients, robert menendez on one side, hunter biden on the other, and they can talk about how innocent they are in their influence-peddling schemes. but at the end of the day, we have to depose these people. and i know the media says, oh, it's a closed door deposition. we will release the transcripts. if you look at the january 6th committee and both impeachment invests of president trump -- investigations of president trump in the last congress, they deposed everyone. and even jamie raskin when he was trying to get steve bannon in for a deposition, ban nonoffered the same thing and said we're not going to do a deposition, but we'll do a public hearing. jamie raskin said on crushes bs this week, i believe it was, or "meet the press," one of those shows, he said, oh, well, he might have a public hearing, but he's coming in for a deposition first because depositions are sub substantive. this is a credible, substancive investigation. we're going to have the deposition, and that's the difference in asking 35 questions versus asking 6-700 questions. maria: yeah, that's what i thought. and it's amazing to me that jimmy -- jamie raskin pushes back, even dan goldman seems to be the new adam schiff, trying to raise an issue oh the hunter biden laptop, trying to suggest it wasn't actually accurate again. i don't understand how your colleagues are not seeing the national threat and the national security issue that this influence peddling, potential corruption creates. >> you know, they've tried to mislead the american people with disinformation about everything in this investigation from day one, from the laptop being russian disinformation the where these bank records have somehow been manipulated by rued duh giuliani. -- rudy giuliani. i mean, it's laughable what the democrats are doing in their never ending pursuit of being the criminal defense attorney for the biden family. the american people get it, maria. poll after poll shows that two-thirds of americans believe that joe biden was involved in his family's criminal activity. that's serious. public corruption should be a bipartisan issue in congress. unfortunately, it's not with the democrats top house oversight committee. maria: do you believe that the reason that joe biden is so soft on china is because of all this money? >> i do. maria: yep? >> i do. i mean, there's no reason in the world why you would allow china to continue to do the things they're doing, the patents they're stealing, the currency they're manipulating -- maria: wow. >> -- the lack of transparency about covid-19. the list goes on and on and on -- maria: yeah. >> -- and he won't even mention it to president xi when they're in the same room. maria: unbelievable. mr. chairman, thanks very much for being here this morning. i know you'll have more information throughout the week, and we'll be there following it. thank you, sir. >> thank you. maria: chairman james comer this morning. quick break, and with the iowa caucuses 43 days away, voters are giving president biden a failing grade for his job performance on immigration, the economy and inflation. arizona republican senate candidate kari lake is here on what she's hearing from voters on the issues that matter. she's next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! ah mornings! cough? 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(♪) balsam hill. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ maria: welcome back. breaking news this morning from texas governor greg abbott responding to a federal appeals court directing texas to remove the buoy withs or the barriers set up in the rio brand to stem the flow of illegals flooding into the state i have in the -- via the open border. of the governor told me he will appeal that, and he is not backing down. all the way to the supreme court, if need by. -- if need be. the impact felt in cities and states across the country. in arizona this weekend, the most encounters ever seen. this tweet from the tucson sector chief, 17,500 encounters in a single week, that's 2,500 people a day. tomorrow customs and border protection set to close the border crossing station in lukeville, arizona, to allow agents to be shifted elsewhere along the border to deal with the surge of migrants crossing illegally into merge joining me in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is arizona republican senate candidate kari lake. thanks very much for joining us. assess what's happening in arizona for us. greg abbott told us it's now the tip of the spear. >> the worst border in the whole country is in arizona, the tucson sector. those numbers are shock. >>ing especially when you consider what they were a few years ago where we barely had anybody coming across illegally under or a great policy that president trump had put in. and if now we're seeing just one day, one morning, maria with, 950 people poured across in the tucson sector in one morning, and 71% were just adults. this is in the families coming across, and we do have those, but the majority of these people are fighting-age men. we are watching as we're being invaded, and we're seeing a foreign army, basically, pour across our border. we talk a lot about biden-flation, we have an invasion happening on the border in arizona, and it seems like we're not getting any attention from the white house, from d.c. we need to get this border wall completed. and just this week -- [inaudible conversations] this week, maria, remember, last time i was on i was talking about how the biden administration had welded open the gates so people could pour in? maria: yeah. >> just this week we saw cartel members moving in heavy equipment and literally chopping down parts of the wall. and a reporter was videotape ising it, and they were blowing her kisses and laughing. this is what's happening. the cartels own and control our southern border, and this is really, in my opinion, an act of war. maria: this is incredible, that we're not seeing any response from the biden white house. they will not return to the trump policies. can you give us a sense of life in arizona as a result of this? have the neighborhoods been affected right by that border? >> oh, or absolutely. a little town which is right on the arizona/mexico border used to have a population of 2,000, there are 15 families remaining. it's in cartel control. and so this is just one small town. nogales, i just took a group of mothers down there, or our moms for kari coalition. they wanted to see what was happening and how these people were ending up in places like new york city on buses or on airplanes with their free airline ticket and going all over the country. we went down to nogales where they process all these people and put them on buses x this is a town that tells me they're seeing people from all over the world, from asia, from china, from africa, and they're having trouble with the people who are just pouring onto the streets. they don't speak the language, they don't know where to put them because it's a town of 22,000 people. they can't handle the influx. we are going to see arizona forever changed because of this if we don't get serious and shut down this illegal activity and treat the cartels like the terrorist organizations that they are. maria: yeah. kari lake, i want to take a short break and come back and ask you more about elections and january 6th. stay with us, we're talking with arizona senate candidate kari lake. we'll be right i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. maria: welcome back. i am back with arizona senate candidate kari lake. kari, you've laid out all of these issues around the border, a very dangerous moment in time. but is this resonating on citizens there? if you're running for the senate right now. can you win? >> absolutely. i mean, the polling shows that it's pretty much a dead heat right now. it hooks like it's going to be a three-way race. i'm running against a radical democrat, and kyrsten sinema is the inincumbent, and she recently became an independent which is comical because she's voted with joe biden 100% of the time. is so the people in arizona are recognizing these democrat policies have done nothing to secure the border, they've done nothing except tear down our strong economy that president trump had us in, and and they're recognizing that these are destructive policies, and they want a change. they recognize that the people that have been in office like sinema and gallego is have vote vote for the destruction of our energy sector, have voted for a defunding of police that actually makes our streets less safe. maria: right. >> so i think the people of arizona are fed up and are ready for a big change. and the senate majority will hinge on this seat is. and i believe we can win it, and i think we can win it big. maria: and, of course, you are supporting president trump. and every time he's mentioned, the main stream. media goes after him over january 6th. i want to get your opinion here, because we're seeing new information about january 6th and the number of fbu informants who were in the -- fbi informants who were in the crowd. and now we're seeing this terrible treatment by some people just in washington, had nothing to do with it. what's your assessment there? >> it's terrible, what happened. i mean, this, to me, is one of the great injustices in american history. we have people who are rotting in this d.c. prison. jake lang, he's been there almost three years. he's never had a trial, he's rotting in prison. he's just one of dozens upon dozens of people. and now we're starting to see this video pour out, the 40 plus thousand hours that mike johnson is finally putting out, and he needs to put all of it out quickly, and we're seeing the treatment that these people who were just there protesting, peacefully protesting, we saw a grandmother being thrown down a flight of stairs by capitol police. we're seeing people being beaten by capitol police. now, we want to get to the bottom of it because we don't want american citizens held as political prisoners, and that's what we have right now. we've got to get to the bottom of this. the conditions inside that d.c. jail are medieval, and we can't forget these men when are being held right now. trespassing charges, and you facing more than a year behind bars or eight years behind bars. meanwhile, these pro-hamas protesters who were defacing property like the white house or in the capitol got slapped on the wrist and all of their charges dropped. it doesn't make any sense. it's a two-tier level of justice, and the american people are wisenning up to it. maria: yeah. and you also have james comer with me just a few moments ago talking about the weaponization, that they're getting stonewalled. the doj is playing politics on all of this. >> it's happening everywhere. president trump, i'm honored to have his endorsement in this, but he says it all the time, they're not really after me, they're after you. i'm just standing in the way. maria: right. kari lake, thanks very much. arizona senate candidate kari lake. thank you. that'll do it for usen ott "sunday morning futures." i'll see you tomorrow morning on [sneeze] dude you coming? 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