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♪ ♪ can you hear me. ♪ i have been so good this year. >> it's embarrass. rachel: look at your side, will. >> i have one cup of coffee. >> your area is a problem. [laughter] >> we're not even talking about the shot you're looking at here. >> we know we're on tv. good time to clean up. welcome to the fourth and final hour of "fox & friends." rachel: this is how they thank me for buying them breakfast, complain that my stuff is out. [laughter] >> get this out of here. napkins. >> thank you for breakfast. >> she did order it for us. >> we got the quiet stare. >> she said she was ordering breakfast and she did and it came on time and she got it properly and we're impressed by had that. >> appreciate that. rachel: thank you, pete. nicer than will's clean up your space hall monitor over had here. >> i said thank you for breakfast and i got the squint stare like this. [laughter] >> he goes you finally ordered breakfast and got it on time, like dig, dig, dig, passive aggressive comment and you said thank you, pete. [laughter] >> that seems right. >> and there is our relationship. >> right there. we're glad you're here with us. rachel: fourth hour. >> all morning long. fourth hour. it's the eighth hour of agent on this weekend. rachel: -- of eight on this weekend. rachel: it goes by fast. >> new york looks christmassy right now, especially our block. rachel: it does. >> a lot of people are out. it's a nice time to come to new york. rachel: it actually is. i did go last weekend -- you were talking about the rockets. i went with my girls. will thought had they don't wear pants. they do wear tight. >> it's not inappropriate shall obviously. rachel: it's the most whole some thing in new york city. it absolutely is. in fact, i think before christmas we should have the rockettes in here. >> we have had them here before. we had a segment on 12 days of christmas and we talked about the eight ladies dancing. my uncle said bring in the eight maid's amilkin and it will save you money. rachel: i like your uncle's thinking. >> i don't think there's anywhere safe to go from the here. >> you're on the edge with us here as we make the best of christmas analogies to explain the inflation we're facing. rachel: it is bad. we have people on the campaign trail trying to the replace this administration that has taken us from record breaking economy to 20% inflation and all kinds of problems all the way to people still paying for last year's -- i thought that was remarkable, off the wall. >> one in four americans -- rachel: 20% of americans. >> have christmas card debt from last year. rachel: what's the percentage of people who said they're not going to buy gifts this year. >> one in three. rachel: one in three are considering not buying gifts. thank you, joe biden. donald trump was by the way in iowa and this is what he had to say about the weaponization of government against him as he is trying to the run and replace joe biden, joe biden's prosecutors and all kinds of allies of his have really attacked the president with some very unfair trials y according o donald trump -- unfair charges, you i should say. this is what he has to say about the weaponization of the government in america today. >> since joe biden has got in been weaponizing the government against his political proponent. the banana republic ends on november 5th, 2024. [cheers and applause] >> biden and radical left allies like to pose as defenders of democracy but joe biden is not the defender of american democracy, joe biden is the destroyer of american democracy and it's him and his people, they're the wreckers of the american dream, the american dream is dead with them in office. it's sad. over the past few years, you've watched biden and his band of marxist communist fascists try to crush free speech, censor their critics, criminalize dissent, destroy attorney/client privilege which is something they never thought they had would see in this country. >> you know, we said this recall yesterday in the show, whether or not it's accusing people of racism, accusing people of being anti-science while being anti-science and racest themselves. unleashing power on political opponents and dissent, that's a threat to democracy. >> this is the first candidate ever to try to win the iowa caucuses by having to campaign from a courtroom in new york city. because his political owe pone innocents -- opponents decided it's unacceptable that donald trump be the president of the united states. he's ahead of the entire pack of the republican field. we have almost six weeks left. we have been talking about the possibilities of what could change in the field. the one san card is that trump's a-- standard is that trump's ahead. rachel: he's doing very well. he's right to point out -- i love his language. i think that's what frightens a lot of people about him, he calls it out. the left removed their mask, they're out and saying who they are on the streets of new york. donald trump is out there saying they're fascist, they're communists, this is the kind of stuff we saw had in banana republics and the soviet union where you use the government to go after a opponents so they can't compete with you fairly in an election and that's where we're at right now. >> we gave the news had that george santos reported out of the republican party, out of congress. he said he's going to go after fellow new york republicans, a list of them. >> ones who voted to expel him. rachel: yeah. >> and report dirt on them to the ethics committee. those are the four george santos said he will go after, mike lawler, nicholas lulada, nicole malliotakis and rob menendez. we heard from john fetterman pointed out, get rid of santos you have to look at menendez. saturday night live gave us his farewell address. >> if i'm guilty of anything, it's for loving too much/fraud. you want he me so say i'm lost,m humiliated, fine, i'm no longer congressman santos, i'm regular old professor major reverend at troastronaut santos, protecter f the relm and genovia. seems to me like i live my life like a scandal in the wind, never knowing who to cling to when the law closed in. ♪ and i would have liked to have known you. ♪ but i'm a different guy. ♪ my name is carlos done kin hines. ♪ don't -- dunkin hines,. ♪ don't look me up, i died. rachel: i think somewhere george santos is watching that clip and loving it. [laughter] rachel: he loves that he's on snl and they're mocking him in that way. >> he loves the attention. he seemingly did not love the vote for being expelled yesterday. >> professor major general protecter of the realm, astronaut. [laughter] >> so there you have it. i wonder -- it does make you think what -- there will be a next chapter of george santos and i don't think it will -- it's not going to be politics. i mean, you've seen second and third a acts. will, what -- play it forward. >> i can't. >> there's going to be something. >> yeah. rachel: i would love to have them on -- it's going to be fabulous. i would like it to be pop culture roundup, was about that? >> yeah, book him. absolutely. book him for pop culture roundup. rachel: i bet h bet he would bu awesome. i bet he would be fabulous. >> maybe a that will be his first stop. >> here's another piece of news. we have alluded to it earlier in the show. new york times columnist was dismissive about the idea of gender transition, like quitting the swim trim, like let kids make mistakes a and if they regt it later, no big deal. that's the their perspective. there's a new propose hhs health and human services rule, guideline, about parents who can be foster care parents and whether kids could be placed in certain homes based on the beliefs in those homes. here's the proposed foster care placement requirement rule change from the hhs. it says this. to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider, the parents, is expected to utilize the child's identified pronouns chosen name and allow the child to dress in an age appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self identified gender i'd identity and expression. >> oh, man. >> rachel, as you've talked about this is not the first step, this is yet another step of basically saying accept the government or left wing view of gender to include young children, otherwise you as parents are unfit and your kids will be taken from you. rachel: this has so many ramifications. so first of all, you're going to get less foster parents and we know we have a foster care problem. you know that as well. pete -- will, we talk a lot about foster care in america and how it's failing so many children. so you have that problem. then you have agencies that have churches that have been involved in sort of being that mediator between the government, they'll be eliminated unless h they agre to that narrative or that idea of the radical gender ideology. the really dangerous part of this is if you can say a foster parent is an a unfit parent because they don't you agree with that, then the next logical step is they'll be able to say you're an unfit parent and the state will be able to take control of your kids. this is very dangerous tear you tri. >> well, this is going to give you ammunition on the belief that that's where we're headed but anyone to your point a moment ago who has ever seen the effect on a child to live in a basically a familyless environment, it's so bad and destructive for that child. doesn't mean someone can't rice above horrific circumstances but it's pretty much the worst thing you can assign a child to, a life without a family because the family is the foundational element of upbringing. you tear that apart and it's all bets off. so in the gap you hope people adopt. and foster care, right? and that is not a good -- you i mean, it is -- >> it's a difficult one. >> it's very difficult to place and find and all of the biden administration is doing is making that harder. the whole foundation of setting a basis for civilization is to make that easier. we need to make it easier to find good families to help heal this horrific thing and they're making it harder which means it increases familyless environments. rachel: and the reason is because when you look at the left -- take any issue, foster care, you can look at this whole gender ideology and transitioning of children, you can look at even the impacts of covid, the ideology for the left is always more important than the child. the child is just, you know, a means to the ideology. they don't care about kids. it's a lie. by the way, teachers unions, another example of people who put ideology and what they want ahead of what's best for children. >> clearly, that's the case here, not just more difficult which is exactly what it is right you now. i think we had it on a banner, maybe we still have it. rule like this effectively says we don't want christian foss cheer parents. rachel: of course. >> -- foster parents. rachel: of course. >> we don't want devout people of faith adopting kids which is on balance the kinds of homes you want kids to enter into, where they didn't have a faith or belief system. they are warning this will drive christians out of the healthcare system, this is a big chunk of citizen was the heart and the gospel calling to do right by widows and foster kids and that's what they're called to do but because you won't call johnny jane immediately or dress him in certain way at the age of 9 you're not fit? it's so upside down and wrong to the kids, to your point, to the children. rachel: right. for a lot of leftist idealogue, christian are future activists. that won't happen in a christian home as easier. that's why our kids p aren't getting educated. it's about turning them into activists instead of independent critical thinkers. that's the problem with public education. you're taking the most vulnerable children in our society and making it harder for them to get loving homes. that's really evil. >> he let's hope we are less than a year away from a lot of this changing. rachel: let's pray for that. >> we begin with a fox news alert. four people are dead and two nypd officers are in the hospital after a deadly domestic dispute in queens, new york. officers say a man stabbed four people inside of a home before setting off a minor fire in the house, police say the suspect slashed two responding officers before he was shot and killed. a 13-year-old girl is in critical condition and police are still investigating. and now to the war in israel, a senior hamas leader saying they will not release any more hostages until there's another cease fire in gaza. meanwhile, the idf claims to have killed another hamas commander whos was heavily involved in the attacks in israel on october 7. the israeli government is warning remaining civilians in gaza to evacuate further south as idf troops move deeper into the gaza strip. and an inquiry into the possibility impeachment of president joe biden could be imminent. house majority whip tom emmer joint "fox & friends" this morning to discuss the process. >> if it goes on the floor we're going to pass it. there's no question. but keep in mind, the issue here is the white house is -- mike said it yesterday. they are stonewall. we're going to have to go or jim jordan and a jamie comer and jason are going to have to go to court to enforce the subpoenas. we're going to satisfy this full excuse by having a floor vote on a for mall impeachment inquiry -- formal impeachment inquire youly. >> as the majority of whip mentioned the speaker yesterday on the program said it's time for that vote so we'll see. that vote could happen as soon as this upcoming week. and the grinch couldn't steal christmas in this south jersey town. lin wood pd thanking local elementary school students for tipping them off after the grinch evaded officers for the past five days. the grinch was seen near local schools plotting to ruin the town's holiday christmas parade. he was even caught on camera a trying to steal a cup of coffee. police say the town's parade went off without a hitch after putting the grinch behind bars. [laughter] >> and those are your headlines. we need to get the grinch back on this program. one of my favorite segments of all time was the grinch right here talking about how much he hates christmas. >> really? who was it, like broadway grinch? >> it was the closest thing -- the grinch is real for those of you out there who are familiar -- >> are we doing that? are we doing that? >> yeah. >> i didn't know that was on the table. >> it was the guy who plays the grinch here in in -- he was the best. rachel: what did he say. >> he was throwing our scripts over the couch and like -- [laughter] >> it was -- we should rerack the tape and play it and get him back. >> is it on broadway? >> i don't know if it is. good question. rachel: that sounds like a lot of fun. >> coming up, education over of indoctrination on college cams pus, the president of pep beer dime arresting -- -- pepperdine arguing about american values, next i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. >> every week it seems we see a new headline highlighting the dire straits of american universities, as ce censor shipd anti-semitism is becoming more prevalent, lea leading to this, writing nowhere is the struggle to secure american values more intense than on university campus, nowhere should the resolve be stronger to defend democracy enabling freedoms than in our universities. the next guest is jim gash, president of pepperdine university, he joins us now. gogood morning, jim, great to se you. quite a statement you made in your op-ed. what are those american values a that need to be defended on american college campuses? >> good morning, will and thanks for having me here. it's a beautiful day in malibu, another beautiful day. the values i'm talking about are freedom, faith and self-gore fans, testim tempered with humi, these are the values that we need to bring to our youth as they come through college campuses. >> those are gr values, freedo, faith, a dose of humility. we need to make an affirmative case for those values on college campus, not just a defense, but an affirmative case for those values so that leads to the obvious yes of how, how do you do that? -- obvious question of how, how do you do that. >> you are exactly right. we can't be passive and let the culture, let society tell us what we should be believing. we should introduce our students to the idea of anen enlightened self-gore fans. we introduce -- self-governance. we introduce them to our students and create an environment where we have this self-governing discourse that happens on campuses, civil dialogue and we talk about hard things together in community. >> you know, we spent four hours this morning talking about it, something i'm passionate about, the idea of free speech and i think you're making the case not just for socratic environment of debate and freedom, but you get the students who go through k-12 who may not have received the affirmative case for these values and i don't think there are many universities today where they will receive that, hey a, here's what's good about american values, here's what's good about our founders' vision so how do you do that at pepperdine? how do you make that case that we're going to go back to basic, what our founders envisioned because these values are good things and they're core to a real education. >> it's partly who you hire as your professors because as we know, what happens in the classroom is a critically important aspect of your character formation, your ideas that you leave college with and then to expose them to kind of the important canon of western heritage, what our founders' first principles were, freedom, liberty and self-governance and free speech and free markets and so you have to have people who are going to be helping them have those conversations and showing them what it looks like to become an american citizen who is capable of self-governance that we staked upon our all. we need to be a self-governing place. in order to do that you have to understand what we're built on. >> as part of that as well, faith is key to self-governance. >> amen. >> i'm excited. listen, i'm excited as somebody who went to pepperdine, that's the vision you want to push forward for pepperdine university. it's sorely needed in the university environment. it's a great op-ed. we wish with you the best of luck. if you didn't see it, president gash did a half court shot. he has a hell of a half court shot and a pepperdine student got free tuition. >> it cost me 63 grand. >> but one happy student. >> jim gash, thanks for being on "fox & friends." >> thank you. >> more lawmakers calling on biden to ban travel from china after the outbreak of an unknown respiratory illness. congressman carlos jiminez is one of them, and he's next. rachel: a growing number of lawmakers are urging fiewn urging presidentbiden to restrim china after a breakout of a respiratory illness hits the country. congressman carlcarlos jiminez agrees. he joins us you now. congressman, always great to have you on. i couldn't agree more, obviously. china and the w.h.o. who backs them up have not been trustworthy when it comes to these kinds of issues. but you wrote this letter. do you think anything is going to happen from it? >> probably not. i mean, the biden administration tends to do things not in a logical manner. look, my mom once taught me, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. it was about this time about four years ago that we heard of this illness that was attacking the respiratory system of the elderly and now we're hearing about an i'l illness that attacs the respiratory system of our children. yeah, i think there should be a travel ban with china. if we disrupt somebody's travel plans i don't think that's too high a price to pay to assure our children's safety and so i hope that the biden administration would do that. do i think he's going to do had that? no, i don't think he will do that. rachel: if something happens it will be on them, at least you guys have a letter out there. i think that's a good thing to do. you you've been raising the alarm, congressman, on the number of chinese nationals coming into our country, i believe there's an 800% increase coming through the southern border. you've seen chinese nationals come from cuba to your state. what's happening? why are they here? are they getting directives from china? what's happening? why are they doing this? >> it's a great question. i'm sure that some of them are just fleeing their oppressive government in china. also i believe that inside there, i'm sure there's going to be some folks with nefarious intentions towards the united states of america. look, those are the chinese nationals that we know are crossing, those that have been encountered. rachel: right. >> we have 2 million people, don't have the faintest idea who they are, where they came from, what they're doing in the country. that's a huge national security threat. it all falls on president biden, secretary may i don't remember biden,, secretary mayorkas for failing to protect the american homeland. for them to say our borders are secure is absurd. we have millions of people coming in, millions of people that we don't know who they are america is at risk right now. rachel: we found chinese biolabs in the country. you can't just leave china without the chinese communist government knowing so maybe you're fleeing but the number that can actually flee, we would have all of them here if they could all flee. sounds like they're social somee nefarious going on. our borders are not open. i'm going to ask you a question here, the republican conference has not come together yet to impeach mayorkas who has come to congress and openly lied. yet members of congress, including yourself, voted to oust george santos and he hasn't yet been -- he's been charged but hasn't been found guilty of anything yet and that's going to weaken the conference. so could you explain to our viewers why's s that's such a priority, in light of the fact that mayorkas has not been impeached for lying to congress. >> because there was a process. so our ethics commission unanimously found -- had findings that found that george santos had stolen money from his constituents and he donors and so, yeah, for me that's a cardinal sin and he should be ousted. that's precedent setting, so be it. nobody in congress should be a thief. the thing with mayorkas, there's a process going on right now. headed by our care man mark green from -- chairman mark green from tennessee and the committee on homeland security which i happen to be part of and so we have every intention of going through that process, getting findings and i believe that at the end we will bring findings of impeachment, articles of impeachment against secretary mayorkas but it's the process and we have to do it the right way. that's the difference and that's why i supported ousting former congressman santos and while i support whole-heartedly the efforts of our chairman, chairman green, in getting the information, getting all the facts and then putting in front of the american people so that they understand exactly why it is that if we get to that, and i do believe we're going to get to that, why we are impeaching mayorkas. rachel: i don't know. seems like the lies from mayorkas are hurting the country a lot more than the lies from george santos but i really appreciate you explaining your vote and making it clear to our voters. i know there's a lot of of questions about that. >> it wasn't the lies. he stole money. he's a thief. that's the problem. now, the lies of mayorkas and a his policies are hurting america. rachel: so is senator menendez to be fair. there's lots of problems going on. >> that's up to the senate to decide. that's up to the senate to decide on senator menendez. i'm not he defending senator menendez. we have a process we need to go through with mayorkas, let's do it the right way and impeach him the right you way. i'll be there when that vote comes. rachel: thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. rachel: coming up, house speaker mike johnson making news about a formal impeachment inquiry into biden yesterday, saying he believes he has the votes. we ask maria bartiromo what she thinks, next. rachel: we are back with your headlines, starting with this developing story. the airman who died in a u.s. air force crash earlier this week near japan is identified. air force sergeant jacob jake gallaher is the first and only crew member to be found so far since the aircraft crashed on wednesday with eight people on board. it was on a mission off the coast of southern japan. the aircraft reportedly requested an emergency landing five minutes before radar lost its signal. thousands of chinese linked marijuana operations are reportedly booming in a small town in america. the oklahoma bureau of narcotics reports at least 80% of the marijuana farms shut down in the state were linked to china. the bureau spokesman, mark woodward, joined us earlier. here's what he had to say. >> what they're doing, they come to oklahoma, entities like law firm got them a license using straw owners and put a local person down to make it look legitimate on the surface. 100% of the product on the farms is leaving in the middle of the night, going to warehouses where it's relocated into trucks that are disguised as equipment and headed to new jersey and new york. rachel: at least 383,000 acres of land in the us are owned by chinese entities and that number is growing. the golden bachelor is opening up about his reportedly not so golden past. gary turner responding to a hollywood reporter expose which includes claims from a secret ex-girlfriend who says he dumped her after she gained weight. he said i haven't looked at how accurate is, i looked at it in terms of timing and how it really doesn't fit with all the positive things that are going on in high my life right now. i gave it a cursory look. 72-year-old turner plans to marry golden bachelor winner theresa in a televised special next month. those are your headlines. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth with our fox weather forecast. >> he's 72? rachel: he looks fabulous. >> man. rachel: yeah, i agree. i'm with you. but not nice stuff coming out. >> yeah, i mean, danger if you come become famous, everybody has something that will come out. somebody is going to be mad, certainly some ex is going to be mad. that's my point. let's talk about the weather. we have an ugly day going on across the eastern part of the country, rain across the southeast which you need and a big storm across parts of the northeast. here's the rain in the southeast. really rough day yesterday with flooding around the tallahassee area. we still are socked in with the rain. all part of a system that's pulling in towards the northeast on the backside of it, by the way, some snow around much of wisconsin and then we've got pretty significant rain cutting across the northeast today. notice it's rain, it's not snow, temperatures are too warm to be looking at any kind of snow. i want to show you what's going to happen this week. over the next seven days, big series of storms coming into the pacific northwest. another spot that's had drought. they're going to get a lot of moisture but too quick, could be looking at flooding. rain, some snow, snow across parts of the rockies and you across the east a little bit of something for everybody. heavier rain a across the northeast and eventually some snow across new england. all right, back to you inside. thank you, rick. appreciate it. nice umbrella. house republicans inching closer to an impeachment inquiry into joe biden and his ties to his son hunter's business deals. speaker mike johnson joined us live yesterday on the program saying he believes he has the votes to make it happen. >> we're being stonewalled by the white house. they're preventing two to three doj witnesses coming forward, a formal impeachment inquiry vote on the floor will allow us to the take it to the next necessary step. i think it's something we have to do at this juncture. >> do you have the votes to actually formally start and impeachment process. >> yeah, i believe we will. >> they believe they do. here with reaction, sunday morning future anchors maria bartiromo. maria, good morning. great to have you as always. you heard it from the speaker himself. looks like after all of this, all this time, maybe this week we'll get that vote. maria: you guys broke a lot of news yesterday with the interview with the speaker. i think one issue he was trying to communicate was the fact that this is a necessary step because of all of the stonewalling. they need to make sure this is a formal inquiry vote because so far the doj has been tamper being with this according to the house republicans. they said they are preventing two to three witnesses from coming forward and testifying. they said they're withholding thousands of pieces of evidence that the doj is so far. they said they received 14 pages of e-mails out of the 82,000 e-mail pages that they have requested from the doj. so that is why they need had this necessary step to ensure that they start seeing some accountability. look, the american people are sick and tired of all of these reports that we're hearing about. we don't want another report. we want to see accountability. in fact this is the case a that the house republicans say there could be bribery, there is influence peddling, there could be money laundering, there could be tax charge as well. a lot of the money flowing among all of these accounts, hunter biden bank accounts, was not on the taxes, the tax returns. so they're saying these were loans and there's actually no documentation of any loan agreement that last piece of evidence that the republicans released last weeks was incredibly damning. that was an e-mail from a bank money laundering expert and he is telling his colleagues at the bank this is a you high risk individual. we know communist china has been targeting children of politicians. we know there's all of these accounts, several accounts where money is moving back and forth had in an erratic and unusual way and there's no actual business that has been rendered and yet there's massive fees moving back and forth and a quote, unquote, loans. so i think this is obviously going to happen in the coming weeks. the republicans would like to see this formal vote happen before they leave for the holidays. that means it has to happen before december 15, pete. pete: it sure does. and they see -- there's been a lot of talk for a long time but if you're requesting 82 you 82,000pages and you get 14, your change something about the process in order to get that evidence where there's so much smoke. coming up, what do you have on your program this morning, maria. maria: we're talking about that, pete. we've got the chairman of the oversight committee, james comer will walk us through what evidence the doj has been holding back, why they need the formal vote and when he expects these witness testimonies to come in like hunter biden, james biden, you know the issue last week where hunter biden's lawyer said that he doesn't want to testify in a closed door testimony. he wants to do it in a an open forum. i'm sure he does. open forum, each lawmaker gets five minutes to ask a question, goes republican, democrat and you can't do follow-ups but in a closed door testimony they've have hours to do just that and why is this so important? because china is increasingly a major threat to the national security of america. so is our commander in chief come po--compromised? we're getting into that with kristi noem, she is n dooring a plan -- endorsing a plan to ban china from buying more farmland in the united states. so we're worried about surveillance coming out of china, surveillance of american citizens, worried about bullying of our ships and planes. do we have to worry about our food supply and what about the new massive disease that is raging in china right now, a pneumonia, and house republicans are now asking the president to restrict travel from china. are they being honest with us in terms of what this is or are they actually hiding it the way they did covid-19, we'll get into that this morning. pete: great stuff. we will be watching. thank you. coming up, operation holiday cheer sends trees to troops every year along with letters. with kids writing a few of them this morning. we'll bring it to you after the break. ♪ we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 rachel: every year dhl express and. dand's nursery team up to sendcn letters to troops overseas. >> joining us is the senior director of the gateway pavel zagiya, thomas sullivan and the co-onco-owner of the nursery, j. share with your viewers of what you're doing here. >> 20 years ago a mom came into our garden center on long island and asked us to send her son a tree who was deployed overseas. we didn't know how to do it. we knew jim and his family and who knew kathy and the family at dhl and 20 years later here we are. >> how many trees is it? how do you do it? >> roughly 300 trees. >> 300 trees. so we're going to pick up the trees tomorrow and we basically put them on a big sled across the ocean. we have a fleet of about seven 777 aircraft. we'll ship them tomorrow. they should be in bahrain within two days. >> they're all going to bahrain. >> some of them. they go across the globe to different bases. >> nice. testimtell us about the projectt it means to the guys. >> personally for the soldiers i've served with over the past 30 years, 20 years of the war, very grateful to the family, for sticking this out for 20 years. they've never forgotten soldiers are still deployed oversea as we stand here right now and dhl for making it happen logistically, obviously they share resources and capability, bringing holiday cheer to the soldiers overseas. absolutely amazing. they've never forgotten, never wavered and never given up to this day and going forward. >> really cool. i know there are kids in the community that write notes. >> troops, get a lot of kids that do this, local a schools, churches, synagogues, they participate. it's a great commun community e. rachel: what's the message that you want to send to the troops overseas? >> so the message is thank you for your service. but also we wish them a happy holidays and merry christmas, happy h hanukkah, stuff like th. rachel: you're drawing pictures too, right. >> drawing christmas trees. rachel: what does it mean to you to do this? >> it's very important. we thank the soldiers for the service and it's very special. rachel: it's wonderful you involve the kids in this. how many trees have gone out. >> this year, 300 trees are going out. since we started over 10 you 10,000trees. >> what's the website. >> adopta soldier platoon, >> thank you all very much. >> thanks for having us. rachel: merry christmas. what a great charity. >> thanks for having us. >> more "fox & friends" moments away. is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. 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Smoke , James Comer , Testimony , Witness Testimonies , James Biden , Holding Back , Lawyer , Closed Door , Forum , Follow Ups , Lawmaker , Democrat , Commander In Chief , She Is N Dooring A Plan , Po , Kristi Noem , Surveillance , Plan , Planes , Citizens , Ships , Bullying , Farmland , Disease , Travel , Pneumonia , Food Supply , Trees , Operation Holiday Cheer , Great Stuff , 19 , Break , Few , Letters , Passion , Red Land Cotton , Farm , Bedding Bath , Products , Ground , Stitch , Seed , Red Earth , North Alabama , Go To Red Land Cotton , Dot Com , Dhl Express , Nursery Team , Sendcn Letters , Dand , Director , Nursery , Co Onco Owner , J Share , Pavel Zagiya , Thomas Sullivan , Gateway , Son , Garden Center , Long Island , Tree , Kathy , Fleet , Big Sled Across The Ocean , 300 , Guys , Globe , Bases , Projectt , Testimtell , Bahrain , 777 , Soldiers , Personally , 30 , Holiday Cheer , Oversea , Resources , Logistically , Capability , Synagogues , Notes , Service , Message , Great Commun Community E Rachel , Merry Christmas , Drawing Christmas Trees , Ith , Pictures , Happy H Hanukkah , You 10000trees , 10 , 10000 , Charity , Website , Aasp Vet , Adopta , Soldier Platoon , Shopping , Cookies , God , Truth , Store , World , Noise , Advent , Jesus , Antidepressant , Lift , Vraylar , Peace , Symptoms , Studies , Depression Symptoms , Help , Impact , Saw , Fever , Death , Changes , Antidepressants , Thoughts , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Stroke , Dementia , Behavior , Adults , Patients , Side Effects , Cholesterol , Restlessness , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Weight Gain , Appetite , Sleep , Fatigue , Dizziness , Treatment , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Muck , Sunday , Have , Sunday Morning , Bye , Go To Church ,

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