Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240702

the airstrikes are restarting, the cease-fire is unraveling and now families aboard that 100 hostages left asking what happens now? ♪ >> welcome, everybody. happy to have you. i am neil cavuto and this is your world. a lot of confusion in the middle east right now particularly over a possible which is absolutely stopped. it's not going to be brought back. the indications are from israel it has no desire to bring that pause back. where in this holding pattern with these hostages and particularly their families wondering what happens to make the way more. >> idf operations continue in gaza tonight and it has been a busy day of fighting across the country. multiple countries. gaza, as well as israel and then here on the northern front in lebanon we have seen some fighting as well. the idf has hit to hundred terrorist targets within gaza. hamas terrorists have launched targets at southern and central israel. including missile at tel aviv that were intercepted by the iron dome. that's what we saw here on the northern front when hezbollah terrorist wants to rockets across the border. we caught it on video. take a look at this. >> for about an hour after this we heard outgoing artillery going into israel. look at this next video. israeli jets also struck a terrorist cell in not far from where we are, the villages here are evacuated in the idf chief of staff said they will improve the security situation here in the north before residents come back here. look at the next video from gaza this morning when it became clear that the cease-fire had ended. multiple areas of gaza hit including in the south. the idf had dropped leaflets warning palestinians in gaza to move to evacuation zones, but you can see in this video come up many of them did not. there is extensive damage to properties and certainly a lot of people injured and killed as well. meanwhile, with this tree as ending, that means that the hostages are no longer coming back to israel as we have seen for the past seven days. over 130 hostages remain in gaza. unfortunately, we are learning about the deaths of six people who were kidnapped and taken into gaza back on october 7th. we know at least 15 women are still in hamas captivity. we're still waiting to learn about the four entire mental baby who possibly had been handed off to another terrorist group. so the goal is to eradicate hamas. that is what israel has said their goal is and what we are watching happen today. i'm back out your life. negotiations continue with negotiators from the u.s. as well as qatar and egypt to hopefully try to strike nutri as to have another pause in the fighting. by what we've seen today, it doesn't appear that that is close. >> nieil: you in your group be safe, my friend. we are getting news from bernie sanders, he is no fan of this resumption criticizing benjamin that yahoo sang the resumption of the bombing is beyond the pale, 2 million people are now in south gaza, many have fled earlier fighting in that region in the north. the pause must be extended to get more humanitarian need in mr hostages and more hostages out. i want to get reaction. ambassador, it is good to have you. what do you make of what senator sanders as saying criticizing benjamin netanyahu for resuming the bombing? >> it's outrageous i think for, santos is maybe not correct connected to reality. we are in a war for our own survival and we are determined to go all the way. you should remember we are fighting a terrorist organization. they are still keeping babies, women, and more than 100 hostages in gaza. we will do everything we need to bring them all back. we are going all the way. with all respect to bernie sanders, we are going all the way against hamas the same way that the u.s. felt against against al qaeda and isis. we will defeat them with or without bernie sanders. >> neil: the secretary of state has been in a meeting with some higher-ups in israel and more or less sending a message from the white house to cool it, that israel shouldn't over do the response. it wasn't received well i'm told, but there is enormous pressure when it comes to responding to the terrorist that you experience back on october 7th. do you feel are you are losing even u.s. support? >> at first, we are respecting the support received from president biden, but sometimes i ask myself what exactly the administration expects from us? on one hand they tell us you don't have much time, but on the other hand they state you have to make sure that there are no civilian casualties. and then only today we heard the request to ask civilians to move out of the south part of gaza. you can't accomplish all of that and win the war. we have to move south and we will allow the commission to get out of those cities, but it will take time. we expect our allies to give us the time necessary to do what we have to do. when you fight against al qaeda after 9/11, nobody told the u.s. that you have no more time. we expect the same from the u.s. i know the american people who get will give us the time and the support we need, they pray for us, they stand with us, and we intend to continue with the mission. >> neil: ambassador, we are learning that the secretary was a little bit more blunt than that and we are getting this out of the times of israel in which it says that israel, this is coming from the secretary of state, must change the way it's fighting, must set up safe zones. massive loss of human life in north gaza cannot be repeated in this house. you are obviously dealing with a calamity that happen on october 7th, you are not responsible for that, israel is not responsible for that, but you have no growing pressure now from the white house to cool it, are you ready to say and is the government ready to say on this united states of america we must say no because it will be a first for israel. >> i think what we are seeing now that we have because of the work about the u.s. will stand with us with the goal of defeating hamas, but maybe we don't see eye to eye about how to achieve the goal. we believe the only way to achieve it is by using power and getting to those places where home hamas is hiding and kill them. i don't know how we can achieve the goal without doing it. to your question, neil, the answer as yes. if we will have no choice, we will do what is good for israel. we have done this in the past. i will remind you when we attacked a nuclear reactor and erect, the u.s. was against us back then in the 80s when we attacked the nuclear reactor in syria, the u.s. was against us. i hope we will not get to that point, but we are determined and we are united. this time it's either we win the war against hamas are basically we send a message to our enemies that we are not strong anymore and we cannot allow that. >> neil: there are concerns at these meetings, always behind closed doors, got pretty nasty especially one that he had with one of your cabinet ministers and the like. they apparently responded, ambassador, that israel knows how to prosecute this campaign and that the idea follows the laws of war and has taken steps to avoid civilian casualties. the message we are getting help from the white house through anthony blinken if the stories are to be believed, is that they don't believe you. to get no one should doubt the morality of the idf, we have voted in the past, we have continued to prove it as we fight evil today in gaza along with the motion to move envy compared to any other military operation. even if you compare it to the american operations, we take precautions that we haven't seen from any other military. even when that western allies, they acted differently so we do try to minimize the civilian casualties, but hamas is hiding behind them so we won't be able to avoid all civilian casualties. we will do our best to limit the number of civilian casualties. >> neil: very enlightening to have you. the thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> neil: the is the issue of iran financing a lot of the stuff and how to deal with that. jennifer griffin is at the ronald reagan presidential library where this issue as issue one. jennifer? >> there was about a week with no attacks by iranian proxy forces on u.s. troops in iraq in syria. that ended wednesday with a rocket attack on the u.s. base in eastern syria. no u.s. troops were injured, and there was no damage to the base, but the resumption of attacks may force the u.s. military to respond. just to days ago we shot up a iranian made drone fired from yemen. 38 years ago, ronald reagan during his 1985 states of the union reached out to congress in the world's democracies with an olive branch and the promise. >> i want to work with you to support the democratic forces who struggle is tied to our own security. >> this year's reagan national defense forum now in its tenth year begins tomorrow. it will be streamed online and include panel discussions with the head of the navy marine corps air force and cyber command. the defense and commerce secretaries commit the new chairman of the joint chiefs, and the admiral and the general leading u.s. southern command. the focus this year will be on china, ai, and new technologies that will position the u.s. military in its race with china. this year's reagan national national defense survey found notably that most americans actually do want the u.s. to remain engaged in the world providing military support to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. this survey found that 73 percent of americans are concerned about a potential invasion of taiwan, 59 percent support military aid to ukraine, 47 percent to the u.s. is not doing enough to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. three quarters let worry about china surpassing the u.s. as the world's top superpower, 77 percent favor increasing military spending. nearly too thirds think it is wrong to block military promotions to protest pentagon social policies. they say they would encourage military service, a third would discourage it. 70 percent of americans are not aware of a major new security agreement between the u.s., australia, and britain known as to develop advanced defense technologies like nuclear subs. eight and ten are worried about the u.s. falling behind china technology lead. all of this will be at the heart of the discussions of the tenth and we will be here alive all day tomorrow with panels discussing all of these important issues. trend when you mentioned at the outset these attacks on u.s. soldiers, presumably orchestrated or at least tied to iran. i find it may be a tad more than coincidental that they largely ceased in the last week we had this sensation and activities. this temporary truce. what are people saying about that? >> the pentagon will save these attacks on forces on the bases in iraq and syria are not linked to what is happening in israel and gaza. you have to note that the timing of when those iranian forces stopped firing rockets and drones at the u.s. bases in iraq in serious coincided with the hostage releases and the prisoner releases by israel. that started up again when the hostage releases stopped and israel went back into gaza. >> jennifer, thank you. jennifer griffin, in california at the reagan presidential library. you've heard about the crime wave particularly in big cities and particularly in philadelphia where they're trying to do something about it that seems a little bit novel and that is not allowing you to have your face cover it or wear any face coverings. it is meant to stop those who storm into stores and elsewhere wearing just those coverings. i will explain more after this. whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. 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>> we keep scratching our heads and they keep trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to policing. just bridges get back to good old-fashioned leasing. stop the crimes. true, you cannot identify them sometimes when they have the mask on, so the mask as a start, but let's look at the other side of this. now they have a two and a $50 fine, they're going to say i'm not paying it. then they're going to go to $2,000 and they're going to say i'm not going to pay it. the judge will say you didn't pay this fine, but you know what, you don't have to be kept in because you don't qualify or you qualify for the nobel committee you do qualify so they release them again. it's official cycle that keeps going around. i don't know why they don't go back and start supporting the police and say enough is enough, we need to support the businesses, the people in the community, and we need to support the police. let them get out there make the arrest and let the arrest stick. >> neil: this is interesting in a variety of ways. if you're not going to allow people to wear face coverings, it's winter and is going to be cold in and a lot of people are. our police then busy handing out tickets to people wearing face coverings and then ticketing those who wish to know when ill versus those who absolutely do? >> it's funny you say that, it is winter time so you're going to have a guy or a woman go into work and they're wearing a mask, when it's very cold outside. are you going to stop them and say you're on public transportation, you can't wear it, as he have to take it off when you're in the train station or on the bus or something for they should've spoke to police about this before any enforcement. not only that let the police get some info. when you only have the info from a city council reluctant to do anything with the police to begin with, that's where the major problem lies. in new york city they don't back the police. they up. they do everything the opposite way. including indemnification which we spoke about many times. let's go back to good old-fashioned leasing. we'll see the crime rates go down you'll see them stop doing these massive invasions of stores and committing the crimes that are driving business right at us. to get you know, what have you here. it's a little apples and oranges, but crime isn't the only thing that cities are dealing with committee's protest that pop up out of nowhere pro- palestinian mostly in new york we've had a number of them, one not too far from where i sit right now, and that is stretching police pretty much across the board here at a time in this city where were looking at cutting back on police. what you think of it all? >> absolutely. we're going to be down to numbers we've never seen before in the nypd down to almost 28,000 which is extremely low numbers so we are forced to do law enforcement in the city. you know, they are leaving out a key component to these protest. the right to peaceably protest. there is nothing peaceful about people breaking windows, accosting people in the streets, so you have to make zones, just like the christmas tree the other night, you make a zone. you can protest, but outside the zone. it doesn't stop the protesting, it just tells them where they can protest. people want to see these writings and everything, so it's going to be a challenge for the nypd. >> joe, i hope we talk again, but if not i hope you have a merry safe christmas you and your family, thank you, joe. >> thank you, my friend. >> neil: it's not only donald trump who's been criticizing i was governor, of course she is supporting rhonda santos, but he has extended it to another key state. we'll ask him what's behind after this. 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>> this is what's been happening in new hampshire. the dnc has said there is no primary. that's why rfk junior is now an independent. he couldn't get a fair shake on the democratic side. i think i could hurt joe biden in the general election in new hampshire which is a state that leans democratic. with what dean phillips has had, with the congressman his head about joe biden's age and needing to have somebody else in the race, a lot of democrats are saying that privately, but if you say it publicly and you're a public official, you will get the wrath of the party down on you and that's what the congressman as feeling from his own party. >> neil: i worry wonder about the way they are repositioning things. that could boomerang when it comes to the general election in new hampshire voters are going and saying oh, we remember. >> new hampshire voters remember and whoever gets the nomination is going to be hammering if joe biden as i expect to be the nominee, they are going to hammer him on that. that will be a tough sell. i think biden will have to make the case of why he candidates couldn't dig this date. >> neil: that could switch to the republican side. we will be speaking to vivek ramaswamy soon. he has been critical of i was governor. she is back in ron desantis, that's not only sitting well with donald trump, but vivek ramaswamy as well. what do you make of that and the risk involved in that? she is a very serious governor. she hasn't put a dent in the donald trump pulled numbers poll numbers in that state, 50 days or less until the clock as a start, but that is risking cool, isn't it? >> this is a crucial time for all the candidates who remain in the race, they're going to have to make up some ground including vivek ramaswamy and nikki haley, ron desantis and somebody's going to have to make a 15-point jump to be a serious contender. certainly has some end, he's lasted a little bit. so it's going to come down to the debate next week and then we go into iowa. don't look at national polls, look at the state specific pools, they change everything. i will would change everything in some capacity and so will, new hampshire and south carolina. >> i remember that some holes in iowa got it wildly wrong they had no idea who jimmy carter was until he emerged to be a force of nature and from doing well i believe in placing second-tier nobody at the time. he ran the table after that. i'm wondering now about these polls and the importance of the religious vote there. it was important for jimmy carter even back in 1976 and he capitalized on that. i would assume it still important today, where you have people like these others that are saying it's not donald trump right now, i like ron desantis and nikki haley has the big backing of a number of powerful figures in that state including now, the coke syndicate that has a lot of money to help her out. what do you make of all of that? >> people forget that former president trump did not win iowa. ted cruz went iowa in 2016. he is much better organized and obviously the polls are great for the former president and a lot of these early states. at the same time, ted cruz was not doing great at this point eight years ago. so you have to look at that. people are starting to look at these other candidates and really focus on it, not like insiders like us, but real people who are assessing. that can change things. i think the former president will be wise to stop saying he's up by 50 points, if he wins by 15, this story has he only won by 15. >> we remember lyndon johnson did win that new hampshire primary back in 68, but fairly and then he got out of the race. people forget that. bob, good to have you. thank you for taking the time. >> neil: vivek ramaswamy qua kind enough to join us right now. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, how are you? could keep very good. we were touching on this that this is not the first time, you've been critical of governor kim reynolds in iowa, and you've also been critical of the new hampshire governor. you called him the face of the establishment. i am just wondering doesn't that hurt you? how is that helping? >> i want to be clear. i've been very complementary of governor reynolds, but there is one key issue that matters to a lot of people in iowa at that not one candidate has had the attempt to take forward. and nobody in the aisle establishment has talked about it which is the carbon dioxide capture pipeline across farmers land now potentially using eminent domain to even run the pipeline across land that iowa farmers don't want to allow across their land. people across the state are livid about this. this is a major issue for the grassroots. i'm the only candidate during to even touch it. i'm not one of these people to believe that somebody is automatically 100 percent correct or 100 percent wrong on everything. i am praising kim reynolds plan for education and school choice and otherwise, but she should not hide from this issue. because i'm speaking to many of those issues that other candidates are not, i think it's going to be a major sign of a surprise coming into the iowa caucus. >> neil: you got a very strong response from many islands, some farmers were unaware of this, but i'm wondering then how that plays out. is this going to be your focus then for these remaining 50 odd days before the caucuses? >> it's only one of the issues i'm focused on. it's important to many people in iowa. the climate religion has been one of my core issues even long before it ran for president. this is near and dear to my heart. i think more broadly, my friend here is when i started this campaign with. it speaks the truth, not just when it's easy, but when it's hard. speak the truth not just of the democrats on the other side, to our own failures and our own republican party here at home. one of the things we see on the ground is that many of the people coming to our events, supporting me and i think this is unique to my candidacies have never participated in a caucus before. many of them are young. if they turn out for the caucus, as they are signaling to us they will at a large scale, i think we're going to deliver a major surprise on january 15th. shatter the expectations that have been set. i'm doing about 200 events between mid-november and the iowa caucus. i think that iowans do reward the efforts that candidates put in. i'm doing more events than anybody else here by far. >> neil: i understand your strategy and respect that, but the only guy i know that has criticized governor reynolds, not necessarily similar to yours, is donald trump, and donald trump has been critical of new hampshire governor chris sununu, you are much more critical of him as i said calling him the face of the establishment. he is ready to announce you supporting somebody. it's not going to be you it's not going to be duct donald trump, so what happens? >> it's based on policy. i praised him for paying attention to the border, but he is basically said the parents of the right to know if their kid shows up in school and identifies as a gender different than their biological sets, i think it's shameful that when the bill was served up to sununu once he declined to sign it, this time around making its way through the legislature, he did nothing to advance it. i think that shameful in a republican state. >> neil: he called you a smart alex, you're obnoxious. did that play into this? or this is more than just an issue, it's personal. you didn't like what you said what he said about you? >> i don't like a lot of what he says about the future of this country. we have a fundamental ideological divide and that's what we have to confront. and not one of these people that says well if you criticize kim reynolds on one issue, she is automatically a bad person, i reject that, what i do do is speak freely. the establishment and the republican party tells other candidates there are certain things they can't say. do you know what, they told me that too, i just don't listen. do you feel sometimes that you go too far, that you get a little arrogant? that it's hurting you, it's hurting your brand or whatever? >> i'm not in this to play some political game of snakes and ladders. speak my convictions, speak them without apology. i am saying that will ultimately beat be the successful strategy. >> neil: do you sometimes think you overdo that? >> no is the answer to that question. do i develop my thoughts in my journey as an homage for newer and someone who's been a politician for a year? of course, you learn from your expenses and keep an open mind, but i will never back off of speaking my convictions in fact i think part of the problem with the republican party as it's become a party that the establishment effectively makes politicians into puppets. i say let's disagree publicly. let's do it civilly. i'm not like people on the debate stage. >> neil: it's not always civil. i say this in the context of brian switzer, the top political aide of yours that left to join the donald trump campaign. i was intrigued by your communications director saying a bad move, we love brian, it's a good move for brian and were happy for him. why is it a good move for one of your key aides to go to donald trump? why would she say that? >> we have 45 people on our staff. we brought in someone stationed in new hampshire. we brought him in he ran the national campaign to raise, new hampshire. we think someone who served us are part of the campaign. i like the guy, i wish them well, but we brought in the team that actually got santorum, the guy that is running the who ran it for santorum and for ted cruz. >> neil: to say you're happy for him, i understand, but you said you're happy for them. if i had a key person, and i know you have many key people, and they lead. >> i want to be respectful of the individuals involved in not really throw anybody--i wish everybody who has worked with us well in their future career. we have exactly the team we want here in the positions we've made and who we put in charge of each state is intentional. we have people that have one at this before. the operation is in great shape. now it's up for me to talk to the iowa grass roots. we are bringing new people into this caucus. i think that is going to be a successful strategy on january 15th which is not far around the corner. get ready for a major surprise. >> neil: if it doesn't work out the weight you want and you don't get the nomination, would you support anyone else becoming the nominee? would you support donald trump? it seems you would. would you support chris christie? or ron desantis? what about nikki haley are in ron desantis, would you support them? >> i think there are too relevant candidates in this race. donald trump and in and me. >> neil: i want to be clear because i don't understand because i've heard you on this position. >> i must not have followed the exact question. >> neil: if they were the nominees, would you support them? >> i've made a pledge to be on that republican debate stage just as everybody on the debate stage did, so i see no reason to rehash with everyone of us has said. i take the pledge about as seriously as the other candidates do, so that is what i will say it and leave it at that. i think i'm the only candidate in this race with fresh legs for the next generation. he is reaching young americans on a scale that nobody has done in the republican party in a long time. those people are pulled, but they can be big assets and a general election to deliver the kind of victory reagan had. i am focused to on that. not the week to week. redoing this ground up in iowa. take the issues i'm speaking about, take the carbon capture pipeline to the pipeline change agenda. the chairman of the rnc should resign, there is a reason why i'm the only candidate who is able to actually say these things. it's because in my case, my biggest donor is me, i don't out of the establishment. i report to the people of this country. i think that is something that are founding fathers reminded us of is something we would do well to remember today. it's up to the people of this country, not the media, and not the donor class, not the republican establishment. i think that will work in further our favor on the ground. >> neil: fair to say right now, if you like donald trump, you support him, he like yourself, it support it. take it that's not what i said. part of the problem with our media is putting words in other people's mouth. it almost feels to me like actually we have a debate next week and i know there's a lot of people that don't want me on the debate stage, as to say something contrary to have me kicked off. there would be a lot of people delighting in that. >> neil: that pledge calls for supporting whoever the nominee is. >> there is plenty of policy issues to support. i want to talk about the future of this country. >> neil: i understand that. >> i support my pledge in the same way that rivals do as i said before. >> neil: thank you very much. vivek ramaswamy. we will talk to chris christie on this very same issue when he's on the show on monday. we will have much more after this. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> they call it the santa claus rally it's been going on since st. patrick's day, the bottom line is here interest rates come down or the prospect that they will stay where they are for a while, you can interpret the chairman of the federal reserve hinting they won't be going down necessarily any time soon, but then he took that to their not going to aggressively raise rates, but there was a phenomenon here that seem to show the market kind of ignoring what he said. >> i didn't understand to what degree after my show. there is this thing called the fed funds, it predicts with the federal reserve is going to do. a couple of months ago they said the first rate code would be june. more recently the wedding or the conventional wisdom was made. let me tell you how drastic this is. 54 percent of a chance of cut in march, but here's the thing that caught my eye and 9 percent chance of a 50 basis point cut in march. wouldn't that ignite a storm? what does he see that we don't. >> that means you're in trouble. by the way, that something that people fear. this would've been one of my big fears. they call it a snowball turning into a boulder. we keep having these rate hikes at some point, the thing is we never know how big that boulder is or how close it is. like that thing in your rearview mirror. it might be bigger than you think. the irony and i think your point is they are treating this like it's great news. and the market historically historically, the first rate cup, it doesn't have to stay there long. you can live through it. but it's not a rate cut in march is not something to celebrate per se. >> can't they just celebrate the fact that he's clearly done hiking. that used to be good enough for a rally, now this gets them a rally, but unlike you, i'm wondering if you start cutting rates, your signaling there is trouble. >> there is a sweet spot between now and may be the first rate cut which can be good for the market these historic things. next year going into the election year, going back to 1928, 83 percent of the time the market is out. >> neil: for the year. even when you've had a good year the year before. >> i thought it was 83 and a half percent. i'm telling you, this guy is amazing. i just knows him off the top of his head. so, for december, what are we looking at. >> traditionally, it's a good month. the first couple of months months or a bit sideways. but this november as one of the best months ever. it was the fifth best month, so let's remember, we opened lower today. you can since it was going to be some profit taking. you know that movie elf is 20 years old. >> neil: inc. celebrations big events. they have a special thing to set up at the empire state building and serving their favorite food groups for 20 years. >> classic. >> neil: we are too young to remember, but i remember vividly. >> someone was telling me about it in the green room. >> neil: if it's not the market i'm not interested. that is an iconic movie. >> tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m., santa is coming to town. santa! i know him. i know him. lowe's knows same-day delivery means getting what you need, right when you need it. holiday shopping got easier on affordable décor and more. you know you can get these all at once, right dad? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240702

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the airstrikes are restarting, the cease-fire is unraveling and now families aboard that 100 hostages left asking what happens now? ♪ >> welcome, everybody. happy to have you. i am neil cavuto and this is your world. a lot of confusion in the middle east right now particularly over a possible which is absolutely stopped. it's not going to be brought back. the indications are from israel it has no desire to bring that pause back. where in this holding pattern with these hostages and particularly their families wondering what happens to make the way more. >> idf operations continue in gaza tonight and it has been a busy day of fighting across the country. multiple countries. gaza, as well as israel and then here on the northern front in lebanon we have seen some fighting as well. the idf has hit to hundred terrorist targets within gaza. hamas terrorists have launched targets at southern and central israel. including missile at tel aviv that were intercepted by the iron dome. that's what we saw here on the northern front when hezbollah terrorist wants to rockets across the border. we caught it on video. take a look at this. >> for about an hour after this we heard outgoing artillery going into israel. look at this next video. israeli jets also struck a terrorist cell in not far from where we are, the villages here are evacuated in the idf chief of staff said they will improve the security situation here in the north before residents come back here. look at the next video from gaza this morning when it became clear that the cease-fire had ended. multiple areas of gaza hit including in the south. the idf had dropped leaflets warning palestinians in gaza to move to evacuation zones, but you can see in this video come up many of them did not. there is extensive damage to properties and certainly a lot of people injured and killed as well. meanwhile, with this tree as ending, that means that the hostages are no longer coming back to israel as we have seen for the past seven days. over 130 hostages remain in gaza. unfortunately, we are learning about the deaths of six people who were kidnapped and taken into gaza back on october 7th. we know at least 15 women are still in hamas captivity. we're still waiting to learn about the four entire mental baby who possibly had been handed off to another terrorist group. so the goal is to eradicate hamas. that is what israel has said their goal is and what we are watching happen today. i'm back out your life. negotiations continue with negotiators from the u.s. as well as qatar and egypt to hopefully try to strike nutri as to have another pause in the fighting. by what we've seen today, it doesn't appear that that is close. >> nieil: you in your group be safe, my friend. we are getting news from bernie sanders, he is no fan of this resumption criticizing benjamin that yahoo sang the resumption of the bombing is beyond the pale, 2 million people are now in south gaza, many have fled earlier fighting in that region in the north. the pause must be extended to get more humanitarian need in mr hostages and more hostages out. i want to get reaction. ambassador, it is good to have you. what do you make of what senator sanders as saying criticizing benjamin netanyahu for resuming the bombing? >> it's outrageous i think for, santos is maybe not correct connected to reality. we are in a war for our own survival and we are determined to go all the way. you should remember we are fighting a terrorist organization. they are still keeping babies, women, and more than 100 hostages in gaza. we will do everything we need to bring them all back. we are going all the way. with all respect to bernie sanders, we are going all the way against hamas the same way that the u.s. felt against against al qaeda and isis. we will defeat them with or without bernie sanders. >> neil: the secretary of state has been in a meeting with some higher-ups in israel and more or less sending a message from the white house to cool it, that israel shouldn't over do the response. it wasn't received well i'm told, but there is enormous pressure when it comes to responding to the terrorist that you experience back on october 7th. do you feel are you are losing even u.s. support? >> at first, we are respecting the support received from president biden, but sometimes i ask myself what exactly the administration expects from us? on one hand they tell us you don't have much time, but on the other hand they state you have to make sure that there are no civilian casualties. and then only today we heard the request to ask civilians to move out of the south part of gaza. you can't accomplish all of that and win the war. we have to move south and we will allow the commission to get out of those cities, but it will take time. we expect our allies to give us the time necessary to do what we have to do. when you fight against al qaeda after 9/11, nobody told the u.s. that you have no more time. we expect the same from the u.s. i know the american people who get will give us the time and the support we need, they pray for us, they stand with us, and we intend to continue with the mission. >> neil: ambassador, we are learning that the secretary was a little bit more blunt than that and we are getting this out of the times of israel in which it says that israel, this is coming from the secretary of state, must change the way it's fighting, must set up safe zones. massive loss of human life in north gaza cannot be repeated in this house. you are obviously dealing with a calamity that happen on october 7th, you are not responsible for that, israel is not responsible for that, but you have no growing pressure now from the white house to cool it, are you ready to say and is the government ready to say on this united states of america we must say no because it will be a first for israel. >> i think what we are seeing now that we have because of the work about the u.s. will stand with us with the goal of defeating hamas, but maybe we don't see eye to eye about how to achieve the goal. we believe the only way to achieve it is by using power and getting to those places where home hamas is hiding and kill them. i don't know how we can achieve the goal without doing it. to your question, neil, the answer as yes. if we will have no choice, we will do what is good for israel. we have done this in the past. i will remind you when we attacked a nuclear reactor and erect, the u.s. was against us back then in the 80s when we attacked the nuclear reactor in syria, the u.s. was against us. i hope we will not get to that point, but we are determined and we are united. this time it's either we win the war against hamas are basically we send a message to our enemies that we are not strong anymore and we cannot allow that. >> neil: there are concerns at these meetings, always behind closed doors, got pretty nasty especially one that he had with one of your cabinet ministers and the like. they apparently responded, ambassador, that israel knows how to prosecute this campaign and that the idea follows the laws of war and has taken steps to avoid civilian casualties. the message we are getting help from the white house through anthony blinken if the stories are to be believed, is that they don't believe you. to get no one should doubt the morality of the idf, we have voted in the past, we have continued to prove it as we fight evil today in gaza along with the motion to move envy compared to any other military operation. even if you compare it to the american operations, we take precautions that we haven't seen from any other military. even when that western allies, they acted differently so we do try to minimize the civilian casualties, but hamas is hiding behind them so we won't be able to avoid all civilian casualties. we will do our best to limit the number of civilian casualties. >> neil: very enlightening to have you. the thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> neil: the is the issue of iran financing a lot of the stuff and how to deal with that. jennifer griffin is at the ronald reagan presidential library where this issue as issue one. jennifer? >> there was about a week with no attacks by iranian proxy forces on u.s. troops in iraq in syria. that ended wednesday with a rocket attack on the u.s. base in eastern syria. no u.s. troops were injured, and there was no damage to the base, but the resumption of attacks may force the u.s. military to respond. just to days ago we shot up a iranian made drone fired from yemen. 38 years ago, ronald reagan during his 1985 states of the union reached out to congress in the world's democracies with an olive branch and the promise. >> i want to work with you to support the democratic forces who struggle is tied to our own security. >> this year's reagan national defense forum now in its tenth year begins tomorrow. it will be streamed online and include panel discussions with the head of the navy marine corps air force and cyber command. the defense and commerce secretaries commit the new chairman of the joint chiefs, and the admiral and the general leading u.s. southern command. the focus this year will be on china, ai, and new technologies that will position the u.s. military in its race with china. this year's reagan national national defense survey found notably that most americans actually do want the u.s. to remain engaged in the world providing military support to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. this survey found that 73 percent of americans are concerned about a potential invasion of taiwan, 59 percent support military aid to ukraine, 47 percent to the u.s. is not doing enough to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. three quarters let worry about china surpassing the u.s. as the world's top superpower, 77 percent favor increasing military spending. nearly too thirds think it is wrong to block military promotions to protest pentagon social policies. they say they would encourage military service, a third would discourage it. 70 percent of americans are not aware of a major new security agreement between the u.s., australia, and britain known as to develop advanced defense technologies like nuclear subs. eight and ten are worried about the u.s. falling behind china technology lead. all of this will be at the heart of the discussions of the tenth and we will be here alive all day tomorrow with panels discussing all of these important issues. trend when you mentioned at the outset these attacks on u.s. soldiers, presumably orchestrated or at least tied to iran. i find it may be a tad more than coincidental that they largely ceased in the last week we had this sensation and activities. this temporary truce. what are people saying about that? >> the pentagon will save these attacks on forces on the bases in iraq and syria are not linked to what is happening in israel and gaza. you have to note that the timing of when those iranian forces stopped firing rockets and drones at the u.s. bases in iraq in serious coincided with the hostage releases and the prisoner releases by israel. that started up again when the hostage releases stopped and israel went back into gaza. >> jennifer, thank you. jennifer griffin, in california at the reagan presidential library. you've heard about the crime wave particularly in big cities and particularly in philadelphia where they're trying to do something about it that seems a little bit novel and that is not allowing you to have your face cover it or wear any face coverings. it is meant to stop those who storm into stores and elsewhere wearing just those coverings. i will explain more after this. whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪ only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. 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>> we keep scratching our heads and they keep trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to policing. just bridges get back to good old-fashioned leasing. stop the crimes. true, you cannot identify them sometimes when they have the mask on, so the mask as a start, but let's look at the other side of this. now they have a two and a $50 fine, they're going to say i'm not paying it. then they're going to go to $2,000 and they're going to say i'm not going to pay it. the judge will say you didn't pay this fine, but you know what, you don't have to be kept in because you don't qualify or you qualify for the nobel committee you do qualify so they release them again. it's official cycle that keeps going around. i don't know why they don't go back and start supporting the police and say enough is enough, we need to support the businesses, the people in the community, and we need to support the police. let them get out there make the arrest and let the arrest stick. >> neil: this is interesting in a variety of ways. if you're not going to allow people to wear face coverings, it's winter and is going to be cold in and a lot of people are. our police then busy handing out tickets to people wearing face coverings and then ticketing those who wish to know when ill versus those who absolutely do? >> it's funny you say that, it is winter time so you're going to have a guy or a woman go into work and they're wearing a mask, when it's very cold outside. are you going to stop them and say you're on public transportation, you can't wear it, as he have to take it off when you're in the train station or on the bus or something for they should've spoke to police about this before any enforcement. not only that let the police get some info. when you only have the info from a city council reluctant to do anything with the police to begin with, that's where the major problem lies. in new york city they don't back the police. they up. they do everything the opposite way. including indemnification which we spoke about many times. let's go back to good old-fashioned leasing. we'll see the crime rates go down you'll see them stop doing these massive invasions of stores and committing the crimes that are driving business right at us. to get you know, what have you here. it's a little apples and oranges, but crime isn't the only thing that cities are dealing with committee's protest that pop up out of nowhere pro- palestinian mostly in new york we've had a number of them, one not too far from where i sit right now, and that is stretching police pretty much across the board here at a time in this city where were looking at cutting back on police. what you think of it all? >> absolutely. we're going to be down to numbers we've never seen before in the nypd down to almost 28,000 which is extremely low numbers so we are forced to do law enforcement in the city. you know, they are leaving out a key component to these protest. the right to peaceably protest. there is nothing peaceful about people breaking windows, accosting people in the streets, so you have to make zones, just like the christmas tree the other night, you make a zone. you can protest, but outside the zone. it doesn't stop the protesting, it just tells them where they can protest. people want to see these writings and everything, so it's going to be a challenge for the nypd. >> joe, i hope we talk again, but if not i hope you have a merry safe christmas you and your family, thank you, joe. >> thank you, my friend. >> neil: it's not only donald trump who's been criticizing i was governor, of course she is supporting rhonda santos, but he has extended it to another key state. we'll ask him what's behind after this. 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>> this is what's been happening in new hampshire. the dnc has said there is no primary. that's why rfk junior is now an independent. he couldn't get a fair shake on the democratic side. i think i could hurt joe biden in the general election in new hampshire which is a state that leans democratic. with what dean phillips has had, with the congressman his head about joe biden's age and needing to have somebody else in the race, a lot of democrats are saying that privately, but if you say it publicly and you're a public official, you will get the wrath of the party down on you and that's what the congressman as feeling from his own party. >> neil: i worry wonder about the way they are repositioning things. that could boomerang when it comes to the general election in new hampshire voters are going and saying oh, we remember. >> new hampshire voters remember and whoever gets the nomination is going to be hammering if joe biden as i expect to be the nominee, they are going to hammer him on that. that will be a tough sell. i think biden will have to make the case of why he candidates couldn't dig this date. >> neil: that could switch to the republican side. we will be speaking to vivek ramaswamy soon. he has been critical of i was governor. she is back in ron desantis, that's not only sitting well with donald trump, but vivek ramaswamy as well. what do you make of that and the risk involved in that? she is a very serious governor. she hasn't put a dent in the donald trump pulled numbers poll numbers in that state, 50 days or less until the clock as a start, but that is risking cool, isn't it? >> this is a crucial time for all the candidates who remain in the race, they're going to have to make up some ground including vivek ramaswamy and nikki haley, ron desantis and somebody's going to have to make a 15-point jump to be a serious contender. certainly has some end, he's lasted a little bit. so it's going to come down to the debate next week and then we go into iowa. don't look at national polls, look at the state specific pools, they change everything. i will would change everything in some capacity and so will, new hampshire and south carolina. >> i remember that some holes in iowa got it wildly wrong they had no idea who jimmy carter was until he emerged to be a force of nature and from doing well i believe in placing second-tier nobody at the time. he ran the table after that. i'm wondering now about these polls and the importance of the religious vote there. it was important for jimmy carter even back in 1976 and he capitalized on that. i would assume it still important today, where you have people like these others that are saying it's not donald trump right now, i like ron desantis and nikki haley has the big backing of a number of powerful figures in that state including now, the coke syndicate that has a lot of money to help her out. what do you make of all of that? >> people forget that former president trump did not win iowa. ted cruz went iowa in 2016. he is much better organized and obviously the polls are great for the former president and a lot of these early states. at the same time, ted cruz was not doing great at this point eight years ago. so you have to look at that. people are starting to look at these other candidates and really focus on it, not like insiders like us, but real people who are assessing. that can change things. i think the former president will be wise to stop saying he's up by 50 points, if he wins by 15, this story has he only won by 15. >> we remember lyndon johnson did win that new hampshire primary back in 68, but fairly and then he got out of the race. people forget that. bob, good to have you. thank you for taking the time. >> neil: vivek ramaswamy qua kind enough to join us right now. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, how are you? could keep very good. we were touching on this that this is not the first time, you've been critical of governor kim reynolds in iowa, and you've also been critical of the new hampshire governor. you called him the face of the establishment. i am just wondering doesn't that hurt you? how is that helping? >> i want to be clear. i've been very complementary of governor reynolds, but there is one key issue that matters to a lot of people in iowa at that not one candidate has had the attempt to take forward. and nobody in the aisle establishment has talked about it which is the carbon dioxide capture pipeline across farmers land now potentially using eminent domain to even run the pipeline across land that iowa farmers don't want to allow across their land. people across the state are livid about this. this is a major issue for the grassroots. i'm the only candidate during to even touch it. i'm not one of these people to believe that somebody is automatically 100 percent correct or 100 percent wrong on everything. i am praising kim reynolds plan for education and school choice and otherwise, but she should not hide from this issue. because i'm speaking to many of those issues that other candidates are not, i think it's going to be a major sign of a surprise coming into the iowa caucus. >> neil: you got a very strong response from many islands, some farmers were unaware of this, but i'm wondering then how that plays out. is this going to be your focus then for these remaining 50 odd days before the caucuses? >> it's only one of the issues i'm focused on. it's important to many people in iowa. the climate religion has been one of my core issues even long before it ran for president. this is near and dear to my heart. i think more broadly, my friend here is when i started this campaign with. it speaks the truth, not just when it's easy, but when it's hard. speak the truth not just of the democrats on the other side, to our own failures and our own republican party here at home. one of the things we see on the ground is that many of the people coming to our events, supporting me and i think this is unique to my candidacies have never participated in a caucus before. many of them are young. if they turn out for the caucus, as they are signaling to us they will at a large scale, i think we're going to deliver a major surprise on january 15th. shatter the expectations that have been set. i'm doing about 200 events between mid-november and the iowa caucus. i think that iowans do reward the efforts that candidates put in. i'm doing more events than anybody else here by far. >> neil: i understand your strategy and respect that, but the only guy i know that has criticized governor reynolds, not necessarily similar to yours, is donald trump, and donald trump has been critical of new hampshire governor chris sununu, you are much more critical of him as i said calling him the face of the establishment. he is ready to announce you supporting somebody. it's not going to be you it's not going to be duct donald trump, so what happens? >> it's based on policy. i praised him for paying attention to the border, but he is basically said the parents of the right to know if their kid shows up in school and identifies as a gender different than their biological sets, i think it's shameful that when the bill was served up to sununu once he declined to sign it, this time around making its way through the legislature, he did nothing to advance it. i think that shameful in a republican state. >> neil: he called you a smart alex, you're obnoxious. did that play into this? or this is more than just an issue, it's personal. you didn't like what you said what he said about you? >> i don't like a lot of what he says about the future of this country. we have a fundamental ideological divide and that's what we have to confront. and not one of these people that says well if you criticize kim reynolds on one issue, she is automatically a bad person, i reject that, what i do do is speak freely. the establishment and the republican party tells other candidates there are certain things they can't say. do you know what, they told me that too, i just don't listen. do you feel sometimes that you go too far, that you get a little arrogant? that it's hurting you, it's hurting your brand or whatever? >> i'm not in this to play some political game of snakes and ladders. speak my convictions, speak them without apology. i am saying that will ultimately beat be the successful strategy. >> neil: do you sometimes think you overdo that? >> no is the answer to that question. do i develop my thoughts in my journey as an homage for newer and someone who's been a politician for a year? of course, you learn from your expenses and keep an open mind, but i will never back off of speaking my convictions in fact i think part of the problem with the republican party as it's become a party that the establishment effectively makes politicians into puppets. i say let's disagree publicly. let's do it civilly. i'm not like people on the debate stage. >> neil: it's not always civil. i say this in the context of brian switzer, the top political aide of yours that left to join the donald trump campaign. i was intrigued by your communications director saying a bad move, we love brian, it's a good move for brian and were happy for him. why is it a good move for one of your key aides to go to donald trump? why would she say that? >> we have 45 people on our staff. we brought in someone stationed in new hampshire. we brought him in he ran the national campaign to raise, new hampshire. we think someone who served us are part of the campaign. i like the guy, i wish them well, but we brought in the team that actually got santorum, the guy that is running the who ran it for santorum and for ted cruz. >> neil: to say you're happy for him, i understand, but you said you're happy for them. if i had a key person, and i know you have many key people, and they lead. >> i want to be respectful of the individuals involved in not really throw anybody--i wish everybody who has worked with us well in their future career. we have exactly the team we want here in the positions we've made and who we put in charge of each state is intentional. we have people that have one at this before. the operation is in great shape. now it's up for me to talk to the iowa grass roots. we are bringing new people into this caucus. i think that is going to be a successful strategy on january 15th which is not far around the corner. get ready for a major surprise. >> neil: if it doesn't work out the weight you want and you don't get the nomination, would you support anyone else becoming the nominee? would you support donald trump? it seems you would. would you support chris christie? or ron desantis? what about nikki haley are in ron desantis, would you support them? >> i think there are too relevant candidates in this race. donald trump and in and me. >> neil: i want to be clear because i don't understand because i've heard you on this position. >> i must not have followed the exact question. >> neil: if they were the nominees, would you support them? >> i've made a pledge to be on that republican debate stage just as everybody on the debate stage did, so i see no reason to rehash with everyone of us has said. i take the pledge about as seriously as the other candidates do, so that is what i will say it and leave it at that. i think i'm the only candidate in this race with fresh legs for the next generation. he is reaching young americans on a scale that nobody has done in the republican party in a long time. those people are pulled, but they can be big assets and a general election to deliver the kind of victory reagan had. i am focused to on that. not the week to week. redoing this ground up in iowa. take the issues i'm speaking about, take the carbon capture pipeline to the pipeline change agenda. the chairman of the rnc should resign, there is a reason why i'm the only candidate who is able to actually say these things. it's because in my case, my biggest donor is me, i don't out of the establishment. i report to the people of this country. i think that is something that are founding fathers reminded us of is something we would do well to remember today. it's up to the people of this country, not the media, and not the donor class, not the republican establishment. i think that will work in further our favor on the ground. >> neil: fair to say right now, if you like donald trump, you support him, he like yourself, it support it. take it that's not what i said. part of the problem with our media is putting words in other people's mouth. it almost feels to me like actually we have a debate next week and i know there's a lot of people that don't want me on the debate stage, as to say something contrary to have me kicked off. there would be a lot of people delighting in that. >> neil: that pledge calls for supporting whoever the nominee is. >> there is plenty of policy issues to support. i want to talk about the future of this country. >> neil: i understand that. >> i support my pledge in the same way that rivals do as i said before. >> neil: thank you very much. vivek ramaswamy. we will talk to chris christie on this very same issue when he's on the show on monday. we will have much more after this. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> they call it the santa claus rally it's been going on since st. patrick's day, the bottom line is here interest rates come down or the prospect that they will stay where they are for a while, you can interpret the chairman of the federal reserve hinting they won't be going down necessarily any time soon, but then he took that to their not going to aggressively raise rates, but there was a phenomenon here that seem to show the market kind of ignoring what he said. >> i didn't understand to what degree after my show. there is this thing called the fed funds, it predicts with the federal reserve is going to do. a couple of months ago they said the first rate code would be june. more recently the wedding or the conventional wisdom was made. let me tell you how drastic this is. 54 percent of a chance of cut in march, but here's the thing that caught my eye and 9 percent chance of a 50 basis point cut in march. wouldn't that ignite a storm? what does he see that we don't. >> that means you're in trouble. by the way, that something that people fear. this would've been one of my big fears. they call it a snowball turning into a boulder. we keep having these rate hikes at some point, the thing is we never know how big that boulder is or how close it is. like that thing in your rearview mirror. it might be bigger than you think. the irony and i think your point is they are treating this like it's great news. and the market historically historically, the first rate cup, it doesn't have to stay there long. you can live through it. but it's not a rate cut in march is not something to celebrate per se. >> can't they just celebrate the fact that he's clearly done hiking. that used to be good enough for a rally, now this gets them a rally, but unlike you, i'm wondering if you start cutting rates, your signaling there is trouble. >> there is a sweet spot between now and may be the first rate cut which can be good for the market these historic things. next year going into the election year, going back to 1928, 83 percent of the time the market is out. >> neil: for the year. even when you've had a good year the year before. >> i thought it was 83 and a half percent. i'm telling you, this guy is amazing. i just knows him off the top of his head. so, for december, what are we looking at. >> traditionally, it's a good month. the first couple of months months or a bit sideways. but this november as one of the best months ever. it was the fifth best month, so let's remember, we opened lower today. you can since it was going to be some profit taking. you know that movie elf is 20 years old. >> neil: inc. celebrations big events. they have a special thing to set up at the empire state building and serving their favorite food groups for 20 years. >> classic. >> neil: we are too young to remember, but i remember vividly. >> someone was telling me about it in the green room. >> neil: if it's not the market i'm not interested. that is an iconic movie. >> tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m., santa is coming to town. santa! i know him. i know him. lowe's knows same-day delivery means getting what you need, right when you need it. holiday shopping got easier on affordable décor and more. you know you can get these all at once, right dad? 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Fold , Producer , True Spirit Of Christmas , Didn T , Culture , Lines , Joy , Experience , Innocence Changes , Christmas , Grossing , 3 Million , 20 Million , 220 Million , 33 Million , Observatory , Snacks , Museum , Drinks , 135 , 35 , Role , Bread , Manhattan , Msa , Roles , Actors , The End , Gum , Moviemaking , Pieces , Jaw , Parts , It Guys , Coffee , Stuff ,

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