Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240702

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>> emily: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno here with my co-host kayleigh mcenany. with us is tammy bruce and kaylee mcgee white and "fox and friends" cohost and host of one nation brian kilmeade. we are entering the final hours of the ceasefire agreement israel and hamas. negotiators are working to extend that deal which lasted for six days. so far, 81 hostage have been released by hamas with more expected to be released in the coming hours. new details are emerging about the conditions hostages are facing in the tunnels. hamas terrorists threatened hostages and held people with no light and forced them to watch the footage of the horrific october 7 attack. despite the heart-breaking attacks from israeli hostages, pro-palestinian supporters in the u.s. spewed conspiracy theories and expressed support for hamas's terrorist attacks against israel at a city council meeting in oakland, california. >> there have not been beheadings and rapeings. >> this is ridiculous, racist and plays into genocidal propaganda flooding our media and we should be doing everything possible to combat. i support right of palestinians to resist occupation, including through hamas. >> as an arab, asking with this contempt to condemn00 racist. >> many of those killed on october 7 -- >> your time is up. >> including children were killed by the idf, amendment is bold propaganda. to hear them complain about hamas violence is like listening to a wife beater complain when his wife stands up and fights back. >>y request, did anyone else notice that those who oppose this are old white supremacists. >> emily: tammy, it nausiates me to listen to that. you made a fundamental point as i was complaining about it, we need to hear it so we know it exists. >> tammy: your disgust is appropriate, it is important for us to see it, otherwise it is unbelievable that you have adult individuals in the united states, but it shows the depth and talk about pathology and mental illness and degree of what happens when you are indoctrinated and manipulated with lies and that is all you hear. the human mind is fragile and jew hatred and the attack on general populations around the world has been possible because of the nature of humanity of the human condition of the fragillity of the human mind. it can be used for bad like social media or it allows us to see that, have our conversation remind people of what thissen moos, what this is and who we're trying to argue with. you can't make ceasefires with people who think that way. you can't win an argument with people who think that way temperature is something very different. you must move forward on what is right, what is normal, of value, celebrating human life and decency and that has to prevail, that is majority of people who believe that. >> emily: each of those people, they deserve their own assessment and analysis of vile commentary they were spewing forth. when you take it in the aggregate, complaining about hamas, you mean reporting about child beheading and expressing condemnation against terrorist organizations, reporting, old white men? the world is shocked and condemns this behavior and expresses solidarity with entire people that others expressed as goal to eradicate and yet there they stand with self-righteousness lecturing us. >> kayleigh: right, we have a morality problem and you watch that and that is the only takeaway. your antenna might have went up when people want to keep pornography in libraries. what we are seeing with our ally israel with terrorist hamas, battle of good versus evil, exposed level of moral depravity that i was shocked and quite frankly unaware existed. the vote taken before this vote was a vote among oakland city council simply to condemn evils of hamas. it failed 6-2. you pair that with people tearing down posters of children who exhibit common humanity. pair that with people chasing teachers and jewish students into rooms. what do you have? society that can't say it is wrong to put babies in ovens and kill pregnant women. i am scared for our country, the world and united nations, where are you, you can't condemn it, shame on you. >> emily: it is almost laughable, if not horrific the people parading in front of the microphone who have been indoctrinated in the bay area and have it so good. life there is so good, except for if you are people where crime is affecting, lack of housing, inflation, all the like. this, they have luxury of being able to parade around with their signs and condemn nagsz wo woefully undereducated feelings. >> brian: they live in a mess, oakland is crime-ridden city and they lost their football team and about to lose their baseball, for good reason. people protesting at columbia, and will be at rockefeller today protesting are the next generation. evidently you need good grades to get into harvard, so harvard, yale, columbia, ivy league schools, you need grades. these people are not ignore ants, they feel they are right. if we don't get ahold of this and find where it emanates from, you will find politicians refusing to back israel because they don't get elected if they do because 18 year olds bottom older and move up in the executive branch and be people of power who won't change their minds and next thing you know, we will not have our ally in israel and it is out of control so far israel has lost propaganda war through no fault of their own and when i think it is only an american problem, i look overseas. you talk to piers morgan, he says these are not first immigration immigrants, there are british people taking over london and rallying for hamas. there is right and wrong and hope people will see their way through it. >> emily: to brian kilmeade's point about israel losing propaganda war, that is specific goal articulated by hamas and to have global condemnation and this went back to violence to provoke response by israel as that the globe would condemn it. we have seen that time and time again. at the end of the day, good versus evil and there seems to be sides for all those people in oakland. >> kaylee: outcome of this meeting calling for permanent ceasefire in gaza. i do think there is element where i find it a little funny, thank you oakland city council, i'm sure everyone in the middle east was waiting with baited breath for you to weigh in on this conflict. they know they are not contributing to the conflict. this is common denominator and everyone you saw in front of that microphone, you saw during covid and with black lives matter with with many other social justice causes, what you touched on. >> emily: right next to oakland is berkeley, california, which has significant jewish population. this does little to further anything, it stocks fear amongst jewish population living in neighbors to all the people. >> tammy: can i add one tiny thing, this eliminates and alleviates suspension of disbelief. we disbelieve this dynamic of what is happening in our government, this curtain has been pulled back. >> emily: it is frightening. pro-palestinian supporters stormed grand central station and disrupted macy's day parade. now the next event they are looking to target, that is next. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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that is what you are saying. >> kayleigh: that is what you are protesting. the media is culpable in this. i saw a headline over the weekend that said nypd detained 34 demonstrators at macy's thanksgiving day parade who were protesting killing of civilians in gaza. that protest according to "new york post" had a protester shouting from the river to the sea. the medias they are protesting israel, big, bad guy. >> emily: softening that narrative does anyone no favor. we don't have specific or credible threats, but what point do we? what point does softening that vile narrative increase in aftermath and lead to threats. alexus says dozens turn into hundreds and thousands, as we've seen. what could mushroom could have real effect and first frontline is nypd who have seen lowest amount of members since 1991, they have been undergoing threat for so long and tasking them with, it is new york, keep doing the same thing over and over again. send a message and cancel it or say if you disrupt this city, we will not have it here. have it in nashville, people are patriotic and well behaved. if someone gets hurt, it is on pro-hamas protesters shoulders and demonstrators who don't see reality. >> kayleigh: reality, is this lack of information? i was stunned by individuals who said idf soldiers did this to their own people. that is false, conspiracy theory. >> kaylee: it is not lack of information, they are making a deliberate choice. i looked up the advertisement for this tree lighting protest, this group was behind the macy's thanksgiving day parade protest, as well. you will see people in the streets that read capitalism and colonialism which goes to show this is not just about israel, they are protesting against america and western civilization and values we represent. what did capitalism have to do with gaza? nothing. it is not lack of information, it is deliberate choice to turn this into a leftist narrative and that is represented in protests. >> kayleigh: spot on. meanwhile at the white house, heavy winds toppled the national scrimmages tree. crews worked to salvage the tree and get it back up. it sent social media into frenzy. judiciary committee posting national christmas tree falls down, perfectly summing up joe biden's presidency. christian collins joking the white house can't seem to keep things from falling over. and nelson piling on, the white house christmas treetopeling over, perfect depiction of joe biden and the state of america. tammy, to which you likely agree. >> tammy: symbolism is very important and you see this, can you not just keep the tree up? the one job you have to do that. i believe there was also another tree that had be replaced because it had a disease, so we had to bring in a different one. simplest things americans look at, secure the tree, it is winter time, secure it. we have been able to secure it, there has always been wind. they could not pull it you hava, shameful. >> kayleigh: metaphor for the president's poll numbers. >> brian: it is, hard to push back on hard-core facts. they will let the show go on. the true grit, we have a crane out there and lifted the thing back up and put guide wires and if you wouldn't insist on using gas-powered cars, we wouldn't have the wind because you are so selfish. >> tammy: it is those gas stoves. >> kayleigh: stop writing headlines for the "washington post." >> brian: i forgot. >> emily: i love what you said, just get it right, you have one job. everyone else got it right, why can't this administration? because it is biden. >> kayleigh: symbolism. prominent black lives matter leader turns against democrats over racist policies and throws his support behind trump. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. directv sports central brings your games, stats and scores together... and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to a $400 reward card. ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? 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"new york times" could not believe their own poll, they did a focus group of black voters and found black voters saying what is the word on biden, he's too old, i feel the democratic party has forgotten about the black male. this stands out to me, i feel left out by obama. i feel chicagoans, after seeing trump and all he did, man, obama, you could have done the same thing. >> tammy: exactly. it is why this led to hillary's loss, that should have been a warning to the democratic party he couldn't take hillary across the line because he disappointed everyone. many left the left, we wanted to solve problems and noticed an investment in problems remaining. when i confronted feminist leaders, why can't we do xyz? i was told it was important to rub salt into the wound, when we were needed again, we would still be here. democrats party relies on victimhood, if you elevate people and entrepreneurship, celebrating the individual and family everyone begins to succeed and you saw with trump. could be anyone who is not invested particularly in the black community remaining victimized. the democratic party relies on that struggle, the oppressor and the oppressed. black communities recognize that and see it happen rapidly from obama to trump to biden and now they are realizing, it is not a generation, matter of four to six years and they see the difference. >> kayleigh: black men in particular where we see polling go to trump, permanent funding for hbcu's, growing than wage wise, those are big deals. >> emily: the difference is that president trump viewed every american equally simply as an american and democratic party views people through the lens of skin color. mr. fisher said the democratic party doesn't value our vote, he is right, the democratic party expects their vote and it is coming from a place of and also i know better than you and will represent you better than you will represent yourself. i agree that the worst nightmare for democratic party is disentanglement, not meeting programs anymore, it is rising and using opportunity afforded by this country, just this country not because of a handout those things emblem attic of success in this country are worst nightmare of the democratic party, it means people can leave the teet and don't need them anymore. biggest insult is party representatives continue to shove down the throat of americans they will always do better, know better and perform better and represent them better than they will themselves. highlight gavin newsom, joe biden and the list goes on. >> kayleigh: i want to play this for you, tough question to karine jean-pierre about stevie wonder from april ryan. >> i had an in-depth conversation with stevie wonder last night. i love stevie wonder. again, for the serious question, he's concerned about the black agenda falling along the way side, is this president amenable to meeting with stevie? >> i am not aware of any meeting with mr. wonder. >> emily: do you have to tell the room this is a serious question? >> i didn't realize april ryan was stevie wonder's official pr person. >> brian: looks like it. >> kaylee: in 2020, trump was making historic gains among black voters and roont polls show them skyrocketing to the point "new york times" find the more diverse, the worse biden performed. take michigan, 98% of black voters supported biden in 2020, now 62% according to the "new york times." that is a 30% drop. i don't know if it translates to increased support for trump, you don't need that, all he needs is voters not to show up and he could lose to trump. "wall street journal" article, they interviewed several black voters to get to the root of this and why this drop in support has happened. they talked to michelle smith, a black mother who works two jobs, she has three teenage boys and she feels left behind because of the economy. she had to take on a third job because of biden's policies. she says they talk a good game until they get elected, that sums it up. >> kayleigh: alarm bells should be going off for president biden. >> brian: republicans need an agenda for the black community. go in and tell me what you will do, listen and find out how to serve the urban environment. >> tammy: trump has the answers and they're afraid because they don't. everyone has to come together, everybody. >> brian: do a town hall in chicago. >> kayleigh: i love that idea, way to translate numbers for the party. new developments in the story of a kansas city chiefs fan. the boy's mother is setting the record straight after liberal media outlet targeted her son. veteran homeowners, need to save money every month? call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. 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katie pavlich joins us. and why posting anti-israel videos online, senator tom cotton on that one. i'm john roberts, join us for "america reports," see you then. >> kayleigh: united nations has not called hamas a terror group, but ready to label meat as a threat to the planet. expected to call on the west to limit beef intake at this week's climate summit. un claimed that ditching animal based diet would reduce our carbon footprint. u.s. farmers and ranchers only account for 1% of global greenhouse emissions. kayleigh, overall emission, china emits two times the united states, but let's go after farmers and ranchers here. >> kaylee: cow parts, why? it has nothing to do with climate change, little impact. climate change agenda is not about climate, it is about controlling the way people live their lives. if you take it serious the world will end, curegulate everything and control cars people drive, and control food they eat and control the way buildings are built, every aspect of our lives and up for regulation. this is playing out in california, they have banned gas stoves and saying you have to have an electric vehicle. it is totalitarian -- >> tammy: and europe is having this problem with rancher and farmers killing themselves, there is food problems because of attempt to control every act we take. this is also about the economy, in fact. every single thing we have done, the un prefers affects the u.s. economy and it is training us to be used to proclamations about what we should or should not be doing. there is call from the american people to the un to sit down and shut up. that will be the call they should have. >> brian: let me salute you by choosing two great answers. hard to follow-up on that. sometimes you can say man did this and it is cause in the environment and you can make a case. before we invented coal burning power plant, god invent said the cow. not up to us to eradicate them. i'm sure we can live amongst them and they are not the problem. control thing, that is cars, fear with cars. the power is shut off and i can't go get gas on my own. >> kayleigh: i love rush limbaugh, he used to play commercials about cow f flatulence, it was funny. could not condemn terror attacks against women, they put up a tweet and then took it down. they cannot condemn the atrocities. >> emily: the same body condemned israel more than any other organization. that organization is a joke and we contribute financially to it. >> kayleigh: but cows are the biggest problem, according to the united nations. what a joke. more "outnumbered" next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. >> last but not least, if you come across a beautiful view on your vacation, might want to think twice before taking a selfie. review from the university of new south wales claims taking selfies can be a public health problem. falls from large heights where the most common cause of selfie-related injury and camera apps should implement safety messages. should we, or a form of darwinism and let them fall. >> that was so gutfeldian, don't sit next to an open window when taking selfies, it's not going to help. >> highest demographic were 22-year-old female, including one that was celebrating her birthday, like the impact is real for those poor girls who probably just are trying to get clicks and likes. >> i went to yosemite and the park ranger tells me he sees it all the time. >> and they do it at yosemite, don't go up to the elk, leave the bears alone, common sense but apparently people think bears are cute and want to get close. >> just because i'm gen z and blonde, i don't do this, just to be clear. i have some common sense, not to throw myself off a cliff with my phone in hand. >> i never take selfies. >> a town in italy put up a wall and blocked the view, leading to too much congestion, but do you think we will see views mars by a win? >> chinese is ahead of us again. they put up the wall ahead of time, even before the camera. >> blake is learning to use the camera, take pictures of me when i'm waking up in the morning. >> closest danger is ruby, my little dog, getting a selfie but starting to roll off the bed so you have to stop, even that's dangerous. don't let that happen. >> i say, at least we don't see the selfie sticks anymore, those have seemed to disappear. a tourist attraction, you see the people filming themselves the entire time. that was even worse. >> before we go check out brian's latest book, "teddy and booker t," and brian is hitting the road coming to a city near you. brian, tell us what you have in store. >> i'll tell you what, it's a special on fox nation right now, you can get it. also the book is now out, thankfully top ten in the country, i'm going to be in new jersey and doing these things on stage, fox nation specials in pittsburgh, as well as in michigan. check it out, get some tickets. i think we all need it. and these are two iconic americans who, a time at which america was dealing with racial strife pushed us together, and booker t. washington, he was born a slave, read when he was nine, ends up being a powerful educator and combined with teddy roosevelt, not supposed to live past childhood. >> they are going to be everywhere, everybody look, you are riding a scooter, apparently. >> city to city. perfect. >> brian kilmeade. >> i can't wait to read it, kilmeade, that schedule is amazing. thank you for watching us. here is "america reports".

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