Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

citing a delay in aid trucks getting into northern gaza. and breaking now, both the israelis and hamas are in ongoing discussions with the qataris to resolve any of these delays as soon as possible. and just last hour israeli spokesman elon levy saying he is hopeful each set of 10 hostages released would result in another day added to this temporary ceasefire. welcome to "fox news live," i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: i'm griff jenkins. here we go, the white house announcing earlier today they don't expect any americans to be part of the next group released. alex hogan is live in jerusalem with the latest. alex, it seems we're about four hours into this delay. what can you tell us? >> reporter: hi, griff. so we are watching and waiting to see when there will be any changes and the possible release of these hostages in day two of this ceasefire, and hamas is saying that it will not release hostages until more humanitarian the aid comes in to gaza. that is something we have a heard from international doctors, saying that the conditions on the ground are dire. hundreds of thousands of people living in shelters and on the streets, three-quarters of the population in gaza is currently out of their home because of the fighting. so as all of this unfolds, we're also getting new footage of some of the hostages who have come home, like this video right here of this little 9-year-old boy who was released with his mother and grandmother. they're watching videos that have been sent to them of others welcoming them home now that they are safe back in israel. today his friends also threw him a pizza party at the hospital, he was released, again, along with his mother and grandmother yesterday. and these are the initial images of the release of some of those hostages yesterday, the first hugs, the first moments on the helicopter. all of this was what we expected to see this time again right now with this second group of hostages by the time, but these images are still conjuring up a lot of pride and a lot of celebration nationwide. so this is the full list of all of the hostages who have been released in the last 24 hours, the 13 hostages. danielle aloni and her daughter amelia, rued mundter, her daughter -- ruth mundter, and her daughter, hanna perry and yassa a a dar. and the families, as much as they're celebrating, they're also creating a lot of concern about what this will mean for the other hostages not yet freed. take a listen. >> translator: we are happy, but we are not celebrating because there are more kidnapped people in captivity, and we need to continue and not stop our fight til all kidnapped are released, til the last one. >> reporter: meanwhile, the other big part of this is ceasefire is the deal that israel would send in more humanitarian aid. that is what is creating the backlog tonight. overall, hamas is expected to release 50 hostages by monday in exchange for 150 palestinians, but so far -- now, while we are hearing that the ceasefire has held, we're just getting in this new information right now. hamas officials are currently speaking, and they are saying that israel has shot towards civilians. this one official said that israel did not stop the air traffic which they intended to, and they did not get as many aid trucks as expected. so we will wait to hear the official response from israeli officials here on the ground. hamas also released a statement saying that it is committed to this agreement. of course, that, has been met with a lot of skepticism given the fact that we are seeing this current delay plague out and these hostages not yet being released despite the fact that we were expecting them to be leased several hours ago. we begin will wait to hear official confirmation from the israelis in regards to that. griff: yeah. and you mentioned it's a little after a eight a your time alex. we expected here around 9 a.m. there would be the second tranche of hostages released. let me ask you though, in the first group you were reporting on, that young, cute boy, are we learning more about what their experience was like? >> reporter: yeah, we're hearing more and more stories really every few minutes, more accounts of what it was like for them. and what's interesting is that even though most of these hostage were released, they came from the same kibbutz, all kidnapped from the same place on october 7th. it appears they were taken to different areas because their experiences are very different. one woman was able to watch tv, listen to the radio, another woman says she was basically e completely in the dark for the last seven weeks. she had no idea there was even a war taking place in gaza. now, we're also hearing as far as this completely separate brokered deal of ten thai foreign nationals and one filipino, those hostages were released in a separate deal. one of their family members is speaking out about the communications they've had with a thai hostage saying he was kept in a house, not in a tunnel, and that is what we expected, hostages held underground because of the dire conditions there. that hostage telling his family that the conditions were overall quite well. but we're also hearing from ojad and his family that they were sleeping on the ground, very difficult conditions. so very different stories, it appears, from all these hostage as. and we'll hopefully hear the stories of more hostages tonight and the potential release of 13, of course, all of these delays taking place creating a lot of concern, a lot of skepticism and a lot of fear on the ground here tonight. griff. griff: hopefully positive news will be coming. alex hogan lye on the ground in jerusalem, thank you. jacqui: president biden is spending the weekend in man -- nantucket, and yesterday he said he remains hopeful the release of american hostages would happen soon is. but the white house is telling fox that americans are not expected to be among the in connection group of most -- the next group of hostages released. lucas tomlinson is live in nantucket with more on this. hey, lucas. >> reporter: that's right, no american hostages are expected to be released today. now, speaking yesterday here in nantucket, president biden offered the following explanation about why he thinks this war started. >> i cannot prove what i'm about to say, but i believe one of the reasons why hamas struck when they did was they knew that i was working very closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of israel and israel's right to exist. >> free palestine! [inaudible conversations] >> free palestine! >> reporter: now, it's not been all smooth sailing for the president here in nantucket. biden and the first lady, as you can hear here, were met with protesters while walking to lunch shortly after those remarks. the president later did some shopping too. protesters also followed the president and his family, including-upper biden, to the annual -- including hunter biden, to the annual christmas tree lightening ceremony on the island. u.s. forces in the middle east were attacked four more times yesterday, bringing the total to at least 73 since the middle of last month. the u.s. military's responded with airstrikes about every 20 times they're attacked. moving 600 miles to the west in israel, officials say president biden has been putting more pressure if on israel's prime minister to extend this ceasefire to get more hostages out by yesterday. >> i've encouraged the prime minister to, to focus on trying to reduce the number of casualties while he is attempting to eliminate hamas, which is a legitimate if objective of. >> reporter: president biden and the first lady called various military units throughout the world. it's notable he did not call any of the u.s. forces who have come under attack in the middle east. jacqui: lucas tomlinson in nantucket, thanks so much. for more, we are joined by former deputy national security advisor under former president trump victoria coates who is now vice president of foreign policy at the heritage foundation. thank you so much, victoria, for being with us. appreciate your time. so i want to start with this news that the hostage release has been delayed and with the caveat that israel has not yet responded to these allegations coming from hamas that they've violated somehow the terms of this agreement. the fact that these releases that were expected to happen today are not happening today adds to skepticism about trusting hamas, that's a skepticism that israel has always expressed. so would you have made this deal? >> well, good to be with you with, hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. no, i would not have made this deal. i think if there was a deal to be had, it would be to support israel strongly and tell hamas if that the fighting would stop, there would be perhaps the possibility of a ceasefire once all of the hostages were out. but once the biden administration started pressuring israel for pauses for humanitarian aid to go in which will, of course, be siphoned off by hamas as it always is, you know, hamas gained conditional leverage, and now they're basically practicing psychological warfare against israel. can you imagine the families of the folks or who are on this list going through these agonizing hours, just basicallying being tormented by hamas if because they can. jacqui: when you play this video though of these reunifications that are happening and, you know, you hear israel talk about the sort of two objectives in this war, one to eradicate hamas, the other to bring these hostages home, and when you see this little boy running down the hall of the hospital running into his dad's arms, is it difficult to say that you wouldn't have taken this deal? >> oh, of course it is. this is just a grindingly awful situation created by hamas and iran. and so, you know, one certainly sympathizes with the israeli desire to get the hostage as out. and you can see it from a strategic standpoint. of course, you know, their operations are going to be a lot easier once they're out. but i think as a i said the way to do it maybe more efficiently was to build up the pressure on hamas, not give them these little sort of release valves of aid a and and pauses and what not. and so that they feel compelled to let these hostages out just to get any relief at all. jacqui: would you advise them that israel unpauses the pause because of this delay? if. >> well, i mean, it's difficult not being inside the negotiations and, of course, you know, as you do see those videos, they are heart warming. we want more out. and, for goodness sakes, we want the americans out. we'd like to see the president be much more forceful about that,s about saying the names of the american hostages, being much more aggressive about demanding their freedom. so i think, you know, that i would leave this up to the israelis. i think it's not the position of the american government to be pressuring them to do anything one way or the other. this should be their internal decision. jacqui: why is it you think that americans have not been among the first groups? >> well, unfortunately, i think hamas has learned the hostage lessons from the iranians a little bit too well. they saw the iranians get $1.2 billion per hostage recently, and i think they see this as some of their greatest collateral. they know that the biden administration will give them whatever they ask for -- [audio difficulty] and so i would assume given the way that the president has behaved to date they might be the last ones out, which is really potential. -- terrible. jacqui: speaking of iran, does the fact that thailand got 12 hostages out through a direct deal with iran tell you that iran is behind october 7th in a way that the administration has said that we don't have any proof that they are? >> no, i mean, i think, absolutely they are. the proof is literally in the pudding right there. with that, with that deal for the thai or hostages. and the same thing with the 73 attacks that lucas was talking about. these more iranian proxies. all of the money that funds them goes back the iran. they can't fire ballistic missiles without iran, without training, without material. and that's what they've started to do. so iran is escalating throughout the region, certainly in southern israel but also in syria can and iraq. and this administration won't even admit that they have a problem, let alone do anything forceful to respond to it. jacqui: and this pause we're told by the israeli government could extend one more day for every ten hostages that are released. and if you look at the number, that would amount to somewhere around a little over three weeks for a stop in fighting. are you concerned about that amount of time potentially, allowing hamas to reconstitute in a way that would set israel back? the israeli government officials have said they're going to use that time to reconstitute as well. what's your assessment of that? >> yeah, i -- that is definitely a concern. i mean,ing as a we were just discussing, getting all of the hostages out is a strategic necessity for israel. so i think a 20-day pause would be problematic. i mean, yes, they would gain something as well, but the real problem i would see is this would give all of our friends at the united nations, say certainly on the left, a lot of time and to do very -- to very loudly demand that the cease fire be made perm innocent and, oh, there are faults on both sides, but let's just move beyond the fighting. absolutely not. israel has to finish this job. they can't go back to an october 6th minding set, and neither can the united states. we have to be mindful that israel one of our strongest allies in the world, certainly our strongest in the middle east. and, you know, we need to be standing with them just unequivocally right now. and not sort of trying to do lip service to some palestinian cause, particularly the state department, as a matter of fact, is trying to promote. so i think that getting them out quickly would be hugely preferable to some kind of almost month-long delay. jacqui: and to your point, there would be, i would imagine, a lot more pressure on president biden the call for a permanent ceasefire if, you know, we stop seeing images of people being leased and start to see images of devastation in gaza again, you're going to see the left getting pretty loud. victoria cotes, thank you very much, appreciate it. griff? griff: for a look at what those hostage negotiations may look like, we're joined by the founder of project dine can mow. he's got over a quarter century of experience in the military, combat duty and hostage rescue, brian stern. brian, thank you for joining us. take us inside with the experience you have in assessing now what we're learning. you heard maybe from our reporter alex 40 gab in -- alex hogan in jerusalem saying essentially the qataris are on the ground trying to get the process back in play. the delay coming after hamas' military wing, the ca semiby decades, accusing israel of not adhering to the terms of the agreement with things like aid into the northern part of gaza. what do you make of it? >> i think this is very typical. i spoke about this last time i was on fox, you know, these are, these are tough things, you know? negotiating these deals are very hard. it's general georgia. so there's a lot of messaging, there's a lot of swaggering, there's all kinds of different variables to include miscommunication and misperception. to say nothing of the fact hamas has broken every deem that they've ever -- deal that they've ever made. so it's not like they're beacons of morality here. and the israelis are very angry, or and the qatar are qatar arele middle. when it comes to things like this where there's a deal that requires time and multiple demonstrations of movement and mechanism, it's not surprising to me at all that there's going to be bumps in the road. that's pretty typical. griff: brian, as we look live here, our viewsers, you can see here in tel aviv, israel, a rally to, quote, bring them home. obviously, mixed emotions, but melated and proud -- many e lated and proud we got the 13 back. as we look at this rally and, obviously, the calls the bring more hostages home grows louder, does something like that make it more difficult when you are in the negotiations in realtime if things began to fall apart? is this perhaps an intended ploy to throw a wrench into it from the hamas if side that israel's now getting a little bit of hope? >> the nature of hostage taking, hostage rescue and hostage negotiation, the hostage game, if you will, is all about leverage. that's what it's all about. so every little thing matters. every little detail matters. things are used against people that are, that are not important to the sender, but they are important to the receiver. hamas is acutely aware of how to take hostages and the leverage of propaganda, the leverage of media and and how to apply pressure in the same way that the israelis are acutely way of how to apply military pressure to hamas and people in the palestinian territories to bring them to the negotiating table too. so every side knows the vulnerabilities of each side, and it's all about using that pressure to bring people home as a safely as possible. but it is very difficult. to suggest that hamas is not paying attention is just naive. to suggest that the israelis aren't paying attention is naive as well. griff: bryan, we believe there could be as many as 10 americans in this group of hostages. obviously, we learned that even if we get today's release back on track, we don't anticipate any americans will be among them. obviously weren't yesterday. how confident are you that eventually as these, if this 4-day plan does play out, that we will get any americans in this group? >> the american hostages are, of course, what project dynamo is focused on. we're working with a number of families, we are donor-oriented. the american hostages are the ultimate leverage for hamas. they are the crown jewels of what they have. and watching how they're leveraging even the gap of information, right? we say we assess them to have 10, we actually don't know him they have -- how many they have. just the fact that we don't know and that they haven't provided a list is a weapon by itself. so we, you know, do i think that they'll get released? absolutely. do i think that there'll be -- they'll be last? i really hope not. i think there's a lot of other things that can be happening the get them closer to the front of the line, towards the back of the line, but the reality is that requires american pressure, american resolve, and we have to be a credible threat both militarily, economically and diplomatically as well. griff: and, bryan, just in the last 20 seconds or so i've got left, what should we be watching for to get today's delay back on track? >> there'll be some sort of capitulation. there'll be some sort of capitulation somewhere. hamas will say one thing, israel will say another thing, and they'll have to volley back forth. every side will have to say i'm sorry e and say, look, let's do this for the people, we want the pause and you want your people, so let's work this out. at a some point that's where they'll get to, but there'll be lying, desense, misrepresentation, there'll be propaganda and a lot of people screaming in cameras and iphone demanding all kinds of things that actually probably don't know what they're demanding. griff: bryan stern, the founder and ceo of project dine know -- dynamo. bryan, thank you for your up insight. >> thank you so much. ye jeff we are monitoring pro-palestinian protests planned in new york city today and many protests yesterday targeted shopping areas as security was beefed up at malls around the country. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-pedic uses our one-of-a-kind, incredibly adaptive tempur® material to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed sleep of tempur-pedic. learn more at i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. jacqui: as hamass has delayed the release of the second group of hostages, pro-palestinian demonstrations are planned across the globe this weekend. alexandria hoff is live with more on this story for us. >> reporter: in terms of this weekend, it's not like the black friday shopping experience is usually one of tranquility, but in some places people have become the target of anger. right now in upper manhattan, a pro-palestinian protest is underway. they're demanding a ceasefire in gaza despite a deal currently in place between hamas and israel. what you're seeing is from yesterday now. in less than an hour, we're expecting another large scale demonstration to, quote, flood columbus circle. yesterday in new york at least 1,000 anti-israel protesters met in washington square park, marched uptown swarming black friday shoppers and demanding their attention. [inaudible conversations] >> i personally believe this is not the right way to act a on this situation. and all a get together and see how we can solve this situation. >> reporter: that man went on to say this behavior is not going to help, swarming shoppers. in chicago, shop isers were confronted similarly are, told not to spend money or buy gifts as part of a nationwide call to action titled shut it down for palestine. >> we say no business as usual, no business as a usual while bombs are dropping, no business as usual while israel continues to occupy palestinian land and continues to murder and commit war crimes. and that's why we're here, and that's why we're going to continue to be out here regardless of temporary pauses. >> reporter: in cities big and small, major traffic disruptions were reported. in los angeles, police issued a precautionary citiwide tactical -- citywide tactical alert yesterday as protesters disrupted travel at the grove shopping plaza. here in the d.c. area, smaller groups caused backlogs in virginia. in atlanta yesterday eight protesters were arrested for refusing to dispossessor from a roadway. griff: pro-palestinian protesters also disrupted the annual thanksgiving day parade in new york. for more, we're joined by paul mauro. i covered the first protest that happened here in washington, and it was tens of thousands, and they left red hand prints painted on the white house. then last friday i was at the one just outside of our building here, and a person got in my live shot, quite aggressive. we have been seen these sort of protests in a while. >> yeah. we haven't seen them since the summer of 2020, and that's no accident. you're starting to see a lot of the same stuff we saw back then. and there was a phrase that we used to use back then which was enabled as a empowered. and, you know, a lot of the people that are protesting here, their hearts are in the right place. they're exercising their first amendment rights. but we would be less than forth right if we didn't acknowledge that more and more around the edges of this you're getting organized groups, many of whom don't really care about the cause, many of whom couldn't find palestine on a map. and that's why you're starting to see it devolve. you're starting to see the kind of destruction, graffiti, people fighting with the police more and more disorder, and it's because they have a different agenda, but they just -- they're cottoning on to this because it's getting them face time. and realistically, it's just what they do. and many of them literally cannot tell you, because i've spoken to. -- to some, they can't tell you what it is they want, and they have no way forward. as a result, you're seeing stuff like we saw yesterday. quality of life in the city declining even further. black friday people that are just out in the holidays trying to shop and enjoy the city. this is the no way to win hearts and minds, and it's very counterproductive. griff: how concerned are you about the violence? just the one a week or so ago, ten days ago outside the dnc got quite violent even though there was a small group of protesters. they arrested one of them for punching a female offer in the face. >> that's -- officer in the face. >> that's the kind of thing i'm talking about. a lot of that reporting has been sanitized. fox reports on it, but a lot of the media online and in the print media doesn't want to own up the how bad this has been. and, you know, a perfect metaphor for at least how bad it's becoming is the wartzman library, part of the new york city library system -- schwartzman. and, again, this is a place that was, is a institute of higher learning, of research, etc., but it had the fatal flaw in their eyes of having been something that was donated by the funding for it from a jewish person. and it's just mindless violence. it's going to cost tens of thousands of dollars to clean it up. they did the same thing downtown in 2020. and it wasn't really condemned. and so as a result, they think they can continue to do it. and it's part of the basic just lack of enforcement here in new york city. and is it any wonder that the police department is losing officers in droves? because they don't really see any efficacy in the work that they're trying to do, and as a result, we're going to go down pretty quickly to numbers in the police department that we haven't seen in decades. and people think there's disorder now, wait until there's 10,000 less cops than we've gotten used to for a long time and you have all these groups in power doing this kind of stuff. griff: oh, paul, we could go on for the rest of the day about that here in d.c. we are way down in officer as, and you are seeing the sad, dangerous reality. paul mauro, former nypd officer, thank you for joining us told. have a good one. jacqui: president biden is facing pushback from the left over his handling of the israel-hamas war. we'll have more on that coming up. ♪ fa ♪ next level. 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>> i don't know how he'll do politically with this, but i do think that he is doing a really good job. you have republicans such as myself saying that he is doing a good job on his e foreign policy, you probably realize that there's going to be a lot of people that he is not pleasing. i think what the issue is, is there's a lot of young voters in this country that weren't born on 9/11 that haven't had to deal with attacks on our country from terrorists. and we have to remember that hamas is a terrorist group. and as we con to negotiate them -- continue to negotiate with them, just what happened a few minutes ago where they are backtracking and not releasing more hostages today, it's going to be a problem. but he is putting policy and our security and our foreign policy priorities ahead of politics at this point. jacqui: david, the that point, you know, it's sort of the general consensus that the president might lose some support among young people and muslim-american voters because of his backing of israel. we had a quote from one article that says conversations with more than a dozen students here underscore that biden's handling of the war threatens to diminish enthusiasm among young voters with students and young people divided on how they will use their vote and their organizing power. that was in the washington in "the washington post." and i ask you, is the threat to biden's campaign as serious as people make it out to be in and if it's not, does it have a threat to maybe down-ballot democrats who could sit out the election? >> the threat is real because the issue is so polarizing in america. a majority of americans still support israel, or but now a majority of americans also don't support israel's response right now currently to gaza. and the president is aware of this, and he's tying to chart a middle path -- try trying to chart a middle past here. ultimately, where are muslim-american voters going to go? they overwhelmingly supported president biden in the last election. they're very aware of the fact that president trump had a muslim ban on muslims from six or seven different countries, and he has had a lot of rhetoric that's anti-miss limb. -- muslim. so i don't think president biden is at risk of losing muslim voters. and similarly, jewish-americans overwhelmingly support president biden as well. but he's trying to navigate the path both of these important -- keep both of these important constituencies on his side while also doing the right thing which includes israel and its effort to go after the hamas militants responsible for the attack on october 7th but trying to modify israel's response so it's more careful about collateral damage in gaza. jacqui: so, ashley, would you expect then that support for the president's handling of this conflict from are republicans, from maybe moderates of both parties would diminish if we don't start seeing americans among the hostages that are released or a strong or response to iran which seems to be playing a role in the hostage negotiations? i mean, thailand got 12 citizens out through a direct deal with iran which a lot of people might say that would indicate that they have more of a role in october 7th than the administration will acknowledge. where does the president have some challenges coming up? >> i definitely think that's a challenge. and i know david knows this just as well as i do from my experience after 9/11 with the bush administration, there's a lot of things happening behind the scenes right now that the american people don't know and on purpose they don't know. there are actually national security, there are classified information. so i am sure our government is doing everything they can to bring american hostages home. so i do think that we have to give them the benefit of the doubt on that. but going babb to your earlier -- back to your earlier question with david about the young voters, something that some of my former colleagues in the intelligence community are saying is the social media aspect of this is playing a really big part of the young voters and how they're getting their information. i mean, they only get their information from social media, snippets, and because of the algorithms and whoever's behind the algorithms is up for debate, they're just getting specific information that is about the human aspect of the palestinians, not the fact that hamas as a terrorist group is using human beings as shields. jacqui: and to your point, a lot of that information is coming from tiktok, a lot of critics say that, you know, china is very pleased about this and that they basically have the u.s. exactly where they want them on that issue. and that brings me to our next topic which is 2024,. nick: key haley, obviously, is strongly against tiktok, and she and chris christie are both looking to new hampshire to try to win independent support there. but now you've got dean phillips throwing his hat in the ring, and, david, do you think that dean phillips -- if he's not going to be a challenge for biden in new hampshire which some people would say he could be -- does he pose a threat to haley and chris christie in what is an open primary state? >> this is going to be a topsy-turvy election and campaign season with lots of mysteries about what might if happen. dean phillips, i've met him, he's a nice guy. his biggest issue is that he doesn't have a lot of name recognition, but his biggest positive is he's the alternative in the democratic party right now. no one else is running for the democratic nomination. so those who are democrats who want to vote for a democrat for one reason or another don't want the vote for biden are possibly going to support them. is that going to get him there? probably not. but, again, this is going to be a crazy election season. does he take away some votes for those who want to vote against, who don't want to vote for biden because -- or can't vote for biden because he's not on the ballot in new hampshire and maybe they would, they're independents and they would have voted for the anti-trump candidate, that could happen as a well. so there's a lot of things that are going to be really interesting about the primary season. jacqui: ashley, we're out of time but real quickly, what do you see happening in new hampshire? >> nikki haley's in a solid position in new hampshire, she's going to continue doing what she's doing which is spreading her message and picking up the voters one by one. i don't think that there's a concern about dean phillips. she's going to keep her eye on the ball and think she'll do very well in new hampshire going into south carolina. jacqui: all right, we'll be watching. ashley davis, david tafuri, thank you very much, both of you, for your time. >> thank you. griff: meanwhile, former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin who in 2021 was convicted of killing george floyd was reportedly stabbed by another inmate at the federal correctional institution in tucson, arizona, on friday. christina coleman has been following that story and has the latest. hey, christina. >> reporter: yeah. so far no word on what led to the stabbing. again, 47-year-old chauvin was reportedly seriously injured during the attack and is now listed in stable condition. the bureau of prisons did not name him as the inmate who was stabbed yesterday; however, they did confirm that an assault occurred around 12:30 in the afternoon friday at the prison. they said responding employees performed life saving measures on the inmate and that they were taken to a hospital for further treatment and evaluation. minnesota attorney general keith ellison who prosecuted chauvin in his high profile state murder case says the former officer is listed in stable condition following the stabbing. he released a statement saying, quote: i'm sad to hear that derek chauvin was the target of violence. he was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any if incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of realuation with or violence. chauvin was sentenced for federal civil rights charged and 22 and a half years for second-degree murder by the state of minnesota. on monday the supreme court rejected chauvin's appeal of his murder contradiction conviction -- conviction. though vin is serving both seasonses concurrently at the medium security federal correctional institution in tucson. that facility has had problems with staffing shortages and security failures. just last year an inmate pulled out a gun on a visitor and tried to shoot him in the head. the gun disfifed and no one was injured. friday's assault is the second high profile stabbing at a federal prison in just a matter of months. in july former sports doctor larry nassar who was convicted of sexually assaulting u.s. gym gymnastics team members was reportedly stabbed multiple times with some type of manufactured weapon by an inmate at a high security federal prison in florida. griff? griff: christina coleman live with the latest, thank you. jacqui: griff, more coming up on how a snowstorm in the central plains could add to a travel nightmare as people return home after the holidays. ♪ to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. griff: welcome back. adam: we are tracking one winter system that might be slowing down travel, folks heading back. there it is, the snow currently coming down in the middle of the country. currently wichita, up towards or kansas city is where you're seeing the worst of it, and winter storm warnings are currently in place. this big system is ultimately dragging across the country. where it ends is typically where we're seeing delays, and there are some airport delays in the middle of the country. by the time we get into sunday and as we know, that's going to be a really big travel day, chicago is another area where you could see major slowdowns. all of this does track itself up into new england. those are your weather headlines, we'll be right back after the break. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. griff: ymca is kicking off the holiday season with its operation holiday joy and operation ride home to help service members. here to tell us about it, the armed services ymca ceo vice admiral bill french. you're a friend to the show, and we love it when you come on to tell us what the armed services ymca is doing. you just had a gala which i want to talk to you about, because a medic saved my life 20 years ago, but talk to me about operation holiday joy and operation ride home. >> thanks again for having me on, wonderful to be back. operation holiday joy, we provide kind of two things to junior enlisted service members. one is we allow the parents to shop for toys, books, bikes, those type of things, to help supplement their christmas, and we also give out kind of food baskets, if you will. so this year we'll be up to about 500,000 toys we've given out and about 50,000 food baskets all around this time of year all focused on junior enlisted service members and their families. griff: and just to put a point on it, i've had the honor and privilege of covering the military in numerous conflict, but i've learned being around military families, it can be very stressful this time of year. >> i think it's stressful for a lot of people, but when you're a military family and you're away from home, i don't think there's anything more important for the opportunity to connect and get back to home for the holiday season. so operation ride home, we've been doing it now for 12 years with brown forman and jack daniel's respond oring and more recently american airlines to provide ways for our mill e tear families to get home for the holidays. this year we'll send about 2,000 the individual service members if they're married, their families home for the holidays. and to date, through 12 years, we've sent 10,000 family members home for the holidays. griff: in the 30 seconds i've got, tell me about the angels on the battlefield bay gala you just -- gala you just had. >> we recognize military first responders, so medics, corpsmen, paraa-rescue men, folks that save lives on the battlefield. it's great to recognize these folks in their 20s who are there to make a difference to make sure our military members come home safe from overseas. griff: and they do such a great job. admiral bill french with the armed services ymca, you can see on our web site, go check it out. have a merry christmas and a happy holidays. >> griff, thank you very much. jacqui: some positive news to end our hour, the qatari foreign ministry spokesman saying the hostage release delay from gaza could be resolved tonight, 39 palestinian prisoners expected to be released in exchange for 13 israeli hostages and 7 foreigners separately. more updates as we get them, griff. griff: that's all for us. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

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citing a delay in aid trucks getting into northern gaza. and breaking now, both the israelis and hamas are in ongoing discussions with the qataris to resolve any of these delays as soon as possible. and just last hour israeli spokesman elon levy saying he is hopeful each set of 10 hostages released would result in another day added to this temporary ceasefire. welcome to "fox news live," i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: i'm griff jenkins. here we go, the white house announcing earlier today they don't expect any americans to be part of the next group released. alex hogan is live in jerusalem with the latest. alex, it seems we're about four hours into this delay. what can you tell us? >> reporter: hi, griff. so we are watching and waiting to see when there will be any changes and the possible release of these hostages in day two of this ceasefire, and hamas is saying that it will not release hostages until more humanitarian the aid comes in to gaza. that is something we have a heard from international doctors, saying that the conditions on the ground are dire. hundreds of thousands of people living in shelters and on the streets, three-quarters of the population in gaza is currently out of their home because of the fighting. so as all of this unfolds, we're also getting new footage of some of the hostages who have come home, like this video right here of this little 9-year-old boy who was released with his mother and grandmother. they're watching videos that have been sent to them of others welcoming them home now that they are safe back in israel. today his friends also threw him a pizza party at the hospital, he was released, again, along with his mother and grandmother yesterday. and these are the initial images of the release of some of those hostages yesterday, the first hugs, the first moments on the helicopter. all of this was what we expected to see this time again right now with this second group of hostages by the time, but these images are still conjuring up a lot of pride and a lot of celebration nationwide. so this is the full list of all of the hostages who have been released in the last 24 hours, the 13 hostages. danielle aloni and her daughter amelia, rued mundter, her daughter -- ruth mundter, and her daughter, hanna perry and yassa a a dar. and the families, as much as they're celebrating, they're also creating a lot of concern about what this will mean for the other hostages not yet freed. take a listen. >> translator: we are happy, but we are not celebrating because there are more kidnapped people in captivity, and we need to continue and not stop our fight til all kidnapped are released, til the last one. >> reporter: meanwhile, the other big part of this is ceasefire is the deal that israel would send in more humanitarian aid. that is what is creating the backlog tonight. overall, hamas is expected to release 50 hostages by monday in exchange for 150 palestinians, but so far -- now, while we are hearing that the ceasefire has held, we're just getting in this new information right now. hamas officials are currently speaking, and they are saying that israel has shot towards civilians. this one official said that israel did not stop the air traffic which they intended to, and they did not get as many aid trucks as expected. so we will wait to hear the official response from israeli officials here on the ground. hamas also released a statement saying that it is committed to this agreement. of course, that, has been met with a lot of skepticism given the fact that we are seeing this current delay plague out and these hostages not yet being released despite the fact that we were expecting them to be leased several hours ago. we begin will wait to hear official confirmation from the israelis in regards to that. griff: yeah. and you mentioned it's a little after a eight a your time alex. we expected here around 9 a.m. there would be the second tranche of hostages released. let me ask you though, in the first group you were reporting on, that young, cute boy, are we learning more about what their experience was like? >> reporter: yeah, we're hearing more and more stories really every few minutes, more accounts of what it was like for them. and what's interesting is that even though most of these hostage were released, they came from the same kibbutz, all kidnapped from the same place on october 7th. it appears they were taken to different areas because their experiences are very different. one woman was able to watch tv, listen to the radio, another woman says she was basically e completely in the dark for the last seven weeks. she had no idea there was even a war taking place in gaza. now, we're also hearing as far as this completely separate brokered deal of ten thai foreign nationals and one filipino, those hostages were released in a separate deal. one of their family members is speaking out about the communications they've had with a thai hostage saying he was kept in a house, not in a tunnel, and that is what we expected, hostages held underground because of the dire conditions there. that hostage telling his family that the conditions were overall quite well. but we're also hearing from ojad and his family that they were sleeping on the ground, very difficult conditions. so very different stories, it appears, from all these hostage as. and we'll hopefully hear the stories of more hostages tonight and the potential release of 13, of course, all of these delays taking place creating a lot of concern, a lot of skepticism and a lot of fear on the ground here tonight. griff. griff: hopefully positive news will be coming. alex hogan lye on the ground in jerusalem, thank you. jacqui: president biden is spending the weekend in man -- nantucket, and yesterday he said he remains hopeful the release of american hostages would happen soon is. but the white house is telling fox that americans are not expected to be among the in connection group of most -- the next group of hostages released. lucas tomlinson is live in nantucket with more on this. hey, lucas. >> reporter: that's right, no american hostages are expected to be released today. now, speaking yesterday here in nantucket, president biden offered the following explanation about why he thinks this war started. >> i cannot prove what i'm about to say, but i believe one of the reasons why hamas struck when they did was they knew that i was working very closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of israel and israel's right to exist. >> free palestine! [inaudible conversations] >> free palestine! >> reporter: now, it's not been all smooth sailing for the president here in nantucket. biden and the first lady, as you can hear here, were met with protesters while walking to lunch shortly after those remarks. the president later did some shopping too. protesters also followed the president and his family, including-upper biden, to the annual -- including hunter biden, to the annual christmas tree lightening ceremony on the island. u.s. forces in the middle east were attacked four more times yesterday, bringing the total to at least 73 since the middle of last month. the u.s. military's responded with airstrikes about every 20 times they're attacked. moving 600 miles to the west in israel, officials say president biden has been putting more pressure if on israel's prime minister to extend this ceasefire to get more hostages out by yesterday. >> i've encouraged the prime minister to, to focus on trying to reduce the number of casualties while he is attempting to eliminate hamas, which is a legitimate if objective of. >> reporter: president biden and the first lady called various military units throughout the world. it's notable he did not call any of the u.s. forces who have come under attack in the middle east. jacqui: lucas tomlinson in nantucket, thanks so much. for more, we are joined by former deputy national security advisor under former president trump victoria coates who is now vice president of foreign policy at the heritage foundation. thank you so much, victoria, for being with us. appreciate your time. so i want to start with this news that the hostage release has been delayed and with the caveat that israel has not yet responded to these allegations coming from hamas that they've violated somehow the terms of this agreement. the fact that these releases that were expected to happen today are not happening today adds to skepticism about trusting hamas, that's a skepticism that israel has always expressed. so would you have made this deal? >> well, good to be with you with, hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. no, i would not have made this deal. i think if there was a deal to be had, it would be to support israel strongly and tell hamas if that the fighting would stop, there would be perhaps the possibility of a ceasefire once all of the hostages were out. but once the biden administration started pressuring israel for pauses for humanitarian aid to go in which will, of course, be siphoned off by hamas as it always is, you know, hamas gained conditional leverage, and now they're basically practicing psychological warfare against israel. can you imagine the families of the folks or who are on this list going through these agonizing hours, just basicallying being tormented by hamas if because they can. jacqui: when you play this video though of these reunifications that are happening and, you know, you hear israel talk about the sort of two objectives in this war, one to eradicate hamas, the other to bring these hostages home, and when you see this little boy running down the hall of the hospital running into his dad's arms, is it difficult to say that you wouldn't have taken this deal? >> oh, of course it is. this is just a grindingly awful situation created by hamas and iran. and so, you know, one certainly sympathizes with the israeli desire to get the hostage as out. and you can see it from a strategic standpoint. of course, you know, their operations are going to be a lot easier once they're out. but i think as a i said the way to do it maybe more efficiently was to build up the pressure on hamas, not give them these little sort of release valves of aid a and and pauses and what not. and so that they feel compelled to let these hostages out just to get any relief at all. jacqui: would you advise them that israel unpauses the pause because of this delay? if. >> well, i mean, it's difficult not being inside the negotiations and, of course, you know, as you do see those videos, they are heart warming. we want more out. and, for goodness sakes, we want the americans out. we'd like to see the president be much more forceful about that,s about saying the names of the american hostages, being much more aggressive about demanding their freedom. so i think, you know, that i would leave this up to the israelis. i think it's not the position of the american government to be pressuring them to do anything one way or the other. this should be their internal decision. jacqui: why is it you think that americans have not been among the first groups? >> well, unfortunately, i think hamas has learned the hostage lessons from the iranians a little bit too well. they saw the iranians get $1.2 billion per hostage recently, and i think they see this as some of their greatest collateral. they know that the biden administration will give them whatever they ask for -- [audio difficulty] and so i would assume given the way that the president has behaved to date they might be the last ones out, which is really potential. -- terrible. jacqui: speaking of iran, does the fact that thailand got 12 hostages out through a direct deal with iran tell you that iran is behind october 7th in a way that the administration has said that we don't have any proof that they are? >> no, i mean, i think, absolutely they are. the proof is literally in the pudding right there. with that, with that deal for the thai or hostages. and the same thing with the 73 attacks that lucas was talking about. these more iranian proxies. all of the money that funds them goes back the iran. they can't fire ballistic missiles without iran, without training, without material. and that's what they've started to do. so iran is escalating throughout the region, certainly in southern israel but also in syria can and iraq. and this administration won't even admit that they have a problem, let alone do anything forceful to respond to it. jacqui: and this pause we're told by the israeli government could extend one more day for every ten hostages that are released. and if you look at the number, that would amount to somewhere around a little over three weeks for a stop in fighting. are you concerned about that amount of time potentially, allowing hamas to reconstitute in a way that would set israel back? the israeli government officials have said they're going to use that time to reconstitute as well. what's your assessment of that? >> yeah, i -- that is definitely a concern. i mean,ing as a we were just discussing, getting all of the hostages out is a strategic necessity for israel. so i think a 20-day pause would be problematic. i mean, yes, they would gain something as well, but the real problem i would see is this would give all of our friends at the united nations, say certainly on the left, a lot of time and to do very -- to very loudly demand that the cease fire be made perm innocent and, oh, there are faults on both sides, but let's just move beyond the fighting. absolutely not. israel has to finish this job. they can't go back to an october 6th minding set, and neither can the united states. we have to be mindful that israel one of our strongest allies in the world, certainly our strongest in the middle east. and, you know, we need to be standing with them just unequivocally right now. and not sort of trying to do lip service to some palestinian cause, particularly the state department, as a matter of fact, is trying to promote. so i think that getting them out quickly would be hugely preferable to some kind of almost month-long delay. jacqui: and to your point, there would be, i would imagine, a lot more pressure on president biden the call for a permanent ceasefire if, you know, we stop seeing images of people being leased and start to see images of devastation in gaza again, you're going to see the left getting pretty loud. victoria cotes, thank you very much, appreciate it. griff? griff: for a look at what those hostage negotiations may look like, we're joined by the founder of project dine can mow. he's got over a quarter century of experience in the military, combat duty and hostage rescue, brian stern. brian, thank you for joining us. take us inside with the experience you have in assessing now what we're learning. you heard maybe from our reporter alex 40 gab in -- alex hogan in jerusalem saying essentially the qataris are on the ground trying to get the process back in play. the delay coming after hamas' military wing, the ca semiby decades, accusing israel of not adhering to the terms of the agreement with things like aid into the northern part of gaza. what do you make of it? >> i think this is very typical. i spoke about this last time i was on fox, you know, these are, these are tough things, you know? negotiating these deals are very hard. it's general georgia. so there's a lot of messaging, there's a lot of swaggering, there's all kinds of different variables to include miscommunication and misperception. to say nothing of the fact hamas has broken every deem that they've ever -- deal that they've ever made. so it's not like they're beacons of morality here. and the israelis are very angry, or and the qatar are qatar arele middle. when it comes to things like this where there's a deal that requires time and multiple demonstrations of movement and mechanism, it's not surprising to me at all that there's going to be bumps in the road. that's pretty typical. griff: brian, as we look live here, our viewsers, you can see here in tel aviv, israel, a rally to, quote, bring them home. obviously, mixed emotions, but melated and proud -- many e lated and proud we got the 13 back. as we look at this rally and, obviously, the calls the bring more hostages home grows louder, does something like that make it more difficult when you are in the negotiations in realtime if things began to fall apart? is this perhaps an intended ploy to throw a wrench into it from the hamas if side that israel's now getting a little bit of hope? >> the nature of hostage taking, hostage rescue and hostage negotiation, the hostage game, if you will, is all about leverage. that's what it's all about. so every little thing matters. every little detail matters. things are used against people that are, that are not important to the sender, but they are important to the receiver. hamas is acutely aware of how to take hostages and the leverage of propaganda, the leverage of media and and how to apply pressure in the same way that the israelis are acutely way of how to apply military pressure to hamas and people in the palestinian territories to bring them to the negotiating table too. so every side knows the vulnerabilities of each side, and it's all about using that pressure to bring people home as a safely as possible. but it is very difficult. to suggest that hamas is not paying attention is just naive. to suggest that the israelis aren't paying attention is naive as well. griff: bryan, we believe there could be as many as 10 americans in this group of hostages. obviously, we learned that even if we get today's release back on track, we don't anticipate any americans will be among them. obviously weren't yesterday. how confident are you that eventually as these, if this 4-day plan does play out, that we will get any americans in this group? >> the american hostages are, of course, what project dynamo is focused on. we're working with a number of families, we are donor-oriented. the american hostages are the ultimate leverage for hamas. they are the crown jewels of what they have. and watching how they're leveraging even the gap of information, right? we say we assess them to have 10, we actually don't know him they have -- how many they have. just the fact that we don't know and that they haven't provided a list is a weapon by itself. so we, you know, do i think that they'll get released? absolutely. do i think that there'll be -- they'll be last? i really hope not. i think there's a lot of other things that can be happening the get them closer to the front of the line, towards the back of the line, but the reality is that requires american pressure, american resolve, and we have to be a credible threat both militarily, economically and diplomatically as well. griff: and, bryan, just in the last 20 seconds or so i've got left, what should we be watching for to get today's delay back on track? >> there'll be some sort of capitulation. there'll be some sort of capitulation somewhere. hamas will say one thing, israel will say another thing, and they'll have to volley back forth. every side will have to say i'm sorry e and say, look, let's do this for the people, we want the pause and you want your people, so let's work this out. at a some point that's where they'll get to, but there'll be lying, desense, misrepresentation, there'll be propaganda and a lot of people screaming in cameras and iphone demanding all kinds of things that actually probably don't know what they're demanding. griff: bryan stern, the founder and ceo of project dine know -- dynamo. bryan, thank you for your up insight. >> thank you so much. ye jeff we are monitoring pro-palestinian protests planned in new york city today and many protests yesterday targeted shopping areas as security was beefed up at malls around the country. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-pedic uses our one-of-a-kind, incredibly adaptive tempur® material to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed sleep of tempur-pedic. learn more at i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. jacqui: as hamass has delayed the release of the second group of hostages, pro-palestinian demonstrations are planned across the globe this weekend. alexandria hoff is live with more on this story for us. >> reporter: in terms of this weekend, it's not like the black friday shopping experience is usually one of tranquility, but in some places people have become the target of anger. right now in upper manhattan, a pro-palestinian protest is underway. they're demanding a ceasefire in gaza despite a deal currently in place between hamas and israel. what you're seeing is from yesterday now. in less than an hour, we're expecting another large scale demonstration to, quote, flood columbus circle. yesterday in new york at least 1,000 anti-israel protesters met in washington square park, marched uptown swarming black friday shoppers and demanding their attention. [inaudible conversations] >> i personally believe this is not the right way to act a on this situation. and all a get together and see how we can solve this situation. >> reporter: that man went on to say this behavior is not going to help, swarming shoppers. in chicago, shop isers were confronted similarly are, told not to spend money or buy gifts as part of a nationwide call to action titled shut it down for palestine. >> we say no business as usual, no business as a usual while bombs are dropping, no business as usual while israel continues to occupy palestinian land and continues to murder and commit war crimes. and that's why we're here, and that's why we're going to continue to be out here regardless of temporary pauses. >> reporter: in cities big and small, major traffic disruptions were reported. in los angeles, police issued a precautionary citiwide tactical -- citywide tactical alert yesterday as protesters disrupted travel at the grove shopping plaza. here in the d.c. area, smaller groups caused backlogs in virginia. in atlanta yesterday eight protesters were arrested for refusing to dispossessor from a roadway. griff: pro-palestinian protesters also disrupted the annual thanksgiving day parade in new york. for more, we're joined by paul mauro. i covered the first protest that happened here in washington, and it was tens of thousands, and they left red hand prints painted on the white house. then last friday i was at the one just outside of our building here, and a person got in my live shot, quite aggressive. we have been seen these sort of protests in a while. >> yeah. we haven't seen them since the summer of 2020, and that's no accident. you're starting to see a lot of the same stuff we saw back then. and there was a phrase that we used to use back then which was enabled as a empowered. and, you know, a lot of the people that are protesting here, their hearts are in the right place. they're exercising their first amendment rights. but we would be less than forth right if we didn't acknowledge that more and more around the edges of this you're getting organized groups, many of whom don't really care about the cause, many of whom couldn't find palestine on a map. and that's why you're starting to see it devolve. you're starting to see the kind of destruction, graffiti, people fighting with the police more and more disorder, and it's because they have a different agenda, but they just -- they're cottoning on to this because it's getting them face time. and realistically, it's just what they do. and many of them literally cannot tell you, because i've spoken to. -- to some, they can't tell you what it is they want, and they have no way forward. as a result, you're seeing stuff like we saw yesterday. quality of life in the city declining even further. black friday people that are just out in the holidays trying to shop and enjoy the city. this is the no way to win hearts and minds, and it's very counterproductive. griff: how concerned are you about the violence? just the one a week or so ago, ten days ago outside the dnc got quite violent even though there was a small group of protesters. they arrested one of them for punching a female offer in the face. >> that's -- officer in the face. >> that's the kind of thing i'm talking about. a lot of that reporting has been sanitized. fox reports on it, but a lot of the media online and in the print media doesn't want to own up the how bad this has been. and, you know, a perfect metaphor for at least how bad it's becoming is the wartzman library, part of the new york city library system -- schwartzman. and, again, this is a place that was, is a institute of higher learning, of research, etc., but it had the fatal flaw in their eyes of having been something that was donated by the funding for it from a jewish person. and it's just mindless violence. it's going to cost tens of thousands of dollars to clean it up. they did the same thing downtown in 2020. and it wasn't really condemned. and so as a result, they think they can continue to do it. and it's part of the basic just lack of enforcement here in new york city. and is it any wonder that the police department is losing officers in droves? because they don't really see any efficacy in the work that they're trying to do, and as a result, we're going to go down pretty quickly to numbers in the police department that we haven't seen in decades. and people think there's disorder now, wait until there's 10,000 less cops than we've gotten used to for a long time and you have all these groups in power doing this kind of stuff. griff: oh, paul, we could go on for the rest of the day about that here in d.c. we are way down in officer as, and you are seeing the sad, dangerous reality. paul mauro, former nypd officer, thank you for joining us told. have a good one. jacqui: president biden is facing pushback from the left over his handling of the israel-hamas war. we'll have more on that coming up. ♪ fa ♪ next level. 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>> i don't know how he'll do politically with this, but i do think that he is doing a really good job. you have republicans such as myself saying that he is doing a good job on his e foreign policy, you probably realize that there's going to be a lot of people that he is not pleasing. i think what the issue is, is there's a lot of young voters in this country that weren't born on 9/11 that haven't had to deal with attacks on our country from terrorists. and we have to remember that hamas is a terrorist group. and as we con to negotiate them -- continue to negotiate with them, just what happened a few minutes ago where they are backtracking and not releasing more hostages today, it's going to be a problem. but he is putting policy and our security and our foreign policy priorities ahead of politics at this point. jacqui: david, the that point, you know, it's sort of the general consensus that the president might lose some support among young people and muslim-american voters because of his backing of israel. we had a quote from one article that says conversations with more than a dozen students here underscore that biden's handling of the war threatens to diminish enthusiasm among young voters with students and young people divided on how they will use their vote and their organizing power. that was in the washington in "the washington post." and i ask you, is the threat to biden's campaign as serious as people make it out to be in and if it's not, does it have a threat to maybe down-ballot democrats who could sit out the election? >> the threat is real because the issue is so polarizing in america. a majority of americans still support israel, or but now a majority of americans also don't support israel's response right now currently to gaza. and the president is aware of this, and he's tying to chart a middle path -- try trying to chart a middle past here. ultimately, where are muslim-american voters going to go? they overwhelmingly supported president biden in the last election. they're very aware of the fact that president trump had a muslim ban on muslims from six or seven different countries, and he has had a lot of rhetoric that's anti-miss limb. -- muslim. so i don't think president biden is at risk of losing muslim voters. and similarly, jewish-americans overwhelmingly support president biden as well. but he's trying to navigate the path both of these important -- keep both of these important constituencies on his side while also doing the right thing which includes israel and its effort to go after the hamas militants responsible for the attack on october 7th but trying to modify israel's response so it's more careful about collateral damage in gaza. jacqui: so, ashley, would you expect then that support for the president's handling of this conflict from are republicans, from maybe moderates of both parties would diminish if we don't start seeing americans among the hostages that are released or a strong or response to iran which seems to be playing a role in the hostage negotiations? i mean, thailand got 12 citizens out through a direct deal with iran which a lot of people might say that would indicate that they have more of a role in october 7th than the administration will acknowledge. where does the president have some challenges coming up? >> i definitely think that's a challenge. and i know david knows this just as well as i do from my experience after 9/11 with the bush administration, there's a lot of things happening behind the scenes right now that the american people don't know and on purpose they don't know. there are actually national security, there are classified information. so i am sure our government is doing everything they can to bring american hostages home. so i do think that we have to give them the benefit of the doubt on that. but going babb to your earlier -- back to your earlier question with david about the young voters, something that some of my former colleagues in the intelligence community are saying is the social media aspect of this is playing a really big part of the young voters and how they're getting their information. i mean, they only get their information from social media, snippets, and because of the algorithms and whoever's behind the algorithms is up for debate, they're just getting specific information that is about the human aspect of the palestinians, not the fact that hamas as a terrorist group is using human beings as shields. jacqui: and to your point, a lot of that information is coming from tiktok, a lot of critics say that, you know, china is very pleased about this and that they basically have the u.s. exactly where they want them on that issue. and that brings me to our next topic which is 2024,. nick: key haley, obviously, is strongly against tiktok, and she and chris christie are both looking to new hampshire to try to win independent support there. but now you've got dean phillips throwing his hat in the ring, and, david, do you think that dean phillips -- if he's not going to be a challenge for biden in new hampshire which some people would say he could be -- does he pose a threat to haley and chris christie in what is an open primary state? >> this is going to be a topsy-turvy election and campaign season with lots of mysteries about what might if happen. dean phillips, i've met him, he's a nice guy. his biggest issue is that he doesn't have a lot of name recognition, but his biggest positive is he's the alternative in the democratic party right now. no one else is running for the democratic nomination. so those who are democrats who want to vote for a democrat for one reason or another don't want the vote for biden are possibly going to support them. is that going to get him there? probably not. but, again, this is going to be a crazy election season. does he take away some votes for those who want to vote against, who don't want to vote for biden because -- or can't vote for biden because he's not on the ballot in new hampshire and maybe they would, they're independents and they would have voted for the anti-trump candidate, that could happen as a well. so there's a lot of things that are going to be really interesting about the primary season. jacqui: ashley, we're out of time but real quickly, what do you see happening in new hampshire? >> nikki haley's in a solid position in new hampshire, she's going to continue doing what she's doing which is spreading her message and picking up the voters one by one. i don't think that there's a concern about dean phillips. she's going to keep her eye on the ball and think she'll do very well in new hampshire going into south carolina. jacqui: all right, we'll be watching. ashley davis, david tafuri, thank you very much, both of you, for your time. >> thank you. griff: meanwhile, former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin who in 2021 was convicted of killing george floyd was reportedly stabbed by another inmate at the federal correctional institution in tucson, arizona, on friday. christina coleman has been following that story and has the latest. hey, christina. >> reporter: yeah. so far no word on what led to the stabbing. again, 47-year-old chauvin was reportedly seriously injured during the attack and is now listed in stable condition. the bureau of prisons did not name him as the inmate who was stabbed yesterday; however, they did confirm that an assault occurred around 12:30 in the afternoon friday at the prison. they said responding employees performed life saving measures on the inmate and that they were taken to a hospital for further treatment and evaluation. minnesota attorney general keith ellison who prosecuted chauvin in his high profile state murder case says the former officer is listed in stable condition following the stabbing. he released a statement saying, quote: i'm sad to hear that derek chauvin was the target of violence. he was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any if incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of realuation with or violence. chauvin was sentenced for federal civil rights charged and 22 and a half years for second-degree murder by the state of minnesota. on monday the supreme court rejected chauvin's appeal of his murder contradiction conviction -- conviction. though vin is serving both seasonses concurrently at the medium security federal correctional institution in tucson. that facility has had problems with staffing shortages and security failures. just last year an inmate pulled out a gun on a visitor and tried to shoot him in the head. the gun disfifed and no one was injured. friday's assault is the second high profile stabbing at a federal prison in just a matter of months. in july former sports doctor larry nassar who was convicted of sexually assaulting u.s. gym gymnastics team members was reportedly stabbed multiple times with some type of manufactured weapon by an inmate at a high security federal prison in florida. griff? griff: christina coleman live with the latest, thank you. jacqui: griff, more coming up on how a snowstorm in the central plains could add to a travel nightmare as people return home after the holidays. ♪ to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement. that's the value of ownership. griff: welcome back. adam: we are tracking one winter system that might be slowing down travel, folks heading back. there it is, the snow currently coming down in the middle of the country. currently wichita, up towards or kansas city is where you're seeing the worst of it, and winter storm warnings are currently in place. this big system is ultimately dragging across the country. where it ends is typically where we're seeing delays, and there are some airport delays in the middle of the country. by the time we get into sunday and as we know, that's going to be a really big travel day, chicago is another area where you could see major slowdowns. all of this does track itself up into new england. those are your weather headlines, we'll be right back after the break. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. griff: ymca is kicking off the holiday season with its operation holiday joy and operation ride home to help service members. here to tell us about it, the armed services ymca ceo vice admiral bill french. you're a friend to the show, and we love it when you come on to tell us what the armed services ymca is doing. you just had a gala which i want to talk to you about, because a medic saved my life 20 years ago, but talk to me about operation holiday joy and operation ride home. >> thanks again for having me on, wonderful to be back. operation holiday joy, we provide kind of two things to junior enlisted service members. one is we allow the parents to shop for toys, books, bikes, those type of things, to help supplement their christmas, and we also give out kind of food baskets, if you will. so this year we'll be up to about 500,000 toys we've given out and about 50,000 food baskets all around this time of year all focused on junior enlisted service members and their families. griff: and just to put a point on it, i've had the honor and privilege of covering the military in numerous conflict, but i've learned being around military families, it can be very stressful this time of year. >> i think it's stressful for a lot of people, but when you're a military family and you're away from home, i don't think there's anything more important for the opportunity to connect and get back to home for the holiday season. so operation ride home, we've been doing it now for 12 years with brown forman and jack daniel's respond oring and more recently american airlines to provide ways for our mill e tear families to get home for the holidays. this year we'll send about 2,000 the individual service members if they're married, their families home for the holidays. and to date, through 12 years, we've sent 10,000 family members home for the holidays. griff: in the 30 seconds i've got, tell me about the angels on the battlefield bay gala you just -- gala you just had. >> we recognize military first responders, so medics, corpsmen, paraa-rescue men, folks that save lives on the battlefield. it's great to recognize these folks in their 20s who are there to make a difference to make sure our military members come home safe from overseas. griff: and they do such a great job. admiral bill french with the armed services ymca, you can see on our web site, go check it out. have a merry christmas and a happy holidays. >> griff, thank you very much. jacqui: some positive news to end our hour, the qatari foreign ministry spokesman saying the hostage release delay from gaza could be resolved tonight, 39 palestinian prisoners expected to be released in exchange for 13 israeli hostages and 7 foreigners separately. more updates as we get them, griff. griff: that's all for us. 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Biden , Man , Nantucket , Weekend , Fox , Alex Hogan Lye , Most , Connection Group , Lucas Tomlinson , Israel Hamas War , Reasons , Explanation , Saudis , Region , Conversations , Palestine , Recognition , Peace , Inaudible , Protesters , President , First Lady , Sailing , Walking , Lunch , Forces , Shopping , Middle East , Remarks , Island , Christmas Tree Lightening Ceremony , Times , Airstrikes , West , U S Military , Total , 600 , 20 , 73 , Pressure , Prime Minister , Number , Legitimate , Casualties , Attack , More , World , Military Units , Lucas Tomlinson In Nantucket , Foreign Policy , Trump Victoria Coates , Vice President , Heritage Foundation , Victoria , Deputy National Security Advisor , Terms , Hostage Release , Caveat , Allegations , Trusting Hamas , Thanksgiving , Possibility , Administration , Leverage , Pauses , Folks , Reunifications , Warfare , Sort , Objectives , Arms , Dad , Hall , Iran , Situation , Desire , Way , Operations , Standpoint , Valves , Ai , Relief , 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Misperception , Nothing , Georgia , Beacons , Morality , Qatar Arele Middle , Demonstrations , Road , Movement , Bumps , Mechanism , Quote , Lated , Rally To , Tel Aviv , Melated , Mixed Emotions , Viewsers , Realtime , Rally , Side , Hope , Ploy , Nature , Hostage Taking , Wrench , Matters , Detail , Hostage Game , Hostage Negotiation , Propaganda , Sender , Receiver , Media , Military Pressure , Territories , Negotiating Table , Israelis Aren T Paying Attention , Vulnerabilities , Track , Bryan , Plan , Obviously Weren T Yesterday , 4 , Project Dynamo , Him , Gap , Crown Jewels , Weapon , Haven T , Threat , Resolve , Reality , Line , Front , Capitulation , Say , Sorry E , Bryan Stern , Desense , Misrepresentation , Iphone , Cameras , Ceo , Protests , Dynamo , Insight , New York City , Project Dine Know , Ye Jeff , Country , Security , Shopping Areas , Mattress , Aches , A Kind , Tempur Pedic , Millimeter , Pressure Points , Body , Molecule , Mattress Sets , 500 , 00 , Gold , It Isn T 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Citiwide , D C , Los Angeles , Grove Shopping Plaza , Backlogs , Dispossessor , Virginia , Atlanta , Paul Mauro , Broadway , Thanksgiving Day Parade , Tens Of Thousands , Person , Red Hand , Building , Stuff , Phrase , We Haven T , Shot , Accident , Summer , 2020 , Rights , Hearts , Amendment , Edges , Empowered , Many , Couldn T , Map , Whom , Graffiti , Destruction , Disorder , Agenda , Life , Holidays , Result , City , Quality , Violence , Minds , Dnc , Officer , Face , Reporting , Offer , Print Media , Metaphor , Wartzman Library , New York City Library System , Schwartzman , Eyes , Institute , Higher Learning , Research , Flaw , Funding , Jewish , Wasn T , Enforcement , Police Department , Numbers , Work , Officers , Efficacy , Wonder , Droves , Cops , 10000 , Sad , Former , Rest , Nypd , Handling , Pushback , Level , Control , 5g Network , Production , Fa , Marquis , Ella , 5 , Chest Congestion , Vision , Enterprise Intelligence , Mucinex Dm , Bye Cough , Coughing , Efficiencies , Bye , Agility , Hashtag , Vo , Jen , Verizon , Type , Comeback Season , Cough , Purple , Rejuvenated , Purple Mattresses , Gel Flex Grid , Sleep Better , Store , Stools , Visit Purple Com , Brand , Porcupine , Pinching , Loo Colace , 900 , Trust Colace , Stimulants , Pulmonary Embolism , 23andme , 23 , Gene , Dozens , Commitment , Hostage Deal , Founding Partner Ashley Davis , David Tafuri , Campaign , Panel , Westfront Strategies , Obama , Calls , Republicans , The , Issue , Voters , Terrorist Group , We Con , Weren T , Terrorists , 9 11 , Policy , Politics , Priorities , Support , The General , Backing , Article , Vote , Students , Enthusiasm , Washington Post , Election , Democrats , Majority , Don T Support Israel , Middle Path , Countries , Trump , Rhetoric , Muslims , Anti Miss Limb , Six , Both , Jewish Americans , Constituencies , Path , Important , Militants , Collateral Damage , Effort , Conflict , Parties , Moderates , Role , Strong , Citizens , Challenge , Challenges , Purpose , Scenes , Everything , Bush , Doubt , Community , Colleagues , Question , Benefit , Social Media , Algorithms , Aspect , Snippets , Debate , Human Beings , Human Aspect , Critics , China , Tiktok , Dean Phillips , Nikki Haley , Topic , New Hampshire , Chris Christie , Nick , 2024 , Hat , Phillips , Dean , The Ring , Season , Estate , Mysteries , Lots , Topsy Turvy , Running , Positive , Democrat , Name Recognition , Reason , Guy , Alternative , Nomination , No One Else , Votes , Independents , Vote , Ballot , Candidate , Doing , Message , Ball , Eye , South Carolina , Inmate , Derek Chauvin , Institution , Killing , On Friday , Christina Coleman , Security Federal Correctional Institution In Tucson , Minneapolis , Arizona , George Floyd , 2021 , Old Chauvin , Word , Condition , Stabbing , Bureau , Prisons , Led , 47 , Prison , Assault , Employees , Life Saving Measures , 30 , Keith Ellison , State Murder , Statement Saying , Profile , Treatment , Evaluation , Case , Minnesota , Realuation , Sentence , Crimes , Individual , Conviction , Murder , Appeal , Vin , On Monday The Supreme Court , Contradiction , 22 , Problems , Visitor , Facility , Gun , Staffing Shortages , Security Failures , Larry Nassar , Profile Stabbing , No One , Head , Gun Disfifed , Members , Sexually , Gym , Team , Florida , Travel Nightmare , Plains , Snowstorm , Owner , Ownership , Mom , Investor , Retirement , Value , Hi , Middle , Winter System , Wichita , Snow , Cup , Down Travel , Adam , Airport Delays , System , Worst , Winter Storm Warnings , Kansas City , Slowdowns , Weather Headlines , New England , Break , 60 , Golo , Programs , Guitar Music , Food , Guilt , Eating , Service Members , Holiday Season , Ymca , Friend , Operation Ride Home , Show , Vice Admiral , Armed Services Ymca , Operation Holiday Joy , Bill French , Gala , Medic , Armed Services Ymca Is Doing , Saved My Life , Junior , Toys , Thanks , Parents , Bikes , Books , Food Baskets , 50000 , 500000 , Privilege , Honor , Military Family , Mill E , Jack Daniel S , Tear , Oring , Brown Forman , Ways , American Airlines , 2000 , Angels , Battlefield Bay Gala , In My Life , Military Members , Medics , Responders , Save , Battlefield , Men , Paraa , Corpsmen , Asymca Org , Overseas , Merry Christmas , Admiral , Hostage Release Delay , Spokesman , Prisoners , Foreign Ministry , 39 , Updates , Foreigners , Trouble , Jonathan Hunt , Arthel Neville , Someone , Shopper , Exercise Buddy , Barber , Words , Motion , Lives , Letters , Kid , Itsy Bitsy , Yes , Supporter , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Kids , Care , Anywhere , Nurses , Phone , Loveshriners Org , Football , Catch , Rescue , Love , Reminder , Blanket , 19 , 63 , 0 63 , Screen , Operators , Thyroid Eye Disease , Damage , Storm , Restoration , Harry And David , Batch , Gourmet , Something Special , I Love You , Tedhelp Com , Beautiful , Favorites , Delicious , Pains , Breaking News , O , Five ,

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