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hour of "fox & friends" with a fox news alert. you're looking live at the westback where palestinian prisoner are set to be released any minute, this as we expect a group of at least a dozen or more hostages to be released later today after 13 were freed yesterday. rachel: some of the hostages are reuniting with their loved ones for the first time including this israeli boy who turned 9 years old while he was in captivity. he got to hug his family for the first time in seven weeks. todd: now to alex hogan live in jerusalem with the very late. >> reporter: good morning. we could see the release of today's new round of hostages any moment now. we will continue to monitor that. we are expecting to see 14 is israeli hostages in exchange for 42 palestinian prisoners. we have been hearing some conflicting reports today that potentially the number of israeli hostages could be 13, but we're also getting new video, these moments of these families finally being back together like this one right here. last night, yoni asher, calling for the release of his wife of and two little daughters, they are all back together. the four of them reunited at a children's hospital outside of tel aviv, and we could hear in this video saying one of the daughters saying she was dreaming of coming home. so far these are the faces of the 13 israeli hostages who are now free. doron katz-ash aer, raz asher, avive asher, danielle aloni, 45. amelia, 5 years old. ruth munder, 78. adina moshe, 72, hannah perry, 79, and ya a ffe, 85 years old. this is one of the moments of one of those reunions. that little boy who celebrated his birthday in cap at this time, running to -- captivity, running to grab his father, his father pix him -- picking him up, spinning him around in his arms, and the mother also released hugged by the older brother. this is a moment of celebration with, yes, but there is still a long road ahead to bring the others home. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: we are happy but we are not celebrating because there are more kidnapped people in captivity. and we need to continue and not stop our fight til all kidnapped are released, every last one. >> reporter: altogether, a historic day yesterday with the release of 13 israeli hostages, ten thai hostages and and one fill pee know. before anything else happened today, we'll likely see the same motions of the hostages being moved through the rafah crossing, they will go through medical checks before they are taken to medical facility it is, so we will continue to monitor that. we're also right now learning more information about a what the conditions were like for those hostages. one woman said she was actually in gaza saw able to watch tv and listen to the radio, and she says that she was able to watch what was taking place back home in israel. and it was on the radio that she learned while she was being held hostage that her son had been killed. guys, back to you. joey: alex, i i know they finally released a list of who should be released, i believe they haven't released that to the public or to the families, but what is the next step? so if they have that list and the hostages are about to be released, do they start the mobilizing families to join them? is it a while before families can see them? >> reporter: yes. these families on this list of 14 people, they have been notified that their loved ones are on that list. so they're given the heads up, and which family will know which hospital they can go to. there could be some changes to that hospital based on when the hostages are officially released if they do have very serious medical concerns, they would then the be moved to a separate hospital. but we do know we if the hostage family is notified has a child, that they would specifically be going to the children's hospital just outside of tel aviv. and if that child is with a mother or with a grandmother, that, those family units will be able to stay together at those the hospitals. so as much as there's this anticipation and excitement for the families to immediately be there at the border to greet them, that is not where they are doing the family reunions. all of this is playing out in the hospitals so they can be around doctors and ore medical -- other medical professionals. while these hostages do appear at this point to be widely in very good medical condition, there's, of course, a rot hot of underlying health conditions and concerns that you likely could have from someone who could have been underground for weeks. we have not been seeing the malnutrition and dehydration that could have been expected, but the doctors want to continue to monitor these families. so for those who have arrived at the children's hospital yesterday, doctors say they'll continue to be there for a couple of reasons, not only to monitor them, but also the psychological health and having the separate wing that is giving them a little bit of privacy and peace before if they try to readjust and readapt to their normal life, even returning home for the first time might be a very traumatic experience given that the hostages for weeks have been in captivity dreaming of going home. so the doctors really want to evaluate them before they do send them home. and i do have to say after being here for about five weeks covering this and talking to families day in, day out, it's very overwhelming. it's a moment of excitement finally, some good news that we're able to bring back home for our viewers. rachel: yeah, no question about that. thank you, alex. you have to wonder with some of the elderly hostages, they probably didn't have some of their medications. we understand why they want to keep them in the hospital, monitor them. they may look -- they do, right, they do look better than i think many of us expected, but you just don't know what else could be going on. i just loved seeing that picture of the whole family hugging each other. i just thought i would never want to let them go after that. todd: i never would, right. and i'm glad you brought up the kids, because we've seen images of the intake where the kids were going to be going initially, and you saw they had little teddy bears, all the things little kids are going to want on their return out of captivity, and that's obviously so important fortunate psychological aspect of this as well. that image we saw in alex's piece of the father holding two girls, i teared up, because i have two girls, and you think about what you would do in that situation. rachel: no question. let's are beige in kt mc-- bring in kt mcfarland. welcome, happy thanksgiving to you. these images are heart warming. they do bring a lot of hope, i'm sure, to other families in israel. at the same time, we see joe biden taking a lot of credit but not many americans in this first tranche of hostages that have come over. what do you make of how this has been handles having been in the trump administration yourself and how they handled situations with hostages and this situation? >> look, i mean, hamas, they're playing the whole world like a violin. the reason they took those grannies and those babies was they knew this moment would come. they knew that they could string out a ceasefire, some kind of a hostage exchange. they know they can't defeat israel militarily or economically, but they can psychologically. and that's why they're doing this. now, of course no americans were in that first tran the. they're going to -- tranche. they're going to dribble them out til the very end. hamas buys time, and what does it do with that time? it regroups, it rearms, and it gets ready for another round of fighting to destroy the state of israel. and yet i can't watch -- i mean, i've got little grandchildren. i watched those pictures. my heart is tugged for the families and what they're experiencing and the worry, are they going to get their little grandkid back, you know? it just breaks your heart. and hamas knows that. that's why they're doing it. they want to buy time, and ultimately, they want to look like the good guys in this. they want to look at the good guys who have taken good care of those kids, and they're releasing them to their families, and they want to have the whole world turned against israel. rachel: yeah. i mean, i don't know, i don't think hamas comes out looking so good, kt. in the end, we all know these are innocent civilians. >> just think of those pictures that you've just shown. if the kids are looking okay, the grandmothers look like they're okay and hamas -- they get what they want out of this. they get the picture of the humanitarians who are releasing it. contrast that to the pictures of israel going after gaza where you see leveled buildings. believe me, they're turning the public narrative against israel, and the longer this goes on, the longer the hostage situation is dribbled out -- and, remember, they're getting an exchange for the granmies and the babies. -- granmy -- grannies and the babies. what are they getting in exchange? israel has terrorists who are in jail. that's who they're getting exchanged for. so, okay, but we've all thought we could never be more horrified than the pictures we saw in october of the slaughter of the innocents, but those pictures have been replaced. and you're already seeing the anti-israel demonstrations in europe. you're already seeing china, russia, iran -- everybody coming out and saying this is all israel's fault. you seeing this on american college campuses and at the base of the democrat party. i'm really surprised that president biden has stuck with israel as long as he has. but the calls for making this cease fever not just temporary -- ceasefire not just temporary but permanent are going to start next week, and they're going to be louder and louder and louder. and yet israel, if they don't destroy hamas, destroy weapons caches, if they don't take out military commanders, israel's going to have the same fight two years later. todd: breaking news that egypt has that received positive signals of all parties for an extension of gaza truce for one or two more days. your reaction to that, and do you think that the release of hostages we are expected to see at any moment now will go as smoothly today as it did yesterday? >> i have every confidence that they're going to make -- the palestinians and hamas is going to make this work. they're going to have these hostage releases go slowly, carefully, and they're going to release the hostages. but they've got a lot of hostages. and this could stretch out not just for a day or two or a week, this could stretch on for a month p. and at that point the world is going to say, look, we've had a ceasefire, let's stop the killing, let's just be done with it, no more fighting. and that's where where israel's going to have a hard time because if israel isn't backstopped by the united states with weapons resupply, if israel has to figure out how to have an economy that works when belows of its population -- when most of its population, they're all being in the military right now, they're all been called up, israel's playing against the calendar, against the chock. they're playing against time, and hamas, they want to stretch this out as a long as they can. joey: yeah. participant of this is how much does hamas speak for hezbollah or the houthis or other organizations that are loosely connected or are upset at's israel through this fight in other places. there have been 73 attacks on united states forces in iraq and syria alone. you know, i look, well, americans were killed on octoberth, they were taken captive. we have american military in the mediterranean, and the american military is getting attacked daily. is america at war here and we don't even know it? >> you know, this is the sort of story that nobody's really reporting, joey, and i'm really glad you brought it up because this is all iran. what does iran want to do in the middle east? they want to destroy israel, kill jews, but they really want america out of the middle east, and they're going to chip away at american presence there. they're going to do these sort of unone-off attacks here and there. they're kind of provoking an attack. what happens if an american gets killed? i think it's amazing with all of these attacks that have happened in the last couple of weeks that an american hasn't gotten killed. what happens if an american gets killed? are we then in a war with iran like you said? american doesn't let american citizens get killed without response. so this situation is not over, and i'm very concerned that it could escalate not because anybody in america wants a war or because really iran doesn't want a war either, they just want america out of the middle east, the same way the palestinians want israelis and jews out of the area between they say the west bank, the river of the jordan river and the sea. the chant is get israel out, get the jews out of all a the areas of israel. remember, gaza is not an occupied country right now. it's not an occupied territory. the israelis, they left 15 years ago. what they want is they want all the jew, and all the israelis to get out of the region. iran wants israel and america out, and they're doing it by plague on the psychological weapons -- playing it on the psychological weapons that they have at their disposal. rachel: kt mcfarland, thank you for joining us and for your insights, we really appreciate it. >> is thank you. rachel: all right. well, as conservativism takes root across the globe, former president donald trump is going to buenos aires in december to visit with argentina's new president, javier milieu, and he is the first leader in the world to meet with him, he just met with the finder of the sound of freedom, and i spoke with daniel demartino, and he's also a manhattan institute fellow. here's what he had to say. >> latin america, as you and i know, has been plagued by many socialist governments for a very, very long time. and really what people need to understand is that the reason why there's so much migration away from latin america is because these governments have destroyed their countries, and we need to take those countries back to freedom, to economic liberty, to political freedom, to safety, tackling crime like many countries are starting to do. and i'm hopeful, you know with, it's not america. i think america has always been the beacon of freedom, an example. what it looks like now that argentina is going to provide the example for the rest of the spanish-speaking world, so that's what i'm praying for. i'm very excited for milei, and i think he's going to do well. rachel: we're seeing a will the of these movements not just here, but again eduardo is running for president in mexico. he shares many of the same views that the new president, soon to be new president of argentina holds. he wants to, you know, get rid of their central bank which is essentially give lent to our fer at least reform it significantly. he wants a lot of reforms including getting rid of the ministry for women and gender, these sorts of things, sort of returning to common sense. and returning the economy which there is, in argentina, is absolutely dysfunctional. they are facing 200% inflation, and it's really impoverished a lot of people. so it's an interesting movement, and many say it's because of donald trump. joey: i see the comparison, they also have what's called the dutch donald trump that we're reporting on, and when i hear him speak, two things resonate. he is hammering the drum about the dangers of socialism specifically -- rachel: yes. joey: -- and he's saying it in a language, in a vernacular that common people speak. there might be a four-letter, equivalent to a four-letter word for us in there, maybe that's the comparison to donald trump, or maybe it's the populist angle. but what it is, it's a movement. it's a movement within a country that's seen a lot of despair. i don't know everything about his politics, i don't know if i would even align with him, but i can align with with anyone who wants to so sound the aalarm on socialism when that's what our country is facing right now. todd: because of what we have done in the schools to your point, rachel, and you make it well. what i find fascinating is there are definitely political ebbs and flows not just in our country, but in other countries and throughout the world where you see movements that could be taking over our entire planet. and it seemed that for a time there the last couple of years everything seemed to be leaning left. you wonder if what we just saw in argentina, if what you just said about the dutch person, dutch president is true. this is all fascinating, and it does beg e the question what does all of this mean for 2024. and then the second part of that is, is this just a 2024 thing? are we going to go back in 2028 if trump wins in 2024, or is this weak-up call to not just -- wake-up call to not just america, but to the entire world? is the world realizing these far-left ideologies get people killed, lead to poverty, cause a lot more problems than the right-leaning capitalism of which you complain? if i think that's going to be the study of our time, and it's going to beg the question is the point where history looks back and says this is the turning point not just america, argentina, but for the world? rachel: i was going to say globalism is another part of this. a lot of these european and latin american countries are feeling the impact of these sort of global movements that feel like socialism, they feel like centralized, more centralized control. i think that it's going to be really interesting when you bring it back to america here. again, americans experienced what it was like to have president trump with very common sense, america first policies. hay had the best, most record wreaking economy prior to covid that we've ever experienced in our lifetime. record breaking on every front, making america energy independent, putting all of our energy and policy -- joey: well, there's common themes. immigration, green energy. rachel: and immigration, thank you. todd: coming up, abraham aa cords and former that'll lap negotiator adam bow lahr joins us on the impending hostage swap next. rachel: plus, china admitting rise in respiratory illnesses and knew 340e7b ya clusters. joey: the doctor is in, nicole saphier weighs the risk ahead. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) todd: and we are back with a fox news alert. you are looking lye at the gaza border, hamas expected to release a second wave of israeli hostages later today. 13 have already been field, but we are still waiting for the release of those 3 americans still in hamas captivity. abraham accords negotiator and ceo of rubicon founder ad -- adam bolar joins us now. as such an experienced negotiator in this region, 30,000-foot view, is this the deal that you would have made? >> i think this is a really tough one, todd, but i would have taken it. the reality is if you can get these people back, you take it it's going to be really painful for israel though. you're going to see hamas regroup. they're not allowed to use drones for surveillance, and my biggest concern here is you're going to have the world media pushing to extend and extend and extend. and it's not going to be acceptable. todd: joe biden said he is hopeful that americans are in the next tranche of hostages released, but i think anybody if looking at this even from a perspective, a commoner's perspective like mine if not even an experienced negotiator like you realizes that hamas is going to hold on to these americans until the very last moment to extract everything that they can. am i right? >> of course they will. they're going to use that the as leverage because they're a terrorist organization. and and i heard, you know, the president talking about hopefulness. those aren't the words that i would use. hopefulness is not acceptable. and, by the way, three americans is not acceptable. there are 13. we need all 13. so i would expect we should be a lot stronger in our negotiations, that this is a no compromise on getting our 13 people back. and so i think in this region, look, we tried it with iran, we tried appeasement with iran. that's why we're here today. we tried appeasement in the area. there's no appeasement with hamas. hamas is a terrorist organization. there's no appeasement. if we extend the ceasefire and we keep extending it and keep extending and we stop, we are kicking a ball down a road. it's time to take care of that now. todd: by all accounts, yesterday's release went well, at least it seems to the public that can review there from news reports and reports on the ground. on my show, "fox & friends" first, a guest said he was worried that hamas would use this opportunity to do a really bad act to the hostages during the releasing process. obviously, we didn't see that yesterday. fortunately, hopefully, we won't see that today. do you share that concern from a negotiation perspective, or do you look at that and say that's a horrible take because hamas wouldn't want to lose the pr battle that they currently have with regard to, hey, look, we're generous, we're releasing hostages. >> todd, one thing hamas is really good at actually is pr, is making people feel bad, making people forget that they are the ones that caused all a of this, what you see. and so i think that would be highly unlikely, that they would do something like execute hostages because they're much better and much more thought theful from a pr perspective. i think it would turn the whole world against them, i highly doubt that's what you see. i think you'll see an efficient transfer. it's in hamas' best interests to make an efficient transfer. it's how they're going to try to turn the world against israel. and so they're going to leverage that as much as a they can. todd: the thing that i'm struggling with right now, adam, as a father, is the images. the latest images from alex hogan's piece, the father grasping his two young girls that have just been free. ed i'm a dad of two girls, so i see that, and think this is a beautiful moment, i'm so happy to see this. and here on the screen is the little boy running to be with his family. how do we reconcile this with what you mentioned in your earlier answer, the fact that this will hurt israel and the fight against hamas from a military and operational a perspective? >> the thing that we need to do is stand steadfast with israel here. and so when this is done, when these people are home -- because i agree with you, todd. that's why i said in the beginning that i support the deal. it's really hard to have families and children like they still are, in tunnels, in the ground. it's really hard to have that. we need them out, and if this is the route, if we lose military advantage for a while, israel can sustain it because israel's strong. and what we need to do is support israel when they resume because everyone is going to say not to resume, not to resume hostilities. but they need to do that when they need to do that. so what we immediate to do is be happy that these -- we need to do is be happy that these kids and elderly people are home but not forget who did this to them. todd: adam, you are a clear and levelheaded voice on this subject, no wonder that the abraham accords worked out as well as they did with you on the case. >> thank you. todd: obama's ex-white house chief of staff admitting there are rising questions over china's mysterious child pneumonia outbreak. nicole saphier, the good doctor, here with some answers next. to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections 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know, funding the experience that -- experiments that led to the outbreak of covid back at the wuhan lab. >> well, we don't have time to unpack if all of that, rachel, but it's feeling a little bit like déjà vu. you have the alarm sounded, a rise in pediatric pneumonia hospitalizations in northern china, especially since october compared to the last several years. now again, ray hell, this is kind of emulating what we saw in the united states, the u.k. and other places last year in countries who removed some of those harsh lockdown restrictions earlier than china. we have this large immunity gap where people, especially children's, immune systems were dampened from covid lockdowns and other restrictive measures, so we saw a rise in hospitalizations and outpatient cases of rsv, and china is saying it is those usual suspects, those common pathogens that are causing their rise in illness in northern china. the problem is, rachel, as you said it, we don't trust china. china, the world health organization, they were deceitful when it came to covid-19. and while proif med started alerting the world in the beginning of december, maybe even the end of november 2019, it wasn't until january 30th that the world health organization declared a state of emergency when 115 cases were already documented outside of china. the easy thing for china to do right now is to show the lab results that confirm that these are just the normal pathogens and they're just having the uptick because of that immunity gap. because at this point they need to regain trust for anyone no believe them. rachel: we also need to regain trust in our own government and their response to something like this. so we have held no one accountable, none of the health -- starting with dr. fauci himself have been held accountable for having lied to the american people, withholding information. and so here we are with another potential outbreak, and i think the american people, i certainly know as a mom i don't trust any of these people, who the the -- not the w.h.o., not the chinese. frankly, i don't think anyone's learned their lesson in our government because no one's been held accountable. >> i agree with you, there hasn't been an urgency to hold people accountable. there's actually been no action to make sure that people are punished for their misdoings. all i can say citizen a mother -- as a mother, the best we can do is to try and live our happiest and healthiest lives and make sure our kids are getting good physical activity, good nutrition, and you as an individual decide what is right for your child going into these fall and winter months. this is always going to be a rise in infections, but try and keep them as healthy as possible to prepare because even's going to get sick, it just happens. rachel: i think that's excellent advice. and coming out of covid, that is one of the things we learned. the healthier you were, the more you got physical activity, vitamin d, were outside and eating well in order to keep your immunities up, that was helpful in fighting off that virus. we'll see what happens in this one. you always give the best advice, dr. saphier. hope you're doing well, and we want to thank your husband who missed thanksgiving dinner because he had to go save a life somewhere in the hospital. we love your family and just want to thank you for joining us this morning. >> we love you too. rachel: all right, take care. still ahead, a fox news alert, we are expecting the second wave of hamas hostages to be released by the terror group after 13 israelis reunite with their families. retired navy seal officer jocko willink, he joins us next to react. ♪ ♪ here we go... 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joey: we return with a fox news alert. you're looking live at the west bank where where we're expecting to see palestinian prisoners freed at any molt. meanwhile at the rafah border crossing, hamas is expected to hold up their end of of the swap later today and release a second wave of israeli hostages. former navy seal team three commander jocko willink joins us now. jocko, thank you for getting up and being on with us, brother. happy thanksgiving. listen, there's a lot to this. i want the talk about the tactical side of it, but first let's talk about a hostage recover or a hostage rescue. i know you've got a little bit of experience in that. tell us what you think we can expect from it. >> so nothing more rewarding than doing the hostage rescue. i had the honor of doing a hostage rescue over in iraq. we were able to rescue a 15-year-old iraqi that had been taken from the city of fallujah and moved to ramadi, and we were able to take down that target and get him back and return him to his parents. definitely a very we rewarding operation, but it's also very risky, and there's a lot of challenges behind it, so you've got to be careful when you do it. joey: one thing i've brought up a time or two, and i'm speaking from training, not experience. you know those are two very different things. what information and intelligence you can gather from the hostages that sometimes they don't even realize they know. do you have any experience in that or would you like to speak to that? >> you know, i think you're going to see that with these hostages being freed from gaza is, they're obviously going to undergo some serious intelligence debriefing, and they're going to try and give as much information as they possibly can, and i'm a sure that will be very helpful for how the israelis conduct themselves in the coming weeks and months. joey: yeah. there's 240, we think, are hostage. but with we don't really know the number or how many are still alive, unfortunately. a big part of this deal was the israelis would stop surveillance in totality in certain areas and for certain hours of the day in other areas. they also have stopped their assault. and a lot of people say the only reason this opportunity came was because of the effectiveness of the assault. we've also learned that hamas retreated from the north and is basically fortifying the south. where do you see this going tactically if and when this war starts back up? >> i actually agree with that assessment. i think that the reason the hamas is making these negotiations right now is i don't think they have a choice. i think they're in a siege warfare situation that they weren't really prepared for. i think the israelis are prepared for siege warfare. you can see that they've slowed down, they're being very methodical, taking their time, and that's exactly what i think they should do. joey: a lot of people think this isn't just a war with hamas, it's a war with iran. when we broaden our view here from the gaza strip, we look at the region in its totality, 73 attacks have come on u.s. forces in iraq and syria with. we're talking about hezbollah, we're talking about the houthi rebels sending what we believe were long range missiles, we're talking about a lot of factions, duh let's -- but let's talk about these nearly 80 attacks on the u.s. and where do you see that going. is it surprising that a u.s. service member hasn't been killed? >> it is surprising and lucky that a u.s. service member hasn't been killed. i also think that it's a sign that, look, iran probably wants to children a little bit and make -- children a little bit -- chirp and make some noise, but i don't think they want the thunder of the united states of america. joey: you're going to talk to some troops, you're sitting in one of those bases, you see you're getting attacked, you don't know exactly what your political leadership is going to expect of you. what do you say as a small unit leader to those troops out there? >> same thing we always say in the military, be ready for anything that comes our way. that's what we do. we're the united states, and we're to going to be prepared. joe jee jock on o, thanks for joining us this morning, thank you for your expertise. we true thely appreciate truly appreciate it. >> thank you, joey. rachel: we begin with a fox news alert. derek chauvin, the ex-police officer convicted of killing george floyd, is seriously hurt after an inmate stabbed him in an arizona prison yesterday. that ease according to a report from the associated press. sources say the former minneapolis police officer is expected to live. prison employees performed, quote, life saving measures before taking cho vin to the hospital. he's serving a 21-year sentence and 22-year sentence simultaneously for floyd's death. pope francis has returned to the vatican after undergoing a cat scan. doctors had to check his lungs after the pope came down with what they're calling a, quote, mild flu. he already canceled papal activities today. this is also the second time this month that the 86-year-old pontiff has called off meetings because of an illness. it's unclear when events with the pontiff will resume. we'll keep you posted. the new book about the royal family is claiming that there is no going back for princess kate and herringen markel. -- meghan markle. kate no longer trusts prince harry and meg if hand after the two the bashed the royal family multiple times. the princess of wales, quote, jokingly shivers every time she hears meghan's name mentioned. it also claims princess kate and meghan have had nearly no communication since late 2019, and those are your headlines. rick, the boys today weighed in on this. la. [laughter] one of them says they're team markel. i think todd is team kate. rick: wow. they picked teams. rachel: yeah, joey -- we have the unpack that. [laughter] >> team america. todd: team not crazy. rick: i'm team i don't really care. rachel: i'm team no globalists, no woke keys. i don't like any of 'em. rick: yeah. it's not -- every time that story comes up, i'm like, all right, i'll wait til the next story comes on. [laughter] we do have one big storm this weekend, and it's going to cause some problems if you're headed home after thanksgiving. winter storm warnings in effect from kansas back across still parts of utah, and it's all this one storm throughout the day today is primarily going to move in across much of kansas, maybe 6-8 inches of snow by the time this is done. kansas needs some moisture, so this is probably some good news, but it will cause travel delays. expect to see it from albuquerque, maybe denver, over towards kansas city. by tonight into tomorrow, we could be looking at delays around the chicago area, starting to fete some snow and maybe down around parts of the gulf where we need moisture, but it is going to cause some problems with maybe some travel. this whole storm moves off towards the northeast, a coastal storm develops sunday into monday, maybe heavier rain across parts of new england, and take a look at this snow around the great lakes. we've not had any significant lake effect snow so far this year, and that is all about to change over the next couple of days. from sunday in towards wednesday, aren't watertown just to the south of buffalo, we're going to be talking about 2-3 feet of snow, so the lake effect snow season starting to become a thing. all right, rachel, send it back to you. rachel: all right, thank you, rick. still ahead, it's time the quit your typical thanksgiving leftovers cold turkey. we've "some reimagined recipes -- boy, do i need that -- next. ♪ ♪ joey: welcome back. after a big thanksgiving feast, you know, it's time to turn your with leftovers into a brand new dish. rachel: i did yesterday. i made turkey enchiladas. today we have erin chase, the founder of $5 dinners, she has some easy recipes that's going to help turn your favorite veggies, your potato sides into with something delicious, and she is joining us now. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. rachel: so what is your best tip on what to do with all these leftovers that we don't want to see go to aways. >> i know. we don't want to see it go to waste, so today's saturday, and i'm kind of over the turkey left areovers. i had a hur key grilled cheese -- turkey grilled cheese, today we're going to grab crumbles from the freezer, so i can can use them for unplanned meals. i'm going to have a ground beef base to my shepherd's pie. joey: there we go. todd: this is a new thing, it's called a ground beef crumble. when i make tacos -- i don't know why i snorted in, i'm so impressed. [laughter] it takes forever to ground the meat. here it's all chopped up. >> exactly. and i like to buy beef when it's on sale and put it in the freezer, but then this happens. this is going to take two hours to thaw, then you have to cook it. instead, we're going to shake this up, drop it right in the skillet. you buy it frozen, store it frozen, cook it frozen, you've got that fabulous sizzle. it's my new favorite sound in the kitchen, and in less than 10 minutes it's browned just the same amount of time as if you were using fresh ground beef. todd: also give it to the children, it gives them something to do while you cook. >> exactly. the toddlers can have a little shake, rattle and roll. this is just going to set, i love it because you can buy with it, store, cook it from frozen -- a. rachel: # is 00% tour -- pure, all natural, gluten-free. >> exactly. yes. they also have an onion version where the onon's already mixed in. rick: what do you do with the leftovers? >> green bean casserole would be fabulous. once this is brownedded, transfer it into a baking dish can. we're going to do next is going to be the layer of vegetables, and then we're going to do the mashed potatoes on top. we're going to get this pan as full as we possibly can get it, and then we are going to put some cheese right on the top. todd: i'll be the cheese guy. joey: here we go. >> there you go. don't be shy. make it a mountain. rachel: you have to tell him to stop. he just keeps going. [laughter] joey: i got it, yeah. rachel: okay. now we get to go. joey: i need a little bit right there. rachel: he'll keep piling it on, erin. joey: a little bit more. >> and then the cheese. rachel: your cheese, put that on. >> don't be shy with the cheese. this is the easiest, fastest, you put it in the oven for 25 minutes. the base is already cooked, so really you're just warming it, letting the cheese melt, and then you can cut it and serve it for your leftovers. joey: that is it right there. todd: in your budget, which you need to do in this day and age. rachel: this is the way to not let your food go to waste. joey: finding my groove on all these cooking segments, i'm telling you. [laughter] todd: visit $5 thank you, erin chase. [laughter] rachel: all right. more "fox & friends" moments away. ♪ ♪ somebody's rocking on main street, red taillights ♪ like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. we're told in genesis chapter 1:26 that god is made man in his image and by his likeness has he made him. genesis is a book of fundamental importance for the jewish and christian faiths and a literary masterpiece that has profoundly shaped western civilization. now, in this exclusive online course from hillsdale college, you can deepen your understanding of how this ancient book is essential to you today. sign up for the genesis story. absolutely free at dr. justin jackson, a distinguished hillsdale college professor, will guide you through this fascinating free online course that unfolds the biblical stories of adam and eve, abraham, isaac, jacob and joseph. when you sign up, you'll explore some of life's most important questions, gain a greater appreciation for how the bible confronts pain and hardship with redemption and hope and discover how the struggles people faced thousands of years ago are deeply relevant to us still today. take this six lesson course whenever it's most convenient for you at your pace or in your schedule. signing up is easy and free when you go to today. so the fun thing with the serpent is how does a serpent talk? and not only that, but why is the serpent's punishment to crawl on its belly when that's what it does? join the hundreds of thousands of americans who are enriching their lives through this exclusive online course from hillsdale college and gain access to this premium content today. what i hope you'll get from studying genesis in this course is a deeper appreciation of the biblical insights with regards to the human person psychology, our predilection towards rivalry, but also reconciliation sign up for the genesis story free of charge, at today. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. todd: we are back with a quick fox news alert, live look right now at the west bank where palestinian prisoners are set to be released any moment. rachel: we expect a group of at least a dozen more hostages to be released later today after 13 were freed yesterday. joey: that includes 4 young children who were each able to hug their family for the first time in 7 weeks friday night. the second wave of hostages could reportedly be released within the next hour. stick with fox news throughout the day as a we'll continue to monitor the latest on this very important situation. todd: and we've within watching this hour, we believe there was a chance during the a.m. eastern chance --9 a.m. eastern time chance of the release could happen, obviously, that's going to carry over into the 10 a.m. hour. fingers crossed. rachel: yeah. and that some american americans will be are released. joey: yeah. a lot of families hoping and praying, some with word that their family is coming home. todd: continue to monitor fox news. guy, it's been a pleasure being with you on a saturday, let's do it again tomorrow -- rachel: back tomorrow. see y'all. joey: bye-bye. david:ed and you are looking live at the egypt-gaza border where a

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Grandchildren , Worry , Care , Grandkid Back , The Good Guys , In The End , I Don T Think Hamas , Don T Know , Kt , Grandmothers , Humanitarians , Civilians , Hostage Situation , Buildings , Narrative , Terrorists , Granmy , Thought , Granmies , Jail , Iran , Saw , China S , Everybody , Demonstrations , Slaughter Of The Innocents , Europe , Russia , Base , Calls , Fault , Cease Fever , Campuses , Democrat Party , American College , Weapons Caches , Commanders , Permanent , Breaking News , Reaction , Parties , Signals , Extension , Egypt , Gaza Truce , Confidence , Work , Hostage Releases , Month P , It , Killing , Economy , Population , Weapons Resupply , Most , Israel Isn T Backstopped , Belows , Military , Being , Cup , Playing , Calendar , Chock , Attacks , Hezbollah , Places , Participant , Organizations , Iraq , Syria , Houthis , United States Forces , 73 , Is America At War , Sort , Captive , Mediterranean , Octoberth , Story , Nobody , Middle East , Kill Jews , Presence , Attack , Unone , War , Response , American Hasn T , Doesn T , Citizens , Way , West Bank , Area , Anybody , Jews , Country , Areas , Chant , Israelis , Territory , Sea , Jordan River , 15 , Region , Weapons , Jew , Disposal , Plague , America Out , Donald Trump , Insights , Conservativism , Globe , Former , Leader , Argentina , Javier Milieu , Buenos Aires , Finder , The Sound Of Freedom , Manhattan Institute , Daniel Demartino , Governments , Immigration , Countries , Freedom , Crime , Safety , Liberty , Example , Spanish Speaking World , Rest , Beacon , Movements , President , Views , Running , In Mexico , Again Eduardo , Milei , Central Bank , Reforms , Fer , Inflation , Common Sense , Gender , Ministry , Women , 200 , Movement , Comparison , Say , Dutch , Letter , Word , Socialism , Vernacular , Dangers , Drum , Language , Equivalent , Everything , Politics , Angle , Despair , Anyone , Schools , Aalarm On Socialism , Planet , Part , Beg E , Fascinating , Person , Mean , 2024 , Thing , Wake Up Call , Call , Wins , 2028 , Problems , Study , Ideologies , Capitalism , Poverty , History , Globalism , Impact , Control , Lifetime , Record Wreaking Economy , Front , America First Policies , America Energy Independent , Hay , Green Energy , Policy , Energy , Hostage Swap , Coming Up , Themes , Lap Negotiator Adam Bow Lahr , Abraham Aa Cords , Rise , Doctor , Risk , Illnesses , Clusters , 340e7b Ya , Nicole Saphier , 340 , Engine , Car Engine Revs , Texting Clicks , Glass , Tires Squeal , Loose Gravel Clanking , Wave , Lye , Field , Gaza Border , 3 , Founder , Deal , Negotiator , View , Ceo , Sad , Abraham Accords , Rubicon , Adam Bolar , 30000 , Reality , Surveillance , Drones , Hamas Regroup , Concern , Media , Perspective , Commoner , Hopefulness , Words , Terrorist Organization , Leverage , Aren T , Three , Negotiations , No Compromise , Appeasement , Organization , News Reports , Accounts , Ball , Yesterday , Opportunity , Fact , Process , Guest , Look , Negotiation Perspective , Wouldn T , Regard , Pr Battle , Ones , A , This , Pr , Something , Pr Perspective , Thought Theful , Transfer , Interests , Bed , Dad , Alex Hogan , Screen , Answer , Children , Beginning , Tunnels , Everyone , Route , Advantage , Strong , Hostilities , Wonder , Case , Chief Of Staff , Subject , Voice , Obama , House , Questions , Child Pneumonia Outbreak , Answers , Determination , Grit , Problem Solving , Passion , Red Land Cotton , Farm , Seed , Products , Bedding Bath , Red Earth , North Alabama , Order , Skyrizi , Thanks , Code Fox , Stitch , Plaque Psoriasis , Go To Red Land Cotton , Dot Com , 20 , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Symptoms , Ability , Vaccine , Skin , Plan , Starter Doses , 2 , 4 , 90 , Nothing , Dermatologist , Wasn T , Pneumonia , Bodies , Chinese , May , Ambassador , Local Media Reporting , Japan , Quote , Lives , Delays , Alarm , On X , Covid Deception , Pneumonia Outbreak , Rahm Emmanuel , Contributor , Fox News , I Don T Trust The Chinese 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Holiday Season , Family Heritage , Ancestry , Legacy , Gift , Conservation During Club Member Mondays , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , Store , Interest , Deals , Sale Items , 0 , 00 , 500 , Purchases , Club Member , Adventure , Gear , 12 , Customers , Results , Foods , Success , Term , Jennifer , Weight , Food , Meals , Release Supplement , Blood Sugar Levels , Weight Loss , Golo , Size , Aren T Hungry , Hunger , Pant Sizes , Dieting , Golo Plan , Success Stories , Try , Prisoners , End , Swap , Molt , Team , Listen , Let S Talk , Hostage Rescue , Side , Target , City , Fallujah , Honor , Ramadi , Operation , Parents , Challenges , Training , Intelligence , Sure , Debriefing , Totality , 240 , South , Assault , Effectiveness , Siege Warfare Situation , Assessment , Choice , Siege Warfare , Isn T , Forces , Rebels , Gaza Strip , Member , Factions , Missiles , Duh Let S , Going , 80 , Sign , Make , Thunder , Chirp , Noise , Leadership , Unit , Bases , Troops , Jock On O , Expertise , Morning , Thely , Joe Jee , Derek Chauvin , Report , Prison , Inmate , George Floyd , Arizona , Sentence , Police Officer , Associated Press , Prison Employees , Cho Vin , Life Saving Measures , Minneapolis , Sources , 21 , Pope Francis , Calling A , Pope , Death , Cat Scan , Vatican , Lungs , 22 , Book , Royal Family , Activities , Pontiff , Meetings , Events , 86 , Prince , Hand , Princess Kate , Meg , Meghan Markle , Herringen Markel , Times , Princess , Communication , Name , Meghan Have , Wales , Laughter , Teams , Brick , Headlines , Team Markel , The Boys , La , Wow , Team America , Team No Globalists , Keys , Em , Unpack , Storm , Winter Storm Warnings , Effect , Snow , Kansas , Parts , Moisture , Utah , 8 , 6 , Travel Delays , Gulf , Kansas City , Albuquerque , Denver , Chicago , Northeast , Travel , Rain , Great Lakes , New England , Lake Effect Snow , Feet , Buffalo , Aren T Watertown , Recipes , It S Time , Leftovers , Season , Cold Turkey , Brand New , Turkey Enchiladas , Tip , Potato , Veggies , Erin Chase , , Cheese , Grilled Cheese , Waste , Go To Aways , Left Areovers , Hur , Freezer , Ground Beef Crumble , Ground Beef Base , Crumbles , My Shepherd S Pie , Sale , Tacos , Meat , Sound , Thaw , Skillet , It Frozen , Fabulous Sizzle , Toddlers , Ground Beef , Kitchen , Amount , Shake , Rattle And Roll , 10 , Tour , Natural , Onon , Onion Version , Brownedded , Green Bean Casserole , Baking Dish , Player , Vegetables , Mashed Potatoes , Pan , Top , Cheese Guy , Mountain , Don T Be Shy , Easiest , Oven , 25 , Budget , Groove , Cheese Melt , Cooking Segments , Visit 5 Dinners Com , Somebody , Breakthroughs , Borders , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Beans , Main Street , Red Taillights , Cash , Ink Business Premier Card , Spending Potential , Ideas , Breakthrough Card , Chase For Business , Sam , 5000 , 000 , 02 5 , Genesis , God , Oman , Likeness , Chapter , 26 , 1 , Importance , Jewish , Faiths , Masterpiece , Understanding , Hillsdale College , Western Civilization , Christian , Genesis Story , Essential , Learnfromhillsdale Org , Hillsdale College Professor , Justin Jackson , Appreciation , Stories , Bible , Adam And Eve , Abraham , Joseph , Jacob , Isaac , Lesson Course , Thousands , Spain , Redemption , Hardship , Struggles , Schedule , Space , Six , Serpent , Serpent Talk , Punishment , Belly , Hundreds Of Thousands Americans , Content , Regards , Access , Gain , Genesis Story Free Of Charge , Reconciliation , Predilection , Rivalry , Human Person Psychology , Symptom Relief , Crohn S Disease , Crohn , Remission , Bowel Movements , Abdominal Pain , Feel , Il 23 , 23 , Damage , Majority , Intestinal Lining , Liver Problems , Crohn S , Gastroenterologist , Stick , Latest , 7 , Chance , Eastern , Fingers , Saturday , Guy , Pleasure , Egypt Gaza Border , Bye , David ,

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