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thank you for joining us tonight. desperate, dirty congressmans, that's the focus of tonight's angle. it's thanksgiving and it looks like biden is the turkey. >> new polling is signaling warning signs for president biden. a new nbc poll shows that approval rating has been falling among younger voters for president biden. >> president joe biden jokes about turning 81. polling shows voters are serious concerns about his age. >> young democrats appear to have pulled away from biden over his largely pro-israel stance in the war in the middle east. >> americans are yearning for the good old days of trump. when interest rates were low. i mean, gas, how cheap was it? and the voter, of course was in force no. new wars. the most prominent yappers though on msnbc now sound like around the bend looking at these polls. offer no constructive solutions for actually helping the aging biden, only desperate verbal attacks against trump. >> he is not a normal candidate. he is running to end american democracy as we know it. he is an authoritarian. >> sober and understated as usual. well, you see the scarborough normal republicans are people with zero following or influence think about mitt romney or liz cheney. for his comment is he running to end democracy as we know it? meaning what exactly? that once trump is elected he won't allow for another election in 202 #? no one believes that but, wait, morning joke was just getting started. >> he will imprison. he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. just look at his past. it's not really hard to read. >> look at his past, he has executed a lot of people in his past. man, they are really freaking out. i almost feel sorry for them. now trump is going to execute people how is he going to execute people overseeing federal firing squad. electric chair, bringing that back? no, joe. that's what your people have been trying to do to him. and the entire way democrats cheered on the four indictments, of course, of trump by federal and state prosecutors. but the fact is as usual, their wagging fingers are always pointed back at. they trump is the autocrat now who wants to execute people while prominent democrat congressman are the ones who are using the threatening language. >> man, cannot see public office again. he is not only unfit. is he destructive to our democracy and he has to be he has to be elim eliminated. >> daniel goldman apologized he has to be eliminated because he is destructive to democracy. that's the perfect irony, isn't it? now, obviously, this is very coordinated because, after all, what's easier defending bidenomics on or about just invoking adolf hitler? let's ask our favorite from illinois. >> the rhetoric being used by donald trump. the rhetoric that's being used by some of the maga extremists is rhetoric used in the 130s in germany. things he talks about are frightening to those who know the history of europe in the 1930s and 40s. >> laura: trust fund kid knows his history. wikipedia is a great resource. all of these characters feel like people who are prepared to cheat or at least justify cheating next year. after all, if trump really is what they say he is the man that will end democracy. hitlerian figure? how could he possibly be allowed to run for office, be approaching the white house? is it they believe what they are saying defeat knock him off by any means necessary? would the press look past a republican congressman who had called to eliminate joe biden? of course not. oh, and by the way. whatever happened to democrats' hope and change and biden's promise that we would all return to norms? it was going to be so pleasant. or fry to jail, bankrupt and silence your political adversary. part of new norm playbook? now, somewhere along the line, they decided, the democrats did, that the only way that they could beat trump was to threaten him, bully him, and terrify americans into voting against their own principles and their own economic self-interest. and they are going to be propelled as we know by the billions that wall street and silicon valley fork over to the biden campaign and other left wing packs. pacs. that money will be used to buy more abortion ads and ballot harvest where, of course, it's legal. you will hear a lot of trump dictator. trump insurrection nist, meg gas, maga, nazis, rinse and repeat. over and over again. we shouldn't just try to squeak by, given all this in 2024. we need to win by such a big margin that they can't deny that the world has changed and the old establishment is not coming back. now, the tea party movement, remember back in 2009? it began after the failure of john mccain when he ran for president in 2008. and then, of course, the rides of obama and obamacare. while the press likes to claim the republicans have become more extreme the democrats are the ones gone off the deep end. 15 years later it's clear that they have come to hate the average american and the country itself in its traditional form at least that's why they target parents at school board meetings. and traditional parents as a threat. hound january 6th protesters and treat trespassing like it's treason. and because the voters are turning to trump, all they can do is right insipid articles alleging the same old, same old. they sore angry that they are prepared to break the whole system, perhaps even laying the groundwork for election interference next november. because they just don't care. it's about winning. that's all that matters. if it means compromising the credibility of the doj, the fbi, the cia? dhs, and the cdc, even the military? ah, so be it. the fact is democrats are at the end of the road here. and biden is at the end of the road physically and politically. all right. we said from the beginning it didn't have to be this way. the white house could have taken a different path. they could have at least changed policies or personnel a little bit. they could have stopped this crazy spending en40s border, and ended the madness in ukraine. they are fanatics. again, what they accuse trump of being and they will never change and that's the angle. joining me now is newt gingrich. former speaker of the house and fox news contributor. newt, trump as hitler. trump as stalin. trump as -- whatever dictator comes to mind. that really is their campaign along with the abortion fear-mongering, which they did -- they believed to some success in the last election a few weeks ago. what do you anticipate happening here on out? >> well, i think the only thing i disagree with in your general explanation is that this is about their survival. i said this is literally the behavior of an entire system which understands that it's on the verge of being destroyed. they are looking at what happened in italy. they are looking at what just happened this last week in argentina. there is a worldwide movement against left wing radical, socialist values. you look at hungary, i mean, again and again. average, everyday people are saying no. we don't want this. you look at the numbers for trump right now, they get bigger and bigger and bigger. and i think what you are seeing on the left is a desperation that's literally a survival function. we have never seen this, maybe the south in 1860. but, other than that, we have never seen this level of desperation in american politics. it's going to get worse. they have a candidate that's hopeless. he is not going to win and they can't get rid of him. they have a situation where their opponent is getting stronger and better and more disciplined i think that leads to a very explosive moment in american history. >> laura: newt, don't you always see that their drive, this is blood lust they seem to have with putting trump in jail. i think they believe that's key to their survival, too. >> of course. >> laura: they have to put him in jail before this election because nothing else is working. the hitler routine isn't working obviously. people are just laughing at that. >> well, and putting him in jail won't work, either. but the problem they have got is -- i don't know how it happened. i'm writing a series american spectator. i have to confess, i'm not quite sure how we get to where we are today because it's hard to understand how the modern left somehow went through this permutation, this almost mutant behavior where they are so radically isolated they are losing african-americans, they are losing latinos, in the most recent poll they are losing young americans. they are losing asian americans all the groups they thought they could count on thinking these guys are nuts and they are not going to vote for them. they know they are nuts, because of pain, pain in terms of fentanyl and crime, pain in terms of the price of living. pain in terms of the number of immigrants crossing the border. every time they turn around, they see an incompetent president who is clearly beyond his due date. i mean, a reasonable, democratic party if it still exists and it doesn't, would, in fact, insist that joe biden step down. there is no democratic party that can do that. and is he not going to step down. and, if he did, you get kamala harris because in their party, in their particular universe, you cannot defeat a black woman. >> laura: into the, i have gotno say i have seen desperation before in politics but what they are saying about trump wanting to executed people. is he going to execute his political opponents? i mean, i think they have completely -- i mean, i hate to say someone has lost his or her mind on another cable network, i don't know how else you describe that. that's where they're. that's the democrat. what happened to hope and change? what happened to all the optimism that the democrats offered? >> look, last week i was in a meeting with a formerly moderate republican, very sophisticated. very nice guy. somebody i like personally. and as we talked about trump, he became so totally demonically convinced that this is the end of his world. i mean, the language -- i couldn't argue with him because the language was so emotional. it was like dealing with a person who was literally beyond self-control. [laughter] >> that's what you are seeing. 20 or 30% of the country right now is in a mood of literally being out of touch with reality. >> laura: very unpleasant. >> totally convinced they are right and terrified. >> laura: yeah. newt, they are not pleasant people to be sitting around the thanksgiving table with. so, just hide all the sharp implements because they are very angry people. newt, it's great to see you. have a happy thanksgiving, my friend as always. >> thank you. >> laura: in moments, a legal battle that's going to have huge implications for the future of free speech in the united states. musk vs. the soros-backed media matters. does this case actually have underlying merit? we are going to examine it, next. ♪ >> laura: freedom of speech, freedom of movement. freedom of association. free exercise of religion. well, all of these freedoms are threats to the american left. with their only option in 2024, joe biden imploding, they're back to their old tricks, rigs the marketplace of ideas. they censor what they don't agree with, branding it misinformation or disinformation or dangerous rhetoric. remember, liberals want you to believe that they are always looking out for you. and, in new york, they are starting in kindergarten. and they are calling it censorship literacy training. >> this will teach students, and even teachers to help understand how to spot conspiracy theories and misinformation, disinformation, and online hate. and by teaching younger new yorkers about how to discern between digital fact and digital fiction, we can better inoculate them from hatred and the spread of it. >> laura: oh my god. do we remember that these people almost anything traditional can constitute hate speech. if you say the nuclear family is ideal? that's hate speech for people like kathy hochul. which is why they hate, of course, elon musk because, when he bought twitter, he had this crazy idea that an online forum should be free of political censorship. so let the people decide, in other words. let them decide for themselves. for that, he became public enemy number 1. and, he claims he was famed by the george so, roast backed media matters of america far left group of hit men and hit women masquerading as media watch dog, please. the group lob idea his advertisers to drop x on grounds that musk says are totally false and completely misleading. media matters pointed out that on twitter major mainstream companies were having their ads owe appear alongside pro-hitler and anti-semitic material the kind that floods that social media platform now that mr. musk has taken it over. >> he is suing a progressive watchdog group media matters what they say anti-semitic content on x. >> laura: and then the media just rejudge t reregrand jury t. founder of public, a substack publication. elon musk is find back. he filed a lawsuit last night. you tried to replicate what mainstream media matters was alleging to x's advertisers. what did you find? >> hey, laura, good to be back. we did what any journalist would imagine you should do see if you get the same results media matters got. created new will accounts followed the exact same 11. we didn't see any ads when we clicked on the account. tripled the amount of pro-nazi accounts we followed. same thing. we didn't see the ads. why would we? why would that be a priority to run big brand ads next to pro-nazi messages which don't have much of an audience in america. more oversome people say well maybe twitter or x now changed the algorithm between the time that mainstream media matters' report and when we did our investigation. maybe, well then that would show that they are very responsive and not wanting big brands to be near pro-nazi content. what going on here. a hit job by media matters tried to gain the twitter algorithm them. no one else seemed to be able to do it. they said from the beginning they basically want more censorship. they want the kind of censorship before musk took over when people would be deplatformed recommending against vaccinating children and for using the biological pronouns of other people. that was censored -- that was speech that people were censored for before elon took over. >> laura: i'm sure that's what kathy hochul believes too. you can't say boys or girls or boys or girls at birth. you can't say any of that before. here is what mainstream media said over the weekend. >> that's the core argument the platform so sat ter sur rated with white extremism, racism, conspiracy theories, things that should otherwise be managed in some way that they can't actually protect the few brands that are still willing to remain on the platform. i think most importantly though he confirmed that we were right. >> laura: uses the word managed. managed oaccording to whom? isn't that the point? and who defines what hate is in any given situation? yeah, so, first of all, the president of media matters, that gentleman was caught actually -- saying things like jewish gold and making fun of trannies and using anti-semitic language himself not that long ago. and but second of all this idea that somehow all of his pro-nazi propaganda on twitter, i'm on twitter a lot. i follow a lot of people and i never see any of it. we had to go search for it. so this idea that somehow you go on to x, formerly twitter, and suddenly you are awash in all this hate speech is ridiculous. they are trying to create an excuse for the government. including the fbi, dhs, and others to get involved in censoring content on twitter. they wanting to violate the first amendment. that's basically what they were about before the platform took over. they want to restore things to their pre-musk sensorial past. >> laura: yeah. well, they don't want free speech before the election. they don't want that. that's the danger to them. we know that for a fact. michael, as always, great to see you, my friend, have a happy thanksgiving. joining me now is former trump acting attorney general matt whitaker. you called this lawsuit revolutionary. now, aside from its relative novelty, does it have a chance? >> yeah. and it does. good to be with you, laura. here is my analysis as i looked at this complaint. first of all, you know, media matters just manufactured this evidence. they created a way that only their unique account would be served these couple ads. and then they suggested that this is par for the course. and we know, based on, you know, everyone on the x platform knows that this is not par for the course. but, you know, what is so important is that elon musk and x are going to court. and they are going to, you know, make these people defend their actions. and their activities. i think that, to me, is the most important thing because, for so long, you know, conservatives have been, you know, deplatformed, demonetized and otherwise assaulted by these left-wing groups in the mainstream media that gives them, you know, oxygen and no one has been willing to go to court and actually pursue their rights. so i think this is a big deal for someone to invest money in the court and lawyers to actually go after groups like media matters. >> >> laura: you never see media matters upset that there are people posting on these social media platforms that call themselves minor attack thed persons. right? they are attracted to minors. you know, they are not pedophiles but they are attracted to minors. i mean so they don't have any problem with stuff like that. it's a platform that offers conservatives and others a place to speak their mind. i'm just going to repeat that is a threat to them going into this presidential election cycle. and it's a threat to them beyond. freedom is a threat to them. >> yeah. and it's the whole reason that they have been done -- 20 of these types of complaints against x. they are not doing it instagram and facebook. they are willing to be moderated by. >> laura: tiktok. >> the left and their speech code. and also, remember, this is just the next step in the left's desire lost their truth squads in dhs, those are exposed. this is another opportunity. i just can't believe the way cnn and msnbc or maybe i can believe, you know, the fact that they were media matters as legitimate watchdog group. it's not. it's like so many of these groups in washington, d.c. that are funded by the left. and go after conservatives and where they communicate. >> well, and it seems to be recklessness that is being alleged and perhaps malice here as well given the political bias of media matters. matt, it's great to see you. thank you so much. all right. i know you have been following this today. but we have a question. who is actually behind what looks like a tentative deal between hamas and israel, this truce, at least temporary truce that we keep hearing about? we will talk to former trump director of national intel john ratcliffe who has a surprising answer. that's next. ♪ >> laura: a temporary seas fire deal between israel and hamas including the release of hostages is reportedly in its final stages with israeli families, of course, still suffering after hamas' october 7th massacre and the blood shed in gaza that followed. it leaves us to ask who is driving this deal? we know that the biden administration is taking on major water with younger voters who want a cease-fire. they give them, what, 70% disapproval of his handling of this crisis? so could politics at all be at play here and could beijing be given biden an exit ramp? >> china stands firmly on the side of fairness and justice regarding this conflict. >> we would welcome china playing a constructive role in the middle east. the secretary has made this clear personally in his conversations with juan ye. >> laura: joining me now john ratcliffe director of national intel under donald trump. john, should would he be supporting china's involvement do you trust them? are they on the side of fairness? >> of course not, laura. we know what their track record is. look, the biden administration inviting them to take a constructive role is apparently last week when the biden begging tour ended in california with the garden walk with biden and xi, and xi took the stage and said we want to be friends with america. we are not even competitors, we are just friends. apparently biden took him at his word and constructive role in the middle east peace plan. you know, we are talking about a baseful china that was so peaceful that a million americans died from covid virus that came from a lab in wuhan. and the same peaceful china that still, laura, has not condemned hamas' attack of israel on october 7th. that's who the biden administration is inviting to take an important role here. look, china doesn't care about peace. they don't care about israelis. they don't care about what they do care with oil. half of the oil china needs comes from countries in the middle east. that's why china is happy to accept the biden administration's invitation and to-joint and jordan and stoke all the anti-american and anti-israeli rhetoric that will only embolden and improve their position with the arab countries that they so desperately need to supply their economy. that's what this is about. >> >> laura: i also think they want to help biden. biden is in a jam in the middle east. especially a mess with younger voters. i think xi wants biden to be back in the white house for another four years. and i wouldn't be surprised if there was some assist given to his new friend, too. because that obviously helps china. john, we have to get to this just moments ago. -- go ahead. real quick. >> i was going to say our intelligence community tells us that, of course, xi, just as he did in 2020 wants president biden to continue to be in the white house. why wouldn't you want an adversary who says that america's greatest national security threat is plastic straws not china? >> laura: of course. now, john, as i said just moments ago, we learned that a u.s. missile strike against iran affiliated groups in iraq took place tonight. now, remember this followed a u.s. strike against militants last night. the pentagon was asked about deterrence measures earlier today. watch this. i can confirm attack by iran backed militias. attacked 66 times times since october 17th. >> why aren't these working as deterrent strategy. >> i would push back on that. i know 66 is a high number. but, again, we have days sometimes where we don't have attacks. >> laura: john, we have days sometimes where we don't have any attacks. that's a really reassuring statement. >> laura, if this is success as the biden administration defines it, i would shade to see failure. if success is 66 attacks in 30 days, 60 americans with traumatic brain injuries and on the other side zero iranian injuries, zero iranian casualties, zero iranian attacks on directly on the irgc, there has been frankly zero consequences for iran for bad actions. history tells us that's what it's going to take. reagan did it, trump did it, he should do it but he won't. >> laura: after kicking soldiers to the curb who said thanks but no thanks to the jab, the army is now trying to coax them to come back. the details and a former lt. colonel who was forced out ahead. plus, we have an update about the las vegas teens acaused of brutally killing their classmate. those details also next. ♪ >> laura: new details tonight on two murders caught on camera. both allegedly committed by teenagers. one in las vegas and one in new orleans. for more on that, we turn to fox news national correspondent bill melugin. bill? >> bill: yeah, laura, prosecutors in las vegas have now formally charged four high school students are murder after they allegedly beat their classmate to death earlier this month in a savage jumping that was all caught on video. travion randolph. damian ran did he see. beaver, and robinson all minors charged as adults with second degree murder conspiracy to commit battery with the d.a. saying he decided not to go first degree murder charges evidence shows the beating was not pre-med indicated jonathan lewis died after the november 1st beating at he will rancho high school. 8 student between the ages of 13 and 17 have now been arrested in connection with with the brawl that led to his death. the four teens charged with murdering him being held without bail but have been transferred county jail to juvenile detention center. meanwhile in new orleans, three of four teenagers charged in the death and carjacking of linda fricke over a year ago have pleaded guilty to their charges. she was 73 years old and died from blunt force injuries after the carjacking which happened in new orleans mid city area. 17-year-old brinia baker. 16-year-old and marquel curtis all pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of attempted manslaughter and sentenced to 20 years in prison for fricke's death as part of a plea deal. fricke's family says the remaining 18-year-old defendant, john hanori deserves no mercy. >> he stomped her, he maced her. he dragged her. he drove the car. linda was pleading and begging for her life. so he deserves no plea deals. >> give him the same mercy that he gave linda. none. >> all four teenagers arrested in fricke's death have been charged as adults and are facing life in prison if convicted. laura, an update there on two really horrible stories. we will send it back to you. >> laura: horrific. bill, thank you so much. all right, in an obvious sign that the pentagon thinks the g.o.p. is just going to give them whatever they want, the dod is now asking for millions, upon millions to fund its diversity, equity and inclusion agenda. that's only $114 million. and they say it would help fund dedicated dei related activities. now, the department writes ultimately recruiting and retaining a force with diverse background, thought, experience, expertise and education enhances dod's global joint war fighter capabilities fundamental to all dod activities. so, goodbye excellence hello racial, ethnic and sexual bean counting. this is a thumb in the eye of house republicans and significant number of senate republicans and frankly all of americans who pay for this. and now the military, of course, is facing a massive recruiting crisis and things are so bad that the pentagon is approaching soldiers who return after they were booted for not taking the jab in a letter to dismiss service members, the army is writing that troops who want to correct their discharge letters can do so. and if they want to come back? call your recruiter. my next guest says that she was breastfeeding and pressure innocent with her second child when she was forced out of the army for not getting the experimental shot. remember, that neither stops transmission of the virus or stops infection. joining me now is lieutenant colonel danielle smith. former army physician. dr. smith, we need doctors in the military. are you reenlisting, given this letter that was sent out? >> no. i'm not planning to at this time. it's incredibly disingenuous after what they did to not only me. i'm just one of thousands who were forced to resign or involuntarily separated. and now they are coming back with no apology, you know, no back pay, no back entitlements they are saying come back now. we need you. we need help. >> laura: well, danielle, they are just -- they are beside themselves on the fact that, you know, they have a massive recruiting short fall with no real plan as to how to, you know, build back better, the military but our military leaders did assure us back in, i think it was 2022 that the vax mandate would not impact our readiness, despite what a lot of us were arguing. watch this. >> i can tell you there are no operational impacts across a force for readiness. there is no one community that has signaled an instance where a leadership, an nco or young enlisted marine is not present because of that. >> laura: danielle, all of us knew, even people with no military experience knew that that was nonsense because we were hearing, frankly from people like you. and so -- how do we restore trust in our military leadership, given what occurred? >> right. i mean, it's complete nonsense. and, you think about -- as a physician, so, physicians are notoriously hard to retain in the military, particularly surgeons. and i was only one of 15 of my kind that they forced to resign over. this and now, you know, they have lost my trust. they have lost my faith. they made it very clear to me that they didn't care about my health and well-being. they didn't care about my personal opinion and professional opinion. they didn't care about my family, you know, my babies. and it's hard to come back from that. they have crossed the line. and for me and i'm sure for many, they have ruined a lot of people's lives. those who did get the vaccine and those who didn't. and i'm not sure if there's a way back from that at this point. >> laura: well, danielle, over 25,000 troops also unsuccessfully sought religious exemptions from the jab. were you one of them? i guess you were, right? so what was that process like? >> yes. so, i actually -- i requested both, a religious accommodation and a medical exemption. i'm a catholic and i had 3-month-old at the time the mandate came out. as you said, i was a nursing mom. and, you know, becoming a mom really intensified my faith. i think hearing your baby's heart beat for the first time is probably the closest you can get to god on this earth. and i just knew in good conscience i couldn't take this vaccine. so, i submitted the religious accommodation request. which took months and months. i smithed it, i think, in september and i didn't get a response until december which was actually quick compared to other service members. the response i got was basically how dare you, this is the grave risk. you know, overwhelming, danger, danger that you could be around soldiers and not be vaccinated. yet, at the same time, for months, i was expected to show up for work and continue to take care of patients and do my job. so, the disconnect is just, you know, very interesting. the medical exemption we requested. >> laura: i'm just saying it was -- sorry to interrupt. it was antiscience. their points were antiscience, anti-faith, anti-freedom, and anti-common sense. all of this combined. danielle, i'm so glad you stood your ground. i'm really sad that the military has lost someone like you. thank you very much for telling your story tonight. all right. up next, what the failla? jimmy failla next. thanksgiving edition. ♪ - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. each one with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette... every step, brought her pain. their only hope: mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. so don't wait, call the number on your screen. or donate at all right, now it's time for wtf. joining me now jimmy failla host of fox across america. i got to see you in nashville briefly. it was fun. 3 we will always have nashville. >> good to be together. gq released their men of the year magazine. people are outraged by it because number one for some reason you are not on the cover. i already lodged in my protest. number two, who the cover model actually is. watch this. >> hey gq it is kim kardashian. i am adventurous and like to do stuff. >> jimmy, explain. >> that was kind of a misspeak. she said she likes to do sports. i think she meant she likes to do athletes if you are familiar with him. it's hard for me to bash a fashion magazine in this shirt because you look like an affordable pilgrim stripper. but understand this is ridiculous. the problem gq has is the men who made the most headlines this year did so by dressing as women year did so by dressing as women real. with a put dylan mulvaney on the cover? i don't know if that was a good sail. they had the sam brenton at the white house. he is out of the news because the white house gave him the pink slip and then he put it on. i don't know. we will see. i think its fun. i can't really mock him. this is a woman who truly started on the bottom and she turned to her sides of the camera could see it better. but the point is, all around it's a ridiculous story. >> you do look like roy rogers tonight. you do. you really look like you just rated his closet. i just noticed it. it is quite striking, jimmy. big news in new jersey because college women's swimming record was just broken by a trans athlete who competed on the men's team for three years. this keeps happening. >> it's completely unfair advantage although i will acknowledge he is the only swimmer battling his opponents in shrinkage, which is not easy to do. where are the advocates that stand up for women? this is the 50th anniversary of title ix and they are turning it into title ix inches. we know men have an advantage. the winner of the new york city men's marathon beats the women's winner by about 13 minutes and that's in new york where everyone is running faster because they are probably getting chased. the whole thing is a scam. it's unfair to women. >> have you ever run a marathon? >> i haven't been to a marathon gas station. i keep driving and go to kwik-e-mart. >> what's the furthest you have ever run in your life? >> listen, i have gone on 5-mile runs. i've done 5k. as a chubby kid i would go as far as it took for me to get the ice cream truck to stop. i would run until bill humor pulled over. >> i have to do a turkey trot. i somehow signed up for this again. i say every year i'm not going to do it and i do it with my three kids and will be completely embarrassed. actor john leguizamo has popped off and he wrote an op-ed about how latinos use to find univision trustworthy until they actually allowed trump to have a voice. the network aired an our long interview with him that held a completely un- critical lens on the dangers policies trump espoused during his presidency. they want to move trump out of there. >> this is proof that social media needs a button called who asked you? nobody cares what john leguizamo says and he wrote this op-ed to become relevant. what he doesn't get is latinos are abandoning the democratic party. look at biden's support among latinos. if anything univision is reading the room. happy thanksgiving by the way. happy thanksgiving. for them its adios. we are not interested in you anymore. we have a photo of us at the patriot awards. will you put it up on the screen, a hope. everybody have a happy thanksgiving. i will be back on monday. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight,

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Office , It , Wall , Daniel Goldman , Irony , Isn T , Rhetoric , Bidenomics , Adolf Hitler , Favorite , Donald Trump , Illinois , Things , Some , Extremists , History Of Europe , Germany , 130 , History , Resource , Characters , Trust Fund , Wikipedia , And 40s , 1930 , 40 , Office , Figure , White House , Press , Many , Defeat , Republican , Whatever , Norms , Promise , Return , Hope And Change , Jail , Line , Adversary , Part , Playbook , Somewhere , Campaign , Self Interest , Billions , Voting , Principles , Silicon Valley Fork , Wall Street , Money , Dictator , Wing , Abortion Ads , Packs , Pacs , Where , Harvest , Ballot , Meg Gas , Trump Insurrection Nist , World , Repeat , Margin , Maga , Nazis , 2024 , Failure , John Mccain , Tea Party Movement , Establishment , Rides , Obama , Obamacare , 2008 , 2009 , Democrats , American , Deep End , 15 , Threat , Parents , Form , Protesters , Least , School Board Meetings , Hound January 6th , 6 , January 6th , Gold , System , Trespassing , Articles , Treason , Fbi , Matters , Groundwork , Election Interference , Credibility , Don T Care , Cia , Doj , Military , Dhs , The End Of Road , Cdc , Policies , Personnel , Path , Bit , Madness , Spending En40s Border , Ukraine , Newt Gingrich , House , Contributor , Fox News , Speaker , Fanatics , Success , Stalin , Abortion Fear Mongering , Thing , Survival , Explanation , Behavior , Verge , Italy , Socialist Values , Numbers , Average , Movement , Argentina , Hungary , Left , Desperation , Survival Function , This , South , Level , American Politics , 1860 , Opponent , Situation , More , I Don T , Blood Lust , Drive , American History , Problem , Nothing , Jail Won T Work , Hitler Routine Isn T Working Obviously , Writing A Series American Spectator , Latinos , Permutation , African Americans , Iran , Asian Americans , Spain , Terms , Young Americans , Guys , Nuts , Number , Border , Price , Crime , Fentanyl , Living , Immigrants , Party , Doesn T , Kamala Harris , Would , Step Down , Woman , Universe , Gotno , Someone , Politics , Opponents , Mind , Cable Network , Optimism , Somebody , Meeting , Guy , Person , End , Laughter , Self Control , Mood , Reality , 30 , 20 , Thanksgiving , Friend , Battle , Implements , Table , Free Speech , Implications , Media Matters , Merit , Case , Musk Vs , Soros , Freedoms , Threats , Option , Exercise , Religion , Freedom Of Movement , Freedom Of Speech , Freedom Of Association , Disinformation , Ideas , It Misinformation , Marketplace , Tricks , Joe Biden Imploding , Students , New York , Liberals , Teachers , Kindergarten , It Censorship Literacy Training , Hate , Conspiracy Theories , Misinformation , Fiction , New Yorkers , Hate Speech , Hatred , Anything , Spread , Oh My God , Idea , Elon Musk , Twitter , Censorship , Words , Forum , Kathy Hochul , Group , Hit Women , Hit Men , Roast , Public Enemy , Media Watch Dog , George , 1 , Media , Musk , Advertisers , Grounds , Kind , Ads , Companies , Progressive Watchdog Group , Social Media Platform , Mr , Material , Content , On X , Public , Substack Publication , Rejudge T Reregrand Jury Founder , Last Night , Mainstream Media Matters , Sex , Accounts , Results Media Matters , Good , Journalist , 11 , Account , Messages , Amount , Priority , Brand Ads , Brands , Algorithm , Report , Audience , Investigation , Oversome , No One Else , Hit Job , Speech , Deplatformed , Children , Pronouns , Censored , Boys , Girls , Birth , Elon , Platform , Weekend , Extremism , Core Argument , Racism , Ter Sur Rated , Word , The Point , Oaccording , Fun , Gentleman , Trannies , Jewish , Propaganda , Others , Excuse , Government , To X , Danger , Amendment , Matt Whitaker , Trump Acting , Novelty , Chance , Lawsuit Revolutionary , Michael , Evidence , Complaint , Analysis , Everyone , Par , Actions , Court , Activities , Conservatives , Deal , Demonetized , Rights , Oxygen , Social Media Platforms , Lawyers , Attack , Stuff , Minors , Place , Persons , Thed , Pedophiles , Reason , Freedom , Cycle , Instagram , Complaints , Types , Speech Code , Facebook , Tiktok , Step , Opportunity , Truth Squads , Desire , Cnn , Watchdog Group , Groups , The Left , Washington D C , Malice , Recklessness , Bias , Intel , Truce , Trump Director , Hamas , John Ratcliffe , Question , Israel , Answer , A Temporary Seas Fire Deal , Families , Stages , Hostages , Release , Administration , Cease Fire , Water , Blood Shed , Gaza , October 7th Massacre , 70 , October 7th , 7 , Side , Fairness , China , Crisis , Play , Handling , Exit Ramp , Justice , Disapproval , Beijing , Role , Secretary , Conflict , Conversations , Juan Ye , Director , Involvement , Biden Begging Tour , Track Record , California , Xi , Friends , Competitors , Stage , Garden Walk , Peace Plan , Lab , Covid Virus , Wuhan , A Million , Care , China Doesn T Care , They Don T , Israelis , Israel On October 7th , Soil , Countries , Half , Invitation , China Needs , Jordan , Mess , Economy , Position , Jam , Assist , Wouldn T , Intelligence Community , 2020 , Missile Strike , Straws , Security , Pentagon , Deterrence , Militants , Strike , Iraq , Militias , Aren T , Deterrent Strategy , October 17th , 66 , 17 , Statement , Brain Injuries , Injuries , Casualties , 60 , Reagan , Consequences , Irgc , Soldiers , Jab , Army , Thanks , Details , Curb , Colonel , Update , Classmate , Lt , Las Vegas , Teens Acaused , Teenagers , Bill , Camera , Both , Murders , High School , New Orleans , Bill Melugin , Correspondent , Two , Death , Murder , Jumping , Video , Travion Randolph , Damian Ran , Beaver , Robinson , Adults , Degree , November 1st Beating , Conspiracy , Battery , D A , Jonathan Lewis , November 1st , Teens , Student , Brawl , Wages , Connection , Bail , County Jail To Juvenile Detention Center , 13 , 8 , Carjacking , Linda Fricke , Charges , Blunt Force Injuries , 73 , Three , Prison , Charge , Manslaughter , City Area , Marquel , 16 , Linda , John Hanori , Plea Deal , Car , No Mercy , 18 , Life , Plea Deals , Mercy , None , Right , Dod , Stories , Sign , Horrific , Millions , Fund , Agenda , Inclusion , Equity , Diversity , 14 Million , 114 Million , Department , Background , Experience , Expertise , Thought , Capabilities , Education , Dod S Global Joint War Fighter , Bean Counting , Thumb , Excellence , Eye , House Republicans , Goodbye , Senate , Recruiting Crisis , Troops , Letter , Service Members , Writing , Discharge Letters , Recruiter , The Army , Guest , Child , Transmission , Virus , Breastfeeding , Shot , Infection , Neither , Reenlisting , Danielle Smith , Army Physician , Dr , Doctors , Thousands , Entitlements , Back Pay , Apology , Mandate , Leaders , Recruiting , Plan , Vax , 2022 , Readiness , Community , Young , Instance , Leadership , Impacts , Military Experience , All Of Us , Hearing , Marine , Trust , Military Leadership , Physician , Physicians , Nonsense , Faith , Surgeons , Health , Well Being , Vaccine , Opinion , Babies , Lives , Point , Didn T , Exemptions , Danielle , 25000 , Exemption , Accommodation , Yes , Time , Heart Beat , Nursing Mom , Mom , Catholic , Baby , Earth , 3 , Response , Conscience , Accommodation Request , Risk , Overwhelming , Job , Disconnect , Work , Patients , Ground , Antiscience , Anti Freedom , Sense , Combined , Anti Faith , Points , Story , Jimmy Failla , Up Next , Thanksgiving Edition , Heart , Female Narrator , Ravette , Hope , Surgeries , Hospital , Surgery , Mercy Ships , 19 , 9 , Screen , Suffering , Don T Wait , Host , Wtf , Nashville , Fox Across America , Men , Gq , Cover , Model , Magazine , Protest , Kim Kardashian , Jimmy , Athletes , Sports , Fashion Magazine , Misspeak , Shirt , Women , Pilgrim Stripper , Most , Dylan Mulvaney , Slip , I Don T Know , Sail , Sam Brenton , Bottom , Roy Rogers , Closet , College Women S Swimming Record , New Jersey , Advantage , Athlete , Swimmer , Team , 50th Anniversary , Shrinkage , Title Ix , 50 , New York City Men S Marathon Beats The Women Winner , Scam , Marathon , Haven T , Furthest , Marathon Gas Station , Kwik E Mart , Ice Cream Truck , Kid , Bill Humor , 5k , John Leguizamo , Kids , Op Ed , Presidency , Interview , Dangers , Network , Lens , Voice , Anything Univision , Social Media , There , Proof , Nobody , Button , He Doesn T Get , Room , Support , Adios , Photo , Patriot Awards , Jesse Watters Primetime ,

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