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primetime" tonight. >> so you will vote for biden? >> maybe. >> what the hell? hey, man. >> hollywood stabbing biden in the back. >> when i heard that part of the testimony, i really wanted to get up off my chair and yell, bull bleep. >> what happened with george floyd? >> jesse watters, you have a dirty mind. you think it is about sex, it is about pride. >> "the view" goes nuts, plus -- >> oh, hell no. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it was 2020 and the virus shut down the country, it wasn't politicians who opened it back up. george floyd did. his death unofficially ended the lockdown, bringing millions of protesters out of quarantine and to the streets. the george floyd story is very different, depending who you talk to. he was arrested in indianapolis after using counterfeit money. he was on the ground saying he couldn't breathe. america was consumed with violence. [video playing] >> jesse: over two dozen people died, fires set, squad cars destroyed. rioters caused damage. police departments were defunded and police and people demoralize. pressure campaign to force critical race theory into schools and corporate shakedown to resulted in a massive transfer of wealth. award-winning journalist liz collin, decided to investigate. her documentary out today, called the fall of minneapolis, tells you things you have not heard before. this was the narrative. >> george floyd was a healthy young man. >> jesse: but the medical examiner, dr. baker, found he had two separate and very serious heart conditions. one artery almost completely blocked and floyd had lethal traces of fentanyl in his system on top of covid-19. medical examiner continued, if he were found dead at home alone and no other apparent cause, this could be acceptable to call an od. do you want something right now? >> nothing. >> you are acting erratic. if george floyd would have told the truth about fentanyl and methamphetamine, could that have helped save his life? >> it could have. that is proven with what happened year before, he was arrested by minneapolis police and he was putting tablets in his mouth. >> jesse: did you know george floyd had a similar interaction just a year before his death? >> how was george floyd acting in 2019? >> everything was almost identical, initial stop. when i first started to approach him, he was uncooperative, wasn't listening to commands. he was agitated. >> keep your hands where i can see them. hey -- >> i am -- >> keep your hands where i can see them. see your hands. >> man -- >> stay in the car, let me see your other hand. >> i couldn't see his hand, we found out later he was probably eating dope. >> jesse: important piece of information denied access to while black lives matter wrecked our country? what were police doing? >> we were ordered not to do anything. waiting to be told what not to do next. >> did you feel like there was a plan? >> reaching command post about what is our plan, without a response whatsoever. >> not saying anything at all? >> no, nothing. >> do you copy? >> command, can you advise? >> elections were coming up, everything is politically driven. they were going to use this for a political narrative. and they did. >> jesse: remember, this was an election year and america couldn't critique united kingdom voters that is correct needed them fully engaged in a righteous cause. >> it's been peaceful, sometimes angry, but entirely peaceful. [bleep] >> there is some of that, for the most part it has been peace. we cannot let protesters be likened to criminals. >> police officers claim knee to the neck tactic, they call it maximum restraint technique, something they were trained to do. >> were you trained in mrttechnique? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes, i was. >> yes, we all were. >> yes, all the police officers were trained in mrt. your police chief said he didn't recognize that technique. >> i heard him say that. it is tough to hear people lie, just straight lie. >> officers are accusing minneapolis police chief of committing perjury during the george floyd trial. the officers feel they were sacrificed for politics. >> everything changed. and it didn't have to. had we had strong leadership right from the very top, the governor, the mayor, our chief of police, city council of minneapolis, the assistant chief and definite chiefs. this is how you treat your people. you just turn your back on us. >> jesse: here now liz collin, producer of "fall of minneapolis," which is just breaking today. how badly were the american people lied to? >> gosh, it is hard to condense this in a short segment, to be honest. that is why we puts out this documentary to give people a look at the lies from the start. we are paying the consequences. this is first time body cam footage was withheld, here is what you were not allowed to see. you have george floyd complaining he can't breathe before arriving on scene. ul have a black officer who arrested george floyd in alex king. this is supposed to the most racist police in history, nobody talks about the black officer. you have officers calling for an ambulance 36 seconds after george floyd himself asked to be laid on the ground that day. people should wonder why this was kept from them. i was working in mainstream media and knew there was more to the story. they were refusing to properly inform the public about what went on. >> jesse: tell us about the 2019 george floyd arrest that we didn't know. >> again, we're told the very next day after what transpired in 2020 that the minneapolis police department had never heard of george floyd. he had been the subject of an undercover drug investigation that went on for months and you see the arrest of george floyd in 2019, he is saying almost exactly the same thing he is saying in 2020. if you play the body camera footage side by side, which we do a bit in the film, you can see this is clearly someone who is experienced with police interaction. we go into his babground and that was withheld from the public, as well. >> jesse: the medical experted it was odd to see the fbi meeting with a medical examiner for a local crime. we reached out to the fbi for comment and haven't heard back. >> the original autopsy was done 12 hours after he was declared dead. the official report that came out later i'm told was changed. >> what do you think of the federal government's involvement in this case? >> one of the first questions i asked, was the fbi involved? when i found out fbi involvement was within 12 to 24 hours, that raised a red flag for me. >> jesse: is it usual for the fbi to get involved like that for a local crime? >> you know, i'll be honest here, my husband was a long-time minneapolis police officer and i put out a book called "they are lying," and the movie is based on this book. that has never happened before when he was serving and everyone in the film talked about they had never seen a case go to the fbi this quickly. that call was made by the minneapolis police chief within hours of this incident and this is why much was keps private. >> jesse: was the autopsy report changed? >> so we in the book and also in the film, we put it out there for people that we have an autopsy done within 12 hours of george floyd, passing away, long before buildings are burning in minneapolis, you do see narrative change over the course of several days and we go into that quite a bit. you have meetings over and over and public documentation that just came to light about the immense pressure that prosecutors felt to charge there's officers. they now say they were not comfortable charging these officers. a lot of this stuff is coming to light now, but people should question why. all that medical documentation is all public document agsz, reporters could have been reporting about it for a long time. >> jesse: how has your reporting on george floyd affected you professionally? >> i was a long-time news anchor, i was demoted and lost my position i had for a dozen years. i grew up at the station i grew up watching, i was cancelled and had protests at my home. people threatened my life. what bothered me most, the truth wasn't being told and these men and women, minneapolis lost the best of the best and they need their voice back and i hope this movie can do that. >> jesse: "the fall of minneapolis" out now, take a look. liz, thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: the second elon musk bought twitter, the next election couldn't be rigged, musk had to be taken out. left wing media watch dog put the hit out on friday, running next to nazi content, put out white supremacist videos next to bravo, oracle, many others, these are fortune 500 companies and they panicked. ibm suspended advertising on apple, the companies pulledads. media matters did a victory dance. >> racism and conspiracy theories and things that should be managed in way they can't protect the few brands willing to remain on the platform. >> jesse: according to musk, media matters made the story up. they created fake accounts and followed nazis and kept refreshing until ads popped up. like paying people to dress up like nazi and sending them to company headquarter and taking pictures of them and saying your company loves nazis. elon musk caught them red-handed and is hitting them with thermo-nuclear lawsuit to counter the fraudulent attack. if musk wins this lawsuit and bankrupts them. prime time doesn't like when people lose their jobs, but in this case, we will make an exception. michael shellenberger joins me now. how fraudulent was this attempt by media matters? >> it sounds shocking. if you are on x, formerly known as twitter, you are being served up neo-nazi content tide together with big brands. they created fake accounts to follow neo-nazis and say they got the ads served. we did the same thing, created fake account and followed same pro-nazi accounts and we couldn't get aniads. we followed three times more pro-nazi accounts and couldn't get any ads served up to us. we asked media matters. we didn't hear back from them. what is going on here, more than meets the eye, i would say. >> jesse: we know how well musk is and what kind of lawyers he can pay. if you have a dozen of most lily paid legal professionals descend upon media matters, would that b bankrupt that outfit? >> people have the right to lie, but you can't restrict information. lying about what is going on with a business in order to hurt that business. they created the story they wanted to sell, there is antisemitism on x, that brands are associated with antisemitism and had that in mind before they did their research. this is case where they are using fraudulent method to lie to businesses and manipulate, that looks like fraud, can be expensive and dangerous for media matters. >> jesse: what they are trying to put trump out for. they want to strip his business license and we have proof media matters did the same thing. if they are honest, they would say, your honor, i am guilty. >> that is right, media matters has been a front group for democratic party donors. you have alliance between advertisers to censor and control media platforms that is scary and dangerous, people should be concerned and speak up and defend free speech on x, it is under attack by media matters. >> jesse: check out mike at substack, have a great evening. hollywood abandoned joe biden. why do you think that is? 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oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul. it's your water, your way. >> jesse: oodz long been said the white house is hollywood's favorite home, whether elvisor marilyn monroe serenading kennedy with happy birthday. >> happy birthday, mr. pre president, happy birthday to you! >> jesse: and today another president celebrating his birthday, here is joe biden on his 81st. so many candles going to burn the white house down. cardi b said if it is a joe biden party, she's not showing up. >> i'm not endorsing presidents no more. 100 million budget cut for schools, library, police sast and sanitation, yet joe biden talking about, we can fund two wars, talking about, we don't got it, we got it. we are the greatest nation, no, we're not, we are going through it right now, we really, really, really, really, really are -- right now. >> jesse: really, really, entertainment world is pulling endorsement of least entertaining president. "saturday night live" is saying biden 2024, ah. >> i have to leave the country now, if trump gets elected in 2024, that would be a disaster, democracy might end, there might be civil war. so you will vote for biden? >> ugh, maybe. >> what the hell, hey, man. >> jesse: we don't know laur en. the proticket biden racket is d disintegrating, bill maher says he smells a loser. do you think joe biden can do the job? yes. i don't think he is going to win, people think he is too old. >> jesse: ground shifting under joe biden who want to be a war-time president, overseeing a civil war inside his own party. if not the hollywood boulevard, the arab street in america. democrats raised hell inside the democratic convention. [cheering] ♪ ♪ [chanting] >> ceasefire now. >> ceasefire now. >> ceasefire now. >> jesse: democratic coalition falling apart in anger and not protesting biden's age. you don't see signs saying old man joe, they are calling him genocide joe. democrats protesting biden's proxy wars, same people biden tried to bribe by paying off their student loans. not like bidenomics will save him. tensions are evident between obama and biden, that is what democrats who attended the chicago forum said. obama barely even mentioned joe biden's name. that sent a signal to the rest of the party, now fund raisers say everybody is wetting the bed, can't you get him not to run being heard at cocktail parties. nobody can get through to joe biden. david axelrod saying biden thinking he is cheat nature and it is risky and he is giving them less than 50/50 chance of winning. biden is on his own and that is daunting on the democratic party and too late for others to get on the ballot and white house is flirting with the idea of just letting biden be biden. this is what that looks like. >> president biden: i love your ears, they are really cool whachl is your name? >> catherine. >> president biden: beautiful name, that is my mommy's name. how old are you? 17? six? how old are you 14? four? you are a pretty big guy. >> jesse: that cannot happen, trying to write scripts for joe. this is harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or britney's tour, warm in brazil right now. >> jesse: britney is not in brazil, she is juggling knives. for the next year staffers have one job and one job only, keep joe biden from falling and they will give him special shoes and stop him from going overseas. this is about as disrespectful to the american people as you can get, we are not surprised. nick depaulo, a comedian joins us now. how do you think the bubble wrap will play out? >> it is his birthday, nobody wants him to run issue not obama or any of the guys. nobody wants this guy to run. you and i have been saying it, he will not be the nominee. i said that after his 34th fall. tonight is a perfect night, his birthday, finish him off, surprise birthday party. 100 people yelling -- >> jesse: kamala just jumping out. yeah, 150 people yell surprise, he's finished. if that doesn't work have trump jump out of his cake with no shirt on. >> jesse: we wish the president well for his birthday, hope he doesn't run out of breath blowing the candles out. >> they are not letting him have candles, aoc says it is bad. >> jesse: what happens when joe biden makes inappropriate age jokes to little girls. >> what are you 17? you go low. >> jesse: he's rusty, come on. >> juste? he's hanging out with hunter every weekend. >> jesse: not that rusty, what happens with when "snl" goes after the president. first three years, do you see significance in them coming after him saturday night? >> not really, even when i went after him, they took -- they lost their testacels a long time ago. bill maher, people are going he gets it now, people like maher put us where we are now. he had a hit show left wing loved and hbo love. he voted for biden i'm guessing, i will not clap for him now. he said, i think joe could still do the job? where are you getting that? from the booming economy or $80 pork chops? where are you getting that? >> jesse: make it so you can't afford buying a house, doing a great job at that. >> that is right, crime is plummeting in vermont, what are they thinking? >> jesse: nick, take it easy, don't get too aggravated. >> i'm excited to be on with you, i've been looking through the window of your living room. >> jesse: i love you and i love your stuff and we'll have you back. >> thank you, jesse, keep up the good work. >> jesse: you, too, watch out wanda, we found another ballot stuffer in connecticut. >> kayle >> kaylee: can this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! >> jesse: so wanda, the stuffer has competition. connecticut investigating another stuffer in bridgeport. her name is maria perrera, she is on the city council and they are both democrats, maria is wanda's nem ses, she allegedly harvests ballots for the other team and she went into a 81-year-old woman's home when she wasn't home and looked for a ballot. she says she was helping a friend. she left empty-handed and the 81-year-old sent the picture to the authorities. this is not first time maria played with the election, maria harassed voters at their door, threatened voters and tricked people into cancelling their vote, same playbook wandaused. maria might have outstuffed the stuffer, maria losing the race and she won by 21 sloetings and now prime time demanding surveillance, mug shots and we'll have more on that soon. do you like humanity in i love humanity. not everyone does. executives in silicon valley and world economic forum pushing for a fourth industrial revolution. what does that mean? it is going to transform what is means to be human. >> what is the evolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our literal and our biological identities. >> jesse: effusion, what does that mean? implanting chips into your wrist to pay for groceries or google glas that turns your eyeballs into a computer. it is not just about dominating your attention with screens, apps and devices and extracting your information for cash, it is about control. once you join their universe, you are dependent on them, they can control you, track you or turn you off. do i wish i could turn some people off? yes. gutfeld. i should not have that power, no one should. younger generation has been raised to be tech deportation and covid accelerated that, tech resistance is the new battlefield. so where should we start worrying first? >> well, hi, jesse, thank you for having me. that's a very good question. actually the tran humanist movement is huge. not talking like you have shown of a fringe group of nerds working toward this, these are big tech, big pharma guys behind this movement and being implemented in many, many ways, a lot of funds and resources pushing this agenda forward. last year, i believe september 12th biden wanted to funnel resources to bioengineering and biomanufacturing, supporting industries getting this transhumanivity agenda in place. it is about control. >> jesse: what do you mean when you say biomanufacturing, bioengineering, lie we get turned into robocop? >> not immediately, i'm afraid that is probably what they want for us, they talk about a post-human future, we will cease to issue the humans we are right now. the industries, it encompasses a lot of things from genetic engineering, bioprosthetics, different things. one of the most dangerous thing is field of genetic mutation. we have genetically modified f food. >> jesse: that is scary, are you saying they might be able to clone me? >> we wouldn't be so lucky. >> thank you for bringing this to our attention, you are very big where people see you and we appreciate the hard work you are doing. did greg gutfeld drop an f bomb at our christmas tree lighting? setting spanning over 280,000 acres. three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to three forks ranch dot com to book your luxury experience. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. >> jesse: water cooler, bring in fox meterologist nick. look how big he is. holidays are here and airports are a bad scene. no one should pick you up at an airport. you are creating more traffic and chaos. get a cab or rent a car. i support this. get an uber. >> what if you don't have the money for it? >> jesse: get a taxi. no one wants to see your family this badly, you will be with them entire thanksgiving. what about everybody else's family? they can't see their family because they are waiting in line at the airport. >> having someone pick you up at the airport, you find out who your friends are. >> jesse: you can afford an uber, you are a fox weather meteorologist, many. >> fine, i'm cheap, i want to keep all my money. >> jesse: next up at the patriot awards i saw john philosing while talking to somebody. he got the habit from me. >> are you a serial flosser? >> i go like this in the elevator, i eat salad. >> you lecture me about uber, you are slinging food at people. >> jesse: we are even. fox news christmas tree is lit and somehow greg is on santa's naughty list, listen. >> greg, it is subtle. you see the fox, fox news. >> the what? >> nice job, greg. >> i said fox. >> definitely fox news. >> jesse: you're the jury, did greg drop an f bomb? >> i like your -- right in the back. come on. i'm the guy that has to say whether or not he swore. >> jesse: you are. >> just because i lean your way, i will say he did, i'm team jesse all the way. >> jesse: never going on ecclamation point now. oh, greg. listen -- >> you're my guy. >> jesse: i'll take you, i will pick you up at the airport. up next, did joy behar threaten me? only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero ... water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. my mom's life is the most important thing to me. hi mom! i called my mom, "i have this gene and i think you need to get tested." she feels like it was truly lifesaving. >> jesse: last week on primetime we told you about the gay nutcracker. it's on sale at target for $8. if you want it, buy it? target can sell whatever they want and i can talk about whatever i want but "the view" didn't like what i was talking about. they threatened to crack my nuts. >> does fox news understand that not every human being is heterosexual and caucasian? >> this is the offensive rainbow. >> it's much prettier. he can put his nut in there. and squeeze it. >> jesse, you have a dirty mind. you're thinking it's about sex. it's just about pride. >> jesse: primetime takes every threat seriously. expect us to file a report, and we may be forced to file a restraining or against her, too, and under new york's red flag law we've asked the police to confiscate all of joy's nut crackers for my safety and the safety of all men everywhere. primetime is now available on command on fox news. this means if you missed the show, which you shouldn't, if you do, you can watch it the next day for free on fox nation. let's do some texts. from iowa, where can we see the documentary of the fall of minneapolis? you can see it at the fall of they should put their skills to good news and volunteer turkeys at the local food bank. it's all in the wrist. >> stacey from queens, new york, the new maryland monroe, shame on you, jesse. i thought it was an apt comparison. stewart from bellaire, california. i'll pick you up at the airport, jesse. >> thanks, stewart. hopefully it's just a pick up. ryan from chicago, illinois, you finally took my advice and didn't swipe your hand across the screen at the beginning of the show. thanks. i don't know what you're talking about. jeff, from phoenix, arizona, world needs more people like you. i agree. that's why i think we should be cloned. i volunteer to be cloned. that's it for tonight, this is

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Advertising , Victory Dance , Ibm , Apple , Companies Pulledads , Way , Brands , Theories , Conspiracy , Racism , Accounts , Nazis , Company , Pictures , Company Headquarter , Popped Up , Red Handed , Lawsuit , Bankrupts , Attack , Thermo , Prime Time , Jobs , Exception , Michael Shellenberger , Attempt , Ads , Neo Nazis , Content Tide , Big Brands , Times , Account , We Couldn T Get Aniads , Three , Well Musk , Kind , Lawyers , Lily , More Than Meets The Eye , B Bankrupt , Professionals , Order , Business , On X , Research , Businesses , Method , Fraud , Business License , Trump Out For , Group , Democratic Party , Honor , Donors , Control Media Platforms , Advertisers , Out Mike At Substack , Evening , Free Speech , Skin , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , I M On My Way , 90 , 3 , 4 , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Starter Doses , Ability , Risk , Symptoms , Vaccine , Doctor , 2 , Ink Business , Breakthroughs , Borders , Premier , Products , Dermatologist , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Smarter , Sam , Who , More , Cash , Purchases , Ink Business Premier Card , Breakthrough Card , Reality , Ideas , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , 02 5 , 000 , 5000 , Nyquil Honey , Christmas Tree , Mats , Seat Protectors , Cargo Liners , Holiday Gift , Drill Mud Flaps , Weathertech , Oh Yeah , Floorliners , Relief , We Don T , Flu , Dreamy Honey Taste , Aching , Couging , Level , Cirkul , Fuel , Energy , Flight , Cold , Honey Licious , Water , White House , Is Hollywood , Favorite Home , Oodz , Elvisor , Birthday , President , Mr , Marilyn Monroe , Serenading Kennedy , Pre , Candles , 81st , White House Down , 81 , Cardi B , Presidents , Budget Cut , 100 Million , Police Sast , Wars , Sanitation , Library , Nation , Entertainment World , Saturday Night Live , Endorsement , 2024 , Democracy , Trump , Disaster , Ugh , Civil War , Proticket Biden Racket , Laur En , Job , Loser , Bill Maher , Win , Party , War Time , Overseeing A Civil War , Hollywood Boulevard , Convention , Cheering , Arab Street In America , Ceasefire , Danger , Chanting , Democratic Coalition , Joe , Signs , Age , Genocide Joe , Proxy Wars , Bidenomics , Student Loans , Tensions , Obama , Name , Rest , Forum , Signal , Everybody , Cocktail Parties , Bed , Fund Raisers , Cheat Nature , David Axelrod , 50 , Ballot , Winning , Tears , Biden Be , Flirting , Idea , Whachl , Catherine , Guy , Mommy , 17 , Six , Four , 14 , Scripts For Joe , Ticket , Tour , Renaissance Tour Or Britney , Britney , Juggling Knives , Brazil , Staffers , Shoes , Nick Depaulo , Bubble Wrap , Many , Guys , Nominee , Issue , 34th Fall , 34 , Surprise , Kamala Just Jumping Out , Doesn T Work Have Trump , People Yelling , 150 , 100 , Breath , Shirt , Cake , Hope He Doesn T Run Out , Aoc , Candles Out , He S Rusty , Come On , Little Girls , Weekend , Hunter , Juste , Significance , Testacels , Loved , Hit Show , Wing , Love , Hbo , Economy , Pork Chops , House , 80 , 0 , Vermont , Window , Living Room , I Love You , Work , Ballot Stuffer , Rwanda , Kayle Kaylee , Connecticut , Hope , Bucket , Veteran , Franklin Graham , World , Chaos , Demonstrations , Jesus Christ , Sins , Blood , Trust , Faith , Earth , Heaven , Cross , Prayer , Son , You Haven T , Sinner , Screen , Number , Savior , Maria Perrera , Stuffer , The Stuffer Has Competition , Bridgeport , Ballots , Nem Ses , Team , Woman , Friend , Picture , Authorities , Door , Vote , Race , Outstuffed The Stuffer , Playbook Wandaused , Humanity , Mug Shots , Surveillance , Executives , World Economic Forum , Silicon Valley , Industrial Revolution , Fusion , Revolution , Physical , Wrist , Groceries , Identities , Effusion , Google Glas , Attention , Computer , Screens , Apps , Devices , Eyeballs , Universe , Greg Gutfeld , Generation , Power , Tech Deportation , Battlefield , Tech Resistance , Fringe Group , Hi , Nerds , Question , Humanist Movement , Resources , Funds , Movement , Ways , Big Tech , Big Pharma Guys , September 12th Biden , Agenda , September 12th , Biomanufacturing , Bioengineering , Industries , Place , Transhumanivity Agenda , Robocop , Humans , Genetic Engineering , Field , Bioprosthetics , Genetic Mutation , We Wouldn T , Food , Bomb , Destination , Adventure , Luxury , Setting , Runs , Skiing , Three Forks Ranch , Kick , 23 , 280000 , Best , Wellness , Country Music , Performances , Longevity , Programs , Retreat , Secret , West , Luxury Experience , Mayo Clinic , Dot Com , Diet , Guitar Music , Weight , Insanity , Golo , Try Golo , 60 , Stools , Brand , Trust Colace , Porcupine , Stimulants , Pinching , Loo Colace , No One , Airports , Holidays , Water Cooler , Fox Meterologist Nick , Airport , Uber , Cab , Traffic , Family , Money , Taxi , Everybody Else , Line , Weather , Fox , Fine , Meteorologist , Somebody , Flosser , Awards , Habit , John Philosing , Elevator , Greg , Fox News Christmas Tree , Slinging Food , On Santa , The Fox , What , Naughty List , Jury , Greg Drop , Team Jesse All The Way , Ecclamation Point , Joy Behar , Up Next , Mom , Advice , Tools , Planning , Investor , Owner , Ownership , Retirement , Value , Turn , Sugar , Dial , Flavors , Try Cirkul , Walmart , Zero , Video Footage , Rapture , Globe , David Jeremiah , Strange , Concern , Mind Boggling , Lord , In The Air , Planet , Billions , Eye , Instant , Clouds , Twinkling , Disappearance , Incredible , Announcer , Glimpse , Chapters , Glorious Joy In The Skies , 31 , Books , Calendar , The Great Disappearance , Gene , Target , Nutcracker , Sale , , 8 , Didn T , Human Being , Rainbow , Nuts , Nut , Prettier , Threat , Safety , Wall , Restraining , Joy , Men , Everywhere , Law , Nut Crackers , New York , Show , Shouldn T , On Fox Nation , Texts , Iowa , News , Food Bank , Skills , Volunteer Turkeys , Maryland Monroe , Mississippi Com , Queens , Shame On You , Stacey , Comparison , Pick Up , Stewart , Bellaire , California , Illinois , Ryan , Beginning , Jeff , Arizona ,

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