media rewriting 9-11 history now. it is the newest ugly chapter from those praising the work of hamas on october 7. now they're saying that they are now understanding things about bin laden and 9-11 that they never understood before they say. 22 years later. imagine how the families of 9-11 victims feel when they hear these voices. and there is much more on this front to dig in to today. we'll spine with ian allie later this hour and get her reaction to these in some cases, i should say, hamas sympathizers and now showing some sympathy or understanding for the thinking of osama bin laden. first we want to bring you the breaking news. president biden at the apex summit in california just said that his relationship with president xi of china is not cumbaya. secretary of state blinken appeared to whence when the president referred to xi as a dictator. watch this closely on the left-hand side of your screen. watch. >> mr. president, after today, would you still refer to president xi as a dictator? >> look, he is. he's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy that run as country that is -- >> martha: you can kind of see that from our secretary of state. he watches the president extremely closely, word for word at these things. china now slamming the president, calling that comment "irresponsible political manipulation." we will speak with the former secretary of state, mike pompeo and bret baier is standing by as well to join us in moments. first to peter doocy with the president in san francisco. hi, peter. >> martha, president biden is here trying to smooth things over with the chinese. making progress on fentanyl and trying to get the militaries to talk to each other. that could be in peril that he made off of the cuff where he said that xi is a dictator. when he watched the video in slow motion, you can see the secretary of state, it looks like it hurts him to hear the president say that. he grimaced possibly while he was flashing back to june when president biden was telling donors about the spy balloon. that's what a great embarrassment -- that's a great embarrassment for dictators when they don't know what happened. the chinese side at the time came out to say the chinese government and people do not accept any political provocation against china's top leader and will resolutely respond. president xi talked to ceos in fran a few hours after president biden called him a dictator and appeared to still want to move closer to the u.s. >> china is ready to be a partner and friend of the united states. >> as president biden hosts xi, governor newsome is hosting president biden. president biden is now saying he's well aware of the whispers that newsome is tip toeing around 2024 talk. >> i want to talk about governor newsome. i want to thank him. he's been one hell of a governor, man. he could have the job i'm looking for. >> and we just watched as the presidential motorcade moved from one part of the convention center to another for a family photo where the leaders will get together and smile for the camera. it was amazing to see as the beast drove down the street here at apec, it drove by a demonstration where there's about 30 people weigh -- waving chinese flags. >> probably notice as friendly as the doocy photo for christmas. we'll keep an eye on it. thanks, peter. mike pompeo was severely critical of china issuing this warning in 2020. >> if we bend the knee now, our children's children may be at the mercy of the chinese communist party whose actions of the primary challenge today in the free world. >> martha: mike pompeo now a fox news contributor. joins me now. good to see you as always. what did you think in that moment when you see the secretary of state now, antony blinken whencing when he hears biden say yes, he's a dictator? >> thanks for having me on. you know, i don't want to make much of that. all of us that serve presidents are trying to figure out what our boss is going to say. >> martha: so you saying you whenced once in a while at your boss? >> there might have been one orb two moments. the reality is president biden got this right. secretary blinken knows that, too. xi jinping's words saying that he wants to be friendly to the united states are words. there's not a single-action that this man has taken that has led anyone to believe that they want to be friends with the united states of america. not just the spy balloon but continuing to steal intellectual property. i don't think for a second we'll see a slow down in the precursors out of china. you can see it in the promise that he broke to the people of hong kong. the list of lies from xi jinping. the lie he told president obama in the rose garden in 2015 about militarizing the spratley islands. i expect his statements to those business leaders will be false as well. >> martha: you spoke out in the 2020 speak about how 50 years of trying to have engagement with china going back to nixon opening the door to china and the theory was that if you put a lot of light on this subject and we have trade and interaction, that it would form a different kind of relationship. you say that that, you know, we need to put that idea back in the bottle. it turned out to be a mistake, right? >> martha, it's failed. so i think -- i don't think that's truly disputable. it didn't work. it didn't slow down this regime. there's a million people prisoner in the western part of its country. muslim prisoners there. think about that in context to the middle east today and goes unnoticed. we saw what happened during covid. millions have perished because the chinese communist party refused to compare about humanity. we'll still have some relationship with china. always be interactions. we should not for a moment think that xi jinping's intent, his desire to construct a world that operates on a set of lennonist principles is not at the set of his objective. he's working hard to do it. the people of taiwan are at risk. we have a responsibility to build up a model of deterrence. that cannot be to continue to send our technology to china to allow them to steal or technology, to continue to allow them to operate in our universities across this country and steal our stuff. we have to rethink that. that speech that i gave in spring of 2020 was the trump administration's statement about how we ought to think about our interactions the way we engage. when we put pressure on xi jinping, he will have to confirm to the american model and not allow to us conform to their communist model. >> martha: we have to get in his head and see whether he feels like he has to do that. thanks, former secretary of state, former cia director. good to have you with us. thanks, sir. joining me now, bret baier, fox news chief political editor and anchor of "special report." he has a new childrens back out called "children across time." we're looking for ward to that. let me get your thoughts on what we're seeing here unfold in china. with that in mind, let's just look at these approval numbers that have come out in the new fox polling. the president faces a very uphill battle. his disapproval numbers are at record highs with men, voters understood 45, hispanic voters and black voters. here's an opportunity he's had in the last couple days on the world stage. bret, what are your take on that? >> my take is those are horrible numbers. the independent numbers are really bad. down to 30% approval. that's across the board. not broken down in to demographics. the hope i think was with the biden campaign to make foreign policy something that he could campaign on. you saw already an ad where he's in that train to kiev to meet with president volodymyr zelensky. they're trying to circumstance italian wagons about how he's dealing with israel and hamas. but there's real questions about what is coming out of this meeting. you just heard mike pompeo who obviously has been a critic of china and very critical of how this administration is handling it. there's real questions about the deliverables. is this fentanyl deal really going to happen? last night the president said trust but verify. there's a lot of eyebrow raising ant whether china is going to come through. the flip side is that china's vulnerable now on its economy. they are hurting. they need u.s. investment. they do big numbers in imports to get things in to china. they have real problems economically. that should a time when we have some advantage. the question is will the president take it. >> martha: maybe the $45,000 a plate dinner was more important with the ceos for president xi than with president biden. who knows. i want to take a look at this moment and get your quick thought on it before we go here. this is him talking ant gavin newsome. i thought this was interesting, bret. let's play it. >> i want to talk about governor newsome. i want to thank him. he's been one hell of a governor, man. as a matter of fact, he could get anything he wants. he could have the job i'm looking for. >> martha: what did you make of that, bret? >> listen, he has to hear the foot steps. he has to hear the governor. the governor of california doesn't go to the southern border and do a video. he doesn't go to israel, he doesn't go to china and meet with xi jinping unless there's bigger thoughts about what he wants to do, whether it's this time or next time. but clearly president biden acknowledges that. i think was making a little joke about it. >> martha: got someone in the wings. thanks, bret. good to see you. see you on "special report" tonight. thanks. all right. so chaos and violence and rage in the u.s. capitol. stunning scenes last night as pro palestinian protests demand that the democrat party do more to stop the war. >> we were surprised at how quickly it escalated. we came out here to make our demand to our electives. we voted them in to office. we should be able to talk to them. >> dan senor and ian allie after this. this is remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ get started at i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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>> i'd say the outrage that seems to being expressed and directed at israel and at jews everywhere is the jews' objected on october 7th to being slaughtered. the most barbaric forces were unleashed on the jewish people not only in israel but seeing echos around it around the world. it's quite chilling. and why? before even israel responded, israel left the gaza strip in 2005. they have not occupied the gaza strip in 18 years. yet israel is attacked with these genocidal tactics and the genocidal agenda by an organization that has genocide against the jews written into its chartser. israel's attacked unprovoked. before israel responds, these protests begin against israel. why? they object to being slaughtered. that is just the reality. i think you saw the contrast between the values, the principals and the world views of these two communities, those protesting against israel and almost apologizing or add investor kating for the barbarism and those advocating for a free and independent and secure jewish state, which is one of the strongest allies of the united states and the world. >> martha: i can't remember if we talked about this the last time you were here. you say that, that israel left gaza in 2005. what did you think about it when president obama said, you know, that it's the occupiers, it's partly on them. it's an occupied territory. >> honestly, i thought at that moment, i'm so pleased. i rarely say this, that president biden is president right now. if you had to have someone from that administration rather than president obama. what president obama said a is factually incorrect. israel has been out of gaza. israel is not occupying gaza. the other problem with what president obama said, which is a little chilling, is -- it was like a rationalization. a yes spot. it was yes, it's awful what hamas did, but you need to understand the terrible conditions the palestinian people live in. why do the palestinian live in terrible conditions? it's not because of israel. it's because hamas has been running the gaza strip since 2007. hamas is responsible for the casualties of jewish citizens of israel and of palestinians living in gaza. i mean, i don't think -- i think president obama is a smart man. he knows the facts. i think that analysis was not operating in good faith. >> martha: seems that big leaders and speakers say do matter in this moment. i want to play this. this is from october 28. this is former president trump. listen to what he says here. >> if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don't want you in our country. i will cancel the student visas of hamas, sympathizers on college campuses come 2025, we will find you and we will deport you. >> neil: do you think that is received in this moment? >> there's a distinction between free expression. people have a right to free expression. there's that an incitement of violence. hate crimes and incitement of hate crimes. obstructing people's ability to live their lives in this country. jewish students being able to go to class. there's an organized effort after october 7 to make it harder for jews on college campuses and elsewhere to live their lives. to go about their business. to go about their studies. there's an organized effort. so there you have a student visa or not, that cannot be tolerated. and that is not a free speech issue. >> martha: all right. we have more to talk to you about. dan is going to stick around around we'll speak with him later. pick up our conversation in a few minutes. thanks, dan. breaking right now, a new response from tik tok to a flood of sickening videos in which users sympathize and say that they understand osama bin laden based on a letter that he wrote a year after 9-11, justifying or stating his reasons for carrying out that attack and murdering nearly 3,000 americans on september 11th, 2001. dan is going to stick around and we'll have aayan ali joining us in a couple moments as well. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? 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