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late news, fox news at night. and we are continuing our live coverage of the apec conference again live in san francisco, including, as you see right there, the meeting between president biden and president xi. who came out on top, and did you see biden's rare news conference and his handling of the questions? we will have complete coverage of all that coming up moments away. but we have breaking news coming out of the nation's capitol. a pro palestinian protest at the democratic national committee head coaches got violent tonight. more than a hundred people got arrested and it forced a lockdown of the house office building with members of congress inside. let's get to chad pergram live for us on capitol hill with the latest on a protest that might be moving to another location. chad, what do we know? >> reporter: trace, good evening. this was a big pro palestinian protest at the democratic national committee tonight. about 300 people were there. police fired tear gas at the crowd. there was one arrest for assault on a police officer. a grand toast six officers were injured. fox talked with one demonstrator. >> 11,000 people have been murdered, and we're calling on the people who are being bought out by apec, and millions of our tax dollars go to israel to be carrying out this genocide, we say no and we are demanding a ceasefire. >> reporter: the group descended on the democratic national committee and tried to barge in. the capitol police evacuated at least two house democrats from there, sean castin of illinois and sherman, sherman called them pro hamas and pro terrorists. they locked down nearby office buildings, no one was allowed to come or go, gop florida representative and a paul even a luna was locked inside with her newborn baby. right now the u.s. senate is voting to sync up with the house of representatives on the interim funding bill to avert a government shutdown this weekend. the democratic leader, chuck schumer, he is going to hold a press conference later tonight and he's going to get asked about this protest. trace. >> trace: chad pergram, we'll get back to you as the news breaks, thank you. now to the historic day at apec with president biden and president xi meeting for more than four hours. we have team fox coverage. jonathan hunt with the protests here in san francisco. but first to peter doocy who was actually outside the meeting between biden and xi, and he also attended president biden's news conference. peter, good evening. >> reporter: and, trace, something that we learned today, president biden is not looking for more distance, more tension with china. if anything, he's trying to get closer to them. >> united states will continue to compete vigorously with the prc but we'll manage that competition responsibly so it doesn't veer into conflict or accident conflict. and where it's possible, where our interests are, coincide. >> reporter: xi is also here looking for some help growing the chinese economy which had been growing at a record pace until recently. >> planet earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed. one country's success is an opportunity for the other. >> reporter: president biden again referred to xi as a dictator but it's not stopping him from trying to get the u.s. military and the ccp's military talking again, particularly as the ccp makes provocative moves in the south china sea. >> we're back to direct open clear, direct communications, on a direct basis. vital miscalculations on either side can -- are -- can cause real, real trouble with a, a country like china or any other major country. and so i think we're making real progress there sfwheel the other big one from today, fentanyl, it is a top killer of americans, that originates in china. >> you know, we're in a situation where we agree that fentanyl and its precursors will be curbed substantially and the pill presses. that's a big movement. they're doing that. and, by the way, you know, i won't -- i guess i shouldn't identify where it occurred, but, john, i know two people near where i live, their kids literally, as i said, they woke up dead. >> reporter: woke up dead, said the president. he's now at a dinner here in downtown san francisco with some other world leaders. xi is skipping that dinner. he decided instead to go meet over a meal with some ceos including elon musk who are in town. he is trying to get american businesses to start reinvesting money in the chinese economy. we don't know if that's going to happen yet but i was talking to one top official who was traveling with the president, and this person was telling me that, from xi's perspective, they have assessed, the white house has, that from xi's perspective, just getting this meeting at all is a win for him. and he got it. and it's done. trace. >> trace: indeed it is. peter, stay with us, if you will. let's bring in former dep city assistant attorney general john yoo and form hover institution chen. kind of a big day and peter was ending talking about fentanyl. one of the agreements they made is china will go after specific chemical companies making fentanyl, the precursors, right? is it good enough? do you think this is a good deal he made. >> we have to see the details. this is an issue the president has not taken seriously enough. it's a serious challenge. we know a lot of these precursor materials are coming straight out of china. unfortunately a lot of this manufacturing now has also shifted away from china. it's a much bigger problem than just china but we're glad the president raised it but let's see the details on the detail before we pass judgment. >> trace: the other thing was this reopening of communication lines john we talked about this, they want military communications they knocked these down when nancy pelosi went to taiwan a couple years ago and now they're re-implementing this stuff. how effective do we believe these communication lines are going to be and will they pick up the other end and say yeah, we hear you? >> good point trace, the way to think about this this only brings us back to the status quo a year ago. it doesn't solve the underlying strategic rivalry we have with china, doesn't do anything about taiwan or china supporting russia and ukraine. doesn't do anything about china backing up the iranian economy while they're supporting hamas and the war on israel. the way of stating this is it's resetting the clock from a year ago but china is still pushing forward on all fronts against the us and this agreement doesn't do anything about this. >> trace: they said the president knows president xi -- listen. >> i know the man, i know his mode us appear reppedy but he's been straight not good bad or indifferent just straight. >> trace: when you talk about he's been straight, the past year was a rough one. we had the spy balloon, we weren't quite sure if president xi was being straight with us, peter. so when president biden says he's being straight a lot of people would say not really sure that's accurate. >> and it's not just the spy balloon, this is the first time they've met since that flew over the us and president biden ordered it shot done but we know when president biden mobilized the entire u.s. intelligence community to try to figure out covid's origins within china, was it natural, was it manmade, that the chinese did not cooperate. so president biden can say that xi has been straight but it's only when they're actually talking. he says coming out of this meeting going forward they have an agreement if one needs to get in touch with the other they can call and be heard at any time. and it's a tough time politically for both of them. president biden has a reelection campaign a year away and his approval rating is very, very low at the moment in any of them you can look at, and xi, even though he doesn't have to worry about a reelection, he has political problems, too, because since he consolidated all of the power in china, any time that there's a problem, like they have right now with their economy, it's on him. so these guys have the weight of the world, you know, the east on xi and the west on president biden, on their shoulders. and they're both just looking for some kind of a win. of. >> trace: and xi did consolidate power, that's accurate. peter stand by because biden wants xi to way in when it comes to iran to avoid steps seen as provocative in the middle east. putting a lot of pressure on iran who has really not complied with a lot recently. >> china and xi have been plenty provocative in the middle east as being anti israel. a lot of positions they've taken during this conflict have been interpreted as being, in fact, in some cases even pro hamas potentially. i think it's a good thing to apply pressure to the chinese. i question at the end of the day whether they're going to make any steps toward being a constructive player because ultimately they align with iran, they align with russia, they align with all these forces counter to american interests in the region and beyond. so we'll see if this has any impact at all but i'm skeptical. >> trace: we were talking to peter doocy earlier where he says he knows president xi. here's the directr on of national intelligence in march, admiral haines who said the following. >> we assess during the course of xi's third term they will together attempt to press taiwan communication undercut influence, drive wedges between washington and its partners and certain norms that favor china's authoritarian system. >> trace: what she's saying thinks invasion of taiwan is coming. might not be tomorrow but it's coming. >> china's main goal is to disrupt the american base international system that kept the peace since world war ii. they want that so they can weaken us and grab taiwan and expand their authority. i don't think disagreement changes any of that. so it might make it worse if xi looks at biden in the eye and says this is the guy who pulled out of afghanistan. this is a guy who's weak, it will only encourage to grab more influence before biden's term is up. >> trace: peter doocy i have 20 sends for you i was reading on social media, people are unclear if the president, president biden brought his a game. he was supposed to talk to 45 minutes, 15 speak 30 of questions, did about 20. final thoughts? >> well, president biden needs to show that he cannot only go on the world stage to advance his foreign policy and u.s. interests but that he can also take hard questions about it. he did take a few questions. a lot of them were on topic for the summit today. so there's still a lot on the table. as soon as we get back to dc we will have our hands raised and trying to get to the bottom of the rest of it. >> trace: as always, peter doocy, thank you. john yoo, lanhee chen thank you everyone >> protests were held in downtown san francisco near the apec summit where some demonstrators blocked streets and held a so-call die-in. cheer correspondent jonathan hunt is live in san francisco with the latest on this. jonathan good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. we certainly saw the largest protests of the week so far today. they were not, though, as many people might have expected, the pro palestinian protests, which have been occurring around the city every day. instead, they were protests for and against chinese president xi jinping that took center stage today. take a look at what it looked like outside the chinese president's hotel lobby earlier today. listen here. >> genocide! >> reporter: those protesters calling for an end to what they say are china's human rights abuses in take bet, in hong kong and against the ethnic uyghur population. supporters of chinese communist government meantime trying to drown out those protesters. there were some isolated scuffles, the grabbing of flags, be it the chinese flag on one side, the tibetan flag on the other side but police were very quick to step in and tarp down those potential clash points. so there were some isolated scuffles as i say but no major issues that we witnessed. earlier, climate change protesters, among others, had attempted to block one of the entrances to the moscone center. they were basically targeting anyone wearing an apec credential. and for a short time at least temporarily they did manage to prevent some of the delegates from energy the months sconey center area. the police again were quick to move in there and those protesters were moved on fairly quickly. tonight, lace, there has been a small but vocal pro palestinian protest near the events center where president biden is hosting that dinner that peter doocy was talking about. again, a small protest, the weather playing its part in tamping down that protest it seems, it was pouring with rain earlier, as those protesters gathered. so what we've seen over this week so far, trace, has been a very vocal protest but generally they have the protesters have heeded police instructions to march where they're allowed to march, to gather where they're allowed to gather and there have been no major issues so far, at least in terms of those protests getting out of hand, trace. >> trace: and we have been told there's more rain coming towards san francisco and of course more protests. jonathan hunt, back to you as the news warrants. meantime china is facing some economic head winds some of the worst in decades. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with how that impacted today's talks. kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace, indeed china's economy arguably facing its biggest challenge in decades, growth has slowed the housing sector heavily indebted and perhaps worst of all foreign capitol is fleeing the country and that say experts is a reflex of growing concerns over the country's leadership abilities to quickly get things back on track. with that as the back drop today the president agreed that working cooperatively can work for both countries and the global economy. >> i think it's paramount that you and i understand each other clearly, leader to lead, with no misconceptions or miscommunications. we have to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict. >> planet earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed. >> trace: interpreter there, obviously. now, in awe the two leaders spent about four hours together today, in meetings, working lunch and a garden stroll intent on showing the world that while, yes, they are global economic competitors they are not locked in a winner take all face-off. the us and china for good america are the two global economic heavy weights. combined they produce more than 40% of the board's goods and seniorses making the meeting today. and biden's comments tomorrow trace all the more relevant to the economy. >> trace: sometimes it feels like winner take all. >> reporter: it does. >> trace: kevin corke live in dc thank you. let's bring in susan lee with fox business. great to have you here. i know that you have covered these a apec ceo form ums before. what's your big take away. >> as a diplomatic buffer between obama and putin in 2014, quite a career highlight. tough job to do but today i would say the overwhelming sense speaking to ceos and business leaders at this apec forum is a sense of relief that the leaders of two largest economies the world are talking again, especially after the global tensions we've seen over the past years. surveillance balloons, tehran, microchip battles but the fact that foreign direct investments as you heard from kevin corke that means they're racing to get their money out of china right now because there's this pervasive belief on wall street that channel and how they've handled foreign companies, office raids, banning use by employees, that has been uninvestable for the last two years. so i think there is a relief, a sense of relief that if you're back at the negotiating table with xi jinping coming up with concessions? positive. >> reporter: did you see him being back here? i thought it would be a reversal. you didn't get the feeling two months ago, because they were very low key with in the whole thing, did you think that you would see him again. >> a lot of the schedules have been out there on the internet but for them to finally confirm from the diplomatic side, that took time to come together but also chinese president xi jinping is not garb 88ing from a vantage point of strength as you fleshed kevin corke, the economy there is the lowest in decades. you have to go back to the 1990s, talking out your money, remember that. 1 in 5 graduating from college can't find a job right now and rep xi jinping is president for life. >> that's right. >> trace: hospital in to keep that title in one party rule which, is very difficult to do over decades, you have to keep the 1.3 fed well off and educated and that's a stronger economy. >> trace: you were talking about the business dinner tonight and there seems to be an appetite to invest in china. you had elon musk right there with tesla and you have apple and some big companies that are kind of e gar to get near the chinese president and say hey we could still be in. >> reporter: across town they are wining and dining with some champagne but i would say talking to the organizers today, they're telling me that the wait list is incredibly long. and even the organizers themselves, they've been booted off xi jinping's table. and, remember, in order to attend you have to pay $2,000 a head to get at the head table where xi jinping is making $41,000. but even then there's a long lineup of vips to get in there. so it tells me that business is still very e gar to do business in the world's second largest economy. >> trace: elon musk of 41,000 he will still make rent. i'm not worried. the biggest topics, i have about 30 seconds, the biggest topics susan for this whole big thing we've been to this week. >> i would say artificial intelligence, you heard that with microsoft ceo nah del a and also what's the future like going forward. you know, will there still be penetration for foreign companies, right? so is china still investable. >> trace: yeah, and i think it's a fair question, too, because you wonder. but from the turnout, it seems like the answer is yes. susan thank you for coming out. >> thank you. >> trace: appreciate it. coming up we will break down more of the headlines from the biden xi meeting and the latest attempt to get hostages out of gaza, it just fell apart. the breaking details on that are next. 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of palestinian prisoners and a multi day pause in fighting. according to a senior diplomatic source, that is what we're being told is that is reel said no. meantime fox news got a firsthand look inside the al-shifa hospital in gaza city the scene of an israeli raid early wednesday morning. jeff paul is live in tel aviv with what defense officials say they probably found there. jeff? >> reporter: oh, yeah, trace, that idf notion enter the al-shifa hospital got underway roughly 24 hours ago and tonight we're getting new images that is rally forces shows that hamas militants were in fact operating inside the largest hospital in gaza. now, the idf saying that when their soldiers first got to the shifa hospital, there was a deadly gun battle with militants. they are not releasing images of that. but they did release this walk through of the shifa hospital. they say that's where they claim they have found weapons, military equipment and intelligence materials. now, days prior israeli forces had encircled the shifa hospital saying it sits above a hamas command center. hamas denied that and previously told fox news that the idf was putting the lives of the vulnerable civilians inside the hospital at risk but the idf also released other video reportedly showing soldiers incubateers and baby food and medical supplies to the hospital. today israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited with soldiers saying they still haven't completed their mission. >> there is no place in gaza that we will not reach. there is no hiding, no shelter for the hamas murderers. we are alive, eliminate hamas and return our hostages. these are two separate missions. >> reporter: farther to the south, the first time since october 7th united nations fuel shipments were allowed to enter gaza. >> images from the raffa crossing israel gave approvaler diesel fuel but they say it won't be enough to deal with the desperate situation right now inside gaza. trace? >> trace: yeah. jeff paul live for us in tel aviv. jeff thank you. let's bring in nathan sales former ambassador at large and coordinateder for counter terrorism and garrett marine corps operations. gentlemen welcome to you both. to you first nathan i want to talk about the deal because hamas agreed to a 3-5 day pause in the firing to release 50 hostages and wanted to work in some palestinian prisoners israel said no. your thoughts? >> well, it sure sounds like the israelis took a hard look at the proposal and concluded that its not going to be beneficial on balance for them. a 3-5 day pause, a lot can happen in 3-5 days. that gives hamas opportunities time to regroup, rearm and maybe disburse. currently hard to do that when they're under withering fire of israelis. the details of what exactly happened in jerusalem over these negotiations are going to come out over the next hour or day. it will be interesting to see if israelis give us a sense of what was wrong with this deal and what the next turn of the screw is. >> trace: and we're being told these deals are being worked on all the time so there may be new negotiations in the works right now. the report that i'm interested in, to you garrett is iran telling hamas it will not enter the war with israel. quoed iran leader told the head of that mas in a face to face meeting in tehran that his country would not enter the war in israel and accused the terror group of not giving prior warning of the october 7th attacks. what do you think? legitimate? >> i don't think this is legitimate. i think this is a messaging tool by iran to on your skate their ability, strikes that they're calling for, us military calling for and iran wants to take a step back here a little bichlt also helps provide some distance and cover for hezbollah who have not really substantially gotten involved as they promised they would. so all of that leads me to believe that this is not a genuine statement. >> yeah. you're not the first person to say that. the big story of course over the past couple days nathan has been the al-shifa hospital and here's what idf spokesperson said about that exact topic today. >> shifa is a place that we knew about, intelligence weiss, that has an infrastructure of terrorism, and we found in the hospital, more material, intelligence material, equipment, intelligence equipment, et cetera. and we found technology and other sthauf belongs to hamas. >> yeah, nathan you first, i would like to get both of your response ons this, they have the documentation now to prove this was a cover for terror. >> yeah, trace, it looks like israel's got the receipts. and we're going to be seeing a lot more of this evidence i think, as the days go on. look, we know that the hamas guys are digging in and fighting hard from the outskirts of the animal and has nothing do do with humanitarian desire protect the patients, the new boards the doctors inside the hospital. it has everything to do with with they have command and control underneath it which is the textbook example of a war crime. you cannot put military infrastructure and military leadership in an otherwise protected civilian location like this. >> trace: garrett, i want to get, 30 seconds, your final thoughts on this. do you think that this kind of ways now they know now for a fact this hospital was a cover for terror? >> i think it will sway, those in the middle on this, you're not going to get the radicals protesting outside the dnc today. you'll probably never get those people, but it does sway some of those in the middle watching to see how this turns out. we've only seen the tip of the iceberg what's inside and then the hospital. and then the days to come i think a lot more, i think it's a testament to israel and how slow and methodical they're going clearing that hospital, how much they really do care about reducing civilian casualties, how many they're going. gar et nathan thank you >> a palestinian flag now flies in the massachusetts town, the palestinian flag. right next to the american flag, and a flag honoring pows. christina coleman is live with that story. christina good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. controversy in a massachusetts town. an israeli flag was flown in the town common of north andover to show support for the country and its victims following the deadly attack on is reels. now a palestinian flag will fly there upsetting many residents after very intense debate. the controversial moved to appoint the glowing bear by a town's boards monday night after a local resident requested the flag be flown. it was placed between an american flag and a pow-mia flag. >> this flag is there to prevent all of the victims everywhere. >> howevers find deeply disappointing and want to move past this controversy. >> when i first drive by it made me sick to my stomach. >> we have to move on, we need to move on. we're looking at it now which is the changes. >> reporter: meanwhile a glop flew to washington, dc to march in support of israel say they were left strand order the tarmac at dulles airport for hours tuesday. the bus driver supposed take them to the event allegedly forced a sickout so they would miss out on the march. >> it was so disappointing to not be able to be there and be a part of that. on the other hand it's so heart warming and empowering to see how many people turned up, and we're loud and voicing their support for israel. >> reporter: the jewish federation of detroit did not say the name of the bus company involved instead blaming specific drivers and the bus company has not yet commented publicly on this situation. trace? >> trace: christina coleman live for us in los angeles, christina, thank you. >> coming up more coverage, fox news at night central coverage of the center. and what to expect from president biden's speech tomorrow. s at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce spine fracture risk by 68% with 1 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reporter: trace the president's remarks tomorrow are expected to cover a wide range of topics. no surprise there. including a renewed push for greater economic, diplomatic and, yes, even military cooperation. however, trade will garner the lions share of attention and for good reason. because, keep this in mind, when biden took office back in 2021, he kept, that's right, kept much of former president trump's china tariffs. the us tariff on chinese imports now exceeds 19% versus 3% in 2018 before those trump tariffs hit. louisiana, chinese import taxes on u.s. goods are up to 21%. that used to be 8% before the trade war. so to be sure you can expect plenty of platitudes and a speech that will be aspirational but undoubtedly opaque when it comes to details which means real heavy lifting right now trace is happening on the sidelines, even as we speak, and that will continue tomorrow. by the way both sides as you heard peter doocy mention certainly want deliverables they can take back to their prospective constituencies. expect that to happen. that should be something we can hang our hat on and that's great news particularly for china because their economy could use some good news. >> trace: i heard the word deliverables about 11 times today. >> reporter: yeah. >> trace: so it's definitely hot. definitely in the bloodstream up here in apec. thank you >> let's bring in white house correspondent francesca chambers and senior political reporter at daily emily gooden. both attended the biden news conference tonight. both of you thank you forcoming. >> both stuck in traffic didn't think they were going to make it but they made it here. emily to you first, here's president biden on taiwan. watch. >> i've reiterated what i've said since i've become president and what every previous president of late has said. that we, we maintain the agreement that there is a 1-china policy. and i'm not going to change that, that's not going to change. that's about the extent to which we discussed it. >> trace: he's reading the card emily because that's not what he said. he has said again and again that that's up to taiwan to choose their own destiny and we will send troops to defend them. >> reporter: you're right. and it's interesting because the readout from china and from xi's point of view, they specifically asked for something more than words. so they were obviously remembering what you remembered, trace, and wanted to hear more from biden than just his usual words. so --. >> trace: he also talked about, francesca, getting the hostages out of gaza and then there was a little pause there and then the question was reasked. here's what he first said or here's what he said when he kind of tried to back this up. watch. >> i'm doing everything in my power to get you out. coming to help you, get you out. i don't mean sending military to get them. >> reporter: the question was reasked because he said i'm coming to get you, we're coming to get you which made you think, like, whoa, is there a plan in place. >> reporter: right he just meant he was going to do everything in his power and he clarified that including trying to get the 3-year-old that white house said was being held hostage. he said he would not stop until he got that three year old out. when it comes to taiwan, i just want to say, that's one of the key things the chinese said going into the summit that they wanted clarification on and wanted to hear president biden say that the us does not support taiwan's independence. the us has said that repeated will you but there have been some misconceptions. >> trace: yeah. we talked about the this during the break the president's speech was going to go 15 minutes, speak for 15 minutes and take questions for 30 minutes, maybe longer, the whole thing ended up being about 20 minutes. maybe it just went shorter or he decided i'm just going to sneak out of there. >> reporter: that or he did have another speech tonight so maybe he was boo'd. but xi asked them to stop selling military equipment to taiwan, that was a big point, too. so he had a lot on his plate today. but, yes, he only took four questions and one more at tend, very short, sweet and rushed. >> social media is like joe biden is done and wants to get out of here, but people were surprised that this was a suppressed -- he doesn't give them very often francesca. >> thins were delayed, at one point it started to rain and the press conference was supposed to be inside so if there was time that was to be set up inside afterwards. >> trace: what's the final take? did somebody come out of this with the better end of the deal, did xi get what he wanted, kevin was talking about deliverables did they both get deliverables. >> they both got the message they wanted to give which was the one they wanted before it ever started. >> trace: yes they have deliverables to bring to you. >> yes. >> trace: your final thoughts. >> it largely meth expectations the white house was trying to lower those before we got to san francisco. the restoration of military to military communications as well as this vague agreement on fentanyl. we still don't know what's involved in that and how the us would enforce it. and as biden said, their biggest goal here was that they even got the meeting with xi jinping and continued to talk. >> trace: john as you said the fentanyl is great but the southern border's still wide open so still stuff coming across. emily francesca thank you both. up next our final thoughts from our correspondents. big day. it will be fascinating. why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now? other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. that's why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. for all americans! force factor products use clinically studied patented ingredients to powerfully improve your health, but they're also delicious, easy to use and affordable. that's why 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(fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. >> it is time now for final thoughts with our crew. let's begin with the man on the streets of san francisco, jonathan, you have been covering protests in the city all day. who seems to be the main focus here? >> you know, we have been talking a lot this hour about small wins for president joe biden and the chinese president as well and i think that there's been a very vocal group on this topic on the streets and so they have focused very much on president xi. a bunch of supporters to try to drown out the protesters. but president joe biden got a deliverable not being about him. >> trace: listening to some of the people throughout the day, they said that president xi along with deliverables, he got a pass on things like covid-19, the spy balloon and other things. kevin, what is something that you think the public should be paying more attention to after the meeting between the two of them? >> i think they really need to look beyond the headlines. i think that this was as much for president xi as it was about sizing him up as getting economic concessions and cooperation and i think what we will learn is whether or not they felt like he was strong in his possessions in terms of leadership in the country or vulnerable, as some have suggested. >> trace: it is fascinating because everybody says it's going to take three weeks, three months, maybe six months before we know who really came out on top, it's all about behavior coming. and in the middle east, what is the situation looking like right now and what progress is being made? >> yes, the rest of the world may not be talking about it right now, but the folks the call israel home, their minds are squarely on getting the 230 hostages back to where they belong and that is wherever their home may be. parents of some of these hostages that are now on day number two of the march from tel aviv to jerusalem, calling upon the israeli government to do more, they are hoping something good can come from the ongoing negotiations and time will tell. >> trace: the world's biggest economic leaders gathered today. >> it tells us that capitalism works, they can bring the leadership of the two largest economies together, spy balloons, microchip battles, but here we are in san francisco. >> thank you all. late news. we are leaving to sa ip in fra, we will sepbeae you tomorrow. ♪ ♪eir c ♪hi they brought it to safelite... for a same-day in-shop repair. we repaired the chip right away. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech vo: plus, to protect their glass, we installed new wipers too. that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. tomorrow. we will try to get this settled. ♪ ♪

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