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coast. 8:00 p.m. in los angeles this. is america's late news. fox news @ night. breaking minutes going president biden and china's president meeting in san francisco in two days. a crack down on the export of fentanyl. killing tens of thousands of americans crossing the border in record amounts. let's get to our senior national correspondent live in washington dc with what to expect. good evening, kevin. >> good evening, trace. this is the first time president xi has visited the u.s. in six years. unlike the last meeting this time president biden is hoping to cut through growing political head winds here at home. by announcing as you pointed out a framework to cut back on fentanyl exports from china. the fentanyl crisis is a major story line throughout california and san francisco in particular. long thought to be the epicenter of the country's fentanyl crisis. meantime left leaning advocates have taken to the streets with one group threatening to shut down the conference and block nearly two hundred thought people from attending this. as pro palestine groups are gearing up for their biggest demonstration yet. wednesday. the same day biden and president xi are suppose to meet. the city police chief are warning mass arrests could be possible if the protests turn violent or otherwise get out of hand. in addition to the economic issues and net signal crisis president biden and xi are expected to address taiwan, and the wars in gaza and ukraine. >> that's where we're picking it up, kevin. thank you. let's bring our first guest author of "cold piece china, india rivalry." welcome, both. let's put this on the screen this. is from lyle goldstein at defense priorities. asked about the risk of water between china and taiwan. he wrote the following: it's reached the highest level of tension. war could happen at anytime. the u.s. china one policy, right. the u.s. doesn't support a independent taiwan. president biden he's out there a couple of times, three times saying it's up to taiwan and we would defend them. president xi doesn't want to hear that. >> president biden said he would put american troops on the line to protect tie waoupb. then they come out and say, well, the presidentment we will send weapons to help. >> they walked it back several times here. jeff, we talk about taiwan a lot. the president needs a little help, we think, from the president of china when it comes to iran. we think president biden will ask to get xi to get push whackk for the middle east war. what do you think? >> think you're right he will ask. i'm not hopeful it will lead to tangible progress. china is in the middle east to advance china's interest. not to do the united states favors, not interested in peace, they have a long history of telling us what we want to hear and under mining us behind the scenes. >> i wonder if president biden says we're for one china, china one, whatever you call it this is from treasury secretary who is at the conference. watch. >> the united states has no desire to decouple from china. a full separation of our economies would be economically disastrous for both of our countries. >> economically disastrous. is she right? >> look there is a big difference, trace, between buying tee shirts and semi conductors. one totally fine. the other a huge problem. simplifying this. the biden administration policy is over the map. one hand they do the right thing. they prevent advance chipping materials from going to china. then they said yellen, secretary blinken on the apology tour. president biden has to be tougher here. be clear. we have a challenge with china or we're making a deal. pick a side. >> so many things have happened the past year, 18 months. talk about the balloons and taubting of the military aircraft. in october china's forest ministry said the following, quoting: the u.s. needs to stop politicizing and weaponizing trade -- we will closely follow the developments and firmly safe guard our rights and interests. that's what it comes down to, jeff. you have china always pointing fingers. the first finger is pointed at the united states. >> yes, secretary yellen is wrong, be clear. we need to decouple sectors of the u.s. and khaoeupb a. easy con -- chinese economies. even today we pour billions of dollars into chinese military and ar technology, duel use. we empower our adversary every day. the chinese are active here with secret police stations. stealing intellectual property. we need to decouple and be clear. we don't need to be afraid to say it. >> yes, it's a good philosophy. thank you, great to you have both on. by the way fox news @ night will be live in san francisco tuesday, tomorrow, and wednesday night. we would love you to tune in for the special coverage of the apec meetings. 11:00 eastern. 8:00 o'clock pacific. the continued attacks on american troops prove iran is not getting the message or doesn't care about the message. we are live in t tel aviv with that and more on the war on hamas. jeff. >> trace, we just got back from southern israel. another busy night at several times. firing into gaza. other times you saw rockets into gaza into israel this. intensified fighting is having the impact on the most vulnerable. residents calling northern gaza home. a estimated two-thirds of the people have evacuated homes since the start of the war. the untold numbers in hospitals are suffering the most. some without powers a the fighting gets closer and closer. the idf releasing video showing an entrance to the vast hamas tunnel system. they released images of a newly discovered basement area below a gaza city hospital. they believe this is an area where hostages are held. today the u.s. defense minister had this to say in regards to the current state of hamas. >> the hamas terrorist organization has lost control of gaza. terrorists are fleeing south. they have no confidence in their government. >> now outside of the israeli hamas war u.s. forces continue to be a tacted by iranian backed proxy forces. it has happened 52 different times. leading to at least 56 troops being injured. another area that we are keeping an eye on is northern israel the last few days. trace, there is a bit of a back and forth between hezbollah and israeli forces. something to keep an eye on with the war waging on. >> indeed it is, jeff. thank you. let's bring in cameron hamilton. former navy seal training with is ally special ops. picking up where jeff went, aaron this. has been back and forth but this is getting heavier and people are getting killed on both sides this. is threatening to open a second front. >> threating a second front, trace. israel has gone back and forth with hezbollah for 35 days. israel is aggressively taking out pockets of hezbollah as we speak. the last several weeks. hezbollah is continuously trying to infiltrate through the saoserianopen. more cover but israel is responding with fervore. they have a lot of experience with the northern front. they're using the f15s and j tags or joint terminal attract controllers to pinpoint the lothelocations and systematicaly neutralize the terrorists. >> cameron, you have idf troops. 650 patrons inside says hamas. israel says the hospital is a hamas headquarters. what is the response, how do you approach this? >> it's a very different scenario no doubt. israel has to insure they're keeping good records and showing public display of the efforts they're using with the facilities. as they make entry into the buildings and collect data and intelligence they have to photograph, be diligent and expose that to the hold and showcase the difference in the variations of the forces here combating gaza. >> do you agree? >> tkoeufplt seal units like i . israel has incredibly brilliant room clearing apparatus. israel is deploying special operation force those the buildings. one reduces collateral damage. effective not engaging in and around the civilians with the missile strikes. it's also called limited penetration room clearing. it allows israeli special forces to clear about 98% of the rooms from outside the threshold. it's really smart there. are a lot of booby traps and wires this. is stuff i have taught to law enforcement for 20 years. it's other effective. at the end of the dais reel will get into the nooks and crannies and open the doorways and the rooms to materialize the areas and continue to press into the areas of combat and act is as we speak. particularly with the israeli elite dog unit. >> meanwhile the hamas wing is floating the idea of releasing 70 hostages, cameron, for a five-day cease fire. would you buy it? >> i wouldn't. the evidence of past behavior indicates something quite different. israel has taken strides to pursue peace in the region time and time again. peace was broken again with the out break of the conflict. hamas has a lot of work to do. the burden is on them to show they're willing to pursue a different path than the violence. with israel and hamas, the rhetoric shows something very very different. we have seen this in other parts of the world too. they placate to let's have a cease-fire, we will pursue a negotiation and it backfires. think israel needs to keep the pressure on, unfortunately. >> would you deal with. >> that a hundred percent. israel is using what translates as a pressure cooker. they can't have a break in the rhythm. what is happening now is israel is systematically destroying hamas to flee to the south. under the cover the mass exoduses that israel has opened for the civilians. they force the terrorists in to the corners with the pressure cooker. they pump that media out to exploit the images, the terrible images, half of them are fake. they're dropping the imagery. at the end of the day hamas is getting crushed and they're leaning in. >> first time, they're looking for a deal. first time they're floating deals that we haven't seen before. >> they feel the pressure, trace. they feel it. >> aaron and cameron, thank you, both. most of the times we cover stories about migrants coming into the united states. over the past years, millions of the migrants have come. now many want to go home. jackie is live in new york city with more on the unhappy asylum seekers. >> trace, new york city has spent millions on migrant housing. after a look at the accommodations many families are turning around. they're refusing the tent structures and wanting hotel accommodations. they're using every possible corner of new york city and are out of good options to shelter migrants. one has described the situation as a "disaster waiting to happen." some migrants making it to chicago are going to back to srepb way la as the city runs out of sources to care for them. some migrants say despite the dangerous trek to get here the journey has not been worth it calling the floor of the cindy city police station home tells this to the paper. the american dream doesn't exist anymore. there is nothing for us. >> if we're sleeping in the streets here, we would rather sleep in the streets over there. democratic leaders of new york and illinois accuse the white house of doing little to help a untamable situation and now the migrants are appearing to take note. trace. >> jackie, thank you. we have information on the here irving death of a 17-year-old high school students in las vegas. he was beaten to death by a teenager's mom. what are we learning here? >> trace, this video is disturbing showing underaged faces. the unfiltered videos show a group of teens storming a mob around a 17 year old and beating him. it happened at rancho hao*s high school in las vegas weeks ago. the 17-year-old victim has died. the son said the father kept to himself and was planning to move to his dad's in austin, texas. he says it's unimagable ing the violence reached the point of taking his son's life and question if they knew what they were doing. they plan to charge several students in the fight with murder. tonight a go fund me for the teen has raised $56,000. the go fund me claims jonathan lewis was beaten because he confronted a group of students attacking a smaller kid they accused of stealing something from them. an a piring artist, a voted big brother and fierce protector of loved ones. las vegas police have confirmed they're investigate and ing update will be provided. >> awful story, thank you matt. let's bring in our next groups. bethany, as matt was saying talk ing about rancho high school in las vegas. you have a kid 17 years old protecting a smaller kid and he's beaten to death. it's unfair, heartbreaking and infuriating seeing this happen in an american school. bethany, your thoughts. >> yes, f you talk to teachers across country the number one thing they say driving them from their jobs and staying at their jobs is the discipline issue. there is a violence issue in american schools. it's not being addressed. it's not being discussed. think there is an understandable focus on -- issues of curriculum and test scores. the violence and discipline issues from teachers they say is the number one issue. >> we have heard this as well. the boy's father say this tragedy is reflective of the uncarrying state that our society and hu habit currently faces with how we interact with our community. he's right. he's tpwraoefbing because of it, nicole. >> right, well clark county public schools is one of the many school districts that employ what's is called restorative justice. they put kids back in the classroom to break the school to prison pipeline. what is sad is in this case it's almost certain these children who murdered another child in school on public school property will be unaccountable for their actions. >> meantime california has a law to stop kids from getting disinformation. from cal matters. a new law requires k-112 schools to add media literacy among the lessons is recognizing fake news this. is rich in california. you have california controlling what they think is fake news in the public schools. >> ya, i mean it's funny because they have to try to sell this to kids who are told for the last two years that their cloth mask was going to save their grandma in iowa. it's absurd. it's information policing is what they're doing. teaching children this is the right way to think and this is the wrong way to think. that's how the american education system is working lately. low and be hold we have kids who are like functionally illiterate. >> the bottom line, nicole, they're not educating the teachers. not giving the teachers special education on fake news. they let the teachers say this is fake this. is not this. is what you listen to. it's unbelievable. >> california is bound and determine to teach children everything but what they need to know, reading, writing, arithmetic. they have done ethnic studies as a curriculum. it's appalling. children locked out for two years and bethany said, told you must wear a mask or you can't go to a restaurant yet your governor can. this is shameful for california's education system. >> it goes back bethany, california was the same state telling doctors if you give your patience misinformation about covid we will yank your medical license. 20 seconds to wrap up. >> i have heard so much from doctors that was the number one fear they. the misinformation threat then sort of bled into reproductive rights. >> if they strayed from the party line on abortion they could lose their license. it's the thought police, basically. >> that's exactly what it is. >> bethany and nicole, thank you both. coming up, who benefits the most with tim scott leaving the presidential race. the analysis may surprise you. later in the night cap. less than two day as way from the meeting of biden and xi in san francisco. we will be there live tuesday and wednesday night. what do you think biden wants from xi and what does xi want from bide stphepb let us know on x and instagram at trace gallagher. we will read your responses coming up in the night cap. >> politics now the number of republicans running for president just got smaller. tim scott is officially bouging out. we have more on who this benefits or doesn't. kevin. >> trace south carolina senator jim scott has a job. a great job. he probably would be the first person to tell you that. tonight he will renew his focus on being a senator for south carolina. announcing to day he's suspending his campaign. bouging out of the 2024 race for the white house. that decision maybe the first of many of the so-called middle tier candidates to say see you later. here is the rub. even as the gop field shrinks it's unclear tonight if any candidate will consolidate support to challenge president trump. meantime we're less than a year out from t the presidential election. a week away from president biden's 81st birthday. concerns about his age, candidacy and other things growing by the minute. even pooing his own party. former obama advisor suggesting biden should think about bouging out. the latest new york times shows 7171% of voters believe biden is too old for the presidency. the same poll shows former president trump leading in four curable swing states, trace. >> i want to look at the pictures of the candidates. you go to the bottom people would be surprised. are they really in a race? apparently yes. it's about to thin. >> here is the thing it's money. it's raising your profile. be real about this it's just a vips. there are only three on there that have a legitimate chance of being talked about as an alternative. ron desantos and nikki haley. no disrespect to others but they have to move on. >> thank you, kevin. let's bring in our next guests. thank you for coming on. tim scott pulled out of the race. here is what was said about that. watch. >> what i make of this is the donor class moves like gusts waving in the wind one puppet to another. every politician dances to the tune of the biggest donor. in my case that's me. >> aoer politician dances to the tune of their biggest donor. >> you're running for senate in california. a farah assessment. >> there is truth to that. a trump pollster came out and said if anything this helps governor nikki haley. most of tim scott's supporters pick her as the second choice. maybe she will get a little bum in iowa over all. whatever is most important who ever is the next president of the united states knees to be a conscience builder. i'm running for the u.s. senate to reach across the i'll for the american people. >> i'm glad you got that plug. in you wrote this for fox what republicans don't understand how biden wins elections. you need appealing candidates and a plan to get out the vote. this is a challenge for republicans. it's got a lot of attention, jason, on clear politics. everybody read this. give me an explanation. i have about 30 seconds. give me an explain aeufplgts. >> the problem is 45 days after biden took office he put out an executive order asking all 600 departments and agencies to get out the vote. get the ballot and vote. the problem is it was such a good plan he won't tell the world what it is. he has protected it by an executive order. we know it was in the low propensity voters in the democratic voting blocks. think that's the difference of 2022, 23, and 2024. republicans think they're right. they are losing elections. meanwhile buys en has leveraged millions in the federal government to get out the vote. >> that's right. i want to play david axelrod's response to biden calling him a name. here is what he said about this. watch. >> listen, i understand. he was irritated because i raised concerns that many, many democrats. my feeling is get out or get going. >>to kind of reverse, this christine a what he was raising fears about is joe biden's age. as it was pointed out is he about to turn 81 years old. >> yes, it's an increasing probable threpl and concern for voters. they want term limits. people looking at what mitt romney did. i will step down and give space to the next generation of leadership there. is something to be said for that. >> yes. >> sara dorn said this on forbes. put this up on the screen, if you can. stormer president donald trump would win the electoral college by nearly 50 votes if the 2024 election was held today according to a new poll. the poll is by stack data strategy. >> final thoughts. >> not only is joe biden getting older and losing his ability to memorize thing. he's wrong on every issue. immigration, economy, overseas two wars going on. he's wrong on the po policies and bidenomics is a complete failure. >> and trump winning by 50 electoral votes. >> -- so focused on abortion they're not focus on things that impact every day americans like crime and inflation. democrats too. when they look at winning 2024 they have to focus on the economy ask supporting small business owners and feel the pinch. >> christina and jason, thank you both. coming up did calf governor gavin newsome ad miss to cleaning up the city for visitors. what about the residents. and when you see this tree, you know what is around the koefrpber right. the day's best virals are next. first ... >> the streets of san francisco look different tonight. gavin newsome admitted to cleaning up when "the fancy leaders and fox news" come to town. >> critics say the city of san francisco is cleaning up some sprawling homeless emcampments because of elite global leaders in town. they claim governor newsome admitted this much. >> they say they're cleaning up because of the fancy leaders are coming to town. that's true. i'm excited to show this off to 21 fancy foreign leaders across the world. >> world leaders including china's president will be in town part of the apex summit. this is the first time since president biden's inauguration he and the chinese president are meeting on u.s. soil. some critics say portions are being cleaned up because of the notable guests. >> when a genocide al communist dictator comes to town the ideas of equity vanish and the streets are cleaned up that is weird. it means politicians know san francisco is an embarrassment. they don't care about the residents. they care about impressing president xi. if it wasn't so sad it would be fun.y. >> governor newsome california's homeless crisis decades in the making and he's working on new innovative solutions. >> quick solutions at that. let's bring in megan mccarthy and jonathan. welcome both. they tell the people of san francisco, it's a long process, spending money and getting it done. you have the conference and they're cleaning up the city and cops are everywhere. it's amazing. telling the people can't do it for you. we will do it for them. >> living in the city, spending your hard earned money combating homeless problem decades in the making. $636 million a year, they can't fix the problem. throw up more building and money. you have to clean house, now we solve the problem. it's back stabbing for the entire citizens and slap in the face. >> where do the homeless people go, jonathan? i want to lay the sound bite again. it's worth watching again. it's worth it. watch. >> i know folks say they're clean this place up because of the fancy leaders are coming to town. that's true. because it's true. >> yes, telling your residents, you're not worth it but president xi is worth it. >> i have residents could appreciate a few days of a clean city and then go back to the old ways. it's amazing in part of the clip later on when he talks about how they're dealing with the residents, he is saying they are having conversations about it the typical politician goop leading nowhere. basically he's saying we're going back to the old way. don't worry, san francisco residents. we are going back to people urinating on the streets, homeless people, people dying on streets from drug overdoses. we will be back to normal in no time. it's amazing the leader of khaoeupb is here maybe we should address the fentanyl chris is with him. >> we started the newscast we think biden and xi will announce beijing cracking down on the distribution and export of fentanyl. we will see what happens there. meantime coming to crime sacramento sheriff jim cooper offered services to cut down on retail time. he said the target store, pointing a finger, is preventing cops from cracking down on shoplifters. saying we were told by regional security we couldn't contact suspects in the store, handcuff suspects in the store. >> if we arrest they want to us process them outside of the store, in the rain. unbelievable he says. megan, you know this is unbelievable say you can't do your job. >> think target should stick to their job and not tell the cops how to do theirs. they are handcuffing their own police. they want them to hold them behind the building. prop 47 came in and decriminalized theft and drug position they enable these criminals to commit the crimes. a sheriff said he watched a woman walk down the body care i'll, steal items and then get money for them. target witnessed it but won't do anything. tkhoept want bad press. they're enabling the behavior. maybe they shouldn't ask for help. >> yes, she stole the stuff and then returned it for money. the sheriff goings on saying we don't tell big retail how to do their jobs. they shouldn't tell us how to do ours. your final thoughts on this. >> that's a great point. the corporations make a big deal how they're corporate citizens, looking out for the communities they operate in. in reality it's really for shao*u show. they have an opportunity to support law enforcement to make the store safer, community safe, protect the public. they put that aside because they don't want the chance of bad publicity. it's shameful. >> yes. it's prevalent and happening many times every day. megan mccarthy, jonathan, fahey, thank you both. >> thank you. >> first up tonight in viral videos. the homeless sweep in san francisco isn't enough to keep all of the homeless out of sight. these pictures were taken a few hours ago in union square. which is close to the masconey center where the leaders are gathering. the homeless are on the streets still, digging through trashes and we're told di defecating one sidewalk. laugh a and ash send 15,000 feet into the air. volcano showing new signs of activity after erupting in august. etna is the lar largest of itals three active involve tane owes. >> it looks short to me. hopefully when the lights are on it will be beautiful. >> the season, holiday season almost a upon us. the rockefeller christmas tree arrived. the 80-foot tree brought in from up state new york. the decorating begins and the lighting ceremony is a couple of weeks from now. if you have a vie rat video to share send it to us. coming up, a manger meeting of world leaders this week with all eyes on president biden and xi. what do you think is the main things t they want from each other? time to weight in. the night cap crew is next. >> so we're back with the night cap crew. tonight's topic. international relations. this week president biden and his chinese counterpart president xi are meeting if he apex in san francisco. what does biden want from xi? what does xi want from biden? nothing like political diplomatic strategy to get the night cap crew riled up. we begin with our senior national correspondent covering the white house for many years. i know what i don't want. i think i know what biden and xi want. what do you think? >> i think you're probably right. we have talked about things like this for many years. biden would like a win. he will get one talk ing about fentanyl. he wants to say things right about the economy and taiwan. xi says how do i look at home, giving the u.s. nothing, head high, threats, vail and otherwise. >> good strategy. jackie, what do you think? >> i completely agree with what kevin said this. is all about what it looks like. for di he will give nothing. for biden this is a opportunity to show dominance and a strong leader. unfortunately he will play into what xi wants him too. he will forget what he has to say. this doesn't make us look strong. let's keep our fingers crossed. >> it's interesting matt, everything how they greet each other? do they have a joint press conference? share a meal. everything is kraout newsed. >> so much of this is a power flex. what you walk away with it, the head lines and optics you walk away with. >> you look at these things and think does anyone win these do. they look and say xi beat the daylights out of biden or biden beat the daylights of xi. megan, what do you think they're looking for? >> it's purely optics it's to to* show the people what they think they should be showing. biden wants to gain an accomplishment. he has failed so much with the american feel. he feels will he get something. i think on the other side they just want control. they want to show he's here and with us. >> by the way we will be there and covering this live for you. it's interesting when they met in bali. i read articles about president xi having this color tie on. you think, are you kidding me with this stuff. christine a i will get to you. aden white says biden wants economic credibility and xi wants dominance in the south sea. biden wants strength and endurance. xi wants to assert authority. christina. >> agree wide biden want to show strength. xi wants assure apbss and america won't be supporting taiwan and suppress the china economy. despite america's short comings we're still the lapped of opportunity. we're still where people want to come. people don't look to china and say that's where i want to move skpepl aou late. >> think biden wants assurances on a ran and xi wants assurances on taiwan. thank you, all. thank you for watching fox news @ night. doug [phone alert] ... there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. big week for inflation data. "the five" >>

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Headquarters , Scenario , Records , Efforts , No Doubt , Display , Hold , Buildings , Intelligence , Data , Photograph , Facilities , Variations , Room Clearing Apparatus , Seal Units , Tkoeufplt , Civilians , In , Missile Strikes , Operation , Collateral Damage , Stuff , Law Enforcement , Special Forces , Rooms , Penetration Room Clearing , Threshold , Wires , Booby Traps , 98 , 20 , Areas , Doorways , Fact , Combat , Dais Reel , Nooks , The End , Idea , Wing , Elite Dog Unit , 70 , Behavior , Cease Fire , Wouldn T , Strides , Region , Evidence , Five , Break , Conflict , Burden , Work , World , Violence , Parts , Path , Rhetoric , It , Pressure , Pressure Cooker , Backfires , Negotiation , A Hundred , Rhythm , Exoduses , Imagery , Corners , Media , Half , Deals , Haven T , Jackie , Migrants , Want , Home , New York City , Stories , Millions , Asylum Seekers , Families , Migrant Housing , Accommodations , Look , Tent Structures , Situation , Hotel Accommodations , Options , Corner , Disaster Waiting , City , Sources , Trek , Srepb , Chicago , Nothing , City Police Station , Journey , The American Dream Doesn T , Paper , Floor , Leaders , White House , Democratic , Illinois , Death , Las Vegas , High School Students , Teenager , Note , Information , Mom , Here Irving , 17 , Videos , Faces , Teens , Underaged , Mob , In Austin , Father , High School , Victim , Dad , Rancho Hao , Texas , Students , Point , Fight , Life , Unimagable Ing The Violence , Kid , Jonathan Lewis , Go Fund , Murder , Go Fund Me , Teen , 6000 , 56000 , Big Brother , Protector , Stealing , Loved Ones , Bethany , King , Story , You Matt , Police Have , Rancho High School , American School , Heartbreaking , Jobs , Issue , Thoughts , Schools , Teachers , Discipline Issue , Curriculum , Focus , Discipline , Test Scores , Habit , Tragedy , Boy , Society , Hu , Uncarrying , Well Clark County Public Schools , Community , School Districts , Nicole , Children , Kids , Case , Sad , School , Child , Restorative Justice , Classroom , Prison Pipeline , School On Public Property , Law , Actions , Disinformation , Cal Matters , 112 , Add Media Literacy , Lessons , Ya , Cloth Mask , Grandma , Way , Information Policing , Teaching , System , Education , Iowa , Special Education , Bottom Line , Everything , Studies , Writing , Arithmetic , Reading , Governor , Mask , Restaurant , Doctors , Education System , Covid , Patience Misinformation , Number One , Misinformation Threat , Race , Coming Up , Abortion , Tim Scott , Party Line , License , Thought Police , Night Cap , Analysis , Responses , Bide Stphepb , Instagram , Know On X , Republicans , Politics , Number , Bouging Out , Benefits , Jim Scott , Job , Person , South Carolina , Candidates , Many , First , Rub , Campaign , Middle Tier , Field , 2024 , Trump , Candidate , Support , Concerns , Election , Age , Party , Candidacy , Birthday , 81 , Voters , Presidency , Advisor , New York Times , Obama , 7171 , Pictures , Poll , Swing States , Four , Money , Profile , Nikki Haley , Chance , Vips , Being , Alternative , Ron Desantos , Guests , Others , Disrespect , Another , Donor Class Moves , Wind , Puppet , Gusts , Politician , Tune , Donor , U S Senate , Farah Assessment , Aoer , Anything , Trump Pollster , Bum , Supporters , Truth , Choice , Wall , Important , Whatever , Conscience Builder , Knees , Fox News Com , Vote , Plan , Elections , Everybody , Attention , Jason , Explanation , Executive Order , Office , Departments , Agencies , Aeufplgts , 45 , 30 , 600 , Ballot , Propensity , Voting Blocks , 23 , 2022 , David Axelrod , Name , Joe Biden , Feeling , Reverse , Kind , Fears , Concern , Term Limits , Space , Mitt Romney , Donald Trump , Leadership , Electoral College , Generation , Stormer , Forbes , Sara Dorn , Votes , Stack Data Strategy , 50 , Economy , Po Policies , Ability , Immigration , Bidenomics , Failure , Crime , Inflation , Small Business , Owners , Christina , Pinch , Tree , Gavin Newsome , Visitors , Miss , Virals , Koefrpber Right , The Streets Of San Francisco , Town , Critics , Homeless Emcampments , World Leaders , Part , Apex Summit , 21 , Inauguration , Soil , Portions , Genocide Al Communist Dictator , Embarrassment , Politicians , Equity , Ideas , They Don T , Crisis , Wasn T , Newsome California S , Fun Y , Making , Megan Mccarthy , Solutions , Cops , Process , Everywhere , Spending , Building , Homeless Problem , House , Living In The City , 36 Million , 636 Million , Citizens , Face , Back Stabbing , Slap , Homeless People Go , Sound Bite , Place , Folks , Ways , Clip , Nowhere , Goop , Conversations , Don T Worry , Leader , Homeless People , Drug Overdoses , Newscast , Chris , Khaoeupb , Distribution , Beijing , Jim Cooper , Store , Target , Services , Sacramento , Handcuff Suspects , Regional Security We Couldn T Contact Suspects , Shoplifters , In The Rain , Theft , Prop , Drug , Position , Decriminalized , 47 , Tkhoept Want Bad Press , Crimes , Body Care , Woman Walk , Criminals , Items , They Shouldn T , Retail , Opportunity , Corporations , Communities , Reality , Shao U Show , Community Safe , Publicity , Public , Sweep , Fahey , Masconey Center , Isn T , Out Of Sight , Union Square , Laugh A , Homeless , Signs , Send , Feet , Hair , Cash , Gathering , Volcano Showing , Di Defecating One Sidewalk , 15000 , Largest , Activity , Flights , Erupting , Itals , Aetna , Season , Lighting Ceremony , Up State , Decorating , Rockefeller Christmas Tree , 80 , Biden And Xi , Eyes , Vie Rat , Each Other , Night Cap Crew , Crew , President Xi , Counterpart , Topic , Relations , Strategy , Cap , Don T Want , Win , Threats , Head High , Vail , Dominance , Di , Mother , Joint Press Conference , Kraout Newsed , Matt , Meal , Look Strong , Optics , Lines , Power Flex , Edo , Anyone , The Daylights Of Xi , Accomplishment , Feel , Articles , Color Tie , Christine Ai , Aden White , Bali , Strength , Credibility , Endurance , Assert Authority , South Sea , America Won T , China Economy , Assurances , Think Biden , People Don T , Lapped , Comings , Skpepl Aou , Doug , Phone Alert , Challenges , Content , Thousands , Needs , Money Habits , Employees , Bank Of America , Athletes , Goals , Special Olympics , Inflation Data , Big Week ,

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