Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240702

>> if you want peace, destroy hamas. if you want security, destroy hamas. if you want a future for israel, the palestinians, the middle east, destroy hamas. >> hamas is using hospitals as it uses many other civilian facilities for command and control. united states does not want to see fire fights in hospitals. >> john: begin with israeli forces making significant gains in northern gaza, closing in on what they say is hamas's key command center beneath gaza's largest hospital. we are awaiting a pair of briefings from the white house and state department on update on where things stand right now. hello, well come to this monday. welcome back to you. >> gillian: gillian turner in for sandra today. this is "america reports". while the fighting rages on in gaza, the u.s. is striking back at proxy groups in syria. on sunday, they hit two facilities, killing at least six fighters. >> john: did not take long for the proxy groups to respond, the total attacks are 52 in less than a month. we will ask john kirby about all of this just moments from now. >> gillian: fox team coverage across the region with breaking news over the next two hours. >> john: trey yingst is live on the ground in southern israel with the latest from there. trey. >> hey, john, good afternoon. renewed rocket fire into southern israel, the first we have seen in a while. sirens sounding here, sending thousands to bomb shelters and remarkable 38 days into the conflict, israelis are still facing rocket fire from gaza and as we speak, my producer handed me her phone, sirens sounding in the city of tel aviv, israel's second largest city. an indication that hamas and islamic jihad still have long range rockets they are using against major population centers across this country. i do want to get to the situation on the ground inside gaza. israeli forces fighting block by block and street by street, ramping up airstrikes against the second largest city, took out two hamas commanders on a long target list for the israelis as they work deeper into gaza. also some new video from the military showing hamas fighters using an rpg next to the hospital in northern gaza. israelis releasing the video, and if you want to cut out we have some rocket fire right now, cameraman will pan up here, and he's just going to look at that, everyone be ready to move in a second. you'll see the flash in a sky, that's israel, and stay on the camera here, guys, you'll see iron dome interception rounds there and the flash in the sky, another one coming up here. this is israel's missile defense system and it is active. saw four interceptions, and another one off the southern part of israel, follow it through the sky so you can see it. gives you a sense how active the scene is on the southern front. 38 days into the confront, you still have rocket fire coming from the gaza strip and the israelis is an i they have destroyed more than half the rocket arsenal or half has been used. but the key here is that, and just stay with me one second, make sure we can see where this rocket, these rockets are landing. again, john, continuous fire off the northern part of the strip, indication that hamas has maintained the ability to fire on israel despite the thousands of strikes against the strip. >> john: the idf pretty much has gaza city surrounded, moving in on hamas headquarters and yet hamas is able to fire off the rockets. what is the idf missing? >> it's remarkable. we have covered many wars between israel and gaza, whether it was 2014, the 11-day war in 2021, even a conflict earlier this year between the two sides. and traditionally the israelis will use their air force and drones over gaza to immediately target the position where rockets were being fired from. the issue they are facing today is that there are so many rocket launching positions across the strip that rockets are even being fired from areas that are currently under israeli control. you might ask, how. the answer is timers. they have rockets set up on timers, and set the rockets in a past and can remotely activate them and fire on major population centers. even if there are not militants in the area they can fire on israel. at this point in war, less rocket fire, it is spo ra -- sporadic. it's still an indication that hamas is not giving up their end of the fight as they engage the israelis in firefights in the northern part of gaza. we have to think about the battlefield and the map of the gaza strip. right now, the israelis have focused efforts on the ground, saw firsthand the battles on the ground but have not yet entered the second largest city in gaza, or rafah, locations not only find more rocket launching positions but hamas leadership. an understanding on the ground despite the growing international pressure the situation is just beginning and not just here in the south the israelis have to work through gaza to complete their objective of destroying hamas and searching for those 239 hostages. it's the northern front. you have seen the images from the front. hezbollah, the lebanese militant group is ramping up attacks on israel, climbing an escalation ladder. sounds in the distance renewed airstrikes against the northern part of the strip but the northern part is the concern for the israelis. you don't have warships for hamas, it's for hezbollah and the concern in the north. >> john: trey, thank you. >> gillian: the u.s. is launching a third round of airstrikes in syria, retaliation for the attacks on u.s. troops in iraq and syria. jennifer griffin joins us from the pentagon. what's different about this strike? >> well, gillian, what's different is they actually killed iranian proxy fighters in these airstrikes over the weekend. u.s. airplanes targeted two locations in eastern syria, training and weapons storage facility, and a headquarters, both used by iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps and forces. 6 to 7 fighters were killed at the headquarters, the training facility was also a logistics and weapons storage facility, based on the hours of secondary explosions following the strikes. this is the third round of the airstrikes the u.s. has conducted in syria and the first time they have killed iranian proxies. this one will hurt them more than the past strikes, a senior u.s. defense official told me. >> intended to disrupt and degrade the freedom of action and capabilities of the groups, which are directly responsible for attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria. >> the defense department released the names of the five army special operations aviators with the 160th special operations aviation regiment. these seasoned forces were killed while flying an mh-60 blackhawk helicopter refueling during a nighttime training mission when it crashed off the coast of cyprus friday night. one, a bronze star recipient, staff sergeant tanner grown, 26, enlisted after high school, and joined in 2018 and deployed multiple times, served as a flight instructor and screw crew chief. shane barnes, 34, sacramento, california, received flying cross of volar. cade wolfe, 24, from mankato, minnesota, and sergeant andrew southard, 27, apache junction, arizona, enlisted after high school and joined the 160th this year. iranian proxies fired on u.s. forces four separate times overnight following those u.s. airstrikes, including 17 rockets at one u.s. base in eastern syria, indicating the proxies were angry at the loss of weapons at their training facility. there were no u.s. injuries. gillian. >> gillian: jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thank you. john. >> john: retired rear admiral john kirby serves as the coordinator for strategic communications, glad to have have you back on the program. 17 missiles, six strikes, general jack keane said it's a significant escalation on the part of the united states but still in his idea not nearly enough. here is what he said. >> it's not comprehensive enough just dealing with the proxies themselves. go after the leaders, the fighters, rockets, missiles, drones, infrastructure, do it all at once in one night, that's well within u.s. strike capability. no risk to a single pilot in doing that. that i think may get their attention. >> john: so john, why isn't president biden doing that? >> first before i answer that question, john, i do want to pass on our deepest thoughts and condolences to five families who are now dealing with the worst possible news of their loved ones who were killed in that helicopter crash training and trying to perfect their skills on behalf of the nation. we are all thinking about them and their loved ones. to the question about general keane said, i'll tell you, we are going to respond and react in a time and manner of our choosing and go after targets we believe will have an opportunity to degrade the irgc ability to resource and fund and provide material to these groups and those targets that we hit over the weekend do exactly that. training facility, headquarters facility, we know in one of them, they were actually using it to store weapons. we could tell by the secondary explosions and the same for the first strike a week or so ago on an ammo deeper. we don't seek conflict with iran or escalate anything. we are looking to protect our troops in iraq and syria and will continue to do that. >> john: i understand the strategy, but with all respect it's not making a difference. look at what reagan did in the 1980s in operation noble archer, he took out training camps in iran, took out a couple of oil platforms as well. donald trump eliminated soleimani after a single american was killed. there was retaliation by iran but trump knew it would be limited. and iran backed down. the nation is wondering what is president biden waiting for? waiting for americans to be killed until he takes substantive action to give iran pause. >> we are not waiting for anything, john. as you saw over the weekend, we are willing and able to take retaliatory strikes and will continue to do that. these groups and the irgc, supreme leader, they have a choice to make. we are not looking to escalate. but if they continue to attack our troops and put their lives in danger, we will do what we have to do to protect that. nobody is looking for a conflict here, nobody is looking for a war with iran. but we have a viable mission to go after isis and make sure we have the means to do that, we will do what we have to do to protect them. i would note the flurry of attacks occurred just in the wake of the strikes we took over the weekend were ineffective, no injuries, no significant damage and most of them were intercepted and brought down before they even reached the actual facilities. >> john: i understand the united states is worried about escalation in the region. but it seems the only nation interested in escalation is iran. saudi arabia is not interested, united arab emirates are not interested, bahrain is not interesting, jordan, egypt, qatar, none of them are interested in escalation. in fact, i'm told that saudi arabia is waiting for hamas to be destroyed and then it's going to get back into negotiations with israel to extend the abraham accords. if iran is the only nation in the region looking to escalate this, why not slap them back really hard so they don't even think about it? >> well, again, john, i'm not going to get into hypothetical decisions not made or telegraph punches. we'll do what we have to do to protect our troops and facilities in iraq and syria and look after our national security in the region. a second carrier strike group, one in the middle east and the eastern mediterranean and air and defense systems in the region. we have added to that capability. the message is clear to iran or any other actor, hezbollah, hamas, anybody else that wants to escalate, the united states takes it seriously and make sure we have of fire power to back it up. >> john: the growing protests against israel, a protest outside the president's house in delaware yesterday. the president has not spoken out specifically and forcefully against the rise of antisemitism in this country. now i know that he has got two very disparate constituents, jewish americans and arab americans and many see 1938 and what's happening in this country and around the world and saying why isn't the president doing a speech about antisemitism here in america? >> well, i would respectfully disagree he has not spoken out. he has been clear and consistent about the rise of hate around the world and this country, particularly antisemitism, the first national strategy to counter antisemitism at the white house and now the first national strategy for islamophobia, he's been very, very clear about the rise of hate and how it's unacceptable and we have to rise to a better level here in the united states. after the attack on october 7th, making sure we were coordinating with local and state officials from the federal level to identify and disrupt any violent threats, particularly in that case to the jewish community around the country. so, we are watching this very, very closely and something the president takes extremely seriously. >> john: but yet it's on the rise. regardless of what the president is doing, it's not having a tremendous amount of effect around the country. >> it's on the rise around the world, and i'm not making excuses, it's abhorrent. we have to do better and be better. we have to look after one another and remember the jewish community feels a particular threat. i was talking to a young student at columbia university over the weekend and his stories of the kind of hate and kind of self-protection measures he has to take to get from point a on campus to point b. it's reprehensible. i don't disagree we have to do more, we know that, and the president is focused on that very, very seriously. >> one last question for you. you have warned on behalf of the president the united states would not support a reoccupation of gaza by israel. speaking yesterday on "meet the press" benjamin netanyahu seemed to indicate in the short-term israel does not have much choice but to do it. listen to what he said. >> we need a different authority. we need a different administration. we'll work to have a demilitarized -- living under 16 years of rule of hamas, liberate them and liberate ourselves. >> john: do you agree that israel can't just defeat hamas and vacate gaza, the ensuing power vacuum to make it worse than prior to october 7th and how long of an israeli occupation would the president be willing to support? >> we certainly agree with the prime minister, john, that we can't go back to october 6th. you can't go back to governance in gaza under the hamas. it can't be the case. they represent a real existential threat to the israeli people and we understand that that can't go forward. and we agree with them 100% on that. we don't believe a military reoccupation of gaza is in israel's best interest and we'll say that. privately, publicly, don't believe it's the right answer, not the right answer for the people of gaza. now, what is the right answer, that's what we are asking ourselves and talking to our israeli counterparts about. what sort of governance long-term needs to be in place in gaza so the palestinian people can live there in piece and security and we are going to work our way through that. >> john: what about in the short-term? would the president be willing to accept a short-term occupation by israeli forces for security purposes until gaza is stabilized? >> look, again, i don't want to get ahead of the president here. we have made it clear we don't believe that a reoccupation of gaza is the right thing to do for anybody. now, look, obviously immediate aftermath of conflict, you heard secretary blinken talk about a transitional period where israeli defense forces are going to want to be on the ground in the immediate post conflict time frame but that's different than setting up a military occupation and governing through the idf and we don't support that, don't think it's in the israeli people's best interest. >> john: one quick last question. you said a moment ago that hamas cannot be left to control gaza. in order to get hamas out of power, the idf has to go where it lives. under al-shifa hospital. is this president willing to stand fully behind israel if it goes after the hospital? >> we continue to stand behind the israeli defense forces as they prosecute the operations against hamas terrorists, john, making sure they have the tools and capabilities they need to eliminate the threat to their own security and sovereignty. and added burden on israel, the way hamas is fighting, headquarters and schools and digging tunnels under residential buildings and apartments. they don't abide by any law of war, and it's an added burden israel has. and how to balance the burden and do everything they can to minimize civilian casualties, particularly when we are talking about a hospital, pediatric unit and young babies, premature, have no voice, no stake in this, and just want to survive. so, we are going to keep working with them about how to do this in a way that again, goes after the leadership but also protects civilian life to the maximum extent possible. >> john: john, you are on this program frequently but typically from behind the podium. good to have you on to chat with you. appreciate you coming on. >> any time, john. >> john: that is really the gordian knot, how does israel get rid of hamas, buried under a hospital without affecting what goes on to the degree the international community would rise up in horror. >> gillian: americans and foreigners are asking why doesn't israel just, you know, pump the brakes here. humanitarian pauses, ceasefires, if they really care about the lives of the babies in incubators john just mentioned, give us all a break. not many people are asking why doesn't hamas release the american hostages and foreign hostages that are being held. that would be the easiest and quickest resolution to the ongoing conflict. >> john: it certainly would be. but of course, hamas knows if they release the hostages they have no bargaining chips left and the israeli defense minister, as the mossad did after 1976 munich olympics, kidnapping and murder incident, has vowed to go after everybody that was involved in october 7th. so if you are -- you know that they are going to be gunning for you at some point. why do you give up your last bargaining chip without some assurances. 's very complicated. >> gillian: it is very complicated. simple straightforward conclusions do not necessarily lay with israel. >> john: hamas has responsibility also. >> gillian: this in the nation's capital, investigation underway after secret service agents protecting the president's granddaughter opened fire on a group of carjackers. alexandria hoff joins us. three suspects they are looking at now. what can you tell us about these people? >> all we know, they are still on the run, apparently none of them injured by the shot fired. incident happened before midnight in d.c.'s georgetown neighborhood, not isolated from the crime crisis, particularly when it comes to cars targeted. a parked and unoccupied vehicle belonging to secret service agents who were offering protection to naomi biden. she is the eldest daughter of hunter biden. agents encountered possibly three individuals breaking the government vehicles window, offered this quote, during the encounter a federal agencies discharged a service weapon and it's believed no one was struck. offenders fled the vehicle. we do not know what the ultimate intention of the suspect's were, but follows a disturbing pattern, according to d.c. metro police data, this year, more than 6700 theft from auto offenses. looking at the more plaguing crime, 863 carjackings so far, and guns were used 74% of the time. and just this morning, gillian, learning a federal government vehicle was stolen in an armed carjacking in northeast d.c. the suspect also on the run. gillian. >> gillian: alex hoft here in washington. thank you. take a look at this, the city of san francisco is battling soaring crime, open air drug markets, tent cities, folks on the ground are noticing officials seem to be racing to clean up city streets. push ahead of president biden's high stakes meeting with xi jinping, it's going to happen in the bay area later in the week on the sidelines of the high profile apex summit. government emails reveal the timing is likely not a coincidence. civil rights attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell. take a listen to this. this is the governor, gavin newsom, talking about how highly the president xi thinks of san francisco. >> any time you put on an event but definition, you know, you have people over to your house, you are going to clean up the house. you are going to make sure the kids, make their beds. i was just with president xi, first thing he talked about was san francisco. first thing he remembered was the golden gate bridge here in 1985. you should have seen the smile on his face. i mean, this is -- this place is beloved and its best days are in front of it, not behind it. >> gillian: compare and contrast that with this, residents talking to fox news over the last year. >> i'm fed up with everything going on, all the break-ins and crimes not solved. >> my vehicle is constantly broken into. there's open drug use. >> they are allowing people to steal from walgreens, safeway, walk in, steal 5, 600, $700 of merchandise and not go to jail or even be cited over it. >> gillian: leo, coincidence the city is getting cleaned up this week? >> let me think about that, gillian. no, gavin newsom is a fraud. let me be clear. what you have seen in san francisco the last ten days is an attempt to put on a big lie to foreign dignitaries. homelessness is a big business. and what -- newsom talks about clean up the house, he just devalued american citizens. where are the homeless people right now, the homeless children, where are they for the last ten days. i would submit to you, gillian, that you could clean up the homeless problem in california but it's big business. they campaign on homes problems. they use it to demonnize clean streets and want law and order. within two weeks after this conference is over you will see a return of the homelessness back on these same streets. why? because the democratic party loves homelessness, gillian. gill your point about homelessness in the city, the clean-up efforts underway described by residents we have seen in photos and video tran send garbage pick-up, street cleaning, they are moving entire tent camps from one area to other areas of the city. they are cleaning out open air drug markets. take a look at this, emails obtained by the san francisco chronicle show the superintendent there saying he has concerns about historical encampments close to priority areas. one might ask if there are safety and security concerns about people attending the apex summit in the neighborhood, why are there not concerns about san francisco population living and working in the same neighborhood. >> democrats are exploiting -- these are humans, these are americans, and basically the email you just read talks about they want these americans out of sight. where are these people right now? these people were on the streets permanently because they were out of work, unemployed, mental illness. if they are somewhere safe, why can't they remain there. i live in california. it is a disaster. if you have the academy awards in los angeles, the super bowl, for that period of time, everything is cleaned up. but, when the event is over, everything returns. democrats do not place value on american lives. the foreign dignitaries are more important to the democrats than americans who live on the streets. that's just an obvious fact in these democratic-sponsored sanctuary homeless communities. >> gillian: leo, we have to leave it there. appreciate it. >> thank you, my pleasure. >> john: apex summit in bangkok i attended with president bush, and the banner said welcome leaders to apec, and it was hiding an unbelievable slum they didn't want the leaders to see. didn't make any difference, but made it look better. >> gillian: an element of tragedy as well, these are the world leaders from the nations' premier economies, you have to cover poverty so they are too sensitive to see it. tells you everything you need to know. >> john: just cleaning it up and not making it go away. we are awaiting a white house briefing where jake sullivan will join karine jean-pierre at the podium. major focus on the middle east after the president ordered more airstrikes on iranian proxies. >> gillian: nine americans remain unaccounted for as talks continue behind the scenes. as israeli forces push deeper into gaza -- >> this is a tough situation, this is an american issue. 33 americans were murdered. they have american hostages right now. veteran homeowners. have you tried getting a home improvement loan at a bank lately? 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>> we know a great deal, but won't go beyond that. >> john: if there is a deal, what do you think the parameters of that could look like? >> so today i met some of the families of the hostages and i told them that we will do everything within our power to bring them back, talking about babies, some of them are nine months old, three years old, so we are committed to fight and bring them back. i cannot tell you exactly the framework but to be in not deal, so if it will happen, it depends on both sides, but it will be a few stages, but at the same time, we will continue with the goal of the war, which is eradication of hamas. i know it sounds a bit complicated. how can you continue with the war and the same time cut a deal with a terrorist organization, that is what we intend to do. we intend to work on both tracks, continue with the military operation and at the same time, apply pressure to bring hostages back to israel. >> john: one unnamed diplomat with knowledge of the hostages told nbc news the following, it has to happen this week because israel is getting deeper into gaza. if hamas is pushed too far they may think they have nothing to lose. the further the israelis get the more they will think they don't need hostage talks. is time running out for the hostages or time running out to get them released? >> no, i beg to differ with his opinion. i think the more pressure we apply on hamas the better the chances to have some kind of a deal with them because they realize that we are getting closer to them, and yes, today we are operating in the northern part of gaza. we have to go to different as well, and the more pressure we will put, the more successes for the troops we have on the ground, the better chances for the hostages to come back home as soon as possible. >> john: israeli leaders have said there will not be any talk of a ceasefire unless and until the hostages are released. if you look at that from the other way around, is that a suggestion that if the hostages are released, there could be some sort of ceasefire? and if there were to be a ceasefire, wouldn't that be playing into hamas's hands? >> so we have to admit that the ceasefire is bad for israel. it will allow hamas to regroup, supply their terrorists and cost us casualties. so we are not eager to agree to any ceasefire. if there will be a major deal, have to release many hostages, we can negotiate a few hours, you know, to facilitate the exchange. but we don't intend to have a long ceasefire, and we are determined to go all the way. we are starting to hear the pressure from different countries and i tell my colleagues in different capitals what would you do if you had hundreds of people in the hands of hamas. we have no other choice. committed to fight all the way. >> john: no question this is very complicated. we were showing some pictures a moment ago of fighting outside a hospital in gaza, which we know hamas has been using as a stronghold from which to fire on israeli forces. israeli forces are close to al-shifa hospital, where hamas is said to be headquartered. jake sullivan said the you state does not want to see firefights in hospitals. unless you have to eradicate hamas and unless they surrender, you have to go to al-shifa hospital. >> ten minutes ago i had to look for shelter here in tel aviv, rockets launched to tel aviv from a hospital in gaza. we know where they are coming from. so hamas are hiding behind the hospitals, u.n. facilities. we are doing our best to convince the hospital to move the people to a different location. hamas is trying to block them. but at the end of the day, we are going to have to operate wherever they are hiding. we cannot allow them to hide beyond hospitals and to launch rockets into our civilian communities. they are cowards. we are determined to it and you have answers for the hospitals, there are some that offer to send vessels to accept the hospitals and to treat them, i'm sure they will get much better treatment from those vessels than the treatment in gaza today. >> john: no doubt a complicated situation. danny danon, appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> gillian: take a look at this new video from the texas dps, two migrant children rescued from a smuggling ring. wait until you find out who was trying to traffic them across the southern border. >> john: another turbulent week for president biden as he tries to shift into campaign mode. are new challengers putting his re-election run in trouble? chris bedford and juan williams are here next. >> the age issue is something that an overwhelming number of americans are concerned about and if anybody thinks he will get better in a second term as he goes into his 80s, that's just not the reality. help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-pedic uses our one-of-a-kind, incredibly adaptive tempur® material to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed sleep of tempur-pedic. learn more at (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. >> can i quickly go to hostages? there has been different reports about different kinds of proposals, i mean -- to the extent that you can share what is the latest? do you have some sort of renewed optimism there could be progress on that this week, perhaps? >> on the first question, i'm going to stick to the rule i have adhered to and secretary blinken has rigorously, we are not going to talk at all about either the substance or the status of negotiation to secure the release of hostages, including the american citizens who we know are, remain held hostage. it continues to be a top priority for us. secretary blinken had a call with his qatari counterpart over the weekend about this. and others in the government engaged on this, including the president himself. so in terms of the prospect, it continues to be a top priority. but again, we are dealing with a brutal, violent terrorist organization who is holding them hostage. >> gillian: matthew miller, spokesperson at the state department briefing the status of the nine americans unaccounted for, believed to still be in hamas captivity this hour. we'll take you back as the news warrants. there's also this now, not a quiet weekend for president biden or his re-election campaign. a large pro palestinian protest encroached on his home, and confusion for the commander in chief laying a wreath on veteran's day. and lasering in on his challenger, donald trump. gentlemen, thanks for being with us today. good to see you. take a look, a listen, rather, to an example of this new political strategy that is being previewed for us on the part of the biden re-election campaign. talking about the uaw strike. >> when you are in the middle of a fight i stood and others stood with you shoulder to shoulder on that picket line. my predecessor went to a nonunion shop and attacked it. i hope you guys have a memory. where i come from, it matters. >> gillian: juan, do you think it's in the president's interest to hold on to their memory here when it comes to re-electing him? >> i'm a little stumped. of course. he was ally in the midst of a huge fight for fair wages or higher wages on the part of the auto workers and he wants them to remember that come election time. basic politics, yes, his advantage, even more to his advantage when he points out as he did that trump was on the other side, and then he says you know, vote for me, not the guy that was with the opposition. this is to me part of a larger conversation not taking place in washington, gillian, where people are saying president biden needs to become more aggressive, needs to get out there, assume that donald trump is the republican nominee next year and start talking about not only whether or not he was with the unions in detroit, but whether or not he's pro democracy, trump was calling his opponents vermin and confusing whether president obama was in office and he's 77 years old. why isn't biden making the case now? >> john: hillary clinton called her opponents deplorables at one point, so language on both sides. the same time he's begging for a uaw endorsement, more questions about his age and david axelrod said no matter how effective joe biden is behind the scenes, in front of the camera he's projecting is causing people concerns and that's worrisome. axelrod continues to suggest that biden should just ride off into the sunset here, chris. >> and that has to annoy biden, and it does annoy biden. axelrod is close to president barack obama someone who was not a very close ally of biden when he was first starting to run and how worried the white house staff is, at his age, he's not going to be able to do aggressive campaigning he might need. if you look at michigan, i covered michigan in 2020 and the union bosses were 100% behind joe biden but the members were not there, and that's a dangerous thing for him. he wants to win a state like michigan, and in trouble in places like dearborn, i don't think they will vote for donald trump but might stay home and not vote for the guy and the middle east policy. i would be worried about michigan. >> gillian: a lot of chatter how it's so hard and former president trump is not going to be able to fight unending legal battles and court cases and run for president but the reality is that president biden is not going to be able to restore the economy, wage, peace in the middle east and deal with the ongoing war in gaza and ukraine and conduct a campaign, no short order on his side. >> you are right. sometimes we get lost in the petty day-to-day coverage of politics but i would agree with you. i think what happens in the ukraine, what happens in the middle east, the state of the economy, is what really is going to decide for voters, especially those swing voters. even as we sit here today, most pollsters tell you here is the height of what former president trump can do, here is what joe biden can do, a tie if you lump them together. it's the middle. and determination, world peace and the economy. >> john: stack data strategy shows if the election were held today, biden would within popular 49-48, but donald trump would come away 292 electoral votes, and biden 246. >> a change in d.c., concerned about joe biden, now it's across, it's close closest allies are concerned it's a hard election for him to win. a rose garden strategy, appear presidential, not able to go out and shake the hands and move politics the way he needs to. he's not going to solve the middle east or turn around the economy in the next few months, it's a real fight. >> gillian: got to leave it there, gentlemen. politico piece you cite, chris, wraps up by saying democrats should be alarmed and concerned but not panicked. >> john: panic sets in in six months. thank you, guys. appreciate it. waiting for the white house to brief reporters after the biden administration ordered more strikes against iranian proxies in the middle east. iran shows no sign of slowing down attacks in the middle east, but more than 50 since the war in israel began. the third round of retaliation from the u.s.. john kirby defending the administration's response on our program just moments ago. >> we'll go after targets we believe are going to actually have an opportunity to degrade the irgc ability to resource and fund and provide material to these groups and those targets that we hit over the weekend do exactly that. we don't seek a conflict with iran, we are not looking to escalate anything. >> john: continuing coverage as "america reports" hits just about the top of the hour now, john roberts in washington. good to spend monday with you. >> gillian: gillian turner. sandra is off today. white house is facing mounting questions whether it's sending a strong enough message to counsel iran, here at home, hundreds of protestors marched tois had delaware home demanding a ceasefire, some as far as accusing hip of enabling genocide. another protest overseas, with a very different message. tens of thousands of europeans taking to the street in france marching against the surge in antisemitism. we have fox team coverage, jeff paul. >> john: mark meredith is live on the north lawn at 1600 pennsylvania. >> newsmaking white house briefing in the hour, pushed back to 2:30, but so much of the focus is on president biden's trip out to california, he's going to be meeting with 21 other world leaders for the apec

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240702

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>> if you want peace, destroy hamas. if you want security, destroy hamas. if you want a future for israel, the palestinians, the middle east, destroy hamas. >> hamas is using hospitals as it uses many other civilian facilities for command and control. united states does not want to see fire fights in hospitals. >> john: begin with israeli forces making significant gains in northern gaza, closing in on what they say is hamas's key command center beneath gaza's largest hospital. we are awaiting a pair of briefings from the white house and state department on update on where things stand right now. hello, well come to this monday. welcome back to you. >> gillian: gillian turner in for sandra today. this is "america reports". while the fighting rages on in gaza, the u.s. is striking back at proxy groups in syria. on sunday, they hit two facilities, killing at least six fighters. >> john: did not take long for the proxy groups to respond, the total attacks are 52 in less than a month. we will ask john kirby about all of this just moments from now. >> gillian: fox team coverage across the region with breaking news over the next two hours. >> john: trey yingst is live on the ground in southern israel with the latest from there. trey. >> hey, john, good afternoon. renewed rocket fire into southern israel, the first we have seen in a while. sirens sounding here, sending thousands to bomb shelters and remarkable 38 days into the conflict, israelis are still facing rocket fire from gaza and as we speak, my producer handed me her phone, sirens sounding in the city of tel aviv, israel's second largest city. an indication that hamas and islamic jihad still have long range rockets they are using against major population centers across this country. i do want to get to the situation on the ground inside gaza. israeli forces fighting block by block and street by street, ramping up airstrikes against the second largest city, took out two hamas commanders on a long target list for the israelis as they work deeper into gaza. also some new video from the military showing hamas fighters using an rpg next to the hospital in northern gaza. israelis releasing the video, and if you want to cut out we have some rocket fire right now, cameraman will pan up here, and he's just going to look at that, everyone be ready to move in a second. you'll see the flash in a sky, that's israel, and stay on the camera here, guys, you'll see iron dome interception rounds there and the flash in the sky, another one coming up here. this is israel's missile defense system and it is active. saw four interceptions, and another one off the southern part of israel, follow it through the sky so you can see it. gives you a sense how active the scene is on the southern front. 38 days into the confront, you still have rocket fire coming from the gaza strip and the israelis is an i they have destroyed more than half the rocket arsenal or half has been used. but the key here is that, and just stay with me one second, make sure we can see where this rocket, these rockets are landing. again, john, continuous fire off the northern part of the strip, indication that hamas has maintained the ability to fire on israel despite the thousands of strikes against the strip. >> john: the idf pretty much has gaza city surrounded, moving in on hamas headquarters and yet hamas is able to fire off the rockets. what is the idf missing? >> it's remarkable. we have covered many wars between israel and gaza, whether it was 2014, the 11-day war in 2021, even a conflict earlier this year between the two sides. and traditionally the israelis will use their air force and drones over gaza to immediately target the position where rockets were being fired from. the issue they are facing today is that there are so many rocket launching positions across the strip that rockets are even being fired from areas that are currently under israeli control. you might ask, how. the answer is timers. they have rockets set up on timers, and set the rockets in a past and can remotely activate them and fire on major population centers. even if there are not militants in the area they can fire on israel. at this point in war, less rocket fire, it is spo ra -- sporadic. it's still an indication that hamas is not giving up their end of the fight as they engage the israelis in firefights in the northern part of gaza. we have to think about the battlefield and the map of the gaza strip. right now, the israelis have focused efforts on the ground, saw firsthand the battles on the ground but have not yet entered the second largest city in gaza, or rafah, locations not only find more rocket launching positions but hamas leadership. an understanding on the ground despite the growing international pressure the situation is just beginning and not just here in the south the israelis have to work through gaza to complete their objective of destroying hamas and searching for those 239 hostages. it's the northern front. you have seen the images from the front. hezbollah, the lebanese militant group is ramping up attacks on israel, climbing an escalation ladder. sounds in the distance renewed airstrikes against the northern part of the strip but the northern part is the concern for the israelis. you don't have warships for hamas, it's for hezbollah and the concern in the north. >> john: trey, thank you. >> gillian: the u.s. is launching a third round of airstrikes in syria, retaliation for the attacks on u.s. troops in iraq and syria. jennifer griffin joins us from the pentagon. what's different about this strike? >> well, gillian, what's different is they actually killed iranian proxy fighters in these airstrikes over the weekend. u.s. airplanes targeted two locations in eastern syria, training and weapons storage facility, and a headquarters, both used by iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps and forces. 6 to 7 fighters were killed at the headquarters, the training facility was also a logistics and weapons storage facility, based on the hours of secondary explosions following the strikes. this is the third round of the airstrikes the u.s. has conducted in syria and the first time they have killed iranian proxies. this one will hurt them more than the past strikes, a senior u.s. defense official told me. >> intended to disrupt and degrade the freedom of action and capabilities of the groups, which are directly responsible for attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria. >> the defense department released the names of the five army special operations aviators with the 160th special operations aviation regiment. these seasoned forces were killed while flying an mh-60 blackhawk helicopter refueling during a nighttime training mission when it crashed off the coast of cyprus friday night. one, a bronze star recipient, staff sergeant tanner grown, 26, enlisted after high school, and joined in 2018 and deployed multiple times, served as a flight instructor and screw crew chief. shane barnes, 34, sacramento, california, received flying cross of volar. cade wolfe, 24, from mankato, minnesota, and sergeant andrew southard, 27, apache junction, arizona, enlisted after high school and joined the 160th this year. iranian proxies fired on u.s. forces four separate times overnight following those u.s. airstrikes, including 17 rockets at one u.s. base in eastern syria, indicating the proxies were angry at the loss of weapons at their training facility. there were no u.s. injuries. gillian. >> gillian: jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thank you. john. >> john: retired rear admiral john kirby serves as the coordinator for strategic communications, glad to have have you back on the program. 17 missiles, six strikes, general jack keane said it's a significant escalation on the part of the united states but still in his idea not nearly enough. here is what he said. >> it's not comprehensive enough just dealing with the proxies themselves. go after the leaders, the fighters, rockets, missiles, drones, infrastructure, do it all at once in one night, that's well within u.s. strike capability. no risk to a single pilot in doing that. that i think may get their attention. >> john: so john, why isn't president biden doing that? >> first before i answer that question, john, i do want to pass on our deepest thoughts and condolences to five families who are now dealing with the worst possible news of their loved ones who were killed in that helicopter crash training and trying to perfect their skills on behalf of the nation. we are all thinking about them and their loved ones. to the question about general keane said, i'll tell you, we are going to respond and react in a time and manner of our choosing and go after targets we believe will have an opportunity to degrade the irgc ability to resource and fund and provide material to these groups and those targets that we hit over the weekend do exactly that. training facility, headquarters facility, we know in one of them, they were actually using it to store weapons. we could tell by the secondary explosions and the same for the first strike a week or so ago on an ammo deeper. we don't seek conflict with iran or escalate anything. we are looking to protect our troops in iraq and syria and will continue to do that. >> john: i understand the strategy, but with all respect it's not making a difference. look at what reagan did in the 1980s in operation noble archer, he took out training camps in iran, took out a couple of oil platforms as well. donald trump eliminated soleimani after a single american was killed. there was retaliation by iran but trump knew it would be limited. and iran backed down. the nation is wondering what is president biden waiting for? waiting for americans to be killed until he takes substantive action to give iran pause. >> we are not waiting for anything, john. as you saw over the weekend, we are willing and able to take retaliatory strikes and will continue to do that. these groups and the irgc, supreme leader, they have a choice to make. we are not looking to escalate. but if they continue to attack our troops and put their lives in danger, we will do what we have to do to protect that. nobody is looking for a conflict here, nobody is looking for a war with iran. but we have a viable mission to go after isis and make sure we have the means to do that, we will do what we have to do to protect them. i would note the flurry of attacks occurred just in the wake of the strikes we took over the weekend were ineffective, no injuries, no significant damage and most of them were intercepted and brought down before they even reached the actual facilities. >> john: i understand the united states is worried about escalation in the region. but it seems the only nation interested in escalation is iran. saudi arabia is not interested, united arab emirates are not interested, bahrain is not interesting, jordan, egypt, qatar, none of them are interested in escalation. in fact, i'm told that saudi arabia is waiting for hamas to be destroyed and then it's going to get back into negotiations with israel to extend the abraham accords. if iran is the only nation in the region looking to escalate this, why not slap them back really hard so they don't even think about it? >> well, again, john, i'm not going to get into hypothetical decisions not made or telegraph punches. we'll do what we have to do to protect our troops and facilities in iraq and syria and look after our national security in the region. a second carrier strike group, one in the middle east and the eastern mediterranean and air and defense systems in the region. we have added to that capability. the message is clear to iran or any other actor, hezbollah, hamas, anybody else that wants to escalate, the united states takes it seriously and make sure we have of fire power to back it up. >> john: the growing protests against israel, a protest outside the president's house in delaware yesterday. the president has not spoken out specifically and forcefully against the rise of antisemitism in this country. now i know that he has got two very disparate constituents, jewish americans and arab americans and many see 1938 and what's happening in this country and around the world and saying why isn't the president doing a speech about antisemitism here in america? >> well, i would respectfully disagree he has not spoken out. he has been clear and consistent about the rise of hate around the world and this country, particularly antisemitism, the first national strategy to counter antisemitism at the white house and now the first national strategy for islamophobia, he's been very, very clear about the rise of hate and how it's unacceptable and we have to rise to a better level here in the united states. after the attack on october 7th, making sure we were coordinating with local and state officials from the federal level to identify and disrupt any violent threats, particularly in that case to the jewish community around the country. so, we are watching this very, very closely and something the president takes extremely seriously. >> john: but yet it's on the rise. regardless of what the president is doing, it's not having a tremendous amount of effect around the country. >> it's on the rise around the world, and i'm not making excuses, it's abhorrent. we have to do better and be better. we have to look after one another and remember the jewish community feels a particular threat. i was talking to a young student at columbia university over the weekend and his stories of the kind of hate and kind of self-protection measures he has to take to get from point a on campus to point b. it's reprehensible. i don't disagree we have to do more, we know that, and the president is focused on that very, very seriously. >> one last question for you. you have warned on behalf of the president the united states would not support a reoccupation of gaza by israel. speaking yesterday on "meet the press" benjamin netanyahu seemed to indicate in the short-term israel does not have much choice but to do it. listen to what he said. >> we need a different authority. we need a different administration. we'll work to have a demilitarized -- living under 16 years of rule of hamas, liberate them and liberate ourselves. >> john: do you agree that israel can't just defeat hamas and vacate gaza, the ensuing power vacuum to make it worse than prior to october 7th and how long of an israeli occupation would the president be willing to support? >> we certainly agree with the prime minister, john, that we can't go back to october 6th. you can't go back to governance in gaza under the hamas. it can't be the case. they represent a real existential threat to the israeli people and we understand that that can't go forward. and we agree with them 100% on that. we don't believe a military reoccupation of gaza is in israel's best interest and we'll say that. privately, publicly, don't believe it's the right answer, not the right answer for the people of gaza. now, what is the right answer, that's what we are asking ourselves and talking to our israeli counterparts about. what sort of governance long-term needs to be in place in gaza so the palestinian people can live there in piece and security and we are going to work our way through that. >> john: what about in the short-term? would the president be willing to accept a short-term occupation by israeli forces for security purposes until gaza is stabilized? >> look, again, i don't want to get ahead of the president here. we have made it clear we don't believe that a reoccupation of gaza is the right thing to do for anybody. now, look, obviously immediate aftermath of conflict, you heard secretary blinken talk about a transitional period where israeli defense forces are going to want to be on the ground in the immediate post conflict time frame but that's different than setting up a military occupation and governing through the idf and we don't support that, don't think it's in the israeli people's best interest. >> john: one quick last question. you said a moment ago that hamas cannot be left to control gaza. in order to get hamas out of power, the idf has to go where it lives. under al-shifa hospital. is this president willing to stand fully behind israel if it goes after the hospital? >> we continue to stand behind the israeli defense forces as they prosecute the operations against hamas terrorists, john, making sure they have the tools and capabilities they need to eliminate the threat to their own security and sovereignty. and added burden on israel, the way hamas is fighting, headquarters and schools and digging tunnels under residential buildings and apartments. they don't abide by any law of war, and it's an added burden israel has. and how to balance the burden and do everything they can to minimize civilian casualties, particularly when we are talking about a hospital, pediatric unit and young babies, premature, have no voice, no stake in this, and just want to survive. so, we are going to keep working with them about how to do this in a way that again, goes after the leadership but also protects civilian life to the maximum extent possible. >> john: john, you are on this program frequently but typically from behind the podium. good to have you on to chat with you. appreciate you coming on. >> any time, john. >> john: that is really the gordian knot, how does israel get rid of hamas, buried under a hospital without affecting what goes on to the degree the international community would rise up in horror. >> gillian: americans and foreigners are asking why doesn't israel just, you know, pump the brakes here. humanitarian pauses, ceasefires, if they really care about the lives of the babies in incubators john just mentioned, give us all a break. not many people are asking why doesn't hamas release the american hostages and foreign hostages that are being held. that would be the easiest and quickest resolution to the ongoing conflict. >> john: it certainly would be. but of course, hamas knows if they release the hostages they have no bargaining chips left and the israeli defense minister, as the mossad did after 1976 munich olympics, kidnapping and murder incident, has vowed to go after everybody that was involved in october 7th. so if you are -- you know that they are going to be gunning for you at some point. why do you give up your last bargaining chip without some assurances. 's very complicated. >> gillian: it is very complicated. simple straightforward conclusions do not necessarily lay with israel. >> john: hamas has responsibility also. >> gillian: this in the nation's capital, investigation underway after secret service agents protecting the president's granddaughter opened fire on a group of carjackers. alexandria hoff joins us. three suspects they are looking at now. what can you tell us about these people? >> all we know, they are still on the run, apparently none of them injured by the shot fired. incident happened before midnight in d.c.'s georgetown neighborhood, not isolated from the crime crisis, particularly when it comes to cars targeted. a parked and unoccupied vehicle belonging to secret service agents who were offering protection to naomi biden. she is the eldest daughter of hunter biden. agents encountered possibly three individuals breaking the government vehicles window, offered this quote, during the encounter a federal agencies discharged a service weapon and it's believed no one was struck. offenders fled the vehicle. we do not know what the ultimate intention of the suspect's were, but follows a disturbing pattern, according to d.c. metro police data, this year, more than 6700 theft from auto offenses. looking at the more plaguing crime, 863 carjackings so far, and guns were used 74% of the time. and just this morning, gillian, learning a federal government vehicle was stolen in an armed carjacking in northeast d.c. the suspect also on the run. gillian. >> gillian: alex hoft here in washington. thank you. take a look at this, the city of san francisco is battling soaring crime, open air drug markets, tent cities, folks on the ground are noticing officials seem to be racing to clean up city streets. push ahead of president biden's high stakes meeting with xi jinping, it's going to happen in the bay area later in the week on the sidelines of the high profile apex summit. government emails reveal the timing is likely not a coincidence. civil rights attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell. take a listen to this. this is the governor, gavin newsom, talking about how highly the president xi thinks of san francisco. >> any time you put on an event but definition, you know, you have people over to your house, you are going to clean up the house. you are going to make sure the kids, make their beds. i was just with president xi, first thing he talked about was san francisco. first thing he remembered was the golden gate bridge here in 1985. you should have seen the smile on his face. i mean, this is -- this place is beloved and its best days are in front of it, not behind it. >> gillian: compare and contrast that with this, residents talking to fox news over the last year. >> i'm fed up with everything going on, all the break-ins and crimes not solved. >> my vehicle is constantly broken into. there's open drug use. >> they are allowing people to steal from walgreens, safeway, walk in, steal 5, 600, $700 of merchandise and not go to jail or even be cited over it. >> gillian: leo, coincidence the city is getting cleaned up this week? >> let me think about that, gillian. no, gavin newsom is a fraud. let me be clear. what you have seen in san francisco the last ten days is an attempt to put on a big lie to foreign dignitaries. homelessness is a big business. and what -- newsom talks about clean up the house, he just devalued american citizens. where are the homeless people right now, the homeless children, where are they for the last ten days. i would submit to you, gillian, that you could clean up the homeless problem in california but it's big business. they campaign on homes problems. they use it to demonnize clean streets and want law and order. within two weeks after this conference is over you will see a return of the homelessness back on these same streets. why? because the democratic party loves homelessness, gillian. gill your point about homelessness in the city, the clean-up efforts underway described by residents we have seen in photos and video tran send garbage pick-up, street cleaning, they are moving entire tent camps from one area to other areas of the city. they are cleaning out open air drug markets. take a look at this, emails obtained by the san francisco chronicle show the superintendent there saying he has concerns about historical encampments close to priority areas. one might ask if there are safety and security concerns about people attending the apex summit in the neighborhood, why are there not concerns about san francisco population living and working in the same neighborhood. >> democrats are exploiting -- these are humans, these are americans, and basically the email you just read talks about they want these americans out of sight. where are these people right now? these people were on the streets permanently because they were out of work, unemployed, mental illness. if they are somewhere safe, why can't they remain there. i live in california. it is a disaster. if you have the academy awards in los angeles, the super bowl, for that period of time, everything is cleaned up. but, when the event is over, everything returns. democrats do not place value on american lives. the foreign dignitaries are more important to the democrats than americans who live on the streets. that's just an obvious fact in these democratic-sponsored sanctuary homeless communities. >> gillian: leo, we have to leave it there. appreciate it. >> thank you, my pleasure. >> john: apex summit in bangkok i attended with president bush, and the banner said welcome leaders to apec, and it was hiding an unbelievable slum they didn't want the leaders to see. didn't make any difference, but made it look better. >> gillian: an element of tragedy as well, these are the world leaders from the nations' premier economies, you have to cover poverty so they are too sensitive to see it. tells you everything you need to know. >> john: just cleaning it up and not making it go away. we are awaiting a white house briefing where jake sullivan will join karine jean-pierre at the podium. major focus on the middle east after the president ordered more airstrikes on iranian proxies. >> gillian: nine americans remain unaccounted for as talks continue behind the scenes. as israeli forces push deeper into gaza -- >> this is a tough situation, this is an american issue. 33 americans were murdered. they have american hostages right now. veteran homeowners. have you tried getting a home improvement loan at a bank lately? 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>> we know a great deal, but won't go beyond that. >> john: if there is a deal, what do you think the parameters of that could look like? >> so today i met some of the families of the hostages and i told them that we will do everything within our power to bring them back, talking about babies, some of them are nine months old, three years old, so we are committed to fight and bring them back. i cannot tell you exactly the framework but to be in not deal, so if it will happen, it depends on both sides, but it will be a few stages, but at the same time, we will continue with the goal of the war, which is eradication of hamas. i know it sounds a bit complicated. how can you continue with the war and the same time cut a deal with a terrorist organization, that is what we intend to do. we intend to work on both tracks, continue with the military operation and at the same time, apply pressure to bring hostages back to israel. >> john: one unnamed diplomat with knowledge of the hostages told nbc news the following, it has to happen this week because israel is getting deeper into gaza. if hamas is pushed too far they may think they have nothing to lose. the further the israelis get the more they will think they don't need hostage talks. is time running out for the hostages or time running out to get them released? >> no, i beg to differ with his opinion. i think the more pressure we apply on hamas the better the chances to have some kind of a deal with them because they realize that we are getting closer to them, and yes, today we are operating in the northern part of gaza. we have to go to different as well, and the more pressure we will put, the more successes for the troops we have on the ground, the better chances for the hostages to come back home as soon as possible. >> john: israeli leaders have said there will not be any talk of a ceasefire unless and until the hostages are released. if you look at that from the other way around, is that a suggestion that if the hostages are released, there could be some sort of ceasefire? and if there were to be a ceasefire, wouldn't that be playing into hamas's hands? >> so we have to admit that the ceasefire is bad for israel. it will allow hamas to regroup, supply their terrorists and cost us casualties. so we are not eager to agree to any ceasefire. if there will be a major deal, have to release many hostages, we can negotiate a few hours, you know, to facilitate the exchange. but we don't intend to have a long ceasefire, and we are determined to go all the way. we are starting to hear the pressure from different countries and i tell my colleagues in different capitals what would you do if you had hundreds of people in the hands of hamas. we have no other choice. committed to fight all the way. >> john: no question this is very complicated. we were showing some pictures a moment ago of fighting outside a hospital in gaza, which we know hamas has been using as a stronghold from which to fire on israeli forces. israeli forces are close to al-shifa hospital, where hamas is said to be headquartered. jake sullivan said the you state does not want to see firefights in hospitals. unless you have to eradicate hamas and unless they surrender, you have to go to al-shifa hospital. >> ten minutes ago i had to look for shelter here in tel aviv, rockets launched to tel aviv from a hospital in gaza. we know where they are coming from. so hamas are hiding behind the hospitals, u.n. facilities. we are doing our best to convince the hospital to move the people to a different location. hamas is trying to block them. but at the end of the day, we are going to have to operate wherever they are hiding. we cannot allow them to hide beyond hospitals and to launch rockets into our civilian communities. they are cowards. we are determined to it and you have answers for the hospitals, there are some that offer to send vessels to accept the hospitals and to treat them, i'm sure they will get much better treatment from those vessels than the treatment in gaza today. >> john: no doubt a complicated situation. danny danon, appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> gillian: take a look at this new video from the texas dps, two migrant children rescued from a smuggling ring. wait until you find out who was trying to traffic them across the southern border. >> john: another turbulent week for president biden as he tries to shift into campaign mode. are new challengers putting his re-election run in trouble? chris bedford and juan williams are here next. >> the age issue is something that an overwhelming number of americans are concerned about and if anybody thinks he will get better in a second term as he goes into his 80s, that's just not the reality. help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-pedic uses our one-of-a-kind, incredibly adaptive tempur® material to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed sleep of tempur-pedic. learn more at (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. 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know are, remain held hostage. it continues to be a top priority for us. secretary blinken had a call with his qatari counterpart over the weekend about this. and others in the government engaged on this, including the president himself. so in terms of the prospect, it continues to be a top priority. but again, we are dealing with a brutal, violent terrorist organization who is holding them hostage. >> gillian: matthew miller, spokesperson at the state department briefing the status of the nine americans unaccounted for, believed to still be in hamas captivity this hour. we'll take you back as the news warrants. there's also this now, not a quiet weekend for president biden or his re-election campaign. a large pro palestinian protest encroached on his home, and confusion for the commander in chief laying a wreath on veteran's day. and lasering in on his challenger, donald trump. gentlemen, thanks for being with us today. good to see you. take a look, a listen, rather, to an example of this new political strategy that is being previewed for us on the part of the biden re-election campaign. talking about the uaw strike. >> when you are in the middle of a fight i stood and others stood with you shoulder to shoulder on that picket line. my predecessor went to a nonunion shop and attacked it. i hope you guys have a memory. where i come from, it matters. >> gillian: juan, do you think it's in the president's interest to hold on to their memory here when it comes to re-electing him? >> i'm a little stumped. of course. he was ally in the midst of a huge fight for fair wages or higher wages on the part of the auto workers and he wants them to remember that come election time. basic politics, yes, his advantage, even more to his advantage when he points out as he did that trump was on the other side, and then he says you know, vote for me, not the guy that was with the opposition. this is to me part of a larger conversation not taking place in washington, gillian, where people are saying president biden needs to become more aggressive, needs to get out there, assume that donald trump is the republican nominee next year and start talking about not only whether or not he was with the unions in detroit, but whether or not he's pro democracy, trump was calling his opponents vermin and confusing whether president obama was in office and he's 77 years old. why isn't biden making the case now? >> john: hillary clinton called her opponents deplorables at one point, so language on both sides. the same time he's begging for a uaw endorsement, more questions about his age and david axelrod said no matter how effective joe biden is behind the scenes, in front of the camera he's projecting is causing people concerns and that's worrisome. axelrod continues to suggest that biden should just ride off into the sunset here, chris. >> and that has to annoy biden, and it does annoy biden. axelrod is close to president barack obama someone who was not a very close ally of biden when he was first starting to run and how worried the white house staff is, at his age, he's not going to be able to do aggressive campaigning he might need. if you look at michigan, i covered michigan in 2020 and the union bosses were 100% behind joe biden but the members were not there, and that's a dangerous thing for him. he wants to win a state like michigan, and in trouble in places like dearborn, i don't think they will vote for donald trump but might stay home and not vote for the guy and the middle east policy. i would be worried about michigan. >> gillian: a lot of chatter how it's so hard and former president trump is not going to be able to fight unending legal battles and court cases and run for president but the reality is that president biden is not going to be able to restore the economy, wage, peace in the middle east and deal with the ongoing war in gaza and ukraine and conduct a campaign, no short order on his side. >> you are right. sometimes we get lost in the petty day-to-day coverage of politics but i would agree with you. i think what happens in the ukraine, what happens in the middle east, the state of the economy, is what really is going to decide for voters, especially those swing voters. even as we sit here today, most pollsters tell you here is the height of what former president trump can do, here is what joe biden can do, a tie if you lump them together. it's the middle. and determination, world peace and the economy. >> john: stack data strategy shows if the election were held today, biden would within popular 49-48, but donald trump would come away 292 electoral votes, and biden 246. >> a change in d.c., concerned about joe biden, now it's across, it's close closest allies are concerned it's a hard election for him to win. a rose garden strategy, appear presidential, not able to go out and shake the hands and move politics the way he needs to. he's not going to solve the middle east or turn around the economy in the next few months, it's a real fight. >> gillian: got to leave it there, gentlemen. politico piece you cite, chris, wraps up by saying democrats should be alarmed and concerned but not panicked. >> john: panic sets in in six months. thank you, guys. appreciate it. waiting for the white house to brief reporters after the biden administration ordered more strikes against iranian proxies in the middle east. iran shows no sign of slowing down attacks in the middle east, but more than 50 since the war in israel began. the third round of retaliation from the u.s.. john kirby defending the administration's response on our program just moments ago. >> we'll go after targets we believe are going to actually have an opportunity to degrade the irgc ability to resource and fund and provide material to these groups and those targets that we hit over the weekend do exactly that. we don't seek a conflict with iran, we are not looking to escalate anything. >> john: continuing coverage as "america reports" hits just about the top of the hour now, john roberts in washington. good to spend monday with you. >> gillian: gillian turner. sandra is off today. white house is facing mounting questions whether it's sending a strong enough message to counsel iran, here at home, hundreds of protestors marched tois had delaware home demanding a ceasefire, some as far as accusing hip of enabling genocide. another protest overseas, with a very different message. tens of thousands of europeans taking to the street in france marching against the surge in antisemitism. we have fox team coverage, jeff paul. >> john: mark meredith is live on the north lawn at 1600 pennsylvania. >> newsmaking white house briefing in the hour, pushed back to 2:30, but so much of the focus is on president biden's trip out to california, he's going to be meeting with 21 other world leaders for the apec

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, Voters , Pollsters , Swing Voters , Height , Here Today , Former , Tie , Election , Stack Data Strategy , World Peace , Determination , 49 , 48 , Change , Votes , Biden 246 , 246 , 292 , Allies , Move , Rose Garden , Politico , Reporters , Panic Sets , Response , Sign , Top , Sandra , John Roberts , Counsel , Protestors , Delaware , Tois , Street , Genocide , Hip , Surge , France , Tens Of Thousands Europeans , Newsmaking , Pennsylvania , Mark Meredith , Jeff Paul , North Lawn , 1600 , World Leaders , Focus , Meeting , Trip , 30 , 21 ,

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