Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702

♪ ♪. jon >> trey: good evening, i'm trey gowdy, it's sunday night in america. just one month and already there are calls for israel to stop its war in gaza to wage war in a friendlier way. war is awful, which is why people of good conscience try to avoid it. there are those times people call for ceasefire and pauses, i wonder what those israeli victims would have given one month ago for a pause or ceasefire on the morning the massacre began? good people are asked to play by the rules while terriftses commit atrocities. what would our response be if a terrorist group cut the head off the heads of our children. i'll bet there wouldn't be a ceasefire. almost 50 times the u.s. has been targeted with 56 of our soldiers injured. u.s. responded today hitting two facilities in syria used by iran's proxies, but is it enough? joining us now is retired u.s. army colonel daniel davis. thank you for joining us. the word humanitarian, humanitarian pause when you are dealing with a group that cuts the heads off of children, you're a military expert, i'm not. humanitarian pause with hamas? i just don't get the naivety thinking that could happen. we have to distinguish between humanitarian pause and a ceasefire, which both netanyahu and president biden have been adamant there will not be one tlchl is no negotiating with hamas and nobody is thinking there is. there are literally millions of innocent civilians cause in the ceasefire and need to pause in fighting to get humanitarian supplies to continue living. two hospitals have shut down and that is a problem for israel and the united states, we cannot be seen going after hamas in such a way that causing unacceptable civilian casualtieses that can be avoided. it undercuts western support. >> trey: you raise a good point and one i think benjamin netanyahu also understands. i will play a clip and ask a question on the other side. >> those who protest for hamas is protesting for sheer evil. there are misguided people out there, people that deliberately targeted civilians, raped and murdered women, beheaded men, who burnt babies alive. kidnapped little babies and holocaust survive are onnors, you name it, these are the people you are supporting. >> trey: there seem to be shift in u.s. rhetoric and publicly it is slight but discernible. what do you think the u.s. is telling israel privately? you mentioned hospital and save passage for innocent palestinians. what do you think the biden administration is telling netanyahu privately? >> they are telling them privately and some publicly, yesterday antony blinken said we have -- israel has to start doing things differently because there are too many civilians being killed. the problem is that it undercuts support. what netanyahu is mentioning is a mischaracterization and not in his favor. there is many people here in washington, d.c., i talk to people in the protest and they say they are not protesting for hamas, but for the palestinian people. there are some for hamas, but we can't say all those are because it undercuts our own view these people are protesting for american security really and maintain support for israel. the people do care about innocent people. when you see the hospital images where people are dying in the hospital for lack of water and food and electricity, that gets to american heartstrings and we want to protect these people, i think. >> trey: alexander the great went to afghanistan and became less humane. how does israel and the united states that want to be humane prosecute war when you are dealing with hamas that literally kill pregnant women and cut the heads off children, how do you balance that? >> that is the right question to ask and we have to have the right answer. if we're going to be different from the other regimes that don't care about civilians, we have to execute things differently. i saw in afghanistan and iraq, we took care to take care of civilians and it made the military process go slower. we have no moral authority to be telling russia not to put ukrainian lives in harm's way. we have no moral authority to tell them not if we are going to do it. we have to cake care of civilians while absolutely going after hamas, they all deserve to be killed for what they did to the civilians. >> trey: i got to have you back, i have a lot of questions about iran and i am confident you are the right man for me to ask. thank you for your service to our country and happy veterans day. >> thank you, trey, i appreciate that. >> trey: the war in middle east is raising the terror threat at home, as well. hamas and other terrorists groups would not think twice about hurting you so how concerned should americans be? joining us is mike turner from the great state of ohio. chairman, thank you for being with us. start with what is about now a one-month-old war. it seems like some have lost aptide for taking on hamas and calling for ceasefire and pauses. what do you think? >> trey, thanks for having me on. it is disconcerting to watch how quickly people lose sight of the terrible atrocities hamas committed when they killed over 1000 innocent israelis and israel has to be in a position to defend itself and take this conflict to hamas to protect itself in the future. you are right, that conflict resulted in creased risk to the united states itself. it's been just over a week that the director came before the senate and says we have greatest threat to the homeland since over a decade. he had a discussion with the intelligence committee of the house and related the same and said he is concerned about the risk to the united states. >> trey: chairman, we are seeing violent and ugly protest, threats against jews in this country. how worried should we be about this war being exported to our homeland acting out here in the u.s.? >> that is one of the elements that director christopher wray has identified as increasing threat to the united states. he talked about increased threat to u.s. troops abroad. the alarm he's sounding is threats in the united states. the abrupt withdrawal eliminating -- planning attacks in the united states and cited the southern border indicating there are people in the united states who pose a risk to our country. people who are allied with international terrorist groups and organizations who could be planning terrorist attacks, some lone wolves and also the fact hamas, hezbollah and others, isis, have been calling for attacks in the united states and that can result in increased threat and great danger to the united states. >> trey: chairman, there are surveillance programs that if used properly can keep us safe and there is also skepticism that began to arise when you and i served together that these programs are not always used properly. what is the status of the surveillance program and reauthorizations that may be coming up? >> sure, i appreciate you raising that, the surveillance act have provisions that expire every now and then. 702 requires we collect information only on foreign threats that are outside the united states and intelligence committee lived up to that, 702 has not been gathering information outside of the united states, but gives us a tool like the ones who are inside the united states and allied with international terrorist organizations. when they communicate with threats outside the united states, those communications can be captured and used to stop attacks in the united states. our ability to monitor international terrorist groups and organizations and see what they are trying to do in the united states, not monitoring people here, but people outside the united states and what harm they be planning to do to us. the aspect this is expiring so we need to reauthorize it, it is a pressure essential to keep our country safe. there really isn't constitutional protection for people who are terrorist groups and organizations and you don't have right to constitutional privacy to correspond with terrorist groups outside of the united states. we want to hold the line and congress is making sure american rights are nothe violated when we use the tools to protect our country. >> trey: chairman mike turner, a busy man with an important job, thank you for joining us. coming up, rashida tlaib managed to bring republicans and democrats together to condemn her hateful rhetoric toward israels, plus shutdown time again. politico alecia beavers from capitol hill. dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> trey: welcome pack to sunday night in america. rashida tlaib's hostility toward israel was too much for republicans and democrats, who joined together to discipline tlaib. she accused her own country of genocide. she called for the extermination of the jewish state. just when you thought it was time to go back into the water, it is shutdown down time in washington. olivia beavers, who politico punishes by making her cover congress. i don't know what to think of this censor and discipline, republicans fighting over who filed the motion and some democrats decided to discipline her. i am sure that doesn't make for comedy on their side. what is the mood on the hill? >> the mood on the hill is like a trend this year, people go through dopamine hits and say we're unified and a week later something happens and they are fighting and doing mean tweets. you laid it out earlier. you have rich mccormack competing with marjorie taylor greene of georgia to censor rashida tlaib. mccormack got support, he was talking to democrats, they liked his wording and it came after rashida tlaib said from the river to the sea, the slogan you were talking about. one interesting thing i want to highlight, usually when you censor, which is way of reproaching members, formal way of doing it. they show up to the house and have a moment publicly of being reprimanded in front of their colleagues. that did not happen for rashida tlaib and they asked mccormack why that was not included? he said he had the impression she wanted that moment, he saw her with her family, she was trying to say she wouldn't be silenced and he wanted to prevent that moment of her using for fundraising. >> trey: you are kidding, somebody might use that for fundraising. stop me if you've heard this before. republican in-fighting might be keeping spending bills from coming to the floor of the house, is that right? >> trey, we are too early for groundhog day, that is where we're at again. on saturday, speaker johnson presented a funding plan, at a two-step plan, only difference from how kevin mccarthy did it. his question for pelosi-level spending, he wants part of the government funded through january 19th and the other part through february 2nd. that adds layer to ep cooing the government funded and chip roy opposes and marjorie taylor greene and other democrats. we get into complicated negotiations with them. >> trey: i could have swore they got rid of kevin mccarthy for doing the same thing. i want to play a quote from a member of the house and ask you a question on the other side. >> i don't think the lord jesus could get to 217 with this conference. >> trey: i doubt jesus has any interest in being speaker of the house. i noted jesus only had one judas, the speaker has more than that. will mike johnson be able to survive? the honeymoon is over and they are already fighting. >> this is a tough environment for any republican leader and i was talking to a few house republicans and had to deal with gaetz until he was ousted. johnson is in a no-win position. you might risk losing majority. he has to figure out way forward of balances that and the two-step cr, laddered, was trying to throw red meat to the right wing, not enough for them to say they are behind it. there is a vote on monday, we'll see if it will come to the floor, if chip roy does not support it, by friday. >> trey: i would rather be in a u.s. prison than back in the u.s. house, glad you are there and i'm not. thank you for joining us. >> trey: up next, third republican debate in the books, what happened, what changed? plus a mini-election night tuesday and there are trends developing, talk to senator tim scott and rnc national spokeswoman only on sunday night in america. america". trey: welc >> trey: welcome back to sunday night in america. debates make the news usually for one-liners or insults rather than policy and platform? will the debate continue? who will be on the next debate state. bring in presidential candidate tim scott, who is battling his fellow competitors and battling the flu. how are you feeling? dallas won this afternoon. i guess you are feeling a little bit better. how are you feeling and when will you get back on the campaign trail? >> any time dak prescott. one thing i recommend to every single american, i know it is not possible, if you want to love your country more, run for president. traveling this country, meeting people has been one of the most fantastic experiences of my life. i love america today more than i did on may 22nd. when i go back to iowa, it will not be as a presidential campaign. i'm suspending my campaign. the voters is been clear telling me not now, tim. i don't say they are saying no, i think they are saying not now. i will respect the voters and hold on and keep working hard and look forward to another opportunity. >> trey: you are suspending your presidential campaign? you have plenty of numbers, highest approval numbers of any candidate and couple states away from coming to a state you are beloved and you are suspending your presidential campaign? >> romans 8:20 says all things work together for those who love god. i think the message is clear right now, i am indeed suspending the campaign. i will remain as committed to making sure this country chooses the right person by enjoying the journey of just helping people everywhere throughout south carolina and our country. we have an amazing country, i'm thankful to be an american. we should be proud of this country. i was a kid, nearly failed out of high school as a frsh freshman and here i am running for president. >> trey: i'm trying to process this on live television, forgive me. you are the highest ranking african american republican politician in the country. you were asked to give the response to the state of the union and i did not hear a single negative thing about your response. you gave a great response. you have introduced opportunity zone and worked on criminal justice reform. maybe i shouldn't ask, you maybe ask the voters what its about the republican party that someone with that resume is s suspending his presidential campaign. >> i will say without question issue the voters are smart and savvy and i think what our country is going through right now is a very challenging time and our goal should be to unite this country and not take advantage of the division of this country and more time we spend talking about future and goodness of america and having faith in god and each other and faith in our future, the better off we will as americans and more likely to come back together to be that one nation under god. >> trey: because of your personality and frankly even how beloved you are, you would be a highly coveted endorsement. do you endorse any other candidate? >> the voters are really smart, i would have to know each person based on their priority. i recommend voters study each candidate and candidacy and their past and make best decision for the future of the country. i will not weigh in on who they should endorse. >> trey: would you consider being someone's running mate, if you were asked? i've read stories, senator, never heard you talk about it, i've heard other people talk about you being a potential vice presidential candidate. >> you know, trey, i'll be honest, i ran for president to be president. i believe i could have taken this country to new heights with great unity on conservative principles. optimism comes from being tough. the truth is, i don't know how to bring the country better together than running for president, that is what the lord put on my heart. i was not called to win, i was called toun are. being vice president has never been on my to-do list for this campaign and it is certainly not there now. i look forward to ep cooing and working hard to make sure that in the nutrality i can continue to win the respect and admiration of voters, even ones that don't agree with me. >> trey: i think just a few months ago, you were at the reagan library in california giving a speech full of optimism and hope. reagan coined the phrase morning in america, you were close behind with the promise and potential of what this country could be and mentioned not never, not now, do you think this is just a time and season issue and that is just not what republican voters, optimism and hopefulness, they appreciate it. they obviously love you, they want something angrier? i'm trying to process the result. >> listen, yeah, end of the day, i think sometimes optimism in the midst of chaos is not seen through the proper prism, without question, i'm an optimist, i've gone through the fire. i had a miserable beginning, i had blessing of great god always on time and being born in america is like winning the lottery of citizenship. what i offer today is what i will offer tomorrow and everyday going forward. america can do for anyone what she's done for me. we have to believe that it is possible. believing that is possible gives us more strength today to fight the battles tomorrow and i'll continue to work on that message and i think that message will have more traction everyday going forward and have to have conservative messenger who inspires this country. >> trey: if i have heard you correctly this evening, your presidential campaign is suspended, you have no plans to endorse anyone. you ran to be the president, not the vice president. some people run to be vice president, you are not one of them. you remain a united states senator and i think you have been hired through 2028, if memory serves me correctly. you are leaving the presidential race, but i take it you are not leaving public service. >> that is correct, trey, i love america. i love south carolina. and i hope that the south carolina ians love me half as much as i love them. if that is true, i will be in public service as long as they want me to and the good lord allows me to. >> trey: what will be your main takeaways from having done something so few people -- you noted your upbringing, you noted the fact you were a late bloomer academically, i think that is fair to say. very fair to say, yes, sir. >> trey: what are your takeaways from doing something that so very few of us will ever have the chance to do, to run to be the leader of the greatest country on earth? >> it will probably take me, maybe we will do a show in a couple weeks and i can answer more thoroughly. one of my most important takeaways is to speak to every american in this country. we must some together. our foundation is strong, built on universal truth. the future depends on the present. find path forward on conservative principles, brighter the future will be. number two, our nation has real issues we have to battle through. 70,000 deaths because of wide open insecure and unsafe border. we have to close that southern bore. i believe we have sleeper terrorist cells in this nation already because of that southern border being wide open. i was on the south side of chicago less than a month ago and those people living on the south side are good people. they want safe neighborhoods and good schools. i believe the great opportunity has more for south side of chicago than the 100-monopoly democrats have had. having time with reverend brooks changed my view in a positive way. i learned on the campaign trail. when you are in rural iowa talking to farmers or new hampshire and south carolina, one thing you understand, there is dignity in all work. people work hard in this country. they invest their resources, pay their taxes, they just want a level playing field. if you love america, you got to love americans and that one lesson and last lesson i will say is that the antisemitism we are seeing on college campuses and streets is disgusting. i'm a black man, i understand ri racism, what we're seeing with the antisemitism is vile, disgusting, wrong, immoral, unethical. we should do battle in this nation, we who are not jewish should stand in the gap for every jewish american and tell the country those folks who disagree in fairness, you will not do it on my watch, on my campus or in my house or my job. we have to stand together and against antisemitism. that is absolutely essential and i'll tell you this, trey, everywhere i go, i see americans rising up against antisemitism. we did it against racism and do it everyday against racism, we have to do it against antisemitism and on college campuses where it is strong. we are making progress,il will spend a lot of time on college campuses and fighting for common sense fairness and treating each other as we want to be treated, especially our jewish americans. >> trey: tim scott, senator from the great state of south carolina fchl he had another life, he would be a preacher and reminds us tonight god calls you to be obedient. suspending his presidential campaign, continuing in public service to his beloved state of south carolina. thank you for joining us and sharing this with us. god bless you, see you soon. >> trey: god bless you. joining us to weigh in on senator tim scott's decision tonight suspend presidential campaign is bret baier. sorry to get you away from what you were doing on sunday night. this surprised me and i know him as well as probably anybody in d.c. outside of his family. what is your reaction? >> bret: surprised me, too, trey. that is big news. it just was not happening as far as breaking through and seeing poll numbers move. amazing message, one i saw him speak numerous times on the trail. it was compelling, you know him well, his life story and how he talks about it. he was not translating to poll numbers and changes in the dynamics of this race. you are looking at finding alternative to donald trump who obviously the former president is leading and it is getting tougher as you get down to the final months before voting. i don't think he was going to make the stage in alabama for the next debate and it became a decision to make way for however that looks to find that alternative person. >> trey: bret, he was pretty clear and can change his mind, no plan to endorse anyone and no interest in being anyone's running mate. i've read numerous stories that have him cited as attractive vice presidential candidate. he says he is not interested. >> bret: that is interesting and newsy. he talked about all the time as possible vp >> the fact he says he is not considering it is significant. as you get down to just a few people on the stage. right now the former president is not getting on the debate stage, you will have more substantive conversations. it will be more about digging in to find out how these people are leaders. tim scott had a compelling message, but was not seeing the needle move. >> trey: bret baier, chief political mind at fox news, surprising night for me, probably for you, as well. senator tim scott hopeful, optimistic, stay has mill yopions dropping out of his presidential bid. with more reaction issue madison gilbert, national spokesperson for the rnc. i had other questions to ask you, i got to pivot to senator scott and ask you what i asked him. i think he's too humble to answer this. he is the highest ranking african american republican in the country. he has shepherded tremendous bills and tax reform. i remember president trump and vice president pence invoking his name and yet he can't crack 5%, in danger of not making the next debate stage. i'm trying to figure out why republican primary voters, his resume seems good, why they were not buying that? >> senator scott is a great man, with an incredible story and he's a living, breathing example of the american dream that we as republicans are fighting to save. conservatives and i think senator scott mentioned about unity, trying to see the republican party come together and unite. if we lose next november, our country will never be the same. when we're looking at races, not just presidential, taking back the senate and expanding majority in the house, this is critical, we have to win these races. 2024 is so important and senator scott believes that and sees reality that we have to get behind whoever our ultimate nominee is. i know he is a person who will stand by his word and 2350i9 to make sure we get across that finish line and be a part of the future of the party. i don't think this is the end for senator scott. >> trey: no, he's been hired by the people of south carolina through 2028. he noted, nowata doesn't mean not ever. his negatives are small. look at polling, they are almost nonexistent, that is why i'm scratching my head why he didn't win more. you have kentucky and ohio and virginia that surprised people. you mentioned unity coming together. that is a beautiful thought, when i think of the house of raechts representatives, unity is not the word i think of. what happened in kentucky? >> republicans have to come together to see victory fchl they do not come together, we will not see victories. across the country, abortion defined republicans, we were outspent. that was state races, not federal. in ohio, my home state, we were outspent 2-1 on abortion, 3-1 in final weeks and outside groups in the democratic party spend on ballot initiatives, spend way more. we need to see every piece of the puzzle come together. we cannot talk about economy, fentanyl, crime, if we continue to allow democrats to define us on the issue of abortion, and there is perceived lack of empathy in the republican party due to democratic messaging. this is something we have to make sure we put a rest to for 2024. we have the advantage when it comes to the issues and that is why democrats are running, they do not want to talk about the issues and want to hide behind abortion as only thing they can try to slam republicans on when in reality, if we get right money behind the messaging, we will win on that issue, too. >> trey: you mention messaging, i've heard lots of different positions on abortion. does life begin at conception, at six weeks, 15 weeks, at heartbeat? what is the republican position and does it include exceptions for rape and insist? >> i think every campaign across the country has a slightly different stance. reality is when you look at the states across the country, the democrats are supported unlimited, unregulated abortion up until time of birth. counter countries who stand with them are north korea and china, we as republicans pro-lifers or simply as people who have hearts need to come to the table and recognize at the very least unregulated, unlimited border is wrong. democrats as a whole across america feel this way. there is no reason we should be seeing what we're seeing. messaging is off and democrats continue to define us in way they should not, we have to be talking about different options in different states. federal conversation has to be had, even if many believe it is states right issue, the conversation has to be had. >> trey: thank you for joining us and for rolling with the punches with the tim scott news. see you next time. >> trey: next crime can strike anyone, including highly decorated soldier who served in the house and senate. martha mcsalley joins us to discuss being attacked and more importantly, fighting back. next on sunday night in america. >> we're back >> trey: we're back with a fox news alert. just moments ago on sunday night in america, senator tim scott, from the great state of south carolina, made big news about his campaign. >> i love america more today than i did on may 22nd, but when i go back to iowa wa, it will not be as presidential can't, i'm suspended my campaign, i think the voters have been really clear that they're telling me not now, tim. i don't think they are saying, no, i think they are saying not now. i will respect the voters and hold on and keep working hard and look forward to another opportunity. >> trey: wish him all the best and thank him for continued service to the country he's one of the best people i've ever known. martha mcsally is a former fighter pilot and member of senate, crime doesn't care. she was assaulted along the missouri river and then she fought, fought off her attackers, cornered him into a bush. he escaped, but only for a while. dom henton was arrested for this assault. i think i speak for every viewer, stunned when we heard, tell us what you are comfortable telling us about this attack. >> thanks, trey, glad to see you again. i was in nebraska for a speaking engagement. i crossed that pedestrian bridge you see in the photo. my attacker passed me on the bridge, turned around, pulled a stocking cap out of his pocket, put it on and started stalking me. i did not know. i continued along the river, i was walking andun aring and a mile later, i'm enjoying my run, i was jumped from behind by him and molested all over my body and i fought back and i screamed and i was able to get away. he started running and i chased him down. i threw my water bottle at him. i called 911. he broke into the deep brush and i followed him in there until i was over my head and lost contact and i realized the police would not see me. i disengaged and kept speaking into existence, you will not get away. i was surveilling the area, but he slipped in another direction. thanks to the amazing detective work, they tracked him down. it was chilling to see the videos of him stalking me before that. he's in jail now and he will not get away with this. i'm grateful i was able to protect other women, got him you hava the street. he picked the wrong target. >> trey: he did. we have breaking news so we are running out of time because what i wanted to say to all young women out there, martha mcsally highly trained, athletic, tough, but other women that do not have your bab background, but have the will to survive. thank you for fighting back and not allowing him to victimize you. those who know you are not surprised, it took bravely and courage. thank you for joining us andir shaking with us. god bless you. i hope he gets punishment and good night. >> todd: a fox news alert.

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Provisions , Information , Surveillance Act , 702 , Ones , Intelligence , Committee , Tool , Communications , Terrorist Organizations , Terrorist Groups , Ability , It , Aspect , Planning , Pressure Essential , Privacy , Safe , There Really Isn T Constitutional Protection , Congress , Line , Tools , Rights , Nothe , Republicans , Job , Coming Up , Politico , Capitol Hill , Alecia Beavers , Stage , Futures , Moms , Dads , Diplomas , Mom , Vo , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , Opportunity , Businesses , Most , Adult Education , Order , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Internet , Business Internet , Company , Prepaid Card , Anyone Else , Network , Business Today , Yep , 000 , Possibilities , Hostility , Jewish State , Genocide , Discipline Tlaib , Cover , Who , Olivia Beavers , Republicans Fighting Over , Motion , Discipline , Censor , Mood , Trend , Doesn T Make , Comedy , Dopamine Hits , The Hill , Something , Mccormack , Tweets , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Georgia , River , Wording , Mccormack Got Support , Sea , Slogan , Thing , Reproaching Members , Family , Colleagues , Front , Impression , Fundraising , Somebody , She Wouldn T , Spending , Floor , Bills , Speaker Johnson , Plan , Funding Plan , Difference , Groundhog Day , On Saturday , Part , Government , Kevin Mccarthy , January 19th , 19 , Chip Roy , Cooing , Ep , Player , 2 , February 2nd , Member , Negotiations , Quote , Jesus , Conference , 217 , Interest , Speaker , Speaker Of The House , Mike Johnson , Leader , Environment , Honeymoon , Majority , Gaetz , Balances , Wing , Red Meat , Two Step Cr , Laddered , Up Next , Prison , U S House , Books , Tim Scott Hopeful , Spokeswoman , Trends , Rnc , Plus A Mini Election Night Tuesday , News , Welc Trey , Debates , Insults , Debate State , Policy , Competitors , Platform , Campaign , Flu , Bit , Dallas , Dak Prescott , Single , Experiences , More , On May 22nd , Iowa , May 22nd , Voters , Hold , Numbers , Approval Numbers , Couple , Estate , Love God , Romans , 8 , Message , Person , South Carolina , Everywhere , Kid , Journey , High School , Freshman , Television , Frsh , Forgive Me , Ranking , African American , State Of The Union , Politician , Negative , Opportunity Zone , Criminal Justice Reform , Someone , Question Issue , Goal , Advantage , Mother , Faith , Goodness , Division , Personality , One Nation Under God , Endorsement , Candidacy , Priority , Stories , Decision , Running Mate , Vice , Optimism , Truth , Principles , Unity , Heights , Vice President , List , Put On My Heart , Toun Are , Admiration , Ep Cooing , Respect , Nutrality , Morning In America , Hope , Speech , Reagan , Reagan Library , California , Promise , Season , Potential , Issue , Hopefulness , Result , Listen , Optimist , Prism , Beginning , Fire , Chaos , Midst , Anyone , Citizenship , Lottery , Strength , Traction , Messenger , President , Plans , Memory , United States Senator , 2028 , Race , Public Service , I Love America , Takeaways , Lord , Bloomer , Upbringing , Sir , Yes , Say , Few , Chance , Earth , Show , Foundation , Find Path , Issues , Nation , Number , Deaths , Battle Through , 70000 , Cells , South Side , Chicago , Bore , Schools , Neighborhoods , 100 , Reverend Brooks , Resources , Dignity , Campaign Trail , Work , Farmers , New Hampshire , Level Playing Field , Taxes , Antisemitism , College Campuses , Lesson , Streets , Black Man , Racism , Battle , Wrong , Ri , Disgusting , Fairness , Folks , Campus , Gap , Watch , Jewish American , Progress , Soil , Senator , Common Sense , Preacher , Obedient , God Bless You , Bret Baier , Trey , Reaction , D C , Anybody , Poll Numbers , Trail , Life Story , Changes , Dynamics , Finding Alternative , Donald Trump , Debate , Voting , Alabama , Mind , Bret , Candidate , Vp , Newsy , Debate Stage , Conversations , Leaders , Digging , Needle Move , Fox News , Chief Political Mind , Stay , Mill Yopions , Bid , National Spokesperson , Madison Gilbert , Tax Reform , Pence , Name , Trump , 5 , Story , Conservatives , Living , Breathing Example , The American Dream , Unite , Races , 2024 , Reality , Tim Scott News , Nominee , 2350i9 , 2350 , Party , End , Finish Line , Polling , Negatives , Nowata Doesn T , Kentucky , Virginia , Thought , Raechts Representatives , Abortion , Victories , Victory , State Races , My Home State , 1 , 3 , Piece , Ballot Initiatives , Puzzle , Messaging , Crime , Fentanyl , Economy , Empathy , Rest , Running , Money , Positions , Life Begin , Conception , Lots , Heartbeat , 15 , Six , Rape , Exceptions , Stance , States , Countries , Democrats , Counter , Birth , China , North Korea , Hearts , Table , Reason , Conversation , Options , Many , Soldier , Punches , Martha Mcsalley , Made Big News , Can T , Iowa Wa , Saying , Best , Martha Mcsally , Fighter Pilot , Crime Doesn T Care , Missouri River , Attackers , Bush , Dom Henton , Attack , Viewer , Assault , Attacker , Pedestrian Bridge , Speaking Engagement , Photo , The Bridge , Nebraska , Pocket , Stocking Cap , Body , Run , Andun Aring , Water Bottle , Brush , Contact , Police , 911 , Direction , Existence , Area , Detective Work , Videos , Jail , Target , The Street , Tough , Athletic , Will , Bab Background , Courage , Punishment , Todd , Andir Shaking ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240702

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♪ ♪. jon >> trey: good evening, i'm trey gowdy, it's sunday night in america. just one month and already there are calls for israel to stop its war in gaza to wage war in a friendlier way. war is awful, which is why people of good conscience try to avoid it. there are those times people call for ceasefire and pauses, i wonder what those israeli victims would have given one month ago for a pause or ceasefire on the morning the massacre began? good people are asked to play by the rules while terriftses commit atrocities. what would our response be if a terrorist group cut the head off the heads of our children. i'll bet there wouldn't be a ceasefire. almost 50 times the u.s. has been targeted with 56 of our soldiers injured. u.s. responded today hitting two facilities in syria used by iran's proxies, but is it enough? joining us now is retired u.s. army colonel daniel davis. thank you for joining us. the word humanitarian, humanitarian pause when you are dealing with a group that cuts the heads off of children, you're a military expert, i'm not. humanitarian pause with hamas? i just don't get the naivety thinking that could happen. we have to distinguish between humanitarian pause and a ceasefire, which both netanyahu and president biden have been adamant there will not be one tlchl is no negotiating with hamas and nobody is thinking there is. there are literally millions of innocent civilians cause in the ceasefire and need to pause in fighting to get humanitarian supplies to continue living. two hospitals have shut down and that is a problem for israel and the united states, we cannot be seen going after hamas in such a way that causing unacceptable civilian casualtieses that can be avoided. it undercuts western support. >> trey: you raise a good point and one i think benjamin netanyahu also understands. i will play a clip and ask a question on the other side. >> those who protest for hamas is protesting for sheer evil. there are misguided people out there, people that deliberately targeted civilians, raped and murdered women, beheaded men, who burnt babies alive. kidnapped little babies and holocaust survive are onnors, you name it, these are the people you are supporting. >> trey: there seem to be shift in u.s. rhetoric and publicly it is slight but discernible. what do you think the u.s. is telling israel privately? you mentioned hospital and save passage for innocent palestinians. what do you think the biden administration is telling netanyahu privately? >> they are telling them privately and some publicly, yesterday antony blinken said we have -- israel has to start doing things differently because there are too many civilians being killed. the problem is that it undercuts support. what netanyahu is mentioning is a mischaracterization and not in his favor. there is many people here in washington, d.c., i talk to people in the protest and they say they are not protesting for hamas, but for the palestinian people. there are some for hamas, but we can't say all those are because it undercuts our own view these people are protesting for american security really and maintain support for israel. the people do care about innocent people. when you see the hospital images where people are dying in the hospital for lack of water and food and electricity, that gets to american heartstrings and we want to protect these people, i think. >> trey: alexander the great went to afghanistan and became less humane. how does israel and the united states that want to be humane prosecute war when you are dealing with hamas that literally kill pregnant women and cut the heads off children, how do you balance that? >> that is the right question to ask and we have to have the right answer. if we're going to be different from the other regimes that don't care about civilians, we have to execute things differently. i saw in afghanistan and iraq, we took care to take care of civilians and it made the military process go slower. we have no moral authority to be telling russia not to put ukrainian lives in harm's way. we have no moral authority to tell them not if we are going to do it. we have to cake care of civilians while absolutely going after hamas, they all deserve to be killed for what they did to the civilians. >> trey: i got to have you back, i have a lot of questions about iran and i am confident you are the right man for me to ask. thank you for your service to our country and happy veterans day. >> thank you, trey, i appreciate that. >> trey: the war in middle east is raising the terror threat at home, as well. hamas and other terrorists groups would not think twice about hurting you so how concerned should americans be? joining us is mike turner from the great state of ohio. chairman, thank you for being with us. start with what is about now a one-month-old war. it seems like some have lost aptide for taking on hamas and calling for ceasefire and pauses. what do you think? >> trey, thanks for having me on. it is disconcerting to watch how quickly people lose sight of the terrible atrocities hamas committed when they killed over 1000 innocent israelis and israel has to be in a position to defend itself and take this conflict to hamas to protect itself in the future. you are right, that conflict resulted in creased risk to the united states itself. it's been just over a week that the director came before the senate and says we have greatest threat to the homeland since over a decade. he had a discussion with the intelligence committee of the house and related the same and said he is concerned about the risk to the united states. >> trey: chairman, we are seeing violent and ugly protest, threats against jews in this country. how worried should we be about this war being exported to our homeland acting out here in the u.s.? >> that is one of the elements that director christopher wray has identified as increasing threat to the united states. he talked about increased threat to u.s. troops abroad. the alarm he's sounding is threats in the united states. the abrupt withdrawal eliminating -- planning attacks in the united states and cited the southern border indicating there are people in the united states who pose a risk to our country. people who are allied with international terrorist groups and organizations who could be planning terrorist attacks, some lone wolves and also the fact hamas, hezbollah and others, isis, have been calling for attacks in the united states and that can result in increased threat and great danger to the united states. >> trey: chairman, there are surveillance programs that if used properly can keep us safe and there is also skepticism that began to arise when you and i served together that these programs are not always used properly. what is the status of the surveillance program and reauthorizations that may be coming up? >> sure, i appreciate you raising that, the surveillance act have provisions that expire every now and then. 702 requires we collect information only on foreign threats that are outside the united states and intelligence committee lived up to that, 702 has not been gathering information outside of the united states, but gives us a tool like the ones who are inside the united states and allied with international terrorist organizations. when they communicate with threats outside the united states, those communications can be captured and used to stop attacks in the united states. our ability to monitor international terrorist groups and organizations and see what they are trying to do in the united states, not monitoring people here, but people outside the united states and what harm they be planning to do to us. the aspect this is expiring so we need to reauthorize it, it is a pressure essential to keep our country safe. there really isn't constitutional protection for people who are terrorist groups and organizations and you don't have right to constitutional privacy to correspond with terrorist groups outside of the united states. we want to hold the line and congress is making sure american rights are nothe violated when we use the tools to protect our country. >> trey: chairman mike turner, a busy man with an important job, thank you for joining us. coming up, rashida tlaib managed to bring republicans and democrats together to condemn her hateful rhetoric toward israels, plus shutdown time again. politico alecia beavers from capitol hill. dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> trey: welcome pack to sunday night in america. rashida tlaib's hostility toward israel was too much for republicans and democrats, who joined together to discipline tlaib. she accused her own country of genocide. she called for the extermination of the jewish state. just when you thought it was time to go back into the water, it is shutdown down time in washington. olivia beavers, who politico punishes by making her cover congress. i don't know what to think of this censor and discipline, republicans fighting over who filed the motion and some democrats decided to discipline her. i am sure that doesn't make for comedy on their side. what is the mood on the hill? >> the mood on the hill is like a trend this year, people go through dopamine hits and say we're unified and a week later something happens and they are fighting and doing mean tweets. you laid it out earlier. you have rich mccormack competing with marjorie taylor greene of georgia to censor rashida tlaib. mccormack got support, he was talking to democrats, they liked his wording and it came after rashida tlaib said from the river to the sea, the slogan you were talking about. one interesting thing i want to highlight, usually when you censor, which is way of reproaching members, formal way of doing it. they show up to the house and have a moment publicly of being reprimanded in front of their colleagues. that did not happen for rashida tlaib and they asked mccormack why that was not included? he said he had the impression she wanted that moment, he saw her with her family, she was trying to say she wouldn't be silenced and he wanted to prevent that moment of her using for fundraising. >> trey: you are kidding, somebody might use that for fundraising. stop me if you've heard this before. republican in-fighting might be keeping spending bills from coming to the floor of the house, is that right? >> trey, we are too early for groundhog day, that is where we're at again. on saturday, speaker johnson presented a funding plan, at a two-step plan, only difference from how kevin mccarthy did it. his question for pelosi-level spending, he wants part of the government funded through january 19th and the other part through february 2nd. that adds layer to ep cooing the government funded and chip roy opposes and marjorie taylor greene and other democrats. we get into complicated negotiations with them. >> trey: i could have swore they got rid of kevin mccarthy for doing the same thing. i want to play a quote from a member of the house and ask you a question on the other side. >> i don't think the lord jesus could get to 217 with this conference. >> trey: i doubt jesus has any interest in being speaker of the house. i noted jesus only had one judas, the speaker has more than that. will mike johnson be able to survive? the honeymoon is over and they are already fighting. >> this is a tough environment for any republican leader and i was talking to a few house republicans and had to deal with gaetz until he was ousted. johnson is in a no-win position. you might risk losing majority. he has to figure out way forward of balances that and the two-step cr, laddered, was trying to throw red meat to the right wing, not enough for them to say they are behind it. there is a vote on monday, we'll see if it will come to the floor, if chip roy does not support it, by friday. >> trey: i would rather be in a u.s. prison than back in the u.s. house, glad you are there and i'm not. thank you for joining us. >> trey: up next, third republican debate in the books, what happened, what changed? plus a mini-election night tuesday and there are trends developing, talk to senator tim scott and rnc national spokeswoman only on sunday night in america. america". trey: welc >> trey: welcome back to sunday night in america. debates make the news usually for one-liners or insults rather than policy and platform? will the debate continue? who will be on the next debate state. bring in presidential candidate tim scott, who is battling his fellow competitors and battling the flu. how are you feeling? dallas won this afternoon. i guess you are feeling a little bit better. how are you feeling and when will you get back on the campaign trail? >> any time dak prescott. one thing i recommend to every single american, i know it is not possible, if you want to love your country more, run for president. traveling this country, meeting people has been one of the most fantastic experiences of my life. i love america today more than i did on may 22nd. when i go back to iowa, it will not be as a presidential campaign. i'm suspending my campaign. the voters is been clear telling me not now, tim. i don't say they are saying no, i think they are saying not now. i will respect the voters and hold on and keep working hard and look forward to another opportunity. >> trey: you are suspending your presidential campaign? you have plenty of numbers, highest approval numbers of any candidate and couple states away from coming to a state you are beloved and you are suspending your presidential campaign? >> romans 8:20 says all things work together for those who love god. i think the message is clear right now, i am indeed suspending the campaign. i will remain as committed to making sure this country chooses the right person by enjoying the journey of just helping people everywhere throughout south carolina and our country. we have an amazing country, i'm thankful to be an american. we should be proud of this country. i was a kid, nearly failed out of high school as a frsh freshman and here i am running for president. >> trey: i'm trying to process this on live television, forgive me. you are the highest ranking african american republican politician in the country. you were asked to give the response to the state of the union and i did not hear a single negative thing about your response. you gave a great response. you have introduced opportunity zone and worked on criminal justice reform. maybe i shouldn't ask, you maybe ask the voters what its about the republican party that someone with that resume is s suspending his presidential campaign. >> i will say without question issue the voters are smart and savvy and i think what our country is going through right now is a very challenging time and our goal should be to unite this country and not take advantage of the division of this country and more time we spend talking about future and goodness of america and having faith in god and each other and faith in our future, the better off we will as americans and more likely to come back together to be that one nation under god. >> trey: because of your personality and frankly even how beloved you are, you would be a highly coveted endorsement. do you endorse any other candidate? >> the voters are really smart, i would have to know each person based on their priority. i recommend voters study each candidate and candidacy and their past and make best decision for the future of the country. i will not weigh in on who they should endorse. >> trey: would you consider being someone's running mate, if you were asked? i've read stories, senator, never heard you talk about it, i've heard other people talk about you being a potential vice presidential candidate. >> you know, trey, i'll be honest, i ran for president to be president. i believe i could have taken this country to new heights with great unity on conservative principles. optimism comes from being tough. the truth is, i don't know how to bring the country better together than running for president, that is what the lord put on my heart. i was not called to win, i was called toun are. being vice president has never been on my to-do list for this campaign and it is certainly not there now. i look forward to ep cooing and working hard to make sure that in the nutrality i can continue to win the respect and admiration of voters, even ones that don't agree with me. >> trey: i think just a few months ago, you were at the reagan library in california giving a speech full of optimism and hope. reagan coined the phrase morning in america, you were close behind with the promise and potential of what this country could be and mentioned not never, not now, do you think this is just a time and season issue and that is just not what republican voters, optimism and hopefulness, they appreciate it. they obviously love you, they want something angrier? i'm trying to process the result. >> listen, yeah, end of the day, i think sometimes optimism in the midst of chaos is not seen through the proper prism, without question, i'm an optimist, i've gone through the fire. i had a miserable beginning, i had blessing of great god always on time and being born in america is like winning the lottery of citizenship. what i offer today is what i will offer tomorrow and everyday going forward. america can do for anyone what she's done for me. we have to believe that it is possible. believing that is possible gives us more strength today to fight the battles tomorrow and i'll continue to work on that message and i think that message will have more traction everyday going forward and have to have conservative messenger who inspires this country. >> trey: if i have heard you correctly this evening, your presidential campaign is suspended, you have no plans to endorse anyone. you ran to be the president, not the vice president. some people run to be vice president, you are not one of them. you remain a united states senator and i think you have been hired through 2028, if memory serves me correctly. you are leaving the presidential race, but i take it you are not leaving public service. >> that is correct, trey, i love america. i love south carolina. and i hope that the south carolina ians love me half as much as i love them. if that is true, i will be in public service as long as they want me to and the good lord allows me to. >> trey: what will be your main takeaways from having done something so few people -- you noted your upbringing, you noted the fact you were a late bloomer academically, i think that is fair to say. very fair to say, yes, sir. >> trey: what are your takeaways from doing something that so very few of us will ever have the chance to do, to run to be the leader of the greatest country on earth? >> it will probably take me, maybe we will do a show in a couple weeks and i can answer more thoroughly. one of my most important takeaways is to speak to every american in this country. we must some together. our foundation is strong, built on universal truth. the future depends on the present. find path forward on conservative principles, brighter the future will be. number two, our nation has real issues we have to battle through. 70,000 deaths because of wide open insecure and unsafe border. we have to close that southern bore. i believe we have sleeper terrorist cells in this nation already because of that southern border being wide open. i was on the south side of chicago less than a month ago and those people living on the south side are good people. they want safe neighborhoods and good schools. i believe the great opportunity has more for south side of chicago than the 100-monopoly democrats have had. having time with reverend brooks changed my view in a positive way. i learned on the campaign trail. when you are in rural iowa talking to farmers or new hampshire and south carolina, one thing you understand, there is dignity in all work. people work hard in this country. they invest their resources, pay their taxes, they just want a level playing field. if you love america, you got to love americans and that one lesson and last lesson i will say is that the antisemitism we are seeing on college campuses and streets is disgusting. i'm a black man, i understand ri racism, what we're seeing with the antisemitism is vile, disgusting, wrong, immoral, unethical. we should do battle in this nation, we who are not jewish should stand in the gap for every jewish american and tell the country those folks who disagree in fairness, you will not do it on my watch, on my campus or in my house or my job. we have to stand together and against antisemitism. that is absolutely essential and i'll tell you this, trey, everywhere i go, i see americans rising up against antisemitism. we did it against racism and do it everyday against racism, we have to do it against antisemitism and on college campuses where it is strong. we are making progress,il will spend a lot of time on college campuses and fighting for common sense fairness and treating each other as we want to be treated, especially our jewish americans. >> trey: tim scott, senator from the great state of south carolina fchl he had another life, he would be a preacher and reminds us tonight god calls you to be obedient. suspending his presidential campaign, continuing in public service to his beloved state of south carolina. thank you for joining us and sharing this with us. god bless you, see you soon. >> trey: god bless you. joining us to weigh in on senator tim scott's decision tonight suspend presidential campaign is bret baier. sorry to get you away from what you were doing on sunday night. this surprised me and i know him as well as probably anybody in d.c. outside of his family. what is your reaction? >> bret: surprised me, too, trey. that is big news. it just was not happening as far as breaking through and seeing poll numbers move. amazing message, one i saw him speak numerous times on the trail. it was compelling, you know him well, his life story and how he talks about it. he was not translating to poll numbers and changes in the dynamics of this race. you are looking at finding alternative to donald trump who obviously the former president is leading and it is getting tougher as you get down to the final months before voting. i don't think he was going to make the stage in alabama for the next debate and it became a decision to make way for however that looks to find that alternative person. >> trey: bret, he was pretty clear and can change his mind, no plan to endorse anyone and no interest in being anyone's running mate. i've read numerous stories that have him cited as attractive vice presidential candidate. he says he is not interested. >> bret: that is interesting and newsy. he talked about all the time as possible vp >> the fact he says he is not considering it is significant. as you get down to just a few people on the stage. right now the former president is not getting on the debate stage, you will have more substantive conversations. it will be more about digging in to find out how these people are leaders. tim scott had a compelling message, but was not seeing the needle move. >> trey: bret baier, chief political mind at fox news, surprising night for me, probably for you, as well. senator tim scott hopeful, optimistic, stay has mill yopions dropping out of his presidential bid. with more reaction issue madison gilbert, national spokesperson for the rnc. i had other questions to ask you, i got to pivot to senator scott and ask you what i asked him. i think he's too humble to answer this. he is the highest ranking african american republican in the country. he has shepherded tremendous bills and tax reform. i remember president trump and vice president pence invoking his name and yet he can't crack 5%, in danger of not making the next debate stage. i'm trying to figure out why republican primary voters, his resume seems good, why they were not buying that? >> senator scott is a great man, with an incredible story and he's a living, breathing example of the american dream that we as republicans are fighting to save. conservatives and i think senator scott mentioned about unity, trying to see the republican party come together and unite. if we lose next november, our country will never be the same. when we're looking at races, not just presidential, taking back the senate and expanding majority in the house, this is critical, we have to win these races. 2024 is so important and senator scott believes that and sees reality that we have to get behind whoever our ultimate nominee is. i know he is a person who will stand by his word and 2350i9 to make sure we get across that finish line and be a part of the future of the party. i don't think this is the end for senator scott. >> trey: no, he's been hired by the people of south carolina through 2028. he noted, nowata doesn't mean not ever. his negatives are small. look at polling, they are almost nonexistent, that is why i'm scratching my head why he didn't win more. you have kentucky and ohio and virginia that surprised people. you mentioned unity coming together. that is a beautiful thought, when i think of the house of raechts representatives, unity is not the word i think of. what happened in kentucky? >> republicans have to come together to see victory fchl they do not come together, we will not see victories. across the country, abortion defined republicans, we were outspent. that was state races, not federal. in ohio, my home state, we were outspent 2-1 on abortion, 3-1 in final weeks and outside groups in the democratic party spend on ballot initiatives, spend way more. we need to see every piece of the puzzle come together. we cannot talk about economy, fentanyl, crime, if we continue to allow democrats to define us on the issue of abortion, and there is perceived lack of empathy in the republican party due to democratic messaging. this is something we have to make sure we put a rest to for 2024. we have the advantage when it comes to the issues and that is why democrats are running, they do not want to talk about the issues and want to hide behind abortion as only thing they can try to slam republicans on when in reality, if we get right money behind the messaging, we will win on that issue, too. >> trey: you mention messaging, i've heard lots of different positions on abortion. does life begin at conception, at six weeks, 15 weeks, at heartbeat? what is the republican position and does it include exceptions for rape and insist? >> i think every campaign across the country has a slightly different stance. reality is when you look at the states across the country, the democrats are supported unlimited, unregulated abortion up until time of birth. counter countries who stand with them are north korea and china, we as republicans pro-lifers or simply as people who have hearts need to come to the table and recognize at the very least unregulated, unlimited border is wrong. democrats as a whole across america feel this way. there is no reason we should be seeing what we're seeing. messaging is off and democrats continue to define us in way they should not, we have to be talking about different options in different states. federal conversation has to be had, even if many believe it is states right issue, the conversation has to be had. >> trey: thank you for joining us and for rolling with the punches with the tim scott news. see you next time. >> trey: next crime can strike anyone, including highly decorated soldier who served in the house and senate. martha mcsalley joins us to discuss being attacked and more importantly, fighting back. next on sunday night in america. >> we're back >> trey: we're back with a fox news alert. just moments ago on sunday night in america, senator tim scott, from the great state of south carolina, made big news about his campaign. >> i love america more today than i did on may 22nd, but when i go back to iowa wa, it will not be as presidential can't, i'm suspended my campaign, i think the voters have been really clear that they're telling me not now, tim. i don't think they are saying, no, i think they are saying not now. i will respect the voters and hold on and keep working hard and look forward to another opportunity. >> trey: wish him all the best and thank him for continued service to the country he's one of the best people i've ever known. martha mcsally is a former fighter pilot and member of senate, crime doesn't care. she was assaulted along the missouri river and then she fought, fought off her attackers, cornered him into a bush. he escaped, but only for a while. dom henton was arrested for this assault. i think i speak for every viewer, stunned when we heard, tell us what you are comfortable telling us about this attack. >> thanks, trey, glad to see you again. i was in nebraska for a speaking engagement. i crossed that pedestrian bridge you see in the photo. my attacker passed me on the bridge, turned around, pulled a stocking cap out of his pocket, put it on and started stalking me. i did not know. i continued along the river, i was walking andun aring and a mile later, i'm enjoying my run, i was jumped from behind by him and molested all over my body and i fought back and i screamed and i was able to get away. he started running and i chased him down. i threw my water bottle at him. i called 911. he broke into the deep brush and i followed him in there until i was over my head and lost contact and i realized the police would not see me. i disengaged and kept speaking into existence, you will not get away. i was surveilling the area, but he slipped in another direction. thanks to the amazing detective work, they tracked him down. it was chilling to see the videos of him stalking me before that. he's in jail now and he will not get away with this. i'm grateful i was able to protect other women, got him you hava the street. he picked the wrong target. >> trey: he did. we have breaking news so we are running out of time because what i wanted to say to all young women out there, martha mcsally highly trained, athletic, tough, but other women that do not have your bab background, but have the will to survive. thank you for fighting back and not allowing him to victimize you. those who know you are not surprised, it took bravely and courage. thank you for joining us andir shaking with us. god bless you. i hope he gets punishment and good night. >> todd: a fox news alert.

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