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♪ ♪ rachel: good morning everybody. 7:00 eastern time and a lot of head bopping going on on the couch this morning. will: joey is head bobbing. i like country music pretty much all country music now i have my preferences, and most of my preferences aren't suitable for morning television. because they're -- not because they're dirty but because -- rachel: well -- will: they're depressing. yeah most of it is like drownling yourself in your whiskey but i like candy and donuts. i like a little florida georgia line in that case what's his name walker -- joey: you said all kinds of country and whatever that was -- so that's -- and i'm not putting down it is a good catchy tune. it is -- rachel: a country snob. joey: he might be coolest guy ever. but that song is okay. will: remember thing when is you're a kids and you tore it and full of sugar every once in a while that's joey: workout we're good with it. rachel: okay. joey: i took my preworkout so i have so much energy try to give some so will but he's already bounces off the couch and rachel told me to get away with it. in an hour anti-israel protesters set in berlin for second day in a row as protest ramming clues globe in support of hamas terror. rachel: in london estimated 300,000 gathered against israel some are reported it is up as 500, 800,000 so the safe number is 300,000 -- that's still a lot of people they were wearing hamas head bands they were screaming anti-semitic chants, and there were also violent clashes with police. will: fox news contributor douglas murray in israel right now with a first look at the hamas atrocities he joins us live from jerusalem good morning to you douglas i've seen many of your reports and television appearances throughout the week and done a great job talking about what you're seen and distinguishing moral moment in history that we have arrived at. i'm curious douglas i'll jump in with you when you see london as you're expected to see germany today, and maybe on a smaller scale but we saw it here in new york as well columbus circle grand central station. how do you explain what you're seeing in the west as a rally as a celebration of as you have said douglas not just pro-palestinian but in your estimation indistinguishable from pro-hamas rallies? >> we know that pro-hamas more than half of the organizers of the london protest yesterday have links with hamas. as was reported in one of the national newspapers -- so the idea that these are simply propeace rallies or something like that it doesn't hold up. that's even before you go through the video of the crowds and people calling for jihad or peel calling from the river to the sea which, of course, means eradication of the state of israel even before all of that it should be obvious what marches are, in fact, are and mainly made up of muslim and people muslim faith who have always feel incredibly when israel is involved in the conflict and never come outen the streets when fellow muslims are massacred in yemen syria or anywhere else but also a second and smaller group in the crowds in britain, many berlin as in america. which is a group of far leftist basically use this strange imposition of american -- recent interpretation of american history put it ton the middle east. which is why you hear people talking about -- it is ignorance. >> you were, obviously, one of the people that's been talking for a long time about illegal immigration in europe, and sort of this -- this displacement of western values. without having assimilated massive amounts of people that came into the country into the continue innocent over the last i don't know 10, 8, ten years. are these protest in some way waking up for the british people or is this sort of like is there an acceptance this is who we are now? >> i think it is waking something up. but there's an enormous strategic problem you see which is -- the first people who turn out in protest against these protesters are already right or wrongly but a judgment call described as far right thugs and much more, and, of course, that means that much of the reporting from yesterday, for instance, refers to anyone who is patriotic and british who turns out against the hamas protest. they're called far right thugs. and all of the hamas supportsers are described as peaceful protesters. so there's a totally upside down world but i do think the that the reaction of the police to some of counter-protesters yesterday and nature of some of the counter-protesters is going scare off a lot of british family from appearing on streets turning out on streets saying we don't like this. so -- you know, i've always had great faith in the american public to turn out and count a terrorism on their streets, and on our streets in america, but it's much, much more complex in britain than in europe where people are just cowed i think into believing you know, we've all got the to get along somehow and that includes people who call for the eradication of the jews it is just lamentable that it should get to this. joey: here in america when we look at the protest we see there's an ohio -- university professor who basically is supposed to be their professor of islam and peace and he's calling for the desolation of israel. calling to get rid of it completely and very radical things. so when we see protest here in our country most of what we see are a lot of probably and a little bit of a stereotype here middle class liberal under age of 25 and young kids indoctrinated that doesn't have life context to apply to the issue when we look at israel is the young that are coming out in our more -- canvas more easily painted what are the demographics there? >> it a great extent it is but it really is american education that is most failed people here i think. the british universities problems they have do not have the kind of indoctrination led us to see scenes at university and university in the u.s. with, i mean, after the biggest massacre of jew holocaust, jewish students university are hangedded how on earth did that happen? it is much worse actually in america at that level. in germany, that would not be allowed, and there would be a much stronger response. i hope there's a strong response in america to this too. will: you're right douglas but i think whether or not we're talking about germany, u.k. or the france there's a apology for being the west -- somebody is going to have to stand up and champion greatest civilization somebody at some point has to stand up and champion the west. you know douglas i want to jump right into first of all you wrote the following "the new york post" it is up right now on a visit to israel i have seen the horror that the world must never forget. i know you've seen some of this footage and i want to jump right into a debate that the viewers watching right now won't have the background and you were on piers morgan and you have this really -- i think a very interesting point. you weren't comparing atrocities nor soft pedaling of the nazis but you said even nazis doing what was so awful knew what they were doing to some e extent was awful and that they try to kowmp their crimes. or they're soldiers this is historically accurate chtd ss had to do drugs and alcohol to get away from moral atrocities i'm sure not all of them but this was a historical fact it is why they most offed to camps because soldiers became so -- destroyed from what they were doing and this is compared to israel right now because you're saying hamas is proud of of hams leaders since proud of what they've done. they are proud. if you see unedited footage as i have of the october 7th attacks nevermind going from the you will know additional obscenity what occurred and what hamas wants to keep occurring is that the terrorists were so proud of what they were doing as they were doing it. calling their parents back in gaza saying look you know father aye killed ten jews get mother on the line toapt tell her how great her son is not to play down atrocities but to say the world needs to realize this is not that hamas is not a genocidal organization but one that actually relishes its barberrism and i think the world needs to realize that is the case. will: i don't know what the take away that is but it is a stark and ugly reality i saw you say that you're right. like what do we do with an organization that takes pride of what they saw happened? >> radical islamic terrorist is not a fire you can stomp out. will: you destroy that organization -- you can destroy it -- ideology -- rachel: douglas murray thank you for joining us. >> a great pleasure to see you all. rachel: you've got it. you mentioned protest here -- and i just think it is so interesting what our regime and what our fbi and doj is interested in when they are surveilling protest, it seems like the protest with americans waving american flags being concerned about integrity of their elections, that seems to be the main concern of this regime. and of our intelligence agencies and when you see january 6th so many people so much intelligence gathered there's still people being, you know, hangedded by the fbi over that. i don't see. i see a political problem that the democrats see in the protest but they certainly aren't looking at these protesters the way they're looking at protesters. by the way in terms of protest on the right after what happened with january 6th i don't think you're going to see. we haven't seen much protesting going on on the right. so maybe that's also why you're not seeing counter-protest as well. there's just a lot more fbi interest in american waving flag protest in america. joey: that whole interview scariest thing is the type of radicalismization happening in universities is almost specifically in american problem. acutely that is stuff to hear. rachel: european countries france in particular saying we don't want that woke stuff and we want to protect our culture. joey: france having a lot of trouble right now -- rachel: coming from our universities over there. joey: now headlines a warning the footage we are about to show you well it's graphic. a florida sheriff deputy is out of the hospital after he was hit by a car. and what deputies are calling a targeted attack thursday. the deputy called the moment the, quote, scariest moment of his life. and says he's happy to be alive. >> i'm happy to be here. the chances of me being here, obviously, were slim to none for a second. but i made it out here. we're chosen to be a cop we're chosen to be police officers. we're chosen to give our lives away at a moment's notice and that's what i was going to do that day. >> attempted three attempt murder charges u.s. airlines reportedly set for the worst year ever with more than a million departure delayed so far this year according to the daily mail. only took eight months to reach the million delay mark. the quickest that's ever happened that's a bad sign for the holiday travel season as tens of millions of americans are set to fly for thanksgiving alone. rachel: joey that's why margery taylor green put in the bill to pay pete buttigieg just one dollar and so hard to get him impeached reduce his salary to a dollar see if that moves him along. joey: for the services he's provided a dollar. rachel: that might be too much. [laughter] joey: campbells is releasing limited edition chocolate truffles inspired by holiday sides some of the flavors include this is great hot honey masked sweet potatoes in baked corn casserole sweet treats available for preorder at phillip ashley and we have some here in the magic they showed up. will: so shiny. rachel: this is -- this is jalapeno mac and cheese. will: i thought a plastic thing -- joey: artistic pretty and shiny this is like willy willy wonka. >> it taste like jalapeno mac and cheese. >> that was chocolate caramel we're good. nothing crazy about that one. will: i don't know what this is. how do you know? rachel: there's directions. what you had is everything bagel mashed potatoes. >> it is white truffle. >> this green one will have green beans and i can't do that. joey: i hate green beans pork chops i don't hit either one of those anymore. will: cheesy jalapeno cheese. i had that one too. will: wow that's different. joey: i feel like i've been to willy wonka. will: i'll try all of this eric adams possessions ceased by the fbi and a campaign fundraising probe. we dive into the investigation coming up. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. (car engine revs) home of the xfinity 10g network. (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) fbi agents ceasing phones and ipad from new york mayor eric adams part of an investigation into his campaign fund raising. "the new york post" reporting federal investigators are now zeroing in on texts suggesting he will past track opening of the turkish government new diplomatic headquarters in manhattan back in 2021 former federal prosecutor katy is here to react katy you look at this, it's a shocking actually turn of events for the fbi to go on after the mayor of new york city. what do you make of this? >> well it certainly was surprising to learn that the fbi had seesed electronic devices of mayor adams. now the fact they issued a search warrant for adams devices does not mean that he is a suspect in the case. but it does mean that the police believe that the fbi believes that there would be evidence at least by a probable cause standard of some crimes that are on the phones. so they took the phones and electronic devices and typically what happens is they make a copy of those devices electronically and then apparently there have been returned so we don't know result of that yet but it is surprising and concerning for the mayor. will: you know, in any type of investigation, and, of course, you need a prosecutor like yourself saying this is something i want to pursue there's prosecute discretion. >> there's in the an interest in going after him personally at this point what typically happens during investigations is that the fbi talks to certain witnesses they collect other evidence and then that leaves them down a path to pursue evidence so certainly here it looks like there was some discussion about messages or other communications that would likely be found on those electronic devices. we don't know for sure if that's the case and that is what gives them the authority to apply for that warrant. they have to show that there's at least a low standard of probable cause that there could be evidence of a crime on those devices whether there is or not or personally involved is not determined yet. but it is a step towards that in the process. certainly. will: a big step. i think somebody at some high level has to look at this and go, you know, this is the mayor of new york city we better have something serious we're interested in and start to wonder i for one start to wonder what drove this interest in eric adams here's what he said by the way from his assertion as former member of law enforcement i expect all members of my staff to follow the law and fully cooperate with any sort of of investigation and i will continue to do exactly that. i have nothing to hide. meanwhile i want to ask you about a netflix documentary getting a lot of attention. it's -- it is about mia she's won a 220 million lawsuit against what described as functional all children hospital. that a jury said falsely imprisoned her and drove her mom to commit suicide, it is a horrible story. and one now has this 220 million verdict on her side. >> it is incredible story and very sad, obviously, but it's not a -- it is unique in many ways but there are so many children that are taken through the child protective service systems and in this case through the help of a hospital. and what the jury said here was that the hospital had no right to accuse parents of giving this child inappropriate medical treatment, and that it raised it to such a level that obviously they're facing significant damages at this point. so this was very unique case in many respects but it does shine a light on the system that exist in many states where children are taken under discretionary standards because the hospitals ab other authorities don't agree with the decisions of their parents for medical purposes. will: it's really fascinating i've seen other side of this system where how hard it is for a child to be removed from a parent who is so done so, obviously, egregious things wrong and you see situations like this choices in medical paths for your children -- the kid is taken away from the parents so easily or so -- tragically in these kind of situations. okay katy thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. will: comub abby hornacek is in colorado as nfl gets ready for kickoff live from the air force academy plus former president george w. bush held a warrior bike ride for america's veterans. >> i don't really care what somebody politics are around here i just want them to enjoy outdoors and get exercise, and to honor our veterans. will: dr. siegel interviewed him, and he's next. ♪ ♪ in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? 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honors and broadcasting live at the air force academy in colorado. and that's why where we find fox nation abby hornacek i can only imagine you're having a great time. tell us about it. >> joey i'm already having a great time and windy for my liking but great for later on because this place is going to be filled with people as you mentioned you know fox nfl sunday will be broadcasting live here. it is part of a long tradition they do to celebrate our brave men and women that put their lives on the line every day so we can live freely in this country every year they broadcast live from a different military location. and that is what we're doing here at the air force academy. now, i said we're going to be celebrating all morning long but later today a lot to look forward to greg will be stopping by to talk about his time at the academy he, of course, played basketball here. rob gronkowski jumping out of a twin otter aircraft jealous of that, of course, and guys will be in front of a thousand cadets talking to people and i love just being here because you know we have a huge intersection of the nfl and sports and our military. and so many values to celebrate all morning long so we'll be here and we have ms. colorado coming up and falcon and military band i'll be waiting for you guys. joey: college football team is really good this year so a lot of buzz in colorado springings a lot of football buss and you're always out west one of the days we'll have you somewhere where it is daylight too thanks for getting up early for us. >> thank you and happy -- joey: former president george w. bush holding annual warrior bike ride in crawford, texas for america veterans on friday our next guest attended the event and interviewed the former president joining us now is fox news medical contributor our very own dr. siegel joins us now. doctor, tell us about it. >> i've been there eight out of the nine times he's had and most impressed with a personal brand of courage and leadership and kindness one-on-one not pretentious people follow him, you know, you're a amazing decorated veteran yourself and it shows all of the this. take a look. >> i've been coming to texas to ride with president bush and wounded veterans since 2012 following a four-year hiatus for the pandemic warriors are back. but the world has changed for the worst, making his personal brand of leadership more important than ever. on the mountain trail, it is palpable. >> when you ride mountain bikes and trails like we did today, you can't help but think feel wonderful about nature and feel fortunate and in my case to stay up right and over time there's a vet that says i don't know if i can get out of the darkness i feel and somebody on a bike said i did, you can. every vet that is living in darkness can figure out how to come and live in the light. >> but this time there's another war in the middle east former president has advice for veterans also for america. >> if everybody can give each other a hug and instead of yelling the world would be better off and that won't happen but each of us can do our own part and i try to do my part by become a welcoming person. i don't care what somebody politics are around here but i want them to enjoy outdoors and get exercise and honor our veterans. reporter: president president is a student of history and big believer in resilience he showed that after 9/11 taking a mound and throwing perfect strike. >> i peak in 2001 they asked me to three the first pitch i was delighted to do so. stay positive if you study world history or u.s. history we go through cycles of being down, and yet americans ought to realize how blessed we are to live in the country and yeah images are grim and yes there's violence but ultimately love overcomes hate as that been the case through history that will be the case now. >> an outlook anyone around him can tell you is contagious. >> record that. doing the walls -- thanks doc, very good. glad you're here. reporter: what a great message to know that idea of hugging instead of yelling the idea of forgetting about people's politics and coming together message for the veterans after they leave the ride when you get on a mountain bike you feel great and helping each other and go home what do you do then and the answer he says when a down cycle in history like a philosophical but maybe the way through it is with love, rather than hate. joey: obviously president is leading that that is a big deal and veteran there is. did you spend much time with the veterans and see what they were taking away from the ride? >> they have team 43 and bonding with hem and bonding with each other and they create a network which they take home from the ride and interacting all of the time and disabilities weren't the issue because people were riding hand cycles and leading me. i didn't care. sometimes i'm ahead of a navy s.e.a.l. active duty and feeling great and hand cycle passes me so that's what it was all about. it was camaraderie. great spirit and feeling i get to understand the military with that. joey: president of the united states he was there when we went to war 20 years later we tried to end war in afghanistan now we have a war on the horizon i saw that in a package did he seem to have any hope that those foreign threats that we have are something we can tackle and -- you know you can't just get a hug and stamp out terror. >> he is absolutely convinced that we're going come out of this that we're at a low pongt in history and come out of it. but, of course, the question is, do we have a strong enough presence in the middle east we did under him and do we now those are questions questions tn on the table he's absolutely positive and confident we will get to a better place. joey: thank you so much that was a wonderful package thank you for riding around in the mud to bring it to us. >> will you come next year? >> i will ride a bike i have to do a hand cycle. >> you'll be at the -- >> you have to go in formation behind that. >> fair enough. thank you. >> yes, sir. joey: coming up abortion outperforms at the ballot box red states across country vote for abortion rights in their state constitution. what it means for the pro-life movement that will be right here, next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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(♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday! good morning everyone i hope you're having a great weekend here in new york it is calm but lots of sunshine today and i know we still have some veterans parades across the country it is cold across the northeast and great lakes right now 37 in new york city. so almost at the freezing mark we've got cold temperatures across the west, and a front that remains sort of stationary for parts of texas, along the gulf coast in towards the southeast and then we also have another storm system moving into the northwest. now the rain for texas and louisiana mississippi, alabama, even up towards tennessee much needed because we are into a drought. so here's some of the rainfall totals that we're going to get in new orleans two to three inches 3 to 5 in pensacola and 3 to 5 in mobile, alabama. this is a good news situation for our friends in california, we've got this area of low pressure we call this a cutoff low because it really doesn't have much direction. but as we go through next week, on saturday, that's when we see that low move in, of course, people are going to be traveling or thinking about the plans to travel. look at how much rainfall along coast and mountain snow. that is something we're watching for thanksgiving week and a quick look at what we're dealing with and moving parts on the map not very quiet that means a lot of potential travel trouble so fox keep you posted throughout this week and next week i can't believe we're talking about thanksgiving travel rachel but it is happening it is here and i will keep you up to date as well over to you my friend. rachel: thanks for the update. got it. support for abortion is cutting across party lines as last week state election showed the hot topic issue performing far better at the ballot box and president biden and his own party. and a recent poll shows nearly 70% of all voters say abortion will be a very important factor in their 2024 vote. our next guest is filed a federal lawsuit challenging the proabortion initiative in michigan amber roseboom vice president for right to life of michigan she joins us now. amber boy we need to talk to you this morning so this initiative that passed in ohio -- mirrors one that passed in michigan that i guess you guys are now challenging but first let's talk about what happened in ohio because a lot of pro-lifers in particular are saying a lot of pro-choicers and proabortionist are cheering and excited about what this means for them. a lot of pro-lifers wongd ring what is this path forward how do we start winning on this issue? >> sure thank you so much for having me rachel. and i think on heels of michigan ohio and virginia offer two important lesson for the path forward lessons we need to learn now and correct if we want to win in 2024 and first and these are -- these are lessons that apply to every campaign but for some reason we have not looked at them at a national level for the state ballot initiatives. money and messaging matter and we're failing at both. if i could just really quick address the money issue. national abortion donors are funding these state ballot initiatives and outspending us in each state, 2-1 our national donors on right need to get serious about investing in these local fights if we want to win. as an example in michigan, our opposition spent 47 million dollars to defeat us. 77% of that was from donors over 500 dollars, out of this state. on our side, we raised about 21 million. and only pngt 1% out of the state so national donors need to invest on right if we want to win on these things. rachel: you said it was money and what was the second point you said? >> messaging -- i think virginia in particular is an excellent example of this governor youngkin really leaned into a 15-week ban and this was the first time that it was tested at the polls and it failed. there are two important -- two important errors in a 15-week ban. one, only -- 95% of abortions happen within those first 15 weeks. so it is tough to get the pro-life base to line up behind something like that. beyond that politically and i know you've seen this particularly at the national level, the left and the mainstream media still characterize it as a ban so it is dead on arrival what we need to do are message on consensus issues and talk about our support for women. some examples of that. we need to defend taxpayers hard earn dollars from being spent on abortion at the state level, the national level, and internationally. we need to maintain or create informed consent for women so that they understand the risks associated with abortion. absolutely. and this is key because it strikes on a nerve -- that's already open across the country. we need to defend and talk about defending parental consent parental rights and for abortion, these are issues that the left and planned parenthood and abortion advocates like aclu have openly said they're going after and public opinion is on our side on these issues. overwhelmingly. rachel: also on issue of partial birth abortion late term abortion they are absolutely extreme on that. and that also needs to be pointed out -- as well in this issue. listen, i'm glad you're out there talking about it and i hope politicians are calling you and many are getting nervous about pro-life issue and you're pointing path forward and amber appreciate you joining us and more talk on this i don't think this issue is going away at all. >> absolutely. thank you so much for having me rachel thank you to our veterans on this veteran's day weekend. glam thank you amber have a blessed sunday turning to headlines starting with a fox wildfire alert. will -- will: firefighters working to con intay a rain forest blaze in oahu after destroying more than two square miles since it began late last month. meanwhile hawaii is setting up a 150 million dollar relief fund from maui wildfire officials and hawaii representative joined us with an update on the recovery efforts. >> the state and county governments have a foreign plan and that would be some temporary housing, they're looking at building physical homes right now. but the focus right now is sifting through what's left and removing the debris and trying to figure out what kind of compensation they are due from their insurance or state agencies. will: that's for those that lost their homes for those that lost their lives or injured they have access to 150 million dollar fund according to the governor. philadelphia 76ers forward kelly out of the hospital this morning after a hit-and-run last night. he was walking near his home when a car hit the 27-year-old while he was crossing the street. police say they're still looking for the suspect who ran from the scene. expected to miss a significant amount of time and team officials say he should be able to return this season. at college football georgia bulldogs hosted in top ten matchup didn't look like it as georgia won 52-17. and michigan in their -- how do i say this nice morning television -- they -- they gave the middle i thinker to the nation okay they did. they went and beat penn state 24-15 and why is it so -- say it right will. they kicked jim harbaugh and michigan is made and now take a revenge tour on the entire nation. watch. >> what does it mean to you? >> well i think the lord i thank coach harbaugh i love you man. i love you -- >> so harbaugh suspended for rest of the regular season. hearing on michigan lawsuit against big ten to overturn suspension has been scheduled for november 17th and -- i feel for all michigan is mad. everyone is mad and now take it on everyone like they did on penn state. >> harbaugh missed three games for different reason of getting in trouble breaking rules getting in trouble so harbaugh will be just eligible as a coach to win six games although his team may win 12. >> all right in honor of veteran's day joey jones she knowing veterans heal one hunt at a time hook and barrel magazine join joey on their mission next. at's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. 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[laughter] >> male model joey jones on the couch now and of hook and barrel magazine. good morning to you guys thanks for having us. >> what inspired you to put joey on the cover of the magazine? rntion veterans gave us this american dream and, obviously, veterans day come around we want to honor those folks and you know for us we work hard every day i think it would be a disservice to those who fought for american dream to not give it their all every day and a opportunity for a guy -- to put a guy that speaks to so many veterans has that voice it was our honor to do so. >> is joey shirtless in here? >> lord -- eve to walk offset -- >> i've never heard of hook and barrel why don't you tell us about it. >> sure we were a general lifestyle outdoors magazine for hunters, fishers, shooters, john came up with the concept -- i know you want to talk more about it. >> it was one of the things that i saw a need to the market and outdoor publications out there and lifestyle magazines out there and mainstream lifestyle magazines kind of came against our values and gun owners getting canceled and hunters canceled i kale to the table with a solution and that was hook and barrel magazine a red neck gq. >> drinks it's got everything. >> something for everything. >> i've had a chance to get to know them this is not put your buddy on the cover thing but them wanting to highlight the deal that veterans come together and hunt that's what the story is about that you can do a hunt and use that for healing and therapy. but what i want to brag on them about is they came into a world of print magazine when people probably were starting to say maybe that's not the path for the future because of all of this digital and you've been successful at it and you've created something that's tangible you can hold in your hand and see -- gun owners and hunters -- on the same magazine as big celebrities in music other industries because it is not about ostracizing but bringing folks together. smg for sure. i think the one thing that we do really, really well is broaden demographic of read ergs coming into this space you know there's so many first time gun owners out there. >> women. seeing a whole spread of celebrity women doing it. >> first time anglers that brought a fishing rod and reel so we are -- kind of known as bridging gap between that newcomer and outdoors and seasoned and everybody find something great and entertaining to read and hook and barrel because of that. >> a beautiful magazine despite joey -- [laughter] >> how much photoshopping? >> a lot. look at that. >> you look great. >> check it out joey is on the cover right now so where can we get it most -- most places you buy magazines wal-mart? >> we are in america top tear outdoor retailers across the country so if you live near one of those you can always peck it up bass pro cabela's hook and barrel subscribe today and get a copy -- >> you should probably subscribe. every one of you should subscribe right here. get a kyes coupon code. joey's issue for free. >> more fox -- 10% can make all the difference in the world. it's the difference between everyday and days unlike any other. 10% is the difference between just another moment and a memory that lasts forever. 10% can turn anywhere into your arena, and stories into legends. but now, with 10% below msrp on select 2023 jeep vehicles, 10% doesn't just make all the difference in the world, it lets you see it too. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪

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, Pitch , Mound , Resilience , Strike , Believer , 2001 , 9 11 , Cycles , Positive , Down , Hate , Love , Violence , Outlook , Images , Message , Doc , Walls , Hugging , Bride , Each Other , Down Cycle , Mountain Bike , Answer , Deal , Team , Bonding , Hem , 43 , Network , Riding Hand Cycles , Care , Disabilities , Hand Cycle , Feeling , President Of The United States , Duty , Camaraderie , Spirit , Navy Seal , 20 , Package , War In Afghanistan , Hope , Horizon , Terror , Stamp , Threats , Presence , Question , Pongt , Table , Questions , Mud , Formation , Sir , Yes , Coming Up Abortion Outperforms , Red States , Movement , Ballot Box , State Constitution , Abortion Rights , Country Vote , Limu Emu Doug , Bell Ringing , Save , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Baby Grand Piano , Doug , Mark , Center Stage , Liberty Bibberty , Bibu , Mustache , Limu Emu Squawks , Saved Slider Sunday , Tastes , King S Hawaiian Slider Sunday , King S Hawaiian Slider , Everyone , Weekend , Stationary , Lots , Cold Temperatures , Sunshine Today , Great Lakes , 37 , Parts , Rain , Storm System , Southeast , Northwest , Alabama , Louisiana Mississippi , Gulf Coast , Tennessee , Rainfall Totals , Pressure , Situation , News , Friends , Mobile , Drought , Area , New Orleans , Pensacola , California , Two , 5 , Plans , Rainfall , Direction , Cutoff , Low , Coast , On Saturday , Mountain Snow , Moving Parts , Map , Potential Travel Trouble , Fox Weather Com , Abortion , Update , Support , State Election , Friend , Cutting , Biden , Voters , Party , Factor , Vote , Poll , Hot Topic , 70 , 2024 , Michigan , Amber Roseboom , Initiative , Amber Boy , Proabortion , Pro Choicers , Pro Lifers , Particular , Cheering , Proabortionist , Ring , Heels , Michigan Ohio , Virginia , Reason , Lessons , Lesson , Campaign , Donors , Messaging , Money , Money Issue , Ballot Initiatives , State Ballot Initiatives , Matter , Both , Example , Investing , Fights , Outspending , Opposition , 77 , 47 Million , 47 Million Dollars , 500 Dollars , 21 Million , Ban , Youngkin , Polls , 15 , Abortions , Errors , Important , 95 , Left , Base , Media , Examples , Taxpayers , Arrival , Consent , Rights , Nerve , Aclu , Parenthood , Opinion , Overwhelmingly , Amber , Politicians , Talk , Pointing Path , Glam , Headlines , Sunday , Veteran S Day , Firefighters Working To Con Intay A Rain Forest Blaze , Fox Wildfire Alert , Relief Fund , Hawaii , Maui Wildfire Officials , Oahu , 150 Million Dollar , 150 Million , Governments , County , Physical Homes , Focus , Housing , Recovery Efforts , Hawaii Representative , Compensation , Homes , State Agencies , Sifting , Insurance , Debris , Last Night , Car Hit , Philadelphia 76ers , 27 , 76 , Scene , Amount , The Street , Officials , Georgia Bulldogs , Season , Matchup Didn T , Georgia , 17 , 52 , Penn State , Nation , Thinker , Beat , 24 , Lord , Revenge Tour , Watch , Jim Harbaugh , Coach Harbaugh , Suspension , Hearing , Rest , I Love You , Big Ten , November 17th , Games , Rules , Hook , Barrel Magazine , Honor , Coach , She Knowing Veterans Heal One Hunt , 12 , Six , Script , Health , Accomplishment , Concerns , Mission , Astonishment , Cologuard , Results , Delay , Colon Cancer , Non Invasive , Provider , 45 , Products , Doing Things , Technologies , Makers , Goal , Cleaner , Planet , Generations , Durable , Making Plastics Better Today , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Therapy , Hunting , Cover , Fox Friends , Heal One Hunt , Magazine , Barrel , Cover Boy , Model , Quarters , American Dream , Rntion , Who Fought For American Dream , Folks , Disservice , Opportunity , Voice , Joey Shirtless , Don T You , Hunters , Lifestyle Outdoors Magazine , Market , Concept , Shooters , Need , John , Fishers , Magazines , Lifestyle , Gun , Owners , Publications , Solution , Chance , Drinks , Barrel Magazine A Red Neck Gq , Hunt , Healing , Buddy , Gun Owners , Hand , See , Celebrities , Music , Demographic , Industries , Space , Ergs , Smg , Sure , Spread , Celebrity Women , Reel , Bridging Gap , Anglers , Newcomer , Fishing Rod , Find , Check It Out Joey , Places , Photoshopping , Wal Mart , Retailers , Bass , Cabela S , Barrel Subscribe , Joey S , Coupon Code , Kyes , Difference , Fox , Stories , Arena , Memory , Legends , Jeep Vehicles , 2023 , Doesn T , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mental Health , Movements , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Td Treatment , Td Movements , Pill , Adults , 80 , Changes , Feelings , Actions , Patients , Mood , Behaviors , Huntington S Disease , Heart Rhythm Problems , Ingredients , Side Effect , Sleepiness , Side Effects , Angioedema , Report Fevers , Muscles , Ingrezza May ,

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