Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

>> hello everyone i'm judge jeanine pirro along can jessica jesse waters martha and greg gutfeld it is 5:00 in new york city and this is the ♪ ♪ jeanine: liberal leaders are finally cleaning up san francisco. but it's not because they want to fix the crime and drug filled city for residents it is all to impress world leaders and top ceos coming to town for a bigsc economic summit nexto. week ppg the democratic city is refusede to lift a finger to address drugs, homelessness and crime. but now that joe biden andat president xi areic coming to to nextan week, the roads will be repaved. streets power washed to get rid of all of the graffiti and public transportation stationsk, will hav te added overnight deen cleaning. it's so obvious what is going on that even liberal california governor gavin newsomed admits they are putting band-aid on a bullet wound. >> they're just cleaning up this place because fancy leaders are coming into town that's true.bu because it's true. all but it is also true for monthstt and months and months prior tod apec we'vemo been having differt conversations and we've raised the bar of expectation. we have different conversation and we have raised the bar of expectations. >> folks are saying is not what i thought it was going to be based on had been in the media because i think what happens sometimes is a moment, a snapshot, is taken and do not always san francisco, it is sometimes the bay area. to someplace in some other city. and is attributed to san francisco. so i think we have gotten a lot of unfair press. >> and on the east coast if you check the center for victims of crime, you may be labeled a cri yourself. one vigilante opening fire in a subway station in an attempt to scare away would be robert within deskill -- steel a woman's purse. he is not being charged with criminal possession of a firear and reckless endangerment, and is out on $10,000 bail. okay, so, jessica, explain why it is more important to clean u the cities and roll out the red carpet for leaders like xi jinping and for ordinary american taxpayers. and dubai that given you some's we been working on this for months and months and months as an excuse for not having done i earlier. >> is not just xi jinping to be president biden is coming, camille is coming, it's the whole summer. this happens everywhere. when you have someone come over you clean up, right, in our homes. until grime, you pick up that poop right now, this is unacceptable. that part of it doesn't surpris me. i do think we have heard from the new da now that the way san francisco is, is not acceptable that they will lose their first here city status from this, and that is just devastating when you walk around and see what is happening with homelessness, drug addiction. so, yeah, i do believe him abou that. and i hope that this becomes a catalyst for fast-moving change going to say, oh, this is a muc nicer, what can we do to make sure this is something that we can maintain in the future. >> speaker2: martha, one of the things that the chinese parent know from their own version of tiktaalik, as well as from the media coverage that they are doing in china, is they say tha san francisco looks like and ha been branded a, "loon city, he hell, a total failure." so the effort to bring in this pacific and china, whatever is economic forum, do you think it will la last, that businesses will invest? >> well, as a great point. first thing that comes to mind when you bring up china is that they understand this kind of clean up really well. they did before the beijing olympics. if you remember, they basically moved the slum areas, moved it so that everybody's traffic would not see a lot of what exists in their country. so this is a process that xi jinping is very familiar with, how to sort of kind of whitewas the city and make things perfec for the people were visiting so they don't actually see the way people lived there. so that is one thing to the other thing i think is given newsom is clear for his electio as well. i mean, president biden is coming. he has to do his cleanup job, and he does not want the rest o the country, whose eyes may be on this apac someone for a bit to see the way that people are living in that city. i reminded also and talk about economic incentives of the days when new york had a huge turnaround. you had giuliani, who did an excellent job, and you had bloomberg, who also did an excellent job, of policing, tax policy, encouraging businesses to move to new york, lowering regulations, encouraging the police officers, banking law enforcement, giving them the recognition at every step of th way. and you could see it. you just watched it turnaround in new york city. so they can do that. it's really not as complicated as i think it might sound. to help get people to cease and help get people into hospitals and rehab centers which may items said he want to do. i think it sight line my numbe number 3 but that is what he said he wanted to be i think is clear for the 2024 election because he is hoping things wil shift and he will be able to r run. >> all right, jesse, you know, speaking of crime and what happened with giuliani, and followed up by bloomberg, this week russo new york city guy wh had a job, who was arrested for criminal possession of a weapon reckless endangerment, for trying to help a woman who woul be victimized, to say the very least by someone who is mentall ill and a subway station, who was trying to rob her. what i find most interesting about it, jesse, is that the gu who shot off a warning shot had a college degree. he has had one job for 17 years. he had to post $10,000 bond. the mentally ill guide, within and is homeless, has no bail. how fair is that? >> is like we are living in an age where you are entering real men in prison, and you are letting weak predators get out on bail. and i'm not saying this guy shouldn't have done what he did i don't know if you should be looking warning shots off in th subway. maybe i would have put the gun up like is an interesting guy and said, "ground floor vagran vagrant." maybe that could hav done the job. the point is this: you are criminalizing masculinity. there is a masculine instinct t protect women who are in a vulnerable position. and if you continue to do that year after year, what you are going to do is you are going to destroy honor in new york. and if you destroy the police, and if you destroy manhood, you're going to see an era of predators, where predators are going to run wild. and all the women in all the liberals are going to say hey hey, wait a second. well, this is the result of wha we've been doing over the last several years. and in terms of gavin newsom, the reason you clean up for people when they come over is because you want to show them respect. and if you yourself live in filth, then you don't respect yourself. so if i was a taxpayer in san francisco, they are using my money to show respect to the chinese and not clean up for me. that means the politicians in san francisco do not respect th taxpayers. and, jessica, they have big summits in chicago, new york, houston, is not a story when they clean up for people, because they don't have to clea up so much. san francisco has let it fester to the point where we are cleaning up this much you will see that kind of stuff in chicago like that. in terms of quality of life. there is crime. is not people with needles sticking out of their arms. >> jessica: shooting fiv five-year-olds their windows se one there is crime but it is talking about quality of life. we are to send a camera to the tenderloin tonight to do a stor and we would need a cameraman g there. he refused to go, said it is to dirty, too dangerous 33 we fire him? greg, you can talk about crime, we can talk about xi jinping? i think i got the carpet, the residents get the brown carpet. and they said they needed to ge on the ball because they were having company. it is not like having company. this is like having childcare services show up, so hide the drugs put the brew the kids in the back room. this is not about impressing, it's about hiding. i mean, they are trying to impress china. what if you take care of the asians in your city first? there is no shortage of high-profile antiaging crime in san francisco. in 2102 alone there is like 55 557 percent increase in reporte asian hate crimes picker and those are what was reported. not actual, but reported. but here's the big appointment which marks, you made. american ever used to do this. thing ever had to do this. you can come to the city and it would be great. you didn't enter through a fres coat of paint and squalor that was the practice of communist hellholes we call them timken villages, jesse. use that tonight the potemkin villages. that is where you construct you façade to trick people to be leaving a city that is a dump really isn't a dump. so one of our presidents went t china, or ussr, they just sweep up the poor, they paint over th decaying eyesores, fix up the building and for a few days the city would sparkle. so we've all been saying like, what happened to these cities where liberals take over? do they get their current utop utopia? they did. it occurred with a coat of pai paint. they get exactly what they wanted. as to what happened in new york city, we predicted this that we handcuff the police and you released the race criminals, what can a citizen do? then mcdowell made this up for this of defense becomes self-help people if you -- i thought his weapon was legally owned. >> speaker2: it was legally owned speaker if someone is in distress go to jesse's point or you might feel compelled to he help. but in the city the weight is now, would you? i mean, look what happened to daniel penny. >> greg: you get screwed. and that is -- that change the way a man thinks. and, jesse? anti-israel demonstrators getting even more extreme with their latest protest. ♪ we been baptized in the hol water and my name's eric. i am 39 years old. i've started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping. and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at ♪ dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive (car engine revs) adult education centers near you. (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) ♪ redneck paradise because t the. >> knew proposing really big news in new york after 1,000 anti-is really radical descende on the city streets and called the president, "genocide joe cooper demonstrators swarming the new york times building of risk coverage of the israel-hamas war and demanding cease-fire. the pilot educators holding up signs, calling the paper, "the new york crimes cortical while protesters splitting police vehicles with free palestine graffiti and neutering video shows out-of-control ucla students taking turns beating a piñata with an image of israel from mr. netanyahu to do these hamas sympathizing students really know what they are marching for? >> must invade israel. what was your initial reaction to that? >> i didn't think they did, did they, hamas? >> i think so. >> honestly, i think -- i'm not really qualified to answer that too well. i'm not sure if i have seen anything that shows that actually happened or if that's actually correct. >> all right, jessica, what happened there? >> jessica: obviously someone wanted to go hang out with thei friends that didn't really know what they were going to support. it looks like this back this year by more people participating seems like it is now just a cool thing to do, right, like we are going out to protest picker and i think that the kids who are doing the more serious stuff, like walking kid in libraries and for union, wha happened at cornell, what happened at columbia, he saw that columbia has suspended the to anti-israel groups, which were in the bylaws of their schools, mit should be doing it for what happened there picker and that is a perfect refuge fo the president abuse schools. you are allowed free speech but you are not allowed to intimidate, you're not allowed to touch. you have to be respectful in these interactions. but like returned north yesterday, clearly a lot of people are misinformed about this. and i know that the administration is feeling the generation z pete about this, the genocide joe cummins and anthony lincoln today! we feel that far too many palestinians have died. i think we all feel that way, but that is juxtaposed with the fact that now the idf has gotte 80,000 gazans out safely, that they are predicting that the walking thomas is fighting to keep them there so that they ca be murdered, starved, whatever it is. and you always think about elections. everyone has that on their mind and i was thinking about what you were saying, greg, about th abortion issue, and how you fee it is a moral issue and if we lose on this, so be it. and i think that supporting israel in this moment is a moment for democrats to say, this is a moral issue for us people and if we end up alienating part of this base, and frankly looking at the turnout on tuesday i don't thin that will be an issue, but if joe biden's name makes them fee like, "genocide joe, "you can find someone else to vote for, or you can sit it out because this is something that is too important. that doesn't mean we don't care about pesticide doesn't mean we don't want a two state solution. but if you don't even know abou the massacre and what happened on october 7th, it doesn't matter c1 greg streeter i think what you are seeing is a battle between a mental state and jewish state, right. the war among protesters exists in their heads, mandating and identity politics and then lineage shaming it exists independent of the present atrocity, as you can see. they are not even aware of it because they prefer to live in the past, which make the proces romantic, and free of the gore picker has all of their worn-ou catchphrases like occupation an collective punishment. the jews however are for thomas and is not in their heads. they remove their heads. were kicked off on october 7 picker so it is a mental state which the jewish state, which i right here in america, because mental state can move. and interstate can be imported. and he can spread like a delusional contagion, which obviously it has. as for protesters here, let's call them what they are: anti anti-turntable because i hate walmart did not refocus, they are fingers and monster created in the woke lab which was coddled by liberal because they were too scared to stand up for them right. how can you get nonbinary femal leftists marching with a group of men once in power, if they get power would turn them in anniston if he is faster than you can say they are them. >> he said romanticism and, martha, there's a medicine is involved in you join these marches. i don't know if you because of the vietnam era, a lot of the academics are teaching these students to go out there and hi the streets. as you can see, they really don't know what they're talking about 38 they're not just crazy kids who are dumb. they are espousing something that is extremely dangerous. they are essentially saying tha they want the palestinian hamas organization to be the winner of this situation, and they don't even know what happened on october october 7th picker but that doesn't matter. what matters is that these deeply entrenched organizations. and look at the signs you are seeing now at these things. they are all very formulaic people they are yellow with liquids and they do say, "free palestine." in the early days of this we were thinking that said that people wanted a clean world. these are handmade with stars o david on them. they don't want that message. and these messages are deeply entrenched and very purposeful. believe me, back in iran there looking at these scenes and the are feeling like this is a win. when you are hamas to pull off what they did, and the most baruch -- there are no words fo it. i watched this video of what they did, and there are no wor words. and their glee around what they did is so deeply disturbing to humanity. so this is not cute, or funny, or good to hang out at the protest, because there is a dee tissue underlying care. and a lot of that people are benefiting from these kids. i saw one of them interviewed today and she said that this welcomes you think they should let the kidnappers go? should they let the kidnapped people go, and she signal what are the hostages? said, i don't think it is reall about that. please. do not go holding a sign and walking around at these things. do your homework. figure out what happened. and then if you genuinely want to go out and protest, then do it. but you are feeding into a dangerous narrative here. at least be smart enough to understand what you're talking about. >> jesse: demand dangerous peac in the truth is that these are the same people who vote. okay, when they talk about low information voters, i mean, they're not being read disrespectful, this is reality. many of these kids are college students. i mean, if they don't know what happened on october 7, it is no just one or two interviews of people saying, oh, did somethin happen on october 7th? they have no idea picker it is almost like defining deviancy. i think it was in the 70s or the 80s when it was talked about where things aren't as ba because the real bad stuff is s much worse what we have in new york city now are people who ar painting on the and vandalizing police cars, and they also vandalizing the façade of buildings. nobody is being arrested for this. nobody is being taken in for this picker is just like they allowed this to happen, and so we are defining society down, w are defining our culture down, who are allowing people to be totally out of control for a ridiculous, nonsense lie. and that's what it is, it's a life. the same people, you can imagin this, is they are bidding a piñata of both biden and netanyahu. they are raising the lgbtq flag next to the bidding of the piñata, as though they are too stupid to know, if you're part of the community you're being pushed off the roof of the building so that you die picker and that's the reality of what' going on. there are people and every time they hit the piñata the cheers got louder and louder, and louder. this is almost like a jungle n now. we are really at the point wher there is no truth, there no facts, there is no reality, there is just perception. and the perception is that israel is better because we've decided to focus on them as the bad people. we could have been anyone else, and it will be the next person. but it always seemed to be abou israel picker and that is decided part of it all. >> can i say something they quickly to what the judge was saying? someone said this the other night to me and it really struc a chord they central when the americans were held in iran 52 of them, we know their names. seventy-nine i was thinking thi drawing year, and we don't talk about the hostages typically don't know about them. there are a few brave moms that are on tv talking about that. >> and are point sign down so w don't see them. i know, but that is not honest that we need to talk about hostages or because you can't have a cease-fire without these people being returned. >> we agree soon coming up this veterans day, tunnel to towers is unveiling a massive invasio invasion -- a massive initiativ to house our heroes. aranzio frank sooners here to tell us all about it. ♪ i swear change my ways tinklestop just called t providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is 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don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. >> speaker2: this veterans day the tunnel to towers foundation is honoring america's heroes in a very special way. the phoenicians were coming hom over 100 events during the gran opening of the houston veterans village in texas. teacher t-tan cap renovating th former hotel that now includes 151 rooms any living center tha provides support services picke they plan to replicate this model across the nation in thei efforts to eradicate veteran homelessness. well done. it is now is chairman and ceo frank stiller. frank-mack great to have you with us. you just over and over prove ho relatively easy it is if you commit to making a difference i peoples lives. you can get it done. >> we get it done because we bring a lot of people together. is all because of what we're doing and we are doing it for. so obviously there's a homeless problem in america and the wors of it is that a lot of it is ou veterans. and his great heroes went to wa for us risk their lives for us, so that the horrific future cam back to america, cannot assimilate back into society, and many of them on the streets and it's unacceptable. if they were on the battlefield they would need them on the battlefield. their brothers and citizen arms. why is americans are we going t leave them on the street? we made up promise, we will eradicate homelessness among veterans. now, i know how we are going to get it done in made void of one of the ways is your fox viewers picker, and certainly "the five when i come on so many of them set up right away for $11 a month for $11 a month but we also asking fortune 500 companies to come on board to support and et cetera when making a promise and will get i done. and this is just the beginning. we had been a screen with us yesterday to andy pettit two guys that grew up in texas and they were there helping us and we are blessed to have a lot of people. look at this beautiful place. it breaks our heart when we see homeless veterans on the street people and you just -- see something that he goes we can fix this. >> yeah, the amazing part of it is socially, what, like 95, 96, 97 percent, goes to help those people. it is not just the goldstar families, it's the first responders, it's police picker it is everyone has put their lives on the line for the rest of us. and you just keep multiplying. now you have these homes for th homeless. but the other segment frank we talked about the universities, and those people are defunding them, mike blackman, leon cooperman. you've got to go out to those people because you perform, frank. >> because one of the things i listen to sanko, no, these leaders are committee schools for the radicals who hate america, how about taking care of the americans that are willing to die to give us the life that we had? so, yes, i'm going these people that are pulling on these colleges, and his university to come aboard, tunnel for towers, see what we do know that we giv money 5:1 percent of every dollar raised goes to programs, and that is how we are going to get it done, by bringing everybody together. i just want to say that it's great that jessica you said you give half your salary -- makepeace actually, i said i go my entire salary 32,000. >> when i my entire salary, i met your entire salary. >> but generous of you. >> we will recover homeless or not and is not only the fact that they don't always have a place to live. there is an issue going on. mental issues, whatever picker once again in the homes, is there anything else? >> thank you for asking that. so on your plaza right now we have a comfort home. reported there. regarding crane and the other night, drafted in, in the middl of the night, because it's important i want to see people in veterans day see what we are doing. beside the hotels we are revamping their giving 500-foot square homes you see there if i ever get cancer, i know where i'm going. but their beautiful picker but we just can't put wood overhea overhead -- put a roof over their heads. i want to reroute a list of things we are doing to make sur they get all the competences services once they were there because we have to help them ge back into society. positions, job training, benefi assistance, education assista assistance, allow the marcus green degrees are going back to college or going back to school and compare them for going back out there and work. financial budget management. many of them don't know how to do a budget. legal advocacy, medical care access. they don't know what they can get from the va center. matter how supportive, of cour course, counseling and ptsd counseling and veteran treatme treatment, and more that we are doing picker so all these services. so what you saw in the opening of this segment was this hotel that we revamped, right? on the first floor we have all the services. >> what companies are already involved? >> who is something wrong? i got to say, american express wa one of the first ones since we launch this, have just came on board, in a big way, means of dollars. >> that's great. it is and to have a name like that is available. we have general medicine you know that pgm has been with us for a long time having us build all the smart homes. and the home depot foundation they been involved in homeless veterans for a long time too an i wanted to m to them. >> they employ. >> so does general motors. and fox does too. another thing, we are going to make sure that we are going to get these great heroes in to work you go back into society. part of these things are permanent housing but we also want transitional housing because we want them transitioning out and getting their own homes. >> how many homeless vets did you help here? >> 3,000. >> while. >> let me tell you, because we are blessed we have a national program, that all across americ that we can if somebody hears what summary homeless or a family member knows somebody love is homeless, they can call us. you can call us and we can get them off the street immediately. and then work with the va to make sure they get all their services that we just were talking about. we are going to build a tremendous relationship other organizations have been noticed for a long time and i want to give them a lot of credit. but we are blessed that we have a lot of people that joined us. and once again i like to say to the fox view, and i said before and would like to say it again, that together, why not say that "we." eradicated homelessness to not tell us the towers, not "the five," not just gm and hom depot, and american express, al of us, as americans, to make a promise. penalty towers enterprise that we are going to make sure that we take care of these great heroes anyone everyone else to join us. it's a great way for families this week to talk about veteran day with you, then take less as a family make a contribution to the organization and you get a legacy to invest as a family an say this is what we are going t do. when you see this homeless person on the street and it breaks your heart, there is something we can do, and we can do it through your organization. >> can i add one more thing? sorry, 50 -. one more thing. >> 50 houses today were delivered to surgically injured service members, goldstar families, and bonkers about his family, mortgage free homes, 50 because i want everyone to understand that we are going to continue doing that work, we ar never going to stop taking care of those greater but we are als going to eradicate homelessness. >> the keywords you deliver. >> we do. >> always deliver. >> thank you, god bless you. thank you for having me. >> thank you, frank, always great to have you. all right, we'll be back this is your season to smile -- to raise a toast and 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(aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's he's out talking to a specific perso i had a altercation with just a figure of speech. not a good one. but when you are worked up and you are spiraling control, your not think your words clearly through pd just can't tell us about your time with tiffany. >> oh, tiffany, well, that was the scope of the centro that i' in big trouble. but she is a very nice person and she came in and she is rattled. she is ecologically shot. and to have a half a billion people to the worst most of you entire life was just so difficult, she went into hiding for a month and a half picker now she is trying to come out o and she is doing the best she can. she had a bad mood and there were knows about it. imagine a worse one of your entire life and the whole world turned out, jessica. >> i feel it everyday. ps mokwhoa she said i watched i throughout the interview and sh said, i am able to laugh at it. but i will bet the guy in portage f and interprenet able to laugh at it. here's the thing: when she's o the plane, she said that mike f. is invisible or something and now he's not real people and sh said that she had an altercat altercation. if you have an altercation with someone, jesse, you don't expec you usually say you know get this, that, you do this, that ppq will turn around and say, he's not real, okay. i would ask her if she had a drink or did someone put a pillow and her drink. and all of the disruption that she cause, everybody had to deplane? tsa had to come back to make sure that they were all screen again. then she kept trying to get bac on the airplane. she is claiming that the airplane would not say, it woul never get to its destination. how may people on the planet thinking, i wonder if you know something i don't know and i'm not going to make it picker she cause a lot of problems. i'm sure she is a sweet woman. she should've kept her mouth shut and don't say, it was just a bad moment. no, you were ridiculous. >> i should have attacked her? >> no. >> you ended the interview of the century. >> oh, man, judge, i'm sorry. >> greg. >> thank you. yeah, i mean, the real thing here was her telling people tha everybody is going to die on th plane. >> yeah ps and their external information for this. there is no expiration. that wasn't like getting worked up or spiraling, this was a dru or medication thing. it had -- because there is -- that is just -- it drugs talki talking, is not a human talking. >> csps and let's be honest, she's an attractive young woman. if it were a short, obnoxious talkshow host, who was screami screaming, "the planes going down, the play going down," i would be in jail. >> i would have tackled you. >> yes, exactly. >> what do you think of martha. >> was sitting in looking at th video thinking about the guy wh shot that video people and how if it weren't for him, because he is r-squared front of her, and he gets the whole thing, sh could have -- she wouldn't have had to hide in her instrument that could have maybe dealt wit whatever issues you are suggesting that she may have h had. i think it's unfortunate that everything is videotaped and everything gets thrown in everyone's face and that people have enough time to actually sa and think what the thing that should be paying attention to and spent way too much time paying attention to this stuff. >> and that is how you should video piece exactly. >> do it like that the member and bridesmaids where there's a woman screaming, "there's a colonial woman on the plane, we all going down? that was comedy, not real life. >> ♪ i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. . ♪ ♪. >> yeah, don't hurt me. this is a great question and i will go to you, martha, because it came from martha. not you, a different martha. what is something you did as a kid that you still feel guilty about? and keep it clean. >> ceiling pencils out of one o the copies in kindergarten. i have no idea why. >> how about you, jesse? well was in getting into just reminded me, my friend had one of those water jugs that he filled up with cash and coins and i took some chewing gum and i tied a string to a pencil and i stuck the gum to the end of the string and i would like th that, and i got $10 out of his bucket. >> inventive. >> terrible. judge. >> what were the red dragons called? >> radio flyers? >> radio flyer, whatever i was pulling a friend in it and i think it had a rope on it, so w did a corner and something happened, and it hit her in the head and she was bleeding, and ran home. >> you ran home? >> you thought you were going t be in trouble. >> jesse. >> i try to when my little sister was little, be taking a bath and like shough her hand o the tray to see if she would go. >> it never happened but i thin is that a bad stage. >> all right, what is something you did as a kid that you still feel guilty about? what if you are still doing it? >> you sicko. >> though, i always go back to using my dance coin collection to buy the first and halen alb album. >> oh. >> that's mean. >> i still think about that. >> oh, that's terrible. >> yeah, but that was a great album. i mean, running with the devil goes into eruption, and eruptio proceeds the best version of yo really got me. i mean, you can't do anything better than that to i think by that up there is going, greg, i'm glad you use the money on that. it is something you want to do as an adult as a child, that yo did as an adult, that didn't turn out like you thought to be something you thought as a kid you wanted to do, but you ended up doing it and it wasn't all that. >> you know those all-you-can-eat buffets? >> yeah. >> looks great. >> that's a good one p then whe you're 22 you think that's sick. >> electric one. jerry central to the whole thin about having sushi nexus, legs and cupcakes. >> no thank you. >> can you think of something? >> being an adult is not that great overall. >> it isn't. >> little painful my life. >> you know, i remember as a ki i always wanted to wear makeup and all that. >> me too. now, i would rather hang myself. >> i have to say shaving. >> foz yeah ps and my fingers too. >> right. >> one more thing is up next. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ honor our nation's true heroes . >> tickets are on sale now at fox nation .com slash patriot awards it is time now for one more thing. >> and jon and je marianne big, bigferr happy anniversary shout out. fifty years, look at thisat beautiful couple the ty wereere married november 10, 732 kids, o five grandchildren way to go. wish you the best congrats very impressive milestone. >> must be friends. >> atonight on just what is prio time it woke woman's dui disaster. one of my favorite all-time body camp footages i have ever seen. >> okay have you heard of those jars were everybody has to put money and if they swear or something? what's a swear jar >> whatever. i sweag, r jar. this is not a swear jar saying the name taylor swift will cost you and one guy's house, hegu livey's in maryland his wife isa huge obsession with taylor swifo has cost her husband to create taylor swift jar where she hasyr to drop in a quarter every timea she mentions the q singer or hes new boyfriend travis kelsey. what do they plan to do with th money?y pl she said she's going to buy taylor swift concert tickets are right gregtayl? >> not the same since i dumped her. ton tonight 10:00 p.m. at dana white, dagen mcdowell we talked pyro.n this imcs a great show. let's do this.t sh grants flying deer into a pickup truck news the story about this the truck was a foabr sale and e guy was there about to buy thet? truck and then this happens. the truck on the left too. that mocks the price down from 9400 to 8500. they did not ask for the deerpi per. >> nice jumping onng the deer part. good recovery. >> there you go. >> you are indeed seeing a double 17 times pennsylvania school district has 17 sets of twins in the same graduating class. colonial school district classe of 2036 at twin dirt garden wishing all the teachers at lock in telling all these kids apart. >> amartha? >> today was the big 100,000-dollar k bike ride george w. bush does every yeareg the former president dr. marcre siegel was out there witsih him it's a ride for our warriors anu is a old wonderful feel-good event they do every year. >> that's it for us have a great weekend everyone. 368 the fight benjamin nhu

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Concert Tickets , Dana White , Dagen Mcdowell , Th Money Y Pl She , Pyro N This Imcs A Great Show , Truck , This T Sh Grants Flying Deer , Pickup Truck News , Left , Thet , Foabr , Recovery , Price , Jumping Onng The Deer Part , Nice , Deerpi Per , 8500 , 9400 , Twins , Class , Graduating , Pennsylvania School District , Colonial School District Classe , 2036 , Yeareg , Teachers , Clock , Big 100000 Dollar K Bike Ride , Marcre Siegel , Twin Dirt Garden , Amartha , George W Bush , 100000 , Warriors , Event , Weekend , Bride , Benjamin Nhu , 368 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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>> hello everyone i'm judge jeanine pirro along can jessica jesse waters martha and greg gutfeld it is 5:00 in new york city and this is the ♪ ♪ jeanine: liberal leaders are finally cleaning up san francisco. but it's not because they want to fix the crime and drug filled city for residents it is all to impress world leaders and top ceos coming to town for a bigsc economic summit nexto. week ppg the democratic city is refusede to lift a finger to address drugs, homelessness and crime. but now that joe biden andat president xi areic coming to to nextan week, the roads will be repaved. streets power washed to get rid of all of the graffiti and public transportation stationsk, will hav te added overnight deen cleaning. it's so obvious what is going on that even liberal california governor gavin newsomed admits they are putting band-aid on a bullet wound. >> they're just cleaning up this place because fancy leaders are coming into town that's true.bu because it's true. all but it is also true for monthstt and months and months prior tod apec we'vemo been having differt conversations and we've raised the bar of expectation. we have different conversation and we have raised the bar of expectations. >> folks are saying is not what i thought it was going to be based on had been in the media because i think what happens sometimes is a moment, a snapshot, is taken and do not always san francisco, it is sometimes the bay area. to someplace in some other city. and is attributed to san francisco. so i think we have gotten a lot of unfair press. >> and on the east coast if you check the center for victims of crime, you may be labeled a cri yourself. one vigilante opening fire in a subway station in an attempt to scare away would be robert within deskill -- steel a woman's purse. he is not being charged with criminal possession of a firear and reckless endangerment, and is out on $10,000 bail. okay, so, jessica, explain why it is more important to clean u the cities and roll out the red carpet for leaders like xi jinping and for ordinary american taxpayers. and dubai that given you some's we been working on this for months and months and months as an excuse for not having done i earlier. >> is not just xi jinping to be president biden is coming, camille is coming, it's the whole summer. this happens everywhere. when you have someone come over you clean up, right, in our homes. until grime, you pick up that poop right now, this is unacceptable. that part of it doesn't surpris me. i do think we have heard from the new da now that the way san francisco is, is not acceptable that they will lose their first here city status from this, and that is just devastating when you walk around and see what is happening with homelessness, drug addiction. so, yeah, i do believe him abou that. and i hope that this becomes a catalyst for fast-moving change going to say, oh, this is a muc nicer, what can we do to make sure this is something that we can maintain in the future. >> speaker2: martha, one of the things that the chinese parent know from their own version of tiktaalik, as well as from the media coverage that they are doing in china, is they say tha san francisco looks like and ha been branded a, "loon city, he hell, a total failure." so the effort to bring in this pacific and china, whatever is economic forum, do you think it will la last, that businesses will invest? >> well, as a great point. first thing that comes to mind when you bring up china is that they understand this kind of clean up really well. they did before the beijing olympics. if you remember, they basically moved the slum areas, moved it so that everybody's traffic would not see a lot of what exists in their country. so this is a process that xi jinping is very familiar with, how to sort of kind of whitewas the city and make things perfec for the people were visiting so they don't actually see the way people lived there. so that is one thing to the other thing i think is given newsom is clear for his electio as well. i mean, president biden is coming. he has to do his cleanup job, and he does not want the rest o the country, whose eyes may be on this apac someone for a bit to see the way that people are living in that city. i reminded also and talk about economic incentives of the days when new york had a huge turnaround. you had giuliani, who did an excellent job, and you had bloomberg, who also did an excellent job, of policing, tax policy, encouraging businesses to move to new york, lowering regulations, encouraging the police officers, banking law enforcement, giving them the recognition at every step of th way. and you could see it. you just watched it turnaround in new york city. so they can do that. it's really not as complicated as i think it might sound. to help get people to cease and help get people into hospitals and rehab centers which may items said he want to do. i think it sight line my numbe number 3 but that is what he said he wanted to be i think is clear for the 2024 election because he is hoping things wil shift and he will be able to r run. >> all right, jesse, you know, speaking of crime and what happened with giuliani, and followed up by bloomberg, this week russo new york city guy wh had a job, who was arrested for criminal possession of a weapon reckless endangerment, for trying to help a woman who woul be victimized, to say the very least by someone who is mentall ill and a subway station, who was trying to rob her. what i find most interesting about it, jesse, is that the gu who shot off a warning shot had a college degree. he has had one job for 17 years. he had to post $10,000 bond. the mentally ill guide, within and is homeless, has no bail. how fair is that? >> is like we are living in an age where you are entering real men in prison, and you are letting weak predators get out on bail. and i'm not saying this guy shouldn't have done what he did i don't know if you should be looking warning shots off in th subway. maybe i would have put the gun up like is an interesting guy and said, "ground floor vagran vagrant." maybe that could hav done the job. the point is this: you are criminalizing masculinity. there is a masculine instinct t protect women who are in a vulnerable position. and if you continue to do that year after year, what you are going to do is you are going to destroy honor in new york. and if you destroy the police, and if you destroy manhood, you're going to see an era of predators, where predators are going to run wild. and all the women in all the liberals are going to say hey hey, wait a second. well, this is the result of wha we've been doing over the last several years. and in terms of gavin newsom, the reason you clean up for people when they come over is because you want to show them respect. and if you yourself live in filth, then you don't respect yourself. so if i was a taxpayer in san francisco, they are using my money to show respect to the chinese and not clean up for me. that means the politicians in san francisco do not respect th taxpayers. and, jessica, they have big summits in chicago, new york, houston, is not a story when they clean up for people, because they don't have to clea up so much. san francisco has let it fester to the point where we are cleaning up this much you will see that kind of stuff in chicago like that. in terms of quality of life. there is crime. is not people with needles sticking out of their arms. >> jessica: shooting fiv five-year-olds their windows se one there is crime but it is talking about quality of life. we are to send a camera to the tenderloin tonight to do a stor and we would need a cameraman g there. he refused to go, said it is to dirty, too dangerous 33 we fire him? greg, you can talk about crime, we can talk about xi jinping? i think i got the carpet, the residents get the brown carpet. and they said they needed to ge on the ball because they were having company. it is not like having company. this is like having childcare services show up, so hide the drugs put the brew the kids in the back room. this is not about impressing, it's about hiding. i mean, they are trying to impress china. what if you take care of the asians in your city first? there is no shortage of high-profile antiaging crime in san francisco. in 2102 alone there is like 55 557 percent increase in reporte asian hate crimes picker and those are what was reported. not actual, but reported. but here's the big appointment which marks, you made. american ever used to do this. thing ever had to do this. you can come to the city and it would be great. you didn't enter through a fres coat of paint and squalor that was the practice of communist hellholes we call them timken villages, jesse. use that tonight the potemkin villages. that is where you construct you façade to trick people to be leaving a city that is a dump really isn't a dump. so one of our presidents went t china, or ussr, they just sweep up the poor, they paint over th decaying eyesores, fix up the building and for a few days the city would sparkle. so we've all been saying like, what happened to these cities where liberals take over? do they get their current utop utopia? they did. it occurred with a coat of pai paint. they get exactly what they wanted. as to what happened in new york city, we predicted this that we handcuff the police and you released the race criminals, what can a citizen do? then mcdowell made this up for this of defense becomes self-help people if you -- i thought his weapon was legally owned. >> speaker2: it was legally owned speaker if someone is in distress go to jesse's point or you might feel compelled to he help. but in the city the weight is now, would you? i mean, look what happened to daniel penny. >> greg: you get screwed. and that is -- that change the way a man thinks. and, jesse? anti-israel demonstrators getting even more extreme with their latest protest. ♪ we been baptized in the hol water and my name's eric. i am 39 years old. i've started thinking about getting botox® cosmetic for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping. and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at ♪ dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive (car engine revs) adult education centers near you. (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) ♪ redneck paradise because t the. >> knew proposing really big news in new york after 1,000 anti-is really radical descende on the city streets and called the president, "genocide joe cooper demonstrators swarming the new york times building of risk coverage of the israel-hamas war and demanding cease-fire. the pilot educators holding up signs, calling the paper, "the new york crimes cortical while protesters splitting police vehicles with free palestine graffiti and neutering video shows out-of-control ucla students taking turns beating a piñata with an image of israel from mr. netanyahu to do these hamas sympathizing students really know what they are marching for? >> must invade israel. what was your initial reaction to that? >> i didn't think they did, did they, hamas? >> i think so. >> honestly, i think -- i'm not really qualified to answer that too well. i'm not sure if i have seen anything that shows that actually happened or if that's actually correct. >> all right, jessica, what happened there? >> jessica: obviously someone wanted to go hang out with thei friends that didn't really know what they were going to support. it looks like this back this year by more people participating seems like it is now just a cool thing to do, right, like we are going out to protest picker and i think that the kids who are doing the more serious stuff, like walking kid in libraries and for union, wha happened at cornell, what happened at columbia, he saw that columbia has suspended the to anti-israel groups, which were in the bylaws of their schools, mit should be doing it for what happened there picker and that is a perfect refuge fo the president abuse schools. you are allowed free speech but you are not allowed to intimidate, you're not allowed to touch. you have to be respectful in these interactions. but like returned north yesterday, clearly a lot of people are misinformed about this. and i know that the administration is feeling the generation z pete about this, the genocide joe cummins and anthony lincoln today! we feel that far too many palestinians have died. i think we all feel that way, but that is juxtaposed with the fact that now the idf has gotte 80,000 gazans out safely, that they are predicting that the walking thomas is fighting to keep them there so that they ca be murdered, starved, whatever it is. and you always think about elections. everyone has that on their mind and i was thinking about what you were saying, greg, about th abortion issue, and how you fee it is a moral issue and if we lose on this, so be it. and i think that supporting israel in this moment is a moment for democrats to say, this is a moral issue for us people and if we end up alienating part of this base, and frankly looking at the turnout on tuesday i don't thin that will be an issue, but if joe biden's name makes them fee like, "genocide joe, "you can find someone else to vote for, or you can sit it out because this is something that is too important. that doesn't mean we don't care about pesticide doesn't mean we don't want a two state solution. but if you don't even know abou the massacre and what happened on october 7th, it doesn't matter c1 greg streeter i think what you are seeing is a battle between a mental state and jewish state, right. the war among protesters exists in their heads, mandating and identity politics and then lineage shaming it exists independent of the present atrocity, as you can see. they are not even aware of it because they prefer to live in the past, which make the proces romantic, and free of the gore picker has all of their worn-ou catchphrases like occupation an collective punishment. the jews however are for thomas and is not in their heads. they remove their heads. were kicked off on october 7 picker so it is a mental state which the jewish state, which i right here in america, because mental state can move. and interstate can be imported. and he can spread like a delusional contagion, which obviously it has. as for protesters here, let's call them what they are: anti anti-turntable because i hate walmart did not refocus, they are fingers and monster created in the woke lab which was coddled by liberal because they were too scared to stand up for them right. how can you get nonbinary femal leftists marching with a group of men once in power, if they get power would turn them in anniston if he is faster than you can say they are them. >> he said romanticism and, martha, there's a medicine is involved in you join these marches. i don't know if you because of the vietnam era, a lot of the academics are teaching these students to go out there and hi the streets. as you can see, they really don't know what they're talking about 38 they're not just crazy kids who are dumb. they are espousing something that is extremely dangerous. they are essentially saying tha they want the palestinian hamas organization to be the winner of this situation, and they don't even know what happened on october october 7th picker but that doesn't matter. what matters is that these deeply entrenched organizations. and look at the signs you are seeing now at these things. they are all very formulaic people they are yellow with liquids and they do say, "free palestine." in the early days of this we were thinking that said that people wanted a clean world. these are handmade with stars o david on them. they don't want that message. and these messages are deeply entrenched and very purposeful. believe me, back in iran there looking at these scenes and the are feeling like this is a win. when you are hamas to pull off what they did, and the most baruch -- there are no words fo it. i watched this video of what they did, and there are no wor words. and their glee around what they did is so deeply disturbing to humanity. so this is not cute, or funny, or good to hang out at the protest, because there is a dee tissue underlying care. and a lot of that people are benefiting from these kids. i saw one of them interviewed today and she said that this welcomes you think they should let the kidnappers go? should they let the kidnapped people go, and she signal what are the hostages? said, i don't think it is reall about that. please. do not go holding a sign and walking around at these things. do your homework. figure out what happened. and then if you genuinely want to go out and protest, then do it. but you are feeding into a dangerous narrative here. at least be smart enough to understand what you're talking about. >> jesse: demand dangerous peac in the truth is that these are the same people who vote. okay, when they talk about low information voters, i mean, they're not being read disrespectful, this is reality. many of these kids are college students. i mean, if they don't know what happened on october 7, it is no just one or two interviews of people saying, oh, did somethin happen on october 7th? they have no idea picker it is almost like defining deviancy. i think it was in the 70s or the 80s when it was talked about where things aren't as ba because the real bad stuff is s much worse what we have in new york city now are people who ar painting on the and vandalizing police cars, and they also vandalizing the façade of buildings. nobody is being arrested for this. nobody is being taken in for this picker is just like they allowed this to happen, and so we are defining society down, w are defining our culture down, who are allowing people to be totally out of control for a ridiculous, nonsense lie. and that's what it is, it's a life. the same people, you can imagin this, is they are bidding a piñata of both biden and netanyahu. they are raising the lgbtq flag next to the bidding of the piñata, as though they are too stupid to know, if you're part of the community you're being pushed off the roof of the building so that you die picker and that's the reality of what' going on. there are people and every time they hit the piñata the cheers got louder and louder, and louder. this is almost like a jungle n now. we are really at the point wher there is no truth, there no facts, there is no reality, there is just perception. and the perception is that israel is better because we've decided to focus on them as the bad people. we could have been anyone else, and it will be the next person. but it always seemed to be abou israel picker and that is decided part of it all. >> can i say something they quickly to what the judge was saying? someone said this the other night to me and it really struc a chord they central when the americans were held in iran 52 of them, we know their names. seventy-nine i was thinking thi drawing year, and we don't talk about the hostages typically don't know about them. there are a few brave moms that are on tv talking about that. >> and are point sign down so w don't see them. i know, but that is not honest that we need to talk about hostages or because you can't have a cease-fire without these people being returned. >> we agree soon coming up this veterans day, tunnel to towers is unveiling a massive invasio invasion -- a massive initiativ to house our heroes. aranzio frank sooners here to tell us all about it. ♪ i swear change my ways tinklestop just called t providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is 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don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra. >> speaker2: this veterans day the tunnel to towers foundation is honoring america's heroes in a very special way. the phoenicians were coming hom over 100 events during the gran opening of the houston veterans village in texas. teacher t-tan cap renovating th former hotel that now includes 151 rooms any living center tha provides support services picke they plan to replicate this model across the nation in thei efforts to eradicate veteran homelessness. well done. it is now is chairman and ceo frank stiller. frank-mack great to have you with us. you just over and over prove ho relatively easy it is if you commit to making a difference i peoples lives. you can get it done. >> we get it done because we bring a lot of people together. is all because of what we're doing and we are doing it for. so obviously there's a homeless problem in america and the wors of it is that a lot of it is ou veterans. and his great heroes went to wa for us risk their lives for us, so that the horrific future cam back to america, cannot assimilate back into society, and many of them on the streets and it's unacceptable. if they were on the battlefield they would need them on the battlefield. their brothers and citizen arms. why is americans are we going t leave them on the street? we made up promise, we will eradicate homelessness among veterans. now, i know how we are going to get it done in made void of one of the ways is your fox viewers picker, and certainly "the five when i come on so many of them set up right away for $11 a month for $11 a month but we also asking fortune 500 companies to come on board to support and et cetera when making a promise and will get i done. and this is just the beginning. we had been a screen with us yesterday to andy pettit two guys that grew up in texas and they were there helping us and we are blessed to have a lot of people. look at this beautiful place. it breaks our heart when we see homeless veterans on the street people and you just -- see something that he goes we can fix this. >> yeah, the amazing part of it is socially, what, like 95, 96, 97 percent, goes to help those people. it is not just the goldstar families, it's the first responders, it's police picker it is everyone has put their lives on the line for the rest of us. and you just keep multiplying. now you have these homes for th homeless. but the other segment frank we talked about the universities, and those people are defunding them, mike blackman, leon cooperman. you've got to go out to those people because you perform, frank. >> because one of the things i listen to sanko, no, these leaders are committee schools for the radicals who hate america, how about taking care of the americans that are willing to die to give us the life that we had? so, yes, i'm going these people that are pulling on these colleges, and his university to come aboard, tunnel for towers, see what we do know that we giv money 5:1 percent of every dollar raised goes to programs, and that is how we are going to get it done, by bringing everybody together. i just want to say that it's great that jessica you said you give half your salary -- makepeace actually, i said i go my entire salary 32,000. >> when i my entire salary, i met your entire salary. >> but generous of you. >> we will recover homeless or not and is not only the fact that they don't always have a place to live. there is an issue going on. mental issues, whatever picker once again in the homes, is there anything else? >> thank you for asking that. so on your plaza right now we have a comfort home. reported there. regarding crane and the other night, drafted in, in the middl of the night, because it's important i want to see people in veterans day see what we are doing. beside the hotels we are revamping their giving 500-foot square homes you see there if i ever get cancer, i know where i'm going. but their beautiful picker but we just can't put wood overhea overhead -- put a roof over their heads. i want to reroute a list of things we are doing to make sur they get all the competences services once they were there because we have to help them ge back into society. positions, job training, benefi assistance, education assista assistance, allow the marcus green degrees are going back to college or going back to school and compare them for going back out there and work. financial budget management. many of them don't know how to do a budget. legal advocacy, medical care access. they don't know what they can get from the va center. matter how supportive, of cour course, counseling and ptsd counseling and veteran treatme treatment, and more that we are doing picker so all these services. so what you saw in the opening of this segment was this hotel that we revamped, right? on the first floor we have all the services. >> what companies are already involved? >> who is something wrong? i got to say, american express wa one of the first ones since we launch this, have just came on board, in a big way, means of dollars. >> that's great. it is and to have a name like that is available. we have general medicine you know that pgm has been with us for a long time having us build all the smart homes. and the home depot foundation they been involved in homeless veterans for a long time too an i wanted to m to them. >> they employ. >> so does general motors. and fox does too. another thing, we are going to make sure that we are going to get these great heroes in to work you go back into society. part of these things are permanent housing but we also want transitional housing because we want them transitioning out and getting their own homes. >> how many homeless vets did you help here? >> 3,000. >> while. >> let me tell you, because we are blessed we have a national program, that all across americ that we can if somebody hears what summary homeless or a family member knows somebody love is homeless, they can call us. you can call us and we can get them off the street immediately. and then work with the va to make sure they get all their services that we just were talking about. we are going to build a tremendous relationship other organizations have been noticed for a long time and i want to give them a lot of credit. but we are blessed that we have a lot of people that joined us. and once again i like to say to the fox view, and i said before and would like to say it again, that together, why not say that "we." eradicated homelessness to not tell us the towers, not "the five," not just gm and hom depot, and american express, al of us, as americans, to make a promise. penalty towers enterprise that we are going to make sure that we take care of these great heroes anyone everyone else to join us. it's a great way for families this week to talk about veteran day with you, then take less as a family make a contribution to the organization and you get a legacy to invest as a family an say this is what we are going t do. when you see this homeless person on the street and it breaks your heart, there is something we can do, and we can do it through your organization. >> can i add one more thing? sorry, 50 -. one more thing. >> 50 houses today were delivered to surgically injured service members, goldstar families, and bonkers about his family, mortgage free homes, 50 because i want everyone to understand that we are going to continue doing that work, we ar never going to stop taking care of those greater but we are als going to eradicate homelessness. >> the keywords you deliver. >> we do. >> always deliver. >> thank you, god bless you. thank you for having me. >> thank you, frank, always great to have you. all right, we'll be back this is your season to smile -- to raise a toast and 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(aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's he's out talking to a specific perso i had a altercation with just a figure of speech. not a good one. but when you are worked up and you are spiraling control, your not think your words clearly through pd just can't tell us about your time with tiffany. >> oh, tiffany, well, that was the scope of the centro that i' in big trouble. but she is a very nice person and she came in and she is rattled. she is ecologically shot. and to have a half a billion people to the worst most of you entire life was just so difficult, she went into hiding for a month and a half picker now she is trying to come out o and she is doing the best she can. she had a bad mood and there were knows about it. imagine a worse one of your entire life and the whole world turned out, jessica. >> i feel it everyday. ps mokwhoa she said i watched i throughout the interview and sh said, i am able to laugh at it. but i will bet the guy in portage f and interprenet able to laugh at it. here's the thing: when she's o the plane, she said that mike f. is invisible or something and now he's not real people and sh said that she had an altercat altercation. if you have an altercation with someone, jesse, you don't expec you usually say you know get this, that, you do this, that ppq will turn around and say, he's not real, okay. i would ask her if she had a drink or did someone put a pillow and her drink. and all of the disruption that she cause, everybody had to deplane? tsa had to come back to make sure that they were all screen again. then she kept trying to get bac on the airplane. she is claiming that the airplane would not say, it woul never get to its destination. how may people on the planet thinking, i wonder if you know something i don't know and i'm not going to make it picker she cause a lot of problems. i'm sure she is a sweet woman. she should've kept her mouth shut and don't say, it was just a bad moment. no, you were ridiculous. >> i should have attacked her? >> no. >> you ended the interview of the century. >> oh, man, judge, i'm sorry. >> greg. >> thank you. yeah, i mean, the real thing here was her telling people tha everybody is going to die on th plane. >> yeah ps and their external information for this. there is no expiration. that wasn't like getting worked up or spiraling, this was a dru or medication thing. it had -- because there is -- that is just -- it drugs talki talking, is not a human talking. >> csps and let's be honest, she's an attractive young woman. if it were a short, obnoxious talkshow host, who was screami screaming, "the planes going down, the play going down," i would be in jail. >> i would have tackled you. >> yes, exactly. >> what do you think of martha. >> was sitting in looking at th video thinking about the guy wh shot that video people and how if it weren't for him, because he is r-squared front of her, and he gets the whole thing, sh could have -- she wouldn't have had to hide in her instrument that could have maybe dealt wit whatever issues you are suggesting that she may have h had. i think it's unfortunate that everything is videotaped and everything gets thrown in everyone's face and that people have enough time to actually sa and think what the thing that should be paying attention to and spent way too much time paying attention to this stuff. >> and that is how you should video piece exactly. >> do it like that the member and bridesmaids where there's a woman screaming, "there's a colonial woman on the plane, we all going down? that was comedy, not real life. >> ♪ i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. . ♪ ♪. >> yeah, don't hurt me. this is a great question and i will go to you, martha, because it came from martha. not you, a different martha. what is something you did as a kid that you still feel guilty about? and keep it clean. >> ceiling pencils out of one o the copies in kindergarten. i have no idea why. >> how about you, jesse? well was in getting into just reminded me, my friend had one of those water jugs that he filled up with cash and coins and i took some chewing gum and i tied a string to a pencil and i stuck the gum to the end of the string and i would like th that, and i got $10 out of his bucket. >> inventive. >> terrible. judge. >> what were the red dragons called? >> radio flyers? >> radio flyer, whatever i was pulling a friend in it and i think it had a rope on it, so w did a corner and something happened, and it hit her in the head and she was bleeding, and ran home. >> you ran home? >> you thought you were going t be in trouble. >> jesse. >> i try to when my little sister was little, be taking a bath and like shough her hand o the tray to see if she would go. >> it never happened but i thin is that a bad stage. >> all right, what is something you did as a kid that you still feel guilty about? what if you are still doing it? >> you sicko. >> though, i always go back to using my dance coin collection to buy the first and halen alb album. >> oh. >> that's mean. >> i still think about that. >> oh, that's terrible. >> yeah, but that was a great album. i mean, running with the devil goes into eruption, and eruptio proceeds the best version of yo really got me. i mean, you can't do anything better than that to i think by that up there is going, greg, i'm glad you use the money on that. it is something you want to do as an adult as a child, that yo did as an adult, that didn't turn out like you thought to be something you thought as a kid you wanted to do, but you ended up doing it and it wasn't all that. >> you know those all-you-can-eat buffets? >> yeah. >> looks great. >> that's a good one p then whe you're 22 you think that's sick. >> electric one. jerry central to the whole thin about having sushi nexus, legs and cupcakes. >> no thank you. >> can you think of something? >> being an adult is not that great overall. >> it isn't. >> little painful my life. >> you know, i remember as a ki i always wanted to wear makeup and all that. >> me too. now, i would rather hang myself. >> i have to say shaving. >> foz yeah ps and my fingers too. >> right. >> one more thing is up next. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ honor our nation's true heroes . >> tickets are on sale now at fox nation .com slash patriot awards it is time now for one more thing. >> and jon and je marianne big, bigferr happy anniversary shout out. fifty years, look at thisat beautiful couple the ty wereere married november 10, 732 kids, o five grandchildren way to go. wish you the best congrats very impressive milestone. >> must be friends. >> atonight on just what is prio time it woke woman's dui disaster. one of my favorite all-time body camp footages i have ever seen. >> okay have you heard of those jars were everybody has to put money and if they swear or something? what's a swear jar >> whatever. i sweag, r jar. this is not a swear jar saying the name taylor swift will cost you and one guy's house, hegu livey's in maryland his wife isa huge obsession with taylor swifo has cost her husband to create taylor swift jar where she hasyr to drop in a quarter every timea she mentions the q singer or hes new boyfriend travis kelsey. what do they plan to do with th money?y pl she said she's going to buy taylor swift concert tickets are right gregtayl? >> not the same since i dumped her. ton tonight 10:00 p.m. at dana white, dagen mcdowell we talked pyro.n this imcs a great show. let's do this.t sh grants flying deer into a pickup truck news the story about this the truck was a foabr sale and e guy was there about to buy thet? truck and then this happens. the truck on the left too. that mocks the price down from 9400 to 8500. they did not ask for the deerpi per. >> nice jumping onng the deer part. good recovery. >> there you go. >> you are indeed seeing a double 17 times pennsylvania school district has 17 sets of twins in the same graduating class. colonial school district classe of 2036 at twin dirt garden wishing all the teachers at lock in telling all these kids apart. >> amartha? >> today was the big 100,000-dollar k bike ride george w. bush does every yeareg the former president dr. marcre siegel was out there witsih him it's a ride for our warriors anu is a old wonderful feel-good event they do every year. >> that's it for us have a great weekend everyone. 368 the fight benjamin nhu

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Concert Tickets , Dana White , Dagen Mcdowell , Th Money Y Pl She , Pyro N This Imcs A Great Show , Truck , This T Sh Grants Flying Deer , Pickup Truck News , Left , Thet , Foabr , Recovery , Price , Jumping Onng The Deer Part , Nice , Deerpi Per , 8500 , 9400 , Twins , Class , Graduating , Pennsylvania School District , Colonial School District Classe , 2036 , Yeareg , Teachers , Clock , Big 100000 Dollar K Bike Ride , Marcre Siegel , Twin Dirt Garden , Amartha , George W Bush , 100000 , Warriors , Event , Weekend , Bride , Benjamin Nhu , 368 ,

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