Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

american bases in iraq and syria have taken incoming fire 46 times. 56 servicemembers have been hurt and there is real concern a major strike could drag america into a conflict that the white houses they are working to stay out of. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. our presence in the region is strong, 17,000 military personnel have been deployed in the last month and u.s. naval ships are surrounding the middle east. also a nuclear powered submarine somewhere in the waters below. >> todd: get an update from trey yingst live from southern israel. trey. >> trey: todd, carley, good morning. the battles inside gaza rage on behind me. israeli forces are reportedly surrounding three separate hospitals in the gaza strip where they say militants are hiding. northern part of gaza, we've been watching the israelis renew strikes against this area. israel says 37 soldiers in total have been killed in the battle since the ground portion of this operation began. israel pushed deeper into gaza targeting forces that participate in the october 7 massacre. they killed commanders and platoon commanders from hamas who in part were responsible for the slaughter of civilians in early october. separate gun battle inside gaza city. they continue airstrikes throughout tunnel positions, the strikes shaking the ground and israelis are looking to hit hamas above and below ground. they are trying to get more civilians out of the way, opening a corridor for palestinians to go to gaza. 80,000 palestinians took the corridor yesterday. attacks continue from iranian proxies, not just against israel, against american forces. dozens of attacks took place since the war began and four separate attacks have taken place in iraq and syria. todd and carley. >> carley: trey, yesterday the united states announced four-hour pauses in fighting. bret baier spoke to israeli prime minister netanyahu and we'll play more of that after we speak to you. but he pushed back on that idea and said the fighting will continue, there will just be humanitarian corridors that will open up. what is going on with these pauses? >> trey: absolutely, i talked to a defense official last night who indicated americans came out with this idea there would be four-hour pauses across the board in the fighting and israelis say that is not the case. they are calling this a tactical pause that will be in certain neighborhoods to get more civilians out of the way. one part of this, israelis surrounded hospitals in northern part of the strip and there are civilians being treated in the hospitals. expect coming hours to be important in terms of information we receive out of gaza to be clear what is taking place on the ground and inside the strip. >> carley: trey yingst, thank you. we mentioned that exclusive interview with bret baier and israeli prime minister netanyahu, he is dismissing reports about a possible ceasefire in the war. >> well, one thing we haven't agreed to is a ceasefire, a ceasefire with hamas means surround to hamas and terror and victory of iran's axis of terror. there won't be a ceasefire without the release of israeli hostages, that will not happen. >> carley: he responded to inflammatory comments from congresswoman rashida tlaib. >> from the river to the sea means no river from jordan river to the mediterranean, small area, there is no israel. what this congresswoman is calling for is polycide and g genocide. i salute the congress for censoring her. >> carley: he says should rule gaza after wiping out hamas and israel does not plan to govern gaza when the war is over. >> todd: israel did agree to take four-hour pauses for -- activists were heckling president biden yesterday. [screaming] >> ceasefire in gaza. [cheering] >> todd: that person was kicked out of the event, marked end of the uaw strike. joe biden used his address to take shots at former president trump. listen. >> president biden: donald trump often said we're now a failing nation, a nation in decline. [booing] >> put him in jail. >> president biden: the reason i mention -- >> todd: wow, during the rally someone in the press pool took a tumble off a raised platform when joe biden, aka, shaggy, made this joke. >> president biden: that's not too much to ask. you okay? want the press to know, that wasn't me. [laughter] >> todd: mr. bombastic himself, they caught him on camera. i spent a lot of time going through song jokes just for you. the president in denial about bad polling. >> carley: think twice after joe manchin makes decision that could help republicans flip in the senate and hurt the president in his reelection efforts. big story ahead, coming up next. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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>> it is two-sided, he's got charisma and looks and obvious ties to the bay area to san francisco. he's a product of the bay area. the thing is, though, he also, there was recent poll this week and he also is unpopular. yeah, he survived a recall about a year and a half ago, that embolden him to become further and further left and that is a problem now, too. he's not that popular and he would have a problem around the rest of the country. >> todd: joe manchin announcing he will not run for reelection in the senate. take a listen. >> i've made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided i will not be running for reelection to united states senate. what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle. >> todd: we had that and dr. jill stein announce she is running on the green party ticket, democrats accused her of stealing the election from hillary clinton and giving to trump by stealing votes. how high is the panic level in the white house about a third-party run? >> it is concerning and interesting, not so much about joe manchin, about jill stein, she is now appealing, don't let a crisis go unexploited. i think that is happening here. what she's been saying, i've been looking at her announcementing and on twitter, that will appeal to youngest voters, the leftists, anarchists, marxists that agree with all of the green party, which even though it is not a large party, it will take away from the democrat vote. >> todd: potentially joe manchin could end up running, that would draw from the more moderate wing. i'm worried if i'm joe manchin. do you know anybody that would vote for one of those two, but not joe biden in the 2024 election? >> i think jill stein. >> todd: interesting. for sure. even around what is happening with the israel-hamas war, that is the group that would go with jill stein. >> todd: this is great news for the republicans and senate, jim justice is ahead. this just solidified it for republicans, now they got to worry about the house and worry about the white house. richie will be here for all of us. thank you. >> carley: we told you about a small town in michigan fed up with local leaders over their decision to allow a battery factory with links to china be built in their backyard. the residents revolted and voted them all out of office and changed the locks on the door to the town hall. we're talking to two of the residents about their big victory, coming up next. 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why do they have links to china? one of your concerns, it was going to be built near a national guard base, there are national security concerns, as well. >> absolutely. just correction, it says links to china. you can take a crayola crayon goshen heights of china. the president of goshen in america, li chen and president in china, li zen is his father, there is connection to the communist party. corporate manifesto and documents says presentation of committee that supports communist chinese party. not just a veiled connection, it is very clear and yes, not only we're about less than 100 miles from the national guard, one of the largest national guard training centers and third largest watershed great state of michigan that feeds into eventually lake michigan and the other lakes. security issues, environmental issues that were there. >> carley: a lot of reasons. jason, you guys are in office, what is going to happen with this plant? will you stop it from being built? >> there is a lot of balls in the air on this one. what i can say about it is we don't have a site plan, all right. the plant, because the lack of the site plan, they can't pursue the proper zoning that they need, because we don't know exactly how big they need. they have expanded and shrunk their plan several times. we've been told that 270 acres they possess in our tonship is not going to be enough to do what they need to do. there is a lot of different things to consider when looking at this. the board will move forward and ask questions that are appropriate for township. >> carley: jason, you are in michigan, it is a swing state. i wonder how president biden would feel about what you did? what is your message to him? >> get out of our local government, we've dealt with overreach for several months, more than several months, there has been a lot of secrecy. like jeff just said, behind a veil. as i get into local and go through the township, at this point in time, that veil is deeper than we thought. you know, now the legislation is being passed down down in lansing in the name of green energy deal, wind and solar, they can come take our rights away to do proper zoning, which is absolutely horrible. >> carley: interesting story, more than a local story, it has national implications, as well. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> todd: senior meteorologist janice dean has an eye on the weekend. >> the veterans day parade in new york city will be nice, actually. for much of the country including southern tier, we'll be dealing with some wet weather and across the northwest. temperatures, can you see the cold front across midatlantic a the south? that front will remain somewhat stationary and along the front, we'll see potential for heavy rainfall from texas through louisiana toward the tennessee river valley, mississippi river valley over 72 hours and that means potential for heavy rain and flash flooding. this area needs to see the rain, too much of a good thing will cause issues. there is rain forecast through monday, some areas along gulf coast toward louisiana could get 3-5 inches, something we'll watch. another storm system moving toward northwest >> the rest of the country, fairly quiet. veterans day forecast. thank a veteran, thank you for your service. we have unsettled wet weather along the coast, interior section, snow and toward southeast, we will see the wet weather for new york. a really nice day for tomorrow, the veterans day parade starts 9:30. cool, but plenty of sunshine. >> carley: sunshine across the board. >> todd: got to celebrate the veterans. >> carley: check out this this video, driver in custody after crashing into a police car in florida. [crashing sounds] >> carley: guess what, officials say that was intentional. wait until you hear what happens. >> todd: looks intentional. college student shot and killed by a stray bullet while walking in a park. the suspect who did it was free to walk the street despite a criminal history dating back 12 years. you will not believe the reason why when we come back. if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. 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[sound of crash] >> carley: wow. the officers were responding to a call from the suspect's mother who says he was acting violently. the man drove away when deputies arrived, but circled back to run them down. he is a career criminal with three prior felony arrests and 14 misdemeanors. >> todd: look at the video, how lucky the officer was. lucky to be alive. 18-year-old college student shot and killed after being hit by a stray bullet while walking along a track in a nashville park. the suspect was respected in connection to the shooting. he was arrested last year for shooting at a car with children inside and was freed due to being mentally ill. andy conn joins me now. he has a lengthy record. robbery and given probation, next year he violated probation and charged with aggravated robbery. years later, aggravated assault and a couple months ago, auto this theft and released on bail. you know what i'm going to ask, the number one question we ask in segmentes like this, why was this guy out on the street in the first place? >> i don't know, i've been doing this a long time and it never ceases to amaze me. how do you explain incompetency. the defendant has no problem driving a car, easily fires off guns, been doing that for a decade. he has a girlfriend, manages to live on his own and aaccumulate rack of charges here. he gets charged in part of a carjacking ring issue yet he's allowed to post bond despite being declared incompetent. tennessee has state law allowing for release of a defendant knowing they committed numerous violent crimes with a gun, that's the true definition of insanity to me. >> todd: there is a loophole you started talking about. he was declared mentally incompetent and laws in federal and state jurisdiction prevent people declared mentally incompetent from being charged with a crime, they can't be prosecuted. this individual did not qualify to be placed in a mental institution, that loophole led to this 18-year-old girl walking around enjoying the start of her life, now she's dead. >> as someone who worked with surviving family members of homicide for 30 years, it is the ultimate tragedy. for me, jillian's case was preventable. the offender deserves his fair share of the blame. i blame our incompetent and that is probably the first time you will hear right usage of incompetent for allowing habitual violent offender back to the community. you can't tell me by looking at his rap sheet you didn't know he would re-offend again. you had a college freshman that paid ultimate decision by losing her life. the real big question for me and for so many others is her death going to be a catalyst for change. i could certainly hope so, otherwise if you continue this systematic failure where we allow people declared incompetent to go back to the community because we can't involuntary convict you, you will have more jillian ludwig's. >> todd: it goes beyond dealing with the suspect, we need to focus on victim's rights. this family lives couple minutes from my family in new jersey. where is the concern for the victim? why do we prioritize the suspect? make sure he has an easy life and he's free to go to commit crimes again. you have a mother and father without an 18-year-old daughter and that's sad. thank you, sir. let's lighten it up, we are celebrating the 248th anniversary, birthday of the marine corps, happy birthday to all marines, past and present and thanks to all our veterans for service to this country. 1775, i looked it up. i looked it up, i'm trying to confirm 248 and looked it up. >> carley: marine corps has taken place in every single war. if you know a marine, happy birthday. if you see any veterans, happy veterans day. not a marine, but my grandfather. he was eisenhower's military police during world war ii. >> carley: god bless all the veterans. troops are on the ground in middle east taking incoming fire day after day, 46 confirmed attacks since october 17th. >> carley: what the administration needs to do to protect our troops and keep us out of the war. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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>> we need to be looking at going with international partners and looking to say if these are iranian proxy targets, whether anyone, hezbollah, iranian backed militia, go after headquarters and utilize national intelligence and explain to our allies, we are here in your nation trying to support you in your effort for training or trying to fight things like isis, step up to iranian-proxy militias. iran said if the u.s. doesn't broker a ceasefire, we will be hit hard at home, should we take that warning seriously? >> we should take every warning seriously, we know october 7 in israel is the equivalent of our 9/11 at home. every republican in the house has been fighting it, our border is the number one issue. we must secure our border. we have hundreds coming across that are on terrorist watch listings. we have millions sitting in our country who are not following or being proceeded by ice, they are being prevented. take these threats seriously or we'll have our own 9/11 again. this is not to fearmonger, this is reality of what we're allowing across our border, thousands of afghans, people from yemen, iran, russia, people from mainland china thchl is an effort to utilize or carry out an incident at home and we need to be prepared and ready. >> carley: if we don't know who is in our country, how can you possibly feel safe, especially during a heightened terror alert. cory mills, thank you, and thank you for your service, as well. thank you and thank you to the brave men and women who wear the uniform and saved in the past. you should be our priority, the government must do more. >> todd: let's lighten it up with stuff that doesn't matter. fan of crappy football and can't wait for sunday to watch the jets and giants, thursday night football. only time carolina found the endzone all game, the lead held until late in the third. >> give it to foreman and he's in. [cheering] >> foreman takes it in. >> todd: fantasy football legend foreman, giving chicago or the fighting brock shimkuses, you saw it there, did not go well. bears win 16-16, panthers fall to 1-8, worst record in football. >> carley: i did not hear anything you said until you said brock shimkus. i am on the show. good job, todd, sure it was fantastic, sorry i missed it. >> todd: speaking of stuff, did you see this? another controversy in the trump courtroom you may not have heard about. a lot of people are taking issue with sketches of ivanka and this is not the first time critics say unflattering sketches have been drawn into the record. >> carley: art expert jimmy failla will analyze the artwork next. we gave you a new title. 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(male announcer) pain has met its patch. >> pete: come up this morning on "fox & friends." former president trump isn't up to the job protecting americans as israeli calls out colleges. 1500 protesters take to the streets here in new york city. demanding, well they call him genocide joe, the biden administration pushed for a seas fire as israel's war against hamas rages on. brian brenberg was there. he'll join us live ahead. plus, biden is in denial. the president dismissing trump's big lead in five key battleground states to reporters as reporters become a bit more fearful of what a 2020 rematch could look like. today, we honor those who served just one day ahead of veterans day teaming up to find perfect forever home, they will share their new campaign ahead. plus, 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley will join us as will general jack keane and frank siller. that's a lot going on. it's a busy friday morning. join, lawrencely, ainsley, brian and myself at the top of the hour. >> see you in a bit. looking forward to it. these sketches of ivanka, take a look at your screen are being mocked mercilessly online with some arguing they are unfairly unflattering. >> carley: people posted what did ivanka do to that court sketch artist and she should be charged with a crime. one user even called the artist insanely jealous of ivanka's beauty. oh my stars. fox across america host on fox nation fox news radio jimmy failla joins us now. can i read what the court sketch artist said in response before we get to you? her name is jane rosenberg her response is kind of sweet. she said it's very hard to capture the subtlies in her likeness in such a short time. smooth and perfect. tell my model to hold still and give me more time. apologies to ivanka. so that's what she has to say she high high cheek bones i don't think they are bad. >> i don't think that's a bad looking person i don't think it's her. that's the critique from where i stand. that being said, donald trump is on trial for overinflating the value of his real estate. i think this artist has overinflated the value of their own portfolio. these are not fine drawings. you know what it looks like to me in a weird way. do you know when you go through times square can you give that guy $20 and sit there and draw you. looks like the shrunken head. my size head gave it a human size head. >> big heads tiny bodies. >> this isn't this artist's first time rosenberg drawing don jr.'s sketch. he took to instagram writing sam bankman freed look like super hero and we look like kermit the frogs. the feel of these drawings, looks familiar, you remember this, right, jimmy? this same artist responsible for the notorious courtroom sketch of tom brady looks like a van go. van gogh. should we get rid of it or comedy gold for you. >> look at the brady sketch. i think that artist did a fine job with the grinch who stole christmas. he looks like a quarterback for the whoville high. do you know what i mean? yes, it's terrible. i think it detracts from what it's supposed to be doing, too. give you a sense of what is going on in the courtroom because tom brady is a creature from the black lagoon didn't really give you a sense of what that was. >> carley: i think she does a good job. i really do. maybe tom brady maybe not so much. i thought don jr. was fine, too. >> that artist should be vincent van no. never again. >> do you remember sam bankman-fried they kind of made him look handsome. certainly didn't look like him. >> jimmy: sbf? >> todd: your boy. will cantrell ethics charges over first class fine upgrades. first class upgrades costing taxpayers over $29,000. jimmy,how much work are you doing for the city of new orleans by traveling outside of the city of new orleans? >> jimmy: you got to go niche, france, just to check on the people of new orleans. we have all been there. corrupt democrats go, she is like a 5 on a scale of 1 to bob menendez, okay? still a terrible look. and i'm exceedingly upset because, as you know, fox flies me stow away. i'm not in coach class let alone first class. look at the price of the tickets. so weird that the cities are dead. it's a scam. >> she blamed race, too. >> todd: ultimately paid back. i need to do. this i need to go to france to learn about the french quarter. >> jimmy: that's my favorite. >> carley: did you see this yesterday? president biden was giving a speech to the united auto workers union. maybe of the media fell. he did not and he wanted to make that really clear. >> that's not too much to ask. >> you okay? [laughter] i want the press to know that wasn't me. >> carley: that was kind of funny. >> jimmy: a good equip. every once in a while he gets one right. the banner on that stage says biden stands with auto workers. means he needs auto workers to help him stand. >> carley: there you go. >> jimmy: better video in that event is if you see the image of him trying to put the t-shirt on. he couldn't put the t-shirt on. problem him getting his head through the hole is difficult because he is used to having his head up his butt. good morning, everybody. special comes out on january 8th on fox nation. >> todd: we have to wait until january 8th. >> just for the facts i know you want to know what i wore. s it matters. back on the road this weekend. >> todd: we were supposed to go to your taping but this one scheduled something and then that thing got canceled and we had already made other plans so we couldn't attend. >> jimmy: sound like your parents now why would love to go no they were there. you were there in spirit. you are buttering up now. come on, shimkus. >> carley: thank you so much. any weekend plans? >> jimmy: at the stanley theater in utica tomorrow night and then i'm going down to the patriot awards to open the show. i will see everybody down there. and then you will see me in naples florida next friday and saturday. hey, girl. >> carley: he is a family man have. great weekend. >> todd: while in naples go to publix and get the pecan danish ring. >> carley: have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ >> brian: straight to a fox news alert now. just this hour, the idf says several hospitals in

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Plus , Rematch , Top , Join , Frank Siller , Lawrencely , Ainsley , Court Sketch Artist , Take A Look , Artist , Stars , Beauty , User , Fox Across America Host On Nation , Insanely Jealous , Fox News Radio , Response , Name , Likeness , Subtlies , Jane Rosenberg , Sweet , Apologies , Cheek Bones , Model , Drawings , Value , Critique , Portfolio , Real Estate , Isn T This Artist S First Time Rosenberg Drawing Don Jr , Shrunken Head , Human Size Head , Size , Sit , Times Square , Guy 20 , Big Heads Tiny Bodies , 0 , Sketch , Writing Sam Bankman Freed Look Like Super Hero , Feel , Instagram , Kermit , The Frogs , Courtroom Sketch , Tom Brady , Van Go , Van Gogh , Quarterback , Comedy Gold , Whoville High , Yes , The Grinch Who Stole Christmas , Courtroom , Creature From The Black Lagoon Didn T , Fine , Vincent Van No , Sam Bankman , Class , Fine Upgrades , Taxpayers , Will Cantrell Ethics , Sbf , 29000 , 9000 , France , Niche , Scale , City Of New Orleans , New Orleans , Bob Menendez , First Class , Coach Class , Tickets , Look , Fox , Cities , Me Stow , Scam , Race , Favorite , French Quarter , Media , Speech , Auto Workers , Funny , Stage , Banner , A Good Equip , Head , Workers , T Shirt On , Image , Whole , He Couldn T Put The Shirt On , Special , Butt , January 8th On Fox Nation , January 8th , Plans , Facts , Back On The Road , Taping , Weekend Plans , Parents , Spirit , Family Man , Awards , Next Friday , Girl , Naples , Stanley Theater In Utica , Pecan Danish Ring , In Naples Go To Publix , Idf ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240702

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american bases in iraq and syria have taken incoming fire 46 times. 56 servicemembers have been hurt and there is real concern a major strike could drag america into a conflict that the white houses they are working to stay out of. you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. our presence in the region is strong, 17,000 military personnel have been deployed in the last month and u.s. naval ships are surrounding the middle east. also a nuclear powered submarine somewhere in the waters below. >> todd: get an update from trey yingst live from southern israel. trey. >> trey: todd, carley, good morning. the battles inside gaza rage on behind me. israeli forces are reportedly surrounding three separate hospitals in the gaza strip where they say militants are hiding. northern part of gaza, we've been watching the israelis renew strikes against this area. israel says 37 soldiers in total have been killed in the battle since the ground portion of this operation began. israel pushed deeper into gaza targeting forces that participate in the october 7 massacre. they killed commanders and platoon commanders from hamas who in part were responsible for the slaughter of civilians in early october. separate gun battle inside gaza city. they continue airstrikes throughout tunnel positions, the strikes shaking the ground and israelis are looking to hit hamas above and below ground. they are trying to get more civilians out of the way, opening a corridor for palestinians to go to gaza. 80,000 palestinians took the corridor yesterday. attacks continue from iranian proxies, not just against israel, against american forces. dozens of attacks took place since the war began and four separate attacks have taken place in iraq and syria. todd and carley. >> carley: trey, yesterday the united states announced four-hour pauses in fighting. bret baier spoke to israeli prime minister netanyahu and we'll play more of that after we speak to you. but he pushed back on that idea and said the fighting will continue, there will just be humanitarian corridors that will open up. what is going on with these pauses? >> trey: absolutely, i talked to a defense official last night who indicated americans came out with this idea there would be four-hour pauses across the board in the fighting and israelis say that is not the case. they are calling this a tactical pause that will be in certain neighborhoods to get more civilians out of the way. one part of this, israelis surrounded hospitals in northern part of the strip and there are civilians being treated in the hospitals. expect coming hours to be important in terms of information we receive out of gaza to be clear what is taking place on the ground and inside the strip. >> carley: trey yingst, thank you. we mentioned that exclusive interview with bret baier and israeli prime minister netanyahu, he is dismissing reports about a possible ceasefire in the war. >> well, one thing we haven't agreed to is a ceasefire, a ceasefire with hamas means surround to hamas and terror and victory of iran's axis of terror. there won't be a ceasefire without the release of israeli hostages, that will not happen. >> carley: he responded to inflammatory comments from congresswoman rashida tlaib. >> from the river to the sea means no river from jordan river to the mediterranean, small area, there is no israel. what this congresswoman is calling for is polycide and g genocide. i salute the congress for censoring her. >> carley: he says should rule gaza after wiping out hamas and israel does not plan to govern gaza when the war is over. >> todd: israel did agree to take four-hour pauses for -- activists were heckling president biden yesterday. [screaming] >> ceasefire in gaza. [cheering] >> todd: that person was kicked out of the event, marked end of the uaw strike. joe biden used his address to take shots at former president trump. listen. >> president biden: donald trump often said we're now a failing nation, a nation in decline. [booing] >> put him in jail. >> president biden: the reason i mention -- >> todd: wow, during the rally someone in the press pool took a tumble off a raised platform when joe biden, aka, shaggy, made this joke. >> president biden: that's not too much to ask. you okay? want the press to know, that wasn't me. [laughter] >> todd: mr. bombastic himself, they caught him on camera. i spent a lot of time going through song jokes just for you. the president in denial about bad polling. >> carley: think twice after joe manchin makes decision that could help republicans flip in the senate and hurt the president in his reelection efforts. big story ahead, coming up next. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> peter: why do you think you are trailing trump in the polls? >> president biden: you don't read the polls, 10 polls, eight of them i'm beating him, you only do cnn and "new york times." check it out, we'll get you a copy of the polls. >> you don't believe yooir trailing in battleground states? >> president biden: no, i don't. >> carley: pretty confident even after staffers admit they are concerned with latest polling numbers. >> brooke: former president trump is making tremendous gains in battleground states. in wisconsin biden has a two-point edge. the president defiantly told a crowd, since i took on trump, we haven't stopped winning and he hasn't stopped losing. it is not just trump, biden is trailing nikki haley and governor ron desantis in the cnn poll and the network itself couldn't spin it. >> the biden-harris coalition could be called the humpty-dumpty coalition, just falling apart. this is not good. >> brooke: biden's campaign is working hard to justify that. despite the sky is falling tone we've seen from media coverage, political prediction a year out tend to look a little different a year later. joe biden has been counted out time and time again and proved pollsters and pundits wrong. the president's running mate doesn't make matters much better, recent polling puts vice president harris's approval rating at just 36%. >> todd: brooke, thank you. bring in richie greenburg, former mayoral candidate. good to have you here in new york city in the flesh, sir. let's get to the polls temperature is one thing in a battleground state to have polls that show the president could be under water. this is something different. first time in joe biden's presidency, majority of california voters do not side with the president and disapprove of joe biden's performance in office. that is significant in the most democrat state in our union, california. that is correct and it is surprising, but not so much. san francisco bay area and up and down the coast, you have disapproval, the economy and whole list of issues turning it underwater. well is a saying in san francisco, the bay area, always vote blue no matter who and that is the issue. no matter how bad he is as a candidate for reelection, even with trump surging in the polls, there will always be hold-outs. a lot of people are not going to vote for any republican whatsoever, just as policy and ideology. >> todd: does that trend continue in 2024 or have we reached that point where change needs to happen and somebody in mass will say this is time we got to stop with this madness and give the other side a shot. >> i actually don't think that is going to happen, i think even with the obvious that the republican party or even an independent might be able to make a serious run, california and bay area and san francisco, they are not going to back a republican. >> todd: two-thirds of voters under 50 voted for joe biden in 2020, just a percent of those voters would today. if only there was a young, hip governor of california who could get the youth vote, what does this say? >> it is two-sided, he's got charisma and looks and obvious ties to the bay area to san francisco. he's a product of the bay area. the thing is, though, he also, there was recent poll this week and he also is unpopular. yeah, he survived a recall about a year and a half ago, that embolden him to become further and further left and that is a problem now, too. he's not that popular and he would have a problem around the rest of the country. >> todd: joe manchin announcing he will not run for reelection in the senate. take a listen. >> i've made one of the toughest decisions of my life and decided i will not be running for reelection to united states senate. what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle. >> todd: we had that and dr. jill stein announce she is running on the green party ticket, democrats accused her of stealing the election from hillary clinton and giving to trump by stealing votes. how high is the panic level in the white house about a third-party run? >> it is concerning and interesting, not so much about joe manchin, about jill stein, she is now appealing, don't let a crisis go unexploited. i think that is happening here. what she's been saying, i've been looking at her announcementing and on twitter, that will appeal to youngest voters, the leftists, anarchists, marxists that agree with all of the green party, which even though it is not a large party, it will take away from the democrat vote. >> todd: potentially joe manchin could end up running, that would draw from the more moderate wing. i'm worried if i'm joe manchin. do you know anybody that would vote for one of those two, but not joe biden in the 2024 election? >> i think jill stein. >> todd: interesting. for sure. even around what is happening with the israel-hamas war, that is the group that would go with jill stein. >> todd: this is great news for the republicans and senate, jim justice is ahead. this just solidified it for republicans, now they got to worry about the house and worry about the white house. richie will be here for all of us. thank you. >> carley: we told you about a small town in michigan fed up with local leaders over their decision to allow a battery factory with links to china be built in their backyard. the residents revolted and voted them all out of office and changed the locks on the door to the town hall. we're talking to two of the residents about their big victory, coming up next. 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why do they have links to china? one of your concerns, it was going to be built near a national guard base, there are national security concerns, as well. >> absolutely. just correction, it says links to china. you can take a crayola crayon goshen heights of china. the president of goshen in america, li chen and president in china, li zen is his father, there is connection to the communist party. corporate manifesto and documents says presentation of committee that supports communist chinese party. not just a veiled connection, it is very clear and yes, not only we're about less than 100 miles from the national guard, one of the largest national guard training centers and third largest watershed great state of michigan that feeds into eventually lake michigan and the other lakes. security issues, environmental issues that were there. >> carley: a lot of reasons. jason, you guys are in office, what is going to happen with this plant? will you stop it from being built? >> there is a lot of balls in the air on this one. what i can say about it is we don't have a site plan, all right. the plant, because the lack of the site plan, they can't pursue the proper zoning that they need, because we don't know exactly how big they need. they have expanded and shrunk their plan several times. we've been told that 270 acres they possess in our tonship is not going to be enough to do what they need to do. there is a lot of different things to consider when looking at this. the board will move forward and ask questions that are appropriate for township. >> carley: jason, you are in michigan, it is a swing state. i wonder how president biden would feel about what you did? what is your message to him? >> get out of our local government, we've dealt with overreach for several months, more than several months, there has been a lot of secrecy. like jeff just said, behind a veil. as i get into local and go through the township, at this point in time, that veil is deeper than we thought. you know, now the legislation is being passed down down in lansing in the name of green energy deal, wind and solar, they can come take our rights away to do proper zoning, which is absolutely horrible. >> carley: interesting story, more than a local story, it has national implications, as well. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> todd: senior meteorologist janice dean has an eye on the weekend. >> the veterans day parade in new york city will be nice, actually. for much of the country including southern tier, we'll be dealing with some wet weather and across the northwest. temperatures, can you see the cold front across midatlantic a the south? that front will remain somewhat stationary and along the front, we'll see potential for heavy rainfall from texas through louisiana toward the tennessee river valley, mississippi river valley over 72 hours and that means potential for heavy rain and flash flooding. this area needs to see the rain, too much of a good thing will cause issues. there is rain forecast through monday, some areas along gulf coast toward louisiana could get 3-5 inches, something we'll watch. another storm system moving toward northwest >> the rest of the country, fairly quiet. veterans day forecast. thank a veteran, thank you for your service. we have unsettled wet weather along the coast, interior section, snow and toward southeast, we will see the wet weather for new york. a really nice day for tomorrow, the veterans day parade starts 9:30. cool, but plenty of sunshine. >> carley: sunshine across the board. >> todd: got to celebrate the veterans. >> carley: check out this this video, driver in custody after crashing into a police car in florida. [crashing sounds] >> carley: guess what, officials say that was intentional. wait until you hear what happens. >> todd: looks intentional. college student shot and killed by a stray bullet while walking in a park. the suspect who did it was free to walk the street despite a criminal history dating back 12 years. you will not believe the reason why when we come back. if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. 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[sound of crash] >> carley: wow. the officers were responding to a call from the suspect's mother who says he was acting violently. the man drove away when deputies arrived, but circled back to run them down. he is a career criminal with three prior felony arrests and 14 misdemeanors. >> todd: look at the video, how lucky the officer was. lucky to be alive. 18-year-old college student shot and killed after being hit by a stray bullet while walking along a track in a nashville park. the suspect was respected in connection to the shooting. he was arrested last year for shooting at a car with children inside and was freed due to being mentally ill. andy conn joins me now. he has a lengthy record. robbery and given probation, next year he violated probation and charged with aggravated robbery. years later, aggravated assault and a couple months ago, auto this theft and released on bail. you know what i'm going to ask, the number one question we ask in segmentes like this, why was this guy out on the street in the first place? >> i don't know, i've been doing this a long time and it never ceases to amaze me. how do you explain incompetency. the defendant has no problem driving a car, easily fires off guns, been doing that for a decade. he has a girlfriend, manages to live on his own and aaccumulate rack of charges here. he gets charged in part of a carjacking ring issue yet he's allowed to post bond despite being declared incompetent. tennessee has state law allowing for release of a defendant knowing they committed numerous violent crimes with a gun, that's the true definition of insanity to me. >> todd: there is a loophole you started talking about. he was declared mentally incompetent and laws in federal and state jurisdiction prevent people declared mentally incompetent from being charged with a crime, they can't be prosecuted. this individual did not qualify to be placed in a mental institution, that loophole led to this 18-year-old girl walking around enjoying the start of her life, now she's dead. >> as someone who worked with surviving family members of homicide for 30 years, it is the ultimate tragedy. for me, jillian's case was preventable. the offender deserves his fair share of the blame. i blame our incompetent and that is probably the first time you will hear right usage of incompetent for allowing habitual violent offender back to the community. you can't tell me by looking at his rap sheet you didn't know he would re-offend again. you had a college freshman that paid ultimate decision by losing her life. the real big question for me and for so many others is her death going to be a catalyst for change. i could certainly hope so, otherwise if you continue this systematic failure where we allow people declared incompetent to go back to the community because we can't involuntary convict you, you will have more jillian ludwig's. >> todd: it goes beyond dealing with the suspect, we need to focus on victim's rights. this family lives couple minutes from my family in new jersey. where is the concern for the victim? why do we prioritize the suspect? make sure he has an easy life and he's free to go to commit crimes again. you have a mother and father without an 18-year-old daughter and that's sad. thank you, sir. let's lighten it up, we are celebrating the 248th anniversary, birthday of the marine corps, happy birthday to all marines, past and present and thanks to all our veterans for service to this country. 1775, i looked it up. i looked it up, i'm trying to confirm 248 and looked it up. >> carley: marine corps has taken place in every single war. if you know a marine, happy birthday. if you see any veterans, happy veterans day. not a marine, but my grandfather. he was eisenhower's military police during world war ii. >> carley: god bless all the veterans. troops are on the ground in middle east taking incoming fire day after day, 46 confirmed attacks since october 17th. >> carley: what the administration needs to do to protect our troops and keep us out of the war. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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>> we need to be looking at going with international partners and looking to say if these are iranian proxy targets, whether anyone, hezbollah, iranian backed militia, go after headquarters and utilize national intelligence and explain to our allies, we are here in your nation trying to support you in your effort for training or trying to fight things like isis, step up to iranian-proxy militias. iran said if the u.s. doesn't broker a ceasefire, we will be hit hard at home, should we take that warning seriously? >> we should take every warning seriously, we know october 7 in israel is the equivalent of our 9/11 at home. every republican in the house has been fighting it, our border is the number one issue. we must secure our border. we have hundreds coming across that are on terrorist watch listings. we have millions sitting in our country who are not following or being proceeded by ice, they are being prevented. take these threats seriously or we'll have our own 9/11 again. this is not to fearmonger, this is reality of what we're allowing across our border, thousands of afghans, people from yemen, iran, russia, people from mainland china thchl is an effort to utilize or carry out an incident at home and we need to be prepared and ready. >> carley: if we don't know who is in our country, how can you possibly feel safe, especially during a heightened terror alert. cory mills, thank you, and thank you for your service, as well. thank you and thank you to the brave men and women who wear the uniform and saved in the past. you should be our priority, the government must do more. >> todd: let's lighten it up with stuff that doesn't matter. fan of crappy football and can't wait for sunday to watch the jets and giants, thursday night football. only time carolina found the endzone all game, the lead held until late in the third. >> give it to foreman and he's in. [cheering] >> foreman takes it in. >> todd: fantasy football legend foreman, giving chicago or the fighting brock shimkuses, you saw it there, did not go well. bears win 16-16, panthers fall to 1-8, worst record in football. >> carley: i did not hear anything you said until you said brock shimkus. i am on the show. good job, todd, sure it was fantastic, sorry i missed it. >> todd: speaking of stuff, did you see this? another controversy in the trump courtroom you may not have heard about. a lot of people are taking issue with sketches of ivanka and this is not the first time critics say unflattering sketches have been drawn into the record. >> carley: art expert jimmy failla will analyze the artwork next. we gave you a new title. 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(male announcer) pain has met its patch. >> pete: come up this morning on "fox & friends." former president trump isn't up to the job protecting americans as israeli calls out colleges. 1500 protesters take to the streets here in new york city. demanding, well they call him genocide joe, the biden administration pushed for a seas fire as israel's war against hamas rages on. brian brenberg was there. he'll join us live ahead. plus, biden is in denial. the president dismissing trump's big lead in five key battleground states to reporters as reporters become a bit more fearful of what a 2020 rematch could look like. today, we honor those who served just one day ahead of veterans day teaming up to find perfect forever home, they will share their new campaign ahead. plus, 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley will join us as will general jack keane and frank siller. that's a lot going on. it's a busy friday morning. join, lawrencely, ainsley, brian and myself at the top of the hour. >> see you in a bit. looking forward to it. these sketches of ivanka, take a look at your screen are being mocked mercilessly online with some arguing they are unfairly unflattering. >> carley: people posted what did ivanka do to that court sketch artist and she should be charged with a crime. one user even called the artist insanely jealous of ivanka's beauty. oh my stars. fox across america host on fox nation fox news radio jimmy failla joins us now. can i read what the court sketch artist said in response before we get to you? her name is jane rosenberg her response is kind of sweet. she said it's very hard to capture the subtlies in her likeness in such a short time. smooth and perfect. tell my model to hold still and give me more time. apologies to ivanka. so that's what she has to say she high high cheek bones i don't think they are bad. >> i don't think that's a bad looking person i don't think it's her. that's the critique from where i stand. that being said, donald trump is on trial for overinflating the value of his real estate. i think this artist has overinflated the value of their own portfolio. these are not fine drawings. you know what it looks like to me in a weird way. do you know when you go through times square can you give that guy $20 and sit there and draw you. looks like the shrunken head. my size head gave it a human size head. >> big heads tiny bodies. >> this isn't this artist's first time rosenberg drawing don jr.'s sketch. he took to instagram writing sam bankman freed look like super hero and we look like kermit the frogs. the feel of these drawings, looks familiar, you remember this, right, jimmy? this same artist responsible for the notorious courtroom sketch of tom brady looks like a van go. van gogh. should we get rid of it or comedy gold for you. >> look at the brady sketch. i think that artist did a fine job with the grinch who stole christmas. he looks like a quarterback for the whoville high. do you know what i mean? yes, it's terrible. i think it detracts from what it's supposed to be doing, too. give you a sense of what is going on in the courtroom because tom brady is a creature from the black lagoon didn't really give you a sense of what that was. >> carley: i think she does a good job. i really do. maybe tom brady maybe not so much. i thought don jr. was fine, too. >> that artist should be vincent van no. never again. >> do you remember sam bankman-fried they kind of made him look handsome. certainly didn't look like him. >> jimmy: sbf? >> todd: your boy. will cantrell ethics charges over first class fine upgrades. first class upgrades costing taxpayers over $29,000. jimmy,how much work are you doing for the city of new orleans by traveling outside of the city of new orleans? >> jimmy: you got to go niche, france, just to check on the people of new orleans. we have all been there. corrupt democrats go, she is like a 5 on a scale of 1 to bob menendez, okay? still a terrible look. and i'm exceedingly upset because, as you know, fox flies me stow away. i'm not in coach class let alone first class. look at the price of the tickets. so weird that the cities are dead. it's a scam. >> she blamed race, too. >> todd: ultimately paid back. i need to do. this i need to go to france to learn about the french quarter. >> jimmy: that's my favorite. >> carley: did you see this yesterday? president biden was giving a speech to the united auto workers union. maybe of the media fell. he did not and he wanted to make that really clear. >> that's not too much to ask. >> you okay? [laughter] i want the press to know that wasn't me. >> carley: that was kind of funny. >> jimmy: a good equip. every once in a while he gets one right. the banner on that stage says biden stands with auto workers. means he needs auto workers to help him stand. >> carley: there you go. >> jimmy: better video in that event is if you see the image of him trying to put the t-shirt on. he couldn't put the t-shirt on. problem him getting his head through the hole is difficult because he is used to having his head up his butt. good morning, everybody. special comes out on january 8th on fox nation. >> todd: we have to wait until january 8th. >> just for the facts i know you want to know what i wore. s it matters. back on the road this weekend. >> todd: we were supposed to go to your taping but this one scheduled something and then that thing got canceled and we had already made other plans so we couldn't attend. >> jimmy: sound like your parents now why would love to go no they were there. you were there in spirit. you are buttering up now. come on, shimkus. >> carley: thank you so much. any weekend plans? >> jimmy: at the stanley theater in utica tomorrow night and then i'm going down to the patriot awards to open the show. i will see everybody down there. and then you will see me in naples florida next friday and saturday. hey, girl. >> carley: he is a family man have. great weekend. >> todd: while in naples go to publix and get the pecan danish ring. >> carley: have a great weekend, everybody. ♪ >> brian: straight to a fox news alert now. just this hour, the idf says several hospitals in

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Leaders , House , Town , Battery Factory , All Of Us , Residents , Links , Backyard , China , Locks , Door , Town Hall , Announcer , Weight , Side Effects , Amber , Solution , Health , Golo , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Measures , Verge , Ways , Control , Sugar , Golo For Life , Golo Commercial , Hunger , Meal , Cravings , 300 , Prescription , Efficiency , Starvation Dieting , 75 , Jason Cruz , Golo Com , 4xl Shirt , Break , Stairs , Weight Loss Surgery , 424 , Cold Water , Myth , Food Fight , Laundry , Tide , Stains , Cold , Bargain Detergent , Welp , Green Charter Township , Government , Battery , Township Trustee , Fact , Doors , Jeff Thorn , Community , Ev Plant , Township Supervisor , Story , Board , Board Member , A Long Story , Health Reasons , Seat , Advantage , Six , Fulfillment , Board By Law , Signatures , Stress , Petition , Secr , Officer , Officers , Sides , Individuals , Election Process , Township , Night , Seats , Advancement , Five , Democracy , Happening , Motion , Concerns , Base , Security , National Guard , Just Correction , Crayon Goshen Heights , Li Chen , Of Goshen In America , Presentation , Father , Connection , Manifesto , Communist Party , Documents , Li Zen , Committee , Guard , 100 , Security Issues , Watershed , Lakes , Lake Michigan , Training Centers , Plant , Reasons , Balls , Hair , Guys , Site Plan , Black , Times , Zoning , 270 , Questions , Things , Tonship , Swing State , Message , Veil , Overreach , Secrecy , Legislation , In The Name Of , Green Energy Deal , Solar , Rights , Wind , Lansing , Weekend , Veterans Day Parade , Meteorologist Janice Dean , Implications , Eye , Interior Section , Northwest , Cold Front , Temperatures , Southern Tier , Midatlantic , Front , Potential , Rainfall , South , Texas , Tennessee River Valley , Rain , Heavy Rain , Mississippi River Valley , Flash Flooding , 72 , Areas , Rain Forecast , Storm System , Gulf Coast , Louisiana , Service , Veteran , Snow , Weather , Southeast , Sunshine , Cool , 9 , 30 , Veterans , Video , Driver , Florida , Police Car , Custody , College Student Shot , Walking , Guess What , Bullet , Officials , Crashing Sounds , Suspect , Street , Park , Dating , 12 , Doing Things , Kids , Products , Planet , Cleaner , Goal , Technologies , Generations , Makers , Durable , Making Plastics Better Today , Solar Flare , 25th Hour , Businesses , 25 , Snoring , Ticking , Overtime Approvals , Bacon , Power Nap , Havoc , Stocks , 20 , 25 7 , Anything , Work , World , Solutions , Designs , Payroll , Hr , Adp , Car , Hospital , Florida Deputies , Mother , Sound , Deputies , Call , Man , Crash , Wow , Career Criminal , Felony Arrests , Misdemeanors , 14 , Hit , Track , Lucky , Nashville Park , 18 , Andy Conn , Shooting , Children , Record , Probation , Robbery , Assault , Question , Guy , Theft , Bail , The Street , Segmentes , Defendant , Incompetency , Guns , Carjacking Ring Issue , Girlfriend , Charges , Rack , Aaccumulate , Incompetent , State Law , Bond , Crimes , Loophole , Gun , Insanity , Definition , Laws , Jurisdiction , Crime , Individual , Institution , Loophole Led , Family Members , Homicide , Time , Jillian Ludwig S , Tragedy , Offender , Blame , Share , Usage , Death , College Freshman , Rap Sheet , Others , Failure , Catalyst , Convict You , Family , Concern , Victim , Dealing , Victim S Rights , New Jersey , Sir , Sad , Daughter , Birthday , Anniversary , Marines , Corps , 248 , Marine Corps , 1775 , Marine , Grandfather , Military Police , Eisenhower , God , 17 , October 17th , Administration , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Vraylar , Relief , Adults , Medicines , Studies , Take Control , Episodes , Manic , Changes , Thoughts , Saw , Impact , Dementia , Stroke , Behavior , Antidepressants , Patients , Muscles , Confusion , Fever , Muscle Movements , Restlessness , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Reaction , Weight Gain , Sleepiness , Coma , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , D Aniello Institute , Drive , Military Service , Families , Leadership Skills , Syracuse University , 200000 , Communities , Services , Job Training , Careers , Certifications , Programs , Anywhere In The World , Power , Wifi , Homework , Nato , Book , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Data , Fighters , Airstrike , Sense , Cory Mills , Congressman , Iraq War Veteran , Targets , Under Fire , 24 , Weakness , Pentagon , Enemies , Adversaries , Military Operation , Militia , Inability , Result , 40 , Willingness , Whether , Afghan , Ukraine , 2021 , Threats , Alignment , Russia , Taiwan Strait , Members , Retaliation Meriting , Servicemember , Scare , Leave , Die , Proxy Targets , Partners , Headquarters , Anyone , Hezbollah , Effort , Allies , Intelligence , Training , Step Up To , Isis , Warning , Militias , Border , 9 11 , Terrorist , Listings , Ice , Reality , Fearmonger , Thousands , Incident , Afghans , Mainland China Thchl , Yemen , Safe , Terror Alert , Stuff , Thursday Night Football , Men , More , Women , Priority , Fan , Doesn T Matter , Lead , Jets , Giants , Endzone , Fantasy Football Legend Foreman , Chicago , Bears , Fighting Brock Shimkuses , Panthers , 16 , Job , Brock Shimkus , 8 , Sketches , Ivanka , Trump Courtroom , Controversy , Critics , Art Expert Jimmy Failla , Artwork , Breakfast , Pools , Trouble , Fam , Waffles , Family Vacay , Come On , Pain , Back Pain , Sleep , Leg , Relief Patch , Technology , Answer , Gotta , 60 , Everybody , Good , These , Batteries , Chemicals , Difference , Trust Me , Back , Joint , Silence , 116 Million , Kind , Clinical Trial , Neck , Options , Use , Reduction , Patch , Lifeline , Freedom , I Don T Wanna , Spend , Price , Signal Relief Patch , Microtechnology , 9 95 , 39 95 , Screen , Signal , Life Changer , Number , Trysignalrelief Com , Trial , Spot , Doesn T Work , Money Back Guarantee , Pay , Trump Isn T , Fox Friends , Pete , Genocide Joe , Brian Brenberg , War , Streets , Calls , Rages On , Protesters , Seas Fire , 1500 , Dismissing Trump , Reporters , Plus , Rematch , Top , Join , Frank Siller , Lawrencely , Ainsley , Court Sketch Artist , Take A Look , Artist , Stars , Beauty , User , Fox Across America Host On Nation , Insanely Jealous , Fox News Radio , Response , Name , Likeness , Subtlies , Jane Rosenberg , Sweet , Apologies , Cheek Bones , Model , Drawings , Value , Critique , Portfolio , Real Estate , Isn T This Artist S First Time Rosenberg Drawing Don Jr , Shrunken Head , Human Size Head , Size , Sit , Times Square , Guy 20 , Big Heads Tiny Bodies , 0 , Sketch , Writing Sam Bankman Freed Look Like Super Hero , Feel , Instagram , Kermit , The Frogs , Courtroom Sketch , Tom Brady , Van Go , Van Gogh , Quarterback , Comedy Gold , Whoville High , Yes , The Grinch Who Stole Christmas , Courtroom , Creature From The Black Lagoon Didn T , Fine , Vincent Van No , Sam Bankman , Class , Fine Upgrades , Taxpayers , Will Cantrell Ethics , Sbf , 29000 , 9000 , France , Niche , Scale , City Of New Orleans , New Orleans , Bob Menendez , First Class , Coach Class , Tickets , Look , Fox , Cities , Me Stow , Scam , Race , Favorite , French Quarter , Media , Speech , Auto Workers , Funny , Stage , Banner , A Good Equip , Head , Workers , T Shirt On , Image , Whole , He Couldn T Put The Shirt On , Special , Butt , January 8th On Fox Nation , January 8th , Plans , Facts , Back On The Road , Taping , Weekend Plans , Parents , Spirit , Family Man , Awards , Next Friday , Girl , Naples , Stanley Theater In Utica , Pecan Danish Ring , In Naples Go To Publix , Idf ,

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