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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is life, liberty and levin. i want to talk about casualties. do you think 100,000 civilian deaths in one year is significant? oh, it is massive. you consider it we lost about 59000 men and women in the vietnam war, when you consider we lost over 50000 in the korean war, that is a lot of people those were combatants not civilians, not citizens. so let me ask you a question. when a president of the united states keeps a border open intentionally, the southern border and upwards of 100,000 young americans age 18 -- 45 die every single year the border is open from fentanyl, almost a 100,000 civilian american civilian civilian casualties what kind of president is that? is that amanda gives a dan about human life is that a man who is compassionate about the american people? is that the manual is to protect the american people. he silent he didn't talk about it is funky keeps testifying the border is secure we need comprehensive immigration reform and i'm not even including the inhumanity of the other inhumanity taking place on the border the sex slaves their children sold into slavery. there breaks, murderers the other drugs coming across the drug cartels with ties to the communist chinese who use techniques like isis coming into our country. have a foothold in every major metropolitan area and every one of our states. what kind of president is that? he is a president who should be impeached. that is a high crime doing that to your country 100,000 civilian deaths a year probably more. where the fbi director testified the fbi now controls enough fentanyl illegal fentanyl that it has acquired to kill two or 70 million americans. 270 million and the board is still wide open given what's going on in the middle east can you think of another country that has an open border? any can you think of another president or prime minister or dictator or monarch who would leave a border open like that so it's own people are suffering and dying? or chucking potential terrorist attacks were going to have them we all know what you cannot have millions of people coming in here not vesting them not know who they are where they are going and assume people want to blow us up the people who took down the towers with the people hit us over and over and over again all of a sudden they're going to somehow respect the rules of law biden knows it kamala harris knows that, the attorney general knows it. the fbi director did not even point the finger and set you need to secure the border. no he could not even bring himself to do that. why am i telling you this? joe biden does not care about american civilian casualties he goes on about civilian casualties in gaza. as he talks about a humanitarian cease-fire do you kn know what humanitarian cease-fire is? he is an appeasement in stages but appeasement in stages is appeasement the israel is cannot afford to lose a war when the very survival is at stake. come off the keep announcing will keep at it until they are destroyed. ask hamas writers, protesters the hamas network you see them in the street for the professors you see the college students you see the media, what did they say? they spew the propaganda, the enemy. as they spew the propaganda of the enemy democrat party is a problem. the democrat party is a party without a soul it's a party without principle it's a party without morality. that is where the democratic whc socialist the marxist hate america. that is white the hamas cannot see supporting individuals in our country are all democrats that have representation in congress. then representation in democrat party organizations have representation in the democrat media they are not republicans they are not constitutional conservatives they hate us. what i want to talk about civilian casualties. they are trying to force netanyahu to resign msnbc, biden and the other are weak. it's a biden who should resign he should be impeached high crime he is committing us the people of the united states just the southern border alone i want to give us a little bit of history i'm sure is not being taught in our schools the civil war the siege of vicksburg was on the most tactically important victories in the union and the american civil war that said jessica to help give control of the mississippi river. cutting off a major supply line for union forces. went to major general ulysses s grant union troops try to take by force in mid may 1863 there twice a pushed back with heavy casualties. instead of sending his men to try a third time he had a new idea he encircled vicksburg the second most important military manufacturing city and the confederacy. one side the mississippi river he sent his massive gunboats the rest of it on a hill he surrounded it. and what he did night after night day after day relentlessly he prevented anyone from leaving any prevented anyone from going in no ingress no egress citizens noncitizen it did not matter. you survive about 40 days before running out of provisions they could not get any food. many reports claim the starving inhabitants mostly citizens but also military had to resort shooting dogs and rats in order to survive. dogs and rats. some people starve to death most were malnourished it was a horrendous scene. vicksburg, was abraham lincoln a war criminal was abraham lincoln at one of our greatest presidents in american history? israel needs to fight to survive her mosses said it was to destroy them hamas is backed by iran. the masses blocked by hezbollah hamas is backed by russia and china this tiny little jewish states with the 7 million jews up against it. do they have a right to fight to win? not if you listen to joe biden. humanitarian cease-fire? so you can provide food and medicine and fuel that the enemy hamas still there's evidence they are stealing from the hospitals are using their people as fodder the israelis are not doing it the enemies doing it with the american media are all in. was it really okay for the israelis to go after one commander will bleed the slaughter of their people with all the casualties that occurred you think that would've been after the civil war? here is my question. abraham lincoln mib the second greatest president of american history george washington the first. did we revere him? you bet we do, why? he defeated the south he kept the union together, and he ended slavery. let me ask you something. 700,000 casualties, 50000 citizens died. i know it's not as much is the open border that biden has with hundred thousand americans die every year, but 50000 were killed. was it worth the battle to get the nation together and end slavery? most of us think it was. lincoln did not agree with a two state solution is one country at note two state solution. he could have easily negotiated for two state solution he said no it is the united states of america that's number one number two, slavery was barbaric do we agree question democrat, republican, all of us agree? yes. 700,000 casualties the israelis fight for their lives for their survival. is that okay? no. they are the aggressor they are the occupier. note they need to be obliterated. they keep trying to pull him back the keep trying to pull the idf back it seems to me if it was good enough to fight that should be and it was to end slavery it's good enough for the israelis to fight for their lives in the very survival against the whole notion of a two state solution which will be their final solution you want to hear another one? have at the battle of atlanta 1864 general william sherman had come to believe union victory not only defeating the southern armies, listen also destroying the physical ability and psychological will to continue the war this is also the case of world war ii. world war ii is often called the war against civilians. dresden, berlin, london, nagasaki, hiroshima partially military all aimed at destroying the will of the people to support the regimes, all of them. we were involved in them a big type atlanta transportation industrial center and symbol of confederate strength made a prime target so what did sherman do? he marched through atlanta like crack through a goose soldiers set fire to the city culminating with a troop set much of the downtown area blaze during the last night in the city sherman carefully studied census records to make sure his troops could live off the land before leaving atlanta and to maintain his supply line. the union soldiers rated farms destroyed cotton fields slaughtered livestock burned properties and met resistance took as much food as they could carry. during the occupation of atlanta sherman wrote to city officials there, war is cruelty you cannot refine it. years later to short he shortene sentiment during address at the michigan military academy, war is hell. we have always viewed at that weight we have always fought at that weight two of our greatest presidents lincoln and later grant viewed it that way we would not have this country we would not have ended slavery if we do not fight the way we fight. we would not have won world war ii and defeated hitler and the third reich the japanese emperor and imperial japan would not have defeated most illini and fascist italy we would not have destroyed those concentration camps and all the rest of the brutality the axis powers were involved and had we not fought to win. to win. that is our perspective that should be our perspective. all of these calls for the state of israel, slow down, be careful, don't hit the school. don't hit the hospital and here we have terrorist desert rats hiding among their people the israelis the only army on the planet that is supposed to fight a war humanely. that is supposed to fight a war and pick out the enemy from the citizen even though they're wearing the same thing in the enemy knows this is purposely hiding among the citizen is joe biden says is very concerned about the palestinian citizens. he's not even concerned about the american citizens. what happened to those americans in afghanistan? hundreds of them left behind heat does not even talk about them. they are there because of him. blinken does not even talk about them for getting the hostages back i think biden made a little more complicated when he had a $6 billion over to the irradiance a do not want tears not our money the south koreans would not have release without our say-so they held it back with our say-so that money is there for a reason. the iranians already said the do whatever they want to do with it and this ticket is still wide open a billion and a half dollars a week going to the iranian nazi regime that is funding, funding hamas is finding hezbollah it is funding the attacks on america. finding the attacks on america and he says he is very concerned about the civilian deaths taking place in gaza, not texas, not new york city, no. i am telling you ladies and gentlemen this is the worst president in american history causing wars is going to cause a disastrous terrorist attack one or more in this country he has caused all kinds of harm i will say death in our own country already american citizens he left citizens behind in afghanistan. he is a complete and unmitigated disaster but the democrat party has a problem. much bigger than the republican party the democrat party as i've written it not only hates america but what is the democrat party? the democrat parties at unprincipled organization that seeks power for those who run it. that is what you can have the democrat party overwhelming number of jewish voters, overwhelming number of muslim voters overwhelming number of voters who will support hamas versus an overwhelming number of people who support israel. voting for the same candidates. how can that be? let me ask you the climate change marxist fanatics who are destroying, destroying our ability for coal and natural gas, steel, and aluminum are hollowing out the industrial heartland of our country how can the democrat party represent working-class americans? union and non- unit at the same time represent the cycle radical lpsychoradical left sitting in r office buildings are there ivy league school offices dictating how they're going to destroy the industrial heartland, how is it they both vote democrat? they have a corrupt media a corrupt media a propagandist media with demigod hosts the "new york times" covered up the holocaust and now it is the mouthpiece a for it's the propaganda wing of hamas in the united states. same with our big networks. same with so much of the american media that is how the democrats get away with it. that's how biden gets away with it and at the same time they call republicans and conservatives racist. in fact we have an article from cnn white house announces national strategy to combat islamic phobia? tell me something ladies and gentlemen, where are all the marching jews demand the obliteration or elimination of muslims? where are they? what city are they in? where are all the universities and colleges promoting islam a phobia or the jewish students running into laborers and into the attic's fearful for their own lives. where are all of the pro- israel, pro- jewish professors the tenured professors going on and on how the muslims or occupiers overseas but there is islamic phobia. and it is horrific it is horrendous. it is just not in the united states. it is in the muslim and arab countries more muslims are being slaughtered and have been slaughtered by other muslims than anybody else and anywhere else on the face of the earth is going on as i speak whether it's yemen, whether it's iran, iraq, syria murdered over half a million of his own people muslims. they palestinian authority murders his own people hamas murders its own people. hezbollah murders its own people to muslim slaughtering most of the white house announces national strategy to combat islamic phobia why have they done this? two quick reasons. one, part of their base is very upset joe biden gave a speech he stand with israel, which by the way he is not he is doing as little as possible please give them arms every presidents provide them with arms. please also provide their enemy was $70 billion let's see 3.4 billion versus 70 billion seems a little out of whack to me doesn't it to you, america? it's more than that their base as i said the democrat party has no salt. >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? bring it to safelite. my customer was enjoying her new car, when her windshield cracked. 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pixie was also in the obama administration the guy in charge of the middle east is brent he was also in the obama administration for. >> i see a lot of obama administration is obama himself waited a long time three, four, five days before he put out a short statement when israel was attacked horribly on october 70 since put out another statement basically states what you have set and said and of course he cs thomas freedman and ben rhodes his former national security advisor and fiction writer. frieden and ben and all these people buy into the belief israel needs to be weaker to be stronger. assists one of the reasons they hate donald trump and benjamin netanyahu have endlessly trash them despite that fact we have abraham's accords and peace breaking out under both of those administration? what sets exactly right. trump had the middle east right he understood the united states should put together a coalition of allies dedicated to weakening and eroding conventional military power which is a growing and preventing them from getting a nuclear weapon. the abraham accords as understood by trump was part of the system of creating an alliance against iran. the biden administration was pushing saudi at normalization but at the same time as you have described a funneli funneling mo iran in building it up. with the right hand they were pretending to build the coalition but they were not really doing that and with the left-hand they're building up her enemy. b6 is a constant pressure now there in the middle of the world trying to defeat an enemy that on leashed on imaginable hell on its citizenry says they're going to keep doing it until they obliterate israel they want the so-called humanitarian cease-fires i have never heard of a humanitarian cease-fire in any other war in my life. and they talk about these things like israel is the perpetrator. israel is the aggressor even the state victory yes it's a kind of victory work israel doesn't win, isn't it? what's exactly this is my fear that what is going to happen is the biden administration is going to allow israel to take over north of the gaza strip but it's going to force a cease-fire on it which is going to let hamas live to fight another day and if hamas lives to fight another day of the iranian weapons every ally of the united states in the middle east will gravitate toward iran in toward china they're going to see the united states will not support any of its allies a full not support israel it will not support any ally against iranian aggression. mark: one of the signers of the abraham accord i believe it was bahrain they are withdrawing the diplomatic relations with israel and withdrew its ambassador in israel withdrew its ambassador this is the kind of thing the fraying of the abraham accord the fraying of the moderate arab states away from israel to the more extremist governments, our enemies, correct? flex that is it if you think back three weeks ago or four weeks ago we had a saudi israelite normalization in the pipeline. we had a new dawn and turkish israeli relations we have the israelis talking to the indians about creating a trade route through saudi arabia and israel and onto europe. all this is been blown up it has been blown up in one day. everyone in the muslim world and now is parroting talking points of the iranians as are a lot of people in our streets and in our universities. there's been a huge shift in the balance of power against the united states and against israel and a very short period of time the only way to write the balance or redress is for israel to win and when decisively and be understood by every to have one for. >> and we come back question is where we go from here is a matter of u.s. policy? the republicans in house proposed a bill to go ahead and fund israel. and then joe biden adds a notch christmas tree ornaments to it. kicks it up to over $100 billion and then blames the republican says they are raising the stakes to help provide israel with support. where to be go from here? we will be rig i am jon scott back to life, liberty and levin. ♪ b6 welcome back america rate michael durand of the hudson institute giving the disaster is a failure of the obama biden policy blowing up the middle east. war breaking out rather than peace. why is joe biden wedded to this ideology? >> for basic reasons. first of all he does not want to take iranian oil off the international market. they put venezuelan oil on the market. they have allowed iran to sell all of this oil to china and they are afraid if their tensions with iran if they enforce the sanctions the price of oil will go way up and hurt his chances for reelection. secondly the defense department does not want to have a confrontation with iran because is already busy in ukraine it is fearful for a war over taiwan. the last thing at once his difficulties in the middle east is trying to buy a quiet life by appeasing iran. third they are wedded this theory by appeasing iran by trying to accommodate they try to stabilize the middle east there is an intellectual arrogance here you find of the university campuses it has seeped into the national security elite they think there is some kind of alternative to the weight trump and george w. bush behave. and finally i don't think this gets enough attention is it is domestic politics. all these people you see on the ground in our universities that are demonstrating for hamas these are biden voters. they believe that netanyahu in saudi arabia and security minded like myself and evangelical christians are the party of war. they are the ones creating war in the middle east. it's not that they believe iran is the party of peace or the purveyor of peace but it makes them, the democratic party the pursuer of a piece with iran against the party of war. that place ve plays very well te progressive base. as a serious national security strategy i total nonsense is god domestic not politics on the far left. mark: to see it playing out in congress among the democrats you can see it playing out in the streets, the universities, the colleges. joe biden is getting calls from leaders, democrat leaders in michigan you have dearborn and a significant population of arabs and muslims is getting calls from other democrats and other locations in cities we have significant muslim populations and so forth. and he is being told our base is beginning to fray the squad and people like that. his popularity among muslims and arabs have gone way down. you get a moral equivalency between islamic phobia and anti-semitism the worse a period of anti-semitism in america's history and i do not see all of the islamophobic activity one oft absolute evil people absent a do not see it in the streets i do not see it in our colleges i do not see it in our media where i see it is overseas muslim against muslim. what is your take? >> the most important thing the president could do right now is to tell all of america israel is fighting a war for the united states. this is not a war between israel and hamas. this is a war between the united states and iran which iran as a prosecuting against israel at this particular moment it is the israeli front. if you would do that we could start seeing it as an american interests he could pull together a coalition of people who would send a clearer message to our own population to our allies that would confront all the things were talking about. mark: the problem is joe biden is a democrat the democrats politically live off the idea of coalition. it's not that they stand for any given principal. as you pointed out this ideology is unprincipled. it is an ideology it is not prudential that is creating balance in the middle east. why would you embrace the peace in the middle east and build on that rather than blow it up and start all over again? michael durand give written brilliantly you have a tremendous book. i want to thank you for all you do and i appreciate it very much sir. >> thank you. mark: we will be right back. mark: it welcome back america. i am with noa tishby first israeli convoy for combating anti-semitism the delegitimization of israel. she has writtet misunderstood country on earth. i think we are having a problem in this country to noa tishby which is the anti-semites and i might add they hamas supporters are no longer in the closet. they are in the streets they are full throated. they are saying horrific things about obliterating the jews they are saying horrific things about the state of israel. you've been watching this for decades. what is your take on this? >> mmay take as i am finally, im very pleased to some extent a lot of people in america are waking up to this cancer that has been around in our universities and colleges for way too long. we have been saying for years the new anti-semitism is simply anti- zion' zionism was that isl has turned into the jew of the world people are going to use israel as an excuse for jew hatred. what we are seeing right now is everything is coming out to the surface i really hope there's going to be able to be a change around this i know a lot of people are shocked by this there is been an intentional roaming of american youth that has taken place since 2001 since the conference for anti-semitism for racism excuse me and durban, south africa it turned so anti- somatic the united states and israel had to pull out of it this is where they come but the language of trying to brand israel an apartheid state and de- legitimize his standing in the world that languages what movement s jp all these on-campus movements have been using for years in order to poison our children's minds when for 20 or so years, 18 years you are allowed to roam campuses and tell people israel is an apartheid state it is a colonial state in israel should not exist when you deep human eyes and villain eyes and demonize israel so long that is what causes a reaction that when the greatest slaughter on jewish people happen since the holocaust and oninone day on october 7, peopln america young people in america turn around and said israel kind of deserves this this is nothing but anti-semitism is a jew hatred it's racism it's the oldest form of hate and discrimination that is still being practiced today i really hope people understand anti- semitism and anti- zionism are one and the same and are going to act to do something about it pretty strongly believe movements like bds should be outlawed from everett college in everett university in america were not going to allow kkk to roam free on-campus, right? from that river to the sea of palestine will be free as a call for jewish slaughter. that is what is it is to be outplayed. mark: are you concerned with the american media in the "new york times" which seems to have individuals who write for them or speak for them who are very sympathetic to this hamas a terrorist ideology or am i missing something? >> person i am grateful for near times on thursday they ran a beautiful feature about me i'm very pleased with it. finally they are covering the rights which is great. i'm very pleased and i really am very grateful and i'm grateful because a lot of people are finally listening. this meant anti- israel bias in the media for so many years. they've been calling about this forever there'd be a terror attack on israel or missile launched on israel the headlines all over the world would be israel attacks in gaza this bias is something that is not new i really hope that right now with the barbaric slaughter on october 7 the fact the idf is showing 47 minute film of horror by hamas a lot of media outlets are realizing the type of double we are dealing with. that type of devil needs to be stopped and let me say it one more thing. these are all tentacles of i robert hamas is a tentacle of ironic suny and not geac but still they are sponsoring them. hamas is sponsoring the hoodies in the south during rockets and missiles into israel. hamas is sponsoring hezbollah and the north this jumping in the fray as well but hamas is behind every single bad actor in the region they are the most destabilizing force in the entire world. what needs to be happening right now is a credible military threat needs to be put on the table against iran because sadly that is the only way they will understand and stop. this is not a threat to israel and not a threat to the jewish people this is a threat to america's way of life and to western civilization as we know a lot of people in europe also know this as well. not the public but the politicians who ran to his or her along with the bite administration and were very concerned about what is happening right now. this is a threat for western civilization and a credible military threat needs to be on the table gives iran. >> it does but it is not. and when we come back i want to ask you why. we will be right some people just know what road to take. those are the people who know to choose allstate. the service road is faster. gps: turn left. not happening. he knows better than any gps. and he'd point you in allstate's direction. go all the way down the road, past the big gray warehouse. gps: take the next exit. you're not from around here, so you don't know the back roads. i don't want to be late for the party. i'm gonna save us five minutes. some people just know what road to take. gps: you're on the fastest route. those are the people who know safe drivers save 40% with allstate. ♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. so why is there no credible threat against iran? iran doesn't seem it's a credible threat against it. >> i don't believe i iran has considered this a credible threat up until now. the aircraft carriers that are all over israel and the goals are a good start but let's see what happens. nobody once where there is no question about that but sadly they are elements in the region specifically ironic try to take over the region and are threatening to gulf states, saudi arabia the normal moderate countries in the region like egypt and jordan threatening everyone obviously israel is number one. behind the scenes i heard this my contacts in the gulf and the moderate states of this was corroborated by an op-ed dennis ross had written in the "new york times" a couple of days ago. behind the scenes there is a silent agreement by moderate arab leaders they want israel to take care of hamas that actually what israel to go in there they want israel to take them out the modern arab world understands iran as a destabilizing force in the region and needs to be handled the way to handle them right now is to eliminate hamas there's not going to be a cease-fire there's not going to be pulling back there's not going to be anything until hamas is defeated that's just what needs to be happening israel cannot live like that anymore and neither should the u.s. mark: 's circle back briefly about the "new york times." given your position i'm sure you read these scholarly books there are three major books written about how the "new york times" covered up the holocaust. the "new york times" apologize for it in 2001 as a matter fact. the headline the "new york times" had when the hospital was not hit the parking lot next to the hospital was hit that was an islamic she hawed missile that misfire it took the "new york times" three times to get the title rate. a lot of people think it had incredibly negative impact around the world and helped to launch a lot of the violence around the world. what he think of that? works of not going to give it specifically to the "new york times" and with the bbc, the ap a lot of media outlets that we all got put her back so progresk about the "new york times." >> again it is a disease that is everywhere we've got push notifications of 500,000 are in china they were killed by an israeli attack on th hospital ft of all you need to take -- you would not take the ayatollahs of ironic or isis press releases seriously why would you take hamas press release and what should have given them pause is how can you count 500 bodies and two seconds of an attacker? they all should've taken a pause and all should have looked into this. obviously israel does not attack hospitals this is why hamas is hiding their personnel, their headquarters and their weapons behind hospitals and behind citizens this is not hyperbole is not an exaggeration this is actually happening i do not know if you saw this but the other day there is an instagram post of a palestinian family that is letting it rip on hamas for using them as human shields the people of gaza do not want this as well this is a horrible entity within the middle east that needs to be eliminated and that media around the world is to stand by israel in making sure this happens for this is not a problem of one entity or another this is a problem of a lot of media entities that need to get their act together. mark: i want to thank you for the work you have been doing and all the work you're doing right now. noa tishby thank you very much. >> thank you so much for havin i'm an actor in an ad, who was given 12 seconds to remind you that if you're high, just don't drive. 'cause if you feel different, you drive different. it's illegal to drive high everywhere anyway. welcome back, america. under our constitution the president commits a high crime he should be impeached by the house and removed by the senate. joe biden has met the condition by leaving the border open, hundreds of thousands of deaths from a likely terrorist coming to this country, we know drug cartel terrorists are operating in our country rearming the enemy, iran. to this day rearming the enemy to the tune of a billion and a half dollars every single week. refusing to book military assets here in our own country to confront the fires he's set with russia, china, iran and north korea. the president number one responsibility is the preservation of our society, the president number one responsibility and national security and he's failed miserably and he's going to continue to fail unless he's removed from office. republicans in the work. i'll see you next time on life, liberty and levin. ♪

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Things , Age , Owner , Flap , Three , Dog , Puppy , Puppet , Chicken , Prison , David , 6 , 18 , Kind , Everyone , Meal , Bag , Dinner Piglets Psyche , Scary , Life , Doesn T , U S , Liberty , Back , Eastern , Th Show , 00 , 7 , Mark , Mark Levin This Is Life , Hello America , Casualties , Deaths , Men And Women , Levin , 100000 , 59000 , One , Lot , People , Citizens , Civilians , Vietnam War , Korean War , Combatants , 50000 , Border , Question , Young Americans , President Of The United States , Border Open , 45 , President , Fentanyl , Dan About Human Life , Civilian American , Amanda , He Silent Didn T , Oman , Manual , Slavery , Place , Sex Slaves , Inhumanity , Children , Murderers , Immigration Reform , Country , States , Drugs , Drug Cartels , Area , Foothold , Ties , Communist Chinese , Isis , Fbi , Director , Crime , Middle East , Given , Board , Two , 70 Million , 270 Million , Prime Minister , Terrorist Attacks , Monarch , Dictator , Chucking , Suffering , Towers , Millions , Law Biden , Attorney General , Rules , Finger , Kamala Harris , Joe Biden , You Kn Know , Gaza , Support Israel , World War Ii , Appeasement , Stages , Survival , Keep , Stake , Hamas , Enemy , Media , Propaganda , Professors , Protesters , Street , Ask Hamas , College Students , Network , Democrat Party , Problem , Party , Principle , Soul , Morality , Democratic Whc Socialist , Republicans , Question Democrat , Individuals , Representation , Congress , Organizations , Cannot , Netanyahu , Mother , Conservatives , Msnbc , History , Civil War , Schools , Bit , Mississippi River , Union , Supply Line , Victories , Control , Jessica , Union Forces , Siege Of Vicksburg , Troops , Force , Major General , Men , Ulysses S Grant Union , 1863 , May 1863 , It , Idea , Rest , Gunboats , Military Manufacturing City , Confederacy , Side , Hill , Vicksburg , Anyone , Ingress , Egress , Food , Provisions , Inhabitants , 40 , Death , Order , Rats , Abraham Lincoln , Scene , Dogs , Shooting Dogs , War Criminal , Appeasing Iran , Jewish , Presidents , Russia , Hezbollah Hamas , Mosses , American History , The Masses , Cease Fire , Medicine , Right , Fuel , 7 Million , Israelis , Enemies , Hospitals , Fodder , Evidence , Slaughter , Commander , Mib The Second Greatest President Of American History , The First , George Washington , South , 700000 , Nation , Battle , State Solution , Number One , Most , Lincoln , Note Two State Solution , Lives , All Of Us , Yes , Idf , Aggressor , Note , Occupier , Solution , Notion , Battle Of Atlanta 1864 General , Will , Ability , Union Victory , William Sherman , Southern Armies , 1864 , Case , London , Dresden , Nagasaki , Hiroshima , Berlin , Wall , Regimes , Symbol , Big Type Atlanta Transportation Industrial Center , Atlanta , Strength , City , Goose Soldiers , Target , Area Blaze , Crack , Troop Set , Livestock , Census , Records , Land , Last Night In The City Sherman , Union Soldiers Rated , Cotton Fields , War , Properties , City Officials , Cruelty , Resistance , Address , Occupation Of Atlanta Sherman , Shortene Sentiment , Way , Weight , War Is Hell , Michigan Military Academy , Imperial Japan , Third Reich , Fascist Italy , Japanese Emperor , Illini , Hitler , Concentration Camps , Brutality , Axis Powers , Hospital , Don T , Perspective , Calls , Desert Rats , Don T Hit The School , Slow Down , Planet , Army , War Humanely , Thing , Citizen , Palestinian , Hostages , More , Blinken , Hundreds , Heat , Afghanistan , Edo , Money , Say , Reason , Release , Ticket , Tears , Irradiance , South Koreans , 6 Billion , Attacks , Funding Hamas Is Finding Hezbollah , Nazi Regime , Funding , A Billion , Ladies And Gentlemen , New York City , Texas , Terrorist Attack , Kinds , Wars , Harm , Disaster , Voters , Number , Muslim , Organization , Parties , Power , Fanatics , Candidates , Voting , Climate Change Marxist , Coal , Heartland , Aluminum , Destroying , Hollowing , Natural Gas , School Offices , Office , Americans , Buildings , Radical Lpsychoradical , Ivy League , Cycle , New York Times , Holocaust , Propagandist Media , Corrupt Media A , Mouthpiece , Demigod , Networks , Propaganda Wing , Something , Fact , Combat Islamic , Strategy , Racist , White House , Article , Cnn , Universities , Muslims , Colleges , Students , Obliteration , Elimination , Attic , Laborers , Islam A Phobia , Marching Jews , Occupiers , Countries , Yemen , Face , Earth , Anywhere , Iraq , Syria , A Million , Reasons , Murders , Palestinian Authority , Slaughtering , Base , Arms , Part , Speech , Whack , Salt , 3 4 Billion , 0 Billion , 70 Billion , Customer , Car , Tech Vo , Technology , Windshield , Gasp , Dealer , Safelite , Tech , Replacements , Vehicles , Recalibrations , Anyone Else , Pop Music Singers , Tech Don T Wait , Safelite Repair , Administration , Welcome Back , Approach , B6 Welcome Back America Rate Michael Durand , Charge , National Security Council , Refusal , Rearming , Affairs , Senior Fellow , Ironic , Realignment , Theory , Obama , Thanks , George W Bush , Military Footprint , Word , Accommodation , Dialogue , Buzzwords , Diplomacy , Agreement , Extent , Military Position , Return , Course , Link , Behalf , Sullivan , Guy , Weapons , Brent , Pixie , Statement , 70 , Four , Five , The , Fiction Writer , Belief , National Security Advisor , Ben Rhodes , Cs Thomas Freedman , Frieden , Peace , Donald Trump , Assists , Accords , Benjamin Netanyahu , Coalition , Allies , Both , Weakening , Military Power , Alliance , Growing , System , Abraham Accords , Nuclear Weapon , Mo Iran , Hand , Normalization , Funneli , World , Pressure , Left , Citizenry , Middle , Estate , Victory , Cease Fires , Perpetrator , Victory Work Israel Doesn T Win , Fear , Isn T , Rally , North , Gaza Strip , China , Accord , Aggression , Signers , Ambassador , Relations , Fraying , Arab , Extremist , Governments , Pipeline , Flex , Israelite Normalization , Saudi , Europe , Trade Route , Indians , Streets , Talking Points , Shift , Balance Of Power , Balance , Redress , Policy , Matter , Fund , Bill , Tree , Kicks , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Support , Stakes , Jon Scott , Failure , Obama Biden Policy , Hudson Institute , Ideology , Soil , Market , War Breaking , Chances , Tensions , Reelection , Sanctions , Price , Department , Confrontation , Defense , Ukraine , Taiwan , Appeasing , Arrogance , Difficulties , Security , Trump , University Campuses , Attention , Elite , Alternative , Politics , Ground , Christians , Ones , Ve Plays Very Well Te Progressive Base , Piece , Pursuer , Purveyor , Democrats , National Security Strategy , Nonsense , God , Leaders , Arabs , Population , Cities , Populations , Locations , Michigan , Fray , Popularity , Squad , Equivalency , Anti Semitism , Islamophobic Activity One Oft , America Israel , Front , Prosecuting , Clearer , Interests , Message , Given Principal , Unprincipled , Build , Blow , Book , Sir , Noa Tishby First Israeli Convoy , Delegitimization Of Israel , Noa Tishby , Anti Semites , Supporters , Closet , Throated , Mmay , Zionism , Jew , Cancer , Anti Zion , Isl , Everything , Change , Excuse , Jew Hatred , Surface , Racism , Conference , Somatic , Youth , Roaming , South Africa , Durban , 2001 , Apartheid State , Movements , On Campus , Language , Movement , Languages , Standing , De Legitimize , Jp , Campuses , Human Eyes , Eyes , Villain , 20 , Peopln , America Young People , Reaction , October 7 , Same , Nothing , Hate , Form , Discrimination , In America , River , Bds , Sea , Everett College In University , Kkk , Call , Jewish Slaughter , Palestine , Times , Terrorist Ideology , Person , Feature , Bias , Rights , Missile , All Over The World , Terror Attack , Barbaric Slaughter , Type , Media Outlets , Film , Double , Horror , Devil , 47 , Tentacle , Missiles , I Robert Hamas , Tentacles , Jumping , Hoodies , Rockets , Ironic Suny , Military Threat , Region , Factor , Threat , Table , Civilization , Stop , Politicians , Public , Bite , Western Civilization , Road , Service Road , Allstate , Gps , Roads , Direction , Exit , Big Gray Warehouse , Gonna , Route , Drivers , Welcome Back America , Aircraft Carriers , Goals , Start , Nobody , Gulf States , Elements , Try , Scenes , Contacts , Couple , Gulf , Dennis Ross , Jordan , Egypt , Op Ed , Care , Arab World , Anything , Israel Cannot , Books , Matter Fact , Position , S Circle , Apologize , Hit , Parking Lot , Title Rate , Headline , Works , Impact , Violence , Ap , Bbc , Everywhere , Attack , Push Notifications , Got , Disease , Th Hospital Ft , 500000 , Ayatollahs , Bodies , Hamas Press Release , Isis Press Releases , 500 , Attacker , Headquarters , Personnel , Hyperbole , Pause , Post , Exaggeration , Family , Instagram , Human Shields , Entity , Another , Media Entities , Work , Havin , Sad , 12 , Cause , Don T Drive , House , Constitution , Condition , Senate , Terrorist , Drug Cartel Terrorists , Tune , Hundreds Of Thousands , Assets , North Korea , Responsibility , Preservation , Society , Miserably ,

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