Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240702 : comparemela.

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240702

the world in his first comments. he says his militia is ready for all possibilities at a moment's notice and that the group is not intimidated by the u.s. warships stationed throughout the middle east and if a larger war breaks out, americans will "pay the price."hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here with my co-host emily compagno and fox business caravanningor cheryl casone, fox news controversy lisa boothe and raymond arroyo. hezbollah warning raising concern about a potential second front opening along israel's northern border with lebanon. the proxy escalated strikes on israel in recent days and the leader stopped short of declaring war, he claims that all options are still on the table. with more, let's go live to trey yingst live on the ground in southern israel. trey. >> trey: hi, guys. we're with you right here. just stick with me. there was a direct impact, we just need to make sure our other journalism colleagues are okay. just stay with me. take the camera off the sticks. our team is okay. just stay with me. if you guys can talk about what is taking place, we just need one moment. >> kayleigh: trey, what we're looking at emily is southern israel. much of this fire is coming, we'll let trey gather himself and check on his colleagues there. emily, this is southern israel, where a lot of rockets are going off. just last friday this same time we saw barrage of attacks coming through the sky. you see them over trey's shoulder. this is the center of the action on the border with gaza. >> emily: as we watch this unfold just hours ago, the leader of hezbollah said the u.s. must be held accountable and pay the price for crime perpetuated in gaza. that against spokesperson for netanyahu who said anyone that calls for a ceasefire -- >> kayleigh: let's go to trey yingst. >> trey: we are -- can hear direct impact, a rocket just slammed into the building right next to where we're at. you can see soldiers just arrived on the scene. [sirens sounding] >> trey: i want to give you a little bit of what the situation was here. just moments ago sirens were sounding, we followed our plan and got straight to cover. then we heard a loud explosion rocking the ground next to us. it appears there has been a direct impact. this was not intercepted, it was a massive explosion and you see the car right there has some damage. it appears there are no casualties, but this is very close to where reporters have been covering the situation along the border. and there is some sort of siren from inside the building going off. just pan here, excuse me, sir. you can see this car has damage to it. this is all very fresh. just a moment ago. let me take you through what happened here, guys. we're along the israel/gaza border. this area has not been taking much fire recently, but just we saw something coming off the gaza strip, sirens sounded and you have 10 seconds to get to cover here. little out of breaths, we ran straight to cover. something slipped past israel's missile defense system and slammed into the ground. we're not sure what damage was done to the building. and this building right here is the same building, a kindergarten that was hit. it is night time. it is a shabbat. a lot of shrapnel in the area. >> kayleigh: how many yards from you did that rocket land? that was pretty close. >> trey: yeah, this landed just maybe 100 feet from where we were standing. again, we have safety protocol in place and so when something like this happens, we've discussed what to do. we were about to come on air and we couldn't see that come off the gaza strip and it may have been mortar fire, have not established if it is a small rocket or mortar. we had just a few seconds to get to cover and we got immediately to of coer. our entire crew was in cover, our colleagues we are close with were next to us not in cover. no one hurt and no casualties from what we can see. all the journalists, this is an area journalists have been reporting, if you look at the ground, some glass from the cars and if i can step in front of you, you can see some shrapnel marks in the side of this car here. let these reporters get out of the way. that is shrapnel and cut right through a car. it can certainly injury and kill people. i want to have my cameraman pan in here, if you look at the side of this building, there was a green wall and on that wall, there are huge shrapnel marks up and down the wall. just an indication that the shrapnel hit this area and was spread out and we're going to shine the light in there so you can see it. >> kayleigh: trey, is that green wall -- >> trey: this is sense of what the aftermath is like. >> kayleigh: is that green wall the wall of the kindergarten. israel goes to great pains not to hit targets. would this have been targeted? how do you hit a kindergarten in israel? >> trey: it likely was not targeted. this shows you here, this shrapnel tore right through, it is all over the side of this kindergarten. we were here about to go on air to speak to you when this was taking place. you can see just how large the blast was. we walked down here. let me show you this car. just by sheer chance, we were parked on the other side today, we normally park here. our team, our equipment and crew, everyone is safe. you can see the windows blown out on this crew car for someone. quite a bit of journalists are around here. in terms of whether or not this building was targeted, hamas has been using mortars to hit this area and small rockets, they don't have the precision that a precision-guided missile has. police are checking to make sure no one was inside. this may be the impact point, it looks as if it was a mortar. this is a direct hit that was not intercepted by israel's iron dome. i want to show them this piece of shrapnel on the ground. the shrapnel sprays. >> emily: you took cover and you said you have a plan, what does cover mean, do you have access to a building or overhang. we hear voices, are those primarily journalists? it is 6 p.m. in shabbat, are these israeli citizens? tell us the situation around you. >> trey: these are mostly journalists that are here because this is a place you can see directly into the gaza strip. i am walking. i will show you what the police are doing, they are assessing the damage and ensuring there are no casualties and we'll walk with them. look at this, the shrapnel cut right through this metal fence and these police officers just got to the scene. damage on this side of the impact crater is more significant because shrapnel sprays up against the wall. they are looking to make sure no one is injured. just a lot of shrapnel marks on the wall, holes here. all of this on the side of a kindergarten. it is painted this color because normally in times of war, before hamas caused this, kids were going to school. most have evacuated since then, but you can see soldiers and police officers in this area because it sits just over the border from the gaza strip. >> kayleigh: trey, you mentioned this fire evaded the iron dome. explain for viewers, you have done it before tlchl is a lot of incoming and sometimes the iron dome can be pierced, how does that happen? >> trey: oftentimes and -- he will pull this out here and that is just the engine from the rocket. give me one second, you can see a piece of the rocket. this is a small rocket and what you are looking at is shrapnel from the rocket. they are collecting this as we speak. in terms of israel's missile defense system, the iron dome, it works to intercept fire from the gaza strip, but it is not perfect. there have been 8000 rockets and mortars fired. the towns, there are civilians that stayed behind. they won't intercept the rockets, that is by calculation from the amount of missile defense they have and some by the fact they are firing so often. >> raymond: how practical is it for president biden to cause for ceasefire or pause given what you are seeing on the israeli side? >> trey: if you pan up to the window over there, one second. you can see officers checking to make sure no one was inside the building. the buildings are built to withstand this kind of fire. they are close to gaza. every house has a shelter. in terms of a ceasefire, it is challenging to have a ceasefire while rockets are still reigning down on israel. and that is what is being called for here. it is part of the reason that the prime minister, netanyahu said he won't have a ceasefire because the fire still continues into israel, plus you have the issue of the hostages, 241 israelis being held and some are foreign nationals, but majority are israelis, being held inside the gaza strip. two conditions, one is fuel into the gaza strip and second has to do with with a humanitarian pause. both agenda itemsingly not happen according to prime minister netanyahu until hostages are released. to call for a ceasefire, the war is unfolding and it would be challenging to have that implemented on the ground. >> kayleigh: trey yingst, thank you, excellent reporting, as always. talk to you soon. >> trey: thank you. >> kayleigh: bring in retired general, keith kellogg, former national security advisor to former vice president mike pence. we see reality of war there, general kellogg. we want to show our viewers what is happening on the other side of that border. here is some video of what the idf is doing. the first video, this is a tunnel, you see this tunnel is outside of baithanun. second video is the unit of the idf destroying a hamas tunnel system. this is what subterrainian warfare is like, describe the images for us. >> thanks for having me. the hardest fight you have is sub-terrainian. when you think of going into a tunnel, think of fighting in a phone booth, that is what it means. the israelis created two units, one means diamond in israeli. special reconnaissance unit and you have unit called samor, which means weasel and been designed to go into the tunnel environment because a regular soldier can't do that well. when you go into a tunnel, think of just being, you have no spatial idea what is happening. you go in there and you are fighting basically face-to-face or you have no ability to have good vision devices that will work in a tunnel. they work, but they go in thermal, the other side would jump red through the thermal device. it is hard to fight in that. what they have done and i think you are seeing now what the israelis have done, cut off gaza city, surrounded it, isolated it and think of a checker board. each square, they will go square by square to finally find the tunnels to reduce the tunnels and go in. it will take a long time. in 2014, they went in to destroy the tunnels in gaza. it took six weeks, they had to come out. i think what netanyahu will do is stay there until he reduces gaza and finds the tunnels. when you find them, you see them and destroy them. you are talking about 300 miles of tunnels. one hostage that came out said she walked for hours through tunnels. hamas knows this, and the israelis have to fight through it and use special units to go in and destroy the tunnels tunnel by tunnel. it will take a long time, hardest fight an infantryman has to do. >> kayleigh: that is the south. let's go to the north where hezbollah resides. hezbollah speaking out today, one line stood out to me. we will continue to attack american forces in iraq and syria. would he be using that kind of language and taking part in those actions under former president trump? >> i remember kayleigh, you were there during the last state of the union when president trump stood before congress and said if you attack, did not say kill, if you attack an american, you forfeit your life, he was making that comment to terrorists. i am shocked this administration has not made the same comment. you have secretary of state talking about it, what you want in a situation like this, with rallah, or hezbollah and iran, make your message concise, short and direct and follow through with it. all they are doing is causing more problems because they made the situation so not recognizable or they don't understand it, you have to make the other side understand there is a price to be made. you attack an american, you have a problem. >> kayleigh: thank you very much. lisa, something was understood when i was there. >> lisa: it is clear no one fears us anymore, that is evident by what is going on in ukraine and what is going on in the middle east right now and you have hezbollah praising the terrorist attacks against israel, threatening the united states. trey showed us the israel of israelis not knowing when bombs will hit. what was the biden administration doing yesterday? unveiling a strategy to fight islamophobia. which make you think biden administration is more concerned about muslim votes than slaughtering of jews. his support among arab americans dropped to 17%. you have representative jayapal, he would lose support of muslim votes. you could logically conclude this administration is more concerned about the votes, looking at states like michigan, he won by 154,000. 242,000 muslim living in that state. he is more concerned than this attempted genocide of the jews taking place now, says a lot about joe biden to me. >> kayleigh: it does. it feels like pure politics, the calls for pauses? how do you pause? if you are an idf soldier surrounded by hamas, booby trapped buildings, how do you pause? >> emily: to underscore what i start to say a moment ago, the spokesperson for netanyahu said calls for ceasefire means you are taking a pro-hamas position. in light of trey's amazing coverage and what he talked about israel preserving the batteries, on october 24, this pentagon said we are sending two air systems to israel, two batteries in addition to high altitude defense battery and patriot air defense battalion to the region. that is in addition to other support mechanisms and indicators we are sending. hearing the israelis are trying to preserve batteries, i worry are ours there yet? have our supplies reached it? despite or amidst biden call for ceasefire, are we holding true to the word that we will supply all elements needed for israel to defend themselves at this moment? that is important to me. >> kayleigh: they are saying there is difference in ceasefire and pause, it seems the same. >> raymond: if you listen to blinken, i had the misfortune of doing, the entire address, he is mincing weak. trying to create a moral equivalency between what happened to the israelis and what is happening to palestine now. i'm sorry, there is no moral equivalency this moment. you don't do it by beheading children. this is the world that joe biden has built. he financed, we financed iran, iran finances hamas and hezbollah will enter the fight. they are attacking servicemen and the only message, don't. i don't know what thatten moos and neither do our enemies. >> kayleigh: i want to share news before we got to air 18 minutes before we got to air, the house passed bipartisan iranian petroleum act. the congressman talked to us last week to cut off that funding. >> cheryl: the way iranians are funding this is through oil cells, unmarked tankers, they are laughing at sanctions, biden administration put on them and making billions of dollars. israelis need funding and need funding now, that argument is going to continue in washington. one thing you mentioned, real quick about the fact that we, we have talked before, we're weak on the world stage. look at the wagner group and russians, they will funnel weapons and defense system and give to bashar al assad in syria and that will head to hezbollah. this is what is happening, u.s. forces have been under attack in syria and believe me, those comments, high alert this morning on fox business, hezbollah leader was speaking because they knew especially northern israel those were going to be inflammatory words and they were worse than i thought. they were horrific. they are ready to go. two-front war and israel needs everything from us right now. >> emily: raymond arroyo, you talked about -- the beginning of his address today, he was distraught and wrought with emotion as he narrated atrocities he had seen detailing things hamas had done, vile, monstrous things and it struck me he said we have to keep telling you about this because the world has forgotten so quickly and easily. i was heartened by that, i hope it stays. >> raymond: then he said, i've seen similar images of palestinian children. stop, moral equivalency has to stop vchl coherent policy so our adversaries understand. don't, no. clearly, don't. there it is again. don't. eric >> emily: turning to the border, security threat from open and overwhelmed southern border since president biden dismantled the trump administration border policy. here is one chilling example of why. ice just arrested illegal border crosser wanted in seneshggal, for terrorist activities. first encountered on october 3. he was mistakenly released into our country. shocker. another week went by before homeland security flagged fbi he was a suspected terrorist and it took another week to finally arrest him in -- wait for it, new york city. casey segal, live from the dallas bureau with the details. >> good to be with you, newly uncovered information highlight disconnect between countries when it comes to sharing criminal information and background of migrants. this 29 year old was wanted for criminal conspiracy in relation to a terrorist organization. in addition to slew of other charges. when cbp officials ran his name through the system, nothing popped up, he was released with a notice to apeer on his own recognizance. 169 migrants on the fbi terrorist watch list were apprehended on the border. officials point out those figures include the ones arrested and we know about for sure. what we don't know is how many could be slipping through the cracks. >> the problem, though, the 600,000 of known gotaways, close to 2 million over course of the biden administration, we know nothing about. no idea who they are, no idea where they are and what they are doing now inside the united states and that is problematic. >> this as large migrant caravan continue to make way on foot through southern mexico bound for the united states. it has grown to 7000 in size, forming long lines on roadways, it is not clear when the group is expected to arrive at the u.s. southern border and where they will turn up to try to illegally cross. emily. >> emily: thank you so much. lisa, one thing casey mentioned, highlights disconnect between countries and highlights disconnect between agencies here and overworked and underfunded states and the fear that anyone that comes over, as long as they get to a sanctuary city, they are scott free. >> yeah, you have secretary mayorkas saying there is 600,000 illegal gotaways in 2023 alone. how many terrorists are among those peep snel even dhs says they are vetting people when they are coming, they are not. you can't vet some people from countries. we can call up taliban in afghanistan or isis, is so-and-so a good guy? no. or if gazans find their way to the united states, who is this person? that is not how it works. wing 172 individuals on the terrorist watch list, more than the previous six years combined. who have we allowed into the united states? it is a given we will see terror attacks happen on u.s. soil. >> emily: peter doocy asked john kirby, how many are we going to find of potential terrorists coming over the border? watch how john kirby responded. >> has white house occurred the fact that a terrorist could be in here rights now? >> we are concerned about presence on u.s. soil of terrorists coming from overseas. >> 600,000 known gotaways in the last year, is it possible somebody want to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. >> kayleigh: we can answer that question, we don't know if he wanted to commit additional terrorist attack. the key here, he was released, border patrol had him and released into the interior and two weeks wanted for charges of terrorism, this is inconceivable and should be only tailwind you need for schumer to say today we are going to pass hr-2, republicans in the house passed it. limit patrol of migrants to the interior, could have stopped this guy. chuck schumer, your turn. >> raymond: we don't know who these people are. i've been to the border. go to mcallen, you find people with envelopes and on it written in english, i'm going to chicago, direct me. this is not the way we should be conducting immigration via nongovernmental operations. the border need to be secure, we don't know who is coming in and not everybody is refudgee. >> cheryl: president biden is meeting with mexico, panama and costa rica, maybe something will happen. >> emily: i'm not holding my breath. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. 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>> do you agree every -- must be slaughtered? >> i don't know about that one. >> do you agree making homosexuality punishable by death? >> you don't agree with that? >> destroy the west? >> no? >> i'm glad i read the term and agreement. >> you agree with strict shia law? >> i'm sorry -- >> not interested? okay. >> terrorist group that rapes girls to replace democracy in middle east? >> not sure that is something to support. >> i agree with this. >> yes. >> maybe no. >> no? >> okay. >> no, thank you. >> i don't support any of these two things you just read, i won't be able to sign this then. >> thanks for not signing. >> cheryl: they have no idea what they are talking about, no idea whatsoever. i cannot agree that is happening on campuses. if more faculty at columbia and cornell and stan ford and yale, if they don't come out and condemn students who look like morones, are they not going to class? real quick, where they are getting information from tiktok, that generation does not watch television or the news. they are going on tiktok and grabbing disinformation that is being fed to them. >> lisa: i disagree. all respect, a cornell student was arrested for threatening to shoot up a building. you have ny students holding up the star of david saying keep the world clean and a cornell professor saying hamas attack exhilarated him. you have students declaring day of resistance, i think these people are evil, they know what they are supporting, they are terrorists themselves. you need to condemn evil people supporting it, they know what they are doing, they are evil and support terrorists and should be treated as such. >> raymond: university setting is selective, they are among the student body. they get preference to activists and people who come from places and have views at odds with the vast majority of americans. it is not surprise we are seeing outrageous protest and hatred popping up in the university setting. this is the speech you programmed, this is the speech you got temperature is ugly when you see it now. >> kayleigh: maybe the problem is not that they are not going to class, but they are going to class. the cornell professor said he was exhilarated and he was put on administrative leave. he had colleagues defending him. it used to be professors were liberal, now professors deny beheading of children. >> lisa: why send your kid to college. >> emily: i agree with both of you, we have ideologues that are evil, indoctrinated monsters furthering evil and you have upper class over educated elite upper east side folk who agree with them, they know nothing better. joe malone's son, they have no idea what they are talking about and fo mented by professors for communist movement and the sort of erosion of the united states that has been successful, all factors combined and it is sickening. it is undefensible. >> lisa: the cross tab, progressive 36% believe the attacks were justified, majority of muslims believe the attacks were justified. it is downplaying significance of what we see happening in the united states. >> emily: more to come, including this, kayleigh's interview with new house speaker mike johnson and his wife's kelly about the media attack on their faith, one liberal outlet calling republicans bigger threat to americans than hamas terrorists. stay with us. l the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. 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genuine people i've ever known and he loves all people and would give you the shirt off his back. >> kayleigh: they have come after you personally, attack you, you are a christian counselor, a woman of god, attacked your profession. what is your response? >> i used to be a school teacher and i loved that, i just felt burdened for so many people and felt the calling to go back to school and become a christian counselor. i love people. i want to help them through their time of struggle and suffering and i love what i do, absolutely love it. >> as a husband, i will take any arrow, don't talk about my wife. she is kindest, sweetest and everybody will tell you about this lady right here. >> kayleigh: i love that, how are your kids dealing with it? >> they are doing well. they are still in shock. they are proud of their dad and they are excited, excited for what is ahead. >> kayleigh: do you believe your husband is in this role for such a time as this at this particular moment for a reason? >> i do. i do. i believe god placed him here. god said he raises up leaders and brings them down. i believe he is here for just this time. >> kayleigh: emily, kelly was praying for this speaker chaos, three weeks we watched it play out, not for her husband to be speaker and was surprised by it, could not make it in time for receiving the gavel. >> emily: what a servant's heart they have, sweet family. the venom they have been subjected to by media coverage, they are not presidential candidate or first family, this is long-time servant of the people and congressman being subjected to this. i am praying for them that the road ahead for the speaker is smooth and his crooked path will be made straight and they will maintain strength despite the numerous attack to come from left including a few we'll talk about in a moment. >> kayleigh: more to come, left wing news outlet salon out with a new piece, you won't believe the headline, maga christian bigger threat to america than hamas could ever be. remember hamas burned babies alive, but maga is a bigger threat. this vile article. while the world burns, johnson and the maga party who swallowed the evon jevangelical movement, they are theo krasy run by people who will thump you with the bible, but have not read much of it. they want no separation of church and state. here is the house speaker responding to the accusation, he does not want separation of church and state. >> the establishment was first clause and it was important, framers of the constitution were deeply concerned, they merged church and state together and said we don't want to do that. we don't want a law to pass that could you have to be this faith or denomination or religion. >> raymond: i wish brian, the writer of this crazy salon piece would listen to that. he writes like he's a protege of the unibomber. he claims little difference in tim scott, steve scalise and hamas. let me announce to you, steve scalise himself was shot by crazy left wing ideologue, he never dug a tunnel to nancy pelosi chamber and never beheaded anyone's children. this connects to what lisa was talking about, just because you disagree with someone or find yourself on political opposite side doesn't mean you can demean, defame or defile or kill that person. this guy metaphorically, that is what he's talking about, defaming these people and it is stirring up hatred. >> kayleigh: brian kareem, credential white house reporter, the former reporter who used to shout me down. the enemy is hamas not democrats. >> lisa: you did a good job with this interview, good job. it is easy to one-off this article, not when you head into the midterm election when joe biden gave a speech, military behind him labeling 75 million americans who voted for trump as enemies of the state or you have people like msnbc nicole wallace talking about trump and saying you have to root out terrorism, you kill terrorists with drones. it is easy during covid, when nearly half democrats want to put unvaccinated like me in government camps. it is easy to say this is one-off, when you look at collective body of work and things they have been saying, we should take it seriously and be concerned. >> cheryl: i have to tell you, the -- i love what he said and yes, great interview, when he said don't go after my wife. have a little bit of morals, folks whachl is interesting about this discussion, they are ready to vilify the next speaker and will do whatever they can to tear that next speaker down. that was a disaster, let's admit it. now we have johnson in place. democrats, no, no, they don't want to work together. we have serious issues going on with ukraine and israel and china and taiwan and obviously, we'll run out of money, we have a government funding issue, that is this month, it is november. they are name calling and basically saying that he and his wife are stupid because they are christians, that is the headline. >> kayleigh: when you look at the left in the attack, comparing republicans to hamas, to the main shooter, to iran and look at mike johnson, wanting civility, wanting to work together and love one another, there is a clear difference. >> emily: he said let's be clear, the enemy is hamas. this playboy reporter said hamas is terrorist organization, he said difference in matter of degree. that rhetoric furth erred and amplified by large main-stream media now that print that and say this is okay to disseminate. that led to an attempted murderer on supreme court justice's lawn. only reason we don't talk about it any longer, he was of the wrong ilk, conservative justice and that is why newspapers aren't up in arms. if the table was turned, this language has real consequences and effect and the fact his publisher allowed this to be print. there are evil lunatics out there, that is a worse crime. >> kayleigh: these attacks do not end, liberal media is just taking aim at speaker johnson religion and finances. questions like does speaker johnson have a bank account and be what is up with johnson's shady financial disclosure? many coming to his defense saying he lives paycheck to paycheck, you don't have to disclose your bank account, apparently it is bad he doesn't take money. >> cheryl: you have somebody like johnson who wants to come in and do the work and his heart is in the right place. everyone i talk to, on and off camera, says he is incredible leader and just a good person. >> lisa: he seem so nice, he and his wife, they are calling him terrible things, he seems like the nicest guy. >> raymond: i know people who know them and i've interviewed them, how many lawyers spent their career acting out of faith and doing pro bono work for clients? that is what this guy did, that is why he is not rolling in the cash, he was a servant from the beginning, pouring his life into defense and he was a state rep and served people in louisiana and by providence, here he is speaker of the house, i think it is incredible story. people are threatened by people of faith and conviction. >> kayleigh: we are getting a host of coverage out of the main-stream media because he doesn't make enough money and millions that the pelosi's have, shady stock dealing and fact so many on the hill engage in illegal stock, you know this better than i am -- >> cheryl: insider trading. >> emily: that passes muster, this is unacceptable. >> kayleigh: no doubt. >> lisa: he can ask the bidens how to sellout the country for cash. >> kayleigh: more "outnumbered" in a moment. veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. ♪ if you struggle with cpap... 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[gunfire]>> there is con

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Israelis , Hostages , Conditions , Some , Majority , Issue , Nationals , Two , 241 , Pause , Agenda Itemsingly , Thank You , Mike Pence , General , Reality , National Security Advisor , Kellogg , Keith Kellogg , Bring In Retired General , Tunnel , Video , Idf Is Doing , Baithanun , Unit , Idf , Warfare , Hamas Tunnel System , Images , Phone Booth , Thanks , Fighting , Units , Special Reconnaissance Unit , Diamond , Called Samor , Idea , Soldier , Well , Being , Weasel , Spatial , Tunnel Environment , Devices , Vision , Red , Ability , Thermal , Square , Device , Surrounded It , Cut Off , Checker Board , Tunnels , 2014 , Six , 300 , Hostage , Tunnels Tunnel By , North , South , Infantryman , Language , Syria , Forces , Actions , Line , Iraq , Life , President , American , State Of The Union , Congress , Administration , Terrorists , It , Comment , Secretary Of State , Problems , Message , Iran , Rallah , Problem , Terrorist Attacks , Ukraine , Muslim , Votes , Islamophobia , Bombs , Strategy , Arab Americans , Support , Jayapal , Slaughtering , Jews , 17 , Michigan , 154000 , Estate , Politics , Pauses , Genocide , 242000 , Booby Trapped Buildings , Coverage , Batteries , Position , 24 , October 24 , Addition , Air Systems , Defense Battery , Region , Air Defense Battalion , Pentagon , Indicators , Supplies , Biden Call , Support Mechanisms , Difference , Same , Elements , Word , Equivalency , Address , Blinken , Weak , Misfortune , Palestine , Beheading Children , We Don T , Fight , Finances Hamas , Servicemen , Thatten Moos , News , Enemies , Congressman , Petroleum Act , 18 , Funding , Unmarked Tankers , Cheryl , Sanctions , Last , Oil Cells , Thing , Argument , Dollars , Billions , Washington , Defense System , Weapons , Bashar Al Assad In Syria , The World Stage , Russians , Wagner , Attack , Fox Business , War , Everything , Words , Beginning , Emotion , Things , Atrocities , Vile , Children , Policy , Moral Equivalency , Palestinian , Stop , Vchl Coherent , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20240702

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the world in his first comments. he says his militia is ready for all possibilities at a moment's notice and that the group is not intimidated by the u.s. warships stationed throughout the middle east and if a larger war breaks out, americans will "pay the price."hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here with my co-host emily compagno and fox business caravanningor cheryl casone, fox news controversy lisa boothe and raymond arroyo. hezbollah warning raising concern about a potential second front opening along israel's northern border with lebanon. the proxy escalated strikes on israel in recent days and the leader stopped short of declaring war, he claims that all options are still on the table. with more, let's go live to trey yingst live on the ground in southern israel. trey. >> trey: hi, guys. we're with you right here. just stick with me. there was a direct impact, we just need to make sure our other journalism colleagues are okay. just stay with me. take the camera off the sticks. our team is okay. just stay with me. if you guys can talk about what is taking place, we just need one moment. >> kayleigh: trey, what we're looking at emily is southern israel. much of this fire is coming, we'll let trey gather himself and check on his colleagues there. emily, this is southern israel, where a lot of rockets are going off. just last friday this same time we saw barrage of attacks coming through the sky. you see them over trey's shoulder. this is the center of the action on the border with gaza. >> emily: as we watch this unfold just hours ago, the leader of hezbollah said the u.s. must be held accountable and pay the price for crime perpetuated in gaza. that against spokesperson for netanyahu who said anyone that calls for a ceasefire -- >> kayleigh: let's go to trey yingst. >> trey: we are -- can hear direct impact, a rocket just slammed into the building right next to where we're at. you can see soldiers just arrived on the scene. [sirens sounding] >> trey: i want to give you a little bit of what the situation was here. just moments ago sirens were sounding, we followed our plan and got straight to cover. then we heard a loud explosion rocking the ground next to us. it appears there has been a direct impact. this was not intercepted, it was a massive explosion and you see the car right there has some damage. it appears there are no casualties, but this is very close to where reporters have been covering the situation along the border. and there is some sort of siren from inside the building going off. just pan here, excuse me, sir. you can see this car has damage to it. this is all very fresh. just a moment ago. let me take you through what happened here, guys. we're along the israel/gaza border. this area has not been taking much fire recently, but just we saw something coming off the gaza strip, sirens sounded and you have 10 seconds to get to cover here. little out of breaths, we ran straight to cover. something slipped past israel's missile defense system and slammed into the ground. we're not sure what damage was done to the building. and this building right here is the same building, a kindergarten that was hit. it is night time. it is a shabbat. a lot of shrapnel in the area. >> kayleigh: how many yards from you did that rocket land? that was pretty close. >> trey: yeah, this landed just maybe 100 feet from where we were standing. again, we have safety protocol in place and so when something like this happens, we've discussed what to do. we were about to come on air and we couldn't see that come off the gaza strip and it may have been mortar fire, have not established if it is a small rocket or mortar. we had just a few seconds to get to cover and we got immediately to of coer. our entire crew was in cover, our colleagues we are close with were next to us not in cover. no one hurt and no casualties from what we can see. all the journalists, this is an area journalists have been reporting, if you look at the ground, some glass from the cars and if i can step in front of you, you can see some shrapnel marks in the side of this car here. let these reporters get out of the way. that is shrapnel and cut right through a car. it can certainly injury and kill people. i want to have my cameraman pan in here, if you look at the side of this building, there was a green wall and on that wall, there are huge shrapnel marks up and down the wall. just an indication that the shrapnel hit this area and was spread out and we're going to shine the light in there so you can see it. >> kayleigh: trey, is that green wall -- >> trey: this is sense of what the aftermath is like. >> kayleigh: is that green wall the wall of the kindergarten. israel goes to great pains not to hit targets. would this have been targeted? how do you hit a kindergarten in israel? >> trey: it likely was not targeted. this shows you here, this shrapnel tore right through, it is all over the side of this kindergarten. we were here about to go on air to speak to you when this was taking place. you can see just how large the blast was. we walked down here. let me show you this car. just by sheer chance, we were parked on the other side today, we normally park here. our team, our equipment and crew, everyone is safe. you can see the windows blown out on this crew car for someone. quite a bit of journalists are around here. in terms of whether or not this building was targeted, hamas has been using mortars to hit this area and small rockets, they don't have the precision that a precision-guided missile has. police are checking to make sure no one was inside. this may be the impact point, it looks as if it was a mortar. this is a direct hit that was not intercepted by israel's iron dome. i want to show them this piece of shrapnel on the ground. the shrapnel sprays. >> emily: you took cover and you said you have a plan, what does cover mean, do you have access to a building or overhang. we hear voices, are those primarily journalists? it is 6 p.m. in shabbat, are these israeli citizens? tell us the situation around you. >> trey: these are mostly journalists that are here because this is a place you can see directly into the gaza strip. i am walking. i will show you what the police are doing, they are assessing the damage and ensuring there are no casualties and we'll walk with them. look at this, the shrapnel cut right through this metal fence and these police officers just got to the scene. damage on this side of the impact crater is more significant because shrapnel sprays up against the wall. they are looking to make sure no one is injured. just a lot of shrapnel marks on the wall, holes here. all of this on the side of a kindergarten. it is painted this color because normally in times of war, before hamas caused this, kids were going to school. most have evacuated since then, but you can see soldiers and police officers in this area because it sits just over the border from the gaza strip. >> kayleigh: trey, you mentioned this fire evaded the iron dome. explain for viewers, you have done it before tlchl is a lot of incoming and sometimes the iron dome can be pierced, how does that happen? >> trey: oftentimes and -- he will pull this out here and that is just the engine from the rocket. give me one second, you can see a piece of the rocket. this is a small rocket and what you are looking at is shrapnel from the rocket. they are collecting this as we speak. in terms of israel's missile defense system, the iron dome, it works to intercept fire from the gaza strip, but it is not perfect. there have been 8000 rockets and mortars fired. the towns, there are civilians that stayed behind. they won't intercept the rockets, that is by calculation from the amount of missile defense they have and some by the fact they are firing so often. >> raymond: how practical is it for president biden to cause for ceasefire or pause given what you are seeing on the israeli side? >> trey: if you pan up to the window over there, one second. you can see officers checking to make sure no one was inside the building. the buildings are built to withstand this kind of fire. they are close to gaza. every house has a shelter. in terms of a ceasefire, it is challenging to have a ceasefire while rockets are still reigning down on israel. and that is what is being called for here. it is part of the reason that the prime minister, netanyahu said he won't have a ceasefire because the fire still continues into israel, plus you have the issue of the hostages, 241 israelis being held and some are foreign nationals, but majority are israelis, being held inside the gaza strip. two conditions, one is fuel into the gaza strip and second has to do with with a humanitarian pause. both agenda itemsingly not happen according to prime minister netanyahu until hostages are released. to call for a ceasefire, the war is unfolding and it would be challenging to have that implemented on the ground. >> kayleigh: trey yingst, thank you, excellent reporting, as always. talk to you soon. >> trey: thank you. >> kayleigh: bring in retired general, keith kellogg, former national security advisor to former vice president mike pence. we see reality of war there, general kellogg. we want to show our viewers what is happening on the other side of that border. here is some video of what the idf is doing. the first video, this is a tunnel, you see this tunnel is outside of baithanun. second video is the unit of the idf destroying a hamas tunnel system. this is what subterrainian warfare is like, describe the images for us. >> thanks for having me. the hardest fight you have is sub-terrainian. when you think of going into a tunnel, think of fighting in a phone booth, that is what it means. the israelis created two units, one means diamond in israeli. special reconnaissance unit and you have unit called samor, which means weasel and been designed to go into the tunnel environment because a regular soldier can't do that well. when you go into a tunnel, think of just being, you have no spatial idea what is happening. you go in there and you are fighting basically face-to-face or you have no ability to have good vision devices that will work in a tunnel. they work, but they go in thermal, the other side would jump red through the thermal device. it is hard to fight in that. what they have done and i think you are seeing now what the israelis have done, cut off gaza city, surrounded it, isolated it and think of a checker board. each square, they will go square by square to finally find the tunnels to reduce the tunnels and go in. it will take a long time. in 2014, they went in to destroy the tunnels in gaza. it took six weeks, they had to come out. i think what netanyahu will do is stay there until he reduces gaza and finds the tunnels. when you find them, you see them and destroy them. you are talking about 300 miles of tunnels. one hostage that came out said she walked for hours through tunnels. hamas knows this, and the israelis have to fight through it and use special units to go in and destroy the tunnels tunnel by tunnel. it will take a long time, hardest fight an infantryman has to do. >> kayleigh: that is the south. let's go to the north where hezbollah resides. hezbollah speaking out today, one line stood out to me. we will continue to attack american forces in iraq and syria. would he be using that kind of language and taking part in those actions under former president trump? >> i remember kayleigh, you were there during the last state of the union when president trump stood before congress and said if you attack, did not say kill, if you attack an american, you forfeit your life, he was making that comment to terrorists. i am shocked this administration has not made the same comment. you have secretary of state talking about it, what you want in a situation like this, with rallah, or hezbollah and iran, make your message concise, short and direct and follow through with it. all they are doing is causing more problems because they made the situation so not recognizable or they don't understand it, you have to make the other side understand there is a price to be made. you attack an american, you have a problem. >> kayleigh: thank you very much. lisa, something was understood when i was there. >> lisa: it is clear no one fears us anymore, that is evident by what is going on in ukraine and what is going on in the middle east right now and you have hezbollah praising the terrorist attacks against israel, threatening the united states. trey showed us the israel of israelis not knowing when bombs will hit. what was the biden administration doing yesterday? unveiling a strategy to fight islamophobia. which make you think biden administration is more concerned about muslim votes than slaughtering of jews. his support among arab americans dropped to 17%. you have representative jayapal, he would lose support of muslim votes. you could logically conclude this administration is more concerned about the votes, looking at states like michigan, he won by 154,000. 242,000 muslim living in that state. he is more concerned than this attempted genocide of the jews taking place now, says a lot about joe biden to me. >> kayleigh: it does. it feels like pure politics, the calls for pauses? how do you pause? if you are an idf soldier surrounded by hamas, booby trapped buildings, how do you pause? >> emily: to underscore what i start to say a moment ago, the spokesperson for netanyahu said calls for ceasefire means you are taking a pro-hamas position. in light of trey's amazing coverage and what he talked about israel preserving the batteries, on october 24, this pentagon said we are sending two air systems to israel, two batteries in addition to high altitude defense battery and patriot air defense battalion to the region. that is in addition to other support mechanisms and indicators we are sending. hearing the israelis are trying to preserve batteries, i worry are ours there yet? have our supplies reached it? despite or amidst biden call for ceasefire, are we holding true to the word that we will supply all elements needed for israel to defend themselves at this moment? that is important to me. >> kayleigh: they are saying there is difference in ceasefire and pause, it seems the same. >> raymond: if you listen to blinken, i had the misfortune of doing, the entire address, he is mincing weak. trying to create a moral equivalency between what happened to the israelis and what is happening to palestine now. i'm sorry, there is no moral equivalency this moment. you don't do it by beheading children. this is the world that joe biden has built. he financed, we financed iran, iran finances hamas and hezbollah will enter the fight. they are attacking servicemen and the only message, don't. i don't know what thatten moos and neither do our enemies. >> kayleigh: i want to share news before we got to air 18 minutes before we got to air, the house passed bipartisan iranian petroleum act. the congressman talked to us last week to cut off that funding. >> cheryl: the way iranians are funding this is through oil cells, unmarked tankers, they are laughing at sanctions, biden administration put on them and making billions of dollars. israelis need funding and need funding now, that argument is going to continue in washington. one thing you mentioned, real quick about the fact that we, we have talked before, we're weak on the world stage. look at the wagner group and russians, they will funnel weapons and defense system and give to bashar al assad in syria and that will head to hezbollah. this is what is happening, u.s. forces have been under attack in syria and believe me, those comments, high alert this morning on fox business, hezbollah leader was speaking because they knew especially northern israel those were going to be inflammatory words and they were worse than i thought. they were horrific. they are ready to go. two-front war and israel needs everything from us right now. >> emily: raymond arroyo, you talked about -- the beginning of his address today, he was distraught and wrought with emotion as he narrated atrocities he had seen detailing things hamas had done, vile, monstrous things and it struck me he said we have to keep telling you about this because the world has forgotten so quickly and easily. i was heartened by that, i hope it stays. >> raymond: then he said, i've seen similar images of palestinian children. stop, moral equivalency has to stop vchl coherent policy so our adversaries understand. don't, no. clearly, don't. there it is again. don't. eric >> emily: turning to the border, security threat from open and overwhelmed southern border since president biden dismantled the trump administration border policy. here is one chilling example of why. ice just arrested illegal border crosser wanted in seneshggal, for terrorist activities. first encountered on october 3. he was mistakenly released into our country. shocker. another week went by before homeland security flagged fbi he was a suspected terrorist and it took another week to finally arrest him in -- wait for it, new york city. casey segal, live from the dallas bureau with the details. >> good to be with you, newly uncovered information highlight disconnect between countries when it comes to sharing criminal information and background of migrants. this 29 year old was wanted for criminal conspiracy in relation to a terrorist organization. in addition to slew of other charges. when cbp officials ran his name through the system, nothing popped up, he was released with a notice to apeer on his own recognizance. 169 migrants on the fbi terrorist watch list were apprehended on the border. officials point out those figures include the ones arrested and we know about for sure. what we don't know is how many could be slipping through the cracks. >> the problem, though, the 600,000 of known gotaways, close to 2 million over course of the biden administration, we know nothing about. no idea who they are, no idea where they are and what they are doing now inside the united states and that is problematic. >> this as large migrant caravan continue to make way on foot through southern mexico bound for the united states. it has grown to 7000 in size, forming long lines on roadways, it is not clear when the group is expected to arrive at the u.s. southern border and where they will turn up to try to illegally cross. emily. >> emily: thank you so much. lisa, one thing casey mentioned, highlights disconnect between countries and highlights disconnect between agencies here and overworked and underfunded states and the fear that anyone that comes over, as long as they get to a sanctuary city, they are scott free. >> yeah, you have secretary mayorkas saying there is 600,000 illegal gotaways in 2023 alone. how many terrorists are among those peep snel even dhs says they are vetting people when they are coming, they are not. you can't vet some people from countries. we can call up taliban in afghanistan or isis, is so-and-so a good guy? no. or if gazans find their way to the united states, who is this person? that is not how it works. wing 172 individuals on the terrorist watch list, more than the previous six years combined. who have we allowed into the united states? it is a given we will see terror attacks happen on u.s. soil. >> emily: peter doocy asked john kirby, how many are we going to find of potential terrorists coming over the border? watch how john kirby responded. >> has white house occurred the fact that a terrorist could be in here rights now? >> we are concerned about presence on u.s. soil of terrorists coming from overseas. >> 600,000 known gotaways in the last year, is it possible somebody want to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. >> kayleigh: we can answer that question, we don't know if he wanted to commit additional terrorist attack. the key here, he was released, border patrol had him and released into the interior and two weeks wanted for charges of terrorism, this is inconceivable and should be only tailwind you need for schumer to say today we are going to pass hr-2, republicans in the house passed it. limit patrol of migrants to the interior, could have stopped this guy. chuck schumer, your turn. >> raymond: we don't know who these people are. i've been to the border. go to mcallen, you find people with envelopes and on it written in english, i'm going to chicago, direct me. this is not the way we should be conducting immigration via nongovernmental operations. the border need to be secure, we don't know who is coming in and not everybody is refudgee. >> cheryl: president biden is meeting with mexico, panama and costa rica, maybe something will happen. >> emily: i'm not holding my breath. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. 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>> do you agree every -- must be slaughtered? >> i don't know about that one. >> do you agree making homosexuality punishable by death? >> you don't agree with that? >> destroy the west? >> no? >> i'm glad i read the term and agreement. >> you agree with strict shia law? >> i'm sorry -- >> not interested? okay. >> terrorist group that rapes girls to replace democracy in middle east? >> not sure that is something to support. >> i agree with this. >> yes. >> maybe no. >> no? >> okay. >> no, thank you. >> i don't support any of these two things you just read, i won't be able to sign this then. >> thanks for not signing. >> cheryl: they have no idea what they are talking about, no idea whatsoever. i cannot agree that is happening on campuses. if more faculty at columbia and cornell and stan ford and yale, if they don't come out and condemn students who look like morones, are they not going to class? real quick, where they are getting information from tiktok, that generation does not watch television or the news. they are going on tiktok and grabbing disinformation that is being fed to them. >> lisa: i disagree. all respect, a cornell student was arrested for threatening to shoot up a building. you have ny students holding up the star of david saying keep the world clean and a cornell professor saying hamas attack exhilarated him. you have students declaring day of resistance, i think these people are evil, they know what they are supporting, they are terrorists themselves. you need to condemn evil people supporting it, they know what they are doing, they are evil and support terrorists and should be treated as such. >> raymond: university setting is selective, they are among the student body. they get preference to activists and people who come from places and have views at odds with the vast majority of americans. it is not surprise we are seeing outrageous protest and hatred popping up in the university setting. this is the speech you programmed, this is the speech you got temperature is ugly when you see it now. >> kayleigh: maybe the problem is not that they are not going to class, but they are going to class. the cornell professor said he was exhilarated and he was put on administrative leave. he had colleagues defending him. it used to be professors were liberal, now professors deny beheading of children. >> lisa: why send your kid to college. >> emily: i agree with both of you, we have ideologues that are evil, indoctrinated monsters furthering evil and you have upper class over educated elite upper east side folk who agree with them, they know nothing better. joe malone's son, they have no idea what they are talking about and fo mented by professors for communist movement and the sort of erosion of the united states that has been successful, all factors combined and it is sickening. it is undefensible. >> lisa: the cross tab, progressive 36% believe the attacks were justified, majority of muslims believe the attacks were justified. it is downplaying significance of what we see happening in the united states. >> emily: more to come, including this, kayleigh's interview with new house speaker mike johnson and his wife's kelly about the media attack on their faith, one liberal outlet calling republicans bigger threat to americans than hamas terrorists. stay with us. l the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. 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genuine people i've ever known and he loves all people and would give you the shirt off his back. >> kayleigh: they have come after you personally, attack you, you are a christian counselor, a woman of god, attacked your profession. what is your response? >> i used to be a school teacher and i loved that, i just felt burdened for so many people and felt the calling to go back to school and become a christian counselor. i love people. i want to help them through their time of struggle and suffering and i love what i do, absolutely love it. >> as a husband, i will take any arrow, don't talk about my wife. she is kindest, sweetest and everybody will tell you about this lady right here. >> kayleigh: i love that, how are your kids dealing with it? >> they are doing well. they are still in shock. they are proud of their dad and they are excited, excited for what is ahead. >> kayleigh: do you believe your husband is in this role for such a time as this at this particular moment for a reason? >> i do. i do. i believe god placed him here. god said he raises up leaders and brings them down. i believe he is here for just this time. >> kayleigh: emily, kelly was praying for this speaker chaos, three weeks we watched it play out, not for her husband to be speaker and was surprised by it, could not make it in time for receiving the gavel. >> emily: what a servant's heart they have, sweet family. the venom they have been subjected to by media coverage, they are not presidential candidate or first family, this is long-time servant of the people and congressman being subjected to this. i am praying for them that the road ahead for the speaker is smooth and his crooked path will be made straight and they will maintain strength despite the numerous attack to come from left including a few we'll talk about in a moment. >> kayleigh: more to come, left wing news outlet salon out with a new piece, you won't believe the headline, maga christian bigger threat to america than hamas could ever be. remember hamas burned babies alive, but maga is a bigger threat. this vile article. while the world burns, johnson and the maga party who swallowed the evon jevangelical movement, they are theo krasy run by people who will thump you with the bible, but have not read much of it. they want no separation of church and state. here is the house speaker responding to the accusation, he does not want separation of church and state. >> the establishment was first clause and it was important, framers of the constitution were deeply concerned, they merged church and state together and said we don't want to do that. we don't want a law to pass that could you have to be this faith or denomination or religion. >> raymond: i wish brian, the writer of this crazy salon piece would listen to that. he writes like he's a protege of the unibomber. he claims little difference in tim scott, steve scalise and hamas. let me announce to you, steve scalise himself was shot by crazy left wing ideologue, he never dug a tunnel to nancy pelosi chamber and never beheaded anyone's children. this connects to what lisa was talking about, just because you disagree with someone or find yourself on political opposite side doesn't mean you can demean, defame or defile or kill that person. this guy metaphorically, that is what he's talking about, defaming these people and it is stirring up hatred. >> kayleigh: brian kareem, credential white house reporter, the former reporter who used to shout me down. the enemy is hamas not democrats. >> lisa: you did a good job with this interview, good job. it is easy to one-off this article, not when you head into the midterm election when joe biden gave a speech, military behind him labeling 75 million americans who voted for trump as enemies of the state or you have people like msnbc nicole wallace talking about trump and saying you have to root out terrorism, you kill terrorists with drones. it is easy during covid, when nearly half democrats want to put unvaccinated like me in government camps. it is easy to say this is one-off, when you look at collective body of work and things they have been saying, we should take it seriously and be concerned. >> cheryl: i have to tell you, the -- i love what he said and yes, great interview, when he said don't go after my wife. have a little bit of morals, folks whachl is interesting about this discussion, they are ready to vilify the next speaker and will do whatever they can to tear that next speaker down. that was a disaster, let's admit it. now we have johnson in place. democrats, no, no, they don't want to work together. we have serious issues going on with ukraine and israel and china and taiwan and obviously, we'll run out of money, we have a government funding issue, that is this month, it is november. they are name calling and basically saying that he and his wife are stupid because they are christians, that is the headline. >> kayleigh: when you look at the left in the attack, comparing republicans to hamas, to the main shooter, to iran and look at mike johnson, wanting civility, wanting to work together and love one another, there is a clear difference. >> emily: he said let's be clear, the enemy is hamas. this playboy reporter said hamas is terrorist organization, he said difference in matter of degree. that rhetoric furth erred and amplified by large main-stream media now that print that and say this is okay to disseminate. that led to an attempted murderer on supreme court justice's lawn. only reason we don't talk about it any longer, he was of the wrong ilk, conservative justice and that is why newspapers aren't up in arms. if the table was turned, this language has real consequences and effect and the fact his publisher allowed this to be print. there are evil lunatics out there, that is a worse crime. >> kayleigh: these attacks do not end, liberal media is just taking aim at speaker johnson religion and finances. questions like does speaker johnson have a bank account and be what is up with johnson's shady financial disclosure? many coming to his defense saying he lives paycheck to paycheck, you don't have to disclose your bank account, apparently it is bad he doesn't take money. >> cheryl: you have somebody like johnson who wants to come in and do the work and his heart is in the right place. everyone i talk to, on and off camera, says he is incredible leader and just a good person. >> lisa: he seem so nice, he and his wife, they are calling him terrible things, he seems like the nicest guy. >> raymond: i know people who know them and i've interviewed them, how many lawyers spent their career acting out of faith and doing pro bono work for clients? that is what this guy did, that is why he is not rolling in the cash, he was a servant from the beginning, pouring his life into defense and he was a state rep and served people in louisiana and by providence, here he is speaker of the house, i think it is incredible story. people are threatened by people of faith and conviction. >> kayleigh: we are getting a host of coverage out of the main-stream media because he doesn't make enough money and millions that the pelosi's have, shady stock dealing and fact so many on the hill engage in illegal stock, you know this better than i am -- >> cheryl: insider trading. >> emily: that passes muster, this is unacceptable. >> kayleigh: no doubt. >> lisa: he can ask the bidens how to sellout the country for cash. >> kayleigh: more "outnumbered" in a moment. veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. ♪ if you struggle with cpap... 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[gunfire]>> there is con

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Strategy , Arab Americans , Support , Jayapal , Slaughtering , Jews , 17 , Michigan , 154000 , Estate , Politics , Pauses , Genocide , 242000 , Booby Trapped Buildings , Coverage , Batteries , Position , 24 , October 24 , Addition , Air Systems , Defense Battery , Region , Air Defense Battalion , Pentagon , Indicators , Supplies , Biden Call , Support Mechanisms , Difference , Same , Elements , Word , Equivalency , Address , Blinken , Weak , Misfortune , Palestine , Beheading Children , We Don T , Fight , Finances Hamas , Servicemen , Thatten Moos , News , Enemies , Congressman , Petroleum Act , 18 , Funding , Unmarked Tankers , Cheryl , Sanctions , Last , Oil Cells , Thing , Argument , Dollars , Billions , Washington , Defense System , Weapons , Bashar Al Assad In Syria , The World Stage , Russians , Wagner , Attack , Fox Business , War , Everything , Words , Beginning , Emotion , Things , Atrocities , Vile , Children , Policy , Moral Equivalency , Palestinian , Stop , Vchl Coherent , Adversaries , Example , Security Threat , Why , Ice , Border Policy , Border Crosser , Seneshggal , Country , Terrorist Activities , Shocker , October 3 , 3 , Terrorist , Details , Bureau , New York City , Homeland Security , Fbi , Dallas , Casey Segal , Disconnect , Information , Migrants , Countries , Background , 29 , Nothing , Officials , Charges , Conspiracy , Name , Organization , Relation , Slew , The System , Cbp , List , Recognizance , 169 , Many , The Border , Figures , Ones , Course , Cracks , Known Gotaways , 2 Million , 600000 , Caravan , Foot , Southern Mexico , Southern Border , Roadways , Lines , Size , 7000 , Fear , Agencies , States , Sanctuary City , Illegal Gotaways , Scott Free , 2023 , Vetting , Dhs , Coming , Peep Snel , Taliban In Afghanistan , Isis , Guy , Person , Gazans , Individuals , Wing , Terrorist Watch List , 172 , Soil , Terror Attacks , John Kirby , Peter Doocy , Terrorist Attack , Presence , Somebody , Overseas 600000 Known Gotaways , Threat , 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Star Of David , Cornell Student , Professor , Evil , Him , Resistance , University Setting , Activists , Places , Views , Student Body , Odds , Speech , Protest , Temperature , Leave , Professors , Lisa , Beheading , Kid , Liberal , Elite Upper East Side , Ideologues , College , Monsters , Both , Folk , Son , Fo Mented By Professors For Communist Movement , Joe Malone , Erosion , Undefensible , Muslims , Significance , Progressive 36 , Cross Tab , 36 , Media , Mike Johnson , Faith , Kelly , Outlet , Gold , Rosland Capital , It Isn T , Stay , Metals , Lady Liberty , Concept , Process , Proofs , Bullion , Rosland Guide , Wealth , Coins , Brochures , Precious Metals Ira , 800 630 8900 , 8900 , 800 , 630 , Shipping , Standard , Gimmicks , Call Rosland Capital , Hassles , Keep It Simple , Garden , Potatoes , My Backyard , Idaho , Ahhhh , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Changes , Role , Maga Christian , Husband , Secretary , Mother , Heart , Territory , Loving , God , Counselor , Back , Woman , Shirt , Calling , Profession , Response , School Teacher , Back To School , Struggle , Suffering , Wife , Arrow , Lady , Sweetest , Shock , Dad , Leaders , Speaker Chaos , Servant , Speaker , Gavel , Venom , Media Coverage , Candidate , Sweet Family , Strength , Road , Few , Crooked Path , Headline , Left Wing , News Outlet Salon Out , Article , Maga , World Burns , Maga Party Who , Evon Jevangelical Movement , The Bible , Theo Krasy Run , Establishment , Accusation , Separation Of Church And State , Religion , Clause , Denomination , Framers Of The Constitution , Brian Kareem , Protege , Salon Piece , Unibomber , Ideologue , Tunnel To , Steve Scalise , Tim Scott , Nancy Pelosi , Political Opposite Side Doesn T , Guy Metaphorically , Defile , Credential , Democrats , Enemy , Job , Military , Election , Trump , Drones , Nicole Wallace Talking About Trump , Msnbc , 75 Million , Work , Government Camps , Body , Unvaccinated , Saying , Covid , Morals , Don T Go , Folks Whachl , Discussion , Disaster , Down , Money , China , Issues , Government Funding Issue , Taiwan , Name Calling , Left , Christians , Civility , Shooter , Love One Another , Playboy Reporter , Terrorist Organization , Matter , Let S Be Clear , Sprint , Led , Degree , Murderer , Supreme Court Justice , Rhetoric Furth , Up In Arms , Newspapers , Conservative , Justice , Lawn , Ilk , Lunatics , Publisher , Consequences , Effect , Bank Account , Finances , Speaker Johnson Religion , Aim , Defense , Paycheck , Shady Financial Disclosure , Doesn T Take Money , Nicest Guy , Lawyers , Career , Cash , Clients , State Rep , Story , Host , Louisiana , Conviction , Providence , Stock , Millions , Pelosi S Have , The Hill , Bidens , Homeowners , Insider Trading , Veteran , No Doubt , Home Loan , Truck , Dreams , Safety Information , Man Struggles , Inspire , Mask , Hose , My Name , Damion Clark , Inspiresleep Com Hi , Cpap , Benefits , Special Needs , Medicare And Medicaid , Medicare Advantage , Allowance , Plans , Options Allowance , Pay , Utilities , Groceries , Over The Counter , First Aid Supplies , Items , Pain Relievers , Brent , Vitamins , Whatever , Month , Card , Spend , Appointments , Rides , Prescriptions , Vision Coverage , Exam , Vision Exams , Cleanings , Fillings , Eyewear , Lenses , Hearing Coverage , Contacts , Hearing Aids , Hearing Tests , Copay , Shingles , Vaccines , Retail Pharmacies , 0 , , Humana Sales Agent , Networks , Number , Screen , Wouldn T , Pharmacy , Doctor , Hospital , Over The Counter Items , Phone , Help , Thyroid Eye Disease , Human Way , Healthcare , Humana , Vo , Storm , Infrastructure , Restoration , Eyes , Tedhelp Com , Services , Security , Running , Target , Rails , Megawatts , Power , Cyberattacks , Open Road , Systems Running America , Google , 336 Million , Capitol , Room , Exclusive Tour , Chapel , Parts , Prayer Room , House Speaker , Meaning , Take A Look , Offices , Corner , Suite , Stained Glass , 1955 , 1954 , Office Suite , Mall , Balconies , Senate , Prayer , Discipline , The Press , Lord , Ritual , Podium , George Washington , Of Jeremiah , In Prayer , Guidance , Reminder , Kneeling , Scripture , Character Counts , Man , Hostility , Meditation , Doesn T , People Led , Values , Sharks , Boy , Press Conference , Hands , American History , Con , America Reports , Gunfire ,

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