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now. egypt is allowing a limited number of nationals out. we're not on the list, it seems. civilians have to get -- have a chance to go through the rafah crossing now. we just got to get americans through. >> ainsley: meanwhile, fighting rages inside gaza. the idf says dozens of hamas terrorists were killed overnight and the number of israeli troops killed in combat rising now to 17. >> steve: meanwhile, here at home, vice president kamala harris has announced a national strategy to fight islamophobia. this while anti-semitism is surging all across the country, including at places like. >> lawrence: we are from the iconic second half deli. it was vandalized with a swastika about two weeks ago. first, we're going to check in with trey yingst live on the southern border of israel. trey? >> trey: yeah, hey, guys. good morning. battles rage on behind me inside the gaza strip days after the israelis pushed forward with a partial ground operation into gaza. we do know the death toll among the israeli military has risen to 17 soldiers this week. they are engaged in heavy fighting, not just in the northern part of the strip but also in other locations, we are told. i do want to step out of the frame here just to show you some of the destruction along the northern part of gaza. the israelis say overnight different cells across the northern part of the strip fired anti-tank guided missiles at troops detonated explosive devices and even threw grenades at those soldiers that are operating inside. we do have video of an attack helicopter that our cameraman shot yesterday. the israelis are trying to use as much air support as they can to help those infantry troops because they are engaged in significant fighting. and hamas militants are popping out of tunnels and ambushing them it. makes incredibly challenging battlefield for the israeli forces as they look to surround gaza city and ultimately push deeper into that major population center. some good news we have today though that southern rafah crossing between egypt and gaza is open once again to not only let injured palestinians leave to egyptian hospitals but also to allow some of those foreign nationals to get out of gaza. we should note that yesterday one of the aid workers we have been in close contact with was able to leave. i have been texting another aid worker today. she says she is on her way to cairo. a group of five americans left as part of a larger group that was able to cross yesterday. and even this morning that woman we told you about that lives in utah. she says she is at the border right now. she sent me a voice note. she says she is waiting for the egyptians to open the crossing, but she does believe, according to what the state department has told her, she will be able to get out of gaza today. so small pieces of good news amid this very tragic story. guys? >> steve: that's right. and it sounds like, trey, gaza has released a list with 600 foreign passport holders that they will release including 400 americans. on the other side, 9 country of egypt says they will help evacuate 7,000 foreigners. so, is that how many ultimately they will let through the passage? >> trey: i'm not sure. and we have seen a lot of numbers go back and forth. the egyptians are releasing some numbers, but then on the ground they're not actually allowing these people out of gaza. so, we're just waiting to see who we can talk to that's actually been able to cross. and the only person that i have spoken with over the past 24 hours confirmed they have actually been able to make it into egypt was this aid worker and group of aid workers. they crossed not just on their own but also with the help of the state department trying to get them to the top of the list. and then, also private organizations that were helping to shepherd them through gaza and making sure they were in safe locations before they were able to cross. it's quite a mess on that southern border. it's not clear where the names are coming from. there are embassies that are delivering names. but how they are getting prioritized and who gets to leave first. that's part of this question that we have today. >> ainsley: trey, i think lawrence has a question for you. >> lawrence: thank you, ainsley. trey, i'm curious. >> there was some reporting from kaitlan collins from the pool yesterday during a biden fundraiser. apparently the president, when asked from a protester, should there be a cease-fire. the president said he wanted a pause until all the hostages were released. i'm curious, what are the israelis saying about this reporting? >> trey: so the israelis have responded when we posed this question to them with just two words. no cease-fire. they are unwilling to conduct any sort of pause in the fighting because they say they are going to continue until they finish their goal of destroying hamas leadership inside gaza. we should note, lawrence, today the israelis say the number of hostages being held inside the strip has ticked up to 242 penal. and it just gives you a sense they are still gathering information about who was pulled into gaza. i do want to play some sound for you, though, if we have it. a senior hamas official actually spoke yesterday about the entire situation and the conflict. and his words are important in the context of calls for a cease-fire. we're talking about a senior hamas official. we'll play that sound for you if we have it here. >> israel is a country that has no place on our land. we must remove that country because it constitutes security, military, and political catastrophe for the arab and islamic nation. it must be finished. we are not ashamed to say this with full force. we must teach israel a lesson. we will do this again and again. the alax is a flood will be a first time a second, a third a fourth because we have the determination, the resolve and capabilities to fight. >> i interviewed him one time in gaza city one of the more moderate calling for more masters against civilians, that's part of the reasons the israelis say there will be no cease-fire and continue fighting against this group. >> brian: wow, trey, so complex, it's good to hear the other side speaks out unedited and think they actually have a good point. it's crazy that's their mindset. but the israelis know what they're up against. and obviously so do you. trey, thanks so much. >> ainsley: in that interview he also said this was on lebanese tv. he said we must teach israel a lesson. we will do it twice and three times there will be a second, a third, and a fourth. will we have to pay the price? yes. and we are ready to pay it. we are called a nation of martyrs and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs. >> brian: did you hear anything about homeland? no. they also went on to say one of the questions to him was hey, why don't you build bomb shelters instead of just punels. no the tunnels are to protect hamas. not for the people. so that's -- the people in the line of fire, they are the human shields. they are the ones in front. yesterday another big explosion. but they are killing hamas leaders who are hiding underneath whether it's commercial buildings or hospitals. >> steve: other than the hamas leaders in the country of qatar far away from where the bombs are dropping on them. we were looking at the rafah crossing a moment ago. here is okay is of the idf video of some of the targeted hits they have done. more people are being released going into egypt. we're going to talking in a little bit with a massachusetts family stuck in gaza. and he says the state department told him there is no confirmed departure date for u.s. citizens. also, it was senator marsha blackburn who said yesterday she wants the administration to declare the 500 americans held in gaza as hostages. she said the administration needs to tell us how to get them released. the quote is we cannot be in a situation where the u.s. government is giving in to the demands of terrorists. so, in other words, those americans who are there stuck in gaza are hostages as the defined by international law she says. >> ainsley: some of them are there with doctors without borders. they are there as aid workers. kamala harris yesterday posted something on x, which used to be twitter as you know. she is talking about a national strategy to counter islamophobia. >> for years, muslims in america and those perceived to be muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks. as a result of the hamas terrorist attack in israel and the humanitarian crisis in gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-palestinian, anti-arab, anti-met stick and islamophobic incidents across america. this strategy will be a comprehensive and detailed plan to protect muslims and those perceived to be muslim from hate, bigotry and violence. >> brian: talk about tone deaf. here is a woman who doesn't even listen to her own fbi director or white house that doesn't look at what is happening in country and doesn't understand the number one issue is anti-semitism. >> ainsley: don't you think it's their approval ratings have gone down and now she is playing both side? >> brian: press secretary said the same thing. very hesitant to say anti-semitism was an issue. until she got such backlash. oh, i misheard the question. anti-semitism is abhorrent and we should push back against it. but, to your point, ainsley, zogby did a poll but evidently we don't love the formula, the science behind it. but you understand the trends that are revealed by it that 17% of arab americans expressed support for president biden. he had 59% support in the 2020 election. so president biden should decide. do you want to be a leader and do what's right or -- and let the chips fall where they may at the age of 80? or do you want to just be a person who is going to sway in the wind with politics in order to get reelected? instead of just staying right. muslims also are against anti-semitism, lawrence. >> lawrence: way to miss the moment. i don't understand why they feel like they can both sides this. when you have 60% of hate crimes in this country being targeted against jews. i mean, this is a pretty simple thing to do. do the right thing. i mean, we talk about where i'm at right here now, there is a swastika drawn on this building two weeks ago. right across the street there is another swastika drawn on a will school. i mean, the president has to take a position here. and it doesn't even have to be political. as brian noted, his own fbi director gave him the numbers. he has the political cover. i think the issue is this and this is something that the democrats have to be honest about, there is a segment in their party that agrees with hamas. and you shouldn't want those people a part of your party. you should condemn them. >> steve: absolutely, lawrence. but here's the thing. this is now suddenly a domestic political issue because i was reading in the "times of israel" this morning that apparently democratic leaders in the swing state of michigan have been calling the white house saying, look, if you're just going to be so 100 percent behind israel, you are going to lose the support of michigan democrats. and they need michigan to win the white house again. and so, after the fbi director said there is all this hate, after we saw the cornell kid get arrested for threatening to slit the throats and rape people up at cornell, the next day, after this poll comes out from the arab american institute, what happens? the white house says, you know what? we're worried about the people who are feeling the wrath of wislamophobia. you are on the deli on the upper east side of new york city. ask somebody there if they feel that islamophobia is as big an issue as anti-semitism. >> lawrence: yeah, so i got the owners of this establishment. thank you all so much for opening up your doors. do you think anti-semitism is on the rise here in the country? >> unfortunately, yes. i think anti-semitism is on the rise. unfortunately always been here. the actions of hamas have really brought out some people out of woodwork. >> lawrence: sir, you founded this establishment. why are you all standing so firm in this moment? y'all can run away. y'all can close your doors, but you are, proud. why? >> my brother was actually the one who founded the second avenue deli. unfortunately, when he was shot, we were forced to step in. and we're here. we're proud. we're not going to let anyone drive us away. >> lawrence: what's been the reaction from the community that you guys have been so firm on standing with the jewish community? >> it's really been very heart-warming, not only just from the local community but people from all over the u.s. the messages that we have received. the internet, letters, people even sending in money saying, please, you know, use this towards good really shows that there are a lot of decent people out there. >> lawrence: thank you so much. guys, i can't say it enough how bold this is. a lot of establishments have had to hire their own private security to secure them. schools are stepping up more security. but they have to pay out of their own pocket. the government is not funding. this for them to host us here in the jewish community, it's big. >> steve: it is a terrific -- it is a landmark in new york city. they have got absolutely the best pastrami i have ever had in my life. it is so delicious. >> lawrence: i can't wait to try it. >> ainsley: his brother was actually killed in a robbery. >> steve: according to the "new york times." the 1996 second avenue deli shot and killed in a robbery. lawrence, thank you very much. he is going to be there all morning long up in the upper east side of new york. >> ainsley: thanks, lawrence. okay. well, today is november 2nd. veterans day just around the corner on the 11th. and in honor of our nation's heroes, fox news is once again partnering with u.s. vets in the camo for a cause campaign. >> steve: that's right. fox news branded camo products are available including shirts and mugs and hats and tech ties. and thermoses now through november the 12th. 20% of all the proceeds will be donated towards u.s. earns have. that's how you can help them. >> brian: i'm tempted to wear all of this and go hunting. that's how authentic this looks with the robertsons. use the qr code on your screen or head over to honor dot u.s. and then go ahead and get it and we will ship it out to you. >> steve: in the meantime coming up ahead on this thursday, lawrence's texas rangers have won the world series for the first time in franchise history. big moments from the game number 5 that led them to the big win last night. >> brian: shutout. remember a basketball legend bobby knight passed away at the age of 83. we remember his victories, outbursts and memorable interviews on "fox & friends" next. >> i think it's a wonderful thing that two kind of older guys get to spend the morning with such a lovely lady. 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(engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> brian: sad, the sports world losing a legend. i'm talking about bobby knight passed away at the age of 83 after battling poor health for several years. >> ainsley: the hall of famer's family announced his passing last night. tributes are now pouring in from his old players and even a former u.s. president. >> steve: todd piro joins us with more on the life and legend of bobby knight. >> todd: quite a life, quite a legend. coach knight winning three national championships at indiana, going to the final four five times. of course, earning the nickname the general for his serious and tough personality. and those fiery outbursts including this infamous moment in 1985. it's coming right now when he throws the chair across the court radicalization across the country pouring in including messages from hoosier players like point guard isaiah thomas who wrote on x lots of tears flowing tonight for our coach. can't forget about former duke coach mike zlochevsky. he was coached by knight at army. basically had his legendary coaching career started by knight. coach knight recruited me, mentored me and had a profound impact on my career and my life. our family is deeply saddened by his passing. former president donald trump who was endorsed by knight in 2016 sharing on truth social the world lost incredible person loyal to his flares players, state and country tough as nails but a big heart knight famously shared this memorable quote on how he wanted to be remembered. watch. >> when my time on earth is gone and my activities here are passed. i want they bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my [bleep] [cheers] >> bobby knight survived by wife karen and sons tim and pat. he was 83 years old. the coaching tree from bobby knight, the coaches that have entered the profession since him through his mentoring is extensive and it's not just in basketball. remember, bill parcels was once an assistant coach a under the great bobby knight look what he went on to do in the nfl. a lot of links to bobby knight. >> brian: one of his best friend was ted williams and used to go hunting with bill parcel and tim williams imagine these guys walking out of the woods together? excuse me what planet am i on? lanes. >> ainsley: i love the last saying. expecting something heart felt and something so profound and it's about his critics. >> steve: he was being funny there. you got to wonder people thinking. >> ainsley: is this how they are going to bury him? >> steve: thank you so much. >> brian: is that how they are going to bury him? that's not what they meant? you mean with a little glass. >> steve: no, upside down. >> brian: i know. like a lennon thing. >> steve: no, no. what he just said anyway -- [laughter] '. >> brian: backwards so everyone. >> steve: he said upside down in that famous soundbite. >> brian: i know. >> steve: something else that todd ran where bobby knight threw the chair, right? >> ainsley: right. >> steve: that's the most iconic image of bobby knight where he throws the chair. do you know why he did that? >> brian: no. >> ainsley: a bad call from a ref the hoosiers his team were called for three fouls in 59 seconds. and he had had it up to here so he threw the chair. >> brian: so i blame the refs. >> ainsley: my dad was a coach. loved this guy. >> steve: you talked to bobby knight about that. >> ainsley: we did. he was on the curvey couch years ago. the hoosiers. i'm not even thinking but when he -- when todd said the hoosiers, that was dad's favorite movie. we were able to meet with him and talk with him. brian bruno yeah it was great. one of the first big backers with donald trump. he came here when donald trump was running for president and said this guy should win. watch. >> brian: why did you come out for donald trump? what is it about this businessman that makes you think i'm ready to do it? >> i consider myself to be, more than anything else, an american. and there's nothing that i would rather do in my lifetime than do something to help the united states. and what better than to recommend this man as president because there is nobody in the united states presidential history that has come in to the presidency or would come into the presidency with the background and the ability that mr. trump has. >> brian: how many points could bobby knight put on the board for you do you think and your experts say in indiana? >> he has got something special. i think got to add something. it could add a lot. i think even beyond indiana. the people -- you have to see the people outside they go crazy. when they see bobby knight. they just saw him. he got out of the car. they went crazy. >> steve: he was a legend. >> brian: for donald trump it means a lot. they are peers. but he grew up george steinbrenner with bobby knight. tommy tuberville -- bobby bow continue was also somebody that donald trump grew up watching relatively peers. and these guys came out he is my guy early on. >> steve: god rest his soul. bobby knight. >> ainsley: 83 years old. i think is he having a private funeral for just family. >> steve: i'm sure they have a memorial service though. everybody gets up and says good things about him. >> ainsley: to go and -- i probably you know, be there to support the family. >> brian: also, he loved watching the show. i talked to his people. he used to watch all the time. >> ainsley: did he really? isn't that crazy, like god put us in these positions -- anyway. it's crazy to know that a legendary coach would watch us. >> steve: the question is how many chairs did he throw at the tv? >> brian: absolutely. >> steve: what are they talking about? carley, over to you. >> carley: all right, guys. we do have to start here with a fox news alert. a woman in australia is charged with triple murder after her former in-law's died by suspected mushroom poisoning. police now searching the home of the accused killer who served the victims lunch shortly before they became sick over the summer. the toxicology report suggests they eight death camp mushrooms but the suspect maintains innocence. wild story here. 23 hours republicans siding with democrats voting to censure rashida tlaib over repeated anti-israel a. newly elected house speaker mike johnson says the lower chamber made the right call. >> we allow the members to vote their conscience on that. it's important for us to beat the democrats on policy. there is a view here that if you go down that road and you begin to censure one another you kind of open a pandora's box. a lot of members of congress say a lot of foolish things. >> the accused tlaib anti-semitic activity after she called to cut off military aid to israel our closest middle east in response to the hamas attacks. first time ever the texas rangers are world series champions. >> in the air to left center field it is back. it is gone. on the verge. >> carley: marcus simeon two run home run and end second mvp performance. the winning first anytime franchise history. former congratulated the team saying this was baseball at its finest. those are your headlines, guys. congratulations to the team. >> brian: got them off to a good start by throwing out the first pitch. >> ainsley: excited this morning. >> carley: thank you. >> steve: mr. texas, congratulations. >> ainsley: how are you feeling? >> lawrence: i feel good. i went to bed because we have the show. i wanted to be prepared at this deli. and i said they are going to win it. i have nothing to panic about. and i woke up to the news. it was beautiful. it's a great day to be a texas ranger. >> brian: not many people had them winning it all in the beginning of the season. it's pretty a amazing. and bruce bochy again. >> they showed a lot of heart, brian. >> ainsley: we are happy for you, lawrence. we were pulling for them for many reasons but mainly for you. >> steve: congratulations. >> lawrence: thanks, my friends. >> ainsley: right now the largest migrant caravan in a year is heading for the united states as mayors across the country head to washington today to meet with lawmakers. >> brian: but, first, ripping down hostage posters, rallying for hamas, spewing hate on all college campuses? how did we get here? we break down the roots that led to this indoctrination, next. ♪ look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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we are seeing them at the most elite institutions in america. what does it even mean to be elite anymore? does it really mean to engage in critical thinking or mean to be part of this activist class that views the world of this prism oppressor and oppressed a lot of people might ask what do we do it about this, right? if you are sending your kid to university, how do we go after these universities? we need to humiliate them. we need to defund them. we need to see more pressure from donors, from alums saying this is unacceptable. you are paid to educate people. you are paid to teach them to think critically they got such legacies, they can live off their bank accounts forever. however, this is what i'm heartened by. let me share this stat with people at home to let them know we are not overstating the problem. there has been an increase to the tune of 388% of anti-semitic behavior. harassment, vandalism, assault, since the october 7th attacks. this is no small problem. parent looking over the shoulder of their kids during the pandemic are we now finally seeing something that we can't look away from or ignore or marginalize. are we at the point where things have to change now and people see the problem like you and i see it? >> i hope so. i hope people are seeing these images and i hope they are horrified there was a video that came out yesterday at harvard law school where there was an editor from the harvard law review. now, mind you, being editor at the harvard law review is extremely prestigious position. the fact that this individual was inciting violence against a jewish student and not letting him passer walk across the quad, student you actually saw physically surrounded by other harvard law students. that is completely unacceptable. the fact that this individual could even think that he would want to become or could become an attorney is abhorrent. so, i think one of the things that we would -- i would hope to see and i'm starting to see now is that there are employers that are not going to be interested in hiring these people. we have to remember that the activists of today are not the activists of the 60's. they don't believe in the same ideologies with such father for that those in the 60's did. these people we have to hit them where it hurts. they are careerists. you saw when they signed those letters they are not putting their names on them. they're wiping their linked. in why are they doing that? because they know it's wrong. >> brian: on some level aerial the parents mights as shocked as us outsiders looking. in also, it's not just in the north. it's in the south in louisiana. where you wouldn't think anti-semitism has a place or a root or history. but when when we saw what was happening at tulane we were pretty astounded. aerial, thank you so much. hope the worse is over. >> i hope so, thanks. >> brian: 400 americans still it stuck in gaza as rafah crossing opens for foreigners to leave. number of israeli soldiers killed rises to 18. tim kennedy helped 209 members of family members leave israel since the october attack. we will talk to him live, next. first, lawrence jones is talking to jewish americans at the second avenue deli in new york. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. so i'm going to ask these folks the question of the day. so with a show of hands, who believes that anti-semitism is a big problem here in america? just a show of hands. who believes the problem in america? okay? and my follow-up question is this. who believes with a show of hands that joe biden is doing enough to combat anti-semitism? show of hands? show of hands? that is exactly why we're here today. it's to talk with the folks about this problem and to see what our elected leaders will do. that's coming up on "fox & friends." don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ please be a phone, please be a phone. is it a phone? (sniffs) ooh, it smells like a cat nip toy from chewy. that's not a phone. get a free, $30 e-gift card at chewy. this is better than toilet paper. get great deals on gifts that deliver excitement at chewy. situation is one of the worst things have you ever seen in your life. >> yeah. it is. hamas has a level of like barberrist evil -- medieval aspects about them. what we saw on october 7th, that type of attack. something that the world, in comparison per capita. this is like 9/11 times 20. in what happens, except everybody was raped, murdered and tortured before they died. 80% of all victims were raped, murdered or tortured. so, that is what hamas is capable of. and then what they're doing inside of gaza, to be able to control that type of population, that dense population, i think it's even more horrific. to the palestinians that are there, even though americans are so many foreign international people that are stuck there. so are the palestinians under hamas rule. they voted them in but now it's just impossible to detangle what it is. >> steve: comparison to 9/11 you made. the one multiplier you made unlike october 11th, the bad guys actually came to people's houses to kill them. which is just who are risk. tim, i want to play a little sound bite of our president. he was at a campaign event yesterday in minnesota. and he said this about a cease-fire. he said i think we need a pause. a pause means time to give -- get the prisoners out. i'm the guy who convinced bibi to call for a cease-fire to let the prisoners out. i'm the guy who talked to sissy to open the door and he goes on. you are in the business of evacuating people. would a pause be a good thing because the israelis do not want that? hamas wanted pauses and battle rhythm elicit support from other countries. where they can use prop began da to encourage, you know, we have seen on campuses here and college campuses in the united states where there is this pro-palestinian, pro-hamas movement. they want slow. on the military operational side, for you to be acute especially with saving hostages it has to be acute, fast, fierce dynamic effort if these people are going to have a chance. we are already, you know, pushing a month since these poor hostages have been kidnapped. the last thing we need is a pause. the last thing we need is to give them room to breathe. the pressure has to stay on them. we have to keep moving them. nothing will be free in that region until hamas goes away. >> steve: indeed. tim is in the business of extricating people from dangerous situations. from the viewers who would like more information or to donate to his group, visit save our tim kennedy, sir. thank you very much for stopping by this morning. >> thank you, sir. >> steve: thank you, sir. all right, carley, let's talk ivy league. >> we are going to start with cornell university steve, of course canceling classes tomorrow citing extraordinary stress on campus after a student was charged with making death threats against his jewish classmates. 21-year-old suspect his name patrick dye denied bail at first appearance in federal court yesterday. he will remain behind barrels until preliminary hearing on november 15th. and the national navy seal museum in fort pierce, florida hosting an event to help supervisors members and veterans with financial assistance charity program works with the admiral community to help veterans and their families. the event will kick off on monday morning. for more information, 1reu69 navy seal i'm sure there are a lot of viewers out there interested in checking that out. yanice, over to you. >> janice: good morning, everyone. we are talking about colder than average temperatures across the south. take a look at it. a warm-up is on the way. 35 right now in new york city. i wish i had leggens on. frost and freeze alerts for many people. it says none that's not true. texas to philadelphia under a frost advisory. a national rebound as we head into friday, saturday. not only average but above average. so let's take a look at it as we go through thursday and friday. getting those temperatures up into the 60's and 70s. that's great news. there is new york city by the way up towards 68. then the one trouble spot is the northwest. heavy rain and some mountain snow for the next couple of days. otherwise, a pretty darn good looking forecast. all right to you, steve. >> steve: you know what, janice? radio city music hall has the christmas tree up behind you. >> janice: i didn't even notice that. i love it. i love christmas decorations right after halloween. that's just my personal preference. >> steve: one holiday at a time. first thanksgiving, then christmas tree. >> janice: i love all of this. >> steve: all right. thanks j.d. >> janice: see you soon. >> steve: 7,000 person migrant caravan headed to our southern border and the organizer blames joe biden. that's next. >> where is the intelligence? don't they know that conspiring against the united states to make sure they have this crisis? she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. my customer really relies on his car's advanced safety system. 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Special , Car , Peers , George Steinbrenner , Soul , God , Bobby Bow , Tommy Tuberville , Things , Everybody , Memorial Service , Funeral , Show , Isn T , Positions , Carley , Chairs , In Law S , Murder , Australia , Victims , Death Camp Mushrooms , Mushroom Poisoning , Summer , Accused Killer , Lunch , Toxicology , Police , Eight , Mike Johnson , Chamber , Suspect , Innocence , Censure , Anti Israel A , Rashida Tlaib , 23 , Members , View , Call , Policy , Road , Conscience , Pandora S Box , Military Aid , Activity , Response , Congress , Middle East , Hair , Champions , Verge , Left Center Field , Performance , Anytime Franchise History , Marcus Simeon Two Run Home , Second Mvp , Congratulations , Baseball , Start , Headlines , Finest , Pitch , Bed , It S A Great Day , Beginning , Season , Amazing , Texas Ranger , Bruce Bochy , Mayors , Friends , Thanks , Migrant Caravan , Reasons , College Campuses , Roots , Lawmakers , Hostage Posters , Indoctrination , Washington , Tastes , Saved Slider Sunday , King S Hawaiian Slider , Series , Farmers , Seats , Savings , Crowd Cheers , Insurance , Aren T Worth Compromising , King S Hawaiian Slider Sunday , Farmers Mnemonic , Infrastructure , Services , Cyberattacks , Google , Dave , Gain , Flings , Scent , Massage Chair , He Wasn T , Mall , But , Boost , Gain Flings , Oxi , Febreze , Throwback , Sfx , Video Game , Emergen C , Crystals Pop , Ai Tools , Crystals , Music , Button , Push , Constant Contact , Stand , Example , Big Day , 00 , Immigration , House , City , Aid , Republicans , Vote , Democratic , 6 Billion , 5 Billion , 4 , Everything , Big Clash Coming Up , Conference , U N , Iran , 110 Billion , Attitude , Anti Israeli , Charge , Human Rights , Root , Movement , Counts , Howard , 1930 , Depression , Let S Go Change Things , Stock Market , Capitalism , Crash , College Education , Campuses , Center , Erielle Davidson , Colleges , Agenda , Left , Guest , Aerial , University , Universities , Business Of Educating , Ideology , Activist Professors , College Campus , Business Of Producing Activist , Images , Activist Class , Institutions , Kid , Prism Oppressor , Pressure , Alums , Donors , Legacies , Problem , Stat , Bank Accounts , Behavior , Increase , Tune , 388 , October 7th , Pandemic , Parent , Harassment , Assault , Vandalism , Shoulder , Kids , 7 , Marginalize , Harvard Law School , Student , Individual , Editor , Fact , Harvard Law Review , Passer Walk , Law Students , Attorney , Quad , Activists , Employers , Ideologies , Careerists , Father , Level , South , Wouldn T Think Anti Semitism , Parents , North , Mights , Outsiders , Louisiana , Worse , Tulane , Tim Kennedy , Family Members , 209 , 18 , Show Of Hands , Anywhere , Don T Go , Phone , Deals , E Gift Card , Cat , Toy , Nip , Toilet Paper , Excitement , Gifts , Chewy , Barberrist Evil , Murdered , Comparison , Capita , Aspects , 9 11 , Population , Type , Rule , Multiplier , October 11th , Houses , Campaign Event , Minnesota , Sound Bite , Prisoners , Door , Countries , Pauses , College , Prop , Fda , Battle Rhythm Elicit , Pro Hamas Movement , Dynamic , Room , Viewers , Situations , Region , Extricating , Sir , Allies Org , Ivy League , Let S Talk , Patrick Dye , Campus , Classes , Death Threats , Stress , Bail , Cornell University , 21 , Event , Veterans , Fort Pierce , Appearance , Barrels , Supervisors , Financial Assistance Charity Program Works , Federal Court , Navy Seal , November 15th , Florida , 15 , Families , Admiral Community , Monday Morning , 1reu69 Navy Seal , Museum Org Thc , 1 , Janice , Look , Temperatures , Warm Up , Yanice , Leggens , 35 , None , Alerts , Frost , Frost Advisory , Rebound , Philadelphia , Saturday , Northwest , Spot , Trouble , Mountain Snow , Heavy Rain , 68 , 70 , Christmas Tree , Forecast , Radio City Music Hall , Decorations , Preference , Thanks J D , Intelligence , Organizer , Don T , Person Migrant Caravan , Sotyktu , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Feeling , Pill , Psoriasis Treatment , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Splendor , Thighs , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Liver , Tb , Lymphoma , Labs , Cancers , Triglycerides , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Find , Risks , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Power , Running , Networks , Rails , Megawatts , Open Road , Systems Running America , 336 Million , Instructor , Customer , Trust Safelite , Tech , Safety System , Alarm , Ringing , Safelite , Windshield , Camera , Work , Back On The Road , Emergency Braking , Vehicle , Singers , Lane Departure Warning , Safelite Repair , Pharmacist , Nature , Supplement , Safety Information , Inspire , Brand , Man Struggles , Mask , Hose , Vitamin , Cpap , Inspiresleep Com , Piece , Grandkids , Pie , Cake , Vo , Pam , Opendoor , Don T Wait , Member Card , Ucard , Plans , Whichever , Competitve Offer , Pharmacy , Unitedhealthcare , Opendoor Com , All In One Ucard , Medicare Advantage , Huh That , Punches , Reversals , Corrections , Sheet , Unnecessary , Go , D C , Mexico , Way , Ball , Ken Cuccinelli , React , Senior Fellow , Caravan , T Shirts , Approach , Refugees , Waiting , Asylum Status , Encounters , Terror Watch List , Amount , Fentanyl , Year 600000 Got Aways , 172 , 600000 , 3 2 Million ,

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