Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

east coast eight on the west coast it's day 27 on america's late news fox news at night. while the israeli ground war continues to expand in gaza where the death toll on both sides is rising, and while many are still calling for a ceasefire, we now have a hamas official on the record, and on video, saying they won't stop until they rid the world of israel. we have team fox coverage, lucas tomlinson in tel aviv, steve harrigan in northern is real, we'll get to them in moments but we begin here in the u.s. with the big-time concerns about the attack on the homeland. the fbi director says we are lacking intelligence on terror suspects and the white house says it's impossible to know if terrorists are in the u.s. bill melugin is live with more on how the threat level could be higher than anyone realizes. bill good evening. >> good evening to you and the fbi director says right now we are seeing the most significant terror threat to the united states in the last decade and now there are extreme concerns about how vulnerable we are to a potential attack. fbi director christopher wray testified on tuesday that since the hamas terror attacks on october 7th multiple former terror organizations called for attacks on both israel and the united states and that bad actors may be inspired by the conflict in the middle east. >> we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. >> as you can imagine an major area of concern is the unsecure southern border despite constantly claiming the border is closed dhs alejandro mayorkas testified under oath yesterday that there were more than 600,000 known gotta ways who snuck into the u.s. without capture in fiscal year 2023. our colleague peter doocy pressed the white house on this today. >> has the white house considered the possibility that a terrorist could be in the country right now after crossing the southern border? >> peter, we are always concerned about the potential presence on u.s. soil of terrorists coming from overseas. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. all i can do is tell you that we are -- we have remained vigilant to that potential threat. >> and peter also asked john kirby about the recent internal cbb bulletin obtained by fox news warned the officers that both hamas and hezbollah may try to cross the southern border. kirby said he couldn't speak to the leaked bulletin trace >> trace: very scary bill thank you. former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker great to have you on the show. we were just talking about john kirby. i want to play the most telling statement of the weekend. it's from john kirby. watch. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question peter >> trace: he doesn't know because there were 600,000 got-aways, nobody knows who's in the country, matt. >> nobody knows who's in the country. and we also know that hundreds of people that were on the terrorist watch list have tried to enter the country. we also know that dhs has admitted to losing at least 12 or more of those individuals and not knowing exactly where they are. i think, you know, what the fbi director should send chills down every american's spine. this is a serious, serious moment. and all we can do now is rely on the systems that we have in place, but also the diligence of the american people of paying attention to what's going on around them, what their neighbors are doing and if somebody's doing something suspicious they should immediately report it to law enforcement. >> greg: the second most telling statement of the week came from the fbi director and here he is. >> can you say that we do not have either individual foreign terrorists or terror cells affiliated with foreign groups currently operating in the united states? >> well, we're not tracking that, but, again, i point back to what it is, the gaps in our intelligence are real and it's something that we have concerns about >> trace: come on, you and i both know that gaps in intel is code for, we have no idea who's in this country. >> yeah. they have no visibility, and obviously they had no visibility that hamas was going to attack and kill a thousand or more israelis. and so, you know, if we look at the current situation in the united states with our porous southern border, millions of people having come in illegally and then the 600,000 known got-aways. remember, they don't know how many people got away that they never even knew came into the country, that number is enormous and i guarantee you, unfortunately, trace, that will are people that entered this country that want to do harm to the united states of america and are plotting right now >> trace: nobody knows that more than robert altamonte maybe the third most compelling statement of the week the former u.s. marshall. >> i'm very concerned. all of america should be concerned. as a matter of fact, all of america should be outraged. we all said we will never forget 9/11, never again. i don't see any evidence of us not forgetting that especially with what's going on on our southwest border >> trace: if you have kids this is concerning stuff, matt. your fawn thoughts. >> it is. i think law enforcement and especially the fbi is bracing for something unknown. an unknown attack, unknown threat and that's got to give them just a sickening feeling in their stomach right now. you know, again, every citizen has to be vigilant this time >> trace: yeah. it's amazing. matt thank you as always. good to see you. >> good to see you trace >> trace: meantime israeli forces approaching gaza city as ground oranges continue to expand, lucas tomlinson is live in tel aviv with the very latest on this. lucas. >> trace, the israeli army has three divisions now operating inside gaza with the goal to cut the gaza strip in two and isolate gaza city and those forces from the east pushing hamas all the way to the sea. now israel's defense minister spoke earlier to his forces earlier tonight. >> we are not going to stop until we, we eliminate all of them, all levels of command and lower. the enemy has two options only. either to die or to give up, surrender without any conditions. >> those three israeli army divisions are now attacking from three different directions and they've been inside gaza for neither a week and are slowly approaching the gates of gaza city. the advances have not come without a cost. the idf says 16 of its soldiers have been killed in action since the gaza operation began. now, taking part in the assault israeli recognized forces including tanks bulldozers and puma clearing vehicles and hundreds of air strikes overhead, they said they have destroyed 11,000 targets inside gaza since the october 7th massacre and says it won't stop until hamas is completely annihilated. now, after a blistering missile fire from yemen was shot down by israeli's air defense system similar to the u.s., israel deployed warships to the sea for additional defense. these are actually made in mississippi. hamas continues to hold 240 hostages that includes 32 children and up to 10 american citizens. trace >> trace: lucas tomlinson live for us in tel aviv. lucas thank you. hezbollah appears to be hesitant to get lebanon in the fight with israel even as they move into gaza. steve is with us with the latest on that front. steve. >> trace, that front is guying on as we speak. about two miles in front of me just over the border into lebanon we are hearing loud explosions. it sounds very much like israeli artillery pounding hezbollah positions just over the border there. earlier israel intercepted a surface to air missile likely flown by hezbollah, and hezbollah's arsenal certainly has upgraded considerably since the two sides last fought in 2006. back then hezbollah was using largely unguided rockets, russian-made katushas now they have tens of thousands of missiles built by iran so they can do damage almost anywhere inside israel and finally the 28th attack on u.s. forces inside the region this time a drone attack against us base in syria. no casualties reported. those 28 attacks taking place in iraq and syria by militias aligned with iran. trace, back to you. >> >> trace: steve harrigan with us live in israel. bring in the author of total empire retired brigadier general ra anthony and former u.s. army reserve captain and intelligence officer. thank you both for coming on here. general to you first, i want to put this up this is the wall street journal editorial board from today, how hamas defines the ceasefire going to write hamas promises more massacres in arabic while asking for humanitarian reprieve in english. it knows from experience that some westerners are gullible enough to fall for it. and we know they're falling for it, general, because we see it every single day. >> yeah, that's right. with these harvard students and college campuses all over, there's a real sickness in the minds of some of these people that are supporting hamas terrorists that brutally slaughtered the israelis and when they crossed the border on october 7th. so israel is moving very deliberately with three divisions in gaza, and they have a good plan and i continue to believe that they're being very methodical about this >> trace: and listen captain, if you don't believe this you hear it from one of the hamas officials who said this. >> israel is a country that has no place on our land. we must remove that country because it constitutes security, military and political catastrophe to the arab and islamic nation. it must be finished. we are not ashamed to say this, with full force >> trace: yeah, bottom line is they want israel eradicated. your thoughts. >> that's exactly right and that's why you're seeing this quickly divulge into a regional conflict. right now you're seeing the iranian and syria and iraq on the move but also in yemen with the hue houtie coming in. this is becoming an israel conflict where they have to focus on gaza. they have two main objectsives in gaza, to eradicate assess a's leadership and free and rescue the hostages that have been taken. israel right now needs much more moral support from the united states and i believe the biden administration has been sending a lot of mixed signals. first of all telling them to delay their invasion, and i think that's allowed hamas to regroup but also sent a signal to all these other terrorist groups around the region to arm and to, you know, right now attack israel. >> adam: >> trace: yeah they need better signaling for sure. general this is from nasir an analyst close to the iranian government telling the new york times the following. quoting. there is no need for iran to get directly involved in the war and attack israel itself because it has the resistance, action is militia who follows iran's policies and strategies and act on its behalf. right now iran is in control mode telling all of them including hezbollah to keep things boiling but have restraint. and that's the truth. they just keep attacking u.s. forces. keep attacking, you know, northern israel and waiting for the next response. general? let's go to abe. when we get the general back we'll let him answer that. what are your thoughts on that abe? >> i think that's exactly the mo of iran. their most successful military operation is hezbollah. i mean it cost them not that much money if you think about the damage that they can inflict on israel. so the idea right now is to boil this over, keep it simmering. this is a 27-day war, as you mentioned in the program, compared to the six-day war in 1967 and in 1973 that was over in less than a month. so, you know, right now iran knows that this is much more of a psychological operation information warfare so that's why it's very concerning when you have these college campuses, they're basically hunting down jews, trace. it's very scary. i think my friend in las vegas just posted a photo today where -- on her way to school it said kill the jews free gaza. they're just getting a lot of misinformation from that mass, promulgating pro hamas propaganda >> trace: we got you back general. is the war going how you think israel wants it to go. >> i think israel is prosecuting this in a very methodical way and i would just like to say i think we need more people like abe, veterans in congress, so i fully support abe's run for congress. and he's done a great job representing military veterans >> trace: and he's a good analyst to boot. >> that's right >> trace: thank you abe, general we appreciate your time. anti-semitism in the u.s. reaching historic levels according to fbi director christopher wray. wring down posters with the faces of israeli whose damages is now common place. jackie ibañez is live in the new york news room with more on how anti-semitism has riddled college campuses. >> hi, good evening trace the cornell university campus stilling reeling after police arrested 21 year old junior patrick die for threatening to kill and injury jewish students. die made his first court appearance today, there he is remains in custody under close watch. he is due back in court later this month. his father told the new york post his son suffers from severe depression and had taken several breaks from school adding, they thought, he was suicidal. die is accused of making threats to shoot up the school's kosher dining hall, according to a criminal complaint. he also threatened to stab and slit the throats of jewish students on campus. if convicted, he could be fined and face up to five years in prison. the arrest follows an explosion of anti-israel protests as you were just saying trace to college campuses across the country. here's one right now. students we've spoken to tell us they are afraid to be outwardly jewish because they don't feel safe or supported on their own campuses. listen. >> we've had a plethora of incidents happen at u.s. berkeley everything from two physical assaults of students getting physically hurt on campus. we've had professors offering bonus and extra credit for students for attending pro hamas rallies. >> according to the anti defamation league, anti-semitic incidents nationwide have increased 400% since the war in israel started. trace >> trace: jacqui thank you let's bring in kate congressional candidate in california and jenny director of the freedom center at independent women's forum. thank you both for coming on. jenny we just got this in from the faculty at clermont college. put this on the screen. it says quoting here, this is a new and alarming phase in the long record of violence, displacement and colonial domination of palestine. the roots of this new phase lie in well-documented 75-plus year history of israeli settler colonialism military occupation and apartheid. this thing is signed by 164 faculty members at the claire mount college group. >> this is all very revealing about the culture and the climate of higher education in our country today. parents who are thinking of sending their children off to college next year are going to make decisions accordingly. particularly jewish parents but not only jewish parents. this isn't a safe environment for jewish students right now but it's also not a healthy environment for any student. and parents are waking up to that >> trace: yeah they really are. this is julie raymond american jewish federation committee. watch. >> it's not a matter of, you know, if there's going to be a future attack against jewish students on a campus, it is a matters of when. and until they really step up and change the rhetoric and change their response, jewish students aren't going to feel safe on campus >> trace: and you can't just ignore the hatred kate and go back to the way things were, right? >> no, you absolutely can't. i can't even imagine going to college in an environment like this. it's like, it's the new flavor of the week this kind of hating. i don't even know if they even know what anti-semitism is it's a new thing to hate they always pick you a new thing. you can imagine your parents send you to college you should be grateful to be there one of the best learning institutions to work you're possibly a migrant going for free and all you can think to do is hate on your fellow students, absolutely ridiculous. speaking of our nation -- >> trace: it is astounding. are protecting the posters of jewish kids being held hostage. watch the sound. >> don't [bleep] touch it. no, don't touch it. don't touch it. i don't give a [bleep]. get the [bleep] out of here. you're a scum bag. >> he wasn't doing anything. >> yes he was he was wring the sign down >> trace: pulling posters down is not free speech pulling posters of hostage kids is not free speech. >> we're definitely seeing this happening out in in the streets in cities but very much happening on college campuses. where are the safe spaces for jewish students, where are the diversity equity and inclusion officers that are supposed to be monitoring this kind of behavior. clearly this is not a priority of theirs, in fact quite the opposite and jewish students probably need to be thinking about alternatives. law firms are thinking of alternatives to hiring these students as they're moving through law school and sending a letter to deans of law schools saying that they need to get ahold of this sort of thing and shape up their students >> trace: yeah, ten seconds kate. >> today i was serving a veteran who's about to get possibly shipped over to fight this war and the dichotomy between those who would serve and these kids in college, it's time to wake up america, you better start raising better kids. periods >> trace: jenny thank you. breaking news into the investigation into the biden family the head of the committee claims a $40,000 lone repayment president biden was given by his brother in 2017 is actually laundered money from china. the senior correspondent kevin corke live in dc with the information on this kevin good evening. >> evening trace oversight chair james comer says back in 2017, then private citizen joe biden received $40,000 in, quote, laundered chinese money. comer says the funds came from the bank account of his brother and his sister-in-law in the form of a personal check. now, comer detailed his findings wednesday in a video posted to x, formally known as twitter, suggesting the president has exposed himself to future blackmail from beijing. however, defenders of the president say frankly this is much adieu about nothing, after all he paid back the money. >> with two brothers loan each other money they pay it back not in office. end of story. one brother gives one brother money, the other brother pays it back. no one is elected at all. they're both private citizens. what are we talking about? >> well, what they're talking about is, if this is just one brick in an obvious foundation that they could be building toward an impeachment. now, those findings, i should point out, come after comer subpoenaed personal banking records belonging to james biden and hunter biden. to be continued trace >> trace: kevin corke thank you so much. bring in mike davis counsel of the senate judiciary committee. mike one question we know this is chinese money because the bidens got it and their bank accounts the biden family bank accounts were empty before the money came in. final thoughts on this. >> yeah, i would say that house oversight chairman james comer needs to subpoena hunter biden and james biden and the sister-in-law and bring them in and make them bring in their documents and make them explain to the house oversight committee who is getting what money why. why were there loans. what was repained when? how? make them explain this to american people because it seems like president biden is compromised by up to $24 million in foreign bribes and corruption to his family from 2014 to 2019. and there's probably a lot more >> trace: yeah, probably a lot more. mike davis great to have you on. thank you, sir. coming up an update on the hundreds of americans still in gaza tonight waiting to get their exit times from the biden administration. we are back on the ground in israel with correspondents alex hogan and jonathan hunt as we continue our breaking coverage of the war in israel. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar 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trace, we're learning more about the 400 american families who are hoping to get out of gaza. the white house said it will organize specific exit times for these people to exit going into egypt. and one of those families is from massachusetts, this is a couple and their baby. they have been stuck in gaza for the last 26 days and they say that they have routinely gone to the raffa crossing but are unable to leave. the u.s. embassy in cairo is standing by ready to provide help to u.s. citizens entering egypt. >> we feel confident that we've been able to establish a system that can get an orderly -- the orderly flow of u.s. citizens and other foreign nationals but with all things relateed to the situation we'll repeat the caution i started with this remains to be a very fluid situation and we'll continue to work on it and not rest until we have gotten all of our people out. >> reporter: day 27 of the war, the israeli military says that 16 soldiers have died in the last two days. now as the idf pushes forward in the northern strip it gave us a look at the weapons they expect to see used in gaza because they're the weapons they recovered cross the country after the october 7th att attac >> we're used to seeing soldiers getting hurt in the battlefield but seeing so many civilians and houses that were burned alive. >> reporter: some of those rockets were made in gaza. they say they've recovered a lot of other weapons that were made in north korea, russian and iran. trace. >> trace: great stuff alex. thank you. the fog of war weighing heavily around israel and gaza but questions already being asked about the end game. chief correspondent jonathan hunt live in jerusalem with this and jonathan who runs gaza after the war? u.s. troops? any involvement there? >> it's interesting there is the potential for u.s. troops. no boots on on the ground obviously right now trace but there may well be some sort of peace keeping force. u.s. troops could be part of that peace-keeping force. but i spoke to a senior advisor to prime minister netanyahu earlier today and it was interesting how cagey he was in his answers. the short answer to your question is, trace, nobody knows what comes next. the palestinian authority is deeply up popular and doesn't seem to want to be involved so it will be up to some sort of international coalition at least in the short term. that could involve u.s. troops trace. >> trace: what about the rebuilding jonathan? who pays for that? >> the u.s. taxpayer will likely pay for some of it trace. that same senior advisor i spoke to also committed, interestingly, to israel playing a part. he said if there is an authority there that is rally's happy with, then israeli will be part of an international plan to rebuild those very homes and buildings that is reel has destroyed the last few weeks but you can bet billions of u.s. dollars will be going back to gaza if and when a new authority is stlaebd trace. >> trace: easy to believe jonathan hunt live for us in jerusalem thank you. a major focus of the israeli incursion in gaza is finding and destroying the vast network of tunnels used by hamas terrorists. here's the chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> 300 miles of underground tunnels home to the hamas hunter killer teams affectionately referred to as the hamas metro. >> you can only get one person down the tunnel at a time. it really psychologically can leave soldiers to feel encloses phobic, you can get verity can and lose sense of direction up, down, you can lose sense of time. >> reporter: retired major john spencer is an expert at west point in subterranean warfare. the deepest tunnel found by the idf two years ago in gaza is 230 feet deep putting it out of recentlying of the traditional bunker buster bombs in the israeli arsenal which can penetrate 100 feet underground through 20 feet of concrete. in 2021, the idf destroyed 60 miles of the tunnels in gaza. fox news correspondents have been given access to the tunnels in the past. >> there you go. >> reporter: the israeli defense forces have specialized units that train to fight in the tunnels using robots and other special weapons. >> drones that bounce off walls, little remote control cars, dogs that can go underground to sniff bombs like booby traps. dog that can attack underground. >> reporter: gps and night vision do not work underground. >> most night vision goggles actually rely on some type of ambient light moonlight or something like that. you can use infrared and thermal but most standard night vision capability doesn't work underground where there's zero light. >> reporter: egypt has been known to fill the tunnels near its border with sea water and sewage. the israelis developed a sponge bomb, a large plastic bag filled with two chemicals that when you pull the tab and throw down the sewer entrance, a hard foam forms that seals the tunnel temporarily. the biggest problem right now is that the hostages are likely being held in the tunnels as human shields. trace. >> trace: jennifer thank you. let's bring in middle east analyst and host of the watchman on tbn eric, great to have you on here i want to stay on the tunnels if i can for a second. here's a former infantry officer talking about the dangers of the gaza tunnels. watch. >> the tunnel threat is not just threatening you when you fight undergrowth it's also threatening when you fight overground. because you can be tackled from anywhere. you can move to a certain building that you think that you cleared it but all of a sudden you will see a tunnel hole and forces will come out of there and tackle you. >> trace: you have experience eric in these tunnels some of these tunnels and it's very perilous for some of these idf soldiers. >> reporter: it is trace, one of the hostages who was released one of the israeli hostages summed it up well saying it was like a network of spiderwebs beneath gaza where she was held some 300 miles of tunnels. this is a subterranean city beneath gaza. now i did spend time in a hezbollah tunnel up north with the israel defense forces and trace i have to describe it like descending into the bowels of hell some 200 feet underground. but this isn't some dirt hole. this was a highly advanced tunnel concrete heavy machinery down there, lighting, electrical work done. so this is literally an underground city and very tough to flush these terrorists out. >> trace: the new york times write the following yemen's hueies militia attempted an underground saying it launched a batch of missiles as well as drones towards israel targets. the iran backed militia carried out the attempted assault on what it called brutal israeli american aggression in gaza. might we be looking at a third front here eric coming out of yemen? >> reporter: trace, yeah, i think we are. i think the big question is does israel respond? does israel try to ignore this because israel does not want to be fighting on multiple front right now yet the houthis are vowing to continue these attacks every day, missiles, drones and where is it coming from ultimately tehran, the iranian regime is the head of the snake, yemen the houthis are part of the ring of fire that surrounds israel on all sides. >> you talk about all sides one is hezbollah steve touched on this earlier but the deeper israel goes into gaza the more the threat, at least that's what they say comes from the north coming down missile wise into northern israel. >> reporter: this is the big question trace and something for everyone to keep an eye on. the leader is hezbollah is delivering a major speech this friday and u.s. and israeli officials are kind of holding their breath and seeing -- to see what he says. does he try to up the anty so to speak and activate hezbollah in a major way. by the way, some 50 hezbollah fighteders have been killed in these engagements with the israel defense forces over the pasts three weeks. >> trace: yeah, and we all know lebanon's economy is in dire straits the last thing they need need is israel bombing them again and again, great to have you on as always sir. >> reporter: thanks trace. >> trace: coming up one week from the next presidential debate, we are back with the latest power rank prosecution fox news and we are joined by senator tim scott. that's next. 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(announcer) change your life at that's >> trace: the fox news power rankings are in. some republicanal canned gates gained ground in way. others entered into what we call growing pains territoried. kevin corke is back with more of the findings sdmooeven trace the gop presidential fox news power rankings are to quote talking heads same as it ever was, that is to say a come and in front runner and after that pretty much everybody else way back. now the top challengers are desantis and haley with vivek back down to number four but clearly donald trump is the front runner by a long shot. as for the gop nominee preference, well it's again trump by a country mile with desantis and haley giving chase. they are down in the teens. and with that in mind i actually wanted to take a peek very quickly at the fund raising for the quarter and no surprise, the former president is leading the way with more than $24 million in receipts. that's more than desantis and haley combined. little recap. it's haley up one, vivek down one and trump continues to dominate the field, trace. >> trace: speaking of dominating the field kevin i was going to let you do this because you're an old sports guy but the texas rangers have beaten the arizona diamondbacks four games to one. >> reporter: 5-0 tonight. congrats to texas. >> trace: kevin thank you. go rangers. >> reporter: yes. >> trace: meantime let's bring in south carolina senator and republican presidential candidate tim scott who just qualified for the third gop debate. senator, great to have you on. congratulations on the debate qualification. the fox news power rankings just came out. the news is not so good. you have dropped from fifth place, you can see right there, to sixth place. a lot of people say that's dangerous with just two and a half months until the iowa caucuses. your response, sir. >> well, trace, very excited to be on the debate stage on wednesday night. we look forward to having an opportunity to have a conversation with the nation about why we're optimistic messenger with a backbone to move forward allows us to have a red wave no doubt we're all in on iowa. we expect to have a strong showing in the state just finished an event and will continue to do more events. the good news with me is the more i meet people in this great state the more there seems to be momentum behind me. we'll keep doing what we've been doing throughout the month of october which is landing the plane in iowa and having a really good time talking about why america can do for anyone what she's done for me. >> trace: i want to move on because the wall street journal editorial board says the following the ukraine/is real test for u.s. democracy says as the world gets more dangerous washington's political dysfunction is becoming more dangerous as well. if washington can't help two allies defend themselves with no u.s. troops fighting, the world will conclude that our adversaries are right about america decline. where are you, sir, on the funding for both israel and ukraine? separate? together? your thoughts. >> well, there's a case to be made that one of the ways that we unite congress and this nation is in support of israel. having the $14 billion or so package passed through both houses of congress immediately, i believe, is in israel's best interest and in our best interest. it proves to the world that we are loyal to our allies while being lethal to our common adversaries. at the same time, over the last two years, we've provided about a hundred billion or so dollars to ukraine. we can provide more assistance as we add in more accountability. unfortunately, this administration has failed to tell the american people what is our national vital interest in ukraine. the degrading the russian military has been really effective our resources in the very high price of ukrainian blood. >> trace: sir i think lastly i would like to ask you, have you ever, did you ever expect to see this much, this type of anti-semitism in the united states? >> trace, i'll be honest with you. i am shocked and disappointed by the radical left and the liberals who are so focused on their power that they will use any issue, any group, including our jewish citizens and jewish students, to hold on to their political power. it's embarrassing. it's wrong and it's demoralizing to the jewish people. i say we, those of us who are not jews, should stand in the gap for our jewish american citizens. we should stand in the gap for our students on college campuses who are jewish as well. >> trace: yeah. senator best of luck in the debate. thank you, sir, for coming on. >> god bless. thank you. >> trace: well, coming up just minutes to sunrise in israel. the war, by the way, that is a live look at chase field in phoenix. we just told you a short time ago, the arizona diamondbacks on the losing end of the world series, the texas rangers win it in 5. we are back in moments with some final thoughts from our correspondents on the ground. 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(david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. >> trace: time for final thoughts with our correspondents, jonathan hunt, alex hogan, lucas tomlinson lucas harrington and kevin corke. jonathan lot of talk about how the war might be the end of hamas and may be the political end of benjamin netanyahu. your thoughts? >> yeah, you talk to anybody, trace, in the prime minister's orbit and they'll say this is not the time for politics, this is not the time for recriminations but then netanyahu himself opened the doors to recriminations in a since-deleted tweet when he blamed everybody the army leader everybody but himself for intel failures on october 7th. so a lot of israelis say this might not be the end of netanyahu but it might well be the beginning of the end because ultimately they say he has to take responsibility trace. >> jonathan thank you. alex i know you recently had a chance to look at weapons recovered by hamas militants by the idf. what did you see? >> well, they laid out a range of the weaponry they were able to collect from across the country. a lot of idf soldiers say they were completely shocked to see things like rpgs explosives fire bombs used on civilian homes typically this is something you would see to battlefield something that is still reverberating with them, exactly wa they expect to see in gaza. >> trace: lucas you have a military background clear. can you give us a background why is rally forces are taking their time moving into gaza? >> well, trace not only do these forces have to move on the take rain but also sub take rain with these tunnels. so the israeli forces are moving slowly methodically as they close in on gaza already approaching the gates of gaza city but not just clearing on the surface, they have to go below the surface as well. you cannot go too quickly, you have some kind of hamas death squad pop up behind you trace. >> trace: we talked about those tunnels, lucas thank you. steve, are there lessons learned from the ukraine war that the idf is taking into account here? >> i think we saw those steele cages on top of russian tanks to protect them from drone attacks in the ukraine war. we're seeing them again here with the israeli tanks. what strikes me is the disparity. i remember in afghanistan going into a bomb maker's house and there were sony play station controllers all over the place. if you have a weapon that costs $3 million and they can blow it up with something that costs $300 that's a big advantage. >> trace: steve thank you. bill sanctuary cities la new york chicago and denver sent president biden a letter asking for five billion bucks to help with the migrant crisis. >> so previously the biden administration asked congress for $1.4 billion to help these cities and states with the migrant surge. well the sanctuary cities sent biden a letter today saying mr. president we appreciate the 1.4 billion but it's not enough. we want $5 billion because, quote, our city budgets and local taxpayers continue to bare the brunt of this ongoing federal crisis. so essentially these sanctuary cities want the rest of the country to help foot the bill for their sanctuary policies. >> trace: kevin finally reports about the president receiving chinese money from his brother back in 2017. >> yeah, i think this is just the latest brick in the foundation of what will ultimately be an impeachment. >> trace: and i think it is one more step toward that. thank you all for your final thoughts and thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. continuing our breaking news coverage all week. we'll see you right back here tomorrow night. ♪ it could be psoriatic arthritis. both are believed to be caused by excess inflammation inside the body. get real with your dermatologist... ...and ask about real clear skin, today. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. my customer really relies on his car's advanced safety system. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240702

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east coast eight on the west coast it's day 27 on america's late news fox news at night. while the israeli ground war continues to expand in gaza where the death toll on both sides is rising, and while many are still calling for a ceasefire, we now have a hamas official on the record, and on video, saying they won't stop until they rid the world of israel. we have team fox coverage, lucas tomlinson in tel aviv, steve harrigan in northern is real, we'll get to them in moments but we begin here in the u.s. with the big-time concerns about the attack on the homeland. the fbi director says we are lacking intelligence on terror suspects and the white house says it's impossible to know if terrorists are in the u.s. bill melugin is live with more on how the threat level could be higher than anyone realizes. bill good evening. >> good evening to you and the fbi director says right now we are seeing the most significant terror threat to the united states in the last decade and now there are extreme concerns about how vulnerable we are to a potential attack. fbi director christopher wray testified on tuesday that since the hamas terror attacks on october 7th multiple former terror organizations called for attacks on both israel and the united states and that bad actors may be inspired by the conflict in the middle east. >> we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. >> as you can imagine an major area of concern is the unsecure southern border despite constantly claiming the border is closed dhs alejandro mayorkas testified under oath yesterday that there were more than 600,000 known gotta ways who snuck into the u.s. without capture in fiscal year 2023. our colleague peter doocy pressed the white house on this today. >> has the white house considered the possibility that a terrorist could be in the country right now after crossing the southern border? >> peter, we are always concerned about the potential presence on u.s. soil of terrorists coming from overseas. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. all i can do is tell you that we are -- we have remained vigilant to that potential threat. >> and peter also asked john kirby about the recent internal cbb bulletin obtained by fox news warned the officers that both hamas and hezbollah may try to cross the southern border. kirby said he couldn't speak to the leaked bulletin trace >> trace: very scary bill thank you. former acting u.s. attorney general matt whitaker great to have you on the show. we were just talking about john kirby. i want to play the most telling statement of the weekend. it's from john kirby. watch. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question peter >> trace: he doesn't know because there were 600,000 got-aways, nobody knows who's in the country, matt. >> nobody knows who's in the country. and we also know that hundreds of people that were on the terrorist watch list have tried to enter the country. we also know that dhs has admitted to losing at least 12 or more of those individuals and not knowing exactly where they are. i think, you know, what the fbi director should send chills down every american's spine. this is a serious, serious moment. and all we can do now is rely on the systems that we have in place, but also the diligence of the american people of paying attention to what's going on around them, what their neighbors are doing and if somebody's doing something suspicious they should immediately report it to law enforcement. >> greg: the second most telling statement of the week came from the fbi director and here he is. >> can you say that we do not have either individual foreign terrorists or terror cells affiliated with foreign groups currently operating in the united states? >> well, we're not tracking that, but, again, i point back to what it is, the gaps in our intelligence are real and it's something that we have concerns about >> trace: come on, you and i both know that gaps in intel is code for, we have no idea who's in this country. >> yeah. they have no visibility, and obviously they had no visibility that hamas was going to attack and kill a thousand or more israelis. and so, you know, if we look at the current situation in the united states with our porous southern border, millions of people having come in illegally and then the 600,000 known got-aways. remember, they don't know how many people got away that they never even knew came into the country, that number is enormous and i guarantee you, unfortunately, trace, that will are people that entered this country that want to do harm to the united states of america and are plotting right now >> trace: nobody knows that more than robert altamonte maybe the third most compelling statement of the week the former u.s. marshall. >> i'm very concerned. all of america should be concerned. as a matter of fact, all of america should be outraged. we all said we will never forget 9/11, never again. i don't see any evidence of us not forgetting that especially with what's going on on our southwest border >> trace: if you have kids this is concerning stuff, matt. your fawn thoughts. >> it is. i think law enforcement and especially the fbi is bracing for something unknown. an unknown attack, unknown threat and that's got to give them just a sickening feeling in their stomach right now. you know, again, every citizen has to be vigilant this time >> trace: yeah. it's amazing. matt thank you as always. good to see you. >> good to see you trace >> trace: meantime israeli forces approaching gaza city as ground oranges continue to expand, lucas tomlinson is live in tel aviv with the very latest on this. lucas. >> trace, the israeli army has three divisions now operating inside gaza with the goal to cut the gaza strip in two and isolate gaza city and those forces from the east pushing hamas all the way to the sea. now israel's defense minister spoke earlier to his forces earlier tonight. >> we are not going to stop until we, we eliminate all of them, all levels of command and lower. the enemy has two options only. either to die or to give up, surrender without any conditions. >> those three israeli army divisions are now attacking from three different directions and they've been inside gaza for neither a week and are slowly approaching the gates of gaza city. the advances have not come without a cost. the idf says 16 of its soldiers have been killed in action since the gaza operation began. now, taking part in the assault israeli recognized forces including tanks bulldozers and puma clearing vehicles and hundreds of air strikes overhead, they said they have destroyed 11,000 targets inside gaza since the october 7th massacre and says it won't stop until hamas is completely annihilated. now, after a blistering missile fire from yemen was shot down by israeli's air defense system similar to the u.s., israel deployed warships to the sea for additional defense. these are actually made in mississippi. hamas continues to hold 240 hostages that includes 32 children and up to 10 american citizens. trace >> trace: lucas tomlinson live for us in tel aviv. lucas thank you. hezbollah appears to be hesitant to get lebanon in the fight with israel even as they move into gaza. steve is with us with the latest on that front. steve. >> trace, that front is guying on as we speak. about two miles in front of me just over the border into lebanon we are hearing loud explosions. it sounds very much like israeli artillery pounding hezbollah positions just over the border there. earlier israel intercepted a surface to air missile likely flown by hezbollah, and hezbollah's arsenal certainly has upgraded considerably since the two sides last fought in 2006. back then hezbollah was using largely unguided rockets, russian-made katushas now they have tens of thousands of missiles built by iran so they can do damage almost anywhere inside israel and finally the 28th attack on u.s. forces inside the region this time a drone attack against us base in syria. no casualties reported. those 28 attacks taking place in iraq and syria by militias aligned with iran. trace, back to you. >> >> trace: steve harrigan with us live in israel. bring in the author of total empire retired brigadier general ra anthony and former u.s. army reserve captain and intelligence officer. thank you both for coming on here. general to you first, i want to put this up this is the wall street journal editorial board from today, how hamas defines the ceasefire going to write hamas promises more massacres in arabic while asking for humanitarian reprieve in english. it knows from experience that some westerners are gullible enough to fall for it. and we know they're falling for it, general, because we see it every single day. >> yeah, that's right. with these harvard students and college campuses all over, there's a real sickness in the minds of some of these people that are supporting hamas terrorists that brutally slaughtered the israelis and when they crossed the border on october 7th. so israel is moving very deliberately with three divisions in gaza, and they have a good plan and i continue to believe that they're being very methodical about this >> trace: and listen captain, if you don't believe this you hear it from one of the hamas officials who said this. >> israel is a country that has no place on our land. we must remove that country because it constitutes security, military and political catastrophe to the arab and islamic nation. it must be finished. we are not ashamed to say this, with full force >> trace: yeah, bottom line is they want israel eradicated. your thoughts. >> that's exactly right and that's why you're seeing this quickly divulge into a regional conflict. right now you're seeing the iranian and syria and iraq on the move but also in yemen with the hue houtie coming in. this is becoming an israel conflict where they have to focus on gaza. they have two main objectsives in gaza, to eradicate assess a's leadership and free and rescue the hostages that have been taken. israel right now needs much more moral support from the united states and i believe the biden administration has been sending a lot of mixed signals. first of all telling them to delay their invasion, and i think that's allowed hamas to regroup but also sent a signal to all these other terrorist groups around the region to arm and to, you know, right now attack israel. >> adam: >> trace: yeah they need better signaling for sure. general this is from nasir an analyst close to the iranian government telling the new york times the following. quoting. there is no need for iran to get directly involved in the war and attack israel itself because it has the resistance, action is militia who follows iran's policies and strategies and act on its behalf. right now iran is in control mode telling all of them including hezbollah to keep things boiling but have restraint. and that's the truth. they just keep attacking u.s. forces. keep attacking, you know, northern israel and waiting for the next response. general? let's go to abe. when we get the general back we'll let him answer that. what are your thoughts on that abe? >> i think that's exactly the mo of iran. their most successful military operation is hezbollah. i mean it cost them not that much money if you think about the damage that they can inflict on israel. so the idea right now is to boil this over, keep it simmering. this is a 27-day war, as you mentioned in the program, compared to the six-day war in 1967 and in 1973 that was over in less than a month. so, you know, right now iran knows that this is much more of a psychological operation information warfare so that's why it's very concerning when you have these college campuses, they're basically hunting down jews, trace. it's very scary. i think my friend in las vegas just posted a photo today where -- on her way to school it said kill the jews free gaza. they're just getting a lot of misinformation from that mass, promulgating pro hamas propaganda >> trace: we got you back general. is the war going how you think israel wants it to go. >> i think israel is prosecuting this in a very methodical way and i would just like to say i think we need more people like abe, veterans in congress, so i fully support abe's run for congress. and he's done a great job representing military veterans >> trace: and he's a good analyst to boot. >> that's right >> trace: thank you abe, general we appreciate your time. anti-semitism in the u.s. reaching historic levels according to fbi director christopher wray. wring down posters with the faces of israeli whose damages is now common place. jackie ibañez is live in the new york news room with more on how anti-semitism has riddled college campuses. >> hi, good evening trace the cornell university campus stilling reeling after police arrested 21 year old junior patrick die for threatening to kill and injury jewish students. die made his first court appearance today, there he is remains in custody under close watch. he is due back in court later this month. his father told the new york post his son suffers from severe depression and had taken several breaks from school adding, they thought, he was suicidal. die is accused of making threats to shoot up the school's kosher dining hall, according to a criminal complaint. he also threatened to stab and slit the throats of jewish students on campus. if convicted, he could be fined and face up to five years in prison. the arrest follows an explosion of anti-israel protests as you were just saying trace to college campuses across the country. here's one right now. students we've spoken to tell us they are afraid to be outwardly jewish because they don't feel safe or supported on their own campuses. listen. >> we've had a plethora of incidents happen at u.s. berkeley everything from two physical assaults of students getting physically hurt on campus. we've had professors offering bonus and extra credit for students for attending pro hamas rallies. >> according to the anti defamation league, anti-semitic incidents nationwide have increased 400% since the war in israel started. trace >> trace: jacqui thank you let's bring in kate congressional candidate in california and jenny director of the freedom center at independent women's forum. thank you both for coming on. jenny we just got this in from the faculty at clermont college. put this on the screen. it says quoting here, this is a new and alarming phase in the long record of violence, displacement and colonial domination of palestine. the roots of this new phase lie in well-documented 75-plus year history of israeli settler colonialism military occupation and apartheid. this thing is signed by 164 faculty members at the claire mount college group. >> this is all very revealing about the culture and the climate of higher education in our country today. parents who are thinking of sending their children off to college next year are going to make decisions accordingly. particularly jewish parents but not only jewish parents. this isn't a safe environment for jewish students right now but it's also not a healthy environment for any student. and parents are waking up to that >> trace: yeah they really are. this is julie raymond american jewish federation committee. watch. >> it's not a matter of, you know, if there's going to be a future attack against jewish students on a campus, it is a matters of when. and until they really step up and change the rhetoric and change their response, jewish students aren't going to feel safe on campus >> trace: and you can't just ignore the hatred kate and go back to the way things were, right? >> no, you absolutely can't. i can't even imagine going to college in an environment like this. it's like, it's the new flavor of the week this kind of hating. i don't even know if they even know what anti-semitism is it's a new thing to hate they always pick you a new thing. you can imagine your parents send you to college you should be grateful to be there one of the best learning institutions to work you're possibly a migrant going for free and all you can think to do is hate on your fellow students, absolutely ridiculous. speaking of our nation -- >> trace: it is astounding. are protecting the posters of jewish kids being held hostage. watch the sound. >> don't [bleep] touch it. no, don't touch it. don't touch it. i don't give a [bleep]. get the [bleep] out of here. you're a scum bag. >> he wasn't doing anything. >> yes he was he was wring the sign down >> trace: pulling posters down is not free speech pulling posters of hostage kids is not free speech. >> we're definitely seeing this happening out in in the streets in cities but very much happening on college campuses. where are the safe spaces for jewish students, where are the diversity equity and inclusion officers that are supposed to be monitoring this kind of behavior. clearly this is not a priority of theirs, in fact quite the opposite and jewish students probably need to be thinking about alternatives. law firms are thinking of alternatives to hiring these students as they're moving through law school and sending a letter to deans of law schools saying that they need to get ahold of this sort of thing and shape up their students >> trace: yeah, ten seconds kate. >> today i was serving a veteran who's about to get possibly shipped over to fight this war and the dichotomy between those who would serve and these kids in college, it's time to wake up america, you better start raising better kids. periods >> trace: jenny thank you. breaking news into the investigation into the biden family the head of the committee claims a $40,000 lone repayment president biden was given by his brother in 2017 is actually laundered money from china. the senior correspondent kevin corke live in dc with the information on this kevin good evening. >> evening trace oversight chair james comer says back in 2017, then private citizen joe biden received $40,000 in, quote, laundered chinese money. comer says the funds came from the bank account of his brother and his sister-in-law in the form of a personal check. now, comer detailed his findings wednesday in a video posted to x, formally known as twitter, suggesting the president has exposed himself to future blackmail from beijing. however, defenders of the president say frankly this is much adieu about nothing, after all he paid back the money. >> with two brothers loan each other money they pay it back not in office. end of story. one brother gives one brother money, the other brother pays it back. no one is elected at all. they're both private citizens. what are we talking about? >> well, what they're talking about is, if this is just one brick in an obvious foundation that they could be building toward an impeachment. now, those findings, i should point out, come after comer subpoenaed personal banking records belonging to james biden and hunter biden. to be continued trace >> trace: kevin corke thank you so much. bring in mike davis counsel of the senate judiciary committee. mike one question we know this is chinese money because the bidens got it and their bank accounts the biden family bank accounts were empty before the money came in. final thoughts on this. >> yeah, i would say that house oversight chairman james comer needs to subpoena hunter biden and james biden and the sister-in-law and bring them in and make them bring in their documents and make them explain to the house oversight committee who is getting what money why. why were there loans. what was repained when? how? make them explain this to american people because it seems like president biden is compromised by up to $24 million in foreign bribes and corruption to his family from 2014 to 2019. and there's probably a lot more >> trace: yeah, probably a lot more. mike davis great to have you on. thank you, sir. coming up an update on the hundreds of americans still in gaza tonight waiting to get their exit times from the biden administration. we are back on the ground in israel with correspondents alex hogan and jonathan hunt as we continue our breaking coverage of the war in israel. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar 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trace, we're learning more about the 400 american families who are hoping to get out of gaza. the white house said it will organize specific exit times for these people to exit going into egypt. and one of those families is from massachusetts, this is a couple and their baby. they have been stuck in gaza for the last 26 days and they say that they have routinely gone to the raffa crossing but are unable to leave. the u.s. embassy in cairo is standing by ready to provide help to u.s. citizens entering egypt. >> we feel confident that we've been able to establish a system that can get an orderly -- the orderly flow of u.s. citizens and other foreign nationals but with all things relateed to the situation we'll repeat the caution i started with this remains to be a very fluid situation and we'll continue to work on it and not rest until we have gotten all of our people out. >> reporter: day 27 of the war, the israeli military says that 16 soldiers have died in the last two days. now as the idf pushes forward in the northern strip it gave us a look at the weapons they expect to see used in gaza because they're the weapons they recovered cross the country after the october 7th att attac >> we're used to seeing soldiers getting hurt in the battlefield but seeing so many civilians and houses that were burned alive. >> reporter: some of those rockets were made in gaza. they say they've recovered a lot of other weapons that were made in north korea, russian and iran. trace. >> trace: great stuff alex. thank you. the fog of war weighing heavily around israel and gaza but questions already being asked about the end game. chief correspondent jonathan hunt live in jerusalem with this and jonathan who runs gaza after the war? u.s. troops? any involvement there? >> it's interesting there is the potential for u.s. troops. no boots on on the ground obviously right now trace but there may well be some sort of peace keeping force. u.s. troops could be part of that peace-keeping force. but i spoke to a senior advisor to prime minister netanyahu earlier today and it was interesting how cagey he was in his answers. the short answer to your question is, trace, nobody knows what comes next. the palestinian authority is deeply up popular and doesn't seem to want to be involved so it will be up to some sort of international coalition at least in the short term. that could involve u.s. troops trace. >> trace: what about the rebuilding jonathan? who pays for that? >> the u.s. taxpayer will likely pay for some of it trace. that same senior advisor i spoke to also committed, interestingly, to israel playing a part. he said if there is an authority there that is rally's happy with, then israeli will be part of an international plan to rebuild those very homes and buildings that is reel has destroyed the last few weeks but you can bet billions of u.s. dollars will be going back to gaza if and when a new authority is stlaebd trace. >> trace: easy to believe jonathan hunt live for us in jerusalem thank you. a major focus of the israeli incursion in gaza is finding and destroying the vast network of tunnels used by hamas terrorists. here's the chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. >> 300 miles of underground tunnels home to the hamas hunter killer teams affectionately referred to as the hamas metro. >> you can only get one person down the tunnel at a time. it really psychologically can leave soldiers to feel encloses phobic, you can get verity can and lose sense of direction up, down, you can lose sense of time. >> reporter: retired major john spencer is an expert at west point in subterranean warfare. the deepest tunnel found by the idf two years ago in gaza is 230 feet deep putting it out of recentlying of the traditional bunker buster bombs in the israeli arsenal which can penetrate 100 feet underground through 20 feet of concrete. in 2021, the idf destroyed 60 miles of the tunnels in gaza. fox news correspondents have been given access to the tunnels in the past. >> there you go. >> reporter: the israeli defense forces have specialized units that train to fight in the tunnels using robots and other special weapons. >> drones that bounce off walls, little remote control cars, dogs that can go underground to sniff bombs like booby traps. dog that can attack underground. >> reporter: gps and night vision do not work underground. >> most night vision goggles actually rely on some type of ambient light moonlight or something like that. you can use infrared and thermal but most standard night vision capability doesn't work underground where there's zero light. >> reporter: egypt has been known to fill the tunnels near its border with sea water and sewage. the israelis developed a sponge bomb, a large plastic bag filled with two chemicals that when you pull the tab and throw down the sewer entrance, a hard foam forms that seals the tunnel temporarily. the biggest problem right now is that the hostages are likely being held in the tunnels as human shields. trace. >> trace: jennifer thank you. let's bring in middle east analyst and host of the watchman on tbn eric, great to have you on here i want to stay on the tunnels if i can for a second. here's a former infantry officer talking about the dangers of the gaza tunnels. watch. >> the tunnel threat is not just threatening you when you fight undergrowth it's also threatening when you fight overground. because you can be tackled from anywhere. you can move to a certain building that you think that you cleared it but all of a sudden you will see a tunnel hole and forces will come out of there and tackle you. >> trace: you have experience eric in these tunnels some of these tunnels and it's very perilous for some of these idf soldiers. >> reporter: it is trace, one of the hostages who was released one of the israeli hostages summed it up well saying it was like a network of spiderwebs beneath gaza where she was held some 300 miles of tunnels. this is a subterranean city beneath gaza. now i did spend time in a hezbollah tunnel up north with the israel defense forces and trace i have to describe it like descending into the bowels of hell some 200 feet underground. but this isn't some dirt hole. this was a highly advanced tunnel concrete heavy machinery down there, lighting, electrical work done. so this is literally an underground city and very tough to flush these terrorists out. >> trace: the new york times write the following yemen's hueies militia attempted an underground saying it launched a batch of missiles as well as drones towards israel targets. the iran backed militia carried out the attempted assault on what it called brutal israeli american aggression in gaza. might we be looking at a third front here eric coming out of yemen? >> reporter: trace, yeah, i think we are. i think the big question is does israel respond? does israel try to ignore this because israel does not want to be fighting on multiple front right now yet the houthis are vowing to continue these attacks every day, missiles, drones and where is it coming from ultimately tehran, the iranian regime is the head of the snake, yemen the houthis are part of the ring of fire that surrounds israel on all sides. >> you talk about all sides one is hezbollah steve touched on this earlier but the deeper israel goes into gaza the more the threat, at least that's what they say comes from the north coming down missile wise into northern israel. >> reporter: this is the big question trace and something for everyone to keep an eye on. the leader is hezbollah is delivering a major speech this friday and u.s. and israeli officials are kind of holding their breath and seeing -- to see what he says. does he try to up the anty so to speak and activate hezbollah in a major way. by the way, some 50 hezbollah fighteders have been killed in these engagements with the israel defense forces over the pasts three weeks. >> trace: yeah, and we all know lebanon's economy is in dire straits the last thing they need need is israel bombing them again and again, great to have you on as always sir. >> reporter: thanks trace. >> trace: coming up one week from the next presidential debate, we are back with the latest power rank prosecution fox news and we are joined by senator tim scott. that's next. 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(announcer) change your life at that's >> trace: the fox news power rankings are in. some republicanal canned gates gained ground in way. others entered into what we call growing pains territoried. kevin corke is back with more of the findings sdmooeven trace the gop presidential fox news power rankings are to quote talking heads same as it ever was, that is to say a come and in front runner and after that pretty much everybody else way back. now the top challengers are desantis and haley with vivek back down to number four but clearly donald trump is the front runner by a long shot. as for the gop nominee preference, well it's again trump by a country mile with desantis and haley giving chase. they are down in the teens. and with that in mind i actually wanted to take a peek very quickly at the fund raising for the quarter and no surprise, the former president is leading the way with more than $24 million in receipts. that's more than desantis and haley combined. little recap. it's haley up one, vivek down one and trump continues to dominate the field, trace. >> trace: speaking of dominating the field kevin i was going to let you do this because you're an old sports guy but the texas rangers have beaten the arizona diamondbacks four games to one. >> reporter: 5-0 tonight. congrats to texas. >> trace: kevin thank you. go rangers. >> reporter: yes. >> trace: meantime let's bring in south carolina senator and republican presidential candidate tim scott who just qualified for the third gop debate. senator, great to have you on. congratulations on the debate qualification. the fox news power rankings just came out. the news is not so good. you have dropped from fifth place, you can see right there, to sixth place. a lot of people say that's dangerous with just two and a half months until the iowa caucuses. your response, sir. >> well, trace, very excited to be on the debate stage on wednesday night. we look forward to having an opportunity to have a conversation with the nation about why we're optimistic messenger with a backbone to move forward allows us to have a red wave no doubt we're all in on iowa. we expect to have a strong showing in the state just finished an event and will continue to do more events. the good news with me is the more i meet people in this great state the more there seems to be momentum behind me. we'll keep doing what we've been doing throughout the month of october which is landing the plane in iowa and having a really good time talking about why america can do for anyone what she's done for me. >> trace: i want to move on because the wall street journal editorial board says the following the ukraine/is real test for u.s. democracy says as the world gets more dangerous washington's political dysfunction is becoming more dangerous as well. if washington can't help two allies defend themselves with no u.s. troops fighting, the world will conclude that our adversaries are right about america decline. where are you, sir, on the funding for both israel and ukraine? separate? together? your thoughts. >> well, there's a case to be made that one of the ways that we unite congress and this nation is in support of israel. having the $14 billion or so package passed through both houses of congress immediately, i believe, is in israel's best interest and in our best interest. it proves to the world that we are loyal to our allies while being lethal to our common adversaries. at the same time, over the last two years, we've provided about a hundred billion or so dollars to ukraine. we can provide more assistance as we add in more accountability. unfortunately, this administration has failed to tell the american people what is our national vital interest in ukraine. the degrading the russian military has been really effective our resources in the very high price of ukrainian blood. >> trace: sir i think lastly i would like to ask you, have you ever, did you ever expect to see this much, this type of anti-semitism in the united states? >> trace, i'll be honest with you. i am shocked and disappointed by the radical left and the liberals who are so focused on their power that they will use any issue, any group, including our jewish citizens and jewish students, to hold on to their political power. it's embarrassing. it's wrong and it's demoralizing to the jewish people. i say we, those of us who are not jews, should stand in the gap for our jewish american citizens. we should stand in the gap for our students on college campuses who are jewish as well. >> trace: yeah. senator best of luck in the debate. thank you, sir, for coming on. >> god bless. thank you. >> trace: well, coming up just minutes to sunrise in israel. the war, by the way, that is a live look at chase field in phoenix. we just told you a short time ago, the arizona diamondbacks on the losing end of the world series, the texas rangers win it in 5. we are back in moments with some final thoughts from our correspondents on the ground. 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. >> trace: time for final thoughts with our correspondents, jonathan hunt, alex hogan, lucas tomlinson lucas harrington and kevin corke. jonathan lot of talk about how the war might be the end of hamas and may be the political end of benjamin netanyahu. your thoughts? >> yeah, you talk to anybody, trace, in the prime minister's orbit and they'll say this is not the time for politics, this is not the time for recriminations but then netanyahu himself opened the doors to recriminations in a since-deleted tweet when he blamed everybody the army leader everybody but himself for intel failures on october 7th. so a lot of israelis say this might not be the end of netanyahu but it might well be the beginning of the end because ultimately they say he has to take responsibility trace. >> jonathan thank you. alex i know you recently had a chance to look at weapons recovered by hamas militants by the idf. what did you see? >> well, they laid out a range of the weaponry they were able to collect from across the country. a lot of idf soldiers say they were completely shocked to see things like rpgs explosives fire bombs used on civilian homes typically this is something you would see to battlefield something that is still reverberating with them, exactly wa they expect to see in gaza. >> trace: lucas you have a military background clear. can you give us a background why is rally forces are taking their time moving into gaza? >> well, trace not only do these forces have to move on the take rain but also sub take rain with these tunnels. so the israeli forces are moving slowly methodically as they close in on gaza already approaching the gates of gaza city but not just clearing on the surface, they have to go below the surface as well. you cannot go too quickly, you have some kind of hamas death squad pop up behind you trace. >> trace: we talked about those tunnels, lucas thank you. steve, are there lessons learned from the ukraine war that the idf is taking into account here? >> i think we saw those steele cages on top of russian tanks to protect them from drone attacks in the ukraine war. we're seeing them again here with the israeli tanks. what strikes me is the disparity. i remember in afghanistan going into a bomb maker's house and there were sony play station controllers all over the place. if you have a weapon that costs $3 million and they can blow it up with something that costs $300 that's a big advantage. >> trace: steve thank you. bill sanctuary cities la new york chicago and denver sent president biden a letter asking for five billion bucks to help with the migrant crisis. >> so previously the biden administration asked congress for $1.4 billion to help these cities and states with the migrant surge. well the sanctuary cities sent biden a letter today saying mr. president we appreciate the 1.4 billion but it's not enough. we want $5 billion because, quote, our city budgets and local taxpayers continue to bare the brunt of this ongoing federal crisis. so essentially these sanctuary cities want the rest of the country to help foot the bill for their sanctuary policies. >> trace: kevin finally reports about the president receiving chinese money from his brother back in 2017. >> yeah, i think this is just the latest brick in the foundation of what will ultimately be an impeachment. >> trace: and i think it is one more step toward that. thank you all for your final thoughts and thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. continuing our breaking news coverage all week. we'll see you right back here tomorrow night. ♪ it could be psoriatic arthritis. both are believed to be caused by excess inflammation inside the body. get real with your dermatologist... ...and ask about real clear skin, today. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. my customer really relies on his car's advanced safety system. 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Somebody , Question , Terrorist Attack , Hezbollah , Officers , John Kirby , Cbb Bulletin , Trace , Matt Whitaker , Acting , Show , Bulletin , Watch , Statement , Weekend , People , Hundreds , Question Peter Trace , Nobody , Got Aways , More , Terrorist Watch List , Individuals , 12 , Place , Serious , Chills , Systems , Diligence , Attention , Spine , Something , Law Enforcement , Neighbors , Gaps , Groups , Terror , Cells , Idea , Visibility , Both , Intel , Code For , A Thousand , Israelis , Situation , Millions , Illegally , Known Got Aways , Number , Harm , Matter , Fact , U S Marshall , Kids , Border Trace , Stuff , Evidence , Southwest , 9 11 , Thoughts , Stomach , Citizen , Feeling , Fawn , Forces , Ground Oranges , Divisions , Defense Minister , Least , Goal , Israeli Army , Gaza Strip , Pushing Hamas All The Way To Sea , Two , Three , Israeli Defense Forces , Levels , Command , Enemy , Options , Directions , Either , Conditions , Action , Soldiers , Gates , Part , Assault , Advances , Cost , Gaza Operation , 16 , Targets , Air Strikes , Tanks Bulldozers , Vehicles , October 7th Massacre , Puma Clearing , 11000 , Yemen , Air Defense System , Missile Fire , Sea , Warships , Citizens , Children , Hostages , Defense , Mississippi , 32 , 240 , 10 , Front , Latest , Fight , Lebanon , Surface , Missile , Explosions , Artillery , Rockets , Arsenal , 2006 , Iran , Trust Safelite , Missiles , Region , Anywhere , Tens Of Thousands , Russian , 28th Attack , Katushas , 28 , Drone Attack , Back To You , Militias , Base , Syria , Casualties , Steve Harrigan , Iraq , Captain , Ra Anthony , Wall Street Journal Editorial Board , Intelligence Officer , Author , U S Army Reserve , Total Empire Retired , Massacres , Experience , Reprieve , Westerners , English , Students , General , Some , Dover , College , Campuses , Sickness , It , Minds , One , Officials , Plan , Land , Nation , Force , Bottom Line , Security , Catastrophe , Arab , Islamic , Move , On Gaza , In Gaza , Leadership , Hue Houtie , Objectsives , Joe Biden , Administration , Lot , Support , Signal , Terrorist Groups , Signals , Invasion , Analyst , Following , Need , Signaling , Government , New York Times , Quoting , Nasir , Six Day War , Militia , Wall , Policies , Behalf , Strategies , Resistance , Mode , Things , Response , Attacking , Northern Israel , Restraint , Truth , Money , Abe , Military Operation , Let S Go , Mo Of Iran , Program , 1967 , Six , 1973 , College Campuses , Operation Information Warfare , Jews , Way , Propaganda Trace , Friend , Free Gaza , Mass , Photo , Misinformation , Promulgating Pro , Las Vegas , Congress , Veterans , Run , Anti Semitism , Military Veterans , Job , Posters , Damages , New York , Faces , News Room , Jackie IbaÑez , Hi , Patrick Die , Police , Remains , Court , Appearance , Custody , Campus Stilling Reeling , Cornell University , 21 , Depression , New York Post , Back , Threats , Breaks , Son , School , Father , Making , The School S Kosher Dining Hall , Campus , Explosion , Complaint , Stab , Throats , Prison , Arrest , Five , Protests , Incidents , Plethora , Everything , Assaults , Professors , Credit , Bonus , U S Berkeley , War , Rallies , Kate , Anti Defamation League , Jacqui , 400 , Candidate , Phase , Jenny , Freedom Center At Independent Women S Forum , Faculty , Screen , Clermont College , California , Displacement , Domination , Violence , Phase Lie , Palestine , The Roots , Israeli Settler Colonialism , 75 , Thing , Claire Mount College Group , Apartheid , Military Occupation , Faculty Members , Culture , Education , Climate , 164 , Parents , Thinking , Isn T A Safe Environment For Jewish , Decisions , Environment , Student , Julie Raymond American Jewish Federation Committee , Students Aren T , Campus Trace , Matters , Rhetoric , Hatred , Kind , Flavor , Hating , Learning Institutions , Migrant , Don T , Hostage , Sound , Touch It , Bleep , Speech , Scum Bag , Hostage Kids , He Wasn T Doing Anything , Cities , Streets , Inclusion , Diversity Equity , Spaces , Behavior , Alternatives , Priority , Theirs , Law Firms , Letter , Sort , Veteran , Law School , Law Schools , Ahold , Deans , Ten , Breaking News , It S Time , Dichotomy , Investigation , Kevin Corke , Brother , Family , Head , Committee , Information , Dc , Lone Repayment , China , 2017 , 40000 , 0000 , James Comer , Sister In Law , Funds , Bank Account , Chinese , Findings , Check , Form , Blackmail , Twitter , Sex , Beijing , End , Office , Brothers , Adieu , Defenders , Nothing , Story , No One , Building , Brick , Foundation , Brother Money , Impeachment , Personal Banking , Hunter Biden , James Biden , Records , Bidens , Mike Davis , Family Bank , Bank , Senate Judiciary Committee , House Oversight Chairman , Documents , House Oversight Committee , Corruption , Loans , Bribes , 4 Million , 24 Million , Sir , Hundreds Of Americans , Update , 2014 , 2019 , Ground , Jonathan Hunt , Exit Times , Alex Hogan , Correspondents , Coverage , Symptoms , Antidepressant , Help , Lift , Vraylar , Depression Symptoms , Weight , Death , Studies , Changes , Antidepressants , Impact , Saw , Stroke , Dementia , Adults , Risk , Patients , Fever , Side Effects , Weight Gain , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Restlessness , Cholesterol , Muscles , Issues , Appetite , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Sleep , Dizziness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Fatigue , Treatment , Reporter , Families , Time , Left , Americans , Handful , Lance , Couple , Baby , Egypt , Massachusetts , Crossing , Embassy , In Cairo Is Standing , Raffa , 26 , System , Nationals , Orderly , Flow , Caution , Israeli Military , Weapons , Look , Strip , Att Attac , Houses , Battlefield , Civilians , North Korea , Questions , Game , Great Stuff Alex , Jerusalem , The Fog Of War , Troops , Peace Keeping Force , Potential , Involvement , Boots , Prime Minister , Senior Advisor , Answers , Answer , Troops Trace , Doesn T , Coalition , Term , Palestinian Authority , Authority , It Trace , Advisor , Taxpayer , Rally , Homes , Reel , Buildings , Billions , Focus , Finding , In Jerusalem , Incursion , Stlaebd , Tunnels , Network , Hunter Killer Teams , Chief National Security , Metro , 300 , Tunnel , Sense , Person , Direction Up , Verity , Down , Phobic , Expert , Bunker Buster Bombs , Major , Warfare , Recentlying , John Spencer , West Point , 230 , Feet , Concrete , Access , 2021 , 60 , 20 , 100 , Units , Walls , Train , Robots , Cars , Bombs , Night Vision , Type , Booby Traps , Gps , Ambient , Night Vision Goggles , Night Vision Capability Doesn T Work Underground , Sponge Bomb , Light , Sea Water , Sewage , Zero , Foam , Problem , Plastic Bag , Sewer Entrance , Tab , Chemicals , Host , Infantry Officer , Watchman , Second , Jennifer , Tbn Eric , Human Shields , Tunnel Threat , Undergrowth , Gaza Tunnels , Dangers , Tunnel Hole , Spiderwebs Beneath Gaza , City , Hezbollah Tunnel , Descending , Bowels , Lighting , Isn T Some Dirt Hole , Shell , Tunnel Concrete Heavy Machinery , 200 , Drones , Underground , Batch , Following Yemen S Hueies Militia , Aggression , Big Question , Israeli American , Houthis , Tehran , Regime , Hezbollah Fighteders , Snake , Ring Of Fire , Leader , North , Everyone , Missile Wise , Breath , Seeing , Anty , Pasts , Economy , Engagements , Dire Straits , 50 , Debate , Tim Scott , Thanks Trace , Power Rank , Prosecution , Weight Loss , Life , Golo , Aidyl , Oyo , 90 , 30 , Thanks , Closet , Announcer , Sizes , Forever , Golo Com , Fox News Power Rankings , Canned Gates , Republicanal , Power Rankings , Gop , Others , Territoried , Pains , Talking Heads , Sdmooeven , Everybody , Haley Combined , Runner , Vivek Down One , Desantis , Come , Shot , Challengers , Donald Trump , Four , Mind , Peek , Nominee Preference , Teens , Fund Raising , Haley Giving Chase , President , Trump , Receipts , Recap , Haley Up One , Surprise , Texas Rangers , Arizona Diamondbacks , Games , The Field , Sports Guy , 0 , 5 , Senator , Congrats , Congratulations , Debate Qualification , Go Rangers , Texas , South Carolina , Fifth , Iowa Caucuses , Backbone , Debate Stage , Messenger , Opportunity , Conversation , Estate , Event , Events , Showing , Doubt , Red Wave , On Iowa , Momentum , Plane , Allies , Ukraine , Test , Fighting , Dysfunction , Democracy , Can T , Washington , Case , Funding , Adversaries , America Decline , Ways , 14 Billion , 4 Billion , Interest , Accountability , Assistance , A Hundred Billion , Blood , Russian Military , Price , Resources , Much , Power , Liberals , Group , Issue , Gap , Demoralizing , Thank You , Luck , God Bless , End Of The World Series , Chase Field , Phoenix , Flaky , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Skin , Blood Tests , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaking , Doctors , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , 1 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Reactions , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Headache , Movie , Ting , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Rapture , David Jeremiah , Doctor , Strange , Video Footage , Mind Boggling , Christ , Globe , Lord , In The Air , Eye , Clouds , Twinkling , Instant , Planet , Incredible , Chaos , Glimpse , Glorious Joy In The Skies , Books , Disappearance , Chapters , Dr , Calendar , The Great Disappearance , God , 31 , Talk , Lucas Tomlinson Harrington , Recriminations , Politics , Orbit , Anybody , Benjamin Netanyahu , Doors , Army Leader , Failures , Tweet , Responsibility Trace , Militants , Netanyahu , Chance , The Beginning Of End , Weaponry , Orange , Rpgs Explosives , Military Background , Civilian Homes , Background , Rain , Pop Up , Lessons , Death Squad , Tanks , Steele Cages , Drone Attacks , Account , Top , Weapon , House , Disparity , Play Station Controllers , Bomb Maker , Sony , Afghanistan , 3 Million , Million , Crisis , States , Advantage , Bill Sanctuary Cities , Denver , Chicago , Five Billion , 1 4 Billion , 4 Billion , Five Billion Bucks , Sanctuary Cities , Taxpayers , Migrant Surge , Mr , Brunt , City Budgets , 5 Billion , Billion , Sanctuary Policies , Rest , Step , Watching America S Late News , Los Angeles , Breaking News Coverage , Inflammation , Body , Dermatologist , Instructor , Glass , Customer , Safety System , Car , Tech , Ringing , Alarm , Windshield , Back On The Road , Work , Experts , Camera , Vehicle , Safelite , Emergency Braking , Lane Departure Warning , Singers , Safelite Repair , Greg Gutfeldalong , Kellyanne Ay ,

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