> bret: i'm bret baier. elevated threats to the homeland co"> > bret: i'm bret baier. elevated threats to the homeland co" property="og:description"> > bret: i'm bret baier. elevated threats to the homeland co">

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240702 : comparemela.com

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240702

"america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off today. good morning, bret. >> bret: i'm bret baier. elevated threats to the homeland coming as a record number of people on the terror watch list were caught at the southern border last year. more than the previous six years combined. the white house yesterday dodging a question about the risk of foreign terrorists taking advantage of weak border security. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. all i can do is tell you that we have remained vigilant to that potential threat. >> dana: all this as we say a disturbing rise of anti-semitism of college campuses and cities across the u.s. police arresting an ivy league student for making violent threats against jewish students at cornell university. >> bret: senator josh hawley ahead. rich edson on similar cases in the u.s. government. david spunt has the elevate i had threat of attacks on u.s. soil. good morning. >> good morning. i have covered the f.b.i. director for several years now and christopher wray is not someone who is into flashy, inflammatory, dramatic rhetoric. he chooses his words very carefully and gave this sobering testimony yesterday before the senate panel and the public. >> here in the united states our most immediate concern is that violent extremists, individuals or small groups will draw inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks against americans going about their daily lives. >> wray has multiple investigations are underway. in some cases there are direct ties, some cases indirect ties. people inspired by hamas, raised concern about lone wolf attacks. >> we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas, or another foreign terrorist organization, may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. >> the director of the national counter terrorism center warned other terrorist organizations across the globe are watching and waiting. >> they are seeking to capitalize on this moment to galvanize supporters and organize for attacks. >> you mentioned the rise in anti-semitism across the country. the director of the f.b.i. told senators the jewish community is uniquely targeted by most terrorist organizations across the spectrum. >> a group that makes up 2.4% roughly of the american population, it should be jarring to everyone that same population accounts for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes. and so they need our help. >> when asked if the terrorist threat has increased since president biden took office in 2021, the f.b.i. director said yes but at the same time he added the caveat that law enforcement is better prepared. bret. >> bret: david spunt at the justice department. >> dana: the white house says there is no room for anti-semitism in america but turns out government employs several people known for making racist comments against jewish people and as calls grow to have them removed the west wing has, well, failed to answer. rich edson is live with the latest. hi. >> good morning, dana. fritz berg run is a blog poster. two weeks ago he wrote defending jews is siding with satan and mentioned jews as enemies. the state department has known about posts like this for years and he still works there. just this summer senator chuck grassley sent the state department a letter asking what he does for state? grassley says he got no response so this week he wrote secretary blinken again saying quote, he has reportedly published anti-semitic and racist comment on the public website and involved in the visa ajudd indication process at the state department. he said it's tough to stay employed when a u.s. senator publicly demands one's termination. state department views this blog as anti-semitic, racist. homophobic and abhorrent but cannot comment on personnel matters. state department says it is focused on fighting anti-semitism. >> we will continue to root -- because of privacy reasons can't speak to an individual employee's case. >> senate hearing yesterday in letters to homeland security secretary several republicans are demanding dhs fire an immigration officers who pointed anti-semitic rhetoric on several social media pages following the october 7th terrorist attacks on israel. state department or the department of homeland security says she is on administrative leave. back at state secretary blinken meets with saudi arabia's defense minister, travels to israel friday. >> dana: rich edson, thank you for the update. >> is this typical of people who work at dhs? an assume and immigration officer posting the pro-genocidal slogans and images on the day that israelis are being slaughtered in their beds. what have you done about this? >> your question to suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the department of homeland security is despicable. >> i'm sorry, this person works for the department of homeland security. have you fired her? you have employees celebrating genocide and you say it's despicable for me to ask the question? has she been fired? >> she has been placed on administrative leave. >> she has not been fired? >> bret: our next guest over anti-semitic comments posted by homeland security officer on social media as rich just mentioned. josh hawley, republican on the homeland security committee. senator hawley, thanks for being on. want to get your reaction to that back and forth and what you took away from that exchange. >> what i took away, bret, is this individual is still on the payroll of dhs which means she is getting paid with u.s. taxpayer dollars and quebecly concerning. she is an asylum and immigration officer who posted on linkedin that she handles many refugee cases. i asked the secretary how many cases has she handled and handled cases involving jewish applicants and handled applicants who may have ties to hamas? he wouldn't answer me. i said have you conducted a review of all her cases? i think the answer is no. this is extraordinary to have this kind of a person on the payroll deciding these critical cases and dhs doesn't appear to be doing anything about it. >> bret: you've grilled secretary mayokas before on border questions. there is no love lost there. i think you've called for him to step aside. after that exchange, he had this response. take a listen. >> perhaps he does not know that i am the child of a holocaust survivor. perhaps he does not know that my mother lost almost all her family at the hands of the nazis. and so i find his adversarial tone to be entirely misplaced. i do not expect an apology but i did want to say what i just articulate i had. >> bret: did it change your perception after he said that? >> i find his evasiveness unacceptable and frankly the idea that he would try to insulate himself from accountability. we're talking about people employed at his department. we are talking about people who are under his charge. his responsibility to the american public and yes, to jewish americans who frankly, bret, fear for their lives and to know that there is a pro-terrorist, pro-hamas sympathizer making immigration and asylum decisions, and to have no answer and no response taken no meaningful action is totally inexcusable. he clearly had no answers yesterday. >> dana: great to have you on the show. i want to ask you about the funding fight to come that is underway right now on capitol hill. the "wall street journal" writes this. the biden administration has a spending choice, guns or butter, saying that biden now wants congress to help allies win two wars abroad and defer a third over taiwan yet wants to continue to spend on everything as if nothing in the world has changed. do you have ideas on where you would like to see some significant cuts in the budget if the wars are to get funded? >> listen, i thought the house's idea to cut the 87,000 i.r.s. agents who biden should never have hired in the first place is a good idea. if we can use that money to help our ally israel. so much the bert. in terms of our priority israel is facing a threat. everybody agrees israel needs aid. we should get it done immediately, this week. let's get that done and we can talk about ukraine, the border, taiwan, all the other things the administration has asked for. one other thing i'm a hard no on any funding for gaza until every american hostage is home. that money will go into the hands of hamas terrorists. three holding our hostages. those good americans need to come home. >> dana: interesting you bring that up. i read this morning that secretary blinken writes an op-ed in the "washington post" israel needs the aid but says the humanitarian aid must go to gaza as well. i can see your point. it is not as if the britts were providing humanitarian aid to german civilians. a lot of pushback. is it possible you could get this funding through with just the military aid to israel? >> i think so. i think it is possible and i think that's the thing to do. we need to aid our ally an partner israel right now. my position on gaza is this. that money will go into the hands of hamas. hamas is the effective government in gaza. just yesterday secretary blinken testified before the senate that there would inevitably be some i think he used the word spillage of the money, any aid to gaza into the hands of terrorists. why do that when they hold our hostages? >> bret: quickly we had the ambassador to ukraine on earlier saying clear and simple if we don't support ukraine, russia will win? do you agree? >> we have supported ukraine, bret. to the tune of 113 billion. i'm not in favor of additional funding to ukraine particularly not when, number one, there is no watchdog tracking all the money. we need an accounting of every dime spent in ukraine. administration tells us they have significant corruption concerns. let's see where our money is being spent. european allies have spent far below particularly on military aid to ukraine. we have to say to them they must take the lead in defending ukraine and in defending the european continent. we have to shift our focus militarily to the pacific. we're going to have to do that sooner or later and need to level with them right now and say they have to step up and take the lead. >> bret: we appreciate your time this morning. thank you. >> dana: so many issues. donald trump junior is expected to take the stand today in the 250 million fraud trial against his father and the trump business empire. the former president and three of his adult children are scheduled to testify over the coming weeks. nate foye is on this story live at the courthouse this morning. hi, nate. >> good morning. donald trump junior is scheduled to testify in today's afternoon session ahead of his brother, eric's testimony which is scheduled for tomorrow. both of the older trump sons are co-defendants in this case alongside their father former president donald trump. all three deny any wrongdoing and this morning former president trump is criticizing the judge in the case on truth social. take a look at the two posts from this morning. one writing quote, i'm being railroaded at a level never seen before. when cohen admitted the whole case was a lie he, speaking of the judge, didn't care. trump also writing quote, leave my children alone, anger on. you are a disgrace to the legal profession. don junior is an executive at the trump organization and new york attorney general james is accusing him and other trump organization executives of fraudulently overvaluing properties to receive better bank loans. ivanka trump is the only sibling not named as a defendant in the case anymore. she originally was. an appeals court dismissed the case against her because of the statute of limitations. however, she will still have to testify next week after the judge denied her request to void a subpoena compelling her to testifying. the former president says new york attorney general james is harassing him and his children. he maintains he is being politically persecuted and that his properties are actually more valuable than were listed. while james says the case proves that no one is above the law. the morning session is set to begin in moments. two witnesses who will testify before don junior is expected to take the stand this afternoon. send it back to you. >> dana: nate foye at the courthouse. thank you. >> bret: intense face-to-face combat on the ground as israeli troops dive deeper into gaza to root out hamas terrorists. >> dana: a lot of fighting is in a civilian area where israel says hamas leaders use residential buildings as command centers. >> bret: as pressure grows, the rafah crossing has owned up for the first time since the war began. >> every dollar of aid that goes into the gaza strip is controlled by hamas. they either tax it, direct it or divert it. , the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium 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family and home. >> bret: new information just in from israeli defense officials confirming 15 soldiers have been killed in gaza since the start of ground operations. trey yengst is live in southern israel with the latest. trey. >> good morning. we continue to get very difficult news from inside gaza. we just heard gunfire a few moments ago. israelis are engaged in intense battles with hamas militants. we are learning more from the defense minister, a man i met with yesterday about what the israelis are doing as they look to destroy hamas leadership. telling fox news that the idf has created a special operation room to hunt down anyone who was involved in the october 7th massacre that start evidence this conflict that erupted 26 days ago. we have do have the new video of idf forces operating in the strip behind me. they have been engaged in gun battles and according to the military a number of soldiers were hit with rpgs and anti-tank guided missiles resulting in many casualties for the israelis. they say at least 15 soldiers were killed yesterday. as they continue to push deeper into the gaza strip we understand the israelis are using that critical air support to help the infantry troops operating inside gaza. yesterday the refugee camp was the focus of operations. they killed a hamas commander, a man responsible for the october 7th massacre in part and also responsible for the attacks on israeli forces currently inside the strip. but the israelis are getting a lot of questions about the number of civilian casualties associated with those strikes. we do expect that number to rise as well. one piece of positive news, though amid the tragic story, the rafah crossing between gaza and egypt open today and injured palestinians were able to cross in ambulances taken to egyptian hospitals where they can receive further medical care. we understand as part of this deal negotiated by qatar and egypt that hundreds of foreign nationals can make their way out of gaza to safety. bret. >> bret: we've seen iranian proxy forces attacking or trying to attack u.s. forces in the region. 28 attacks in the past couple of weeks. what we haven't talked about a lot is the iranian proxies like the houthis in yemen firing on israel but israel stopping those attacks. one even yesterday. >> yeah, bret. absolutely. the iranian backed houthi rebels in yemen fired a ballistic missile at israel yesterday forcing the country to use their secondary missile defense system the arrow system. a successful interception. cruise missiles were launched toward israel. this has basically caused the israelis to shift to another front. they are moving warships to the red sea so they are able to use american intelligence and u.s. warships, get the information and shoot down any threats that would come from yemen. it gives you a sense of the iranian proxies across the region. you have hamas and islamic jihad inside gaza. houthis in yemen. militia's in iraq and syria and iranian regime that continues to threaten the jewish state. the conflict is on the brink of unraveling while the israelis focus on the battle behind me they have to keep their eye on the other areas that are developing. >> dana: as you heard trey just report israel said its forces struck a hamas stronghold. israel says its forces rooted out a large number of terrorists taken control of civilian buildings. the assault killed a hamas commander who helped lead the october 7th terror attack. former idf general joins us now. the hamas leadership decides to hide amongst civilians. and israel is determined to make sure that the attack that happened on october 7th can never happen again. israel can give lots of warnings to the civilians. i don't know if heed them. israel takes actions when they know they can get a commander? >> first of all, we do all we can to notify the population and warn them and ask them and leave all the corridors open for them to go to the south. there is a whole region in the south that is a secure area that israel does not attack and there are some humanitarian efforts, there is water, food, medical aid over there and the population has been asked to go over there. i think that by the way, most of the population in gaza have left. but there are still something like a few hundreds of thousands of people over there and we still apply to them all the time because now the idf is heavily engaged in gaza and the lack of engagement in all of metropolitan gaza and we still push and ask the population to go down to the south and hopefully this is what they are going to follow. >> dana: john kirby from the white house had this to say yesterday about the calls for a cease-fire. >> right now is not the time for a general cease-fire. it is, however, the time to consider pauses in the fighting long enough so that folks like your relatives and family members can get this incredibly needed humanitarian assistance and perhaps a way to get out. >> dana: general. the humanitarian assistance is often going to hamas and not the civilians. >> it is correct, but i think that surrounding the area of metropolitan gaza will prevent any humanitarian materials to go up to hamas especially in gaza city, the gaza area. but yes, absolutely, we understand that some of it might fall into the hands of the hamas but still, we are trying to do whatever can be done in order not to damage, collateral damage but it is a war and we have to keep on putting the pressure on hamas. we still have 240 people captured by hamas, still hiding in the main bunkers and sending their people, you know, to engage with the idf. so it is a complex situation. there is nothing -- it is not something clear, it is a war. >> dana: it is indeed. thank you for joining us today as we keep an eye on the developments in gaza today. thank you. >> thank you, dana. >> should be able to walk around campus, should be able to talk about their opinions and should not be able to hurt other people and prevent them from living their lives and getting an education. >> bret: jewish students at one of america's universities living in fear. so how widespread is anti-semitism at cornell? plus the house weighing a resolution that would censor rashida tlaib. would it split the caucus? a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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>> i view her as being the leaders of the hamas caucus. if you are a sitting united states congress person and you cannot condemn the acts of hamas, if you cannot condemn the worst act we've seen since the holocaust why are you even in congress and how do you even call yourself an american? i'm glad we're taking this round. we'll expose these people for exactly who they are. if you are not willing to condemn what hamas did to these people in israel, i'm sorry, i cannot believe i can call you a colleague of mine. >> bret: the house speaker had a different take. listen to speaker johnson. >> the price of free speech, the way our system works sometimes we have to be exposed to ideas that are crazy and we don't agree with. i always remind my colleagues we're not in the censureship business. the left is the ones who want to sensor people they disagree with. >> a big fan of our new speaker and congratulate him for this role. he is the right man for the job. this is where we need to have a serious conversation between the difference of hate speech and free speech. we look at what is happening in schools across the country and you see that when you see leaders in the halls of congress unable to condemn the aches of hamas. we're the leaders of this country and create laws in this country. young people will watch that and we will set the tone and example of what we're seeing after that. my issue is this. if you are a congresswoman or congressman, you should be able to condemn the acts of a terrorist organization. >> bret: wesley hunt, we appreciate your time this morning. >> god bless you. appreciate you having me. >> dana: bret, president biden is heading to minnesota today. he will try to show how bidenomics is helping rural americans. that might be a tough sell convincing the heartland his agenda is working. he will give it a shot. griff jenkins is live in northfield, minnesota. hi, griff. >> good morning. we're at the dutch creek farms where they grow corn and soybeans and raise hogs. when the president gets here he will be met by winter. in the low teens, snow on the ground. also making his first official visit since he got a primary challenger in congressman dean phillips. now dean phillips third congressional district in minnesota is northwest of us by a matter of miles. it is no coincidence, perhaps, the president is making this visit to tout his bidenomics plan and specifically his rural investing in america. now, when the president gets here we expect him to make an announcement of some $5 billion in new rural investments of which 1.7 billion will be climate smart engineering. this farm specifically does use some techniques that are considered climate smart farming. but you are right about the hard sell to americans because fox news poll shows more than six in ten don't think that his economic plan is working with a 62% disapproval, just 37% approving. but we shall see if he can make the case here in rural minnesota. meanwhile, he will also be met by protestors. there will be people from care, the council on islamic relations minnesota chapter will meet him at the airport and coming here to this farm to protest him. now after the president wraps up remarks here at the farm, he will go back to minneapolis where he has a fundraiser, do a little of that and then head back. that's the situation on the ground. we'll bring you more as we get it. >> dana: i can't remember what the teens feels like. i will be reminded this winter but i wish you well as you get inside. thank you. >> bret: that does look cold. millions are turning to social media in hopes of better understanding the brutal war unfolding in israel as they move into gaza. pro-palestinian videos are flooding user's feeds now. is that information tilted and has it become a social media pr battle? 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(we did it) start today at godaddy.com >> dana: years of pro-palestinian tiktok videos are receiving four times as many views as pro-israel posts. young users are steering the conversation. who is fact checking? joining us anchor of "the story" martha maccallum. i interviewed a young woman yesterday at columbia, josh, a student there. she has thoughts about this on social media. watch here. >> when it comes to the undergraduate students and young people, social media is the reason. it is not at least one of the reasons. it is not sole reason why we're seeing what we're seeing. it is what happens when you get your education and information on tiktok and instagram and other forms of social media. i've heard people use the word brainwash. >> dana: because the tiktok narrative is so anti-israel the engagement fly well encourages creators to support the narrative because it gets the most attention and creating anti-israel contents help them increase their following. >> i don't think i can say it better than your guest yesterday. it really does go back to the social media learned behavior of just clicking through things and signing on and getting on board these ideas which are just really empty, right? hashtag is meaningless unless you understand what it is to stand with palestinian or what it is to stand with israel. there is an enormous lack of education in the country that i think is now coming home to roost in a scary way. a lot of these things were sort of interest in how behavior is changing but we learn what the impact of that is. a lot of jewish students go to hebrew school and have an intense learning process outside of the classroom. but for many other students, that isn't happening and that is what we're seeing here. >> dana: a journalist wrote yesterday tiktok's propaganda helps convince an entire generation to support the massacre of does. what will it do when we need to stand up to china? a lot of social media content in china is very anti-semitic right now. >> i saw something this morning how they removed the name israel on the map on certain chinese political maps. this is a very scary situation. it is a fight for civilization, for western civilization. i think you see all of these places popping with the understanding that there is a vulnerability happening. a moment to grab people's attention in the world and just one other mention on tiktok they say we don't want to be about politics but about fun. these posts, though, are dwarfed. 1989 taylor swift version game out on friday. 844 million views. 325,000 posts. that compares with stand with palestinian and stand with israel 5,000 or 10,000 posts. no compareson in terms of what is sucking people's attention. that's a problem, too. because people are not spending time learning about really what's going on in the world. >> dana: yesterday we had a chance to turn the tables a bit where i could interview you on your podcast the untold story about the videos you watched with the fellow journalists at the israeli consulate last week. it was posted before you walked out. >> they had gopros on their heads and they got on motorcycles. they wanted the world to see what they were doing and it was intentionally barbaric. you see so much blood and so much shooting, but these -- the children, hearing these children is the thing that i can't get out of my head. >> dana: that posted today and i hope everyone has a chance to listen to the whole story. >> how about if we talk about it together? it is not easy to talk about and it is just -- it is nothing like what these people actually experienced watching it is nothing like what they experienced. i so appreciate you taking the time to do that. >> dana: check that out. we appreciate the israelis inviting you to do that as well. we'll see you at 3:00 on "the story." >> bret: i want to listen to that, too. sam bankman-fried getting a final chance to make his case for the jury today as closing arguments he get underway. what the prosecution has to say about where all the money went. good luck. some of those rates can be 12 to 15% or higher. our rates are a fraction of what some of those banks charge. veterans across the country are using the newday 100 va loan to get cash to update and improve their homes. whether you need to replace your roof windows or hvac or want to upgrade to your dream kitchen, call newday. this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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"the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: both sides resting their case in the criminal fraud trial of sam bankman-fried with closing arguments now underway. let's get to fox business kelly o'grady live outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. hi, kelly. >> hi, dana. yes, closing arguments very dramatic as each side makes their case to the jury one final time. prosecution began by asking jurors to consider three simple questions, where did the money go? what happened? what is responsible? their answer is sam bankman-fried and attacking testimony saying he lied to jurors and highlighted he was a different person earn cross examination. it is hard to believe he couldn't remember countless details as his time of ceo. yesterday he talked himself in circles as the prosecution tried to trap him recanting previous statement. he admitted doing nothing when discovering $8 billion missing. he claimed he didn't want to assume blame but tweeting telling customers their assets were fine. the prosecution will continue for the next couple of hours bringing the question of whether he knew taking that money was wrong. they are saying he did. he did it because he thought he was smarter and it is a powerful moment. that stops with you today and we'll soon see if that's the case. >> dana: a lot of behind the scenes articles about the trial. i will dig into those later. thanks, kelly. >> bret: a shocking addition on the front lines of pro-palestinian protests. members of the lgbtq plus community showing their support. mike emanuel is live with more. >> good morning. some suggestion it is quite a contradiction since gay and trans fender people in the west back face persecution. a pro-palestinian rail eels we spotted some people marching queers for a free palestinian even though homosexual relations is outlined and open homosexual violates standard there. it mocked a post from a protestor holding a palestinian flag writing looking forward to seeing hamas raise the rainbow flag across gaza as a thank you for your solidarity. israeli american gay rights activist says lgtbq people marching for the palestinians are uneducated. >> israel is the ones who would save them from hamas and other palestinians groups. first they have to understand this is a fight for freedom. a fight for freedom and equality goes together. >> on the other side some argue if you liberate the palestinian territories it would free up queer palestinians to live their lives. for now lgbtq palestinians have sought work permits and stay permits in israel. bret. >> bret: thank you. this is a really tense time and i think it is shocking to a lot of people what's happening on college campuses, what's happening at the protests. i think it's almost eye opening for a lot of folks. >> dana: i think so, too. you have covered a lot of stories and everything is happening all at once. this one feels like there is a lot happening. i think the social media aspect that martha and i were talking about really does exemplify the huge problems. you get the content that you get partly because of your search history and then you get more of it. the point that the former tineder executive said if you post anti-israeli tiktok videos you'll get more followers so that the incentive is to keep doing that, bret. it's certainly a concern. i don't know what we do about it. maybe counter it with more videos, perhaps. i think that might be the only way. great to have you today. thank you so much. see you at 6:00 and see you at five. >> harris: america's top law enforcement official with a warning. another 9/11 could become

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"america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. bill hemmer is off today. good morning, bret. >> bret: i'm bret baier. elevated threats to the homeland coming as a record number of people on the terror watch list were caught at the southern border last year. more than the previous six years combined. the white house yesterday dodging a question about the risk of foreign terrorists taking advantage of weak border security. >> is it possible that somebody who wants to commit a terrorist attack during a time of elevated threat crossed the southern border into the united states already? >> i couldn't possibly answer that question, peter. all i can do is tell you that we have remained vigilant to that potential threat. >> dana: all this as we say a disturbing rise of anti-semitism of college campuses and cities across the u.s. police arresting an ivy league student for making violent threats against jewish students at cornell university. >> bret: senator josh hawley ahead. rich edson on similar cases in the u.s. government. david spunt has the elevate i had threat of attacks on u.s. soil. good morning. >> good morning. i have covered the f.b.i. director for several years now and christopher wray is not someone who is into flashy, inflammatory, dramatic rhetoric. he chooses his words very carefully and gave this sobering testimony yesterday before the senate panel and the public. >> here in the united states our most immediate concern is that violent extremists, individuals or small groups will draw inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks against americans going about their daily lives. >> wray has multiple investigations are underway. in some cases there are direct ties, some cases indirect ties. people inspired by hamas, raised concern about lone wolf attacks. >> we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas, or another foreign terrorist organization, may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. >> the director of the national counter terrorism center warned other terrorist organizations across the globe are watching and waiting. >> they are seeking to capitalize on this moment to galvanize supporters and organize for attacks. >> you mentioned the rise in anti-semitism across the country. the director of the f.b.i. told senators the jewish community is uniquely targeted by most terrorist organizations across the spectrum. >> a group that makes up 2.4% roughly of the american population, it should be jarring to everyone that same population accounts for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes. and so they need our help. >> when asked if the terrorist threat has increased since president biden took office in 2021, the f.b.i. director said yes but at the same time he added the caveat that law enforcement is better prepared. bret. >> bret: david spunt at the justice department. >> dana: the white house says there is no room for anti-semitism in america but turns out government employs several people known for making racist comments against jewish people and as calls grow to have them removed the west wing has, well, failed to answer. rich edson is live with the latest. hi. >> good morning, dana. fritz berg run is a blog poster. two weeks ago he wrote defending jews is siding with satan and mentioned jews as enemies. the state department has known about posts like this for years and he still works there. just this summer senator chuck grassley sent the state department a letter asking what he does for state? grassley says he got no response so this week he wrote secretary blinken again saying quote, he has reportedly published anti-semitic and racist comment on the public website and involved in the visa ajudd indication process at the state department. he said it's tough to stay employed when a u.s. senator publicly demands one's termination. state department views this blog as anti-semitic, racist. homophobic and abhorrent but cannot comment on personnel matters. state department says it is focused on fighting anti-semitism. >> we will continue to root -- because of privacy reasons can't speak to an individual employee's case. >> senate hearing yesterday in letters to homeland security secretary several republicans are demanding dhs fire an immigration officers who pointed anti-semitic rhetoric on several social media pages following the october 7th terrorist attacks on israel. state department or the department of homeland security says she is on administrative leave. back at state secretary blinken meets with saudi arabia's defense minister, travels to israel friday. >> dana: rich edson, thank you for the update. >> is this typical of people who work at dhs? an assume and immigration officer posting the pro-genocidal slogans and images on the day that israelis are being slaughtered in their beds. what have you done about this? >> your question to suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the department of homeland security is despicable. >> i'm sorry, this person works for the department of homeland security. have you fired her? you have employees celebrating genocide and you say it's despicable for me to ask the question? has she been fired? >> she has been placed on administrative leave. >> she has not been fired? >> bret: our next guest over anti-semitic comments posted by homeland security officer on social media as rich just mentioned. josh hawley, republican on the homeland security committee. senator hawley, thanks for being on. want to get your reaction to that back and forth and what you took away from that exchange. >> what i took away, bret, is this individual is still on the payroll of dhs which means she is getting paid with u.s. taxpayer dollars and quebecly concerning. she is an asylum and immigration officer who posted on linkedin that she handles many refugee cases. i asked the secretary how many cases has she handled and handled cases involving jewish applicants and handled applicants who may have ties to hamas? he wouldn't answer me. i said have you conducted a review of all her cases? i think the answer is no. this is extraordinary to have this kind of a person on the payroll deciding these critical cases and dhs doesn't appear to be doing anything about it. >> bret: you've grilled secretary mayokas before on border questions. there is no love lost there. i think you've called for him to step aside. after that exchange, he had this response. take a listen. >> perhaps he does not know that i am the child of a holocaust survivor. perhaps he does not know that my mother lost almost all her family at the hands of the nazis. and so i find his adversarial tone to be entirely misplaced. i do not expect an apology but i did want to say what i just articulate i had. >> bret: did it change your perception after he said that? >> i find his evasiveness unacceptable and frankly the idea that he would try to insulate himself from accountability. we're talking about people employed at his department. we are talking about people who are under his charge. his responsibility to the american public and yes, to jewish americans who frankly, bret, fear for their lives and to know that there is a pro-terrorist, pro-hamas sympathizer making immigration and asylum decisions, and to have no answer and no response taken no meaningful action is totally inexcusable. he clearly had no answers yesterday. >> dana: great to have you on the show. i want to ask you about the funding fight to come that is underway right now on capitol hill. the "wall street journal" writes this. the biden administration has a spending choice, guns or butter, saying that biden now wants congress to help allies win two wars abroad and defer a third over taiwan yet wants to continue to spend on everything as if nothing in the world has changed. do you have ideas on where you would like to see some significant cuts in the budget if the wars are to get funded? >> listen, i thought the house's idea to cut the 87,000 i.r.s. agents who biden should never have hired in the first place is a good idea. if we can use that money to help our ally israel. so much the bert. in terms of our priority israel is facing a threat. everybody agrees israel needs aid. we should get it done immediately, this week. let's get that done and we can talk about ukraine, the border, taiwan, all the other things the administration has asked for. one other thing i'm a hard no on any funding for gaza until every american hostage is home. that money will go into the hands of hamas terrorists. three holding our hostages. those good americans need to come home. >> dana: interesting you bring that up. i read this morning that secretary blinken writes an op-ed in the "washington post" israel needs the aid but says the humanitarian aid must go to gaza as well. i can see your point. it is not as if the britts were providing humanitarian aid to german civilians. a lot of pushback. is it possible you could get this funding through with just the military aid to israel? >> i think so. i think it is possible and i think that's the thing to do. we need to aid our ally an partner israel right now. my position on gaza is this. that money will go into the hands of hamas. hamas is the effective government in gaza. just yesterday secretary blinken testified before the senate that there would inevitably be some i think he used the word spillage of the money, any aid to gaza into the hands of terrorists. why do that when they hold our hostages? >> bret: quickly we had the ambassador to ukraine on earlier saying clear and simple if we don't support ukraine, russia will win? do you agree? >> we have supported ukraine, bret. to the tune of 113 billion. i'm not in favor of additional funding to ukraine particularly not when, number one, there is no watchdog tracking all the money. we need an accounting of every dime spent in ukraine. administration tells us they have significant corruption concerns. let's see where our money is being spent. european allies have spent far below particularly on military aid to ukraine. we have to say to them they must take the lead in defending ukraine and in defending the european continent. we have to shift our focus militarily to the pacific. we're going to have to do that sooner or later and need to level with them right now and say they have to step up and take the lead. >> bret: we appreciate your time this morning. thank you. >> dana: so many issues. donald trump junior is expected to take the stand today in the 250 million fraud trial against his father and the trump business empire. the former president and three of his adult children are scheduled to testify over the coming weeks. nate foye is on this story live at the courthouse this morning. hi, nate. >> good morning. donald trump junior is scheduled to testify in today's afternoon session ahead of his brother, eric's testimony which is scheduled for tomorrow. both of the older trump sons are co-defendants in this case alongside their father former president donald trump. all three deny any wrongdoing and this morning former president trump is criticizing the judge in the case on truth social. take a look at the two posts from this morning. one writing quote, i'm being railroaded at a level never seen before. when cohen admitted the whole case was a lie he, speaking of the judge, didn't care. trump also writing quote, leave my children alone, anger on. you are a disgrace to the legal profession. don junior is an executive at the trump organization and new york attorney general james is accusing him and other trump organization executives of fraudulently overvaluing properties to receive better bank loans. ivanka trump is the only sibling not named as a defendant in the case anymore. she originally was. an appeals court dismissed the case against her because of the statute of limitations. however, she will still have to testify next week after the judge denied her request to void a subpoena compelling her to testifying. the former president says new york attorney general james is harassing him and his children. he maintains he is being politically persecuted and that his properties are actually more valuable than were listed. while james says the case proves that no one is above the law. the morning session is set to begin in moments. two witnesses who will testify before don junior is expected to take the stand this afternoon. send it back to you. >> dana: nate foye at the courthouse. thank you. >> bret: intense face-to-face combat on the ground as israeli troops dive deeper into gaza to root out hamas terrorists. >> dana: a lot of fighting is in a civilian area where israel says hamas leaders use residential buildings as command centers. >> bret: as pressure grows, the rafah crossing has owned up for the first time since the war began. >> every dollar of aid that goes into the gaza strip is controlled by hamas. they either tax it, direct it or divert it. , the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium 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family and home. >> bret: new information just in from israeli defense officials confirming 15 soldiers have been killed in gaza since the start of ground operations. trey yengst is live in southern israel with the latest. trey. >> good morning. we continue to get very difficult news from inside gaza. we just heard gunfire a few moments ago. israelis are engaged in intense battles with hamas militants. we are learning more from the defense minister, a man i met with yesterday about what the israelis are doing as they look to destroy hamas leadership. telling fox news that the idf has created a special operation room to hunt down anyone who was involved in the october 7th massacre that start evidence this conflict that erupted 26 days ago. we have do have the new video of idf forces operating in the strip behind me. they have been engaged in gun battles and according to the military a number of soldiers were hit with rpgs and anti-tank guided missiles resulting in many casualties for the israelis. they say at least 15 soldiers were killed yesterday. as they continue to push deeper into the gaza strip we understand the israelis are using that critical air support to help the infantry troops operating inside gaza. yesterday the refugee camp was the focus of operations. they killed a hamas commander, a man responsible for the october 7th massacre in part and also responsible for the attacks on israeli forces currently inside the strip. but the israelis are getting a lot of questions about the number of civilian casualties associated with those strikes. we do expect that number to rise as well. one piece of positive news, though amid the tragic story, the rafah crossing between gaza and egypt open today and injured palestinians were able to cross in ambulances taken to egyptian hospitals where they can receive further medical care. we understand as part of this deal negotiated by qatar and egypt that hundreds of foreign nationals can make their way out of gaza to safety. bret. >> bret: we've seen iranian proxy forces attacking or trying to attack u.s. forces in the region. 28 attacks in the past couple of weeks. what we haven't talked about a lot is the iranian proxies like the houthis in yemen firing on israel but israel stopping those attacks. one even yesterday. >> yeah, bret. absolutely. the iranian backed houthi rebels in yemen fired a ballistic missile at israel yesterday forcing the country to use their secondary missile defense system the arrow system. a successful interception. cruise missiles were launched toward israel. this has basically caused the israelis to shift to another front. they are moving warships to the red sea so they are able to use american intelligence and u.s. warships, get the information and shoot down any threats that would come from yemen. it gives you a sense of the iranian proxies across the region. you have hamas and islamic jihad inside gaza. houthis in yemen. militia's in iraq and syria and iranian regime that continues to threaten the jewish state. the conflict is on the brink of unraveling while the israelis focus on the battle behind me they have to keep their eye on the other areas that are developing. >> dana: as you heard trey just report israel said its forces struck a hamas stronghold. israel says its forces rooted out a large number of terrorists taken control of civilian buildings. the assault killed a hamas commander who helped lead the october 7th terror attack. former idf general joins us now. the hamas leadership decides to hide amongst civilians. and israel is determined to make sure that the attack that happened on october 7th can never happen again. israel can give lots of warnings to the civilians. i don't know if heed them. israel takes actions when they know they can get a commander? >> first of all, we do all we can to notify the population and warn them and ask them and leave all the corridors open for them to go to the south. there is a whole region in the south that is a secure area that israel does not attack and there are some humanitarian efforts, there is water, food, medical aid over there and the population has been asked to go over there. i think that by the way, most of the population in gaza have left. but there are still something like a few hundreds of thousands of people over there and we still apply to them all the time because now the idf is heavily engaged in gaza and the lack of engagement in all of metropolitan gaza and we still push and ask the population to go down to the south and hopefully this is what they are going to follow. >> dana: john kirby from the white house had this to say yesterday about the calls for a cease-fire. >> right now is not the time for a general cease-fire. it is, however, the time to consider pauses in the fighting long enough so that folks like your relatives and family members can get this incredibly needed humanitarian assistance and perhaps a way to get out. >> dana: general. the humanitarian assistance is often going to hamas and not the civilians. >> it is correct, but i think that surrounding the area of metropolitan gaza will prevent any humanitarian materials to go up to hamas especially in gaza city, the gaza area. but yes, absolutely, we understand that some of it might fall into the hands of the hamas but still, we are trying to do whatever can be done in order not to damage, collateral damage but it is a war and we have to keep on putting the pressure on hamas. we still have 240 people captured by hamas, still hiding in the main bunkers and sending their people, you know, to engage with the idf. so it is a complex situation. there is nothing -- it is not something clear, it is a war. >> dana: it is indeed. thank you for joining us today as we keep an eye on the developments in gaza today. thank you. >> thank you, dana. >> should be able to walk around campus, should be able to talk about their opinions and should not be able to hurt other people and prevent them from living their lives and getting an education. >> bret: jewish students at one of america's universities living in fear. so how widespread is anti-semitism at cornell? plus the house weighing a resolution that would censor rashida tlaib. would it split the caucus? a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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>> i view her as being the leaders of the hamas caucus. if you are a sitting united states congress person and you cannot condemn the acts of hamas, if you cannot condemn the worst act we've seen since the holocaust why are you even in congress and how do you even call yourself an american? i'm glad we're taking this round. we'll expose these people for exactly who they are. if you are not willing to condemn what hamas did to these people in israel, i'm sorry, i cannot believe i can call you a colleague of mine. >> bret: the house speaker had a different take. listen to speaker johnson. >> the price of free speech, the way our system works sometimes we have to be exposed to ideas that are crazy and we don't agree with. i always remind my colleagues we're not in the censureship business. the left is the ones who want to sensor people they disagree with. >> a big fan of our new speaker and congratulate him for this role. he is the right man for the job. this is where we need to have a serious conversation between the difference of hate speech and free speech. we look at what is happening in schools across the country and you see that when you see leaders in the halls of congress unable to condemn the aches of hamas. we're the leaders of this country and create laws in this country. young people will watch that and we will set the tone and example of what we're seeing after that. my issue is this. if you are a congresswoman or congressman, you should be able to condemn the acts of a terrorist organization. >> bret: wesley hunt, we appreciate your time this morning. >> god bless you. appreciate you having me. >> dana: bret, president biden is heading to minnesota today. he will try to show how bidenomics is helping rural americans. that might be a tough sell convincing the heartland his agenda is working. he will give it a shot. griff jenkins is live in northfield, minnesota. hi, griff. >> good morning. we're at the dutch creek farms where they grow corn and soybeans and raise hogs. when the president gets here he will be met by winter. in the low teens, snow on the ground. also making his first official visit since he got a primary challenger in congressman dean phillips. now dean phillips third congressional district in minnesota is northwest of us by a matter of miles. it is no coincidence, perhaps, the president is making this visit to tout his bidenomics plan and specifically his rural investing in america. now, when the president gets here we expect him to make an announcement of some $5 billion in new rural investments of which 1.7 billion will be climate smart engineering. this farm specifically does use some techniques that are considered climate smart farming. but you are right about the hard sell to americans because fox news poll shows more than six in ten don't think that his economic plan is working with a 62% disapproval, just 37% approving. but we shall see if he can make the case here in rural minnesota. meanwhile, he will also be met by protestors. there will be people from care, the council on islamic relations minnesota chapter will meet him at the airport and coming here to this farm to protest him. now after the president wraps up remarks here at the farm, he will go back to minneapolis where he has a fundraiser, do a little of that and then head back. that's the situation on the ground. we'll bring you more as we get it. >> dana: i can't remember what the teens feels like. i will be reminded this winter but i wish you well as you get inside. thank you. >> bret: that does look cold. millions are turning to social media in hopes of better understanding the brutal war unfolding in israel as they move into gaza. pro-palestinian videos are flooding user's feeds now. is that information tilted and has it become a social media pr battle? 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(we did it) start today at godaddy.com >> dana: years of pro-palestinian tiktok videos are receiving four times as many views as pro-israel posts. young users are steering the conversation. who is fact checking? joining us anchor of "the story" martha maccallum. i interviewed a young woman yesterday at columbia, josh, a student there. she has thoughts about this on social media. watch here. >> when it comes to the undergraduate students and young people, social media is the reason. it is not at least one of the reasons. it is not sole reason why we're seeing what we're seeing. it is what happens when you get your education and information on tiktok and instagram and other forms of social media. i've heard people use the word brainwash. >> dana: because the tiktok narrative is so anti-israel the engagement fly well encourages creators to support the narrative because it gets the most attention and creating anti-israel contents help them increase their following. >> i don't think i can say it better than your guest yesterday. it really does go back to the social media learned behavior of just clicking through things and signing on and getting on board these ideas which are just really empty, right? hashtag is meaningless unless you understand what it is to stand with palestinian or what it is to stand with israel. there is an enormous lack of education in the country that i think is now coming home to roost in a scary way. a lot of these things were sort of interest in how behavior is changing but we learn what the impact of that is. a lot of jewish students go to hebrew school and have an intense learning process outside of the classroom. but for many other students, that isn't happening and that is what we're seeing here. >> dana: a journalist wrote yesterday tiktok's propaganda helps convince an entire generation to support the massacre of does. what will it do when we need to stand up to china? a lot of social media content in china is very anti-semitic right now. >> i saw something this morning how they removed the name israel on the map on certain chinese political maps. this is a very scary situation. it is a fight for civilization, for western civilization. i think you see all of these places popping with the understanding that there is a vulnerability happening. a moment to grab people's attention in the world and just one other mention on tiktok they say we don't want to be about politics but about fun. these posts, though, are dwarfed. 1989 taylor swift version game out on friday. 844 million views. 325,000 posts. that compares with stand with palestinian and stand with israel 5,000 or 10,000 posts. no compareson in terms of what is sucking people's attention. that's a problem, too. because people are not spending time learning about really what's going on in the world. >> dana: yesterday we had a chance to turn the tables a bit where i could interview you on your podcast the untold story about the videos you watched with the fellow journalists at the israeli consulate last week. it was posted before you walked out. >> they had gopros on their heads and they got on motorcycles. they wanted the world to see what they were doing and it was intentionally barbaric. you see so much blood and so much shooting, but these -- the children, hearing these children is the thing that i can't get out of my head. >> dana: that posted today and i hope everyone has a chance to listen to the whole story. >> how about if we talk about it together? it is not easy to talk about and it is just -- it is nothing like what these people actually experienced watching it is nothing like what they experienced. i so appreciate you taking the time to do that. >> dana: check that out. we appreciate the israelis inviting you to do that as well. we'll see you at 3:00 on "the story." >> bret: i want to listen to that, too. sam bankman-fried getting a final chance to make his case for the jury today as closing arguments he get underway. what the prosecution has to say about where all the money went. good luck. some of those rates can be 12 to 15% or higher. our rates are a fraction of what some of those banks charge. veterans across the country are using the newday 100 va loan to get cash to update and improve their homes. whether you need to replace your roof windows or hvac or want to upgrade to your dream kitchen, call newday. this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running america's infrastructure. for these services. for the 336 million of us living here. ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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"the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: both sides resting their case in the criminal fraud trial of sam bankman-fried with closing arguments now underway. let's get to fox business kelly o'grady live outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. hi, kelly. >> hi, dana. yes, closing arguments very dramatic as each side makes their case to the jury one final time. prosecution began by asking jurors to consider three simple questions, where did the money go? what happened? what is responsible? their answer is sam bankman-fried and attacking testimony saying he lied to jurors and highlighted he was a different person earn cross examination. it is hard to believe he couldn't remember countless details as his time of ceo. yesterday he talked himself in circles as the prosecution tried to trap him recanting previous statement. he admitted doing nothing when discovering $8 billion missing. he claimed he didn't want to assume blame but tweeting telling customers their assets were fine. the prosecution will continue for the next couple of hours bringing the question of whether he knew taking that money was wrong. they are saying he did. he did it because he thought he was smarter and it is a powerful moment. that stops with you today and we'll soon see if that's the case. >> dana: a lot of behind the scenes articles about the trial. i will dig into those later. thanks, kelly. >> bret: a shocking addition on the front lines of pro-palestinian protests. members of the lgbtq plus community showing their support. mike emanuel is live with more. >> good morning. some suggestion it is quite a contradiction since gay and trans fender people in the west back face persecution. a pro-palestinian rail eels we spotted some people marching queers for a free palestinian even though homosexual relations is outlined and open homosexual violates standard there. it mocked a post from a protestor holding a palestinian flag writing looking forward to seeing hamas raise the rainbow flag across gaza as a thank you for your solidarity. israeli american gay rights activist says lgtbq people marching for the palestinians are uneducated. >> israel is the ones who would save them from hamas and other palestinians groups. first they have to understand this is a fight for freedom. a fight for freedom and equality goes together. >> on the other side some argue if you liberate the palestinian territories it would free up queer palestinians to live their lives. for now lgbtq palestinians have sought work permits and stay permits in israel. bret. >> bret: thank you. this is a really tense time and i think it is shocking to a lot of people what's happening on college campuses, what's happening at the protests. i think it's almost eye opening for a lot of folks. >> dana: i think so, too. you have covered a lot of stories and everything is happening all at once. this one feels like there is a lot happening. i think the social media aspect that martha and i were talking about really does exemplify the huge problems. you get the content that you get partly because of your search history and then you get more of it. the point that the former tineder executive said if you post anti-israeli tiktok videos you'll get more followers so that the incentive is to keep doing that, bret. it's certainly a concern. i don't know what we do about it. maybe counter it with more videos, perhaps. i think that might be the only way. great to have you today. thank you so much. see you at 6:00 and see you at five. >> harris: america's top law enforcement official with a warning. another 9/11 could become

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, 7 , Immigration Officer , Slogans , Update , Images , Israelis , Beds , Women , Men , Person , Genocide , Guest , Homeland Security Officer , Exchange , Senator , Reaction , Homeland Security Committee , Republican , Thanks For Being On , Payroll , Refugee Cases , Dhs , Asylum , Taxpayer , Linkedin , Applicants , He Wouldn T , Answer Me , Answer , Kind , Anything , Dhs Doesn T , Review , Secretary Mayokas , Questions , There , Child , Love , Listen , Holocaust Survivor , Hands , Family , Tone , Mother , Nazis , Idea , Evasiveness , Apology , Perception , Department , Fear , Responsibility , Accountability , Charge , Action , Pro Terrorist , Asylum Decisions , Pro Hamas Sympathizer Making Immigration , Administration , Funding Fight , Answers , Capitol Hill , Wall Street Journal , World , Ideas , Nothing , Everything , Wars , Third , Guns , Butter , Spending Choice , Taiwan , Money , Place , Budget , Agents , Cuts , Biden Should , Irs , Who , 87000 , Ukraine , Terms , Everybody , Rally , Israel Needs Aid , The Border , Bert , Thing , Things , Home , Funding , Hostage , One , Aid , Hostages , Washington Post , Op Ed , Three , Lot , Inside Gaza , Point , Civilians , Pushback , German , Britts , Partner , Military Aid , Position , Word , Secretary , Spillage , Ambassador , We Don T Support Ukraine , Russia , Watchdog Tracking , Number One , Tune , Favor , 113 Billion , Corruption Concerns , Accounting , Dime , European , Lead , Focus , European Continent , Pacific , Donald Trump , Stand , Fraud Trial , Issues , 250 Million , President , Children , Story , Courthouse , Hi , Father , Adult , Nate Foye , Trump Business Empire , Trump , Both , Brother , Sons , Co Defendants , Afternoon Session , Eric , Judge , Look , Level , Writing Quote , Wrongdoing , Truth , Don Junior , Anger On , Executive , The , Profession , Lie , Cohen , Disgrace , Didn T Care , Ivanka Trump , James , Organization , Bank Loans , Sibling , Executives , Properties , Trump Organization , New York , Statute , Defendant , Appeals Court , Limitations , Because , Subpoena , All In One , Witnesses , Law , Ground , Troops , Combat , Pressure , Area , Leaders , Buildings , Command Centers , War , It , Time , Bedding , Tax It , Dollar , Gaza Strip , Rafah Crossing , More , Heartland , Work , Manufacturing , Quality , Cotton Farm , Made In The Usa , North Alabama , Bath Towels , The Farm , Order , Difference , Fox News , Code , Go To Red Land Cotton , Dot Com , 15 , Infrastructure , Security , Services , Target , Cyberattacks , Gold , Google , It Isn T , Process , Rosland Capital , Concept , Metals , Coins , Bullion , Lady Liberty , Wealth , Proofs , 800 630 8900 , 8900 , 630 , 800 , Shipping , Rosland Guide , Brochures , Gimmicks , Keep It Simple , Hassles , Precious Metals Ira , Standard , Call Rosland Capital , Glucose Level , System , Libre 2 , 2 , Homeowner , Confidence , Veteran , Diabetes , Family Bookkeeper , Wife , Freestylelibre Us , Fingersticks , Va Cash Out Loan , Service , First , Car Loans , Debt , Credit Cards , Va Home Loan Benefit , 100 , Care , 000 , 6000 , Soldiers , Information , Officials , Start , Defense , Ground Operations , Trey Yengst , News , Militants , Battles , Gunfire , Leadership , Anyone , Idf , Special Operation Room , Evidence , October 7th Massacre , Strip , Military A Number , Video , Rpgs , Idf Forces Operating , Gun Battles , 26 , Casualties , Air Support , Missiles , Infantry , Commander , Refugee Camp , Operations , Number , Part , Forces , Strikes , Piece , Palestinians , Crossing , Egypt Open Today , Hospitals , Ambulances , Way , Hundreds , Iranian , Nationals , Proxy , Deal , Egypt , Qatar , Proxies , Houthis , Yemen Firing , 28 , Rebels , Arrow System , Missile Defense System , Bret , Missile , Warships , Cruise Missiles , Interception , Intelligence , Front , Red Sea , Region , Yemen , Sense , Houthis In Yemen , Islamic Jihad , Regime , Eye , Militia , Battle , Jewish State , Unraveling , Brink , Syria , Iraq , Areas , Hamas Stronghold , Control , General , Assault , October 7th Terror Attack , Attack , Warnings , Heed , Lots , South , Corridors , Most , Water , Food , Efforts , Left , Thousands , Black , Metropolitan Gaza , Engagement , Cease Fire , John Kirby , Folks , Assistance , Family Members , Relatives , Pauses , Materials , Damage , Collateral Damage , 240 , Situation , Bunkers , Developments , Campus , Universities , Opinions , Resolution , The House , Rashida Tlaib , Caucus , Veteran Shouldn T Have , Running , Rails , Power , Megawatts , Networks , Open Road , Systems Running America , 336 Million , Flaky , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Door Slam , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Skin , Blood Tests , Plaque Psoriasis , Doctors , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Ned , 1 , Thoughts , Reactions , Psoriatic Arthritis , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Depression , Headache , Weight Loss , Movie , Ting , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Doctor , Man Struggles , Sleep , Inspire , Safety Information , Cpap , Sleep Apnea Innovation , Hydration , Quenched , Times , Boost , Barrier , Life , Neutrogena , Hydro Boost , Hydro Boost Water Cream , Nine , Federal Court , Jewish Community Due , University , Congressman , Congressman Wesley Hunt Of Texas , Junior , 21 , Sir , This Quote From The Department Of Justice , Throat , Suss Pecked , Babies , Justice , Cliff , Males , Assault Rifle , Pig Jews , Studies , Institution , 2016 , Hate Speech , Many , Speech , Line , Classmates , Class , Text Messages , Emails , Others , Human Being , Professor , Religion , Hatred , Institutions , Station , Hate , Discussion , Boards , Alumni , Result , Prizes , Wokeism , Board Of Regents , Games , Free Speech , Conversations , Facts , Effort , Censure , United States Congress , Michigan , Holocaust , Fact , Colleague , Stake , House Speaker , Speaker Johnson , Price , Colleagues , Censureship Business , Ones , Conversation , Sensor People , Man , Speaker , Fan , Role , Job , Schools , Aches , Halls , Laws , Issue , Congresswoman , Example , Wesley Hunt , Bidenomics , On Islamic Relations Minnesota , Sell , God Bless You , Dutch Creek Farms , Corn , Agenda , Hogs , Raise , Soybeans , Griff Jenkins , Shot , Northfield , Visit , Teens , Dean Phillips , Snow , Phillips , Challenger , Medicare Advantage , Coincidence , Matter , Investing , District , Miles , Techniques , Investments , Farm , Announcement , Climate Smart Engineering , 5 Billion , 1 7 Billion , Billion , Plan , Smart Farming , Climate , Poll , Ten , Chapter , Protestors , Disapproval , 62 , 37 , Fundraiser , Little , Airport , Remarks , Cold , Videos , Millions , Flooding User , Hopes , Feeds , Pr Battle , Information Tilted , Experience , Ameritrade , Schwab , Trader Minds , Traders , Support , Trading , Skills , Team , Thinkorswim , Trading Platforms , Schwab Trade Desk , Garden , Potatoes , Idaho , Ahhhh , Seal , My Backyard , Grown In Idaho , Medicare , Coverage , Enrollment , Remember , Plans , Matters , Prescription Drug Coverage , Orange , Unitedhealthcare , December 7th , Aarp , Hospital , Lab Tests , Eye Exam , Exams , Services A , Eyewear Allowance , 0 , , Needs , Doors , Prescriptions , Member , Healthcare Experience , Call Unitedhealthcare , Ucard , Thanks , Guitar Music , Release , Golo , Stacey , Music Ends , Store , Plan Works , Godaddy Website , Chookie , Snacks , Cheesecake Cookies , Golo A Try , Sales , Godaddy Com Dana , Four , Woman , Columbia , Views , Users , The Story , Anchor , Josh , Martha Maccallum , Reason , Reasons , Tiktok , Eforms , Instagram , Contents , Attention , Narrative , Brainwash , Engagement Fly , Creators , Behavior , Following , Signing , Hashtag , Interest , Impact , Hebrew School , Learning Process , Classroom , Propaganda , Yesterday Tiktok , Content , Generation , Massacre , Does , Name , China , Western Civilization , Fight , Maps , Map , Chinese , Places , Vulnerability Happening , Politics , Understanding , Mention , Fun , Version Game , Taylor Swift , 844 Million , 325000 , 1989 , Compareson , Problem , Learning , 5000 , 10000 , Chance , Bit , Journalists , Tables , Consulate , Podcast , Heads , Gopros , Motorcycles , Blood , Shooting , Sam Bankman , 3 , 00 , Prosecution , Closing Arguments , Rates , Jury , Luck , 12 , Veterans , Homes , Cash , Banks , Roof Windows , Hvac , Newday 100 Va Loan , Fraction , Dream Kitchen , Call Newday , Protein , Energy , Ahh , Woo Hoo , 30 , Hand Specialist , Health , Minerals , Sugar , Vitamins , Nutrients , Physician , My Dupuytren S Contracture , 25 , Second Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Tabletop Test , Hand , Flat , Surgery , Dupuytren S Contracture , Don T Wait , Findahandspecialist Com , Postal Service , Deliveries , Ways , Holiday Joy , United States Postal Service , 2024 , Helpline , Nation , Behalf , Insurance Companies , Selectquote , Decisions , Conversation Feeling , Susan , Benefits , Plan Review , October 15 , December 7 , Harris , Colleges , Campuses , Sides , Top , Faulkner Focus , Trial , Fraud , Yes , Fox Business , Kelly O Grady , Lower Manhattan , Side , Jurors , Cross Examination , Statement , Ceo , Circles , Details , 8 Billion , Customers , Tweeting , Assets , Scenes , Articles , Addition , Protests , Members , Suggestion , Lines , Lgbtq Plus Community , Mike Emanuel , Relations , Contradiction , Persecution , Palestinian , Back , Queers , Rail Eels , West , Fender , Protestor , Rainbow Flag , Post , Writing , Flag , Homosexual , Solidarity , Israeli American Gay Rights Activist , Fight For Freedom And Equality , Fight For Freedom , Territories , Work Permits , Stay , Opening , Social Media Aspect , Stories , Feels , Followers , Tineder Executive , Problems , History , Incentive , Warning , 9 11 , 6 , Five ,

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